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A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
Ma-Me | Mf-Mi | Mj-Mo | Mp-Mt | Mu-Mz


  • M/C Journal

    M/C J.
    Published by Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology
    Earliest: 2020; 23(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 23(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Ma Zui Xue Za Zhi = Anaesthesiologica Sinica

    Ma Zui Xue Za Zhi = Anaesthesiologica Sinica
    Earliest: 1991; 29(3) -- Most Recent: 1991; 29(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maandschrift voor kindergeneeskunde

    Maandschr. Kindergeneeskd.
    Published by Leiden H E Stenfert Kroese N V
    Earliest: 1952; 20(10) -- Most Recent: 1972; 40(9) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Maanedsskrift for praktisk laegegerning og social medicin

    Manedsskr. Prakt. Laegegern.
    Published by Efteruddannelsens Bandjeneste
    Earliest: 1953; 31(2) -- Most Recent: 1953; 31(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Maayan international journal for Tamil research

    Maayan Int. J. Tamil Res.
    Published by Maayan Publications
    Earliest: 2022; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Macarthur series on digital media and learning

    MacArthur Ser. Digit. Media Learn.
    Published by MIT Press
    Earliest: 2007; 2007 -- Most Recent: 2007; 2007 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences

    Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 2014; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 7(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MacEwan University student research proceedings

    MacEwan Univ. Stud. Res. Proc.
    Published by MacEwan University
    Earliest: 2021; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Machine design

    Mach. Des.
    Published by Penton Media
    Earliest: 1973; 45(17) -- Most Recent: 1973; 45(17) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Machine learning

    Mach. Learn.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2023; 112(10) -- Most Recent: 2023; 112(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction

    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
    Earliest: 2023; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 5(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Machine vision and applications

    Mach. Vis. Appl.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2022; 34(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 34(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Machines (Basel)

    Machines (Basel)
    Published by MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
    Earliest: 2022; 10(12) -- Most Recent: 2024; 12(4) -- Total from this journal: 36

  • Madagascar conservation and development

    Madag. Conserv. Dev.
    Published by Madagascar Wildlife Conservation and Jane Goodall Institute
    Earliest: 2012; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 2012; 7(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Madjalah Kedokteran Indonesia

    Madjalah Kedokt. Indones.
    Published by Ikatan Dokter Indonesia
    Earliest: 1959; 9 -- Most Recent: 1961; 11 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Maedica (Buchar)

    Maedica (Buchar)
    Published by Magister and Empire Publishing
    Earliest: 2013; 8(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Maetagused

    Earliest: 2019; 75 -- Most Recent: 2020; 78 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Maghreb - Machrek

    Maghreb - Machrek
    Earliest: 2008; (197) -- Most Recent: 2011; (208) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Maghreb Med.

    Maghreb Med.
    Earliest: 1990; (227) -- Most Recent: 2008; 28(387) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Magma

    Published by Springer
    Earliest: 2000; 10(3) -- Most Recent: 2000; 10(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Magnesium and trace elements

    Magnes. Trace Elem.
    Copyright: American Society for Magnesium Research; Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1990; 9(4) -- Most Recent: 1992; 10(2-4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Magnetic resonance imaging

    Magn. Reson. Imaging
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2011; 30(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America

    Magn. Reson. Imaging Clin. N. Am.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1995; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2017; 25(1) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Magnetic resonance in chemistry

    Magn. Reson. Chem.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Magnetic resonance in medical sciences

    Magn. Reson. Med. Sci.
    Published by Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
    Earliest: 2014; 13(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Magnetic resonance in medicine

    Magn. Reson. Med.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1988; 6(3) -- Most Recent: 2018; 80(5) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Magyar Nöorvosok Lapja

    Magy. Noorv. Lapja
    Published by Ifjusagi Lapkiado Vallalat
    Earliest: 1952; 15(6) -- Most Recent: 1955; 18(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Magyar pszichologiai szemle

    Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle
    Earliest: 2011; 66(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 77(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Magyar radiologia

    Magy. Radiol.
    Published by Ifjúsági Lapkiadó Vállalat, etc.
    Earliest: 1953; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 1953; 5(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Magyar sebészet

    Magy. Seb.
    Published by Ifjúsági Lapkiadó Vállalat
    Earliest: 1953; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 68(4) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Magyar traumatologia, orthopaedia es helyreallito sebeszet

    Magy. Traumatol. Orthop. Helyreallito Seb.
    Published by Ifjusagi Lapkiado Vallalat
    Earliest: 1972; 15(2) -- Most Recent: 1992; 35(4) -- Total from this journal: 52

  • Magyar traumatológia, ortopédia, kézsebészet, plasztikai sebészet

    Magy. Traumatol. Ortop. Kezseb. Plasztikai Seb.
    Published by Kiadja a Magyar Traumatológus Társaság, a Magyar Ortopéd Társaság, a Magyar Kézsebész Táesaság és a MagyarPlasztikai Sebész Társaság
    Earliest: 1993; 36(2) -- Most Recent: 1994; 37(3) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • MAI journal. a New Zealand journal of Indigenous scholarship

    MAI J.
    Published by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga
    Earliest: 2020; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 12(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • MAI review

    MAI Rev.
    Published by Nga Pae o te Maramatanga
    Earliest: 2008; 2 -- Most Recent: 2009; 2009(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche

    MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche
    Earliest: 2018; 70(1) -- Most Recent: 2018; 70(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Majalah Kedokteran Bandung

    Maj. Kedokt. Bdg.
    Published by Gedung Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Unpad
    Earliest: 2019; 51(4) -- Most Recent: 2020; 52(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Majalah obstetri dan ginekologi Indonesia

    Majalah Obstet. Ginekol. Indones.
    Published by Perkumpulan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia
    Earliest: 2016; 37(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 37(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Majalah psikologi

    Majalah Psikol.
    Published by Persatuan Mahasiswa Psikologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Majallat ṭibb al-usrah wa-al-mujtamaʻ

    J. Family Community Med. (1994)
    Copyright: Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine; Published by Medknow Publications
    Earliest: 2011; 18(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 29(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Major problems in clinical pediatrics

    Major Probl. Clin. Pediatr.
    Published by W.B. Saunders
    Earliest: 1978; 19 -- Most Recent: 1978; 19 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Major problems in clinical surgery

    Major Probl. Clin. Surg.
    Published by W.B. Saunders
    Earliest: 1976; 19 -- Most Recent: 1979; 23 -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Makedonska revija za kazneno pravo i kriminologija

    Macedonian J. Crim. Law Crominol.
    Published by Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia
    Earliest: 2013; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 20(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Makerere journal of higher education

    Makerere J. Higher Educ.
    Published by Makerere University
    Earliest: 2012; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 4(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Making the rounds in health, faith, and ethics

    Mak. Rounds Health Faith Ethics
    Published by Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics
    Earliest: 1996; 1(16) -- Most Recent: 1996; 1(16) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaria journal

    Malar. J.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group - BMC
    Earliest: 2013; 12 -- Most Recent: 2022; 21(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Malawi medical journal

    Malawi Med. J.
    Copyright: Medical Association of Malawi; Published by Montfort Press
    Earliest: 2009; 21(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 35(1) -- Total from this journal: 23

  • Malaysian Applied Biology

    Malaysian Applied Biology
    Earliest: 2015; 44(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 44(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaysian family physician

    Malays. Fam. Physician
    Published by Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
    Earliest: 2016; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 18 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Malaysian forester

    Malays. For.
    Published by Forest Research Institute
    Earliest: 2023; 86(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 86(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Malaysian journal of computing

    Malays. J. Comput.
    Published by Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA
    Earliest: 2022; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 8(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies

    Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies
    Earliest: 2018; 55(2) -- Most Recent: 2018; 55(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences

    Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences
    Earliest: 2009; -- Most Recent: 2018; -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Malaysian Journal of International Relations

    Malays. J. Int. Rel.
    Published by Department of International and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya
    Earliest: 2023; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaysian journal of medical and biological research

    Malays. J. Med. Biol. Res.
    Published by Asian Business Consortium Research House
    Earliest: 2014; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 1(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaysian journal of medical sciences

    Malays. J. Med. Sci.
    Published by School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
    Earliest: 2003; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 31(3) -- Total from this journal: 54

  • Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences

    Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
    Earliest: 2011; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 2021; 17 -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Malaysian journal of nutrition

    Malays. J. Nutr.
    Published by Persatuan Pemakanan Malaysia
    Earliest: 2011; 17(3) -- Most Recent: 2011; 17(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaysian journal of paediatrics and child health

    Malays. J. Paediatr. Child Health
    Published by Malaysian Paediatrics Association
    Earliest: 2015; 21 -- Most Recent: 2015; 21 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malaysian journal of pathology

    Malays. J. Pathol.
    Published by Malaysian Society of Pathologists
    Earliest: 1991; 13(1) -- Most Recent: 2018; 40(1) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine

    Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
    Earliest: 2012; -- Most Recent: 2022; 22(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Malaysian orthopaedic journal

    Malays. Orthop. J.
    Published by Malaysian Orthopedic Association
    Earliest: 2015; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 18(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Mali médical

    Mali Med.
    Published by Société Médicale du Mali
    Earliest: 2006; 21(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 38(3) -- Total from this journal: 33

  • Malta journal of health sciences

    Malta journal of health sciences
    Published by University of Malta, Faculty of Health Sciences
    Earliest: 2016; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 3(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Malta medical journal

    Malta Med. J.
    Published by University of Malta Medical School
    Earliest: 2009; 21(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 34(3) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Maltrattamento e abuso all’infanzia

    Maltrattam. Abus. Infanz.
    Published by Franco Angeli
    Earliest: 2018; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 24(1) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Mammal review

    Mamm. Rev.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2016; 46(4) -- Most Recent: 2016; 46(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mammalian Biology

    Mammalian Biology
    Earliest: 2018; 91 -- Most Recent: 2018; 91 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mammalian genome

    Mamm. Genome
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2013; 24(11-12) -- Most Recent: 2015; 26(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Man and medicine

    Man Med.
    Published by College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
    Earliest: 1976; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 1980; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Man and world

    Man World
    Earliest: 2012; 45(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 45(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Man in India

    Man in India
    Earliest: 2017; 97(10) -- Most Recent: 2017; 97(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social

    Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social
    Earliest: 2023; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Managed care

    Manag. Care
    Published by MediMedia
    Earliest: 2000; 9(12) -- Most Recent: 2018; 2018(JUL) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Managed care interface

    Manag. Care Interface
    Published by Medicom International
    Earliest: 1999; 12(11) -- Most Recent: 2004; 17(5) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Management and compliance series

    Manag. Compliance Ser.
    Published by American Society for Healthcare Engineering of the American Hospital Association and Health Forum
    Earliest: 1989; 4 -- Most Recent: 1989; 4 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Management and organization review

    Manage. Organ. Rev.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2007; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Management and organizational history

    Manag. Organ. Hist.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2010; 5(3-4) -- Most Recent: 2010; 5(3-4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Management communication quarterly

    Manag. Comm. Q.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2000; 13(3) -- Most Recent: 2013; 27(4) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Management in education

    Manag. Educ.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2015; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Management in health

    Manag. Health
    Published by National School of Public Health Management and Professional Development
    Earliest: 2009; 13(3) -- Most Recent: 2015; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Management learning

    Manag. Learn.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 47(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 47(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal

    Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal
    Earliest: 2018; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 2018; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Management science

