"See me save me" - improving the safety of cyclists (Safety-2016 abstract #890)
"That's what you do for people you love": a qualitative study of social support and recovery from musculoskeletal injury (Safety-2016 abstract #304)
30 years injury surveillance in Harstad, Norway: a burn prevention program for children 0-4 years (Safety-2016 abstract #242)
A collaboration between 21 states and territories to prevent child and adolescent injury in the US (Safety-2016 abstract #130)
A European Core Health Indictor for home and leisure injuries (ECHI-29) (Safety-2016 abstract #221)
A five-year time trend analysis of road traffic injuries [RTIS] and deaths among infants and toddlers in Qatar (Safety-2016 abstract #916)
A journey from pedestrian safety intervention to first International Safe School Initiative attempt (Safety-2016 abstract #938)
A nation-wide free telephone hot line for social inclusion after the great East Japan earthquake (Safety-2016 abstract #65)
A needs assessment of opportunities for safe bicycling in an urban area (Safety-2016 abstract #664)
A new model for translating research to policy: the consortium for evidence-based policy (Safety-2016 abstract #202)
A new NGO in the pan Pacific region to promote injury prevention and the Safe Community movement (Safety-2016 abstract #319)
A new system for sharing and informing serious incidents among multiple nursing facilities (Safety-2016 abstract #99)
A Norwegian pathway to community safety - based on Norwegian laws and regulations and the Safe Community concept (Safety-2016 abstract #229)
A one year study of road traffic deaths and injuries in Qatar to guide policies to reduce mortality and morbidity (Safety-2016 abstract #527)
A population-based study of all-terrain vehicle exposure in a rural county (Safety-2016 abstract #361)
A randomised trial to improve novice driving (Safety-2016 abstract #329)
A research on e-devices and walking among teens in Shanghai: how they do and what they say (Safety-2016 abstract #463)
A suicide-protective Papageno effect of media portrayals of coping with suicidality (Safety-2016 abstract #20)
A system for improved burn injury surveillance in resource-limited settings (102)
A systematic review and meta-analysis of school based programmes to prevent childhood injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #404)
Acceptability of an m-health intervention to improve child-passenger safety in Ibadan, Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #895)
Acceptance and impacts of a real time reindeer warning service (Safety-2016 abstract #396)
Accidental injury prevention in comprehensive school in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #939)
Accuracy of novices' perceptions of car seat installation mastery: a problem of overconfidence (Safety-2016 abstract #898)
Achievement of the Austrian school route maps and opportunities for further enhancement (Safety-2016 abstract #650)
Achieving population level changes in health: a dialogue on pathways to progress (Safety-2016 abstract #35)
Action to promote population surveys of child maltreatment in European countries (Safety-2016 abstract #287)
Active school transportation and stroller use in Kindergarten children in Toronto, Canada (Safety-2016 abstract #904)
Adapting Haddon's matrix as an innovative framework for disaster risk reduction and community safety (Safety-2016 abstract #127)
Addressing Australian Aboriginal child injury through policy and practice guidelines (Safety-2016 abstract #203)
Addressing community violence through training: Rukajuu beekeeping pilot intervention in dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #343)
Addressing elder abuse in the United States: federal guidelines for adult protective services (Safety-2016 abstract #174)
Addressing fatal injury in low-middle income countries: the research-policy-practice-context nexus (Safety-2016 abstract #200)
Advocating for the implementation of graduated driver licensing in the UK (Safety-2016 abstract #327)
Agricultural safety and health management planning (Safety-2016 abstract #145)
Agriculture injuries with a focus on rural roadway safety: a global challenge (Safety-2016 abstract #23)
Alaska young driver safety: distracted driving, seat belt use and drinking and driving interventions (Safety-2016 abstract #249)
Alcohol outlet density and hospital admissions for alcohol-related injury: an electronic record-linked cohort study (Safety-2016 abstract #302)
Alleviating aftermath of terror through a psycho-social pro-active model for follow-up (Safety-2016 abstract #219)
Ambulance crash in Thailand (Safety-2016 abstract #529)
An analysis of car crash fatalities involving young drivers in Queensland Australia (Safety-2016 abstract #889)
An evaluation of CDC's web-based injury statistics query and reporting system (WISQARS) (Safety-2016 abstract #161)
An investigation of the state of occupational safety and health in the Philippines (Safety-2016 abstract #381)
An overlooked priority: the occupational health and safety of migrant workers (Safety-2016 abstract #385)
Analysing the offender driver behaviour: recidivism, just the tip of the Iceberg? (Safety-2016 abstract #887)
Analysis of road traffic injuries in Mexican cyclists (Safety-2016 abstract #538)
Analysis on the incidence and relevant risk factors of school violence among migrant, left-behind, and ordinary school adolescents in China (Safety-2016 abstract #464)
Animal-drawn vehicles: establishing a national 'recommended practice' to improve their visibilty on roads (Safety-2016 abstract #891)
Application of spatial epidemiological approaches to injury research: a systematic review (Safety-2016 abstract #311)
Approaches to prevention and care of injury in rural and remote settings (Safety-2016 abstract #22)
Are register-based data better than surveys in estimating burden of injuries among adults? Results from Luxembourg (Safety-2016 abstract #223)
Assault related musculoskeletal injuries in adolescents at ER (Safety-2016 abstract #687)
Assessing the number of fire fatalities in a defined population (Safety-2016 abstract #109)
Assessing the utility of a safety and peace promotion intervention for early childhood development (ECD) centres in a low-income community in South Africa (Safety-2016 abstract #398)
Assessing violence and injury surveillance in the Caribbean (Safety-2016 abstract #164)
Assessment of occupational safety situation in ready-made garment sector of Bangladesh (Safety-2016 abstract #382)
Association between temperament and fracture risk in preschool-age children: a case control study (Safety-2016 abstract #461)
Association of maternal depression and anxiety with children's injury risk: a prospective cohort (Safety-2016 abstract #73)
Association of post-traumatic stress disorder with work performance amongst emergency medical service personnel, Karachi, Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #90)
Atlas and dashboard of child and youth injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #241)
Automobile manufacturers, advertising and traffic safety: case study from India (Safety-2016 abstract #858)
Battlefield to farm field: risk perceptions of US military veterans transitioning into agriculture (Safety-2016 abstract #365)
Be Gas Safe programme - reducing carbon monoxide poisoning (Safety-2016 abstract #376)
Behind the wheel: driving exposure and participation from a randomised controlled trial program for older drivers (Safety-2016 abstract #190)
Better services for victims of domestic violence. Close cooperation between the public sector, NGOs and experts by experience (Safety-2016 abstract #32)
Bicycle accidents: a new trend for hospital admissions? (Safety-2016 abstract #870)
Bicycle injuries in Oslo: injury pattern in 2014 trends since 2003 (Safety-2016 abstract #294)
Brain injuries and fractures from falls on stairs among children and youth in Canada: epidemiology and prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #210)
British parents' self-reported road safety beliefs, practices and rules (Safety-2016 abstract #689)
Building capacity through a grants program. Is it possible? (Safety-2016 abstract #97)
Building epidemiological capacity for drug overdose surveillance in the U.S. health departments (Safety-2016 abstract #380)
Building sustainable national child passenger safety technician training programs (Safety-2016 abstract #907)
