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Journal Article


Jou YT, Yenn TC, Lin CJ, Tsai WS, Hsieh TL. Safety Sci. 2011; 49(2): 236-242.


(Copyright © 2011, Elsevier Publishing)






Digitalized nuclear instruments and control systems have been the main stream design for the main control room (MCR) of advanced nuclear power plants (NPPs) nowadays. Digitalization of human-system interface (HSI) could improve human performance and, on the other hand, could reduce operators' situation awareness as well. It might cause that humans make wrong decision during an emergency unintentionally. Besides, digital HSI relies on computers to integrate system information automatically instead of human operation. It has changed the operator's role from mainly relating operational activity to mainly relating monitoring. However, if the operators omit or misjudge the information on the video display units and wide display panel, the error of omission and error of commission may occur. This study applies Content Category Analysis (CCA) and Performance Evaluation Matrix (PEM) methods to explore the potential problems in the MCR of advanced NPPs which are caused by human errors. The results show that the potential problems that would probably contribute to the human performance of MCR in the advanced NPPs are multiple accidents, pressure level, number of operators, and other factors such as working environmental. The conclusions of this research may be considered to avoid and prevent human errors in the human factor related researches especially in the nuclear safety field.


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