Assessment of the completeness of intervention reporting of randomized clinical trials for alcohol use disorders: effect of the TIDieR checklist and guide
Trauma-related guilt and pain among veterans with PTSD
Blunted highs: pharmacodynamic and behavioral models of cannabis tolerance
The effect of alcohol on facial trauma outcomes: an analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank
The effects of methylphenidate on stress fractures in patients age 10-29: a national database study
Efficacy and safety of intranasal esketamine for the rapid reduction of symptoms of depression and suicidality in patients at imminent risk for suicide: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Factors affecting painkillers, sedatives/hypnotics, nicotine, and unhealthy alcohol use among gay and bisexual men in Taiwan
Focus on the endocannabinoid system and the reprotoxicity of marijuana in female users
Marijuana legalization and historical trends in marijuana use among US residents aged 12-25: results from the 1979-2016 National Survey on drug use and health
Social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents: a meta-analysis
Stimulants associated with reduced risk of hospitalization for motor vehicle accident injury in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-a nationwide cohort study
Modulatory effects of food restriction on brain and behavioral effects of abused drugs
Opioid use and the risk of falls, fall injuries and fractures among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prevalence of, factors associated with and level of dependence of psychoactive substance use among Mekelle University students, Ethiopia
Prescription drugs and the US workforce: results from a National Safety Council survey
The prevalence and clinical impairment of subthreshold PTSD using DSM-5 criteria in a national sample of Korean firefighters
Addiction and suicide: a review
Adverse drug reactions of statins in children and adolescents: a descriptive analysis from VigiBase, the WHO global database of individual case safety reports
Analysis of deaths by intoxication that occurred in Brazil from 2010 to 2015 based on the Mortality Information System (SIM)
Association of methylphenidate use and traditional/cyberbullying
Benefits of temporary alcohol restriction: a feasibility randomized trial
Cannabis use and sport: a systematic review
Women's perspectives on provider education regarding opioid use
Racial and ethnic differences in patients involved in alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crashes and its related clinical outcomes among various age groups in the U.S
Road safety risks of cannabis use: sales need to fund research
Medical marijuana and workers' compensation claiming
Opioid prescription patterns at emergency department discharge for children with fractures
Poisoning with drugs of abuse: identification and management
Age at menarche associated with subsequent educational attainment and risk-taking behaviours: the Pelotas 1982 Birth Cohort
Alcohol use and mental health symptoms in female firefighter recruits
Cannabis use among U.S. adolescents in the era of marijuana legalization: a review of changing use patterns, comorbidity, and health correlates
Comparing logistic regression models with alternative machine learning methods to predict the risk of drug intoxication mortality
Effect of the UK Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 on episodes of toxicity related to new psychoactive substances as reported to the National Poisons Information Service. A time series analysis
Effects of hydrocortisone and yohimbine on decision-making under risk
Examining spatial variability in the association between male partner alcohol misuse and intimate partner violence against women in Ghana: a GWR analysis
Fraternity membership, traditional masculinity ideologies, and impersonal sex: selection and socialization effects
How adolescents, mothers, and fathers qualitatively describe their experiences of co-occurrent problems: intimate partner violence, mental health, and substance use
Interactive effects of quality of life and related factors on alcohol use outcomes
Interpersonal risk factors for suicide in cocaine dependence: association with self-esteem, personality traits, and childhood abuse
Long-term stability of novel synthetic opioids in blood
Methanol outbreak: a Malaysian tertiary hospital experience
Pain relief and the opioid crisis in the United States and Canada
Gender norms, roles and relations and cannabis-use patterns: a scoping review
Legitimizing and negotiating abstinence: young adults' narratives about practicing situational and long term abstinence in Denmark
The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol-related harms in early adulthood - a prospective cohort study
Profile of fire fatalities in Ireland using coronial data
Traumatic brain injury and methamphetamine: a double-hit neurological insult
Smoking and suicidal ideation among college students: smoking expectancies as potential moderators
SUDEP among young adults in the San Diego County Medical Examiner Office
Synthetic route sourcing of illicit at home cannabidiol (CBD) isomerization to psychoactive cannabinoids using ion mobility-coupled-LC-MS/MS
Trauma-related drinking to cope: a novel approach to the self-medication model
Randomized trial of screening and brief intervention to reduce injury and substance abuse in an urban level I trauma center
Relationship of Parental Support on Healthy Habits, School Motivations and Academic Performance in Adolescents
Relationships between US state alcohol policies and alcohol outcomes: differences by gender and race/ethnicity
Reliability and clinical utility of ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines for severe mental disorders in Nigeria
Sex, drugs, and early emerging risk: examining the association between sexual debut and substance use across adolescence
Risky sex and other personal consequences of alcohol and drug use among LGBTQ college students
Risk factors and outcomes of chronic opioid use following trauma
At-risk populations to unintentional and intentional fentanyl and fentanyl+ exposure
Violence and substance use in sexual minorities: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey (II BNADS)
Victimization as a mediator in the relationship between sexual orientation and adolescent alcohol use
Application of a Bayesian network to aid the interpretation of blood alcohol (ethanol) concentrations in air crashes
Can we boost attention and inhibition in binge drinking? Electrophysiological impact of neurocognitive stimulation
To thine own self, be true: Examining change in self-reported alcohol measures over time as related to socially desirable responding bias among people with unhealthy alcohol use
The new normal: changes in drinking norms from college to postcollege life
Picture me drinking: alcohol-related posts by instagram influencers popular among adolescents and young adults
Doping in sports among Malaysian universities athlete: survey of the knowledge, beliefs, and perception during Malaysian universities games in Kuala Lumpur 2014
Ethics review in anti-doping research: experiences of stakeholders
Lead poisoning associated with illicit opium use
ICD-10-CM-based definitions for emergency department opioid poisoning surveillance: electronic health record case confirmation study
Alcohol consumption in later life and reaching longevity: the Netherlands Cohort Study
Appearance-related teasing and substance use during early adolescence
Attachment style, early childhood trauma, alexithymia, and dissociation among persons addicted to alcohol: structural equation model of dependencies
A 19-year-old man with vaping-associated lung injury
Analysis of age-sex and deprivation stratified trends in assault deaths in Scotland (1974-2015) to identify age, period or cohort effects
Cannabis labelling and consumer understanding of THC levels and serving sizes
Clinical uses of cannabis and cannabinoids in the United States
Complex cannabis use patterns: Associations with cannabis consequences and cannabis use disorder symptomatology
Evaluating the causal impact of individual alcohol licensing decisions on local health and crime using natural experiments with synthetic controls
Personalized feedback tempers weekend increases in alcohol use among nonstudent emerging adult drinkers
Polypharmacy in a semirural community in Chile: results from Maule Cohort
Alcohol policies in U.S. states, 1999-2018
Can "deaths of despair" serve as a focus for planning and evaluating clinical and preventive services for Veterans?
Youth exposure to alcohol advertising in the united states: assessment of two types of television ratings and implications for voluntary advertising guidelines
What's the harm in getting high? Evaluating associations between marijuana and harm as predictors of concurrent and prospective marijuana use and misuse
Effects of extensions and restrictions in alcohol trading hours on the incidence of assault and unintentional injury: systematic review
Estimating the impact of wide scale uptake of screening and medications for opioid use disorder in US prisons and jails
How can schools be integrated in promoting well-being, preventing mental health problems and averting substance-use disorders in urban populations?
Is the gender gap in overdose deaths (still) decreasing? An examination of opioid deaths in Delaware, 2013-2017
Lsd overdoses: three case reports
Measuring drug use among drivers: how accurate is self-reported use?
Multiple organ dysfunction and rhabdomyolysis associated with moonwort poisoning: report of four cases
Policy influencer and general public support for proposed alcohol healthy public policy options in Alberta and Quebec, Canada
Problematic medication with benzodiazepines, "z-drugs", and opioid analgesics
The prospective association of negative urgency with hazardous drinking via impaired control: a moderating role of alcohol sensitivity
Religiosity as a mediating factor in alcohol use and alcohol related problems among students attending a historically black college (HBCU)
Regulating alcohol marketing on social media: outcomes and limitations of marketing restrictions of Finland's 2015 Alcohol Act
Self-reported injury in Australian young adults: demographic and lifestyle predictors
Social cognitive moderators of the relationship between social anxiety and alcohol outcomes in young people
UK military women: mental health, military service and occupational adjustment
Trends in drug use among electronic dance music party attendees in New York City, 2016-2019
Time and alcohol do not change everything: how intoxicated witnesses perceive aggression in intimate partner violence
The violence prevention potential of reducing alcohol outlet access in Baltimore, Maryland
Mail-back envelopes for retrieval of opioids after pediatric surgery
Management of dementia-related psychosis, agitation and aggression: a review of the pharmacology and clinical effects of potential drug candidates
Midlife mortality in White non-Hispanic male veterans enrolled in Department of Veterans Affairs primary care, 2003-2014
Patterns and correlates of substance use among young adult African American women
From "Step Away" to "Stand Down": tailoring a smartphone app for self-management of hazardous drinking for veterans
Impact of deprescribing AChEIs on aggressive behaviors and antipsychotic prescribing
Health and the built environment in United States cities: measuring associations using Google Street View-derived indicators of the built environment
Heart rate variability reactivity moderates the indirect link between child maltreatment and young adult alcohol use problems via depressive symptoms
Age-related differences in the associations among at-risk drinking, alcohol use disorder, and psychological distress across the adult lifespan: a nationwide representative study in South Korea
A case of kratom-induced seizures
Can beauty be-er ignored? A preregistered implicit examination of the beer goggles effect
Characteristics of victims of fall-related accidents during mountain hiking
Co-creating a virtual alcohol prevention simulation with young people
Age and postoperative opioid prescriptions: a population-based cohort study of opioid-naïve adults
Antidepressants and suicidality: a re-analysis of the re-analysis
Associations between major depressive symptoms and drinking onset: do sex and age matter?
World Health Organization risk drinking level reductions are associated with improved functioning and are sustained among patients with mild, moderate, and severe alcohol dependence in clinical trials in the United States and United Kingdom
Risk and protective factors for repeated overdose after opioid overdose survival
Delirium due to the use of topical cyclopentolate hydrochloride
Drinking risk varies within and between Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander samples: a meta-analysis to identify sources of heterogeneity
The effects of co-occurring interpersonal trauma and gender on opioid use and misuse
English use/proficiency, ethnic discrimination, and alcohol use disorder in Hispanic immigrants
Legal requirements and recommendations to prescribe naloxone
Alcohol interlock: Support for traffic psychological rehabilitation of drivers suspected of drink-driving
Cannabis medication in road traffic regulations. Examples for patients
Challenges in legislation and jurisprudence [related to driving under the influence]
The definition of hangover after cannabis use and potential effects on the ability to drive
Driving behaviour observation as the "gold standard" of the performance check?
The effectiveness of police intervention in identifying drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the impact on accident occurrence
How many muffins prepared with alcohol have to be eaten for a relevant alcohol impact?
Interpretation of the concentration of breath alcohol. Forensic medicine versus legal evaluation
Jurisdiction concerning traffic law. An overview 2017/2018
The law, drugs, and road transport
Medical cannabis and cannabis-based medicines: an appeal to doctors, journalists, health insurance companies and politicians for responsible treatment
Medical cannabis in road traffic. Results of a survey
The morning after ... underestimated danger of alcohol hangover
The perception of concentration differences of breath alcohol after consumption of different alcoholic beverages
Rehabilitation and medical-psychological assessment of multiple traffic offenders
E-cig explosions
Medication adverse reaction, risk stratification (MAR²S) model
Modafinil as a stimulant for military aviators
Estimation of drivers' behavior criteria affecting road safety by the analytic hierarchy process applications
Research on the application of individualized intervention models in elderly hospitalized patients with drug-related falls
Acute ethanol exposure rapidly alters cerebellar and cortical microglial physiology
Cognitive deficits in methamphetamine addiction: independent contributions of dependence and intelligence
Examining sleep over time in a randomized control trial comparing two integrated PTSD and alcohol use disorder treatments
Suicidal ideation and attempts in the United States of America among stimulant-treated, non-stimulant-treated, and untreated patients with a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
When to admit to observation: predicting length of stay for anticoagulated elderly fall victims
Use of fall risk-increasing drugs around a fall-related injury in older adults: a systematic review
Understanding the increase in opioid overdoses in New Hampshire: a rapid epidemiologic assessment
Symptom severity, self-efficacy and treatment-seeking for mental health among US Iraq/Afghanistan Military Veterans
Screening for alcohol and substance use in pediatric trauma patients: a retrospective review
Kava drinking in traditional settings: towards understanding effects on cognitive function
Methamphetamine use in pregnancy, child protection, and removal of infants: Tertiary centre experience from Western Australia
Modes of marijuana use - smoking, vaping, eating, and dabbing: results from the 2016 BRFSS in 12 States
Characteristics and circumstances of death related to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Drinking and responses to antidrinking messages among young adults: an fMRI study
Drinking contexts and their association with acute alcohol-related harm: a systematic review of event-level studies on adults' drinking occasions
Simultaneous detection of salivary Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and alcohol using a wearable electrochemical ring sensor
Rural-urban differences in cannabis detected in fatally injured drivers in the United States
Odds of culpability associated with use of impairing drugs in injured drivers in Victoria, Australia
Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery: a partnership and evidence-informed approach to developing the new Irish health led, National Drug Strategy
Exploring cannabis and alcohol co-use in adolescents: a narrative review of the evidence
Speeding: a review of self-reported effects of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS)
Step toward roadside sensing: noninvasive detection of a THC metabolite from the sweat content of fingerprints
A rapid response electrochemical biosensor for detecting THC in saliva
The impact of recreational marijuana commercialization on traumatic injury
Marijuana use and outcomes in adult and pediatric trauma patients after legalization in California
Cannabis use disorder among people using cannabis daily/almost daily in the United States, 2002-2016
The impacts of potency, warning messages, and price on preferences for cannabis flower products
Using recreational cannabis to treat insomnia: evidence from over-the-counter sleep aid sales in Colorado
Development of the Substance Use Motives Measure (SUMM): a comprehensive eight-factor model for alcohol/drugs consumption
Cannabis legalization: progress in harm reduction approaches for substance use and misuse
Strengths and limitations of two cannabis-impaired driving detection methods: a review of the literature
Implementing social justice in the transition from illicit to legal cannabis
Traps in cannabis policies in Brazil
Can metal-organic frameworks be used for cannabis breathalyzers?
Keeping up with the times: how national public health and governmental organizations communicate about cannabis on Twitter
Cannabidiol (CBD) content in vaporized cannabis does not prevent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-induced impairment of driving and cognition
Developing a phone-based measure of impairment after acute oral ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Guidelines for public health and safety metrics to evaluate the potential harms and benefits of cannabis regulation in Canada
Cue reactivity in the ventral striatum characterizes heavy cannabis use, whereas reactivity in the dorsal striatum mediates dependent use
Expected impacts of the cannabis infringement notice scheme in Western Australia on regular users and their involvement in the cannabis market
"Debt on me head": a qualitative study of the experience of teenage cannabis users in treatment
The impact of pharmacy-directed medication management for patients experiencing falls in a veterans affairs community living center
The relative risk of motor vehicle collision on cannabis celebration day in Great Britain
Are oral fluid testing devices effective for the roadside detection of recent cannabis use? A systematic review
Potential harms from legalization of recreational cannabis use in Canada
Comparison of cocaine/crack biomarkers concentrations in oral fluid, urine and plasma simultaneously collected from drug users
Detection of drugs in simultaneously collected samples of oral fluid and blood
Detection of drugs of abuse in simultaneously collected oral fluid, urine and blood from Norwegian drug drivers
Age of first use, current marijuana use and driving after use among Canadian high school students
International differences in patterns of cannabis use among youth: prevalence, perceptions of harm, and driving under the influence in Canada, England & United States
Association between April 20 cannabis celebration and fatal crashes
The April 20 cannabis celebration and fatal traffic crashes in the United States
Preventing cannabis users from driving under the influence of cannabis
Police custody following driving under the influence of cannabis: a prospective study
Limits of the quasi-induced exposure method when compared with the standard case-control design. Application to the estimation of risks associated with driving under the influence of cannabis or alcohol
Correlates of driving under the influence of cannabis
A 'community enterprise' model for recreational cannabis: lessons from alcohol licensing trusts in New Zealand
A latent class analysis of the co-occurrence of risk behaviors among adolescents
Challenges in studying statewide pedestrian injuries and drug involvement
Differences in patterns of cannabis use among youth: Prevalence, perceptions of harm and driving under the influence in the USA where non-medical cannabis markets have been established, proposed and prohibited
What really happened after Colorado legalized marijuana?
Cannabis smoking impairs driving performance on the simulator and real driving: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial
The effects of medical marijuana laws on cannabis-involved driving
The psychiatric consequences of cannabinoids
Over and under-regulation in the Colorado cannabis industry - A data-analytic perspective
Short-term and long-term effects of cannabis use
Contrast sensitivity and motion discrimination in cannabis users
Opioid and drug prevalence in top 40's music: a 30 year review
Re-examining the association between "4/20" and fatal crashes--doobie-ous data?
Today was not a good day: offender accounts of the incidents that led to their admission to drug court
Cannabis and driving research: lessons from an unlikely teacher
The cross-border spillover effects of recreational marijuana legalization
The dangers of health and safety: marijuana legalization as frontier capitalism
Decriminalisation of recreational cannabis in South Africa
Elevated demand and proportionate substance-related reinforcement are associated with driving after cannabis use
Inequalities regimes in policing: examining the connection between social exclusion and order maintenance strategies:
"Just a habit": driving under the influence of cannabis as ordinary, convenient, and controllable experiences according to drivers in a remedial program
Medicolegal liability of patients driving under the influence (DUI)
Perception of risk and behaviors associated with driving under the effects of alcohol and marijuana on university students of Venezuela
Perception of risk and driving under the effects of alcohol and marijuana on university students in a multicenter study: Colombia
Policy pitfalls and challenges in cannabis regulation: lessons from Colorado
Prevalence of drugs in injured drivers in Victoria, Australia
Profile of mortalities due to alcohol and drug consumption in road and rail traffic accidents in Mangaluru, a coastal city of Karnataka, India
A psychometric evaluation of user-generated cannabis use motives in German university students
Risk perception and driving a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis: a study with college students of a private institution
Risk perceptions of cannabis- vs. alcohol-impaired driving among Canadian young people
Individual-, family-, and school-level interventions targeting multiple risk behaviours in young people
Driving under the influence of cannabis: an increasing public health concern
Intercorrelation of alcohol and other drug use disorders among a national sample of drivers
An exploratory study of cannabis festivals and their attendees in two European cities: Amsterdam and Berlin
Detection of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in oral fluid, blood and urine following oral consumption of low-content THC hemp oil
Prevalence and motives for drugged driving among emerging adults presenting to an emergency department
US epidemiology of cannabis use and associated problems
How should we respond to cannabis-impaired driving?
Alcohol and illicit drugs in drivers involved in road traffic crashes in the Milan area. A comparison with normal traffic reveals the possible inadequacy of current cut-off limits
Impaired contrast sensitivity at low spatial frequency in cannabis users with early onset
The increasing use of cannabis among older Americans: a public health crisis or viable policy alternative?
Corrigendum to "Differences in combinations and concentrations of drugs of abuse in fatal intoxication and driving under the influence cases" [Forensic Sci. Int. 281 (2017) 127-133]
Differences in combinations and concentrations of drugs of abuse in fatal intoxication and driving under the influence cases
Toxicological findings in suspected drug-impaired drivers in Norway - Trends during 1990-2015
Adolescent cannabis use continues its downward trend, New Zealand 2012-2018
Alcohol sensitivity in women after undergoing bariatric surgery: a cross-sectional study
Alcohol-related cognitive mechanisms underlying adolescent alcohol use and alcohol problems: outcome expectancy, self-schema, and self-efficacy
The association between Florida's opioid crackdown and opioid-related mortality: the role of economic factors and mortality misclassification
Common and distinct brain activity associated with risky and ambiguous decision-making
Emotional memory bias in binge drinking women
Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks: findings from the TRAILS Study
Florida's opioid crackdown and drug, motor vehicle crash, and suicide mortality: a Bayesian interrupted time-series analysis
The opioid epidemic: challenge to military medicine and national security
Parent socialization of emotion in a high-risk sample
Perception of treatment need among adults with substance use disorders: longitudinal data from a representative sample of adults in the United States
Relations among religiosity, age of self-identification as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and alcohol use among college students
Brain activation to cannabis- and alcohol-related words in alcohol use disorder
Assessing the well-being of sexual minority soldiers at a military academic institution
RETRACTED: Psychological predictors behind the intention to drink and drive among female drivers: application of extended theory of planned behavior
Cross-domain correlates of cannabis use disorder severity among young adults
Degree of bystander-patient relationship and prehospital care for opioid overdose
An e-learning adaptation of an evidence-based media literacy curriculum to prevent youth substance use in community groups: development and feasibility of REAL media
Exploring disparities in awarding va service-connected disability for post-traumatic stress disorder for active duty military service members from recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan
Factors associated with alcohol use disorder: the role of depression, anxiety, stress, alexithymia and work fatigue- a population study in Lebanon
Follow-up care after behavioral health-related hospitalization for children and adolescents
Significant gender differences according to the Problematic and Risky Internet Use Screening Scale among 15-year-olds in Sweden
Patient fall risk caused by unintended diphenhydramine use
Smartphone-based secondary prevention intervention for university students with unhealthy alcohol use identified by screening: study protocol of a parallel group randomized controlled trial
Journeying with fear: young people's experiences of cannabis use, crime and violence before treatment entry
Taking the wheel: patient driving in clinical psychiatry
Police incentives, policy spillovers, and the enforcement of drug crimes
Roadside drug testing: incoherent policy or uncertainty by design?
A burning problem: cannabis lessons learned from Colorado
Driving while stoned: issues and policy options
The problem of "driving while stoned" demands an aggressive public policy response
The legalization of cannabis: An American experiment with global consequences
Commercial tricycle riders' perceptions of psychoactive drug use and the risk of road traffic accidents in Uyo, Nigeria
Is the presence of cannabis in saliva enough to confirm driving under its effects?
Cultural predictors of future intention to drive under the influence of cannabis (DUIC)
Early evidence on recreational marijuana legalization and traffic fatalities
Young people, drug use and drugged-driving
Evaluation of oral fluid as a specimen for DUID
Drugged driving in Wisconsin: oral fluid versus blood
Contextual effects of neighborhoods and schools on adolescent and young adult marijuana use in the United States
Drug detection in breath: non-invasive assessment of illicit or pharmaceutical drugs
A judicial perspective on expert testimony in marijuana driving cases
Prevalence of consumption of psychoactive substances amongst Moroccan taxi drivers
Topical application of THC containing products is not able to cause positive cannabinoid finding in blood or urine
Driving under the influence of drugs: looking for reasonable blood cutoffs and realistic analytical values
Fluorescence-based lateral flow assays for rapid oral fluid roadside detection of cannabis use
Frequent marijuana use and driving risk behaviours in Canadian youth
Preliminary results for street racing among adults in Ontario: relations to alcohol and cannabis use
Cannabinoids and metabolites in expectorated oral fluid after 8 days of controlled around-the-clock oral THC administration
Oral fluid cannabinoids in chronic, daily Cannabis smokers during sustained, monitored abstinence
Adolescent antecedents of high-risk driving behavior in young adulthood: substance use and parental influences
How much can you drink before driving? The influence of riding with impaired adults and peers on the driving behaviors of urban and rural youth
Drug use and driving by a university student sample
An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour
An investigation of factors related to intoxicated driving behaviors among youth
Assessment of driving capability through the use of clinical and psychomotor tests in relation to blood cannabinoids levels following oral administration of 20 mg dronabinol or of a cannabis decoction made with 20 or 60 mg Delta9-THC
Cannabis and alcohol: effects on stimulated car driving
Cannabis and car driving
Cannabis use and traffic accidents in a birth cohort of young adults
Cognition and motor control as a function of Delta9-THC concentration in serum and oral fluid: limits of impairment
Driving simulator studies of marijuana alone and in combination with alcohol
Drugs and traffic accidents
Drugs in oral fluid in randomly selected drivers
Effects of cannabis and alcohol on automobile driving and psychomotor tracking
Effects of oral cannabis and dronabinol on driving capacity
Drug use and driving risk among high school students
Marihuana and driving among teenagers: reported use patterns, effects, and experiences related to driving
Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance
Illicit drugs and driving: prevalence, beliefs and accident involvement among a cohort of current out-of-treatment drug users
Impairment due to cannabis and ethanol: clinical signs and additive effects
Marihuana and driving hazards
Marihuana and driving risk among college students
Marihuana and simulated driving
SAM Survey on"Drugs and Fatal Accidents": Search of Substances Consumed and Comparison between Drivers Involved under the Influence of Alcohol or Cannabis
Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol
The effects of cannabis and alcohol on simulated arterial driving: influences of driving experience and task demand
Unsafe motor vehicle practices among substance-using college students
Use of drugs of abuse in less than 30-year-old drivers killed in a road crash in France: a spectacular increase for cannabis, cocaine and amphetamines
Visual search and urban driving under the influence of marijuana and alcohol
Cannabis and driving skills
Cannabis and driving: the use of LC-MS to detect delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) in oral fluid samples
Cannabis: experts agree more than they admit
Course, severity, and treatment of substance abuse among women versus men
Detection of cannabinoids in serum of vehicle drivers after smoking cannabis in coffee shops
Do Youths Substitute Alcohol and Marijuana? Some Econometric Evidence
Drug and alcohol concentrations of drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents in British Columbia, Canada: a one year study
Drug driving among police detainees in Australia
Effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance
Gender differences in prevalence of drug use among high risk adolescents in Israel
Induced psychiatric and somatic disorders to cannabis
Interventions by students in friends' alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
Lifestyle factors as predictors of injury crashes among young adults in New Zealand: a longitudinal study
Low doses of marijuana and alcohol severely impair driving when taken together
Lower level of drink-driving in the Netherlands coincides with increased drug-driving
Marihuana and automobile driving
Marijuana use and impaired driving behavior among adolescents in Pinellas County, Florida
Marijuana, driving, and accident safety
Marijuana: an overview
Misuse of ecstasy and participation in traffic evaluation of case data and legal basis of punishment
Outcomes of a federally funded program for alcohol and other drug prevention in higher education
Risk factors for bango abuse in upper Egypt
Road accidents in young drug addicts. Comparison with a test group
Road traffic practices among a cohort of young adults in New Zealand
Sex differences in the effects of marijuana on simulated driving performance
Survey of attitudes and behaviors toward alcohol and other drug use in allied health and physician assistant students
The combined effect of marihuana and dextroamphetamine
The relationship between early age of onset of initial substance use and the clustering of health risk behaviors among young adolescents
Unsafe driving by high school seniors: national trends from 1976 to 2001 in tickets and accidents after use of alcohol, marijuana and other illegal drugs
Young unlicensed drivers: are they impulsive, sensation seeking, aggressive, hazardous alcohol or other drug users?
Youth risk behavior surveillance. national alternative high school youth risk behavior survey, United States, 1998
Alcohol marketing and youth drinking: is there a causal relationship, and why does it matter?
Alcohol-induced deaths among American Indian and Alaska Native individuals-"drinking was what I and others just did"
The association between recreational cannabis commercialization and cannabis exposures reported to the US National Poison Data System
Associations between augmentee status, deployment stress preparedness and depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and binge drinking in U.S. Servicewomen
Circumstances of overdose among street-involved, opioid-injecting women: drug, set, and setting
A community-driven and evidence-based approach to developing mental wellness strategies in First Nations: a program protocol
Energy drink consumption, depression, and salutogenic sense of coherence among adolescents and young adults
Engagement in a novel internet intervention for alcohol reduction: a qualitative study of user motivations and experiences
Gambling, substance use and violence in male and female adolescents
Exposure to digital alcohol marketing and alcohol use: a systematic review
Health and social care providers' perspectives of older people's drinking: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies
Illicit drug use by mothers and their daughters in Australia: a comparison of two generations
Impacts of interactions between ADH1B and ALDH2 genotypes on alcohol flushing, alcohol reeking on the day after drinking, and age distribution in Japanese alcohol-dependent men
Importance of a standard unit dose for cannabis research
A neurobiological model of alcohol marketing effects on underage drinking
Posttraumatic stress, alcohol use severity, and alcohol use motives among firefighters: the role of anxiety sensitivity
Quality of life, mental health, personality and patterns of use in self-medicated cannabis users with chronic diseases: a 12-month longitudinal study
The role of social support on the effects of stress and depression on African American tobacco and alcohol use
The relationship between exposure to alcohol marketing and underage drinking is causal
Socioeconomic status, parental education, school connectedness and individual socio-cultural resources in vulnerability for drug use among students
Substance use disorders and risk of suicide in a general US population: a case control study
State medical marijuana laws and the prevalence of opioids detected among fatally injured drivers
Field study to detect illicit and medicinal drugs in car drivers in Southern and Western Hesse
Driving under the influence of marijuana laws and the public's health: public health and the law
Rapid confirmation and quantitation of drugs-of-abuse in oral fluid using a low cost, small footprint mass spectrometer
Embattled cannabis: pharmacological, medical, recreational, and adverse effects aspects
Prevalence of psychotropic drug use prior to driving
Driving under the influence of cannabis or alcohol in a cohort of high-frequency cannabis users: prevalence and reflections on current interventions
Drug abuse and driving, assessment of the results from two laboratories (CHU Lille and IRCGN)
An updated review of the research on the risks and harms associated to the use of marijuana
Profile of problems associated with psychoactive substance use among commercial motorcyclists in Abeokuta, Nigeria
Trends in U.S., past-year marijuana use from 1985 to 2009: an age-period-cohort analysis
Cannabis and the DVLA
Driving while under the influence of cannabis
Cannabis effects on driving longitudinal control with and without alcohol
Scientific evaluation on the ability to separate driving from cannabis consumption on the basis of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations in blood serum
Legal and illegal substance consumption and traffic accident risk perception among Spanish young people
Driving stoned: marijuana legalization and drug-impaired driving
The emerging public discourse on state legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the US: analysis of news media coverage, 2010-2014
Steady use of pharmaccutacial substances - question concerning safe driving and drivers fitness - opportunities of an analytical laboratory
International trends in spice use: prevalence, motivation for use, relationship to other substances, and perception of use and safety for synthetic cannabinoids
Estimating the change in concentration of THC in the blood of drivers over the time between stopping and collection of blood for testing
Assessing the public health impacts of legalizing recreational cannabis use in the USA
Cannabis legalization with strict regulation, the overall superior policy option for public health
Drugged driving: Canada's laws lag behind
Drugged driving: how much is too much?
Drugged-driving: putting the brakes on pot use
Possible causes and consequences of reduced perceptions of the risks of using cannabis
Cycling under the influence of cannabis: A cornerstone of driving safety research
Sates of intoxication: risks and adverse effects focus on non-medical cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids
Effect of blood collection time on measured Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations: implications for driving interpretation and drug policy
TTI investigates traffic safety impacts of marijuana use
Incidence of substance abuse among cab-drivers involved in non fatal accidents
Traumatic motor vehicle accidents of Malaysia: implications of illicit drugs use
Detection of illicit drugs in oral fluid from drivers as biomarker for drugs in blood
Cannabis-impaired driving: a public health and safety concern
Drugged driving
Roadside drug testing: comparison of two legal approaches in Belgium
Driving under the influence of marijuana versus driving and dying under the influence of marijuana: a comparison of blood concentrations of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 11-hydroxy-δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids in arrested drivers versus deceased drivers
Deterring driving under the influence of cannabis
Toxicological investigations on blood for driving under the influence of drug of abuse: a retrospective study in Milan and districts
Recommendation by the expert panel on drink and drug driving limits on the concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in blood serum to determine the separability of cannabis use and driving
Synthetic cannabinoids and driving
The cannabinoid system and visual processing: a review on experimental findings and clinical presumptions
Alcohol intoxication and suicide by hanging in Poland
The criminogenic influence of family on substance use during reentry: a life-course perspective on between individual differences and within individual changes
Why a 5 ng/ml THC limit is bad public policy - and the case for Tandem per se DUID legislation
Adolescent cannabis use: what is the evidence for functional brain alteration?
"At least I'm not drink-driving": formative research for a social marketing campaign to reduce drug-driving among young drivers
Belief system regarding cannabis, its use and consequences: users versus non-users in Colombian university students
Can the use of psychoactive drugs in the general adult population be estimated based on data from a roadside survey of drugs and driving?
Determination of different recreational drugs in sweat by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS-SPME GC/MS): application to drugged drivers
Driving and cannabis: the expert's sanction
Effect of fear of victimization on hazardous alcohol drinking, tobacco, and marijuana use among university students: a tale of two sexes
Intervention to decrease leaving without treatment among intoxicated emergency department patients
A meta-analytic comparison of the effects of text messaging to substance-induced impairment on driving performance
Pediatric all-terrain vehicle crashes at a trauma center in northwestern Louisiana: 10-year analysis
Permissive norms and young adults' alcohol and marijuana use: the role of online communities
Rural-urban disparities in adolescent risky behaviors: a family social capital perspective
Substance use among Palestinian youth in the West Bank, Palestine: a qualitative investigation
Are homeschooled adolescents less likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
Sedative-hypnotics are widely abused by drivers apprehended for driving under the influence of drugs
Trends in cannabis use among older adults in the United States, 2015-2018
Electronic cigarettes to vaporize cannabis: prevalence of use and associated factors among current electronic cigarette users in Germany (DEBRA Study)
Electronic nicotine delivery system use is related to higher odds of alcohol and marijuana use in adolescents: meta-analytic evidence
Emergency department visits attributed to adverse events involving benzodiazepines, 2016-2017
History of suicidality and alcohol craving trajectories during inpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder
The normative underpinnings of population-level alcohol use: an individual-level simulation model
Public perceptions of risks associated with mixing opioid pain-relievers with alcohol and benzodiazepines
Social support and the rehabilitation of alcohol-impaired drivers: drinking motives as moderators
The rise of suicides using a deadly dose of barbiturates in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, between 2006 and 2017
Student drug use, risk-taking, and alienation
Drugs and highway crashes: can we separate fact from fancy?
Marijuana and driving in real-life situations
What exactly is marijuana?
Cannabis. Biological and pharmacological effects, laboratory tests, road traffic safety
The detection and quantification of cannabinoids in blood and urine by RIA, HPLC/RIA and GC/MS
Drugs, alcohol and driving
Drugs, alcohol and driving
Drug use adds to the road toll
The 'great' marihuana debate
New tests for cannabinoids in biological fluids: technology subject to abuse
Drug impairment reviews: marihuana and other drugs
Analysis of the prevalence of injury among adult residents in Nanshan District, Shenzhen
People's views on marihuana, drugs and driving: a changing scene
The incidence of cannabinoids in fatally injured drivers: an investigation by radioimmunoassay and high pressure liquid chromatography
Drugs, driving and the law: a prospective review
Drug abuse and traffic medical fitness seen from a pharmacological point of view
Against the liberalization of soft drugs
A fatal motor-car accident and cannabis use. Investigation by radioimmunoassay
Marihuana: effects on simulated driving performance
Intoxication and trauma
Mental illness and simulated driving: before and during treatment
Effects of alcohol and marijuana on dynamic visual acuity: I. Threshold measurements
Alcohol and marijuana effects on static visual acuity
The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: field studies with an instrumented automobile
Impairment of traffic safety by drugs
Drugs and driving
Potential dangers of cannabis
Effect of marijuana on aggression and risk acceptance in an automotive simulator
Drugs impairing traffic safety
Cannabis and alcohol: effects on estimation of time and distance
The effect of marihuana on tracking task perfomance
Drug use and performance: investigation under hashish
Proceedings: Research on alcohol, drugs and driving. Concluding summary by the chairman
Alcohol and drug impairment of the driver
Cannabis and simulated car driving: an experimental study
Effect of marihuana upon peripheral vision as a function of the information processing demands in central vision
Cannabis and alcohol: impact on simulated car driving
Drugs and driving: bibliography
Effect of drugs and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving
Impairment of traffic safety by drugs
Impairment of traffic safety by drugs
Influence of alcohol and marijuana on a manual tracking task
Marihuana and driving
Synthetic cannabinomimetics and 'legal highs'
State laws legalizing marijuana do not make marijuana legal under federal law
Time profile of serum THC levels in occasional and chronic marihuana smokers after acute drug use - implication for driving motor vehicles
Re: "Trends in alcohol and other drugs detected in fatally injured drivers in the United States, 1999-2010"
Acute and long-term effects of cannabis use: a review
Psychoactive substance use in truck drivers: occupational health and public health
Hair analysis in order to evaluate drug abuse in driver's license regranting procedures
Psychiatric, psychosocial, and physical health correlates of co-occurring cannabis use disorders and nicotine dependence
An examination of the relationships between cannabis use, driving under the influence of cannabis and risk-taking on the road
Prevalence of medicinal drugs in suspected impaired drivers and a comparison with the use in the general Dutch population
The perceived effects of cocaine on the driving performance of long-term users
A one-step extraction procedure for the screening of cocaine, amphetamines and cannabinoids in postmortem blood samples
How physicians should respond to the new cannabis regulations
The methodological quality of three foundational law enforcement drug influence evaluation validation studies
Marijuana use, driving, and related cognitions
Transitions in illicit drug use status over 3 years: a prospective analysis of a general population sample
Medical marijuana laws, traffic fatalities, and alcohol consumption
Position on the use of cannabis (Marijuana) and driving
Should per se limits be imposed for cannabis? Equating cannabinoid blood concentrations with actual driver impairment: practical limitations and concerns
Adolescents, young adults, and the legalization of marijuana
Adverse psychosocial outcomes associated with drug use among US high school seniors: a comparison of alcohol and marijuana
Legal highs and lows - illicit drug use around the world
Perceived neighborhood illicit drug selling, peer illicit drug disapproval and illicit drug use among U.S. high school seniors
Benzodiazepines in the oral fluid of Spanish drivers
Cannabis use and nonuse in patients with first-episode psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing neurocognitive functioning
CBD (cannabidiol) product attitudes, knowledge, and use among young adults
Childhood traumatic experiences and receptive anal intercourse among women
Determining the role of sport coaches in promoting athlete mental health: a narrative review and Delphi approach
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding drug abuse and misuse among community pharmacists in Saudi Arabia
Maternal drinking and child emotional and behavior problems
No country for older men: ageing male suicide in New Zealand
Alcohol consumption or excessive use of psychotropic medication prior to suicidal self-injury in patients with adjustment disorder, depression, and schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study
Childhood maltreatment and problematic alcohol use in young adulthood: the roles of cognitive vulnerability to depression and depressive symptoms
Effects of social support and depression on problematic drinking among trauma-exposed Chinese adults: A population-based study
Manner of death in individuals with expletive tattoos
Opioid prescription patterns for pediatric orthopaedic fracture patients
Substance use and mental health problems among graduate students: individual and program-level correlates
Traditional feminine gender roles, alcohol use, and protective behavioral strategies among Latina college students
Appropriate cultural management as a technique to address early adolescent alcohol exposure [Letter]
Bidirectional relationship of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity and alcohol use over the course of integrated treatment
Cannabis use, cognitive performance, and symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in community adults
Do different types of war stressors have independent relations with mental health? Findings from the Korean Vietnam Veterans Study
Nurse-delivered screening and brief intervention among college students with hazardous alcohol use: a double-blind randomized clinical trial from India
Patterns and practices of self-medication among students enrolled at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda
Screening procedure for 38 fentanyl analogues and five other new opioids in whole blood by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Racial/ethnic and gender differences in the antecedents of youth suicide
Effects of observable parent alcohol consequences and parent alcohol disorder on adolescent alcohol expectancies
Electrochemical sensing of cannabinoids in biofluids: a non-invasive tool for drug detection
Evaluation of the performance of alcohol and drug awareness courses provided in the ACT
Motorcycle crashes resulting in hospital admissions in South Australia: crash characteristics and injury patterns
Alcohol consumption in India- an epidemiological review
Syndromic surveillance used to monitor emergency department visits during a synthetic cannabinoid overdose outbreak - Connecticut, August 2018
A novel trimodal system on a paper-based microfluidic device for on-site detection of the date rape drug "ketamine"
DSM-5 latent classes of alcohol users among treatment seeking older adults
Incidence of assault in Sydney, Australia, through 5 years of alcohol trading hour restrictions: controlled before-and-after study
Cannabis use and emotional awareness difficulties in adolescents with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders
A cross-sectional study of epidemiological factors related to road traffic accidents in a metropolitan city
Drunk, dangerous and delusional: how legal concept-creep risks overcriminalization
Blood cannabinoids. I. Absorption of THC and formation of 11-OH-THC and THCCOOH during and after smoking marijuana
Marihuana and driving
Detection of the marijuana metabolite 11-nor-Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid in oral fluid specimens and its contribution to positive results in screening assays
Pharmacokinetic profile of oral cannabis in humans: blood and oral fluid disposition and relation to pharmacodynamic outcomes
Detecting binge drinking and alcohol-related risky behaviours from Twitter's users: an exploratory content- and topology-based analysis
Driving mental workload and performance of ageing drivers
Evaluating the impacts of cannabis legalization: the International Cannabis Policy Study
Magnitude and determinants of road traffic accidents in Northern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Is pediatric traumatic brain injury associated with adult alcohol misuse?
A qualitative exploration of apprehended women's experience of drink driving events
Substance use disorders before, at and after first episode psychosis hospitalizations in a young national Swedish cohort
Marijuana's impairing effects on driving are moderate when taken alone but severe when combined with alcohol
Attitudes towards the consumption of substances. differences between high school and university students in Ecuador
Cannabis and psychological disorders
Comparison of timeline follow-back self-report and oral fluid testing to detect substance use in adult primary care patients
Unrecorded alcohol consumption in seven European Union countries
Testing wastewater from a music festival in Switzerland to assess illicit drug use
Shorter and longer durations of sleep are associated with an increased twelve-month prevalence of psychiatric and substance use disorders: findings from a nationally representative survey of US adults (NESARC-III)
Drink, don't think: the role of masculinity and thought suppression in men's alcohol-related aggression
Drug checking services: an essential tool for risk and harm reduction
Human cannabinoid pharmacokinetics
The implications of ridehailing for risky driving and road accident injuries and fatalities
Parental substance use disorder and child abuse: risk factors for child maltreatment?
Self-reported mental and physical health symptoms and potentially traumatic events among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals: the role of shame
Freedom of expression litigation and the harms of cannabis
Knowledge, practices, and attitudes of certified medical marijuana consultants in Washington state
Substance use disorders: what school counselors should know
"Against shameless and systematic calumny": strategies of domination and resistance and their impact on the bodies of the poor in nineteenth-century Ireland
Alcohol intoxication and cognition: implications on mechanisms and therapeutic strategies
Are side effects of cannabidiol (CBD) products caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contamination?
Association between energy drink consumption, depression and suicide ideation in Korean adolescents
The association between illicit drug use, borderline personality disorder and depression in a help-seeking sample of adolescents
Breathalyser-based eHealth data suggest that self-reporting of abstinence is a poor outcome measure for alcohol use disorder clinical trials
Cannabis use and internalizing/externalizing symptoms in youth: a Canadian population-based study
Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is present in the body between smoking sessions in occasional non-daily cannabis users
Personality and risk-taking: common biosocial factors
Acute alcohol intoxication as a confounding factor for mild traumatic brain injury
Associations between drug/alcohol use and emotional abuse: who perpetrates emotional abuse against Latina women?
Cannabis and cognition: connecting the dots towards the understanding of the relationship
Cannabis use among youth in the United States, 2004-2016: faster rate of increase among youth with depression
Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid exposure reported to the Israel poison information center: examining differences in exposures to medical and recreational compounds
Correcting exaggerated drinking norms with a mobile message delivery system: selective prevention with heavy-drinking first-year college students
What do you know about MaryJane? A systematic review of the current data on the THC:CBD ratio
Accidental fatalities among heroin users in South Australia, 1994-1997: toxicological findings and circumstances of death
Death of an apprentice bodybuilder following 2,4-dinitrophenol and clenbuterol intake
Duty to warn: antidepressant black box suicidality warning is empirically justified
E-cigarettes battery explosions: the place of blast related lesions
Effects of the increased minimum drinking age law on drinking and driving behavior among adolescents
The 'entourage effect' or 'hodge-podge hashish': the questionable rebranding, marketing, and expectations of cannabis polypharmacy
Ethnopharmacological applications targeting alcohol abuse: overview and outlook
Use and cost of antidotes for acute poisoning in a hospital emergency department
The role of substance use disorders in experiencing a repeat opioid overdose, and substance use treatment patterns among patients with a non-fatal opioid overdose
The health impact of alcohol on American cities: modeling the local burden of current alcohol use in one jurisdiction
The implementation of per-se limits for driving under the influence of benzodiazepines and related drugs: no increased risk for arrest during therapeutic use in Norway
Impulsivity and gender in adolescents who use psychoactive substances of higher prevalence (alcohol, tobacco and cannabis)
Memory biases in alcohol use disorder: enhanced memory for contexts associated with alcohol prospectively predicts alcohol use outcomes
Methadone poisonings: a seven-year retrospective study of the French poison center network focusing on suicide attempt vs. misuses
Multiple substance abuse as a form of high risk behavior in adolescence
Re-configured pleasures: how young people feel good through abstaining or moderating their drinking
A review of cases of marijuana and violence
The relationship of loneliness to end-of-life experience in older Americans: a cohort study
Alcohol and other drug use, and mental distress in the women's universe
Detection of drugs in oral fluid samples using a commercially available collection device: agreement with urine testing and evaluation of A and B samples obtained from employees at different workplace settings with uncontrolled sampling procedures
Determinants of harmful use of alcohol among urban slum dwelling adults in Kenya
Elder abuse protocols: identifying key features and establishing evidence for their use and effectiveness
Evidence of GHB natural presence in energy drinks: caution in data interpretation in suspected DFSA cases
Fentanyl availability on darknet markets
An adult case of generalized convulsions caused by the ingestion of Ginkgo biloba seeds with alcohol
Alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder symptomatology in adolescents is associated with dysfunction in neural processing of future events
Associations between stopping prescriptions for opioids, length of opioid treatment, and overdose or suicide deaths in US veterans: observational evaluation
Blackout versus pass out in allegations of alcohol-involved sexual assault: why knowing the difference matters
Caregiver support buffers posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following a natural disaster in relation to binge drinking
Change in prevalence of self-harm from 2002 to 2018 among Norwegian adolescents
The formulation of voluntary intoxication in continental law
Youth mental health in North Carolina: creative innovations in challenging times
Longitudinal associations between negative urgency, symptoms of depression, cannabis and alcohol use in veterans
Mortality among people who inject drugs: ten-year follow-up of the hepatitis C virus cohort
Nature and sources of poisoning in patients admitted to a referral hospital in Gaborone, Botswana; findings and implications
Online personalized feedback intervention reduces cannabis-related problems among college students with high problem distress
Perfectionism discrepancy and falling short of the ideal self: investigating drinking motives and impaired control on the road to alcohol-related problems
Prenatal cannabis exposure and suicide
Psychiatric comorbidity in adolescent use and poly-use of combustible, vaporized, and edible cannabis products
Residential PTSD treatment outcomes during cognitive processing therapy for veterans with and without recent histories of cannabis use
Association between patterns of alcohol use and short-term risk of suicide attempt among patients with and without reported suicidal ideation
Effect of eldecalcitol on muscle function and fall prevention in Japanese postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial
Enzymatic debridement as an effective treatment for combined flame and chemical burns caused by e-cigarettes
Unique roles of childhood poverty and adversity in the development of lifetime co-occurring disorder
Unintentional drug-related deaths in Cambridgeshire: a retrospective observational study
Suicide via intentional insulin overdose through first commercial hybrid closed-loop
Alcohol intoxication among cannabis users in a school-based adolescent sample
Associations between prenatal substance exposure, prenatal violence victimization, unintended pregnancy, and trauma exposure in childhood in a clinical setting
The burden experienced by Brazilian family members affected by their relatives' alcohol or drug misuse
Burning the candle at both ends: motivations for non-medical prescription stimulant use in the American workplace
Cannabis legalization in Canada: how might 'strict' regulation impact youth?
Can scare tactics and fear-based messages help deter substance misuse: a systematic review of recent (2005-2017) research
Enhancement imaginaries: exploring public understandings of pharmaceutical cognitive enhancing drugs
Evaluation of the UK D.A.R.E. primary programme
An evidence-based socioecological framework to understand men's use of anabolic androgenic steroids and inform interventions in this area
Examining the blurred boundaries between medical and recreational cannabis - results from an international study of small-scale cannabis cultivators
Systemic issues in the opioid epidemic: supporting the individual, family, and community
Use of a fall risk evaluation in a community-based pharmacy
Youth perspectives of prescription pain medication in the opioid crisis
Why prohibit study drugs? On attitudes and practices concerning prohibition and coercion to use pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement
The protective effect of trusted dealers against opioid overdose in the U.S
Method for the identification and quantification of sixty drugs and their metabolites in postmortem whole blood using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Mortality risk among individuals treated for alcohol use disorders: results of a longitudinal study from 1978 to 2016 in Northern Italy
Neurobiological mechanisms underlying cannabis-induced memory impairment
Synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) in metaphors: a metaphorical analysis of user experiences of synthetic cannabinoids in two countries
Harm reduction behaviors among polysubstance users who consume ecstasy: can they reduce the negative consequences? An exploratory study
Not without my mobile phone: alcohol binge drinking, gender violence and technology in the Spanish culture of intoxication
Non-medical opioid use, harms, and interventions in Canada - a 10-year update on an unprecedented substance use-related public health crisis
Acute respiratory failure associated with vaping
The spatio-temporal distribution of naloxone administration events in rural Ohio 2010-16
Death related to nicotine replacement therapy: a case report
Detection of cocaine on euro banknotes; development of a practical approach for the interpretation of suspect cases
Methamphetamine and Opioid Cue Database (MOCD): development and validation
Pain catastrophizing as a predictor of suicidal ideation in chronic pain patients with an opiate prescription
Parental indulgence, self-regulation, and young adults' behavioral and emotional problems
Amitriptyline intoxication in children: twenty years' experience in a tertiary care center in Turkey
Blue light phones as potential locations for deploying public access naloxone kits on a college campus
Commercial cannabinoid oil-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Delay discounting of different outcomes: review and theory
Violence victimization, substance use disparities, and gender-nonconforming youth
Veterans justice programs: assessing population risks for suicide deaths and attempts
Prescription opioid dispensing in Australian children and adolescents: a national population-based study
Epidemiology of fatal crashes in an underdeveloped city for the decade 2008-2017
Heavy episodic drinking in early adulthood: how parents' education contextualizes the effects of college status
Severe e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury requiring venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
The effect of alcohol on the physiological performance of the driver
The effectiveness of integrated matrix therapy on self-control and emotional regulation in methamphetamine abusers
Emotion regulation dynamics predict substance use in high-risk adolescents
Does cannabidiol reduce severe behavioural problems in children with intellectual disability? Study protocol for a pilot single-site phase I/II randomised placebo controlled trial
Drivers of opioid use in Appalachian Pennsylvania: cross-cutting social and community-level factors
Is problematic Internet use associated with alcohol and cannabis use among youth? A systematic review
Language and stigmatization of individuals with mental health problems or substance addiction in the Netherlands: an experimental vignette study
Media coverage of major sporting events: alcohol, crowd shots and the Rugby World Cup 2019
Substance use: interplay between polygenic risk and neighborhood environment
Underexamined points of vulnerability for Black mothers in the child welfare system: the role of number of births, age of first use of substances and criminal justice involvement
A scoping review of "responsible drinking" interventions
Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs for alcohol use disorder
Demographics, deaths and severity indicators in hospitalizations due to drug poisoning among children under age five in Brazil
The effects of cannabis use: a test among dual electronic and combustible cigarette users
Energy drink consumption, psychological distress, and suicidality among middle and high school students
Factors associated with traffic accidents among drivers: findings from a population-based study
Health-risk behavior differences between boarding and non-resident students: Brazilian adolescent National School Health Survey
National Trends in hospitalizations for self-directed violence related to opioids and/or depression - United States, 2000-2015
Personality traits, alcohol and cannabis use among medical students
Prevention of psychosis: advances in detection, prognosis, and intervention
Profiling and predicting help-seeking behaviour among trauma-exposed UK firefighters
Restriction of non-opioid analgesics sold over-the-counter in Denmark: a national study of impact on poisonings
The rise and fall and rise of benzodiazepines: a return of the stigmatized and repressed
The role of childhood adversities, FKBP5, BDNF, NRN1, and generalized self-efficacy in suicide attempts in alcohol-dependent patients
Toxicological assessment of the role of alcohol and drugs in drug-facilitated sexual assault cases in New Zealand
The pitfalls of prevalence estimation: the case of regular and dependent methamphetamine use in Australia
Challenging the brain disease model of addiction: European launch of the addiction theory network
When and how does normative feedback reduce intentions to drink irresponsibly? An experimental investigation
What is inside the "black box"? Therapeutic community residents' perspectives on each treatment phase
Correction to: Loose TT, et al., Time perspective and alcohol-use indicators in France and the United Kingdom: results across adolescents, university students, and treatment outpatients
In the absence of hard data, is soft data better than no data at all?
'Alcohol short-circuits important part of the brain': Swedish newspaper representations of biomedical alcohol research
The Dualistic Model of Passion applied to recreational marijuana consumption
An exploration of alcohol advertising on social networking sites: an analysis of content, interactions and young people's perspectives
Key stakeholder perspectives of drink restrictions in Newcastle, Australia
"Don't make too much fuss about it." Negotiating adult cannabis use
Bereavement following a fatal overdose: the experiences of adults in England and Scotland
A 30-year follow-up of substance misusers in Sweden - differences in predictors of mortality between women and men
Alcohol use disorder and risk of suicide in a Swedish population-based cohort
'All suffering together': student drinkers' experiences of alcohol hangover
Attachment anxiety and avoidance, emotion dysregulation, interpersonal difficulties and alcohol problems in emerging adulthood
Bartenders as street-level bureaucrats: theorizing server practices in the nighttime economy
The blind men and the elephant: systematic review of systematic reviews of cannabis use related health harms
Comment to Caputi and McLellan: Truth and D.A.R.E.: Is D.A.R.E.'s new Keepin' it REAL curriculum suitable for American nationwide implementation?
Do sensation seeking and aggression traits moderate the association between peer influence and alcohol outcomes among young Swiss men?
Does it matter if drugs are legal? Legalising decreases the influence of beliefs in a moral order in consumption among adolescents
The etymology and early history of 'addiction'
Evaluation of the Peninsula Alcohol and Violence Programme (PAVP) with violent offenders
Inside the black box of traditional treatment programs: clearing the air on the original literary teachings of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Parental substance abuse and risks to children's safety, health and psychological development
Response to Comment by Hecht & Miller-Day on "Truth and D.A.R.E.: Is D.A.R.E.'s new Keepin' it REAL curriculum suitable for American nationwide implementation?"
Suicidal ideation and attempts among patients with lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse in treatment for substance use disorders
Truth and D.A.R.E.: Is D.A.R.E.'s new Keepin' it REAL curriculum suitable for American nationwide implementation?
Buprenorphine poisoning in children: a 10-year experience of Marseille Poison Center
Characterization of intentional lurasidone ingestions using the United States National Poison Data System
Context matters for the socially anxious: moderating role of drinking context on alcohol outcome expectancies
Does parental intervention matter to diminish drinking behaviors among American adolescents?
Drink, death, and driving: do blood alcohol content limit reductions improve road safety?
The effect of significant other involvement in treatment for substance use disorders: a meta-analysis
Screening for alcohol use and brief counseling of adults - 13 states and the District of Columbia, 2017
Substance abusing mothers with a history of childhood abuse and their children's depressive symptoms: the efficacy of family therapy
Substance use, affective symptoms, and suicidal ideation among Russian, Somali, and Kurdish migrants in Finland
How do pediatric patients perceive adverse drug events of anticonvulsant drugs? A survey
Using longitudinal prescription data to examine the incidence of other chronic diseases following antidepressant use
The influence of military service experiences on current and daily drinking
Intentions and motives to experience alcohol-induced blackout among young adults in college
The potential effects of autonomous vehicles on alcohol consumption and drink-driving behaviours
Micro-level factors associated with alcohol use and binge drinking among youth in the COMPASS study (2012/13 to 2017/18)
The nature of suffering, health care "providers," and the opioid crisis
Opioid-involved overdose deaths with fentanyl or fentanyl analogs detected - 28 states and the District of Columbia, July 2016-December 2018
Non Violent Resistance parent training and adolescent substance misuse
Clenbuterol: a new toxic substance in paediatrics
Evaluation of data preprocessings for the comparison of GC-MS chemical profiles of seized cannabis samples
Examining pathways of childhood maltreatment and emotional dysregulation using self-compassion
Development of three driver state detection models from driving information using vehicle simulator; normal, drowsy and drunk driving
Child maltreatment and substance-use-related negative consequences: longitudinal trajectories from early to mid adolescence
Accurately estimating alcohol consumption: a comparison of self-administrated and interview methods
Acute effects of low versus high caffeine dose consumption on postural balance in middle-aged women
ADHD, suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and alcohol problem in Korean juvenile delinquency
Screening for alcohol use disorders in college student drinkers with the AUDIT and the USAUDIT: a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis
"You are not clean until you're not on anything": perceptions of medication-assisted treatment in rural Appalachia
Mental health service utilization and perceived barriers to receiving care in deployed soldiers
Opportunities for emergency medical services intervention to prevent opioid overdose mortality
Outpatient pharmacy prescriptions during the first year following serious combat injury: a retrospective analysis
Perceptions of alcohol and alcohol use among community members and young adults in Ukraine
Risk awareness, medication adherence, and driving behavior as determined by the provision of drug information to patients
Predictors of five-year relapse rates of youths with substance abuse who underwent a family-oriented therapy program
Adverse drug events detected by clinical pharmacists in an emergency department: a prospective monocentric observational study
Chest pain from supplement use in an active duty soldier: a case report
Abuse of licit and illicit psychoactive substances in the workplace: medical, toxicological, and forensic aspects
Alcohol hangover differentially modulates the processing of relevant and irrelevant information
"A blessing and a curse:" opioid users' perspectives on naloxone and the epidemic of opioid overdose
Cannabis use, subsequent other illicit drug use and drug use disorders: a 16-year follow-up study among Swedish adults
Corrigendum: adding suicide prevention to the triple advantages of injectable long-acting second-generation antipsychotics
Effect of alcohol use on the adolescent brain and behavior
Effects of evaluative conditioning on implicit evaluation of alcohol and drinking behaviors: a direct replication
Psychopathy and corticostriatal connectivity: the link to criminal behavior in methamphetamine dependence
PTSD and opioid use: implications for intervention and policy
The impact of the prescription opioid epidemic on young children: trends and mortality
Multinational investigation of fracture risk with antidepressant use by class, drug, and indication
The Internet market for Kratom, an opioid alternative and variably legal recreational drug
Excited delirium syndrome from psychostimulant abuse can mimic a violent scene of death
Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms among men and women in a substance use and mental health treatment court sample
Alcohol and drug related trauma - extent of the problem
Alcohol policies and motor vehicle crash deaths involving blood alcohol concentrations below 0.08
Assessing front office staff awareness on mental health resources at youth friendly clinics in Los Angeles County
Associations between solitary drinking and increased alcohol consumption, alcohol problems, and drinking to cope motives in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The behavioral economics of the bottomless cup: the effects of alcohol cup price on consumption in college students
Big cannabis in the UK: is industry support for wider patient access motivated by promises of recreational market worth billions?
A brief clinic-based intervention to reduce alcohol misuse and sexual risk behavior in young women: results from an exploratory clinical trial
Development and validation of a driving simulator for evaluating the residual effects of drugs on driving performance - sensitivity analysis using zopiclone as a positive control: Study Protocol Clinical Trial (SPIRIT Compliant)
Drug and opioid-involved overdose deaths - United States, 2017-2018
E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) with acute respiratory failure in three adolescent patients: a clinical timeline, treatment, and product analysis
Epidemiology of self-poisoning with drug in the Central Anatolian Region in Turkey
Extension of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to predict patterns of marijuana use among young Iranian adults
Help-seeking for mental health issues in deployed Canadian Armed Forces personnel at risk for moral injury
Identification of tendency to alcohol misuse from the structural brain networks
Queensland: the continuing need for RBT! Random breath testing
Drink driving rehabilitation - rural and urban issues: "Under the limit" drink driving rehabiltation programme
The effects of alcohol dose, exposure to an in-vehicle alcohol feedback device, and subjective responses to alcohol on the decision to drink-drive in young drivers
Individual variables involved in perceived pressure for adolescent drinking
Latent classes of lifetime drug use disorder in national epidemiological survey on alcohol and related conditions - III
Updating the definition of the alcohol hangover
Studies on the phase I metabolites of the new designer drug 1-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-5-yl)-2-(pyrrolidine-1-yl)butan-1-one (5-PPDI) in human urine
Secondary visual loss due to inhalation and cutaneous poisoning by methanol and toluene. Presentation of a clinical case
"Natural" is not synonymous with "Safe": toxicity of natural products alone and in combination with pharmaceutical agents
Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol: harmful even in low doses?
The effect of the Music Day event on community drug use
Supervised injection facility use and exposure to violence among a cohort of people who inject drugs: A gender-based analysis
Integration of motivational interviewing and behavioral economic theories to enhance brief alcohol interventions: rationale and preliminary examination of client language
Volcano in the pocket: danger induced by electronic cigarettes
Mental health consequences for survivors of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster: a systematic review. Part 1: psychological consequences
Mental health consequences for survivors of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster: a systematic review. Part 2: emotional and behavioral consequences
Not all herbals are benign: a case of hydroxycut-induced acute liver injury
Psychiatric symptoms caused by cannabis constituents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Road safety Australia 2001: a reflection
Selective sensing of THC and related metabolites in biofluids by host: guest arrays
Shame: an acute stress response to interpersonal traumatization
The theory of collectivity of drinking cultures: how alcohol became everyone's problem
Tramadol use and public health consequences in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Trends in marijuana use in two Latin-American countries: an age, period, and cohort study
Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Caffeine and Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Study
Variation in adult outpatient opioid prescription dispensing by age and sex - United States, 2008-2018
County-level factors underlying opioid mortality in the United States
Daily use of high-potency cannabis is associated with more positive symptoms in first-episode psychosis patients: the EU-GEI case-control study
Temporal association between zolpidem medication and the risk of suicide: a 12-year population-based, retrospective cohort study
Sport-specific use of doping substances: World Anti-Doping Agency analysis of doping control tests between 2014 and 2017
Qualitative exploration of the intersection between social influences and cultural norms in relation to the development of alcohol use behaviour during adolescence
Research on alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among sexual minority women: a global scoping review
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Canadian pediatric emergency physicians regarding short-term opioid use: a descriptive, cross-sectional survey
Extreme risk-taking behaviors in patients with eating disorders
Factors associated with cannabis use among African American nondaily smokers
Feasibility and reliability of continuously monitoring alcohol use among female adolescents and young adults
Opioid overdoses for recently incarcerated individuals: toxicology results and risk evaluations
Optimizing internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for alcohol misuse: a study protocol for a randomized factorial trial examining the effects of a pre-treatment assessment interview and health educator guidance
Pain agreements and time-to-event analysis of substance misuse in a primary care chronic pain program
Pharmacy on-site overdose protocols and prevention of overdose
Gun control and alcohol policy
Cannabis crashes: myths & truths (Response to critiques)
Cannabis crashes: myths & truths
Increasing methamphetamine detection in cases of early childhood fatalities
Nitrous oxide recreational abuse presenting with myeloneuropathy and mimicking Guillain-Barre syndrome
Projectile wound to head from modified electronic cigarette explosion
Continuous opioid monitoring along with nerve agents on a wearable microneedle sensor array
Incidence and lethality of suicidal overdoses by drug class
History of childhood abuse and alcohol use disorder: Relationship with intermittent explosive disorder and intoxicated aggression frequency
The identification of a steel mold's marks on fake drug bottles
Consistency and inconsistency of young women's reporting of intimate partner violence in a population-based study
Medical marijuana dispensaries and referrals for child maltreatment investigations
Mobilising communities to address alcohol harm: an Alcohol Health Champion approach
Outcomes of reducing stigma towards alcohol misuse during adolescence: results of a randomized controlled trial of the MAKINGtheLINK intervention
Predictors and moderators of response to brief interventions among adolescents with risky alcohol and marijuana use
Prevalence and factors associated with non-medical prescription stimulant use to promote wakefulness in young adults
What can we learn from the English-language media coverage of cannabis legalization in Canada?
Twelve-hour before driving prevalence of alcohol and drug use among heavy vehicle drivers in south east of Iran using network scale up
Goal commitment evolution in a Spanish adolescent sample with cannabis use disorder
Temporal factors associated with opioid prescriptions for patients with pain conditions in an urban emergency department
Alternatives to custodial remand for women in the criminal justice system: a multi-sector approach
Cannabis butane hash oil dabbing induced lung injury mimicking atypical pneumonia
Drug and alcohol related patient presentations to emergency departments during sporting mass-gathering events: an integrative review
Effects of ethanol exposure during adolescence or adulthood on locomotor sensitization and dopamine levels in the reward system
Physical and sexual intimate partner aggression among college students: examining the roles of cyber intimate partner aggression and alcohol use
Sleep disturbances and suicidality in posttraumatic stress disorder: an overview of the literature
Student experience of school screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment
Buproprion associated seizures following acute overdose: who develops late seizures
Cannabis use disorder among first-year undergraduate students in Gaborone, Botswana
Corrigendum to "A repeated cross-sectional study of factors associated with pregabalin-positive poisoning deaths in Ireland" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 206 (2020) 107741]
Substance use, mental health, and child welfare profiles of juvenile justice-involved commercially sexually exploited youth
Smuggling of drugs by body packing: evidence from Chinese sentencing documents
SAMHSA: creating a system of care that meets the needs of people with mental and substance use disorders
Impact of pharmacological treatments for opioid use disorder on mortality
Mapping cannabis potency in medical and recreational programs in the United States
Patterns and characteristics of methamphetamine use among adults - United States, 2015-2018
Population attributable fraction of early age of onset of alcohol use in alcohol abuse and dependence: a 3-year follow-up study in university students
Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of prescription opioid use, over-use, and misuse among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees, 2015-2016
Unwanted effects of treatments for depression in children and adolescents: a mapping of systematic reviews
Alcohol and other drugs in suicide in Canada: opportunities to support prevention through enhanced monitoring
Association of cannabis use with intimate partner violence among couples with substance misuse
Associations between recent and cumulative cannabis use and internalizing problems in boys from adolescence to young adulthood
Fatal α-PVP and amphetamine poisoning during a sauna and autoerotic practices
Perceptions matter: narratives of contraceptive implant robbery in Cape Town, South Africa
Patient-reported opioid pill consumption after an ED visit: how many pills are people using?
Occupational exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke among law enforcement officers providing security at outdoor concert events
Fatal e-cigarette or vaping associated lung injury (EVALI): a first case report in Europe
Comorbid alcohol use disorder in psychiatric MDD patients: a five-year prospective study
The popular kids don't matter: centrality and influence on adolescent behavior
The kids are all White: examining race and representation in news media coverage of opioid overdose deaths in Canada
Adolescent treatment admissions for marijuana following recreational legalization in Colorado and Washington
Alcohol expectancies change in early to middle adolescence as a function of the exposure to parental alcohol use
Youth mental health first aid: initial outcomes of a statewide rollout in Ohio
Risk of falls in postmenopausal women treated with romosozumab: preliminary indices from a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials
Methanol mass poisoning outbreak: a consequence of covid-19 pandemic and misleading messages on social media
Exploring new use of cannabis among older adults
'Empowering our people' to address depression, violence, and sexual risk among Native Americans with recent binge alcohol use
Examining the relationship between social norms, alcohol-induced blackouts, and intentions to blackout among college students
(Re)shaping the self: an ethnographic study of the embodied and spatial practices of women who use drugs
Canadian guidelines on cannabis use disorder among older adults
A systematic literature review of e-cigarette-related illness and injury: not just for the respirologist
The association of balance, fear of falling, and daily activities with drug phases and severity of disease in patients with Parkinson
Binge eating and binge drinking behaviors: the role of family functioning
Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in commercially available CBD E-liquids in Switzerland
The culture of herbal preparations among pregnant women: a remedy or a suicide potion? A case report and mini review
Determining the impact of the opioid crisis on a tertiary-care hospital in central New York to identify critical areas of intervention in the local community
Alcohol-impaired driving in rural and urban road environments: Effect on speeding behaviour and crash probabilities
Consumption of alcohol and drugs in the school population of Sao Tome and Principe
The decline in alcohol consumption in Russia from 2006 to 2017: do birth cohorts matter?
Depression and alcohol use disorders as precursors to death by suicide
Discussion on safety of Xanthii Fructus and consideration on its rational use
The effects of smoking on adolescent trauma patients: a propensity-score-matched analysis
Relationship between relative deprivation and health of Hainan Island residents: mediating effect of negative health behaviors
Pharmacists' knowledge and counselling on fall risk increasing drugs in a tertiary teaching hospital in Nigeria
Potential adverse drug events with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) due to drug-drug interactions
Recent partner violence, sexual relationship power, and STIs among women who use methamphetamine: does type of sexual partner matter?
Is "light cannabis" really light? Determination of cannabinoids content in commercial products
Obesity and incident prescription opioid use in the U.S., 2000-2015
A life-time of hazardous drinking and harm to health among older adults: findings from the Whitehall II prospective cohort study
Is legal really legal? The evolving world of cannabis
Nonfatal drug overdoses treated in emergency departments - United States, 2016-2017
Opioids and suicide: opportunities for comprehensive prevention
Pathways from parental substance use to child internalizing and externalizing behaviors in a child protective services sample
A potentially fatal aphrodisiac: cantharidin poisoning
Veterans Team Recovery Integrative Immersion Process (Vet TRIIP): a qualitative evaluation of participation and impact
Tobacco smoking: the likely confounder of the association between heart diseases and suicide
Time patterns of external and alcohol-related mortality after marital and non-marital separation: the contribution of psychiatric morbidity
Prevention harmful consumption of alcohol and drugs in Sao Tome and Principe through public health communication: the scientific protocol
State or market? How to effectively decrease alcohol-related crash fatalities and injuries
The role of affect, emotion management, and attentional bias in young adult drinking: an experience sampling study
Association of Medicare Part D benzodiazepine coverage expansion with changes in fall-related injuries and overdoses among Medicare advantage beneficiaries
Changes in alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking in U.S. Women of childbearing-age and peripartum between 2001-2002 and 2012-2013
Effects of the Dating Matters® comprehensive prevention model on health- and delinquency-related risk behaviors in middle school youth: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Evolution of Italian laws banning trafficking, use and abuse of psychotropic drugs
Loneliness and depression among Chinese drug users: mediating effect of resilience and moderating effect of gender
Pain catastrophizing and medication overuse in patients with chronic migraine
Substance use among Latino international and domestic college students
The role of pubertal timing in the link between family history of alcohol use disorder and late adolescent substance use
Measuring character strengths as possible protective factors against suicidal ideation in older Chinese adults: a cross-sectional study
Missing in action: sex and gender in substance use research
Pain intensity, alcohol use motives, and alcohol use among firefighters: the moderating role of pain-related anxiety
Epidemiology of alcohol misuse and illicit drug use among young people aged 15-24 years in fishing communities in Uganda
A case of suicidal caffeine intoxication
Twin epidemics: suicides and opiate overdoses are increasingly fueling our donor supply in transplantation
What is the best indicator of the harmful use of alcohol? A narrative review
Exposure to persistently delinquent peers and substance use onset: a test of Moffitt's social mimicry hypothesis
School start times, delinquency, and substance use: a criminological perspective
Advances in neuropathologic research of hypoglycemic brain damage caused by insulin overdose
Alcohol consumption in adolescents: the predictive role of drinking motives
Cumulative violence exposure and alcohol use among college students: adverse childhood experiences and dating violence
Designer drugs: mechanism of action and adverse effects
Emotion regulation in undergraduate students with posttraumatic stress symptoms: a multimethod study
Marijuana legislation and electronic cigarette- or vaping-associated lung injury: a historical perspective
Oral fluid to blood concentration ratios of different psychoactive drugs in samples from suspected drugged drivers
The phenotype of adverse drug effects: do emergency visits due to adverse drug reactions look different in older people? Results from the ADRED study
Psychotropic medication use before and after suicidal presentations to the emergency department: a longitudinal analysis
Vaping associated lung injury: a potentially life-threatening epidemic in US youth
Fatal and non-fatal health incidents related to recreational ecstasy use
Non-consumable alcohol poisoning in the material of the Forensic Medicine Department in Cracow in 2007-2016: PS106
Alcohol and parasomnias: the statistical evaluation of the parasomnia defense in sexual assault, where alcohol is involved
Association between the use of angiotensin-blocking medications with hip fracture and death in older people
Cigarette smoking dose-response and suicidal ideation among young people in Nepal: a cross-sectional study
Community awareness of outreach efforts to reduce underage drinking on California Indian reservations
Comparison between carbon monoxide poisoning from hookah smoking versus other sources
Impact of a district mental health care plan on suicidality among patients with depression and alcohol use disorder in Nepal
Initial indicators of the public health impacts of non-medical cannabis legalization in Canada
Injecting drug use during sex (known as "slamming") among men who have sex with men: results from a time-location sampling survey conducted in five cities, France
Looking back, moving forward: 50 years of South African Medical Research Council alcohol-related publications
Screening gender minority people for harmful alcohol use
Synthetic pathways to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): an overview
Toxicological analysis unveiling the low rate of self-reporting of addictive/recreative substances in acute severe drug overdose cases
More than just a 'city problem': drugs and alcohol (mis)use in rural and regional Australia
Acute alcohol intoxication and expectations reshape the spatiotemporal functional architecture of executive control
Does alcohol use in large group contexts mediate the association between sex-related alcohol expectancies and rape?
Hazardous drinking is associated with hypnotic consumption in medical students in the BOURBON nationwide study: psychological factors explored
The identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services: a systematic review
"I'm just a long history of people rejecting referrals" experiences of young people who fell through the gap between child and adult mental health services
The impact of motivational interviewing on relapse to substance use among women in Iran: a randomized clinical trial
Methanol poisoning emerging as the result of COVID-19 outbreak; radiologic perspective
Supply reduction policy against new psychoactive substances in China: policy framework and implementation
A systematic review of the effect of L-tryptophan supplementation on mood and emotional functioning
Victimization, substance use, depression, and sexual risk in adolescent males who have sex with males: a syndemic latent profile analysis
Adolescent cannabis use, cognition, brain health and educational outcomes: a review of the evidence
Alcohol or benzodiazepine co-involvement with opioid overdose deaths in the United States, 1999-2017
Will legalization and commercialization of cannabis use increase the incidence and prevalence of psychosis?
Unexpected deadly outcome of a body packer - a case of drowning and illegal drug trafficking with review
Trends in emergency department visits for acetaminophen-related poisonings: 2011-2019
Trends in antidepressants use in Spain between 2015 and 2018: analyses from a population-based registry study with reference to driving
Relationships on the rocks: a meta-analysis of romantic partner effects on alcohol use
Proximal associations among bullying, mood, and substance use: a daily report study
Association between socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and non-fatal alcohol-related injury in Maringá, Brazil
Changes in alcohol use, PTSD hyperarousal symptoms, and intervention dropout following veterans' use of VetChange
Chemical constituents involved in e-cigarette, or vaping product use-associated lung injury
Do adolescents use substances to relieve uncomfortable sensations? A preliminary examination of negative reinforcement among adolescent cannabis and alcohol users
Heterogeneous peer effects on marijuana use: evidence from a natural experiment
Impact of alcohol marketing on drinkers with Alcohol use disorders seeking treatment: a mixed-method study protocol
The impact of childhood emotional abuse on pain interference among people with chronic pain who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Injuries and poisonings associated with methamphetamine use: sentinel surveillance, the electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (eCHIRPP), 2011-2019
The influence of opioid use disorder on open reduction and internal fixation following ankle fracture
A best practice framework to measure spatial variation in alcohol availability
Dental local anesthesia-related pediatric cases reported to U.S. poison control centers
From child maltreatment to adolescent substance use: different pathways for males and females?
Inhaler intoxications developed during autopsy of the corpse due to cyanide intake: case series
Is victimization associated with carrying a weapon? Investigating the intersection of sex and race/ethnicity
Medication treatment and health care use among adolescents with opioid use disorder in Ohio
Potential for cannabis adaptation among participants in a drunk driving intervention
Prescription opioid overdose and adverse effect hospitalisations among injured workers in eight states (2010-2014)
Problematizing the DSM-5 criteria for opioid use disorder: A qualitative analysis
What about drug checking? Systematic review and netnographic analysis of social media
Perceived discrimination and alcohol-related problems among Hispanic college students: the protective role of serious harm reduction behaviors
Predictors of motives for marijuana use in African American adolescents and emerging adults
Substance use and suicide attempts among adolescent sexual minority males: a comparison of synthesized substance use measures
School climate as a universal intervention to prevent substance use initiation in early adolescence: a longitudinal study
A life-course theory exploration of opioid-related maternal mortality in the United States
Medication by proxy: the devolution of psychiatric power and shared accountability to psychopharmaceutical use among soldiers in America's post-9/11 wars
Missed opportunities: arrest and court touchpoints for individuals who fatally overdosed in Philadelphia in 2016
The impact of legislation on acute synthetic cannabinoid harms resulting in ambulance attendance
Dual use of alcohol and cannabis among college students: a reinforcer pathologies approach
Change in implicit alcohol associations over time: moderation by drinking history and gender
Characteristics of suicides and toxicology in a cohort of individuals with opioid use disorder
Determinants of the retail price of illegal drugs in New Zealand
An analysis of family dynamics: a selective substance abuse prevention programme for adolescents
Associations between high caffeine consumption, driving safety indicators, sleep and health behaviours in truck drivers
Sensitivity analysis of driver's behavior and psychophysical conditions
Acceptability and feasibility of a brief substance use intervention for adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa: a pilot study
Availability in Spain of "one pill killers" and other highly toxic drugs in infants
The effects of alcohol hangover on mood and performance assessed at home
Similar countries, similar factors? Studying the decline of heavy episodic drinking in adolescents in Finland, Norway and Sweden
Suicides among opioid overdose deaths
Suicides among opioid overdose deaths-reply
Exploring sex differences in the association between bullying involvement and alcohol and marijuana use among U.S. adolescents in 6th to 10th grade
Long-term risk of hip or forearm fractures in older occasional users of benzodiazepines
Prevalence and description of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) use in the United States: a cross-sectional study
Serotonin toxicity from isolated bupropion overdoses
The correlation of specific medication groups and falls risk in elderly. A medication logbook survey
Adolescent ethanol exposure: anxiety-like behavioral alterations, ethanol intake, and sensitivity
Alcohol use disorder, but not cannabis use disorder, symptomatology in adolescents is associated with reduced differential responsiveness to reward versus punishment feedback during instrumental learning
Associations between psychiatric disorders and cannabis-related disorders documented in electronic health records
Opioid overdose reversals using naloxone in New York City by people who use opioids: implications for public health and overdose harm reduction approaches from a qualitative study
Availability, retail price and potency of legal and illegal cannabis in Canada after recreational cannabis legalisation
Change in the relationship between drinking alcohol and risk of violence among adolescents and young adults: a nationally representative longitudinal study
Cognitive impairment in methamphetamine users with recent psychosis: a cross-sectional study in Thailand
E-cigarette- or vaping-associated lung injury: an unprecedented enigma
Effectiveness of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) in reducing intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia (VATU): a randomized controlled trial
Establishing need and population priorities to improve the health of homeless and vulnerably housed women, youth, and men: a Delphi consensus study
A framework for EMS outreach for drug overdose survivors: a case report of the Houston Emergency Opioid Engagement System
Impact of childhood trauma on executive function in adolescence-mediating functional brain networks and prediction of high-risk drinking
Male-dominated occupations and substance use disorders in young adulthood
Night-time is the right time? Late-night drinking and assaults in Finnish public and private settings
Patterns of sexual risk behaviors among college women: a latent profile analysis
Pharmacodynamic dose effects of oral cannabis ingestion in healthy adults who infrequently use cannabis
Substance abuse and public health: a multilevel perspective and multiple responses
Traumatic brain injury in drug users
Understanding ambivalence in help-seeking for suicidal people with comorbid depression and alcohol misuse
Rural-nonrural differences in telemedicine use for mental and substance use disorders among Medicaid beneficiaries
Sexual assault, alcohol use, and gender of sexual partners among cisgender women seeking care at US college health centers, 2015-2018
Spillover effects of job skills training on substance misuse among low-income youths with employment barriers: a longitudinal cohort study
Age-adjusted drug overdose death rates, by state - United States, 2018
Retrospective assessment of acute poisoning incidents by nonpharmaceutical agents in Jordan: data from Pharmacy One™ Poison Call Center, 2014 to 2018-Part I
Retrospective assessment of acute poisoning incidents by pharmaceutical agents in Jordan: data from Pharmacy One™ Poison Call Center, 2014 to 2018-Part II
Retrospective screening of synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic opioids and designer benzodiazepines in data files from forensic post mortem samples analysed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS from 2014 to 2018
Adulteration of selected dietary supplements and their detection methods
The association between aspirin use and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Associations between moral injury, PTSD clusters, and depression among Israeli veterans: a network approach
Attitudes about intimate partner violence and alcohol consumption
Cannabis-related illness in Missouri emergency rooms
Changes in firearm and medication storage practices in homes of youths at risk for suicide: results of the SAFETY study, a clustered, emergency department-based, multisite, stepped-wedge trial
Commentary on Shi & Liang (2020): Has cannabis legalization increased acute cannabis-related harms?
Crime and violence in older adults: findings from the 2002 to 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Daily physical activity and alcohol use among young adults
Distress, desperation and despair: anxiety, depression and suicidality among rural South African youth
External validation of a risk score for major toxicity among nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug users: real-world application
Fatal intoxication with ivabradine: first case report
History of sexual assault, past-year alcohol use, and alcohol-related problems in American Indian adolescents
Impact of 2 weeks of monitored abstinence on cognition in adolescent and young adult cannabis users
Victimization and substance use among adolescents in residential child care
Vaping-induced lung injury: a case of lipoid pneumonia associated with e-cigarettes containing cannabis
Unintentional drug overdose: is more frequent use of non-prescribed buprenorphine associated with lower risk of overdose?
Impact of STEADI-Rx: a community pharmacy-based fall prevention intervention
The levels of anger and aggression in street children with substance dependence
Lifetime cocaine use is a potential predictor for conversion from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: a prospective study
Mining drugs and indications for suicide-related adverse events
Online mutual-help intervention for reducing heavy alcohol use
Pharmacological treatment of depression: a systematic review comparing clinical practice guideline recommendations
Testing alternative cascades from internalizing and externalizing symptoms to adolescent alcohol use and alcohol use disorder through co-occurring symptoms and peer delinquency
A systematic review and meta-analysis of delay discounting and cannabis use
A suicide attempt with sevelamer in a hemodialysis patient
Stability of at-risk alcohol use screening in a general population sample
The psychiatric characteristics of people on a mephedrone ("bath salts") binge
Racial and ethnic differences in emergency department pain management of children with fractures
The roles of phosphatidylethanol (PEth), ethyl glucuronide (EtG), and ethyl sulfate (EtS) in identifying alcohol consumption among participants in professionals' health programs
Recreational use of cannabis: from effects to harm epidemiological data
The disparate burden of alcohol-related fatal crashes among young Latino drivers
Driving after cannabis use and compensatory driving behaviors among current cannabis users in Colorado
Glossary on drug use and driving safety
The increasing role of provincial administrative sanctions in Canadian impaired driving enforcement
Predicting dui decisions of different drivers in different legal environments: investigating differential deterrence
Binge-like, naloxone-sensitive, voluntary ethanol intake at adolescence is greater than at adulthood, but does not exacerbate subsequent two-bottle choice drinking
Characteristics of older adults who were early adopters of medical cannabis in the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry
Inclusion of cannabis users in alcohol research samples: screening in, screening out, and implications
Neighborhood deprivation moderates shared and unique environmental influences on hazardous drinking: findings from a cross-sectional co-twin study
Oxycodone, hydromorphone, and the risk of suicide: a retrospective population-based case-control study
Prescription opioid misuse: examining the role of opioid-related attitudes among youth and young adults by sexual orientation
Public acceptability of public health policy to improve population health: a population-based survey
The relationship between trauma exposure and psychiatric hospitalization for suicide ideation or suicide attempt among patients admitted to a military treatment setting
The unlikely legalization of medical cannabis in Albania: a case study
Urban upgrading and levels of interpersonal violence in Cape Town, South Africa: the violence prevention through urban upgrading programme
Aggressive-depressive trajectories in childhood and their associations with drinking behaviors and problems in adolescence and emerging adulthood
The association between caregiver substance abuse and mental health problems and outcomes for trauma-exposed youth
We need to delay the age of onset of alcohol consumption
Association of eszopiclone, zaleplon, or zolpidem with complex sleep behaviors resulting in serious injuries, including death
Impact of a governmental intervention to improve access to child psychiatric services in Japan
Lamotrigine overdose with urine toxicology positive for phencyclidine: a case report of possible cross-reactivity
Alcohol stigma as it relates to drinking behaviors and perceptions of drink drivers: a mixed method study in Moshi, Tanzania
Breath alcohol concentration and perception of drunkenness: a comparison between adolescents and young adults drinking alcohol in public settings
Estimated televised alcohol advertising exposure in the past year and associations with past 30-day drinking behavior among American adults: results from a secondary analysis of large-scale advertising and survey data
Impact of workplace injury on opioid dependence, abuse, illicit use and overdose: a 36-month retrospective study of insurance claims
Intensity of cannabis use: findings from three online surveys
The relative economy and drug overdose deaths
Sex/gender differences in brain function and structure in alcohol use: a narrative review of neuroimaging findings over the last 10 years
Costs of cannabis testing compliance: assessing mandatory testing in the California cannabis market
Cognitive function impairments linked to alcohol and cannabis use during adolescence: a study of gender differences
Clinical characteristics distinguishing tramadol-using adolescents from other substance-using adolescents in an out-patient treatment setting
Discriminant function analyses: classifying drugs/violence victimization typologies among incarcerated rural women
Driving under the influence of alcohol: findings from the NSDUH, 2002-2017
Epidemiology and outcome of trauma victims admitted in trauma centers of tertiary care hospitals - a multicentric study in India
Evaluation of proactive community case detection to increase help seeking for mental health care: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Experiences and reactions of adolescent offspring to their fathers' heavy drinking: a qualitative study from an urban metropolis in India
Investigation on the consumption of synthetic cannabinoids among teenagers by the analysis of herbal blends and urine samples
Oral cannabidiol does not convert to Δ8-THC or Δ9-THC in humans: a pharmacokinetic study in healthy subjects
Patients' experiences of alcohol screening and advice in primary care: a qualitative study
Physical abuse and adolescent sexual behaviors: moderating effects of mental health disorders and substance use
The role of negative urgency in risky alcohol drinking and binge-eating in United Kingdom male and female students
Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among older adults in Jodhpur and stakeholders perspective on responsive health system
Psychometric properties of the "Alcohol Consumption Consequences Evaluation" (ACCE) scale for young Spanish university students
Racism and Its Effect on Cannabis Research
Toluene inhalation causes early anxiety and delayed depression with regulation of dopamine turnover, 5-HT1a receptor, and adult neurogenesis in mice
Carbon monoxide poisoning in active or passive shisha smokers
Defining substance related disorders in administrative health databanks
Medication use for adhd and the risk of driving citations and crashes among teenage drivers: a population-based cohort study
Non-opioid substances acute poisonings with suicidal intent in patients with opioid use disorder
Outcome of patients with chlorpyrifos intoxication
Alcohol consumption by older New York City residents: the need for new policies to address misuse
Association of extent of cannabis use and psychotic like intoxication experiences in a multi-national sample of first episode psychosis patients and controls
Characteristics of unclaimed prescriptions in a college-aged population
Combining antidepressants with beta-blockers: evidence of a clinically significant CYP2D6 drug interaction
Corrigendum to "Toxicological findings in 1000 cases of suspected drug facilitated sexual assault in the United States" [J Forensic Leg Med 61 (2019) 56-64]
Differential incarceration by race-ethnicity and mental health service status in the Los Angeles County Jail System
High-risk alcohol use behavior and daily academic effort among college students
Pediatric poison center exposures and outcomes in the context of grandparent supervision [letter]
Measurement of social processes at the neighborhood level in Baltimore City
Fentanyl detection using eosin Y paper assays
Comment on "At-risk drinking and current cannabis use among medical students: a multivariable analysis of the role of personality traits"
Alcohol screening and brief intervention among military service members and veterans: rural-urban disparities
Characterizing profiles of polysubstance use among high school students in Baltimore, Maryland: a latent class analysis
The conditional association of problematic drinking with suicidal ideation by alcohol expectancies
Construction workers' alcohol use, knowledge, perceptions of risk and workplace norms
Pediatric perampanel poisoning
"Pick up anything that moves": a qualitative analysis of a police crackdown against people who use drugs in Tijuana, Mexico
Prevalence and distribution pattern of mood swings in Thai adolescents: a school-based survey in the central region of Thailand
Response to Commentary on Smoking-related violence in a mental health setting following the implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy: a content analysis of incident reports (Spaducci et al, 2019)
Risk-taking and delinquent behaviors among youth with and without intellectual disabilities
The role of alcohol-induced blackouts in symptoms of depression among young adults
The social ecology of parental monitoring: parent-child dynamics in a high-risk Peruvian neighborhood
Three consecutive nights of sleep loss: effects of morning caffeine consumption on subjective sleepiness/alertness, reaction time and simulated driving performance
Spinal cord injury after the use of ecstasy in a young male
The role of relationship changes in college students' heavy episodic drinking
Risk for substance use disorders in young adulthood: associations with developmental experiences of homelessness, foster care, and adverse childhood experiences
Recent use of synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic opioids, and other psychoactive drug groups among high-risk drug users
Reactions to participating in trauma and addiction research among women in a sober living home: a brief report
Predictors of CNS-active medication use and polypharmacy among homebound older adults with depression
Health-related masculine values, depression and suicide risk in men: associations among men with a history of childhood maltreatment
Gang membership and sexual violence: associations with childhood maltreatment and psychiatric morbidity
A double-blind, randomized study of extended-release molindone for impulsive aggression in ADHD
Differences in mental health across sexual minority status
COVID-19: home poisoning throughout the containment period
Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: a brief measure of motives
The arrogance of power: alcohol industry interference with warning label research
Assessment of alcohol use and consequences: comparison of data collected via timeline followback interview and daily reports
Baseline assessment of alcohol-related knowledge of and support for alcohol warning labels among alcohol consumers in Northern Canada and associations with key sociodemographic characteristics
Commentary on Kypri & Livingston (2020): Alcohol trading hour restrictions reduce assault incidence
Does unit-dose packaging influence understanding of serving size information for cannabis edibles?
The effects of alcohol warning labels on population alcohol consumption: an interrupted time series analysis of alcohol sales in Yukon, Canada
Examining the impact of alcohol labels on awareness and knowledge of national drinking guidelines: a real-world study in Yukon, Canada
Efficacy of the eCHECKUP TO GO for high school seniors: sex differences in risk factors, protective behavioral strategies, and alcohol use
The long-term associations between direct and threatened physical violence in adolescence and symptoms of substance use disorders during the mid-30s
Management of opioid misuse and opioid use disorders among youth
Marijuana legalization and youth
Depressive symptoms predict smoking cessation in a 20-year longitudinal study of adult twins
How simulation modeling can support the public health response to the opioid crisis in North America: setting priorities and assessing value
Socioeconomic sequelae of drug abuse in a Swedish national cohort
Review on the occurrence and biological effects of illicit drugs in aquatic ecosystems
Alcohol-related relationship dissatisfaction: a putative mechanism for intimate partner aggression
Driving under the influence of cannabis in Canada, 2015 to 2018
Harmful drinking is associated with mental health conditions and other risk behaviours in Australian young people
An investigation on the risk factors associated with driving errors under the influence of alcohol using structural equation modeling
Necropolitics in the "Compassionate" City: Care/Brutality in San Francisco
Risky decision-making in individuals with substance use disorder: a meta-analysis and meta-regression review
Prediction of attempted suicide in men and women with crack-cocaine use disorder in Brazil
Signs of altered psychomotor capacity and use of alcohol and other drugs among nightclub patrons who drive in the city of São Paulo, Brazil
State policies that treat prenatal substance use as child abuse or neglect fail to achieve their intended goals
Unemployment from stable, downsized and closed workplaces, and alcohol-related mortality
A systematic review of comprehensive interventions for substance abuse: focus on victimization
Age and generational patterns of overdose death risk from opioids and other drugs
Energy drink consumption and substance use among middle and high school students
Fifteen-minute consultation: recognition and management of the child or young person who has ingested a novel psychoactive substance
Variation in states' implementation of CAPTA's substance-exposed infants mandates: a policy diffusion analysis
Injury patients' perceptions of drink-driving: a qualitative assessment of drink-driving behavior in Moshi, Tanzania
A large-scale analysis of racial disparities in police stops across the United States
Sexual violence and nightlife: a systematic literature review
Suicide attempt using potassium tablets for congenital chloride diarrhea: a case report
Normalisation of non-drinking? 15-16-year-olds' accounts of refraining from alcohol
On alcohol disinhibition and inhibition: the intricate relationship between oxidative stress and behavior
Advancing alcohol research in low-income and middle-income countries: a global alcohol environment framework
Cannabis use during adolescence and the occurrence of depression, suicidality and anxiety disorder across adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal cohort study over 30 years
Changes in substance use in relation to opioid agonist therapy among people who use drugs in a Canadian setting
Childhood social environmental and behavioural predictors of early adolescent onset cannabis use
Development of a scale for alcohol drinking prevention behavior in early elementary school based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
Diagnostic stability in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder, a nationwide register-based study
What is trauma? Qualitatively assessing stakeholder perceptions in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Electric scooter orthopaedic injury demographics at an urban Level I trauma center
The impact on selection of non-alcoholic vs alcoholic drink availability: an online experiment
Identifying the factors contributing to the severity of truck-involved crashes in Shanghai River-Crossing Tunnel
Improving estimation of the association between alcohol use and intimate partner violence in low-income and middle-income countries
Predicting factors for non-suicidal self-injury in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and the role of substance use
Rates, characteristics and manner of cannabis-related deaths in Australia 2000-2018
Social stability relates social conditions to the syndemic of sex, drugs, and violence
Religious service attendance and deaths related to drugs, alcohol, and suicide among US health care professionals
Smaller feedback-related negativity (FRN) reflects the risky decision-making deficits of methamphetamine dependent individuals
The opioid epidemic in pediatrics: a 2020 update
Possible selves, psychological well-being, and substance use in young men within 12 months post-incarceration
Peripheral polyneuropathy after acute methanol poisoning: six-year prospective cohort study
The pattern of alcohol use and its relationship with consequences among problem alcohol users: a community-based cross-sectional study from India
Traumatic brain injury and alcohol intoxication: effects on injury patterns and short-term outcome
THC exposure is reflected in the microstructure of the cerebral cortex and amygdala of young adults
Suicide after contact with substance misuse services: a national registry study
Prevalence and associated factors of cannabis consumption in medical students: the BOURBON nationwide study
Prescription pain reliever use and misuse among cannabis users aged 50+ years
Labor market exit around retirement age in Sweden and trajectories of psychotropic drugs in a context of downsizing
Caffeine use and associations with sleep in adolescents with and without ADHD
Acute alcohol use in suicides in Shanghai, China (2004-2017)
Leveraging health information exchange for clinical research: extreme underreporting of hospital service utilization among patients with substance use disorders
Lifetime risk of death from firearm injuries, drug overdoses, and motor vehicle accidents in the United States
Alcohol treatment systems in Muslim majority countries: case study of alcohol treatment policy in Iran
Assessing hospital treatment for alcohol-related injury in Minnesota using 2000 - 2015 hospital discharge data: Opportunities and challenges
Death from cardiac glycoside "pong-pong" following use as weight-loss supplement purchased on Internet
Gender gap in life expectancy in Russia: the role of alcohol consumption
Length of hospitalization and hospital readmissions among patients with substance use disorders in New York City, NY USA
The impact of cannabis legalization in Uruguay on adolescent cannabis use
"Hemping" the drinks: aromatizing alcoholic beverages with a blend of Cannabis sativa L. flowers
An assessment of the centrally acting muscle relaxant tolperisone on driving ability and cognitive effects compared to placebo and cyclobenzaprine
What are the mechanisms underlying vaping-induced lung injury?
Drug overdose, loss of consciousness, and compartment syndrome: a life-threatening combination
The fentanyls: pharmacological and clinical aspects relevant to Australia
Methods of deliberate self-harm in a tertiary hospital in South Africa
Validation of the AUDIT scale and factors associated with alcohol use disorder in adolescents: results of a National Lebanese Study
Understanding the landscape of substance use management practices in domestic violence shelters across ontario
Using alcohol consumption diary data from an internet intervention for outcome and predictive modeling: a validation and machine learning study
Assessing the public health impacts of legalizing recreational cannabis use: the US experience
Being thoughtful about cannabis legalization and social equity
The role of adverse childhood experiences and corporal punishment in early adulthood depression and substance use among Ukrainian college students
Sex differences in traumatic stress reactivity in rats with and without a history of alcohol drinking
Treatment of depression following traumatic brain injury reduces risk of neuropsychiatric outcomes
To legalize or not to legalize cannabis, that is the question!
Prescription opioid distribution after the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado
Psychopharmacology in dermatology: treatment of primary psychiatric conditions in dermatology
A review of methanol poisoning: a crisis beyond ocular toxicology
Recreational cannabis legalization presents an opportunity to reduce the harms of the US medical cannabis industry
Manipulation of breath alcohol tests: can specific techniques alter breath alcohol content?
Mapping and mitigating the health risks of legalizing recreational cannabis use: a call for synergy between research and policy
Marijuana screening and trauma outcomes
Persistent cannabis use as an independent risk factor for violent behaviors in patients with schizophrenia
Children's mental health emergency department visits: 2007-2016
Clinical pattern of poisoning among patients declared as taking novel recreational drugs
Considering the health and social welfare impacts of non-medical cannabis legalization
Do people living in disadvantaged circumstances receive different mental health treatments than those from less disadvantaged backgrounds?
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), peer victimization, and substance use among adolescents
Alcohol, age at first sexual intercourse and number of sexual partners in young Mexican women
The case of myocardial infarction in a fifteen-year-old adolescent caused by toxic substances
A context-specific instrument to record drinking behaviour: a pilot study on implications of identifying the context of risky drinking
Is chronic methamphetamine-induced psychosis a mental disease for the purposes of insanity? [Letter]
Legalizing recreational cannabis use: a promising journey into the unknown
The emotional and psychiatric problems of adolescents on parole whose parents are substance users: A Brazilian cross-sectional study
The effects of recreational cannabis legalization might depend upon the policy model
Correlates of posttraumatic stress symptoms among formerly incarcerated, homeless women
Do AKT1, COMT and FAAH influence reports of acute cannabis intoxication experiences in patients with first episode psychosis, controls and young adult cannabis users?
Does determination of drug level in intoxicated patients offer an advantage in diagnosis, treatment, and reducing complications?
Driving impairment cases involving etizolam and flubromazolam
Effects of recreational marijuana legalization on college students: a longitudinal study of attitudes, intentions, and use behaviors
Peer pressure and substance use in emerging adulthood: a latent profile analysis
Khat use and intimate partner violence in a refugee population: a qualitative study in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia
Location-specific social norms and personal approval of alcohol use are associated with drinking behaviors in college students
Low-cost active thermography using cellphone infrared cameras: from early detection of dental caries to quantification of THC in oral fluid
New methanol poisoning outbreaks in iran following COVID-19 pandemic
Neuropsychosocial markers of binge drinking in young adults
Suicide mortality in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: a cross-sectional analysis of cases, 2017-2018
Social media interventions for risky drinking among adolescents and emerging adults: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Secondhand marijuana exposure in a convenience sample of young children in New York City
Erratum to: On-the-road driving performance the morning after bedtime administration of lemborexant in healthy adult and elderly volunteers
Alcohol and illicit substances associated with fatal crashes in Queensland: An examination of the 2011 to 2015 Coroner's findings
Bullying victimization and e-cigarette use among middle and high school students
Burn injuries caused by e-cigarette explosions: a systematic review of published cases
Challenges in the identification of new thermolabile psychoactive substances: the 25I-NBOH case
Cannabis in the workplace: what physicians need to know
Digital media use and subsequent cannabis and tobacco product use initiation among adolescents
Early high-risk opioid prescribing practices and long-term disability among injured workers in Washington state, 2002-2013
The emergence of cardiac changes following the self-administration of methamphetamine
Effects of an automated digital brief prevention intervention targeting adolescents and young adults with risky alcohol and other substance use: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Features of psychological reactions induced by perampanel: a case report
Fatal methanol poisoning caused by drinking adulterated locally distilled alcohol: Wakiso District, Uganda, June 2017
Forensic sciences and the Philippines' war on drugs
The hidden costs of the opioid crisis and the implications for financial management in the public sector
Health risk behavior profile of construction workers, 32 states, 2013-2016
Identifying optimal level-of-care placement decisions for adolescent substance use treatment
The impact of alcohol hangover on simulated driving performance during a 'commute to work'-zero and residual alcohol effects compared
The impact of a new casino on the motor vehicle crash patterns in suburban Maryland
Is craving a risk factor for substance use among treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol and other drugs use disorders? A meta-analytic review
Increased risk for binge drinking among college students with disability who report sexual violence
Impulsivity as a mediating factor in the association between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and substance use
Nonpharmacologic approaches are better than medication to control aggression and agitation in dementia
Position paper: Recommendations for the investigation, diagnosis, and certification of deaths related to opioid and other drugs
State medical cannabis laws associated with reduction in opioid prescriptions by orthopaedic surgeons in Medicare Part D cohort
Sorption of G-agent simulant vapours on human scalp hair
Too young for Cannabis? Choice of minimum legal age for legalized non-medical Cannabis in Canada
The war on drugs, forensic science and the death penalty in the Philippines
Trends in U.S. women's binge drinking in middle adulthood by socioeconomic status, 2006-2018
Acute chloroquine poisoning: a comprehensive experimental toxicology assessment of the role of diazepam
Alcohol and marijuana co-use: consequences, subjective intoxication, and the operationalization of simultaneous use
Alcohol policy has saved lives in the Russian Federation
Are we missing opioid-related deaths among people with HIV?