Built environment analysis for road traffic hotspot locations in Moshi, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #871)
Bunk beds place of danger? (Safety-2016 abstract #225)
Burden of road traffic injuries in Thika and Naivasha, Kenya (Safety-2016 abstract #865)
Canadian child safety report card: a comparison of injury prevention practices across provinces (Safety-2016 abstract #133)
Capacity building in indigenous communities thru cooperative agreements (Safety-2016 abstract #59)
Capacity development for injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #30)
Capacity development to link the evidence base to improving regulation in road traffic injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #29)
Case-control study of injury intervention for preschool children in Henggang, Shenzhen (Safety-2016 abstract #910)
Causes and effects of road traffic accidents in Poland (Safety-2016 abstract #896)
Chain of resilience: an innovativve, emerging approach to an international conundrum (Safety-2016 abstract #126)
Challenges in the implementation of concussion guidelines in community sport (Safety-2016 abstract #260)
Characteristics and risk factors of dog-induced injury among children in two different size cities of China (Safety-2016 abstract #460)
Characteristics of road accidents with youngsters in Europe (Safety-2016 abstract #857)
Characteristics of unintentional and intentional child injuries from emergency and outpatient room in China, 2006-2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #688)
Child and adolescent injuries in the Arab Gulf: understanding the burden and risk factors (Safety-2016 abstract #39)
Child car restraint use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (Safety-2016 abstract #58)
Child death review: an effective approach to understanding and preventing child injury deaths (Safety-2016 abstract #660)
Child injuries in Croatia - significant public health issue (Safety-2016 abstract #402)
Child injuries reported in communities receiving a road infrastructure intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #703)
Child pedestrian collisions, walking to school and the built envrionment: a case control study (Safety-2016 abstract #403)
Child pedestrians' perceived risk of the crossing place (Safety-2016 abstract #859)
Child poisoning risk during maternal depression and anxiety episodes: self-controlled case series (Safety-2016 abstract #240)
Child protection and disability in Scotland: a cause for concern (Safety-2016 abstract #282)
Child restraint use in the state of Qatar: findings from an observational study (Safety-2016 abstract #922)
Childhood safety education in rural Uganda (Safety-2016 abstract #706)
Children and road safety: a multipronged approach (Safety-2016 abstract #851)
Children are walking! Innovative study of travel patterns and safety (Safety-2016 abstract #516)
Civil society supporting government implementation of child restraint standards in Russia (Safety-2016 abstract #369)
Civil society supporting government implementation of the road traffic law in Cambodia (Safety-2016 abstract #140)
Cluster-randomised controlled trial of a fire safety injury prevention briefing in children's centres (Safety-2016 abstract #119)
Co-design project to raise awareness around sexual violence and safety in Auckland youth (Safety-2016 abstract #462)
Combining survey and register based data to estimate burden of injuries among adolescents (Safety-2016 abstract #222)
Common mortality models fail to use anatomic injury information optimally (Safety-2016 abstract #310)
Community based study on family related contributory factors for childhood unintentional injuries in an Urban setting of Sri Lanka (Safety-2016 abstract #696)
Community crèche is a measure to prevent child injuries: challenges and measures for improvement (Safety-2016 abstract #135)
Community mobilisation to establish a community crèche to increase child supervision in rural Nepal (Safety-2016 abstract #699)
Community safety by design: preventing violence through land use (Safety-2016 abstract #342)
Comparative analysis of road accidents by gender in Europe (Safety-2016 abstract #856)
Comparing violent death patterns and trends in Mexico and Colombia from 2000 to 2012: differences and similarities (Safety-2016 abstract #344)
Concurrent use of alcohol and marijuana and fatal motor vehicle crashes: a case-control study (Safety-2016 abstract #297)
Concussions in United States high school boys' and college men's ice hockey players (Safety-2016 abstract #153)
Consensus driven design of child restraint product information to reduce misuse (Safety-2016 abstract #537)
Consumer product safety policy revisited (Safety-2016 abstract #351)
Continuous approach to road safety education (Safety-2016 abstract #544)
Cooperation between the authorities brings safety, security and operating models to daily life (Safety-2016 abstract #51)
Cost of child and adolescent injury in the United States: by age group, cause, and payer (Safety-2016 abstract #112)
Cost-benefit analysis of fall injuries prevented by a programme of home modifications (Safety-2016 abstract #206)
Cost-effectiveness of vitamin D and exercise in preventing injurious falls among older women (Safety-2016 abstract #101)
Creating a model - safer school zone project (Safety-2016 abstract #854)
Creating more peaceful societies: global strategies to reduce interpersonal violence (Safety-2016 abstract #6)
Cycling infrastructure for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists: a Cochrane review (Safety-2016 abstract #295)
Cyclist deaths in London: implications from a safe systems perspective (Safety-2016 abstract #296)
Dangerous student passenger drop-off, pedestrian behaviours and the built environment near schools (Safety-2016 abstract #72)
Data mining in promoting flight safety (Safety-2016 abstract #879)
Dealing with diversity: child injury prevention strategies for a culturally diverse Western Australia (Safety-2016 abstract #698)
Deaths and serious injuries caused by road traffic crashes using data record linkage in Brazilian macro-regions (Safety-2016 abstract #877)
Developing and evaluating trauma care systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): experiences in Africa (Safety-2016 abstract #31)
Developing educational package on child injury prevention mobilising womens' groups in rural Nepal (Safety-2016 abstract #181)
Developing formal degree programs to enhance capacity for injury prevention and control in low- and middle-income countries: a case study from Uganda (Safety-2016 abstract #28)
Developing risk-informed decision-making processes (Safety-2016 abstract #354)
Developing the establishment of "community checkpoints to reduce road traffic accidents" in Khonkaen Province (Safety-2016 abstract #321)
Developing the European road safety decision support system (Safety-2016 abstract #80)
Development and evaluation of a social marketing approach to reduce pedestrian injury risk (Safety-2016 abstract #290)
Development and implementation of Safe Schools in Austria our road to success (Safety-2016 abstract #233)
Development and pilot test of an mHealth trauma registry in Oman (Safety-2016 abstract #338)
Development and validation of a survey on fathers' attitudes towards child injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #928)
Development of the Make Safe Happen app, a home safety mobile application (Safety-2016 abstract #335)
Differences in determinants amongst individuals reporting residential fires in Sweden - results from a cross-sectional study (Safety-2016 abstract #107)
Differential trends in fall-related fracture and non-fracture hospitalisations for people with dementia (Safety-2016 abstract #95)
Digital technology, post-separation violence and stalking (Safety-2016 abstract #41)
Disability weights from the Injury-VIBES Collaboration (Safety-2016 abstract #47)
Disabling farm injuries and safety interventions: an Indian study (Safety-2016 abstract #364)
Disaster preparedness from the aspect of three helps (self-, mutual- and public- help) in Japan (Safety-2016 abstract #128)
Disaster preparedness of private social services calls for cooperation with the public sector (Safety-2016 abstract #124)
Distracted walking among teens and pre-teens in U.S. and China: analysis of observations (Safety-2016 abstract #905)