    Manage. Sci.
    Published by Institute of Management Sciences
    Earliest: 1989; 35(1) -- Most Recent: 1993; 39(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Managerial and decision economics

    Manage. Decis. Econ.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1996; 17(5) -- Most Recent: 2007; 28(4‐5) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Managerial Finance

    Manage. Finance
    Published by MCB University Press
    Earliest: 2017; 43(9) -- Most Recent: 2017; 43(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Managing leisure

    Manag. Leisure
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2004; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2004; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Managing sport and leisure

    Manag. Sport Leis.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; 28(5) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Manchester medical gazette

    Manch. Med. Gaz.
    Published by Manchester University Medical Students Representative Council
    Earliest: 1963; 42(2) -- Most Recent: 1973; 53(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Manchester school of economic and social studies, The

    Manchester Sch Econ Soc Stud
    Published by The University Press
    Earliest: 1976; 44(4) -- Most Recent: 1976; 44(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Manhattan Institute issue brief

    Manhattan Inst. Iss. Brief
    Published by Manhattan Institute
    Earliest: 2021; (September) -- Most Recent: 2021; (September) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Manitoba law journal

    Manit. Law J.
    Published by Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba
    Earliest: 1977; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 1985; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Manitoba medical review

    Manit. Med. Rev.
    Published by Howe Waldon Associates
    Earliest: 1949; 29(12) -- Most Recent: 1968; 48(4) -- Total from this journal: 32

  • Mankind quarterly

    Mankind Q.
    Published by Ulster Institute for Social Research
    Earliest: 2013; 54(1/2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 62(3) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Mansoura journal of forensic medicine and clinical toxicology

    Published by Jamiat al-Mansurah. Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
    Earliest: 1995; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Manual therapy

    Man. Ther.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 24 -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Manufacturing chemist and aerosol news

    Manuf. Chem. Aerosol News
    Published by Morgan-Grampian
    Earliest: 1950; 21(5) -- Most Recent: 1950; 21(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Manushi

    Published by Samta
    Earliest: 1993; (78) -- Most Recent: 2000; (117) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Marine drugs

    Mar. Drugs
    Published by Molecular Diversity Preservation International
    Earliest: 2008; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 21(3) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Marine ecology

    Mar. Ecol.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2008; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 2008; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marine environmental research

    Mar. Environ. Res.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2004; 57(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 162 -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Marine geology

    Marine Geology
    Earliest: 1970; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2011; 288(1-4) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Marine mammal science

    Mar. Mamm. Sci.
    Published by Society for Marine Mammalogy
    Earliest: 2022; 38(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; 38(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marine Policy

    Mar Pol
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1984; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 152 -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Marine pollution bulletin

    Mar. Pollut. Bull.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2004; 48(5-6) -- Most Recent: 2022; 183 -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Marine technology

    Mar. Technol.
    Published by Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
    Earliest: 2006; 43(3) -- Most Recent: 2006; 43(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Marine technology society journal

    Mar. Technol. Soc. J.
    Published by Marine Technology Society
    Earliest: 1996; 30(2) -- Most Recent: 2006; 40(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mariner's mirror, The

    Mar. Mirror
    Published by Society for Nautical Research
    Earliest: 1973; 59 -- Most Recent: 2022; 108(2) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Maritime economics and logistics

    Maritime Econ. Logist.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group -- Palgrave-Macmillan
    Earliest: 2015; 17(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 17(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maritime Policy & Management

    Maritime Policy & Management
    Earliest: 2017; 44(5) -- Most Recent: 2017; 44(5) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Maritime policy and management

    Marit. Policy Manag.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2007; 34(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; 51(3) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Maritime studies

    Maritime Stud.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mark. Manag. Innov.

    Mark. Manag. Innov.
    Earliest: 2016; (3) -- Most Recent: 2016; (3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marketing bulletin

    Mark. Bull.
    Published by Massey University, Department of Marketing
    Earliest: 1998; 9 -- Most Recent: 2001; 12(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Marketing education review

    Mark. Educ. Rev.
    Earliest: 2013; 23(2) -- Most Recent: 2013; 23(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marketing health services

    Mark. Health Serv.
    Published by American Marketing Association
    Earliest: 1997; 17(4) -- Most Recent: 2002; 22(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Marketing intelligence and planning

    Mark. Intel. Plann.
    Earliest: 2008; 26(5) -- Most Recent: 2008; 26(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marketing theory

    Mark. Theo.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 3(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Marmara medical journal

    Marmara Med. J.
    Published by Marmara University
    Earliest: 2007; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 34(3) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal

    Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
    Earliest: 2013; 17(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 17(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maroc médical

    Maroc. Med. (1921)
    Published by Maroc médical
    Earliest: 1950; 29(304) -- Most Recent: 1972; 52(560) -- Total from this journal: 88

  • Marquette law review

    Marquette Law Rev.
    Published by Marquette University School of Law
    Earliest: 1970; 53 -- Most Recent: 2020; 103(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Marquette sports law review

    Marquette Sport Law Rev.
    Published by National Sports Law Institute, Marquette University Law School
    Earliest: 2015; 25(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 25(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marriage and family living

    Marriage Fam. Living
    Published by National Conference on Family Relations
    Earliest: 1961; 23(2) -- Most Recent: 1961; 23(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Marriage and family review

    Marriage Fam. Rev.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1995; 21(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 50(6) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Marseille chirurgical

    Mars. Chir.
    Published by Expansion Scientifique Francaise
    Earliest: 1955; 7(5) -- Most Recent: 1961; 13 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Marseille médical

    Mars. Med.
    Published by Clinique Medicale Therapeutique Marseille
    Earliest: 1946; 83 -- Most Recent: 1972; 109(9) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Mary Slessor journal of medicine : a biannual publication of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital

    Mary Slessor J. Med.
    Published by University of Calabar Teaching Hospital
    Earliest: 2004; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2004; 4(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maryland historical magazine

    Md. Hist. Mag.
    Published by Maryland Historical Society
    Earliest: 2000; 95(1) -- Most Recent: 2001; 96(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Maryland journal of contemporary legal issues

    Md J. Contemp. Leg. Issues.
    Published by University of Maryland School of Law
    Earliest: 1991; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 1991; 2(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maryland law review

    Md. Law Rev.
    Published by Maryland Law Review, Inc
    Earliest: 1976; 36(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 83(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Maryland medical journal: MMJ

    Md. Med. J.
    Published by Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
    Earliest: 1985; 34(3) -- Most Recent: 1996; 45(5) -- Total from this journal: 35

  • Maryland medicine

    Md. Med.
    Published by Maryland State Medical Society
    Earliest: 2001; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2011; 12(1) -- Total from this journal: 29

  • Maryland nurse

    Md. Nurse
    Earliest: 1991; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 1991; 10(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maryland state medical journal

    Md. State Med. J.
    Published by Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
    Earliest: 1952; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 1984; 33(11) -- Total from this journal: 107

  • Masaryk University journal of law and technology

    Masaryk Univ. J. Law Technol.
    Published by Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University
    Earliest: 2023; 17(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 17(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Masculinidades y cambo social

    Published by Hipatia Press
    Earliest: 2015; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Maska

    Published by Intellect
    Earliest: 2021; 36(201-202) -- Most Recent: 2021; 36(201-202) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mass communication and society

    Mass Commun. Soc.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2006; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Mass emergencies

    Mass Emerg.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1975; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1979; 4(2) -- Total from this journal: 87

  • Mass violence and resistance

    Mass Viol. Resist.
    Published by Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP)
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Massachusetts nurse

    Mass. Nurse
    Published by Massachusetts Nurses Association
    Earliest: 1979; 48(3) -- Most Recent: 1997; 67(1) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Masters abstracts international

    Masters Abstracts International
    Earliest: 1996; 34(06) -- Most Recent: 1999; 37(05) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Masui: the Japanese journal of anesthesiology

    Copyright: Nippon Masui Gakki; Published by Kokuseido Shuppan K.K.
    Earliest: 1965; 14(4) -- Most Recent: 2011; 60(9) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • MATEC web of conferences

    MATEC Web Conf.
    Published by EDP Sciences
    Earliest: 2016; 46 -- Most Recent: 2017; 141 -- Total from this journal: 45

  • Materia medica polona

    Mater. Med. Pol.
    Published by Wydawnictwa Handly Zagranicznego
    Earliest: 1976; 8(4) -- Most Recent: 1994; 26(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Materia socio-medica

    Mater. Sociomed.
    Copyright: The author(s) or Association for Social Medicine- Public Health of Bosnia-Herzegovina; Published by Avicena
    Earliest: 2010; 22(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 35(4) -- Total from this journal: 38

  • Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici

    Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici
    Earliest: 2023; 90(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 90(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Materials (Basel, Switzerland)

    Materials (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
    Earliest: 2010; 3(8) -- Most Recent: 2024; 17(13) -- Total from this journal: 154

  • Materials and design

    Mater. Des.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2012; 38 -- Most Recent: 2021; 203 -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Materials Chemistry and Physics

    Materials Chemistry and Physics
    Earliest: 1993; 36(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1993; 36(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Materials Chemistry Frontiers

    Materials Chemistry Frontiers
    Earliest: 2019; 3(6) -- Most Recent: 2019; 3(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Materials Forum

    Materials Forum
    Earliest: 2005; 29 -- Most Recent: 2005; 29 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Materials horizons

    Mater. Horiz.
    Published by Royal Society of Chemistry
    Earliest: 2020; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Materials management in health care

    Mater. Manag. Health Care
    Published by Health Forum
    Earliest: 1995; 4(5) -- Most Recent: 2007; 16(8) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Materials reports (Chongqing)

    Mater. Rep. (Chongqing)
    Published by Editorial Office of Materials Reports
    Earliest: 2017; 31(7) -- Most Recent: 2021; 35(7) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Materials Science

    Materials Science
    Earliest: 2017; 52(6) -- Most Recent: 2017; 52(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Materials testing

    Mater. Test.
    Published by Carl Hanser
    Earliest: 2010; 52(3) -- Most Recent: 2020; 62(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Materials today: proceedings

    Mater. Today Proc.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; 80 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Materials transactions

    Mater. Trans.
    Published by Japan Institute of Metals
    Earliest: 2009; 50(2) -- Most Recent: 2010; 51(11) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Maternal and child health journal

    Matern. Child Health J.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1997; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 241

  • Maternal and child nutrition

    Matern. Child Nutr.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 3(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Maternal health, neonatology and perinatology

    Matern. Health Neonatol. Perinatol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group - BMC
    Earliest: 2017; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 10(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Maternal-child nursing journal

    Matern.-Child Nurs. J.
    Published by Nursecom Publication
    Earliest: 1972; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1993; 21(2) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Mathematical and computer modelling

    Math. Comput. Model.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1988; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 2010; 51(7-8) -- Total from this journal: 117

  • Mathematical biosciences

    Math. Biosci.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 185(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 281 -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Mathematical biosciences and engineering

    Math. Biosci. Eng.
    Published by American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
    Earliest: 2013; 10(5-6) -- Most Recent: 2024; 21(5) -- Total from this journal: 50

  • Mathematical geology

    Math. Geol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1988; 20(5) -- Most Recent: 1988; 20(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mathematical medicine and biology

    Math. Med. Biol.
    Copyright: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications; Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2016; 34(3) -- Most Recent: 2016; 34(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mathematical modelling

    Math. Model.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1980; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1987; 9(8) -- Total from this journal: 52

  • Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

    Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
    Earliest: 2014; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 9(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations

    Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
    Earliest: 2023; 15(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 15(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mathematical population studies

    Mathematical Popul Stud
    Earliest: 1995; 5(4) -- Most Recent: 1995; 5(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mathematical problems in engineering

    Math. Probl. Eng.
    Published by Hindawi Publishing
    Earliest: 2002; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 2021 -- Total from this journal: 24

  • Mathematical Social Sciences

    Mathematical Social Sciences
    Earliest: 1993; 26(1) -- Most Recent: 1993; 26(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mathematics (Basel)

    Mathematics (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2021; 9(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 12(9) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Mathematics and computers in simulation

    Math. Comput. Simulat.
    Copyright: International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation; Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Mathematics Education

    Mathematics Education
    Earliest: 2016; 11(8) -- Most Recent: 2016; 11(8) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Matrix Biology: Journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology

    Matrix Biology: Journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology
    Earliest: 1998; 16(7) -- Most Recent: 1998; 16(7) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mature Medicine Canada

    Mature Medicine Canada
    Earliest: 1999; 2(5) -- Most Recent: 1999; 2(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Maturitas

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1994; 19(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 86

  • Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery

    Maxillofac. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
    Copyright: Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2018; 40(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 43(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mayo clinic health letter

    Mayo Clin. Health Lett.
    Earliest: 2000; 18(12) -- Most Recent: 2007; 25(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mayo Clinic proceedings

    Mayo Clin. Proc.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1965; 40 -- Most Recent: 2024; 99(3) -- Total from this journal: 137

  • Mayo Clinic proceedings. Innovations, quality and outcomes

    Mayo Clin. Proc. Innov. Qual. Outcomes
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2020; 4(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mayo Clinic proceedings: digital health

    Mayo Clin. Proc. Digit. Health
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2024; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mayo Clinic women's healthsource

    Mayo Clin. Womens Healthsource
    Published by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
    Earliest: 2008; 12(12) -- Most Recent: 2009; 13(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • MBio

    Published by American Society for Microbiology
    Earliest: 2011; 2(6) -- Most Recent: 2013; 4(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • McGeorge law review

    McGeorge law review
    Earliest: 2000; 31 -- Most Recent: 2000; 31 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mcgill journal of medicine

    McGill J. Med.
    Published by McGill University
    Earliest: 2006; 9(2) -- Most Recent: 2021; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • McGill medical journal

    McGill Med. J.
    Published by McGill Medical Students' Society
    Earliest: 1956; 25(1) -- Most Recent: 1957; 26(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • McGraw-Hill's medicine & health

    Mcgraw Hills Med Health
    Earliest: 1988; 42(10) -- Most Recent: 1988; 42(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MCN American journal of maternal child nursing

    MCN Am. J. Matern. Child Nurs.
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1976; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 49(2) -- Total from this journal: 135

  • MD advisor

    MD Advis.
    Published by MDAdvantage Insurance Company of New Jersey
    Earliest: 2012; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2018; 11(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • MD Comput

    MD Comput
    Earliest: 1989; 6(4) -- Most Recent: 1989; 6(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MD medical newsmagazine

    Published by MD Publications
    Earliest: 1983; 27(2) -- Most Recent: 1983; 27(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MDM policy and practice

    MDM Policy Pract.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2018; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Meanjin

    Published by University of Melbourne
    Earliest: 2014; 73(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 73(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Measurement

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2010; 43(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 184 -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Measurement and control

    Meas. Control
    Published by Institute of Measurement and Control
    Earliest: 2002; 35(9) -- Most Recent: 2006; 39(10) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development

    Meas. Eval. Counsel. Dev.
    Copyright: Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (U.S.); Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2009; 42(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 55(2) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Measurement in physical education and exercise science

    Meas. Phys. Educ. Exerc. Sci.
    Copyright: American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness; Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2014; 18(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 18(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Measurement science and technology

    Meas. Sci. Technol.
    Published by Institute of Physics (Great Britain)
    Earliest: 2010; 21(10) -- Most Recent: 2016; 27(11) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Measurement science review

    Meas. Sci. Rev.
    Published by Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences
    Earliest: 2010; 10(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 10(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Measurement techniques

    Meas. Tech.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Measurement: interdisciplinary research and perspectives

    Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives
    Earliest: 2014; 12(4) -- Most Recent: 2014; 12(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Measurement: sensors

    Measur. Sens.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2023; 25 -- Most Recent: 2023; 25 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meat Sci

    Meat Sci
    Earliest: 2015; 113 -- Most Recent: 2015; 113 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meccanica

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2006; 41(2) -- Most Recent: 2006; 41(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mech. Compos. Mater.

    Mech. Compos. Mater.
    Earliest: 2012; 48(4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 48(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mech. Ind.

    Mech. Ind.
    Earliest: 2015; 16(5) -- Most Recent: 2015; 16(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mech. Mach. Theory

    Mech. Mach. Theory
    Earliest: 2010; 45(4) -- Most Recent: 2010; 45(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mechanical engineering

    Mech. Eng.
    Published by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Earliest: 2006; 128(12) -- Most Recent: 2006; 128(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mechanical systems and signal processing

    Mech. Syst. Signal Process.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2011; 25(6) -- Most Recent: 2017; 95 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Mechanics research communications

    Mech. Res. Commun.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2015; 70 -- Most Recent: 2015; 70 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mechanika

    Published by Kaunas University of Technology
    Earliest: 2014; 20(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 20(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mechanisms of ageing and development

    Mech. Ageing Dev.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1973; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • Mechanisms of development

    Mech. Dev.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2008; 125(9-10) -- Most Recent: 2008; 125(9-10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mechatronics : the science of intelligent machines

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2009; 19(7) -- Most Recent: 2019; 59 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Med (N Y)

    Med (N Y)
    Published by Cell Press
    Earliest: 2021; 2(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 4(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Med Chir Trans

    Med Chir Trans
    Earliest: 1904; 87 -- Most Recent: 1904; 87 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Med Crit Psychol J

    Med Crit Psychol J
    Earliest: 1861; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1863; 3(12) -- Total from this journal: 24

  • Med Deporte Trab

    Med Deporte Trab
    Earliest: 1951; 16(100) -- Most Recent: 1951; 16(100) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Med Electron

    Med Electron
    Earliest: 1978; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 1979; 10(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Med J Southwest

    Med J Southwest
    Earliest: 1957; 72(3) -- Most Recent: 1959; 74(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Med Letop

    Med Letop
    Earliest: 1950; 42(5-6) -- Most Recent: 1950; 42(5-6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Med Maandbl

    Med Maandbl
    Earliest: 1950; 3(11) -- Most Recent: 1950; 3(12) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Med Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp

    Med Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp
    Earliest: 1989; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 1989; 4(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Med UNAB

    Med UNAB
    Published by Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramunga
    Earliest: 2004; 7(20) -- Most Recent: 2019; 22(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Med World

    Med World
    Earliest: 1962; 97( ) -- Most Recent: 1962; 97( ) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Med-Science

    Med. Sci. (Turkey)
    Published by Medicine science
    Earliest: 2021; 10(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 11(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Med. actual

    Med. actual
    Earliest: 2000; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2000; 1(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.)

    Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.)
    Earliest: 2018; 32(5) -- Most Recent: 2018; 32(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Med. crít. venez

    Med. crít. venez
    Earliest: 1991; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 1991; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Med. infant

    Med. infant
    Earliest: 2012; 19(4) -- Most Recent: 2017; 24(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Med. Spectrum

    Med. Spectrum
    Earliest: 1993; 14(5-6) -- Most Recent: 1993; 14(5-6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Med. U.P.B

    Med. U.P.B
    Earliest: 2006; 25(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 42(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Med. UIS

    Med. UIS
    Earliest: 2014; 27(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 34(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Meddelanden fran Flyg- och navalmedicinska namnden

    Medd. Flyg Navalmed. Namnd. Statens Namnd.
    Published by Meddelanden fran Flyg- och navalmedicinska namnden
    Earliest: 1955; 4(3) -- Most Recent: 1959; 8(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Meddelanden Från Flyg- Och Navalmedicinska Nämnden. Statens Nämnd För Flyg- Och Navalmedicinsk Forsknings- Och Försöksverksamhet

    Medd. Flyg Navalmed. Namnd. Statens Namnd For Flyg Navalmed Forsk Forsoksvererksamhet
    Published by Stockholm
    Earliest: 1952; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 1963; 12 -- Total from this journal: 44

  • Meddelelser. Denmark. Sundhedsstyrelsen. Beredskabsafdelingen

    Medd. Sundhedsstyr. Beredskabsafdelingen
    Earliest: 1953; 20 -- Most Recent: 1961; 105 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Médecine Aéronautique et Spatiale

    Med. Aeronaut. Spat.
    Published by Regies Edition Publicite
    Earliest: 1950; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 1959; 14(1) -- Total from this journal: 53

  • Médecine et chirurgie digestives

    Med. Chir. Dig.
    Published by B.C. Diffusion
    Earliest: 1974; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 1998; 27(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Medecine et Droit

    Medecine et Droit
    Earliest: 2013; 2013(122) -- Most Recent: 2013; 2013(122) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Médecine et droit : information éthique et juridique du praticien

    Médecine et Droit
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1998; 1998(32) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023(180) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Médecine et hygiène

    Med. Hyg. (Geneve)
    Published by Médecine et Hygiène
    Earliest: 1952; 10(225) -- Most Recent: 2004; 62(2496) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • Médecine et maladies infectieuses

    Med. Mal. Infect.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2004; 34(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 45(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Médecine et santé tropicales

    Med Sante Trop
    Published by John Libbey Eurotext
    Earliest: 2013; 23(4) -- Most Recent: 2019; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Médecine infantile, La

    Med. Infant. (Paris)
    Published by Librairie Maloine
    Earliest: 1960; 67 -- Most Recent: 1965; 72(4) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medecine Intensive Reanimation

    Medecine Intensive Reanimation
    Earliest: 2019; 28(4) -- Most Recent: 2019; 28(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Médecine interne

    Med. Interne
    Published by Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania
    Earliest: 1982; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 1985; 23(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medécine Légale

    Medécine Légale
    Earliest: 1928; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 1928; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medecine Legale et Dommage Corporel

    Med. Leg. Dommage Corpor.
    Published by Societe de Medecine Legale et de Criminologie de France
    Earliest: 1968; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1974; 7(4) -- Total from this journal: 141

  • Medecine Palliative

    Medecine Palliative
    Earliest: 2004; 3(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 22(3) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Medecine sciences

    Med. Sci.
    Published by EDK
    Earliest: 1963; 14 -- Most Recent: 2015; 31(1) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Médecine sciences M/S

    Med. Sci. (Paris)
    Published by EDK
    Earliest: 2017; 33(10) -- Most Recent: 2023; 39(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medecine Therapeutique

    Medecine Therapeutique
    Earliest: 1999; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2017; 23(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medecine therapeutique pediatrie

    Medecine Therapeutique Pediatrie
    Earliest: 1998; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; 24(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Médecine Tropicale

    Médecine Tropicale
    Earliest: 2009; 69(3) -- Most Recent: 2009; 69(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medecine tropicale: revue du corps de sante colonial

    Med. Trop. (Mars)
    Published by Ecole De Sante
    Earliest: 1951; 11(4) -- Most Recent: 2011; 71(6) -- Total from this journal: 109

  • Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen)

    Meded. Rijksuniv. Gent. Fak. Landbouwkd. Toegep. Biol. Wet.
    Published by Faculty of Agriculture Science, University of Gent
    Earliest: 2001; 66(2a) -- Most Recent: 2001; 66(2a) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MedEdPORTAL publications

    MedEdPORTAL Publ.
    Published by Association of American Medical Colleges
    Earliest: 2016; 12 -- Most Recent: 2024; 20 -- Total from this journal: 31

  • MedEdPublish (2016)

    MedEdPublish (2016)
    Earliest: 2018; 7 -- Most Recent: 2023; 13 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medeniyet medical journal

    Medeni. Med. J.
    Copyright: Istanbul Medeniyet University; Published by Logos Yayıncılık Tic
    Earliest: 2017; 32(2) -- Most Recent: 2021; 36(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • MedGenMed Medscape General Medicine

    MedGenMed Medscape General Medicine
    Earliest: 2003; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2005; 7(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Media and communication

    Media Commun.
    Published by Cogitatio Press
    Earliest: 2014; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 11(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Media and gender monitor

    Media Gend. Monit.
    Published by Women's Programme, World Association for Christian Communication
    Earliest: 1998; (2) -- Most Recent: 1998; (2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Media Asia

    Media Asia
    Earliest: 1987; 14(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Media education

    Media Educ.
    Published by Cherkas Global University Press
    Earliest: 2021; (4) -- Most Recent: 2021; (4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Media History

    Media History
    Earliest: 2023; 29(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 29(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Media international Australia

    Media Int. Aust.
    Copyright: Swinburne University of Technology and Australian and New Zealand Communication Association; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2017; 164(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Media psychology

    Media Psychol.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1999; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 23(4) -- Total from this journal: 232

  • Media, culture and society

    Media Cult. Soc.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 25(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 45(5) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Media, war and conflict

    Media War Conflict
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2012; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 16(3) -- Total from this journal: 70

  • Medianali

    Published by University of Dubrovnik
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Mediastinum (Hong Kong, China)

    Published by AME Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2021; 5 -- Most Recent: 2022; 6 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Mediation quarterly

    Mediation Quarterly
    Earliest: 1989; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 1989; 7(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mediators of inflammation

    Mediators Inflamm.
    Published by Hindawi Publishing
    Earliest: 1996; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 2021 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medica Jadertina

    Med. Jadertina
    Published by Medicinski Centar Zadar
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medical acupuncture

    Med. Acupunct.
    Published by Mary Ann Liebert Publishers
    Earliest: 2016; 28(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 35(5) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medical and biological engineering

    Med. Biol. Eng.
    Published by Peter Peregrinus
    Earliest: 1967; 5(5) -- Most Recent: 1976; 14(3) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Medical and biological engineering and computing

    Med. Biol. Eng. Comput.
    Copyright: International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1977; 15(6) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 44

  • Medical and Biological Illustration

    Med. Biol. Illus.
    Published by Longman Group
    Earliest: 1956; 6(4) -- Most Recent: 1977; 27(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medical and dental bulletin

    Med. Dent. Bull.
    Published by Polish Medical and Dental Association of America
    Earliest: 1948; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 1948; 20(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical and pediatric oncology

    Med. Pediatr. Oncol.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1999; 33(5) -- Most Recent: 1999; 33(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical and veterinary entomology

    Med. Vet. Entomol.
    Copyright: Royal Entomological Society of London; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical annals of the District of Columbia

    Med. Ann. Dist. Columbia
    Published by Medical Society of the District of Columbia
    Earliest: 1951; 20(5) -- Most Recent: 1974; 43(8) -- Total from this journal: 39

  • Medical anthropology

    Med. Anthropol.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1978; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 46

  • Medical anthropology quarterly

    Med. Anthropol. Q.
    Copyright: American Anthropological Association; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1998; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 69

  • Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

    Med. Arch.
    Published by Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia
    Earliest: 2018; 72(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 77(5) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Medical arts and sciences

    Med. Arts Sci.
    Published by Medical Arts And Sciences
    Earliest: 1956; 10(3) -- Most Recent: 1974; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Medical aspects of human sexuality

    Med. Aspects Hum. Sex.
    Published by Cahners
    Earliest: 1974; 8(10) -- Most Recent: 1987; 21(5) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medical Biochemistry

    Medical Biochemistry
    Earliest: 2001; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2001; 1(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical biology

    Med. Biol.
    Published by Medical Biology
    Earliest: 1974; 52(1) -- Most Recent: 1987; 65(4) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Medical bulletin / University of Michigan

    Med. Bull. (Ann Arbor)
    Published by University of Michigan Medical School and the University Hospital
    Earliest: 1954; 20(5) -- Most Recent: 1965; 31 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medical bulletin of Haseki Hospital

    Med. Bull. Haseki Hosp.
    Published by Yenilik Basımevi
    Earliest: 2012; 50(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 61(2) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Medical bulletin of the U. S. Army Far East

    Med. Bull. U. S. Army Far East
    Published by U. S. Army Forces Far East, Medical Section
    Earliest: 1953; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 1953; 1(12) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical bulletin of the U. S. Army, Europe

    Med. Bull. U. S. Army Eur.
    Published by United States Army
    Earliest: 1950; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 1964; 21 -- Total from this journal: 18

  • Medical Bulletin. United States. Army. European Command. Medical Division

    Med. Bull. U. S. Army Eur. Command. Med. Div.
    Published by N.P
    Earliest: 1948; 5(5) -- Most Recent: 1952; 9(3) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medical bulletin. United States. Veterans Administration. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery

    Med. Bull. Vet. Adm.
    Published by Veterans Administration Dept of Medicine And Surgery
    Earliest: 1961; 7 -- Most Recent: 1963; MB-9 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids

    Med. Cannabis Cannabinoids
    Published by Karger
    Earliest: 2023; 6 -- Most Recent: 2024; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medical care

    Med. Care.
    Copyright: American Public Health Association; Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1973; 11(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 147

  • Medical care research and review

    Med. Care Res. Rev.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2007; 64(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Medical case reports (Wilmington, Del.)

    Med. Case Rep. (Wilmington)
    Published by iMed Publishing
    Earliest: 2019; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2019; 5(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical channel

    Medical Channel
    Earliest: 2002; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 19(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical clinics of North America

    Med. Clin. North Am.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1954; 1 -- Most Recent: 2023; 107(6) -- Total from this journal: 76

  • Medical critic and psychological journal

    Med. Crit. Psychol. J.
    Published by John W. Davies
    Earliest: 1861; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 1863; 3(12) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Medical decision making

    Med. Decis. Making
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1982; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 44

  • Medical device technology

    Med. Device Technol.
    Published by Canon Communications
    Earliest: 1996; 7(4) -- Most Recent: 1997; 8(8) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical devices (Auckland, N.Z.)

    Med. Devices (Auckl.)
    Published by Dove Press
    Earliest: 2014; 7 -- Most Recent: 2022; 15 -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists

    Med. Dosim.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1991; 16(4) -- Most Recent: 1991; 16(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical economics

    Med. Econ.
    Published by Medical Economics
    Earliest: 1982; 59(19) -- Most Recent: 2016; 93(9) -- Total from this journal: 56

  • Medical education

    Med. Educ.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1981; 15(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; 58(3) -- Total from this journal: 50

  • Medical education online

    Med. Educ. Online
    Published by Medical Education Online
    Earliest: 2005; 10(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Medical engineering and physics

    Med. Eng. Phys.
    Copyright: Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine; Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1996; 18(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; 129 -- Total from this journal: 77

  • Medical ethics journal

    Med. Ethics J.
    Published by Medical Ethics and Law Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 2007; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2017; 11(39) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medical Examiner (Philadelphia, Pa.)

    Medical Examiner (Philadelphia, Pa.)
    Earliest: 1839; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 1848; 4(47) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical forum monthly

    Medical forum monthly
    Earliest: 2001; 12(12) -- Most Recent: 2022; 33(11) -- Total from this journal: 53

  • Medical gas research

    Med. Gas Res.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group - BMC
    Earliest: 2014; 4 -- Most Recent: 2023; 13(2) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Medical group management journal

    Med. Group Manage. J.
    Published by Medical Group Management Association
    Earliest: 1996; 43(5) -- Most Recent: 1996; 43(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical history

    Med. Hist.
    Published by Wellcome Historical Medical Library
    Earliest: 1958; 2(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 67(2) -- Total from this journal: 31

  • Medical humanities

    Med. Humanit.
    Published by BMJ Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2000; 26(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 50(1) -- Total from this journal: 36

  • Medical humanities review

    Med. Humanit. Rev.
    Published by Institute for the Medical Humanities, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
    Earliest: 1991; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 1998; 12(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical hypotheses

    Med. Hypotheses
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1979; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 178 -- Total from this journal: 181

  • Medical hypothesis, discovery and innovation in ophthalmology

    Med. Hypothesis Discov. Innov. Ophthalmol.
    Published by International Virtual Ophthalmic Research Center
    Earliest: 2014; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 12(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical informatics

    Med. Inform. (Lond)
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1998; 23(1) -- Most Recent: 1998; 23(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical informatics and the internet in medicine

    Med. Inform. Internet Med.
    Copyright: Society for the Internet in Medicine; Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1999; 24(4) -- Most Recent: 2007; 32(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medical innovation of China

    Med. Innov. China
    Published by 中国保健协会
    Earliest: 2017; 2017(07) -- Most Recent: 2017; 2017(07) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical instrumentation

    Med. Instrum.
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1973; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 1988; 22(3) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Medical interface

    Med. Interface
    Published by Medicom International
    Earliest: 1994; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 1996; 9(12) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medical journal (Fort Sam Houston, Tex.)