Associations between racial and socioeconomic discrimination and risk behaviors among African-American adolescents and young adults: a latent class analysis
Evaluation of minimum unit pricing of alcohol: a mixed method natural experiment in scotland
The fentanyl epidemic in Estonia: factors in its evolution and opportunities for a comprehensive public health response, a scoping review
High willingness to use overdose prevention sites among female sex workers in Baltimore, Maryland
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among homeless people
Pre-existing mental disorder, clinical profile, inpatient services and costs in people hospitalised following traumatic spinal injury: a whole population record linkage study
Place management in off-premise alcohol outlets: results of a multi-methods study in a six-city California area
Intoxicated bystanders' alcohol expectancies and valuations and the ability to detect risk in a potential sexual assault
Methanol toxicity outbreak: when fear of COVID-19 goes viral
Opium-related lead toxicity: an integrative review and case series
Structured and unstructured activities and alcohol and marijuana use in middle school: the role of availability and engagement
Adolescent alcohol use disrupts functional neurodevelopment in sensation seeking girls
Alcohol consumption and alcohol policy
Alcohol consumption at selected bars in Keffi, Nigeria: consumers' awareness of recommended limits and consumption motivations
Association of deprescribing with reduction in mortality and hospitalization: a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial
Association of the bleeding time test with aspects of traumatic brain injury in patients with alcohol use disorder
Can emergency medical services utilization rates be used to measure the success of an alcohol amnesty policy?
Do weather and sunlight really affect alcohol consumption?
Serotonin syndrome versus cannabis toxicity in the emergency department
Severe methanol intoxication with atypical symptoms and imaging changes: a fatal case report
Place, poverty and prescriptions: a cross-sectional study using Area Deprivation Index to assess opioid use and drug-poisoning mortality in the USA from 2012 to 2017
Polysubstance use and association with opioid use disorder treatment in the US Veterans Health Administration
Energy drink consumption among the adolescent population of the United States
Evaluation of alcohol industry action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol: case study from Great Britain
Evaluation of suicide attempt due to drug poisoning in a 7-year-old girl: a case report
Gendered perspectives on young adults, alcohol consumption and intoxication
Factors associated with occupational injury among hydropower dam construction workers, South East Ethiopia, 2018
Factors associated with alcohol consumption among early adolescents in a province in Eastern region of Thailand: a cross-sectional analysis
Higher odds and rising trends in arrhythmia among young cannabis users with comorbid depression
The impact of state legalization on rates of marijuana use in pregnancy in a universal drug screening population
Melatonin and alcohol-related disorders
Moderation effect of emotion regulation on the relationship between social anxiety, drinking motives and alcohol related problems among university students
Opioid prescribing history prior to heroin overdose among commercially insured adults
Opioid and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndromes in trauma ICU patients: a prospective exploratory study
Access of mental health services by the adult population in metropolitan Lima, Peru: characteristics, perceptions and need for care
Attitudes towards cannabis and cannabis law change in a New Zealand birth cohort
Association between mothers' alcohol use histories and deficient parenting in an economically disadvantaged sample
Binge-drinking and household role's associations with prevalence of domestic violence: findings from the Thailand smoking and drinking behaviour survey 2017
Cannabis and complex posttraumatic stress disorder: a narrative review with considerations of benefits and harms
Cannabis research
Characterizing motivations for cannabis use in a cohort of people who use illicit drugs: a latent class analysis
Characteristics and predictors of heavy episodic drinking (HED) among young people aged 16-25: the International Alcohol Control Study (IAC), Tshwane, South Africa
A case of toxicity from cannabidiol gummy ingestion
Collegiate substance use: a tale of differential risk and coping
Content versus label claims in cannabidiol (CBD)-containing products obtained from commercial outlets in the state of Mississippi
Detecting fentanyl using point-of-care drug checking technologies: a validation study
E-cigarette "vape" device explosion causing C-spine fracture
The effects of a change in permissible blood alcohol concentration limit on involving drink-driving in road accidents
Effects of caffeine intake and exercise intensity on executive and arousal vigilance
Opioids, (non)-medical marijuana, and the cult of the body
Facing the option for the legalisation of cannabis use and supply in New Zealand: an overview of relevant evidence, options and considerations
The government's proposal to legalise cannabis in New Zealand: 10 key questions
Global prevalence and risk factors for mental health problems in police personnel: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The heterogeneous effect of marijuana decriminalization policy on arrest rates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2009-2018
How soon can we identify at-risk patients: examining initial depressive symptomology and opioid use in musculoskeletal trauma survivors?
The importance of psychology for shaping legal cannabis regulation
Intimate partner violence and couple conflict behaviors: the moderating effect of drug use problem severity
A latent class analysis of heavy substance use in young adulthood and impacts on physical, cognitive, and mental health outcomes in middle age
'Mama don't preach': young adults' perceptions of maternal messages about underage drinking
A machine learning approach to identification of unhealthy drinking
Methamphetamine use and its correlates among individuals with opioid use disorder in a midwestern U.S. city
Moderate acute alcohol use impairs intentional inhibition rather than stimulus-driven inhibition
Mortality secondary to unintentional poisoning after inpatient rehabilitation among individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
Not by associations alone: the role of contextual factors, individual differences, and propositional learning in the malleability of implicit alcohol attitudes
Pathways linking school-based ethnic discrimination to Latino/a adolescents' marijuana approval and use
Practice facilitation to promote evidence-based screening and management of unhealthy alcohol use in primary care: a practice-level randomized controlled trial
Within- and between-person associations of neighborhood poverty with alcohol use and consequences: a monthly study of young adults
Why are Spanish adolescents binge drinkers? Focus group with adolescents and parents
When the burden gets overwhelming: testing an inverse U-shaped relation between work-family conflicts and alcohol use
Substance abuse and misuse identification and prevention: an evidence-based protocol for CRNAs in the workplace
Substance use disorder in adult-attention deficit hyperactive disorder patients: patterns of use and related clinical features
Suicidal ideation and suicide attempt associated with antidepressant and antiepileptic drugs: implications for treatment of chronic pain
Time-dependent changes in THC concentrations in deceased persons
Systematic review of cannabis use and risk of occupational injury
Public health and medicine's need to respond to cannabis commercialization in the United States: a commentary
A qualitative examination of college students' perceptions of cannabis: insights into the normalization of cannabis use on a college campus
Strategies to improve treatment utilization for substance use disorders: a systematic review of intervention studies
Review of the Lithuanian alcohol control legislation in 1990-2020
The role of psychological distress in the relationship between drinking motives and hazardous drinking in older adults
Clinically significant drug-drug interaction between methadone and cannabidiol
Tackling the overdose crisis: the role of safe supply
The effect of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) on residential treatment completion and retention in the US
Knowledge and practice of harm reduction strategies among people who report frequent cannabis use
Alcohol use and suicidality by sexual orientation among U.S. youth, 2009-2017
Associations among household chaos, school belonging and risk behaviors in adolescents
Critical realism and the 'ontological politics of drug policy'
Overdose and risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019
Patterns of health-related gender inequalities-a cluster analysis of 45 countries
Racial/ethnic differences in opioid-involved overdose deaths across metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in the United States, 1999-2017
The use of stimulants in depression: results from a self-controlled register study
Trends in LSD use among US adults: 2015-2018
REDUCE (Reviewing long-term antidepressant use by careful monitoring in everyday practice) internet and telephone support to people coming off long-term antidepressants: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
A preliminary randomized controlled evaluation of a universal healthy relationships promotion program for youth
The 12-year trend report of antipsychotic usage in a nationwide claims database derived from four million people in Japan
Alcohol binge-drinking damage on the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex
Alcohol use, binge drinking, and drunkenness experience in adolescence: complex associations with family, peers, social context, and risk perceptions
Heavy energy drink consumption is associated with risky substance use in young Swiss men
Alcohol history at the front door: what's all this social drinking about?
Assessment of the efficacy of a mobile phone-delivered just-in-time planning intervention to reduce alcohol use in adolescents: randomized controlled crossover trial
Assessment of exposure to sexually explicit materials and substance abuse among high-school adolescents in North Shewa Zone: application of logistic regression analysis
Depression onset in long-term adolescent cannabinoid use: a neurobiological review
Discrimination of legal and illegal cannabis spp. according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics
Impact of 24-hour schedule of a drug consumption room on service use and number of non-fatal overdoses. a quasiexperimental study in Barcelona
Interventions to prevent illicit and nonmedical drug use in children, adolescents, and young adults: updated evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force
Primary care-based interventions to prevent illicit drug use in children, adolescents, and young adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
Relationship between alcohol-related family adversity, alcohol use across adolescence, and mental states recognition in young adulthood
Strategy for identification of new psychoactive substances in illicit samples using attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy
Sources of drug acquisition among females and males in the European Web Survey on Drugs
Simplified laboratory analysis of ethylene glycol allows improved management of poisoning cases
Shiftwork and alcohol consumption: a systematic review of the literature
Addressing social stressors in a brief motivational interview improve mental health symptoms for Latinx heavy drinkers
Aggressive behaviors among 15-16-year-old Romanian high school students: results from two consecutive surveys related to alcohol and other drug use at the European level
Alcohol advertisement characteristics that increase the likelihood of code breaches
Alcohol consumption and violent deaths in the city of Sao Paulo in 2015
Alcohol use and risk of suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The association between meaning in life and harmful drinking is mediated by individual differences in self-control and alcohol value
Association between the use of cannabis and physical violence in youths: a meta-analytical investigation
Association of high-potency cannabis use with mental health and substance use in adolescence
Cannabis use in civilian college students and college student service members/veterans: the moderating effect of anxiety
Cortical astrocytes regulate ethanol consumption and intoxication in mice
Correlation of ride sharing service availability and decreased alcohol-related motor vehicle collision incidence and fatality
Crystalline methamphetamine (ice) use prior to youth detention: a forensic concern or a public health issue?
Current cannabis-related situation in the Asia-Pacific region
Effects of frequent marijuana use on risky decision-making in young adult college students
Effects of acute alcohol consumption on emotion recognition in high and low trait aggressive drinkers
The effectiveness of drug-related Good Samaritan laws: a review of the literature
Acute alcohol use in Australian coronial suicide cases, 2010-2015
Brain computed tomography in stimulant poisoning with altered consciousness
Using demand curves to quantify the reinforcing value of social and solitary drinking
Moving forwards with the standard THC unit
Multiple risk behaviour in adolescence is associated with substantial adverse health and social outcomes in early adulthood: Findings from a prospective birth cohort study
Factors related to heavy drinking between British Columbia Asian adolescents and South Korean adolescents
Gender difference in longitudinal social and personal factors related to frequency of alcohol consumption of South Korean adults: a fixed-effects model
Factors related to an increase of cannabis use among adolescents in Chile: national school based surveys between 2003 and 2017
The growing transition from lifetime marijuana use to frequent use among 12th grade students: U.S. National data from 1976 to 2019
Health-risk behaviours and injuries among youth and young adults in Chiang Mai, Thailand: a population-based survey
Hormonal contraceptives and the risk of suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A telemedicine approach to increase treatment of alcohol use disorder in primary care: a pilot feasibility study
Testing the efficacy of a minimal-guidance online self-help intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
To drive or not to drive? A study of travel behavior for a recent drinking occasion
Toll of acute methanol poisoning for preventing COVID-19
Socioenvironmental risk factors for adolescent marijuana use in a United States-Mexico border community
The interplay between autophagy and apoptosis mediates toxicity triggered by synthetic cathinones in human kidney cells
Knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of medical students at the University of Sheffield towards sex workers - a cross-sectional survey
Links between suicidal intent, polysubstance use, and medical treatment after non-fatal opioid overdose
Medical student spirituality and substance use
Modeling repeat DUI offender probation outcomes using the Wisconsin Risk Need Assessment
Opioid exposure after injury in United States trauma centers: a prospective, multicenter observational study
Opioid-associated hearing loss: a 20-year review from the New Jersey Poison Center
Parenting styles and metacognitions as predictors of cannabis use
Short and long-term effects of cannabis on symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
Potions for Emotions: do self-reported individual differences in negative-emotional drinking predict alcohol consumption in the laboratory following exposure to a negative experience?
Player unknown's battlegrounds: yet another internet gaming addiction
Pine rosin identified as a toxic cannabis extract adulterant
Problem drinking and marijuana use as risks for unidirectional and bidirectional partner violence
Psychological characteristics of patients seeking bariatric treatment versus those seeking medical treatment for obesity: is bariatric surgery a last best hope?
Relationship between Buddhist belief and suicide risk in Chinese persons undergoing methadone maintenance therapy for heroin dependence
Requested editorial for: The opioid epidemic: challenge to military medicine and national security
Rethinking potentially inappropriate medication use in nursing homes within the Chinese population
'Vulnerable' kids going country: children and young people's involvement in county lines drug dealing
Ashwagandha as a cause for live injury
The criminal histories of drug-drive offenders
Evaluating the combined effect of alcohol-involved and un-helmeted riding on motorcyclist fatalities in Taiwan
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive program
A traumatic life experience in childhood increases the risk of a psychiatric disorder in the offspring
Persistent cannabis use among young adults with early psychosis receiving coordinated specialty care in the United States
The role of impulsivity facets on the incidence and development of alcohol use disorders
Retroactive legality: marijuana convictions and restorative justice in an era of criminal justice reform
Abdominal pain related to adulterated opium: an emerging issue in drug addicts
Alcohol use by Australian actors and performing artists: a preliminary examination from the australian actors' wellbeing study
Association between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and violent crime - could underlying psychopathology be the cause?
Association of hypnotic drug use with fall incidents in hospitalized elderly patients: a case-crossover study
Associations between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and violent crime in adolescents, young, and older adults - a Swedish register-based study
Common and differential associations between levels of alcohol drinking, gender-specific neurobehaviors and mental distress in college students
Can a positive doctor-patient relationship contribute to risk of elder abuse?
Effects of alcohol and cocaine in a mutant mouse model of predisposition to post-traumatic stress disorder
Evaluating alcohol demand, craving, and depressive symptoms among women in alcohol treatment
Examination of a novel measure of trauma-related drinking to cope
Fatal abrin poisoning by injection
A systematic review of the neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in older adults
Stocks of paracetamol products stored in urban New Zealand households: a cross-sectional study
A new LC-MS/MS confirmation method for the determination of 17 drugs of abuse in oral fluid and its application to real samples
Prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in motor vehicle drivers in Spain, 2018: cross-sectional dataset analysis with studies from 2008 and 2013
Psychoactive drug use and falls among community-dwelling Turkish older people
Accidental acute cannabis intoxication presenting as seizure in pediatrics patients
Americans' views of efficacy toward campus sexual assault reform
Alcohol use and risk of vehicle accidents: cross-sectional study in the city of São Paulo, Brazil
Alcohol related brain injury: an unrecognised problem in acute medicine
Datura stramonium poisoning: misunderstanding and misidentification in toxic plant exposures
Assessment of recent alcohol consumption by detecting ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate level among traffic accident patients
The association between substance use and violence: results from a nationally representative sample of high school students in the United States
Attachment, coping, and psychological symptoms among military veterans and active duty personnel
The bell tolls for thee & thine: compassion fatigue & the overdose epidemic
Benzodiazepine treatment and fracture risk in young persons with anxiety disorders
Binge drinking and overweight in Brazilian adults - CUME Project
Cannabis use as a risk factor for depression, anxiety, and suicidality: epidemiological associations and implications for nurses
A Canadian cohort study to evaluate the outcomes associated with a multicenter initiative to reduce antipsychotic use in long-term care homes
Cross-fading motives for simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: associations with young adults' use and consequences across days
Can prescription drug use disorder predict suicidality in US adults with chronic pain? A pilot study based on collaborative psychiatric epidemiological surveys
Exploring the effect of Colorado's recreational marijuana policy on opioid overdose rates
Resilience, alexithymia, and university stress in relation to anxiety and problematic alcohol use among female university students
Deaths in traffic accidents associated with THC abuse
Denosumab for the prevention of falls in older people: we need more evidence
Does self-change occur among severely dependent substance users?
Does attending a college with more heavy drinking peers increase risk of heavy drinking and consequences? A prospective national analysis
Do older workers suffer more workplace injuries? A Systematic Review
Drugs of abuse and the nervous system
Effects of couple conflict on alcohol craving: does intimate partner violence play a role?
Evidential breath testing for alcohol, Parliament, the science and the courts (Part 2)
Why is per capita consumption underestimated in alcohol surveys? Results from 39 surveys in 23 European countries
Women in German forensic addiction treatment: epidemiology and gender-related decision making in jurisdiction
Variation of performance, of self-reported alertness and effort as a function of low doses of alcohol and of driving experience
Fetal alcohol syndrome warnings: policing women's behavior distorts science
Typical and atypical self-regulation in adolescence: the importance of studying change over time
Gender differences in driving control of young alcohol-impaired drivers
Gross negligence manslaughter revisited: time for a change of direction?
A taxonomy of consumers' perspectives on the function of cannabis in their lives: a qualitative study in WA State, USA
The impact of DSM classification changes on the prevalence of alcohol use disorder and 'diagnostic orphans' in Lebanese college youth: Implications for epidemiological research, health practice, and policy
The impact of alcohol consumption on homicide: a time-series analysis of three Nordic countries
Striatal and white matter volumes in chronic ketamine users with or without recent regular stimulant use
Substance use improvement depends on race/ethnicity: outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample
Substance use in youth at-risk for serious mental illness
Sexual aggression analogues used in alcohol administration research: critical review of their correspondence to alcohol-involved sexual assaults
Social participation and loneliness among older adults in Yazd, Iran
Safety of varenicline as an aid to smoking cessation in professional drivers and its impact on driving behaviors: an observational cohort study of taxi drivers in Beijing
Serious motor vehicle collisions involving young drivers on Norwegian roads 2013-2016: speeding and driver-related errors are the main challenge
Risk factors for risky cannabis use : a retrospective cohort study of 7671 cannabis users
The impact of world assumptions on the association between discrimination and internalizing and substance use outcomes
Intoxicated women: a study into gender differences in substance abuse in forensic psychiatric patients
Interactions between opioids and cannabinoids: economic demand for opioid/cannabinoid mixtures
"It's business as usual": adolescents perspectives on the ban of alcohol sachets towards reduction in under age alcohol use in Malawi
Longitudinal associations between bullying and alcohol use and binge drinking among grade 9 and 10 students in the COMPASS study
Male anabolic androgenic steroid users with personality disorders report more aggressive feelings, suicidal thoughts, and criminality
Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy associates with bone fractures in early childhood. A birth-cohort study of 6718 participants
Modifications proposed to the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee: October 2014 to October 2019
The relationship between incarceration history and overdose in North America: a scoping review of the evidence
The relationship between readiness for treatment of substance use and self-efficacy based on life skills
Relationship between risky behaviors and non-prescription opioid use among Asian American youth
Research progress of aconitine toxicity and forensic analysis of aconitine poisoning
Region-wise distribution of schizophrenia with cannabis abuse and medication non-compliance in the United States: a nationwide analysis of 51,975 hospitalizations
The OATH syndemic: opioids and other substances, aging, alcohol, tobacco, and HIV
Patient injury-related alcohol use-underestimated in patients with facial fractures?
Perceptions of cannabis health information labels among people who use cannabis in the U.S. and Canada
Plant toxins: poison or therapeutic?
The perception of family doctors on college drinking and their expected role: a cross-sectional survey
Alcohol consumption during adolescence alters the hippocampal response to traumatic brain injury
Cannabis use and its association with psychological disorders
"You need to just provide health services:" navigating the politics of harm reduction in the twin housing and overdose crises in Vancouver, BC
Trends in opioids prescribed at discharge from emergency departments among adults: United States, 2006-2017
Telephone-based motivational interviewing enhanced with individualised personality-specific coping skills training for young people with alcohol-related injuries and illnesses accessing emergency or rest/recovery services: a randomized controlled trial (QuikFix)
A Syndemic of COVID-19 and methanol poisoning in Iran: time for Iran to consider alcohol use as a public health challenge?
Commentary on a study of tobacco-related violence in a mental health setting
Commentary on: Kenneally M, Byard RW. Increasing methamphetamine detection in cases of early childhood fatalities. J Forensic Sci doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14321. Epub 2020 Mar 23
Comparing cannabis use motive item performance between American Indian and White youth
Emergency department analgesia in patients with traumatic injuries on outpatient buprenorphine
Mental health and psychosocial needs of patients being treated for opioid use disorder in a primary care residency clinic
Prevalence and disparities in opioid overdose response training among people who inject drugs, San Francisco: Naloxone training among injectors in San Francisco
Quantification of 54 benzodiazepines & Z-drugs, including 20 designer ones, in plasma
Short imagery rescripting intervention to treat emotionally dysregulated behavior in borderline personality disorder: an exploratory study
Self-reported patterns of use of alcohol and drugs after suicide bereavement and other sudden losses: a mixed methods study of 1,854 young bereaved adults in the UK
Risk taking, sensation seeking and personality as related to changes in substance use from adolescence to young adulthood
A genetically informed study on the association of cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco smoking with suicide attempt
Alcohol use and injury risk in Thailand: a case-crossover emergency department study
Youth mental health tracker: protocol to establish a longitudinal cohort and research database for young people attending Australian mental health services
Trends in cannabis use among justice-involved youth in the United States, 2002-2017
Treatment needs and service utilization in older U.S. adults evidencing high-risk substance use
A systematic review of the self-medication hypothesis in the context of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid problematic alcohol use
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of bipolar disorder among homeless people
Screening for unhealthy drug use: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
Rural risk environments, opioid-related overdose, and infectious diseases: a multidimensional, spatial perspective
Prenatal antidepressant use and risk of adverse neonatal outcomes
"Involved in something (involucrado en algo)": denial and stigmatization in Mexico's "war on drugs"
Lifetime interpersonal victimization profiles and mental health problems in a nationally representative panel of trauma-exposed adults from the United Kingdom
Posttraumatic stress disorder and justice involvement among military veterans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of preinjury oral anticoagulants on outcomes following traumatic brain injury from falls in older adults
Fentanyl self-testing in a community-based sample of people who inject drugs, San Francisco
Community context, weapon use, and victim injury: a multi-level study of offense severity in the sexual victimization of women
Unraveling the relationships between low self-control, substance use, substance-using peers, and violent victimization
The relationship between perceived parental leniency, access to alcohol at home, and alcohol consumption and consequences among rural adolescents
Differences in women's substance-related sexual assaults: force, impairment, and combined assault types
Examining protocol compliance and self-report congruence between daily diaries and event-contingent ecological momentary assessments of college student drinking
High prevalence of fentanyl detected by the Maryland Emergency Department Drug Surveillance System - Baltimore, Maryland, 2019
Public support for alcohol control initiatives across seven countries
Relations between sociocultural spaces and the consumption of psychoactive substances by adolescents
Racial/ethnic disparities in the relationship of alcohol-related injury and perceived driving under the influence from hours of exposure to high blood alcohol concentration: data from four US national alcohol surveys (2000-2015)
Perceived immune fitness, individual strength and hangover severity
Minimum pricing in Scotland leads to fall in alcohol sales
Incidence of injury, maltreatment, and developmental disorders among substance exposed infants
Evaluation of availability of survey data about cannabis use
The effect of gambling motivation of sport spectators on propensity for violence in sport
Concurrent use of alcohol and crack cocaine is associated with high levels of anger and liability to aggression
Alcohol use, abuse and dependence among elderly in outpatient treatment through the application of AUDIT
Addiction stigma and the production of impediments to take-home naloxone uptake
Alcohol industry corporate social responsibility, strategic ambiguity, and the limits of fact-checking: response to Drinkaware UK and International Alliance for Responsible Drinking regarding our study of misinformation on alcohol consumption and pregnancy
Alcohol industry vs. public health presentations at judicial reviews of liquor licence applications in Australia
Attitudes about medications for alcohol use disorder among individuals with serious mental illness: a health belief model analysis
Assessing psychological fitness to drive for intoxicated drivers: relationships of cognitive abilities, fluid intelligence, and personality traits
Assessing models of concurrent substance use and sexual consent cues in mainstream films
What popular bars post on social media platforms: a case for improved alcohol advertising regulation
White matter abnormalities based on tTBSS and its correlation with impulsivity behavior of methamphetamine addicts
Autonomy, competence and relatedness and cannabis and alcohol use among youth in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis
Bodybuilding supplements leading to copper toxicity, encephalopathy, fulminant hepatic failure and rhabdomyolysis
Can caffeine intake combined with aerobic exercise lead to improvement in attentional and psychomotor performance in trained individuals?
Characteristics and circumstances of death related to the self-administration of ketamine
Co-occurring opioid and sedative use disorder: gender differences in use patterns and psychiatric co-morbidities in the United States
Childhood acute poisoning in the Italian North-West area: a six-year retrospective study
Creativity on tap 2: investigating dose effects of alcohol on cognitive control and creative cognition
Developmental patterns of tobacco product and cannabis use initiation in high school
Does drinking within low-risk guidelines prevent harm? Implications for high-income countries using the international model of alcohol harms and policies
Don't drink and drive, it's a prime: cognitive effects of priming alcohol-congruent and incongruent goals among heavy versus light drinkers
Drinking patterns, alcohol-related harm and views on policies: results from a pilot of the International Alcohol Control Study in Canada
Éduc'alcool and the web of misinformation about alcohol and health
Effect of lock boxes and education on safe storage of medications
Effects of age and acute moderate alcohol consumption on electrophysiological indices of attention
Ethanol content in Australian and New Zealand beer markets: exploratory study examining public health implications of official data and market intelligence reports
Factors associated with serious vehicular accidents: a cross-sectional study in hospital emergency rooms
Extracorporeal renal replacement therapies in lithium intoxication
Get them laughing to get them drinking: an analysis of alcohol advertising themes across multiple media in Australia
IARD responds to Lim et al.'s (2019) Analysis of framing and completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry-funded organizations
Heaviness of alcohol use, alcohol problems, and subjective intoxication predict discrepant drinking reports in daily life
Helium inhalation injuries managed at emergency departments
Surveillance from the high ground: sentinel surveillance of injuries and poisonings associated with cannabis
A systematic review of the effectiveness of employer-led interventions for drug misuse
Unraveling the intoxicating and therapeutic effects of cannabis ingredients on psychosis and cognition
Trends in characteristics of individuals who use methamphetamine in the United States, 2015-2018
Exploring the relationship between drinking preferences and recorded and unrecorded alcohol consumption in Russian regions in 2010-2016
High psychological distress among school-going adolescents in Afghanistan: prevalence and correlates from a national survey
Unintentional injuries and socio-psychological correlates among school-going adolescents in Mozambique
Trajectories of initiation for the heroin-based drug whoonga - qualitative evidence from South Africa
A simple mechanistic terminology of psychoactive drugs: a proposal
Severe nitrous-oxide frostbite injuries on the rise in The Netherlands; let's raise awareness
The international model of alcohol harms and policies: a new method for estimating alcohol health harms with application to alcohol-attributable mortality in Canada
Incipient alcohol use in childhood: early alcohol sipping and its relations with psychopathology and personality
Setting the baseline: a description of cannabis poisonings at a Canadian pediatric hospital prior to the legalization of recreational cannabis
Long-term mental health effects of a devastating wildfire are amplified by socio-demographic and clinical antecedents in elementary and high school staff
Methadone-related deaths among youth and young adults in Sweden 2006-2015
Opioid overdose death following criminal justice involvement: linking statewide corrections and hospital databases to detect individuals at highest risk
Novel psychoactive substances in custodial settings: a mixed method investigation on the experiences of people in prison and professionals working with them
Multivariate analysis applied in dataset of Poison Control Center of São Paulo, Brazil
Pathways linking childhood physical abuse to alcohol misuse in adolescent boys and girls: a prospective cohort study from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Problematic substance use or problematic substance use policies?
Predictors of high resource consumption in alcohol intoxicated patients in the emergency department
Psychotic disorder and cannabis use: Canadian hospitalization trends, 2006-2015
The rise and fall of alcohol excise taxes in U.S. states, 1933-2018
Response to Humphreys and Hall; reducing the risks of distortion in cannabis research
A surge in methanol poisoning amid CoViD-19 pandemic: why is this occurring? [Letter]
Three poisonous plants (Oenanthe, Cicuta and Anamirta) that antagonise the effect of γ-aminobutyric acid in human brain
Cluster B personality traits and psychological intimate partner violence: considering the mediational role of alcohol
A clinical method of evaluating simple reaction time and reaction accuracy is sensitive to a single dose of lorazepam
Associations of deviant peer affiliation with youths' substance use disorder abstention motivation: the mediating role of perceived social support and the moderating role of collective identity
A clinician's guide to self-poisoning with paracetamol in youth: the what, when and why?
Evaluation of two new methods for DNA extraction of "legal high" plant species
Factors associated with state legislators' support for opioid use disorder parity laws
Identification of a new M-ALPHA analog and MDMA in an illegal health product
Frostbite injury; an unknown risk when using nitrous oxide as a party drug
The knife's edge: masculinities and precarity in East Africa
Mother and father prescription opioid misuse, alcohol use disorder, and parent knowledge in pathways to adolescent alcohol use
Stimulant abuse in burn patients is associated with an increased use of hospital resources
Substance use disparities at the intersection of sexual identity and race/ethnicity: results from the 2015-2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
What are the sociodemographic and gender determinants of non-fatal self-harm in older adult users and non-users of antidepressants? A national population-based study
Understanding alcohol-specific antecedents among Chinese vocational school adolescents
Multiple victimizations and overdose among women with a history of illicit drug use
Alcohol drinking and health in ageing: a global scale analysis of older individual data through the harmonised dataset of ATHLOS
Cannabis use and posttraumatic stress disorder: prospective evidence from a longitudinal study of veterans
Consistency of ever reported risky and sensitive behaviors among early adolescents in a nationally representative longitudinal study: results from the first 2 waves of the Longitudinal Cohort Study of the Filipino Child, 2016 to 2018
Effects of doping on physical and mental health of sports athletes
Do you think some veterans are receiving a "get out of jail free" card? Examining support for Veterans Treatment Court as a function of mental health and offense type
Epidemiology of severe ocular trauma following the implementation of alcohol restrictions in Far North Queensland
High prevalence of unintentional injuries and socio-psychological correlates among school-going adolescents in Timor-Leste
Risk of adverse outcomes in females taking oral creatine monohydrate: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Older adults' perceptions of their own and their romantic partners' age-related communication and their associations with aging well, depressive symptoms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms
Strain and depression following release from prison: the moderating role of social support mechanisms on substance use
Risk of 30-day mortality and its association with alcohol concentration level among driver victims of motor vehicle crashes: comparison of population- and hospital-based designs
Relationship between alcohol consumption and drinking refusal self-efficacy among university students: the roles of sports type and gender
Perceived gender match and accepting alcohol offers from peers in emerging adulthood
Opioid poisoning and opioid use disorder in older trauma patients
A lottery test of the effect of dispensaries on emergency room visits in Arizona
Long term effects of drug court participation: evidence from a 15-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
What we talk about when we talk about binge drinking: towards an integrated conceptualization and evaluation
Alcohol-involved family and domestic violence reported to police in Australia
Analysis of amphetamine and methamphetamine contents in seized tablets from Jazan, Saudi Arabia by liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS) and chemometric techniques
Anxiety sensitivity and grit as mediators between childhood abuse and relapse risk for substance use
Characterising the number and type of presentations to a tertiary emergency department by young people affected by drugs and alcohol
Characteristics of tianeptine effects reported to a poison control center: a growing threat to public health
Contribution of alcohol and nicotine dependence to the prevalence of depressed mood in different ethnic groups in The Netherlands: the HELIUS Study
Conduct disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as risk factors for prescription opioid use
Economic analysis of Brief Motivational Intervention following trauma related to drugs and alcohol
Gender-based examination of the association between individual symptoms of alcohol use disorder, major depressive disorder, and suicidal behaviors: a network analysis of data from the Korean Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study
Implementation and enforcement of state opioid prescribing laws
"How do online and offline sampling compare in a multinational study of drug use and nightlife behaviour?"
Synthetic cannabinoid induced ocular self-injury
Using polygenic scores for identifying individuals at increased risk of substance use disorders in clinical and population samples
Toxicological analysis of serious drug-related harm among electronic dance music festival attendees in New South Wales, Australia: a consecutive case series
Residual symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder following integrated exposure treatment versus coping skills treatment
Speeding and impaired driving in fatal crashes-results from in-depth investigations
Please don't call it medical marijuana unless it is; but it probably isn't
A National survey on substance use among Iranian industrial workers
Opioid antidote induced pulmonary edema and lung injury
Parent-child conversations associated with alcohol-related risk behaviours in young people (13-17 years) in the UK: a cross-sectional study
Outbreak of severe hypoglycemia after ingestion of a male enhancement supplement -Virginia, August-November 2019
The relationship between early risk-taking behavior and mental health problems among a nationally representative sample of Australian youth
Predictors and effects of cannabis-related legal investigations
Stressful life events and adolescent suicidality: an investigation of the mediating mechanisms
School characteristics, strain, and adolescent delinquency: a test of macro-level strain theory in China
The influence of antidepressant and psychotherapy treatment adherence on future work leaves for patients with major depressive disorder
The effects of the iPlayClean education programme on doping attitudes and susceptibility to use banned substances among high-level adolescent athletes from the UK: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
Alcohol and drug problems among Australian homicide offenders
Association between parental separation and addictions in adolescents: results of a national Lebanese study
Illegal drug use among adolescents in schools and facilities: 3-year surveys in Taiwan
Finding the hidden risk profiles of the United States opioid epidemic: using a person-centered approach on a national dataset of noninstitutionalized adults reporting opioid misuse
The association between quantity, frequency and duration of cocaine use during the heaviest use period and DSM-5 cocaine use disorder
Cannabis use the week before admission to psychiatric in-patient service as a marker of severity
Depression history as a predictor of outcomes during buprenorphine-naloxone treatment of prescription opioid use disorder
Suicide attempt with selective serotinin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants
Screened attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a predictor of substance use initiation and escalation in early adulthood and the role of self-reported conduct disorder and sensation seeking: a 5-year longitudinal study with young adult Swiss men
Fatal poisoning in drug addicts in the Nordic countries in 2017
Longitudinal analysis of alcohol use and intimate partner violence perpetration among men with HIV in northern Vietnam
Introducing a multi-variate classification method: risky driving acceptance among different heterogeneous driver sub-cultures
An autopsy case of drowning under the influence of multiple psychotropic drugs
Young people's voices regarding the use of social networking sites to plan for a night out where alcohol is involved
A longitudinal examination of African American adolescent females detained for status offense
Mental health states and influencing factors of risky and problem drinking in South Korean female adolescents
Prevalence and pattern of road traffic accidents among commercial motorcyclists in the Central Tongu District, Ghana
Physical and mental health issues facing community college students
Integrating behavioral economic and social network influences in understanding alcohol misuse in a diverse sample of emerging adults
Improving measurement of harms from others' drinking: a key informant study on type and severity of harm
Actual causes of death in Alaska
Association of recreational cannabis laws in Colorado and Washington state with changes in traffic fatalities, 2005-2017
Change in traffic fatality rates in the first 4 states to legalize recreational marijuana
Argentinian women and the uses of drugs: a sociohistorical analysis of female drug use in Argentina (1860-1930)
Associations of despair with suicidality and substance misuse among young adults
Depressive symptomatology and personality traits in patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease
Effect of antithrombotic drugs reversal on geriatric traumatic brain injury
Impact of altering data granularity levels on predictive modelling: a case study of fall risk prediction in older persons
The impact of sleep deprivation and alcohol on driving: a comparative study
Microecological relationships between area income, off-premise alcohol outlet density, drinking patterns, and alcohol use disorders: the East Bay Neighborhoods Study
Statin use and fall-related hospitalizations among residents of long-term care facilities: a case-control study
Substance use and mental health in homeschooled adolescents in the United States
Recognition and stigma of prescription drug abuse disorder: personal and community determinants
Risk-taking and fairness among cocaine-dependent patients in dual diagnoses: schizophrenia and anti-social personality disorder
Prices, alcohol use initiation and heavy episodic drinking among Chilean youth
Changes in patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9) scores in adults with medical authorization for cannabis
Global trends, local harms: availability of fentanyl-type drugs on the dark web and accidental overdoses in Ohio
Treating gang-involved patients: embodied trauma & how to heal from life on the street
Anticipated use of a supervised drug consumption site among syringe services program clients in King County, Washington: assessing the role of opioid overdose and injection behavior
Cannabis-impaired driving and Canadian youth
Listed for sale: analyzing data on fentanyl, fentanyl analogs and other novel synthetic opioids on one cryptomarket
Mortality from burns sustained on home oxygen therapy exceeds predicted mortality
Sensation seeking, impulsivity, and aggression moderate sex effects on adolescent laboratory binging
Mutual influences on bullying perpetration and substance use among adolescents in the United States
Validation of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale in Bulgarian substance-dependent individuals
Analysis of injury patterns of motorcycle riders admitted to teaching hospital, Karapitiya, Sri Lanka
Are laws of domestic violence and rehabilitation of substance abusers satisfactory in Sri Lanka? A review with cases
Medicolegal significance of using smell of liquor as an indicator of alcohol consumption
Review on factors causes road traffic accident in Africa
Related factors of alcohol-induced blackout among university student
Ageing and alcohol: drinking typologies among older adults
Development and validation of a robotic multifactorial fall-risk predictive model: a one-year prospective study in community-dwelling older adults
Dynamic characteristics of groups and individuals that amplify adherence to perceived drinking norms in college club sport teams: a longitudinal multilevel investigation
Healthcare utilisation prior to suicide in persons with alcohol use disorder: national cohort and nested case-control study
Illicit drug use and the genetic overlap with Cannabis use
The systemic inflammatory response syndrome in acute antipsychotic poisoning
Substance use and mental health predictors of patterns of non-partner youth violence among high-risk urban youth
The search for contributors to low rates of recognition of paternal alcohol use disorders in offspring from the San Diego Prospective Study
Prevalence, demographic, and clinical correlates of comorbid depressive symptoms in Chinese psychiatric patients with alcohol dependence
A mixed methods study: sex differences in experiences of stigma associated with alcoholism and alcohol use disorders among injury patients in Tanzania
Mental health problems among young people in substance abuse treatment in Sweden
Is mental health competence in childhood associated with health risk behaviors in adolescence? Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Governing noncommunicable diseases through political rationality and technologies of government: a discourse analysis
Experiences with medical cannabis in the treatment of veterans with PTSD: results from a focus group discussion
Impacts of physical environment perception on the frailty condition in older people
Distress tolerance in methamphetamine and opium abusers with non-drug abuser (a comparative analysis)
Prevalence and pattern of substance use among sandstone mine workers in Rajasthan, India
Prevalence of substance use and awareness about its ill effects among people residing in a rural village in Chamarajanagara district, Karnataka
The socioeconomic correlates of substance use among male adults in Northeast India
Accounting for linguistic acculturation, coping, antisociality and depressive affect in the gender role-alcohol use relationship in Mexican American adolescents: a moderated mediation model for boys and girls
Amplified concern for social risk in adolescence: development and validation of a new measure
Antidepressant prescribing and suicide/self-harm by young Australians: regulatory warnings, contradictory advice, and long-term trends
Applying the capability, opportunity, motivation, and behavior model to identify opportunities to increase pharmacist comfort dispensing naloxone in Texas: a structural equation modeling approach
Associations between digital technology and substance use among U.S. adolescents: results from the 2018 Monitoring the Future survey
Academic performance and delinquent and aggressive behaviors among children with substance using mothers
Cyber victimization and tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents: a moderated mediation model
Drug use reported by U.S. pilots, 2009-2014
Event-level outcomes of police interactions with young people in three non-metropolitan cities across British Columbia, Canada
Safety first: beliefs of older peers supplying alcohol to underage friends
Substance use and its risk factors in Turkey: a nationally representative sample study
Substance use and sociodemographic correlates among adolescents in a low-income sub Saharan setting
The roles of neighborhood social cohesion, peer substance use, and adolescent depression in adolescent substance use
Potential undercounting of overdose deaths caused by specific drugs in vital statistics data: an analysis of Florida
Receipt of addiction treatment after opioid overdose among Medicaid-enrolled adolescents and young adults
Growth and distribution of buprenorphine-waivered providers in the United States, 2007-2017
Availability of buprenorphine treatment in the 10 states with the highest drug overdose death rates in the United States
COVID-19 lockdown in India triggers a rapid rise in suicides due to the alcohol withdrawal symptoms: evidence from media reports
Discontinuing cannabis improves depression in people with multiple sclerosis: a short report
High risk of overdose, suicide after stopping opioids
Quantifying enhanced risk from alcohol and other factors in polysubstance-related deaths
Psychiatric effects of cannabis use
Psychological factors and genetic characteristics of rural cannabis users
Injuries associated with electronic nicotine delivery systems: a systematic review
Multiple drug use disorder diagnoses among drug-involved hospitalizations in the United States: results from the 2016 National Inpatient Sample
Acute poisoning from substance abuse of benzodiazepines
Acute poisoning with gamma-hydroxybutyrate
Structure and longitudinal invariance of the short alcohol and alcohol problems perception questionnaire
The prenatal maternal representations of mothers at risk of recurrent care proceedings in the family drug and alcohol court: a thematic analysis
Prevalence of prescription pain medication use among adults: United States, 2015-2018
Rate of elimination of γ-hydroxybutyrate from blood determined by analysis of two consecutive samples from apprehended drivers in Norway
Statistical parallels of mortality indicators and alcohol intoxications according to forensic autopsies in Moscow
Cannabis knowledge and implications for health: considerations regarding the legalization of non-medical cannabis
Behavioral inhibition and reward processing in college binge drinkers with and without marijuana use
Ashamed and alone-risk factors for alcohol craving among depressed emerging adults
Commentary on substance use disorders and risk of suicide in a general US population: a case control study by Lynch et al
Construction of pioneering quantitative structure activity relationship screening models for abuse potential of designer drugs using index of ideality of correlation in Monte Carlo optimization
Development of a pencil drawn paper-based analytical device to detect lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Depressive symptoms as a moderator of college student response to computerized alcohol intervention
The adulterated XANAX pill: a fatal intoxication with etizolam and caffeine
Alcohol use disorder and suicide risk: a fresh and closer look
Assessment of endogenous intoxication values by oral fluid composition
A case of attempted suicide by Cerbera odollam seed ingestion
A new data repository for pharmacokinetic natural product-drug interactions: from chemical characterization to clinical studies
Participant satisfaction and acceptability of a culturally adapted brief intervention to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among Latino immigrant men
Patient falls and injuries in U.S. psychiatric care: incidence and trends
Pattern, clinical and demographic profile of inpatient psychiatry referrals in a tertiary care teaching hospital: a descriptive study
Geographic proximity to buprenorphine treatment providers in the U.S
Internet use and adolescent drinking: does it matter what young people do online?
Memantine misuse and social networks: a content analysis of internet self-reports
National hospital care survey demonstration projects: opioid-involved emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate abuse: pharmacology and poisoning and withdrawal management
An exploratory study of adolescents' social media sharing of marijuana-related content
Fatal accident involving a welder employed by a shipping container company, associated with the use of tramadol and antidepressant agents
Classification of drugs listed in Iranian pharmacopoeia based on impact on driving performance
Road traffic injury epidemiology
Sustained stimulation? Characteristics of modified release and immediate release stimulant exposures reported to the national poison data system
Effects of community based fall prevention program for elderly people in Busan Metropolitan City, Korea
The effectiveness of cannabis flower for immediate relief from symptoms of depression
Effect of lowering the blood alcohol concentration limit to 0.03 among hospitalized trauma patients in southern Taiwan: a cross-sectional analysis
Correction: Heroin‐related deaths from the Hennepin County medical examiner's office from 2004 through 2015
Patients' perception about opioids and addiction in South Korea
"I missed open arms": the need for connectedness among Black youth affected by parental drug use
Interplay between sensation seeking and risky alcohol drinking in Mexican adolescents: an structural modeling equation approach
Assessment of craniomaxillofacial injuries after electric scooter accidents in Turku, Finland, in 2019
Association between statin use and balance in older adults
Binge drinking by occupation groups among currently employed U.S,. adults in 32 states, 2013-2016
Blood concentrations of synthetic cannabinoids
Change in opioid policies in New England emergency departments, 2014 vs 2018
Clearing the air: a study of cannabis-related presentations to urban Alberta emergency departments following legalization
Exaggerating harmful drug effects on the brain is killing Black people
Juvenile justice system, juvenile mental health, and the role of MHPs: challenges and opportunities
Ketamine for depression clinical issues
A national effectiveness trial of an eHealth program to prevent alcohol and cannabis misuse: responding to the replication crisis
Opioids, testosterone and suicide
Paraphenylenediamine (Kala pathar) poisoning at the National Poison Control Center in Karachi: a prospective study
Substance use disorder treatment, perceived need for treatment, and barriers to treatment among parenting women with substance use disorder in US rural counties
Survey dataset on the prevalence of childhood maltreatment history among drug addicts in Malaysia
Toward a unifying theory of dysregulated behaviors
Relationship between prolonged media usage and lifestyle habits among junior and senior high school students
Exploring gender differences in the longitudinal association between bullying and risk behaviours with Body Mass Index among COMPASS youth in Canada
Alcoholics Anonymous and 12-Step Facilitation Treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder: a distillation of a 2020 Cochrane Review for clinicians and policy makers
Hallucinogenic mushroom misuse reported to Texas poison centers
"Who would sexually assault an 80-year-old woman?" Barriers to exploring and exposing sexual assault against women in late life
Trends and characteristics in barbiturate deaths Australia 2000-2019: a national retrospective study
Using zoning as a public health tool to reduce alcohol outlet oversaturation, promote compliance, and guide future enforcement: a preliminary analysis of Transform Baltimore
Alcohol consumption and internalising disorders in young adults of ALSPAC: a population-based study
Recent caffeine drinking associates with cognitive function in the UK Biobank
Socio-economic situation and substance use disorder influences on safety practices among truckers
Peer pressure and alcohol consumption in adults living in the UK: a systematic qualitative review
Psycho-social correlates of opioid use disorder among the US adult population: evidence from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2015-2018
Cannabis as a gateway drug for opioid use disorder
The association between intimate partner violence, psychiatric morbidity amongst pregnant women and partner alcohol use in southern Nigeria
Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia
The changing landscape of alcohol use disorder and problem drinking in the USA: implications for primary care
Childhood adverse experiences and personality disorders in outpatients with addiction
The effect of alcohol level on male and female drivers: important facts
The effect of prescription drugs and alcohol consumption on intimate partner violence victim blaming
Epidemiology of drug driving: protocol from a national Canadian study measuring levels of cannabis, alcohol and other substances in injured drivers
'Extreme personal stress' and 'a lot of pain': exploring the physical, mental and social contexts of extramedical pharmaceutical opioid use in Australian paramedic case descriptions
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-assisted psychotherapy for victims of sexual abuse with severe post-traumatic stress disorder: an open label pilot study in Brazil
Affective temperament traits and age-predicted recreational cannabis use in medical students: a cross-sectional study
Alcohol use disorder is bad for broken ribs: a nationwide analysis of 19,638 patients with rib fractures
Developmental changes in secrecy during middle adolescence: links with alcohol use and perceived controlling parenting
Temporal trend in the prevalence of indicators related to driving a motor vehicle after alcohol consumption, between 2007 and 2018
Polydrug use and dating violence among emerging adults
Suicidal ideation and attempts following nonmedical use of prescription opioids and related disorder
Interaction of socioeconomic status with risky internet use, gambling and substance use in adolescents from a structurally disadvantaged region in Central Europe
Medical student attitudes toward substance use disorders before and after a skills-based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) curriculum
Association of Medicaid expansion with opioid overdose mortality in the United States
Individual and county-level variation in outcomes following non-fatal opioid-involved overdose
Overdose reversals save lives-period
Risk of overdose with exposure to prescription opioids, benzodiazepines, and non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics in adults: a retrospective cohort study
Preventing opioid overdose with peer-administered naloxone: findings from a rural state
Trends in nonfatal falls and fall-related injuries among adults aged ≥65 years - United States, 2012-2018
Trends of hospitalization for acute alcohol intoxication in Slovenian children and adolescents with and without dual disorder. implications for a correct intervention
Skeletal fluorosis: an unusual manifestation of computer cleaner inhalant abuse
The relationship between positional asphyxia and increasing body mass index
Reformulation of oxycodone 80 mg to prevent misuse: a cohort study assessing the impact of a supply-side intervention
Ranking evidence in substance use and addiction
Alcohol misuse and women's use of aggression in intimate relationships: the mediating role of motivations for using aggression
Child maltreatment, including emotional, increases risk for psychopathology
The impact of a pharmacist-led naloxone education and community distribution project on local use of naloxone
How lactate links cannabis to social behaviour
Effectiveness of implementing traffic rules and regulations regarding Republic Act 10586 in Cabanatuan City
Drug offenses in the Tokyo metropolitan area: trends for 2016-2018
Do depression and binge drinking explain the increased risk of sexual violence among sexual minority middle and high school girls?
Cumulative lifetime stress exposure predicts greater impulsivity and addictive behaviors
Socioeconomic marginalization and opioid-related overdose: a systematic review
Incidence rates of and risk factors for opioid overdose in new users of prescription opioids among US Medicaid enrollees: a cohort study
Predictors of poor 6-week outcome in a cohort of major depressive disorder patients treated with antidepressant medication: the role of entrapment
Is Europe facing an emerging opioid crisis comparable to the U.S.?
Mental health and substance use impact perioperative opioid demand in upper extremity trauma surgery
Under 2% of Medicaid-covered youths get MAT after OD: study
The state of the science in opioid policy research
Substance use patterns and health profiles among US adults who use opioids, methamphetamine, or both, 2015-2018
The suicide epidemic in youth and the FDA black-box warning: time to reconsider [Editorial]
Retrospective analysis of new psychoactive substances in blood samples of German drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drugs
From prohibition to harm reduction? An analysis of the adoption of the Dutch harm reduction approach in Brazilian drug laws and practice
Intrapersonal and interpersonal pathways linking 21st birthday celebration beliefs, intentions, and drinking behavior
Decreasing opioid use in pediatric lower extremity trauma: a quality improvement project
Effectiveness of implementing the criminal administrative punishment law of drunk driving in China: An interrupted time series analysis, 2004-2017
An analysis of state-level policies and opioid overdose deaths
Socioeconomic risk factors for fatal opioid overdoses in the United States: findings from the Mortality Disparities in American Communities Study (MDAC)
Pharmacy leaders' beliefs about how pharmacies can support a sustainable approach to providing naloxone to the community
Overlapping patterns of recreational and medical cannabis use in a large community sample of cannabis users
The link between per capita alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in educational groups
Drugs of abuse and their metabolites in river sediments: analysis, occurrence in four Spanish river basins and environmental risk assessment
Developing interagency collaboration to address the opioid epidemic: a scoping review of joint criminal justice and healthcare initiatives
Impulsivity, suicidality, and emotional dysregulation in women having borderline personality disorder with and without substance dependence
Associating personality disorders in fathers with substance-related disorder and their index child behavioral problems: a cross-sectional study
Risk perception, changing social context, and norms prevent transition to regular injection among people who smoke heroin
Association of state-level opioid-reduction policies with pediatric opioid poisoning
Brodifacoum poisoning linked to synthetic marijuana use in Wisconsin
Suicide behavior following PHQ-9 screening among individuals with substance use disorders
Violence against women and drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA): a review of the main drugs
Sex-dependent effects of alcohol administration on the urge to use cannabis
Prevalence and characteristics of self-reported kratom use in a representative US general population sample
Consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances among female adolescents placed in residential care: the role of sexual exploitation
Driver experiences with the alcohol ignition interlock: comparing successful and poor performers
Factors associated with physicians' assessment and management of child abuse and neglect: a mixed method study
Examining the role of childhood adversity on excess alcohol intake and tobacco exposure among US college students
Further validation of the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire for assessing motivations for responsible drinking: a test of self-determination theory
Implementation of an alcohol screening, brief intervention, and a referral program at a community Level II trauma center
Impulsivity and the effects of alcohol in women with a history of childhood sexual abuse: a pilot study
The intended and unintended effects of drunk driving policies
Learning from drinking experiences in college: a test of reciprocal determinism with drinking refusal self-efficacy
Opioid prescribing and the ethical duty to do no harm
The 'sober eye': examining attitudes towards non-drinkers in Australia
Alcohol use, suicide, and antidepressants
Avoiding the stigma. A qualitative study of socially included women's experiences of drug use and dealing, health services and the police in France
Cannabis use, depression and suicidal ideation in adolescence: direction of associations in a population based cohort
Comparison of driving times to opioid treatment programs and pharmacies in the US
Emergency department admissions Kumasi, Ghana: prevalence of alcohol and substance use, and associated trauma
Initial evaluation of Manitoba's cannabis surveillance system
Injuries and poisonings associated with e-cigarettes and vaping substances, electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program, 2011-2019
Common injuries associated with falls from tree stands in Iowa
Co-use of alcohol and cannabis: a review
Adult opioid poisonings by drug, intent, and resource use from the United States National Poison Data System from 2005-2018
Alcohol use among 10th-graders: distinguishing between high-intensity drinking and other levels of use
Association between mothers' postoperative opioid prescriptions and opioid-related events in their children: a population-based cohort study
Study strategies and "study drugs": investigating the relationship between college students' study behaviors and prescription stimulant misuse
Two studies investigating associations between sexual assault victimization history and bystander appraisals of risk
The prevalence of social anxiety and its relationship with tendency to addiction and sleep quality among high school students in Divandareh in 2018
The language of subjective alcohol effects: do young adults vary in their feelings of intoxication?
Examining daily-level associations between nightly alcohol use and next-day valued behavior in college students
Early onset of cannabis use and violent behavior in psychosis
Did "conduce sin alcohol" a program that monitors breath alcohol concentration limits for driving in Mexico City have an effect on traffic-related deaths?
Women who inject drugs and violence: need for an integrated response
Toward a theory of visual information acquisition in driving
Trait and ability emotional intelligence as factors associated with cannabis use in adolescence
Trends in risky prescriptions of opioid analgesics from 2011 to 2015 in Northern Germany
National time trend changes in psychotropic medication of child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients across Finland
Self-reported opioid use and driving outcomes among older adults: the AAA LongROAD Study
Prescription opioid use and associated factors among US construction workers
The presence of oscillations in the media framework and fragmented interpretations in the coverage of the crack consumption
Relationship of problematic cannabis use among youth in Spain with perceived risk, environmental factors and sociodemographic factors
Mental health of orthopaedic trauma patients during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
New psychoactive substances on dark web markets: from deal solicitation to forensic analysis of purchased substances
Changes in alcohol consumption in Spain between 1990 and 2019
Changes over time in young adults' harmful alcohol consumption: a cross-temporal meta-analysis using the AUDIT
Are restrictive public policies related to alcohol consumption effective for the reduction of motor vehicle crash fatalities?
Consensus about alcohol and drugs in areas related to passenger transportation
Normalised pain and severe health care delay among people who inject drugs in London: adapting cultural safety principles to promote care
Relationship between alcohol consumption and trauma. Severity of traumatic injury
Social risk for the family of drug users hospitalized due to physical injury
Aberrant driving behaviours on risk involvement among drivers in China
Prevalence and correlates of ever having a substance use problem and substance use recovery status among adults in the United States, 2018
Prevalence and socio-demographic, academic, health and lifestyle predictors of illicit drug/s use among university undergraduate students in Finland
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and transitions in stages of alcohol involvement among US adults: progression and regression
Adverse childhood experiences and sexual health outcomes and risk behaviors among a nationwide sample of men who have sex with men
Alcohol and sexual risk among American college students studying abroad
College alcohol beliefs and negative alcohol-related consequences: a moderated mediation model of enhancement drinking motives and restricted eating
Classification of heroin, methamphetamine, ketamine and their additives by attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics
Coronavirus disease 2019: what could be the effects on road safety?
Counterfeit alcohol distribution: a criminological script network analysis
Estimating the prevalence of opioid use disorder in the Cincinnati region using probabilistic multiplier methods and model averaging
What's drugs got to do with it? Examining the relationship between drug onset and duration with criminal outcomes in an African American cohort
Use of psychoactive substances among patients presenting at the emergency department of a tertiary hospital
Prognostic criteria for the forensic diagnosis of acute drug poisoning at the stage of study of corpse
Screening of 104 new psychoactive substances (NPS) and other drugs of abuse in oral fluid by LC-MS-MS
Mental illness and its link to illegal street market activity: prevalence, risk factors, and how they compare to violence
The missing link: Incorporating behaviour change theories in overdose education and naloxone distribution programs
Morphofunctional characteristic of the microvasculature of the lung tissue in acute fatal ethanol poisoning
Perceived parental knowledge and adolescent substance use outcomes
Liver injury induced by paracetamol and challenges associated with intentional and unintentional use
Burn injuries related to E-cigarettes reported to poison control centers in the United States, 2010-2019
Community-based participatory research: engaging youth to provide perspective on risk and protective factors
Decline in adolescent drinking: some possible explanations
Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis
Homicide-suicide across the lifespan: a mixed methods examination of factors contributing to older adult perpetration
Intersections of firearm suicide, drug-related mortality, and economic dependency in rural America
Amphetamine and methamphetamine poisonings attended by emergency services: clinical characteristics and the usefulness of laboratory confirmation
Short term effects of the REAL media e-learning media literacy substance prevention curriculum: an RCT of adolescents disseminated through a community organization
"Influence of modifiable and non-modifiable variables on functioning in bipolar disorder: a path analytical study"
Hallucinogenic Himalayan honey: the next poison?
Associations between ethnic-racial identity and alcohol problems among diverse emerging adults
Child maltreatment, early adult substance use, and mediation by adolescent behavior problems
Chronic use of synthetic cannabinoids is associated with impairment in working memory and mental flexibility
Electronic vapor product use and violence victimization among a nationally representative sample of adolescents
Examining the relationship between ethnic identity, depression, and alcohol use among students at historically black colleges/universities (HBCUs)
High-risk and long-term opioid prescribing to military spouses in the Millennium Cohort Family Study
Is bringing one's own alcohol to parties protective or risky? A prospective examination of sexual victimization among first-year college women
Pathways linking adverse environments to emerging adults' substance abuse and depressive symptoms: a prospective analysis of rural African American men
Perceived neighborhood disorder and frequency of marijuana use among emerging adult African American females
Racial/ethnic differences in alcohol and drug misuse among IPV-victimized women: exploring the role of difficulties regulating positive emotions
This is your teen brain on drugs: in search of biological factors unique to dependence toxicity in adolescence
Elevated prevalence of self-reported unintentional exposure to fentanyl among women who use drugs in a Canadian setting: a cross-sectional analysis
The usefulness and clinical characteristics of antidepressant use for stroke patients with rehabilitation program: an exploratory analysis
Clinical characteristics and time trends of hospitalized methadone exposures in the United States based on the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) case registry: 2010-2017
Cocaine use and overdose mortality in the United States: evidence from two national data sources, 2002-2018
The cumulative and differential relation of adverse childhood experiences and substance use during emerging adulthood
Demystifying cannabis: a review of its pharmacology, use in pain, and safety concerns
Representation of addiction and drugs victims through TV media
A case-based review of vaping-induced injury-pulmonary toxicity and beyond
Drinking to excess and the tipping point: an international study of alcohol intoxication in 61,000 people
Electronic linkage and interrogation of administrative health, social care, and criminal justice datasets: feasibility concerning process and content
Where's the party? A mixed method study investigating characteristics, motivations, and harms of attending off-campus (over on-campus) parties
Enlightened hedonism? Independent drug checking amongst a group of ecstasy users
Epidemiologic assessment of benzodiazepine exposure among suicide deaths in Colorado, 2015-2017
Examining correlations between opioid dispensing and opioid-related hospitalizations in Canada, 2007-2016
Illicit drug use and exposure in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Czechia: policy representations and evidence
Methanol poisoning in Turkey: two outbreaks, a single center experience
Multi-resolution analyses of neighborhood correlates of crime: smaller is not better
Notes from the field: Characteristics of tetrahydrocannabinol-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products used by adults - Illinois, September-October 2019
Late diagnosis of paracetamol poisoning is always lethal in young adult
Sales to apparently alcohol-intoxicated customers and online responsible vendor training in recreational cannabis stores in a randomized trial
Sex differences in problem alcohol use in high school as a function of recent sexual violence victimization or perpetration
Gender differences in adolescent opioid misuse and major depressive episodes
Gender, maltreatment and psychiatric symptoms among adolescents in outpatient substance abuse treatment
Utility of digital respondent driven sampling to recruit community-dwelling emerging adults for assessment of drinking and related risks
Sex differences in driving under the influence of cannabis: the role of medical and recreational cannabis use
Alcohol consumption and attributable harm in middle-income South-East Asian countries: epidemiology and policy options
Alcohol policy in Chile: a systematic review of policy developments and evaluations
Alcohol/illicit substance use in fatal motorcycle crashes
Associations between gender, alcohol use and negative consequences among Korean college students: a national study
Designers drugs-a new challenge to emergency departments-an observational study in Poland
Conceptualizing overdose trauma: the relationships between experiencing and witnessing overdoses with PTSD symptoms among street-recruited female sex workers in Baltimore, Maryland
A randomized pilot trial of topiramate for alcohol use disorder in veterans with traumatic brain injury: effects on alcohol use, cognition, and post-concussive symptoms
Optimizing the impact of medications for opioid use disorder at release from prison and jail settings: a microsimulation modeling study
Up in smoke: exploring the relationship between bullying victimization and e-cigarette use in sexual minority youths
Unintentional cocaine exposure and Brugada syndrome: a case report
Suicide-related over-the-counter analgesic exposures reported to United States poison control centers, 2000-2018
Suspicion of chemical submission in older subjects attending a hospital emergency department
Alcohol use disorder increases risk of traumatic brain injury-related hospitalization: insights from 3.8 million children and adolescent inpatients
Applying a social determinants of health approach to the opioid epidemic
Association of alcohol control policies with adolescent alcohol consumption and with social inequality in adolescent alcohol consumption: a multilevel study in 33 countries and regions
Medical marijuana laws and medical and non-medical prescription stimulant use among a nationally representative sample of US adults: potential spillover effects by sexual identity and gender
Mental health, physical health, and cultural characteristics among American Indians/Alaska Natives seeking substance use treatment in an urban setting: a descriptive study
Kratom instrumentalization for severe pain self-treatment resulting in addiction - a case report of acute and chronic subjective effects
Locations of licensed and unlicensed cannabis retailers in California: a threat to health equity?
Alcohol-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and co-occurring injuries, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2009-2018
Association between emotional-volitional dysfunction and features of aggression or hostility in mens with different forms of substance addictions: a cross-sectional study
Dilemma in the management of methanol poisoning at a district hospital in Malaysia
Fall prevention knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors: a survey of emergency providers
Gender differences in alcohol treatment
Health literacy among Swedish patients in opioid substitution treatment: a mixed-methods study
How many more young Australians say that they would use cannabis if it were legal?
Implementing primary healthcare-based measurement, advice and treatment for heavy drinking and comorbid depression at the municipal level in three Latin American countries: final protocol for a quasiexperimental study (SCALA study)
The intentional self-medication of 9/11-related PTSD symptoms with alcohol: 15 years after the disaster
What explains the decline in adolescent binge-drinking in New Zealand?
Substance use, service provision, access & utilization among foreign-born communities in the United States: a mixed methods study
Reprint of: The effect of the Music Day event on community drug use
Self-medicating low mood with alcohol use: Examining the role of frequency of alcohol use, quantity consumed and context of drinking
Slow associative learning in alcohol dependence and the alcohol cue exposure treatment paradox
Prevalence and predictors of driving after prescription opioid use in an adult ED sample
Prevention of unintentional medication overdose among children: time for the promise of the poison prevention packaging act to come to fruition
Statistically derived patterns of behavioral economic risk among heavy-drinking college students: a latent profile analysis
A test of the interpersonal theory of suicide in a large, representative, retrospective and prospective study: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS)
Change in binge drinking behavior after Hurricane Sandy among persons exposed to the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster
Deaths and years of potential life lost from excessive alcohol use - United States, 2011-2015
Drug use and abuse and the risk of adverse events in soccer players: results from a survey in Italian second league players
The effect of cannabidiol on simulated car driving performance: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, dose-ranging clinical trial protocol
Ethanol binge drinking exposure affects alveolar bone quality and aggravates bone loss in experimentally-induced periodontitis
Exposure to personal and community violence and associated drug use outcomes in African American young adults
High risk? Indoor cannabis producers' perceptions of occupational health and safety
The impact of alcohol misuse on fathering in Northern Uganda: an ethnographic study of fathers
State medical marijuana laws, cannabis use and cannabis use disorder among adults with elevated psychological distress
Marijuana medicalization and motor vehicle fatalities: a synthetic control group approach
Notes from the field: Amphetamine use among workers with severe hyperthermia - eight states, 2010-2019
Prescription medication use as a risk factor for motor vehicle collisions: a responsibility study
A rare case of metformin intoxication with mortal course
Social-emotional competence trajectories from a school-based child trauma symptom intervention in a disadvantaged community
Challenges facing the prevention of drug and substance abuse in secondary schools: case of Malindi Central urban Sub-County of Kenya
Community attitudes toward opioid use disorder and medication for opioid use disorder in a rural Appalachian county
Community violence, PTSD, hopelessness, substance use, and perpetuation of violence in an urban environment
Current etiological comprehension and therapeutic targets of acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity
Long-term trajectories of medicine use among older adults experiencing polypharmacy in Australia
Low self-control, parental intervention, and delinquency among Native American youth
Predictive factors of substance use among adolescents in Argentina: a longitudinal study
Using pharmacy dispensing data to predict falls in older persons
Death in sauna associated with a transdermal fentanyl patch
Feasibility of bystander-administered naloxone delivered by drone to opioid overdose victims
The geriatric emergency literature 2019
Screening to identify signals of opioid drug interactions leading to unintentional traumatic injury
Supporting the full participation of people who use drugs in policy fora: provision of a temporary, conference-based overdose prevention site
Social and structural determinants of youth alcohol use in Tanzania: the role of gender, social vulnerability and stigma
The switch from one substance-of-abuse to another: illicit drug substitution behaviors in a sample of high-risk drug users
Trajectories of cannabis use and risk for opioid misuse in a young adult urban cohort
Co-occurring mental illness, drug use, and medical multimorbidity among lesbian, gay, and bisexual middle-aged and older adults in the United States: a nationally representative study
Distribution of drinks consumed by U.S. adults by average daily alcohol consumption: a comparison of 2 nationwide surveys
Association suvorexant and ramelteon use with the risk of falling: a retrospective case-control study
Medication use and driving patterns in older drivers: preliminary findings from the LongROAD study
No magic pocket: buying and selling on drug cryptomarkets in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions
Positional asphyxia in opioid-related deaths: is it being overlooked?
Post-college changes in the association between drinking motives and drinking-related problems
Profiles of motivations for responsible drinking among college students: a self-determination theory perspective
Puberty and girls' delinquency: a test of competing models explaining the relationship between pubertal development and delinquent behavior
The effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the recognition of emotions in facial expressions: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Contacts with primary and secondary healthcare prior to suicide: case-control whole-population-based study using person-level linked routine data in Wales, UK, 2000-2017
Dosage of booster phone calls following an SBIRT intervention in the emergency department for reducing substance use
Establishing clinically and theoretically grounded cross-domain cumulative risk and protection scores in sibling groups exposed prenatally to substances
Guidelines and recommendations for training ethical alcohol researchers
Influence of hospital encounters for falls on potentially inappropriate medication use among older patients
Geographical proximity and the transmission of drug abuse among siblings: evaluating a contagion model in a Swedish National Sample
How not to spend an opioid settlement
Small area estimation of opioid abuse and comorbid psychological distress among females living in the thirteen Appalachian region states
One-year mortality and associated factors in patients receiving out-of-hospital naloxone for presumed opioid overdose
Prescription opioid misuse motive latent classes: outcomes from a nationally representative US sample
Stress, cortisol and NR3C1 in at-risk individuals for psychosis: a Mendelian randomization study
A study on incentives to encourage driving license holders to return their driving license
Traditional use of plants as medicine and poison by Tagin and Galo Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh
Rise in cases of alcohol withdrawal following lockdown in dry district of Wardha
Parental perceptions linked to opioid misuse among justice-involved children
Hospital referrals of patients with acute poisoning by the Belgian Poison Centre: analysis of characteristics, associated factors, compliance and costs
Are school substance use policy violation disciplinary consequences associated with student engagement in cannabis?
Boys mentoring, gender norms, and reproductive health-potential for transformation
A common clinical conundrum: antidepressant treatment of depression in pregnant women
Computational models of drug use and addiction: a review
Alcohol-related, drug-related, and non-substance-related aggression: 3 facets of a single construct or 3 distinct constructs?
Burnout syndrome in police officers and its relationship with physical and leisure activities
Coronavirus disease 2019 crisis and intentional injuries: now is not the time to erode alcohol control policies
Antidepressant and antipsychotic poisoning
Diagnostic accuracy for drug detection using liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy in overdose patients
Incidence of opioid overdose among patients using ER/LA opioid analgesics before and after implementation of the class-wide opioid risk evaluation and mitigation strategy
Liraglutide overdose: a case report and an updated review
Opioid overdose and inpatient care for substance use disorder care in Massachusetts
Opioid poisoning
Receipt of multiple outpatient opioid prescriptions is associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes in youth: opioid prescribing trends, individual characteristics, and outcomes from 2005 to 2016
Student drinking: is change possible?
Factors associated with risk behaviors in adolescence: a systematic review
Gender inequalities in depression/anxiety and the consumption of psychotropic drugs: are we medicalising women's mental health?
Grassroots interventions for alcohol use disorders in the Mexican immigrant community: a narrative literature review
Hostile attributional bias in severe alcohol use disorder
The impact of an alcohol policy change on developmental trajectories of youth alcohol use: examination of a natural experiment in Canada
Observational study of the association between diverse licensed premises types and alcohol-related violence in an inner-London borough
Remimazolam has low oral bioavailability and no potential for misuse in drug-facilitated sexual assaults, with or without alcohol: results from two randomised clinical trials
Agency in the fentanyl era: exploring the utility of fentanyl test strips in an opaque drug market
Anxiety, depression, and opioid misuse among adults with chronic pain: the role of anxiety sensitivity
Association between anxiolytic/hypnotic drugs and suicidal thoughts or behaviors in a population-based cohort of students
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder-associated impulsive aggression treated with lamotrigine
Cannabis norm perceptions among Canadian university students
Xanthopsia due to digoxin toxicity as a cause of traffic accidents: a case report
Close proximity to alcohol outlets is associated with increased crime and hazardous drinking: pooled nationally representative data from New Zealand
Consumer perceptions of 'legal' and 'illegal' cannabis in US states with legal cannabis sales
Dextromethorphan abuse among opioid-dependent patients
Do injured workers receive opioid prescriptions outside the workers' compensation system? The case of private group health insurances
Effect of psychotropic drugs on cortical excitability of patients with major depressive disorders: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
A fatal case of cannabis body-packing: about an autopsy case report
The pub and the people. A worktown study by mass observation
Toxicity prediction and effect characterization of 90 pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs measured in plasma of fish from a major European river (Sava, Croatia)
Validation of an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of 16 drugs and metabolites in hair in the context of driving license granting
Unplanned vs. planned drinking: event-level influences of drinking motives and affect
Polysubstance use among pregnant women with opioid use disorder in the United States, 2007-2016
Post-market safety communication for protection of public health: a comparison of regulatory policy in Australia, Canada, the European Union, and the United States
Post-traumatic symptom severity mediates the association between combat exposure and suicidal ideation in veterans
Screening illicit substance use in college students: the Chinese version of the Drug Abuse Screening Test
Structural and functional changes in an Australian high-level drug trafficking network after exposure to supply changes
Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial testing the effectiveness of the 'High schools High on life' intervention on reducing excessive drinking in Danish high schools
Predictors of transitions across stages of alcohol use and disorders in an adult population with heterogeneous ethnic restrictions regarding drinking
Primary substance use prevention programs for children and youth: a systematic review
Psychosocial and clinical risk factors associated with substance use in observational cohort of patients with sickle cell disease
The relationship between insomnia and the intensity of drinking in treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol dependence
Risk factors for fatal drowning in a Greek region: a retrospective case-control study
Alcohol availability, use, and harms among adolescents in three Mexican cities
Common mental disorders among Irish jockeys: prevalence and risk factors
A comparison of global and egocentric network approaches for assessing peer alcohol use among college students in the United States
Different ways to drown out the pain: a meta-analysis of the association between nonsuicidal self-injury and alcohol use
The effect of child-abuse on the behavioral problems in the children of the parents with substance use disorder: presenting a model of structural equations
Evaluating the influences of major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder on trauma and alcohol cue reactivity
Marijuana use is associated with suicidal ideation and behavior among US adolescents at rates similar to tobacco and alcohol
Military occupational disability risk surveillance: a retrospective cohort study of modifiable risk factors
Prescription opioid misuse among university students: a systematic review
The sexual risk behaviors of middle school students according to school nurse placement levels in Korea
Specific emotion-regulation processes explain the relationship between mindfulness and self-compassion with coping-motivated alcohol and marijuana use
Systematic review and single centre toxicology study identified analgesics and benzodiazepines as the main causes of paediatric medication poisoning
Unintentional use of fentanyl attributed to surreptitious cannabis adulteration
Why do older people love and hate assistive technology? ‒ an emotional experience perspective
Alcohol-related risk from pre-loading and heavy episodic drinking (HED) among a cohort of young Australian women: a cross-sectional analysis
Alcohol-related self-harm due to COVID-19 pandemic: might be an emerging crisis in the near future: a case report
Altitude and latitude variations in trait-impulsivity, depression, anxiety, suicidal risk, and negative alcohol-related consequences in Argentinean adolescents
Are the well-off youth in Sweden more likely to use cannabis?
Association of transphobic discrimination and alcohol misuse among transgender adults: results from the U.S. Transgender Survey
Chronic methanol toxicity through topical and inhalational routes presenting as vision loss and restricted diffusion of the optic nerves on MRI: a case report and literature review
Current situation and challenges for mental health focused on treatment and care in Japan and the Philippines - highlights of the training program by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Online crowdsourcing as a quasi-experimental method for collecting data on the perpetration of alcohol-related partner aggression
Drinking alcohol as a way of coping with stress in students of medical faculties
Early adolescent binge drinking increases risk of psychopathology in post-9/11 veterans and mild traumatic brain injury exacerbates symptom severity
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) of mental health outcomes in veterans and servicemembers: a scoping review
Parent-child relationships and sexual minority youth: implications for adult alcohol abuse
Recommendations for prescribing opioids for people with traumatic brain injury
National Estimates of hospital emergency department visits due to acute injuries associated with hookah smoking, United States, 2011-2019
New Zealand's 'Cannabis Legalisation and Regulation Bill': an evidence-based assessment and critique of essential regulatory components towards policy outcomes
'I could have went down a different path': talking to people who used drugs problematically and service providers about Irish drug policy alternatives
The increasing prevalence of fentanyl: a urinalysis-based study among individuals with opioid use disorder in New York City
Inhibition of striatonigral autophagy as a link between cannabinoid intoxication and impairment of motor coordination
Use of amphetamine-type stimulants among emergency department patients with untreated opioid use disorder
Victim empathy in young sex offenders in the emergent adulthood developmental phase
CoViD-19 could change the way we respond to the opioid crisis-for the better
Critical evaluation of single point measurement-based quantitative analyses in forensic breath alcohol
An estimation of drug-related deaths in Iran, using the capture-recapture method (2014-2016)
Fentanyl transdermal patch: the silent new killer?
Forensic epidemiologic analysis of the cause of an unexpected teen suicide following ingestion of mis-dispensed isosorbide mononitrate
Hormonal contraceptive use and risk of attempted and completed suicide: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
The impact of drug and alcohol consumption and socio-demographic variables on the age of first selling sex among Iranian female sex workers
Legal cannabis-what's in it?
Assessing the impact of a local community subsidised rideshare programme on road traffic injuries: an evaluation of the Evesham Saving Lives programme
Women's pornography consumption, alcohol use, and sexual victimization
Short-term effects of state legalization on adolescent cannabis use may not predict any longer-term effects
State alcohol policies, binge drinking prevalence, socioeconomic environments and alcohol's harms to others: a mediation analysis
A systematic review of household and family alcohol use and adolescent behavioural outcomes in low- and middle-income countries
Characterization of Algerian-seized hashish over eight years (2011-2018). Part II: chemical categorization
Contrast sensitivity and retinal straylight after alcohol consumption: effects on driving performance
The effects of alcohol and marijuana on survival after severe traumatic brain injury: a retrospective cohort study
Effects of question type and order when measuring peak consumption of risky drinking events
Factors affecting walking speed in schizophrenia patients
Guilt and expressive writing for reducing alcohol use in college students: study protocol for a randomized control trial
Hidradenitis suppurativa and psychiatric comorbidities, suicides and substance abuse: systematic review and meta-analysis
The impact of interlock installation on driving behavior and drinking behavior related to driving
Intrapersonal psychological empowerment profiles on ethnic identity, social support, and lifetime drug use among Hispanic adolescent girls
Mental health, substance use, and suicidal ideation during the CoViD-19 pandemic -
Religious-service attendance and subsequent health and well-being throughout adulthood: evidence from three prospective cohorts
Profiles of alcohol use disorder criteria: help-seeking vs self-achieved remission in Argentinean hospital patients
Psychological impact of an epidemic/pandemic on the mental health of healthcare professionals: a rapid review
Attempted suicide by drug intoxication: adolescence on alert
Cannabis and work: need for more research
Cross-country and historical variation in alcohol consumption among older men and women: leveraging recently harmonized survey data in 21 countries
Does pre-event lack of emotional support increase the risk of post-event PTSD, anxiety, depression symptoms and lack of support? A comparative population-based study among victims of threat and violence
Examining the implementation of the Icelandic model for primary prevention of substance use in a rural Canadian community: a study protocol
Fentanyl and driving impairment
Illicit drug use and self-reported vision loss among military service members or veterans
Loperamide abuse and its sequelae
Predictors of receptivity to an alcohol intervention among mandated students
Risk of psychiatric adverse events among montelukast users
Pattern of NSAID poisoning in a referral poisoning center of Iran: solutions to reduce the suicide
Alcohol use disorder and associated factors among Jimma University undergraduate students
The case for cognitive interviewing in survey item validation: a useful approach for improving the measurement and assessment of substance use disorders
Characterization of Algerian-seized hashish over eight years (2011-2018). Part I: physical categorization
Cognitive functioning related to binge alcohol and cannabis co-use in abstinent adolescents and young adults
Unique and cumulative effects of intimate partner cybervictimization types on alcohol use in lesbian, gay, and bisexual emerging adults
The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on alcohol use disorder
Work-related alcohol use and harm to others
Effects of alcohol, condom request style, and state anger on men's condom use resistance
Predictors of prolonged opioid use after initial prescription for acute musculoskeletal injuries in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Relationships between opioid-related hospitalizations and intimate partner violence and child maltreatment hospitalizations in Pennsylvania across space and time
Reunification for young children of color with substance removals: an intersectional analysis of longitudinal national data
Harmful drinking occurs in private homes in some high- and middle-income alcohol markets: data from the International Alcohol Control Study
How may alternative drug policy settings influence criminal charges? A longitudinal study of cannabis patients and a general population sample
In our war against the opioid epidemic, could "weed" be a winner?
Mitigating the opioid crisis for wound care providers using opioid stewardship
Nonmedical use of prescription opioids, heroin use, injection drug use, and overdose mortality in U.S. adolescents
Past epidemics, natural disasters, CoViD19, and mental health: learning from history as we deal with the present and prepare for the future
Racial/ethnic discrimination and alcohol use disorder severity among United States adults
Situating the continuum of overdose risk in the social determinants of health: a new conceptual framework
Sleep medications and sleep disturbances across middle aged pre- or peri-menopausal women of different race and ethnicities: a SWAN pharmacoepidemiology cohort study
Trick or drink: offline and social media hierarchical normative influences on Halloween celebration drinking
Feasibility and acceptability of take-home naloxone for people released from prison in New South Wales, Australia
An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Less adolescent alcohol and cannabis use: more deviant user groups?
Pilot study of an overdose first aid program in juvenile detention
Association of depression with past-month cannabis use among US adults aged 20 to 59 years, 2005 to 2016
Effective treatment and prevention of attempted suicide, anxiety and aggressiveness with fluoxetine, despite proven use of androgenic anabolic steroids
What can primary care services do to help First Nations people with unhealthy alcohol use? A systematic review: Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada
Effects of homophobic name-calling and verbal sexual harassment on substance use among young adults
Identifying incidents of public health significance using the National Poison Data System, 2013-2018
Prescription opioid misuse and use of alcohol and other substances among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019
Proximity to the southern border and sociodemographic correlates of drinking and driving arrests in California
Transportation risk behaviors among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019
Adolescent health behaviors in schools with 4- versus 5-day school weeks
Legal approaches and government policies enacted to address the overdose epidemic: a scoping review protocol
Polypharmacy, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants, but not antipsychotics, are associated with increased falls risk in UK care home residents: a prospective multi-centre study
Cannabinoid use in psychotic patients impacts inflammatory levels and their association with psychosis severity
Commentary on Niederdeppe et al. (2020): Alcohol marketing exposure regulation should apply to all
Epidemiological profile of pain and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug use in collegiate athletes in the United States
Mental illnesses and related vulnerabilities in the Hijra community: a cross-sectional study from India
Overdose education and naloxone distribution within syringe service programs - United States, 2019
Preinjury use of marijuana and outcomes in trauma patients
A review investigating the relationship between cannabis use and adolescent cognitive functioning
The rise, fall, and possible rise of LSD
Adolescent risk substance use behavior, posttraumatic stress, depression, and resilience: innovative considerations for disaster recovery
Benzodiazepine misuse in adults with alcohol use disorder: prevalence, motives and patterns of use
Feasibility and acceptability of safety screening among patients receiving addiction treatment
Sensitivity and specificity of S2BI for identifying alcohol and cannabis use disorders among adolescents presenting for primary care
Suicidal behavior in problematic substance uses in South Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional survey
Temporal dynamics of the relationship between change in depressive symptoms and cannabis use in adolescents receiving psychosocial treatment for cannabis use disorder
Prevalence and factors associated with substance use among street children in Jimma town, Oromiya national regional state, Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study
Testing an integrated model of alcohol norms and availability, binge drinking, and teen dating violence
Dose-dependent pulmonary toxicity of aerosolized vitamin E acetate
Drugs, dogs, and driving: the potential for year-round thermal stress in UK vehicles
Geopersonality of preventable death in the United States: anger-prone states and opioid deaths
Prevalence updates of substance use among Egyptian adolescents
Study of attention measured by event-related potential as a predictive factor of violence among patients with schizophrenia and substance use disorder
Theophylline toxicity: Successful management of a patient with distributive shock secondary to drug overdose
Antibiotic-induced disruption of commensal microbiome linked to increases in binge-like ethanol consumption behavior
Effectiveness of a community-based intervention to increase supermarket vendors' compliance with age restrictions for alcohol sales in Spain: a pilot study
Gender differences in the association between positive drinking attitudes and alcohol-related problems. the WIRUS study
Recognising post-traumatic stress disorder in cough syrup misuse
Accidental and deliberate self-poisoning with medications and medication errors among children in rural Sri Lanka
Are substance use and bullying perpetration two sides of the same coin?
Assessment of the impact of implementation of a zero-blood alcohol concentration law in Uruguay on moderate/severe injury and fatal crashes: a quasi-experimental study
The association between cannabis use and schizophrenia: causative or curative? A systematic review
Association of vaping-related lung injuries with rates of e-cigarette and cannabis use across US states
Burden of disease attributable to alcohol use and its counter measure in China
Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid poison control center cases among adults aged 50+, 2009-2019
A case of tramadol-induced psychosis on a background of mixed substance use resulting in serious violence
Pediatric cannabis poisonings in France: more and more frequent and severe
Polysubstance use among youth experiencing homelessness: the role of trauma, mental health, and social network composition
A population study of prescribed opioid-based pain reliever use among individuals with mood and anxiety disorders in Canada
Nonfatal drug and polydrug overdoses treated in emergency departments - 29 states, 2018-2019
Electrochemical analysis of speedball-like polydrug samples
"Residual blood THC levels in frequent cannabis users after over four hours of abstinence: a systematic review."
Risk and protective factors related to alcohol and drug use amongst American Indian youth: an application of the social development model
Trends in hydrocodone combination product exposures reported to California Poison Control System (CPCS) following DEA rescheduling
The role of stress, trauma, and negative affect in alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder in women
Screening for moral injury and comparatively evaluating moral injury measures in relation to mental illness symptomatology, course, and diagnosis
The prevalence and clinical correlates of substance use disorders in patients with psychotic disorders from an Upper-Middle-Income Country
Paediatric antiretroviral overdose: a case report from a resource-poor area
The elusiveness of representativeness in general population surveys for alcohol
Gender and sexual orientation bullying victimization are associated with gun carrying among adolescent boys
HaRePo (harm reduction by post): an innovative and effective harm reduction programme for people who use drugs using email, telephone, and post service
Harm reduction in an emergency response to homelessness during South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown
National estimates of ENDS liquid nicotine exposures, U.S., 2013-2017
Perceived social discrimination, socioeconomic status, and alcohol consumption among Chinese adults: a nationally representative study
Profiling individual differences in alcoholic beverage preference and consumption: new insights from a large-scale study
Psychosocial determinants of quality of life and active aging: a structural equation model
Alcohol industry arguments for putting profit before health in the midst of a pandemic: the Western Australian experience
Author correction: The cannabinoid content of legal cannabis in Washington State varies systematically across testing facilities and popular consumer products
Between pastors and psychiatrists: a qualitative analysis of municipal politics and drug treatment policies in the Brazilian crack cocaine "epidemic"
Chaos in schools and its relationship to adolescent risk behaviors
Characteristics associated with marijuana use in Latinx college students
Childhood maltreatment, motives to drink and alcohol-related problems in young adulthood
The Helping Families Programme: a new parenting intervention for children with severe and persistent conduct problems
Substance use disorders and risk of severe maternal morbidity in the United States
Repeat self-harm following hospital-presenting intentional drug overdose among young people-a national registry study
Safety concerns reported by consumers, manufacturers and healthcare professionals: a detailed evaluation of opioid-related adverse drug reactions in the FDA database over 15 years
Consumption of energy drinks is associated with depression, anxiety, and stress in young adult males: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study
Context, acute tolerance, and subjective response affect alcohol-impaired driving decisions
Cross-lagged effects of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and cigarette smoking among OEF/OIF/OND veterans
Does participation in sports influence the prevalence of and initiation into multiple substance misuse in adolescence? A two-year prospective analysis
Pharmacological approaches to managing violence and aggression in prison populations: clinical and ethical issues
On the roller coaster: an abridged history of mental health planning in Spain. The SESPAS 2002 Report
Parental alcohol-specific rules effectively reduce adolescents' tobacco and cannabis use: a longitudinal study
Lessons from a methanol poisoning outbreak in Egypt: six case reports
A mechanical mechanism for vitamin E acetate in E-cigarette/vaping associated lung injury (EVALI)
Mental health and substance use patterns associated with lifetime suicide attempt, incarceration, and homelessness: a latent class analysis of a nationally representative sample of U.S. veterans
Impacts of confounding roadway characteristics on estimates of associations between alcohol outlet densities and alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes
Increasing awareness of the severity of female victimization by opportunistic drug-facilitated sexual assault: a new viewpoint
Inspiring Muslim minds: evaluating a spiritually adapted psycho-educational program on addiction to overcome stigma in Canadian Muslim communities
Earlier age of sex and substance use initiation is associated with unique hormone profiles during social evaluative threat in Mexican American adolescents
An ecological momentary assessment of mood, coping and alcohol use among emerging adults in psychiatric treatment
An ecological working framework as a new model for understanding and preventing the victimization of women by drug-facilitated sexual assault
Effects of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol on aversive memories and anxiety: a review from human studies
An examination of relationships between cannabis legalization and fatal motor vehicle and pedestrian-involved crashes
Exploring the perceived risks and benefits of heroin use among young people (18-24 years) in Mauritius: economic insights from an exploratory qualitative study
Fatal hemorrhage complicated with methamphetamine poisoning and its post-mortem CT features
Five-year trends in opioid prescribing following orthopaedic trauma
Gender-specific drinking contexts are associated with social harms resulting from drinking among Australian young adults at 30 years
Impact of disaster exposure severity: cascading effects across parental distress, adolescent PTSD symptoms, as well as parent-child conflict and communication
Heightened healthcare utilization & risk of mental disorders among Veterans with comorbid opioid use disorder & posttraumatic stress disorder
The impact of psychiatric comorbidity on treatment discontinuation among individuals receiving medications for opioid use disorder
Shared correlates of prescription drug misuse and severe suicide ideation among clinical patients at risk for suicide
Sleep problems and drinking frequency among urban multiracial and monoracial adolescents: role of discrimination experiences and negative mood
A systematic review and meta-analysis of medications for stimulant use disorders in patients with co-occurring opioid use disorders
Treatment resistant opioid use disorder (TROUD): definition, rationale, and recommendations
Curvilinear associations between sexual orientation and problematic substance use, behavioural addictions and mental health among young Swiss men
Elevated prevalence of antisocial behavior in adolescent children whose mothers misuse opioids
Harms associated with inhalant misuse in adolescent females - a review of the pre-clinical and clinical evidence
Importance of segmental hair analysis in a suspected case of attempted homicide by flocoumafen and difenacoum
Psycho-social predictors of substance abuse among youths
Socio-economic differences in factors associated with alcohol use among adolescents in Slovenia: a cross-sectional study
Trends of substance use and interpersonal violence from 2007 to 2011 and 2017 among male and female adolescents in Mauritius
The urgent need to advance alcohol marketing regulation to protect children
Childhood protective factors and a prevention program reduce later problem behaviors
Alcohol in Greenland 1950-2018: consumption, drinking patterns, and consequences
Bidirectional associations between popularity, popularity goal, and aggression, alcohol use and prosocial behaviors in adolescence: a 3-year prospective longitudinal study
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of subsidized ridesharing as a drunk driving intervention in Columbus, OH
Methanol induced stroke: report of cases occurring simultaneously in two biological brothers
Nationwide suicides due to alcohol withdrawal symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic: a review of cases from media reports
Predicting rape events: the influence of intimate partner violence history, condom use resistance, and heavy drinking
Recent trends in cannabis use in older Americans
Relationship between assertion and aggression with addiction potential: a cross-sectional study in 2019
The role of opiates in social pain and suicidal behavior
Novel vaccine that blunts fentanyl effects and sequesters ultrapotent fentanyl analogues
Evaluating the hip-flask defence using analytical data from ethanol and ethyl glucuronide. a comparison of two models
Excessive alcohol use and drug overdose deaths, New Mexico, 2015-2016
Social capital and social networks of hidden drug abuse in Hong Kong
Increased risk of death by suicide or overdose in patients stopping opioid medications
Legal performance-enhancing substances and substance use problems among young adults
Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: a prospective cohort study
Pharmacological aspects of over-the-counter opioid drugs misuse
Protective behavioral strategies are more helpful for avoiding alcohol-related problems for college drinkers who drink less
Relationship trajectories of women experiencing alcohol-related intimate partner violence: a grounded-theory analysis of women's voices
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), alcohol use in adulthood, and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration by Black men: a systematic review
Balancing the public health costs of psychosis vs mass incarceration with the legalization of cannabis
Cannabis use and somatic consequences
Dangerous practices and games at school
Young athletes and doping in sports
Facilitators, barriers and lessons learnt from the first state-wide naloxone distribution conducted in West Virginia
Female sex workers' experiences of violence and substance use on the Haitian, Dominican Republic border
Nitrous oxide misuse reported to two United States data systems during 2000-2019
Paracetamol self-poisoning: epidemiological study of trends and patient characteristics from the multicentre study of self-harm in England
Exploration of alcohol consumption behaviours and health-related influencing factors of young adults in the UK
Frequent alcohol intoxication and high alcohol tolerance during adolescence as predictors of mortality: a birth cohort study
Perceived substance use norms among jailed women with alcohol use disorders
Refractoriness of aggressive behaviour to pharmacological treatment: cortical thickness analysis in autism spectrum disorder - ERRATUM
A second-opinion program for the care of youths prescribed five or more psychotropics in Washington State
Why adolescents engage in early alcohol use: a study of drinking motives
Phenibut exposures reported to poison centers - United States, 2009-2019
Prevalence of hangover resistance according to two methods for calculating estimated blood alcohol concentration (eBAC)
Public health versus alcohol industry compliance laws: a case of industry capture?
Notice to Readers: Forthcoming Correction and Republication of the Report "Deaths and Years of Potential Life Lost From Excessive Alcohol Use - United States, 2011-2015" RETRACTION NOTICE
Impulsivity, decision-making and risk-taking behaviour in bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Drug-induced acute pancreatitis: prevalence, causative agents, and outcomes
Familial factors may not explain the effect of moderate-to-heavy cannabis use on cognitive functioning in adolescents: a sibling-comparison study
How structural violence, prohibition, and stigma have paralyzed North American responses to opioid overdose
Cannabis use and metabolic syndrome among clients with first episode psychosis
Characteristics of drug overdose deaths involving opioids and stimulants - 24 states and the District of Columbia, January-June 2019
Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of women with heroin dependence in Johannesburg, South Africa
Successful engagement in buprenorphine treatment among hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder and trauma
Protective behavioral strategies and alcohol outcomes: impact of mood and personality disorders
The role of ethanol in fatalities in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Long-term benefits of providing transitional services to youth aging-out of the child welfare system: evidence from a cohort of young people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Longitudinal changes in alcohol use and binge-drinking among young-adult college students: analyses of predictors across system levels
Effects of acetaminophen on risk taking
Functional connectome-based biomarkers predict chronic codeine-containing cough syrup dependent
Does drinking initiation of young Thai drinkers vary over time and generation? Results of the national surveys on tobacco and alcohol consumption of the Thai populations 2007-2017
American Burn Association guidelines on the management of acute pain in the adult burn patient: a review of the literature, a compilation of expert opinion and next steps (Comment)
American Burn Association guidelines on the management of acute pain in the adult burn patient: a review of the literature, a compilation of expert opinion, and next steps
Antihypertensive drugs and risk of depression: a nationwide population-based study
Basketball and drugs: wastewater-based epidemiological estimation of discharged drugs during basketball games in Kentucky
Cannabinoid-induced psychosis: a cross-sectional gender study
Cannabis research data reveals a focus on harms of the drug
Compensatory neuroadaptation to binge drinking: human evidence for allostasis
Assessing alcohol consumption through wastewater-based epidemiology: Spain as a case study
Illicit drug contamination of the Bristol pound local currency
Prevalence of prescribed opioid claims among persons with traumatic spinal cord injury in Ontario, Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study
Social network heavy drinking moderates the effects of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol use among injured patients
Brain morphology of cannabis users with or without psychosis: a pilot MRI study
Evaluation of anxiety and depression in patients with morphea taking immunosuppressive drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Relationship between using cell phone and the risk of accident with motor vehicles: an analytical cross-sectional study
Documentation of drug abuse in the family or household of children admitted to the hospital for non-accidental trauma
Handling of narcotics child victims in child special coaching institutions Class I Tanjung Gusta, Medan
Using the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to examine racial and ethnic disparities in cannabis incidents
Prevalence of dental trauma in 1485 Brazilian adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years old and associated factors
Relevance of routine activities for understanding the impact of the dual systems model on binge drinking among college students
Risk factors for the onset of dependence and chronic psychosis due to cannabis use: survey of patients with cannabis-related psychiatric disorders
Cognition and other predictors of functional disability among veterans with mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder
Coping strategy utilization among posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and substance use co-occurrence typologies: a latent class analysis
Deficits in recognizing female facial expressions related to social network in cocaine-addicted men
Demography and mortality of body packers; an extended experience from a referral center
Awareness of Medan area students in demanding against the law of drug abuse, the prevention of radicalism and terrorism
Peer-led training to reduce alcohol misuse and related harm among Greek-affiliated students
Increased risk of falls, fall-related injuries and fractures in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes - a nationwide cohort study
Life expectancy of people who are dependent on opioids: a cohort study in New South Wales, Australia
Local exposure to school shootings and youth antidepressant use
Longitudinal dimensions of alcohol consumption and dietary intake in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort (1971-2008)
Anxiolytic effects of acute and maintenance ketamine, as assessed by the Fear Questionnaire subscales and the Spielberger State Anxiety Rating Scale
Construction of an intercultural preventive strategy of alcohol use in rural Mapuche communities: a community-based participatory research
Coping styles mediate the association between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and alcohol outcomes in college students
Declining health risk exposure among Chicago public high school students: trends from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 1997-2017
Commentary: Proposed model state cannabis laws to reduce harms
Parent perceptions regarding high school drug testing
Contrasts in alcohol-related mortality in Czechia and Lithuania: analysis of time trends and educational differences
Nonmedical use of prescription opioids, psychological distress, and suicidality among adolescents
Prevalence of substance abuse among adolescents of urban and rural community in Surendranagar district, Gujarat
Alcohol and drug intake pattern among truckers of Haryana, India
Epidemiological determinants of road traffic accidents: a cross sectional study in Amravati, Maharashtra, India
A study of pattern of injuries and factors affecting the injury pattern among road traffic accident victims
United States drug courts and opioid agonist therapy: missing the target of overdose reduction
How are telehealth laws intersecting with laws addressing the opioid overdose epidemic?
The role of gender in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and delinquency and substance use in adolescence
Identification of biomarkers for the detection of subtle brain injury after cannabis and/or tramadol administration
Violent crime in bars: a quantitative analysis
Stop them in their tracks: migration policies, drug markets, and terrorism
CANUE: a theoretical model of pain as an antecedent for substance use
Adaptation of evidence-based suicide prevention strategies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Keratolysis associated with methamphetamine use - incidental diagnosis of corneal melt in a patient with acute methamphetamine intoxication
Use of cannabidiol for the treatment of anxiety: a short synthesis of pre-clinical and clinical evidence
Crack cocaine induced upper airway injury
Deprescribing in older people
Codevelopment of delinquency, alcohol use, and aggression toward peers and dates: multitrajectory patterns and predictors
College alcohol beliefs and alcohol outcomes: the mediating effects of alcohol protective behavioral strategies
College-level perceptions of drinking, binge drinking, and sexual violence perpetration: a multilevel mediation model
The contribution of methamphetamine use to crime: evidence from Australian longitudinal data
Control of recreational cannabis in a New Zealand university sample: perceptions of informal and formal controls
Dark nudges and sludge in big alcohol: behavioral economics, cognitive biases, and alcohol industry corporate social responsibility
Developmental trajectories of tobacco/nicotine and cannabis use and patterns of product co-use in young adulthood
Direct and indirect effects of marijuana use on the risk of fatal 2-vehicle crash initiation
Effects of external influences on synthetic cannabinoid trends in New Zealand, 2014 to 2020
Evaluation of a personally-tailored opioid overdose prevention education and naloxone distribution intervention to promote harm reduction and treatment readiness in individuals actively using illicit opioids
Factors associated with binge drinking during the transition into adulthood: exploring associations within two distinct young adult age ranges
Factors associated with different forms of alcohol use behaviors among college students in Bhutan: a cross-sectional study
Gender discrimination and illicit drug use among African American and European American adolescents and emerging adults
Trends in mortality from drug poisonings, suicide, and alcohol-induced deaths in the United States from 2000 to 2017
Some law enforcement officers' negative attitudes toward overdose victims are exacerbated following overdose education training
Standardized criteria for review of perinatal suicides and accidental drug-related deaths
Towards an ontological politics of drug policy: intervening through policy, evidence and method
Religion and alcohol use among second generation Korean Americans: commentary on "Assessing the associations between religiosity and alcohol use stages in a representative U.S. sample" by Lin et al, 2020
Ridehailing and alcohol-involved traffic fatalities in the United States: the average and heterogeneous association of Uber
Road traffic crash characteristics of drivers who take prescription medicines that carry a risk to driving
Regret me not: examining the relationship between alcohol consumption and regrettable experiences
Parent-adolescent relationship characteristics and adolescent cannabis use: a growth curve analysis
Pregnancy-associated mortality due to accidental drug overdose and suicide in Ohio, 2009-2018
Musculoskeletal disorders and prescription opioid use among U.S. construction workers
Non-GABA sleep medications, suvorexant as risk factors for falls: case-control and case-crossover study
Overcoming the limitations of 'accident' as a manner of death for drug overdose mortality: case for a death certificate checkbox
Heroin intoxication through damaged skin in a 7-year-old girl
History of opioid use as a risk factor for current use and mental health consequences among retired National Football League athletes: a 9-year follow-up investigation
Identifying sensitive periods when changes in parenting and peer factors are associated with changes in adolescent alcohol and marijuana use
Intelligence, alcohol consumption, and adverse consequences. A study of young Norwegian men
Medical use and misuse of prescription opioids in US 12th-grade youth: school-level correlates
Risky consumption of alcohol and drugs among employees at ski resorts
The cultural aspect: How to measure and interpret epidemiological data on alcohol-use disorders across cultures
"It can't happen to me": alcohol drinkers on the 2012 outbreak of methanol poisonings and the subsequent prohibition in the Czech Republic
Is proximity to alcohol outlets associated with alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in Denmark?
Alcohol-related child maltreatment: reports to the Child Rights Protection Service in Kaunas municipality
Alcoholic beverage preferences among teenagers in Finland before and after the 2018 alcohol law change
Assessment of driving fitness among patients with alcohol-related visits to two hospitals in eastern Finland
Disclosure of alcohol-related harm: children's experiences
Drinking with parents: different measures, different associations with underage heavy drinking?