Does an on-road motorcycle coaching program reduce crashes in novice riders? A randomised control trial (Safety-2016 abstract #521)
Does attorney representation lead to greater child custody protections for IPV victims? (Safety-2016 abstract #254)
Does increasing alcohol taxes always reduce alcohol-related crashes: Maryland sales tax increase? (Safety-2016 abstract #303)
Does one safe city model fit every community? Evaluation of 'Beterem in the City' in Israel (Safety-2016 abstract #320)
Drive in drive out coal miners: an accident waiting to happen (Safety-2016 abstract #880)
Driver distraction in road traffic. Preliminary results of safety campaign (Safety-2016 abstract #762)
Driver licensing in aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (Safety-2016 abstract #539)
Driver suicides in Finland during 2008-2013 - what are they made of? (Safety-2016 abstract #62)
Driving change: implementation of a multi-site community licensing program for aboriginal people (Safety-2016 abstract #57)
Drowning - a neglected but preventable public health issue (Safety-2016 abstract #25)
Earthquake 2015 in Nepal, an experience at Bir Hospital, Kathmandu (Safety-2016 abstract #218)
Educating Qatar's communities about child passenger safety (CPS) (Safety-2016 abstract #648)
Effective methods for identifying child maltreatment within the family - national clinical guideline (Safety-2016 abstract #289)
Effectiveness of interventions to prevent motorcycle injuries: systematic review of the literature (Safety-2016 abstract #894)
Effectiveness of maternity department intervention to improve safety knowledge and behaviour of child passenger (Safety-2016 abstract #522)
Effectiveness of operator protection devices to mitigate injuries associated with quad-bike (ATV) rollovers (Safety-2016 abstract #147)
Elder abuse (Safety-2016 abstract #24)
Emergency care systems (Safety-2016 abstract #21)
Emerging issues in road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #17)
Emerging safety challenges of motorcycles on Bangladesh roads (Safety-2016 abstract #852)
Enhancing road policing in low and middle income countries through the identification of good practice principles (Safety-2016 abstract #137)
Epidemiological trends in the Swiss rehabilitation setting for traumatic spinal cord injury (Safety-2016 abstract #308)
Epidemiology of burns in rural Bangladesh: an update (Safety-2016 abstract #166)
Epidemiology of injuries leading to voluntary withdrawal from U.S. high school sports, 2005/06-2014/15 (Safety-2016 abstract #160)
Equity in access to injury prevention and trauma care (Safety-2016 abstract #9)
Establishing the nature of falls in children in an urban hospital in Kenya to prevent unintentional injuries (safety-2016 abstract #452)
Establishment of the first Russian injury registry in Shenkursk (Safety-2016 abstract #232)
European facts and the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #76)
Evaluating complex community-based violence and injury prevention interventions: a statistical framework (Safety-2016 abstract #325)
Evaluating intimate partner violence in pregnancy and stillbirths in a community setting in Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #387)
Evaluating the implementation of a sport injury prevention program in a school setting (Safety-2016 abstract #915)
Evaluation of 'Safe Home Safe Kids': a home visiting program for Aboriginal Australian children (Safety-2016 abstract #235)
Evaluation of measures for the management of high-risk water sources in communities for child drowning prevention in Thailand (Safety-2016 abstract #272)
Evolution of the Child Drowning Prevention Programme in Thailand (Safety-2016 abstract #269)
Exercise training to prevent sports injuries: results from a clustered randomised controlled trial (Safety-2016 abstract #152)
Experiences from 'the Saving of Lives from Drowning project' in Bangladesh: an implementation research study (Safety-2016 abstract #213)
Expert-developed ICD-AIS map for measuring serious road traffic injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #187)
Exploring the difference of traffic parameters by severity level and accident type in urban areas (Safety-2016 abstract #899)
Exposure-based road traffic fatality rates by mode of travel in France (Safety-2016 abstract #189)
Factors associated with cyberbully victimisation among secondary school adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #924)
Factors influencing motorcycle accidents in nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar (Safety-2016 abstract #514)
Factors influencing safe active play for children with autism spectrum disorders (Safety-2016 abstract #359)
Falling TVs: is it a resolved problem? (Safety-2016 abstract #921)
Falls in children under one year (Safety-2016 abstract #180)
Falls in middle-aged adults presenting to emergency departments in Queensland, Australia: risk factor exploration (Safety-2016 abstract #94)
Fast and agile fire extinguishing methods for fire and rescue first response (Safety-2016 abstract #105)
Fedex global road safety training program (Safety-2016 abstract #536)
Financial burden of injury among a prospective cohort of injury patients in Malaysia (Safety-2016 abstract #118)
Firearm legislation can reduce firearm-related injuries in children (Safety-2016 abstract #467)
First steps in endorsing traffic safety among employees in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #761)
Fit to drive? Policy and practice implications of assessing fitness to drive in the UK (Safety-2016 abstract #866)
Five years of mandatory bicycle helmets for children in Austria - a post hoc evaluation (Safety-2016 abstract #246)
FMI's warning service - warnings about slippery walkways (Safety-2016 abstract #897)
Fostering inquiry and multi-sectoral humility using the multi-sectoral influences matrix (Safety-2016 abstract #276)
Fracture patterns in young children after motor vehicle crashes (Safety-2016 abstract #533)
From loss of life to loss of years: Swedish injury fatalities from another perspective (Safety-2016 abstract #111)
From managing disasters to managing risks, reducing existing risks (Safety-2016 abstract 7)
From Vision Zero to practical reality - knowledge to share (Safety-2016 abstract #18)
Function, health related quality of life and cost after injury in a city of north India: a multi site cohort study (Safety-2016 abstract #116)
Future challenges and solutions for safety in China (Safety-2016 abstract #10)
Gambella Ethiopia primary 5 school violence (Safety-2016 abstract #920)
Gender differences in work tasks and injuries in agriculture (Safety-2016 abstract #362)
Global alliance of NGOs for road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #535)
Goals for rider education: adaptation of Finnish goals for driver education model for motorcyclists (Safety-2016 abstract #873)
Harnessing social media for safety (Safety-2016 abstract #336)
Head injuries in young children: the forgotten pandemic (Safety-2016 abstract #258)
Heads up for youth sport concussion: moving from awareness to evaluation of behavioural intention (Safety-2016 abstract #263)
Health sector's role in addressing gaps in the prevention of traffic injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #892)
Healthy public space as basic principle for walkability in Mexico City (Safety-2016 abstract #326)
Hearing the voice of disabled people. Developing better services of domestic violence (Safety-2016 abstract #33)
Helmethon: success of helmet campaign in aiding the helmet law enforcement in a district of South India (Safety-2016 abstract #244)
Hip fracture and the influence of dementia on health outcomes and access to rehabiliation for older people (Safety-2016 abstract #96)
Hospital registrations and health survey data - do they agree? (Safety-2016 abstract #224)
How do children learn to cross the street? The process of pedestrian safety training (Safety-2016 abstract #122)
How do mothers engage with news coverage of paediatric injury research? An exploratory, mixed-methods study (Safety-2016 abstract #654)
How to choose who to focus on? National study to identify risk groups for child injury (Safety-2016 abstract #177)
How to prevent choking injuries in paediatric ages (Safety-2016 abstract #179)
Human cost of "motorcycle mass transit": report of 9,000 fatalities from Urban road injury surveillance in a developing country (Safety-2016 abstract #666)