    Med. J. (Ft. Sam Houst. Tex.)
    Published by Borden Institute, US Army Medical Center of Excellence
    Earliest: 2021; (PB 8) -- Most Recent: 2023; (Per 23-4/5/6) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Medical journal Armed Forces India

    Med. J. Armed Forces India
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2001; 57(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 80(3) -- Total from this journal: 52

  • Medical journal of Australia

    Med. J. Aust.
    Copyright: Australian Medical Association; Published by Australasian Medical Publishing
    Earliest: 1949; 1(8) -- Most Recent: 2024; 221(2) -- Total from this journal: 2182

  • Medical Journal of Babylon

    Medical Journal of Babylon
    Earliest: 2023; 20(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 20(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical journal of Bakirköy

    Bakirkoy Tip Derg.
    Published by Yerküre Tanıtım ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri
    Earliest: 2009; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 19(2) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army

    Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
    Earliest: 2001; (12) -- Most Recent: 2020; 45(8) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medical journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University

    Med. J. DY Patil Univ.
    Copyright: Dr D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune.; Published by Wolters Kluwer
    Earliest: 2014; 7(4) -- Most Recent: 2017; 10(3) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth

    Med. J. Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
    Published by Wolters Kluwer/Medknow Publications
    Earliest: 2018; -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medical Journal of Indonesia

    Medical Journal of Indonesia
    Earliest: 2023; 32(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 32(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical journal of Malaya

    Med. J. Malaya
    Published by Straits Times Press
    Earliest: 1954; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 1971; 25(4) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Medical journal of Malaysia

    Med. J. Malaysia
    Published by Malaysian Medical Association
    Earliest: 1972; 26(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 79(2) -- Total from this journal: 152

  • Medical journal of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

    Med. J. Mashhad Univ. Med. Sci.
    Published by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 2006; 49(92) -- Most Recent: 2021; 63(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical journal of Minami Osaka Hospital

    Med. J. Minami Osaka Hosp.
    Published by Minami Osaka Byoin
    Earliest: 2003; 51(1) -- Most Recent: 2003; 51(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical journal of Osaka University

    Med. J. Osaka Univ.
    Published by Osaka University Medical School
    Earliest: 1963; 14 -- Most Recent: 1973; 24(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital

    Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
    Earliest: 2021; 12(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 12(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical journal of Shree Birendra Hospital

    Med. J. Shree Birendra Hosp.
    Copyright: Shree Birendra Hospital; Published by Nepal Journals Online
    Earliest: 2011; 9(2) -- Most Recent: 2011; 9(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

    Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 2022; 44(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 44(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services

    Med. J. Tabriz Univ. Med. Sci. Health Serv.
    Published by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
    Earliest: 2007; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 2007; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Med. J. Islam. Repub. Iran
    Published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 1998; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 36 -- Total from this journal: 52

  • Medical journal of Tikrit University

    Med. J. Tikrit Univ.
    Published by Faculty of Medicine, University of Tikrit
    Earliest: 2019; 25(2) -- Most Recent: 2019; 25(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical Journal of Wuhan University

    Medical Journal of Wuhan University
    Earliest: 2011; 32(6) -- Most Recent: 2021; 42(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical journal of Zambia

    Med. J. Zambia
    Published by Zambia Medical Association
    Earliest: 1977; 11(2) -- Most Recent: 1982; 16(4) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Medical law international

    Med. Law Int.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2001; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2018; 18(4) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Medical law review

    Med. Law Rev.
    Copyright: Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London; Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 1995; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 29

  • Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics

    Med. Lett. Drugs Ther.
    Published by Medical Letter Inc.
    Earliest: 1966; 8(8) -- Most Recent: 2020; 62(1594) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Medical malpractice cost containment journal

    Med. Malpract. Cost Containment J.
    Published by Panel Publishers
    Earliest: 1979; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 1979; 1(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical mass spectrometry

    Medical mass spectrometry
    Published by Shubun University, Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry
    Earliest: 2022; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical microbiology and immunology

    Med. Microbiol. Immunol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2005; 194(3) -- Most Recent: 2005; 194(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical mycology

    Med. Mycol.
    Published by Informa Healthcare
    Earliest: 2006; 44(5) -- Most Recent: 2014; 52(8) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical mycology case reports

    Med. Mycol. Case Rep.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2017; 17 -- Most Recent: 2019; 23 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical news letter. Aviation supplement

    Med. News Lett. Aviat. Suppl.
    Published by United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Division of Aviation Medicine
    Earliest: 1948; 9(5) -- Most Recent: 1948; 9(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical News of North Caucasus

    Medical News of North Caucasus
    Earliest: 2017; 12(3) -- Most Recent: 2018; 13(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical officer

    Med. Off.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group -- Palgrave-Macmillan
    Earliest: 1948; 79(23) -- Most Recent: 1948; 79(23) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical physics

    Med. Phys.
    Copyright: American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1978; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2013; 40(1) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Medical press

    Med. Press
    Published by Medical Press, London
    Earliest: 1948; 219(13) -- Most Recent: 1953; 229(8) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Medical principles and practice

    Med. Princ. Pract.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2002; 11(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Medical problems of performing artists

    Med. Probl. Perform. Art.
    Published by Science and Medicine
    Earliest: 2010; 25(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 39(2) -- Total from this journal: 48

  • Medical progress through technology

    Med. Prog. Technol.
    Published by Kluwer Academic
    Earliest: 1980; 7(4) -- Most Recent: 1995; 21(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medical radiography and photography

    Med. Radiogr. Photogr.
    Published by Eastman Kodak Co
    Earliest: 1961; 37 -- Most Recent: 1982; 58(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical radiology

    Med. Radiol.
    Published by U. S. Joint Publications Research Service
    Earliest: 1961; 6 -- Most Recent: 1961; 6 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical record news

    Med. Rec. News
    Published by American Association of Medical Record Librarians
    Earliest: 1975; 46(2) -- Most Recent: 1975; 46(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical record: a weekly journal of medicine and surgery

    Med. Rec.
    Published by William Wood
    Earliest: 1878; 13(19) -- Most Recent: 1878; 13(19) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical reference services quarterly

    Med. Ref. Serv. Q.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2002; 21(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 42(4) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Medical Research Council memorandum

    Memo. Med. Res. Counc.
    Published by H.M. Stationery Office (Great Britain)
    Earliest: 1955; 31 -- Most Recent: 1959; 38 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical research engineering

    Med. Res. Eng.
    Published by Medical Research Engineering
    Earliest: 1969; 8(6) -- Most Recent: 1972; 11(6) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medical science (Tamilnadu)

    Med. Sci. (Tamilnadu)
    Published by Discovery journals
    Earliest: 2017; 21(85) -- Most Recent: 2021; 25(114) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical science and discovery

    Med. Sci. Discov.
    Published by Celal Bayar University Press
    Earliest: 2016; 3(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 10(12) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical Science Educator

    Medical Science Educator
    Earliest: 2011; 21(4) -- Most Recent: 2020; 30(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medical science monitor

    Med. Sci. Monit.
    Published by Medical Science International
    Earliest: 1997; 3(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; 30 -- Total from this journal: 103

  • Medical science research

    Med. Sci. Res.
    Published by Lippincott, William and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1991; 19(11) -- Most Recent: 1991; 19(11) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medical Science Technology

    Medical Science Technology
    Earliest: 2013; 54(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 54(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical sciences (Basel, Switzerland)

    Med. Sci. (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
    Earliest: 2018; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 9(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medical Sciences Journal of Islamic Azad University

    Med. Sci. J. Islam. Azad Univ.
    Published by Islamic Azad University , Tehran Medical Branch
    Earliest: 2011; 21(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 32(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medical Section Proceedings: The ... Annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance. American Council of Life Insurance. Medical Section. Meeting

    Medical Section Proceedings: The ... Annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council o
    Earliest: 1995; -- Most Recent: 1995; -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical sentinel

    Med. Sentin.
    Copyright: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons; Published by Hacienda Publishing
    Earliest: 1997; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2001; 6(3) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Medical services journal, Canada

    Med. Serv. J. Can.
    Published by Canada Department of National Defence
    Earliest: 1958; 14(5) -- Most Recent: 1967; 23(11) -- Total from this journal: 33

  • Medical surveillance monthly report

    Published by U.S. Armed Forces Surveillance Center
    Earliest: 2011; 18(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 31(6) -- Total from this journal: 138

  • Medical teacher

    Med. Teach.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2002; 24(6) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 29

  • Medical technicians bulletin

    Med. Techn. Bull.
    Published by Deptartment of Defense
    Earliest: 1952; 3(4) -- Most Recent: 1956; 7(5) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Medical times

    Med. Times
    Published by Romaine Pierson Publishers
    Earliest: 1950; 78(12) -- Most Recent: 1981; 109(7) -- Total from this journal: 109

  • Medical toxicology

    Med. Toxicol.
    Published by Adis Press
    Earliest: 1986; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1987; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medical trial technique quarterly

    Med. Trial Tech. Q.
    Published by Thompson - West - Callaghan
    Earliest: 1962; 9 -- Most Recent: 1982; 29(1) -- Total from this journal: 63

  • Medical Update for Psychiatrists

    Medical Update for Psychiatrists
    Earliest: 1998; 3(6) -- Most Recent: 1998; 3(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medical world

    Med. World
    Copyright: Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs; Published by Medical Practitioners' Union
    Earliest: 1948; 68(1) -- Most Recent: 1962; 97 -- Total from this journal: 36

  • Medical world news

    Med. World News
    Published by Medical Tribune
    Earliest: 1978; 19(26) -- Most Recent: 1989; 30(6) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Medical-moral newsletter, the

    Med. Moral. Newsl
    Published by F.J. Ayd,
    Earliest: 1999; 36(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1999; 36(9-10) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • MedicalExpress (São Paulo, Online)

    MedicalExpress (São Paulo, Online)
    Earliest: 2015; 2(3) -- Most Recent: 2016; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medicamenta

    Medicamenta (Madr)
    Published by Instituto Farmacológico Latino
    Earliest: 1950; 8(178) -- Most Recent: 1953; 11(234) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medicare Medicaid Res Rev

    Medicare Medicaid Res Rev
    Earliest: 2012; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MEDICC review

    MEDICC Rev.
    Published by MEDICC
    Earliest: 2010; 12(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 24(1) -- Total from this journal: 22

  • Medicentro (Villa Clara)

    Medicentro (Villa Clara)
    Earliest: 2010; 14(3) -- Most Recent: 2020; 24(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mediciego

    Earliest: 2003; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 18(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medicina (Argentina)

    Medicina (Argentina)
    Published by Fundacion Revista Medicina (Buenos Aires)
    Earliest: 1967; 27(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 83(5) -- Total from this journal: 46

  • Medicina (Guayaquil)

    Medicina (Guayaquil)
    Earliest: 2002; 8(3) -- Most Recent: 2002; 8(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicina (Lithuania)

    Medicina (Lithuania)
    Published by Lietuvos Gydytoju Sajunga Lithuania
    Earliest: 2002; 38(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 60(6) -- Total from this journal: 172

  • Medicina (Madr)

    Medicina (Madr)
    Published by Asociacion de Prensa Medica Espanola
    Earliest: 1951; 19(2:1) -- Most Recent: 1965; 33(7) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicina (Ribeirão Preto)

    Medicina (Ribeirão Preto)
    Published by Hospital Das Clinicas Da Faculdade De Medicina De Ribeirao Preto Da Universidade De Sao Paulo
    Earliest: 1995; 28(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 56(3) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Medicina (Rijeka)

    Medicina (Rijeka)
    Published by Croatian Medical Association; Rijeka Branch and Faculty of Medicine - University of Rijeka
    Earliest: 2007; 43(4) -- Most Recent: 2007; 43(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicina clinica

    Med. Clin.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1965; 44(4) -- Most Recent: 2016; 147(1) -- Total from this journal: 205

  • Medicina clínica y social

    Med. Clin. Soc.
    Published by Santa Rosa del Aguaray Campus of the School of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción
    Earliest: 2020; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medicina clínica (Barc)

    Med. Clin. (Barc)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2011; 136(7) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Medicina clínica (English ed.)