Extended opening hours at nightclubs in Visby: an evaluation of a trial in the summer of 2014
Recurrent cannabis use among Norwegian students: prevalence, characteristics, and polysubstance use
Self-reported health, use of alcohol and illicit drugs, and criminality among adults with foetal alcohol syndrome
Trends in alcohol drinking among university students at the Polish University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
TNFα G308A genotype, resilience to sleep deprivation, and the effect of caffeine on psychomotor vigilance performance in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study
Bias in alcohol and drug screening in adult burn patients
Carfentanil and the rise and fall of overdose deaths in the United States
The gendered relationship with drunkenness among different generations in Mediterranean and Nordic countries
Inclusion of medical fitness to drive in medical postgraduate training curricula
Integrating targeted consultant pharmacists into a new collaborative care model to reduce the risk of falls in older adults owing to the overuse of opioids and benzodiazepines
Marijuana users are likely to report opioid misuse among adults over 50 years in representative sample of the United States (2002-2014)
Acute poisoning due to medications used for abuse purposes
Level of knowledge about the harms of drug use in adolescents
Unintentional overdose of hyoscine hydrobromide in a young child
Solidarity or self-interest? Public opinion in relation to alcohol policies in Sweden
Parents' experiences of abuse by their adult children with drug problems
Rapid drop-volume electrochemical detection of the "date rape" drug flunitrazepam in spirits using a screen-printed sensor in a dry-reagent format
Chronic non-cancer pain among adults with substance use disorders: prevalence, characteristics, and association with opioid overdose and healthcare utilization
Themes in sentencing young adults charged with serious violent crime involving alcohol and other drugs
School-based interventions for preventing substance use in indigenous children ages 7-13: a scoping review protocol
Reducing violent incidents between police officers and people with psychiatric or substance use disorders
Gait instability with history of nitrous oxide abuse
Where you lead, I will follow: exploring sibling similarity in brain and behavior during risky decision making
Substance use prevention programming for adolescents and young adults: a mixed-method examination of substance use perceptions and use of prevention services
Racial discrimination, protective parenting, and binge drinking among emerging adult Black men
Rebound of severe alcoholic intoxications in adolescents and young adults after CoViD-19 lockdown
Impaired driving among rural female drug-involved offenders
In-person contacts and their relationship with alcohol consumption among young adults with hazardous drinking during a pandemic
An integrated spatio-temporal approach to examine the consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) in crashes
Alcohol availability, cost, age of first drink and association with at-risk alcohol use in Moshi, Tanzania
Association between alcohol intoxication and mortality in severe traumatic brain injury in the emergency department: a retrospective cohort
Availability of naloxone at rural Georgia pharmacies, 2019
Statistical analysis of crash factors related to auto insurance
Visualizing age, period, and cohort patterns of substance use in the U.S. opioid crisis
Causes and consequences of the opioid epidemic in the Netherlands: a population-based cohort study
Characterizing the role of impaired control over alcohol in associations of impulsive personality traits with alcohol use as a function of depressive disorder
Fentanyl panic goes viral: the spread of misinformation about overdose risk from casual contact with fentanyl in mainstream and social media
A model for an institutional response to the opioid crisis
Risk of chronic opioid use in older persons with pre-existing anxiety
Trends in cannabis use and attitudes towards legalization and use among Australians from 2001-2016: an age-period-cohort analysis
Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist-related intoxication: impact and legislative success
Accidental tramadol ingestion in children admitted in tertiary care centre
Preventing adverse drug reactions
All-cause and overdose mortality risk among people prescribed opioids: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Dead drunk
Edible cannabis
Fatal poisoning with 2,4-Dinitrophenol: learning via case study
Hot bathtub, cold consequences - misleading wounds after scald injuries: a retrospective analysis
National U.S. time-trends in opioid use disorder hospitalizations and associated healthcare utilization and mortality
Relationships between driver errors and delay discounting in a simulated driving task
The future of alcohol surveys: between the devil and the deep blue sea
Impact evaluations of drug decriminalisation and legal regulation on drug use, health and social harms: a systematic review
Inpatient burden and mortality of methanol intoxication in the United States
The review of substance abuse prevention programs in children and youth from the social work perspective
An uprising health concern of inhalant abuse among adolescents: a mini review
Federal barriers to addressing the opioid epidemic
Implementation of a naloxone dispensing program in a grocery store-based community pharmacy
Advances in the application of clinical toxicology in the treatment of acute poisoning
Aluminium phosphide poisoning: a case series at two hospitals in the Manzini Region, Eswatini
The effect of child mental health service use on child safety and permanency in substance misusing families
Effect of positive urine fentanyl screen on attitudes toward heroin use
Role of first aid in the management of acute alcohol intoxication: a narrative review
Impact of a drug safety communication on the severity of benzonatate exposures reported to poison centers
Interaction of heavy drinking patterns and depression severity predicts efficacy of quetiapine fumarate XR in lowering alcohol intake in alcohol use disorder patients
Lifespan risks of growing up in a family with mental illness or substance abuse
Medical cannabis and cognitive performance in middle to old adults treated for chronic pain
The first case series report of typhonium trilobatum tuber poisoning in humans
Alcohol consumption among women living in rural contexts
Beers with peers: childhood ADHD and risk for correlated change in perceived peer and personal alcohol use across young adulthood
Commentary on Raitasalo et al. (2020): Looking beyond the borders-what else is driving the decline in adolescent alcohol consumption?
Suicide attempts and death among heroin-involved women seeking methadone treatment in Taiwan
Substance use, risky sex, and peer interactions predict sexual assault among college women: an ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study
The longitudinal association between sleep duration and suicidal behavior among Chinese adolescents: the role of nonmedical use of prescription drug
Parent's psychopathological profiles and adolescent offspring's substance use disorders
Patterns of substance use among adolescents: a systematic review
Effects of various antipsychotics on driving-related cognitive performance in adults with schizophrenia
Exploring the prevalence and correlates of substance abuse amongst the adolescents of Dharan, Eastern Nepal
Does level of blood alcohol content affect clinical outcomes after trauma in older adult patients?
Association of violence with urban points of interest
Regulating cannabis retail for public health over private profit
Relationship between suicide rate and antidepressant prescription: an ecological study in the People's Republic of China
The safety of agomelatine in standard medical practice in depressed patients: a 26-week international multicentre cohort study
Student pharmacist perceptions of the utility of a medication therapy management-based, medication-related, falls risk-assessment tool
User experiences with a virtual alcohol prevention simulation for Danish adolescents
Physical harm reduction in domestic violence: does marijuana make assaults safer?
Inside Alcohol Behavioral Couple Therapy (ABCT): in-session speech trajectories and drinking outcomes
Lack of evidence for the effectiveness or safety of over-the-counter cannabidiol products
Mental health and maternal mortality-when new life doesn't bring joy
Current drinking patterns in US veterans with a lifetime history of alcohol use disorder: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
EEG biomarkers acquired during a short, straight-line simulated drive to predict impairment from cannabis intoxication
Fatherhood and smoking problems in Indonesia: exploration of potential protective factors for men aged 18-49 years from the United Nations Multi-Country Study on Men and Violence
Suicide attempt and factors associated with standard alcohol use and abuse
The relationship between mindfulness and borderline personality and suicidal thoughts in people under methadone maintenance therapy in Rafsanjan in 2018: a descriptive study
The influence of normative misperceptions on alcohol-related problems among school-age adolescents in the U.S
The mediating role of resilience between sensation-seeking and alcohol consumption in 24-40 year-old youth in Tehran: a descriptive study
Mental disorder and suicide risk in psychoactive substance users: an integrative review
Evaluation of relation between interpersonal violence and drug abuse on cases attended to Menoufia University Hospital (a prospective study)
Fatal suicidal poisoning by chloroquine in presence of alcohol-an interesting case report
Maternal alcohol-use disorder and child outcomes
An acute, severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy in the setting of nitrous oxide abuse
Adolescent marijuana use and related risk behaviors, national findings from 2015 to 2017
Antidepressants in children and adolescents: meta-review of efficacy, tolerability and suicidality in acute treatment
Sex differences in the acute effects of oral and vaporized cannabis among healthy adults
Changes in drinking behavior among evacuees after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident:the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Early childhood risk and protective factors predicting resilience against adolescent substance use
Early life stress and substance use disorders: underlying neurobiology and pathways to adverse outcomes
The effects of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol use through stages of change among non-treatment seeking injured patients
Prevalence of common mental disorders in South Asia: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis
The influence of alcohol (0.5‰) on the control and manoeuvring level of driving behaviour, finding measures to assess driving impairment: a simulator study
Investigating the effect of blood alcohol concentration on motorcyclist's riding performance using an advanced motorcycle simulator
Association between formulary coverage and use of abuse-deterrent prescription opioids, risk for abuse or overdose, and associated healthcare resource utilization
The effect of good samaritan laws (GSL) on opioid overdose mortality
Acute pulmonary injury after inhalation of free-base cocaine: a case report
Acute toxicity related to 25G-NBOMe use: an internet high
Comparing rates and characteristics of emergency department presentations related to pharmaceutical opioid poisoning in Australia: a study protocol for a retrospective observational study
A data-driven methodology to discover similarities between cocaine samples
Direct costs of opioid abuse in an insured population in the United States
Exiting Alcoholics Anonymous disappointed: a qualitative analyses of the experiences of ex-members of AA
Healthcare cost associations of patients who use illicit drugs in Florida: a retrospective analysis
SNPs from BCHE and DRD3 genes associated to cocaine abuse amongst violent individuals from Sao Paulo, Brazil
"That's no longer tolerated": policing patients' use of non-opioid substances in methadone maintenance treatment
Impact of alcohol policies on suicidal behavior: a systematic literature review
Measurement error as an explanation for the alcohol harm paradox: analysis of eight cohort studies
Serum endocannabinoid levels in suicide attempters: a pilot study
Safety protocols for adolescent substance use research in clinical settings
The mule who took us for a ride
Prevalence and associated factors of psychological distress among a national sample of in-school adolescents in Morocco
Behavioral economic interactions between cannabis and alcohol purchasing: associations with disordered use
Characteristics of criminal cases against physicians charged with opioid-related offenses reported in the US news media, 1995-2019
The co-occurrence of smoking and suicide
Correction and republication: Deaths and years of potential life lost from excessive alcohol use - United States, 2011-2015
Deaths and years of potential life lost from excessive alcohol use - United States, 2011-2015
Non-binary and binary transgender youth: comparison of mental health, self-harm, suicidality, substance use and victimization experiences
Does marijuana use among African American adolescent males differ based on school factors?
Driving performance and neurocognitive skills of long-term users of sedating antidepressants
Military sexual trauma and alcohol misuse among military veterans: the roles of negative and positive emotion dysregulation
Parsing impulsivity in individuals with anxiety and depression who use cannabis
Reefer Madness: an undeserved classic movie
Trends of alcohol use, dietary behaviour, interpersonal violence, mental health, oral and hand hygiene behaviour among adolescents in Lebanon: Cross-Sectional National School Surveys from 2005, 2011 and 2017
Understanding responsible drinking is in the service of evidence-based public health: a response to Petticrew et al. (2020)
'A child on drugs': conceptualising childhood experiences of agency and vulnerability
"Road rash" and dizziness: a case of hemodynamically significant topical clonidine toxicity
Traumatic brain injuries and problem gambling in youth: Evidence from a population-based study of secondary students in Ontario, Canada
Troubling the 'troubled teen' industry: adult reflections on youth experiences of therapeutic boarding schools
Unintentional exposure to pregabalin in ≤6-year-old children: a nationwide French Poison Control Center study
Opioid-related overdose mortality in the era of fentanyl: monitoring a shifting epidemic by person, place, and time
A fatal case of aconite poisoning: accidental intake of a monkshood extract
Adolescent income and binge drinking initiation: prospective evidence from the MyLife study
Assessment of children exposed to Maras powder intoxication
Depression as a mediator in the association of work-family conflict with problem drinking among young and middle-aged Korean married workers
Prescription opioid misuse and its correlates among veterans and military in the United States: a systematic literature review
The VicHealth Indicators population survey: methodology, prevalence of behavioural risk factors, and use in local policy
Driving under the influence of drugs: a single parallel monitoring-based quantification approach on whole blood
Drug use disorders and violence: associations with individual drug categories
An examination of attentional control on posttraumatic stress symptoms and problematic alcohol use
Association of take-home naloxone and opioid overdose reversals performed by patients in an opioid treatment program
Legislation targeting head shops selling new psychoactive substances and changes in drug-related psychiatric admissions: a national database study
Race, cannabis and the Canadian war on drugs: an examination of cannabis arrest data by race in five cities
Changes in early high-risk opioid prescribing practices after policy interventions in Washington State
Is vulnerability associated with substance use? A study among youth in Switzerland
A systematic review of the relationship between child sexual abuse and substance use issues
U.S. military veteran versus nonveteran use of licit and illicit substances
Adderall abuse among college students
Blood phosphatidyl ethanol levels as a tool to detect alcohol misuse in trauma patients
Cartel-related violence in Mexico as narco-terrorism or criminal insurgency: a literature review
The salience of intimate partner violence to coping and social support for intimate partners of people with addictions
The self-other divergence effect for doping likelihood: mediation by guilt and moderation by moral agency and values
Providing illicit drugs results in five seconds using ultra-portable NIR technology: an opportunity for forensic laboratories to cope with the trend toward the decentralization of forensic capabilities
Psychometric evaluation of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire among treatment-seeking veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
Racial and gender inequities in the implementation of a cannabis criminal justice diversion program in a large and diverse metropolitan county of the USA
Offspring self-disclosure predicts substance-related outcomes in an emergency department sample of young adults with traumatic injury
Increased risk of fatal intoxication and polypharmacy among psychiatric patients at death
Emotional and interpersonal mechanisms in community SSRI treatment of social anxiety disorder
Everything is bigger in Texas: alcohol impaired driving in Houston (2014-2018)
Mass gathering emergency medicine organization for the Union of European Football Associations' Under-21 Championship 2019 in Bologna, Italy
Medication-related problems in older people in Catalonia: a real-world data study
Treating opioid use disorders in the criminal justice system with pharmacotherapy
Toxicoepidemiology and predictors of death in 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) toxicity
A study on effect of alcohol use on anger and depression among military personnel
Differences in how spouses influence each other's alcohol use in same- and different-sex marriages: a daily diary study
Driving-related behaviours, attitudes and perceptions among Australian medical cannabis users: results from the CAMS 18-19 Survey
Corrigendum to "Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 214 (2020) 108151]
Burden of cannabis use and disorder in the U.S. veteran population: psychiatric comorbidity, suicidality, and service utilization
Alcohol use disorders and associated factors among adults in rural communities in Enugu State, Nigeria: a cross-sectional survey
Antidepressant use partially mediates the association between depression and risk of falls and fall injuries among older adults
Are anticholinergic medications used for overactive bladder associated with new onset depression? A population-based matched cohort study
The association between admiration of antisocial peers and past 30-day opioid misuse among justice-involved children
Antithrombotic agent use in elderly patients sustaining low-level falls
The Cannabis Referendum: why a yes vote offers a net gain for public health
The clinical toxicology of cannabis
Comprehensive review of hepatotoxicity associated with traditional Indian Ayurvedic herbs
Differences in the delivery of motivational interviewing across three countries
Drug overdose and suicide among veteran enrollees in the VHA: comparison among local, regional, and national data
Drug poisoning deaths among women: a scoping review
Effect of alcohol intake on the severity of injuries caused by slipping down
Event-level predictors of alcohol-impaired driving intentions
Factors influencing alcohol use among adolescents in south Asia: a systematic review
Impact of cannabis and low alcohol concentration on divided attention tasks during driving
Social networks of clients in first-time DUI programs
Impact of cannabis on non-medical opioid use and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder: a nationwide longitudinal VA study
Mentorship for Addiction Problems (MAP): a new behavioral intervention to assist in the treatment of substance use disorders
Naloxone use by emergency medical services during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a national survey
The link between alcohol sales and alcohol-related harm in Finland, 1995-2016
School counselors' use of SBIRT for substance use screening
Positional asphyxia after falling to backward in a drunken state
Effects of alcohol intake on the severity of injuries during riding a bicycle
Examining classes of bully perpetration among Latinx high school students and associations with substance use and mental health
Drug abuse trend and profile of current social crisis
The comparison of the effectivenss of two patterns of self-compassion pattern focused on mindfulness and attachment-based therapy on feeling shame in male adolescents with addiction readiness
The effect of structure of alcohol consumption on the level of alcohol-related problems in Russia
Polypharmacy management in older patients
Exploring the impact of drug use on aggression and delinquency among adults
Acute toxicity associated with cannabis edibles following decriminalization of marijuana in Michigan
Delta event-related oscillations are related to a history of extreme binge drinking in adolescence and lifetime suicide risk
Alcoholism as a medical and socio-legal problem and ways to solve it
Anxiety and depression and psychoactive substance abuse in university students
Epidemiological and geospatial profile of the prescription opioid crisis in Ohio, United States
Marijuana use related homicide a case study in Papua New Guinea
Toxin-induced cerebellar disorders
U.S. alcohol associated traffic injuries and fatalities from 2014 to 2018
What is the drug of choice of young festivalgoers?
Sex differences in the neurobiology of alcohol use disorder
Intersection of familial risk and environmental social control on high-risk drinking and alcohol dependence in a US national sample of adults
Occupational and non-occupational injuries can result in prolonged augmentation of psychiatric disorders
Predictors and correlates of unstable housing experiences among a child welfare-involved sample
Prescription opioid misuse and intimate partner violence perpetration among a nationally representative sample of young men
Addressing violence and overdose among women who use drugs-need for structural interventions
Association of violence against female sex workers who use drugs with nonfatal drug overdose in Kazakhstan
Incidence and pattern of road traffic injuries in tribal population of Jharkhand: one-year study in a tertiary care teaching hospital
Contribution of substance use in acute injuries with regards to the intent, nature and context of injury: a CHIRPP database study
Electronic cigarette explosion/burn and poisoning related emergency department visits, 2018-2019
Evidence for Better Lives Study: a comparative birth-cohort study on child exposure to violence and other adversities in eight low- and middle-income countries - foundational research (study protocol)
Exposures to potentially psychologically traumatic events among nurses in Canada
'High schools high on life': development of an intervention to reduce excessive drinking in Danish high schools
Alcohol mixed energy drink usage and risk-taking among college students in Western New York State
Traumatic pedestrian and bicyclist injuries associated with intoxication
Text messaging interventions for reducing alcohol consumption among risky drinkers: systematic review and meta-analysis
Substance use disorders and violent behaviour in patients with severe mental disorders: a prospective, multicentre study
Complicity in harm reduction
The effect of impulsivity and drinking motives on alcohol outcomes in college students: a 3-year longitudinal analysis
A mixed-methods approach to understanding overdose risk-management strategies among a nationwide convenience sample
Prognostic significance of preinjury anticoagulation in patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The regulation project: tools for engaging the public in the legal regulation of drugs
Hostility, compassion and role reversal in West Virginia's long opioid overdose emergency
The importance of resilience in adolescent mental health promotion and risk behaviour prevention
Addressing overdose risk among unstably housed women in San Francisco, California: an examination of potential fentanyl contamination of multiple substances
Baptist policing in Burma: swarming, vigilantism or community self-help?
Age, home and school involvements, and home-school communication in alcohol use among secondary school students
Challenges of estimates in drug-related overdose deaths in Iran: evidence from the literature
United States pedestrian fatality trends, 1977 to 2016
Intimate partner violence and deficits in executive function
Analysis of motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians lying on the road in Japan
School-level (dis)advantage and adolescents' substance-use behaviours: the role of collective efficacy and norms
Substance use in the life cycle of a disaster: a research agenda and methodological considerations
Automatic spatial attribute and travel pattern generation for simulating living spaces for elderly individuals living alone
Acknowledging and monitoring the costs of seriously regulating cannabis
Alcohol use, depressive symptoms, and intimate partner violence perpetration: a longitudinal analysis among men with HIV in northern Vietnam
Alternatives to opioid education and a prescription drug monitoring program cumulatively decreased outpatient opioid prescriptions
Analysis of narcotic use in isolated facial fractures: potential targets for a narcotic reduction protocol
Association of insurance status with patient health at New Orleans student-run free clinics
Associations between statin use and suicidality, depression, anxiety, and seizures: a Swedish total-population cohort study
Cannabis use and mental health among young sexual and gender minority men: a qualitative study
Cannabis-related hospitalizations among youth in Canada before and after cannabis legalization
Experimental tasks of behavioral risk taking in alcohol administration studies: a systematic review
A highly charged field: mapping energies, currents and desires for reform in Canadian expert responses to drug law
A little dab will do: a case of cannabis-induced psychosis
Does correctional supervision of amphetamine users reduce the risk of re-offending?
Domestic violence among the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic
Epidemiology of illicit substances use in France
Evaluating the effectiveness of the smartphone app, Drink Less, compared with the NHS alcohol advice webpage, for the reduction of alcohol consumption among hazardous and harmful adult drinkers in the UK at six-month follow-up: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Deaths attributed to psychiatric disorders in the United States, 2010-2018
Depression, anxiety, stress, and associated factors among khat chewers in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia
Determination of epidemiological characteristics of addicts treated in drug addiction clinics in Kabul
Coexistence of substance abuse among emergency department patients presenting with suicidal ideation
Community dashboards to support data-informed decision-making in the HEALing communities study
Conflict and risky health behavior: evidence from Mexico's drug war
Unwanted sex due to intoxication among Australians aged 16-69 years
US drug overdose mortality: 2009-2018 increases affect young people who use drugs
Washington's liquor license system and alcohol-related adverse health outcomes
Suicidality and cannabidiol: opportunities and challenges
Testing the effects of hookah tobacco social media risk communication messages among young adults
The role of social skills in the prevention of drug addiction in adolescents
Screening for psychotrauma related symptoms: Japanese translation and pilot testing of the Global Psychotrauma Screen
Sex differences in substance use and misuse: a Toxicology Investigators' Consortium (ToxIC) Registry analysis
Rates of alcohol-induced deaths among adults aged 25 and over in urban and rural areas: United States, 2000-2018
Prevalence of alcohol use among road traffic crash victims presenting to a Malawian Central Hospital: a cross-sectional study
Psychosocial interventions for reducing suicidal behaviour and alcohol consumption in patients with alcohol problems: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Alcohol use in severely injured trauma patients
Current state of drug analysis in Japanese emergency departments: a nationwide survey
Domestic violence against men-prevalence and risk factors
Association between parental alcohol use and alcohol use in children and adolescents in China
California poison control system implementation of a novel hotline to treat patients with opioid use disorder
Cannabis use and the risk of anxiety and depression in women: a comparison of three Swedish cohorts
Chasing the dragon: driving the paradigm shift to move beyond opioids
Correlates to lifetime suicide attempts, thoughts, and planning behaviors among African American transgender individuals
Detection of opioids on mail/packages using open port interface mass spectrometry
Epidemiology and characteristics of people with injury due to volatile substance use to induce euphoria
Feasibility randomised controlled trial examining the effects of the Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education (ADVICE) mobile application on doping knowledge and attitudes towards doping among grassroots coaches
Percentage of adults aged ≥20 years who used antidepressant medications in the past 30 days, by sex and marital status - National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 2015-2018
A qualitative examination of alcohol use and IPV among Nepali couples in a violence prevention intervention
Supersized alcopop consumption associated with homelessness and gang membership
Survival following intentional succinylcholine injection for self-harm
(Un)becoming a fitness doper: negotiating the meaning of illicit drug use in a gym and fitness context
Twin-center study comparing stigma among males and females with alcohol dependence
Minimum THC unit pricing: an opportunity for harm reduction
Minor CoViD-19 association with crime in Sweden
Non -fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Tehran, Iran
Road traffic accidents among commercial motorcyclists: relationship with substance use and psychosocial factors
Individual and contextual factors associated with hazardous drinking in Spain: evidence from a national population-based study
Intranasal low-dose naltrexone against opioid side effects: a preclinical study
Heavy drinking among U.S. adults, 2018
The impact of intentionality of injury and substance use history on receipt of discharge opioid medication in a cohort of seriously injured Black men
Global and regional impacts of alcohol use on public health: emphasis on alcohol policies
Glutamate transporter-1 link astrocytes with heightened aggressive behavior induced by steroid abuse in male CF1 mice
Use as directed: do standard drink labels on alcohol containers help consumers drink (ir)responsibly? Real-world evidence from a quasi-experimental study in Yukon, Canada
Managing older people's perceptions of alcohol-related risk: a qualitative exploration in Northern English primary care
Low prevalence of risk drinking in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum problems
The impact of hazardous drinking among active duty military with posttraumatic stress disorder: does cognitive processing therapy format matter?
Intoxication is a significant risk factor for severe craniomaxillofacial injuries in standing electric scooter accidents
20-year mortality after discharge in a cohort of 1,099 former trauma inpatients with and without substance use disorders
Antidepressant use in Australia and Sweden - a cross-country comparison
Characteristics and effectiveness of alcohol website age gates preventing underage user access
Concurrent and longitudinal predictors of adolescent delinquency in mainland Chinese adolescents: the role of materialism and egocentrism
Consider going decaf: an intentional caffeine overdose in the emergency department
Drug overdose deaths among people with HIV in New York City, 2007-2017
Health outcomes associated with adherence to antidepressant use during acute and continuation phases of depression treatment among older adults with dementia and major depressive disorder
Trends and disparities in American Indian/Alaska Native unintentional injury mortality from 1999 to 2016
Understanding the crisis in harm reduction funding in Central and Eastern Europe
Vaping-related injury and illness among Canadian children and adolescents: a one-time survey of paediatric providers
A marijuana consequences checklist for young adults with implications for brief motivational intervention research
Postmarketing analysis of misuse, abuse, and diversion of Xtampza ER
Potential injuries and costs averted by increased use of evidence-based behavioral road safety policies in North Carolina
Profiles of lifetime substance use are differentiated by substance of choice, affective motivations for use, and childhood maltreatment
Aspiration in lethal drug abuse--a consequence of opioid intoxication
'We realised we needed a new approach': government and law enforcement perspectives on the implementation and future of the drug decriminalisation policy in Vietnam
Comparison of ethanol concentrations in the human brain determined by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and serum ethanol concentrations
Evaluation and review of ways to differentiate sources of ethanol in postmortem blood
Adolescent gender identity, sexual orientation, and cannabis use: potential mediations by internalizing disorder risk
Depression, alcoholics anonymous involvement, and daily drinking among patients with cooccurring conditions: a longitudinal parallel growth mixture model
Repeated psychosocial screening of high school students using YouthCHAT: cohort study
The role of acculturation in the relation between intimate partner violence and substance misuse among IPV-victimized Hispanic women in the community
The effect of 'the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019' on the clinico-epidemiological profile of road traffic accident patients presenting to a tertiary care trauma centre in Bhubaneswar
How the structure of egocentric Facebook networks is associated with exposure to risky content for maltreated versus comparison youth
Experiences of minority stress among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in Nigeria, Africa: the intersection of mental health, substance use, and HIV sexual risk behavior
Cannabis use and work-related injuries: a cross-sectional analysis
Vaping-related lung injury
Perspectives of transgender youth on parental support: qualitative findings from the resilience and transgender youth study
Substance use disorder detection rates among providers of general medical inpatients
Loneliness, mental health, and substance use among US young adults during COVID-19
Determinants and prevention strategies of substance abuse in Pacific countries: a systematic review
Ethnoracial differences in treatment-seeking veterans with substance use disorders and co-occurring PTSD: presenting characteristics and response to integrated exposure-based treatment
"I feel good when I drink"-detecting childhood-onset alcohol abuse and dependence in a Ugandan community trial cohort
PTSD improvement and substance use disorder treatment utilization in veterans: evidence from medical record data
Age-based preferences for risk communication in the fentanyl era: "A lot of people keep seeing other people die and that's not enough for them."
Applying Bayesian cognitive models to decisions to drive after drinking
Associated factors for depression, suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among asthmatic adolescents with experience of electronic cigarette use
Bereaved mothers' engagement in drug policy reform: a multisite qualitative analysis
College fields of study and substance use
Combining group-based interventions for intimate partner violence perpetrators with comorbid substance use: an Australian study of cross-sector practitioner views
Controlled administration of cannabis to mitigate cannabis-attributable harm among recreational users: a quasi-experimental study in Germany
Correction: alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide: a meta-analysis
The economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal opioid overdose in the United States, 2017
Epidemiological study of opioid use disorder in French emergency departments, 2010-2018 from OSCOUR database
Etiological overlap between sex under the influence and number of lifetime sexual partners
Fatal isoniazid hepatotoxicity in the deployed environment
Zolpidem as a high risk factor for elderly suicide in South Korea
Hospitalisations for non-fatal overdose among people with a history of opioid dependence in New South Wales, Australia, 2001-2018: Findings from the OATS retrospective cohort study
The identification of precursor regulation impact on the methamphetamine market and public health indicators in the Czech Republic: time series structural break analysis
Intersectional structural vulnerability to abusive policing among people who inject drugs: a mixed methods assessment in California's Central Valley
Sulpiride intoxication: case report of a rare intoxication
Supplying synthetic opioids during a pandemic: an early look at North America
Transactional sex, alcohol use and intimate partner violence against women in the Rakai Region of Uganda
The use of machine learning improves the assessment of drug-induced driving behaviour
Validity of the alcohol purchase task with United States military personnel
The role of alcohol in the link between national football (soccer) tournaments and domestic abuse - evidence from England
Stigma, discrimination and crystal methamphetamine ('ice'): current attitudes in Australia
Differences in stressful life events between men and women experiencing homelessness
Overdose among mothers: the association between child removal and unintentional drug overdose in a longitudinal cohort of marginalised women in Canada
Randomized controlled trial of an integrated family-based treatment for adolescents presenting to community mental health centers
Intoxication effects on impulsive alcohol choice in heavy drinkers; correlation with sensation seeking and differential effects by commodity
It hurts inside: a qualitative study investigating social exclusion and bullying among adolescents reporting frequent pain and high use of non-prescription analgesics
Making legitimacy: drug user representation in United Nations drug policy settings
Maternal substance use in pregnancy: differential prediction by childhood adversity subtypes
On the role of (implicit) drinking self-identity in alcohol use and problematic drinking: a comparison of five measures
Posttraumatic stress disorder and conduct problems: the role of self-control demands
Qualitative exploration of the experiences of men who use drugs of obtaining psychoactive medicinal products in Jordan
Activity spaces: assessing differences in alcohol exposures and alcohol use for parents
Are psychiatric history and substance use predictors of mortality in self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the face?
The consumption of alcohol by adolescent schoolchildren: differences in the triadic relationship pattern between rural and urban environments
Effects of diazepam on reaction times to stop and go
Social context, interaction and expectation play a role in alcohol use amongst Australian and Danish women aged 50 to 70 years
Social interaction anxiety and perceived coping efficacy: mechanisms of the association between minority stress and drinking consequences among sexual minority women
State-by-state examination of overdose medical amnesty laws
Gender differences in the epidemiology of alcohol use and related harms in the United States
Prescribing patterns of opioids and adjunctive analgesics for patients with burn injuries
Prevalence of alcohol use and associated factors among Dilla University students, Dilla Town, Southern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Tracking trends in the opioid epidemic in North Carolina : early results from the opioid action plan metrics
Using arrest and prescription data to examine the relationship between intimate partner violence and opioid prescriptions in the United States, 2006-2012
Racial/ethnic disparities in opioid use disorder and poisoning emergency department visits in Florida
Glassware design and drinking behaviours: a review of impact and mechanisms using a new typology of drinking behaviours
Hair analysis can support the follow-up addiction care after acute new psychoactive substances intoxication: illustration by two cases
Health policy and genetic endowments: understanding sources of response to minimum legal drinking age laws
Lagniappes: "a little something extra" or unintended positive consequences of implementation facilitation
Maternal substance abuse and the later risk of fractures in offspring
Correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation and substance use among adults seeking substance use treatment with varying levels of suicidality
An emulation of randomized trials of administrating benzodiazepines in PTSD patients for outcomes of suicide-related events
The political uses of prohibitionist "science:" the case of cannabis and psychedelics
Use of the online poisons information database TOXBASE and admissions rates for poisoned patients from emergency departments in England and Wales during 2008 to 2015
Between "knowing and not knowing how to handle alcohol:" social representations and practices of men and women regarding alcohol consumption in Yucatán
Cannabis potency in North-East Italy: a ten-year study (2010-2019)
Community based interventions for problematic substance use in later life: a systematic review of evaluated studies and their outcomes
Glycogenic hepatopathy following attempted suicide by long-acting insulin overdose in patient with type 1 diabetes
Impact of state-level cannabis legalization on poly use of alcohol and cannabis in the United States, 2004-2017
Modeling mitigation strategies to reduce opioid-related morbidity and mortality in the US
Paracetamol-related intentional drug overdose among young people: a national registry study of characteristics, incidence and trends, 2007-2018
Replicating the dimensional structure of cannabis problems: a taxometric analysis
A research agenda for advancing strategies to improve opioid safety: findings from a VHA state of the art conference
Risk management in first aid for acute drug intoxication
Transitions in alcohol use over time: a survival analysis
Substance use in psychiatric crisis: relationship to violence
Substance use, mental health problems, and physical and sexual violence additively increase HIV risk between male sex workers and their male clients in Northeastern United States
The use of immersive stories to influence college students' attitudes and intentions related to drinking and driving
Party frequency, party-safety strategies, and sexual victimization among first-year female college students
A poison information centre can provide important assessment and guidance regarding medication errors in nursing homes: a prospective cohort study
Geographical aspects of recent trends in drug-related deaths, with a focus on intra-national contextual variation
Health communication campaigns to drive demand for evidence-based practices and reduce stigma in the HEALing communities study
Hit the chronic… physical activity: are cannabis associated mental health changes in adolescents attenuated by remaining active?
Empirical evaluation of the presence of a label containing standard drinks on pour accuracy among US college students
Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in Finland
Examining the prospective associations between mindfulness facets and substance use in emerging adulthood
The Anticipated Effects of Cannabis Scale (AECS): initial development and validation of an affect- and valence-based expectancy measure
Associations between psychiatric disorders and alcohol consumption levels in an adult primary care population
Binge drinking and drunk driving among current drinkers in Thailand: analysis of cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking behavior surveys from 2007 to 2017
Brief alcohol intervention at a municipal registry office: reach and retention
Alcohol control policies in Former Soviet Union countries: a narrative review of three decades of policy changes and their apparent effects
Alcohol control policy in Europe: overview and exemplary countries
Alcohol-related context modulates neural correlates of inhibitory control in alcohol dependent patients: preliminary data from an fMRI study using an alcohol-related Go/NoGo-task
Availability, promotion, and signs of alcohol consumption: a mixed methods study of perceived exposure and objective measures
Synthetic cannabis: adverse events reported to the New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre
Vouchers versus reminders to prevent dropout: findings from the randomized youth drug abuse treatment project (youthDAT project)
Prevalence of childhood trauma measured by the short form of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire in people with substance use disorder: a meta-analysis
Reducing alcohol and opioid use among youth in rural counties: an innovative training protocol for primary health care providers and school personnel
Relationship of time of injury marijuana exposure and traumatic brain injury: a systematic review
Overdose deaths involving psychostimulants with abuse potential, excluding cocaine: state-llevel differences and the role of opioids
Identification of harmful drinking in subjects who have had their driving license suspended due to alcohol use: a retrospective Italian study
The impacts of CoViD-19 on mental health, substance use, and overdose concerns of people who use drugs in rural communities
Inclusion of medication-related fall risk in fall risk assessment tool in geriatric care units
Lower-risk cannabis use guidelines: adherence in Canada and the U.S
Misuse and dependence of dimenhydrinate: a mixed studies systematic review
Diminished cortical response to risk and loss during risky decision making in alcohol use disorder
Effect of a 1-year short message service in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients (CAPS): a multi-centre, open-label randomised controlled trial
The effects of increasing penalties in drunk driving laws-evidence from Chile
Emergency department and hospital admissions among people with dementia living at home or in nursing homes: results of the European RightTimePlaceCare project on their frequency, associated factors and costs
Characteristics of depressed suicide attempters with remitted substance use disorders
Comparing mortality and healthcare utilization in the year following a paramedic-attended non-fatal overdose among people who were and were not transported to hospital: a prospective cohort study using linked administrative health data
Cost-effectiveness of antithrombotic agents for atrial fibrillation in older adults at risk for falls: a mathematical modelling study
Victimization in traditional and cyberbullying as risk factors for substance use, self-harm and suicide attempts in high school students
Trait impulsivity impedes maturing out of problem drinking among socially anxious undergraduates
Measurement invariance of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale across Black and White adults with cocaine use disorder
Integrated intervention program for alcoholism improves impulsiveness and disadvantageous reward processing/risk-taking
Indigenous Hawaiian psychoactive drug use: before European contact, and after 1778
Incentives and voluntary stopping: the intentional hand task
Identifying anticipated events of future clinical trials by leveraging data from the placebo arms of completed trials
Estimating costs of hospitalizations associated with opioid use disorder or opioid misuse at a large, urban safety-net hospital-Denver, Colorado, 2017
Driving performance assessments for benzodiazepine receptor agonist-related impairment: a scoping review protocol
The costs and benefits of cannabis control policies
Beverage ethanol exposures among infants reported to United States poison control centers
Cannabis use and driving under the influence: behaviors and attitudes by state-level legal sale of recreational cannabis
The Cedar Project: historical, structural and interpersonal determinants of involvement in survival sex work over time among Indigenous women who have used drugs in two Canadian cities
Clinical perspective on opioids in the context of suicide risk
Antipsychotic treatment failure: a systematic review on risk factors and interventions for treatment adherence in psychosis
THC detection in the breath
Public perception of medicinal and recreational cannabis and its effect on mental health: a survey of a regional Australian town
The impact of a Housing First intervention and health-related risk factors on incarceration among people with experiences of homelessness and mental illness in Canada
The impact of NORTH STAR on suicidality, substance problems, intimate partner violence, and child abuse
Behavior problems during early childhood in children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure
Cannabis legalization and acute harm from high potency cannabis products: a narrative review and recommendations for public health
Combining transdermal and breath alcohol assessments, real-time drink logs and retrospective self-reports to measure alcohol consumption and intoxication across a multi-day music festival
Determination of cannabinoids in urine, oral fluid and hair samples after repeated intake of CBD-rich cannabis by smoking
Instrumented analysis of the sit-to-stand movement for geriatric screening: a systematic review
"It's an emotional roller coaster… But sometimes it's fucking awesome": meaning and motivation of work for peers in overdose response environments in British Columbia
The outbreak of methanol intoxication during COVID-19 pandemic: prevalence of brain lesions and its predisposing factors
Real-world data on nonmedical use of tramadol from patients evaluated for substance abuse treatment in the NAVIPPRO Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version (ASI-MV®) network
Trends in substance nonuse by high school seniors: 1975-2018
Acute administration of oxycodone, alcohol, and their combination on simulated driving-preliminary outcomes in healthy adults
A social ecological approach to hazardous alcohol use among Flemish higher education students
Socio-cognitive factors in road safety monitoring - cross-national comparison of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication
Spatial density of adolescents aged 14 years old, victims of dental trauma: a longitudinal study
A study to assess the prevalence of unintentional paracetamol overdose among patients presenting in dental pain in primary care
Substance use profiles among gang-involved youth: social ecology implications for service approaches
Substances use and its association with socio-demographic, family, and environment-related factors among technical and vocational education and training college students in Ataye, Ethiopia; an institution-based cross-sectional study
Russia's national concept to reduce alcohol abuse and alcohol-dependence in the population 2010-2020: which policy targets have been achieved?
The relationship between single task, dual task performance and impulsiveness personality traits of young adults in the community
A neonate with metabolic acidosis: a case report of intentional ethylene glycol poisoning
Policies to prevent the harm caused by alcohol: priorities for Spain
Potential lives saved by in-vehicle alcohol detection systems
Prevalence of binge drinking among high school students and urban contextual factors
Long-term detection in hair of zolpidem, oxazepam and flunitrazepam in a case of drug-facilitated sexual assault
Low-risk alcohol drinking limits based on associated mortality
Mental health presentations to a paediatric emergency department
Mental illness and youth-onset homelessness: a retrospective study among adults experiencing homelessness
Morning sympathetic activity after evening binge alcohol consumption
The frequency and content of discussions about alcohol use in primary care and application of the chief medical officer's low-risk drinking guidelines: a cross-sectional survey of general practitioners and practice nurses in the UK
Impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs: international differences and determinants based on E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes first-wave results in 32 countries
Driving with a positive test result for alcohol in Spain in 2018
Does alcohol hangover affect emotion regulation capacity? Evidence from a naturalistic cross-over study design
Cannabis: neuropsychiatry and its effects on brain and behavior (editorial)
The cost of opioid use disorder and the value of aversion
Binge drinking: the challenges of definition and its impact on health
Behavioral and brain signatures of substance use vulnerability in childhood
Alcohol use patterns and their association with sober driver vehicle control in high fidelity driving simulation
Alcohol and public mental health for older people: 20 years of UK policy change
Trends in adolescent drinking across 39 high-income countries: exploring the timing and magnitude of decline
Life course violence, pregnancy experiences, use of alcohol and pemba, in French Guiana women
The use of non-prescribed prescription drugs and substance use among college students: a 9-year follow-up cohort study
Violence and cannabis use: a focused review of a forgotten aspect in the era of liberalizing cannabis
The effect of exposure to long working hours on alcohol consumption, risky drinking and alcohol use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related burden of disease and injury
Relationship between impulsivity, sensation-seeking, and drug use in aggressors and victims of violence
Risk of preventable injuries associated with Halloween
Sex, drugs, and TBI: the role of sex in substance abuse related to traumatic brain injuries
On the road of dried blood spot sampling for anti-doping tests. Detection of GHRP-2 abuse
Ranking the harm of psychoactive drugs including prescription analgesics to users and others-a perspective of German addiction medicine experts
An infrared spectroscopic approach to characterise white powders, easily applicable in the context of drug checking, drug prevention and on site analysis
An investigation of demographic and drug-use patterns in fentanyl and carfentanil deaths in Ontario
Is COVID-19 the current world-wide pandemic having effects on the profile of psychoactive substance poisonings? (Letter)
Marijuana is not the only cause of drugged driving
Marijuana is not the only cause of drugged driving-Reply
Epidemiology of recovery from alcohol use disorder
Exploring traumatic brain injuries and aggressive antisocial behaviors in young male violent offenders
Cyberbullying victimization and adolescent drinking behavior: deviant peer affiliation as a mediator and personal growth initiative as a moderator
Depression, environmental reward, coping motives and alcohol consumption during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Alcohol use and depression: a Mendelian randomization study from China
Associations between difficulties in emotion regulation and post-traumatic stress disorder in deployed service members of the German armed forces
Predictors and burden of injury mortality in the Thai cohort study 2005-2015
Shooting shots: estimating alcoholic drink sizes in real life using event-level reports and annotations of close-up pictures
Estimation of alcohol and nicotine consumption in 11 cities of Turkey using wastewater-based epidemiology
A geology of drug morals
Understanding hazardous drinking and suicidal ideation and suicide risk among college students: anxiety sensitivity as an explanatory factor
The "why" of drinking matters: a meta-analysis of the association between drinking motives and drinking outcomes
A preliminary risk prediction model for cannabis use disorder
Ride hailing app use and drunk/drugged driving among young adult nightclub patrons
Strategies for accelerating the implementation of non-intrusive alcohol detection systems in the vehicle fleet
Increasing perceived risk of opioid misuse: the effects of concrete language and image
Daily patterns of emotional functioning on drinking and nondrinking days
Brief intervention for prevention and treatment of drug abuse
Studying the health and performance of shipboard sailors: an evidence map
Drugs and driving prior to cannabis legalization: a 5-year review from DECP (DRE) cases in the province of Quebec, Canada
Opioids, stimulants, and depressant drugs in fifteen Mexican Cities: a wastewater-based epidemiological study
Maternal mortality among American Indian/Alaska Native Women: a scoping review
Investigating cannabis use and associated symptoms among university students with and without a history of concussion
A comprehensive multivariate model of biopsychosocial factors associated with opioid misuse and use disorder in a 2017-2018 United States national survey
Depression: mistreatment or maltreatment?
Drinking motives, cultural orientations, and alcohol use among Hispanic college students at the U.S.-Mexico border
Alcohol-attributed disease burden in four Nordic countries between 2000 and 2017: Are the gender gaps narrowing? A comparison using the Global Burden of Disease, Injury and Risk Factor 2017 study
Auto-brewery syndrome: a clinical dilemma
Social media news production, emotional Facebook reactions, and the politicization of drug addiction
Negative urgency and alcohol-related problems: indirect links with alcohol expectancies and drinking motives
Evolution of loss due to event of undetermined intent among the Moscow working-age population in the 2000s
Increase in drugs-of-abuse findings in post-mortem toxicology due to COVID-19 restrictions - first observations in Finland
Interpersonal relationships and drug use over time among homeless people: a qualitative study
Drink, but don't drive? The alcohol industry's involvement in global road safety
Effects of a community-level intervention on alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes in California cities: a randomized trial
Impact of alcohol on mortality in Eastern Europe: trends and policy responses
Impact of sex, strain, and age on blood ethanol concentration and behavioral signs of intoxication during ethanol vapor exposure
Legal cannabis market shares during Canada's first year of recreational legalisation
Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviors during pregnancy: evidence from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Sex-specific risk profiles for substance use among college students
Sexual violence, mental health, and prescription opioid use and misuse
Silexan does not affect driving performance after single and multiple dose applications: results from a double-blind, placebo and reference-controlled study in healthy volunteers
Alcohol consumption and suicide rate: a cross-sectional analysis in 183 countries
Antipsychotics as a method of suicide: population based follow-up study of suicide in Northern Finland
Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control associated with age of first use of cannabis among adolescents
Cannabis use among Canadian adults with cancer (2007-2016); results from a national survey
Changes in the price of alcohol and effect on youth drinking and in different socio-economic groups
Heterogeneities in administration methods among cannabis users by use purpose and state legalization status: findings from a nationally representative survey in the US, 2020
How do the influencing factors of health-related quality of life of the injured patient differ according to activity limitations?
Evaluation of electric scooter head and neck injuries in Paris, 2017-2019
Willingness to quit alcohol use and its associated factors among male outpatients attending urban primary health centers in Delhi
Why Vietnam continues to impose the death penalty for drug offences: a narrative commentary
"That's why people don't call 911″: ending routine police attendance at drug overdoses
Susceptibility to interference between Pavlovian and instrumental control is associated with early hazardous alcohol use
Statistical comparisons of blood alcohol samples from 6-mL and 10-mL grey-top tubes
Poly-prescription drug misuse across the life course: prevalence and correlates across different adult age cohorts in the U.S
Population mobility and adult orthopaedic trauma services during the COVID-19 pandemic: fragility fracture provision remains a priority
A preliminary experimental study of minority stress, startle reactivity, and alcohol use among heavy drinking sexual minority young adults
Recreational cannabis use and risk of prescription opioid overdose: insights from pediatric inpatients
A scoping review of qualitative research on perceptions of one's own alcohol use
Just say know: drug education and its publics in 1980s Britain
Management of pharmaceutical and recreational drug poisoning
Consequences of prefrontal TDCS on inhibitory control and reactive aggression
Epidemiological profile of methanol poisoning, El Hajeb, Morocco
Domestic violence and substance abuse during COVID19: a systematic review
Adolescent behavioral characteristics mediate familial effects on alcohol use and problems in college-bound students
Breakout of vaping-associated lung injuries (VALI) 2019: a public health threat
Bullying and substance use in early adolescence: investigating the longitudinal and reciprocal effects over 3 years using the random intercept cross-lagged panel model
Validity and reliability of a driving simulator for evaluating the influence of medicinal drugs on driving performance
The Tailgate Study: differing metabolic effects of a bout of excessive eating and drinking
Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and borderline personality in alcohol use disorder with and without comorbid substance use disorder
Socio-economic inequalities in the association between alcohol use disorder and depressive disorder among Thai adults: a population-based study
A qualitative exploration of the factors associated with initiation to methamphetamine use in Iran
Problems experienced by children from families with histories of substance misuse: an ABCD study®
Predictors of long-term opioid use and opioid use disorder among construction workers: analysis of claims data
Predicting the lethal toxicity of psychoactive substances
The predictability of the Addiction Severity Index criminal justice assessment instrument and future imprisonment: a Swedish registry study with a national sample of adults with risky substance use
"Opening the door to somebody who has a chance." - The experiences and perceptions of public safety personnel towards a public restroom overdose prevention alarm system
Mortality among patients with frequent emergency department use for alcohol-related reasons in Ontario: a population-based cohort study
The epidemiology of cocaine use among Hispanic individuals: findings from the 2015-2018 National Survey of Drug Use and Health
Femoral blood concentrations of the designer benzodiazepine etizolam in post-mortem cases
Combined effects of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury and alcohol drinking on the neuroinflammatory cytokine response and cognitive behavioral outcomes
A comparative analysis of kratom exposure cases in Thailand and the United States from 2010-2017
An alarming rise in the prevalence of deaths with methamphetamine involved in Tehran, Iran 2011-2018
Alcohol-specific communication and emerging adult offspring's perceived parental approval and drinking in the context of parent alcohol expectancies
Barriers and facilitators for treatment-seeking for mental health conditions and substance misuse: multi-perspective focus group study within the military
Cannabis-related driving and passenger behaviours among high school students: a cross-sectional study using survey data
Cannabidiol: a potential new alternative for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and psychotic disorders
Sudanese medical students' perceptions of psychoactive substance use
Violence, drugs, and psychiatric disorders: news from the Brazilian press
What is the best definition of polypharmacy for predicting falls, hospitalizations, and mortality in long-term care facilities?
Seeking safety: a focus group study of young adults' cannabis-related attitudes, and behavior in a state with legalized recreational cannabis
Risky business: a 15-year analysis of fatal coastal drowning of young male adults in Australia
Risk factors for penile fracture compared with a surgical control cohort in the United States: the role of substance abuse
Recreational marijuana legalization and adolescent use of marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol
Prevalence and correlates of cannabis use in Massachusetts after cannabis legalization and before retail sales
Polypharmacy is a risk factor for hospital admission due to a fall: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Is adolescent alcohol use linked to spikes in aggressive behaviour? A growth curve analysis
"I couldn't live with killing one of my friends or anybody": a rapid ethnographic study of drug sellers' use of drug checking
Hospital stays for harm caused by substance use among youth in Canada
The HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term SM) Communities Study: protocol for a cluster randomized trial at the community level to reduce opioid overdose deaths through implementation of an integrated set of evidence-based practices
Genetic overlap and causality between substance use disorder and attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder
From drugs to peace? Resetting the conversation
Examining the temporality of vitamin E acetate in illicit THC-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products from a public health and law enforcement response to EVALI - Utah, 2018-2020
Detection of suicidality among opioid users on Reddit: machine learning-based approach
The effect of oral dexamethasone administration on testosterone levels in combat veterans with or without a history of suicide attempt
Effectiveness of a mindfulness-oriented substance use prevention program for boys with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Childhood trauma linked to adult waterpipe smoking: a survey of health science students in Iran
Clinical relationship between blood concentration and clinical symptoms in aconitine intoxication
Compliance to the alcohol law: overserving to obviously intoxicated visitors at music festivals
Cross-country differences in age trends in alcohol consumption among older adults: a cross-sectional study of individuals aged 50 years and older in 22 countries
Accumulation of good intentions: how individual practice guidelines lead to polypharmacy in the treatment of patients with polytrauma
Actionable items to address challenges incorporating peer support specialists within an integrated mental health and substance use disorder system: co-designed qualitative study
Another suicide by sodium nitrite and multiple drugs: an alarming trend for "exit"?
Blood lead levels in opium-poisoned children: one cross-sectional study in Iran
Z-drugs and falls: a focused review of the literature
Social Media as a Research Tool (SMaaRT) for risky behavior analytics: methodological review
Students' stimulant use for cognitive enhancement: a deliberate choice rather than an emotional response to a given situation
The opioid/overdose crisis as a dialectics of pain, despair, and one-sided struggle
Polysubstance abuse among sexually abused in alcohol, drug, and gambling addiction treatment in Greenland: a cross sectional study
Prevalence and correlates of single and multiple unintentional non-fatal injuries among school-going adolescents in Liberia
The psychedelic personality: personality structure and associations in a sample of psychedelics users
Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
The role of enjoyment in a serious game for binge drinking prevention: pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study
Marijuana, but not alcohol, use frequency associated with greater loneliness, psychological distress, and less flourishing among young adults
Heroin and the illegal drug overdose death epidemic: a history of missed opportunities and resistance
Disparities in documented drug use disorders between transgender and cisgender U.S. veterans health administration patients
The dangers of herbal weight loss supplements: a case report of drug-induced liver injury secondary to Garcinia cambogia ingestion
Alcohol consumption, substance use, and depression in relation to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) nonadherence among gay, bisexual, and other men-who-have-sex-with-men
Cannabis and impaired driving
Compulsive internet and prevalence substance use among Spanish adolescents
Consistency of hangover experiences after a night of drinking: a controlled laboratory study
Driving Under the Influence of CBD or THC-is there a difference?
Effect of cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on driving performance: a randomized clinical trial
Alcohol-involved sexual aggression: emotion regulation as a mechanism of behavior change
Use of medical cannabis to treat traumatic brain injury
Valuation of peers' safe choices is associated with substance-naïveté in adolescents
Alcohol- and speeding-related fatal crashes among novice drivers age 18-20 not fully licensed at the time of the crash
Trauma exposure, alcohol consumption, and sleep quality: a latent growth curve model
How much and how fast: alcohol consumption patterns, drinking-episode affect, and next-day consequences in the daily life of underage heavy drinkers
Typologies and correlates of police violence against female sex workers who inject drugs at the México-United States border: limits of de jure decriminalization in advancing health and human rights
Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months of specialist addiction treatment
Relationships between perceived stress, depression and alcohol use disorders in university students during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a socio-economic dimension
The role of depressive symptoms in substance use among African American boys exposed to community violence
Student perceptions of a university medical amnesty policy are impacted by race and racism: a qualitative study
New Zealand's Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill: a viable approach to drug law reform
On- and off-licensed premises drinking behaviour among adults in the city of Tshwane, South Africa: an analysis of data from the International Alcohol Control study
Opioid misuse during late adolescence and its effects on risk behaviors, social functioning, health, and emerging adult roles
An overview of the pediatric toxidromes and poisoning management
Course and outcome of patients with alcohol use disorders following an alcohol intervention during hospital attendance: mixed method study
Accidental ingestion of a novel psychoactive substance: a case report
Analgesic effect of alcohol mediates the association between alcohol intoxication and deliberate self-harm
Analysis of diglycolic acid after mass poisoning by diethylene glycol
Cannabis, alcohol and other drug findings in fatally injured drivers in Ontario
Characteristics and circumstances of death related to buprenorphine toxicity in Australia
Child abuse and neglect, callous-unemotional traits, and substance use problems: the moderating role of stress response reactivity
Differential effects of stimulant versus opiate drugs on driving performance
Dyadic associations between relationship quality and risk of opioid use among couples receiving methadone for opioid use disorder
Extending the harm to others paradigm: comparing marijuana- and alcohol-attributed harms in Washington state
Fun/intoxication pre-drinking motives lead indirectly to more alcohol-related consequences via increased alcohol consumption on a given night
Impacts of cannabis legalisation on mental health: a literature review
The use of lateral flow immunoassays for the detection of fentanyl in seized drug samples and postmortem urine
Lyrical content of contemporary popular music (1999-2018) and the role of healthcare providers in media education of children and adolescents
Substance use and sports- or physical activity-related concussions among high school students
Self-reported driving after marijuana use in association with medical and recreational marijuana policies
Profile of incidental exposures to e-cigarette liquids in Europe, 2018-2019
Relations of alcohol consumption and sleep among community-dwelling elderly living in cold region of Russia: a cross-sectional study
Prenatal substance exposure and developmental trajectories of internalizing symptoms: toddlerhood to preadolescence
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of law enforcement involvement among treatment-seeking adult males with opioid use disorder
Rapid identification of drug-type and fiber-type cannabis by allele specific duplex PCR
Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs in the illicit stimulant supply: Results from U.S. drug seizure data, 2011-2016
Alcohol and road accidents involving pedestrians as unprotected road users
Antidepressant exposure in pregnancy and child sensorimotor and visuospatial development
Are countries' drink-driving policies associated with harms involving another driver's impairment?
Chemical and statistical analyses of blotter paper matrix drugs seized in the State of Rio de Janeiro
Deaths of despair: cause-specific mortality and socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific mortality among young men in Scotland
Alcohol binge drinking: negative and positive valence system abnormalities
A comprehensive analytical process, from NPS threat identification to systematic screening: method validation and one-year prevalence study
Recovery opioid overdose team (ROOT) pilot program evaluation: a community-wide post-overdose response strategy
The relationship between the Big Five personality factors, anger-hostility, and alcohol and violence in men and women: a nationally representative cohort of 15,701 young adults
Longer time spent at home during COVID-19 pandemic is associated with binge drinking among US adults
Mechanisms of change in drinking following an alcohol-related injury: a qualitative examination of the sentinel event effect
Not race or age but their interaction predicts pre-adolescents' inhibitory control
An observational study of telemental care delivery and the context for involuntary commitment for mental health patients in a group of rural emergency departments
Online alcohol delivery is associated with heavier drinking during the first New Zealand COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
From community of practice to epistemic community - law, discipline and security in the battle for the legalisation of medical cannabis in Poland
Impact of class-level labelling change on prescriptions of antidepressants for adolescents: an interrupted time-series study using a health insurance claims database in Japan, 2005-2013
Where there's smoke - there's no fire? - burns from e-cigarette explosions
Utilizing a multi-class classification approach to detect therapeutic and recreational misuse of opioids on Twitter
Treatment goals and alcohol use outcomes in veterans with comorbid alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder
Suspected nonfatal drug-related overdoses among youth in the US: 2016-2019
A study of the effectiveness of naltrexone in preventing recurrence of methadone poisoning in opioid-naive children
Rising stimulant overdoses among young people in the United States
Prevalence of drink-driving in Thimphu, Bhutan: targeted surveillance at sentinel sites
Prevalence and correlates of heavy episodic alcohol consumption among adults in Ecuador: results of the First National STEPS Survey in 2018
Predictors of substance use in a clinical sample of youth seeking treatment for Trauma-related mental health problems
Characteristics of oxycodone-related ambulance attendances: analysis of temporal trends, and the effect of reformulation in Victoria, Australia from 2013-2018
Supramolecular sensing of a chemical warfare agents simulant by functionalized carbon nanoparticles
Stimulant storm - state health department psychostimulant age-adjusted mortality rate correlates with psychostimulant-based Michigan Poison Center case exposures over time
Pregnancy-associated deaths from homicide, suicide, and drug overdose: review of research and the intersection with intimate partner violence
Acute phenobarbital poisoning for the management of seizures in new-borns and children; a systematic literature review
Adversity in childhood/adolescence and premorbid tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use among first-episode psychosis patients
Danger in the pocket: explosive e-cigarette
Effects of smoking cannabis on visual function and driving performance. a driving-simulator based study
Differential alcohol use disparities by sexual identity and behavior among high school students
The value of identification scanner technology in monitoring and detecting banned patrons in entertainment precincts
Safety considerations in cannabinoid-based medicine
In the realm of haunting ghosts: denying the existence of substance abuse in Medicare home health
Initial opioid prescription patterns and the risk of ongoing use and adverse outcomes
No abuse potential of silexan in healthy recreational drug users: a randomized controlled trial
Drug-induced liver injury caused by "khat," an herbal stimulant
Forty-eight years of research on psychosocial interventions in the treatment of opioid use disorder: a scoping review
Gender differences in self-harm and drinking behaviors among high school students in Beijing, China
Children of parents with opioid use disorder
Correlates of alcohol consumption among a socially-disadvantaged population in Poland
Correlates of non-fatal, opioid overdose among women who use opioids in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Sport accidents in Haute-Savoie: results from the EPAC 2004-2013 survey
Retrospective post-authorisation safety study investigating the relationship of first-generation antihistamines with sedative effect and the risk of falls in older patients
Rhabdomyolysis and hepatotoxicity following accidental monensin ingestion: a report of two cases
Risk factors associated with driving under the influence of drugs in the USA
Suicide attempt in patients with gambling disorder-associations with comorbidity including substance use disorders
Trends in inpatient discharges with drug or alcohol admission diagnoses to a skilled nursing facility among older adults, New York City 2008-2014
Two decades of ecstasy: shifting demographic trends in decedents using MDMA
Associations between traumatic brain injury, drug abuse, alcohol use, adverse childhood events, and aggression levels in individuals with foster care history
Cannabidiol - therapeutic and legal aspects
Circadian regulation of breath alcohol concentration
Facilitating change in drinking cognitions and behaviors among three immigrant generations of Latinx youth through a school-based intervention: findings from a multi-site clinical trial
The combined effects of alcohol and marijuana use prior to traumatic brain injury on mortality
Effects of cannabidiol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on emotion, cognition, and attention: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized experimental trial in healthy volunteers
Alcohol consumption and road rage among commercial tricycle riders in South-South, Nigeria
Alcohol intoxication impairs the bystander intervention process in a hypothetical sexual assault: A field investigation
Alcohol, affect, and aggression: an investigation of alcohol's effects following ostracism
Repeat sexual victimization during college: prevalence and psychosocial correlates
Issues with information given to parents and guardians on medical care in the emergency department relating to minors aged from 14 to 17 years due to psychoactive substance use
Substance misuse profiles of women in families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits: findings from a national sample
Unsettling the peace? The role of illicit economies in peace processes
Use and knowledge of novel synthetic opioids: an Italian survey
Reporting of substance use treatment quality in United States adult drug courts
The right time and place: a new approach for prioritizing alcohol enforcement and prevention efforts by combining the prevalence and the success rate for minors purchasing alcohol themselves
Screening methanol poisoning with a portable breath detector
Shifts in drug use behavior among electronic dance music partygoers in New York During COVID-19 social distancing
Predictors of enrollment in opioid agonist therapy after opioid overdose or diagnosis with opioid use disorder: a cohort study
Reduction and cessation of alcohol, cannabis, and stimulant use: prospective associations with changes in depressive symptoms across two cohort studies of sexual and gender minorities
News and social media coverage is associated with more downloads and citations of manuscripts that focus on substance use
Non-communicable diseases among adolescents: current status, determinants, interventions and policies
Opioid overdose in the age of fentanyl: risk factor differences among subpopulations of overdose survivors
Opioid-related emergency department visits and access to health care--an opportunity for treatment engagement
Moderated mediation of the link between parent-adolescent conflict and adolescent risk-taking: the role of physiological regulation and hostile behavior in an experimentally controlled investigation
Determining risks for cannabis use disorder in the face of changing legal policies
Adolescent marijuana use in the United States and structural breaks: an age-period-cohort analysis, 1991 to 2018
Alcohol consumption in China before and during CoViD-19: preliminary results from an online retrospective survey
Common mental health conditions among navy divers: a brief report
Controlled drinking behaviors among Korean American and Korean male workers
Neighborhood context and drug use Among Mexican Americans on and off the U.S.-Mexico border
Industry actor use of research evidence: critical analysis of Australian alcohol policy submissions
Declining life expectancy in the United States: missing the trees for the forest
Investigating the epidemiology of the methanol poisoning outbreaks in the third millennium: a scoping review protocol
Is family structure associated with deviance propensity during adolescence? The role of family climate and anger dysregulation
Polypharmacy and pattern of medication use in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review
Gender differences and the role of social inequality in alcohol's harm to others in Europe
Impacts of childhood adversity forms and drinker self-schema on undergraduate drinking behaviors and depression
Beyond roofies: drug- and alcohol-facilitated sexual assault
Cannabis and depression
"Chasing the dragon": a fatal case report of toxic leucoencéphalopathie due to inhaled heroin
Amyl nitrite related deaths
Alcohol compliance checks and underage alcohol-involved crashes: evaluation of a statewide enforcement program in South Carolina from 2006 to 2016
Associations of alcohol consumption, sexual assault history, severity, and revictimization with college women's bystander behaviors in alcohol-involved settings
Combined prevention for substance use, depression, and anxiety in adolescence: a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a digital online intervention
Concurrent validity of the Alcohol Purchase Task for measuring the reinforcing efficacy of alcohol: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
The consequences of cannabis use: a review of self-reported use and experiences among college students
Depression and nicotine withdrawal associations with combustible and electronic cigarette use
Variants of the aggression-related RBFOX1 gene in a population representative birth cohort study: aggressiveness, personality, and alcohol use disorder
Incidence and characteristics of nonfatal opioid overdose among youths aged 11 to 24 years by sex
Mental and physical health in family members of substance users: a scoping review
A retrospective descriptive analysis of sexual assault nurse examiner records from sexual assault survivors at a large university emergency department from 2003 to 2017
Selectivity and sensitivity of urine fentanyl test strips to detect fentanyl analogues in illicit drugs
Trends in psychiatric hospitalization for alcohol and drugs in Castilla y León between 2005 and 2015
The role of cannabis use in suicidal ideation among patients with opioid use disorder
Acute hemodialysis for treatment of severe ethanol intoxication
Adolescent risk and protective factors predicting triple trajectories of substance use from adolescence into adulthood
Are changes in binge drinking among European adolescents driven by changes in computer gaming?
Effects of polygenic risk and perceived friends' drinking and disruptive behavior on development of alcohol use across adolescence
Discussing drinking with paediatric patients with neurodegenerative conditions raises a wide range of dilemmas
Does neighborhood alcohol availability moderate the impact of familial liability and marital status on risk for alcohol use disorders? A Swedish national study
Drinking and alcohol-related problems among at-risk adolescents: the role of protective behavioral strategies
Drinking context-specific dose-response models of intimate partner violence among an urban emergency department sample
Driving after alcohol consumption: a qualitative analysis among Chinese male drunk drivers
Changes in opioid overdose emergency encounters associated with expansion of Wisconsin Medicaid to childless adults in poverty
A comparison of driving related skills impaired by ethanol and zopiclone
Country and gender differences in the association between violence and cigarette smoking among youth
Own and others' perceived drinking among freshmen as predictors of alcohol consumption over 10 years
Pedestrians under influence (PUI) crashes: patterns from correspondence regression analysis
Drugged driving among US adults: results from the 2016-2018 national survey on drug use and health
The effectiveness of alternative transportation programs in reducing impaired driving: a literature review and synthesis
Harm from others' drinking among sexual minority adults in the United States
Aggression and delinquent behavior in a large representative sample of high school students: cannabis use and victimization as key discriminating factors
Difficulties regulating positive and negative emotions in relation to coping motives for alcohol use and alcohol problems among hazardous drinkers
Drug overdose mortality among stateside Puerto Ricans: evidence of a health disparity
Impact of in-hospital and outreach models for regional P.A.R.T.Y. Program participants
Neurobiological effects of childhood abuse and neglect as a predisposing factor to substance use disorder
Support for alcohol policies in marginalized populations
Promoting well-being: crisis, loss, and alcohol
Aggressive and disruptive behavior among psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, or alcohol dependency and the effect of depression and self-esteem on aggression
Alcohol use and misuse: a profile of adolescents from 2018 Italian HBSC data
Cannabis use is associated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among people on opioid agonist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis
Cumulative stressors and adolescent substance use: a review of 21st-century literature
The drug-conflict nexus: resilience as organized crime
Evaluation of drug and alcohol abuse in people aged 15 years and older in Iran
Testing a culturally adapted youth substance use prevention program in a Mexican border city: Mantente REAL
Relationship between attachment styles and risk behavior (smoking and bullying) among secondary school students: an experience from Hulu Langat, Malaysia
Legal and social consequences of substance use: results from a nationwide study in Bangladesh
The pattern of injuries among motorcyclists in fatal road traffic accidents: an autopsy-based study
Haloperidol potentiates antinociceptive effects of morphine and disrupt opioid tolerance
How risky are heroin markets? A multi-site study of self-reported risk perceptions among police detainees in Australia
Suicide mortality risk in a cohort of individuals treated for alcohol, heroin or cocaine abuse: results of a follow-up study
Modified drinking motives questionnaire-revised: psychometric validation in a psychiatric sample of young adults with predominantly polysubstance use
Relation of driving under the influence laws to access to firearms across US states
Respecting alcohol, respecting the water: young adult perspectives on how to reduce alcohol-influenced drownings in Australia
STOPPFall (Screening Tool of Older Persons Prescriptions in older adults with high fall risk): a Delphi study by the EuGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs
Zolpidem versus trazodone initiation and the risk of fall-related fractures among individuals receiving maintenance hemodialysis
Relative risk of injury due to alcohol consumption in car and motorcycle drivers
Reasons people who use opioids do not accept or carry no-cost naloxone: qualitative interview study
Prevalence and predictors of alcohol use among adult males in Ethiopia: multilevel analysis of Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2016
Housing condition differentially impacts escalation of alcohol intake, relapse-like drinking, anxiety-like behavior, and stress history effects by sex
Is short-term antidepressant treatment effective and safe in bipolar depression? Results from an observational multicenter study
The experience of violence against women who use injection drugs: an exploratory qualitative study
Genotype-environment correlation by intervention effects underlying middle childhood peer rejection and associations with adolescent marijuana use
Does flourishing reduce engagement in unhealthy and risky lifestyle behaviours in emerging adults?
Drink driving as the commonest drug driving-a perspective from Europe
An alternative analysis of illicit opioid use during treatment in a randomized trial of extended-release naltrexone versus buprenorphine-naloxone: a per-protocol and completers analysis
Being bullied and using drugs are associate with eating disorder symptoms in Brazilian students
Assessment of tramadol blood concentration in cases of acute tramadol overdose
The role of problem-solving styles in committing suicidal behavior: a case-control study on Iranian pill-takers
Traffic accident model reviewed from the factors of driving behaviour of Surabaya-Gempol Toll Road
Weekend text messages increase protective behavioral strategies and reduce harm among college drinkers
How law shapes policing: the regulation of alcohol in the U.S., 1750-1860
Acute alcohol intoxication with accompanying neurovascular decline in young adults: a sobering case series
Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: expectancies of use and alcohol-related negative consequences among a young adult sample
Are non-abstinent reductions in World Health Organization drinking risk level a valid treatment target for alcohol use disorders in adolescents with ADHD?
Challenges for cocaine detection in smuggling samples
A systematic review of drink specials, drink special laws, and alcohol-related outcomes
A lethal imitation game? Exploring links among psychoactive substance use, self-harming behaviors and celebrity worship
A learning algorithm for predicting mental health symptoms and substance use
Cognitive functioning in first episode psychosis. gender differences and relation with clinical variables
Comorbid cannabis use disorder with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder: a systematic review with meta-analysis of nationally representative epidemiological surveys
A comparison of the smoking outcomes of self-reported and agency-notified child abuse in a population-based birth cohort at 30-year-old-follow-up
The association between alcohol consumption and self-reported current depression among adults residing in Brazil
Daily and situational reports of substance use and dating violence among college students: a 10-week prospective study
Dimensions of childhood trauma and their direct and indirect links to PTSD, impaired control over drinking, and alcohol-related-problems
Does an over-connected visual cortex undermine efforts to stay sober after treatment for alcohol use disorder?
Workplace intervention programmes for decreasing alcohol use in military personnel: a systematic review
Exploring the role of emotional and behavioral problems in a personality-targeted prevention program for substance use in adolescents and young adults with intellectual disability
High school sport participation and substance use: a cross-sectional analysis of students from the COMPASS study
The influence of drinking buddies: a longitudinal investigation of drinking motivations and drinking behaviors in emerging adults
Increasing risks of suicide attempt and suicidal drug overdose after head trauma in patients with sleep-disordered breathing: a population-based study
Interpreting the link value of similarity scores between illicit drug specimens through a dual approach, featuring deterministic and Bayesian frameworks
Long-term effectiveness of the alcohol ignition interlock programme: a retrospective cohort study in the Netherlands
"They don't think it will ever happen to them": exploring factors affecting participation in alcohol-influenced aquatic activity among young Australian adults
Racial and ethnic differences in alcohol-, opioid-, and co-use-related deaths in Washington State from 2011 to 2017
Racial identity, discrimination, and polysubstance use: examining culturally relevant correlates of substance use profiles among Black young adults
Retention of opioid agonist treatment prescribers across New South Wales, Australia, 2001-2018: implications for treatment systems and potential impact on client outcomes
Risk of depression, suicide and psychosis with hydroxychloroquine treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational network cohort study
Self-reported illicit drug use among Norwegian university and college students. associations with age, gender, and geography
Stress, emotional intelligence and the intention to use cannabis in Spanish adolescents: influence of COVID-19 confinement
Prevalence and childhood precursors of opioid use in the early decades of life
Prevalence and minority-stress correlates of past 12-month prescription drug misuse in a national sample of transgender and gender nonbinary adults: results from the U.S. Transgender Survey
The prospective impact of 10-day patron bans on crime in Queensland's largest entertainment precincts
Moral injury as a unique predictor of suicidal ideation in a veteran sample with a substance use disorder
Multiple caffeine doses maintain vigilance, attention, complex motor sequence expression, and manual dexterity during 77 hours of total sleep deprivation
Non-medical cannabis use among Indigenous Canadians: a systematic review of prevalence and associated factors
Performance of self-reported measures of alcohol use and of harmful drinking patterns against ethyl glucuronide hair testing among young Swiss men
Personalized normative feedback interventions targeting hazardous alcohol use and alcohol-related risky sexual behavior in Swedish university students: a randomized controlled replication trial
Adulteration of dietary supplements by the illegal addition of synthetic drugs: a review
Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions, peers, and activity participation
Circumstances of overdose among suburban women who use opioids: extending an urban analysis informed by drug, set, and setting
Dispositional mindfulness and aggression among adults in residential treatment for opioid use disorder: preliminary findings from an applied setting
Drunkorexia: an examination of the role of theory of mind and emotional awareness among adolescents
Three As of American Indian adolescent marijuana use: availability, acceptability, and approval
Expanding on the multidisciplinary stakeholder framework to minimize harms for problematic risk-taking involving emerging technologies
Have decreases in young workers' risky drinking resulted in an increase in illicit drug use?
An N-of-1 study of daily alcohol consumption following Minimum Unit Pricing implementation in Scotland
Utility of nonspecific laboratory testing for psychiatric patients undergoing medical screening in a military emergency department
Sex differences in the acceptability and short-term outcomes of a web-based personalized feedback alcohol intervention for high school seniors
The positive and negative outcome of morphine and disulfiram subacute co-administration in rats in the absence of ethanol challenge
Memories of a death threat: negative consequences of unconscious thoughts about a terrorist attack on attitudes towards alcohol
Masculinising testosterone treatment and effects on preclinical cardiovascular disease, muscle strength and power, aggression, physical fitness and respiratory function in transgender men: protocol for a 10-year, prospective, observational cohort study in Denmark at the Body Identity Clinic (BIC)
Geospatial and temporal associations between increases in opioid deaths, socioeconomics, and rates of sexually transmitted infections in the northeast United States 2012-2017
Examining associations between licensed and unlicensed outlet density and cannabis outcomes from preopening to postopening of recreational cannabis outlets
Behavioral symptoms of child mental disorders and lifetime substance use in adolescence: a within-family comparison of US siblings
Childhood trauma and post-trauma environment affect fear memory and alcohol use differently in male and female mice
Differences in the risk profiles of drunk and drug drivers: evidence from a mandatory roadside survey
The effect of contextual information on decision-making in forensic toxicology
Estimating drug consumption during a college sporting event from wastewater using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
Evidence of increased Fentanyl use during the COVID-19 pandemic among opioid agonist treatment patients in Ontario, Canada
Alarming increase of cannabis poisoning in pediatric emergencies
Craving management: exploring factors that influence momentary craving-related risk of cannabis use among young adults
Diagnostic correlates of nonsuicidal self-injury disorder among veterans with psychiatric disorders
How high? Trends in cannabis use prior to first admission to inpatient psychiatry in Ontario, Canada, between 2007 and 2017
Licit drug use among college students: the importance of knowledge about drugs, live at home and peer influence
Post-discharge outcomes for mothers and the mother-infant relationship following admission to a psychiatric mother-baby unit
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and problematic alcohol use: the explanatory role of drinking motives
Opioid overdose events and child maltreatment indicators: differential county-level associations
Interpol review of controlled substances 2016-2019
The interrelationships of child maltreatment, alcohol use, and suicidal ideation among youth living in the slums of Kampala, Uganda
Violence, HIV risks, and polysubstance use among HIV-positive people who inject drugs in Ukraine
Economic burden of pediatric prescription opioid poisonings in the United States
Change matters: binge drinking and drugging victimization over time in three college freshman cohorts
Intentional death caused by the overdose of nonprescription drugs: an autopsy case of acetaminophen poisoning
Investigating the prevalence of child abuse in the families with addicted parents in Iran: with emphasis on family risk factors
Barriers and facilitators to PDMP IS Success in the US: a systematic review
Distinct paths to alcohol problems: impacts of childhood maltreatment, attachment insecurity, and interpersonal problems
The effect of activated charcoal on drug exposure following intravenous administration: a meta-analysis
Homegrown perceptions about the medical use and potential abuse of CBD and THC
The justice system and young adults with substance use disorders
Principles of harm reduction for young people who use drugs
Multi-environment gene interactions linked to the interplay between polysubstance dependence and suicidality
Patterns of intimate partner violence against women in Europe: prevalence and associated risk factors
An examination of the longer-term impact of a combined classroom and parental intervention on alcohol-related harms and heavy episodic drinking
Initial engagement and persistence of health risk behaviors through adolescence: longitudinal findings from urban South Africa
Testing risk and protective factor assumptions in the Icelandic model of adolescent substance use prevention
A comparison of cut points for measuring risk factors for adolescent substance use and antisocial behaviors in the U.S. and Colombia
Drug transaction experiences in American high schools 2001-2015
Effect of chronic alcohol intake on motor functions on the elderly
Epidemiological investigation of hospitalized patients with traumatic fractures: a cross-sectional study
Examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on family mental health in Canada: findings from a national cross-sectional study
Feigning ADHD and stimulant misuse among Dutch university students
Moral injury as a mediator of the associations between sexual harassment and mental health symptoms and substance use among women veterans
Opioid exposure associated with poppy consumption reported to poison control centers and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Polygenic risk and the course of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from childhood to young adulthood: findings from a nationally-representative cohort
A history of United States cannabis law
What we're not talking about when we talk about addiction
Prescription opioid use among drivers in British Columbia, 1997-2016
Patient perception of pain control (not opiate amount) affects hospital consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems and Press Ganey satisfaction scores after orthopaedic trauma
Comparing determinations of ethanol concentrations in venous blood, arterial blood and brain tissue
Driving under the influence of alcohol with an E-scooter. First cases at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Munich between June and August 2019
Effectiveness of intervention measures before an MPU. A comparison between professional groups (traffic psychologists, addiction counselors and others)
Estimation of the time lag between consumption and blood sampling for a better evaluation of the separability of cannabis use and driving. Can further cannabinoids help in the interpretation?
Jurisdiction concerning traffic law. An overview 2018/2019
Totally woozy? A case report on inhalation of alcohol
Update of the guidelines for the determination of the blood alcohol concentration (BAK) for forensic purposes - BAK guidelines
Black first-year college students' alcohol outcome expectancies
Why is adolescent drinking declining? A systematic review and narrative synthesis
"We have to put the fire out first before we start rebuilding the house": practitioners' experiences of supporting women with histories of substance use, interpersonal abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
Prevalence of amphetamine-type stimulant use and related factors among methadone maintenance patients in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam: a cross-sectional study
Strategies for policing alcohol and illicit substance abuse amongst learners of selected secondary schools within the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
The special grief following drug related deaths (editorial)
Childhood adversity and behavioural addictions: the mediating role of emotion dysregulation and depression in an adult community sample
Children's experience of physical harms and exposure to family violence from others' drinking in nine societies
The effects of an energy drink on psychomotor vigilance in trained individuals
Exploration of spatio-temporal and human-centered factors that contribute to alcohol-impaired crash outcomes
Gender differences in the relationships between parental marital conflict, differentiation from the family of origin, and children's marital stability
Influence of psychological determinants on bus drivers' risky behavior and road traffic crashes along Yaounde-Douala highway Cameroon
Long waves of consumption or a unique social generation? Exploring recent declines in youth drinking
Perfectionism and alcohol use outcomes in college students: the moderating role of alcohol protective behavioral strategies
Prevalence and correlates of self-harm among a sample of repeat DUI offenders
The role of sex, executive functioning, and perceptions of safety on urban adolescent substance use
Legalization of cannabis: a Swedish perspective
Matching action to need: an analysis of Global Burden of Disease 2017 and population health data to focus adolescent health policy and actions in Myanmar
Meaning and purpose in the context of opioid overdose deaths (editorial)
Resilience, depression and anxiety and hazardous alcohol use behaviour among community dwelling older adults
A systematic comparison of the global comparative risk assessments for alcohol
Assessment of neonatal abstinence syndrome surveillance - Pennsylvania, 2019
Association of drugs with special caution in the guidelines with falls: a case-control and case-crossover study in Japan
Beliefs about riding a bicycle when mildly alcohol intoxicated
The effectiveness of alcohol impact areas in reducing crime in Washington neighborhoods
The effects of anger on alcohol demand and subjective alcohol craving
Identification with drinking predicts increases in drinking behaviors (but not vice versa)
Suicidal attempt with caffeine overdose treated with dexmedetomidine: a case report
Trends in cannabis views and use among American adults: intersections with alcohol consumption, 2002-2018
Alcohol- and drug-related public violence in Europe
Sex differences in comorbidity between substance use and mental health in adolescents: two sides of the same coin
Testing the validity of national drug surveys: comparison between a general population cohort and household surveys
The impact of alcohol use and withdrawal on trauma outcomes: a case control study
Forensic appraisal of death due to acute alcohol poisoning: three case reports and a literature review
Does religion make people more self-controlled? A review of research from the lab and life
Postmortem liver and kidney tissue concentrations of heroin biomarkers and their metabolites in heroin-related fatalities
Reflections on variability in the blood-breath ratio of ethanol and its importance when evidential breath-alcohol instruments are used in law enforcement
An update on the role of common genetic variation underlying substance use disorders
'We shall drink until Lake Victoria dries up': drivers of heavy drinking and illicit drug use among young Ugandans in fishing communities
Predictors of substance use in registered nurses: the role of psychological trauma
Opioid exposures in children under 5 years of age (2004-2019): a retrospective study of calls to Australia's largest poisons information centre
Factors associated with the use of the Prescription Monitoring Program by prescribers and pharmacists in Texas
Post-traumatic stress and alcohol use disorders: recent advances and future directions in cue reactivity
A review of opioid addiction genetics
Fatal poisoning among drug users in Denmark in 2017
Further considerations of the best indicator for the harmful use of alcohol
Having a driver's license when suspected of impaired cognitive functions
Prevalence and sociodemographic factors of risky drinking in Australian older adults
Sleep and circadian risk factors for alcohol problems: a brief overview and proposed mechanisms
Alcohol accessibility and family violence-related ambulance attendances
Association of cannabis use with self-harm and mortality risk among youths with mood disorders
Associations between emotion dysregulation dimensions and parenting behaviors in trauma-exposed African American mothers
Butane detection after long-term treatment of burns in two autopsy cases
Family planning providers' assessment of intimate partner violence and substance use
ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) in treatment seeking veterans: risk factors and comorbidity
Integrated knowledge translation to strengthen public policy research: a case study from experimental research on income assistance receipt among people who use drugs
Co-use of medication and alcohol: the influence on subjective effects of intoxication and affect
Effects of cannabis on visual function and self-perceived visual quality
Longitudinal associations between team sport participation and substance use in adolescents and young adults
Alcohol misuse and critical care admissions in the Northern Territory
Integrating endocannabinoid signalling in depression
Patient and physician perspectives of deprescribing potentially inappropriate medications in older adults with a history of falls: a qualitative study
Persistent opioid use and opioid-related harm after hospital admissions for surgery and trauma in New Zealand: a population-based cohort study
Studying harm from others' illicit drug use-can stigma really be avoided?
Comparative associations of problematic alcohol and cannabis use with suicidal behavior in U.S. military veterans: a population-based study
Continuity of illicit drug use among Malay patients attending methadone clinics in Kelantan, Malaysia
Distinguishing between toxic alcohol ingestion vs alcoholic ketoacidosis: how can we tell the difference?
US national trends in prescription opioid use after burn injury, 2007 to 2017
Unintentional buprenorphine and methadone poisoning in children: a matched observational study
Suicide prevention
Sex differences in cannabis forms and exposure reasons in cannabis-related poison control center cases aged 50
Surveillance by oral fluid of drugs subject to misuse among individuals under arrest
Primary care assessment and research of a telephone intervention for neuropsychiatric conditions with education and resources: study design, rationale, and sample of the PARTNER randomized controlled trial
Moral injury and ICD-11 complex PTSD (CPTSD) symptoms among treatment-seeking veterans in the United Kingdom
Outcomes associated with scheduling or up-scheduling controlled substances
Participation in drinking games and predrinking among university students in Argentina, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
Increased mood disorder symptoms, perceived stress, and alcohol use among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Head shops and new psychoactive substances: a public health perspective
Carfentanil on the darknet: potential scam or alarming public health threat?
Clustering suicidal phenotypes and genetic associations with brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with substance use disorders
Current cannabis and lifetime amphetamine use among in-school adolescents in five ASEAN countries: socio-ecological perspectives
Youth experiences of alcohol and illicit substance use in the family and community context
Binge drinking, other substance use, and concurrent use in the U.S., 2016-2018
Parenting with a substance abuse history: the moderating role of parenting behaviors on obesity and internalizing symptoms in adolescence
Social support and disclosure of war-zone experiences after deployment to Afghanistan--Implications for posttraumatic deprecation or growth
Determinants of alcohol consumption and marijuana use among young adults in the Republic of Palau
Drug adulteration of sexual enhancement supplements: a worldwide insidious public health threat
Ascending pattern of alcohol use and underage drinking in Asia: a commentary on the article by Assanangkornchai and Vichitkunakorn (2020)
Cannabis use among military veterans: a great deal to gain or lose?
Distinct whole-body movements in response to alcohol and sexual content in alcohol use disorder
Identifying patterns and predictors of prescription opioid use after total joint arthroplasty
Impact of an unsanctioned safe consumption site on criminal activity, 2010-2019
Intraindividual association between shift work and risk of drinking problems: data from the Finnish Public Sector Cohort
Modeling the system of beliefs that influence driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) in Washington State
A systematic review of crime/violence and substance use prevention programs
Adolescent caffeine consumption and aggressive behavior: a longitudinal assessment
Alcohol use by women in Serbia-a first report
Associations of perceived drinking motives of parents and friends on adolescents' own drinking motives
Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
Consumer discernment of fentanyl in illicit opioids confirmed by fentanyl test strips: lessons from a syringe services program in North Carolina
Determination of serotonin metabolites in urine sample by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as biomarkers of recent alcohol intake: Implication for aircraft accident investigation
"Violence and love and drugs…it all goes hand in hand": a mixed methods analysis of the substance abuse, violence, and HIV/AIDS syndemic among women who use methamphetamine
Oropharyngeal bleeding due to cannabidiol oil vape use
Outpatient opioid prescriptions are associated with future substance use disorders and overdose following adolescent trauma
A skewed logistic model of two-unit bicycle-vehicle hit-and-run crashes
Preventable adverse drug events causing hospitalisation: identifying root causes and developing a surveillance and learning system at an urban community hospital, a cross-sectional observational study
Restoration of breathing after opioid overdose and spinal cord injury using temporal interference stimulation
Alcohol and acute traumatic brain injury in the emergency department
Associations of mental health with driving while impaired and risky driving in emerging adults
Increased likelihood of falling in older cannabis users vs. non-users
Differentiation of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) from methanol poisoning during the COVID-19 pandemic (letter)
Determination of the tendency to addiction according to self-differentiation and alexithymia in university students
The role of family's function in prediction of students' tendency to drugs
The role of fathers in prevention of children tendency toward addictive drugs: an application of theory of planned behavior
Prediction of drug addiction preparation based on identity styles, parenting styles and coping strategies in high school students
Sildenafil induced sexual aggression: coincidence, rarity, or under-reported side effect?
Ride-hailing services and alcohol consumption: longitudinal analysis
Resilience to hazardous drinking among never-deployed male United States Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers
Facility-level excess mortality of VHA patients with mental health or substance use disorder diagnoses
The impact of parental injury on children's mental health diagnoses and classes of psychotropic medication by child age
Understanding the relationship between safety beliefs and knowledge for cognitive enhancers in UK university students
Identification of factors influencing severity of motorcycle crashes in Dhaka, Bangladesh using binary logistic regression model
Association between county level cannabis dispensary counts and opioid related mortality rates in the United States: panel data study
Cannabis liberalisation and the US opioid crisis
Adolescent measures of family socioeconomic status: reliability, validity, and effects on substance use behaviors in adolescence and young adulthood
Boredom by sensation-seeking interactions during adolescence: associations with substance use, externalizing behavior, and internalizing symptoms in a US national sample
Cannabis use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder: the prevalence of comorbidity in veterans of recent conflicts
Safety of antidepressants in a primary care cohort of adults with obesity and depression
Maxillofacial injury related to an exploding e-cigarette
Bidirectional associations between alcohol use and intimate partner violence and sexual assault victimization among college women
Cannabidiol interactions with medications, illicit substances, and alcohol: a comprehensive review
Admission practices and cost of care for opioid use disorder at residential addiction treatment programs in the US
COVID and crime: an early empirical look
"Here's the 'kicker': School factors associated with opioid misuse among US African American youth
Fall-associated drugs in community-dwelling older adults: results from the ActiFE Ulm Study
Sociological investigations of human enhancement drugs: the case of microdosing psychedelics
Is it "true" pain? Pain treatment discharge planning for seriously injured patients
Cannabis use patterns at the dawn of US cannabis reform
Changes in cannabis use according to socioeconomic status among Finnish adolescents from 2000 to 2015
Government-mandated warnings on cannabis legally sold for recreational use
Influence of alcoholism and alcoholic addiction on increasing the rate of crime in society (medical and legal preventive measures)
The relationship of cannabis decriminalization in Colorado and cannabis use in individuals with alcohol use disorders
The Second National Canadian Homeless Youth Survey: mental health and addiction findings
Treatment retention and abstinence of patients with substance use disorders according to addiction severity and psychiatry comorbidity: a six-month follow-up study in an outpatient unit
Blood lead concentration among oral/inhaled opium users: systematic review and meta-analysis
Conjunctival and periorbital petechiae presumed secondary to self-inflicted asphyxiation in a pediatric patient
Women's multiple uses of an overdose prevention technology to mitigate risks and harms within a supportive housing environment: a qualitative study
Caffeine poisoning successfully treated by venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and emergency hemodialysis
Cannabis sativa L. may reduce aggressive behaviour towards humans in shelter dogs
The effects of husbands' alcohol consumption and women's empowerment on intimate partner violence in India
Associations of substance use behaviors with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among US and Chinese adolescents
Trends in US emergency department visits for mental health, overdose, and violence outcomes before and during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Trends in fall-related mortality and fall risk increasing drugs among older individuals in the United States,1999-2017
Rates of dual diagnosis in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients: a scoping review
Internal and external validation of an alcohol biomarker for screening in trauma
Non-transport after prehospital naloxone administration is associated with higher risk of subsequent non-fatal overdose
Predictors of serious adverse drug events from opioids: results from the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Events Reporting System
Erratum to "Implications of county-level variation in U.S. opioid distribution" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 219 (2021) 108501]
Externalizing risk pathways for adolescent substance use and its developmental onset: a Canadian birth cohort study:
Financial impact of electric scooters: a review of injuries over 27 months at an urban level 1 trauma center (cost of e-scooter injuries at an urban level 1 trauma center)
Addiction problems, aggression, and quality of life in people with different occupations in South Korea
Association between alcohol drinking status and depressive symptoms in Korean adults
Testing an evidence-based drug abuse and violence preventive approach adapted for youth in juvenile justice diversionary settings
Prevalence of substance use disorders in an urban and a rural area in Suriname
Predicting different types of intimate partner aggression perpetration: the roles of problem alcohol use and distress tolerance
Differences in detected safety signals between benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics: pharmacovigilance study using a spontaneous reporting system
Effect of trauma-related stress after alcohol consumption on perceived likelihood of negative consequences and willingness to drive
Use and abuse of dissociative and psychedelic drugs in adolescence
Perceived family and friend support moderate pathways from peer victimization to substance use in early-adolescent girls and boys: a moderated-mediation analysis
The efficacy of health warnings and package branding on perceptions of cannabis products among youth and young adults
Increasing presence of xylazine in heroin and/or fentanyl deaths, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2010-2019
A meta-analysis of drinking game participation and alcohol-related outcomes
Racial and ethnic disparities in the prevalence of stress and worry, mental health conditions, and increased substance use among adults during the COVID-19 pandemic - United States, April and May 2020
Corrigendum to 'Cannabis use is associated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among people on opioid agonist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis' [Drug Alcohol Depend. 219 (2021) 108420]
Corrigendum to "Changes over time in young adults' harmful alcohol consumption: A cross-temporal meta-analysis using the AUDIT" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 214 (2020) 108172]
Examining the implementation of police-assisted referral programs for substance use disorder services in Massachusetts
An explorative approach to understanding individual differences in driving performance and neurocognition in long-term benzodiazepine users
Religious service attendance typologies and African American substance use: a longitudinal study of the protective effects among young adult men and women
Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams for families with co-occurring substance use and child maltreatment: a randomized controlled trial
Use of alcohol, drugs, inhalants, and smoking tobacco and the long-term risk of depression in men: a nationwide Swedish cohort study from 1969-2017
Combined effect of alcohol and cannabis on simulated driving
The failings of per se limits to detect cannabis-induced driving impairment: Results from a simulated driving study
Forcible, substance-facilitated, and incapacitated sexual assault among university women: a Canadian sample
Interventions to reduce fall-risk-increasing drug use to prevent falls: a narrative review of randomized trials
A latent class analysis of cannabis use products in a general population sample of adolescents and their association with paranoia, hallucinations, cognitive disorganisation and grandiosity
Non-medical prescription opioid use and in-hospital illicit drug use among people who use drugs
Pediatric cannabis single-substance exposures reported to the Michigan Poison Center from 2008-2019 after medical marijuana legalization
Post-traumatic growth in women with histories of addiction and victimization residing in a sober living home
Prevalence, characteristics, and associated risk factors of the elderly with hip fractures: a cross-sectional analysis of NHANES 2005-2010
Prevalence of multiple forms of violence and increased health risk behaviors and conditions among youths - United States, 2019
Prevalence and co-occurrence of alcohol, nicotine, and other substance use disorder diagnoses among US transgender and cisgender adults
Physical violence perpetration among college students: prevalence and associations with substance use and mental health symptoms
Acute effects of cannabis concentrate on motor control and speed: smartphone-based mobile assessment
The impact of cannabidiol on human brain function: a systematic review
Quality of life and its correlates in alcohol use disorder patients with and without depression in China
Vaping and mental health
The war on drugs in Southeast Asia as 'state vigilantism'
Tales of gender-based oppression and violence: risks and vulnerabilities of women who inject drugs (WWID) in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Toxicological exposures among the pediatric patients at a tertiary care center in Lebanon: the case for establishing a national poison center
Tracing a path for opium gum from Mexico as a safe supply harm reduction measure for Canada
Associations of childhood sociability and responsibility with cannabis use trajectories during adolescence: results from a prospective population-based birth cohort study
Cannabis and crash risk among older drivers
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol: predicting the intentions of young drivers
Drug-related violence: will COVID-19 drive better data for safer and more secure EU?
First aid education for opioid overdose poisoning: scoping review
Higher levels of nicotine dependence in adolescence are associated with younger onset age of violent criminality: a follow-up study of former adolescent psychiatric inpatients
Prenatal substance exposure and child maltreatment: a systematic review
Race-based differences in drug use prior to onset of opioid use disorder
Relative age for grade and adolescent risky health behavior
Marijuana's Impact on California: 2020: cannabis-related ER visits and admissions sky-rocket after medical and recreational marijuana laws
Understanding overdose incidents in Canadian federal custody
Prescription medications for insomnia are associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in two nationally representative samples
Association between bullying victimization and e-cigarette use among German students
Characterization of a new type of mead fermented with Cannabis sativa L. (hemp)
Population-based signals of antidepressant drug interactions associated with unintentional traumatic injury
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health associated trauma, admissions and fractures at a London major trauma centre
Evidence of repeated mirtazapine poisoning in children by hair analysis
Genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence: the combined role of polygenic risk to general psychopathology and to high alcohol consumption
Sex differences in vulnerability to addiction
A multi-contextual examination of non-school friendships and their impact on adolescent deviance and alcohol use
Alcohol, other drugs use and mental health among African migrant youths in South Australia
Availability of medical cannabis dispensaries and cannabis abuse/dependence-related hospitalizations in California
Youth alcohol consumption: context and influences
A bad start: the combined effects of early onset substance use and ADHD and CD on criminality patterns, substance abuse and psychiatric comorbidity among young violent offenders
Association between lifetime history of traumatic brain injury, prescription opioid use and persistent pain: a nationally representative study
The association of acute alcohol use and dynamic suicide risk with variation in onward care after psychiatric crisis
Spurious point-of-care lactate elevation in ethylene glycol intoxication: rediscovering a clinical pearl
Trends and geographic patterns in drug and synthetic opioid overdose deaths - United States, 2013-2019
A qualitative study of a publicly funded pharmacy-dispensed naloxone program
Revisiting the fetal assault law in Tennessee: implications and the way forward
The extent of polypharmacy and use of 'fall risk increasing drugs' in the oldest old admitted to a regional New South Wales hospital
Deprescribing fall-risk increasing drugs (FRIDs) for the prevention of falls and fall-related complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Acute intranasal intoxication with mercuric chloride taken accidently instead of cocaine - a case report
What is binge drinking? Insights from a network perspective
"Tell me how much your friends consume"-personal, behavioral, social, and attitudinal factors associated with alcohol and cannabis use among European school students
Social harms and social class in Iranian youth and adolescents living in slums in the suburbs: a systematic review
Gender differences in the relationship between prescription opioid misuse and depressive symptoms and suicidality among US high school students
Home and workplace neighborhood socioeconomic status and behavior-related health: a within-individual analysis
The long-lasting impact of childhood trauma on adult chronic physical disorders
Opioid use disorder stigma, discrimination, and policy attitudes in a national sample of U.S. young adults
Carfentanil - from an animal anesthetic to a deadly illicit drug
Changes in cannabis use, exposure, and health perceptions following legalization of adult recreational cannabis use in California: a prospective observational study
Explosive ordnance disposal personnel in the U.S. military have higher risk of insomnia and posttraumatic stress disorder: a large retrospective cohort study
Alcohol consumption during a pandemic lockdown period and change in alcohol consumption related to worries and pandemic measures
"The times they are a-changin'": addressing common misconceptions about the role of safe supply in North America's overdose crisis
Trends in youth exposure to alcohol advertising on cable television, United States, 2013-2018
Risk for substance use among adolescents at-risk for childhood victimization: the moderating role of ADHD
Substance use and addictive behavior in Spanish adolescents in secondary school
Prevalence and charges of opioid-related visits to U.S. emergency departments
Public health thinking around alcohol-related harm: why does per capita consumption matter?
Recreational marijuana legalization and use among California adolescents: findings from a statewide survey
Risk factors for fall-related serious injury among Korean adults: a cross-sectional retrospective analysis
Partners or opponents? Alcohol industry strategy and the 2016 revision of the U.K. low-risk drinking guidelines
Past year high-intensity drinking moderates the association between simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use and blackout frequency among college students
Patient, prescriber, and community factors associated with filled naloxone prescriptions among patients receiving buprenorphine 2017-18
Internalizing symptoms, alcohol use, and protective behavioral strategies: associations with regretted sexual experiences of college students
Keg registration laws, alcohol consumption, and alcohol-related traffic fatalities among adolescents
Key subgroup differences in age-related change from 18 to 55 in alcohol and marijuana use: U.S. national data
Examining the differential effects of latent impulsivity factors on substance use outcomes in African American men
Impact of recreational marijuana legalization on crime: evidence from Oregon
Narcan cops: officer perceptions of opioid use and willingness to carry naloxone
Parents who first allowed adolescents to drink alcohol in a family context during spring 2020 CoViD-19 emergency shutdowns
Rebels-turned-narcos? The FARC-EP's political involvement in Colombia's cocaine economy
Understanding the progression from early alcohol use experimentation to alcohol use disorder: testing vulnerability by experience interactions using a two-part latent growth curve model
Toxic nightlife relationships, substance abuse, and mental health: is there a link? A qualitative case study of two patients
Adverse childhood experiences are associated with illicit drug use among pregnant women with middle to high socioeconomic status: findings from the All Our Families Cohort
Behavioral predictors of individual differences in opioid addiction vulnerability as measured using I.V. self-administration in rats
Decline in alcohol consumption in Russia: collectivity or polarisation?
The effects of traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder on prison adjustment and recidivism among military veterans: evidence from Minnesota
Emotion regulation in emerging adults with major depressive disorder and frequent cannabis use
Hazy memories in the courtroom: a review of alcohol and other drug effects on false memory and suggestibility
The prevalence of substance misuse and its effects among Omani college students: a cross-sectional study
Prospective association of digital media use with alcohol use initiation and progression among adolescents
Marijuana legalization and rates of crashing under the influence of tetrahydrocannabinol and alcohol
Paediatric poisoning presentations reported to a regional toxicology service in Australia
"Dying is not a fear": teen and parent perspectives on messaging to prevent crystal meth use among teens in rural north Idaho
Impact of the COVID-19 shutdown on orthopedic trauma numbers and patterns in an academic Level I Trauma Center in Berlin, Germany
Intimate partner violence, prenatal stress, and substance use among pregnant Black women
The mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults compared with heterosexual adults: results of two nationally representative English household probability samples
Adverse school outcomes and risky sexual health behaviors among high school students with e-cigarette and marijuana use
Alcohol-associated traffic injuries in Verona territory: a nine-year survey
Current U.S. state cannabis sales limits allow large doses for use or diversion
Do brief alcohol interventions reduce driving after drinking among college students? A two-step meta-analysis of individual participant data
Mental disorders, substance use disorders, and psychotropic medication use among sudden-death victims
Valproate selectively suppresses adolescent anabolic/androgenic steroid-induced aggressive behavior: implications for a role of hypothalamic γ-aminobutyric acid neural signaling
The effect of the Safer at Home order on the frequency of DUI breath alcohol tests in Los Angeles County
The CHILD Intervention for Living Drug-free Comprehensive Assessment of Risk, Resilience, and Experience (CHILD CARRE) measure: initial findings
Adherence to drinking guidelines and reasons for alcohol consumption cessation in the Southern Cone of Latin America - findings from the CESCAS Study
Anger and substance abuse: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Associations between the CADM2 gene, substance use, risky sexual behavior, and self-control: a phenome-wide association study
Associations of socio-demographic characteristics, well-being, school absenteeism, and substance use with recreational nitrous oxide use among adolescents: a cross-sectional study
What happens when the party moves home? The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. college student alcohol consumption as a function of legal drinking status using longitudinal data
Validation of brief screening measures for depression and anxiety in young people with substance use disorders
Cannabis use among Norwegian university students: gender differences, legalization support and use intentions, risk perceptions, and use disorder
Case report of an acute myocardial infarction after high-dose recreational nitrous oxide use: a consequence of hyperhomocysteinaemia?