ICECI: injury surveillance in South Africa (Safety-2016 abstract #43)
Immersion deaths of indigenous peoples in Canada - epidemiology, culture, prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #56)
Impact analysis of revision of a Japanese safety standard of bicycle wheel guard (Safety-2016 abstract #701)
Impact of colour-graded pictogram on medicine packages to caution against the risk of traffic crash (Safety-2016 abstract #298)
Impact of economic austerity and prosperity events on suicide in Greece: a 30-year interrupted time-series analysis (Safety-2016 abstract #67)
Impact of first aid training on the first aid knowledge and skills capacity of primary school teachers in Ibadan, Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #933)
Impact of three wheeler ban policy on road traffic injuries in Karachi, Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #882)
Impacts of Safe Community programs in Japanese communities (Safety-2016 abstract #324)
Implementation and evaluation of a program to increase booster seat use among school-age children (Safety-2016 abstract #245)
Implementation and evaluation of an mhealth system for acute burn injuries in resource-constrained settings (Safety-2016 abstract #309)
Implementation of a mortuary-based fatal injury surveillance(FIS) system in rural and urban Hospitals in Tanzania (2010-2015) (Safety-2016 abstract #162)
Implementation of falls prevention of older people in the city of Lahti (Safety-2016 abstract #100)
Implementation of road safety interventions in low and middle income countries - a case of Kenya (Safety-2016 abstract #903)
Implementation of the 'School Travel Safety Survey' for data linkage research (Safety-2016 abstract #68)
Implementation science: evidence-based car seat education for parents (Safety-2016 abstract #694)
Implementing research into practice (Safety-2016 abstract #3)
Implementing safety culture in teacher education (Safety-2016 abstract #931)
Implications of marking regional and global road safety events 2014-2015 on multisectoral collaboration in Qatar (Safety-2016 abstract #766)
Improving critical infrastructure resilience by identifying vulnerable interconnetions (125)
Improving health professionals' safety responses to intimate partner violence: development of a theory of change model (Safety-2016 abstract #389)
Improving road safety in the Baltic states- role of strategies (Safety-2016 abstract #78)
Improving road traffic safety through legislation: an empirical evaluation of the 2004 Chinese road traffic law (Safety-2016 abstract #139)
Improving safety and security in Tesoma neighbourhood (Safety-2016 abstract #49)
Improving safety awareness in waste transport work (Safety-2016 abstract #149)
Improving the fire safety of elderly people and reducing fire deaths (Safety-2016 abstract #50)
Improving U.S. national data on child maltreatment fatalities (Safety-2016 abstract #283)
In-depth on-the-spot road accident investigation in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #83)
Incidence and injury patterns among electronic waste workers in informal sector in Ibadan, Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #383)
Income inequality, development and child injuries: an ecological study in low- and middle income countries (Safety-2016 abstract #646)
Increasing safety in transportation of children with specials healthcare needs: a closer look at a paediatric hospital's approach to addressing gaps (Safety-2016 abstract #358)
Influence of permissive parenting on youth farm risk behaviours (Safety-2016 abstract #693)
Influence of the built environment on crashes involving pedestrians in complex urban areas (Safety-2016 abstract #861)
Injuries among university students - self-harm and drunk driving (Safety-2016 abstract #53)
Injuries among young male migrants in the United Arab Emirates: quantifying mortality differentials (Safety-2016 abstract #386)
Injuries in rural Queensland, Australia: a 17 year epidemiological analysis (Safety-2016 abstract #366)
Injurious falls and subsequent adverse drug events among elderly - a Swedish population-based matched case-control study (Safety-2016 abstract #175)
Injury among older workers in an ageing New Zealand workforce (Safety-2016 abstract #193)
Injury and accident data collection efforts in Europe in support of consumer product safety policy (Safety-2016 abstract #346)
Injury and external causes in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (Safety-2016 abstract #44)
Injury incidence of children below 5 years of age, in a community health division in Sri Lanka (Safety-2016 abstract #451)
Injury information-seeking for a national sample of mothers with young children (Safety-2016 abstract #649)
Injury prevalence and safety habits of motorcycle taxi drivers in urban Moshi, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #519)
Injury prevention as a byproduct (Safety-2016 abstract #38)
Injury prevention as social change (Safety-2016 abstract #36)
Injury prevention campaigns for children, by children - the SafeKids New Zealand creative quest competition (Safety-2016 abstract #71)
Injury prevention in Finland among people under 25 years 2009-2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #178)
Injury prevention in the WHO South-East Asia region, 2005-2015: from policy to practice (Safety-2016 abstract #201)
Injury recidivists in a defined population. Occurrence and characteristics (Safety-2016 abstract #314)
Innovative approaches to capacity development for injury prevention in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (Safety-2016 abstract #27)
Innovative strategies to reduce traffic related injuries and deaths in youth (Safety-2016 abstract #332)
Insight and top view: analysing child safety networks in six German municipalities in 2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #277)
Inter-organisational complexity and safety culture in nuclear industry projects (Safety-2016 abstract #87)
Inter-rater reliability of child death review team classification of child maltreatment (Safety-2016 abstract #288)
International comparisons of drug-related deaths (Safety-2016 abstract #378)
Interventions to reduce injuries among students in primary and secondary schools in Xining City (Safety-2016 abstract #934)
Intimate partner violence and associations with risk behaviours among youth in the slums of Kampala (Safety-2016 abstract #388)
Intimate partner violence: Turkey's femicide problem (Safety-2016 abstract #390)
Investigating characteristics of work zone and non-work zone crashes on national highway-8, India (Safety-2016 abstract #143)
Is ADHD associated with unintentional injuries among children? A matched case control study Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #356)
Is burnout among community midwives just a problem of high-income countries? Cross-sectional study from Sri Lanka (Safety-2016 abstract #192)
Key success on participation in national and international Safe Communities networks (Safety-2016 abstract #227)
Knowledge brokers: community partners in youth injury prevention research (Safety-2016 abstract #280)
Knowledge of, attitude toward and practice of helmet use among motorcycle passengers in Cambodia (Safety-2016 abstract #247)
Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on child passenger safety among expectant mothers and parents of newborns: a qualitative and quantitative approach (Safety-2016 abstract #511)
Lessons from tragedy: an in-depth medico-legal examination of fatal road transport crashes (Safety-2016 abstract #188)
Lessons learned from conducting road safety curriculum in Thai schools (Safety-2016 abstract #705)
Lethal single vehicle accidents of ESC fitted passenger cars (Safety-2016 abstract #185)
Long-term health, economic, and social impact of injury in four low- and middle-income countries (Safety-2016 abstract #117)
Longitudinal study of driver licensing and motor vehicle crash rates among teens with autism (Safety-2016 abstract #847)
Longitudinal study of motor vehicle crash rates among licensed teen drivers with ADHD (Safety-2016 abstract #850)
Low hand temperatures can be a risk factor in arctic surface mining (Safety-2016 abstract #392)
Machine safety regulation in the EU and the US (Safety-2016 abstract #349)
