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Journal Article


Leitner MJ. Activ. Adapt. Aging 1981; 1(1): 41-51.


(Copyright © 1981, Informa - Taylor and Francis Group)






This study is concerned with the development and pilot implementation of a competency-based in-service training program for entry-level senior day care workers in the state of Maryland. The training program is designed to help facilitate an improvement in the recreational leadership and programming skills of entry-level senior day care workers. A review of literature and contacts with workers in the field produced a 44-item listing of competencies (skills) needed in order to perform entry-level senior day care work. State of Maryland senior day care workers (N = 42) were surveyed regarding the relative importance of these competencies. The training program was developed based upon the most highly rated survey items. Each of the training program's two modules contain: a statement of purpose; a listing of beha~ioral~bjectives and subobjectives; learning activities; an answer guide to the learning tasks; a behavioral assessment guide for the in-service trainer to help assist in the evaluation of the trainee's on-the-job performance; and a listing of references designed to facilitate competency acquisition. The training program was implemented during two normal working days at the Woods Adult Day Center in Severnapark, MD. Feedback from workers at the Woods Center indicates that the training program can be of great use to senior day care programs in facilitating in-service training of entry-level staff.


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