Childhood and adolescent bullying perpetration and later substance use: a meta-analysis
Combining ecstasy and ethanol: higher risk for toxicity? A review
Comparative risk of mortality and suicide associated with substance use disorder among healthcare professionals: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Determinants of psychological and social well-being among youth in Canada: investigating associations with sociodemographic factors, psychosocial context and substance use
Drinking and partying among young Muslim women: exclusion in the context of a normalized youth drinking culture
Extensive tissue necrosis of the tongue in a methamphetamine user: a case report
Social isolation at adolescence: a systematic review on behaviour related to cocaine, amphetamine and nicotine use in rats and mice
The socioeconomic distribution of alcohol-related violence in England and Wales
Relative risk of intimate partner violence according to access to instrumental social support among pregnant women in Eswatini whose partners do and do not drink alcohol
Polypharmacy in the management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: a review and update
Wrist-worn alcohol biosensors: Applications and usability in behavioral research
Motivational interviewing plus behavioral activation for alcohol misuse in college students with ADHD
Prevalence and associated mental health outcomes of child sexual abuse in youth in France: observations from a convenience sample
The influence of negative mood on solitary drinking preference: an experiment with young adult solitary drinkers
Autopsy findings in drivers and passengers from fatal motor vehicle collisions: limited differences in injury patterns and toxicological test results
Cannabis use among early adolescents and transdiagnostic mental health risk factors
Evaluation of an emergency department-based opioid overdose survivor intervention: difference-in-difference analysis of electronic health record data to assess key outcomes
A meta-analytic review of the relationship between cyber aggression and substance use
"Shabu is different": extrajudicial killings, death penalty, and 'methamphetamine exceptionalism' in the Philippines
Impulsivity across substance use categories: consideration of sex/gender
Self-reported drinking behaviors and observed violation of state-mandated social restriction and alcohol control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from nationally-representative surveys in Thailand
Parenting and home environment in childhood and adolescence and alcohol use disorder in adulthood
Alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes and the size and duration of random breath testing checkpoints
Association between delay in driving licensure and driving while impaired and riding with an impaired driver among emerging adults
Cannabis use and mental illness: understanding circuit dysfunction through preclinical models
Cannabis use in adolescence and risk of psychosis: are there factors that moderate this relationship? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Corrigendum to "Changes in opioid prescribing after implementation of mandatory registration and proactive reports within California's prescription drug monitoring program" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 218 (2021) 108405]
To what extent does illicit drug use predispose to facial injury? An institutional investigation for an emergent problem
Gabapentinoid abuse in France: evidence on health consequences and new points of vigilance
Impact of the rising number of rentable e-scooter accidents on emergency care in Berlin 6 months after the introduction: a maxillofacial perspective
Improving lives not just saying no to substances: evaluating outcomes for a young people's substance use team trained in the AMBIT approach
Rationale and methodology of the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS): a 16-year follow-up survey
Origin of Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol impurity in synthetic cannabidiol
Sex differences in the associations of nonmedical use of prescription drugs with self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among adolescents: a large-scale study in China
Sex-specific risk profiles for suicide among persons with substance use disorders in Denmark
Using ICD-10-CM codes to detect illicit substance use: a comparison with retrospective self-report
Evaluating the effects of the Licensing Act 2003 on the characteristics of drinking occasions in England & Wales: a theory of change-guided evaluation of a natural experiment
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the parental rules toward adolescent drinking questionnaire: two factors are better than the original one
Opioid mortality following implementation of medical cannabis programs in the United States
Anabolic androgenic steroids, antisocial personality traits, aggression and violence
Antidepressant use in Sweden: an intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA)
Rural-urban differences in physician bias toward patients with opioid use disorder
The association between cannabis use and outcome in pharmacological treatment for opioid use disorder
Association of opioid use disorder treatment with alcohol-related acute events
Clinical trials for rapid changes in suicidal ideation: lessons from ketamine
Correlates of patterns of cannabis use, abuse and dependence: evidence from two national surveys in Ireland
Case Report: Don't chew the fufu: a case report of suspected drug bodystuffing
Psychosocial treatment for incarcerated methamphetamine users: the Philippines experience
Evolution of medication consumption in a working environment in France: results of the 4 waves of the " Drugs and Work " study (1986-2016)
Experiences of family members of drivers who violate the law against drinking and driving and its repercussions
War-to-peace transitions and the behavioural legacies of civil war: a plea for looking beyond violence
Alcohol consumption, harms and policy developments in sub-Saharan Africa: the case for stronger national and regional responses
Association between county jail incarceration and cause-specific county mortality in the USA, 1987-2017: a retrospective, longitudinal study
Associations between early psychosocial deprivation, cognitive and psychiatric morbidity, and risk-taking behavior in adolescence
Behavioral economic indicators of risky drinking among community-dwelling emerging adults
Comment on "Effects of acetaminophen on risk taking"
Depression among patients with schizophrenia in Ethiopian mental health hospital: association with sociodemographic and clinical variables: a cross-sectional study
Depression among adolescents of rural Nepal: a community-based study
Deadly serious: the United Nations, drugs, and capital punishment in the 1980s
Costing alcohol-related assault in the night-time economy from a societal perspective: the case of Central Sydney
Correction to: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and lifetime cannabis use: genetic overlap and causality
Content analysis of U.S. newspaper coverage of causes and solutions to vaping-associated lung injury
Timing of mortality in mothers with recurrent convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol and their children, from childbirth to child age 17
Travel choices in alcohol-related situations in Virginia
Trends in deaths attributable to suicide during COVID-19 pandemic and its association with alcohol use and mental disorders: findings from autopsies conducted in two districts of India
Use of psychotropic substances among elite athletes - a narrative review
Use of methylphenidate and the incidence of intentional self-harm or suicide attempts among individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and personality disorder
A spatiotemporal analysis of opioid poisoning mortality in Ohio from 2010 to 2016
Racial/ethnic differences in prescription opioid misuse and heroin use among a national sample, 1999-2018
Satisfaction with life, mental health problems and potential alcohol-related problems among Norwegian university students
Sex differences in US emergency department non-fatal visits for benzodiazepine poisonings in adolescents and young adults
The prevalence of alcohol and other drugs in fatal road crashes in Victoria, Australia
Psychoactive substance use and its associated factors among truck drivers in Ethiopia
Psychoactive substances have major impact on injuries in rural arctic Norway - a prospective observational study
Peer victimization exposure and subsequent substance use in early adolescence: the role of sleep problems
Piloting a brief intervention plus mobile boosters for drug use among emerging adults receiving emergency department care
The most 100 cited papers in addiction research on cannabis, heroin, cocaine and psychostimulants. A bibliometric cross-sectional analysis
Episodic future thinking as a brief alcohol intervention for heavy drinking college students: a pilot feasibility study
The effectiveness of treating a traffic accident trauma with EMDR after failed psychofarmacological treatment - a case report
A formative evaluation of a web-based intervention for women with a sexual assault history and heavy alcohol use
The influence of the frequency of cannabis use and of the five impulsivity traits on risky driving behaviors among young drivers
Substance use and symptoms of mental health disorders: a prospective cohort of patients with severe substance use disorders in Norway
A multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for evaluating and appraising government policy responses to non medical heroin use
Preventive interventions for young adults in nightlife: coproduction for a systematic literature assessment followed by a stakeholder dialogue process
Proximity to the U.S./Mexico border, alcohol outlet density and population-based sociodemographic correlates of spatially aggregated violent crimes in California
Gay-straight alliances, school functioning, and mental health: associations for students of color and LGBTQ students
Risk factors for completed suicide among people who use drugs: a scoping review protocol
"Kicking the can down the street": social policy, intimate partner violence, and homicide during the opioid crisis
Latent profiles of alcohol consumption among college students exposed to trauma
Protective behavioral strategies mediate the relationship between overparenting and alcohol-related consequences among college students
Health behavior resources available to farmers in rural Ohio
Illicit drugs seizures in 2013-2018 and characteristics of the illicit market within the Neapolitan area
Investigating the chemical impurity profiles of fentanyl preparations and precursors to identify chemical attribution signatures for synthetic method attribution
Evaluation of pediatric patients admitted to the emergency department due to drug intoxication
Fall risk-increasing drugs, polypharmacy, and falls among low-income community-dwelling older adults
Cannabis use, use frequency, and use disorder in large metropolitan, small metropolitan, and nonmetropolitan areas
Cardiac arrest due to cyanide intake
The association of engagement in substance use treatment with negative separation from the military among soldiers with post-deployment alcohol use disorder
The association between recent cannabis use and suicidal ideation in adults: a population-based analysis of the NHANES from 2005 to 2018
Adolescent girls and alcohol use: increasing concern during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alcohol, trait anger, and psychological flexibility: a laboratory investigation of intimate partner violence perpetration
Alcohol policies, firearm policies, and suicide in the United States: a lagged cross-sectional study
The risk of falling and consequences of falling in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving different types of anticoagulant
The role of positive affect in the association between stress and college student alcohol use
Shared electric scooter injuries admitted to Auckland City Hospital: a comparative review one year after their introduction
Traumatic brain injury and the misuse of alcohol, opioids, and cannabis
Gender, acculturation, and alcohol-related consequences among college students of color
Morbidity and mortality in schizophrenia with comorbid substance use disorders
Alcohol policy and gender: a modelling study estimating gender-specific effects of alcohol pricing policies
Cannabis use and posttraumatic stress disorder comorbidity: epidemiology, biology and the potential for novel treatment approaches
Current prescription opioid misuse and suicide risk behaviors among high school students
A digital health tool to understand and prevent cannabis-impaired driving among youth: a cross-sectional study of responses to a brief intervention for cannabis use
Effects of a multi-component alcohol prevention intervention at sporting events: a quasi-experimental control group study
Adolescent substance abuse, transgenerational consequences and epigenetics
Association between benzodiazepine or Z-drug prescriptions and drug-related poisonings among patients receiving buprenorphine maintenance: a case-crossover analysis
Associations of social capital with mental disorder prevalence, severity, and comorbidity among U.S. adolescents
Special Report from the CDC: Antidepressant subclass use and fall risk in community-dwelling older Americans
Street-drug lethality index: a novel methodology for predicting unintentional drug overdose fatalities in population research
Trends and differences in alcohol-related mortality rates by gender and by prefectures in Japan between 1995 and 2016
Using machine learning to predict suicide in the 30 days after discharge from psychiatric hospital in Denmark
Using population pharmacokinetic modeling to estimate exposure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in an observational study of cannabis smokers in Colorado
Patterns of heavy drinking behaviour over age and birth cohorts among Chinese men: a Markov model
Does seeing it make a difference? The self-reported deterrent impact of random breath testing
Ethnicity, immigration status, and driving under the influence of alcohol
Characterising the patterns of and factors associated with increased alcohol consumption since COVID-19 in a UK sample
Why switch? - motivations for self-substitution of illegal drugs
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: recommended methods for the identification and analysis of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in seized materials
When cannabis use goes wrong: mental health side effects of cannabis use that present to emergency services
Steering clear: Traffic violations among emerging adults who engage in habitual or casual cannabis use
Rural adults' perceived role of family members in prescription opioid misuse prevention: implications for family-based approaches
Perspectives on the implementation of screening and treatment for depression and alcohol use disorder in primary care in Colombia
Profile of substance misuse among adolescent and young adult gabapentinoid users: a register-based follow-up study of former adolescent psychiatric inpatients
Psychosocial well-being among veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder
Palliative care and aggressive interventions after falling: a Nationwide Inpatient Sample analysis
Knowledge of a drug-related good samaritan law among people who use drugs, Vancouver, Canada
A large-scale retrospective study of opioid poisoning in New York State with implications for targeted interventions
Family functioning and mental health changes following a family therapy intervention in Kenya: a pilot trial
Extracorporeal treatments for isoniazid poisoning: systematic review and recommendations from the Extracorporeal Treatments in Poisoning workgroup
Forensic pathological study of methadone-related deaths in the Genoa (Italy) district: a six-year study
Harm reduction strategies and drug-related negative consequences in the dance music scene: the moderating role of polysubstance use
Identifying individuals with opioid use disorder: validity of International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes for opioid use, dependence and abuse
Bradyarrhythmia due to mirtazapine overdose: a case of serious adverse event in a suicidal patient
Daily social pressure and alcohol consumption among Chinese women: a cross-sectional study
Differential predictors for alcohol use in adolescents as a function of familial risk
Experiences of violence and mental health outcomes among Colombian men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women
Association of Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS)-61 items with clinical psychiatric diagnosis in adulthood
The behavioral sequelae of cannabis use in healthy people: a systematic review
Benzodiazepines reported in NFLIS-Drug, 2015 to 2018
Combinations of drinking occasion characteristics associated with units of alcohol consumed among British adults: an event-level decision tree modeling study
Cannabis legalization and college mental health
Cannabis use in older adults: a perspective
Cannabis-induced mania following CoViD-19 self-medication: a wake-up call to improve community awareness
Association of cannabis retailer proximity and density with cannabis use among pregnant women in northern California after legalization of cannabis for recreational use
The association between the score of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity traits and risky driving behaviors with alcohol intake and narcotics consumption among Iranian motorcyclists
Association between age of cannabis initiation and gray matter covariance networks in recent onset psychosis
Associated factors to abusive alcoholic beverage consumption in suicide victims
Assessment of annual cost of substance use disorder in US hospitals
Take home injectable opioids for opioid use disorder during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic is in urgent need: a case study
Trauma-related guilt and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in military veterans: The role of psychological inflexibility
Trends in Alcohol Consumption for Korean Adults from 1998 to 2018: Korea National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey
"Who are at higher sexual risk?" latent class analysis of behavioral intentions among Spanish adolescents
Substance use among street-connected children and adolescents in Ghana and South Africa: a cross-country comparison study
Interrupted time series analysis to evaluate the performance of drug overdose morbidity indicators shows discontinuities across the ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM transition
Is alcohol consumption related to lifestyle factors in Romanian university students?
LGBTQ state policies: a lever for reducing SGM youth substance use and bullying
Methamphetamine-related postmortem cases in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Interrupted time series analysis of cannabis coding in Colorado during the ICD-10-CM transition
Examining the intended and unintended impacts of raising a minimum legal drinking age on primary and secondary societal harm and violence from a contextual policy perspective: a scoping review
The effects of alcohol intoxication on cognitive functions critical for driving: a systematic review
Drug- and alcohol-related emergency department patient presentations during the 2018 Commonwealth Games: a multi-site retrospective analysis
Descriptive exploration of overdose codes in hospital and emergency department discharge data to inform development of drug overdose morbidity surveillance indicator definitions in ICD-10-CM
Defining indicators for drug overdose emergency department visits and hospitalisations in ICD-10-CM coded discharge data
The association between child alcohol sipping and alcohol expectancies in the ABCD study
Multiple suicide attempts in an individual with opioid dependence: unintended harm of lockdown during the COVID-19 outbreak?
Pharmaceuticals poisoning: reported by the National Poison Centre in Malaysia between 2010 and 2015
Sex and age effects on neurobehavioral toxicity induced by binge alcohol
Using social media comments to reduce alcohol purchase intentions: an online experiment
Why did New Zealand's referendum to legalise recreational cannabis fail?
Total and cause-specific mortality in patients with personality disorders: the association between comorbid severe mental illness and substance use disorders
Trends in overdose experiences and prevention behaviors among people who use opioids in Baltimore, MD, 2017-2019
Sex differences in the relationship between prescription opioid misuse and gun and other weapon-carrying behaviors
Patterns of sexting and sexual behaviors in youth: a latent class analysis
The joint effect of childhood abuse and homelessness on substance use in adulthood
Hoots and harm reduction: a qualitative study identifying gaps in overdose prevention among women who smoke drugs
Impetuous suicidality with zolpidem use: a case report and minireview
Detaining people who use drugs in Cambodia: a dual-track system
Developing explanatory models for life course shifts in the burden of substance use to inform future policy and practice
Development of an improved method to estimate the days of continuous drug ingestion, based on the micro-segmental hair analysis
"Doctor and pharmacy shopping": a fading signal for prescription opioid use monitoring?
Complications and hospital stay after endoscopic retrieval of drug baggies in body stuffers: an observational prospective study
Attentional bias in alcohol and cannabis use disorder outpatients as indexed by an odd-one-out visual search task: evidence for speeded detection of substance cues but not for heightened distraction
Alcohol, health education and changing notions of risk in Britain, 1980-1990
Teaching youth to resist abuse: evaluation of a strengths-based child maltreatment curriculum for high school students
Unwitting adult marijuana poisoning: a case series
Sharing data from research on illicit drug economies
Pre-arrest diversion to addiction treatment by law enforcement: protocol for the community-level policing initiative to reduce addiction-related harm, including crime
Predictors of the discharge mode from forensic addiction treatment: review of the determinants of success of a treatment order according to sec. 64 of the German Criminal Code (Part I)
Punch-drunk or drunken boxing? The etiology of alcohol-related physical violence through adolescence and young adulthood
Massive suicidal ingestion of caffeine: a case report with investigation of the cardiovascular effect/concentration relationships
Notes from the field: Opioid overdose deaths before, during, and after an 11-week CoViD-19 stay-at-home order - Cook County, Illinois, January 1, 2018-October 6, 2020
Increased rates of diphenhydramine overdose, abuse, and misuse in the United States, 2005-2016
A hybrid evaluation-optimization trial to evaluate an intervention targeting the intersection of alcohol and sex in college students and simultaneously test an additional component aimed at preventing sexual violence
Drug-dependent risk of self-harm in patients with bipolar disorder: a comparative effectiveness study using machine learning imputed outcomes
Early childhood behavioral and academic antecedents of lifetime opioid misuse among urban youth
Development and examination of the attribution questionnaire-substance use disorder (AQ-SUD) to measure public stigma towards adolescents experiencing substance use disorders
Association between post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol-related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees
Association of state-level intoxicated driving laws with firearm homicide and suicide
Binge drinking before and after a COVID-19 campus closure among first-year college students
Changes in alcohol use since the onset of COVID-19 are associated with psychological distress among sexual and gender minority university students in the U.S
Alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder symptomatology in adolescents and aggression: associations with recruitment of neural regions implicated in retaliation
A visual approach for defining the spatial relationships among crashes, crimes, and alcohol retailers: Applying the color mixing theorem to define the colocation pattern of multiple variables
Spouse and child abuse associated with illicit drug use in iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Trends in adolescent alcohol and other risky health- and school-related behaviours and outcomes in Australia
Supersized alcopop related calls in the National Poison Data System, 2010-2019
Preliminary analysis of low-level alcohol use and suicidality with children in the adolescent brain and cognitive development (ABCD) baseline cohort
Randomized controlled trial of an alcohol-related sexual risk reduction intervention with adolescents: the role of neurocognitive activation during risky decision-making
The rising tide of methamphetamine use in elderly trauma patients
Predicting opioid overdose risk of patients with opioid prescriptions using electronic health records based on temporal deep learning
Evaluation of fentanyl test strip distribution in two Mid-Atlantic syringe services programs
Effects of stomach content on the breath alcohol concentration-transdermal alcohol concentration relationship
Drug use and pattern of injuries sustained by drivers involved in road traffic crashes
Drug presence in driving deaths in Maryland: comparing trends and prevalence in medical examiner and FARS data
Differential psychopathological profile of male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on problematic alcohol use
CYP2D6-inhibiting drugs and risk of fall injuries after newly initiated antidepressant and antipsychotic therapy in a Swedish, register-based case-crossover study
Can a neighborhood fall sick? Opioid addiction, collective violence and currents of death in contemporary india
Alcohol and cocaine use prior to suspected suicide: insights from toxicology
Alcohol misuse among older military veterans: an intersectionality theory perspective
Analysis of drink-driving behavior: considering the subjective and objective factors of drivers
Attitudinal factors associated with drink counting
Changes in alcohol use and drinking and driving outcomes from before arrest for driving under the influence to after interlock removal
Abuse of nutmeg seeds - detectable by means of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques?
Adolescent peers and prevention: network patterns of sexual violence attitudes and bystander actions
Alcohol and drug use among road users involved in fatal crashes in Norway
Antihistamine-related deaths in England: are the high safety profiles of antihistamines leading to their unsafe use?
Associations of subjective and objective stress responses with interpersonal trauma, PTSD, stress-induced drinking, and drinking to cope in young adults
Trends in cannabis use among adults with children in the home in the United States, 2004-2017: Impact of state-level legalization for recreational and medical use
Variation of drugs involved in acute drug toxicity presentations based on age and sex: an epidemiological approach based on European emergency departments
Understanding domestic violence in india during CoViD-19: a routine activity approach
Cost-effectiveness of a multi-disciplinary emergency consultation system for suicide attempts by drug overdose in young people and adult populations
Depression, antidepressants and fall risk: therapeutic dilemmas-a clinical review
Synthetic cathinone poisoning from ingestion of drug-laced "instant coffee packets" in Taiwan
Trajectories of change in depression symptoms and suicidal ideation over the course of evidence-based treatment for depression: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy plus fluoxetine in young people
Traditional Chinese medicine poisoning in the emergency departments in Hong Kong: trend, clinical presentation and predictors for poor outcome
Suicidal iron overdose: a case report and review of literature
Substance use and violent victimization: evidence from a cohort of >82,000 patients treated for alcohol and drug use disorder in Denmark
Shifting awareness among electronic dance music party attendees that drugs may contain fentanyl or other adulterants
Screening for excessive alcohol consumption in emergency departments: a nationwide assessment of emergency department physicians
Psychological stress, smoking, and hazardous drinking behaviors among South Korean adults: findings from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Personal correlates of support for medical and recreational cannabis legalization in Australia
Perspectives on motivation and change in an intervention for men who use substances and perpetrate intimate partner abuse: findings from a qualitative evaluation of the advance intervention
Physical diseases and elderly suicide in rural China: a case-control psychological autopsy study
Prevalence and correlates of driving under the influence of cannabis in the US
Prevalence and differential profile of patients with substance use disorder who have suffered physical and/or sexual abuse
Investigating the link between narcissism and problem behaviors in adolescence
Measurement uncertainty in quantifying delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in blood using SPE and LC/MS/MS
Do benzodiazepines impair motor and nonmotor symptoms in a sample of Parkinson's disease patients?
Drinking and neighborhood contexts of alcohol's harms from others
Drugs of abuse and ocular effects
Increased treatment engagement and adherence: flexible management with prolonged-release buprenorphine in treatment of opioid dependence
The epidemiology of substance use disorders among the adult Jewish population in Israel
Examining associations between race, gender, alcohol use, school performance, and patterns of bullying in the school context: a latent class analysis
Impact of COVID-19 on selected criminal activities in Dhaka, Bangladesh
The frequency distribution of reported THC concentrations of legal cannabis flower products increases discontinuously around the 20% THC threshold in Nevada and Washington state
Prevalence and associated factors of alcohol use patterns among university students in Uganda
Young drivers vs. non-drivers: are there differences in behaviour?
Risk and protective factors for cannabis, cocaine, and opioid use disorders: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies
Increase in pregabalin recreational use in adolescents in France
Intersections between young women's racial/ethnic identities and sexual orientation on rates of sexual violence and substance use
Association between legalization of recreational cannabis and fatal motor vehicle collisions in the United States: an ecologic study
The association between type of trauma, level of exposure and addiction
Attributable fractions for substance use in relation to crime
Brief report: the impact of CoViD-19 on emergency department overdose diagnoses and county overdose deaths
Acute cannabis intoxication in the emergency department: the effect of legalization
Addressing harmful alcohol use in primary care in Colombia: understanding the sociocultural context
Adolescents' perceived drinking norms toward alcohol misuse: an integrative review
Adverse childhood experiences, racial microaggressions, and alcohol misuse in Black and White emerging adults
Alcohol use, intimate partner violence, and HIV sexual risk behavior among young people in fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda
Criterion for initiating hemodialysis based on serum caffeine concentration in treating severe caffeine poisoning
Do ridesharing services increase alcohol consumption?
Drinking to cope with posttraumatic stress: a nationally representative study of men with and without military combat experience
Evaluation of state cannabis laws and rates of self-harm and assault
Examining parental permissiveness toward drinking and perceived ethnic discrimination as risk factors for drinking outcomes among Latinx college students
Fatal poisonings involving clozapine: a 16-year review of Australian coronial investigations
Does alcohol-related desire thinking predict in-the-moment drinking behaviours?
Opioid use disorder and overdose among youth following an initial opioid prescription
Policy influence and the legalized cannabis industry: learnings from other addictive consumption industries
Surviving but not thriving: burden of care and quality of life for caregivers of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and comorbid substance use in South Africa
Using multivariate endophenotypes to identify psychophysiological mechanisms associated with polygenic scores for substance use, schizophrenia, and education attainment
Trends in MDMA-related mortality across four countries
Use of cannabis for harm reduction among people at high risk for overdose in Vancouver, Canada (2016-2018)
Epigenetic mechanisms underlying pathobiology of alcohol use disorder
Suicide risk and addiction: the impact of alcohol and opioid use disorders
Subgroups of comorbid PTSD and AUD in U.S. military veterans predict differential responsiveness to two integrated treatments: a latent class analysis
Relationship between insomnia with alcohol drinking before sleep (Ne-Zake) or in the morning (Mukae-Zake) among Japanese farmers
The relationship between early alcohol use behaviors and adolescent pubertal and psychosocial development: a latent growth analysis
Driving impairment following vaporization of cannabis-reply
The effect of income level on all-cause mortality and suicide among patients using antidepressants: a population-based cohort study
Effects of alcohol sensitivity on alcohol-induced blackouts and passing out: an examination of the alcohol sensitivity questionnaire among underage drinkers
Flying below the radar: psychoactive drug use among young male construction workers in Sydney, Australia
Frequent marijuana or alcohol use in low-income emerging adults: impact of adverse life experiences
Changes in alcohol use and drinking context due to the CoViD-19 pandemic: a multimethod study of college student drinkers
Driving impairment following vaporization of cannabis
Driving impairment following vaporization of cannabis
Driving impairment following vaporization of cannabis
Alcohol testing and alcohol involvement among violent deaths by state, 2014-2016
The role of executive functioning deficits in the association between substance-use-related stigma and substance use problems among trauma-exposed individuals
Structural racism and violence as social determinants of health: conceptual, methodological and intervention challenges
To end the opioid crisis, we must address painful social disparities
A longitudinal examination of alcohol cessation and academic outcomes among a sample of Canadian secondary school students
Prevalence and impact of potentially inappropriate medication on community-dwelling older adults
Repetitive blast mild traumatic brain injury increases ethanol sensitivity in male mice and risky drinking behavior in male combat veterans
Fraternity and sorority membership and risky sexual behavior
How alcohol affects motor control: not your usual suspects
Alcohol trajectories and subsequent risk for opioid misuse in a cohort of urban adolescents
A comparison of Chinese adults who consume homemade versus commercial alcohol
Substance use and mental health outcomes during emerging adulthood among individuals with different patterns of child maltreatment
"When they say weed causes depression, but it's your fav antidepressant": knowledge-aware attention framework for relationship extraction
Understanding non-installers of the ignition interlock device: a qualitative analysis
Mortality trends for young adults in Sweden in the years 2000-2017
Substance use predictors of attendance among veterans in integrated PTSD and alcohol use disorder treatment
Take-home naloxone programs for suspected opioid overdose in community settings: a scoping umbrella review
Sleep and alcohol use among young adult drinkers with insomnia: a daily process model
Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants as a "red flag" for other substance use
Opioid misuse and family structure: changes and continuities in the role of marriage and children over two decades
A pluralistic approach to the definition, classification, and explanation of gangs
Model-based and model-free control predicts alcohol consumption developmental trajectory in young adults: a 3-year prospective study
Navigating post-eviction drug use amidst a changing drug supply: a spatially-oriented qualitative study of overlapping housing and overdose crises in Vancouver, Canada
Neuroimaging evidence for structural correlates in adolescents resilient to polysubstance use: a five-year follow-up study
Hydrogen gas alleviates acute alcohol-induced liver injury by inhibiting JNK activation
"I wanted to close the chapter completely … and I feel like that [carrying naloxone] would keep it open a little bit": Refusal to carry naloxone among newly-abstinent opioid users and 12-step identity
Impact of a pharmacy-led fall prevention program for institutionalized older people
A free mailed naloxone program in Philadelphia amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Gender-based differences in perceptions about sexual violence, equality and drug‑facilitated sexual assaults in nightlife contexts
Early life mental health and problematic drinking in mid-adulthood: evidence from two British birth cohorts
Drug-facilitated sexual assault and other crimes: a systematic review by countries
A comparative analysis of the substance use and mental health characteristics of nurses who complete suicide
CoViD-19 and alcohol poisoning: a fatal competition
Clinical practice guideline on pharmacological and psychological management of adult patients with depression and a comorbid substance use disorder
Alcohol consumption and cause-specific mortality in Cuba: prospective study of 120 623 adults
An approach to the evaluation of the potency of cannabis resin in Madrid: a health hazard?
Opioid pain medication misuse, concomitant substance misuse, and the unmet behavioral health treatment needs of transgender and gender diverse adults
The great crime recovery: crimes against women during, and after, the COVID-19 lockdown in Mexico
Exploring the determinants of older adults' susceptibility to pedestrians' incidents
Antisuicidal and antidepressant effects of ketamine and esketamine in patients with baseline suicidality: a systematic review
Addressing mental health challenges of Samoan Americans in southern california: perspectives of Samoan community providers
Binge drinking among Hispanic older adults: 2015-2019
Prospects for the use of cannabinoids in psychiatric disorders
Changes in young adults' alcohol and marijuana use, norms, and motives from before to during the COVID-19 Pandemic
New biochemical markers of ethyl alcohol abuse - new possibilities in clinical practice
Prevalence of drinking within low-risk guidelines during the first two years following inpatient rehabilitation for moderate or severe traumatic brain injury
'Have you ever traded sex for money or drugs?' Health care providers' perspectives on sex trafficking risk assessments in clinics
Effect of culture on gender differences in risky driver behavior through comparative analysis of 32 countries
The effect of the orthopaedic trauma association's (OTA) pain management guidelines on opioid prescriptions, pain control, and refills in outpatient orthopaedic trauma surgery
Elder abuse among Spanish and Iranian people: new methodological approach to the same old story
All-cause and suicide mortality among people with methamphetamine use disorder: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan
The economics of the illicit drugs-for-guns trade and growth
Trajectories of multiple behavioral risk factors and their associations with cognitive function trajectories among older African Americans and White Americans
The association between the time of alcohol drinking and injury risk in Thailand: a cross-sectional emergency department study
Distress tolerance as a mechanism linking violence exposure to problematic alcohol use in adolescence
The effect of alcohol sales restrictions on alcohol poisoning mortality: evidence from Russia
Evaluating the effects of two alcohol reduction counseling interventions on intimate partner violence perpetration: secondary analysis of a three-arm randomized controlled trial among Vietnamese men with HIV
Increasing alcohol control policy support: the mediating role of empathy and emotions
The influence of substance abuse on inhibition capacities and risky decision in a group of outpatient schizophrenia patients
A public health based vision for the management and regulation of opioids
Rising incidence and high mortality in intentional sodium nitrite exposures reported to US poison centers
Marijuana: a systems-based primer of adverse effects associated with use and an overview of its therapeutic utility
Marijuana for glaucoma treatment: a recipe for disaster
Personal assessment of ability to drive under the influence of alcohol vs. objective measurement
Within-person associations between romantic involvement and mental health among sexual and gender minorities assigned female-at-birth
Clinical effects of intravenous bupropion misuse reported to a regional poison center
Drinking to cope as a mechanism between sleep problems and heavy episodic drinking among trauma survivors
Exploring the use of workplaces to recruit "hard-to-reach" male drinkers to a survey on alcohol use and awareness of health messages
Gender differences in the prediction of alcohol intoxication among adolescents
Health care utilization due to substance abuse among homeless and nonhomeless children and young adults in New York
Road traffic injuries and substance use among emergency department patients in the Dominican Republic and Peru
The safety of medicinal plants used in the treatment of vitiligo and hypermelanosis: a systematic review of use and reports of harm
Predictors of safe prescription opioid storage and participation in drug take-back events: results from a statewide survey
Mental disorders and substance abuse among Rwandan university students: the moderating effects of interpersonal violence
Alcohol's effects on bystander intervention strategies to prevent sexual assault
All in the family: parental substance misuse, harsh parenting, and youth substance misuse among juvenile justice-involved youth
The burden of drug abuse in Nigeria: a scoping review of epidemiological studies and drug laws
Can educational videos reduce opioid consumption in trauma inpatients? A cluster-randomized pilot study
Suicidal ideation of men with alcohol use disorder in South Korea: a structural equation modeling analysis
The role of law enforcement officers/police in drug prevention within educational settings-study protocol for the development of a guiding document based on experts' opinions
Neighborhood, peer, and parental influences on minor and major substance use of Latino and Black Adolescents
Pain acceptance creates an emotional context that protects against the misuse of prescription opioids: a study in a sample of patients with chronic noncancer pain
Parents' initiation of alcohol drinking among elementary and kindergarten students
Mental health of children and adolescents amidst CoViD-19 and past pandemics: a rapid systematic review
The influence of alcohol consumption on fighting, shoplifting and vandalism in young adults
Extending the "Worst of Both Worlds" hypothesis to the developmental antecedents of crime and substance use: school bullying and alcohol experimentation
Experimental and theoretical approaches to describing interactions in natural cell membranes occurring as a result of fatal alcohol poisoning
To the Editor: Our response to "Substance use improvement depends on Race/Ethnicity: Outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample"
Computer-delivered personalized feedback intervention for hazardous drinkers with elevated anxiety sensitivity: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Anabolic steroids and extreme violence: a case of murder after chronic intake and under acute influence of metandienone and trenbolone
Addressing long overdue social and structural determinants of the opioid epidemic
The effects of alcohol hangover on response inhibition and attentional bias towards alcohol-related stimuli
Differences in health behavior profiles of adolescents in urban and rural areas in a Korean city
Disciplinary approaches for cannabis use policy violations in Canadian secondary schools
Alcohol consumption among freshman college students in Spain: individual and pooled analyses of three cross-sectional surveys (2005, 2012 and 2016)
Association between exposure to alcohol's harm to others and health-related quality of life in Korean adults: a nationwide population-based study
Classifying alcohol control policies with respect to expected changes in consumption and alcohol-attributable harm: the example of Lithuania, 2000-2019
Co-use of alcohol and cannabis: longitudinal associations with mental health outcomes in young adulthood
Drug dealing and gun carrying go hand in hand: examining how juvenile offenders' gun carrying changes before and after drug dealing spells across 84 months
U.S. trends in adolescent substance use and conduct problems and their relation to trends in unstructured in-person socializing with peers
Postmortem screening of opioids, benzodiazepines, and alcohol among rural and urban suicide decedents
Opioids and injury deaths: a population-based analysis of the United States from 2006 to 2017
Migration intentions and alcohol use among adolescents in West-Central Mexico
Illicit substance use disparities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual high school students in the U.S. in 2017
Opioids: A 'crisis' of too much or not enough - or simply how rich you are and where you live?
Perspectives re-legalizing cannabis for medical use in the USA
Latent class analysis of individual-level characteristics predictive of intervention outcomes in urban male adolescents
High school intramural participation and substance use: a longitudinal analysis of COMPASS data
Examining the alcohol-related consequences of adult drinkers who self-report medicating low mood with alcohol: an analysis of the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions survey data
An examination of retailers' compliance with the minimum legal drinking (purchasing) age law in Slovenia: a quasi-experimental intervention study
Evidence for the transfer of methadone and EDDP by sweat to children's hair
Effects of low-dose alcohol exposure in adolescence on subsequent alcohol drinking in adulthood in a rat model of depression
Contextualizing the association between school climate and student well-being: the moderating role of rurality
Cognitive processing therapy for substance-involved sexual assault: does an account help or hinder recovery?
Associations between childhood and adolescence adversity and risk for arrest among patients with first-episode psychosis
Alcohol hangover across the lifespan: impact of sex and age
Re-examining the link between childhood maltreatment and substance use disorder: a prospective, genetically informative study
Incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of pediatric trauma in rural Appalachia (West Virginia) from 2017 to 2019
Ketamine use in operation Enduring Freedom
Usability and acceptability of a mobile app for the self-management of alcohol misuse among veterans (Step Away): pilot cohort study
Alcohol industry arguments for liberalizing alcohol policy in Finland: analysis of Twitter data
Alcohol use disorder in the age of technology: a review of wearable biosensors in alcohol use disorder treatment
Anti-seizure medications and risk of suicide: re-addressing the issue
Driver monitoring systems (DMS): the future of impaired driving management?
Cannabis marketing and problematic cannabis use among adolescents
Impaired driving and legalization of recreational cannabis
Cycling under the influence of alcohol - attitudes and perceptions of Norwegian cyclists
Employment after vocational rehabilitation predicts decreased health care utilization in veterans with mental health diagnoses
Evaluation of a local ordinance to prevent any underage purchases in liquor stores: the need for enforcement
Risk of fractures and other injuries in children treated with antiseizure medications for epilepsy
Snapshot of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances in Kuwait: analysis of illicit drugs use in Kuwait from 2015 to 2018
Substance use and victimization experiences among college students in Spain
Submerged corpses of an elderly couple retrieved from a canal with alcohol detected in their blood: a rare case of murder-suicide by drowning?
I am what I am: a meta-analysis of the association between substance user identities and substance use-related outcomes
Historical trauma and substance use among American Indian people with current substance use problems
The mortality due to external causes in Ukraine: lives that could be saved
'Rape myths' and a 'reasonable belief' of consent R v Lazarus [2017] NSWCCA 279
Wine night, 'bro-dinners', and jungle juice: disaggregating practices of undergraduate binge drinking
Service coordination to address maternal mental health, partner violence, and substance use: findings from a national survey of home visiting programs
Reducing prescribing of benzodiazepines in older adults: a comparison of four physician-focused interventions by a medical regulatory authority
Narcan and narcan't: implementation factors influencing police officer use of Narcan
The opioid crisis is driving mortality among under-served people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada
Help-seeking patterns and barriers to care among Latino immigrant men with unhealthy alcohol use
Limited evidence of associations between executive functioning and alcohol involvement in UK adolescents
Harmful consequences of heavy episodic drinking in young people in Denmark
Gender differences in the risk and protective factors of marijuana use among U.S. College students
Comorbid bipolar and alcohol use disorder-a therapeutic challenge
Alcohol-related morbidity and mortality
Impact of non-benzodiazepine sleep hypnotics on opioid overdose risk
YouTube as an educational resource for medication poisoning: a systematic review
Shyness and susceptibility to social influence: stronger concordance between norms and drinking among shy individuals
Silver Book II: an international framework for urgent care of older people in the first 72 hours from illness or injury
Substance use, mental well-being, and suicide ideation by sexual orientation among US adults
Merging statewide data in a public/university collaboration to address opioid use disorder and overdose
Mandatory treatment for methamphetamine use in Australia
Life expectancy in adulthood is falling for those without a BA degree, but as educational gaps have widened, racial gaps have narrowed
The influence of the opioid epidemic on firearm violence in Kentucky counties
Effect of Washington and Colorado's cannabis legalization on death by suicides
Exploring the impact of climate and extreme weather on fatal traffic accidents
"And we just have to keep going": task shifting and the production of burnout among overdose response workers with lived experience
Changes in drug use in European cities during early COVID-19 lockdowns - a snapshot from wastewater analysis
Cannabis and driving ability
Childhood maltreatment, psychiatric symptoms, and suicidal thoughts among adolescents receiving substance use treatment services
Monitoring drug trends in the digital environment-new methods, challenges and the opportunities provided by automated approaches
Pathways between COVID-19 public health responses and increasing overdose risks: a rapid review and conceptual framework
Psychological distress and alcohol use disorder during the COVID-19 era among middle- and low-income U.S. adults
Back from the dead: a case of bupropion overdose mimicking brain death
Neither ethical nor effective: the false promise of involuntary commitment to address the overdose crisis [editorial]
The health care system as champion to curb the drug overdose crisis [editorial]
Associations between social drinking events and pedestrian behavior - an observational study
Risky road behaviours cluster and share predictor variables with smoking and drinking, and anti-social behaviours during early adolescence
Alcohol and cannabis co-use and social context as risk pathways to sexual assault
Cannabis legalization and adolescent cannabis use: explanation of paradoxical findings
Understanding American Indian youth in residential recovery from substance use disorder: risk and protective experiences and perceived recovery support
"Undisciplined" drinking, multi-sectoralism and political power: examining problematisations in the Botswana alcohol policy
The role of PTSD symptom clusters and criterion in predicting future high-risk drug and alcohol use among returning veteran men and women
Pre-deployment personality traits predict prescription opioid receipt over 2-year post-deployment period in a longitudinal cohort of deployed National Guard soldiers
The predictive value of neurobiological measures for recidivism in delinquent male young adults
Prevalence and correlates of multiple non-fatal opioid overdoses among people who inject drugs who utilise needle syringe programs in Australia
Mortality in the Americas from 2013 to 2015 resulting from diseases, conditions and injuries which are 100% alcohol-attributable
Mortality in an opioid treatment program
"Hot" and "cold" cognition in users of club drugs/novel psychoactive substances
Intersecting structural oppression and Black sexual minority men's health
Exploring changes in gang involvement and associated risk factors for American Indian adolescents in reservation communities
Factors related to regional variation in the high-risk drinking rate in Korea: using quantile regression
Trait anger expression mediates childhood trauma predicting for adulthood anxiety, depressive, and alcohol use disorders
Escaping the past and living in the present: a qualitative exploration of substance use among Syrian male refugees in Germany
Rethinking 'carriage' of take-home naloxone
Methyl alcohol poisoning: an analysis of 18 consecutive cases
Drinking refusal self-efficacy: impacts on outcomes from a multi-site early intervention trial
Performance of a predictive model versus prescription-based thresholds in identifying patients at risk of fatal opioid overdose
An examination of the unintended consequences of the legalization of recreational marijuana on alcohol-related behaviors
Involuntary stabilization care of youth who overdose: a call for evidence- and ethics-informed substance use policy
Prevalence and sociodemographic determinants of substance use in Turkey
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of tryptamines in the poison of incilius alvarius (Amphibia: bufonidae)
Longitudinal opioid surveillance project involving toxicologic analysis of postmortem specimens from 9 counties in Michigan suggests the discovery of new high-intensity drug trafficking areas
Gender differences in sexual coercion perpetration: investigating the role of alcohol-use and cognitive risk factors
Exhumation of a methamphetamine body-packer: pitfalls of hair result interpretation
A cluster of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) poisonings following insufflation of a white powder sold as cocaine
Cannabis use in patients treated for opioid use disorder pre- and post-recreational cannabis legalization in Canada
Aggressiveness, impulsiveness, and the use of alcohol and drugs: understanding adolescence in different contexts
Sexual and gender minority health: toward a more complete accounting of social class
State-level economic costs of opioid use disorder and fatal opioid overdose - United States, 2017
A pilot study on the adequacy of the TOMM in detecting invalid performance in patients with substance use disorders
Nobody wants to be narcan'd: a pilot qualitative analysis of drug users' perspectives on naloxone
Fatal self-injury in the United States, 1999- 2018: unmasking a national mental health crisis-Authors' reply
Expectancy challenge interventions to reduce alcohol consumption among high school and college students: a meta-analysis
Letter on Rocket's et al., manuscript: Fatal self-injury in the United States, 1999-2018: unmasking a national mental health crisis
The link between planning and doing: daily-level associations between college students' plans for and use of alcohol-related protective behavioral strategies
Effect of alternative income assistance schedules on drug use and drug-related harm: a randomised controlled trial
The association between sociocultural factors and substance use among Haramaya University students
Strong associations among PTSD, pain, and alcohol and drug use disorders in VA primary care patients
Trends of acute drug and chemical toxicities in adults and adolescents in Tehran, Iran between 2012 and 2018: a retrospective chart review
Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: a meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies
On the relationship between classic psychedelics and suicidality: a systematic review
Driving after marijuana use among U.S. adolescents: prevalence profiles and related behaviors
The association of opioid use disorder and homelessness nationally in the veterans health administration
Relationship between ambient temperature and severe acute poisoning by alcohol and drugs
Trends in substances involved in polysubstance overdose fatalities in Maryland, USA 2003-2019
Harmful alcohol use among mothers of under-five child: findings from the Panel Study on Korean Children
Emergency hospital admissions for psychiatric disorders in a German-wide hospital network during the COVID-19 outbreak
Drinking games among university students in five countries: participation rates, game type, contexts, and motives to play
The combined impact of higher-risk on-license venue outlet density and trading hours on serious assaults in night-time entertainment precincts
Drink driving during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alcohol and marijuana polysubstance use: comparison of PTSD symptom endorsement and severity patterns
Breaching trust: a qualitative study of healthcare experiences of people who use drugs in a rural setting
What characterizes vulnerability? Interdisciplinary perspectives on service provision for survivors of sexual assault
Substance use, current criminal justice involvement, and lifetime suicidal thoughts and behaviors history: the moderating role of thwarted belonging
Surviving traumatic injury, only to die of acute drug poisoning: should trauma centers be a path for intervention?
Alcohol, drugs and sexual abuse in Cameroon's rainforest
Associations between adolescent mental health and health-related behaviors in 2005 and 2015: a population cross-cohort study
Cannabis dabbing: an emerging trend
Cannabis use and suicidal behavior and long-term harms
Cannabis use and suicidal behavior and long-term harms-reply
Convicted drinking and driving offenders: comparing alcohol use before and after the pandemic outbreak
Association between marijuana use and nonmedical prescription opioid use in the United States: are we shifting from one epidemic to another?
Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of an oral fluid screening test device for substance abuse at traffic controls
Gender differences in clinical presentation and illicit substance use during first episode psychosis: a natural language processing, electronic case register study
Machine learning prediction of blood alcohol concentration: a digital signature of smart-breathalyzer behavior
A rare presentation of anticholinergic toxicity in a young patient due to over-the-counter cold medicines
Drug-induced liver injury due to a horse chestnut dietary supplement
Exposure to Hurricane Sandy and risk of opioid abuse
Illicit drugs and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
Hip-flask defense: an experimental study in the Hungarian population
Review article: Anabolic-androgenic steroids, violence, and crime: two cases and literature review
Psychosocial factors predict the level of aggression of people with drug addiction: a machine learning approach
Longitudinal analysis of short-term changes in relationship conflict during CoViD-19: a risk and resilience perspective
Parenting in poor health: examining associations between parental health, prescription drug use, and child maltreatment
Paternal exposure to exercise and/or caffeine and alcohol modify offspring behavioural and pathophysiological recovery from repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (RmTBI) in adolescence
Pledged into harm: sorority and fraternity members face increased risk of sexual assault and sexual harassment
The investigation process of prospective children in criminal action
Association between alcohol, substance use, and inpatient burn outcomes
Association of prescription opioid use on mortality and hospital length of stay in the intensive care unit
Associations between social media usage and alcohol use among youths and young adults: findings from Understanding Society
California's Mental Health Services Act and mortality due to suicide, homicide, and acute effects of alcohol: a synthetic control application
Child maltreatment and substance use in emerging adulthood: internalizing and externalizing behaviors at the transition to adolescence as indirect pathways
Cigarette taxes and teen marijuana use
The contribution of occupation-specific factors to the deaths of despair, Massachusetts, 2005-2015
Convergence in alcohol abuse in Brazilian capitals between genders, 2006 to 2019: what population surveys show
A cross-sectional study of opioid involvement in non-poisoning suicide - risks and prevention opportunities
Decision-making by laypersons equipped with an emergency response smartphone app for opioid overdose
Effects of cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the elevated plus maze in mice
Evaluation of monitoring youth exposure to alcohol advertising on cable television, United States 2016-2019
An examination of psychiatric severity and social cohesion outcomes within Oxford Houses
Falls in young adults: the effect of sex, physical activity, and prescription medications
Hazardous and harmful alcohol use in the Northern Territory, Australia: the impact of alcohol policy on critical care admissions using an extended sampling period
The impact of CoViD-19 pandemic and lockdown on alcohol consumption: a perspective from hair analysis
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of emergency department services for the treatment of injuries
Lethal suicide attempt after dextromethorphan-associated sleep terror
Long-term recidivism of mentally disordered offenders considered "dangerous to the public" in Switzerland
Longitudinal associations of sleep problems with alcohol and cannabis use from adolescence to emerging adulthood
LSD use in the United States: trends, correlates, and a typology of us
Voluntary intoxication, homicide, and mens rea: past, present, and future
Underage adolescents' reactions to adverts for beer and spirit brands and associations with higher risk drinking and susceptibility to drink: a cross-sectional study in the UK
The relationships between risk-taking, depression, and alcohol use in the experience of suicidal ideation among adults in the general population
Peer-delivered services for substance use in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Relationship between cannabis use and psychotic experiences in college students
Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and substance use in youth offenders in Singapore
Prescription medication use and crash risk: taking responsibility for a new global challenge
Medications and risk of motor vehicle collision responsibility in British Columbia, Canada: a population-based case-control study
Mental health difficulties, coping mechanisms and support systems among school-going adolescents in Ghana: a mixed-methods study
Suicide as a hidden contributor to the opioid crisis and the role that primary care and emergency medicine play in addressing it
Longitudinal predictors of problematic alcohol use in adolescence: a 2-year follow-up study
Phenotypic and genetic markers of psychopathology in a population-based sample of older adults
Validation of the Opioid Overdose Risk Behavior Scale, version 2 (ORBS-2)
Cannabis-induced hallucinosis syndrome: a rare case report
Children prenatally exposed to alcohol and other drugs: what the literature tells us about child welfare information sources, policies, and practices to identify and care for children
Supporting family doctors to address elder abuse: a quasi-experimental study in Malaysia
Adverse effects of recreational and medical cannabis
Alcohol consumption in the Australian mining industry: the role of workplace, social, and individual factors
Concurrent childhood experiences impact underage substance use
Dropout from treatment and desistance from crime among released prisoners in Jerusalem halfway house for prisoners with substance misuse disorder
Effects of depression, anxiety and screen use on adolescent substance use
Food and alcohol disturbance in a broad age-range adult sample
Prevalence, sociodemographic variables, mental health condition, and type of drug use associated with suicide behaviors among people with substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The role of alcoholic and narcotic substances in population mortality due to external causes and development of legal regulation of responsibility for their consumption
Sexual health experiences among high school students with disabilities
2019 Annual Report of the Kansas Poison Control Center at The University of Kansas Health System
Deterioration of binocular vision after alcohol intake influences driving performance
Determining intent behind poisoning suicides
Cannabis and college students in British Columbia: attitudes, patterns of consumption and perception of harm
A feasibility test of the in vivo driving impairment research method: examining cannabinoid concentrations as predictors of risky drinking
Cannabis outcome expectancies, cannabis use motives, and cannabis use among a small sample of frequent using adults
Negative cannabis expectancies are associated with driving after cannabis use
The use of sodium nitrite for deliberate self-harm, and the online suicide market: Should we care?
Cohort study of medical cannabis authorization and motor vehicle crash-related healthcare visits in 2014-2017 in Ontario, Canada
Comparing transgender and cisgender experiences of being taken advantage of sexually while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs
Does drinking modify the relationship between men's gender-inequitable attitudes and their perpetration of intimate partner violence? A meta-analysis of surveys of men from seven countries in the Asia Pacific region
Call to action for enhanced equity and inclusion in cannabis research
Analysis of the California list of pesticides, mycotoxins, and cannabinoids in chocolate using liquid chromatography and low-pressure gas chromatography-based platforms
Antisocial personality disorder among patients in treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD): characteristics and predictors of early relapse or drop-out
An assessment of the role of parental incarceration and substance misuse in suicidal planning of African American youth and young adults
Ten seconds of my nights: exploring methods to measure brightness, loudness and attendance and their associations with alcohol use from video clips
Can't simply roll it out: evaluating a real-world virtual reality intervention to reduce driving under the influence
Perceived friendship and binge drinking in young adults: a study of the Human Connectome Project data
Mental well-being interventions in the military: the ten key principles [editorial]
Medication errors in residential facilities based on Danish Poison Information Center inquiries
Longitudinal associations between justice sensitivity, nonsuicidal self-injury, substance use, and victimization by peers
Linkage of public health and all payer claims data for population-level opioid research
Case report: multiple seizures after a diphenoxylate-atropine overdose in a small child
"I still don't know what happened, complete blackout": a content analysis of Tweets referencing alcohol-induced amnesia
Formate test for bedside diagnosis of methanol poisoning
Correction: Childhood adversity and self-poisoning: a hospital case control study in Sri Lanka
Correlation between alcohol use disorders, blood alcohol content, and length of stay in trauma patients
Cyanide poisoning compromises gene pathways modulating cardiac injury in vivo
Developing a safer road user behaviour index
An experimental investigation of peer rejection and social anxiety on alcohol and cannabis use willingness: accounting for social contexts and use cues in the laboratory
Does ridesourcing impact driving decisions: a survey weighted regression analysis
Aggressive driving behaviours in cannabis users. the influence of consumer characteristics
Analyses of commercially available alcohol-based hand rubs formulated with compliant and non-compliant ethanol
Are researchers getting the terms used to denote different types of recreational cannabis right?-a user perspective
Association of cigarette type initially smoked with suicidal behaviors among adolescents in Korea from 2015 to 2018
Suicidal behavior and club drugs in young adults
A systematic review and meta-analysis of associated factors of gender-based violence against women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Reducing television influences on US adolescents who are high reactance
Mujeres unidas: addressing substance use, violence, and hiv risk through asset-based community development for women in the sex trade
Effects of an alcohol-related harm prevention program among out-of-school female adolescents
Correction: Re-examining the link between childhood maltreatment and substance use disorder: a prospective, genetically informative study
Immune response profiling in patients with traumatic injuries associated with alcohol ingestion
Pharmacy-related buprenorphine access barriers: an audit of pharmacies in counties with a high opioid overdose burden
When the law influences medical practice: potential impact of the Bouchard-Lebrun ruling on the forensic unit of the Malartic Psychiatric Hospital in Northern Quebec, Canada
State sanctioned killing in the name of drugs: laws, practice and conflicting trends in Asia
Cannabis use disorder, anger, and violence in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans
Implementation of a New Hampshire community-initiated response to the opioid crisis: a mixed-methods process evaluation of Safe Station
Time perception and alcohol use: a systematic review
Themes and gaps in research for opioid use and misuse pertinent to orthopaedic injury patients
You have an effective brief intervention (BI) for young adults, now what? Concrete strategies to advance BI implementation in usual care settings
Abuse potential of synthetic cannabinoids: AM-1248, CB-13, and PB-22
Development of individuals' own and perceptions of peers' substance use from early adolescence to adulthood
Evaluation of forensic cases in the pediatric intensive care unit
Risky alcohol drinking pattern and its association with educational attainment and wealth index among adult men population in Ethiopia: further analysis of 2016 Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey
Opioid exposures reported to U.S. poison centers
The morning after the night before: alcohol-induced blackouts impair next day recall in sober young adults
"Klar bleiben" (keep a clear head)-a competition for school classes to reduce alcohol consumption
Suicide attempt in a patient with sibutramine associated psychosis
Social-ecological theory, substance misuse, adverse childhood experiences, and adolescent suicidal ideation: applications for community-academic partnerships
Self-reported and documented substance use among adolescents in the pediatric hospital
Non-targeted screening of drugs
Maladaptive behaviours in adolescence and their associations with personality traits, emotion dysregulation and other clinical features in a sample of Italian students: a cross-sectional study
An integrative review of arts-based strategies for addressing pain and substance use disorder during the opioid crisis
The influence of stigmatizing messages on danger appraisal: examining the model of stigma communication for opioid-related stigma, policy support, and related outcomes
Incidence and profile of acute intoxication among adult population in Najran, Saudi Arabia: a retrospective study
Has beverage composition of alcohol consumption in Sweden changed over time? An age-period-cohort analysis
Blood alcohol screening and outcomes in trauma team activation patients at a level 1 trauma centre in New Zealand
CANNUSE, a database of traditional cannabis uses-an opportunity for new research
Structural correlates of sensorimotor dysfunction in heavy cannabis users
Poisonings by substances of abuse at the Oslo Accident and Emergency Outpatient Clinic 2014-18
Illicit drug use and associated problems in the nightlife scene: a potential setting for prevention
Harm reduction in male patients actively using anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs): a review
Fentanyl-related substance scheduling as an effective drug control strategy
Factors affecting primary care practitioners' alcohol-related discussions with older adults: qualitative study
An unusual case of drunk driving in Japan: alcohol-related sleepwalking
Focusing on medications that increase the risk of falls in older adults [editorial]
Individual differences in the engagement of habitual control over alcohol seeking predict the development of compulsive alcohol seeking and drinking
The collision of mental health, substance use disorder, and suicide
Influencers and connectors in community prevention of drug abuse: balance between multi-site consistency and local community fit in program implementation
Tweeting about mental health to honor Carrie Fisher: how #InHonorOfCarrie reinforced the social influence of celebrity advocacy
Impact of online racism on psychological distress and alcohol use severity: testing ethnic-racial socialization and silence about race as moderators
Temporal, sex-specific, social media-based alcohol influences during the transition to college
Straight-sided beer and cider glasses to reduce alcohol sales for on-site consumption: a randomised crossover trial in bars
Examining the interaction between potentially morally injurious events and religiosity in relation to alcohol misuse among military veterans
Houston Cocktail: driving under influence of hydrocodone, alprazolam, and carisoprodol
An uphill battle: a case example of government policy and activist dissent on the death penalty for drug-related offences in Indonesia
Adverse reactions to illicit drugs (marijuana, opioids, cocaine) and alcohol
The burden of cannabis-attributed pediatric and adult emergency department visits
Modelling brake transition time of young alcohol-impaired drivers using hazard-based duration models
Riding with an impaired driver and driving while impaired among adolescents: longitudinal trajectories and their characteristics
Mental health difficulties among professional jockeys: a narrative review
Model-based planning and risky drinking
High and highly bonded: fused football fans who use cocaine are most likely to be aggressive toward rivals
Incidence of concussion and recovery of neurocognitive dysfunction on ImPACT assessment among youth athletes with premorbid depression or anxiety taking antidepressants
A clinical investigation into the ability of subjects with lung disease to provide breath specimens using the EvidenzerIRL evidential breath analyser in alcohol intoxicant driving in criminal justice evidence
Drinking and acquisition of unrecorded alcohol across educational groups in Sweden
Developmental comorbidity of substance use and handgun carrying among U.S. youth
The association between intended drinking contexts and alcohol expectancies in college students: a daily diary study
Associations of substance abuse histories and gambling addiction history with post-traumatic stress symptoms and depressive symptoms among Chinese prisoners
Reality of traffic injuries attributable to preceding decreased level of consciousness
Reflecting the times? Reexamining the effect of alcohol intoxication on perceptions of campus sexual assault
Severity analysis of red-light-running-related crashes using structural equation modeling
Student perceptions of cannabis use
Number of opioid overdoses and depression as a predictor of suicidal thoughts
Pharmacotherapy of patients taking new psychoactive substances: a systematic review and analysis of case reports
Probable post-traumatic stress disorder and harmful alcohol use among male members of the British Police Forces and the British Armed Forces: a comparative study
"Light cannabis" consumption in a sample of young adults: preliminary pharmacokinetic data and psychomotor impairment evaluation
Method development for the identification of methoxpropamine, 2-fluoro-deschloroketamine and deschloroketamine and their main metabolites in blood and hair and forensic application
Fraud in nutritional supplements for athletes: a narrative review
Examining the heterogeneity of polysubstance use patterns in young adulthood by age and college attendance
Exo- and endo-cannabinoids in depressive and suicidal behaviors
Availability of illegal drugs during the CoViD-19 pandemic in western Germany
Persons with substance abuse disorders and other addictions: coping with the CoViD-19 pandemic
Risk of electrolyte disorders, syncope and falls in patients taking thiazide diuretics: results of a cross-sectional study
Association between suicidal risks and medication-overuse headache in chronic migraine: a cross-sectional study
E-cigarette burns and explosions: what are the patterns of oromaxillofacial injury?
Cost offsets of treatment for serious mental illness and substance use disorder
Epidemiology of cannabidiol related cases reported in the National Poison Data System - 2019-2020
Increases in frequent vaping of cannabis among high school seniors in the United States, 2018-2019
Intentions, actions and outcomes: a follow up survey on harm reduction practices after using an English festival drug checking service
Prevention of drug-facilitated sexual assault
Substance use in youth at-risk for serious mental illness
How emotional shifts effect youth perceptions of opioid risk and efficacy: testing a Know the Truth campaign narrative
Modeling the influence of 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.08% blood alcohol concentrations on lane positioning and steering control of Indian drivers
Exploring gender differences in the vulnerability towards drug abuse among adolescents in Malaysia
Age-specific trends in risky drinking in Germany: collectivity or polarisation?
Formation of gangs and involvement in drug use among marginalized youth: uses of the anthropological view
Sexual violence as a mediator of sexual orientation disparities in alcohol use, suicidality, and sexual-risk behaviour among female youth
Alcohol outlets, drug paraphernalia sales, and neighborhood drug overdose
Alcohol use and related consequences for monoracial and multiracial Native American/American Indian college students
Substance use classes and symptoms of anxiety and depression among Canadian secondary school students
Housing, opportunities, motivation and engagement (HOME) for homeless youth at-risk for opioid use disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Prevalence, drinking patterns, and risk factors of alcohol use and early onset among Ghanaian senior high school students
Accidental deaths involving trees: professional and nonprofessional woodcutting and tree failures with autopsy findings
Factors associated with serious injuries among adolescents in Ghana: findings from 2012 Global School Health Survey
Sunshine, temperature and suicidal behaviour in patients treated with antidepressants: an explorative nested case-control study
The relationship between density of drug outlets, crime hot spots and family factors on the consumption of drugs and delinquent behaviour of male adolescent Mexican students
Pornography use, two forms of dehumanization, and sexual aggression: attitudes vs. Behaviors
Opioid use disorder treatment for people experiencing homelessness: a scoping review
The intersection of alcohol use, gender based violence and HIV: empirical findings among disadvantaged service-seeking youth in Kampala, Uganda
How does income affect mental health and health behaviours? A quasi-experimental study of the earned income tax credit
Attitudes and beliefs toward cannabis before recreational legalization: a cross-sectional study of community adults in Ontario
Cannabis and its permissibility status
Driving after cannabis use among young adults in Michigan
Effects of high-potency cannabis on psychomotor performance in frequent cannabis users
Knowledge of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol levels among cannabis consumers in the United States and Canada
The long-term, prospective, therapeutic impact of cannabis on post-traumatic stress disorder
Shifting the paradigm on cannabis safety
Workplace cannabis policies: a moving target
Sex differences in suicidal behaviors and aggression in US Veterans
Synthetic cannabinoids in e-liquids: a proton and fluorine NMR analysis from a conventional spectrometer to a compact one
Early childhood trauma, substance use and complex concurrent disorders among adolescents
What really matters in binge drinking: a dominance analysis of binge drinking psychological determinants among university students
Synthetic cannabinoid-related deaths in England, 2012-2019
Risk perceptions and DUI decisions of drivers in different legal environments: new evidence on differential deterrence from a Chinese sample
Prevention of self-harm through early detection of depression among the elderly with permanent pacemaker: a case report
Pregabalin and gabapentin in non-opioid poisoning deaths
Policing pain: a qualitative study of non-criminal justice approaches to managing opioid overdose during the COVID-19 pandemic
Olanzapine-induced aggression
The moderating effect of alcohol use disorder on intimate partner violence intervention outcomes in veterans
Kratom: an emerging issue and need for regulations in the United States
Illegal drug market responses to state recreational cannabis laws
High occurrence of witnessing an opioid overdose in a sample of women who use heroin in Tanzania: implications for overdose prevention
The effects of caffeinated products on sleep and functioning in the military population: a focused review
Drugs behind the veil of Islam: a view of Saudi youth
Work-related stress in cycle rickshaw taxi drivers from Mexico City's Historic Downtown
Application of single hair analysis reveals multiple administration of a drug mixture in a case of drug-facilitated sexual assault of a child
Commentary on Rychert and Wilkins (2021) 'Why did New Zealand's referendum to legalise recreational cannabis fail?'
Mental health of adolescents in Myanmar: a systematic review of prevalence, determinants and interventions
A case report on fatal intoxication by tapentadol: study of distribution and metabolism
Cannabinoid receptor 1 rs1049353 variant, childhood abuse, and the heterogeneity of PTSD symptoms: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Substance use behaviors in the daily lives of U.S. college students reporting recent use: the varying roles of romantic relationships
Was New Zealand's referendum to legalise cannabis premature?
'Alternative facts': public opinion surveys on the death penalty for drug offences in selected Asian countries
Authorization patterns, safety, and effectiveness of medical cannabis in Quebec
Problems facing families with substance abusers: a review study
Cannabinoid conundrum:: a study of marijuana and hemp legality in the United States
Adolescents' misuse of over-the-counter medications: the need for pharmacist-led intervention
Association between homicide injury severity and benzodiazepine influence
Public health impacts to date of the legalisation of medical and recreational cannabis use in the USA
The purity of alcohol from the viewpoint of Shiite jurisprudence
Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night-time Economy Monitoring (QUANTEM): rationale and overview
Summarising the impacts of the Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night-Time Economy (QUANTEM) project
"Aktion Glasklar"-an information and awareness campaign to prevent alcohol consumption in adolescence
Alcohol and illicit and non-medical prescription drug use before and during pregnancy in Stockholm, Sweden: a cross-sectional study
Assessing the impact of Queensland's late-night alcohol restrictions using health system data
Predictors of legal probation after forensic addiction treatment: review of the determinants of success of a treatment order according to sec. 64 of the German Criminal Code - Part II
Distress tolerance and subsequent substance use throughout high school
Impact of antidepressant prescriptions on suicidal behavior in times of severe financial strain
Acute neurological consequences of novel psychoactive substance use: a retrospective review in a large UK hospital
Association between intoxication and urgent neurosurgical procedures in severe traumatic brain injury: results from the American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program
Estimation of long-term costs of postacute care in survivors of the methanol poisoning outbreak
The impact of changes to alcohol policy on patron drinking behaviours in Queensland
The impact of late-night alcohol restrictions on ambulance call-outs in entertainment precincts
The impact of liquor legislation changes on police-recorded serious assault in Queensland, Australia
The impact of the Queensland government's tackling alcohol-fuelled violence policy on live music performances in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia
The impact of Queensland's tackling alcohol-fuelled violence policy on nightlife and business trade
Roadside surveys of drinking and driving in Cameroon
Heavy drinking as phenomenon: gender and agency in accounts of men's heavy drinking
Caffeine selectively mitigates cognitive deficits caused by sleep deprivation
Contextual influences on simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in a predominately white sample of college students
Delivering harm reduction to the community and frontline medical practitioners through the South Australian Drug Early Warning System (SADEWS)
Erratum to "Social determinants of drug-related mortality in a general population" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 181 (2017) 37-43]
Factors associated with calling 911 for an overdose: an ethnographic decision tree modeling approach
Increasing drug-related mortality rates over the last decade in Scotland are not just due to an ageing cohort: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study
Participation in road traffic and mobility in people with alcohol dependency and mental disability
Systematic review and meta-analysis: depressive symptoms and risky behaviors among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries
Acute and severe acute pancreatitis and the effect of cannabis in states before and after legalization compared with states without legalized cannabis
Relationships between insomnia and alcohol and cocaine use frequency with aggression among veterans engaged in substance use treatment
Mortality from drug overdoses, homicides, unintentional injuries, motor vehicle crashes, and suicides during the pandemic, March-August 2020: research letter
Relationship between benzodiazepine prescription, aggressive behavior, and behavioral disinhibition: a retrospective study in a Swiss prison
Psychological symptoms among evacuees from the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfires: a population-based survey one year later
Competing risks of women and men who use fentanyl: "The number one thing I worry about would be my safety and number two would be overdose"
Empowering the affected: informing community-based solutions through interviews with survivors of interpersonal firearm violence-perspectives of survivors of firearm injuries
Drugs and drug classes involved in overdose deaths among females, United States: 1999-2017
Health hazard assessment due to slimming medicinal plant intake
Mental health of Warsaw middle school students. Mokotow Study 2004-2016
2,4-Dinitrophenol: 'diet' drug death following major trauma
Are bottle shops using Twitter to increase advertising or encourage drinking during COVID-19?
Caffeine produces neutral effects on extraverts' and introverts' performance of fundamental motor skills
Community perceptions of gendered alcohol misuse in a food insecure context: the case of northwestern Benin
Legal regulation as a human right and public health approach to currently prohibited substances
Just "nanging" around - harmful nitrous oxide use. A retrospective case series and review of internet searches, social media posts and the coroner's database
Two-year treatment effects of the common elements treatment approach (CETA) for reducing intimate partner violence and unhealthy alcohol use in Zambia
Validity of short-term assessment of risk and treatability in the Japanese Forensic Probation Service
Alcohol use before the age of 14: marker variable or independent risk factor?
Association between sexual orientation acceptance and suicidal ideation, substance use, and internalised homophobia amongst the pink carpet Y cohort study of young gay, bisexual, and queer men in Singapore
Reprint of: The regulation project: tools for engaging the public in the legal regulation of drugs
Social network characteristics among racial/ethnic minority young adult males with prior criminal justice system involvement
Status epilepticus after drinking reverse osmosis-treated water
Strategic innovations in cannabis legalization policy: lessons from early adopters
Study of choroidal thickness variations after ingestion of a taurine and caffeine-containing energy drink
Past-year kratom use in the U.S.: estimates from a nationally representative sample
Poppy intoxication in infants and children: hazards of a folk remedy
Using Mendelian randomization analysis to better understand the relationship between mental health and substance use: a systematic review
Type of tea consumption and depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults
New perspective for the in-field analysis of cannabis samples using handheld near-infrared spectroscopy: a case study focusing on the determination of Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol
Online interventions for people hospitalized for deliberate self-harm and problematic alcohol use: Lessons learned from the iiAIM trial
Perceptions and use of alcohol and medical cannabis among Canadian military veterans living with PTSD
Poisoning among the elderly
Recovery from alcohol among urban Alaska Native and American Indian people
Psychometric properties of the short UPPS-P scale in adolescents: gender, age invariance, and validity among italian youth
Mental health challenges related to neoliberal capitalism in the United States
Medications for daytime sleepiness in individuals with idiopathic hypersomnia
A man can only be truly known in drunkenness and war. An anthropological perspective on alcohol use during the Portuguese Colonial War
Killing in the name of the war on drugs [editorial]
Can novel "swift-certain-fair" programs work outside of pioneering jurisdictions? An analysis of 24/7 Sobriety in Montana, USA
Epidemiology, pattern and prevalence of alcohol consumption in India: need for public health action
Examining changes in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and substance use among a sample of Canadian veterans working with service dogs: an exploratory patient- oriented longitudinal study
Retrospective analysis of acute poisoning cases in pediatric intensive care unit in Thrace region
Analysis of the AUDIT factor structure in adolescents between 18 and 19 years
Associations of cannabis use, opioid use, and their combination with serious psychological distress among Ontario adults
Beneficial and harmful effects of antidepressants versus placebo, 'active placebo', or no intervention for adults with major depressive disorder: a protocol for a systematic review of published and unpublished data with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses
Coronavirus lockdown: excessive alcohol consumption and illicit substance use in DUI subjects
Decreasing perceived risk associated with regular cannabis use among older adults in the United States from 2015 to 2019
Driving performance under treatment of most frequently prescribed drugs for mental disorders: a systematic review of patient studies
Home fall of elderly people: implications of stressors and representations in the COVID-19 context
Is it good to be resilient during the COVID‑19 period? The role of ego-resiliency in the intensity of symptoms of anxiety, alcohol use and aggression among Polish people
"Know your epidemic, know your response": Epidemiological assessment of the substance use disorder crisis in the United States
Commentary: "Ockham's razor" doesn't apply to "opioid" overdose death
Management of pharmaceutical and recreational drug poisoning - expert consensus-based clinical practice guidelines
The abuse characteristics of amphetamine-type stimulants in patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment and buprenorphine maintenance treatment
Alcohol-induced aggression in Drosophila
The changing alcohol drinking patterns among older adults show that women are closing the gender gap in more frequent drinking: the Tromsø study, 1994-2016
Risk factors for completed suicide among people who use drugs: a scoping review protocol
The impact of guidance on the supply of codeine-containing products on their use in intentional drug overdose
A mobile phone-based brief intervention with personalized feedback and interactive text messaging is associated with changes in driving after cannabis use cognitions in a proof-of-concept pilot trial
The prevalence of binge drinking and alcohol-related consequences and their relationship among Japanese college students
Regulation of stress-provoked aggressive behavior using endocannabinoids
The role of alcohol demand on daily microaggressions and alcohol use among emerging adult bisexual+ women
Self in the service: self-identification moderates the association between perceived drinking norms and own drinking among veterans
Self-reported symptoms of cannabis use disorder: psychometric testing and validation
Working memory and alcohol demand relationships differ according to PTSD symptom severity among veterans with AUD
Risk management strategies of synthetic cannabis users
How medical marijuana smoothed the transition to marijuana legalization in the United States
Acetaminophen is not safe in childhood
When national drug surveys "take too long": an examination of who is at risk for survey fatigue
Toxicology practice during COVID-19 pandemic: experience of the Dammam Poison Control Center-Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
A national cost analysis of community interventions to prevent underage drinking and prescription drug misuse
Relationships between age at first substance use and persistence of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder
The role of alcohol and other drugs on emergency department traumatic injury mortality in the United States
Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Position Statement: increase access to mental health services due to COVID-19-related parent and family stress
The continued rise of methamphetamine use among people who use heroin in the United States
Determination of drugs of abuse in hair by LC-MS/MS: application to suicide attempts investigation
Identification of drugs of abuse consumed orally in acute poisoning cases
A commentary on Leza et al. (2021), Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use disorder (SUD): a scoping review
Deaths from 'diseases of despair' in Britain: comparing suicide, alcohol-related and drug-related mortality for birth cohorts in Scotland, England and Wales, and selected cities
Inhaling muscle spray: a rising trend of abuse
Where, when, and how alcohol use occurs during Air Force technical training
Civil commitment for opioid misuse: do short-term benefits outweigh long-term harms?
Between- and within-group effects of alcohol and cannabis co-use on AUD/CUD in the NSDUH 2002-2019
Changes in medical cannabis patient status before and after cannabis legalization in California: associations with cannabis and other drug use
Medicine consumptions and occupational road risk
Influence of provider gender on mental health stigma
No causal associations between childhood family income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests: a nationwide Finnish study of >650 000 individuals and their siblings
Predictors of cannabis use among first-time justice-involved youth: a cohort study
Predictors of US states' adoption of naloxone access laws, 2001-2017
The roles of child maltreatment and fathers in the development of substance use in an at-risk sample of youth: a longitudinal study
Toxicology of psychoactive substances
Trajectories of adolescent poly-substance use and their long-term social and economic outcomes for males from low-income backgrounds
Reinstating over-pouring behavior: importance of the imagined drinking context
Refusal to accept emergency medical transport following opioid overdose, and conditions that may promote connections to care
A primer on medicinal cannabis safety and potential adverse effects
Motorcycle risky behaviours and road accidents among adolescents in Jakarta metropolitan area, Indonesia
The naloxone delivery cascade: identifying disparities in access to naloxone among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA
National efforts for alcohol prevention by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)
Occupational injuries and use of benzodiazepines: a systematic review and metanalysis
Medical cannabis and driving
Medical cannabis
Intoxicated driving and riding with impaired drivers: comparing days with alcohol, marijuana, and simultaneous use
The mediating role of spirituality on depression, alcohol use disorder, and problem gambling among Korean college students: a multiple-mediation analysis
Long-acting injectable antipsychotic use in patients with schizophrenia and criminal justice system encounters
Help-seeking behaviours related to mental health symptoms in professional football
Frequency of binge drinking and perception of peer alcohol use: a survey of university students in a western Canadian province
Fracture location impacts opioid demand in upper extremity fracture surgery
Focus on over-the-counter drugs' misuse: a systematic review on antihistamines, cough medicines, and decongestants
Examining the relationship between impaired driving and past crash involvement in Europe: Insights from the ESRA study
Early age of alcohol initiation and its association with suicidal behaviors
Down and high: reflections regarding depression and cannabis
Delineating patterns of sexualized substance use and its association with sexual and mental health outcomes among young gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Singapore: a latent class analysis
Associations between self-reported cannabis use frequency, potency, and cannabis/health metrics
The association between marijuana and motor vehicle crashes
Alcohol intoxication incidence differences at companies in Lithuania
Call to restore funding to monitor youth exposure to alcohol advertising [letter]
Alcohol use and its affordability in adolescents in Slovakia between 2010 and 2018: girls are less adherent to policy measures
Analysis of suicide methods and substances influencing the state of consciousness of their victims in Poland
Associations of antidepressant use with alcohol use and problem drinking: Ontario population data from 1999 to 2017
Association of opioid agonist treatment with all-cause mortality and specific causes of death among people with opioid dependence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Are the acute effects of THC different in aging adults?
Validation of an online version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) for alcohol screening in Spanish university students
Date-rape evidence through fast determination of γ-butyrolactone in adulterated beverages
Demographic and cardiovascular risk factors associated with drug use in truck drivers in the state of São Paulo, Brazil: a cross-sectional study
Risk-taking behavior and the consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drink among Australian, Dutch and UK students
Religiosity and attitudes towards health, disease, death and the use of stimulants among Jehovah's Witnesses
Psychoactive medication, violence, and variant alleles for cytochrome P450 genes
Hair testing for classic drugs of abuse to monitor cocaine use disorder in patients following transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol treatment
Problematic use of nitrous oxide by young Moroccan-Dutch adults
Methods for estimating avoidable costs of excessive alcohol consumption
Interrupted time series analysis of changes in zolpidem use due to media broadcasts
The interest of a systematic toxicological analysis combined with forensic advice to improve the judicial investigation and final judgment in drug facilitated sexual assault cases
Mental health and addiction related emergency department visits: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Effects of adolescent cannabis use on motivation and depression: a systematic review
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of take-home naloxone (THN) ownership and carriage
Patterns of polyvictimization predict stimulant use, alcohol and marijuana problems in a large cohort of sexual minority and gender minority youth assigned male at birth
Letter to the editor: Dramatic increase in deaths from nitrate/nitrite self-poisonings reported to poison control centers since June 2020
Examining the added value of harm reduction strategies to emailed boosters to extend the effects of online interventions for college drinkers
Correlates of driving after cannabis use in high school students
Clinical symptoms and blood concentration of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in intoxicated and hospitalized patients in the Budapest region of Hungary (2018-19)
Association of bullying behaviour with smoking, alcohol use and drug use among school students in Erbil City, Iraq
Alcohol and other substance use by faculty, staff, and students in a university community during two hurricanes: lessons for preventing risky misuse
Relationship between level of response to alcohol and acute tolerance
A study identifying the origins of different types of drink driving events through the lens of deterrence: is it alcohol abuse or avoiding detection?
Psychosocial predictors of substance use in adolescents and young adults: longitudinal risk and protective factors
Recommendations for toxicological investigation of drug-impaired driving and motor vehicle fatalities - 2021 update
Opportunities for reducing college drinking: the roles of drinking attitudes and blackout experience
Evaluation of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medications, externalizing symptoms, and suicidality in children
Demographic and policy-based differences in behaviors and attitudes towards driving after marijuana use: an analysis of the 2013-2017 Traffic Safety Culture Index
A decade of drinking: temporal trends in apparent household beer intake and standard drink consumption in the United States
Characterizing opioid agonist treatment discontinuation trends in British Columbia, Canada, 2012-2018
Cannabis use frequency, route of administration, and co-use with alcohol among older adults in Washington state
Cannabis and mental health: prevalence of use and modes of cannabis administration by mental health status
Building risk prediction models for daily use of marijuana using machine learning techniques
Association of knowledge and attitudes with practices of misuse of tranquilizers: a cohort study in Spain
Nondisrupted, safety ensured, opioid substitution clinic in a COVID-19 designated hospital of a resource-limited state in India
Cardiovascular outcomes and rates of fractures and falls among patients with brand-name versus generic L-thyroxine use
Dual trajectories of cannabis and alcohol use among young adults in a state with legal nonmedical cannabis
"Etazene, safer than heroin and fentanyl": non-fentanyl novel synthetic opioid listings on one darknet market
Exposures and suspected intoxications during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: preliminary results from an Italian poison control centre
Good Samaritan laws and overdose mortality in the United States in the fentanyl era
Unintentional cannabis poisoning in toddlers: a one year study in Marseille
Suicide committed by a paramedic using a cocktail of drugs: morphine, etomidate, diazepam and rocuronium. case report and review of literature
Social inclusion, intersectionality, and profiles of vulnerable groups of young people seeking mental health support
Alcohol, driving, and health among community-dwelling older adults
Psychoactive substance use and its predictors among commercial tricycle operators in Jos north local government area of Plateau State
Traditional risk and cultural protection: correlates of alcohol and cannabis co-use among African-American adolescents
"When I take drugs, I don't care": insights into the operational dynamics of male violent offenders in a correctional centre
Alcohol-impaired walking in 16 countries: a theory-based investigation
Alcohol-related suicide across Australia: a geospatial analysis
Brief alcohol interventions in U.S. medical settings: a systematic review of the implementation literature
Cannabis induced thermal epiglottitis in a pediatric patient
Cannabis use and misuse in the year following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: a longitudinal observational cohort study of community adults in Ontario
Emotion dysregulation and hazardous drinking in relation to suicidal ideation among Spanish-speaking Latinx daily-smokers
Endocannabinoids and precision medicine for mood disorders and suicide
Flecainide toxicity secondary to accidental overdose: a pediatric case report of two brothers
Identifying modifiable factors related to novice adolescent driver fault in motor vehicle collisions
Risk behaviors among persons civilly committed for opioid use
Social norms vs. fear appeals: mixing alcohol with prescription drugs - a message testing study
Special Report from the CDC: Readiness to surge: state health departments' workforce infrastructure during the opioid crisis
Prevalence of substance use and substance-related disorders among US Veterans Health Administration patients
A reinforcer pathology approach to cannabis misuse: evaluation of independent and interactive roles of cannabis demand and delay discounting in a sample of community adults
Recreational ketamine-related deaths notified to the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, England, 1997-2019
Longitudinal effects of social network changes on drinking outcomes for individuals with a first-time DUI
Association between intimate partner violence subtypes and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and hazardous substance use
Association of rideshare use with alcohol-associated motor vehicle crash trauma
Audit of documentation of forensic history on admission form in a psychiatric intensive care unit
Building community-based helping practices by training peer-father counselors: a novel intervention to reduce drinking and depressive symptoms among fathers through an expanded masculinity lens
Challenges to behavioral health and injury surveillance during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Company-specific revenues from underage drinking
Using an optimized marijuana purchase task to examine cannabis demand in relation to cannabis misuse in heavy drinking emerging adults
Recent sexual assault predicting changes in coping motives for alcohol use in first-year college women
Mortality in substance-induced psychosis: a register-based national cohort study
Prospective relationships between objectively assessed social media use, drinking norms, and alcohol consumption among first-year students
Relationship between drug overdose mortality and coverage of drug-related issues in US television political campaign advertising in the 2012 and 2016 election cycles
Consequences of alcohol use: truancy as a mediator between drinking and achievement
Validation of the Opioid Overdose Knowledge (OOKS) and Attitudes (OOAS) Scales in French, Spanish, and German Languages, among a sample of opioid users
Risk factors associated with alcohol and drug use among bisexual women: a literature review
The role of suffering in relation to suicide in persons experiencing co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health conditions: a brief perspective
Should relapse always be punished? A survey study into forensic social professionals' attitudes to substance use
Drug use: impact, rules, regulations and mitigation practices in the construction industry in the US
Role of passengers in single-vehicle drunk-driving crashes: an injury-severity analysis
Pushing or pulling your "poison": clinical correlates of alcohol approach and avoidance bias among inpatients undergoing alcohol withdrawal treatment
Nicotine inhalation and suicide: clinical correlates and behavioral mechanisms
Nicotine toxicity secondary to aftermarket modifications to a vaping device
Perceived occupational risk of fentanyl exposure among law enforcement
Polysubstance overdose deaths in the fentanyl era: a latent class analysis
Increasing naloxone prescribing in the emergency department through education and electronic medical record work-aids
Kratom: the safe legal high?
Implications of ridesharing on alcohol-associated motor vehicle crashes: not behind the wheel
Preventing alcohol use among adolescents by targeting parents: a qualitative study of the views of facilitators, parents, and teachers on a universal prevention program "Effekt"
Prescription opioid policies and associations with opioid overdose and related adverse effects
Interventions to prevent drugged driving: a systematic review
Intranasal delivery of Naloxone-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles as a promising simple and non-invasive approach for the management of opioid overdose
Longitudinal consequences of adolescent alcohol use under different policy contexts in Australia and the United States
Medicinal cannabis and driving: the intersection of health and road safety policy
Methadone toxicity in a pediatric patient: a case report
Management of mental health disorders, substance use disorders, and suicide in adults with spinal cord injury: clinical practice guideline for healthcare providers
Khat and neurobehavioral functions: a systematic review
Irritability as an independent predictor of concurrent and future suicidal ideation in adults with stimulant use disorder: findings from the STRIDE study
An inside perspective of the opioid overdose crisis in Vancouver: a secondary qualitative study
Individual differences in the associations between risk factors for alcohol use disorder and alcohol use-related outcomes
Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for Community College Students (BASICCS): feasibility and preliminary efficacy of web-conferencing BASICCS and supporting automated text messages
The Cedar Project: Relationship between child apprehension and attempted suicide among young Indigenous mothers impacted by substance use in two Canadian cities
Concurrent prescriptions for opioids and benzodiazepines and risk of opioid overdose: protocol for a retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data
Correlates and consequences of emotion regulation difficulties among OEF/OIF/OND veterans
Corrigendum. Preventing and responding to sexual misconduct: preliminary efficacy of a peer-led bystander training program for preventing sexual misconduct and reducing heavy drinking among collegiate athletes
Detectability of cannabinoids in the serum samples of cannabis users: Indicators of recent cannabis use? A follow-up study
Drug overdose death rates and criminal sentencing of federal drug offenders in the United States
Endocannabinoids, cannabinoids and the regulation of anxiety
heART space: Curating community grief from overdose
Feasibility of an integrated treatment approach for youth with depression, suicide attempts, and substance use problems
Experiencing bullying is associated with firearm access, weapon carriage, depression, marijuana use, and justice involvement in adolescents
If you build it, will vets come? An identity theory approach to expanding veterans' treatment court participation
Community versus hospital opioid-related overdose deaths in Illinois
A rapid-cycle assessment strategy for understanding the opioid overdose epidemic in local communities
Factors increasing suicidal risk in young Argentinean college students with and without suicide attempt history
Cognitive and affective responses to marijuana prevention and educational messaging
Religiosity and substance use in U.S. adults: findings from a large-scale national survey
Substance use and deaths by suicide: a latent class analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System
Comparing attitudes toward stigmatized deaths: suicide and opioid overdose deaths
Homelessness and veteran status in relation to nonfatal and fatal opioid overdose in Massachusetts
The impact of perceived sleep, mood and alcohol use on verbal, physical and sexual assault experiences among student athletes and student non-athletes
Patterns and risk factors of opioid-suspected EMS overdose in Houston metropolitan area, 2015-2019: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis
The systematic development of a mobile phone-delivered brief intervention for hazardous drinking in India
Suicide safer care in behavioral health settings: a comparative analysis of perceptions, training completion, and practice between mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers
Suicidal behavior, opioid use disorder, and behavioral health treatment: prevalence and correlates among adults in the United States 2015-2018
Cannabis product ingestions in pediatric patients: ranges of exposure, effects, and outcomes
Examining factors associated with postintervention recidivism in DUI repeat offenders after alcohol treatment: one-year follow-up study
Implications of posttraumatic growth for the treatment of comorbid substance abuse among survivors of traumatic experiences
Legalization of cannabis use in Canada: impacts on the cannabis use profiles of youth seeking services for substance use
The methamphetamine epidemic among persons who inject heroin in Hai Phong, Vietnam
Polygenic risk for aggression predicts adult substance use disorder diagnoses via substance use offending in emerging adulthood and is moderated by a family-centered intervention
"Zombielike" aggression in perampanel overdose
Types of child maltreatment and child welfare involvement among opioid-using mothers involved in substance use treatment
Social information processing in substance use disorders: insights from an emotional go-nogo task
The relationship between childhood physical and sexual abuse and adolescent cannabis use: a systematic review
PTSD, risk of suicide, and unintended death by overdose in mid- to late-life
Change in blood alcohol concentration with time in samples collected from living
Death following cocaine poisoning in body packer: two cases report and review of the literature
An analysis of drug overdose deaths by intent in Ohio from 2016-2018 [conference abstract]
The complex and constantly evolving public health threat of new psychoactive substances in Italy: addressing the main functions of a national observatory of drugs
Letter to the editor: Cocaine use and cocaine use disorder: Revisiting epidemiology and clinical impact
Efficacy and safety of paediatric medicinal cannabis use: a scoping review
An examination of how alcohol enforcement strategies by sheriff and police agencies are associated with alcohol-impaired-driving fatal traffic crashes
A high note: drug misuse in popular rap music
Feasibility of engaging child welfare-involved parents with substance use disorders in research: key challenges and lessons learned
Factors associated with multiple suicide attempts in a nationally representative study of U.S. military veterans
Cannabis use and car crashes: a review
Within-person predictors of same day alcohol and prescription opioid use among youth presenting to an urban emergency department [conference abstract]
Antidotes for childhood toxidromes
The who, what and when of drug driving in Queensland: Analysing the results of roadside drug testing, 2015-2020
Substance use trajectories: nonmedical use (NMU) of prescription stimulants via non-oral routes of administration among adults recruited from Reddit
Prescription stimulant misuse and abuse: characterization of exposures managed by United States (US) poison centers
Nigerian law enforcement agents' knowledge and enforcement of drink-drive law
Limitations of opioid use disorder (OUD) ICD codes: development and validation of a new OUD identification algorithm in electronic medical records [conference abstract]
Ridesharing trips and alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes [conference abstract]
Social support in family treatment courts [conference abstract]
Overdose deaths involving alcohol in US Veterans [conference abstract]
Mental health in formerly incarcerated Black men: a systematic mixed studies review [conference abstract]
Methamphetamine exposures reported to United States poison control centers, 2000-2019 [conference abstract]
Changes in suspected overdoses following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the Michigan system for opioid overdose surveillance [conference abstract]
Descriptive network analysis of co-occurring drug use disorders and associated predictors among adolescents and emerging adults presenting to an urban emergency department [conference abstract]
Do traditional masculinity attitudes moderate relationships between cumulative violence experiences and marijuana/alcohol use among black young men in Baltimore, Maryland? [conference abstract]
Feasibility and acceptability of telemedicine and patient portal interventions to prevent opioid misuse in adolescents and young adults [conference abstract]
Substance use is associated with worse mental health and altered resting state functional connectivity in female university athletes at baseline: a pilot study
Structural racism and reflections from Latinx heavy drinkers: impact on mental health and alcohol use
State LGBTQ policies and binge drinking among sexual minority youth in the US: a multilevel analysis
Simple chemical tests to identify cannabis derivatives: redefinition of parameters and analysis of concepts
Retrospective analysis on traumatic rupture of intracranial internal carotid artery in 11 cases
Reliability and validity of a 3-minute psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) in assessing sensitivity to sleep loss and alcohol: fitness for duty in aviation and transportation
The relations between discrimination, stressful life events, and substance use among adults experiencing homelessness: stress and substance use among homeless adults
Parent SMART (Substance Misuse in Adolescents in Residential Treatment): pilot randomized trial of a technology-assisted parenting intervention
Pediatric cannabis intoxication trends in the pre and post-legalization era
Persistent racial/ethnic disparities in fatal unintentional drowning rates among persons aged ≤29 years - United States, 1999-2019
Perspectives of women living with HIV on addressing violence and use of alcohol during HIV services: qualitative findings from fishing communities in Uganda
Pharmacy fall prevention services for the community-dwelling elderly: patient engagement and expectations
The potential impacts of community drug checking within the overdose crisis: qualitative study exploring the perspective of prospective service users
North Carolina specialty courts, treatment access, and the substance use crisis: a promising but underfunded model
Methanol poisoning as a new world challenge: a review
Methamphetamine use and psychotic symptoms: findings from a New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort
Kratom exposures among older adults reported to U.S. poison centers, 2014-2019
Internal and external sexual consent during events that involved alcohol, cannabis, or both
Effect of injury location and severity on opioid use after trauma
Electronic cigarette-related injuries presenting to five large burn centers, 2015-2019
Exposure to violence, polyvictimization and youth's mental health and alcohol use in El Salvador
Detecting suicide and self-harm discussions among opioid substance users on Instagram using machine learning
Cannabis medical and recreational use: science beyond ethical and political issues
Cannabinoids in oral fluid: limiting potential sources of cannabidiol conversion to Δ9- and Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol
Body packing, body stuffing and body pushing: characteristics and pitfalls on low-dose CT
Age at first alcohol use and weapon carrying among adolescents: findings from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Computerized relational agent to deliver alcohol brief intervention and referral to treatment in primary care: a randomized clinical trial
Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary impact of Asdzáán Be'eená: an intergenerational, strength-based, and culturally grounded program to improve the health of Navajo families
Finding substance use disorder treatment facility openings: national expansion of Kentucky's locator [conference abstract]
Identifying fall-risk increasing drugs can save lives
The impact of the 2016 Psychoactive Substances Act on synthetic cannabinoid use within the homeless population: markets, content and user harms
Major depressive symptoms and escalation of drinking among new drinkers in the United States: variations across sex and age groups
Majority and popularity effects on norm formation in adolescence
Risk perception and risk aversion among people who use new psychoactive substances
Sometimes falls are difficult to prevent. what comes next?
The authors respond: "Cannabidiol-induced toxicity: Who is the culprit?"
Cognitive changes after methanol exposure: longitudinal perspective
Gaming to relieve tension or anxiety and associations with health functioning, substance use and physical violence in high school students
Community prevention of problematic consumption 'Feel good, enjoy without excesses' [conference abstract]
Violence dominates the baseline for SDG 3.5.2 to reduce harmful alcohol use [conference abstract]
Safety effects of legislative policies in Estonia [conference abstract]
Reducing drowning mortality and morbidity through School awareness program in rural Bangladesh [conference abstract]
Protecting generations from risky behaviors in Jordan - Royal Health Awareness Society [conference abstract]
Improving worker mental wellness - from the office to front line workers [conference abstract]
FEND (Full Energy, No Drugs), an innovative approach to youth drug prevention [conference abstract]
Drink driving - why we often fail to learn from best practice [conference abstract]
Drug-related disorder diagnoses and demographic characteristics associated with legal intervention-related injuries [conference abstract]
Drink special laws and alcohol-related fatal crashes in the United States [conference abstract]
Adverse childhood events and substance misuse in men who perpetrated intimate partner violence
Futures-oriented drugs policy research: events, trends, and speculating on what might become
Associations between trust and drinking among adolescents
Simulated driving performance in healthy adults after night-time administration of 20 mg tasimelteon
Racial/ethnic bullying subtypes and alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use among US adolescents
Associations of suicidality trends with cannabis use as a function of sex and depression status
Synthetic origin of illicit methylamphetamine in Australia: 2011-2020
Symptoms of mental health problems among Italian adolescents in 2017-2018 school year: a multicenter cross-sectional study
Depression, anxiety, and drug usage history indicators among institutionalized juvenile offenders of Brasilia
Correction to: The role of childhood adversities, FKBP5, BDNF, NRN1, and generalized self-efficacy in suicide attempts in alcohol-dependent patients
Commercial fishing as an occupational determinant of opioid overdoses and deaths of despair in two Massachusetts fishing ports, 2000-2014
The Partners for Change Outcome Management System in the psychotherapeutic treatment of cannabis use: a pilot effectiveness randomized clinical trial
Size does matter: an exploration of the relationship between licensed venue capacity and on-premise assaults
Rigorous evaluation of a substance use and teen pregnancy prevention program for American Indian girls and their female caregivers: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
The relationship between alcohol intake and falls hospitalization: results from the EPIC-Norfolk
Estimating cannabis involvement in fatal crashes in Washington State before and after recreational cannabis legalization using multiple imputation of missing values
The effect of cannabis policies on treatment outcomes for cannabis use among U.S. adults
US trends in binge drinking by gender, occupation, prestige, and work structure among adults in the midlife, 2006-2018
Policy recommendations to address housing shortages for people with severe mental illness
Overestimation of alcohol consumption norms as a driver of alcohol consumption: a whole-population network study of men across eight villages in rural, southwestern Uganda
Declining drinking among adolescents: are we seeing a denormalisation of drinking and a normalisation of non-drinking?
Head injury care in a low- and middle-income country tertiary trauma center: epidemiology, systemic lacunae, and possible leads
Impact of blood alcohol concentration on hematologic and serum chemistry parameters in trauma patients: analysis of data from a high-volume level 1 trauma center
Efficacy of brief intervention for harmful and hazardous alcohol use: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies from low middle-income countries
Ecological momentary assessments of nighttime drinking among California adolescents: bases for informing nighttime preventive interventions
Alcohol use disorder and non-fatal suicide attempt: findings from a Swedish National Cohort study
Quantifying prescribed high dose opioids in the community and risk of overdose
Pulverizing medication as a harm reduction and intentional drug overdose prevention strategy: two case studies
National audit of antidote stocking in UK emergency departments
Narrative theory IV: within-subject effects of active and control scarcity narratives on delay discounting in alcohol use disorder
DUI: the drug use insights web server
Changes in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring gender differences and the role of emotional distress
Validation of the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in acute psychiatric inpatients
What's in fake "Xanax"? : a dosage survey of designer benzodiazepines in counterfeit pharmaceutical tablets
"Take Care of You" - efficacy of integrated, minimal-guidance, internet-based self-help for reducing co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults: results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial
Refinement and pilot testing of a brief, early intervention for PTSD and alcohol use following sexual assault
Prevalence estimates of drug addiction among high-school students and its association with violence, and school behaviors: a cross-sectional study from Jordan
Pornography use and intimate partner violence among a sample of U.S. Army soldiers in 2018: a cross-sectional study
Perceived risk of harm from monthly cannabis use among US adolescents: National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2017
New psychoactive substances in Nigeria: a call for more research in Africa
Herbal medicine must be treated with care--a case report on aconitine
Exploring the use of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) via the YouTube data tool: a novel netnographic analysis
An exploratory investigation into the self-regulatory processes influencing drug driving: are young drivers more externally regulated?
Evolution of mortality attributable to alcohol in Spain according to age, sex, cause of death and type of drinker (2001-2017)
Economic evaluations of interventions aimed at the prevention, treatment and/or rehabilitation of alcohol-related disorders: a systematic review
Dispelling a myth: reevaluating the predictive validity of rape myth acceptance for likelihood of engaging in sexual violence
Deaths of despair: conceptual and clinical implications
The dangerous use of inhalants among teens: a case report
Correlations of multiple rider behaviors with self-reported attitudes, perspectives on traffic rule strictness and social desirability
Brain reward circuitry: the overlapping neurobiology of trauma and substance use disorders
The antidepressant in women's lifeworlds: feminist materialist encounters
Alcohol's harm to others: does the drinking location matter?
Association of potential for deaths of despair with age and military service era
Cardiac arrest by aconite poisoning
During the CoViD-19 pandemic, opioid overdose deaths revert to previous record levels in Ohio
Trauma epidemiology after easing of lockdown restrictions: experience from a level-one major trauma centre in England
Suicidal ideation predicted by changes experienced from pre-treatment to 3-month postdischarge from residential substance use disorder treatment
Opioid misuse as a coping behavior for unmet mental health needs among U.S. adults
Neuroscience literacy and substance use prevention: how well do young people understand their brain?
Changes in cannabis use modes among Canadian youth across recreational cannabis legalization: data from the COMPASS prospective cohort study
Comparing targeting strategies for network-based adolescent drinking interventions: a simulation approach
Exploring the role of trauma in underpinning sexualised drug use ('chemsex') among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Singapore
Perspectives of illicit marijuana growers and traders on commercial legalisation of marijuana in South Africa: considerations for policy formulation
Primary care physicians' preparedness to treat opioid use disorder in the United States: a cross-sectional survey
Socioeconomic inequalities in impairment associated with depressive symptoms: evidence from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Why young adults obtain a medical marijuana card: associations with health symptoms and heaviness of use
Trends and outcomes of serious complications associated with non-fatal opioid overdoses in Ontario, Canada
Self-control, risky lifestyles, and victimization among Chinese adolescents
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and prenatal mental health and substance use among urban, low-income women
Biomarkers of recent cannabis use in blood, oral fluid and breath
C.A.R.E.S: a mobile health program for alcohol risk reduction in community college students
Cannabis and cognitive functioning: from acute to residual effects, from randomized controlled trials to prospective designs
Cannabis in the management of PTSD: a systematic review
Codeine and tramadol use in athletes: a potential for abuse
Trends in positive, negative, and neutral themes of popular music from 1998 to 2018: observational study
Screening for risky drinkers among hospitalised inpatients using the AUDIT: a feasibility, point prevalence and data linkage study
Risky decision-making as an antecedent or consequence of adolescent cannabis use: findings from a two-year longitudinal study
Performance-enhancing substance use and criminal offending: a 15-year prospective cohort study
Perceptions of working conditions and safety concerns in community pharmacy
Perceived effects of cannabis and changes in driving performance under the influence of cannabis
One rule for one, and a different rule for another: the case of the Parental Rules about Alcohol Questionnaire
Negotiating identities of 'responsible drinking': exploring accounts of alcohol consumption of working mothers in their early parenting period
Intersectional discrimination from black women, white women, black men, or white men impacts young adult black women's affective states and risky health cognitions
Longitudinal associations of cannabis, depression, and anxiety in heterosexual and LGB adolescents
Effects of a minimal-guided online intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: a randomized controlled trial
Differential pain presentations observed across post-traumatic stress disorder symptom trajectories after combat injury
Effects of bedtime dosing with suvorexant and zolpidem on balance and psychomotor performance in healthy elderly participants during the night and in the morning
A driving simulation study on the effects of different wine types on the performance of young drivers
Dissociation links maternal history of childhood abuse to impaired parenting
Identifying as American Indian/Alaska Native in urban areas: implications for adolescent behavioral health and well-being
Ethanol as a stimulus to risky and auto-aggressive behaviour
First- and second-hand alcohol-related harms among urban Chinese: a population-based study from Hong Kong
Finding the right balance: a social norms intervention to reduce heavy drinking in university students
"They think you're trying to get the drug": qualitative investigation of chronic pain patients' health care experiences during the opioid overdose epidemic in Canada
Ten-year trends in lifestyle habits among community-dwelling older people in Taiwan
Rapid SERS quantification of trace fentanyl laced in recreational drugs with a portable Raman module
Prosocialness in young males with substance and behavioral addictions
Factors associated to suicide risk in stricto sensu postgraduate students: a cross-sectional study
Contextual fit of a family evidence-based intervention for preventing youth alcohol use in Mexico
Alcohol and drug use while cycling significantly increases the likelihood of facial fractures
As approval of medical cannabis spreads state by state, product labeling improvements are a must
Does the presence of on-site medical services at outdoor music festivals affect attendees' planned alcohol and recreational drug use?