Making the road safety SDG targets count: delivering quick wins for road traffic injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #8)
Manner of death in fatal prescription drug poisonings (Safety-2016 abstract #373)
Marijuana use and excess risk of injury events: findings from a large prospective cohort study (Safety-2016 abstract #301)
Markov model simulation of paediatric abusive head trauma primary prevention and screening programs (Safety-2016 abstract #285)
Maternal postpartum depression is associated with increased risk of early childhood injury (Safety-2016 abstract #401)
Measuring the effectiveness of fire prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #108)
Mental first aid model helps work community in various difficult situations (Safety-2016 abstract #196)
Mobile device use increases odds of self-reported pedestrian crash history among teenagers in the U.S. (Safety-2016 abstract #183)
Model online road safety training to municipal teachers in São Paulo, 2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #691)
Model school zone pilot project demonstrates results in improving pedestrian safety (Safety-2016 abstract #906)
Motivating children safe behaviour with an online game (Safety-2016 abstract #692)
Motorcycle helmet and car seat belt use patterns in Delhi, India: implications for traffic safety interventions (Safety-2016 abstract #662)
Motorcycle one-wheeling: a fatal venture in Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #667)
Movit Yellow Flag (automatic track safety system) (Safety-2016 abstract #216)
Multi-professional collaboration in the service of children and young people (Safety-2016 abstract #929)
Multi-sectoral model for checking health, safety and community well-being in schools (Safety-2016 abstract #912)
MX Safety movement and safety project (Safety-2016 abstract #215)
Myanmar road safety situation 2015: an urgent issue for the nation (Safety-2016 abstract #862)
National action plan on workers' health in the Russian federation (Safety-2016 abstract #91)
National framework for collaborative police action to intimate partner violence (IPV) in Canada (Safety-2016 abstract #252)
National occupational injuries in the Philippines: implications for safety programs (Safety-2016 abstract #151)
National survey of injury prevention activities of children's centres (Safety-2016 abstract #690)
Necesserity of an integrated road traffic injuries surveilance system (Safety-2016 abstract #876)
Need for new human factor models and tools in the safety-critical nuclear domain (Safety-2016 abstract #197)
Negotiating discourses through photovoice: young Ethiopians' visual constructions of safety (Safety-2016 abstract #131)
Neighbourhood safety and injury prevention among older adults: a systematic literature review (Safety-2016 abstract #172)
New crazy game "Russian Biker Roulette" (Safety-2016 abstract #919)
New emerging perspectives on road safety managment: what light can complexity science trow? (Safety-2016 abstract #532)
New horizons for global violence prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #14)
New legislation in Finland - state funding for shelters for victims of domestic violence (Safety-2016 abstract #253)
Next generation of agricultural work guidelines for youth (Safety-2016 abstract #655)
Non-fatal injuries untreated at hospitals in Hunan, China: implications for hospital-based surveillance systems (Safety-2016 abstract #317)
Nurses and antineoplastic agents: factors influencing exposure risk (Safety-2016 abstract #195)
Nurses' perceptions about child abuse (Safety-2016 abstract #459)
Occupational health and safety in Bangladesh: an important cause and consequence of extreme poverty (Safety-2016 abstract #384)
Occupational safety and health and well-being in future work and working life (Safety-2016 abstract #84)
Occupational safety behaviour of Ontario electricians: a mental models approach to injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #191)
Oil spillage effects on health and safety among the local communities - experience from Bangladesh (Safety-2016 abstract #212)
Older adult fall prevention--getting to outcome measures in the clinical setting (Safety-2016 abstract #93)
Older people, alcohol and safety issues at home - the perspective of home care workers (Safety-2016 abstract #171)
On-line assessment of environmental characteristics of paediatric bicycling injuries Alberta, Canada (Safety-2016 abstract #208)
Paediatric injury from motorcycles and off road vehicles (Safety-2016 abstract #656)
Paediatric injury prevention: addressing injury prevention through a coordinated approach (Safety-2016 abstract #399)
Parent and player concussion knowledge and facilitators of appropriate management in youth ice hockey (Safety-2016 abstract #264)
Parent attitudes and behaviours on road traffic injuries affecting children (Safety-2016 abstract #908)
Parent's experience with child safety restraint in Romania (Safety-2016 abstract #936)
Parental education and childhood injuries: scoping review protocol (Safety-2016 abstract #937)
Parental perceptions on risk of child injuries in the Colombo District of Sri Lanka (Safety-2016 abstract #458)
Parents' report of child restraint use among children aged 0-6 years, Shanghai and Shenzhen, China-2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #136)
Parents' risk perception about childrens' injuries and burns: a multidimensional unfolding technique (Safety-2016 abstract #104)
Partnering to focus on child injury prevention?- the SafeKids New Zealand and Housing New Zealand driveway run over campaign (Safety-2016 abstract #207)
Patient safety through documentation: barriers identified by healthcare professionals and students (Safety-2016 abstract #211)
Pattern of childhood injuries: findings from hospital based injury surveillance system in Oman (Safety-2016 abstract #918)
Pedestrian adolescents: mobility and safety at secondary school in France (Safety-2016 abstract #291)
Pedestrian-vehicle interactions: early results from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS) (Safety-2016 abstract #250)
Pedestrians at highest risk in Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #855)
Perception of unintentional childhood injuries among rural mothers in South India (Safety-2016 abstract #651)
Perspectives of older Sri Lankans on transport-related risks influencing their social participation (Safety-2016 abstract #541)
Pilot model for child restraint use in car in Thailand: a case study of Khon Kaen province (Safety-2016 abstract #940)
Place of occurrence of traffic injury - can we combine pre- and hospital data to get location? (Safety-2016 abstract #531)
Planning a national action plan for child safety-the Israeli experience (Safety-2016 abstract #134)
Poison prevention practices and medically attended poisoning in young children: multicentre case-control study (Safety-2016 abstract #400)
Policy maker's perceptions of the role of research in injury prevention legislation (Safety-2016 abstract #198)
Policy-related motorcycle traffic accidents in Thailand (Safety-2016 abstract #540)
Policymaker perspectives on why evidence-based traffic safety policies are supported or opposed (Safety-2016 abstract #81)
Pool fencing bylaws and drowning rates among children (Safety-2016 abstract #265)
Positive evidences for building safe and cohesive communities (Safety-2016 abstract #274)
Pre-hospital care in Oman: results from hospital based trauma registry (Safety-2016 abstract #306)
Predicting and analysing the trend of death caused by traffic accidents in Iran in 2014 and 2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #760)
Prediction of road traffic crashes (RTC) in Sri Lanka from 2015 to 2025 (Safety-2016 abstract #371)
Preparedness and regional differencies in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #123)
Prescription drug overdose: environmental and behavioural risks in homes with and without children (Safety-2016 abstract #379)
Prevalence and factors associated with road traffic crash among taxi drivers in Mekelle Town, Northern Ethiopia, 2014: a cross sectional study (Safety-2016 abstract #902)
Prevalence of alcohol among car drivers in road accidents in Latvia: an overview from 2010 to 2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #849)
Prevalence of disability in a district of Bangladesh (Safety-2016 abstract #114)