    Med. Clin. (Engl. Ed.)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicina contemporânea

    Med. Contemp.
    Published by Livraria Rodrigues
    Earliest: 1961; 79 -- Most Recent: 1964; 82 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medicina cutánea ibero-latino-americana

    Med. Cutan. Ibero Lat. Am.
    Published by Colegio Ibero-Latino-Americano de Dermatología
    Earliest: 1978; 6(3-4) -- Most Recent: 1994; 22(5) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicina Del Deporte y Del Trabajo

    Med. Deporte Trab.
    Published by Buenos Aires
    Earliest: 1949; 13(73) -- Most Recent: 1953; 17(121) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Medicina Dello Sport; Rivista di Fisiopatologia Dello Sport

    Med. Sport (Roma)
    Published by Edizioni Minerva Medica
    Earliest: 1965; 5(6) -- Most Recent: 2015; 68(3) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • Medicina e Morale

    Medicina e Morale
    Earliest: 2019; 68(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 72(4) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Medicina Española

    Med. Esp.
    Published by Editorial Facta
    Earliest: 1954; 31(182) -- Most Recent: 1964; 52 -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Medicina experimentalis: international journal of experimental medicine

    Med. Exp. Int. J. Exp. Med.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1960; 2 -- Most Recent: 1961; 5 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medicina física y rehabilitación

    Med. Fis. Rehabil.
    Published by Sociedad Argentina De Medicina Fisica Y Rehabilitacion
    Earliest: 1961; 22(73-74) -- Most Recent: 1961; 22(73-74) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicina Fluminensis

    Medicina Fluminensis
    Earliest: 2014; 50(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 58(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicina Historica

    Medicina Historica
    Earliest: 2019; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medicina intensiva

    Med. Intensiva
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1990; 14(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 51

  • Medicina intensiva (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Med. Intensiva (Buenos Aires)
    Published by AP Americana de Publicaciones
    Earliest: 1990; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 33(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medicina intensiva (Engl Ed)

    Med. Intensiva (Engl Ed)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2024; 48(5) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medicină internă

    Med. Interna (Bucur)
    Published by Editura Medicala
    Earliest: 1961; 13 -- Most Recent: 1973; 25(12) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Medicina interna (Caracas)

    Med. Interna (Caracas)
    Published by Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Interna
    Earliest: 2017; 33(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 35(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medicina Interna de Mexico

    Medicina Interna de Mexico
    Earliest: 1998; 14(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 37(5) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Medicina legal de Costa Rica

    Medicina legal de Costa Rica
    Published by Asociación Costarricense de Medicina Forense
    Earliest: 1990; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 39(1) -- Total from this journal: 33

  • Medicina maritima

    Med. Marit.
    Published by Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Maritima
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medicina Nei Secoli

    Med. Secoli
    Published by University of Rome, Institute for the History of Medicine
    Earliest: 1978; 16(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 35(3) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Medicina oral

    Med Oral
    Published by Medicina Oral S.L.
    Earliest: 2001; 6(4) -- Most Recent: 2003; 8(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal

    Med. Oral. Patol. Oral Cir. Bucal
    Published by Medicina Oral S.L.
    Earliest: 2006; 11(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • Medicina Paliativa

    Medicina Paliativa
    Earliest: 2012; 19(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicina sportiva

    Med. Sport.
    Copyright: Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Sportowej; Published by Walter de Gruyter
    Earliest: 2007; 11(3) -- Most Recent: 2007; 11(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicina Sportiva Bohemica et Slovaca

    Med. Sport Bohem. Slovac.
    Published by Ceská spolecnost telovychovného lékarství
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medicina tropical, la

    Med. Trop. (Madr)
    Published by Instituto Espanol de Medicina Tropical
    Earliest: 1961; 37 -- Most Recent: 1967; 43(3) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medicina Veterinaria (Brazil)

    Medicina Veterinaria (Brazil)
    Earliest: 2019; 13(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 13(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicina y Cirugía de Guerra

    Med. Cir. Guerra
    Published by Cuerpo De Sanidad Militar
    Earliest: 1953; 15(7-8) -- Most Recent: 1956; 18(6) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medicina, cirurgia, farmácia

    Med. Cir. Farm.
    Published by Laboratorios Silva Araujo-Roussel
    Earliest: 1950; 174 -- Most Recent: 1962; 301 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medicina, Revista Mexicana

    Medicina (Mex)
    Published by National School of Medicine, Mexico
    Earliest: 1954; 34(710) -- Most Recent: 1962; 42 -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medicinal research reviews

    Med. Res. Rev.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1990; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 34(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicine

    Earliest: 2011; 10(85) -- Most Recent: 2011; 10(85) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medicine & health (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

    Med. Health (Kuala Lumpur)
    Earliest: 2015; -- Most Recent: 2019; -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicine (Abingdon)

    Medicine (Abingdon)
    Published by Medicine Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 31(9) -- Most Recent: 2022; 50(12) -- Total from this journal: 126

  • Medicine (Baltimore)

    Medicine (Baltimore)
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1950; 29(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 103(29) -- Total from this journal: 409

  • Medicine (Spain)

    Medicine (Spain)
    Earliest: 2015; 11(85) -- Most Recent: 2023; 13(86) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Medicine 2.0

    Med. 2 0
    Published by JMIR Publications
    Earliest: 2014; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicine and global survival

    Med. Glob. Surviv.
    Published by BMJ Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1995; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 1995; 2(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicine and health

    Med. Health
    Published by Faulkner & Gray's Healthcare Information Center
    Earliest: 2000; 54(15) -- Most Recent: 2001; 55(39) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Medicine and health, Rhode Island

    Med. Health R. I.
    Published by Rhode Island Medical Society
    Earliest: 1996; 79(3) -- Most Recent: 2012; 95(5) -- Total from this journal: 89

  • Medicine and law

    Med. Law
    Published by International Centre of Medicine and Law
    Earliest: 1983; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 38(3) -- Total from this journal: 247

  • Medicine and pharmacy reports

    Med. Pharm. Rep.
    Published by Cluj Medical University
    Earliest: 2021; 94(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 96(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicine and philosophy (A)

    Med. Philos. A
    Published by Yi xue yu zhe xue za zhi she
    Earliest: 2017; (01) -- Most Recent: 2017; 2017(01) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medicine and science in sports

    Med. Sci. Sports
    Published by American College of Sports Medicine
    Earliest: 1970; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 1979; 11(3) -- Total from this journal: 40

  • Medicine and science in sports and exercise

    Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1980; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 56(3) -- Total from this journal: 468

  • Medicine and society

    Med. Soc.
    Published by 医学与社会 编辑部
    Earliest: 2017; 30(9) -- Most Recent: 2017; 30(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicine and sport science

    Med. Sport Sci.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2005; 48 -- Most Recent: 2017; 62 -- Total from this journal: 44

  • Medicine and war

    Med. War
    Published by Medical Association for Prevention of War
    Earliest: 1985; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1994; 10(3) -- Total from this journal: 44

  • Medicine health care and philosophy

    Medicine Health Care and Philosophy
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medicine illustrated

    Med. Illus.
    Published by Harvey and Blythe
    Earliest: 1953; 7(8) -- Most Recent: 1956; 10(6) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Medicine of extreme situations

    Med. Extrem. Situat.
    Published by Federal Medicobiological Agency of the Russian Federation
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medicine today (Neutral Bay, N.S.W.)

    Med. Today (Neutral Bay)
    Earliest: 2001; 2(5) -- Most Recent: 2022; 23(8) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Medicine, conflict and survival

    Med. Conflict. Surviv.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1996; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 219

  • Medicine, health care, and philosophy

    Med. Health Care Philos.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1998; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 33

  • Medicine, mind and adolescence

    Med. Mind Adolesc.
    Published by Università Ambrosiana
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medicine, science, and the law

    Med. Sci. Law
    Copyright: British Academy of Forensic Sciences; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1962; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1266

  • Medicine, the market and the mass media: producing health in the twentieth century

    Medicine, the market and the mass media: producing health in the twentieth century
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medicine: case reports and study protocols

    Med. Case Rep. Stud. Protoc.
    Published by Wolters Kluwer LWW
    Earliest: 2021; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicines (Basel)

    Medicines (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
    Earliest: 2017; 4(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 10(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medicínska etika a bioetika : casopis Ústavu medicínskej etiky a bioetiky = Medical ethics & bioethics : journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics & Bioethics

    Medicínska etika a bioetika : casopis Ústavu medicínskej etiky a bioetiky = Medical ethics & bioethi
    Earliest: 2000; 7(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2000; 7(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicinskaja Sestra

    Med. Sestra
    Published by Ministerstvo Zdravookhraneniia Rsfsr
    Earliest: 1950; 4 -- Most Recent: 1990; 49(7) -- Total from this journal: 104

  • Medicinske Studenterraad

    Studenterraad Med
    Published by Medicinske Studenterraad and Medicinsk Forening Copenhagen Universitet
    Earliest: 1960; 9 -- Most Recent: 1962; 10 -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medicinski Arhiv

    Med. Arh.
    Published by Drustva Ljekara Bosne I Hercegovine
    Earliest: 1953; 7(6) -- Most Recent: 2017; 71(5) -- Total from this journal: 101

  • Medicinski casopis

    Medicinski casopis
    Published by Srpsko lekarsko društvo - Okružna podružnica Kragujevac
    Earliest: 2011; 45(2) -- Most Recent: 2013; 47(3) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Medicinski Glasnik

    Med. Glas.
    Published by Savez Lekarskih Drustava Sfrj
    Earliest: 1951; 5(6) -- Most Recent: 1973; 27(3) -- Total from this journal: 80

  • Medicinski Glasnik: Ljek Komore Zenicko-Doboj Kantona

    Med. Glas. Ljek Komore Zenicko-Doboj Kantona
    Published by Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton
    Earliest: 2011; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 21(2) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Medicinski Pregled

    Med. Pregl.
    Published by Medicinski Pregled
    Earliest: 1966; 19(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 69(11-12) -- Total from this journal: 121

  • Medicni Perspektivi

    Medicni Perspektivi
    Earliest: 2023; 28(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medico e Bambino

    Med. Bambino
    Copyright: l'Associazione Culturale Pediatri; Published by Edifarm
    Earliest: 2000; 19(8) -- Most Recent: 2023; 42(8) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Medico-Biological and Socio-Psychological Issues of Safety in Emergency Situations

    Medico-Biological and Socio-Psychological Issues of Safety in Emergency Situations
    Earliest: 2020; (3) -- Most Recent: 2020; (3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medico-legal bulletin

    Med. Leg. Bull.
    Published by Virginia State Department of Health
    Earliest: 1963; 125 -- Most Recent: 1990; 39(1) -- Total from this journal: 60

  • Medico-Legal Journal

    Medico-Legal Journal
    Earliest: 1925; 42 -- Most Recent: 1925; 42 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medico-legal journal of Sri Lanka

    Medicolegal J. Sri Lanka
    Published by College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka
    Earliest: 2014; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 10(1) -- Total from this journal: 22

  • Medico-legal journal, The

    Med. Leg. J.
    Copyright: Medico-Legal Society; Published by SAGE Publications
    Earliest: 1947; 15(Pt 2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 92(2) -- Total from this journal: 348

  • Medico-legal update

    Med. Legal Update
    Published by R.K. Sharma and Institute of Medico-Legal Publications
    Earliest: 2004; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 22(2) -- Total from this journal: 178

  • Medico: International Edition

    Medico (Int)
    Published by Boehringer
    Earliest: 1964; 39 -- Most Recent: 1964; 39 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicon Medical Sciences

    Medicon Medical Sciences
    Published by Medicon Open Access
    Earliest: 2022; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medicus

    Earliest: 2004; 13(1) -- Most Recent: 2017; 26(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft

    Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft
    Earliest: 2023; 71(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 71(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medieval encounters

    Medieval Encounters
    Published by Brill Academic Publishers
    Earliest: 2018; 24(4) -- Most Recent: 2018; 24(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medieval History Journal

    Medieval History Journal
    Earliest: 2000; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2001; 4(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • MEDIFAM - Revista de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria

    MEDIFAM - Revista de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria
    Earliest: 2001; 11(8) -- Most Recent: 2001; 11(8) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medijska Istraživanja