The impact of aggregate level alcohol consumption on homicide rates: a time series analysis
The impact of 7-hour and 11-hour rest breaks between shifts on heavy vehicle truck drivers' sleep, alertness and naturalistic driving performance
Standardization of hypnotic agents for prevention of falls: a pharmacoeconomic study
Use of alcohol and addictive drugs during the COVID-19 outbreak in Norway: associations with mental health and pandemic-related problems
Prior trauma, PTSD long-term trajectories, and risk for PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 29-year longitudinal study
Social network differences between American Indian youth who have attempted suicide and have suicide ideation
Race/ethnicity differences in risk and protective factors for marijuana use among U.S. adolescents
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity modulates avoidance of positive emotions among trauma-exposed military veterans in the community
Marital stability over 10 years following traumatic brain injury
Effect of alcohol interventions on suicidal ideation and behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Drinking-and-driving in the United States from 1983-2017: comparing survey and model-based estimates of prevalence
Representations of psychoactive drugs' use in mass culture and their impact on audiences
The prevalence of hazardous and harmful alcohol use across trauma-exposed occupations: a meta-analysis and meta-regression
New psychoactive substances and suicidality: a systematic review of the current literature
Media exposure and substance use increase during COVID-19
Male barroom aggression among members of the Australian construction industry: associations with heavy episodic drinking, trait variables and masculinity factors
Identity (re)construction of female adolescents with substance use disorders
Cigarette relighting: a series of pilot studies investigating a common yet understudied smoking behavior
Changes in visual performance under the effects of moderate-high alcohol consumption: the influence of biological sex
Analyses of child and youth self-poisoning hospitalizations by substance and socioeconomic status
Adolescent drug use before and during U.S. national COVID-19 social distancing policies
Alcohol use and sexual violence among nursing students in Catalonia, Spain: a multicentre cross-sectional study
Mortality before and after border wall construction along the US-Mexico Border, 1990-2017
The influence of adverse childhood experiences on perpetration of intimate partner violence among Black men: the moderating role of alcohol use
Beyond behaviour: how health inequality theory can enhance our understanding of the 'alcohol-harm paradox'
Buprenorphine abuse and health risks in Iran: a systematic review
Correlates of alcohol experimentation and drunkenness episodes among secondary-school students in Nigeria
Deploying a fotonovela to combat methamphetamine abuse among South Africans with varying levels of health literacy
Elevated risk of substance use disorder and suicidal ideation among Black and Hispanic lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults
Estimating the burden of alcohol on ambulance callouts through development and validation of an algorithm using electronic patient records
Illicit drug use in Canada and implications for suicidal behaviors, and household food insecurity: findings from a large, nationally representative survey
Levels of GHB in hair after regular application
Multi-substance use behaviors: prevalence and correlates of alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) use among university students in Finland
Pediatric malignant catatonia associated with vaporized cannabis use: a case series
Prioritising risk factors for prescription drug overdose among older adults in South Korea: a multi-method study
Primary care implementation study to scale up early identification and brief intervention and reduce alcohol-related negative outcomes at the community level (PINO): study protocol for a quasi-experimental 3-arm study
Proposal for the inclusion of tobacco use in suicide risk scales: results of a meta-analysis
A spatial analysis of alcohol outlet density type, abandoned properties, and police calls on aggravated assault rates in a northeastern U.S. city
Toxoplasma gondii infection and suicidal behavior in people with alcohol consumption
Using behavioural insights to improve the uptake of services for drug and alcohol misuse
Alcohol and drug consumption among motor vehicle drivers in the Brittany region of France: a 9-year cross-sectional population study
Association between preconception cannabis use and risk of postpartum depression: findings from an Australian longitudinal cohort
Augmented tendency to act and altered impulse control in alcohol use disorders
Cognitive and affective mediators of alcohol-facilitated intimate partner aggression
Depression symptom profiles and long-term response to cognitive behavioral therapy plus contingency management for smoking cessation
The death of sodium pentothal: the rise and fall of an anesthetic turned lethal
Victim and perpetrator characteristics in alcohol/drug-involved sexual violence victimization in the U.S.
Racial disparities in criminal legal system involvement among New York City overdose decedents: implications for diversion programs
Mortality in homeless people enrolled in the French housing first randomized controlled trial: a secondary outcome analysis of predictors and causes of death
The impact of codeine upscheduling on overdoses, emergency department presentations and mortality in Victoria, Australia
How search engines may help reduce drug-related suicides
Evaluating the FRSC's "Don't Drink and Drive" media campaign in south-east, Nigeria: effects on motorists' exposure and compliance levels
Drinking cultures and socioeconomic risk factors for alcohol and drug use disorders among first- and second-generation immigrants: a longitudinal analysis of Swedish population data
Differences in child and adult biopsychosocial characteristics associated with regular cannabis use in individuals with and without cannabis use disorder
Associations of loneliness with poor physical health, poor mental health and health risk behaviours among a nationally representative community dwelling sample of middle-aged and older adults in India
Analysis of 8695 cases of drug poisoning in emergency department of a general hospital
The effect of depression status change on daily cigarette smoking amount according to sex: an eleven-year follow up study of the Korea Welfare Panel Study
Socio-demographic factors related to binge drinking in Ontario
Missed opportunities by health care providers to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in the use of alcohol treatment services
Association between childhood negative life events with alcohol expectancies in early adolescence: cumulative risk and latent class approaches
Comorbid alcohol-related problems and suicidality disproportionately impact men and emerging adults among individuals with depressive symptoms
Discounting, cognitive inflexibility, and antisocial traits as predictors of adolescent drug involvement
The U-shaped crime recovery during COVID-19: evidence from national crime rates in Mexico
Validation of a tool to evaluate drug prevention programs among students
Short-term secondary effects of a school-based drug prevention program: cluster-randomized controlled trial of the Brazilian version of DARE's Keepin' it REAL
Time-varying associations of alcohol and cannabis use with intimate partner violence for black and white young women
Summary statistics for drugs and alcohol concentration recovered in post-mortem femoral blood in Western Switzerland
Psychometric performance of the perceived stigma of substance abuse scale (PSAS) among patients on methadone maintenance therapy in Vietnam
A public health approach to protecting workers from opioid use disorder and overdose related to occupational exposure, injury, and stress: APHA Policy Statement Number 202012, issued October 24, 2020
Preferences for research design and treatment of comorbid depression among patients with an opioid use disorder: a cross-sectional discrete choice experiment
A narrative review of evidence to guide deprescribing among older adults
Interventions for decreasing drug abuse and social problem in Iran's comprehensive mental and social health services
The dose-dependent analgesic effects, abuse liability, safety and tolerability of oral cannabidiol in healthy humans
The effects of false identification laws on underage alcohol-related traffic fatalities
Alcohol policy scores and alcohol-attributable homicide rates in 150 countries
Barriers to help-seeking among intimate partner violence survivors with opioid use disorder
Structural violence and barriers to pain management during an opioid crisis: accounts of women who use drugs in Nigeria
Sexual re-assault among college women differs based on sexual refusal assertiveness and assertive resistance strategy intentions
Predicting binge drinking among university students: application of integrated behavioral model
Predictors and moderators of marijuana and heavy alcohol use outcomes in adolescents treated for co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders in a randomized controlled trial
Prevalence of abuse among the elderly population of Syangja, Nepal
Recreational cannabis legalization and alcohol purchasing: a difference-in-differences analysis
Safety and tolerability of natural and synthetic cannabinoids in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of open-label trials and observational studies
Near-fatal spice intoxication of a toddler
Negative affect and alcohol craving in trauma-exposed young adult drinkers
Inhalant abuse of ethyl chloride spray: a case report
A latent class analysis of DUI offender motivation and awareness as predictors of performance while on alcohol ignition interlocks
"It could bring down Greek life as a whole": Greek life members' perspectives on party culture, safety, responsibilities and consequences
Do college students feel confident to consent to sex after consuming alcohol?
Cannabis legalisation: should doctors be concerned?
Associations between pre-adolescents' cognitive responses to alcohol cues, maternal drinking, and direct exposure to alcohol
The cumulative effect of multiple dimensions of lifestyle on risky drinking during the Covid-19 pandemic
Correlates of self-harm in university students: a cross-sectional study
Standard units for cannabis dose: why is it important to standardize cannabis dose for drug policy and how can we enhance its place on the public health agenda?
Form and content of Jamaican cannabis edibles
Longitudinal effects of adverse childhood experiences on substance use transition patterns during young adulthood
Parental substance and alcohol abuse: two ethical frameworks to assess whether and how intervention is appropriate
Psychosocial predictors of binge-drinking residual harm in adolescence and young adulthood: findings from the Australian Temperament Project
Profile and correlates of colorimetric reagent kit use among people who use ecstasy/MDMA and other illegal stimulants in Australia
Personality or pathology? Predictors of early substance use in first-year college students
The Cedar Project: exploring the role of colonial harms and childhood maltreatment on HIV and hepatitis C infection in a cohort study involving young Indigenous people who use drugs in two Canadian cities
The concerning increasing trend of alcohol beverage sales in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic
Factors associated with childhood sexual abuse and adolescent pregnancy
The DIADA project: a technology-based model of care for depression and risky alcohol use in primary care centres in Colombia
Severity of substance use as an indicator of suicide risk among U.S. military veterans
The impact of COVID-19 related lockdown measures on self-reported psychopathology and health-related quality of life in German adolescents
The burden of mental disorders in Mexico, 1990-2019: mental and neurological disorders, substance use, suicides, and related somatic disorders
Association between suicidal behaviour and cannabis and tranquilizer use, depression, aggression and other borderline personality traits among students in Sincelejo, Colombia
Willingness to participate in alcohol prevention interventions targeting risky drinking employees: the WIRUS Project
Validation of a screening test for alcohol use, the Russian Federation
Bioethical insights from the Fiqh Council of North America's recent ruling on medical cannabis
Carbon monoxide poisoning in hookah users
Recreational cannabis laws and opioid-related emergency department visit rates
Psychological and demographic determinants of substance use and mental health during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Prevalence and correlates of illicit drug use among Norwegian nightlife patrons
Legacies of the war on drugs: next of kin of persons who died of opioid overdose and harm reduction interventions in Philadelphia
The impact of childhood trauma on substance use trajectories from adolescence to adulthood: findings from a longitudinal Hispanic cohort study
How has access to legal cannabis changed over time? An analysis of the cannabis retail market in Canada 2  years following the legalisation of recreational cannabis
Harm reduction and cannabis social clubs: exploring their true potential
Compliance with cannabis act regulations regarding online promotion among Canadian commercial cannabis-licensed firms
Compliance with a law to reduce alcoholic beverage sales and service in Zacatecas, Mexico
Effect of low blood-alcohol concentrations in simulated day and night driving
Why do Americans use marijuana?
Shame's associations with depression and problem drinking: an ecological momentary study
Sociodemographic changes in emergency department visits due to alcohol during COVID-19
Medication-assisted treatment and self-help group participation among military veterans with opioid or alcohol use disorder
Maxillofacial trauma and ocular injuries: reports from a prospective study from Pondicherry, India
Weaving Healthy Families Program: promoting resilience while reducing violence and substance use
Acceptability of an mHealth app that provides harm reduction services among people who inject drugs: survey study
Comparative outcomes for Black children served by the Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams program for families with parental substance abuse and child maltreatment
Correction to: Religiosity and prevalence of suicide, psychiatric disorders and psychotic symptoms in the French general population
Cross-national time trends in adolescent alcohol use from 2002 to 2014
Alcohol does not increase in-hospital mortality due to severe blunt trauma: an analysis of propensity score matching using the Japan Trauma Data Bank
Alterations in reward and emotional processing differentiate among adults with a history of childhood maltreatment: implications for substance use behaviors
Sex differences in neuropsychological functioning are domain-specific in adolescent and young adult regular cannabis users
Screening major trauma patients for prevalence of illicit drugs
Residual effects of cannabis use on effort-based decision-making
Psychometric validation of the Protective Drinking Practices Scale in college students across the United States
Psychiatric hospitalization and length of stay differences in cannabis users and non-users with a primary discharge diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
The prospective impact of adverse childhood experiences on justice-involved youth's psychiatric symptoms and substance use
Mental health conditions and substance use disorders among youth subsequently diagnosed with opioid use disorder or opioid poisoning
The mediated moderation model of depressive symptoms, alcohol use, and consequences: the protective role of executive function
Differential cognitive performance in females and males with regular cannabis use
The discounting of death: probability discounting of heroin use by fatal overdose likelihood and drug purity
Understanding the relations among adverse childhood experiences (ACE), substance use, and reoffending among detained youth
Analysis of gaps in alcohol policies in Brazil using the Pan American Health Organization's Alcohol Policy Scoring
Associations of prescription stimulant misuse with subsequent methamphetamine use among a U.S. cohort of HIV-vulnerable sexual and gender minorities who have sex with men
Child safety decisions and parental mental health problems: a new analysis of mediating factors
Co-exposure of cocaine and cannabinoids and its association with select biological, behavioural and health outcomes: a systematic scoping review of multi-disciplinary studies
Substance use screening and rates of treatment referral among justice-involved youth
Local government stakeholder perceptions of legitimacy and conflict of interest: the alcohol industry and the "Drink Free Days" campaign in England
Substance use relapse among veterans at termination of treatment for substance use disorders
Relationship between number of medications and incidence of falls or bone fracture in elderly patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: Shinken database analysis
Older people in hospitals for the insane in New South Wales, Australia, 1849-1905
Neurocognitive impairments and brain abnormalities resulting from opioid-related overdoses: a systematic review
mHealth intervention for multiple lifestyle behaviour change among high school students in Sweden (LIFE4YOUth): protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Drug detection in decomposed cadavers confirms testimonial evidence in a case of serial homicides
I see, therefore I am: exposure to alcohol references on social media, but not on traditional media, is related to alcohol consumption via drinking and non-drinking identity
Global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption: a population-based study
Role of risk taking and inhibitory control in alcohol use among maltreated adolescents and nonmaltreated adolescents
Substance use disorders (SUD) and suicidal behaviors in adolescents: insights from cross-sectional inpatient study
Assessing changes in symptoms of depression and anxiety during four weeks of cannabis abstinence among adolescents
Cannabis use in Muslim youth
Clinical effects and outcomes of perampanel overdoses reported to U.S. poison centers
Cannabis use prior to legalisation among alcohol consumers in the Canadian Yukon and Northwest territories
Protective behavioral strategies and alcohol use while pregaming: the moderating role of depression and anxiety symptoms
Impact of recreational cannabis legalization on patient self-reporting of cannabis use at a pharmacist-led primary care clinic
"It's crazy what meth can help you do": lay beliefs, practices, and experiences of using methamphetamine to self-treat symptoms of opioid withdrawal
Joint perceptions of the risk and availability of cannabis in the United States, 2002-2018
Demographic risk factors for co-occurring suicidality and cannabis use disorders: findings from a nationally representative United States sample
Health risk behaviors, experiences, and conditions among students attending private and public high schools
A cross sectional study of non-medical use of prescription opioids and suicidal behaviors among adolescents
Decision making and impulsivity in young adult cannabis users
The effects of individual and dual ACE domains on binge drinking: comparisons by gender
Demographic pattern and mortality risk factors for prescription opioid overdose hospitalizations: results from nationwide inpatient sample analysis
Treatment with methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the risk of all-cause poisoning in children and adolescents: a self-controlled case series study
The prognostic role of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder severity and age of onset in treatment outcome among adults aged 60
Evaluating spin in the abstracts of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on cannabis use disorder
Adverse events of recreational cannabis use reported to the French addictovigilance network (2012-2017)
Alcohol-related behaviour in freshmen university students in Sardinia, Italy
Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic among American veterans
Analysis of traffic accidents in selected period in the Žilina Region and proposal of security measures
Trajectories of alcohol misuse among the UK Armed Forces over a 12-year period
Drug type and risk behaviors associated with non-fatal overdose among people who use drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Doing violence to evidence on violence? How the alcohol industry created doubt in order to influence policy
Development over time of the population-attributable risk fraction for cannabis use disorder in schizophrenia in denmark
Mental health in Somaliland: a critical situation
Quantification of fentanyl analogs in oral fluid using LC-QTOF-MS
A proposed taxonomy for population-level prescription use patterns
Marked and prolonged serotonin toxicity in a tramadol-poisoned patient with a pharmacokinetic study
Peer victimization and relationships to approach and avoidance coping to health and health behaviors
Opioid-related risk perceptions in chronic pain: influence of patient gender and prior misuse behaviors
Newspaper depiction of mental and physical health in Qatar
Five Years after methanol mass poisoning outbreak in Rafsanjan
Acute intoxications in the intensive care unit: a 10-year analysis
We are the researched, the researchers, and the discounted: the experiences of drug user activists as researchers
Using psychedelics with therapeutic intent is associated with lower shame and complex trauma symptoms in adults with histories of child maltreatment
Young adult cannabis use disorder treatment admissions declined as past month cannabis use increased in the U.S.: an analysis of states by year, 2008-2017
Predictors of vaping marijuana initiation among US adolescents: results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study Wave 3 (2015-2016) and Wave 4 (2016-2018)
Pilot RCT of the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) adapted for rapid delivery during hospitalization to adult suicide attempt patients with substance use problems
Pediatric surgery and future risk of cocaine, opioid, cannabis, and other substance use in women: longitudinal cohort study
Testing daily-level drinking and negative consequences as predictors of next-day drinking cognitions
Space and place in alcohol research
Stronger alcohol-violence association when adolescents drink less? Evidence from three Nordic countries
Planned complex suicide involving combined drug intoxication and femoral catheterization
Initial efficacy of a web-based alcohol and emotion regulation intervention for college women with sexual assault histories
Influence of personality on acute smoked cannabis effects on simulated driving
Drug use in Canadian patients with trauma after cannabis legalization
Driving license regranting in DUI subjects: road accident variables and predictive factors of substance use disorder
Correlations between changes in medical opioid dispensing and contributions of fentanyl to opioid-related overdose fatalities: exploratory analyses from Canada
Complementarity in daily marijuana and alcohol among emerging adults
Changes in types of drinking behavior in Korean adults: differences in demographics, depression, and suicidal thoughts
Prevalence and factors associated with hazardous alcohol consumption among motorcycle taxi riders in Kinondoni District, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
Examination of the effects of impulsivity and risk-taking propensity on alcohol use in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans
Characterizing symptoms of cannabis use disorder in a sample of college students
Childhood disadvantage, social and psychological stress, and substance use among homeless youth: a life stress framework
Who would try (or use more) cannabis if it were legal?
A syndemic of psychiatric morbidity, substance misuse, violence, and poor physical health among young Scottish men with reduced life expectancy
Propofol misuse in Ireland - two case reports and a review of the literature
Legalization as more effective control? Parallels between the end of alcohol prohibition (1927) and the legalization of cannabis (2018) in Ontario, Canada
Methamphetamine and amphetamine detection, impairment, positive reporting concentrations, and Paracelsus
Evaluating the Computerized Assessment and Referral System (CARS) screener: sensitivity and specificity as a screening tool for mental health disorders among DUI offenders
Fear of missing out and binge-drinking among adolescents
A deep learning algorithm to predict hazardous drinkers and the severity of alcohol-related problems using K-NHANES
Brief motivational intervention for substance use may decrease violence among heavy alcohol users in a jail diversion program
Beyond internalizing and externalizing symptoms: the association between body disconnection and the symptoms of internet gaming disorder
A prevailing problem of pretrial sentencing of DUI offenders: impact on health & rehabilitation
Factors associated with suicidal ideation in drug addicts based on the theory of planned behavior
It takes action to prevent falls in older people. what role will you play?
Municipal police support for harm reduction services in officer-led referrals of people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico
Online alcohol sales and home delivery: an international policy review and systematic literature review
Pooled analysis of the association between alcohol use and violence against women: evidence from four violence prevention studies in Africa
Predictors of having naloxone in urban and rural Oregon findings from NHBS and the OR-HOPE study
Psychological distress, loneliness, alcohol use and suicidality in New Zealanders with mental illness during a strict COVID-19 lockdown
Substance use and suicide outcomes among self-injured trauma patients
Alcohol and trauma: the influence of blood alcohol levels on the severity of injuries and outcome of trauma patients - a retrospective analysis of 6268 patients of the TraumaRegister DGU(®)
Comparison of breath and blood alcohol concentrations in a controlled drinking study
Effect of cannabis use on PTSD treatment outcomes in veterans
Minimizing assessments of alcohol advertising in the Six Nations Rugby Championship
Temporal sequences of suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among inpatient and community-residing military veterans
Childhood religious affiliation type is associated with alcohol, but not cannabis use in adults
Age-specific rates of onset of cannabis use in Mexico
Alcohol use, cannabis use, and psychopathology symptoms among college students before and after COVID-19
Analysis of Google Trends to monitor new psychoactive substance: is there an added value?
Changes in characteristics of drug overdose death trends during the COVID-19 pandemic
Changing trends of accidental poisoning in children over the last two decades
Gender differences in any alcohol screening and discussions with providers among older adults in the United States, 2015 to 2019
Health disparities between older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults and heterosexual adults in the public mental health system
Long-term prescription opioid use among US military service members injured in combat
Mental health correlates of probable posttraumatic stress disorder, probable alcohol use disorder, and their co-occurrence among firefighters
Natural course of co-use of alcohol and cannabis in adolescents and young adults in Montréal, Canada
None for the road? Stricter drink driving laws and road accidents
Recent trends in marijuana-related hospital encounters in young children
The role of sleep disturbance in the associations of borderline personality disorder symptom severity to nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide risk among patients with substance use disorders
Substance use and overdose risk: documenting the perspectives of formerly incarcerated persons in the Fraser East region of BC
Poly-victimization and opioid use during late adolescence and young adulthood: health behavior disparities and protective factors
Prevalence of consumption of psychoactive substances among construction workers
Cheers to equality! Both hostile and benevolent sexism predict increases in college women's alcohol consumption
Trends in alcohol intoxication among native and immigrant youth in Sweden, 1999-2017: comparison across family structure and parental employment status
Risk of fall-related injury and all-cause hospitalization of select concomitant central nervous system medication prescribing in older adult persistent opioid users: a case-time-control analysis
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and concussions in adolescent athletes: incidence, severity, and recovery
Impulsivity and medical care utilization in veterans treated for substance use disorder
Gender differences in the associations of multiple psychiatric and chronic conditions with major depressive disorder among patients with opioid use disorder
Decreasing psychiatric emergency visits, but stable addiction emergency visits, during CoViD-19-a time series analysis 10 months into the pandemic
Unintentional opioid overdoses treated at University Clinic of Toxicology-Skopje in a nine-year-period
Suicide among Veterans receiving Veterans Health Administration Home Based Primary Care and following discharge from Community Living Centers
Post-injury benzodiazepine and opioid use among older adults involved in road traffic crashes: a Swedish register-based longitudinal study
Physicians' opinion and practice with the continuous use of sedatives in the last days of life
Methamphetamine use among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States
Male-type depression symptoms in young men with a history of childhood sexual abuse and current hazardous alcohol use
Implications of medical and recreational marijuana laws for neuroscience research: a review
Sensation seeking and danger invulnerability: paths to college student risk-taking
Understanding drinking game behaviors: a consideration of alcohol expectancies and motives to play and drink
Determination of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in paired hair and nail samples
Addressing multiple overdoses: opportunities for prevention and innovation [response to letter]
The associations of polygenic scores for risky behaviors and parenting behaviors with adolescent externalizing problems
Associations among betrayal trauma, dissociative posttraumatic stress symptoms, and substance use among women involved in the criminal legal system in three US cities
Suicidality risk of newer antiseizure medications: a meta-analysis
Substance use disorder and homelessness among American Indians and Alaska Natives in California
Cognitive style and drinking to cope: a prospective cohort study
Cyberbullying and mental health in adults: the moderating role of social media use and gender
Smoke gets in the eye: a systematic review of case reports of ocular complications of crack cocaine use
Posttraumatic stress symptom clusters differentially predict late positive potential to cocaine imagery cues in trauma-exposed adults with cocaine use disorder
Pharmaceutical opioid poisonings in Victoria, Australia: rates and characteristics of a decade of emergency department presentations across nine pharmaceutical opioids
Instructor training on opioids and the workplace, prevention and response in the plumbing and pipe-fitting industry: an interview with Cheryl Ambrose
Interpersonal abuse and alcohol use among African American young women: the mediating role of emotion dysregulation
The necessity of a trauma-informed paradigm in substance use disorder services
Mortality among persons who inject drugs: a prospective cohort followed over three decades in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
A measure of illness awareness in alcohol use disorder-Alcohol Use Awareness and Insight Scale (AAS)
Effects of mixing energy drinks with alcohol on driving-related skills
'Synthetic cannabis': a dangerous misnomer
Response to Houghton's letter: 'Minimizing assessments of alcohol advertising in the Six Nations Rugby Championship'
Quantifying risk of injury from usual alcohol consumption: an instrumental variable analysis
Prognostic utility of lactate concentrations and kinetics to predict adverse events associated with acute drug overdose
Prescription drug overdose, depression, and other mental disorders in the context of kidney disease
Polypharmacy: an unignorable factor for fall injury in the elderly
Parental opioid use disorder: examining their children's experiences, needs, and road to resilience
Message fatigue and resistance to anti-binge drinking messages: examining the mediating roles of inattention and reactance
The information capacity of adolescent alcohol consumption indicators along a continuum of severity: a cross-national comparison of sixteen Central and Eastern European countries
Consideration of an upper-bound continuous maximum drinks measure for adolescent binge and high-intensity drinking prevalence
Commentary: using registry data to better understand alcohol's harm to others
The effect of alcohol on mood among males drinking with a platonic friend
Erratum for "Company-specific revenues from underage drinking"
Variations in acceptability of heavy alcohol use and gender double standards across drinking cultures. A U.S.A. - Italy study
Prevalence and sociodemographic factors associated with heavy drinking in Brazil: cross-sectional analyses of the National Health Survey
Scaling up science-based care for depression and unhealthy alcohol use in Colombia: an implementation science project
Monitoring geographical differences in illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco consumption via wastewater-based epidemiology: six major cities in Turkey
Machine learning takes a village: assessing neighbourhood-level vulnerability for an overdose and infectious disease outbreak
Legal, social, and occupational problems in persons with alcohol use disorder: an exploratory study
Alcohol use severity among recent Latino immigrants: associations of acculturation, family history of alcohol use and alcohol outcome expectancies
Daily- and person-level associations between physical activity and alcohol use among college students
Risk of motor vehicle collisions after methadone use
Work schedule and substance abuse in vocational students
Primary-level worker interventions for the care of people living with mental disorders and distress in low- and middle-income countries
Race, witness credibility, and jury deliberation in a simulated drug trafficking trial
Seasonal and regional influences on alcohol consumption: an analysis of near-real-time urine drug test results in those seeking health care
Longitudinal course of mental health symptoms among veterans with and without cannabis use disorder
Clinical and social characteristics of deliberately intoxicated minors treated in pediatric intensive care
Substance use outcomes from two formats of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for aggressive children: moderating roles of inhibitory control and intervention engagement
Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina: comparative analysis from 2009, 2013, and 2018
Use of hallucinogens in Slovakia: does it differ from global trends?
Racial inequity in medication treatment for opioid use disorder: exploring potential facilitators and barriers to use
A qualitative study on overdose response in the era of COVID-19 and beyond: how to spot someone so they never have to use alone
Predictors of intentional fentanyl use: market availability vs consumer demand
Part I: Dynamics of recovery: a meta-synthesis exploring the nature of mental health and substance abuse recovery
Occupational mortality in the New Mexico oil and gas industry
The importance of restricting youth access to marijuana in the age of legalization: lessons learned from tobacco control efforts and CoViD-19 restrictions
Illicit alcohol: public health risk of methanol poisoning and policy mitigation strategies
Fentanyl epidemic hits the U.S. West Coast: opioid-related deaths in San Francisco from 2009-2019
Examining associations between prescription stimulant misuse frequency and misuse characteristics by race/ethnicity
Evaluation of medicine abuse trends in community pharmacies: the Medicine Abuse Observatory (MAO) in a region of southern Europe
Disentangling the association between PTSD symptom heterogeneity and alcohol use disorder: Results from the 2019-2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Cannabis sales increases during COVID-19: Findings from Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington
Association of alcohol and tobacco consumption with depression severity in the oldest old. results from the age different old age cohort platform
Association of addictive substance use with polyvictimization and acceptance of violence in adolescent couples
Risky driving behaviors of drivers who use alcohol and cannabis
Adverse childhood experiences and the substance use behaviors of Latinx youth
Age-related trends in cannabis use in Australia. Findings from a series of large nationally representative surveys
Alcohol drinking, especially light drinking, and depressive symptoms in adolescents
Impact of a community-policing initiative promoting substance use disorder treatment over criminal charges on arrest recidivism
Psychological distress and its associated factors among school-going adolescents in Tanzania
Breaking the cycle: young people's stories of protection and support while growing up with parental substance use disorder
Identity transformation through substance use disorder recovery: introducing the Six Stage Model
Navigating the drinking self: a qualitative study of beer consumption among the working-poor in Botswana
Shisha related burns: a paediatric case series
Adaptive treatment for youth with substance use and depression: early depression response and short-term outcomes
Severe methanol poisoning treated with a novel hemodialysis system: a case report, analysis, and review
Trauma exposure, social functioning, and common mental health disorders in Somali refugee male and female youth: an SEM analysis
Understanding the characteristics of Latino individuals with first-time DUI offenses to facilitate effective interventions
Post-incarceration outcomes for individuals who continued methadone treatment while in Connecticut jails, 2014-2018
Relationships between patterns of cannabis use, abuse and dependence and recent stimulant use: evidence from two national surveys in Ireland
Seizures of new psychoactive substances on the Italian territory during the COVID-19 pandemic
Drug safety for nursing-home residents - findings of a pragmatic, cluster-randomized, controlled intervention trial in 44 nursing homes
Mental health symptoms, binge drinking, and the experience of abuse during the COVID-19 lockdown in Mexico
Intentional overdose prevention in the era of the 90-day prescription
History of rape moderates the pathways from emotion dysregulation to alcohol and risky sex outcomes among college women
Suicidality and self-injury with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in youth: occurrence, predictors and timing
Suicide and the opioid overdose crisis among American Indian and Alaska Natives: a storm on two fronts demanding swift action
Characteristics of fatal road traffic crashes associated with alcohol and illicit substances in Queensland (2011-2015)
Concurrent validity of an Estimator of Weekly Alcohol Consumption (EWAC) based on the Extended AUDIT
Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in South Africa across different drinker groups and wealth quintiles: a modelling study
Highs and downs: a scoping review of public opinion about cannabis, alcohol and tobacco in Canada
Interpersonal victimization, substance use, and mental health among sexual and gender minority youth: the role of self-concept factors
Intergenerational transmission of violence among substance-abusing Chinese parents: roles of detachment and social support
Impact of the introduction of falls risk assessment toolkit on falls prevention and psychotropic medicines' utilisation in Walsall: an interrupted time series analysis
Cannabis legalization in state legislatures: public health opportunity and risk
Where and what you drink is linked to how much you drink: an exploratory survey of alcohol use in 17 countries
The prognostic value of red cell distribution width for in-hospital mortality in patients with methanol poisoning
Reducing alcohol-related risks among adolescents: a feasibility study of the SHAHRP program in Brazilian schools
Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors related to violent behaviors among university students
Far from a monolith: a typology of externalizing behavior among African American youth
The contribution of alcohol beverage types to consumption, heavy drinking, and alcohol-related harms: a comparison across five countries
Beyond choice architecture: advancing the science of changing behaviour at scale
Alcohol use disorder risk and protective factors and associated harms among Pacific Islander young adults
Adolescent sexual behavior patterns, mental health, and early life adversities in a British birth cohort
Adolescent experiences with self-asphyxial behaviors and problematic drinking in emerging adulthood
Youth cannabis use and legalization in Canada - reconsidering the fears, myths and facts three years in
'You drink at home so they can go to work safely': a case study exploring alcohol marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic
The vicious cycle: problematic family relations, substance abuse, and crime in adolescence: a narrative review
Recent alcohol-induced blackouts among heavy drinking college students: a qualitative examination of intentions, willingness, and social context
Personal resource profiles of individuals with a history of interpersonal trauma and their impact on opioid misuse
Falls in older adults after hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction
Gender differences in the supply of alcohol to adolescent daughters and sons
Comparison of accelerated resolution therapy for PTSD between veterans with and without prior PTSD treatment
Childhood physical abuse and subsequent violent victimization among people who use illegal drugs in Vancouver, Canada
The case for minimum unit prices on alcohol in South Africa
Bystanders to prevent peer sexual violence: understanding patterns of prosocial behavior over time from early to later adolescence
Changes in rates of hospitalizations due to cannabis harms in Ontario, Canada before the legalization of nonmedical cannabis: retrospective population-level study between 2003 and 2017
Suicide exposure in a polymediated age
Policy makers' priorities for addressing youth substance use and factors that influence priorities
Racial discrimination, racial identity affiliation, and heavy alcohol use among multiracial individuals
Mental health of Brazilians heart surgeons: cross-sectional study
The experience of key stakeholders during the implementation and use of trauma therapy via digital health for military, veteran, and public safety personnel: qualitative thematic analysis
Constructing and negotiating boundaries of morally acceptable alcohol use: a discursive psychology of justifying alcohol consumption
Adolescent exposure to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and ethanol heightens sensitivity to fear stimuli
Association between alcohol consumption, marijuana use and road traffic injuries among commercial motorcycle riders: a population-based, case-control study in Dares Salaam, Tanzania
Investigating a substance abuse screening in a trauma setting
Investigating a bidirectional relationship between overdose and provision of injection initiation assistance among persons who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada and Tijuana, Mexico
Interaction of smoking and being bullied on suicidal behaviors: a school-based cross-sectional survey in China
Structural relations of prevention of substance abuse based on risky and protective measures in students: the role of classmates
Portable gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in drug checking: detection of carfentanil and etizolam in expected opioid samples
Has the increased participation in the national campaign 'Dry January' been associated with cutting down alcohol consumption in England?
Frequency and the suitability of the antidote treatment in acute poisonings at Bach Mai Hospital
Alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine use as predictors of impaired driving and riding with an impaired driver among college students who engage in polysubstance use
Drug-induced liver injury in Australia, 2009-2020: the increasing proportion of non-paracetamol cases linked with herbal and dietary supplements
Drug induced homicide laws may worsen opioid related harms: an example from rural North Carolina
Using passive surveillance technology for overdose prevention: key ethical and implementation issues
The toxicological testing in the emergency room in the era of choosing wisely
Risk factors for hazardous drinking in university students from South Africa and Belgium: a cross-cultural comparison study
Suicidality and other severe psychiatric events with duloxetine: re-analysis of safety data from a placebo-controlled trial for juvenile fibromyalgia
Psychiatric symptomatology is associated with polydrug use and school violence in early adolescence
Race, ethnicity, and emergency department post-overdose care
The potential impact of legalization of recreational cannabis among current users: a qualitative inquiry
Natural and synthetic cannabinoids: pharmacology, uses, adverse drug events, and drug interactions
Knowledge of the good Samaritan drug overdose act and possession of a naloxone kit among people recently released from prison
Motivational pathways to problematic drinking among Latinx college drinkers
Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce
Metadehumanization and self-dehumanization are linked to reduced drinking refusal self-efficacy and increased anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with severe alcohol use disorder
Harm reduction interventions to prevent overdose deaths
How academic medicine can help confront the opioid crisis
An exploratory study of indicators of recent nonmedical prescription stimulant use among college students
The epidemiology of drug abuse
Drinking patterns of post-deployment veterans: the role of personality, negative urgency, and posttraumatic stress
Differential effects of state policy environments on substance use by sexual identity: findings from the 2000-2015 National Alcohol Surveys
The Australian ready-to-drink beverages tax missed its target age group
A comparative analysis of online versus in-person opioid overdose awareness and reversal training for first-year medical students
Alcohol intake in relation to suicidal ideation and behavior among university students
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in adolescents: using a model-cased approach to identify patterns of alcohol misuse
Assessment of recreational cannabis dispensaries' compliance with underage access and marketing restrictions in California
Association of dose tapering with overdose or mental health crisis among patients prescribed long-term opioids
Associations between childhood abuse, resilience, mindfulness, and waterpipe smoking: implications for cessation interventions
Occurrence of male depression symptoms, suicidal behaviors, alcohol and tobacco use and level of personal resources in three male groups
"Hidden" cost of the pandemic: drug overdose deaths
Associations between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use and next-day negative affect among young adults: the role of sex and trait anxiety
Behavioral health risk factors for nonmedical prescription opioid use in adolescence
Young drivers' determinants of driving under the influence of cannabis: findings from the Youth Cannabis and Driving Survey (YouCanDS)
Simulated driving performance among daily and occasional cannabis users
Nonmedical use of tramadol among secondary school students in Benin, Africa
Opioid prescribing to US children and young adults in 2019
Pneumothorax secondary to vaping
Pediatric opioid prescribing: a call for calm
Descriptive analysis of inpatient and outpatient cohorts seeking treatment after prescription opioid misuse and medical toxicology evaluation
Evaluating 24/7 Sobriety Program participant reoffense risk
Factors affecting alcohol drinking behaviour among secondary school students in Vientiane Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic: a cross-sectional study
Illicit drug profiling: a historical perspective
The prevalence of drug use and illicit trafficking: A descriptive cross sectional study of irregular migrant returnees in Nigeria
Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, or substance use disorders
A systematic review of quantitative analysis of cannabinoids in oral fluid
Suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts among synthetic cannabinoid users across different demographic subgroups
Statins' effect on cognitive outcome after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review
Impact of the Dry Law on road traffic mortality in Brazilian states: an interrupted time series analysis
Leaving "drug abuse" behind: a theoretical and methodological heuristic to selecting "problem drug use" or "drug misuse" as alternative terms
Exposure reasons, other substance use, and medical outcomes of poison control center cases aged 50+ involving opioids, 2015-2020
Substance use, depression, and loneliness among American veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sex-related impelling cues uniquely predict event-level alcohol-related sexual behavior that poses heightened risk for negative consequences among college women
Better off alone? Comparing the substance use, mental health and trauma risks of youth alcohol and other drug service users either living in out of home care, living with parents or experiencing homelessness
The "alcoholic other": harmful drinkers resist problem recognition to manage identity threat
Depression, anxiety, and alcohol use among LGBTQ+ people during the COVID-19 pandemic
Gender moderates the association between acute alcohol intoxication and facial emotion recognition in a naturalistic field study setting
Extreme binge drinking during adolescence: associations with subsequent substance use disorders in American Indian and Mexican American young adults
Examination of cross-group contact at work and school in relation to acute and retrospective discrimination experiences and drinking to cope for Black and White young adult drinkers
Portuguese validated versions of the alcohol use disorders identification test: a systematic review protocol
Moral injury and substance use disorders among US combat veterans: results from the 2019-2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
New psychoactive substances, safety and mental health in prison officers
Necessity of pharmacovigillance study for herbal medicines
Examining of the individuals who have attempted suicide in the east of Turkey in terms of psychological factors
Association of drinking behavior and self-injury behavior in adolescents
Association of health literacy and drinking behaviors among middle school students in six provinces of China
Association of screen time with self-injury behavior among primary school students in five provinces in China
Adult psychiatric, substance, and functional outcomes of different definitions of early cannabis use
Alcohol use severity and the neural correlates of the effects of sleep disturbance on sustained visual attention
Association between adverse childhood experiences and adolescent alcohol use
Approach and avoidance alcohol inclinations in heavy drinking college students: an ecological momentary assessment study
Traumatic events during childhood and its risks to substance use in adulthood: an observational and genome-wide by environment interaction study in UK Biobank
The challenge of polysubstance use overdose
Caregiver drug use in Ontario child welfare investigations: the need for coordinated intervention
The buffering role of higher romantic relationship satisfaction on the association of hazardous drinking with PTSD and depression symptoms among female military service members/veterans
Relevance of well-being, resilience, and health-related quality of life to mental health profiles of European adolescents: results from a cross-sectional analysis of the school-based multinational UPRIGHT project
Does #Tamojunto alter the dynamic between drug use and school violence among youth? Secondary analysis from a large cluster-randomized trial
Effectiveness and implementability of state-level naloxone access policies: expert consensus from an online modified-Delphi process
"He was drugged up on something..." portrayals of drugs and violence on crime scene investigation (CSI) as system justification
On the sexual assault of men
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), excessive alcohol use and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration among Black men: a latent class analysis
Association between opioid-related deaths and prescribed opioid dose and psychotropic medicines in England: a case-crossover study
Discharge from the trauma centre: exposure to opioids, unmet information needs and lack of follow up-a qualitative study among physical trauma survivors
Effects of caffeine ingestion on dynamic visual acuity: a placebo-controlled, double-blind, balanced-crossover study in low caffeine consumers
Preventing traumatic causes of maternal death
A global survey on changes in the supply, price, and use of illicit drugs and alcohol, and related complications during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
The sugars in alcohol cocktails matter
Socioeconomic factors and substances involved in poisoning-related emergency department visits in British Columbia, Canada
Recreational marijuana legalization and co-use with alcohol among adolescents
Randomized controlled trial of solution-focused brief therapy for substance-use-disorder-affected parents involved in the child welfare system
Noticing of cannabis health warning labels in Canada and the US
COVID-19 experiences and parental mental health
Hip-hop's survival anthems: Incarceration narratives and identifying resilience factors in Maino's lyrics
Contribution of dual-energy computed tomography in the differentiation of illicit drugs
Forensic-psychiatric relationships in the context of forensic medical examination of new psychoactive substance-related deaths
Assessing the impact of sports and recreation facility density within school neighbourhoods on Canadian adolescents' substance use behaviours: quasi-experimental evidence from the COMPASS study, 2015-2018
Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on depressive symptoms and alcohol craving in individuals with comorbid alcohol use disorder and depression: a systematic review
Health literacy does not protect against underage alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic
Opium poisoning following self-medication of radiation-induced dermatitis with topical use of opium latex traditional extract; a teaching case
Preliminary eye-tracking data as a nonintrusive marker for blood Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration and drugged driving
Preliminary study of alcohol problem severity and response to brief intervention
Psychotropic drug use rate among detention house residents and association with the category of the crimes in Japan
Pharmacokinetic profile of a novel sustained-release caffeine with extended benefits on alertness and mood: a randomized, double-blind, single-dose, active-controlled, crossover study
Police officers' knowledge, understanding and implementation of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act in BC, Canada
Within- and between-family transactions of maternal depression and child engagement in the first 2 years of life: role of prenatal maternal risk and tobacco use
Trends in nonfatal and fatal overdoses involving benzodiazepines - 38 states and the District of Columbia, 2019-2020
Adverse childhood experiences and risky behaviors in male college students
Alcohol and the risk of injury
Aortic dissection in a body packer: did cocaine play a part?
Concomitant cannabis misuse and associations with depression, pain and substance misuse among patients prescribed opioids
Contrasting methods of measurement in spatial analyses examining the alcohol environment and child maltreatment
Risk and protective factors of current opioid use among youth living on or near American Indian reservations: an application of machine learning
Propafenone poisoning of a female adolescent after a suicide attempt
Personalized normative feedback for hazardous drinking among college women: differential outcomes by history of incapacitated rape
Prevalence and concentrations of new designer stimulants, synthetic opioids, benzodiazepines and hallucinogens in postmortem hair samples: a 13-year retrospective study
Prevalence and distribution of high-risk prescription opioid use in the United States, 2011-2016
Manner of death associated with multiple tattoos
Mental health and substance use among adults with disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, February-March 2021
Methamphetamine and alcohol detection in vehicle-driver fatalities in South Australia: a 10-year survey (2008-2018)
Accidental deaths from hand sanitizer consumption among persons with alcohol dependence during the COVID-19 lockdown in India: analysis of media reports
Association between receipt of overlapping opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions from multiple prescribers and overdose risk
The growing rural-urban divide in US life expectancy: contribution of cardiovascular disease and other major causes of death
Fatal cold medication poisoning in an adolescent
Pre-injury dispensing of psychoactive prescription drugs in a ten years trauma population: a retrospective registry analysis
Nighttime pedestrian fatalities: a comprehensive examination of infrastructure, user, vehicle, and situational factors
What your death certificate says about you may be wrong
Timely overdose death reporting is challenging but we must do better
Detection of inflatable boats and people in thermal infrared with deep learning methods
Development and validation of a trigger tool for identifying drug-related emergency department visits
Toxico-epidemiology of acute poisoning; an exploratory study from a tertiary care hospital in South India along with global comparisons and solutions
Unintentional injury burden in Hong Kong: results from a representative population-based survey
Notes from the field: Illicit benzodiazepines detected in patients evaluated in emergency departments for suspected opioid overdose - four states,
Older adults with hypertension: prevalence of falls and their associated factors
Do alcohol prevention programs influence adolescents' drinking behaviors? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Drinking trajectories and factors in Koreans
Early adolescent substance use before and during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a longitudinal survey in the ABCD Study Cohort
The effectiveness of a web-based self-help program to reduce alcohol use among adults with drinking patterns considered harmful, hazardous, or suggestive of dependence in four low- and middle-income countries: randomized controlled trial
Epigenetic alterations in prescription opioid misuse: new strategies for precision pain management
Exploring the mental health correlates of overdose loss
Agreement between DSM-5 and DSM-IV measures of substance use disorders in a sample of adult substance users
Evaluation of a brief harm reduction intervention to reduce celebratory drinking among college students
A longitudinal analysis of alcohol use behavior among Korean adults and related factors: a latent class growth model
The measurement of mental health problems among adolescents and young adults throughout the world
Molecular genetics of cocaine use disorders in humans
Multivariate analysis of 1.5 million people identifies genetic associations with traits related to self-regulation and addiction
Neighborhood income inequality and alcohol use among adolescents in Boston, Massachusetts
Non-fatal opioid overdose, naloxone access, and naloxone training among people who recently used opioids or received opioid agonist treatment in Australia: the ETHOS Engage study
Psychotropic drugs - comparison of application practice in forensic and general psychiatry
Prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in Brazil based on oral fluid analysis of samples collected at electronic music festivals and parties
Perceived vulnerability to overdose-related arrests among people who use drugs in Maryland
Improving measurement of harms from others' drinking: using item-response theory to scale harms from others' heavy drinking in 10 countries
The impact of alcohol taxation changes on unrecorded alcohol consumption: a review and recommendations
"I don't think marijuana counts as a drug": drug & alcohol use amongst South Sudanese youth in Australia
How can communities influence alcohol licensing at a local level? Licensing officers' perspectives of the barriers and facilitators to sustaining engagement in a volunteer-led alcohol harm reduction approach
Evidence for an increase in cannabis use in Iran - a systematic review and trend analysis
Celebrity drug use reporting in indian media and its impact on drug-related online search behavior: an infodemiology study
A qualitative exploration of young people's experiences of attempted suicide in the context of alcohol and substance use
Emotion-based decision-making as a predictor of alcohol-related consequences in college students
Risk factors and their contribution to population health in the European Union (EU-28) countries in 2007 and 2017
Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (LRCUG) for reducing health harms from non-medical cannabis use: a comprehensive evidence and recommendations update
Fentanyl, acetylfentanyl and carfentanil in impaired driving cases: a review of 270 cases
Exploring the potential of citizen science for public health through an alcohol advertising case study
Assessment of a modified sandwich estimator for generalized estimating equations with application to opioid poisoning in MIMIC-IV ICU patients
A study of blood alcohol level in victims of fatal road traffic accidents in Manipur, India
Pilot randomized control trial: efficacy of a group-based psychosocial program for youth with PTSD in the Brazilian Favelas
Opioid use disorder and its association with self-reported difficulties participating in social activities
Comparison of routine blood alcohol tests and ICD-10-AM coding of alcohol involvement for major trauma patients
Alcohol-related traffic laws and drunk-driving fatal accidents
Suggested guidelines to prevent health difficulties and risk behavior among students of secondary schools in Governorate of Cairo
The instigating effects of isolation on substance-related intimate partner violence: a review
Early trauma and later sexual victimization in college women: a multiple mediation examination of alexithymia, impulsivity, and alcohol use
Alcohol's effects on health
Self-reported versus actual alcohol-related communication on instagram: exploring the gap
Sertraline hydrochloride for reducing impulsive behaviour in male, repeat-violent offenders (ReINVEST): protocol for a phase IV, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial
Multiorgan dysfunction related to kratom ingestion
Overdose response training and naloxone distribution among rural first responders
Depression and antidepressants during pregnancy: craniofacial defects due to stem/progenitor cell deregulation mediated by serotonin
Contributors to reduced life expectancy among Native Americans in the Four Corners States
When accurate drug terminology reduces reporting and readership: the need for a happy medium regarding "synthetic cannabis" terminology
Trends in drug poisoning deaths, by sex, in Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional study from 2004 to 2017
Risk of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in hospitalized trauma patients: a national data analysis
Self-reported auditory problems are associated with adverse mental health outcomes and alcohol misuse in the UK Armed Forces
Social networks of adolescent sexual violence perpetrators: peer friendship and trusted adult characteristics
Social workers' encounters with elder abuse and neglect: giving meaning to their experiences
PTSD, panic disorder and alcohol use disorder as a triple threat for violence among male jail detainees
Pattern recognition from cyclist under influence (CUI) crash events: application of block cluster analysis
Effectiveness of a school-based substance use prevention program taught by police officers in Brazil: two cluster randomized controlled trials of the PROERD
Comparing self-report and parental report of psychopathologies in adolescents with substance use disorders
Alcohol consumption among tertiary students in the Hohoe municipality, Ghana: analysis of prevalence, effects, and associated factors from a cross-sectional study
Adolescent health: prevention of injury and death
History of methadone and buprenorphine opioid agonist therapy among people who died of an accidental opioid-involved overdose: Rhode Island, January 1, 2018-June 30, 2020
A prospective study on child abuse and elder mistreatment: assessing direct effects and associations with depression and substance use problems during adolescence and middle adulthood
Review of reported adverse events occurring among the homeless veteran population in the Veterans Health Administration
Social perception and knowledge impairments in severe alcohol use disorder: group and individual-level findings
State laws that authorize pharmacists to prescribe naloxone are associated with increased naloxone dispensing in retail pharmacies
Transition from injecting opioids to smoking fentanyl in San Francisco, California
Toxicological and pharmacologic sex differences in unintentional or undetermined opioid overdose death
Targeting community-based naloxone distribution using opioid overdose death rates: a descriptive analysis of naloxone rescue kits and opioid overdose deaths in Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Illicit drug use in Reykjavik by wastewater-based epidemiology
Vaping and psychotic experiences among college students in the United States
Development and validation of a prediction model for opioid use disorder among youth
A comparison of major trauma admissions to Christchurch Hospital during and after COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand
The association between history of civil commitment for severe substance use and future imprisonment: a Swedish registry study
Medication review in preventing older adults' fall-related injury: a systematic review & meta-analysis
The harms of punishing substance use during pregnancy
Gender differences in the prevalence of heroin and opioid analgesic misuse in the United States, 2015-2019
The fourth wave of the US opioid epidemic and its implications for the rural US: a federal perspective
Gender differences in mental health disorder and substance abuse of Chinese international college students during the CoViD-19 pandemic
A comprehensive systematic review of the laboratory-based research investigating the influence of alcohol on driving behaviour
Children's knowledge of cannabis and other substances in states with different cannabis use regulations
Problematic opioid use among older adults: epidemiology, adverse outcomes and treatment considerations
Relapse prevention group therapy via video-conferencing for substance use disorder: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial in Indonesia
Risk factors for elevations in substance use and consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic among sexual and gender minorities assigned female at birth
Traumatic brain injury and opioid use: additional evidence supporting the "perfect storm" of cascading vulnerabilities
Scoping review of opioid use after traumatic brain injury
Prescription opioid misuse and sports-related concussion among high school students in the United States
The interaction of single nucleotide polymorphisms on fibroblast growth factor 19 superfamily genes is associated with alcohol dependence-related aggression
Drug overdose deaths involving cocaine and psychostimulants with abuse potential among racial and ethnic groups - United States, 2004-2019
Effects of prescription opioid use on traumatic brain injury risk in older adults
Evaluating the role of ketamine/esketamine in the management of major depressive disorder with suicide risk
Cannabis, impaired driving, and road safety: an overview of key questions and issues
Association of lifetime history of traumatic brain injury with prescription opioid use and misuse among adults
Alcohol use and intimate partner violence in HIV-uninfected pregnant women in Cape Town, South Africa
Drug-related violence in Mexico and its effects on employment
Exploring causal relationship between Major League Baseball games and crime: a synthetic control analysis
An almost ideal demand system for alcoholic beverages in British Columbia
Economic and demographic factors in U.S. alcohol demand: A growth-accounting analysis
The demand for marijuana, tobacco and alcohol: inter-commodity interactions with uncertainty
Economic determinants of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Canada: a panel data analysis
Minimum wages and youth binge drinking
The relationship between alcohol intake and falls: Alcohol use only benefits those who sell it!
Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the United States: a systematic literature review
Patterns, consequences, and motives in simultaneous use of prescription stimulant medication with alcohol and marijuana
Opioid-related deaths before and after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders in Los Angeles County
Latent profiles of impulsivity facets and associations with drinking behaviors
Increasing the impact of interventions incentivizing psychiatric treatment engagement: challenges and opportunities
Heavy drinking and drinking harms for cisgender and transgender college students
Explosions, burn injuries and adverse health effects of electronic nicotine delivery systems: a review of current regulations and future perspectives
The financial burden of opioid-related abuse among surgical and non-surgical patients in Florida: a longitudinal study
Validation of the AUDIT and AUDIT-C for hazardous drinking in community-dwelling older adults
Perceptions of drink driving legal limits in England: a qualitative investigation
Perceptions of plea bargains for driving under the influence (DUI) cases involving alcohol and marijuana
Suspicious case of a body packer "mule" in a low resource country: a case report
State lockdown policies, mental health symptoms, and using substances
Eponymous signs in toxicology and poisoning in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
A daily-life study of interpersonal stressors and alcohol use in individuals with borderline personality disorder and community controls
Cannabis: evidently in dramatic misuse : a fine testimony to immoderation and profiteering
Canada's cannabis legalization and drivers' traffic-injury presentations to emergency departments in Ontario and Alberta, 2015-2019
Age-related opioid exposure in trauma: a secondary analysis of the multimodal analgesia strategies for trauma (MAST) randomized trial
Acute lung injury-from cannabis to COVID
Violence-related morbidity among people released from prison in Australia: a data linkage study
Use of cannabis and/or prescription opioids among adult drivers in Ontario, Canada: prevalence and association with motor vehicle collisions
Systematic review of the effects of cannabis retail outlets on traffic collisions, fatalities and other traffic-related outcomes
Social ecological model and underage drinking: a theoretical review and evaluation
Amphetamines and the privilege of being spared from sanction in road traffic due to medication
Abstinence or controlled drinking? An evidence-based consideration of the necessary changes in behavior in drivers who have been suspicious of alcohol
Detectability of poppers and possible concerns in road traffic
Evaluation of the reliability of the "Huestis formulas" for estimating the time of cannabis use
Maintaining high quality in paragraf 70 FeV courses: audititing the instructor
Medical cannabis in road traffic. Results of an analysis of toxicological inquiries
The occurence and relevance of Pregabalin in traffic offences. A prevalence study
Scientific experiment in alcohol self-awareness in judicial training
Serum methanol concentrations after controlled consumption of considerable amounts of alcohol over longer periods of time
Association between discontinuing chronic opioid therapy and newly diagnosed substance use disorders, accidents, self-inflicted injuries and drug overdoses within the prescribers' health care system: a retrospective cohort study
Consequences of psychoactive substance use: a comparative study of two services in Brazil and Portugal
Driving under the influence of cannabis risk perceptions and behaviour: a population-based study in Ontario, Canada
Drug use and drug trends in Sweden 2010-2020 - results from urine drug testing in the workplace
The effect of acute alcohol intoxication on alcohol cue salience: an event-related brain potential study
Prevalence and profile of drugs and alcohol in fatally injured drivers in Pretoria, South Africa
The impact of COVID-19 on the injury pattern for maxillofacial fracture in Daegu city, South Korea
A mixed-methods systematic review of the prevalence, reasons, associated harms and risk-reduction interventions of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines misuse, abuse and dependence in adults
The interplay of sexual arousal and power-related emotions in men's alcohol-involved sexual aggression intentions
Self-reported perceived negative consequences of marijuana use among U.S. young adult users, 2008-2019
Narratives of the mystical among users of psychedelics
Trauma, alcohol and drugs misuse in car and motorcycle drivers: a prevalence study in a level one trauma center
The Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire: a cross-country examination among university students in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Argentina, and the United States
Buprenorphine/naloxone associated with a reduced odds of fentanyl exposure among a cohort of people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Covalently loaded naloxone nanoparticles as a long-acting medical countermeasure to opioid poisoning
Characterizing opioid-involved overdose risk in local communities: an opioid overdose vulnerability assessment across Indiana, 2017
Effects of the "Unplugged" school-based substance use prevention program in Nigeria: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Does geographic location matter for transportation risk behaviors among U.S. public high school students?
Drug use, homelessness and health: responding to the opioid overdose crisis with housing and harm reduction services
A review of the screening approach, brief intervention and referral in alcohol dependent patients referred to hospital emergency department with alcohol poisoning
Intervention impact on alcohol use, alcohol harms, and a combination of both: a latent class, secondary analysis of results from a randomized controlled trial
Moderator effects in a randomized controlled trial of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) for intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia
Mobility and depressive symptoms in persons with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer dementia
Men's decrease and women's increase in harmful alcohol use from the 2014 to 2018 national surveys in Taiwan: a harbinger for an emerging national trend in East Asia?
Pregabalin poisoning: evaluation of dose-toxicity relationship
The impact of the national stay-at-home order on emergency department visits for suspected opioid overdose during the first wave of the CoViD-19 pandemic
Hearing attention of young adult sportsmen prone to alcohol
Notes from the field: xylazine, a veterinary tranquilizer, identified as an emerging novel substance in drug overdose deaths -- Connecticut, 2019-2020
When fentanyl finds an outlier: talking with teenagers about the danger
Validity of self-reported substance use: research setting versus primary health care setting
Psychological well-being and alcohol misuse among community-based veterans: results from the Veterans' Health Study
Patterns, trends and determinants of medical opioid utilization in Canada 2005-2020: characterizing an era of intensive rise and fall
The association between alcohol use and suicidal ideation among employees
Shortening time for access to alcohol drives up front-loading behavior, bringing consumption in male rats to the level of females
Deep learning for identification of alcohol-related content on social media (Reddit and Twitter): exploratory analysis of alcohol-related outcomes
A case of myxedema coma crisis induced by inhalation injury
Temporal changes in trauma according to alcohol sale restrictions during the south African national COVID-19 lockdown
Skills for preventing injury in youth: evaluating change in adolescent alcohol use, violence, and road-related injuries
Sobering up after the seventh inning: alcohol and crime around the ballpark
Prevalence of and risk markers for dating abuse-related stalking and harassment victimization and perpetration in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents
A natural experiment to test the effect of sanction certainty and celerity on substance-impaired driving: North Dakota's 24/7 Sobriety Program
Alcoholic beverage purchase by Brazilian adolescents: individual and contextual factors associated in a multilevel analysis
The organized crime in western Balkans in the age of globalization- trafficking in narcotics and money laundry
Monitoring of substances use among a sample of Tunisian high school pupils [conference abstract]
Changes in emergency department encounters for vomiting after cannabis legalization in Colorado
Examining changes in drinking motives and their influence on drinking behaviors among heavy drinkers during their first year of college
Examining trends in the representation of young people and alcohol in Australian newspapers over twenty years (2000-2019)
Growth in recreational cannabis markets and burden on emergency departments
'I just drink to feel abnormal for some time': reconfiguring heavy drinking and intoxication as pleasurable
A national study of epilepsy-related deaths in Scotland: trends, mechanisms, and avoidable deaths
A rare case of vaping-induced spontaneous pneumomediastinum
Problematic substance use: an assessment of workplace implications in midwifery
Self-rated impulsivity in healthy individuals, substance use disorder and ADHD: psychometric properties of the Swedish Barratt impulsiveness scale
Trends in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Europe: do changes occur in concert?
Which illicit drugs are injected in Oslo? A study based on analysis of drug residues in used injection equipment and self-reported information
The rapid anti-suicidal ideation effect of ketamine: a systematic review
Sex differences in medical cannabis-related adverse effects
Suicide by vaping the synthetic cannabinoid 4F-MDMB-BINACA: cannabinoid receptors and fluoride at the crossroads of toxicity?
Prospective effects of loneliness on frequency of alcohol and marijuana use
Pre-injury chronic alcohol abuse predicts intracranial hemorrhagic progression, unfavorable clinical outcome, and mortality in severe traumatic brain injury
Novel presentation of cardiotoxicity and other complications in tricyclic antidepressant poisoning
Moral injury and cannabis use disorder among Israeli combat veterans: the role of depression and perceived social support
Insomnia and suicide as reported adverse effects of second-generation antipsychotics and mood stabilizers
Herb-induced liver injury related to Reynoutria multiflora (Thunb.) moldenke: risk factors, molecular and mechanistic specifics
Cohort effects on gender differences in alcohol use in the United States: how much is explained by changing attitudes towards women and gendered roles?
To drink or not to drink: when drinking intentions predict alcohol consumption and consequences
Unintended but hardly unexpected consequences of cannabis legalization [editorial]
The "Outcome Reporting in Brief Intervention Trials: Alcohol" (ORBITAL) core outcome set: international consensus on outcomes to measure in efficacy and effectiveness trials of alcohol brief interventions
Social role, behavior, and belief changes associated with driving after using marijuana among U.S. young adults, and comparisons with driving after 5+ drinking
Do alcohol consequences serve as teachable moments? A test of between- and within-person reciprocal effects from college age to adulthood
Effects of a web-based alcohol drinking prevention program linking school-to-home in elementary students
Emergency department pediatric visits in Alberta for cannabis after legalization
An examination of fatal child poisonings in the United States using the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), 2012-2017
Acute toxic effects of the new psychoactive substance "voodoo" among patients presented to the Poison Control Center of Ain Shams University Hospitals (PCC-ASUH), Egypt, during 2017
Appropriating the literature: alcohol industry actors' interventions in scientific journals
Cannabis in homes with children: a survey on use, storage, and attitudes
The combined effects of alcohol and benzodiazepines on driving-related neurocognitive skills: a systematic review
Childhood experiences and high-intensity drinking among American Indian and Alaska Native adults: findings from the 2000-2015 national alcohol surveys
Changing the care environment for acute intoxication: providing intoxicated adults with an alternative to the emergency department and jail
Sexual violence and chemsex among substance-using sexual and gender minorities in Texas
Impact of antiepileptic drugs on simulated driving in patients with epilepsy
Social norms of college students engaging in non-medical prescription drug use to get high: what's sex got to do with it?
Psychiatric comorbidity and treatment outcomes in patients with opioid use disorder: results from a multisite trial of buprenorphine-naloxone and methadone
Problematic familial alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking among upper secondary students: a moderator analysis of teacher-rated school ethos
Prehospital ketamine administration for excited delirium with illicit substance co-ingestion and subsequent intubation in the emergency department
Introduction to the special issue: opioids and the workplace-urgent action needed [editorial]
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and child health
Dietary supplements: when too much of a good thing becomes harmful
First Polish case of fatal single-substance poisoning with cyclopropylfentanyl, a new synthetic opioid
Naloxone therapy for prescription and illicit opioid poisoning cases aged 50 + in the national poison data system, 2015-2020
Child abuse, street victimization, and substance use among homeless young adults
Driving a bicycle under influence: a neglected problem?
Alcohol consumption and risk perception in the Portuguese construction industry
Adolescents in treatment for substance use disorders: callous-unemotional traits moderate associations between transdiagnostic symptoms and adolescent suicidality
Chemsex-related crime and vulnerability: a public health and criminal justice priority
Daily physical activity, sedentary behavior and alcohol use in at-risk college students
Marijuana use and suicidal behaviours among school-going adolescents in Africa: assessments of prevalence and risk factors from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey
Polysubstance use among national samples of in-school adolescents in Tonga and Vanuatu
Pre-game drinking among young adults and its association with positive and negative alcohol consequences
Settled insanity: substance use meets the insanity defense
Sex-based differences in timely emergency department evaluations for patients with drug poisoning
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe drug intoxication: a retrospective comparison of survivors and nonsurvivors
Out of all drugs, alcohol is still the biggest threat on the roads
High claims: legalizing recreational marijuana is linked to increased crashes
A comparison of caffeine versus pseudoephedrine on cycling time-trial performance
Co-use among confidants: an examination of polysubstance use and personal relationships in southeastern Nebraska
Cocaine detection by a laser-induced immunofluorometric biosensor
Does traumatic brain injury cause risky substance use or substance use disorder?
Feder et al. respond to "Opioids, economic factors, and misclassification"
A patient navigation intervention for drug involved former prison inmates
How might the 'Icelandic model' for preventing substance use among young people be developed and adapted for use in Scotland? Utilising the consolidated framework for implementation research in a qualitative exploratory study
Tree stand-related injuries in nonadmitted and admitted patients at a level 2 trauma center in Michigan: 2015-2019
Socioeconomic correlates of incident and fatal opioid overdose among Swedish people with opioid use disorder
Simultaneous use of marijuana and alcohol: potential prevention targets among young adults who use alcohol
The role of aberrant salience in the association between cannabis use frequency and psychotic experiences among racial and ethnic minoritized youth
Racial and ethnic differences in cannabis use following legalization in US states with medical cannabis laws
Methanol poisoning outbreaks in southern Iran in 2018: a lesson learned
Mental health and substance use by sexual minority status in high school students who experienced sexual violence
Measuring substance-related disorders using Canadian Administrative Health Databanks: interprovincial comparisons of recorded diagnostic rates, incidence proportions and mortality rate ratios
Knowledge and practice towards alcohol consumption in a sample of university students
Illicit substances identified in the urine of 11.170 suspected drug users in North Tunisia
Integrating traditional practices and social network visualization to prevent substance use: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial among urban Native American emerging adults
The influence of childhood and early adult adversities on substance use behaviours in racial/ethnically diverse young adult women: a latent class analysis
Exploration of the longitudinal trend of DUI crashes in Pennsylvania, USA (2008 to 2019)
Exploring social context and psychological distress in adult Canadians with cannabis use disorder: to what extent do social isolation and negative relationships predict mental health?
Greater loss of face and family honor values are associated with greater positive expectancies and substance abuse among Middle Eastern/Northern African U.S. college students
The global impact of alcohol consumption on premature mortality and health in 2016
Gender differences in depression and quality of life in current and abstinent ketamine users
Facilitators of and barriers to buprenorphine initiation for people with opioid use disorder in the emergency department: protocol for a scoping review
Drinking and night-time driving may increase the risk of severe health outcomes: a 5-year retrospective study of traffic injuries among international travelers at a university hospital emergency center in Thailand
Disparities in stressful life events among children aged 5-17 years: United States, 2019
Comparison of the factors for suicidal ideation and suicide attempt: a comprehensive examination of stress, view of life, mental health, and alcohol use
Applying polyvictimization theory to veterans: associations with substance use and mental health
Alcohol-related changes in behaviors and characteristics from the baseline to the randomization session for treatment and non-treatment seeking participants with alcohol use disorder
Alcohol and cannabis use and the developing brain
An analysis of 1344 consecutive acute intoxication cases admitted to an academic emergency medicine department in Turkey
Association between fatal opioid overdose and state medical cannabis laws in US national survey data, 2000-2011
What is the future of illicit drug profiling in Switzerland? Condemned to disappear or forgotten treasure
Integrating health literacy into a theory-based drug-use prevention program: a quasi-experimental study among junior high students in Taiwan
Is pre-college interpersonal trauma associated with cannabis use?
Lethal self-administration of propofol and atracurium
The newest battlefield opioid, sublingual sufentanil: a proposal to refine opioid usage in the U.S. Military
Concomitant opioid and benzodiazepine use and risk of suicide attempt and intentional self-harm: pharmacoepidemiologic study
The differential effects of verbal sexual coercion and forcible sexual assault on alcohol use and consequence trajectories in the first year of college
Recursive bivariate probit analysis of injury severity and non-truck improper actions in large truck-related crashes on Florida suburban roads
Surveillance of drug overdose and identification of its risk factors by a multivariate analysis using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database
Physical and sexual victimization class membership and alcohol misuse and consequences among sexual minority and heterosexual female youth
People downplay health risks to fulfill their goals: a motivational framework for guiding behavioral policy
Minority stress and sexual partner violence victimization and perpetration among LGBQ+ college students: the moderating roles of hazardous drinking and social support
In focus: Complications from adulterants in street drugs
Fatal and non-fatal heroin-related overdoses: circumstances and patterns
An examination of how DUI-child endangerment laws are used in court
Changing cannabis policies and social work: implications for students, families, and schools
Are homicide and drug trafficking linked to peer physical victimization in Costa Rican schools?
Harm reduction outcomes and practices in Housing First: a mixed-methods systematic review
How prescription drug monitoring programs influence clinical decision-making: a mixed methods systematic review and meta-analysis
"I am what I am: a meta-analysis of the association between substance user identities and substance use-related outcomes." Correction to Montes and Pearson (2021)
Impact of the HOP-UP-PT program on older adults at risk to fall: a randomized controlled trial
Interactive effect of sarcopenia and falls on vertebral osteoporotic fracture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Young adult use, dual use, and simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana: an examination of differences across use status on marijuana use context, rates, and consequences
The use of diverted pharmaceutical opioids is associated with reduced risk of fentanyl exposure among people using unregulated drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Re-analysis of suspected DWI blood samples for ethanol: a Texas case study
Substance use and its associated factors among school students
State marijuana policies and vaping associated lung injuries in the US
Non-fatal stimulant overdose among homeless and unstably housed women in San Francisco, California
"On the role of (implicit) drinking self-identity in alcohol use and problematic drinking: a comparison of five measures." Correction to Cummins, Lindgren, and De Houwer (2020)
Opioid mortality, public health care expenditures, and cross-national homicide rates: findings from 25 OECD countries, 2000-2017
The International Cannabis Toolkit (iCannToolkit): a multidisciplinary expert consensus on minimum standards for measuring cannabis use
Investigating sensation seeking as a predictor of false identification attainment and associated risks among a college student sample
Literal text analysis of poly-class and polydrug overdose deaths in North Carolina, 2015-2019
A longitudinal analysis of PTSD and other mental health symptoms among people sentenced to drug treatment court
Alcohol and drug offenses and suicide risk among men who purchased a handgun in California: a cohort study
Citalopram for treatment of cocaine use disorder: a Bayesian drop-the-loser randomized clinical trial
Childhood psychiatric outcomes in the context of suspected neglect and abuse reports related and unrelated to parental substance use
Development and validation of a rapid LC-MS/MS method for the detection of 182 novel psychoactive substances in whole blood
Frequent teenage cannabis use: prevalence across adolescence and associations with young adult psychopathology and functional well-being in an urban cohort
The early impact of COVID-19 on the incidence, prevalence, and severity of alcohol use and other drugs: a systematic review
Exploring the implementation of public involvement in local alcohol availability policy: the case of alcohol licensing decision-making in England
An ethnographic study of unhealthy alcohol use in a Danish emergency department
Association of heated tobacco product use and secondhand smoke exposure with suicidal ideation, suicide plans and suicide attempts among Korean adolescents: a 2019 national survey
Traumatic life-events and alcohol and drug use disorders among Mexican adolescents: bidirectional associations over 8 years
Combined associations of smoking and bullying victimization with binge drinking among adolescents in Beijing, China
Demographic and substance use-related differences among high school adolescents who vape cannabis versus use other cannabis modalities
Differential effect of ethanol intoxication on peripheral markers of cerebral injury in murine blunt traumatic brain injury
Do people with opioid use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder benefit from dding Individual opioid Drug Counseling to buprenorphine?
Fatalities due to poisoning with aluminum phosphide (rice pill) and methadone
Stress, anxiety, binge drinking, and substance use among college student-athletes: a cross-sectional analysis
Stop what you're doing!-an fMRI study on comparisons of neural subprocesses of response inhibition in ADHD and alcohol use disorder
Self-regulation of driving behavior under the influence of cannabis: the role of driving complexity and driver vision
The Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) Program Questionnaire Validation Study (PQVS)
Pharmacokinetics of caffeine self-administered in overdose in a Japanese patient admitted to hospital
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl entering the United States
Genetic liability to suicide attempt, suicide death, and psychiatric and substance use disorders on the risk for suicide attempt and suicide death: a Swedish national study
Validation and threshold identification of a prescription drug monitoring program clinical opioid risk metric with the WHO alcohol, smoking, and substance involvement screening test
Victim of violent death: what is the role of alcoholemia?
Trends in deaths fully attributable to alcohol in Minnesota, 2000-2018
Sex, drugs, and genes: illuminating the moral condemnation of recreational drugs
Sexual orientation and synthetic cannabinoid use: examining the role of bullying victimization
A social interaction learning model approach to understand adverse childhood experiences and drug use among Latinx youth
Sources of medications used by children and adolescents for intentional ingestion: a retrospective chart review
The prospective effects of parents' and friends' approval of drinking on simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use during college
Association between opioid overdose death rates and educational attainment - United States, 2010-2019
Characteristics of falls among older people - China, 2018
Pediatric fatalities associated with over-the-counter cough and cold medications
Pediatric poisoning fatalities: beyond cough and cold medications [editorial]
Pharmacokinetics of loxoprofen in a self-administered overdose in a Japanese patient admitted to hospital
Paracetamol toxicity in mild overdose in combination with opioids: a retrospective observational study
Opioid poisoning cases aged 50+ in the 2015-2020 National Poisoning Data System: suspected suicides versus unintentional poisoning and other intentional misuse/abuse
The New York City Prescriber Notification Program: assessing the feasibility of a patient overdose death notification pilot
Acute effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency transportation due to acute alcoholic intoxication: a retrospective observational study
Advancing our understanding of the intersection between emotion regulation and alcohol and drug use problems: dyadic analysis in couples with intimate partner violence and alcohol use disorder
Fatal opioid overdoses during and shortly after hospital admissions in England: a case-crossover study
Framework for advancing epidemiological criminology research on prescription drug monitoring programs
Framing public health response to the opioid and overdose crisis: are there alternatives to cascade of care model?
Gender and regional pattern of alcohol use and projection of problematic drinking in India, 1998-2016
Childhood trauma and the severity of past suicide attempts in outpatients with cocaine use disorders
COVID-19 pandemic and methanol poisoning outbreak in Iranian children and adolescents: a data linkage study
Depresssion, anxiety and other cognitive consequences of social isolation: drug and non-drug treatments
Enacting fentanyl tests strips for overdose prevention: the socio-material transformation of "suspect technologies" into "technologies of solidarity"
Evaluation of factors related to overdose in patients with impaired consciousness who are transported by emergency medical services: an age-specific research
Illicit drug exposures reported to the Poisons Information Centre Erfurt (2011 to 2020)
"Just because somebody is in a white jacket and has a medical degree doesn't mean they're not a drug dealer": law-enforcement experiences investigating occupational offenders
Maintaining normative functioning alongside drug use: the recognition of harms and adoption of change strategies
Moving beyond Narcan: a police, social service, and researcher collaborative response to the opioid crisis
Mobile phone sensor-based detection of subjective cannabis intoxication in young adults: a feasibility study in real-world settings
Medical cannabis state and federal regulations: implications for United States health care entities
Factors associated with suicide attempt in adolescents who applied for drug use
Trends in ketamine use, exposures, and seizures in the United States
Risk of hospitalized depression and intentional self-harm with brand and authorized generic sertraline
Lay knowledge and practices of methamphetamine use to manage opioid-related overdose risks
Minimizing the risk of opioid misuse and abuse in the surgical setting
CDT vs. GGT for the certification of the fitness to hold the driving license. a comparison based on the association of incremented values with the occurrence of alcohol-related road traffic accidents
Alcohol and cannabis use disorder symptom severity, conduct disorder, and callous-unemotional traits and impairment in expression recognition
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in the Russian language - a systematic review of validation efforts and application challenges
A curious case of snake venom addiction as an alcohol de-addiction tool: pain for gain?
Mental disorders, gun ownership, and gun carrying among soldiers after leaving the Army, 2016-2019
Impact of drug formulation on outcomes of pharmaceutical poisoning in children aged 7 years or younger: a retrospective observational study in South Korea
Disability and workers' compensation trends for employees with mental disorders and SUDs in the United States
Effects of typical and binge drinking on sexual consent perceptions and communication
Effects of the 2020 health crisis on acute alcohol intoxication: a nationwide retrospective observational study
The effect of lockdown during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on maxillofacial injuries in a level I trauma centre: a comparative study
Coping-motivated escalations in adolescent alcohol problems following early adversity
Potentially inappropriate prescribing in a falls clinic using the STOPP and START criteria
Why are US military personnel prescribed transdermal fentanyl patches?
A survey of medical students' attitudes and practices towards narcotics and psychotropic drugs
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes among American Indians with type 2 diabetes
Unintentional and intentional drug poisoning deaths, Australia, 2012-2016: drug pattern profile and demographic characteristics
Risk-taking behaviors of e-scooter users: a survey in Paris
An application of moderated nonlinear factor analysis to develop a commensurate measure of alcohol problems across four alcohol treatment studies
Applications of nir spectroscopy and chemometrics to illicit drug analysis: an example from inhalant drug screening tests
Mental health among justice-involved veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic: understanding needs and proposing a research agenda
"Wild years": rock music, problem behaviors and mental well-being in adolescence and young adulthood
Mechanisms of cannabis impairment: implications for modeling driving performance
Cannabis and driving
Analysis of influencing factors of acute medication poisoning in adults in emergency department of our hospital from 2016 to 2019 and observation of curative effect of optimizing emergency procedures
Acute extrapyramidal side effects from smoked haloperidol
Rare case of diffuse skeletal fluorosis due to inhalant abuse of difluoroethane
The release of abuse-deterrent OxyContin and adolescent heroin use
An animation- versus text-based computer-tailored game intervention to prevent alcohol consumption and binge drinking in adolescents: study protocol
Are Spaniards happier when the bars are open? Using life satisfaction to evaluate CoViD-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)
Associations between longitudinal patterns of substance use and anxiety and depression symptoms among a sample of Canadian secondary school students
Characteristics of presentations to the emergency department following attempted suicide with drugs
Mortality-risk prediction model from road-traffic injury in drunk drivers: machine learning approach
Motivators of indiscriminate and unsafe supplement use among young Australians
Drivers of county engagement in criminal justice-behavioral health initiatives
The effect of nighttime rental restrictions on e-scooter injuries at a large urban tertiary care center
Influence of prevalence of psychoactive substance use in Mexican municipalities on early childhood development
Inducing effects of illegal drugs to improve mental health by self-regulation therapy: a pilot study
An exploratory study among intellectual disability physicians on the care and coercion act and the use of psychotropic drugs for challenging behaviour
Exploring impact of marijuana (cannabis) abuse on adults using machine learning
Racial/ethnic differences in ED opioid prescriptions for long bone fractures: trends over time
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect road crashes and crash outcomes in Alabama?
Impact of users' attitudes toward anonymous internet interventions for cannabis vs. alcohol use: a secondary analysis of data from two clinical trials
Isotretinoin induced psychotic mania: a case report
Armed conflict, HIV, and syndemic risk markers of mental distress, alcohol misuse, and intimate partner violence among couples in Uganda
Association of cannabis use-related predictor variables and self-reported psychotic disorders: U.S. adults, 2001-2002 and 2012-2013
Binge drinking among adults, by select characteristics and state - United States, 2018
EuGMS Task and Finish group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs (FRIDs): position on knowledge dissemination, management, and future research
Substance use among sexual and gender minorities: association with police discrimination and police mistrust
Suicide among Scottish military veterans: follow-up and trends
Integrating student and teacher insights to a school-based alcohol program through co-design
Increasing emergency department attendances in central London with methamphetamine toxicity and associated harms
Case of gamma-hydroxybutyrate poisoning in an infant
Comparing mortality from CoViD-19 to mortality due to overdose: a micromort analysis
Craving and emotional responses to trauma and cannabis cues in trauma-exposed cannabis users: influence of PTSD symptom severity
Understanding Australian methylamphetamine drug markets through relational, temporal and spatial analyses
Impact of group cohesion among drinking groups at nightclubs on risk from alcohol and other drug use
Work conditions are associated with alcohol use after taking into account life conditions outside of work: findings from a French occupational health service
Treatment of comorbid psychiatric disorders with bipolar disorder
Consuming illicit opioids during a drug overdose epidemic: illicit fentanyls, drug discernment, and the radical transformation of the illicit opioid market
Barbiturate-related hospitalisations, drug treatment episodes, and deaths in Australia, 2000-2018
Time-varying effect of drunk driving regulations on road traffic mortality in Guangzhou, China: an interrupted time-series analysis
Trends in the sequence of initiation of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use among adolescents in Argentina and Chile from 2001 to 2017
Should ketamine not be banned? A scoping review
Alcohol policy compliance among retailers in Bhutan: a multisite community intervention study
Antipsychotic-related fatal poisoning, England and Wales, 1993-2019: the impact of second-generation antipsychotics
Did attending P.A.R.T.Y. change youth perceptions? Results from 148 Queensland schools participating in the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth Program, 2018-2019
Police stops and adolescent substance use: findings from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study
Physical teen dating violence in high school students in Slovenia: prevalence and correlates
Association between suicide and drinking habits in adolescents
Effectiveness of the Mantente REAL program for preventing alcohol use in Spanish adolescents
Health risk behaviours among adolescents in Argentina: trends between 2007, 2012 and 2018 national cross-sectional school surveys
Cannabis and binge alcohol use among older individuals with major depressive episode
Change in central nervous system-active medication use following fall-related injury in older adults
The Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women study: protocol for a study of stress, hazardous drinking, and intimate partner aggression among sexual minority women and their partners
Epidemiological profile of mandibular fractures in an emergency department
"Follow my Finsta": drinking trajectories in relation to auxiliary instagram accounts
Modeling daily partner violence and substance use based upon couple's reporting
Sociodemographic characteristics, adverse childhood experiences, and substance use and psychiatric disorders among adolescent-limited, adult-onset, life-course-persistent offenders and nonoffenders in a general population survey
Professional sports and crime: do professional hockey games increase city-level crime rates?
Drug facilitated sexual assault and their analysis
Adolescents' perspectives on substance use prevention: a qualitative study among Australian school students
Characteristics of 455 male college students who have casual heterosexual behavior in Zhejiang
Suicidal ideation among women who engage in sex work and have a history of drug use in Kazakhstan
"This person is still here with us today": a qualitative follow-up with Mental Health First Aid First Nations training participants
What your death certificate says about you may be wrong: a narrative review on CDC's efforts to quantify prescription opioid overdose deaths
Prevention of mental and substance use disorders: shaping priorities for research and implementation
The comorbidity between alcohol use and internalising psychopathology in early adolescence
Substance use frequency relates to suicidal ideation through perceived burdensomeness and to suicide attempts through capability for suicide
Suicide by opioid: exploring the intentionality of the act
Comparison of characteristics of deaths from drug overdose before vs during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rhode Island
The effect of overdose education and naloxone distribution: an umbrella review of systematic reviews
Good Samaritan drug overdose act awareness among people who use drugs in British Columbia, Canada: this article is related directly to the 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health (LEPH) Virtual Conference in March 2021
Identification of non-fatal opioid overdose cases using 9-1-1 computer assisted dispatch and prehospital patient clinical record variables
Multi-informant implementation and intervention outcomes of opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution in New York City
Methamphetamine use, methamphetamine use disorder, and associated overdose deaths among US adults
Acute severe poisoning with disinfectant in senior aged patient-case report and overview of literature considering age influence on treatment decision in alcohol-based intoxications
State alcohol ignition interlock laws and fatal crashes
Sex and context differences in the effects of trauma on comorbid alcohol use and post-traumatic stress phenotypes in actively drinking rats
Significant postmortem diffusion of ethanol: a case report
Smoking enhances suicide risk-a significant role in the COVID-19 pandemic?
Prenatal cannabis use disorder and future risk of road traffic injuries in Canadian children
Prescription drug monitoring and child maltreatment in the United States, 2004-2018
Prevalence of adolescent cannabis vaping: a systematic review and meta-analysis of US and Canadian studies
Psychiatric, substance use, and structural disparities between gay and bisexual men with histories of childhood sexual abuse and recent sexual risk behavior
Ocular chemical burn associated with gel type alcohol-based hand sanitizer: a case report
Post-legalization drug communication: examining a Colorado cannabis campaign
Mental health and economic stressors associated with high-risk drinking and increased alcohol consumption early in the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Methamphetamine exacerbates pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury at high altitude. Neuroprotective effects of nanodelivery of a potent antioxidant compound H-290/51
Comparative risk of suicide by specific substance use disorders: a national cohort study
The influence of distressed coping on the relationship between perceived racial discrimination and cannabis use among Black college students
Effects of stricter drunk-driving laws on alcohol-related road traffic death, injury, and crash rates in South Korea: a synthetic counterfactual approach using Bayesian structural time-series models
Implementation of academic detailing for pharmacists on opioid use disorder and harm reduction
A historical overview of legislated alcohol policy in the Northern Territory of Australia: 1979-2021
Tracking the decline in Australian adolescent drinking into adulthood
Severe drug-induced liver injury in the military: a retrospective review
Adverse childhood experiences and substance misuse in young people in India: results from the multisite cVEDA cohort
The association between depression and oral health related quality of life in people who inject drugs
Changes in alcoholic beverage choice and risky drinking among adolescents in Europe 1999-2019
Correlates of suicide attempts in Filipino youths: an analysis based on the 2015 Global School-Based Student Health Survey
Effects of caffeine ingestion on human standing balance: a systematic review of placebo-controlled trials
Driving while under the influence of hallucinogens: prevalence, correlates, and risk profiles
Drinking to fit in: the effects of drinking motives and self-esteem on alcohol use among female college students
Effects of risk perception and accessibility on cannabis use among young population in spain: findings from the 2016 National Survey (ESTUDES)
Exploring the link between adolescent inhalant misuse and suicidal behaviour: a behavioural toxicology perspective
Gender differences in lifestyle and mental health among senior high school students in South Korea
Gender differences among Sardinians with alcohol use disorder
Factors related to absence of toxicological investigation following fatal injury: a retrospective quantitative review of Coronial records in New Zealand
Current marijuana use and alcohol consumption among adults following the legalization of nonmedical retail marijuana sales - Colorado, 2015-2019
'When I open it, I have to drink it all': Push and pull factors shaping domestic alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic UK Spring 2020 lockdown
Using the Behaviour Change Wheel to design an intervention for partner abusive men in drug and alcohol treatment
Trends in heroin use and injection drug use among high school students in five urban school districts in the US (2005-2017)
Trends in cannabis involvement and risk of alcohol involvement in motor vehicle crash fatalities in the United States, 2000‒2018
Toxic alcohol poisoning characteristics and treatments from 2000 to 2017 at a United States regional poison center
Substance use-related suicide after release from correctional, behavioral health, and healthcare facilities using national violent death reporting system data
Substance use as a risk factor for bipolar disorder: a systematic review
Stay home, drink at home? A daily diary study on college students' alcohol and social media use during the COVID-19 pandemic
Self-care needs in the domains of knowledge, attitude and performance of adolescent girls with regard to drug addiction and risky sexual behaviors in Iran
Risky alcohol use and comorbidity in a Swedish adolescent emergency psychiatric inpatient population
Aggression and criminality in androgen abusers
Addressing barriers to primary care screening and referral to prevention for youth risky health behaviors: evidence regarding potential cost-savings and provider concerns
Arrest and non-fatal suicide attempts among men: analysis of survey data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Religion, spirituality, and risk for incident posttraumatic stress disorder, suicidal ideation, and hazardous drinking in U.S. military veterans: a 7-year, nationally representative, prospective cohort study
Rationalities of space and drug-related harms: accounts of people who inject drugs in Nigeria
A qualitative assessment of individual and social-environmental factors informing decisions to ride with an impaired driver and drive while impaired
Prevention of domestic accidents in childhood: knowledge of caregivers at a health care facility
Non-drinkers' experiences of drinking occasions: a population-based study of social consequences of abstaining from alcohol
Monitoring methamphetamine in the United States. A two decade review as seen by the DEA Methamphetamine Profiling Program
Metals in cannabis vaporizer aerosols: sources, possible mechanisms, and exposure profiles
Maladaptive personality traits in depressive and substance use disorders: a study with the PID-5
Intoxication, social order and the retreat from volition: a comparative analysis of liability in Thailand and Singapore
Evaluation of a community-based harm reduction intervention aimed at adjudicated college students
An exploration of practitioners' perceptions and beliefs about trauma-informed youth drug prevention programs: a qualitative study
EXPRESSION OF CONCERN: "Chronic cocaine exposure in a toddler revealed by hair test"
Geographical access to recreational marijuana
Evaluating Montréal's harm reduction interventions for people who inject drugs: protocol for observational study and cost-effectiveness analysis
Chronic pain and delinquency partially explain the effect of the DRD4 gene polymorphism on adult substance use
Comorbidity between mood and substance-related disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Epidemiologic profile of vehicular accident patients in the largest hospital in the Philippines covering ten years
Decision (not) to disclose mental health conditions or substance abuse in the work environment: a multiperspective focus group study within the military
Discovering the pros and cons of participation of Iranian women with substance use disorder in women's only narcotics anonymous meetings and offering strategies for harm reduction: a grounded theory study
Drug and alcohol use in Tanzanian road traffic collision drivers
Drink (socially) and be merry: predicting enjoyment and self-perceptions from alcohol consumption among college students
Alcohol dependence in a community sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: harms, getting help and awareness of local treatments
Stress and affect as daily risk factors for substance use patterns: an application of latent class analysis for daily diary data
Relation of substance use disorders to mortality, accident and emergency department attendances, and hospital admissions: a 13-year population-based cohort study in Hong Kong
Prevalences of and characteristics associated with single- and polydrug-involved U.S. emergency department visits in 2018
Cannabis-induced dysphoria/paranoia mediates the link between childhood trauma and psychotic-like experiences in young cannabis users
Cholinesterase inhibitor to prevent falls in Parkinson's disease (CHIEF-PD) trial: a phase 3 randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of rivastigmine to prevent falls in Parkinson's disease
Newspaper coverage as brokers in setting the agenda for making stricter drunk driving laws
The risk of delirium and falls or fractures with the use of overactive bladder anticholinergic medications
Falls and fractures in patients with Parkinson's disease-related psychosis treated with pimavanserin vs atypical antipsychotics: a cohort study
What are the factors determining user intentions to use AV while impaired?
Vaping and lung inflammation and injury
Which do you like: going out for drinking or drinking at home? Investigating relationships between drinking activities and subjective well-being [conference abstract]
Insights into adolescents' substance use in a low-middle-income country during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Incidence of workers' compensation claims in opioid-using truck drivers
If others drive intoxicated, so may I: determinants for young drivers in Bulgaria
Exploring youths' beliefs towards cannabis and driving: a mixed method study
Drunk driving and deterrence: exploring the reconceptualized deterrence hypothesis and self-reported drunk driving
E-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury: a great COVID-19 mimicker in young adult
Atypical longitudinal self-inflicted incised wounds as a cause of death in an ecstasy user
Alcohol-impaired driving and road safety: examining the impact of alcohol on driving errors of Indian drivers
Training medical students in opioid overdose prevention and response: comparison of in-person versus online formats
Using surveillance with near-real-time alerts during a cluster of overdoses from fentanyl-contaminated crack cocaine, Connecticut, June 2019
Using timely overdose data to address a spike in nonfatal overdoses and inform a coordinated community-level response in Rhode Island, 2019
Response to the comment on "pediatric cannabis intoxication trends in the pre and post-legalization era"
Self-poisoning as a cause of admission in a medical intensive care unit and a question of misuse of prescription medications
Subway-related trauma at a level 1 trauma centre in Toronto, Ontario
Preventing home medication administration errors
A randomized controlled trial of the prevent alcohol and risk-related trauma in youth program in reducing alcohol-related harms in young Naval trainees
The impact of age and genetics on naltrexone biotransformation
Linking emergency medical services and emergency department data to improve overdose surveillance in North Carolina
Examining an in-home behavioral parent training protocol among parents who use substances involved child welfare: effectiveness of SafeCare
Differences in problem alcohol drinking by military service type among male professional military personnel in South Korea using Military Health Survey data
Crime and police activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Corrigendum to: Pathogenic characteristics and treatment in 43 cases of acute colchicine poisoning
Characterizing opioid overdoses using emergency medical services data: a case definition algorithm enhanced by machine learning
Anxiety and the use of alcohol-related protective behavioral strategies
The role of empowerment-based protective factors on substance use among youth of color
Assessment of a medication deprescribing tool on polypharmacy and cost avoidance
A comprehensive examination of alcohol-related motivations among college students: unique relations of drinking motives and motivations for drinking responsibly
Death of a young woman with cyclic vomiting: a case report
Development of a family-based preventive intervention for Latinx sexual minority youth and their parents
Driving under the influence of alcohol during the COVID-19 pandemic
Examining cross-country and sex differences on a comprehensive assessment of protective behavioral strategies for alcohol
The impact of depressive symptoms on response to integrated cognitive behavioral therapy for substance use disorders and intimate partner violence
Implementation of mandatory opioid prescribing limits in North Carolina: healthcare administrator and prescriber perspectives
Influence of a stay-at-home order on trauma volume and injury patterns at a level I trauma center in Ohio
Intentional overdose prevention in the era of the 90-day prescription [letter]
Intentional overdose prevention in the era of the 90-day prescription. [letter]
Korean university students' problematic alcohol use, depression, and non-suicidal self-injury during COVID-19 lockdown
Levels of parental drinking in the presence of children: an exploration of attitudinal correlates
Lifetime cannabis use disorder is not associated with lifetime impulsive behavior and severe violence in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders from a high-security hospital
Validation of the revised Alcohol Expectancy Task [rAET]
Treatment response and treatment response predictors of a multidisciplinary day clinic for police officers with PTSD
The relationship between substance use, prior trauma history, and risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder in the immediate aftermath of civilian trauma
Purity of street-level cocaine across Denmark from 2006 to 2019: analysis of seized cocaine
A psychometric evaluation of the marijuana problems index among college students: confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance by gender
A psychometric assessment of the Brief Situational Confidence Questionnaire for Marijuana (BSCQ-M) in juvenile justice-involved youth
Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis assessing the effectiveness of deprescribing in falls prevention in older people
National retail sales of alcohol and cannabis during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
Correlates of solitary alcohol and cannabis use among American Indian adolescents
Illicit drugs street samples and their cutting agents. The result of the GC-MS based profiling define the guidelines for sensors development
Problems in social medicine related to alcohol and deaths: autopsy cases in the southern part of Osaka City
Differential impacts of ridesharing on alcohol-related crashes by socioeconomic municipalities: rate of technology adoption matters
Acute objective and subjective intoxication effects of legal-market high potency THC-dominant versus CBD-dominant cannabis concentrates
Alcohol-impaired driving among adults-USA, 2014-2018
Over-the-counter analgesics use is associated with pain and psychological distress among adolescents: a mixed effects approach in cross-sectional survey data from Norway
Aggression in substance use treatment seekers
Zolpidem: efficacy and side effects for insomnia
Using TikTok in recovery from substance use disorder
Trends in fatal and nonfatal overdose by race among people who inject drugs in Baltimore, Maryland from 1998 to 2019
The impact of social variables in preclinical models of cocaine abuse
How to prevent alcohol and illicit drug use among students in affluent areas: a qualitative study on motivation and attitudes towards prevention
Global estimates of the attributable risk of alcohol consumption on road injuries
Does sexting predict sexual behaviors among adolescents? Gender and race effects
Characteristics associated with high-intensity binge drinking in alcohol use disorder
Alcohol and other substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Advanced models for improved prediction of opioid-related overdose and suicide events among Veterans using administrative healthcare data
Adverse childhood experiences in relation to drug and alcohol use in the 30 days prior to incarceration in a county jail
Use of alcohol and illicit drugs by trauma patients in Sao Paulo, Brazil
US emergency department visits for acute harms from over-the-counter cough and cold medications, 2017-2019
Suicide and drug toxicity mortality in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: use of medical examiner data for public health in Nova Scotia
Characteristics of an outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury-North Carolina, 2019
Challenges of obtaining accurate adolescent self-report of cannabis use
Association between nicotine dependency with occupational injury in Korean men
Alarming increase in poisonings from recreational nitrous oxide use after a change in EU-legislation, inquiries to the Dutch Poisons Information Center
Acute effects of alcohol on social and personal decision making
Exploring the relationship of family life, resilience and bullying with the use of tobacco in preadolescents
Do sibling comparisons answer the causal question? In response to 'No causal associations between childhood family income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests'
Does cannabis use in adolescence predict self-harm or suicide? Results from a Finnish birth-cohort study
Drug and chemical poisoning patterns in Makkah Region, Saudi Arabia
Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Early-life maternal attachment and risky health behaviours in adolescence: findings from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study
Epidemiology of suicide by medication overdose: a population-based study 2011-2019
Indigenous Australian drinking risk: comparing risk categorisations based on recall of recent drinking occasions to AUDIT-C screening in a representative sample
Medical and non-medical opioid use at the intersection of gender and sexual identity: associations with state medical cannabis law status in a U.S. national sample of adults
Substance use, PTSD symptoms, and suicidal ideation among veteran psychiatry inpatients:a latent class trajectory analysis
The role of forensic physicians in assessing cannabis detection test results in the trans community
Rideshare trips and alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes in Chicago
Relationships between social host policies, youth drinking contexts, and age
A qualitative examination of recent increases in methamphetamine use in a cohort of rural people who use drugs
Psychosocial and health problems associated with alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder in U.S. adults
Prospective analysis of minimum pricing policies to reduce excessive alcohol use and related harms in U.S. states
Pregaming on alcohol products among male college students in Puducherry-mixed-methods study
How are all drinking occasions, intoxication occasions, and all alcohol consumed distributed across different drinking occasion types? A typology of drinking occasions in Finland
Forgoing plans for alcohol and cannabis use in daily life: examining reasons for nonuse when use was planned in a predominantly white college student sample
Family alcohol use, rather than childhood trauma, is more likely to cause male alcohol use disorder: findings from a case-control study in northern China
Causal effects of alcohol-related Facebook posts on drinking behavior: longitudinal experimental study
Associations between substance use problems and stress during COVID-19
Assessing parents' motives for talking about alcohol with their emerging adult children
Seizure related injuries - frequent injury patterns, hospitalization and therapeutic aspects
Risky drinking and cognitive impairment in community residents aged 50 and over
Prevalence study of drugs and new psycoactive substances in hair of ketamine consumers using a methanolic direct extraction prior high-resolution mass spectrometry
The patient with intentional drug or alcohol intoxication in the emergency room
Opioid use as a proximal risk factor for suicidal behavior in young adults
Neuropsychiatric effects of cannabis toxicity in the emergency department: a community-based study
"Drinking too much, fighting too much": the dual "disasters" of intimate partner violence and alcohol use in South Africa
Assessing the validity of self-reports of marijuana use among adolescents entering the juvenile justice system: gender differences
Associations between religiosity, aggression and crime: results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Big five personality traits and illicit drug use: specificity in trait-drug associations
Different drugs come with different motives: examining motives for substance use among people who engage in polysubstance use undergoing methadone maintenance therapy (MMT)
A combined laboratory and field test of a smartphone breath alcohol device and blood alcohol concentration estimator to facilitate moderate drinking among young adults
Children with problem drinking parents in Sweden: prevalence and risk of adverse consequences in a national cohort born in 2001
Change in medication-associated fall risk among older adults after admission for fall-related trauma
Validation of the Arabic and French versions of a knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) questionnaire on tranquilizer misuse
Adolescents' alcohol use: does the type of leisure activity matter? A cross-national study
Alcohol screening and brief intervention: office-based primary care physicians, U.S., 2015-2016
Association between self-reported exposure to alcohol advertisements and drinking behaviors: an analysis of a population-based survey in Thailand
The association of recurrent and multiple types of abuse with adverse mental health, substance use, and sexual health outcomes among out-of-school adolescent girls and young women in Cape Town, South Africa
Gender-sexuality alliances as a moderator of the association between victimization, depressive symptoms, and drinking behavior among LGBTQ+ youth
Hazardous alcohol use and alcohol-related harm in rural and remote communities: a scoping review
Hospital discharge location and socioeconomic deprivation as risk factors for alcohol dependence relapses: a cohort study
Gender and childhood victimization: a longitudinal study of heavy drinking in young adulthood
Factors associated with the detection of inappropriate prescriptions in older people: a prospective cohort
Driver, collision and meteorological characteristics of motor vehicle collisions among road trauma survivors
Car/motorbike drivers' willingness to use and to pay for alcohol interlock in Taiwan
Sexual orientation differences in childhood sexual abuse, suicide attempts, and DSM-5 alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, and mental health disorders in the US
Risk and protective factors of drug abuse among adolescents: a systematic review
Regulating alcohol: strategies used by actors to influence CoViD-19 related alcohol bans in South Africa
Prevalence of insomnia symptoms and associated risk factors in UK Biobank participants with hazardous alcohol use and major depression
Prevalence of intimate partner violence, substance use disorders and depression among incarcerated women in Lima, Perú
Normalization of non-drinking? Health, school situation and social relations among Swedish ninth graders that drink and do not drink alcohol
Neurocircuitry basis of the opioid use disorder-post-traumatic stress disorder comorbid state: conceptual analyses using a dimensional framework
Mothers matter: using regression tree algorithms to predict adolescents' sharing of drunk references on social media
Moral identity and attitudes towards doping in sport: whether perception of fair play matters
Methotrexate toxicity from unintentional dosing errors: calls to a poison center and death descriptions
Longitudinal impact of depressive symptoms and peer tobacco use on the number of tobacco products used by young adults
Wearable biosensors have the potential to monitor physiological changes associated with opioid overdose among people who use drugs: a proof-of-concept study in a real-world setting
Toward a typology of hallucinogen users in the United States
A retrospective analysis of chemical constituents in regulated and unregulated e-cigarette liquids
The mediating role of bullying and victimisation on the relationship between problematic internet use and substance abuse among adolescents in the UK: the parent-child relationship as a moderator
Multiple health risk behaviors and mental health from a life course perspective: the Dutch TRAILS study
The moderating effects of alcohol use with and without parent permission on alcohol risk communication in early adolescence
Mental health care use among U.S. Military Veterans: results from the 2019-2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Investigation of vaping fluids recovered from New York State e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury patients
Evaluating the impact of alcohol policy on suicide mortality: a sex-specific time-series analysis for Lithuania
The association between distress tolerance and alcohol outcomes via internal drinking motives
Cluster analysis of risky behaviors among the youth in Western Iran: determining correlates and comparing clusters based on severity of disability and attitude toward mental health help-seeking
Exposure to violence variety as a risk factor for cigarette smoking: relevance of sensation-seeking and impulsivity as mediators
The leading neighborhood-level predictors of drug overdose: a mixed machine learning and spatial approach
Racial discrimination and hazardous drinking among Black drinkers: the role of social anxiety in the minority stress model
Thirteen cases of valeryl fentanyl in Michigan: a call for expanding opioid testing
Acute mental health service use following onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: a trend analysis
Adverse childhood experiences, risk of opioid misuse and its pathway among students at a public university
At home and online during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and the relationship to alcohol consumption in a national sample of U.S. adults
A systems framework depicting how complex neighborhood dynamics and contextual factors could impact the effectiveness of an alcohol outlet zoning policy
Unrecorded alcohol consumption in Thailand: prevalence, geographical variation, relationship with socioeconomic factors and related consequences
Policy in focus: Is psilocybin the next cannabis?