Preventing childhood injuries through educational posters (Safety-2016 abstract #941)
Preventing fall injuries with impact absorbing flooring in nursing homes - a study of the effects on injuries and work environment (Safety-2016 abstract #98)
Preventing home injuries among children in Malaysia: a cluster randomised controlled trial (Safety-2016 abstract #405)
Preventing motor vehicle-related fatalities: a collaborative project to enhance coronial data capture and use (Safety-2016 abstract # 524)
Preventing social exclusion with voluntary fire department training activities (Safety-2016 abstract #932)
Prevention of ankle sprain injuries in youth soccer and basketball (Safety-2016 abstract #158)
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in competitive alpine skiing (Safety-2016 abstract #154)
Prevention of unintentional child injuries at home: exploring the perception of Iranian policymakers (Safety-2016 abstract #453)
Proactive and reactive parent-child conversations about injury (Safety-2016 abstract #917)
Product related head injuries among infants and toddlers in Europe - a public health topic? (Safety-2016 abstract #353)
Product related head injuries in infants and toddlers - starting point for a campaign (Safety-2016 abstract #350)
Profile of non-fatal road traffic crashes among adolescents in Galle, Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional survey (Safety-2016 abstract #881)
Profile of road traffic injuries in Bangladesh: implication for future intervention in low-income countries (Safety-2016 abstract #867)
Promoting safety in the most hazardous location through a home safety demonstration site (Safety-2016 abstract #236)
Promoting social and community changes as the basis for suicide prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #37)
Promoting the safety of the victim of domestic violence (Safety-2016 abstract #40)
Protecting children from fire and burn injuries in Pune through training and awareness (Safety-2016 abstract #110)
Protecting kids around liquid laundry packets: a national effort to educate communites (Safety-2016 abstract #909)
Public opinion survey on road safety and mobility issues in central Europe region (Safety-2016 abstract #542)
Randomised controlled trial of a text message alcohol intervention following an injury admission (Safety-2016 abstract #259)
Rapid deceleration and crash events in an RCT evaluating a safe transport program for older drivers (Safety-2016 abstract # 170)
Re:fine NEISS: a real-time interaction search system for consumer product-related injury ED visits in United States (Safety-2016 abstract #352)
Reaching out to new parents new communication tools and social media (Safety-2016 abstract #466)
Recent trends of road traffic fatalities in China: comparing national and subnational data sources (Safety-2016 abstract #315)
Recovery after serious trauma--outcomes, resource use and patient experiences (RESTORE) study: 3-year outcomes for adults (Safety-2016 abstract #307)
Reduce road traffic injuries of children riding motorcycles (Safety-2016 abstract #695)
Reducing school bullying with theatre and art (Safety-2016 abstract #707)
Reducing the risk of choking in children: a MOOC (massive open online course) to teach how to prepare food (Safety-2016 abstract #661)
Reducing visits to local health care by one third safety promotion efforts in Western Sweden (Safety-2016 abstract #234)
Regulations and enforcement in off-highway vehicle parks is associated with safer riding behaviours (Safety-2016 abstract #663)
Reliability of work injury statistics in the BSN countries - decision making based on partial facts? (Safety-2016 abstract # 318)
Religious and cultural factors: barriers to developing interventions and safety countermeasures (Safety-2016 abstract #92)
Reporting road traffic serious injuries in Europe. Guidelines from the SafetyCube project (H2020) (Safety-2016 abstract #77)
Research on the promoting children's knowledge of injury by chess games (Safety-2016 abstract #647)
Research to practice: the global road safety program (Safety-2016 abstract #48)
Researching children's experience of traumatic events; exploring child behaviour in dwelling fires (Safety-2016 abstract #106)
Results of an in-depth analysis of highway road crashes in Kolar District, Karnataka, India (Safety-2016 abstract #883)
Results of the "decade of road safety action" in Colombia, 2010-2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #534)
Return to work after work injury: a comparative policy effectiveness study (Safety-2016 abstract #194)
Risk communication in medicines and driving using pictograms (Safety-2016 abstract #299)
Risk factors among heavy vehicle drivers (Safety-2016 abstract #142)
Risk factors among young drivers in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #55)
Risk factors for bicycling injuries in children and adolescents: a systematic review (Safety-2016 abstract #901)
Risk factors for road traffic injuries among school children in rural Bangladesh (Safety-2016 abstract #914)
Risk factors of intimate partner violence (IPV) of Thai women (Safety-2016 abstract #391)
Risk factors of poisoning: findings from the New Zealand Blood Donors' Health Study (Safety-2016 abstract #374)
Risk factors of traumatic brain injuries between the youngsters (Safety-2016 abstract #930)
Risk factors predisposing to road traffic injury in youngsters: a case-control study (Safety-2016 abstract #943)
Risk of unintentional injury in children with sensory impairment (Safety-2016 abstract #357)
Risk of violence-related injury and burden to society in the Latin American and Caribbean region (Safety-2016 abstract #313)
Road accidents as an occupational safety problem (Safety-2016 abstract #148)
Road crashes in metro Manila: overview of road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #530)
Road lighting and safety: a pilot study of Arthabaska region (Safety-2016 abstract #759)
Road safety status in the Americas (Safety-2016 abstract #184)
Road safety: challenges to health sector (Safety-2016 abstract #13)
Road traffic injuries among children attended at ER, Yangon General Hospital (Safety-2016 abstract #700)
Road traffic injuries among minors in Kazakhstan (Safety-2016 abstract #512)
Road traffic injuries by road user type among children and adolescents between 1990 and 2013 (Safety-2016 abstract #923)
Road traffic injuries in Croatia (Safety-2016 abstract #888)
Road traffic injuries in Kenya: a hospital-based surveillance study (Safety-2016 abstract #869)
Road traffic injury cost estimation by willingness to pay method (Safety-2016 abstract #113)
Road traffic injury mortality, morbidity and disability: evidence from Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey (BHIS) (Safety-2016 abstract #144)
Road traffic injury prevention among schoolchildren, Split and Dalmatia County, Croatia, 2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #456)
Safe community in Malaysia: a wish and a dream (Safety-2016 abstract #281)
Safe Community Network demonstrating collaboration and outcomes (Safety-2016 abstract #228)
Safe following distance? -driver perceptions to help reduce rear end road crashes in Australia (Safety-2016 abstract #860)
Safe or unsafe on the streets (Safety-2016 abstract #543)
Safe roads || safe kids: public private partnerships to increase global road safety for children (Safety-2016 abstract #82)
Safe school transportation of children supported by intelligent transport systems (Safety-2016 abstract #702)
Safe school zone project in the Philippines (Safety-2016 abstract #465)
Safe schools project, South Africa (Safety-2016 abstract #885)
Safety and health security of asylum seekers in emergency housing, case Finland and Tampere (Safety-2016 abstract #52)
Safety for youth involved in community based agriculture (Safety-2016 abstract #653)
Safety of babies, children and youth (Safety-2016 abstract #925)
Safety promotion and injury prevention landscape for children and their families - Safe Communities in Australia (Safety-2016 abstract #323)
Safety week Ski Municipality, Norway (Safety-2016 abstract #231)
Saving pedestrian lives in Bangladesh: a successful pilot to prevent road injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #292)
School injuries in Israel (Safety-2016 abstract #70)
School transport in Uruguay (Safety-2016 abstract #370)
School travel mode of children in Urban low income City, Karachi, Pakistan (Safety-2016 abstract #926)