    Medij. Istraz.
    Published by Naklada Medijska Istraživanja
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Medika Udayana

    Medika Udayana
    Earliest: 2014; 3(5) -- Most Recent: 2014; 3(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medinfo: studies in health technology and informatics

    Copyright: International Federation for Information Processing; Published by IOS Press
    Earliest: 2004; 2004(CD) -- Most Recent: 2004; 2004(CD) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medisan

    Earliest: 2008; 12(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 27(4) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • MediSur

    Published by Centro de Información de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
    Earliest: 2006; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 21(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Meditari accountancy research

    Meditari Account. Res.
    Published by Emerald Group Publishing
    Earliest: 2023; 31(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 31(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mediterranean historical review

    Mediterr. Hist. Rev.
    Published by Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.
    Earliest: 2010; 25(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 25(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mediterranean journal of clinical psychology

    Mediterr. J. Clin. Psychol.
    Published by Psychiatric Unit Policlinic University "G. Martino" v. Consolare Valeria
    Earliest: 2017; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Mediterranean journal of rheumatology

    Mediterr. J. Rheumatol.
    Published by Greek Rheumatology Society and Professional Association of Rheumatologists
    Earliest: 2020; 31(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 31(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mediterranean journal of social sciences

    Mediterr. J. Soc. Sci.
    Published by Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research
    Earliest: 2012; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2019; 10(1) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Mediterranean politics

    Mediterr. Polit.
    Published by Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.
    Earliest: 2010; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mediterranean Quarterly

    Mediterranean Quarterly
    Earliest: 2002; 13(2) -- Most Recent: 2002; 13(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mediterranean Studies

    Mediterranean Studies
    Earliest: 2021; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 2021; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meditsina Truda i Promyshlennaia Ekologiia

    Med. Tr. Prom. Ekol.
    Published by Redkollegiia Zhurnala
    Earliest: 1993; (1) -- Most Recent: 2016; (7) -- Total from this journal: 132

  • Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia i Parazitarnye Bolezni

    Med. Parazitol. (Mosk)
    Published by Izdatelstvo Meditsina
    Earliest: 1959; 28(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; (3) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Meditsinskaia Promyshlennost' SSSR

    Med. Prom. SSSR
    Published by Moskva
    Earliest: 1962; 2 -- Most Recent: 1965; 102 -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Meditsinskaia radiologiia

    Med. Radiol. (Mosk)
    Published by Izdatelstvo Meditsina
    Earliest: 1957; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 1991; 36(12) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Meditsinskaia Tekhnika

    Med. Tekh.
    Published by Izdatelstvo Meditsina
    Earliest: 1972; 4 -- Most Recent: 1998; (1) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Meditsinskii zhurnal Uzbekistana

    Med. Zh. Uzb.
    Published by Izdatelstvo Meditsina Uz Ssr
    Earliest: 1962; 1 -- Most Recent: 1963; 43 -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Medium Aevum

    Medium Aevum
    Earliest: 2010; 79(2) -- Most Recent: 2018; 87(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medizin, gesellschaft, und geschichte

    Med. Ges. Gesch.
    Published by Franz Steiner Verlag
    Earliest: 1998; 17 -- Most Recent: 2005; 24 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medizinhistorisches Journal

    Medizinhist. J.
    Published by Franz Steiner Verlag
    Earliest: 1983; 18(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2019; 54(2) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Medizinische

    Published by F K Schattauer
    Earliest: 1952; 20(31-32) -- Most Recent: 1959; 52 -- Total from this journal: 37

  • Medizinische klinik (Munich, Germany : 1983)

    Med. Klin. (Springer)
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1951; 46(38) -- Most Recent: 2011; 106(2) -- Total from this journal: 57

  • Medizinische Klinik (Praxis-Ausg)

    Med. Klin. Prax.
    Published by Urban and Schwarzenberg
    Earliest: 1982; 77(10) -- Most Recent: 1982; 77(16-17) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medizinische Klinik [Urban und Schwarzenberg]

    Med. Klin. (U-S)
    Published by Urban und Schwarzenberg
    Earliest: 1950; 45(17) -- Most Recent: 1981; 76(26) -- Total from this journal: 183

  • Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin

    Med. Klin. Intensivmed. Notfmed.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2012; 107(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 31

  • Medizinische Laboratorium, Das

    Med. Lab. (Stuttg)
    Published by S Hirzel Verlag
    Earliest: 1971; 24(2) -- Most Recent: 1976; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Medizinische Monatsschrift

    Med. Monatsschr.
    Published by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
    Earliest: 1950; 4(7) -- Most Recent: 1977; 31(6) -- Total from this journal: 59

  • Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten

    Med. Monatsschr. Pharm.
    Published by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
    Earliest: 1980; 3(6) -- Most Recent: 2010; 33(9) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Medizinische Novitäten

    Med. Nov.
    Published by Johann Ambrosius Barth Publishing House
    Earliest: 1959; 41 -- Most Recent: 1959; 41 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medizinische Sachverständige

    Med. Sachverstand.
    Published by Verlag A W Gentner
    Earliest: 1962; 58 -- Most Recent: 1962; 58 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medizinische technik

    Med. Tech. (Stuttg)
    Published by Gentner
    Earliest: 1950; 4(4) -- Most Recent: 1950; 4(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medizinische Welt

    Med. Welt.
    Published by F K Schattauer
    Earliest: 1951; 20(15) -- Most Recent: 2005; 56(7-8) -- Total from this journal: 234

  • Medizinrecht

    Earliest: 2009; 27(9) -- Most Recent: 2022; 40(6) -- Total from this journal: 23

  • medRxiv

    Copyright: The Author(s); Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, BMJ Publishing Group, Yale University
    Earliest: 2020; 2020 -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • medRxiv: The Preprint Server for Health Sciences

    medRxiv: The Preprint Server for Health Sciences
    Earliest: 2021; -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medscape general medicine

    Published by Medscape
    Earliest: 1999; 1999(Sep 23) -- Most Recent: 2007; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Medscape journal of medicine

    Medscape J. Med.
    Published by Medscape
    Earliest: 2008; 10(1) -- Most Recent: 2009; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Medscape women's health

    Medscape Womens Health
    Published by Medscape
    Earliest: 1996; 1(6) -- Most Recent: 2001; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Medsurg nursing

    Medsurg. Nurs.
    Published by Wolters Kluwer
    Earliest: 1992; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 30(2) -- Total from this journal: 26

  • Medwave

    Published by Mednet
    Earliest: 2012; 12(9) -- Most Recent: 2024; 24(5) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • Medycyna Doświadczalna

    Med. Dosw.
    Published by Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Oddzial W Poznaniu
    Earliest: 1964; 28 -- Most Recent: 1964; 28 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia

    Med. Dosw. Mikrobiol.
    Published by Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich
    Earliest: 1994; 46(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1994; 46(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medycyna Intensywna i Ratunkowa

    Medycyna Intensywna i Ratunkowa
    Earliest: 2008; 11(3) -- Most Recent: 2008; 11(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medycyna Nowozytna

    Med. Nowozytna
    Published by Wydawn IHN PAN
    Earliest: 1998; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2003; 10(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Medycyna pracy

    Med. Pr.
    Published by Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich
    Earliest: 1953; 4(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 74(6) -- Total from this journal: 183

  • Medycyna Weterynaryjna

    Med. Weter.
    Published by Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences
    Earliest: 1950; 6(12) -- Most Recent: 1950; 6(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego

    Med. Wieku Rozwoj.
    Published by Instytut Matki i Dziecka
    Earliest: 2000; 4(4 Suppl 1) -- Most Recent: 2017; 21(2) -- Total from this journal: 23

  • Meharri-dent, the

    Published by Meharry Medical College
    Earliest: 1966; 23(3) -- Most Recent: 1966; 23(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meitan Xuebao

    Meitan Xuebao
    Published by Zhongguo Meitan Xuehui
    Earliest: 2006; 31(4) -- Most Recent: 2011; 36(Suppl 1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • MEJB

    Earliest: 2009; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 11(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite

    Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite
    Earliest: 2002; 114(2) -- Most Recent: 2002; 114(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Melanie Klein and object relations

    Melanie Klein Object Rel.
    Published by Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
    Earliest: 1990; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 1990; 8(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Melanoma research

    Melanoma Res.
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 2018; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2020; 30(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Melbourne Asia review

    Melb. Asia Rev.
    Published by University of Melbourne, Asia Institute
    Earliest: 2023; 16 -- Most Recent: 2023; 16 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Melbourne historical journal

    Melb. Hist. J.
    Published by Melbourne University Historical Society
    Earliest: 2001; 29 -- Most Recent: 2001; 29 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Melbourne University law review

    Melb. Univ. Law Rev.
    Published by Melbourne University Law Review Association
    Earliest: 1991; 18(2) -- Most Recent: 2017; 40(3) -- Total from this journal: 5


    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2000; 25(2) -- Most Recent: 2008; 33(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.)

    Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.)
    Earliest: 2020; 18(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 18(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Membranes (Basel)

    Membranes (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2021; 11(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 12(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique

    Mem. Acad. R. Med. Belg.
    Published by Palais Des Academies
    Earliest: 1966; 6(8) -- Most Recent: 1966; 6(8) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Memoires. Academie de Chirurgie

    Mem. Acad. Chir.
    Published by Masson Editeur
    Earliest: 1952; 78(4-5) -- Most Recent: 1969; 95(22) -- Total from this journal: 32

  • Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. Educational science

    Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. Educational science
    Published by Akita University
    Earliest: 2000; 55 -- Most Recent: 2002; 57 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Memoirs of School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University

    Mem. Sch. Health Sci. Fac. Med. Kyushu Univ.
    Published by Kyushu University
    Earliest: 2004; 3 -- Most Recent: 2004; 3 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci.
    Published by American Academy of Arts and Sciences
    Earliest: 1783; 1 -- Most Recent: 1867; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University: the humanities

    Mem. Fac. Educ. Kumamoto Univ. Humanit.
    Published by Kumamoto University
    Earliest: 2006; 55 -- Most Recent: 2006; 55 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Memoirs of the Fukui Institute of Technology

    Mem. Fukui Inst. Technol.
    Published by Fukui Institute of Technology
    Earliest: 2004; 34 -- Most Recent: 2006; 36 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester

    Mem. Lit. Philos. Soc. Manchester
    Published by The Society
    Earliest: 1798; 5 -- Most Recent: 1798; 5 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Memorandum

    Earliest: 2010; 19 -- Most Recent: 2010; 19 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Memórias do Instituto Butantan

    Mem. Inst. Butantan
    Published by Instituto Butantan
    Earliest: 1964; 31 -- Most Recent: 1966; 33(3) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz

    Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz
    Published by Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
    Earliest: 1964; 62(1) -- Most Recent: 2006; 101(Suppl 2) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Memory

    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1993; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 73

  • Memory and cognition

    Mem. Cognit.
    Published by Psychonomic Society
    Earliest: 1973; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 55

  • Memory studies

    Mem. Stud.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2008; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 16(5) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Memphis and Mid-South medical journal

    Memphis Mid.-South Med. J.
    Published by Memphis County Medical Society
    Earliest: 1961; 36 -- Most Recent: 1962; 37 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Memphis State University law review

    Memphis State Univ. Law Rev.
    Published by Memphis State University School of Law
    Earliest: 1973; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 1977; 7(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Men and masculinities

    Men Masc.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2000; 2(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 25(5) -- Total from this journal: 111

  • MENGABDI: Jurnal hasil kegiatan bersama masyarakat

    Published by Asosiasi Riset Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Indonesia
    Earliest: 2024; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Menopause

    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 2003; 10(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 28

  • Menopause international

    Menopause Int.
    Published by SAGE Publications
    Earliest: 2007; 13(4) -- Most Recent: 2007; 13(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mens en Maatschappij

    Mens en Maatschappij
    Earliest: 2016; 91(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 91(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mens sana monographs

    Mens Sana Monogr.
    Published by Mens Sana Research Foundation
    Earliest: 2008; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 13(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Mensch und Sicherheit

    Mensch Sicherh.
    Published by Bundesanstalt fur Strassenwesen
    Earliest: 2007; 2007(M 186) -- Most Recent: 2007; 2007(M 186) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Ment Welf

    Ment Welf
    Earliest: 1926; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 1939; 20(4) -- Total from this journal: 28

  • Mental (Barbacena, Impr.)