Reports of accidental fentanyl overdose among police in the field: toward correcting a harmful culture-bound syndrome
Randomized controlled trial of online interventions for co-occurring depression and hazardous alcohol consumption: primary outcome results
The paradoxical association between tension-reduction alcohol outcome expectancies and tension following alcohol consumption
"If you don't drink at university, you're going to struggle to make friends" prospective students' perceptions around alcohol use at universities in the United Kingdom
The interaction between Greek affiliation and religiosity on problem drinking in college students
Excess mortality in Glasgow: further evidence of 'political effects' on population health
Evaluation of accidental and intentional pediatric poisoning: retrospective analysis in an emergency Department of Turkey
Epidemiology of patients with head injury at a tertiary hospital in Rwanda
Driving under the influence: a multi-center evaluation of vehicular crashes in the era of cannabis legalization
Comparing two seized drug workflows for the analysis of synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, and opioids
Severe poisoning after smoking a mixture of 4-fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl (4-FiBF) and alpha-pyrolidinoisohexaphenone (α-PiHP)
Preparing nursing students for home health using an escape room: a qualitative study
Mental disorder and opioid overdose: a systematic review
Does naloxone provision lead to increased substance use? A systematic review to assess if there is evidence of a 'moral hazard' associated with naloxone supply
Consumer experiences with delta-8-THC: medical use, pharmaceutical substitution, and comparisons with delta-9-THC
Cannabis use and misuse in older adults
Adolescents' frequency of alcohol use and problems from alcohol abuse: integrating dating partners with parent and peer influences
"Aberrant" neuronal stimulation and "cannabis psychosis" - hypothesis to a biological plausibility!
Analysis of alcohol drinking among school-aged children in Beijing in 2015
Substance use and associated factors among preparatory school students in Kolfe-Keranyo sub-city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Trends and outcomes of opioid-related cardiac arrest in a contemporary US population
Interventions to improve medicines optimisation in frail older patients in secondary and acute care settings: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials and non-randomised studies
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children and families
Preventing opioid use among justice-involved youth as they transition to adulthood: leveraging safe adults (LeSA)
Posttraumatic stress and substance use among military veterans: associations with distress intolerance and anxiety sensitivity
A 6-month randomized trial of a smartphone application, UControlDrink, in aiding recovery in alcohol use disorder
Acute poisoning by dexmedetomidine-containing chewing gum in a child
At-risk drinking, operant demand, and cross-commodity discounting as predictors of drunk driving in underage college women
Cannabis exposure during adolescence: a uniquely sensitive period for neurobiological effects
Effectiveness of digital interventions for people with comorbid heavy drinking and depression: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Emerging trends in point-of-care sensors for illicit drugs analysis
Detecting risk level in individuals misusing fentanyl utilizing posts from an online community on Reddit
Differential effects of alcohol-drinking patterns on the structure and function of the brain and cognitive performance in young adult drinkers: a pilot study
Effects of recreational marijuana legalization on clearance rates for violent crimes: evidence from Oregon
Immediate physiological effects of acute electronic cigarette use in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Maternal substance use disorders and accidental drug poisonings in children
Mobile assessment of decisions to drink in young adults: examining the role of incentives and disincentives
Perceived barriers to mental health and substance use treatment among US childbearing-aged women: NSDUH 2008-2014
Prescription fill patterns for benzodiazepine and opioid drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Public health monitoring of cannabis use in Europe: prevalence of use, cannabis potency, and treatment rates
Smartphone-delivered ecological momentary interventions based on ecological momentary assessments to promote health behaviors: Systematic Review and Adapted Checklist for Reporting Ecological Momentary Assessment and Intervention Studies
Substance use disorders and psychoactive drug poisoning in medically authorized cannabis patients: longitudinal cohort study
Transportation among returning citizens: "You just want to stay down and get high"
Trends in childhood poison exposures and fatalities: a retrospective secondary data analysis of the 2009-2019 U.S. National Poison Data System Annual Reports
Prospective associations of discrimination, race, and sexual orientation with substance use in adolescents
Psilocybin, a naturally occurring indoleamine compound, could be useful to prevent suicidal behaviors
A retrospective cohort study on the increasing trend of suicide ideations and risks in an opioid-dependent population of Puerto Rico 2015-2018
Acute drug poisonings leading to hospitalization
The association of childhood physical abuse, masculinity, intoxication, trait aggression with victimization in nightlife districts
Associations between experiences of police contact and discrimination by the police and courts and health outcomes in a representative sample of adults in New York City
Behavioral willingness, descriptive normative perceptions, and prescription stimulant misuse among young adults 18-20
Comparative analysis of suicide by hanging, precipitation and intoxication cases attended at the Judicial Morgue in the province of Ancón, Panama from March 2019 to February 2020 and March 2020 to February 2021
Contextualizing cannabis legalization outcomes
DSM-5 and ICD-11 alcohol use disorder criteria in young adult regular drinkers: lifetime prevalence and age of onset
Suicidal cut-throat wound during LSD intoxication
Notes from the field: Testing for nonprescribed fentanyl and percentage of positive test results among patients with opioid use disorder - United States, 2019-2020
Assessing drug consumption rooms and longer term (5 year) impacts on community and clients
The 7-year effectiveness of school-based alcohol use prevention from adolescence to early adulthood: a randomized controlled trial of universal, selective, and combined interventions
Anger management: mechanisms of glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic plasticity underlying animal aggression
Exploring the genetic overlap of suicide-related behaviors and substance use disorders
Use of community healthcare and overdose in the 30 days following release from provincial correctional facilities in British Columbia
Internal developmental assets and substance use among Hispanic adolescents. a cross-sectional study
Paediatric poisoning in Kuwait-Al Adan joint hospital: the need for functional poisoning control centre in Kuwait
Driving while impaired and riding with an impaired driver among recent Latinx immigrants
The impact of disinvestment on alcohol and drug treatment delivery and outcomes: a systematic review
International trends in systemic human exposures to 2,4 dinitrophenol reported to poisons centres
Not just service attendance: associations of religious community social connections with alcohol use among Black adults header: religious community social connections and alcohol use among Black adults
Prevalence and concentrations of sedative-hypnotic drugs in blood of drivers involved in road traffic crashes in the Padova region of Italy - not so easy to interpret
Spatial equity analysis of nighttime pedestrian safety: role of land use and alcohol establishments in Albuquerque, NM
Investigating underage alcohol-intoxicated driver crash patterns in Louisiana
Prevalence rates of adverse childhood experiences in a sample of minor-attracted persons: a comparison study
Prevention of substance use disorders
Public health risks associated with methadone in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Improving campus alcohol policies through assessment and scoring
The global nature of declining adolescent drinking
Effects of men's acute alcohol intoxication, perceptions of women's intoxication, and masculine gender role stress on sexual aggression perpetration: findings from a laboratory analogue
Simulating the impact of addiction consult services in the context of drug supply contamination, hospitalizations, and drug-related mortality
School health predictors of the school-to-prison pipeline: substance use and developmental risk and resilience factors
Repeal of state laws permitting denial of health claims resulting from alcohol impairment: Impact on treatment utilization
Psychosocial factors predict the level of substance craving of people with drug addiction: a machine learning approach
Opioid prescribing risk factors in nonoperative ankle fractures: the impact of a prospective clinical decision support intervention
Kratom use among U.S. adolescents: analyses of the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
"It's cool, modifying and all, but I don't want anything blowing up on me:" a focus group study of motivations to modify electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)
Interrelationships of economic stressors, mental health problems, substance use, and intimate partner violence among Hispanic emergency department patients: the role of language-based acculturation
In-vehicle alcohol detection using low-cost sensors and genetic algorithms to aid in the drinking and driving detection
Impact and return on investment of the Take Kare Safe Space Program-a harm reduction strategy implemented in Sydney, Australia
Illegal drug use and risk of hearing loss in the United States: a national health and nutrition examination survey
Factors influencing fatalities or severe injuries to pedestrians lying on the road in Japan: nationwide police database study
Age of onset and its related factors in cocaine or methamphetamine use in adults from the United States: results from NHANES 2005-2018
Alcohol and the brain
Belief in the myth of an American Indian/Alaska Native biological vulnerability to alcohol problems among reservation-dwelling participants with a substance use problem
Bipolar disorder and comorbid use of illicit substances
Effects of a school-based intervention for preventing substance use among adolescents at risk of academic failure: a pilot study of the reasoning and rehabilitation V2 program
A study of the relationship between the risk of fatality and blood alcohol concentration of recreational boat operators
Healthcare utilization and psychiatric and physical comorbidities before suicide mortality in patients with methamphetamine use disorder: a nationwide case-control study
Comparisons of injection and non-injection opioid use among Black people in methadone treatment: a pilot in Detroit
Use of highly-potent cannabis concentrate products: more common in U.S. states with recreational or medical cannabis laws
The role of resilience in alcohol use, drinking motives, and alcohol-related consequences among Hispanic college students
Alcohol-induced aggression
Improving mental health guardianship: from prevention to treatment
Effectiveness of screening and brief alcohol intervention at the workplace: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial at five Japan-based companies
Country-level heavy episodic drinking and individual-level experiences of harm from others' drinking-related aggression in 19 European countries
Associations between alcohol demand and both the experience and subjective evaluation of positive and negative alcohol-related consequences
Cannabis sativa research trends, challenges, and new-age perspectives
Validation of the screening test for at-risk drinking in an emergency department using a tablet computer
Alcohol-impaired motorcyclists versus car drivers: a comparison of crash involvement and legal consequence from adjudication data
Alcohol-related deaths among young passengers: an analysis of national alcohol-related fatal crashes
Toxicological analysis of cases of mixed poisonings with synthetic cathinones and other drugs of abuse
Minimum alcohol pricing and motor vehicle collisions in Scotland
Forty-year study of rates of homicide by people with schizophrenia and other homicides in the Chuvash Republic of the Russian Federation
Development of community strategies supporting brief alcohol advice in three Latin American countries: a protocol
Binge drinking among adults, by select characteristics and state - United States, 2018
Acute drug poisoning among adolescents using over-the-counter drugs: current status
Why do patients find it difficult to discontinue their medication?
A thematic synthesis of the roles of nurses at safer consumption sites
Sexual assault myths acceptance in university campus: construction and validation of a scale
Risk-taking behaviors in adolescent men who have sex with men (MSM): an association between homophobic victimization and alcohol consumption
Penetrating trauma: relationships to recreational drug and alcohol use
Gendered racism, family and external shame, depressive symptoms, and alcohol use severity among Asian American men
Declining youth drinking: a matter of faith?
Burn injury from filling balloons with nitrous oxide
Origin, early history, cultivation, and characteristics of the traditional varieties of Moroccan Cannabis sativa L
Relationship between the early initiation of substance use and attempted suicide among in-school adolescents in seven low- or middle-income African countries: an analysis of the Global School-Based Student Health Survey data
The longer-term impacts of trading restrictions on alcohol related violence: insights from New South Wales, Australia
Letter to the editor: medical and industrial cannabis legalization in Morocco and the addictions care outlook of youth: first prospective study from African Arabic experience
The nurse leader's role in nurse substance use, mental health, and suicide in a peripandemic world
The geography of sobriety checkpoints and alcohol-impaired driving
The effects of parental divorce on children
Changes in cannabis consumption during the global CoViD-19 lockdown: the International COVISTRESS Study
Adverse childhood experiences and marijuana use during pregnancy: findings from the North Dakota and South Dakota PRAMS, 2017-2019
Addressing methodological issues in a study of impulsivity and vulnerability for transition to alcohol use disorder
From alcohol to aggression: examining the structure and nomological network of dysregulated behaviors in a trauma-exposed community sample
Improving quality and performance in substance use treatment programs: what is being done and why is it so hard?
Assessing alcohol consumption in a Chinese urban population and a university town using high temporal resolution wastewater-based epidemiology
Broadening access to naloxone: community predictors of standing order naloxone distribution in Massachusetts
Disparities in years of potential life lost to drug-involved overdose deaths in South Carolina
Emotion regulation and substance use: a meta-analysis
High prevalence and early onsets: legal and illegal substance use in an urban cohort of young adults in Switzerland
The relationship between reductions in WHO risk drinking levels during treatment and subsequent healthcare costs for the ACTIVE Workgroup
Prevention of alcohol-related incidents in the U.S. Air Force: results from a cluster randomized trial
Opioids and the workplace prevention and response train-the-trainer and leadership training mixed methods follow-up evaluation
Positive and negative religiousness and search for meaning: impact on treatment of substance abuse after 6 months
Survival after pentobarbitone overdose confirmed through Prescription, Recreational and Illicit Substance Evaluation (PRISE) programme in Australia
PTSD symptoms and hazardous drinking indicators among trauma-exposed sexual minority women during heightened societal stress
Opioid use disorder in women and the implications for treatment
Paradoxical anxiolytic effect of the 'bath salt' synthetic cathinone MDPV during early abstinence is inhibited by a chemokine CXCR4 or CCR5 receptor antagonist
Paroxetine overdose during pregnancy
Leveraging behavioral economics and reinforcement theory in treating heavy episodic drinking among college students
Mental health, alcohol and substance use of refugee youth
The impact of juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) implementing federal evidence-based guidelines on recidivism and substance use: multisite randomized controlled trial (RCT) and regression discontinuity (RDD) designs
Impact of smoking cannabidiol (CBD)-rich marijuana on driving ability
Epidemiology, injury severity, and pattern of standing e-scooter accidents: 6-month experience from a German Level I trauma center
Emergency Department Drug Surveillance (EDDS) hospital's urinalysis results compared with expanded re-testing by an independent laboratory, a pilot study
Emergency department presentations in the first weeks following release from prison among men with a history of injecting drug use in Victoria, Australia: a prospective cohort study
Changes in California cannabis exposures following recreational legalization and the COVID-19 pandemic
The defining characteristic of substance use disorders
Demographic and clinical factors associated with psychiatric inpatient admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Binge alcohol drinking alters synaptic processing of executive and emotional information in core nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons
Alcohol use at the intersection of sexual orientation and gender identity in a representative sample of youth in Colorado
Association between intimate partner violence and male alcohol use and the receipt of perinatal care: evidence from Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2016
A description-experience framework of the psychology of risk
Does adolescent drug use belong on the antisocial spectrum? Mediating the drug-crime connection with cognitive impulsivity
Exposure to childhood trauma increases risk of opioid use disorder among people prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain
The hazardous (mis)perception of Self-estimated Alcohol intoxication and Fitness to drivE-an avoidable health risk: the SAFE randomised trial
Impact of alcohol abuse on suicide risk in schizophrenic patients
Potential drug-drug interactions in acute poisonings managed in the intensive care unit: occurrence, risk factors, and relationship to patient severity on admission
Recent cannabis use and nightly sleep duration in adults: a population analysis of the NHANES from 2005 to 2018
Analytical and medico-legal problems linked to the presence of delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8-THC): results from urine drug testing in Sweden
A taste for new psychoactive substances: wastewater analysis study of 10 countries
A comprehensive breath test that confirms recent use of inhaled cannabis within the impairment window
Development of a new LC-MS/MS screening method for detection of 120 NPS and 43 drugs in blood
Mild neutropenia after suicide attempt with 900 milligrams intake of mirtazapine [letter]
Observing time effect of SSRIs on suicide risk and suicide-related behaviour: a network meta-analysis protocol
Psychotropics use and occurrence of falls in hospitalized patients: a matched case-control study
Alcohol consumption and characterization of hazardous drinkers in Galicia
Association between multiple experiences of violence and drug overdose among Black women in community supervision programs in New York City
Self-rated physical health, health-risk behaviors, and disparities: a cross-sectional study of youth in the slums of Kampala, Uganda
Drinking in Mexico by Whites and Hispanics on and off the US/Mexico border in California
Characteristics of drug poisonings treated in eleven Spanish emergency departments: differentiated analysis by sex
Co-occurrence of substance use disorders and other mental disorders in people undergoing specific treatment for any of them in Spain
Crisis event dispositions following a crisis response team intervention
The dynamic nature of injunctive drinking norms and within-person associations with college student alcohol use
Neurocognitive predictors of treatment outcomes in psychotherapy for comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders
Road traffic deaths: a retrospective analysis (2009-2019) in the north of the Italian region Emilia Romagna
Opioid use trends in Spain: the case of the island of La Gomera (2016-2019)
The impact of lockout laws on maxillofacial fractures in South Australia
Fluctuation in the sense of belongingness during college moderates within-person associations between perceived injunctive norms and subsequent drinking
Extracurricular involvement in the school-age period and adolescent problem behavior among low-income youth
Binegativity exacerbates the effects of sexual victimization disclosure on posttraumatic stress and drinking among bisexual women
Characteristics of fatal 'novel' benzodiazepine toxicity in Australia
We need convincing data to support a public health approach to cannabis regulation
Assessment of the risks and needs of middle school students: invariance properties related to gender and ethnicity
Alcohol-involved overdose deaths in US veterans
Corrigendum to "Criterion for initiating hemodialysis based on serum caffeine concentration in treating severe caffeine poisoning" [Am J Emerg Med. 2021 Aug;46:70-73]
Coordinating cannabis data collection globally: policy implications
Fact or faction regarding the relationship between cannabis use and violent behavior
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the incidence and patterns of toxic exposures and poisoning in Jordan: a retrospective descriptive study
Recent applications of phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibition assays for detecting adulterated sexual enhancement products
Self-care behaviors, drinking, and smoking to cope with psychological distress during COVID-19 among Chinese college students: the role of resilience
Reassessing fitness-to-drive in drinker drivers: the role of cognition and personality
Novel Δ(8)-tetrahydrocannabinol vaporizers contain unlabeled adulterants, unintended byproducts of chemical synthesis, and heavy metals
Methylmercury plus ethanol exposure: how much does this combination affect emotionality?
Cannabis non-medical use: international policies and outcomes overview. an outline for Portugal
Cannabis use before safety-sensitive work: what delay is prudent?
Integrated cognitive-behavioral intervention reduced alcohol use and perpetration of intimate partner violence in a man with alcohol dependence syndrome: a case study
"It'll never be safe, but you can limit the harms". exploring adolescents' strategies to reduce harms associated with psychoactive substance use
Factors associated with opioid-involved overdose among previously incarcerated people in the U.S.: a community engaged narrative review
Associations between sexual violence, domestic violence, neglect, and alcohol consumption among Lahu Hill Tribe families in northern Thailand
The association between alcohol use disorder and suicidal ideation in a New Zealand birth cohort
Causal relationship of some personal and impersonal variates to occupational injuries at continuous miner worksites in underground coal mines
Mortality by opioid poisoning in children and teenagers and opioid prescriptions
Past bullying victimization experiences and current sexual risk taking among emerging adults
Pharmacotherapy as major risk factor of falls - analysis of 12 months experience in hospitals in South Bohemia
Lockdown and licensed premises: COVID-19 lessons for alcohol policy
Domains matter: a prospective investigation of traditional feminine gender roles and alcohol use among Latinas
Alcoholic beverage consumption by young people: implications for social marketing
Deaths and hospitalizations resulting from poisoning by prescription and over-the-counter drugs in Brazil
Effect of memantine on prolonging safe driving in early AD: a pilot study
The scope of rape victimization and perpetration among national samples of college students across 30 years
Trends in and characteristics of drug overdose deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyls - United States, 2019-2020
Underage access to alcohol and its impact on teenage drinking and crime
Throwaway youth: the sociocultural location of resistance to schooling
Safety concerns on the abuse potential of esketamine: multidimensional analysis of a new anti-depressive drug on the market
A systematic review of self-report measures used in epidemiological studies to assess alcohol consumption among older adults
Using substances to cope with the CoViD-19 pandemic: U.S. national data at age 19 years
The public health approach to the worsening opioid crisis in the United States calls for harm reduction strategies to mitigate the harm from opioid addiction and overdose deaths
Quality of life and suicidal ideation in wives of men with alcohol dependence: a hospital-based study
Persistent polypharmacy and fall injury risk: the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
'Pretty in Pink' and 'Girl Power': an analysis of the targeting and representation of women in alcohol brand marketing on Facebook and Instagram
Normalization of non-drinking and implications for alcohol epidemiology
Cross-sectional study on the characteristics of unrecorded alcohol consumption in nine newly independent states between 2013 and 2017
Does early drug use-related police contact predict premature mortality and morbidity: a population register-based study
Causes of death among people who used illicit opioids in England, 2001-18: a matched cohort study
The COVID-19 pandemic and the health of people who use illicit opioids in New York City, the first 12 months
Students in danger: binge drinking behaviour and associated factors in Hungary
Associations between modes of cannabis use in daily life with concurrent and longitudinal hazardous use and consequences
Effect of the FDA black box suicidality warnings for antidepressants on suicide rates in the USA
Relationship between use of sleep medication and accidental falls during hospitalization
Mitigating medication-related fall risk through pharmacist-prescriber collaboration
Latent class analysis of drinking game consequences among college drinkers
Changes in ICD-11: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours
Density of alcohol-selling outlets and prices are associated with frequent binge drinking in Mexico
A longitudinal study among young adults into the predictive effect of perceived efficacy of behavioural strategies and the moderating role of drinking motives on use of protective behavioural strategies
Minimum legal drinking age and the social gradient in binge drinking
Opioid agonist treatment for self-harm and suicide prevention
Prevalence of cathinones and other new psychoactive substances in hair of parents and children of families with known or suspected parental abuse of conventional illegal drugs
Self-harm and suicide during and after opioid agonist treatment among primary care patients in England: a cohort study
Widening mental health and substance use inequities among sexual and gender minority populations: findings from a repeated cross-sectional monitoring survey during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
A successful experience using labetalol and hemodialysis to treat near-fatal caffeine poisoning: a case report with toxicodynamics
Severe chemical pneumonitis from tetrahydrocannabinol 'vaping' and 'dabbing'
Letter to the editor: Pragmatic and novel approach to E-cigarettes battery related burns
Intergeneration transmission of violence in forensic patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and psychosis: was parental alcoholic abuse a significant factor?
Drink driving among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: what has been done and where to next?
Comparison of pharmacists' scoring of fall risk to other fall risk assessments
Changes in alcohol use by cannabis use status among adolescents and young adults in the United States: emerging evidence for both substitution and complementarity
Adolescent attachment profiles are associated with mental health and risk-taking behavior
Associations between having been threatened or injured with a weapon and substance use and mental health among high school students in the United States
Trends in public stigma of mental illness in the US, 1996-2018
Underage drinking in Brazil: findings from a community household survey
Role of psychological distress on long-term risky and heavy-episodic drinking patterns in major cities and rural and remote areas
The mental health of young people who are not in education, employment, or training: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Intimate partner violence as a predictor of substance use outcomes among women: a systematic review
Emergency department use in adolescents and young adults: the role of the well-care visit
Differences in aggression as psychiatric side effect of levetiracetam and perampanel in patients with epilepsy
Community-based medication disposal pilot initiative in southwest tribal communities
Sex differences in acute cannabis effects revisited: results from two randomized, controlled trials
Organophosphate pesticide exposure as a risk factor for attempted suicide in Cape Town, South Africa: a case-control study
Mental health and quality of life in a population of recreative cannabis users in Brazil
Impact of marijuana legalization on cannabis-related visits to the emergency department
Effectiveness of policies for addressing the US opioid epidemic: a model-based analysis from the Stanford-Lancet Commission on the North American Opioid Crisis
A call to look beyond prescription opioid supply-side restrictions and include health equity when predicting opioid policy effectiveness
Universal screening for substance use by peer support specialists in the emergency department is a pathway to buprenorphine treatment
Understanding attachment styles, adverse childhood events, alcohol use, and trauma in Black and Latino Men with criminal justice histories
The role of temperament in alcohol use among college students
Public interest in ∆(8)-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8-THC) increased in US states that restricted ∆(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC) use
Rapid targeted method of detecting abused piperazine designer drugs
Potion or poison? Hempseed oil
Prenatal cocaine exposure, early cannabis use, and risky sexual behavior at age 25
Nicotine dependence in patients with major depressive disorder and psychotic disorders and its relationship with quality of life
Opioid analgesic prescription in French children: a national population-based study
Mental health issues among international touring professionals in the music industry
Medical cannabis use among older adults in Canada: self-reported data on types and amount used, and perceived effects
Influence of CoViD-19 pandemic uncertainty in negative emotional states and resilience as mediators against suicide ideation, drug addiction and alcoholism
Impacts of changes in alcohol consumption patterns during the first 2020 COVID-19 restrictions for people with and without mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions: a cross sectional study in 13 countries
The impact of an easy access drug supply management policy law on the consumption and abuse of opioids in Catalonia: a population-based study
Identifying subgroups of patients with eating disorders based on emotion dysregulation profiles: a factor mixture modeling approach to classification
Genomic and personalized medicine approaches for substance use disorders (SUDs) looking at genome-wide association studies
Factors related to substance use among adolescents from six low-and middle-income countries
Exposure to parental alcohol use is associated with adolescent drinking even when accounting for alcohol exposure of best friend and peers
Examining the unique and additive effect of trauma and racial microaggressions on substance use risk among Black young adults
Acute alcohol intoxication across different age groups in 2014-2018: prehospital care and biochemical correlates at a large University Hospital in southern Italy
Adolescent exposure to cannabis marketing following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: a pilot study using ecological momentary assessment
Efficacy of a minimally guided internet treatment for alcohol misuse and emotional problems in young adults: results of a randomized controlled trial
Driver intoxication and risk for fatal crashes in South Africa: a 3-year review
Deleterious association of inhalant use on sleep quality during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Current status of vaccines for substance use disorders: a brief review of human studies
Commentary on: Weedn VW, Zaney ME, McCord B, Lurie I, Baker A. Fentanyl-related substance scheduling as an effective drug control strategy. J Forensic Sci. 2021;66(4):1186-200.
Characterizing prescription stimulant nonmedical use (NMU) among adults recruited from Reddit
Characteristics and psychopathology of 1,086 patients who self-poisoned using pesticides in Taiwan (2012-2019): a comparison across pesticide groups
Associations of agression and use of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine in healthy and aggressive individuals
Association between nightlife goers' likelihood of an alcohol use disorder and their preferred bar's closing time: a cross-sectional observational study in Perth, Australia
Women substance abuse a rising problem in India
Lowering the legal alcohol limit in Belgium: potential effects on the number of traffic victims
A time-series analysis of the association between alcohol and suicide in Australia
Cannabis decriminalization and racial disparity in arrests for cannabis possession
Coping with suicide in substance abusers
Aggregate studies of suicide and antidepressants: a critique
Childhood maltreatment and affective symptoms and severity of drug addiction among Chinese male drug users: variable-centered and person-centered approaches
The drug trade and state violence in internal conflicts: evidence from Peru
Alcohol and drug use as factors for high-school learners' absenteeism in the Western Cape
Alcohol is not associated with increased mortality in adolescent traumatic brain injury patients
Complex interactions between sex and stress on heroin seeking
Perceived risk of opioid use disorder secondary to opioid analgesic medication use by the general population in France
Sex differences in substance use disorders: a neurobiological perspective
Quantifying cannabis problems among college students from English and Spanish speaking countries: cross-cultural validation of the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R)
The role of alcohol outlet visits derived from mobile phone location data in enhancing domestic violence prediction at the neighborhood level
Online sobriety communities for women's problematic alcohol use: a mini review of existing qualitative and quantitative research
Naldemedine-induced opioid withdrawal syndrome with severe psychiatric symptoms in an advanced cervical cancer patient without brain metastasis
Time beyond traits: time perspective dimensions, personality traits, and substance use in adolescents
Piloting a statewide emergency department take-home naloxone program: improving the quality of care for patients at risk of opioid overdose
Changes in and correlates of Australian public attitudes toward illicit drug use
The impacts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on self-controlling, self restraint and dysfunctional attitudes in persons with drug abuse
The role of alexithymia, rumination and self-criticism in predicting self-harm behaviors in industrial drug users
Socio-demographic and substance use characteristics of unintentional injuries among Nunavik youth
Socio-demographic development and burden of mental, substance use disorders, and self-harm: an ecological analysis using the Global Burden of Disease study 2019
Presentations with reported methamphetamine use to an urban emergency department in Switzerland
The impact of last drinks legislation: exit intoxication and perceptions of risk within nighttime entertainment districts in Brisbane, Australia
Collateral benefits of evidence-based substance use prevention programming during middle-school on young adult romantic relationship functioning
Understanding risk in younger Veterans: risk and protective factors associated with suicide attempt, homelessness, and arrest in a nationally representative Veteran sample
Sports- and physical activity-related concussions, binge drinking and marijuana use among adolescents: the mediating role of depression and suicidal ideation
Profiles of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), and subjective well-being in a sample of adult children of alcoholics
Racial discrimination and trajectories of problematic alcohol use Among African American emerging adults: the role of organizational religious involvement
The moderating role of emotion dysregulation in the relation between potentially morally injurious experiences and alcohol misuse among military Veterans
Hazardous alcohol consumption and problem drinking in Norwegian and Russian women and men: the Tromsø Study 2015-2016 and the Know Your Heart study 2015-2018
"I have to watch them closely": Native American parenting practice and philosophies
Can emerging adults' dating psychological aggression be explained by family-of-origin psychological aggression, emotion dysregulation, and drinking?
Developing an alcohol harm prevention research agenda in West Africa: a mixed methods approach
Changing routine activities and the decline of youth crime: a repeated cross-sectional analysis of self-reported delinquency in Sweden, 1999-2017
Sex, drugs, and coercive control: gendered narratives of methamphetamine use, relationships, and violence
Smashing backdoors in and the wandering eye: an introduction to bartenders' experiences with unwanted sexual attention while working in the UK
The impact of co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders on craving: a systematic review of the literature
Lifetime prevalence of sexual violence and its associated factors among high school female students in Jarso District, Oromia Region, Eastern Ethiopia
A case of social and chronic alcohol use, aggressiveness and domestic violence
The dangers of drugged driving are outpacing drunk driving
An integrated approach to addressing opioid misuse, addiction, and overdose
Short note on hangover and its effects
Excessive alcohol consumption during the CoViD-19 pandemic [editorial]
Epidemiology of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in U.S. military veterans: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Suicidal ideation, self-injury, aggressive behavior and substance use during intensive trauma-focused treatment with exposure-based components in adolescent and young adult PTSD patients
Perceived risk of harm mediates the effects of primary care alcohol use screening and brief advice in adolescents
Pharmacotherapy of primary impulsive aggression in violent criminal offenders
Impeding and facilitating factors for the implementation of alcohol interventions in hospitals: a qualitative and exploratory study among Dutch healthcare professionals
Latent class patterns of adverse childhood experiences and their relationship to veteran status and sex in the  national epidemiologic survey of alcohol and related conditions  Wave III
Lifestyle risk factors and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: assessing the influence of reverse causation in a prospective cohort of 457,021 US adults
Accuracy of self-reported opioid use in orthopaedic trauma patients
Suicidal ideation in patients with mental illness and concurrent substance use: analyses of national census data in Norway
Use of potentially driver-impairing drugs among older drivers
Relationship between tracheal intubation and the drugs used by patients with drug overdose due to self-harm
Roles of alcohol use disorder and resilience in risk of suicide attempt in men: a Swedish population-based cohort
Older sexual minority adults and driving under the influence, 2015-2019, USA
Police location pages and groups on Facebook: does knowing where the police are influence perceptions of certainty and drug driving behaviour?
Delta-8-THC: Delta-9-THC's nicer younger sibling?
Differential predictors of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: internalizing disorders and substance use in a clinical sample of adolescents
Alcohol consumption and depression among university students and their perception of alcohol use
Erratum to "A syndemic of psychiatric morbidity, substance misuse, violence, and poor physical health among young Scottish men with reduced life expectancy" [SSM - Population Health 15(2021) 100858]
Eating disorders and subsequent risk of substance use disorders involving illicit drugs: a Danish nationwide register-based cohort study
MDMA/ecstasy use and psilocybin use are associated with lowered odds of psychological distress and suicidal thoughts in a sample of US adults
Heroin and fentanyl overdose deaths among cases age 50+ in the National Poison Data System, 2015-2020
What is the prevalence of drug use in the general population? Simulating underreported and unknown use for more accurate national estimates
A quantitative study on the mental health of Turkish seafarers
Pregnancy-associated deaths due to drugs, suicide, and homicide in the United States, 2010-2019
Methanol in unrecorded fruit spirits. Does it pose a health risk to consumers in the European Union? A probabilistic toxicological approach
"I was 15 when I started doing drugs with my dad": victimization, social determinants of health, and criminogenic risk among women opioid intervention court participants
The effect of extralegal factors in decision-making about juvenile offenders in Chile: a quasi-experimental study
The efforts of the Sabhara unit in preventing the circulation of alcohol in Bandung police jurisdictions
Correction to: Paradox effects of binge drinking on response inhibition processes depending on mental workload
Correlates of substance misuse, transactional sex, and depressive symptomatology among partnered gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in South Africa and Namibia
U.S. older adults' heroin and psychostimulant use treatment admissions, 2012-2019: sociodemographic and clinical characteristics
A virtual reality platform for the measurement of drinking topography
Turmeric-induced hepatotoxicity: report of 2 cases
Significant toxicity following an increase in poisonings with designer benzodiazepines in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2020
Limited access to pharmacy-based naloxone in West Virginia: results from a statewide purchase trial
Neighborhood disadvantage and prescription drug misuse in low-income urban mothers
Global Psychotrauma Screen (GPS): psychometric properties in two Internet-based studies
Fire safety of alcoholic beverages in retail stores
Experiencing sexual assault and/or stalking-related behavior is associated with binge drinking and substance use consequences in deployed U.S. Servicewomen
Unintentional pediatric cannabis exposures after legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada
The Long-COVID Syndrome: smoking and enhanced suicide risk
Risk factors for CoViD-19 in college students identified by physical, mental, and social health reported during the fall 2020 semester: an observational study using the roadmap app and FitBit wearable sensors
Sex education and self-poisoning in Sri Lanka: an explorative analysis
Substance-induced psychoses: an updated literature review
Exploring Televend, an innovative combination of cryptomarket and messaging app technologies for trading prohibited drugs
Gender differences in methamphetamine use initiation and trajectory of use among people who use methamphetamine in a Mexico-U.S. border city
Immigration, criminal involvement, and violence in the U.S.: results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions-III
Acute poisoning With Datura stramonium plant seeds in Qatar
Alcohol, aggression, and violence: from public health to neuroscience
Child maltreatment and substance use: a behavior genetic analysis
Catatonic episodes related to substance use: a cross-sectional study using electronic healthcare records
The effect that the Otago Exercise Programme had on fear of falling in community dwellers aged 65-80 and associated factors
The effectiveness of a web-based intervention for Japanese adults with problem drinking: an online randomized controlled trial
Homicidal paraquat poisoning: poisoned while drinking
Identification of 'voodoo': an emerging substance of abuse in Egypt
Trends in traumatic spinal cord injuries in Estonia from 1997 to 2018
Investigating opioid preference to inform safe supply services: a cross sectional study
Mental health and alcohol use during and before the early phases of the CoViD-19 pandemic
Associations of physical activity, school safety, and non-prescription steroid use in adolescents: a structural equation modeling approach
Colorado burden of disease, injuries and risk factors, 1990-2019: a sub-analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study
The role of parental control and support in declining adolescent drinking: a multi-level study across 30 European countries
Risk behaviors and experiences among youth experiencing homelessness-Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 23 U.S. states and 11 local school districts, 2019
Relationship between depressive symptoms, personality, and binge drinking among university students in Spain
Associations between Canada's cannabis legalization and emergency department presentations for transient cannabis-induced psychosis and schizophrenia conditions: Ontario and Alberta, 2015-2019
Cannabis legalization and detection of tetrahydrocannabinol in injured drivers
Comparison of self-harm or overdose among adolescents and young adults before vs during the CoViD-19 pandemic in Ontario
Disparity between perceptual fall risk and physiological fall risk in older cannabis users: a pilot study
Educating young adults about opioid misuse: evidence from a mass media intervention
Evaluating law enforcement officers' level of confidence in administration of Narcan® (naloxone) for opioid overdose reversal following training
The opioid epidemic and homicide in the United States
Rapid determination of the 'legal highs' 4-MMC and 4-MEC by spectroelectrochemistry: simultaneous cyclic voltammetry and in situ surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy
Prescription drugged-impaired driving in Texas: a pilot project
Examining the use of antidepressants for adolescents with depression/anxiety who regularly use cannabis: a narrative review
Hypertensive emergency caused by sexual enhancement supplements
Trends in opioid-related crime incidents and comparison with opioid overdose outcomes in the United States
A randomized controlled trial of the web-based drinking diary program for problem drinking in multi workplace settings
The role of posttraumatic guilt and anger in integrated treatment for PTSD and co-occurring substance use disorders among primarily male veterans
Helping a friend: the impact of victim alcohol intoxication and perpetrator social status on bystander behaviors and responses to assault disclosure
Orphans in post-conflict Liberia: seeking care in fractured communities
Assessing parent-adolescent substance use discussions using the continuous assessment of interpersonal dynamics
Cardiac arrest following unsuspected self-poisoning with doxylamine
Decision strategies while intoxicated relate to alcohol-impaired driving attitudes and intentions
Global, regional, and national burden of 12 mental disorders in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Adverse childhood experiences and other risk factors associated with adolescent and young adult vaping over time: a longitudinal study
Alcohol intoxication and lack of helmet use are common in electric scooter-related traumatic brain injuries: a consecutive patient series from a tertiary university hospital
Are there non-linear relationships between alcohol consumption and long-term health? A systematic review of observational studies employing approaches to improve causal inference
Burn injuries in people who used drug, 2009-2017: a case-control study in Shiraz, southern Iran
Side-loading prevalence and intoxication in the night-time economy
Characteristics of fatal 'novel' synthetic opioid toxicity in Australia
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of acute poisoning in children in southwestern China: a review of 1755 cases from 2014 to 2020
Is the use of hormonal contraception associated with suicide and suicide attempts?
"Lives of despair" at risk for "deaths of despair": tracking an under-recognized, vulnerable population
Illicit drug use, cognitive distortions, and suicidal ideation among homeless youth: results from a randomized controlled trial
Development and validation of an Arabic version of the Drug Abuse Screening Test-10 (DAST-10) among Saudi drug abusers
Factors contributing to level and type of child welfare involvement following prenatal substance exposure: a scoping review
Frequency of postmortem ethanol formation in blood, urine and vitreous humor - improving diagnostic accuracy with the use of ethylsulphate and putrefactive alcohols
Gender-specific risk relationship between heavy alcohol use/alcohol use disorders and suicidal thoughts and behavior among adults in the United States over time
Identification of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) impairment using functional brain imaging
The impact of a pharmacy student-led community naloxone education program in high school, college, and pharmacy students on knowledge, preparedness, and responsiveness in the event of an opioid overdose
Integration of medication safety training and development of a culture of safety in pharmacy education
A latent class analysis of mental health severity and alcohol consumption: associations with CoViD-19-related quarantining, isolation, suicidal ideations, and physical activity
Opioid-specific medication-assisted therapy and its impact on criminal justice and overdose outcomes
Profile of ocular injuries amongst various trauma patients presenting to tertiary care centre of Punjab
Treatment effectiveness for male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on problematic alcohol use
Violence and victimisation in the lives of persons experiencing homelessness who use methamphetamine: a scoping review
Examining the impact of social distancing and methamphetamine use on sexual risk and intimate partner violence in sexual and gender minority young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Crystal methamphetamine use subgroups and associated addiction care access and overdose risk in a Canadian urban setting
The gendered relationship between illicit substance use and self-harm in university students
Explaining the alcohol immigrant paradox: perspectives from Mexican American adults
Sexual trauma and addiction severity in military veterans with substance use disorder
Surface contamination generated by "one-pot" methamphetamine production
Frostbite associated with the party use of nitrous oxide. clinical case and literature review
A new trade war with an opium component: can the U.S. opioids crisis be solved by banning fentanyl in China? [Letter]
Racial/ethnic and gender differences in risk of injury and life-course drinking patterns: data from US national alcohol surveys
Opioid overdose survivors: medications for opioid use disorder and risk of repeat overdose in Medicaid patients
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school-based alcohol and cannabis prevention programme among adolescents
Alcohol use frequencies and associated problems across drinking contexts
Alcohol-attributable burden of disease in the Americas in 2000 and 2016
Analysis of how lobbying by the alcohol industry has eroded the French Évin Law since 1991
Alcohol use and binge drinking in baccalaureate nursing students: a descriptive study
Association of depression symptom level with smoking urges, cigarette withdrawal, and smoking reinstatement: a preliminary laboratory study
Cannabis industry marketing violations in Washington State, 2014-2019
Within-person predictors of same-day alcohol and nonmedical prescription drug use among youth presenting to an urban emergency department
Changes in cannabis consumption among college students during CoViD-19
Colorado family physicians and medical marijuana: has recreational marijuana changed physician attitudes and behaviors?
Considerations for conducting alcohol research with the USAUDIT on Mechanical Turk (mTurk)
A content analysis of cannabis company adherence to marketing requirements in four states
Opioid related deaths in Norway in 2000-2019
NSAID use and unnatural deaths after cancer diagnosis: a nationwide cohort study in Sweden
A national study on drinking game behaviors and related consequences among NCAA student-athletes: racial/ethnic and sex differences
Multi-organ system failure secondary to difluoroethane toxicity in a patient "huffing" air duster: a case report
Management of hydrocarbon burns: considering mental health and biochemical abnormalities
Improving estimates of alcohol-attributable deaths in the United States: impact of adjusting for the underreporting of alcohol consumption
Incidence of inpatient cases with mental disorders due to use of cannabinoids in Germany: a nationwide evaluation
Knowledge, territories, and drug use: street ways of life and reinventing care
Engaging adolescents in the fight against drug abuse and addiction: a concept mapping approach
Evaluating the risk of toxicity and adverse drug interactions involving recreational GHB use and prescribed drugs
Families in crisis: the relationship between opioid overdoses and child maltreatment in neighborhood areas
Shedding light on classic psychedelics and self-harm
Revising substance-related disorders in the DSM-5: a history
Perfectionism and alcohol-related problems: the role of procrastination
Prioritizing variables for evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of brief interventions for reducing alcohol consumption: a Latin American perspective
Risk factors and treatment needs of batterer intervention program participants with substance abuse problems
Acceleration of opioid-related EMS runs in the spring of 2020: the National Emergency Medical Services Information System data for 2018-2020
HIV vulnerability among survival sex workers through sexual violence and drug taking in a qualitative study from Victoria, Canada, with additional implications for pre-exposure prophylaxis for sex workers
Warnings against romanticising moral injury
A review of associations between externalizing behaviors and prenatal cannabis exposure: limitations & future directions
A review on the forensic toxicology of global drug-facilitated sexual assaults
Multidimensional impulsive personality traits mediate the effect of parent substance use disorder on adolescent alcohol and cannabis use
Comparison of hospital claims and poison center data to evaluate health impact of opioids, cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids
Evidence on the acute and residual neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in adolescents and adults: a systematic meta-review of meta-analyses
Effects of combining alcohol and cannabis on driving, breath alcohol level, blood THC, cognition, and subjective effects: a narrative review
Association between changes in depressive symptoms and hazardous drinking: findings from the Korea Welfare Panel Study (2013-2018)
Depression and/or PTSD comorbidity affects response to antidepressants in those with alcohol use disorder
Veteran drug overdose mortality, 2010-2019
Burden of mental health and substance use disorders among Italian young people aged 10-24 years: results from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study
Substance use/dependence in psychiatric emergency setting leading to hospitalization: predictors of continuity of care
A systematic narrative review of the effects of alcohol supply reduction policies on children and adolescents
Seeking treatment for mental illness and substance abuse: a cross-sectional study on attitudes, beliefs, and needs of military personnel with and without mental illness
Daily-level analysis of drinking intensity and acute physical consequences
Depressive symptoms, alcohol beliefs and heavy episodic drinking in adolescents
Disparities by sex and race and ethnicity in death rates due to opioid overdose among adults 55 years or older, 1999 to 2019
Harm reduction strategies among university students who use alcohol and cannabis, and related psychological variables: a systematic review
State-level regulations and opioid-related health outcomes
A predictive model for serious adverse events in adults with acute poisoning in prehospital and hospital care
Is the effect of cognitive reserve in longitudinal outcomes in first-episode psychoses dependent on the use of cannabis?
Rethinking alcohol and conflict: the politics of alcohol in post-war Sri Lanka and Nepal
Barriers and facilitators of implementing integrated interventions for alcohol misuse and intimate partner violence: a qualitative examination with diverse experts
Young people's alcohol use is still strongly related to social inclusion
Subtypes of bullying and types of substance use among urban African American adolescents: who is likely to use what?
Societal costs and outcomes of medical and recreational marijuana policies in the United States: a systematic review
Set-up of a population-based model to verify alcohol abstinence via monitoring of the direct alcohol marker phosphatidylethanol 16:0/18:1
Adolescent substance use prevention: long-term benefits of school engagement
Age 18-30 trajectories of binge drinking frequency and prevalence across the past 30 years for men and women: delineating when and why historical trends reversed across age
Corrigendum to "Density of alcohol-selling outlets and prices are associated with frequent binge drinking in Mexico" [Preventive Medicine 154 (2022) 106921]
The moderating role of social support in the relationship between poor mental health and excessive alcohol consumption: a gender-specific analysis
Amphetamine-type stimulant use and self-harm: protocol for a systematic review of observational studies
Cannabis use as a predictor and outcome of positive and negative affect in college students: an ecological momentary assessment study
Causal effects of cannabis legalization on parents, parenting, and children: a systematic review
Correlation between fall risk increasing drugs (FRIDs) and fall events at a rehabilitation hospital
Drug overdose mortality by race/ethnicity across US-born and immigrant populations
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of the performance-enhancing drugs
A comparison of national, state, and local drug use surveys: the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Rx for Addiction and Medication Safety Program
Driving performance and cannabis users' perception of safety: a randomized clinical trial
Ketamine use in relation to depressive symptoms among high school seniors
Lessons to be learned: identifying high-risk medication and circumstances in patients at risk for suicidal self-poisoning
Mapping the complex causal mechanisms of drinking and driving behaviors among adolescents and young adults
Mental health and drinking to cope in the early COVID period: data from the 2019-2020 US National Alcohol Survey
Modeling the association between and predictors of two constructs of resilience
Monitoring the impact of cannabis use. [Editorial]
Popularity of delta-8 THC on the internet across US states, 2021
Prepartying and incapacitated rape: is drinking a risk factor or an outcome?
Prevalence of alcohol among drivers, riders and pedestrians injured in road traffic crashes in Cameroon: a cross-sectional study
A qualitative analysis to understand perception about medication-related problems among older minority adults in a historically Black community
Youths' perceptions of the relation between alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviour in the Western Cape, South Africa: a qualitative study
Ridesharing and alcohol-related assaults in NYC: a spatial ecological case-crossover study
Role of medicines management in preventing falls in older people
The who and what of women's drinking: examining risky drinking and associated socio-demographic factors among women aged 40-65 years in Australia
Notes from the field: Increased incidence of fentanyl-related deaths involving para-fluorofentanyl or metonitazene - Knox County, Tennessee, November 2020-August 2021
Drug use in night owls may increase the risk for mental health problems
Recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: a pediatrics perspective
Methadone exposures reported to poison control centers in the United States following the COVID-19-related loosening of federal methadone regulations
The effects of cannabis and alcohol on driving performance and driver behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effort-related decision making and cannabis use among college students
Use of fall risk-increasing drugs in older adults with multiple myeloma: a cross-sectional study
Acute aggression after progesterone discontinuation in a young woman
Acute alcohol intoxication and lethal neck flexion
Cannabis industry lobbying in the Colorado state legislature in fiscal years 2010-2021
Proportion and conditions of use of intranasal take-home naloxone kits: a retrospective study in two French outpatient addiction centers, 2016-2020
Sleep, substance misuse and addictions: a nationwide observational survey on smoking, alcohol, cannabis and sleep in 12,637 adults
Depressive symptoms moderate the association between the recent history of alcohol use severity and suicide attempt history among adults in a pretrial jail diversion program
Efficacy, safety, and drug-drug interactions for insomnia therapy in CoViD-19 patients
Factors related to severe single-vehicle tree crashes: in-depth crash study
The systems medicine of cannabinoids in pediatrics: the case for more pediatric studies
Psilocybin use is associated with lowered odds of crime arrests in US adults: a replication and extension
Polysubstance use in a community sample of Black cisgender sexual minority men and transgender women in Chicago during initial COVID-19 pandemic peak
Letter to editor, a comment to: Prevalence and concentrations of sedative-hypnotic drugs in blood of drivers involved in road traffic crashes in the Padova region of Italy - not so easy to interpret
Assessing the race, ethnicity, and gender inequities in blood alcohol testing after trauma
Do the effects of parent-based alcohol interventions depend on college residence? A short communication
Correction to: Gambling disorder in male violent offenders in the prison system: psychiatric and substance‑related comorbidity
Examination of multiple drug arrests reported to the Maine Diversion Alert Program
No party, no drugs? Use of stimulants, dissociative drugs, and GHB/GBL during the early COVID-19 pandemic
Penile self-amputation due to cannabis-induced psychosis: a case report
Validity and usefulness of the short form of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R SF) among patients with schizophrenia
Differences in demographic, risk, and protective factors in a clinical sample of children who experienced sexual abuse only vs. poly-victimization
Effects of marijuana use in patients with orthopaedic trauma
A unique case of driving while under the influence of isopropanol
A population-level study concerning the assumed association between suicide rates and antidepressant consumption in Hungary
Predictive model of suicide risk in young people: the mediating role of alcohol consumption
Non-firearm-related homicides at the Medical University of South Carolina, 2013-2018
Nightlife activity and crime: the impact of COVID-19 related nightlife restrictions on violent crime
The effect of momentary affect on substance use among young adults who experience homelessness
An initiative to reduce insulin-related adverse drug events in a children's hospital
Legalization of cannabis in Canada-local media analysis
Longitudinal associations of emerging adults' drinking trajectories with their behavior, health, education and work outcomes 1, 4, and 9 years later
A longitudinal mediational investigation of risk pathways among cannabis use, interpersonal trauma exposure, and trauma-related distress
Hashish seizures in Algeria over the 2019-2020 period: the rise of potent hashish hybrids
Efficacy and safety of Z-substances in the management of insomnia in older adults: a systematic review for the development of recommendations to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing
Evaluating adolescent substance use and suicide in the pediatric emergency department
Do clinical pharmacy activities have an impact on the rehospitalisation rate of elderly patients admitted to a MUPA unit for a fall?
A calibration friendly approach to identify drugs of abuse mixtures with a portable near-infrared analyzer
Comparative safety of chronic versus intermittent benzodiazepine prescribing in older adults: a population-based cohort study
Characteristics of injuries sustained under the influence of alcohol in a group of adolescents: is it possible to establish a typical clinical picture of an underage patient who suffered from an injury under the influence of alcohol?
Trends in comorbid opioid and stimulant use disorders among Veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration, 2005-2019
Trajectory and course of problematic alcohol use after the Great East Japan Earthquake: eight-year follow-up of Higashi-Matsushima cohort study
Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOMP): results from a prospective cohort of victims of traumatic injury
Residual effects of zopiclone on driving performance using a standardized driving simulator among healthy volunteers
The opioid crisis: prevalence and markets of opioids
The impact of changes in COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on alcohol consumption and drinking occasion characteristics in Scotland and England in 2020: an interrupted time-series analysis
Indirect associations between middle-childhood externalizing behaviors and adolescent substance use through late-childhood exposure to violence
Characteristics that influence purchase choice for cannabis products: a systematic review
Trends and characteristics of hospitalisations from the harmful use of opioids in England between 2008 and 2018: population-based retrospective cohort study
Social networking site use and alcohol use behaviors among adolescents: a latent profile analysis
Risk of self-harm or suicide associated with specific drug use disorders, 2004-2016: a population-based cohort study
Proximal associations among college students' alcohol use and cyber partner abuse perpetration
Alcohol demand as a predictor of drinking behavior in the natural environment
"It's probably going to save my life;" attitudes towards treatment among people incarcerated in the era of fentanyl
Posttraumatic stress as a moderator of the association between HPA-axis functioning and alcohol use disorder among a community sample of women currently experiencing intimate partner violence
Effects of multivitamin, mineral and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on aggression among long-stay psychiatric in-patients: randomised clinical trial
Characterizing stimulant overdose: a qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of "overamping"
Concerts, bars, parties, and raves: differential risk for drug use among high school seniors according to venue attendance
Corrigendum: Association of heated tobacco product use and secondhand smoke exposure with suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and suicide attempts among Korean adolescents: a 2019 national survey
Marijuana use associated with decreased mortality in trauma patients
Performance-enhancing substance use and intimate partner violence: a prospective cohort study
The mediating roles of mental health and substance use on suicidal behavior among undergraduate students with ADHD
Multilevel analysis of injury severity of elderly motorcycle riders: the role of regional transport development
Multi-type childhood maltreatment exposure and substance use development from adolescence to early adulthood: a GxE study
A qualitative investigation exploring why dance festivals are risky environments for drug use and potential adverse outcomes
Sleep, sleep homeostasis and arousal disturbances in alcoholism
Increases in drug overdose deaths in Norway and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
Imprisonment, community sanctions and mortality by cause of death among patients with substance use disorder - a 28-year follow-up using Finnish register data
Alcohol outlets and alcohol consumption in changing environments: prevalence and changes over time
Alcohol use among adolescents during the first pandemic lockdown in Denmark, May 2020
Associations of cannabis retail outlet availability and neighborhood disadvantage with cannabis use and related risk factors among young adults in Washington State
Bystander opportunity in situations of alcohol and violence risk: exploring the feasibility of collecting daily diary data
The Bronze Age of drug checking: barriers and facilitators to implementing advanced drug checking amidst police violence and COVID-19
Characterizing safer supply prescribing of immediate release hydromorphone for individuals with opioid use disorder across Ontario, Canada
Correlates of concurrent use of stimulants and opioids among people who access harm reduction services in British Columbia, Canada: findings from the 2019 Harm Reduction Client Survey
Youth substance use service provider's perspectives on use and service access in Ontario: time to reframe the discourse
A smarter way to use your smartphone: an intervention to limit smartphone-related distractions reduces hyperactivity but not inattention symptoms
Prevalence and use of cannabis products and routes of administration among youth and young adults in Canada and the United States: a systematic review
Cannabis legalization and traffic injuries: exploring the role of supply mechanisms
Comparing associations between mood and breath alcohol concentration in the laboratory and natural environment
Functional connectivity in the central executive network predicts changes in binge drinking behavior during emerging adulthood: an observational prospective study
Sex differences in young children's perceptions of situational drinking norms over time
Initiation of opioid prescription and risk of suicidal behavior among youth and young adults
Longitudinal patterns of alcohol use following traumatic brain injury in an active duty and young veteran military sample: a VA TBI Model Systems study
The moderating roles of emotion regulation and coping self-efficacy on the association between PTSD symptom severity and drug use among female sexual assault survivors
Personality-specific pathways from bullying victimization to adolescent alcohol use: a multilevel longitudinal moderated mediation analysis
Recreational drug use and prospective memory
Physical and sexual intimate partner violence and psychological distress among injection drug users in baltimore
Youth drinking in decline: what are the implications for public health, public policy and public debate?
The relationship between cannabis use and legalization frameworks: a cross-sectional analysis using a nationally representative survey
The role of victim-offender alcohol abuse on crime commission process involved in sexual victimization
Naloxone co-dispensing with opioids: a cluster randomized pragmatic trial
An on-premise study to investigate the effects of mixing alcohol with caffeinated beverages
Medicaid expansion and drug overdose mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Implementation and evaluation of the public health emergency response to the 2019 outbreak of e-cigarette and vaping product use-associated lung injury in Massachusetts,USA
A dyadic examination of alcohol use and intimate partner aggression among women in same-sex relationships
Direct democracy and the adoption of recreational marijuana legalization in the United States, 2012-2019
Contexts of marijuana use and cessation among frequently-using youth in primary care
The details of decriminalization: designing a non-criminal response to the possession of drugs for personal use
A comparative analysis of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and fall risk in older adults
Association between law enforcement seizures of illicit drugs and drug overdose deaths involving cocaine and methamphetamine, Ohio, 2014-2019
Characteristics of alcohol-related non-traffic accident trauma patients
Characterization of alcohol consumption and related problems in university students from Mexico City
Injury patterns in cyclists with alcohol consumption
Intimate-partner violence and its relationship with substance consumption by Mexican men and women: National Survey on Addictions
The validity of the triage tool as a method to screen severe alcoholic intoxication patients in the emergency department
A successful management after cement ingestion: a case report
Analysis of prognostic factors affecting admission in acute alcohol-intoxicated patients with traumatic brain injury visiting emergency room
Blackout brownie: a final dessert case study
Cannabis-related emergency department visits by youths and their outcomes in Ontario: a trend analysis
The impact of cigarette smoking and nicotine on traumatic brain injury: a review
Injecting drug use opportunities and reasons for choosing not to inject: a population-based study of Australian young adults who use stimulants
Awareness and attitudes of Mongolian adolescents and youth toward alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm
Use of psychoactive substance and its associated factors among school adolescents in Rupandehi District of Nepal
Analysis of the feasibility of a forensic chemical investigation in clobazam poisoning
Adolescent risk behaviours and family settings in Bulgaria: an evidence-based approach to effective family support policies
Personal, social and cultural predictors of intention to misuse prescription stimulants among medical students: a test of the theory of triadic influence
A social media intervention for cannabis use among emerging adults: randomized controlled trial
Preventing youth suicide: a review of school-based practices and how social-emotional learning fits into comprehensive efforts
Pain and prescription opioid use among US construction workers: findings from the 2011‒2018 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Opioids and the risk of motor vehicle collision: a systematic review
The incidence of psychoactive substances and alcohol among impaired drivers in Denmark in 2015-2019
Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis
Educational differences in the prevalence of behavioural risk factors in Germany and the EU - results from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) 2
Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use in adolescence - cross-sectional results of the 2017/18 HBSC study
Detecting drinking episodes in young adults using smartphone-based sensors
Does prison deter drunk-drivers?
Prevalence and risk factors of the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Suicidal and accidental drug poisoning mortality among older adults and working-age individuals in Spain between 2000 and 2018
Polysubstance use patterns among high dose benzodiazepine users: a latent class analysis and differences between male and female use
Polysubstance use poisoning deaths in Canada: an analysis of trends from 2014 to 2017 using mortality data
The network structure of impulsive personality and temporal discounting
The direct medical cost of trauma aetiologies and injuries in a resource limited setting of Papua New Guinea: a prospective cost of illness study
Classifying risky cannabis involvement in young adults using the Marijuana Consequences Questionnaire (MACQ)
Characteristics and age-related injury patterns of maxillofacial fractures in children and adolescents: a multicentric and prospective study
Changes in the frequency and pattern of drugs detected among suspected drug users during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey
Framing social deviance: a comparative analysis of South African newspapers' representation of drug use and abuse among the youth
Dynamic structural equation modeling of the relationship between alcohol habit and drinking variability
Towards quantifying the reciprocal associations between frequency of cannabis use and alcohol consumption: a cross-lagged analysis from the CONSTANCES cohort
Sample entropy discriminates balance performance of older cannabis users from non-users
Is approving esketamine as an antidepressant for treatment resistant depression associated with recreational use and risk perception of ketamine? Results from a longitudinal and cross-sectional survey in nightlife attendees
The contribution of psychopathic traits and substance use in the prediction of recidivism of sexual offenders
Ethnic discrimination and alcohol-related problem severity among Hispanic/Latin drinkers: the role of social anxiety in the minority stress model
Hazardous drinking and violence-related hospitalizations in the Danish general population: a historical cohort study
The impact of traditional kava (Piper methysticum) use on cognition: implications for driver fitness
KODY, an all-of-family response to co-occurring substance use and domestic violence: protocol for a quasi-experimental intervention trial
A systematic review of factors associated with illegal drug driving
Reciprocal associations between implicit attitudes and drinking in emerging adulthood
Decision-making under risk and uncertainty by substance abusers and healthy controls
"Drunk people are on a different level": a qualitative study of reflections from students about transitioning and adapting to United Kingdom university as a person who drinks little or no alcohol
Are doping tests in sports trustworthy? Athletes suffer from insufficiently defined criteria for doping tests: athletes suffer from insufficiently defined criteria for doping tests
Association of physical activity, sports, and screen time with adolescent behaviors in youth who visit the pediatric emergency department
Cannabis use and suicidal ideation among youth: can we democratize school policies using digital citizen science?
Depressive symptoms and drinking to cope in relation to alcohol use outcomes among White and Black/African American college students
Reflective and non-reflective influences on cannabis use among undergraduate students: a qualitative study
Pharmacological profiling of anti-fentanyl monoclonal antibodies in combination with naloxone in pre- and post-exposure models of fentanyl toxicity
Perceived access to cannabis and ease of purchasing cannabis in retail stores in Canada immediately before and one year after legalization
A new perspective on "drinking" self: a network approach to characterizing drinking-related changes in personality
Firearm-related threat exposure and associated factors among men and women entering a supportive housing substance use disorder recovery program
Identifying opioid-related electronic health record phenotypes for emergency care research and surveillance: an expert consensus driven concept mapping process
Relative safety and quality of various dietary supplement products U.S. Service Members ask about
The political economy of medical marijuana laws revisited
17 is the new 15: changing alcohol consumption among Swedish youth
The alcohol industry's involvement with road safety NGOs
What are the chances? Perceived risk of sexual victimization for self and others among college women
Vulnerability, risk and harm for people who use drugs and are engaged in transactional sex: learning for service delivery
The association between recreational cannabis legalization, commercialization and cannabis attributable emergency department visits in Ontario, Canada: an interrupted time-series analysis
Substance use among youth in community and residential mental health care facilities in Ontario, Canada
Corrigendum to: A comparison between ecological momentary assessment and the adapted-quick drinking screen: alcohol mixed with energy drinks
The roles of adolescent occupational expectations and preparation in adult suicide and drug poisoning deaths within a shifting labor market
Perceived availability and carriage of take-home naloxone and factors associated with carriage among people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Polypharmacy in Polish older adult population-a cross-sectional study: results of the PolSenior Project
Ketamine for treatment of mood disorders and suicidality: a narrative review of recent progress
Letter to the editor: Parental behaviors and cannabis-related harm reduction in college
In-patient psychiatric care and non-substance-related psychiatric diagnoses among individuals seeking treatment for alcohol and substance use disorders: associations with all-cause mortality and suicide
Influence of alcohol provocation on medical professionals in Taiwan: a qualitative study
Injury patterns after falling down stairs-high ratio of traumatic brain injury under alcohol influence
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on women's alcohol use, mental health, and experiences of intimate partner violence in Wakiso, Uganda
Grief at the heart of the opioid overdose crisis: past lessons and present implications
Substance use disorder visits among adolescents at children's hospitals during COVID-19
Structural, everyday, and symbolic violence and the heightened vulnerability to HIV of women who use drugs in Tanzania
Changes in alcohol consumption and determinants of excessive drinking during the CoViD-19 lockdown in the Slovak Republic
Trajectories of NEET (Not in Education, Employment, and Training) in emerging adulthood, and later drug use disorder - a national cohort study
Ridehailing and road traffic crashes: a critical review
Sensation seeking and alcohol expectancies regarding sexual aggression as moderators of the relationship between alcohol use and coercive condom use resistance intentions
Psychotropic drugs for the treatment of non-suicidal self-injury in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Links between alcohol and external causes of deaths in males: an autopsy study
Intoxication related to substances use in patients presenting to Ain Shams University Poisoning Treatment Center, Cairo, Egypt (2015-2019)
General beliefs about illicit drug use and stigma: perspective of people who use illicit drugs
The epidemiology of hand and finger lacerations in United States emergency departments
Alcohol use and death by suicide: a meta-analysis of 33 studies
Brief intervention for hazardous drinking delivered using text messaging: a pilot randomised controlled trial from Goa, India
Cannabinoid-related acute pancreatitis: an update from international literature and individual case safety reports
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and adulthood substance use among lesbians
Drug interactions and juvenile delinquency in Mexico
Meaning in life and stress-related drinking: a multicohort study of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: a meta-analysis of observational studies
Commentary on: Munro NA. Alcohol and parasomnias: the statistical evaluation of the parasomnia defense in sexual assault, where alcohol is involved. J Forensic Sci. 2020;65(4):1235-41. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14322
Suicide ideation among outpatients with alcohol use disorder
Potentially harmful medication dispenses after a fall or hip fracture: a mixed methods study of a commonly used quality measure
Investigating self-regulation in young adults who drug-drive
Fathers' alcohol consumption and risk of substance-related disorders in offspring
Wearable electronic finger for date rape drugs screening: from "do-it-yourself" fabrication to self-testing
Psychoactive substance use among students: a cross-sectional analysis
Changes in cannabis consumption among emerging adults in relation to policy and public health developments
Coping motives mediate the association of trauma history with problematic cannabis use in young adult medical cannabis patients and non-patient cannabis users
Cannabis use and abuse in Nepal: a review of studies
Study protocol for a cluster randomized trial of a school, family, and community intervention for preventing drug misuse among older adolescents in the Cherokee Nation
A systematic review on the role of substance consumption in work-related road traffic crashes reveals the importance of biopsychosocial factors in prevention
Targeted medication review of falls-risk medications in older patients: a community pharmacy-based approach
Use of electronic adverse drug reaction check to identify inpatients with a high drug-associated risk of falling: a case-control study at the Department of Neurology
The rise and fall of substance use during treatment: applying recency and expectancy principles to daily substance use patterns
Risk of fall-related injuries associated with antidepressant use in elderly patients: a nationwide matched cohort study
Sexual victimization, self-efficacy to refuse sex while drinking, and regretting alcohol-involved sex among underserved youth in Kampala, Uganda
Pride-based violence, intoxicated sex and poly-drug use: a vocational school-based study of heterosexual and LGBT students in Bangkok
Predictors of drug-drug interactions of medications prescribed to patients admitted due to suicidal behavior
Perceived realism and wishful identification: college students' perceptions of alcohol ads and their intentions to sexually coerce with or without using alcohol
Oral corpse messaging in drug trafficking victims: A scoping review
Nationwide survey of trauma center screening and intervention practices for posttraumatic stress disorder, firearm violence, mental health, and substance use disorders
Marijuana policy bundles in the American states over time and their impact on the use of marijuana and other drugs
How do naloxone-based interventions work to reduce overdose deaths: a realist review
The impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on drug use behaviors, fentanyl exposure, and harm reduction service support among people who use drugs in rural settings
Impact of poverty and family adversity on adolescent health: a multi-trajectory analysis using the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Factors influencing the practice of healthy living as an integrated indicator of the elderly's drinking, smoking, and walking patterns: using Korea community health surveys
The effects of intranasal esketamine on on-road driving performance in patients with major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder
Did CoViD-19-related alcohol sales restrictions reduce alcohol consumption? Findings from a national online survey in South Africa
Disentangling the within- and between-person aspects of implicit alcohol associations on hazardous drinking
Assessing alcohol use in situ: correlates of self-report vs. objective alcohol consumption
Correction to: Pharmacological approaches to managing violence and aggression in prison populations: clinical and ethical issues
Development of pediatric hospital position statements on medical and non-prescribed cannabis
Enhancing risk perception may be insufficient to curtail prescription opioid use and misuse among youth after surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Multiple diverse drinking trajectories among sexual minority women: unique and joint prediction by minority stress and social influence risk factors
Attempted suicide with intravenous methamphetamine and chemsex
Validating a brief screening measure for early-onset substance use during adolescence in a diverse, nationwide birth cohort
Association of therapeutic and recreational reasons for alcohol use with alcohol demand
Resting state functional connectivity in alcohol users and co-users of other substances
E-scooter driving under the acute influence of alcohol-a real-driving fitness study
Early life stress and substance use disorders: the critical role of adolescent substance use
Fall risk-increasing drugs and gait performance in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review
Going beyond risk factor: childhood maltreatment and associated modifiable targets to improve life-long outcomes in mood disorders
Identifying individual and environmental predictors of opioid and psychostimulant use among adolescents and young adults following outpatient treatment
Psychometric properties of CAST for early detection of problematic cannabis use in Spanish adolescents
Psychological distress and suicidal ideation among male construction workers in the United States
Aetiology and epidemiology of maxillofacial injuries during the stay-at-home period due to the covid-19 pandemic: a single center study
New trend of drugs abused by secondary school students in Nigeria
Friend of the devil: negative social influences driving substance use disorders
A comprehensive review of adverse events to drugs used in COVID-19 patients: recent clinical evidence
Cocaine exposures reported to United States poison control centers, 2000-2020
Adherence, safety, and effectiveness of medical cannabis and epidemiological characteristics of the patient population: a prospective study
Remotely educating young women about alcohol: a randomized trial of the partywise intervention
Repeated blast mild traumatic brain injury and oxycodone self-administration produce interactive effects on neuroimaging outcomes
What can siblings and cousins tell us about the role of early life family income in the aetiologies of violent crime, substance misuse and psychiatric morbidity?
The impact of recreational marijuana legalization on simple assault in Oregon
"It's a beer!": Brain functional hyperconnectivity during processing of alcohol-related images in young binge drinkers
Association between screen time and cumulating school, behavior, and mental health difficulties in early adolescents: a population-based study
Concurrent use of prescription gabapentinoids with opioids and risk for fall-related injury among older US Medicare beneficiaries with chronic noncancer pain: a population-based cohort study
Do symptoms of depression and anxiety contribute to heavy episodic drinking? A 3-wave longitudinal study of adult community members
Treating the bad trip by telephone
Benzodiazepine and stimulant prescriptions before overdose in youth
Electronic health record data may lead to underestimates of cannabis use-especially among older populations, [editorial]
National trends in suicide thoughts and behavior among US adults with opioid use disorder from 2015 to 2020
Positive urgency, drinking preoccupation, and alcohol problems in college students
Profiles of patients with opioid use disorders presenting a history of suicidal ideations and attempts
A systematic review on integrated care for traumatic brain injury, mental health, and substance use
Risk pathways contributing to the alcohol harm paradox: socioeconomic deprivation confers susceptibility to alcohol dependence via greater exposure to aversive experience, internalizing symptoms and drinking to cope
Longitudinal associations between impulsivity and alcohol and cannabis use frequency, quantity, and problems among military veterans
Maybe it's not the meth: considering biopsychosocial contributors to cognitive impairment in methamphetamine polydrug use
Potential financial impact on television networks of a ban on alcohol advertising during sports broadcasts in Australia
Drug overdose death rates in different countries: who should be alarmed?
Early pain, stress, and opioid use following traumatic injury
"We who champion the unborn": racial poisons, eugenics, and the campaign for prohibition
Urban scaling of opioid overdose deaths in the USA: a cross-sectional study in three periods between 2005 and 2017
A two-year evaluation of flualprazolam concentrations in Orange County drivers: effects on driving and field sobriety test performance
The theory of planned behavior & bystander intention: differences based on gender and heavy episodic drinking
Physician liability for suicide after negligent tapering of opioids
The effects of methylphenidate treatment on bullying perpetration and victimization in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Association between mirtazapine use and serious self-harm in people with depression: an active comparator cohort study using UK electronic health records
An ecological study of temporal trends in 'deaths of despair' in England and Wales
Evaluating opioid analgesic prescribing limits: a narrative review
A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evolution of adolescent and young adult cannabis consumption before and after legalization
Women's substance use and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Socioeconomic inequalities and Black/White disparities in US cocaine-involved overdose mortality risk
Signals of muscle relaxant drug interactions associated with unintentional traumatic injury: a population-based screening study
Cannabis use prevalence among Baby Boomers before and after implementation of recreational retail sales in California
Highlighting the hidden dangers of a 'weak' opioid: deaths following use of dihydrocodeine in England (2001-2020)
"You can't go wrong being safe": motivations, patterns, and context surrounding use of fentanyl test strips for heroin and other drugs
Understanding mechanisms underlying the relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance-impaired driving among young adults involved with the justice system as minors
Postdeployment alcohol use and risk associated with deployment experiences, combat exposure, and postdeployment negative emotions among Army National Guard soldiers
Racial and ethnic differences in cannabis use and cannabis use disorder: implications for researchers
Nitrous oxide abuse induced subacute combined degeneration despite patient initiated B12 supplementation
Is adolescent risk behavior associated with cross-household family complexity? An analysis of post-separation families in 42 countries
Long-term effects of the German zero tolerance law for novice drivers
Life satisfaction following treatment-related reductions in alcohol use and PTSD symptoms: results from VetChange
Latent typologies of psychiatric symptom comorbidity with substance use: associations with adverse childhood experiences
Humanistic and economic burden of conversion therapy among LGBTQ youths in the United States
COVID-related distress, mental health, and substance use in adolescents and young adults
Do they need to be tested to be deterred? Exploring the impact of exposure to roadside drug testing on drug driving
Alcohol and cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic among transgender, gender-diverse, and cisgender adults in Canada
Associations of delay discounting and drinking trajectories from ages 14 to 22
Dispensed opioid prescription patterns, by racial/ethnic groups, among South Carolina Medicaid-funded children experiencing limb fracture injuries
The impact of road safety policies in a deregulated alcohol tax environment in Hong Kong: a 15-year time series analysis
A latent class approach to understanding associations between sports participation, substance use, dismissive attitudes, and sexual violence perpetration among high school athletes
"It was in control of me": notions of addiction and online child sexual exploitation material offending
Cannabis presentations to the emergency department after MVC in the era of legalization for recreational use
The cannabis ask: what's a psychiatrist to do?
Better workplace ergonomics and better prevention and treatment of occupational musculoskeletal injuries critical for stemming the drug overdose epidemic [editorial]
Alcohol- and drug-related mortality among adults within and outside the U.S.-Mexico border region
Understanding the roles of sport and alcohol use in adolescence on physical and sexual intimate partner violence perpetration in young adulthood: findings from a sex-stratified multilevel analysis
Medicaid expansion and opioid overdose mortality among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in the US: a difference in differences analysis
Comments on offenses due to the presence of drugs on the road and arguments to establish minimum detection rates in blood
Explaining the causes of crystal addiction in Tehran: a qualitative approach
Patterns of substance use and perceived risk in youth attending rock festivals
Relationship of impulsivity and descriptive social norms with the practice of drinking before partying
Psychiatric disorders and associated risky behaviors among Iranian university students: results from the Iranian PDABs survey
Risky sexual behaviours among school-aged adolescents in Namibia: secondary data analyses of the 2013 Global school-based health survey
Mental and substance use disorders in Peru: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study
Mary and Jane: a case of severe marijuana intoxication in school-aged sisters
Examining the role of trauma in alcohol interlock performance: a structural pathway analysis
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, sensation-seeking, and sensory modulation dysfunction in substance use disorder: a cross sectional two-group comparative study
What are the risk behaviors of Brazilian and Portuguese drivers? An exploratory approach using self-reported data
Where is territorial peace? Violence, drug trafficking and territory: the killings of former guerrilla combatants and social leaders in Colombia (2016-2021)
Can initial experiences with drugs predict future drug abuse risks?
Forecasting frequent alcohol use among adolescents in HBSC countries: a Bayesian framework for making predictions
High-risk drinkers engage distinct stress-predictive brain networks
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on illicit drug supply, drug-related behaviour of people who use drugs and provision of drug related services in Georgia: results of a mixed methods prospective cohort study
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of take-home doses of opioid agonist therapy in Ontario, Canada: a population-based time-series analysis
Over half of falls were associated with psychotropic medication use in four nursing homes in Japan: a retrospective cohort study
Methanol poisoning leading to brain death: a case report
Mortality among people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco during the COVID-19 pandemic
Predictors of no, low and frequent emergency department use for any medical reason among patients with cannabis-related disorders attending Quebec (Canada) addiction treatment centres
Poisonings with ADHD medication in children under the age of 5 years in Australia: a retrospective study, 2004-2019
Parental problem drinking and maladaptive personality features in children: the role of marital conflict
Drugs of abuse among in-patients receiving treatment for substance use disorders in a tertiary health care center in South-South Nigeria: an exploratory qualitative study
Adverse childhood experiences and past 30-day cannabis use among middle and high school students: the protective influence of families and schools
Post-aggression suicide under the influence of new psychoactive substances AMB-FUBINACA and U-47700
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on temporal patterns of mental health and substance abuse related mortality in Michigan: an interrupted time series analysis
Using practice facilitation to improve alcohol-related care in primary care: a mixed-methods pilot study protocol
Parental divorce and nicotine addiction in Lebanese adolescents: the mediating role of child abuse and bullying victimization
Opioids and falls risk in older adults: a narrative review
'The Drug Survey App': a protocol for developing and validating an interactive population survey tool for drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
An evaluation of the role of the state in promoting boy-child education in Kenya
Roadside saliva swab testing: a solution to drugged driving or a violation of the Fourth Amendment right to privacy?
Traffic safety culture of drivers in Canada: implications for new traffic law implementation to enhance traffic safety
Sociodemographic characteristics of interpersonal violence associated with alcohol consumption
Examining interventions and adverse events after nonfatal opioid overdoses in veterans
Clinical pharmacokinetic assessment of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), a botanical product with opioid-like effects, in healthy adult participants
The current state of psychostimulants use and harms in Canada
Using ecological momentary assessment and a portable device to quantify standard tetrahydrocannabinol units for cannabis flower smoking
Substance use, violence, and sexual risk among young cis-gender women placed at high-risk for human immunodeficiency virus infection
Recent advances in electrochemical sensor technologies for THC detection-a narrative review
Prevalence and correlates of suicide attempts in high-risk populations: a cross-sectional study among patients receiving opioid agonist therapy in Norway
Mental health service use among mothers involved in public family law proceedings: linked data cohort study in South London 2007-2019
Motivations for alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Islamic Republic of Iran
An evaluation of a video-based intervention targeting alcohol consumption during aquatic activities
Quantitative analysis of pulmonary structures in PMCT; stereological comparison of drowning compared to opioid-overdose cases
Racial and ethnic differences in pediatric unintentional injuries requiring hospitalization
Trends of suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic: an autopsy-based study
"I've been to  more  of my friends ' funerals  than  I've been to my friends' weddings": witnessing and responding to overdose in rural Northern New England
Involvement of alcohol in injury cases in rural Sri Lanka: prevalence and associated factors among in-patients in three primary care hospitals
Externalizing personality characteristics define clinically relevant subgroups of alcohol use disorder
Alcohol abuse as a potential risk factor of solitary death among people living alone: a cross-sectional study in Kyoto, Japan
Association of suicide attempt with stimulant abuse in California emergency departments in 2011: a study of 10 million ED visits
Association of blood alcohol and alcohol use disorders with emergency department disposition of trauma patients
Association between workplace absenteeism and alcohol use disorder from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2015-2019
Effects of interventions for preventing road traffic crashes: an overview of systematic reviews
Do varsity college athletes have a greater likelihood of risky alcohol and cannabis use than non-athletes? Results from a national survey in Brazil
Disparities in self-reported exposure to tobacco marketing among youth and young adults from low-socioeconomic status neighbourhoods in Mexico City
A different challenge with Benadryl: adolescent diphenhydramine ingestions reported to National Poison Database System, 2007-2020
Characteristics of fatal tapentadol-related toxicity in Australia
Applying network analysis to investigate substance use symptoms associated with drug overdose
An assessment of the non-fatal crash risks associated with substance use during rush and non-rush hour periods in the United States
Comparing characteristics of suicide to non-suicide drug poisoning deaths, by sex, in Ireland
Development of a 20-item questionnaire for drinking behavior pattern (DBP-20) towards personalized behavioral approaches for alcohol use disorder
Distinguishing personal use of drugs from drug supply: approaches and challenges
Effects of multiple adverse childhood experiences on substance use in young adults: a review of the literature
Oxycodone-related deaths in Sweden 2006-2018
The Finnish Drinking Habits Survey: implications for alcohol policy and prevention
Successes and failures in treatment of substance abuse: treatment system perspectives and lessons from the European continent
Industrial use of lethal substance and its easy access to artisan makes life insecure: a case of potassium cyanide poisoning
Adapting existing behaviour: perceptions of substance switching and implementation of minimum pricing for alcohol in Wales
Association between self-reported binge drinking and absenteeism in the Baltic countries
Drinking motives and their associations with alcohol use among adolescents in Sweden
Drug-related hospital admissions in older adults: comparison of the Naranjo algorithm and an adjusted version of the Kramer algorithm
Elevated alcohol consumption among geriatric psychiatric in-patients
Trends in older adults' alcohol use in Norway 1985-2019
Trends in alcohol consumption among older adults in Denmark in the 21st century
Public perceptions of how alcohol consumption is dealt with in Swedish and Norwegian health care
Observational learning of the televised consequences of drinking alcohol: exploring the role of perceived similarity
Opioid overdoses: a demographic analysis of the upward trend in the USA
Pattern of drowning cases at a tertiary care hospital, Khammam
Trends and associated risks in adolescent substance use: e-cigarette use and nitrous oxide use
Analysis of clinical characteristics and prognostic factors in 110 patients with nitrous oxide abuse
Association and effects of trauma, displacement, and illicit drug use on psychiatric illnesses in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
The importance of alcohol in elderly's hospital admissions for fall injuries: a population case-control study
The links of stress, substance use and socio-demographic factors with domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal
Neonaticides in the United States--2008-2017
Playing drinking games as a typical form of prepartying among young adults
Acute poisoning in children admitted to pediatric emergency department: a five-years retrospective analysis
Interrupted time series analysis of Canadian legal cannabis sales during the COVID-19 pandemic
Adolescent substance use: findings from a state-wide pilot parent education program
Alcohol use history increases the likelihood of suicide behavior among male chronic patients with schizophrenia in a Chinese population
Alcohol-related problems among Black adults: the role of false safety behaviors
Polysubstance use in motor vehicle crash fatalities
A qualitative study exploring young offenders' perspectives on alcohol and other drug health promotion
The effects of others' drinking on the harms to children in Thailand: lessons from the WHO-ThaiHealth project
Cannabis use among young adults in Washington State after legalization of nonmedical cannabis
Health and social problems following illicit drug use among males experiencing incarceration in prison; a cross sectional study on single centre experience
Perceived influence of drug abuse on undergraduates' suicidal tendencies in the University of Lagos
Utility of poison control center data for automated opioid overdose surveillance
Unknown risks of psychosis and addiction with delta-8-THC: a call for research, regulation, and clinical caution
Understanding how and why alcohol interventions prevent and reduce problematic alcohol consumption among older adults: a systematic review
Substance use in the transgender population: a meta-analysis
Substance use disorders among Medicare beneficiaries: prevalence, mental and physical comorbidities, and treatment barriers
A study of the MTHFR gene prevalence in a rural Tennessee opioid use disorder treatment center population
Road traffic injuries and substance use in Latin America: a systematic review
Risk-thresholds for the association between frequency of cannabis use and the development of psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Public health implications of cannabis legalization: an exploration of adolescent use and evidence-based interventions
Vaping-associated lung injury: a review
Predictors of severe outcome following opioid intoxication in children
Prior drug-related criminal charges and risk for intimate partner violence perpetration among authorized purchasers of handguns in California
Parenting styles as a moderator of the association between pubertal timing and Chinese adolescents' drinking behavior
Polypharmacy is associated with falls in women with and without HIV
Parental drinking, mental health and education, and extent of offspring's healthcare utilisation for anxiety/depression: a HUNT survey and registry study
Is high sensitive-troponin I a reliable biomarker for cardiac injury in methadone toxicity? A prospective cross-sectional study
Effects of binge drinking during adolescence and emerging adulthood on the brain: a systematic review of neuroimaging studies
Are changes in attitudes towards school associated with declining youth drinking? A multi-level analysis of 37 countries
Association between spinal cord injury and alcohol dependence: a population-based retrospective cohort study
Bystander intervention among drinking gamers bystander intervention among college student drinking gamers: sexual assault attitudes, self-efficacy, and intent to intervene
Becoming safe, legal, mature, moderate, and self-reflexive: trajectories of drinking and abstinence among young people
Declared rationale for cannabis use before and after legalization for nonmedical use: a longitudinal study of community adults in Ontario
Driving under the influence of drugs: correlation between blood psychoactive drug concentrations and cognitive impairment. a narrative review taking into account forensic issues
Development of a simulation-based experimental research framework for the characterization of cannabis-related driving impairment
Does alcohol consumption influence people's perceptions of their own and a drinking partner's ability to consent to sexual behavior in a non-sexualized drinking context?
Do drinking norms, motives, and drinking behaviors differ by age group among Korean women?
Fourth wave of opioid (illicit drug) overdose deaths and diminishing access to prescription opioids and interventional techniques: cause and effect
An exploration of narcan as a harm reduction strategy and user's attitudes toward law enforcement involvement in overdose cases
Evaluating long-term outcomes of a high school-based impaired and distracted driving prevention program
Epidemiology of traumatic cervical spinal fractures in a general Norwegian population
Effectiveness of guided and unguided online alcohol help: a real-life study
Assaultive trauma, alcohol use, and alcohol-related consequences among American Indian adolescents
An assessment of program eligibility among participants in day reporting centers
Determination of barbiturates in hair samples by using a validated UHPLC-HRMS method: application in investigation of drug-facilitated sexual assault
A cluster of 25B-NBOH poisonings following exposure to powder sold as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Discrimination and risky sexual behavior, substance use, and suicidality among transgender individuals
Evaluation of RapidSTAT®, DrugWipe® 6S, DrugScreen® 5TK and DrugScreen® 7TR for on-site drug testing in German police roadside traffic patrol
Survival after self-poisoning with sodium nitrite: a case report
Substance use and misuse patterns and disability status in the 2020 US National Alcohol Survey: a contributing role for chronic pain
Retail cannabis environment and adolescent use: the role of advertising and retailers near home and school
Racial discrimination and substance use among African American youth: personal and collective self-esteem as mechanisms
Legality of drug checking equipment in the United States: a systematic legal analysis
Institution of higher education substance use amnesty policies and sexual violence reporting
Cannabis use among patients with psychotic disorders
Associations between muscle-building exercise and alcohol use behaviors among adolescent boys: results from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Coffee and energy drink use patterns in college freshmen: associations with adverse health behaviors and risk factors
Change of risk behaviour in young people - the effectiveness of the trauma prevention programme P.A.R.T.Y. considering the effect of fear appeals and cognitive processes
Legislatively mandated implementation of medications for opioid use disorders in jails: a qualitative study of clinical, correctional, and jail administrator perspectives
Mothers who use drugs: closing the gaps in harm reduction response amidst the dual epidemics of overdose and violence in a Canadian urban setting
Perceived helpfulness of alcohol protective behavioral strategies and consequence severity: a person-centered analysis
Pilot of a telehealth brief alcohol intervention for college students at a Hispanic serving institution
Potential pathways from peer victimization to alcohol use among biracial adolescents: the intervening role of parental support
Psychopathy and protective behavioral strategies: PBS mediates the relationships between primary and secondary psychopathy and alcohol consumption and problems
Sex differences in neurobehavioral consequences of methamphetamine exposure in adult mice
A forensic case study: human factors issues involved in a fall down an elevator shaft
Possible consequences of cannabis legalization - what do research show?
Severe vitamin K-dependent coagulopathy from rodenticide-contaminated synthetic cannabinoids: emergency department presentations
Structural violence and the need for compassionate use of methadone in Mexico
Testing socioeconomic status and family socialization hypotheses of alcohol use in young people: a causal mediation analysis
Trends in dispensing of individual prescription opioid formulations, Canada 2005-2020
Informed consent is poorly documented when obtaining toxicology testing at delivery in a Massachusetts cohort
Is it time to rethink low-risk drinking guidelines?
Association between experiences of intimate partner sexual violence and cigarette smoking among women in union in Papua New Guinea: evidence from a nationally representative survey
Content analysis of nicotine poisoning (nic sick) videos on TikTok: retrospective observational infodemiology study
Gender differences in diagnostic remission of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): proportions and correlates of remission in a nationally representative U.S. sample
Weekly patterns of suicide and the influence of alcohol consumption in an urban sample
Stress mediates the association between pain and alcohol use in college students
Using social network methodology to examine the effects of exposure to alcohol-related social media content on alcohol use: a critical review
Overview and methodology of the adolescent behaviors and experiences survey - United States, January-June 2021
NPS detection in prison: a systematic literature review of use, drug form, and analytical approaches
Notes from the field: Xylazine-related deaths - Cook County, Illinois, 2017-2021
Incorporating social networks and event-specific information in a personalized feedback intervention to reduce drinking among young adults
Ethyl glucuronide in hair: a 5-years retrospective cohort study in subjects sanctioned for driving under the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances
Dialysis and extracorporeal therapies for enhanced elimination of toxic ingestions and poisoning
Correction to: Incorporating social networks and event-specific information in a personalized feedback intervention to reduce drinking among young adults
Do clinical pharmacists contribute to fall prevention in healthcare facilities also in the Czech Republic? 10 years of monitoring and experience from ÚVN Prague
What factors encourage young people to engage in substance use? Substance use and associated factors among youth in southwest Ethiopia: a community-based study
Young Swiss men's risky single-occasion drinking: identifying those who do not respond to stricter alcohol policy environments
Young adults' familiarity with different cannabis product terms: the need for standardized cannabis surveys
What stops unwanted sexual and social advances made by heavy drinking college men?
Adolescence alcohol exposure impairs fear extinction and alters medial prefrontal cortex plasticity
Alcohol consumption messages in Korean dramas: the globalization of South Korean drinking norms
Characteristics of and experience among people who use take-home naloxone in Skåne County, Sweden
Benefits and harms of 'smart drugs' (nootropics) in healthy individuals
Association of the new zero-tolerance drinking and driving law with hospitalization rate due to road traffic injuries in Brazil
Anxiety sensitivity and cannabis use motives among trauma-exposed young adult cannabis users
Association of medication treatment for opioid use disorder with suicide mortality
Specific depressive symptoms are related with different patterns of alcohol use in community-dwelling older adults
Prices and purchase sources for dried cannabis flower in the United States, 2019-2020
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder reduces suicide risk [editorial]
The mediating role of forgiveness and self-efficacy in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and treatment motivation among Malaysian male drug addicts
Marijuana use experiences and expectancies of urban youth in India
Gendering practices in quantitative research on alcohol and violence: comparing research from Australia, Canada and Sweden
Gender differences in clinical characteristics of emergency department patients involving illicit drugs use with analytical confirmation
Disparities in functioning from alcohol and cannabis use among a racially/ethnically diverse sample of emerging adults
"Drinkers like me": a thematic analysis of comments responding to an online article about moderating alcohol consumption
Estimated number of injection-involved drug overdose deaths, United States, 2000 - 2018
Relationships of cannabis policy liberalization with alcohol use and co-use with cannabis: a narrative review
Alcohol use and alcohol use disorder differ in their genetic relationships with PTSD: a genomic structural equation modelling approach
Weekly variations and temporal instability of determinants influencing alcohol-impaired driving crashes: a random thresholds random parameters hierarchical ordered probit model
Time-of-day variations and the temporal instability of multi-vehicle crash injury severities under the influence of alcohol or drugs after the Great Recession
Correlation of sarcopenia with orthopedic disorders, history of falls, and polypharmacy among community-dwelling older adults
Xylazine spreads across the US: a growing component of the increasingly synthetic and polysubstance overdose crisis
Characterizing and quantifying extrahepatic metabolism of (-)-∆(9)- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC and its psychoactive metabolite, 11-OH-THC)
Suicidal ideation among persons with alcohol use disorder: a cross-sectional study
Controlled substance use and clinical outcomes of elderly patients after a fall
Trends in emergency department visits related to acute alcohol consumption before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, 2018-2020
Trends in seizures of powders and pills containing illicit fentanyl in the United States, 2018 through 2021
Randomized trial of a diversion program for property offenders with drug use
A narrative review of the use of alcohol during the Covid-19 pandemic; effects and implications
Prevention of alcohol consumption programs for children and youth: a narrative and critical review of recent publications
Prevalence of alcohol consumption in nursing students
Evaluation of stigma related to perceived risk for coronavirus-19 transmission relative to the other stigmatized conditions opioid use and depression
Exponential growth of drug overdose poisoning and opportunities for intervention
Increased admissions of older adults to substance use treatment facilities and associated changes in admission characteristics, 2000-2017
Focus on prevention: The public is more supportive of "overdose prevention sites" than they are of "safe injection facilities"
Racial bias and DUI enforcement: comparing conviction rates with frequency of behavior
The 'ready method' in cases of narcotic poisoning
An evaluation of the effect of the OxyContin® reformulation on unintentional fatal and non-fatal overdose
Factors associated with take-home naloxone kit usage in British Columbia: an analysis of administrative data
Suicidal motivations among opioid overdose survivors: replication and extension
Alcohol intoxication and sexual risk intentions: exploring cultural factors among heavy drinking women
A deprescribing medication program to evaluate falls in older adults: methods for a randomized pragmatic clinical trial
Effectiveness of a suicide prevention module for adults in substance use disorder treatment: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized clinical trial
The effect of pill mill legislation on suicides
Exponential increases in drug overdose: Implications for epidemiology and research
The twilight zone: oxybutynin overuse exacerbating delirium
How cannabis users obtain and purchase cannabis: a comparison of cannabis users from European countries with different cannabis policies
The impact of heavy alcohol consumption on cognitive impairment in young old and middle old persons
The mediation and moderation effect of social support on the relationship between opioid misuse and suicide attempts among native American youth in New Mexico: 2009-2019 Youth Risk Resiliency Survey (NM-YRRS)
A systematic review of incidence, prevalence, and trends in health outcomes for Australian and New Zealand paramedics
Suicidality and antiepileptic drugs in people with epilepsy: an update
A substance user-self fit perception increases identification as a user of the substance
Psychometric properties of the French and English short form of the Protective Behavioural Strategies for Marijuana Scale in Canadian university students
The link between cannabis use and violent behavior in the early phase of psychosis: the potential role of impulsivity
Focus on rural adolescent cannabis use and abuse: ignored epidemiologic trends, unique risks, long-term concerns, and hope
Disparities in alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking among bisexual people: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression
Commentary on Skulberg et al.: Naloxone administration-finding the balance
Changes in injury patterns associated with elevated blood alcohol level
Changes in alcohol use and mood during the COVID-19 pandemic among individuals with traumatic brain injury: a difference-in-difference study
The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990-2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers and risk of depression among older people with hypertension
Alcohol use and internalizing symptoms among high school students: does parental permission matter?
Comparing outpatient opioids, high-risk prescribing, and opioid poisoning between transgender and cisgender veterans: a cross-sectional analysis
Effectiveness of an app-based intervention to reduce substance use, gambling, and digital media use in vocational school students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Traumatic brain injury during COVID-19 pandemic-time-series analysis of a natural experiment
Sexual abuse as a risk factor for opioid misuse in pregnancy
Lockdown, bottoms up? Changes in adolescent substance use across the COVID-19 pandemic
Unspecified opioids among opioid overdoses in Oslo, Norway
Assessing driving-relevant attentional impairment after a multiday drinking session: a two-phase pilot study
Clinical effect of ethanol co-use in patients with acute drug toxicity involving the use of central nervous system depressant recreational drugs
Dietary supplements as a major cause of anti-doping rule violations
Differences in clinical features associated with cannabis intoxication in presentations to European emergency departments according to patient age and sex
A prospective analysis of the interrelationship between physical intimate partner violence and alcohol use: a post-hoc analysis of young women involved in the Stepping Stones and Creating Futures Trial in South Africa
Recreational deer hunting tree stand injuries in the USA: a brief review
Why do marijuana and synthetic cannabimimetics induce acute myocardial infarction in healthy young people?
Violent behaviours among adolescents and young adults: association with psychoactive substance use and parenting styles
State-level prevalence and associates of opioid dependence in the USA
A qualitative comparison of how people who use drugs' perceptions and experiences of policing affect supervised consumption services access in two cities
Dynamics of drug overdose in the 20th and 21st centuries: the exponential curve was not inevitable, and continued increases are preventable
Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic and previous pandemics: a systematic review
Community Opioid Dispensing After Injury (CODI): protocol for a population-based data linkage study
Age-related differences in injury patterns and outcome from falls from tree stands
Relationship between substance abuse and suicidal ideation among youths in Kaduna North Kaduna State, Nigeria
Mental illness, physical and sexual abuse associated with HIV risk behaviors among adults evaluated for substance use and treatment planning in the National Addictions Vigilance Intervention and Prevention Program -- United States, 2014-2019
Rates and predictors of psychotherapy receipt among U.S. veterans with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders
Reported firearm access among patients admitted to a dual diagnosis medically-assisted withdrawal unit over five years
Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder in adults with a history of adverse childhood experiences: a systematic review of psychological interventions
Mental health service use in a national sample of college students with co-occurring depression or anxiety and substance use
The opioid epidemic among the Latino population in California
Impact of an overdose reversal program in the context of a safe consumption site in Northern Mexico
Benzodiazepine-involved overdose deaths in the USA: 2000-2019
Clinical case of acute severe combined poisoning with narcotic substances of dependent and psychostimulating effects
Quality of life among spouses of person with alcohol addiction at selected rural areas
Toluene abuse as a contributing factor in a case of fatal autoerotic asphyxia
Prevalence and associated factors of common mental disorders among pregnant mothers in rural eastern Ethiopia
Legal status of recreational cannabis and self-reported substitution of cannabis for opioids or prescription pain medication in Canada and the United States
The introduction of fentanyl on the US-Mexico border: an ethnographic account triangulated with drug checking data from Tijuana
Improving opioid prescribing post-discharge for trauma patients with rib fractures: factors in prevention of prolonged use and dependency
If we build it, will they come? Perspectives on pharmacy-based naloxone among family and friends of people who use opioids: a mixed methods study
Characteristics and reasons for use associated with solitary alcohol and marijuana use among U.S. 12th Grade Students, 2015-2021
Candidate genetic variants and antidepressant-related fall risk in middle-aged and older adults
Factors associated with binge drinking-findings from 2019 Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Protective behavioral strategies as a protective factor against suicidal ideation among college student drinkers
Initiation of opioid agonist treatment and subsequent substance use and other patterns among adolescents and young adults in Vancouver, Canada
Epidemiological analysis of drowning deaths among different groups in Jordan - a retrospective study (2015-2019)
Driving performance after bedtime administration of daridorexant, assessed in a sensitive simulator
Alcohol and marijuana use, consequences, and perceived descriptive norms: differences between two- and four-year college students
Predictive correlations of substance use in Iranian adolescent girls
The impact of recreational cannabis legalization on youth: the Colorado experience
Family structure and socio-demographic factors associated with binge drinking among adolescents in South Africa
Alcohol-related deaths during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Fatal methanol poisoning with different clinical and autopsy findings: case report and literature review
Is buprenorphine treatment availability associated with decreases in substantiated cases of child maltreatment?
Lethal case of myocardial ischemia following overdose of the synthetic cannabinoid ADB-FUBINACA
Personality as a possible intervention target to prevent traumatic events in adolescence
Adolescents' and young adults' perceptions of risks and benefits differ by type of cannabis products
Associations of employment status with opioid misuse: evidence from a nationally representative survey in the U.S
Case report: Severe brain hypoxic damages after acute methanol poisoning
Debate: "The-diagnosis-that-must-not-be-named" - professionals' fear of BPD is failing their patients
The impact of alcohol intoxication on early Glasgow Coma Scale-Pupil reactivity score in patients with traumatic brain injury: a prospective observational study
Training in adolescent substance and opioid misuse in pediatric residency programs
Likelihood of posting alcohol-related content on social networking sites - measurement development and initial validation
Racial differences in financial hardship and depressive symptoms among older adults
Proximity to alcohol sellers and dose response relationship between alcohol consumption with intimate partner violence in rural southwestern Uganda
"On a night like this": a mixed-methods approach to understanding high-risk drinking events in college students
Opioid administration in the prehospital setting for patients sustaining traumatic injuries: an evaluation of national emergency medical services data
Factors associated with simultaneous or concurrent use of alcohol and marijuana in Argentina
A systematic review of trends in US attitudes toward cannabis legalization
Isotonitazene: fatal intoxication in three cases involving this unreported novel psychoactive substance in Switzerland
Trends in illicit drugs based on the analysis of seizures from the Tanzania mainland drugs market
Characteristics of depression, anxiety, impulsivity, and aggression among various types of drug users and factors for developing severe depression: a cross-sectional study
Copycat and lookalike edible cannabis product packaging in the United States
Development and validation of a novel and fast detection method for Cannabis sativa: a 19-plex short tandem repeat typing system
Movement if life-optimizing patient access to total joint arthroplasty: alcohol and substance abuse disparities
Perspectives from law enforcement officers who respond to overdose calls for service and administer naloxone
Poisoning associated with consumption of a homemade medicinal liquor -- Chongqing, China, 2018
Preferences for delivering brief alcohol intervention to risky drinking parents in children's social care: a discrete choice experiment
The prevalence of alcohol-involved crashes across high and low complexity road environments: does knowing where drinking drivers crash help explain why they crash?
Real-world study of multiple naloxone administrations for opioid overdose reversal among emergency medical service providers
Recent research on Novichok
Remembering Molly: Immediate and delayed false memory formation after acute MDMA exposure
Socio-demographic and social support factors related to substance use in South African in-school adolescents: insights from the Girls Achieve Power (GAP Year) trial in three peri-urban settings
Typologies of Canadian young adults who drive after cannabis use: a two-step cluster analysis
Psychological interventions on the Internet and digital therapeutics in the field of mental health: are we ready?