Seamless pathways of care for victims of sexual violence (Safety-2016 abstract #34)
Setting-up an epidemiological monitoring system in metropolitan France: a case review of deaths by Trauma in children under 15 (Safety-2016 abstract #457)
Severe traffic accidents in southern Finland 2006-2015 as seen from Level 1 trauma centre (Safety-2016 abstract #214)
Severe violence in eastern Jutland, Denmark, 2003-2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #341)
Significance of traditional masculinity for the prediction of injuries in male adolescents (Safety-2016 abstract #935)
Situation analysis on child maltreatment prevention in Albania (Safety-2016 abstract #257)
Situation analysis on child maltreatment prevention in several South East European countries (Safety-2016 abstract #255)
Slow-moving agricultural vehicles in traffic (Safety-2016 abstract #884)
Smart phone app to promote correct car seat use: results from a randomised controlled trial (Safety-2016 abstract #120)
Smart protective solutions for work in the cold (Safety-2016 abstract #394)
Smart share of serious injury among schools in the era of cloud computing (Safety-2016 abstract #658)
Smart upbringing, re municipality Norway: a new model for community health based action research (Safety-2016 abstract #278)
Snow'd in: translating research into practice (Safety-2016 abstract #4)
Snowmobile-related injuries in U.S. Emergency Departments 2001-2013 (Safety-2016 abstract #397)
Social impact on lower limb disability among urban community dwelling residents in Sri Lanka (Safety-2016 abstract #360)
Social marketing to reduce preventable injuries in BC, Canada (Safety-2016 abstract #337)
Socio-demographic determinants of dating violence victimisation among female adolescents in Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #256)
Socioeconomic status and non-fatal injuries: a population-based multilevel analysis in Oslo, Norway (Safety-2016 abstract #167)
Solutions for active people (Safety-2016 abstract #11)
Solutions for an ageing population from European perspective: technology enabled integrated care, implementation and up-scaling (Safety-2016 abstract #12)
Speed camera operations in Oman: Western technology and Middle East practice (Safety-2016 abstract #875)
Speed control on Mitraphap Highway which passing through the municipality of Khon Kaen Province by automatic speed enforcement system (Safety-2016 abstract #864)
Sport injuries in children: 10-year experience at the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital (Safety-2016 abstract #913)
State variations in mortality from unspecified unintentional injury among Americans aged 65 years and older, 1999-2013 (Safety-2016 abstract #312)
Statistical modelling for crossing behaviour of pedestrians on urban road: case study Delhi, India (Safety-2016 abstract #665)
Stepping up implementation of the European Child Maltreatemnt Prevention Action Plan (Safety-2016 abstract #217)
Strengthening a culture of safety for children: developing hospital and community collaborations (Safety-2016 abstract #652)
Strengthening community action to reduce motorcycle accidents in Dezful, Iran (Safety-2016 abstract #545)
Strengthening health system response to gender-based violence - environmental scan in 6 EU countries (Safety-2016 abstract #251)
Suicide attempt in Mexican youth: an opportunity for prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #66)
Suicide presented as a leading cause of mortality: uncover facts or misrepresent statistics? (Safety-2016 abstract #61)
Suicide prevention among adolescents and young adults (Safety-2016 abstract #54)
Suicide prevention in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #2)
Suicide prevention in queer communities: a Western Australian case study (Safety-2016 abstract #64)
Suicide prevention in the Finnish Defence Forces- training material for military leaders (Safety-2016 abstract #63)
Suicide prevention: need for an integrated approach (Safety-2016 abstract #19)
Summative process evaluation of a driver licensing support program in remote aboriginal communities (Safety-2016 abstract #520)
Supporting a joint journey towards zero: case Finnish zero accident forum (Safety-2016 abstract #89)
Surveillance in the service of safety (Safety-2016 abstract #878)
Surveillance of plant protection pesticides-related poisonings and injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #375)
Surveillance of toxic exposures to liquid laundry detergents in pods in Italy (Safety-2016 abstract #239)
Survival swimming - effectiveness of SwimSafe in preventing drowning in mid- and late-childhood (Safety-2016 abstract #270)
Sustainable Development Goal 16.1: are nonkilling societies possible? (Safety-2016 abstract #340)
Swimming ability and drowning prevention - do they have something in common? A Nordic case study (Safety-2016 abstract #266)
Systematic review and meta-analysis of bicycle helmet efficacy to mitigate head, face and neck injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #248)
Target programme for the prevention of home and leisure injuries 2014-2020 (Safety-2016 abstract #199)
Teachable moments (Safety-2016 abstract #176)
Teaching principles and practice of injury prevention with evolving curriculum design 1988-2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #132)
Teaming up for safety - using risk assessement tools (Safety-2016 abstract #88)
Teaviisari - a tool for benchmarking safety promotion and injury prevention on local level (Safety-2016 abstract #279)
Teko - safety in school sports in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #74)
The 'code of caring' operational model supports children and young people (Safety-2016 abstract #911)
The Armadillo Club as an element of road safety awareness raising campaign addressed to children (Safety-2016 abstract #704)
The battery controlled: an inter-agency partnership to address a little-known risk to children 30 years injury surveillance in Harstad, Norway: a burn prevention program for children 0-4 years (Safety-2016 abstract #348)
The birthday party (Safety-2016 abstract #657)
The Canadian Injury Prevention Curriculum: using an integrated knowledge-translation approach (Safety-2016 abstract #204)
The case for a cross-cutting approach to violence prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #15)
The challenges of enforcing road safety policies (Safety-2016 abstract #517)
The Child Safety Good Practice Guide: we don't need to reinvent the wheel (Safety-2016 abstract #129)
The criminal law and unauthorised and malicious interference with automated and connected cars (Safety-2016 abstract #79)
The development and evaluation of an Australian child pedestrian safety campaign (Safety-2016 abstract #526)
The disproportionate risk of young drivers for road traffic injury and fatality in Qatar: evidence for policy (Safety-2016 abstract #868)
The District of Columbia Concussion Care and Training Project: a model for youth concussion education (Safety-2016 abstract #261)
The effect of age on cognitive performance in Finnish sport-related concussion assessment (Safety-2016 abstract #156)
The effect of reduced street-lighting on road collisions in England and Wales 2000-2013 (Safety-2016 abstract #243)
The effects of exercise programs in the reduction of workplace injuries amongst the staffing cohort of residential aged care services (Safety-2016 abstract #86)
The European injury data base: supporting injury research and policy across Europe (Safety-2016 abstract #220)
The Finnish defence forces traffic accident prevention program "Särmänä Liikenteessä" ("Be Sharp in Traffic") (Safety-2016 abstract #874)
The impact of adverse childhood experiences on health: a systematic review and meta- analysis (Safety-2016 abstract #286)
The impact of mind wandering on road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #765)
The impact of road safety campaign on motor cycle related road traffic injuries in Naivasha, Kenya (Safety-2016 abstract #372)
The impact of working memory and selective attention on road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #764)
The importance of bike's brake adjustment (Safety-2016 abstract #697)
The maximum abbreviated injury scale as a predictor of severe/fatal injuries in Belgian road victims (Safety-2016 abstract #893)