    Mental (Barbacena, Impr.)
    Earliest: 2017; 11(21) -- Most Recent: 2017; 11(21) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mental and physical disability law reporter

    Ment. Phys. Disabil. Law Rep.
    Published by American Bar Association
    Earliest: 1997; 21(4) -- Most Recent: 2006; 30(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mental disability law reporter

    Ment. Disabil. Law Rep.
    Published by American Bar Association, Commission on the Mentally Disabled
    Earliest: 1977; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 1982; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mental health

    Ment. Health (Lond)
    Published by National Association for Mental Health
    Earliest: 1940; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1971; 30(Summer) -- Total from this journal: 224

  • Mental health and addiction research

    Ment. Health Addict. Res.
    Published by Open Access Text (OAT)
    Earliest: 2021; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mental health and physical activity

    Ment. Health Phys. Act.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2021; 21 -- Most Recent: 2023; 25 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mental health and prevention

    Ment. Health Prev.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 33 -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Mental health and social inclusion

    Ment. Health Soc. Incl.
    Published by Emerald Group Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 27(3) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Mental health and society

    Ment. Health Soc.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1974; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 1979; 5(3-4) -- Total from this journal: 37

  • Mental health and substance use: dual diagnosis

    Ment. Health Subst. Use
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2008; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 7(4) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities

    Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities
    Earliest: 2000; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2008; 11(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Mental health care

    Ment. Health Care
    Published by TM & D Press
    Earliest: 1998; 1(7) -- Most Recent: 1998; 1(8) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mental health clinician, The

    Ment. Health Clin.
    Published by College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists
    Earliest: 2012; 1(9) -- Most Recent: 2024; 14(3) -- Total from this journal: 33

  • Mental health in family medicine

    Ment. Health Fam. Med.
    Published by Radcliffe Publishing
    Earliest: 2008; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2016; 12 -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Mental health matters (Johannesburg, South Africa)

    Ment. Health Matters (Johannesburg, South Africa)
    Published by South African Depression and Anxiety Group
    Earliest: 2015; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mental health practice

    Ment. Health Pract.
    Published by Royall College of Nursing (RCNi)
    Earliest: 2008; 11(5) -- Most Recent: 2017; 20(5) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mental Health Reforms

    Mental Health Reforms
    Earliest: 1998; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2001; 6(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Mental health review journal (Brighton)

    Ment. Health Rev. J. (Brighton)
    Published by Emerald Group Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 8(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 23

  • Mental health science

    Mental Health Sci.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2024; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 2(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mental health services research

    Ment. Health Serv. Res.
    Published by Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
    Earliest: 2000; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2005; 7(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Mental health today

    Ment. Health Today
    Published by Pavilion
    Earliest: 2004; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2014; -- Total from this journal: 51

  • Mental health weekly

    Ment. Health Wkly.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2023; 33(47) -- Most Recent: 2023; 33(47) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mental health, religion and culture

    Ment. Health Relig. Cult.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2000; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 26(9) -- Total from this journal: 50

  • Mental hospitals

    Ment. Hosp.
    Published by American Psychiatric Association
    Earliest: 1959; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 1965; 16 -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Mental hygiene

    Ment. Hyg.
    Published by National Association for Mental Health
    Earliest: 1917; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 1972; 56(2) -- Total from this journal: 71

  • Mental illness

    Ment. Illn.
    Published by PAGEPress Publications
    Earliest: 2010; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023 -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Mental retardation

    Ment. Retard.
    Published by American Association On Mental Deficiency
    Earliest: 1966; 4(6) -- Most Recent: 2006; 44(3) -- Total from this journal: 61

  • Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews

    Ment. Retard. Dev. Disabil. Res. Rev.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2001; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2007; 13(4) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Mental welfare

    Ment. Welf.
    Published by Central Association for Mental Welfare
    Earliest: 1925; 6(3) -- Most Recent: 1935; 16(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Mentalhigiene es pszichoszomatika

    Mentalhigiene es Pszichoszomatika
    Earliest: 2009; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 17(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Mentoring and tutoring: partnership in learning

    Mentor. Tutoring
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2006; 14(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 22(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • MERC Global’s International journal of social science and management

    MERC Glob. Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage.
    Published by Management Education and Research Consortium Global
    Earliest: 2014; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 1(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mercer law review

    Mercer Law Rev.
    Earliest: 1978; 29(2) -- Most Recent: 1978; 29(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Merck report

    Merck Rep.
    Published by Merck and Company
    Earliest: 1951; 60(4) -- Most Recent: 1956; 65(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Meridians

    Published by Indiana University Press
    Earliest: 2002; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2009; 9(2) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism

    Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism
    Published by Indiana University Press
    Earliest: 2007; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 22(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Merkur

    Earliest: 2006; (691) -- Most Recent: 2012; 66(757) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Merrill-Palmer quarterly

    Merrill Palmer Q.
    Published by Wayne State University Press
    Earliest: 1975; 21(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 69(1) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Mersey drugs journal

    Mersey Drugs J.
    Published by Mersey Regional Health Authority Health Promotion Department
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Mesoamérica (Antigua, Guatemala)

    Mesoamerica (Antigua Guatem.)
    Published by Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica
    Earliest: 1999; 20(38) -- Most Recent: 2001; 22(42) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Meta (Romania)

    Meta (Romania)
    Earliest: 2021; 13(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 13(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meta Gene

    Meta Gene
    Earliest: 2018; 15 -- Most Recent: 2018; 15 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metabolic bone disease and related research

    Metab. Bone Dis. Relat. Res.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1984; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 1984; 5(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metabolic brain disease

    Metab. Brain Dis.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1994; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Metabolic syndrome and related disorders

    Metab. syndr. relat. disord.
    Published by Mary Ann Liebert Publishers
    Earliest: 2012; 10(6) -- Most Recent: 2012; 10(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metabolic, pediatric, and systemic ophthalmology

    Metab. Pediatr. Syst. Ophthalmol.
    Published by Pergamon Press
    Earliest: 1982; 6(3-4) -- Most Recent: 1982; 6(3-4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metabolic, pediatric, and systemic ophthalmology (Opto Ed)

    Metab. Pediatr. Syst. Ophthalmol. (Opto Ed)
    Published by Opto Ed
    Earliest: 1990; 13(1) -- Most Recent: 1990; 13(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metabolism: clinical and experimental

    Published by W.B. Saunders
    Earliest: 1965; 14 -- Most Recent: 2019; 100S -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Metabolites (Basel)

    Metabolites (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2022; 12(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; 14(2) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Metabolomics

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2013; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2016; 12(12) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Metal journal: metallurgical and mining industry

    Metall. Min. Ind.
    Published by Ukrmetallurginform Scientific and Technical Agency
    Earliest: 2011; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2011; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metal Music Studies

    Metal Music Studies
    Earliest: 2019; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Metal Science and Heat Treatment

    Metal Science and Heat Treatment
    Earliest: 2001; 43(3-4) -- Most Recent: 2004; 46(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii

    Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii
    Earliest: 2007; 29(12) -- Most Recent: 2007; 29(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metallography, microstructure, and analysis

    Metallography, microstructure, and analysis
    Earliest: 2014; 2014(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 2014(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metallomics: integrated biometal science

    Published by RSC Publishing
    Earliest: 2014; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metallurgical Transactions A

    Metallurgical Transactions A
    Earliest: 1990; 21(6) -- Most Recent: 1990; 21(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metals (Basel)

    Metals (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2022; 12(6) -- Most Recent: 2022; 12(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metals and materials international

    Metals and Materials International
    Earliest: 2007; 13(3) -- Most Recent: 2009; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Metamedicine

    Earliest: 1982; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 1982; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metamorphosis

    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2021; 20(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 2022(Spring) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Metaphilosophy

    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1992; 23(4) -- Most Recent: 2013; 44(4) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Metas de Enfermeria

    Metas de Enfermeria
    Earliest: 2023; 26(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 26(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meteoritics and planetary science

    Meteorit. Planet. Sci.
    Copyright: Meteoritical Society at the University of Arkansas, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Meteorological applications

    Meterol. Appl.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2006; 13(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 30(2) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Method and Theory in the Study of Religion

    Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
    Earliest: 2009; 21(2) -- Most Recent: 2009; 21(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal

    Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc. J.
    Published by Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center
    Earliest: 2016; 12(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 20(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Methodological innovations

    Methodol. Innov.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 9 -- Most Recent: 2020; 13(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability

    Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
    Earliest: 2010; 12(2) -- Most Recent: 2010; 12(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Methods (San Diego, Calif.)

    Published by Academic Press
    Earliest: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology

    Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol.
    Published by Thomas Reuters
    Earliest: 1983; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2000; 22(8) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Methods and protocols

    Methods Protoc.
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2020; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 5(6) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Methods in enzymology

    Methods Enzymol.
    Published by Academic Press
    Earliest: 1988; 156 -- Most Recent: 2003; 373 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Methods in molecular biology

    Methods Mol. Biol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2004; 268 -- Most Recent: 2022; 2393 -- Total from this journal: 49

  • Methods in molecular medicine

    Methods Mol. Med.
    Published by Springer
    Earliest: 2003; 77 -- Most Recent: 2004; 90 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Methods of information in medicine

    Methods Inf. Med.
    Published by Georg Thieme Verlag
    Earliest: 1966; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 29

  • Methods of information in medicine. Supplement

    Methods Inf. Med. Suppl.
    Published by F.K. Schattauer Verlagsgesellschaft
    Earliest: 1976; 8 -- Most Recent: 1976; 9 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • MethodsX

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2018; 5 -- Most Recent: 2024; 13 -- Total from this journal: 35

  • Metodicki Ogledi

    Metodicki Ogledi
    Earliest: 2020; 27(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 27(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metodika

    Published by Uciteljska akademija
    Earliest: 2009; 10(18) -- Most Recent: 2009; 10(18) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Metrika

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1963; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 1963; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • METU J. Fac. Archit.

    METU J. Fac. Archit.
    Earliest: 2010; 27(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 27(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mexican journal of medical research

    Mex. J. Med. Res.
    Published by Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
    Earliest: 2021; 9(17) -- Most Recent: 2021; 9(17) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mexican studies

    Mex. Stud.
    Published by University of California Press
    Earliest: 2000; 16(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 26(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Médecine tropicale et santé internationale

    Med. Trop. Sante Int.
    Published by Société francophone de médecine tropicale et santé internationale
    Earliest: 2022; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 2(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

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