A perspective review of cannabis use and sexual offenses
Cluster B versus cluster C personality disorders: a comparison of comorbidity, suicidality, traumatization and global functioning
Epidemiology and medical management of body-packers in French Guiana between 2010 and 2015
Evaluating interventions to facilitate opioid agonist treatment access among people who inject drugs in Toronto, Ontario during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
Exploring the impact of suicide care experiences and post-intervention supports sought among community pharmacists: a cross-sectional survey
Alcohol use and aggression among men in residential treatment for substance use disorders: the moderating role of mindfulness facets
Testosterone therapy is associated with depression, suicidality, and intentional self-harm: analysis of a national federated database testosterone therapy with a man with equivocal testosterone levels
Co-occurring depression and suicidal ideation in opioid use disorder: prevalence and response during treatment with buprenorphine-naloxone and injection naltrexone
Corrigendum to "Cannabis vaping among adults in the United States: prevalence, trends, and association with high-risk behaviors and adverse respiratory conditions" [Preventive Medicine 153 (2021) 106800]
Alcohol brief intervention, specialty treatment and drinking outcomes at 12 months: results from a systematic alcohol screening and brief intervention initiative in adult primary care
Lethal alcohol intoxications cases: thinking about the causes
Psychotherapy, suicide and depression, body dysmorphic disorder, aggression, an unusual case, and the case for harm reduction in treating adolescent substance abuse
Alcohol and cannabis motives: differences in daily motive endorsement on alcohol, cannabis, and alcohol/cannabis co-use days in a cannabis-using sample
'As soon as they can hold a glass, they begin taking alcohol': a qualitative study on early childhood substance use in Mbale District, Uganda
Association between cannabis use and suicidal behavior: a systematic review of cohort studies
Implications of adult use cannabis legalization for adolescent use, perceptions, health, and consequences
Labor relations and the overdose crisis in the United States
Looking back and moving forward: the evolution and potential opportunities for the future of alcohol outlet density measurement
Marijuana legalization in Colorado: increasing potency, changing risk perceptions, and emerging public health concerns for youth
The New Jersey perspective on cannabis legalization
Perceptions of public health consequences of marijuana legalization
Science up in smoke: one psychiatrist's journey through the politics of cannabis legalization
Sex differences in the effects of physical and sexual abuse on the odds of past 30-day opioid misuse among Florida justice-involved children
Sounds of silence. the "special grief" of drug-death bereaved parents: a qualitative study
Young adult opioid misuse indicates a general tendency toward substance use and is strongly predicted by general substance use risk
An update on the implications of new psychoactive substances in public health
Will others approve? Effects of an injunctive norms intervention on intentions to use protective behavioral strategies during drinking games
Use of psychotropic medication and risk of road traffic crashes: a registry-based case-control study in Denmark, 1996-2018
Toxic alcohol poisoning
Electric scooters: a quick way to get to the emergency department?
Explaining cannabis use by adolescents: a comparative assessment of fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis and ordered logistic regression
Self-reported medical and nonmedical cannabis use: results from the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 14 states
Sex, gender, and alcohol use: implications for women and low-risk drinking guidelines
Simultaneous alcohol/cannabis use and driving under the influence in the U.S.
The impact of pediatric opioid-related visits on U.S. emergency departments
Impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis use, other substance use, and drug-related offending among justice-system-involved youth
Prevalence of at-risk drinking recognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Naloxone administration among opioid-involved overdose deaths in 38 United States jurisdictions in the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System, 2019
Patterns of same-day alcohol and cannabis use in adolescents and young adults with risky alcohol use
Between zero risk and harm reduction: an ethnography of Montreal supervised injection services as a public policy instrument
Cardiotoxic medication poisoning
Adverse childhood experiences, alcohol consumption, and the modifying role of social participation: population-based study of adults in southwestern Uganda
Substance misuse among a diverse psychiatric inpatient sample: suicidal thoughts and behaviors and motivation to change
Stimulant-related incident surveillance using emergency medical service records in Massachusetts, 2013-2020
Sex differences in the relationship between early adverse childhood experiences, delinquency, and substance use initiation in high-risk adolescents
Spatiotemporal patterns of alcohol outlets and violence: a spatially heterogeneous Markov chain analysis
Age-based differences in quantity and frequency of consumption when screening for harmful alcohol use
Analysis of illicit drugs in purchased and seized electronic cigarette liquids from the UK 2014-2021
Cognitions mediate the influence of personality on adolescent cannabis use initiation
Alcohol consumption and alcohol home delivery laws during the COVID-19 pandemic
At-risk alcohol users have disrupted valence discrimination during reward anticipation
Changes in unintentional cannabis exposures in children 6 months to 5 years reported to United States poison centers during the first nine months of the coronavirus-19 pandemic
Effective prevention programming for reducing alcohol-related harms experienced by first year college students: evaluation of the expectancy challenge alcohol literacy curriculum (ECALC)
Municipal regulation of cannabis and public health in Canada: a comparison of Alberta, Ontario, and Québec
New temperance movements across the cinemas of Canada
Recurrent risk of hospitalization among older persons with problematic alcohol use: a multiple failure-time analysis with a discontinuous risk model
THC labeling on cannabis products: an experimental study of approaches for labeling THC servings on cannabis edibles
United States marijuana legalization and opioid mortality epidemic during 2010-2020 and pandemic implications
Evaluating the population-level effects of oxycodone restrictions on prescription opioid utilization in Ontario
The influence of pre-college behaviors and parenting practices on alcohol misuse, sexual risk-taking, and adverse outcomes among first-year college women
Impact of the legalisation of recreational cannabis use
Association of co-prescribing of opioid and benzodiazepine substitutes with incident falls and fractures among older adults: a cohort study
Accident severity on national highways in the presence of liquor shop: a case study of National Highway 5, India
Risk factors of road traffic accidents in Rural and Urban areas of Indonesia based on the national survey of year 2018
Substance use among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
The need for multiple naloxone administrations for opioid overdose reversals: a review of the literature
Online telehealth delivery of group mental health treatment is safe, feasible, and increases enrollment and attendance in post-9/11 U.S. veterans
Pharmacists' naloxone offering and dispensing practices
Medical cannabis for gynecologic pain conditions: a systematic review
Longitudinal association between intimate partner violence and alcohol use in a population cohort of South African women
Impact of the 2018 Japan Floods on benzodiazepine use: a longitudinal analysis based on the National Database of Health Insurance Claims
Highly selective detection of ethanol in biological fluids and alcoholic drinks using indium ethylenediamine functionalized graphene
Entactogens: how the name for a novel class of psychoactive agents originated
Cycling under the influence of alcohol-criminal offenses in a German metropolis
Commentary on Chai et al: Drug use, self-harm, suicide, and use of registry data in epidemiological research
'The day you start lifting is the day you become forever small': bodybuilders explain muscle dysmorphia
Gender-based violence, psychological distress, sexual behaviours and binge drinking among female entertainment workers in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study
Acute kidney injury related to intoxication from synthetic cannabis: don't you know that you're toxic?
Aggression towards clinicians within opiate substitution treatment (OST) services: a survey of service providers
The transition of alcohol control in China 1990-2019: impacts and recommendations
Timely depression, suicide screening, and transition of care coordination in an addiction treatment setting
Survey of substance use among adolescent drug offenders referred from juvenile courts in Taiwan: clinical epidemiology of single versus multiple illicit substance use
Spatial, temporal, and space-time clusters associated with opioid and cannabis poisoning events in U.S. dogs (2005-2014)
Poisoning among children in Malaysia: a 10-years retrospective study
Planned deprescribing to protect health systems in pandemics and other disasters: a scoping review
Organophosphate versus opioid poisoning: an emergency department conundrum!
Implementing Triple P during the COVID-19 pandemic with families at risk for substance use
An investigation of cannabis use for insomnia in depression and anxiety in a naturalistic sample
An assessment of solvent residue contaminants related to cannabis-based products in the South African market
The effect of the use of alcohol and drugs on motorcyclical traumas with surgical treatment fractures: epidemiology
Association of benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, pregabalin, and melatonin with traffic accidents: a nationwide cohort and case-crossover study in Danish adults
Results of a multicentre double-blind randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of Mexidol in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children (MEGA)
Diverting people who use drugs from the criminal justice system: a systematic review of police-based diversion measures
Parents' management of alcohol in the context of discourses of 'competent' parenting: a qualitative analysis
A two-stage social network intervention for reducing alcohol and other drug use in residential colleges: protocol for a feasibility trial
Sex differences in substance use, prevalence, pharmacological therapy, and mental health in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Acute injury mortality and all-cause mortality following emergency department presentation for alcohol use disorder
Confirmatory non-invasive and non-destructive differentiation between hemp and cannabis using a hand-held Raman spectrometer
Unintentional drug-related deaths in people with mental illness in NSW Australia, 2012-2016: a retrospective cohort study
Assessing the impacts of alcohol outlets on crime as a natural experiment: agglomeration, churning and spatial effects
Associations between elevated depressive symptoms and substance use, prescription opioid misuse, overdose history, pain, and general health among community pharmacy patients prescribed opioids
Chemsex, a contemporary challenge for public health
Common and distinguishing genetic factors for substance use behavior and disorder: an integrated analysis of genomic and transcriptomic studies from both human and animal studies
Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: from molecules to systems
Consumer perceptions of telehealth for mental health or substance abuse: a Twitter-based topic modeling analysis
Dangerous herbal preparations being sold by web shops
Does recreational cannabis legalization change cannabis use patterns? Evidence from secondary school students in Uruguay
Drug use over time among never-deployed US Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers: the longitudinal effects of non-deployment emotions and sex
Predictors of emergency department use for suicidal behaviors among patients with substance-related disorders
Prenatal substance use policies and infant maltreatment reports
Presence of content appealing to youth on cannabis-infused edibles packaging
Prospective associations between attitudes toward alcohol advertisements and alcohol use behaviors among adolescent boys
Reasons for alcohol use and non-use by underage U.S. autistic youth: a qualitative study
Perceived racism-based police use of force and cannabis use among Black emerging adults
Neuropsychological profile of college students who engage in binge drinking
Methadone-related death in detention
Levels of impulsivity in individuals with cannabis use disorder
Kink in an English field: the drinking, drug use and sexual practices of English festival-goers who engage in kink
"It's on every corner": assessing risk environments in Baltimore, MD using a racialized risk environment model
A history of childhood maltreatment has substance- and sex-specific effects on craving during treatment for substance use disorders
Harm reduction policy support among students at two U.S. universities
Growing alcohol use preceding death by suicide among women compared with men: age-specific temporal trends, 2003-18
Evaluation of forensic autopsy cases with substance use detected in Izmir, Turkey
The societal cost of excessive drinking in North Carolina, 2017
Global comparisons of responses to alcohol health information labels: a cross sectional study of people who drink alcohol from 29 countries
Addressing a critical gap: Integrating sexual aggression and coercion measures into substance administration research
Inter/transgenerational effects of drugs of abuse: a scoping review
General drinking motives and alcohol consumption across three contexts: drinking games, tailgating, and in stadium
Cost-effectiveness analysis of lemborexant for treating insomnia in Japan: a model-based projection, incorporating the risk of falls, motor vehicle collisions, and workplace accidents
Is legalization of recreational cannabis associated with levels of use and cannabis use disorder among youth in the United States? A rapid systematic review
Massive tramadol ingestion resulting in fatal brain injury - a pharmacokinetic study with discussion on the involved mechanisms of toxicity
Prevalence of alcohol and other drug use in patients presenting to hospital for fall-related injuries: a systematic review
Production of flavorful alcohols from woods and possible applications for wood brews and liquors
Bayesian causal network modeling suggests adolescent cannabis use accelerates prefrontal cortical thinning
Breath alcohol sensor based on hydrogel-gated graphene field-effect transistor
The trend of top five types of poisonings in hospitalized patients based on ICD-10 in the northeast of Iran during 2012-2018: a cross-sectional study
Trends over 2 decades in adolescent suicidal and recreational ingestions of over-the-counter Coricidin preparations
Use of protective behavioral strategies and blackout experience among mandated college students
Stability of drugs of abuse in synthetic oral fluid investigated using a simple "dilute and inject" method of analysis
Review of delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(8) -THC): comparative pharmacology with Δ(9) -THC
Response to: 'Cannabis use before safety sensitive work: what delay is prudent?'
Response to "COVID-19 economic impact payments and opioid overdose deaths"
Racial differences in early adolescent substance use: child abuse types and family/peer substance use as predictors
Correction to: A two-way street? Reciprocal associations between parental warmth and hostility with substance use among justice-involved adolescents
The effects of acute cannabis smoke or Δ(9)-THC injections on the trial-unique, nonmatching-to- location and five-choice serial reaction time tasks in male Long-Evans rats
Impact of a publicly funded pharmacy-dispensed naloxone program on fatal opioid overdose rates: a population-based study
The impact of opioid agonist treatment on fatal and non-fatal drug overdose among people with a history of opioid dependence in NSW, Australia, 2001-2018: findings from the OATS retrospective linkage study
Kambo: natural drug or potential toxic agent? A literature review of acute poisoning cases
Longitudinal correlates of increased alcohol use among adolescents and young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Neighborhood social environment change in late adolescence predicts substance use in emerging adulthood
Virtual breathalyzer: towards the detection of intoxication using motion sensors of commercial wearable devices
Toxicity of designer benzodiazepines: a case of etizolam and cocaine intoxication
Using prescription opioids throughout a traumatic injury recovery: a qualitative exploratory study of adolescents in a midwestern state
Population-based signals of benzodiazepine drug interactions associated with unintentional traumatic injury
Factors associated with 60-day adherence to "safer supply" opioids prescribed under British Columbia's interim clinical guidance for health care providers to support people who use drugs during COVID-19 and the ongoing overdose emergency
Police officers' perceptions of their role at overdose events: a qualitative study
Changes in electroencephalography alpha associated with childhood neglect and adolescent alcohol use
Hidden agendas: unequal media coverage of the overdose crisis
Determining the magnitude and duration of acute Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC)-induced driving and cognitive impairment: a systematic and meta-analytic review
A forensic diagnostic algorithm for drug-related deaths: a case series
Inhaled synthetic cannabinoids laced with long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides: a clear and present worldwide danger [letter]
New insights into the chemical composition of ayahuasca
Relationship of alcohol intoxication and accidental deaths: a descriptive autopsy study in Nairobi, Kenya
Social media recruitment of survivors who have lost someone to suicide with pain following a prescription opioid change
Acute pediatric cannabis intoxication: a scoping review
Alcohol use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first 42 weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic
Association between empathy and drinking among a community sample of heavy drinkers: sex differences and neural correlates
Attentional function and inhibitory control in different substance use disorders
Non-fentanyl-derived synthetic opioids emerging during recent years
Selling World Health Organization's Alcohol "Best Buys" and other recommended interventions in an urban Chinese population: public acceptability of alcohol harms reduction strategies in Hong Kong
South African male university students' perspectives on gender norms concerning alcohol and related harmful behaviours towards female drinkers
Efficacy of screening and brief intervention for hazardous alcohol use in patients with mood disorders: a randomized clinical trial from a psychiatric out-patient clinic in India
Features of alcohol advertisements across five urban slums in Kampala, Uganda: pilot testing a container-based approach
The influence of race, sexual orientation and gender identity on mental health, substance use, and academic persistence during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from a national sample of college students in the Healthy Minds Study
Evaluation of an increase in roadside drug testing in Victoria based on models of the crash effects of random and targeted roadside tests
Analysis of risk factors for readmission in elderly patients with hip fractures undergoing hip hemiarthroplasty
Beliefs and misperceptions about naloxone and overdose among U.S. laypersons: a cross-sectional study
Analysis of stimulant prescriptions and drug-related poisoning risk among persons receiving buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder
Follow up analysis of 6 patients with severe trimethyltin chloride poisoning for 4 years
Suicide attempt and risk of substance use disorders among female youths
Stimulant prescription medications among persons receiving buprenorphine for opioid use disorder with prior drug-related poisoning-evidence of net-sum gain
Short-term mortality following tramadol poisonings in Denmark
Self-reported injuries among Canadian adolescents: rates and key correlates
Manifest your desires: psychedelics and the self-help industry
Juvenile delinquency and COVID-19: the effect of social distancing restrictions on juvenile crime rates in Israel
A case of acute poisoning caused by oral administration of large dose hexazinone
Comparative effectiveness associated with buprenorphine and naltrexone in opioid use disorder and cooccurring polysubstance use
The epidemiology of mescaline use: pattern of use, motivations for consumption, and perceived consequences, benefits, and acute and enduring subjective effects
Notes from the Field: Trends in Gabapentin Detection and Involvement in Drug Overdose Deaths - 23 States and the District of Columbia, 2019-2020
Drugs of abuse in tap water from eight European countries: determination by use of supramolecular solvents and tentative evaluation of risks to human health
A survey of cannabinoids and toxic elements in hemp-derived products from the United States marketplace
What's sleep got to do with it? Longitudinal associations between insomnia, PTSD, and alcohol use among U.S. Veterans
'To cause sleepe safe and shure': dangerous substances, sleep medicine and poison theories in early modern England
School-based alcohol prevention with virtual reality
Separate and combined effects of alcohol and cannabis on mood, subjective experience, cognition and psychomotor performance: a randomized trial
Substance use and firearm access among college freshmen
"There are solutions and I think we're still working in the problem": the limitations of decriminalization under the good Samaritan drug overdose act and lessons from an evaluation in British Columbia, Canada
'Red flags' and 'red tape': telehealth and pharmacy-level barriers to buprenorphine in the United States
Notes from the field: Increase in drug overdose deaths among Hispanic or Latino Persons - Nevada, 2019-2020
Long-term follow-up of retinal morphology and physiology after 2000 mg sildenafil overdose as a means of attempted suicide: a case report
Impact of social environment on alcohol-induced behavior
Heart rupture as an acute complication of cocaine abuse: a case report
Abuse of non-opioid analgesics in Germany: prevalence and associations among self-medicated users
The anticipated effects of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: initial development and preliminary validation
Autopsy-diagnosed injury deaths in persons with acute or chronic alcohol use: a review of 1000 deaths with history of alcohol use
Anxiety-induced sleep disturbance and associated lifestyle behaviors according to sex in Argentine adolescents
Cannabis legalization in the U.S. Where do we go from here?
Friendship conflict, drinking to cope, and alcohol-related problems: a longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model
Fatal overdose: predicting to prevent
The factors influencing the psychological distress of transgender women in Shandong, China: a cross-sectional study
Drug-facilitated sexual assault, impaired trauma memory, and implications for mental health treatment
Deinstitutionalization from the perspective of community-dwelling adults with a severe mental illness in Amsterdam: a cohort study protocol
Considerations for observational study design: comparing the evidence of opioid use between electronic health records and insurance claims
A retrospective analysis of data from illicit drug abuse cases in Beijing between 2018 and 2020
Patterns and predictors of alcohol use during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: Longitudinal cohort study
Predicting hazardous alcohol drinking behaviors in family members of hazardous alcohol-drinker patients
The prevalence of dietary supplement usage in military aviators
Implementation of interventions and policies on opioids and awareness of opioid-related harms in Canada: a multistage mixed methods descriptive study
Gender differences in the factors associated with alcohol binge drinking: a population-based analysis in a Latin American country
Assessing the perceptions and impact of critical incident stress management peer support among firefighters and paramedics in Canada
The effects of the opioid crisis on agricultural industries
Sex differences in poly-victimization among youth experiencing homelessness prior to substance use treatment
Comments on testosterone therapy is associated with depression, suicidality, and intentional self-harm: analysis of a national federated database
Drug consumption of suspected drug-influenced drivers in Hungary (2016-2018)
Substance use disorder in older adults: mini review
Psychological factors and the use of psychoactive substances in relation to sexual orientation: a study on Israeli young adults
Racial-based bullying and substance use: a Brazilian national cross-sectional survey among students
The relationship between health-promoting lifestyle and suicidal ideation in addicted women
Social norms of alcohol use among American Indian/Alaska Native college students
Social media's impact on widespread SARMs abuse
Sibling influences on adolescent alcohol use during the spring 2020 COVID-19 pandemic shutdown
Patterns of substance use disorders and associated co-occurring psychiatric morbidity among patients seen at the psychiatric unit of a tertiary health center
Family functioning and adolescent delinquency in Mainland China: positive youth development attributes as a mediator
Adverse childhood experiences and comorbidity in a cohort of people who have injected drugs
Changes in drug poisoning mortality before and after the COVID-19 pandemic by occupation in Massachusetts
Cannabis vaping among youth and young adults: a scoping review
Change in alcohol consumption and binge drinking in university students during the early COVID-19 Pandemic
Evaluation of inflammatory parameters in patients who attempted suicide by taking drugs
Effectiveness of a digital intervention versus alcohol information for online help-seekers in Sweden: a randomised controlled trial
Adolescents with non-suicidal self-harm-who among them has attempted suicide?
Alcohol consumption and 15 causes of fatal injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Polypharmacy in Australian veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder upon admission to a mental health facility: a retrospective chart review
Suicidal ideation and sobriety: should acute alcohol intoxication be taken into account for psychiatric evaluation?
Prevalence of prescription and illicit drugs in suicides by non-poisoning means in the National Violent Death Reporting System 2003-2017
Seasonal changes and decrease of suicides and suicide attempts in France over the last 10 years
Self-reported sleep and circadian characteristics predict alcohol and cannabis use: a longitudinal analysis of the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence Study
Are people who die by intentional medication poisoning dispensed those medications in the year prior to death?
Community behavioral health service use and criminal recidivism of people with mental, substance use, and co-occurring disorders
Failure of risk assessment following paracetamol overdose - a short communication
Analysis of global prevalence of mental and substance use disorders within countries: focus on sociodemographic characteristics and income levels
Pattern of oral and maxillofacial trauma and associated factors: an 8-year prospective study
Indeterminacy of cannabis impairment and ∆(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆(9)-THC) levels in blood and breath
Investigating risk factors associated with pedestrian crash occurrence and injury severity in Texas
The acquired preparedness model of cannabis use in emerging adulthood: comparing within-person and between-person effects
Understanding heterogeneity among simultaneous alcohol and marijuana users: latent classes derived from daily diary data
Applying a pattern-centered approach to assess the effect of a school-based drug use prevention program in Brazil: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Barriers of healthcare professionals in utilizing the service of drugs and poison information centre: a cross-sectional study
A Bayesian learning model to predict the risk for cannabis use disorder
Cannabis consumption and prosociality
Cannabis induced psychosis: a systematic review on the role of genetic polymorphisms
Can I see some ID? Examining validity of the marijuana purchase task among late adolescent cannabis users
Correspondence: Nigeria: a country in need of a standard drink measure and low-risk drinking guidelines
Drivers and passengers in vehicles driven under the influence of alcohol or marijuana: behavior profiles and risk factors among young adults in a longitudinal study
Frequency of adolescent cannabis smoking and vaping in the United States: trends, disparities and concurrent substance use, 2017-19
Erratum for "Alcohol- and drug-related mortality among adults within and outside the U.S.-Mexico border region"
Identifying behaviours for survival and wellness among people who use methamphetamine with opioids in British Columbia: a qualitative study
Reasons for purchasing cannabis from illegal sources in legal markets: findings among cannabis consumers in Canada and U.S. States, 2019-2020
Preventing adolescent opioid misuse: racial/ethnic differences in the protective effects of extracurricular activities
Predicting drunk driving using a variant of the implicit association test
Population-based correlates of spatially aggregated drug-related arrests on and off the U.S.-Mexico border in California
The phytochemical diversity of commercial cannabis in the United States
A study into the nature and extent of drug driving recidivism in Queensland (Australia)
Impact of alcohol use, combat exposure, and posttraumatic stress on verbal and visual working memory performance in post-9/11 veterans
The influence of descriptive and injunctive norms on U.S. adolescent marijuana use: a systematic review of the literature
Modeling of overdose and naloxone distribution in the setting of fentanyl compared to heroin
Prevalence of opioid use and intimate partner violence among pregnant women in south-central Appalachia, USA
Magic potion, concoction, or poison? Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome and dicarboxylic aciduria after quack prescriptions [letter]
Newly initiated cardiovascular medication and short-term risk of unintentional poisoning among Swedish middle-aged and older adults: a national register-based case-crossover study
Factors influencing changes in medication-taking and driving behavior after warnings about prescription medications that prohibit driving: an online survey
Alcohol addiction: one entity or different entities? A DSM-4-based attempt toward a geographicization of alcohol addiction and abuse
Sexual and reproductive health problems and needs of street youths in East Gojjam Zone Administrative Towns, Ethiopia: exploratory qualitative study
Associations between statin use and negative affective bias during COVID-19: an observational, longitudinal UK study investigating depression vulnerability
Longitudinal associations between social relationships and alcohol use from adolescence into young adulthood: the role of religiousness
Neighborhood contexts and alcohol use disorder among Mexican Americans living in the US-Mexico border region
Abstinence or controlled driving? An evidence-based view on the necessary behavioural changes in drunk drivers
Cannabis in road traffic and fitness to drive. An evidence-based contribution towards an indication for medical-psychological assessment from 3.0 ng/ml THC in the blood onwards
Experience-based critique of current alcohol hypotheses from an expert's point of view and discussion proposal for new alcohol hypotheses
Vital signs: drug overdose deaths, by selected sociodemographic and social determinants of health characteristics - 25 states and the District of Columbia, 2019-2020
Influence of regional personality differences on drinking motives and intervention measures among drunk driving offenders
Quickstats: age-adjusted drug overdose death rates* among workers aged 16-64 years in usual occupation† groups with the highest drug overdose death rates - National Vital Statistics System, United States,§ 2020
Which new insights and practical considerations are reasons to increase the existing threshold of tetrahydrocannabinol according to paragraph 24a StVG?
Mobile-based brief interventions targeting cannabis-impaired driving among youth: a Delphi study
Chemical submission in cases of alleged crimes against sexual freedom 2016-2018, Lima, Peru
Peer pressure among undergraduate students: a study on Tezpur University
Effects of elevated blood alcohol levels on burn patient outcomes
Use of laboratory data for illicit drug use surveillance and identification of socioeconomic risk factors
Treatment outcomes associated with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) among criminal justice-referred admissions to residential treatment in the U.S., 2015-2018
Sibling alcohol use disorder is associated with increased risk for suicide attempt
Barriers to help-seeking among music festival attendees in New South Wales, Australia
Epidemiological study of acute unintentional poisoning among children in Iran
Prevalence of loneliness among young adults during COVID-19 lockdown in India
Dietary supplementations and depression
Acute nitrous oxide-induced neuropathy mimicking Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Acute alcohol intoxication: a clinical overview
Trends in the use of cannabis products in Canada and the USA, 2018 - 2020: findings from the International Cannabis Policy Study
Awareness and knowledge of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act among people at risk of witnessing an overdose in British Columbia, Canada: a multi-methods cross sectional study
New psychoactive substances and low-income countries: a burgeoning (and neglected) crisis
Pregabalin abuse in adolescence: a case series
The impact of parental opioid use disorder on children in rural Texas
Evaluation of swabs from 15 commercially available oral fluid sample collection devices for the analysis of commonly abused substances: doping agents and drugs of abuse
Hit and miss: a comparison of targeted and randomised roadside drug testing (RDT)
Fatalities associated with gabapentinoids in England (2004-2020)
Monitoring the use of alcohol--a critical overview of the state‐of‐the‐art biomarkers
Trends in mortality from novel psychoactive substances as "legal highs": gender differences in manner of death and implications for risk differences for women
Recreational cannabis legalization and transitions in cannabis use: findings from a nationally representative longitudinal cohort in the United States
The abuse liability of ketamine: a scoping review of preclinical and clinical studies
Alexithymia mediates the association between childhood trauma and adolescent E-cigarette use
Associations between heavy drinker's alcohol-related social media exposures and personal beliefs and attitudes regarding alcohol treatment
Cannabis and road traffic accidents in South East Asia region: let there be light
Covert poisoning with difenacoum: diagnosis and follow-up difficulties
Using photovoice to understand experiences of opioid use among sexual and gender minority youth in Vancouver, Canada
Exposure to media messages portraying effects of alcohol use in a young adult sample
Determination of phosphatidyl ethanol (PEth) 16:0/18:1 in dried blood samples of drivers involved in traffic accidents: a pilot study
The effects of COVID-19 on poisonings in the paediatric emergency department
Opioid drug-drug-drug interactions and unintentional traumatic injury: screening to detect three-way drug interaction signals
Over-the-counter drug use in suicidal/self-harm behavior: scoping review
Sex-based differences in the predisposing factors of overdose: a retrospective study
Childhood emotional maltreatment and subsequent affective symptoms among Chinese male drug users: the roles of impulsivity and psychological resilience
Drink and drug driving education in the Northern Territory: a qualitative study illustrating issues of access and inequity
An event-level evaluation of women's self-medicated drinking: the role of sexual assault severity, affect, and drinking motives
Social reactions to substance-involved sexual assault disclosure: does recipient matter?
Structural differences in adolescent brains can predict alcohol misuse
Increased risk of death immediately after discharge from compulsory care for substance abuse
Mediating role of intimate partner violence between emotional dependence and addictive behaviours in adolescents
Assessment of contributing factors and treatment practices for therapeutic efficacy and drug-related problems in suicidal psychotic patients
Depression and cognitive impairment in a spanish sample of psychoactive substance users receiving mental health care
Substance and behavioral addictions, and their consequences among vulnerable populations
The perceptions of domestic violence by a family member who uses crack or cocaine: a secondary retrospective cross-sectional study
Key factors analysis of severity of automobile to two-wheeler traffic accidents based on Bayesian network
Examining the impact of early college experiences on the cumulative number of alcohol-related consequences
Reducing organized criminal violence through leadership removals: evidence from the drug wars on Chicago's Westside, 2010-2019
Factors influencing drinking among middle-aged people
Trip, slip and fall: ICD-10 and fall from height
The importance of federal action supporting overdose-prevention centers [editorial]
Suicide, opioids, chronic pain, and mental health disorders: a narrative review
The racially disparate effects of drug arrest on high school dropout
Professional drivers' knowledge about the influence of medicines that may impair driving
Another look at the self-control vs. psychopathy debate: a study assessing sexual aggression, aggression, and substance abuse
The community determinants of death: comparing the macro-level predictors of overdose, homicide, and suicide deaths, 2000 to 2015
Alcohol misuse: public health, an unequal contest…
The altered state of consciousness induced by Δ9-THC
Behavior change after fentanyl testing at a safe consumption space for women in Northern Mexico: a pilot study
Substance use disorders in children and adolescents
A comparison of high drug concentrations in impaired driving and postmortem casework in Harris County, Texas
Rapid extraction and qualitative screening of 30 drugs in oral fluid at concentrations recommended for the investigation of DUID cases
Rating the comparative efficacy of state-level cannabis policies on recreational cannabis markets in the United States
Patient perceptions of higher-dose naloxone nasal spray for opioid overdose
Peer victimization and associated alcohol and substance use: prospective pathways for negative outcomes
Correlation between oral fluid and blood THC concentration: a systematic review and discussion of policy implications
Cultural protection from polysubstance use among Native American adolescents and young adults
Mental health and psychological wellbeing of maritime personnel: a systematic review
Mental health disparities amongst sexual-minority adolescents of the US - a national survey study of YRBSS-CDC
Modeling the temporal relationship between contributing factors and injury severities in rural single-vehicle alcohol-impaired driving crashes: Insights from random parameters logit models in the means and variances
HDI highlighter, the first intelligent tool to screen the literature on herb-drug interactions
Impacts of alcohol and opioid polysubstance use on road safety: systematic review
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect trends in facial trauma?
Edible marijuana products and potential risks for pediatric populations
Effects of cannabidiol on simulated driving and cognitive performance: a dose-ranging randomised controlled trial
Anabolic-androgenic steroid use is associated with psychopathy, risk-taking, anger, and physical problems
Attentional bias in alcohol drinkers: a systematic review of its link with consumption variables
An extra hour wasted? Bar closing hours and traffic accidents in Norway
Assessing peer influence and susceptibility to peer influence using individual and dyadic moderators in a social network context: the case of adolescent alcohol misuse
Association of violent video games with alcohol use disorder and smoking dependence among male adolescents in Lebanon
Development of an individualized procedure to induce reward-related impulsivity and evaluating its impact on drinking control
Controlling for pleasure and risk: the experiences of sexuality and gender diverse people who use GHB
Delta-8 THC use in US adults: sociodemographic characteristics and correlates
Recommendations for outcome measurement for deprescribing intervention studies
Prevalence and correlates of driving under the influence of stimulants: evidence from a national sample
Child marriage and risky health behaviors: an analysis of tobacco use among early adult and early middle-aged women in India
Adolescent alcohol and stress exposure rewires key cortical neurocircuitry
Cannabis legalization and driving under the influence of cannabis in a national U.S. Sample
Changes in psychotropic polypharmacy and high-potency prescription following policy change: findings from a large scale Japanese claims database
College student alcohol use and confidence to intervene in interpersonal violence: differences by gender and sexual orientation
Longitudinal patterns of suicidality among heroin users in Johannesburg, South Africa: a need for suicide screening and intervention
The role of alcohol and drug intoxication in fatal drowning and other deaths that occur on the Australian coast
A longitudinal investigation of dating abuse victimization, alcohol use, and marijuana use among Latinx adolescents
A two-decade review of butane toxicity as a substance of abuse
Association of cannabis use and at-risk alcohol use with intimate partner violence in an urban ED sample
Comorbid opioid use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder
Domestication of drinking: a survey study of changes in types of drinking occasions during periods of increasing and decreasing alcohol consumption in the 2000s in Finland
Drug trafficking, good faith, and legal standards to convict: how the United States Supreme Court is about to affect every prescriber in America
Fall-risk-increasing drugs in people with dementia who live in a residential aged care facility: a pilot study
Falls, healthcare resources and costs in older adults with insomnia treated with zolpidem, trazodone, or benzodiazepines
Suicidal attempt by disinfectant solution ingestion in case of opioid dependence
Spatio-temporal gait parameters in association with medications and risk of falls in the elderly
Social and structural determinants of health associated with police violence victimization: a latent class analysis of female sex workers who use drugs in Kazakhstan
Everyday discrimination and alcohol use among sexual minority adults in a U.S. national probability sample
Incidence and risk factors associated with falls among women with breast cancer during taxane-based chemotherapy
The impact of California wildfires on patient access to prescription opioids
Identifying mental health needs in the faith community
Problem drinking recognition among UK military personnel: prevalence and associations
Risk of non-fatal suicide attempt in individuals with substance use disorder: the roles of aggregate genetic liability and environmental exposures in a Swedish population-based cohort
Risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older people with mild cognitive impairment: a prospective one-year study
The state of the evidence on the association between state cannabis laws and opioid-related outcomes: a review
Amphetamine or skin cream? The impact of the sampling site on the concentration of controlled substances: a case report
Correlates of aggression in men with methamphetamine use disorder: childhood trauma and methamphetamine-use characteristics
Epidemiology, risk factors and etiology of altered level of consciousness among patients attending the emergency department at a tertiary hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia
Take-home drug checking as a novel harm reduction strategy in British Columbia, Canada
Tapentadol exposures and poisonings in Australia
Relationship between alcohol and homicide, in Nairobi County, Kenya: autopsy study
Risk and protective factors associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Maryland middle school students
Safety and efficacy of melatonin, clonazepam, and trazodone in patients with Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders: a randomized, double-blind trial
Substance use related violent deaths among racial/ethnic groups in the United States
An approximation to the identification of contexts, experiences, and profiles of victims of drug-facilitated sexual assaults
Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of fentanyl toxicity reversal by anti-fentanyl monoclonal antibodies in combination with naloxone
Twenty years of addiction and mental illness in Alaska: using the national survey on drug use and health to understand addiction in a low population and rural state
To drink or not to drink: a study of the association between rates of non-drinkers and per drinker mean alcohol consumption in the Swedish general population
Synthetic benzimidazole opioids: the emerging health challenge for European drug users
Emergency department visits due to new psychoactive substances and other illicit drugs in Taiwan: preliminary results of the Taiwan Emergency Department Drug Abuse Surveillance (TEDAS) project
Fatal intoxication due to home distillation of methanol: report of three cases
Military service and alcohol use: a systematic narrative review
Is binge drinking associated with suicidal behaviors among Brazilian adolescents?
Mortality involving new psychoactive substances across Europe, 2016-2017
Alcohol use during pregnancy: findings from a gender-based violence survey in Mongolia
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of effective alcohol control policies: a scoping review
Characteristics of adults aged ≥18 years evaluated for substance use and treatment planning - United States, 2019
Childhood executive control and adolescent substance use initiation: the mediating roles of physical and relational aggression and prosocial behavior
Spatiotemporal mapping of online interest in cannabis and popular psychedelics before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland
A text-based approach to measuring opioid-related risk among families involved in the child welfare system
Suicide risk in a national va sample: roles of psychiatric diagnosis, behavior regulation, substance use, and smoking
Regulating for safety: cannabidiol dose in food
Recreational cannabidiol: awareness, prevalence of use, and associated factors in a representative sample of the German population
Prevalence and correlates of intentional substance use to reduce illicit opioid use in a Canadian setting
Personality traits, alcohol use and problem drinking among underraduates in southwest Nigeria
Influence of cannabis use history on the impact of acute cannabis smoking on simulated driving performance during a distraction task
Correction: The mediation and moderation effect of social support on the relationship between opioid misuse and suicide attempts among native American youth in New Mexico: 2009-2019 Youth Risk Resiliency Survey (NM-YRRS)
Can substance abuse media literacy increase prediction of drug use in students?
Mortality in cases of acute alcohol intoxication in children: a 10-year retrospective study of the Moscow Region, Russia
Web-delivered multisession alcohol-linked attentional bias modification for binge drinking: cognitive and behavioral effects in young adult college students
Would restricting firearm purchases due to alcohol- and drug-related misdemeanor offenses reduce firearm homicide and suicide? An agent-based simulation
The first fatal intoxication with 3-MeO-PCP in the UK and a review of the literature
The health demands of designated drivers - four cities, China, 2019
"The law doesn't protect me": examining the effectiveness of good Samaritan drug overdose legislation
Phencyclidine in drivers and decedents in Dallas County: a 5-year retrospective review of toxicological and demographical data
Impulsive Lifestyle Counselling versus treatment as usual to reduce offending in people with co-occurring antisocial personality disorder and substance use disorder: a post hoc analysis
Examining the influence of rurality on frequency of cannabis use and severity of consequences as moderated by age and gender
A strategy to prioritize emerging drugs of abuse for analysis: abuse liability testing using intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) in rats and validation with α-pyrrolidinohexanophenone (α-PHP)
Concentrations of psychoactive substances in blood samples from non-fatal and fatal opioid overdoses
Controlling new psychoactive substances in New Zealand
Medical cannabis and automobile accidents: evidence from auto insurance
Drug-related falls and thraumatic brain injury in very old patients: antithrombotic drugs as new potential culpruit factors
Editorial: Cannabis and the law
Effects of 28 days of cannabis abstinence on cognition in major depressive disorder: a pilot study
Problem drinkers and high risk-taking behaviors under the stay-at-home policy of the COVID-19 emergency declaration
U.S. state approaches to cannabis licensing
Rural mistrust of public health interventions in the United States: a call for taking the long view to improve adoption
A scoping review of predictors of driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) in young drivers
Small-displacement motorcycle crashes and risky ridership in Vietnam: findings from a focus group and in-depth interview study
A focus group study to explore risky ridership among young motorcyclists in Manipal, India
Extending borders of knowledge: gendered pathways to prison in Thailand for international cross border drug trafficking
The World Mental Health-International College Student (WMH-ICS) Survey in Canada: protocol for a mental health and substance use trend study
A cross-sectional multicenter linkage study of hospital admissions and mortality due to methanol poisoning in Iranian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Decision-making among adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medications: interviews to gain perspectives of youth without psychosis or mania
Double suicide due to the ingestion of levamisole-adulterated cocaine: case report and review of the literature
Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of cannabis use disorder
Heterosexist bullying victimization and perpetration and substance use among heterosexual adolescents
Long-term risk of overdose or mental health crisis after opioid dose tapering
Temporal trends in traumatic brain injury
The use of substances in sexual offending in a United States sample
Motives and consequences of alcohol use in people with social anxiety disorder: a daily diary study
The prevalence of self-reported mental illness among those imprisoned in New South Wales across three health surveys, from 2001 to 2015
Prevalence of cannabis use for pain management in Quebec: a post-legalization estimate among generations living with chronic pain
Parental support and monitoring influences on adolescent alcohol use: a peer selection mediation model
Risk of suicidal behaviors and antidepressant exposure among children and adolescents: a meta-analysis of observational studies
Small scale enterprise workers require attention: what predicts the level of occupational injuries?
Brugada-like ECG changes after conducted electrical weapon exposure: a case report
Drug use homophily in adolescent offenders' close friendship groups
Event-level associations among minority stress, coping motives, and substance use among sexual minority women and gender diverse individuals
Illicit drug use and male barroom aggression among members of the Australian construction industry: associations with personality and masculinity factors
Exploring sex-specific time trends in drinking patterns in the Greenlandic population from 1993 to 2014 - a large Arctic Indigenous population
The power of local research to inform adverse childhood experiences in substance use prevention in adolescents and adults
Acute methanol toxicity: clinical correlation with autopsy findings, a descriptive study
Alcohol brands' use of age-restriction controls on Facebook and Instagram in Australia
Trends in characteristics of fentanyl-related poisonings in the United States, 2015-2021
Trends and correlates of spatially aggregated alcohol-involved crashes among Whites and Hispanics in California
What determines the success of states in reducing alcohol related crash fatalities? A longitudinal analysis of alcohol related crashes in the U.S. from 1985 to 2019
Understanding cannabis use in Singapore: profile of users and drug progression
Prevalence and determinants of aggressive behavior among adults with problematic substance use in Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional survey
The Ontario Court of Appeal takes a new look at automatism in R v. Sullivan
A randomized controlled trial examining the effects of intranasal oxytocin on alcohol craving and intimate partner aggression among couples
A randomized clinical trial of the effects of brief versus extended opioid overdose education on naloxone utilization outcomes by individuals with opioid use disorder
Prevalence, associated factors and level of dependence of substance use among urban secondary school students, Benin
Loss and frontal striatal reactivities characterize alcohol use severity and rule-breaking behavior in young adult drinkers
In-utero cannabis exposure and long-term psychiatric and neurodevelopmental outcomes: the limitations of existing literature and recommendations for future research
Change in alcohol demand following a brief intervention predicts change in alcohol use: a latent growth curve analysis
Bullying victimization and nicotine and marijuana vaping among Florida adolescents
Changes in youth cannabis use after an increase in cannabis minimum legal age in Quebec, Canada
Demographic and geographic shifts in the preferred route of methamphetamine administration among treatment cases in the US, 2010-2019
Do different actors submit different evidence to alcohol advertising policy consultations?
The role of worldviews in predicting support for recreational cannabis
A scoping review of vaping, e-cigarettes and mental health impact: depression and suicidality
Self-reported adverse childhood experiences among custodial grandmothers: frequencies, patterns, and correlates
Social norms and club drug use of young adult college students during Music Week
Sexual health behavior, health status, and knowledge among queer womxn and trans men in Kenya: an online cross-sectional study
Prevalence and correlates of risky drinking among the oldest-old in China: a national community-based survey
Association between clinically recognized suicidality and subsequent initiation or continuation of medications for opioid use disorder
Carfentanil blood concentrations in impaired driving investigations in Ontario, Canada
Change in distress about police brutality and substance use among young people, 2017-2020
A mobile-based pregaming drinking prevention intervention for college students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
'More options…less time' in the 'hustle culture' of 'generation sensible': individualization and drinking decline among twenty-first century young adults
Opioids, race, and drug enforcement: exploring local relationships between neighborhood context and Black-White opioid-related possession arrests
A unique power to punish: an examination of the operation, scrutiny, and attendant risks of licensee barring provisions in Victoria, Australia
Tackling drug-lords in a nascent market: raids and drug crime in Uruguay
The relevance of the dual systems model for predicting offending among college students: the moderating role of deviant peer influence
The cannabis effect on crime: time-series analysis of crime in Colorado and Washington State
Meth cooking as a job: identity and dirty work
Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost due to alcohol among veterans: overall and between persons with minoritized and non-minoritized sexual orientations
Consumption, not decriminalization: how Nigerian drug dealers/users account for cannabis harms
Comparison of the effects of alcohol and cannabis on visual function and driving performance. does the visual impairment affect driving?
Trends and characteristics of prenatal cannabis use in the U.S., 2002-2019
Making gender along the way: women, men and harm in Australian alcohol policy
Identifying conversational strategies for psychiatrists in discussing substance use with adolescent patients
Smile, photo! alcohol consumption and technology use by young people in a Spanish rural area
Elder abuse and the opioid epidemic: evidence from APS cases in Central Appalachia
Essential addictions terminology for school counselors
Youth's personal relationships, psychological symptoms, and the use of different substances: a population-based study
Accidental occupational exposure to a large volume of liquid fentanyl on a compromised skin barrier with no resultant effect
Textual and pictorial enhancement of cannabis warning labels: an online experiment among at-risk U.S. young adults
Associations between neighborhood characteristics and dating violence: does spatial scale matter?
Cannabis use among youth in Canada: a scoping review protocol
College students' perspectives on an alcohol prevention programme and student drinking - a focus group study
Variation in mean arterial pressure increases falls risk in elderly physically frail and prefrail individuals treated with antihypertensive medication
"Skunky" cannabis: environmental odor troubleshooting and the "need-for-speed"
Neurological and psychological characteristics of young nitrous oxide abusers and its underlying causes during the COVID-19 lockdown
Polypharmacy, comorbidity and frailty: a complex interplay in older patients at the emergency department
Prevalence and impact of polypharmacy in older patients with type 2 diabetes
The extent of alcohol-related problems among college and university students in Norway prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Flying under the radar: how susceptible are university students to County Lines victimization?
Complex (multimodality) suicides in New York City: 2008-2017
E-cigarette or vaping product associated lung injury (EVALI) presenting as cardiac arrest
Measuring the effects of a hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse on breath alcohol values
The synaptic interactions of alcohol and the endogenous cannabinoid system
"They say it's fentanyl, but they honestly look like Perc 30s": Initiation and use of counterfeit fentanyl pills
Toward a personal drug detection assistant: machine learning for detection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists
Deaths associated with MDMA in the period 2000-2019
War psychiatry: identifying and managing the neuropsychiatric consequences of armed conflicts
Thermal decomposition of CBD to Δ(9)-THC during GC-MS analysis: a potential cause of Δ(9)-THC misidentification
Thanks for the offer: testing drink offers as predictors of sexual activity
Substance use trajectories among urban college students: associations with symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression before and during COVID-19
Social networks and sexual and gender minority disparities in alcohol use and consequences among first-year college students
The relationship between substance use, strain, and depression among college students
Conceptualizing and considering cannabis-related "harm-to-others": the role of cannabis-related violence
The impact of juvenile drug treatment courts on substance use, mental health, and recidivism: results from a multisite experimental evaluation
An interrupted time series analysis of hospital admissions due to alcohol intoxication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tehran, Iran
Spontaneous rupture of the urinary bladder due to binge drinking: a possibly avoidable accident
Risk of unintentional antidoping rule violations by consumption of hemp products
Adverse childhood experiences and adolescent drug use in the UK: the moderating role of socioeconomic position and ethnicity
Driving under the influence…
Effects of cannabis use on the physiological and mental health of children and adolescents: review of recent research
Cannabis use and impulsivity in violent behaviour
COVID-19 economic impact payments and opioid overdose deaths: a response
A clinical framework for assessing cannabis-related impairment risk
Bridge nodes between personality traits and alcohol-use disorder criteria: the relevance of externalizing traits of risk taking, callousness, and irresponsibility
Differences in the perceived justice of penalties for road traffic offences between Lithuanian offenders and non-offenders
Impact of drug and alcohol use on hospitalization for injuries in riders of electric bikes or powered scooters: a retrospective cross-sectional study
Association between bar closing time, alcohol use disorders and blood alcohol concentration: a cross-sectional observational study of nightlife-goers in Perth, Australia
Harmful alcohol and drug use is associated with syndemic risk factors among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya
Employment status and alcohol-attributable mortality risk-a systematic review and meta-analysis
Types of criminal legal system exposure and polysubstance use: prevalence and correlates among U.S. adults in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2015-2019
Towards the validation of an observational tool to detect impaired drivers-an online video study
Substance use, health, and adverse life events amongst amphetamine-type stimulant users in north east England: a cross-sectional study
Student pharmacist opioid risk consultations: a pre-post educational intervention study
Spatial clustering of heroin-related overdose incidents: a case study in Cincinnati, Ohio
Severe ground fall injury associated with alcohol consumption in geriatric patients
How (not) to prove that drug checking services facilitate access to difficult-to-reach communities who use drugs, and (not) encourage drug initiation?
The influence of sociodemographic factors on symptoms of anxiety, the level of aggression and alcohol consumption in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic among Polish respondents
Prevalence of suicide in cocaine users accessing health services: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prevention interventions for interpersonal violence occurring under the influence of alcohol: a mixed method systematic review
Racial and ethnic differences in alcohol, cannabis, and illicit substance use treatment: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of studies done in the USA
Racial/ethnic discrimination, ADH1B*3, and coping-motivated drinking among Black college students
Cortical GABA levels are reduced in young adult binge drinkers: association with recent alcohol consumption and sex
Violence, policing, and systemic racism as structural barriers to substance use treatment amongst women sex workers who use drugs: findings of a community-based cohort in Vancouver, Canada (2010-2019)
Open drug markets, vulnerable neighbourhoods and gun violence in two Swedish cities
Examining the effects of legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington on clearance rates: a quasi-experimental design
Are changes in parenting related to the decline in youth drinking? Evidence from a comparison of Sweden and Denmark
Associations between sexual assault victimization and risky drinking within college women's personal networks
Comparison of causes, characteristics and consequences of residential fires in social and non-social housing dwellings in New South Wales, Australia
Early identification of suicide risk factors among justice-involved youth
Exploring e-psychonauts perspectives towards cocaine effects and toxicity
"You have to drink with a little bit of shame": alcohol and other drug use among young people from migrant and ethnic minority backgrounds in Melbourne, Australia
Time buffers teasing and lessens tobacco use: the moderating role of time perspective on bullying victimization and tobacco use in adolescents
Stress coping strategies as mediators: toward a better understanding of sexual, substance, and delinquent behavior-related risk-taking among transition-aged youth
Protective and risk factors for increased alcohol use in Latinx college students on the U.S./Mexico border
Race differences in opioid misuse and adolescent suicidality
Randomised controlled study of two counselling models at the Swedish alcohol helpline: effectiveness and sustainability outcomes at 12-month follow-up
Predictors of persistent alcohol use disorder and co-occurring depressive symptoms: insights from the longitudinal college experiences study
Parenting and childcare responsibilities, harm reduction service engagement, and opioid overdose among women and men who use illicit opioids in New York City
Perspectives of primary care providers on multidisciplinary collaboration to prevent medication-related falls
Housing instability and violence among women who use drugs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
A comparison of acute neurocognitive and psychotomimetic effects of a synthetic cannabinoid and natural cannabis at psychotropic dose equivalence
Preliminary assessment of fentanyl and synthetic opioids prevalence among addiction patients by means of hair analysis
Preliminary effectiveness of a remotely monitored blood alcohol concentration device as treatment modality: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Child maltreatment and substances use throughout adolescence and adulthood: data from a Brazilian Birth Cohort
Drug policing down under: an investigation of panic consumption, internal concealment and the use of drug amnesty bins among a sample of Australian festivalgoers
Effects of cannabidiol on locomotor activity
Edible cannabis exposures among children: 2017-2019
The opioid epidemic was not caused by economic distress but by factors that could be more rapidly addressed
White health benefits of histories of enslavement: the case of opioid deaths
Wrong study window to assess the full impacts of legalization on pediatric cannabis exposures
Regarding the current status of addictive suicide in Busan and the improvement of problems arising from field investigations
Adverse childhood experiences and overdose: lessons from overdose data to action
Author response to Myran and Finkelstein [concerning edible cannabis products]
Suitability of SoToxa® oral fluid screening over time: re-examination of drugged driving in Wisconsin
Reply to: Edible cannabis exposures among children: 2017-2019
Status and impacts of recreational and medicinal cannabis policies in Africa: a systematic review and thematic analysis of published and "gray" literature
Safety on demand: post-hypnotic suggestions of safety reduce neural signals of reward sensitivity with long-term beneficial effects
Kratom use as more than a "self-treatment"
Fentanyl as a potential false positive with color tests commonly used for presumptive cocaine identification
Fatal rectal injection of 3-MMC in a sexual context. toxicological investigations including metabolites identification using LC-HRMS
Demographic and clinical characteristics of 907 cases with naltrexone intoxication; a 14-year cross-sectional study
The defense of mental disorder and crimes against the person committed under the influence of cannabis: a Canadian perspective
Social influence in adolescence as a double-edged sword
Root causes of Appalachia's deaths of despair
A comparison of Appalachian and non-Appalachian Kentucky DUI offenders
Vulnerability for alcohol use disorder after adverse childhood experiences (AUDACE): protocol for a longitudinal fMRI study assessing neuropsychobiological risk factors for relapse
The association of prescription opioid use with suicide attempts: an analysis of statewide medical claims data
The CannTeen Study: cannabis use disorder, depression, anxiety, and psychotic-like symptoms in adolescent and adult cannabis users and age-matched controls
Differences in the disease severity and background characteristics of patients with suicide attempts due to overdose according to the time of day [letter]
Improving access to treatment for opioid use disorder in high-need areas: the role of HRSA health centers
Risk factors associated with passenger vehicle fatal rollover crashes in West Virginia, 2001-2018
A national retrospective study of antidepressants' effects on overdose and self-harm among adults treated with opioid analgesics
The association between social network members sharing alcohol-related social media content on alcohol outcomes among college student drinkers
Case report: early recognition, treatment, and occupational safety protection are crucial for methanol toxicity
The changing epidemiology of opioid overdose in Baltimore, Maryland, 2012-2017: insights from emergency medical services
Methanol poisoning: an autopsy-based study at the tertiary care center of Uttarakhand, India
Multiple suicide attempts associated with addiction to tramadol
Differences in aggression and alcohol use among youth with varying levels of victimization and popularity status
Defensive gun use: what can we learn from news reports?
Analysis of conventional and nonconventional forensic specimens in drug-facilitated sexual assault by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry
Trajectories of alcohol use and alcohol intoxication in young adults exposed to childhood violence and later problematic drinking behavior
Trend analysis of drug overdose deaths before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Time trends and associated factors of global burden due to drug use disorders in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019
Predictors of alcohol use disorder treatment outcomes over 12 months: role of concerned others' functioning and Al-Anon participation
Morality, delinquent peer association, and criminogenic exposure: (how) does change predict change?
Opioid prescribing restrictions and opioid use among the Louisiana Medicaid population
Perceptions of college campus alcohol and sexual violence prevention among students with disabilities: "It was a joke"
Physical violence and property damage towards parents, committed by adult children with drug problems
Impact of social media-based intervention in reducing youths' propensity to engage in drug abuse in Nigeria
Dual public health crises: the overlap of drug overdose and firearm injury in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2018-2020
Electrochemical methods for on-site multidrug detection at festivals
Development of a rapid assay for on-site THC detection in oral fluid
Bibliometric analysis of mushroom poisoning: from diversity to clinical management
Association between husband's alcohol consumption and women's physical violence experience in Nigeria: moderating role of husband's controlling attitudes
A spatiotemporal analysis of heroin-related calls for emergency medical services and community-health centers in Boston, Massachusetts
What is the prevalence of and trend in opioid use disorder in the United States from 2010 to 2019? Using multiplier approaches to estimate prevalence for an unknown population size
Vaping and sleep as predictors of adolescent suicidality
Substance-related cross-commodity purchase tasks: a systematic review
Short-term risk of unintentional poisoning after new initiation of central nervous system medications in Swedish older adults: a register-based case-crossover study
The prevalence, mechanism of action, and toxicity of Nigerian psychoactive plants
Prevalence of and risk factors for prescription opioid misuse, abuse, diversion and doctor shopping in Japan: a survey study
Impaired risk avoidance in bipolar disorder and substance use disorders
Exploring the significance of relationality, care and governmentality in families, for understanding women's classed alcohol drinking practices
Factors associated with initiating cannabis use after legalization in Canada: a cross-sectional study
Cumulative risk for children's behavior problems and child abuse potential among mothers receiving substance use treatment: the unique role of parenting stress
Characteristics of the Washington cannabis market from 2014 to 2016
Updates in chemical analysis of drugs of abuse
Commentary on Gruenewald et al.: 'Even one more license may be "too many"'?
Definition Matters: Assessment of tolerance to the effects of alcohol in a prospective cohort study of emerging adults
E-cigarette and cannabis use patterns, depression, and suicide behaviors among US youth: analysis of 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data
Noticed and then forgotten: gender in alcohol policy stakeholder responses to alcohol and violence
Posttraumatic stress disorder strengthens the daily associations between emotion dysregulation and substance use: a micro-longitudinal study of community women experiencing intimate partner violence
Prevalence and correlates of mental health symptoms and well-being among elite sport coaches and high-performance support staff
Response to Bahji et al: Limitations of the available evidence that restrict our interpretation of the transition from cannabis to opioid use
The use of psychoactive substances in Germany-findings from the Epidemiological Survey of Substance Abuse 2021
Knowledge and attitudes of adolescents to marijuana: an international prospective study
Sobriety treatment and recovery teams for families with co-occurring substance use and child maltreatment: a propensity score-matched evaluation
Variation in US drug overdose mortality within and between Hispanic/Latine subgroups: a disaggregation of national data
Recurrent injecting drug use as a mediator between psychiatric disorder and non-fatal overdose
Pregnancy and miscarriage predict suicide attempts but not substance use among dual-systems involved female adolescents
Differences in trauma exposure, PTSD and child well-being as a function of parental substance misuse in a child welfare sample
Developing and validating a machine-learning algorithm to predict opioid overdose in Medicaid beneficiaries in two US states: a prognostic modelling study
Analysis of the relationship between school bullying, cyberbullying, and substance use
Community responses to volatile substance misuse by children: a scoping review
Factors impacting why women stay in marital life with substance dependent husbands: a grounded theory study
Do couple drinking episodes lead to intimate partner aggression? An ecological momentary assessment study of same-sex and mixed-sex couples
Examining the substance use, violence, and HIV and AIDS (SAVA) syndemic among urban refugee youth in Kampala, Uganda: cross-sectional survey findings
Substance abuse and rural Appalachian pediatric trauma in West Virginia
Application of the theory of planned behavior to predict drug abuse related behaviors
Acceptability of overdose prevention sites in the business community in Baltimore, Maryland
Adverse drug reactions due to opioid use in oldest-old patients visiting the emergency unit of the Geneva Geriatric Hospital
Associations between treatment with melatonin and suicidal behavior: a nationwide cohort study
Ten-year trends in hospitalizations related to cocaine abuse in France
Unintentional pediatric lithium exposure: a 15-year retrospective analysis
Prevalence of substance abuse among high school students in 2015-2016 academic year in Yazd City, Iran
Factors associated with addiction in children in Kerman City
Drug checking use and interest among people who inject drugs in Toronto, Canada
Examining alcohol-related social norms among international and domestic students in the United States
Gaps in naloxone ownership among people who inject drugs during the fentanyl wave of the opioid overdose epidemic in New York City, 2018
Forensic intelligence-led prevention of drug-facilitated sexual assaults
Predicting accidental drug overdose as the cause of fatality in near real-time using the Suspected Potential Overdose Tracker (SPOT): public health implications
Psychological distress, obsessive compulsive thoughts about drinking, and alcohol consumption in young adult drinkers
Impact of public health team engagement in alcohol licensing on health and crime outcomes in England and Scotland: a comparative timeseries study between 2012 and 2019
Interpersonal violence, PTSD, and substance use types among women receiving substance use treatment
Mental health and substance abuse among the Bosnia and Herzegovina student population during the COVID-19 outbreak
Low awareness of risk mitigation prescribing in response to dual crises of COVID-19 and overdose deaths among people who use unregulated drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Suicidal thoughts, depression, post-traumatic stress, and harmful alcohol use associated with intimate partner violence and rape exposures among female students in South Africa
A low-barrier, flexible safe supply program to prevent deaths from overdose
Race, overdose deaths, and years of lost life
Labor force status as a buffer against mortality risks associated with alcohol consumption: a study of adult U.S. women, 2001-2015
Knowledge of predatory practices within the substance use disorder treatment industry: development of a measurement instrument
Crime-specific recidivism in criminal justice clients with substance use-a cohort study
Declining trend in adolescent alcohol use: does it have any significance for drinking behaviour in young adulthood?
Acceptability of a fentanyl vaccine to prevent opioid overdose and need for personalized decision-making
Age differences in the behavioural economics of cannabis use: do adolescents and adults differ on demand for cannabis and discounting of future reward?
Analysis of AUDIT domains in freshman students in Spain: three cross-sectional surveys (2005, 2012 and 2016)
Towards a maturity model for intelligence-led policing: a case study research on the investigation of drugs crime and on football and safety in the Dutch police
Psychiatric comorbidities of hazardous alcohol drinking in college students
Language and addiction: exploring the role of discourse in drug addiction
Acute alcohol intoxication, state anger, and sexual assault perpetration: the role of state emotion regulation
Cannabis smoking increases the risk of suicide ideation and suicide attempt in young individuals of 11-21 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Contextual risk for nonconsensual sexual experiences: an application of routine activity theories among first-year college women who drink alcohol
The contribution of alcohol-related deaths to the life-expectancy gap between people with and without depression - a cross-country comparison
Disparities in opioid overdose survival and naloxone administration in Pennsylvania
Trajectories and outcomes of adolescents that ride with an impaired driver/drive while impaired
Sustained effects of single doses of classical psychedelics in humans
Risk factors for suicidal behavior/ideation and hostility/aggression in patients with bipolar disorders: as analysis using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database
Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their association with suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-injury among incarcerated methamphetamine users in Japan
Intimate partner aggression during the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with stress and heavy drinking
Trends in characteristics of the recipients of new prescription stimulants between years 2010 and 2020 in the United States: an observational cohort study
"That's what I'm supposed to do at work": Gendered labor, self-care, and overdose risk among women who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada
How marijuana use status affects responses to anti-marijuana messages
Adolescent substance use and high school noncompletion: exploring the nature of the relationship using a discordant twin design
Age, sex, and race-varying rates of alcohol use, cannabis use, and alcohol and cannabis co-use in veterans vs. non-veterans
Drug use behaviors, trauma, and emotional affect following the overdose of a social network member: a qualitative investigation
Effectiveness of psychosocial intervention for internalizing behavior problems among children of parents with alcohol dependence: randomized controlled trial
"It wasn't here, and now it is. It's everywhere": fentanyl's rising presence in Oregon's drug supply
Marijuana use in children: an update focusing on pediatric tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol use
The syndemic of substance use, high-risk sexual behavior, and violence: a qualitative exploration of the intersections and implications for HIV/STI prevention among key populations in Lagos, Nigeria
The alcohol prevention magnitude measure: application of a Spanish-language version in Santiago, Chile
Association of alcohol use and dietary lifestyle of commercial drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria
Binge alcohol drinking before pregnancy is closely associated with the development of macrosomia: Korean pregnancy registry cohort
A bitter experience-a case report of bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis) ingestion in a child
Commentary on Lange et al.: Acute alcohol use before suicide-is it contributing to an increase in suicide rates in the United States?
Trends from 2005 to 2018 in child maltreatment outcomes with caregivers' substance use
Modalities of the psychedelic experience: microclimates of set and setting in hallucinogen research and culture
Prevalence, demographics, and cognitive dysfunction among methamphetamine-dependent individuals with childhood maltreatment
Acute alcohol use and suicide deaths: an analysis of New Zealand coronial data from 2007-2020
Associations of content domain-specific possible selves with adolescent drinking behaviors
Clinical manifestations and serious adverse effects after cannabis use: role of age according to sex and coingestion of alcohol
Differentiating cannabis products: drugs, food, and supplements
Peer influence and adolescent substance use: a systematic review of dynamic social network research
Prevention educator perspectives on LGBTQ+ exclusion in alcohol-facilitated campus sexual assault education
Utility of support vector machine and decision tree to identify the prognosis of metformin poisoning in the United States: analysis of National Poisoning Data System
Event-level risk for negative alcohol consequences in emerging adults: the role of affect, motivation, and context
Examining the effects of celebrity (vs. noncelebrity) narratives on opioid addiction prevention: identification, transportation, and the moderating role of personal relevance
Psychoactive substances use before suicide: detailed analysis of all cases that occurred in the Brazilian Federal District in a 10-years period
Rates and correlates of dual diagnosis among adults with psychiatric and substance use disorders in a nationally representative U.S sample
The relationship between cannabis use and self-reported trait anger in treatment-seeking young people
E-cigarette vaping associated acute lung injury (EVALI): state of science and future research needs
Perceived safety, not perceived legality, mediates the relationship between cannabis legalization and drugged driving
Substance use descriptive norms and behaviors among US college students: findings from the Healthy Minds Study
A survey of police officers encounters with sober, alcohol- and drug-intoxicated suspects in Sweden
The practice and embodiment of "goofballs": a qualitative study exploring the co-injection of methamphetamines and opioids
Correlates of nonmedical use of prescription opioids in middle and high school adolescents: a scoping review
Solitary alcohol use in adolescence predicts alcohol problems in adulthood: a 17-year longitudinal study in a large national sample of US high school students
Adherence and barriers to drug therapy: relationship with the risk of falls in older adults
Commentary on Gunadi et al.: Opportunities to design more policy-relevant evaluations of non-medical cannabis legalization
Contextual culpability: how drinking and social context impact sentencing of violence
Alcohol industry interference to avoid regulation of availability: a case in Brazil
Cannabis adaptation during and after alcohol ignition interlock device installation: a longitudinal study
Understanding the political organization and tactics of the alcohol industry in Ireland 2009-2018
Suicide attempt using sodium nitrite ordered on the internet: two case reports
More evidence to support increasing alcohol taxes: a commentary on Jiang et al. (2022)
Changes in traffic crash rates after legalization of marijuana: results by crash severity
Occasions of alcohol and cannabis use and associated risk for sexual assault among college women with higher sexual risk alcohol expectancies
Research capacity and needs for alcohol-related harm prevention in West Africa: findings from a cross-sectional survey of stakeholders
Problems with sleep are common and predict increased risk for alcohol and drug use among reserve and national guard soldiers
Concentration of cannabis and tobacco retailers in Los Angeles County, California: a spatial analysis of potential effects on youth and ethnic minorities
Distinguishing clinical factors associated with unintentional overdose, suicidal ideation, and attempted suicide among opioid use disorder in-patients
Application of the RDoC framework to predict alcohol use and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among early adolescents in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study
A longitudinal study of naloxone opioid overdose awareness and reversal training for first-year medical students: specific elements require reinforcement
Nurses saving lives through opioid overdose prevention: a pilot study
Substance-use simulation impairs driving capability in patients with cirrhosis regardless of hepatic encephalopathy
Population-level risks of alcohol consumption by amount, geography, age, sex, and year: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020
High risk of severe child abuse and poly-victimisation in families with parental substance misuse - results from a Swedish school-based survey
Designing the minimum data set of bipolar disorder: a basis for introducing the effective factors in managing, controlling, and monitoring the bipolar disorder
Sex-specific factors associated with lifetime suicide attempt among patients with alcohol use disorders
Forgetting alcohol: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating memory inhibition training in young binge drinkers
Home medication regimens increase in complexity after admission for fall in the older trauma patient
Is cannabis legalization eliciting abusive behaviors in parents? A case report
Do patron bans act as a deterrent to future anti-social offending? An analysis of banning and offending data from Victoria, Australia
Behavioral patterns of people who use synthetic psychostimulants: results of a qualitative study in St. Petersburg, Russia
Cannabis use and workplace cannabis availability, perceptions and policies among Canadian workers: a comparison before and after the legalisation of non-medical cannabis
Differential impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol consumption between Scottish men and women: controlled interrupted time series analysis
Whole-of-community interventions that address alcohol-related harms: protocol for a scoping review
Predicting severe alcohol use disorders in primary care using number of heavy drinking days
A latent class approach to understanding longitudinal sleep health and the association with alcohol and cannabis use during late adolescence and emerging adulthood
Cannabis-induced myocardial infarction in a 27-year-old man: case report
Prevalence of psychoactive drugs in injured patients presenting to an emergency department
Traffickers' use of substances to recruit and control victims of domestic trafficking for sexual exploitation in the American Midwest
Risk factors and consequences of traumatic brain injury in a Swiss male population cohort
Risk of non-medical drug overdose following prescription of opioids post-injury: a retrospective cohort study
Cannabis-only use in the USA: prevalence, demographics, use patterns, and health indicators
The association between public health engagement in school-based substance use prevention programs and student alcohol, cannabis, e-cigarette and cigarette use
The COVID-19 pandemic in the Nawalparasi District of Nepal: a mixed methods assessment of increased alcohol use and intimate partner violence
Influence of alcohol consumption, personality and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on traffic offenders
Leveraging body-worn camera footage to better understand opioid overdoses and the impact of police-administered naloxone
Estimating weekly national opioid overdose deaths in near real time using multiple proxy data sources
Estimating the effects of legalizing recreational cannabis on newly incident cannabis use
The mediating effect of anger rumination, coping and conformity motives on the association between hostility and problematic cannabis use
Misuse of prescription opioids and suicidal behaviors among Black adolescents: findings from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Illicit drug use among commercial 'boda boda' motorcyclists in Uganda
Web-based alcohol and sexual assault prevention program with tailored content based on gender and sexual orientation: preliminary outcomes and usability study of positive change (+change)
The use of prophylactic antiepileptic medication and driving restrictions for craniotomies among Australian and New Zealand neurosurgeons
Road traffic safety: a case study of the Pila Poviat in Poland
Prevalence and correlates of incarceration following emergency medical services response to overdose
Post-operative pain management following orthopedic spine procedures and consequent acute opioid poisoning: an analysis of New York State from 2009 - 2018
Nonsuicidal self-injury in veterans: prevalence, clinical characteristics, and gender differences from a national cohort
Incidence and predictors of cannabis-related poisoning and mental and behavioral disorders among patients with medical cannabis authorization: a cohort study
Association between the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder and risk of traumatic injuries: a self-controlled case series study
At-risk drinking, loneliness and self-reported diagnosed depression among older people, 70-84 years of age
Complexity, safety and challenges: emergency responders' experience of people affected by methamphetamines
The effect of alcohol use disorder symptom and recovery narratives on problem-recognition: a randomized online trial
Impact of cannabis legalization in the United States on trends in cannabis use and daily cannabis use among individuals who smoke cigarettes
Impulsivity and perpetration of intimate partner aggression: the moderating effects of negative affective state and alcohol
Snake venom - an unconventional recreational substance for psychonauts in India
3-methylmethcathinone (3-MMC) poisonings: acute clinical toxicity and time trend between 2013 and 2021 in the Netherlands
Cannabinoid content and label accuracy of hemp-derived topical products available online and at national retail stores
Smart vehicle ignition interlock: a car ignition interlock device for alcohol impaired driving
Rapid changes in illegally manufactured fentanyl products and prices in the United States
White matter microstructure and gray matter volume in cannabis-induced psychosis and schizophrenia with cannabis use
The Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y) program: an interactive injury prevention initiative in South-Western Sydney
A rapid systematic review of worldwide alcohol use disorders and brief alcohol interventions in the criminal justice system
Risky drinking cultures among affluent youth in Sweden
Cannabis use for sleep aid among high school students: concurrent and prospective associations with substance use and sleep problems
Common opioids and stimulants in autopsy and DUID cases: a comparison of measured concentrations
Differences in alcohol and other drug use and dependence between transgender and cisgender participants from the 2018 Global Drug Survey
Open trial of a personalized feedback intervention and substance-free activity supplement for veterans with PTSD and hazardous drinking
AddictedChem: a data-driven integrated platform for new psychoactive substance identification
Individual-, peer-, and parent-level substance use-related factors among 9- and 10-year-olds from the ABCD Study: prevalence rates and sociodemographic differences
The impact of parental substance use disorder and other family-related problems on school related outcomes
An evaluation of eight short versions of the Drug Use Disorder Identification Test (DUDIT). a prison population study
Insurance barriers to substance use disorder treatment after passage of mental health and addiction parity laws and the affordable care act: a qualitative analysis
Intersection between social inequality and emotion regulation on emerging adult cannabis use
Medicaid expansion and opioid supply policies to address the opioid overdose crisis
Associations between parental and adolescent alcohol use: the role of gender and familism support
A brief young adult alcohol problems screening test: short form development using combinatorics
The prevalence of alcohol use and risky driving practises among individuals who consume sedatives nonmedically: findings from the NESARC-III
Substance use confounds associations between peer victimization and aggression in adolescence with mental disorders in adulthood: a prospective birth cohort study
Risk of falls associated with long-acting benzodiazepines or tricyclic antidepressants use in community-dwelling older adults: a nationwide population-based case-crossover study
Prioritisation of adverse drug events leading to hospital admission and occurring during hospitalisation: a RAND survey
The redesign of a checklist for evaluating driver impairment: a human factors and ergonomics approach
Alcohol norms and alcohol intake among high school students
Assessment of substance use among injured persons seeking emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya
Cannabis legalization and cannabis-related hospitalizations in Ontario, Canada
Determining a dosage threshold of drink-driving enforcement operations: a systematic review
Exploring contributing factors of solitary drinking among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents and young adults: a descriptive phenomenology
Family structure, unstructured socializing, and heavy substance use among adolescents
Homelessness at the San Diego Central Library: assessing the potential role of social workers
Illicit substance use and the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: a scoping review and characterization of research evidence in unprecedented times
Investigating the difference in factors contributing to the likelihood of motorcyclist fatalities in single motorcycle and multiple vehicle crashes
Rethinking unhealthy alcohol use in the United States: a structured review
Retrospective study of poisoned patients admitted to a hospital's pediatric intensive care unit in Chile
Suicide ideation and/or attempt with substance use and associated factors among the youth in northwest Ethiopia, community-based
Lifetime trauma exposure profiles and alcohol use over time among U.S. Reserve and National Guard soldiers
The hidden borderline patient: patients with borderline personality disorder who do not engage in recurrent suicidal or self-injurious behavior
Health, social and economic implications of adolescent risk behaviours/states: protocol for Raine Study Gen2 cohort data linkage study
Gender differences in progression to crack-cocaine use and the role of sexual and physical violence
Fostering resilience and countering stigma: a qualitative exploration of risk and protective factors for negative psychological consequences among alcohol-involved sexual assault survivors
Effect of intimate partner violence in pregnancy on maternal and perinatal outcomes at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana: an observational cross sectional study
Disentangling the physical, social, and situational contexts of young adolescents' initiation to alcohol use and intoxication: a mixed methods study
Depression, anxiety, substance misuse and self-harm in children and young people with rare chronic liver disease
Commentary on Rivera-Aguirre et al.: What are the effects of cannabis legalization on youth use? It may depend on what you mean by 'legalization'
Cannabis use in adolescents : Narrative Review and Position paper of the "Addiction Disorders in Adolescents" task force of the Austrian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy (ÖGKJP)
Addressing adolescent substance use with a public health prevention framework: the case for harm reduction
Comparing substance use outcomes by sexual identity among women: differences using propensity score methods
Examining impairment and kinetic patterns associated with recent use of hemp-derived Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol: case studies
An epidemiologic survey and violent behavior analysis of antisocial personality disorder in young men in Chengdu
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recreational drug intoxications
A trauma model of substance use: elaboration and preliminary validation
Toxicological evaluation of alcohol and substance abuse in children and adolescents
National polydrug use patterns among people who misuse prescription opioids and people who use heroin. results from the National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health
Investigating associations between appetite-regulating hormones, aggression and craving in males with cannabis use disorder
Eyes wide open: sleep disturbance, not melatonin, real issue to address for suicide risk
Adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence and substance misuse: an action research study on routine enquiry and practice responses
Alcohol use among young adults in northern California during the COVID-19 pandemic-an electronic health records-based study
Alcohol, smoke, cannabis, new psychoactive substances, non-prescribed drugs consumption among school student in an area of nord-west of Italy
Shifting landscape suitability for cocaine trafficking through Central America in response to counterdrug interdiction
Substance use disorder and suicide-related behaviour around dates of parental death and its anniversaries: a register-based cohort study
A suicide attempt by intramuscular injection of pentobarbital sodium into rectus abdominis suggested by computed tomography
Association between U.S. state prenatal drug use laws and child welfare reporting in Alabama, Maryland and Utah
Increasing trend in accidental pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths and diverging overdose death correlates following the opioid prescription policy liberalization in Norway 2010-2018
Preventive health therapy and behavior outcomes from a brown bag medication review for older adults
Policy actor views on structural vulnerability in harm reduction and policymaking for illegal drugs: a qualitative study
A rapid assay provides on-site quantification of tetrahydrocannabinol in oral fluid
A systematic review of the perceptions and attitudes of mental health nurses towards alcohol and other drug use in mental health clients
Mortality risk for individuals with cannabis use disorders in relation to alcohol use disorders: results of a follow-up study
A modified Delphi process to identify experts' perceptions of the most beneficial and harmful laws to reduce opioid-related harm
The moderating role of sex and self-, teacher-, and father-reported ADHD hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms, on the association between early adolescent internalizing symptoms and substance use
Stimulant use in suicides: a systematic review
A risk education program decreases leftover prescription opioid retention: an RCT
Fentanyl analog trends in Washington D.C. observed in needle-exchange syringes
Adolescents' psychoactive substance use during the first COVID-19 lockdown: a cross sectional study in italy
Alprazolam-related deaths in Scotland, 2004-2020
Transcatheter arterial embolization of a gluteal pseudoaneurysm due to ground-level fall in an elderly woman taking apixaban
Unexplained falls in the elderly. Does alcohol consumption play a role? A warning to geriatricians
Substance use and self-harm emergency department presentations during COVID19: evidence from a National Clinical Programme for Self-Harm
Suicidal ideation and attempt and associated factors among patients with substance use disorder: institution-based cross-sectional study
Tramadol in seized drugs containing non-pharmaceutical fentanyl: crime lab data from Ohio, USA
Sex-specific incidences and risk profiles of suicide mortality in people with alcohol dependence in Taiwan
Epidemiology and clinical-demographic characteristics of suicide attempts in alcohol use disorders in an Italian population
Examining the relationship between alcohol consumption, psychological distress and COVID-19 related circumstances: an Australian longitudinal study in the first year of the pandemic
Health and household environment factors linked with early alcohol use in adolescence: a record-linked, data-driven, longitudinal cohort study
The role of mood disorders in the progression of and recovery from alcohol and drug use problems: a latent transition analysis
Substance use disorder among hospitalized adolescents in North Carolina
The prevalence of opioids in U.S. drinking water sources detected using direct injection - high performance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry
National estimates of emergency department visits for medication-related self-harm: United States, 2016-2019
Vulnerability reawakened: Increased substance use among aging traumatized veterans during COVID-19 pandemic
A template for the validation of DART-MS for qualitative seized drugs analysis
Understanding illicit drug use trends during the Carnival holiday in the Brazilian capital through wastewater analysis
No health without mental health: taking action to heal a world in distress--with people, places, and planet 'in mind'
A pilot study of a mixed-method approach to design an ED-based peer mHealth referral tool for HIV/HCV and opioid overdose prevention services
Prevalence and associates of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Saveh, Iran
A qualitative study of perceptions of control over potential causes of death and the sources of information that inform perceptions of risk
Influences on the genetic relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia: the role of the externalizing spectrum
Label accuracy of unregulated cannabidiol (CBD) products: measured concentration vs. label claim
Methamphetamine, amphetamine, and aggression in humans: a systematic review of drug administration studies
Effect of environmental conditions on the performance of fentanyl field detection tests
Emergence of probable PTSD among U.S. veterans over the military-to-civilian transition
Combining FTIR-ATR and OPLS-DA methods for magic mushrooms discrimination
The challenge of risk assessment of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabidiol (CBD) oils and food supplements: an approach for deriving maximum limits
Alcohol-endocannabinoid interactions: implications for addiction-related behavioral processes
Analytical methods for herbal products containing synthetic cannabinoids: a review
Work-related and non-work-related fatal road accidents: assessment of psychoactive substance use in commuting
Risk and resilience pathways, community adversity, decision-making, and alcohol use among Appalachian adolescents: protocol for the Longitudinal Young Mountaineer Health Study Cohort
Alcohol and cannabis use milestones in diverse urban adolescents: associations with demographics, parental rule setting, sibling and peer deviancy, and outcome expectancies
Association of cannabis potency with mental ill health and addiction: a systematic review
Cannabis and alcohol co-use: the effects of intensity of cannabis use among heavy drinkers
Design details for overdose education and take‐home naloxone kits: Codesign with family medicine, emergency department, addictions medicine and community
How Nordic countries enforce impaired driving legislation
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to the fentanyl-adulterated drug supply among people who use drugs in Oregon
Legal review of state emergency medical services policies and protocols for naloxone administration
The naloxone component of buprenorphine/naloxone: discouraging misuse, but at what cost? [editorial]
Prevalence of mental disorders in the elderly population 5 years after the Lushan earthquake in Ya'an, China
PTSD symptoms, intolerance of uncertainty, and alcohol-related outcomes among trauma-exposed college students
Uncertainty and heuristics in offender decision-making: deviations from rational choice
Cascades from early adolescent impulsivity to late adolescent antisocial personality disorder and alcohol use disorder
How and what are Indians drinking? Findings from the National Family Health Survey
The impact of child maltreatment on mental health and substance use trajectories among adolescents
Overactive, aggressive, disruptive and agitated behavior associated with the use of psychotropic medications in schizophrenia
Past-month binge drinking and cannabis use among middle-aged and older adults in the United States, 2015-2019
Spatial and temporal pattern of cannabis use disorder in California 2010-2019
Access to methadone clinics and opioid overdose deaths in Georgia: a geospatial analysis
A case report on alcohol and crime in the Transkei region of South Africa
Characterizing chronic non-suicidal self-injury and other forms of repetitive and escalating suicide behaviour as endocannabinoid-mediated pain and reward disorders
Clinical profile and outcomes of poisonings and drug overdose at King Saud Medical City
Emergence of synthetic cannabinoids as drugs of abuse
Kratom abuse as an emerging issue of addiction, overdose toxicities and deaths: a review
Profile study of motorcyclists victims in road traffic accidents at Jaipur Region - an observational antemortem study
Sex and drug overdose mortality trends, 1999-2020 [letter]
Sexual abuse in children: shocking figures in Pakistan
Sex and drug overdose mortality trends, 1999-2020--Reply [to letter]
U.S. Military veterans and the opioid overdose crisis: a review of risk factors and prevention efforts
Unravelling reciprocal effects among young adults' binge drinking, stress, and anticipated regret
Alcohol and aging - an area of increasing concern
Alcohol use motives and cannabis use among young adults: between- and within-person associations based on monthly data from a community sample
Association between road traffic accidents and drugs belonging to the anti-seizure medications class: a pharmacovigilance analysis in VigiBase®
Drug use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
Encouraging the use of the Veterans Crisis Line among high-risk Veterans: a randomized trial of a Crisis Line Facilitation intervention
Exposure to interpersonal stigma enhances the effectiveness of a culturally adapted personalized normative feedback alcohol intervention for sexual minority women
Fall risk increasing drugs
Synthetic cannabinoid poisonings and access to the legal cannabis market: findings from US National Poison Centre data 2016-2019
Prospective associations of military discharge characterization with post-active duty suicide attempts and homelessness: results from the study to assess risk and resilience in Servicemembers-Longitudinal Study (STARRS-LS)
Opioid initiation and the hazard of falls or fractures among older adults with varying levels of central nervous system depressant burden
Opioid prescriptions for individuals receiving workers' compensation in Michigan
Characteristics of fatal insulin overdoses
Drug-associated parosmia: new perspectives from the WHO Safety Database
Amphetamine-related intoxications in people living with HIV: an observational study in an emergency department in Barcelona (Spain) from 2018 to 2020
"So they can see how bad we are": extreme violence in Rio Grande Do Sul's drug market
Social determinants of alcohol use in childhood and adolescence in rural areas
Predictors of empirically derived substance use patterns among sexual and gender minority populations of a rural midwestern state
Family context and mental suffering in adolescents: an integrative review
The effect of SBIRT on harmful alcohol consumption in the community health centers of Shanghai, China: a randomized controlled study
Does expanding access to cannabis affect traffic crashes? County-level evidence from recreational marijuana dispensary sales in Colorado
Do alcohol policies affect everyone equally? An assessment of the effects of state policies on education-related patterns of alcohol use, 2011-2019
Correlates of bystander intervention among heavy drinking college men
Can cannabis kill? Characteristics of deaths following cannabis use in England (1998-2020)
Attempted suicide with intravenous methamphetamine and chemsex
Alcohol use before sexual violence and cognitive appraisals: differential associations with barriers to help-seeking
Risk behavior due to alcohol consumption and quality of life in university students
Changes in risk behaviors according to gender in a cohort of high school students
The unethical use of paracetamol as a food tenderizer in four selected african countries: a major public health concern?
To fight or not to fight: activation of the mPFC during decision to engage in aggressive behavior after ethanol consumption in a novel murine model
Notes from the field: overdose deaths involving eutylone (psychoactive bath salts) - United States, 2020
Neurobiological, behavioral, and cognitive effects of ketamine in adolescents: a review of human and pre-clinical research
Negative beliefs towards the organs of justice and drug trafficking in Sonora
Effects of alcohol on sleep and nocturnal heart rate: relationships to intoxication and morning-after effects
Developing a novel prediction model in opioid overdose using machine learning; a pilot analytical study
Alcohol use disorder among Whites and Hispanics on and off the U.S./Mexico border in California
Who is able to resist what is forbidden?-the relationship between health literacy and risk behaviours in secondary school students in the broader social and educational context
Substance use stigma mechanisms scale: factor structure, reliability, and validity in Mexican adults that use drugs
The socioeconomic gradient of alcohol use: an analysis of nationally representative survey data from 55 low-income and middle-income countries
Reasons not to drink alcohol among 9th graders in Sweden
Acute poisoning readmissions to an emergency department of a tertiary hospital: evaluation through an active toxicovigilance program
Comparative effectiveness of opioid tapering or abrupt discontinuation vs no dosage change for opioid overdose or suicide for patients receiving stable long-term opioid therapy
Predictors of problematic adult alcohol, cannabis, and other substance use: a longitudinal study of two samples
A systematic review and behaviour change technique analysis of remotely delivered alcohol and/or substance misuse interventions for adults
Alcohol and falls among people with HIV infection: a view from Russia and the United States
Assessing the costs of excessive alcohol consumption in Minnesota
Ethnic/racial differences in alcohol use: does drinking refusal self-efficacy matter?
Examining the associations between PTSD symptom clusters and alcohol-related problems in a sample of low-SES treatment-seeking Black/African American adults
Estimated impacts of alcohol control policies on NCD premature deaths in Thailand
Examining risk factors in the cannabis-suicide link: considering trauma and impulsivity among university students
Playing at the edges, navigating sexual boundaries, and narrating sexual distress; practices and perspectives of sexuality and gender diverse people who use GHB
Severe drug interactions in acetaminophen poisoning in Brazil: a cross- sectional study based on the Notifiable Diseases Information System
Trend in alcohol-related crashes before and after the introduction of mandatory breath testing among commercial truck drivers
The upcoming synthetic ultrapotent opioid wave as a foreseeable disaster
Validating transdermal alcohol biosensors: a meta-analysis of associations between blood/breath-based measures and transdermal alcohol sensor output
Cognitive impairment in people who consume benzoylmetilecgonine and its derivatives: a bibliographic review
Overcoming challenges in acute care hospitalizations for patients with opioid use disorder
Perspectives of people in Philadelphia who use fentanyl/heroin adulterated with the animal tranquilizer xylazine; making a case for xylazine test strips
Post-mortem investigation into a death involving doping agents: the case of a body builder
Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking and alcohol use disorder diagnosis among US college students: results from the national Healthy Minds Study
Psychosocial consequences of cannabis regulation: a qualitative study
Rapid in situ detection of THC and CBD in Cannabis sativa L. by 1064 nm Raman spectroscopy
The relationship between novelty-seeking traits and behavior: establishing construct validity for the Human Behavioral Pattern Monitor
Evaluation of five drug screening devices for testing of amphetamines and methamphetamines
Forensic determination of adulterants in illicit liquor samples by using alcolyzer, densitometer and chemical methods
Inconsistencies between national drug policy and professional beliefs about psychoactive drugs among psychiatrists in the United States
Health behaviors and protective factors of school students aged 13-15 years old in four cities of China
Enjoyment and personal fulfillment in sport as protective factors for alcohol consumption in young population: the moderating effect of the impulsive sensation seeking trait
Life quality, psychosocial risks and substance use among employees at ski resorts
Representations and stereotypes about drug use among young people: a content analysis of video clips made by university students
Systematic review of school-based preventive interventions for alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescents
Changing patterns of oral & maxillofacial injuries before and during COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective study
Characteristics of electric scooter and bicycle injuries after introduction of electric scooter rentals in Oslo, Norway
Dedicated nursing care pathway improved management of opioid-poisoned patients in the emergency department: a before-after observational study
Development of a clinical prediction instrument to estimate risk of initial violent injury
Early age of cannabis initiation and its association with suicidal behaviors
Examining protective factors for substance use problems and self-harm behavior during adolescence: a longitudinal co-twin control study
Exploring factors associated with mobile phone behaviors and attitudes toward technology among adults with alcohol use disorder and implications for mhealth interventions: exploratory study
Recurrence of Overdose Suicide Attempt index: a novel scoring system for predicting the recurrence of intentional overdose
White matter integrity in delinquent emerging adults and non-delinquent controls, and its relationship with aggression, psychopathic traits, and cannabis use
Sleepiness among adolescents: etiology and multiple consequences
Zolpidem use and risk of suicide: a systemic review and meta-analysis
Alcohol use in adolescence as a risk factor for overdose in the 1986 Northern Finland Birth Cohort Study
Antidepressant use and risk of self-harm among people aged 40 years or older: a population-based cohort and self-controlled case series study
Association of screening and brief intervention with substance use in Massachusetts middle and high schools
Childhood adversity increases risk of psychotic experiences in patients with substance use disorder
Cyberbullying involvement, parental support, and cannabis use among adolescents
Opioid-stimulant trends in overdose toxicology by race, ethnicity, & gender: an analysis in Delaware, 2013-2019
Kratom exposures managed by the British Columbia poison centre, 2012-2019: a descriptive analysis
The estimated costs and benefits of a hypothetical supervised consumption site in Providence, Rhode Island
Genuine and counterfeit prescription pill surveillance in Washington, D.C
Association of racial disparity of cannabis possession arrests among adults and youths with statewide cannabis decriminalization and legalization
Self-reported access to firearms among patients receiving care for mental health and substance use
Cannabis poisoning in infants: a case report [conference abstract]
Cocaine pediatric poisoning: a case series [conference abstract]
Determination of orellanine and muscarine in biological fluids in suspected or proven poisoning cases: about several cases [conference abstract]
Drug delivery homicide: a challenge for testimony from toxicologists [conference abstract]
Posting alcohol-related content on social media: comparing college student posters and non-posters
Substance dependence and risk factors for suicide attempt: a retrospective study
Very bad deep … when the scuba tank smells like smoke COVID-19 [conference abstract]
An updated review on the psychoactive, toxic and anticancer properties of kava
Tetrahydrozoline: death by eyedrops [conference abstract]
The emerging trend of suicide using nitrite/nitrate in Victoria, Australia [conference abstract]
Fatal cocaine poisoning in a body stuffer [conference abstract]
High potency cannabis use in adolescence
Improving analysis of urine samples from drug-facilitated sexual assault cases [conference abstract]
Increased cannabis intake during the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with worsening of depression symptoms in people with PTSD
Sodium nitrite poisoning; a case series of 15 fatalities [conference abstract]
A lethal case of 4F-MDMB-BINACA poisoning [conference abstract]
Medicines legislation and regulation in the United Kingdom 1500-2020
Poisoning with atropine-based eye drops: an almost perfect murder? [conference abstract]
Occurrence of GHB in blood and urine specimens from victims of alleged sexual assault or blackout in Western Switzerland [conference abstract]
The origin and biomedical relevance of cannabigerol
Partial hanging with multiple pesticide poisoning: a case report of a complex suicide [conference abstract]
Fueled by an epidemic: a spatial analysis of opioid-positive drivers fatally injured in motor vehicle collisions in West Virginia, 2011-2015
Active coping strategies and less pre-pandemic alcohol use relate to college student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Acute methanol poisoning with bilateral diffuse cerebral hemorrhage: a case report
Why do adults drink alcohol? Development and validation of a Drinking Motives Questionnaire for adults
Percentage* of Adults Aged ≥65 Years Who Drank Four or More Alcoholic Drinks Per Week,(†) by Sex and Age - National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2020(§)
Identification of drugs-related problems and pharmacists' interventions in a hospital in Southern Brazil
Sexual violence and substance use among first-year university women: differences by sexual minority status
Annual incidence of substance-induced psychoses in Scandinavia from 2000 to 2016
Identification and management of acute alcohol intoxication
Opioid poisoning during pregnancy: prevalence, characteristics, and neonatal outcomes
Self-determination by First Nations Australians in alcohol policy: lessons from Mbantua/Alice Springs (Northern Territory, Australia)
A randomized, triple-blind, comparator-controlled parallel study investigating the pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol in a novel delivery system, solutech, in association with cannabis use history
Quantification of cannabis in infused consumer products and their residues on skin
Understanding the longitudinal relationship between substance use and violent victimization among street-based women who exchange sex in Baltimore, Maryland
Trends in consuming alcoholic beverages among adolescents and young adults of school age: sexes differences
Toxicological analysis on forensic investigation in drug related cases; pharmacological information on 88 psychoactive substances in "Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act" in Japan
"There's a lot of stereotypes going on": a cross-national qualitative analysis of the place of gender in declining youth drinking
Me too! A case study of gendered victimization and feminist development in a Swedish peer support organization for people with experiences of criminalization and substance abuse
Drug-induced liver injury causality assessment data from a crosssectional study in Brazil: a call for the use of updated RUCAM in hospital Pharmacy
Stability and change in men's intimate partner violence and substance use in early adulthood
Which factors are associated with cannabis use among adolescents in Andalusia? An application of the I-Change model
Opioid-involved overdose vulnerability in Wyoming: measuring risk in a rural environment
Impact of Covid-19 on the characteristics of opioid overdose deaths in Arkansas
The importance of non-fatal overdose in reducing drug related deaths characteristics of non-fatal overdoses and associated risk factors in patients attending a specialist community-based substance misuse service
Heavy metal and phthalate contamination and labeling integrity in a large sample of US commercially available cannabidiol (CBD) products
Do victim impact panels have sustained effects on DUI recidivism?
Association of methamphetamine and opioid use with nonfatal overdose in rural communities
Binge drinking and alcohol problems among moderate average-level drinkers
A clinico-epidemiological study of acute self-poisoning by different types of herbicidal substances used in agricultural fields: a study from patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in West Bengal
Prevalence of drug use, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and measure of socioeconomic-related inequalities of drug use among Iranian people: findings from a national survey
Recidivism prevention for impaired driving: Longitudinal 5-year outcomes from Quebec's severity-based intervention assignment program
The e-scooter pandemic at a UK Major Trauma Centre: a cost-based cohort analysis of injury presentation and treatment
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent mental health and substance use
Geographic trends in opioid overdoses in the US from 1999 to 2020
Prevalence and associations of classic psychedelic-related seizures in a population-based sample
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and alcohol and drug use comorbidity at 25 US level I trauma centers
Patient perceptions about opioid risk communications within the context of a randomized clinical trial
The prevalence of illegal and alcoholic substances among motor vehicle crash survivors: results from a Level-I Trauma Center in Saudi Arabia
SNAPTIMED study: does the Scottish and Newcastle Antiemetic Protocol achieve timely intervention and management from the emergency department to discharge for paracetamol poisoning?
Accidental paediatric ingestion of amlodipine after pharmacy dispensing error
Effects of physical activity on symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults with alcohol use disorder (FitForChange): secondary outcomes of a randomised controlled trial
Effects of psychotropic drugs on ocular parameters relevant to traffic safety: a systematic review
Establishing a community pharmacy-based fall prevention service - an implementation study
An exploration of multivariate symptom clusters of cannabis use disorder in young adults
Helpful or harmful? The therapeutic potential of medications with varying degrees of abuse liability in the treatment of substance use disorders
Internalizing and externalizing pathways to high-risk substance use and geographic location in Australian adolescents
Maturing out of alcohol and cannabis co-use: a test of patterns and personality predictors
Managing intoxications with nicotine-containing e-liquids
Blood alcohol level and toxicologic test in drivers killed in road traffic accidents in the coal region of Santa Catarina State, Brazil
New evidence of high association between carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and alcohol-related road traffic accidents. a retrospective study on 929 injured drivers
Recreational cannabis use: regulatory aspects, public opinion and concerns for public health
Differences in overdose deaths by intent: unintentional & suicide drug poisonings in North Carolina, 2015-2019
The incidence of drug consumption in adolescents
Alcohol and cannabis co-use and longitudinal gray matter volumetric changes in early and late adolescence
A community engaged exploratory study investigating the risk of elder abuse and neglect in two refugee communities in Greensboro, North Carolina
Development of a potential opioid misuse measure from administrative dispensing data and contrasting opioid misuse among individuals on long-term tramadol, long-term short-acting hydrocodone or long-term short-acting oxycodone therapy in Arkansas
Does religiosity impact binge drinking among early adolescents? A cross-sectional study in a city in Southeastern Brazil
Incidence and preventability of hospital admissions for adverse drug reactions in France: a prospective observational study (IATROSTAT)
Posttraumatic cognitions and sexual assault: understanding the role of cognition type in posttraumatic stress symptoms and problematic alcohol use
Orthopaedic injuries after introduction of electric scooters to Denver, Colorado
Estimating the time of last drinking from blood ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate concentrations
Ketamine plus alcohol: what we know and what we can expect about this
Marijuana variant of concern: delta 8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-8-THC, Δ8-THC)
Substance use, substance use disorders, and co-occurring psychiatric disorders in recently incarcerated men: a comparison with the general population
The relationship between parental monitoring, peer pressure, and motivations for responsible drinking among Italian adolescents: the mediating role of positive alcohol expectancies
A randomized pilot trial of a mobile phone-based brief intervention with personalized feedback and interactive text messaging to reduce driving after cannabis use and riding with a cannabis impaired driver
A prospective investigation of youth alcohol experimentation and reward responsivity in the ABCD study
Patient-level and county-level trends in nonfatal opioid-involved overdose emergency medical services encounters - 491 counties, United States, January 2018-March 2022
Assessing the influence of cannabis and alcohol use on different visual functions: a comparative study
Affinity assays for cannabinoids detection: are they amenable to on-site screening?
Increasing prevalence of illicit drug use among employees at Swedish workplaces over a 25-year period
Maladaptive emotion socialization as a risk factor for the development of negative urgency and subsequent problem drinking
Daily diary study of loneliness, alcohol, and drug use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Environmental factors associated with severe motorcycle crash injury in university neighborhoods: a multicenter study in Taiwan
Injury in children with developmental disorders: a 1:1 nested case-control study using multiple datasets in Taiwan
Kratom use categories and their associations with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorder symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic
Predictors of workplace substance reuse among patients with alcohol or illegal substance use disorder in the workplace
Recovery-oriented practices in a mental health centre for citizens experiencing serious mental issues and substance use: as perceived by healthcare professionals
Australian first-year university college residents' alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms
Clusters of older adults with and without experience of alcohol-related harms based on affective motivations for drinking
Forensic aspects of a fatal intoxication involving acetaminophen, citalopram and trazodone: a case report
Harmful drinking phenotype in a large Dutch community sample
U.S. state preemption laws and working-age mortality
What is the likelihood that underage youth can obtain marijuana from licensed recreational marijuana outlets in California, a state where recreational marijuana is legal?
Pilot development and feasibility of telehealth Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) for early psychosis and substance use
The brain in social context: a systematic review of substance use and social processing from adolescence to young adulthood
Community level alcohol availability and child maltreatment: a state-wide panel analysis over 13 years
5 things to know about delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol: delta-8 THC
Drinking, drug use and road rage in Turkish drivers
Gender and sexual identity and harms from others' drinking among U.S. college students: results from a multi-campus survey
Long-term prescription opioid use after injury in Washington State 2015-2018
Encouraging a 'generational shift' in the UKs relationship with drugs. A commentary on the new UK drug strategy. What can be achieved with drug prevention?
Pattern of novel psychoactive substance use among patients presented to the poison control centre of Ain Shams University Hospitals, Egypt: a cross-sectional study
Distinct groups of firearm owners with differential risk for suicide in the United States: a latent class analysis
Long-term psychoactive medications, polypharmacy, and risk of suicide and unintended overdose death among midlife and older women veterans
Sexual orientation, mental illness, and substance use disorders among criminal legal system-involved individuals
Adolescent cannabis use, depression and anxiety disorders in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986
Risk of repeated suicide attempt after redeeming prescriptions for antidepressants: a register-based study in Denmark
Through role play to self-awareness: Using process drama as a communication tool around adolescent peer pressure and drug abuse
The relationship between age at first drink and later risk behaviours during a period of youth drinking decline
Contribution of drugs to drownings in Scotland, 1996-2020
Home-made separation unit for colorimetric detection of ethanol in alcoholic beverages
Inequalities in alcohol consumption and cell phone use while driving motor vehicles
Physical inactivity during adolescence heightens risk for cannabis use disorder in adulthood
Prevalence of anxiety and depression among engineering students consuming cannabis
EQUIP emergency: can interventions to reduce racism, discrimination and stigma in EDs improve outcomes?
Cannabis use and the development of depression in adolescents: is there an established linear relationship between the two?