The motorcyclist fatalities in Colombia from 2000-2014. A serious public health issue (Safety-2016 abstract #518)
The national emergency medical services information system (NEMSIS): prehospital care data on injury (Safety-2016 abstract #46)
The new campaign of the German social accident insurance on "prevention culture" (Safety-2016 abstract #85)
The office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response; strengthening preparedness in the U.S. health system (Safety-2016 abstract #16)
The online Concussion Awareness Training Tool (Safety-2016 abstract #262)
The population-level impact of exercise training programs to prevent sports injuries - a controlled ecological evaluation based on reductions in hospital-treated injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #157)
The prescription drug epidemic in the United States - efforts to improve prescribing (Safety-2016 abstract #377)
The prevalence of home related injuries among children under five attending preschool education establishments in Lithuania (Safety-2016 abstract #237)
The public health implications of small arms and light weapons (SALWs) injuries in Sokoto state, North West, Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #345)
The relationship between injuries by accidents and violence in children under the aspect of the new "prevention law" in Germany (Safety-2016 abstract #275)
The rising global burden of road injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #75)
The risk of injuries in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in England (Safety-2016 abstract #355)
The role of body mass index on childhood pedestrian injury risk (Safety-2016 abstract #659)
The role of selektion bias in a case-crossover study on occupational injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #316)
The safer homes programme (Safety-2016 abstract #230)
The social determinants of traffic-related injuries among adolescents (Safety-2016 abstract #886)
The structure and reasons of road accidents in Kazakhstan (Safety-2016 abstract #513)
The Swedish national information system for traffic accidents and injuries; experiences from the implementation process (Safety-2016 abstract #165)
The total service plan: case studies highlight how evidence is used to shape policy and inform intervention strategies (Safety-2016 abstract #268)
The UL Safety Index: quantifying safety around the world (Safety-2016 abstract #205)
Thermal and visual problems while using fan-assisted respirator in the cold (Safety-2016 abstract #393)
Time trend of traffic injury related medical utilisation and expenditures in Taiwan from 2003 - 2012 (Safety-2016 abstract #515)
Traffic safety education: its support in the curriculum, culture and work of schools in Finland (Safety-2016 abstract #69)
Traffic-related injuries among the youth in the United Arab Emirates: a prospective trauma registry-based study (Safety-2016 abstract #523)
Translating evidence into practice; development of the Know Injury Knowledge Hub (Safety-2016 abstract #333)
Translating to primary care physicians an effective safety program for parents of young drivers (Safety-2016 abstract #328)
Transport policy and road accidents in Puebla, Mexico (Safety-2016 abstract #138)
Transport safety - child motor vehicle passenger safety, using research to build a campaign (Safety-2016 abstract #367)
Trauma care evaluation (Safety-2016 abstract #45)
Trauma care system maturity in India: evaluation using WHO Maturity Index and geospatial analyses (Safety-2016 abstract #305)
Trends of road traffic crashes in the UAE: strategies for control and prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #368)
Turning evidence into practice and policy: pre-requisites, pitfalls and prospects (Safety-2016 abstract #1)
Twenty years of PFD non-wearing and wearing among child and youth boating immersion victims in Canada (Safety-2016 abstract #267)
U.S. recreational off-highway vehicle crashes; an emerging health and safety concern (Safety-2016 abstract #186)
Underreporting of work injuries - estimating realistic statistics in the Baltic Sea countries (Safety-2016 abstract #273)
Understanding road traffic injuries and prevention measures for children in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative study of community members' views (Safety-2016 abstract #853)
Understanding speeding behaviour among Omani drivers using theory of planned behaviour (Safety-2016 abstract #141)
Understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences on health and wellbeing in England (Safety-2016 abstract #284)
Understanding the prevention of unintentional injuries at home among children under five years from Ramallah District: multiple-case studies (Safety-2016 abstract #209)
Understanding the profile of injuries for vulnerable road users: a data linkage study (Safety-2016 abstract #863)
Understanding trajectories of mental distress after moderate or severe injury among adults in Kenya (Safety-2016 abstract #115)
Unintentional childhood injuries in Kenya: epidemiological patterns based on hospital trauma registry data (Safety-2016 abstract #927)
Unintentional drowning and psychoactive substances (Safety-2016 abstract #271)
Unintentional injuries from birth up two months: data from the ELFE cohort in France (Safety-2016 abstract #454)
Unintentional injuries in schoolchildren in France: contribution of three surveys at 6, 10 and 15 years (Safety-2016 abstract #455)
Unlocking keys to effecive ignitiion interlock programs to reduce alcohol impaired driving (Safety-2016 abstract #300)
Use of health action process approach & propensity score to evaluate a social marketing campaign (Safety-2016 abstract #848)
Using "health in all policies" - framework to integrate safety (Safety-2016 abstract #5)
Using local context to inform road traffic injury prevention in global employee wellness programs (Safety-2016 abstract #150)
Using long bone fractures as an injury incidence indicator in Europe (Safety-2016 abstract #226)
Using machine learning to categorise Emergency Department data for product safety surveillance (Safety-2016 abstract #347)
Using peer communicated behavioural norms about safety to reduce injury-risk behaviours by children (Safety-2016 abstract #121)
Using social media to improve participation in a smoke alarm distribution and installation program (Safety-2016 abstract #334)
Using the socio-ecologic model as a guide for agricultural safety interventions (Safety-2016 abstract #363)
Validating estimates of the incidence and cost of U.S. injuries: a tale of two datasets (Safety-2016 abstract # 163)
Vision zero - road traffic effects for severely injured in a Swedish county (Safety-2016 abstract #763)
Vision Zero to promote cycling mobility in Mexican cities (Safety-2016 abstract #293)
Walk safe campaign: a rail-road commuters' safety program with railways (since 2012 and continued) (Safety-2016 abstract #942)
Water Heroes - water safety skills for kids (Safety-2016 abstract #238)
What influences parents of children under 5 years of age to take safety measures (Safety-2016 abstract #103)
Why research is indispensable to smart public policy (Safety-2016 abstract #331)
Why unsafe and vulnerable highway in Bangladesh? (Safety-2016 abstract #872)
Will graduated driving licencing have mixed results for reducing road injury? A qualitative study in the UK (Safety-2016 abstract #528)
Willingness to pay for innovative vehicle insurance schemes (Safety-2016 abstract #900)
Winter tyre type and traffic safety (Safety-2016 abstract #395)
Working from the inside out: a case study of Mackay Safe Community (Safety-2016 abstract #322)
Wounded integrities: Finnish women's and children's experiences of post-separation stalking (Safety-2016 abstract #42)
Wraparound care for youth injured by violence: a pilot randomised control trial (Safety-2016 abstract #339)
Yarning, giving a voice to older aboriginal people on healthy ageing and fall prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #60)
Young driver crash types and lifetime care costs by posted speed limit (Safety-2016 abstract #330)
Young driver crashes - the influence of road sinuosity (Safety-2016 abstract #525)
Young people - alcohol and risks in nightlife environments (Safety-2016 abstract #26)
Young road safety advocate program, the "peer to peer" approach in teaching pedestrian safety (Safety-2016 abstract #182)