A case of suspected cocaine adulterant-associated methemoglobinemia in the United States
Psychological reactance and adolescent cannabis use: the role of parental warmth and monitoring
Suicidality and alcohol use as predictors of future suicidal behavior in college students
Longitudinal correlates of suicide ideation in people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Potentially inappropriate medication use, polypharmacy, and falls among hospitalized patients
Prevalence of alcohol consumption in emergency presentations: novel approach using two biomarkers, ethanol and phosphatidylethanol
Prevalence of substance use and associated factors among secondary school adolescents in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania
Getting high or getting by? An examination of cannabis motives, cannabis misuse, and concurrent psychopathology in a sample of general community adults
The iCannTookit: a consensus-based, flexible framework for measuring contemporary cannabis use
Age at first alcohol-related hospital separation or emergency department presentation and rate of re-admission: a retrospective data linkage cohort of young Australians
The role of attachment in sexualised polydrug use among LGBT+ male Chemsex users and the impact on neuropsychology: clinical implications for the use of Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT)
Estimation of delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations in DUID investigation casework
Brazilian youth and the work in drug trafficking: pauperization, precarisation and super-exploitation
Youth drug use in Barbados and England: correlates with online peer influences
Peer-led interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in college students: a scoping review
Prevalence and pattern of alcoholic beverage consumption among undergraduates in Remo, Ogun State, Southwest, Nigeria
Risk and protective factors of youth prescription drug misuse: variations across racial/ethnic groups
Social needs identified by diagnostic codes in privately insured U.S. Adults
The incidence and temporal patterns of use of amphetamine-type stimulant use in traffic-related ambulance attendances from 2015 to 2020 in Victoria, Australia
Suicidal ideation and behavior among subjects with substance abuse disorder related to pregabalin
Harm reduction in the hospital: an overdose prevention site (OPS) at a Canadian hospital
Internalizing and externalizing subtypes of alcohol misuse and their relation to drinking motives
The long shadow of residential racial segregation: associations between childhood residential segregation trajectories and young adult health among Black US Americans
The long-term impact of the earthquake on substance use
Machine learning-based quantification of (-)-trans-δ-tetrahydrocannabinol from human saliva samples on a smartphone-based paper microfluidic platform
Michigan marijuana legalization: correlations among cannabis use, mental health, and other factors
Minors and young adult's hospitalizations after "chimique" consumption in Mayotte Island: which substances are involved?
Nationwide population-based study about patterns of prescription opioid use and misuse among young adults in Spain
An online self-directed program combining Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training and parenting training for concerned significant others sharing a child with a person with problematic alcohol consumption: a randomized controlled trial
The protective role of grit against alcohol and cannabis use through young adulthood
Risk factors associated with falls and fractures following prescription of opioids among privately insured patients with osteoarthritis
Road traffic injury risk from alcohol and cannabis use among emergency department patients in Argentina
Sex differences in driving under the influence: what can we conclude from accident data and point system?
Simultaneous quantification of 106 drugs or their metabolites in nail samples by UPLC-MS/MS with high-throughput sample preparation: application to 294 real cases
The opioid epidemic: a crisis disproportionately impacting Black Americans and urban communities
Patterns and predictors of high-intensity drinking and implications for intervention
Post-mortem oxycodone blood concentrations of hospitalized cancer and surgery patients compared with fatal poisonings
Pre-injury stimulant use in isolated severe traumatic brain injury: effect on outcomes
Frequency of visiting alcohol-serving establishments, bystander efficacy, and barriers to sexual aggression bystander intervention among college students
Comparing forms of neighborhood instability as predictors of violence in Richmond, VA
Capturing the bigger picture: a gestalt of general and alcohol-specific social media usage during the transition to college as a predictor of first-year alcohol use and consequences
Blood alcohol concentration, drinking history, and sociodemographic factors predicting alcohol use disorder among "hard core" offenders in Germany
Attempted suicide, dexamethasone, and COVID-19: Clinical Case on COVID-19 treatments and the implications for mental health
Association between single-channel and cumulative exposure to alcohol advertising and drinking behaviours among Australian adolescents
Associations between psychosocial risk factors, and changes in substance dependence and psychosocial functioning, during engagement with digital cognitive behavioral therapy for methamphetamine use: use of 'Breaking Free from Substance Abuse' by incarcerated people during the COVID-19 pandemic
A comparison of probable post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol consumption among active female members of the UK Police Service and UK Armed Forces
The association between problematic use of alcohol and drugs and repeat self-harm and suicidal ideation
Emergency department nurses' perceptions of patient substance use, impact on sexual assault care, and access to follow-up behavioral health resources
Emergency department visits for ankle fractures through COVID-19: an analysis of the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System
Epidemiology of trauma in patients with mental disorders
Equity in coverage of local cannabis control policies in California, 2020‒2021
A retrospective analysis of substance use among female psychiatric patients in Saudi Arabia
Initial development and validation of a brief assessment of marijuana demand among young adult college students
Where do heavy drinking college students experience alcohol consequences and where are they perceived to be normative?
Why are some male alcohol misuse disorder patients high utilisers of emergency health services? An Asian qualitative study
Determination of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate in dried blood spots by UHPLC-MS-MS: method validation and assessment of ethanol exposure in postmortem samples from road traffic victims
Drug-impaired driving and traffic collisions: study on a cross section of the Italian population
Toward a typology of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs
Using young adult language to describe the effects of simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: implications for assessment
Trauma and alcohol characteristics related to high intensity binge drinking during college
Trajectories and correlates of opioid prescription receipt among patients experiencing interpersonal violence
Adolescent US poison center exposure calls during the COVID-19 pandemic
Adverse childhood experiences and alcohol related negative consequence among college student drinkers
Cannabis use is associated with sexually dimorphic changes in executive control of visuospatial decision-making
Comparing the effectiveness of a brief intervention to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among adult primary care patients with and without depression: a machine learning approach with augmented inverse probability weighting
Estimating heterogeneous causal effect of polysubstance usage on drug overdose from large-scale electronic health record
Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth alcohol consumption: longitudinal changes from pre-to intra-pandemic drinking in the COMPASS Study
From harm to hope or is it from harmful to hopeless?
Group cognitive behavioral therapy as an effective approach for patients with alcohol dependence: a perspective study
In harm's way: do college students' beliefs about cannabis put them at risk for use?
Individual factors associated with the consumption of illicit substances: a review of reviews
Inter-trial variability in postural control and brain activation: effects of previous opiate abuse
A smart wristband integrated with an IoT-based alarming system for real-time sweat alcohol monitoring
A scoping review of school-level risk and protective factors of youth cannabis use: an application of the socio-ecological model
Risk and protective factors for heavy episodic drinking among college students: influence of mental health service use
Micro traces of great importance - a case study of microtraces analysis to identify the perpetrator of a car accident involving identical twins
Online racism, depressive and anxiety symptoms, coping-related drinking motives, and alcohol use severity among Black, Latina/o/x, and Asian emerging adults
Opioid use disorder in adult burn patients: implications for future mental health, behavioral and substance use patterns
Rapid-field-deployable DART-MS screening technique for 87 opioids and drugs of abuse, including fentanyl and fentanyl analogs
Doing gender, doing alcohol: the paradox of gendered drinking practices among young Nigerians
E-cigarette burns - a rising cause for concern
E-cigarettes reexamined: product toxicity
The effectiveness of alcohol interlocks in reducing repeat drink driving and improving road safety
Elixir of love or venom of violence: when does a drinking event result in couple intimacy or couple conflict?
Adolescent cannabis use in the context of legalization laws in Chile
Years of life lost to unintentional drug overdose rapidly rising in the adolescent population, 2016-2020
A test of general strain theory: explaining intimate partner violence and alcohol use among Black women
Opioid sales and opioid-related poisonings in Switzerland: a descriptive population-based time-series analysis
Medical correlates of first-term attrition in US Navy personnel
Long-term opioid use following bicycle trauma: a register-based cohort study
Gender-responsive needs and vulnerabilities among incarcerated mothers in Japan: comparisons with non-mothers and fathers
Association of gender, race, mechanism of injury on alcohol use, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression in trauma
"Blurring the line:" intoxication, gender, consent and sexual encounters among young adults
Cannabis use disorder: a behavioral economic perspective
Factors associated with changing alcohol consumption during the first UK lockdown
Quantitative tools and measurements for assessing the implementation of regulatory policies in reducing alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms: a scoping review
A national assessment of on-premise drinking establishments near public universities: drink prices, drink specials, indoor tobacco use, and state-level alcohol laws
Patron banning policy and practice in Queensland, Australia: key informant perspectives
How to read a paper on the short-term impairing effects of cannabis: a selective and critical review of the literature
Impact of cannabis-infused edibles on public safety and regulation
Incidence rate, risk factors and behaviour changes for alcohol drinking: findings from a community-based cohort study in Southwest China
Every pregnancy associated violent death should be considered preventable, say researchers
Combined effects of quetiapine and opioids: a study of autopsy cases, drug users and sedation in rats
Acceptance and use of web-based interventions for alcohol abstinence
Differences in services offered by certified community behavioral health clinics and community mental health centers
Development of the Motivational Thought Frequency Scale for alcohol abstinence (MTF-A)
Adolescent and adult time trends in US hallucinogen use, 2002-19: any use, and use of ecstasy, LSD and PCP
Intervening alcohol marketing to reduce harmful alcohol use and lessons learned from the theory of changes: case studies in Thailand
The risk of being culpable for or involved in a road crash after using cannabis: a systematic review and meta-analyses
Understanding alcohol-related indicators from population surveys: answering the "Five W's of Epidemiology"
Toxicological analysis of intoxications with synthetic cathinones
State naloxone co-prescribing laws show mixed effects on overdose mortality rates
Signal in the noise: altered brain activation among adolescent alcohol users detected via the analysis of intra-individual variability
Identification of factors associated with various types of impaired driving
The risk of being culpable for or involved in a road crash after using cannabis: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Corrigendum
Association between usual alcohol consumption and risk of falls in middle-aged and older Chinese adults
Comparative harms assessments for cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco: risk for psychosis, cognitive impairment, and traffic accident
Examining social influences on why we drink: perceived drinking motives in the social network impact individuals' own drinking motives and alcohol use
Falsified and substandard medicines trafficking: a wakeup call for the African continent
Increased identification of cannabis users drivers involved in motor vehicle collisions using an expanded cannabis inventory
Lethal neurotoxicity in lambda-cyhalothrin poisoning: a rare case report
Notes from the field: Nitazene-related deaths - Tennessee, 2019-2021
Increasing rate of diagnosed childhood mental illness in the United States: incidence, prevalence and costs
Marijuana use and high-risk health behaviors among diverse college students post- legalization of recreational marijuana use
Patterns of drug overdose deaths in Kuwait from 2014 to 2018
Intervening on the intersecting issues of intimate partner violence, substance use, and HIV: a review of Social Intervention Group's (SIG) syndemic-focused interventions for women
Is it safe? Community integration for individuals with serious mental illnesses
Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use among college students in the United States, 2006-2019
Use of violence as a strategy of early adolescents for rejecting drug offers in Mexican cities
An unusual case of subacute combined degeneration due to nitrous oxide abuse, which relapsed after bariatric surgery: a case report
Too tired to drink? Daily associations of sleep duration and fatigue with own and others' alcohol consumption
Qualitative system dynamics modeling to support community planning in opioid overdose prevention
Inequalities in children's exposure to alcohol outlets in Scotland: a GPS study
Rates, causes and predictors of all-cause and avoidable mortality in 163 686 children and young people with and without intellectual disabilities: a record linkage national cohort study
Mental health and substance use risks and resiliencies in a U.S. sample of transgender and gender diverse adults
Identification of 5F-Cumyl-PINACA, a synthetic cannabinoid, in the herbal material used for recreational purposes in the Province of Trieste: public health implications
Family affluence as a protective or risk factor for adolescent drunkenness in different countries and the role drinking motives play
Effects of exposure to mother's and father's alcohol use on young children's normative perceptions of alcohol
State prescribing cap laws' association with opioid analgesic prescribing and opioid overdose
Substance-specific risk factors for cannabis and alcohol use among young adults following implementation of nonmedical cannabis legalization
A brief report on the temporal relations between social functioning and behavioral health among veterans
"They didn't have any idea what drugs were": pathways to substance use disorders among Ultraorthodox Jewish males
Driving under the influence of cannabis among recreational and medical cannabis users: a population study
Race- and university-specific norms associated with alcohol use among Black college students
Health effects associated with kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) and polysubstance use: a narrative review
The use of cannabis and its effects on postpartum depression
Screening and brief intervention with low-income youth in community-based settings
Assessment of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in saliva and blood after oral administration of medical cannabis with respect to its effect on driving abilities
Association of state child abuse policies and mandated reporting policies with prenatal and postpartum care among women who engaged in substance use during pregnancy
Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, burnout and alcohol use among dental hygienists
Z-drugs and falls in nursing home patients: data from the INCUR study
Rates, patterns, and predictors of follow-up care for adolescents at risk for substance use disorder in a school-based health center SBIRT program
Pediatric subspecialist alcohol screening rates and concerns about alcohol and cannabis use among their adolescent patients
Associations of childhood trauma with long-term diseases and alcohol and nicotine use disorders in Czech and Slovak representative samples
The burden of mental health-related mortality in the Baltic States in 2007-2018
Cannabis and the violent crime surge
Cannabis use disorder in relation to socioeconomic factors and psychiatric comorbidity: a cluster analysis of three million individuals born in 1970-2000
First aid training for drug overdose in opioid addicts and provision of take-home naloxone on release from prison: feasibility study from the Bavarian Model Project
Hours high as a proxy for marijuana use quantity in intensive longitudinal designs
Men and women's alcohol consumption by 4- to 8-year-olds: a longitudinal investigation of gendered drinking norms
Estimating the prevalence of substance use disorders in the US using the benchmark multiplier method
Adolescents' use of free time and associations with substance use from 1991 to 2019
Assessing alcohol and other drug prevention needs among Indigenous youth ages 13-17: developing a culturally grounded Indigenous youth harm reduction intervention
A descriptive analysis of drivers under the influence of opioids in Kentucky
Effectiveness of a stand-alone telephone-delivered intervention for reducing problem alcohol use: a randomized clinical trial
Legal responses to novel psychoactive substances implemented by ten European countries: an analysis from legal epidemiology
Much being written about us, not much being written with us: examining how alcohol and other drug use by indigenous Australians is portrayed in Australian Government policies and strategies: a discourse analysis
Psychiatric treatment and repeat suicide attempts among adults with substance use, by HIV status, United States, 2014-2020
Psychological discomfort and binge drinking in Mexican adults
Psychological maltreatment and substance use among college students: psychological distress, belongingness, and social support
Using machine learning to determine the shared and unique risk factors for marijuana use among child-welfare versus community adolescents
The impact of childhood psychological maltreatment on mental health outcomes in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Increasing uptake of prescription drug take-back boxes: eliciting preferences and applying the theory of planned behavior to predict use
Ketamine reduces suicidal ideation quickly, but may not reduce the short-term likelihood of suicide attempts
Postcombat-injury opioid prescription and alcohol use disorder in the military
Race, gender, and primary language were not associated with changes in opioid prescribing in children: results from a single institution, 2010 to 2020
Recreational cannabis and emergency department visits
A review of synthetic cathinones emerging in recent years (2019-2022)
Temporal trends in alcohol, cannabis, and simultaneous use among 12th-grade U.S. adolescents from 2000 to 2020: differences by sex, parental education, and race and ethnicity
Student perceptions of the current drinking culture in three Australian residential colleges: drinking motives, consequences and recommendations for harm minimisation strategies
Clinical outcomes and health care costs among people entering a safer opioid supply program in Ontario
Naloxone administration by law enforcement officers in New York State (2015-2020)
A novel human laboratory alcohol self-administration paradigm for medication screening: modeling the ability to resist drinking and heavy drinking
Payment and financing for substance use screening and brief intervention for adolescents and adults in health, school, and community settings
Impact of the use of illicit and licit substances and anxiety disorders on the academic performance of medical students: a pilot study
It's time to change how we talk about alcohol [editorial]
A medical & social catastrophe in the making: Missouri may legalize addicting high THC marijuana in 2022. [editorial]
Who opts in to alcohol feedback and how does that impact behavior? A pilot trial
What predicts willingness to experience negative consequences in college student drinkers?
Neurogenetic and epigenetic aspects of cannabinoids
Poisoning caused by medicines and drugs of abuse
Prevalence of road risk behaviors and associated factors among undergraduate college students in Delhi: findings from the health risk behavior survey
Injuries that happen at work lead to more opioid prescriptions and higher opioid costs
A longitudinal study of alcohol and cannabis use in young adulthood: exploring racial and ethnic differences in the effects of peer and parental influences from middle adolescence
Association of injury after prescription opioid initiation with risk for opioid-related adverse events among older Medicare beneficiaries in the United States: a nested case-control study
Bicycle injuries associated with drug use in the United States, 2019-2020
A call for prudent taxation of cannabis corporates to fund mental health programmes
Cannabis use and patterns of psychotic symptomatology in a longitudinal birth cohort
Cost-effectiveness of motivational interviewing to reduce alcohol and cannabis use among patients with depression
Economic competition in the alcohol trade should not trump public health
Protocol for community-driven selection of strategies to implement evidence-based practices to reduce opioid overdoses in the HEALing Communities Study: a trial to evaluate a community-engaged intervention in Kentucky, Massachusetts, New York and Ohio
Racial and ethnic disparities in drug overdose deaths in the US During the COVID-19 pandemic
Relationship between the period of survival and chemical analysis positivity in poisoning cases
Child rearing styles, premarital sexual practices and drug abuse among senior secondary school students in Cross River State Nigeria
The effect of education on the prevention of children's poisoning with methadone on the awareness of mothers treated with methadone
Intentional dapsone overdose: a rare cause of acquired methaemoglobinaemia in the emergency department
A literature review of cannabis and myocardial infarction--what clinicians may not be aware of
Alcohol health warning labels: a rapid review with action recommendations
Alcohol use among high school learners in the peri-urban areas, South Africa: a descriptive study on accessibility, motivations and effects
Alcohol recognition and desire to drink of extended alcohol brand logos
Association between lifetime classic psychedelic use and sick leave in a population-based sample
The associations between traumatic experiences and subsequent onset of a substance use disorder: findings from the World Health Organization World Mental Health surveys
Race differences in the association between binge drinking and treatment among first-time justice-system-impacted youth
The relationship between Christian religiosity and adolescent substance use in China
Triangulating Amsterdam's illicit stimulant use trends by wastewater analysis and recreational drug use monitoring
Unintentional poisoning by cough and cold medications: drugs with little usefulness and potential toxicity
Social media use and alcohol consumption: a 10-year systematic review
Substance-specific risk factors among young adults: potential prevention targets across cannabis-permissive environments
A systematic review of recreational nitrous oxide use: implications for policy, service delivery and individuals
Psychiatric medication and physical performance parameters - are there implications for treatment?
Posttraumatic stress symptoms and substance use among college students: exploring interactions with sleep quality and assigned sex
Forensic perspective of detecting ethanol with a breath analyser
Digital help for substance users (SU): a systematic review
E-cigarette use is associated with increased psychological distress among youth: a pooled cross-sectional analysis of state-level data from 2019 and 2021
E-cigarettes and non-suicidal self-injury: prevalence of risk behavior and variation by substance inhaled
Online survey of medicinal cannabis users: qualitative analysis of patient-level data
Opioid misuse: a review of the main issues, challenges, and strategies
Lower strength alcohol products-a realist review-based road map for European policy making
Models of integrated care for young people experiencing medical emergencies related to mental illness: a realist systematic review
Mental health in transgender individuals: a systematic review
Erratum to "A Literature Review of Cannabis and Myocardial Infarction-What Clinicians May Not Be Aware Of" [CJC Open 3 (2020):12-21]
The effects of oral and vaporized cannabis alone, and in combination with alcohol, on driving performance using the STISIM driving simulator: a two-part, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover clinical laboratory protocol
Effort-based decision making in response to high-dose androgens: role of dopamine receptors
The impact of discrimination on substance use disorders among sexual minorities
How do patient, pharmacist and medication characteristics and prescription drug monitoring program alerts influence pharmacists' decisions to dispense opioids? A randomised controlled factorial experiment
Alcohol and health. Is regular drinking of small doses of alcohol really good for your health?
Alcohol binge drinking in adolescence and psychological profile: can the preclinical model crack the chicken-or-egg question?
Alcohol consumption habits and associations with anxiety or depressive symptoms postpartum in women with high socioeconomic status in Sweden
Assessment of frequency, risk category and intervention needs in psychoactive drug users by using WHOASSIST Questionnaire among medical students in Karachi
Association between prescribed opioid dose and risk of motor vehicle crashes
The association between recreational cannabis use and posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and methodological critique of the literature
Availability of opioid agonist treatment and critical incidents in forensic clinics for dependency diseases in Germany
Cannabis use as a trigger for first psychotic episodes
Characterization of traumatic injury during the early COVID-19 pandemic: results from a national healthcare database
An analysis of cannabis home cultivation and associated risks in Canada, before and after legalization
Medication reviews and deprescribing as a single intervention in falls prevention: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Development and initial validation of an MDMA/Ecstasy motives assessment
Effects of smoking on aggression, big five personality factors, and HTR2A, DRD4, and MAOA polymorphisms in among Egypt university students
Moral injury in the context of substance use disorders: a narrative review
Poisonings in the 21st century: from cradle to adolescence
A serial cross-sectional study of trends and predictors of prescription controlled substance-related traumatic injury
To drink or not to drink: is that the question? Examining correspondence and predictive validity of morning drinking intentions for young adults' drinking behaviors and consequences
The impact of cannabis decriminalization and legalization on road safety outcomes: a systematic review
Daily level predictors of impaired driving behaviors in young adults: protocol design for utilizing daily assessments
Association between alcohol restriction policies and rates of alcohol-related harms in remote Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: a systematic review
Strategies to prevent long-term opioid use following trauma: a Canadian practice survey
National evaluation of the association between stay-at-home orders on mechanism of injury and trauma admission volume
Predictors of long-term opioid use following hospitalization for traumatic injury in a racially and ethnically diverse population: a 12-month prospective observational study
Rates, characteristics and toxicology of cocaine-related deaths in Australia, 2000-2021
Evaluation of "real-time" fatal drug overdose surveillance by King County Medical Examiner's Office, Seattle, Washington
Examining the influence of adolescent : provider alliance on youth hazardous drinking: findings from a randomized controlled trial
Prevalence of cannabis use and factors related to hospitalizations in the United States: a population-based study using National Inpatient Sample Between 2012 and 2018
Prevalence, predisposing factors and strategies to reduce polypharmacy among older patients in Poland
Testing the practical utility of implicit measures of beliefs for predicting drunk driving
Synthetic cannabinoid use in the trauma patient: a case study
Prescription opioid misuse and suicidal behaviors among US veterans: a cross-sectional study from the 2015-2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Parental alcohol and drug abuse and offspring mortality by age 10: a population-based register study
A novel quantitative computer-assisted drug-induced liver injury causality assessment tool (DILI-CAT)
Notes from the field: overdose deaths involving para-fluorofentanyl - United States, July 2020-June 2021
A comprehensive examination of motivational profiles for alcohol-related behaviors among college students
Child-centred harm reduction
Impulsivity typologies and simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use
The effect of forming implementation intentions on alcohol consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Increasing access to safe medical cannabis: establishment of a medical cannabis program in a Safety-Net academic medical center
Relationship between alcohol co-ingestion and clinical outcome in pesticide self-poisoning: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Neural underpinnings of social contextual influences on adolescent risk-taking
Tactics of altered consumption: young people's drinking choices in the Italian movida
A review of digital interventions to decrease cannabis use among patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders
Risk behaviors as correlates of victimization of U.S.-born and foreign-born Asian, Black, and Latinx adolescents in the United States
Methamphetamine poisoning due to body packer swallowing in a prisoner
The influence of parent and peer disapproval on youth marijuana use mediated by youth risk perception: focusing on the state comparison
Health effects of a ban on late-night alcohol sales
Experience and attitudes of pharmacy teams towards suicide prevention: a cross-sectional survey
Correlates of recent overdose among people who inject drugs in the San Diego/Tijuana border region
Buprenorphine as a treatment for major depression and opioid use disorder
Association between cannabis use disorder and self- and other-directed aggression
Are state minimum jail laws associated with less frequent drunk-driving?
Are borderline personality disorder features differentially related to pre-incarceration alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and opioid dependence among people recently incarcerated in jail?
The collaborative advocate: psychiatrists' role in addressing criminal legal involvement
Substance use, racial/ethnic identity, and suicidal ideation during COVID-19 lockdown in an international adult sample
Cannabis use and public health: time for a comprehensive harm-to-others framework
Childhood and/or adolescence bullying victimization and trajectories of hard drug use from late adolescence to young adulthood
A multi-analyte LC-MS/MS method for the determination of 57 pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs in plasma, and its application to poisoning cases
Posttraumatic stress disorder, sleep and medical cannabis treatment: a daily diary study
Risk factors for opioid use disorder after severe burns in adults
Drug overdose deaths: let's get specific
Child maltreatment and the child welfare system as environmental factors in the international classification of functioning
The who and how of attentional bias in cannabis users: associations with use severity, craving, and interference control
Transition from nonmedical prescribed opioids to non-injection heroin use among young integrated Thai male users in Bangkok
Taking alcohol from one's parents' home without permission as a risk factor for greater alcohol and marijuana use during the transition into college
Risks and overdose responses: participant characteristics from the first seven years of a national take-home naloxone program
Peer and community influences on adolescent substance use in the context of adverse childhood experiences
Linking minority stress to substance abuse in LGB adults: the mediating effect of sexual harassment
The impact of an unemployment insurance reform on incidence rates of hospitalisation due to alcohol-related disorders: a quasi-experimental study of heterogeneous effects across ethnic background, educational level, employment status, and sex in Sweden
The impact of health insurance on self-protection of Chinese rural residents
Falls from tree stands have become the leading cause of deer hunting accidents in Pennsylvania
Development of alcohol control law, Sao Tome and Principe
Cannabis use patterns and related health outcomes among Spanish speakers in the United States and internationally
Am I a responsible drinker? The impact of message frame and drinker prototypes on perceptions of alcohol product information labels
Acute, sublethal, and developmental toxicity of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa korth.) leaf preparations on Caenorhabditis elegans as an invertebrate model for human exposure
Save a friend's life or risk your freedom: the dilemma too many people face when witnessing an overdose
"Black out or back out": understanding the alcohol habits, behaviors, and motivations of generation Z students
Cannabis regulation: legal problems and possible solutions
Do adversities experienced over the early life course predict mental illness and substance use behaviour in adulthood: a birth cohort study
The Martinsburg Initiative: a collaboration between public safety, public health, and schools to address trauma and substance use
Methamphetamine use and adoption of preventive behaviors early in the COVID-19 pandemic among men who have sex with men in Los Angeles, California
Occasion-level investigation of playing drinking games: associations with cognitions, situational factors, alcohol use, and negative consequences among adolescents and young adults
The overdose response strategy: reducing drug overdose deaths through strategic partnership between public health and public safety
Parental cannabis use, negative parenting, and behavior problems of young children
Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence: synthesis of theories of change
Substance use and interpersonal violence: exploring potential threats to underrepresented minority students' academic success
Toxicological analysis of illicit drugs seized in Naples (Italy) and first detection of synthetic cannabinoids during COVID-19 pandemic
Trauma and substance use among indigenous peoples of the United States and Canada: a scoping review
Shifting school health priorities pre-post cannabis legalization in Canada: Ontario secondary school rankings of student substance use as a health-related issue
Spatial analysis of the alcohol, intimate partner violence, and HIV syndemic among women in South Africa
Propofol: use, toxicology and assay features
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for LGBTQ+ youth: a systematic review
Living with parents, lifestyle pattern and common mental disorders in adolescents: a school-based study in Brazil
Methanol poisoning outbreak in Saudi Arabia: a case series
The epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury presenting at a referral center in Moshi, Tanzania
Delta-what? Deciphering the world of cannabinoids
College student fear of missing out (FoMO) and maladaptive behavior: traditional statistical modeling and predictive analysis using machine learning
Young adults with psychosis: Intentions for cannabis reduction and cessation based on theory of planned behavior
Understanding how alcohol environment influences youth drinking: a concept mapping study among university students
Polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis: relationship with self-perceived health and mood state in adolescents in Central Catalonia- DESKcohort Project
Patterns of alcohol and alcohol-flavoured non-alcoholic beverage advertisements over Japanese free-to-air television networks
Can we increase risk perception among medical cannabis users?
"It's a sign of weakness": masculinity and help-seeking behaviors among male veterans accessing posttraumatic stress disorder care
Increased alcohol use, heavy episodic drinking, and suicide ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
Improved access to test results for toxic alcohols can save lives
Effects of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol consumption in patients under treatment in an alcohol relapse prevention programme
Effect of maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and cannabis use on pregnancy outcomes
Diagnosis and treatment of opioid-related disorders in a South African private sector medical insurance scheme: a cohort study
Clinical and forensic toxicology of methanol
Associations between distinct co-occurring substance use disorders and receipt of medications for opioid use disorder in the Veterans Health Administration
Relapse preventative intervention among Iranian addicts based on theory of planned behavior results
The relationship between neighborhood safety and adolescent substance use: the role of self-esteem and social support
Epidemiological trends in opioid-only and opioid/polysubstance-related death rates among American Indian/Alaska Native populations from 1999 to 2019: a retrospective longitudinal ecological study
High-risk behaviors and associated factors among Iranian adult population: a national survey
Rates and correlates of cannabis-associated psychotic symptoms in over 230,000 people who use cannabis
Age, period, and cohort effects on alcohol-related risky behaviours in Australia from 2001 to 2016
Forage and you shall find: cardiac glycoside poisoning and the danger of foraging
How do safety warnings on medicines affect prescribing?
Sexual assault: approach to reality in the area of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia-Spain) through a 12-year retrospective study
The role of psychologists in sport medicine practice
Notes from the field: Coagulopathy associated with brodifacoum poisoning - Florida, December 2021
The proximal effect of alcohol on intimate partner violence: comparing the antecedents of intoxicated and sober men's violent acts
Pharmacists and mental health first aid training: a comparative analysis of confidence, mental health assistance behaviours and perceived barriers
Eye-tracking to examine differences in alcohol product appeal by sex among young people
Ethylene glycol poisoning
An epidemic within a pandemic: an 8-year-old boy with xylazine-complicating fentanyl poisoning, and drug detection challenges
Where to next? An exploration of 'night-out' location progression and propensity to experience violence in night -time entertainment precincts
'Can we predict aggression?'-Determining the predictors of aggression among individuals with substance use disorder in China undergoing enforced detoxification through machine learning
White spirit poisoning: An unusual cause of hepatic portal venous gas
Vinegaroon exposures reported to a poison center
Use of plant-based hallucinogens and dissociative agents: U.S. Time Trends, 2002-2019
Service providers' perspectives on substance use and treatment needs among human trafficking survivors
A snapshot of parenting practices useful for preventing adolescent vaping
Trajectories of emerging adults' binge drinking and depressive symptoms and associations with sexual violence victimization: examining differences by sexual and gender minority status
Unhealthy alcohol use and intimate partner violence among men and women living with HIV in Uganda
The prevalence of substance abuse and associated factors among male prisoners in Karachi jails, Pakistan
Prevalence and correlates of cannabis abuse among residents in the community of Fort McMurray, a city in Northern Alberta which had endured multiple natural disasters
Marijuana: cardiovascular effects and legal considerations. a clinical case-based review
Ivermectin exposures reported to the Poisons Information Helpline in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic
The impact of cannabis legalization for recreational purposes on youth: a narrative review of the Canadian experience
Developmental cascades in studies of adolescent and young adult substance use etiology: a systematic review
Disentangling the association between alcohol consumption and employment status: causation, selection or confounding?
Does insomnia mediate the link between childhood trauma and impaired control over drinking, alcohol use, and related problems?
Effects of multi-component programmes in preventing sales of alcohol to intoxicated patrons in nightlife settings in the United Kingdom
Culturally grounded strategies for suicide and alcohol risk prevention delivered by rural Alaska Native communities: a dynamic wait-listed design evaluation of the Qungasvik intervention
CT of rhabdomyolysis as a sequela of drug abuse
Corrigendum: The impact of alcohol consumption on cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes, hypertension, or chronic kidney disease
The continued rise of unintentional ingestion of edible cannabis in toddlers-a growing public health concern
A concept mapping study of service user design of safer supply as an alternative to the illicit drug market
Young adults' knowledge, perceptions and use of cannabidiol products: a mixed-methods study
Vitamin B12, homocysteine and folic acid in patients suffering from bipolar disorders: relationship with suicide
Strengths of associations between depressive symptoms and loneliness, perfectionistic concerns, risky alcohol use and physical activity across levels of sleep quality in Swedish university students: a cross-sectional study
Self-medication practices among seafarers: a bibliometric review
Analysis of related factors for adolescents' intention to use alcohol in Korea
Long-term methylphenidate use for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and risk for depression, conduct disorder, and psychotic disorder: a nationwide longitudinal cohort study in South Korea
Liberalising cannabis legislation in South Africa: potential public health consequences for adolescents and pregnant women
Improved relationship quality, equitable gender attitudes, and reduced alcohol abuse as key mechanisms to reduce intimate partner violence in the Bandebereho Couples' Randomized Trial in Rwanda
Evaluation of suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault cases in the city of Houston from 2014 to 2020
Changes in public support for alcohol policies in NSW, Australia, 2013-2019
A case of acute lung injury due to an e-cigarette
California cannabis markets-why industry-friendly regulation is not good public health
Assessing general versus specific liability for externalizing problems in adolescence: concurrent and prospective prediction of symptoms of conduct disorder, ADHD, and substance use
Comparing substance use and school-based stressors among Black and Latinx transgender youth and peers with shared minoritized identities
Deaths due to poisoning with diphenylamine hydrochloride tablets:four case reports
Estimating the effects of a complex, multidimensional moderator: an example of latent class moderation to examine differential intervention effects of substance use services
Etizolam blood concentrations in 191 forensic cases in Ontario, Canada (2019-2020)
Regulation of cannabis retailers: facilitating responsible adult use and promoting health equity while preventing access to minors
Understanding changes in the locations of drinking occasions in Great Britain: an age-period-cohort analysis of repeat cross-sectional market research data, 2001-2019
Empathy, impulsiveness, and sensation seeking as mediators between primary psychopathic traits and driving behaviors in French driving offenders
Effects of synthetic cannabinoids on psychomotor, sensory and cognitive functions relevant for safe driving
Are workplace factors associated with employee alcohol use? The WIRUS cross-sectional study
Consumer alcohol policies in Switzerland: a case study of Migros supermarket group
Comparison of stimulant-related presentations to Victorian emergency departments pre-pandemic and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Criminal legal involvement among recently separated veterans: findings from the LIMBIC study
Rare complications of fatal caffeine intoxication
Support for a transdiagnostic motivational model of self-damaging behaviors: comparing the salience of motives for binge drinking, disordered eating, and nonsuicidal self-injury
U.S. veterans' experiences and factors associated with use of a smartphone application to self-manage unhealthy alcohol use
Understanding internalizing and externalizing symptoms in trauma exposed community members
State level variation in substance use treatment admissions among criminal legal-referred individuals
Protocol for a scoping review on misuse of psychoactive medicines and its consequences
A multi-site study of mental disorders in the Mozambican health care system
Changes in alcohol beliefs mediate the effects of a school-based prevention program on alcohol use among Brazilian adolescents
Deaths of despair: a scoping review on the social determinants of drug overdose, alcohol-related liver disease and suicide
What prevention and treatment of substance dependence can tell us about addressing violent extremism
Use of psychedelics in the Czech Republic: results of recent population surveys
Urban drinking and driving: comparison of electric scooter and bicycle related accidents in facial fracture patients
Sex trafficking and substance use: identifying high-priority needs within the criminal justice system
Short-term effects of recreational cannabis legalization on youth cannabis initiation
Six months after Maria: a post-hurricane examination of mental health and associated risk factors in older Puerto Ricans
Drinking history dependent functionality of the dorsolateral striatum on gating alcohol and quinine-adulterated alcohol front-loading and binge drinking
Effect of receiving financial support from adult children on depression among older persons and the mediating role of social participation
A realist review of how community-based drug checking services could be designed and implemented to promote engagement of people who use drugs
The health belief model in the context of alcohol protective behavioral strategies
The impact of reduced fire risk cigarettes regulation on residential fire incidents, mortality and health service utilisation in New South Wales, Australia
The impact of social supports on the excessive alcohol use of the middle-aged adults in South Korea: do all types of social supports have positive effects on excessive alcohol users?
The influence of alcohol consumption, depressive symptoms and sleep duration on cognition: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
Moral disengagement as a self-regulatory cognitive process of transgressions: psychometric evidence of the Bandura scale in Chilean adolescents
Patient experiences after physical trauma: the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on recovery
Associated factors with early drinking initiation among Korean adolescents [letter]
Balancing safety, comfort, and fall risk: an intervention to limit opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions for geriatric patients
Clinical markers associated with risk of suicide or drug overdose among heavy smokers - a longitudinal follow-up study of the COPDGene Cohort
Examining worldwide postmarketing suicides from biologics used for psoriasis with a focus on brodalumab: a cross-sectional analysis using the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS)
Fatal opioid overdoses geospatially cluster with level 1 trauma centers in Ohio
Firearm-related injuries and the US opioid epidemic: a nationwide evaluation of emergency department encounters
What is the contribution of smoking to the increased risk of suicide in young smokers? A systematic review
State marijuana laws and marijuana use among sexual and gender minority youth in the United States
Substance use disorders and antisocial personality disorder among a sample of incarcerated individuals with inadequate health care: implications for correctional mental-behavioural health and addiction services
The prevalence of alcohol in road traffic accidents fatalities in central Serbia
A new syndemic: complications of opioid use disorder during a heat wave
A model to understand antecedents of nursing attitudes and perceptions influencing outcomes of patients with SUD
The high reported accuracy of the standardized field sobriety test is a property of the statistic not of the test
Zero-tolerance drink-driving and road safety in South Africa: what are the options?
Heterogeneity of definitions and measurements of binge drinking in research on adolescents and young adults
Incidence and risk factors for suicide, death due to substance use, and violent/accidental death in persons living with HIV
Cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates increase the risk of incident atrial fibrillation
Estimate of the magnitude of risky and protective behaviors associated with road traffic injuries in capitals participating in the Life in Traffic Project of Brazil
Gender-specific characteristics of alcohol use in community-dwelling older adults in Belgium
Genetic and environmental etiology of drinking motives in college students
A systematic review of the effect of the school-based drug prevention program Keepin' it REAL: translated and implemented in Brazil by PROERD
Severe frostbite on both hands and feet in a vignette case: from physics to clinics
Sensitivity of Medicaid claims data for identifying opioid use disorder in patients admitted to 6 New York City public hospitals
Acute use of alcohol before suicide in Kazakhstan: a population-wide study
Calling time on responsible drinking: a qualitative study of perceptions of information on alcohol product labels
U.S. state policies on opioid prescribing during the peak of the prescription opioid crisis: associations with opioid overdose mortality
UHPLC-HRMS method for the simultaneous screening of 235 drugs in capillary blood for doping control purpose: comparative evaluation of volumetric and non-volumetric dried blood spotting devices
A systematic review of the distribution of take-home naloxone in low- and middle-income countries and barriers to the implementation of take-home naloxone programs
The prevalence of substance use among drivers with traffic injuries in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran
Psychiatric symptoms, current use of tobacco, alcohol, illicit drug, and poly-substance among medical students in Eastern Turkey
Psychological distress and heavy alcohol consumption among U.S. young women during the COVID-19 pandemic
The ratio of second and fourth digit length: a biomarker for methamphetamine dependence?
New psychoactive substances and violence within a UK prison setting
Opioid agonist therapy engagement and crystal methamphetamine use: the impact of unregulated opioid use in Vancouver, Canada
Perceived normalization of drug trafficking and adolescent substance use on the US-Mexico border
Perceptions about THC and CBD effects among adults with and without prior cannabis experience
Methadone and buprenorphine-related deaths among people prescribed and not prescribed opioid agonist therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic in England
National trends of suicidal ideation and mental health services use among US adults with opioid use disorder, 2009-2020
Disaster exposure and temperament as predictors of adolescent substance use
Effect of a novel brief motivational intervention for alcohol-intoxicated young adults in the emergency department: a randomized clinical trial
Explicit and implicit bias among parents of sexual and gender minority youth
Coping flexibility and alcohol-related outcomes: examining coping motives as mediators
Correction to: Analytical findings in a non-fatal intoxication with the synthetic cannabinoid 5F-ADB (5F-MDMB-PINACA): a case report
Can scene bloodstains be used to quantify drug concentration at the moment of injury?
The dark side of cannabidiol: the unanticipated social and clinical implications of synthetic Δ(8)-THC
Generational conflict, alcohol use and brotherhood: an exploratory survey of a rural career fire department in the Midwest
An exploration of alcohol and drug related fire injuries
Non-medical use of prescription drugs and its association with heroin use among high school students
Alcohol consumption in Portugal: we need to do more [editorial]
The association between beverage-specific alcohol consumption and mortality among road users in Russia, 1965-2019
Association between spine injury and opioid misuse in a prospective cohort of Level I trauma patients
Collateral consequences of the school-to-prison pipeline: adolescent substance use and developmental risk
Gender differences in driving under the influence of psychoactive drugs: evidence mapping of real case studies and meta-analysis
Latent profile analysis of personal values among Chinese college students: associations with mental health disorders and life satisfaction
Opioid-related variables did not improve suicide risk prediction models in samples with mental health diagnoses
Using synthetic controls to estimate the population-level effects of Ontario's recently implemented overdose prevention sites and consumption and treatment services
Can touch this: training to correct police officer beliefs about overdose from incidental contact with fentanyl
Psychiatric morbidity among men using anabolic steroids
Rapid on-site detection of illicit drugs in smuggled samples with a portable electrochemical device
Trends in mortality from alcohol, opioid, and combined alcohol and opioid poisonings by sex, educational attainment, and race and ethnicity for the United States 2000-2019
Overdose and substance-related mortality after release from prison in Washington State: 2014-2019
Injuries associated with e-scooter use in the City of Calgary: Canada joins an international conversation
The frequency of ethanol, higher alcohols and other low molecular weight volatiles in postmortem blood samples from unnatural deaths
Energy drinks and alcohol use among adolescents: a longitudinal study
Adverse events and contradictory effects of benzodiazepine in a case with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour
Associations between antipsychotics and risk of violent crimes and suicidal behaviour in personality disorder
Clinical outcomes according to intentionality of acute pesticide poisoning in South Korea: retrospective observation study
Drinking on an empty stomach: a scoping review of the evidence on how consuming food with alcohol affects short-term outcomes
Consumption of alcoholic beverages: a public health problem in Portugal [letter]
Deaths caused by medication in persons not using illicit narcotic drugs - an autopsy study from Western Denmark
Direct and indirect costs attributed to alcohol consumption in Brazil, 2010 to 2018
A systematic review of stimulant use in civilian and military aviation
U.S. state policy contexts and mortality of working-age adults
Therapeutic use and chronic abuse of CNS stimulants and anabolic drugs
Substance use among adolescents: a retrospective study (2017-2018) in the toxicology unit, University Hospital of Lille, France
Patterns of violence exposure and substance use among child welfare involved youth
A life span developmental investigation of marriage and problem-drinking reduction
Associations between recreational cannabis legalization and cannabis-related emergency department visits by age, gender, and geographic status in Ontario, Canada: an interrupted time series study
An assessment of drug and substance abuse prevalence: a cross-sectional study among undergraduates in selected southwestern universities in Nigeria
An intoxicated child with a rare complication related to COVID-19
The effect of caffeine and sleep quality on military pilot students' flight performance-related cognitive function
Home cannabis cultivation in the United States and differences by state-level policy, 2019-2020
A century of research on psychedelics: a scientometric analysis on trends and knowledge maps of hallucinogens, entactogens, entheogens and dissociative drugs
Country-level determinants of gender differences in major depression and alcohol use disorder [conference abstract]
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of mescaline and major metabolites in human plasma
What's in your gummy? State cannabis contaminant rules vary widely
Variations of cannabis-related adverse mental health and addiction outcomes across adolescence and adulthood: a scoping review
Troponemia secondary to air duster inhalant abuse
A suicide attempt: deltamethrin intoxication
Substance use in sexual relationships: association with sexual assertiveness and sexual satisfaction
Stayin' Alive in Little 5: application of sentiment analysis to investigate emotions of service industry workers responding to drug overdoses
State-level recreational cannabis legalization is not differentially associated with cannabis risk perception among children: a multilevel regression analysis
Association between jail-based methadone or buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder and overdose mortality after release from New York City jails 2011-2017
Cannabis use selectively modulates circulating biomarkers in the blood of schizophrenia patients
Quality of life and opioid use motives: direct and indirect associations with risky opioid use in a community sample of adults
Changes in supervised consumption site use and emergency interventions in Montréal, Canada in the first twelve months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time series study
Prognostic factors for low-risk drinking and relapse in alcohol use disorder: a multimodal analysis
Prescription characteristics associated with fall-related injury risk among older adults prescribed benzodiazepines: a cohort study
Concurrent validity of the marijuana purchase task: a meta-analysis of trait-level cannabis demand and cannabis involvement
Comparison of self-reported alcohol consumption and ethyl glucuronide in hair in a sample of 60+ year -olds treated for DSM-5 alcohol use disorder
Effects of text message interventions with different behavior change techniques on alcohol consumption among young adults: a 5-arm randomized controlled trial
Educating physicians on strong opioids by descriptive versus simulated-experience formats: a randomized controlled trial
The developmental unfolding of substance use disorder symptoms and academic achievement in the transition into and out of college
A medical resident with a history of alcohol abuse and suicidal ideation: a challenge for both psychiatry and occupational medicine in the context of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Parenting among women in methadone treatment: contributions of mental health problems and violence exposure
Heroin and fentanyl in Dallas County: a 5-year retrospective review of toxicological, seized drug, and demographical data
Healthcare utilization among children with a history of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome: a matched cohort study
Evaluating equity in community-based naloxone access among racial/ethnic groups in Massachusetts
Investigating whether bereavement by suicide and other unnatural causes has a deterrent effect on alcohol or drug use in young adults
Suicidality as a predictor of overdose among patients with substance use disorders
A comparative study of the harms of nitrous oxide and poppers using the MCDA approach
The effect of medical cannabis on cognitive functions: a systematic review
An electronic pillbox intervention designed to improve medication safety during care transitions: challenges and lessons learned regarding implementation and evaluation
Study finds historic levels of marijuana, hallucinogen use among young adults
Variable association of ridesharing application implementation with total and alcohol-related driving crashes in Florida
A study of self-reported personal cannabis use and state legal status and associations with engagement in and perceptions of cannabis-impaired driving [conference abstract]
Sensitivity to dose or blood levels of alprazolam in predicting driving impairment [conference abstract]
Binge drinking and alcohol-related symptoms may underlie patterns of dynamic brain oscillations of resource allocation during high-fidelity driving simulation [conference abstract]
Addictive disorders, psychiatric symptoms, and potentially traumatic events in individuals with disabilities
Alcohol-related trauma presentations among older teenagers
Factors associated with child removal among American Indian and Alaska Native people in an alcohol intervention study
Fall risk related to subtype-specific alpha-antagonists for benign prostatic hyperplasia: a nationwide Korean population-based cohort study
Values of college students mandated to an alcohol intervention: a qualitative examination
Relationship between alcohol consumption and adverse childhood experiences in college students-a cross-sectional study
Unintentional fatal toxicity due to nicotine chewing gum: a case report
Association between quetiapine use and self-harm outcomes among people with recorded personality disorder in UK primary care: a self-controlled case series analysis
Factors associated with alcohol abuse in the Peruvian population: analysis of a national health survey 2019
Impaired driving and other risky drug use and sex behaviors: a cross-sectional examination of high-risk rural women incarcerated in jail
Psychological distress, cannabis use frequency, and cannabis use disorder among US adults in 2020
Unintentional cannabis intoxication in infants and toddlers presenting with neurological impairment in a pediatric emergency department
Risk assessment of accidental falls in patients taking trazodone, quetiapine, or risperidone for insomnia: a single-center, case-control study
Psychiatric disorder incidence among adolescents and young adults aged 15-39 with cancer: population-based cohort
Implementation fidelity of a Brazilian drug use prevention program and its effect among adolescents: a mixed-methods study
Assessing childhood maltreatment exposure in patients without and with a diagnosis of substance use disorder
Effects of alcohol intoxication on driving performance, confidence in driving ability, and psychomotor function: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
A case of severe kratom addiction contributing to a suicide attempt
Does binge drinking mediate the relationship between four adverse childhood experiences and adult traumatic brain injury? Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort
Stair-related falls in the USA: traumatic brain injury and the role of alcohol intoxication
Quickstats: age-adjusted rates* of alcohol-induced deaths,(†) by urban-rural status(§) - United States, 2000-2020
The incidence of self-harm ingestions in adolescents and young adults at a tertiary care center between January 2019-March 2022
Alcohol use and its association with suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts and non-suicidal self-harm in two successive, nationally representative English household samples
CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain - United States, 2022
Patterns of unhealthy alcohol use among Latino day laborers
Typologies of drivers convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol as predictors of alcohol ignition interlock performance
Are we undercounting the true burden of mortality related to suicide, alcohol-related, or drug use? An analysis using veteran Colorado death certificate data
Bouncing back from COVID-19: the role of resilience in depression, substance use, and loneliness in college students amidst the pandemic
Changes in sexual identity and substance use during young adulthood
Designing visualisations for Bayesian problems according to multimedia principles
Drinking and swimming around waterways: the role of alcohol, sensation-seeking, peer influence and risk in young people
Drinking context, alcohol use, and subjective responses during binge drinking episodes measured by high-resolution ecological momentary assessment (HR-EMA)
Epidemiology of suicidal behaviors among junior and senior high school adolescents: exploring the interactions between bullying victimization, substance use, and physical inactivity
High polygenic risk scores are associated with early age of onset of alcohol use disorder in adolescents and young adults at risk
Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on mental health visits in pediatric primary care
State-of-the-art analytical approaches for illicit drug profiling in forensic investigations
Acute concomitant injury and intoxication in complainants of recent sexual assault: a review
Alcohol use in firefighters: a network model of behaviors and transdiagnostic risk
Characteristics of fatal drug overdoses among college age decedents in Tennessee, 2019-2020
Does exposure to school violence predispose adolescents to engage in sex while under the influence of alcohol/drugs?
Who's at greatest risk? Latent profiles of alcohol and cannabis use and related consequences among college students
Medicaid expansion and access to naloxone in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas
The onset and severity of acute opioid toxicity in heroin overdose cases: a retrospective cohort study at a supervised injecting facility in Melbourne, Australia
Predicting the efficacy of opioid sequestration by intravenous lipid emulsion using biologically relevant in vitro models of drug distribution
Self-report on men's beliefs and perceptions on their alcohol use/misuse in southeast Nigeria
The social determinants of substance use associated with deaths of despair: individual risks and population impacts
Impaired control over drinking predicts changes in alcohol-related consequences over and above alcohol use and facets of impulsivity
Insulin and oral hypoglycemic drug overdose in post-mortem investigations: a literature review
Review of ethanol intoxication sensing technologies and techniques
On the duration of cannabis effects and the presence of THC in the body
Preloading, exit intoxication related to energy drink usage, and gender differences within night-time entertainment districts for young people
Maximizing the use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) as a two-step screening tool
Cannabis-related problems and social anxiety: the roles of sex and cannabis use motives updated
A cluster analysis of health behaviours and their relationship to mental health difficulties, life satisfaction and functioning in adolescents
A death by any other name: substance-induced or substance-related mortality
Effectiveness of D.A.R.E/Keepin' it REAL bullying prevention program among Brazilian students
Gender differences in the effect of a 0.11% breath alcohol concentration on forward and backward gait
The hammer and the nail: the triple lock of methods, realities and institutional contexts in Australian research on nightlife violence
The safety and efficacy of low oral doses of cannabidiol: an evaluation of the evidence
Store robberies for tobacco products: perceived causes and potential solutions
Pandemic meets epidemic: co-location of COVID-19 and drug overdose deaths in the United States
Using natural language processing to explore 'Dry January' posts on Twitter: a longitudinal infodemiology study
Supply-side predictors of fatal drug overdose in the Washington/Baltimore HIDTA region: 2016-2020
The role of PTSD symptom severity and relationship functioning in male and female veterans' mental health service use: Correction
Alcohol's negative emotional side: the role of stress neurobiology in alcohol use disorder
Applications of technology in the assessment and treatment of cannabis use disorder
Review and inventory of 911 Good Samaritan Law Provisions in the United States
(De)criminalisation of psychedelics in the Czech Republic-Where are we heading in drug policy and legislation?
Association between psychological pain and suicidal ideation among men with substance use disorder: a moderated mediation model
The co-occurrence of substance misuse, domestic abuse, and child maltreatment: can Family Drug and Alcohol Courts play a part?
Clinical and sociodemographic profile of acute intoxications in an emergency department: a retrospective cross-sectional study
Prevalence of poisoned Google search results of erectile dysfunction medications redirecting to illegal internet pharmacies: data analysis study
Proposal of behavior analysis method for vehicles erroneously entering an urban highway entrance using ETC2.0 probe data
Delta-8 THC retail availability, price, and minimum purchase age
Comparison of lithium levels between suicide and non-suicide fatalities: cross-sectional study
Datura poisoning in Trinidad: a case report
Daily low-dose aspirin and risk of serious falls and fractures in healthy older people: a substudy of the ASPREE Randomized Clinical Trial
Crossing behaviors of drunk pedestrians unfamiliar with local traffic rules
Development and external validation of a risk prediction model for falls in patients with an indication for antihypertensive treatment: retrospective cohort study
Fatal overdose from injection of human growth hormone; a case report and review of the literature
Partner alcohol use and attitudes toward intimate partner violence: independent and synergistic effects on intimate partner violence across 19 low- and middle-income countries
The physical and developmental outcomes of children whose mothers are substance abusers: analysis of associated factors and the impact of early intervention
Mental health and substance use in NCAA athletes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown
Development of an intervention for moral injury-related mental health difficulties in UK military veterans: a feasibility pilot study protocol
Formative research to develop an app to prevent dating and sexual violence and alcohol use among high school youth
Health equity for Abenaki Indigenous people: improving access to quality mental health and substance use services
Implementation of a post-overdose quick response team in the rural Midwest: a team case study
Is marijuana really a gateway drug? A nationally representative test of the marijuana gateway hypothesis using a propensity score matching design
Severity of emergency department presentations due to acute drug toxicity in Europe: a longitudinal analysis over a 6-year period (2014-2019) stratified by sex
The role of substance use disorders in the transition from suicide attempt to suicide death: a record linkage study of a Swedish cohort
Pre-drinking motives are directly associated with alcohol-related consequences even after adjusting for alcohol use on a given night: a consequence-specific analysis
Neural mechanisms mediating sex differences in motivation for reward: cognitive bias, food, gambling, and drugs of abuse
Consumer perceptions of legal cannabis products in Canada, 2019-2021: a repeat cross-sectional study
Goal-directed and habitual control in human substance use: state of the art and future directions
Health diagnoses and service utilization in the year before youth and young adult suicide
Frequency matters: relations among alcohol and cannabis co-use frequency and alcohol use disorder symptoms in emerging adults
Exploring the prevalence and types of fall-risk-increasing drugs among older people with upper limb fractures
Community perceptions surrounding Lisbon's first mobile drug consumption room
The advantages of standardizing exhaled breath-alcohol concentration to a reference respiratory gas - water vapor
The association of gender role attitudes and risky drinking: changes in the relationship between masculinity and drinking in Korean young men
Burden of diseases and injuries attributable to alcohol consumption in the Middle East and North Africa region, 1990-2019
City streetscapes and neighborhood characteristics of fatal opioid overdoses among people experiencing homelessness who use drugs in New York City, 2017-2019
A comparison of health behaviours in male adolescents with and without offending histories referred for adolescent health services in Turkey
Evaluating the effect of drunk driving on fatal injuries among vulnerable road users in Taiwan: a population-based study
An intelligent online drunk driving detection system based on multi-sensor fusion technology
Trends in prescription opioid use in motor vehicle crash injuries in the United States: 2014-2018
The executive functioning paradox in substance use disorders
Factors associated with cocaine consumption among suicide victim
Criterion validity of protective behavioral strategies for alcohol consumption among college students: comparison across two measures
Effects of cannabis legalization on adolescent cannabis use across 3 studies
The impact of moderate earthquakes on antidepressant prescriptions in Ulsan, South Korea: a controlled interrupted time series analysis
Ultrafast and field-based detection of methamphetamine in hair with Au nanocake-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Secondary analysis of one state's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) data by individualized education program (IEP) status
Systematic review of the efficacy, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of stepped-care interventions for the prevention and treatment of problematic substance use
Patterns of university students' risky sexual experiences and their characteristics
Mood stabilizers and risk of all-cause, natural, and suicide mortality in bipolar disorder: a nationwide cohort study
Optimizing discharge opioid prescribing in trauma patients: a quasi-experimental study
Informal mentoring support as a potential moderator of the relation between adolescent dating violence victimization and substance use
The intertwining of posttraumatic stress symptoms, alcohol, tobacco or nicotine use, and the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Is there an association between being a victim of physical violence by intimate partner and binge drinking in men and women? Secondary analysis of a national study, Peru 2020
"It's professional but it's personal": participation, personal connection, and sustained disagreement in drug policy reform
Loneliness and alcohol-related problems among college students who report binge drinking behavior: the moderating role of food and alcohol disturbance
Helping women suffering from drug addiction: needs, barriers, and challenges
Neighborhood market potentials for alcohol use and rates of child abuse and neglect
Home drinking during and post-COVID-19: why the silence on domestic violence?
Adolescent (mis)perceptions of peer alcohol posts on social media: prospective associations with alcohol attitudes and use
Alcohol consumption and its associated factors among adolescents in a rural community in central Thailand: a mixed-methods study
Cannabinoid exposure and subjective effects of THC and CBD in edible cannabis products
Concurrent use of opioids and stimulants and risk of fatal overdose: a cohort study
Utilizing soccer for delivery of HIV and substance use prevention for young South African men: 6-month outcomes of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Importance of susceptibility-weighted-imaging in methanol toxicity
Maternal deaths due to suicide and overdose in the state of Michigan 2008-2018
Role of alcohol media literacy in alcohol use among children and adolescents: a systematic review
Low risks for spiritual highs: risk-taking behaviours and the protective benefits of spiritual health among Saskatchewan adolescents
Novel associations among trauma, mindfulness, and impaired control over alcohol use
Women's lived experience of the interconnectedness of trauma, substance use, and prison
A validated method for the analysis and profiling of 'nyaope' using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
Intoxication-related deaths in a poisoning center in Isfahan: demographic and other-related factors
Alcohol-induced death rates in the United States, 2019-2020
Alcohol's role in campus sexual assault bystander behavior: a systematic review
Analysis of trends and usage of ICD-10-CM discharge diagnosis codes for poisonings by fentanyl, tramadol, and other synthetic narcotics in emergency department data
Association of recreational cannabis legalization with alcohol use among adults in the US, 2010 to 2019
Autopsy findings and toxicological results of two cases of sudden death due to intoxication by lidocaine
Blackouts and hangover experiences among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White college students
Cannabis craving in response to alcohol cues among adolescents and young adults in the laboratory and in daily life
The direct effect of drinking to cope on alcohol problems is not mediated by alcohol consumption: Invariance across gender and countries
Risky sexual behaviours among Ugandan university students: a pilot study exploring the role of adverse childhood experiences, substance use history, and family environment
Sex differences in medical cannabis-related adverse effects? Do not forget the context! [letter]
Social anxiety and alcohol use and related problems among Black adults: differential roles of motives by sex
Excess mortality from non-COVID-19 causes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2020-2021
Legalize cannabis? Effects of party cues on attitudes to a controversial policy proposal
What does current science tell us about the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of intoxicated witnesses? A case example of the murder of a prime minister
Anabolic steroid use and intimate partner violence among sexual minority men
Polypragmasia and interdrug interactions as risk factors of falling in elderly patients
Spatial-temporal trends in the risk of illicit drug toxicity death in British Columbia
Effects of media representations of drug related deaths on public stigma and support for harm reduction
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on drug and poison-related deaths in Gold Coast, Australia
Effects of cannabis on PTSD recovery: review of the literature and clinical insights
Effect of selective personality-targeted alcohol use prevention on 7-year alcohol-related outcomes among high-risk adolescents: a secondary analysis of a cluster randomized clinical trial
Herbal drug-induced liver injury
Substance use and substance use disorders in Africa: an epidemiological approach to the review of existing literature
Suicidal ideation among Canadian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of psychosocial factors and substance use behaviours
A systematic review of qualitative studies exploring lived experiences, perceived impact, and coping strategies of children and young people whose parents use substances
Resilience to suicidal ideation among U.S. military veterans with posttraumatic stress: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Same-sex marriage and common mental health diagnoses: a sibling comparison and adoption approach
Public health approaches to promoting university students' mental health: a global perspective
The relationship between non-suicidal self-injury, identity conflict, and risky behavior among Druze adolescents
Recreational motorized vehicle use under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly increases odds of craniofacial injury
QuickStats: Death rates for drug overdose* among persons aged 25-44 years, by race and ethnicity†- United States, 2000-2020
Indirect effects of theory of mind on alcohol use and problems in underage drinkers: the role of peer pressure to drink
Polydrug definition and assessment: the state of the art
The neural signature of impaired inhibitory control in individuals with heroin use disorder
Parental incarceration among youth
Investigation of buprenorphine-related deaths using urinary metabolite concentrations
Lessons learned from developing a statewide research data repository to combat the opioid epidemic in Alabama
Manipulation of THC hair concentrations by commercially available products
Effects of blood alcohol testing programmes on drinking behaviour among driving crash patients in emergency departments: a cluster quasi-experimental study
An illustrative review of substance use-specific insights from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health
Leaving child and adolescent mental health services in the MILESTONE cohort: a longitudinal cohort study on young people's mental health indicators, care pathways, and outcomes in Europe
Taking stock of the downstream effects of COVID-19 on youth substance use risk
Proposing FDA consideration for the treatment and prophylaxis of opioid and psychostimulant abuse to incorporate the induction of DNA guided dopamine homeostasis: anti-reward deficiency restoration solution (ARDS)
A case of ecstasy-induced acute hepatic injury
Changes in online illegal drug buying during COVID-19: assessing effects due to a changing market or changes in strain using a longitudinal sample design
Association of predicted expression and multimodel association analysis of substance abuse traits
Waiting for the stop sign to turn green: contemporary issues on drug and alcohol impaired driving policy
Automatic approach behaviors in alcohol dependence: does a cognitive bias modification training affect Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer effects?
Barriers to enrolling in voluntary treatment programs in Malaysia: a study of women who use methamphetamine (WWUM)
Brief interventions for cannabis using adolescents
Cannabis use disorder in adolescents
Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and methamphetamine on motor vehicle driving performance: a systematic review of experimental and observational studies
The effects of adolescent cannabis use on psychosocial functioning: a critical review of the evidence
Electronic screening for adolescent risk behaviors in the emergency department: a randomized controlled trial
Evaluation of the national sobriety checkpoints program in Mexico: a difference-in-difference approach with variation in timing of program adoption
Gender differences in progression to crack-cocaine use and the role of sexual and physical violence
Germany's evolving framework for cannabis legalization and regulation: select comments based on science and policy experiences for public health
Kava (Piper methysticum) in the United States: the quiet rise of a substance with often subtle effects
Impact of cannabis legalization on adolescent cannabis use
Injury mortality and morbidity changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Social determinants of health, substance use, and drug overdose prevention
Substance use screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in pediatric primary care, school-based health clinics, and mental health clinics
A pragmatic clinical approach to substance abuse prevention
Prevalence of performance enhancing substance use among elite football players in two super league teams in Blantyre, Malawi
Rates and patterns of Australian emergency department presentations of people who use stimulants: a systematic literature review
An AI-empowered home-infrastructure to minimize medication errors
Corrigendum to "Frequency of fatal and non-fatal overdoses and response to grief and loss among people who inject drugs: An unexplored dimension of the opioid overdose crisis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 237 (2022) 109539]
An umbrella review of the links between adverse childhood experiences and substance misuse: what, why, and where do we go from here?
Mental disorders among mothers of children born preterm: a population-based cohort study in Canada
Recreational cannabis legalization alters associations among cannabis use, perception of risk, and cannabis use disorder treatment for adolescents and young adults
Antidepressant drug-drug-drug interactions associated with unintentional traumatic injury: screening for signals in real-world data
Recent advances in the detection of drugs of abuse by dried blood spots
QuickStats: Drug overdose death rates* among persons aged ≥15 years, by age group and urban-rural status(†) - National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2020
Parental experiences of the impact of grooming and criminal exploitation of children for county lines drug trafficking
Impacts of the COVID-19 public health restrictions on substance use, mental health, and psychosocial functioning among individuals with alcohol use disorder
Cingulate cortical thickness in cocaine use disorder: mediation effect between early life stress and cocaine consumption
An education intervention to raise awareness reduces self-reported opioid overprescribing by plastic surgery residents
Do changes to the alcohol retail environment reduce interpersonal violence?
Acetaminophen toxicity and overdose: current understanding and future directions for NAC dosing regimens
Yonder: Psychotropic medication discontinuation, post-migration stressors, suicide prevention, and role modelling
Use of alcohol, cannabinoids, psychostimulants, and sedatives before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among students in 40 European countries
What factors influence implementation of whole-school interventions aiming to promote student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence? Systematic review and synthesis of process evaluations
Substance use, injection risk behaviors, and fentanyl-related overdose risk among a sample of PWID post-Hurricane Maria
Risk factors predictive of adverse drug events and drug-related falls in aged care residents: secondary analysis from the ReMInDAR trial
The role of gender in the association between mental health and potentially preventable hospitalizations: a single-center retrospective observational study
Sexual harassments related to alcohol and drugs intake: the experience of the rape centre of Turin
Social incentives are stronger predictors of drinking decisions than alcohol incentives in young adults: the role of alcohol use disorder
Reducing cannabis use in young adults with psychosis using iCanChange, a mobile health app: protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial (ReCAP-iCC)
Reported cases of alcohol consumption and poisoning for the years 2015 to 2022 in Hail, Saudi Arabia
A review of electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine poisoning exposure cases in the United States
Associations between drinking behaviors and meaning in life: evidence from primary care professionals in China
Comparison of individuals with and without the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder in terms of substance use features and psychological problems according to their substance preferences
Clinical characteristics of fatal cocaine toxicity in Australia, 2000-2021
Cognitive behavior therapy as an adjuvant in management of alcohol dependence syndrome
Does state repeal of alcohol exclusion laws increase problem drinking?
The dissemination of parent-child interaction therapy in West Virginia during the opioid epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study
Directional associations between cannabis use and anxiety symptoms from late adolescence through young adulthood
Potential impact of COVID-19 on drugs of abuse consumption
Prevalence and correlates of unmet mental health services need in adolescents with major depressive episode in 2019: an analysis of National Survey on Drug Use and Health Data
Preventing alcohol-related harm in East Africa: stakeholder perceptions of readiness across five countries
A qualitative study of drug treatment conformity behavior among young drug users who are in recovery in China
A qualitative study of the expectations, experiences, and perceptions that underpin decisions regarding PTSD treatment in help-seeking veterans
Opioid use for a first-incident upper extremity fracture in 220,440 patients without recent prior use in Ontario, Canada: a retrospective cohort study
Liberalising cannabis legislation in South Africa: cautions to include breastfeeding mothers
New psychoactive substances: awareness and attitudes of future health care professionals in Serbia
The "Mellanby effect" in alcoholised e-scooter drivers
Forensic analysis of 9 poisoning death cases caused by oral administration of diphenidol
Feasibility of using breath sampling of non-volatiles to estimate the prevalence of illicit drug use among nightlife attendees
Falls among psychiatric inpatients: a systematic review of literature
The evolution of PTSD symptoms in serving and ex-serving personnel of the UK armed forces from 2004 to 16: a longitudinal examination
Evaluating the effect of minimum unit pricing for unit of alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland: a controlled interrupted time-series study
Effective alcohol policies and lifetime abstinence: an analysis of the International Alcohol Control policy index
Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving in participants with narcolepsy: a randomised crossover trial
Factors contributing to self-medication and consumption of non-prescribed drugs in Portugal
Virtual reality-based alcohol prevention in adolescents: a systematic review
"This is a good neighborhood. this ain't no Pittsburgh!": conflicting narratives of opioid misuse within rural school districts and communities
Work issues of bus and truck drivers on road crash in Philippines [conference abstract #88]
Why Thai motorcycle rider death at the top rank of the world? [conference abstract #554]
Using substances to cope with social anxiety: associations with use and consequences in daily life
Visual and auditory hallucinations: an uncommon side effect of levetiracetam in an elderly patient
Vulnerable populations: comparison of characteristics of adolescent inpatients with substance use disorder and a history of child maltreatment to inpatients without a history of child maltreatment: a retrospective chart review
"What do you consider use?" Perspectives of Black youth on cannabis use
Accuracy of substance exposure history in patients attending emergency departments after substance misuse; a comparison with biological sample analysis
Adverse childhood experiences attributable to the U.S. opioid crisis [conference abstract #498]
Alcohol use problems and conflict among couples: a preliminary investigation of the moderating effects of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies
Analysis of human error to road crash in metro Manila (2005-2015) [conference abstract #87]
Analysis of the national vehicular crash cases surveillance from 2010 to 2019 [conference abstract #78]
Assessing the effects of the Sacramento Neighborhood Alcohol Prevention Project (SNAPP) on child abuse and neglect
Binge drinking and drunk driving among current drinkers in Thailand [conference abstract #17]
Cannabidiol safety data: a systematic mapping study
Changing drug overdose deaths patterns where US rates are highest: global implications [conference abstract #558]
Community Opioid Dispensing after Injury (CODI): novel data linkage [conference abstract #326]
Detecting cases of antidepressant poisoning in Victorian hospital emergency department data [conference abstract #547]
Drink driving problem in Poland against other European countries [conference abstract #157]
Effects of multi-component programmes in preventing alcohol sales to intoxicated nightlife patrons [conference abstract #143]
The effects of naloxone access laws on opioid abuse, mortality, and crime
Evaluation of psychological resilience, alexithymia, and impulsivity characteristics in persons who attempted suicide with drugs
Experiences of trauma-informed care in a family drug treatment court
A fatal fate: a medical error leading to acute methotrexate toxicity
Help-seeking among pregnant and postpartum women with lifetime experiences of opioid use disorder and intimate partner violence
The implementation of the Tennessee Fetal Assault Law and its association with out-of-state births among residents of Tennessee
Tourist drowning in Australia [conference abstract #441]
Sobriety checkpoints and alcohol-related traffic crashes [conference abstract #106]
Substance use in non-transport injury events: a systematic review and meta-analysis [conference abstract #116]
Sex-based differences in drink-driving across Africa, South Asia, and South America [conference abstract #489]
Informing harmonization decisions in integrative data analysis: exploring the measurement multiverse
Reactions to being allocated to a waiting list control group in a digital alcohol intervention trial
Relationships between sales of legal medical cannabis and alcohol in Canada
Prevalence and predicting factors of alcohol use among school going adolescents in a hilly state of northern India
Prevalence of alcohol consumption in emergency presentations (PACE): biomarkers ethanol and phosphatidylethanol [conference abstract #325]
Physical activity and substance use among Canadian adolescents: examining the moderating role of school connectedness
The killer products on the roads [conference abstract #520]
Legal dilemmas when victims of sexual assault are voluntarily intoxicated
Lifestyle practices and mental health in adolescents: explorative analysis from Malaysian Health and Morbidity Survey 2017
Cannabis-impaired driving: ethical considerations for the primary care practitioner
Cannabis use, risk behaviours and harms in Brazil: a comprehensive review of available data indicators
Cannabis recreational legalization and prevalence of simultaneous cannabis and alcohol use in the United States
Effects of a web-based intervention in reducing drinking among concerned partners of military service members and veterans
Trends in cannabis use intention around the period of cannabis legalisation in Australia: an age-period-cohort model
'A priori' external contextual factors and relationships with process indicators: a mixed methods study of the pre-implementation phase of 'Communities in Charge of Alcohol'
Prescribed anti-glaucoma medication consumption and road traffic crash
Performance of the paracetamol-aminotransferase multiplication product in risk stratification after paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Investigating the relationship between inaccurate blood alcohol concentration estimates, harm and other negative consequences
College students' virtual and in-person drinking contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic
The kids aren't alright: the effects of medical marijuana market size on adolescents
Alcohol demand assessed daily as a predictor of same day drinking
Cannabinoid poisoning-related emergency department visits and inpatient hospitalizations in Kentucky, 2017 to 2019
Case report on postmortem fentanyl measurement after overdose with more than 67 fentanyl patches
Substance use specificities in women with psychosis: a critical review
Street and drug use experiences among sheltered children and adolescents in the Federal District of Brazil
A nationally representative study of sexual orientation and high-risk drinking from adolescence to young adulthood
Medical marijuana legalization in Oklahoma: effects on neonatal exposure to opiates
Comparison of serum and whole blood concentrations in quetiapine overdose cases
Efficacy of theory-based interventions aimed at reducing binge drinking in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Determination of abamectin in heart blood and urine following lethal intoxication: a case report
Victim intoxication and capacity to consent in sexual assault statutes across the United States
The rising cost of falls - health researchers are calling for action
Relationships between places of residence, injury, and death: spatial and statistical analysis of fatal opioid overdoses across Massachusetts
The comparison between positive and negative symptoms severity in prolonged methamphetamine-induced psychotic disorder and schizophrenia
Changes in health-related parameters associated with sports performance enhancement drugs
Cannabis advertising policies in the United States: state-level variation and comparison with Canada
Assessing the prevalence and risk factors of marijuana use in adults with disabilities
Alcoholism and liability
Annoyance e-scooter. Dealing with underirable developments during the introduction of a new means of transport
The application for a reduction in the blocking period in accordance with Section 69a Paragraph 7 of the Criminal Code after drunk driving in practice
BASt: assessment of fitness to drive 2019
BASt: assessment of fitness to drive 2020
Ethyl glucuronide concentrations in blood and urine after use of alcoholic facial tonic
How does the influence of alcohol affect driving impairment when steering an e-scooter? Main results of a real-driving trial
Human-machine interaction as a problem in vehicle automation
Illegal streetraces: the impact of gender, personality and driving behaviour
Implementation of the assessment criteria in the context of medical-psychological assessments of fitness to drive
Importance of the criminal files for the assessment of fitness to drive (casuistics)
Pharmaceuticals and driving safety. A retrospective analysis
Position of the expert panel on drink and drug driving limits on altering the limit for delta9-tetrahydrocannnabinol (THC) in blood serum as factual condition for paragraph 24a (2) StVG
Position on altering the limit for delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in blood serum as factual condition for paragraph 24a (2) StVG
Relevance of drunken e-scooter riders to road traffic and the health care system. Gender differences
Alcohol, drug use, and sexual risk among young African American women in North Carolina: is educational attainment protective?
Testing of automated and connected vehicles. Assessment of risks before and after approval
Cannabis in traffic and fitness to drive. An evidence-based contribution to the MPU indication from 3.0 ng/ml THC in the blood
Medicine, efficiency and fitness. Requirements for the driver of motor vehicles - also with automated driving?
Traffic offences due to driving with e-scooters under the influence of alcohol or drugs between June 2019 and September 2021 in Munich
Traffic violations with e-scooters in Hamburg traffic (2019 - 2021)
Prevalence and correlates of using opioids alone among individuals in a residential treatment program in Michigan: implications for overdose mortality prevention
Alcohol use contexts (social settings, drinking games/specials, and locations) as predictors of high-intensity drinking on a given day among U.S. young adults
Associations between binge drinking experience, depressive mood, and suicidality in adolescents: based on the 2021 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey
A family with nutmeg poisoning due to a home-made 'Covid treatment syrup'
Hand sanitizer-related calls at the National Poisons Information Centre, India during the lockdown period of the Covid-19 pandemic
Analysis of participant-rated feasibility and acceptability of an online, theory-based pre-drinking behavioural intervention
Brazilian Psychiatric Association Consensus for the Management of Acute Intoxication. General management and specific interventions for drugs of abuse
County-level predictors of US drug overdose mortality: a systematic review
Point-of-care electrochemical sensor for selective determination of date rape drug "ketamine" based on core-shell molecularly imprinted polymer
Self-compassion buffers the internalized alcohol stigma and depression link in women sexual assault survivors who drink to cope
Alcohol-specific inhibition training in patients with alcohol use disorder: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized clinical trial examining drinking outcome and working mechanisms
Association of recreational cannabis legalization with cannabis possession arrest rates in the US
Association of supply sources of alcohol and alcohol-related harms in adolescent drinkers: the baseline characteristics of a high school cohort across Thailand
Birds of a feather get high together: a reconceptualization of the social bond with latent class analysis and a test with different forms of drug use
Differences between users' and addiction medicine experts' harm and benefit assessments of licit and illicit psychoactive drugs: input for psychoeducation and legalization/restriction debates
Effect of abandoned housing interventions on gun violence, perceptions of safety, and substance use in Black neighborhoods: a citywide cluster randomized trial
Effects of alcohol consumption on driving: a systematic review
The efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapy in managing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a new frontier?
Empowering community control over alcohol availability as a suicide and self-harm prevention measure: policy opportunity in Aotearoa New Zealand
Tramadol and cycling: is it the end of a "painful" relationship? An insight from 60,802 doping-control samples from 2012 to 2020
Trends in intentional abuse and misuse ingestions in school-aged children and adolescents reported to US poison centers from 2000-2020
SPECT findings on neuropsychiatric symptoms caused by nitrous oxide abuse
Safety in solitude? Competing risks and drivers of solitary drug use among women who inject drugs and implications for overdose detection
Pharmacists knowledge, perception and practice regarding medication disposal
The prevalence of opioid use disorder in Kentucky's counties: a two-year multi-sample capture-recapture analysis
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome with hemorrhagic conversion in a patient with active polysubstance abuse: a case report and review of literature
Predictors of illicit substance abuse/dependence during young adulthood: a machine learning approach
Illicit drug use among lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, trans and gender diverse, queer and asexual young people in Australia: intersections and associated outcomes
A field study: partnering with pharmacists to develop a tool for evaluating misuse of over-the-counter medications among older adults in the community pharmacy
Methamphetamine lab explosion: a pediatric emergency medicine case
Medico-legal examination of sexual assaulted victims unable to consent in Portugal: ethical decision-making
Meta-analytic study on substance intake and work-related accidents calls for attention to bio-psycho-social factors
Acceptability and validity of using the BACtrack Skyn wrist-worn transdermal alcohol concentration sensor to capture alcohol use across 28 days under naturalistic conditions - a pilot study
Age-varying associations of depressive symptoms and heavy episodic drinking throughout adulthood among people with HIV and receiving care in Cameroon within a national "treat all" policy
Alcohol use among Australian parents during the COVID-19 pandemic - April-2020 to May 2021
Alcohol's harm to others in Japan: different rates for different relationships to the drinker in a 2018 national survey
In the presence of parents: parental heterosexism and momentary negative affect and substance craving among sexual minority youth
Typical drinking, sensation seeking, and alcohol expectancies regarding sexual coercion as predictors of coercive condom use resistance perpetration
Trajectories of service contact before suicide in people with substance use disorders-a national register study
Drinking buddies: the importance of proximal norms in emerging adults' alcohol-related private and public social media use
Exploring arts-based interventions for youth substance use prevention: a scoping review of literature
The sentinel role of forensic toxicology laboratories to identify and act upon diverse drug threats by addressing toxicology and economic demands
Treatment of lethal caffeine overdose with haemodialysis: a case report and review
Trust but verify: discordance in opioid reporting between the electronic medical record and a statewide database
Yet again conversations matter: the importance of interpersonal discussions, educational campaigns, and advertising on cannabis-related risk perceptions, attitudes, and intentions in at-risk young adults
A natural experiment: assessment of Danish high-school students' alcohol drinking patterns from 2014 and 2019 after the introduction of a common alcohol policy
Novel psychoactive substances-related presentations to the emergency departments of the European drug emergencies network plus (Euro-DEN plus) over the six-year period 2014-2019
Characteristics of poisonings involving ketamine in the United States, 2019-2021
Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol product impurities
Correlation analysis of the death penalty on murderers, drugs and corruption
"Drinking" and death
Liquor drinking
Liquor drinking
About the concept of moral enhancement. the argument from Persson and Savulescu
Acute myocardial necrosis caused by aconitine poisoning: a case report
Adolescent cannabis use during a period of rapid policy change: evidence from the PATH Study
Alcohol, gender, and violence: factors influencing blame for partner aggression
Alcohol-impaired driving enforcement priorities and strategies in a nationwide sample of U.S. law enforcement agencies
The association between child maltreatment and problematic alcohol use in adulthood in a large multi-ethnic cohort: the HELIUS study
The association of opioid misuse and suicidality among people with disabilities
Associations between internalizing and externalizing symptoms on subsequent tobacco product initiation and sustained use as a function of sex among adolescents ages 12-17
Associations between the physical availability of alcohol and alcohol use: regional variation across 15 major cities in Ontario, Canada
Characterizing primary care patients with posttraumatic stress disorder using electronic medical records: a retrospective cross-sectional study
Editorial: cannabis use disorders at the emergency department, a sign of a growing cannabinoid emergency
Editorial: Cannabis use disorders at the emergency department, a sign of a growing cannabinoid emergency-authors' reply
Posttraumatic stress symptoms and risky alcohol use: the roles of negative social reactions to sexual assault disclosure and trauma-related shame
Reduced alcohol use increases drink-refusal self-efficacy: evidence from a contingency management study for DWI arrestees
Social anxiety and pre-party motives are associated with alcohol-related negative consequences during college students' most recent pre-party occasion
Treatment-as-usual control groups in brief alcohol intervention trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cannabidiol in urine is not a proof of CBD consumption-lesson learned from urine sample analysis in routine caseworks
The Cannabis Policy Scale: a new research and surveillance tool for U.S. states
Case-control study developing Scottish Epilepsy Deaths Study score to predict epilepsy-related death
Changes in distilled spirits sales and preferences during COVID-19
Changes in drug availability patterns on Tanzanian mainland: the effects of the surge operations deterrent strategy
Community-level alcohol availability and child maltreatment: a statewide panel analysis over 13 years
Correction: Substance use, injection risk behaviors, and fentanyl‑related overdose risk among a sample of PWID post‑Hurricane Maria
Dark nudges: branding magnifies the decoy effect in alcohol purchasing decisions
Drug use, risk perceptions and attitudes towards drug use amongst medical and dentistry students
Effectiveness of a French mass media campaign in raising knowledge of both long-term alcohol-related harms and low-risk drinking guidelines, and in lowering alcohol consumption
Egocentric network characteristics and cannabis use in a sample of young adult medical cannabis patients and nonpatient users
Emerging adult perceptions of cannabis consumption post-legalization: considering age and sex differences
World Health Organization (WHO) risk level reductions in inpatients with alcohol use disorder and comorbid anxiety disorders
Why do some people become more involved in cannabis use than others? A systematic narrative review on cannabis use transition predictors
Strong chū-hai, a Japanese ready-to-drink high-alcohol-content beverage, and hazardous alcohol use: a nationwide cross-sectional study
TB500/TB1000 and SGF1000: a scientific approach for a better understanding of misbranded and adulterated drugs
Resident astrocytes can limit injury to developing hippocampal neurons upon THC exposure
Risk of suicide ideation in comorbid substance use disorder and major depression
Sequencing drinking events and use of punitive, nonpunitive, and positive parenting behaviors with ecological momentary assessment
Should we throw the book at 'em? Charge combinations and conviction rates among alcohol-influenced drivers involved in motorcycle crashes
Pregame heavy episodic drinking and its association with negative consequences and other risky substance use behaviors
A qualitative examination of the decision-making process of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: intentions and willingness
Peer network counseling effects on substance use: an individual participant data meta-analysis integrating three randomized controlled trials
A longitudinal examination of alcohol use and emotion dysregulation in adolescence
Mortality risk following nonfatal injuries with alcohol use disorder involvement: a one-year follow-up of emergency department patients using linked administrative data
Neighborhood disadvantage, patterns of unhealthy alcohol use, and differential associations by gender, race/ethnicity, and rurality: a study of Veterans Health Administration patients
A new alcohol-related traffic law, a further reduction in traffic fatalities? Analyzing the case of Turkey
The "next day" effects of cannabis use: a systematic review
Geographic information science and the United States opioid overdose crisis: a scoping review of methods, scales, and application areas
The "goldfish bowl": a qualitative study of the effects of heightened surveillance on people who use drugs in a rural and coastal Canadian setting
Injunctive and descriptive normative feedback for college drinking prevention: is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?
Intentions to reduce alcohol use following brief alcohol-related health messages among college students
Effect of a Veterans Health Administration mandate to case review patients with opioid prescriptions on mortality among patients with opioid use disorder: a secondary analysis of the STORM Randomized Control Trial
The impact of naloxone coprescribing mandates on opioid-involved overdose deaths
Intentional self-poisoning increase in the emergency department in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic
Validation of safety outcomes in routinely collected data: lessons learned from a multinational post-approval safety study
Prom, graduation and parties: alcohol use and normative perceptions among high school seniors during specific events
Trends in adolescent substance use: analysis of HBSC data for four eastern European countries, 1994-2018
Text messages for depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse therapy-are construction guidelines needed?
Sexual violence and substance use diagnosed in emergency department discharges in Hawaii, 2005-2014
Substance use and addiction in athletes: the case for neuromodulation and beyond
Prevalence of alcohol-related harms in Yi and Han ethnic groups in a prefecture in Yunnan Province, China
Psychological contract breach and outcomes: a systematic review of reviews
History of sex work is associated with increased risk of adverse mental health and substance use outcomes in transgender adults
Factors associated with unwanted sexual attention in Australian nightlife districts: an exploratory study of nightlife attendees
The association among alcohol consumption patterns, drink-driving behaviors, and the harm from alcohol-related road traffic injuries due to the drinking of others in Thailand
Withdrawal of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in a Saudi male patient: a case report
A study of road traffic injury victims at a tertiary care hospital in Goa, India
Substance abuse amongst adolescents: an issue of public health significance
Polysubstance use among young adults and differences in negative alcohol-related sexual experiences
Medical cannabis laws and adolescent alcohol use initiation
Medication prescribed within one year preceding fall-related injuries in Ontario older adults
Mortality advantage reversed: the causes of death driving all-cause mortality differentials between immigrants, the descendants of immigrants and Ancestral Natives in Sweden, 1997-2016
Assessment of clinical outcomes in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder: analysis from the UK Medical Cannabis Registry
Cannabis use in attention - deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a scoping review
Indirect effects of personality on high-intensity drinking: the role of drinking motives
Correction to review of delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(8) -THC): comparative pharmacology with Δ(9) -THC
The drug liking and craving questionnaire (DLCQ) to evaluate addiction risk for ketamine and esketamine
The growing trend of young people abstaining from drinking alcohol: a literature review
A systematic review on alcohol consumption among non-religious and religious adults
Drug overdose deaths among persons aged 10-19 years -- United States, July 2019-December 2021
What pandemic? A multisite study of drinking motives and drinking games participation among college students during a pandemic (COVID-19) academic year
Real world effectiveness of repeated ketamine infusions for treatment resistant bipolar depression
The role of trauma and positive youth development in polysubstance use among rural middle school students: a latent class analysis
Impact of a standardized order set and medication-use process on medication error rates in sexual assault patients presenting to the emergency department for HIV nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis
Methadone-involved overdose deaths in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
The criminalisation of miscarriage associated with illicit substance consumption whilst pregnant
Drug-impaired driving: research needs
Comparative harm/benefit analysis of various psychotropic substances from the perspective of German drug users and addiction medicine experts - a contribution to psychoeducation of substance-addicted individuals and restriction/legalization debates
Managing fire risk in housebound people who smoke and require air-alternating pressure-relieving equipment
Screening for hazardous alcohol use in the emergency department: comparison of phosphatidylethanol with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and the Timeline Follow-back
Use of hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants and risks of suicidal behavior and accidents among women with premenstrual disorders: a nationwide cohort study
The young were not spared: what death certificates reveal about non-covid excess deaths
Substance use prevention during adolescence: study protocol for a large-scale cluster randomized trial of Botvin High school LifeSkills Training
Successful management of delayed presentation of massive paracetamol overdose in a resource-limited setting: a case report from Nepal
Ugly side of the beautiful game: the football world cup and domestic violence
Prevalence and factors associated with substance use among university students in South Africa: implications for prevention
The relationship between fathers' heavy episodic drinking and fathering involvement in five Asia-Pacific countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis
Recreational drug use among young, hospitalized patients with acute coronary syndrome: a retrospective study
Psychotic cannabis withdrawal: a clinical case
Mental health help-seeking among Latina/o/x undocumented college students
Negative experiences, social exclusion and unwanted attention on social media: exploring the association with adolescent alcohol use
A 20-year review of recumbent pedestrian fatalities (2001-2020)
Inability to contact opioid agonist therapy prescribers during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Canadian setting: a cross-sectional analysis among people on opioid agonist therapy
Inhibited personality traits, internalizing symptoms, and drinking to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic among emerging adults
Estimating child maltreatment cases that could be alcohol-attributable in New Zealand
Health and social characteristics of clients reporting amphetamine type substance use at entry to public alcohol and other drug services in New South Wales, Australia, 2016-2019
A formal appraisal about high-risk sexual behaviour on the pretext of substances use among Indian men
Fatal methaemoglobinemia due to intentional sodium nitrite ingestion
Estimating THC consumption from smoked and vaped cannabis products in an online survey of adults who use cannabis
Drug-induced fall risk in older patients: a pharmacovigilance study of FDA adverse event reporting system database
Drug overdose deaths in adults aged 65 and over: United States, 2000-2020
Driving under the influence of amphetamine: analytical evaluation of illegal or prescription drug intake using chiral UHPLC-MS/MS
Driving license regranting: hair EtG, serum CDT, and the role of socio-demographic and medico-legal variables
Contextual use of protective behavioral strategies for college drinking
Alcohol consumption in the workplace: a comparison between European Union countries' policies
Association of a positive drug screening for cannabis with mortality and hospital visits among Veterans Affairs enrollees prescribed opioids
The association between student loan debt and perceived socioeconomic status and problematic drinking and mental health symptoms: a preliminary investigation
Toxicity and suicidal tendency linked to the antiepileptic medications
In road traffic accidents, are the pattern, severity, and outcome of drivers' injuries affected by marijuana abuse?
High time for change: the legalization of marijuana and its impact on warrantless roadside motor vehicle searches
(Re)situating expertise in community-based overdose response: Insights from an ethnographic study of overdose prevention sites (OPS) in Vancouver, Canada
Cannabinol: history, syntheses, and biological profile of the greatest "minor" cannabinoid
The increase in benzodiazepine-laced drugs and related risks in Canada: the urgent need for effective and sustainable solutions
A systematic review of brief, freely accessible, and valid self-report measures for substance use disorders and treatment
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol-induced blackout in a diverse sample of Veterans
Place of last drink enforcement: effects on alcohol-related traffic crashes
Is there a causal relationship between executive function and liability to mental health and substance use? A Mendelian randomization approach
High time? Psychedelics on cannabis-like fast track to legalization
Driving under the influence of cannabis: perceptions from Canadian youth
Expression of concern: Alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide: a meta-analysis
Do neighborhood characteristics of sober living houses impact recovery outcomes? A multilevel analysis of observational data from Los Angeles County
Disparities in pharmacologic restraint use in pediatric emergency departments
Construction and evaluation of an alcohol vapor chamber system
Associations between MDMA/ecstasy, classic psychedelics, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in a sample of U.S. adolescents
Can buprenorphine reduce suicide mortality? [editorial]
Cannabidiol exposures in the United States, National Poison Data System, July 2014-June 2021
Why young women who use opioids are at risk for rape: the impact of social vulnerabilities and sexually coercive drug using contexts
Risky drinking in adolescents and emerging adults: differences between individuals using alcohol only versus polysubstances
Recreational cannabis legalization and proximity to cannabis retailers as risk factors for adolescents' cannabis use
A qualitative insight at gender-based violence among young alcohol consumers in leisure contexts
Our words can be weapons: stigmatizing language in substance use disorder treatment
Online inuman or e-numan: when social media use and alcohol drinking intersect
The role of mental health and substance use disorders on the relation of migraine with self-directed violence among women in the United States
Norwegian adolescents' use of energy drinks and painkillers and misuse of prescription drugs prior to and during the initial COVID-19 pandemic year: evidence from the MyLife study
Personal values and substance use in adolescence and young adulthood: risk or protective factors?
Alcohol related disorders among elite male football players in Sweden: nationwide cohort study
Co-use of cannabis and prescription opioids in adults in the USA: a population-based, cross-sectional analysis of the NHANES from 2009 to 2018
The essential changes of demographic processes in the Vologda Oblast
Use of predictive analytics to identify unhealthy opioid use and guide intervention
Prevalence of domestic violence against women undergoing methadone maintenance therapy programs and its related risk factors
Potential benefit and lack of serious risk from corticosteroids in drug-induced liver injury: an international, multicentre, propensity score-matched analysis
Partner alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence against women in sexual unions in sub-Saharan Africa
Multifaceted intervention reduces newborn falls in mother-baby unit
Multidimensional quality of life across the spectrum of alcohol use behavior
Ligature strangulation in a vehicular accident due to the entanglement of a shirt: an autopsy case
"It's just not the same": exploring PWUD' perceptions of and experiences with drug policy and SCS services change in a Canadian City
Heightened motor impairment as a protective factor against heavy drinking in those with high alcohol-induced disinhibition
Hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders
Fatal methanol poisoning caused by drinking industrial alcohol: Silesia Region, Poland, April-June 2022
Factors influencing alcohol consumption among university students in Southern Thailand
Factors associated with non-evidence-based overdose responses among people who use prescription opioids non-medically in rural Appalachia
Estimating county-level overdose rates using opioid-related Twitter data: interdisciplinary infodemiology study
The effects of childhood trauma and mental disorders on treatment engagement, contact with the criminal justice system, and mortality among people with opioid dependence
Win and loss responses in the monetary incentive delay task mediate the link between depression and problem drinking
Swedish high school students' drug and alcohol use habits throughout 2020
Sedative drug-use in Denmark, 2000 to 2019: a nationwide drug utilization study
Substance availability and use in ex-professional ice hockey enforcers
Kratom: a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications
Mass poisoning from ethylene glycol at a U.S. Military base
Identifying risk factors for hospitalization with behavioral health disorders and concurrent temperature-related illness in New York State
A hybrid rule-based and data-driven approach to illegal transshipment identification with interpretable behavior features
Hopelessness, suicidality, and co-occurring substance use among adolescent hallucinogen users-a national survey study
The great decline in adolescent risk behaviours: unitary trend, separate trends, or cascade?
Gender matters: identity, risk perception and preventive interventions for alcohol consumption among adolescents using a qualitative approach
Factors associated with self-reported changes in alcohol use among young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis between Canada and France
An exploration of the multiplicative effect of "other people" and other environmental effects on violence in the night-time environment
Experiences of parents with opioid use disorder during their attempts to seek treatment: a qualitative analysis
The efficacy of cue exposure therapy on alcohol use disorders: a quantitative meta-analysis and systematic review
The effectiveness of a mobile intervention to reduce young adults' alcohol consumption to not exceed low-risk drinking guidelines
Drug abuse ontology to harness web-based data for substance use epidemiology research: ontology development study
Association between genetic risk of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality under different alcohol policy conditions: evidence from the Finnish alcohol price reduction of 2004
Cannabis policy in the Netherlands: rationale and design of an experiment with a controlled legal ('closed') cannabis supply chain
Effects of family therapy for substance abuse: a systematic review of recent research
Adverse childhood experiences: mental health consequences and risk behaviors in women and men in Chile
Alcohol policies affect drinking patterns-a potentially new and harmful drinking pattern in consumers of small vodka bottles (SVB) in Poland
Alcohol use and the gender-specific risk of suicidal behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
Differences in offending behaviors, aggression, substance use, and mental health problems between male drug dealers and non-drug dealers in Belgian youth detention centers
Development of a shared decision-making intervention to improve drug safety and to reduce polypharmacy in frail elderly patients living at home
Comparison of recovery capital in patients with alcohol and opioid dependence - an exploratory study
Associations between alcohol and cannabis use order, frequency, quantity, and consequences in a college sample of individuals who co-use alcohol and cannabis
The challenges of victimization in the treatment of substance addiction: what do clinicians say about it?
Violence - suicide and suicidal ideation as sequelae of trauma in substance use disorder inpatients
'Some days I am a lunatic that thinks I can moderate': amalgamating recovery and neo-liberal discourses within accounts of non-drinking among women active in the 'positive sobriety' community on Instagram in the UK
Early-onset prescription drug misuse in Indiana youth
Designing anti-meth ads: insights from those who use methamphetamine
Federal cocaine sentences before and after passage of the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010
Information networks and collective action: evidence from the women's temperance crusade
Integrating responses to caregiver substance misuse, intimate partner violence and child maltreatment: Initiatives and policies that support families at risk for entering the child welfare system
The role of alcohol and drug intoxication in fire-related incidents in Africa: a systematic review
Substance use on campus: exploring the implications of paranormal beliefs
The spatially and temporally varying association between mental illness and substance use mortality and unemployment: a Bayesian analysis in the contiguous United States, 2001-2014
The spatial effect of alcohol availability on violence: a geographically weighted regression analysis
Levels and pattern of alcohol consumption among adolescents in Bolivia: a national cross-sectional survey in 2018
Marijuana enforcement since drug policy reform: an exploration of officer discretion in six states
Marijuana legalization and U.S. Postal Inspection Service seizures: an exploration of black market activity
Prescription opioid resiliency and vulnerability: a mixed-methods comparative case study
Revisiting methaqualone: changes made and future lessons ignored
Drunk or sober? Number of alcohol units perceived to be safe before riding e-scooter
Acute methanol poisoning in Tunisia: clinical features, biological and associated factors for mortality
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of an integrated youth services network in Ontario
Causes of alcohol-attributable death and associated years of potential life lost among LGB and non-LGB veteran men and women in Veterans Health Administration
Challenges associated with implementing anti-doping policy and programs in Africa
Intimate partner violence, adverse childhood experiences and prenatal substance use in South Africa
Evaluating the influence of alcohol intoxication on the pre-hospital identification of severe head injury: a multi-center, cohort study
Negative but not positive alcohol-related consequences tend to occur above the heavy episodic drinking threshold: a daily study of young adult heavy drinkers
Substance use disorder treatment and technology access among people who use drugs in rural areas of the United States: a cross-sectional survey
Sexual minority status, school-based violence, and current tobacco use among youth
Associations between muscle-building exercise and concurrent e-cigarette, cigarette, and cannabis use among U.S. adolescents
Therapeutic dilemmas with benzodiazepines and Z-drugs: insomnia and anxiety disorders versus increased fall risk: a clinical review
Typical hits, grams, or joints: evaluating cannabis survey measurement strategies for quantifying consumption
Randomly controlled drivers using minimally invasive sampling: assessment of drug prevalence in Western Switzerland over two time periods
Regional Cannabis Edible Variability in the United States [letter]
Mental health correlates of substance use behaviors among a nationally representative sample of juvenile offenders
Prospective associations between childhood exposure to living with adult alcohol misuse and major depressive disorder in adulthood: the role of child maltreatment
The Quebec Cannabis Registry: investigating the safety and effectiveness of medical cannabis
Study protocol for a pilot randomized trial of a virtual occupational therapy fall prevention intervention for people with HIV and alcohol use
Prescription stimulants in college and medical students: a narrative review of misuse, cognitive impact, and adverse effects
Life satisfaction across the entire trajectory of Alzheimer's disease: a mediation analysis
Norms about alcohol use among US firefighters
Comparison of patterns of drug levels in head and body hair for medico-legal and workplace testing
Unauthorized absence and recidivism during court ordered psychiatric treatment leave
"I sometimes pretended to get groceries": restrictive deterrence in drug dealing
Poverty and non-natural deaths among former mineworkers and in their families in Transkei Region of South Africa
Alcohol, drugs, and road traffic injuries in an emergency department in Mexico City
A comparison of daytime and out of hour mental health presentations to Beaumont Hospital Emergency Department between 2018 and 2020
Cannabis legalization and childhood asthma in the United States: an ecologic analysis
Contextualizing prescription opioid misuse and heroin use within dimensional models of drug involvement
Effects of cannabidiol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on plasma endocannabinoid levels in healthy volunteers: a randomized double-blind four-arm crossover study
Homicide mechanisms, weapon types and causes of death in the autopsy material of the Department of Forensic Medicine Medical University of Gdańsk Poland in the years 2010-2019
Part I: Missouri's fentanyl poisonings rise to record levels
Role of impulsivity and emotion dysregulation dimensions on core characteristics of binge drinking among university students
Pediatric edible cannabis exposures and acute toxicity: 2017-2021
Pot at the end of the rainbow: cannabis use among sexual minorities
Cannabis use disorder uniquely predicts educational impairment in college students over and above other mental health disorders
Feasibility and utility of a structured guide for cannabis tolerance breaks in young adults
Outcomes following suicidal crisis among hazardous and harmful alcohol users in the Crisis Resolution Team
Risk and danger among the "invisible": bisexual IPV victimization, lifestyle factors, and feelings of marginalization
Strong predictors of offender drivers: Drug and alcohol addiction and the inability to dissociate binge alcohol or drug consumption from driving. Revoking their driver's licence may not be enough
Text mining applications to support health library practice: a case study on marijuana legalization Twitter analytics
Implementation of the International Olympic Committee Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool 1: screening for mental health Symptoms in a Canadian multisport University Program
Assessment of safe injection awareness and practices among healthcare providers at primary health care facilities
The expectancies and motivations for heavy episodic drinking of alcohol in autistic adults
Alcohol and cannabis use in traffic-related injuries in Mexico City
Maladaptive coping among military-connected adolescents: examining combined risk using QCA
Protocol for a process evaluation of SCALA study - intervention targeting scaling up of primary health care-based prevention and management of heavy drinking and comorbid depression in Latin America
The risk matrix: drug-related deaths in prisons in England and Wales, 2015-2020
Turmeric-associated drug-induced liver injury
'From harm to hope': the UK government's 10-year drug plan to cut crime and save lives - an emergency medicine perspective
Implementation and process evaluation of alcohol free for 40: community-based programming to reduce alcohol consumption
Increase in cannabis-related emergency department presentations in the period immediately before legalization requires explanation [letter]
Coping strategies as mediating mechanisms between adolescent polysubstance use classes and adult alcohol and substance use disorders
Digital screening and brief intervention for illicit drug misuse in college students: a mixed methods, pilot, cluster, randomized trial from India
Drug overdose deaths in the United States, 2001-202
Emotion regulation in young adults with family history of harmful alcohol use: a fMRI study
Identification of optimal urinary biomarkers of synthetic cannabinoids BZO-HEXOXIZID, BZO-POXIZID, 5F-BZO-POXIZID, and BZO-CHMOXIZID for illicit abuse monitoring
Stop analyzing suicides, drug- and alcohol-related mortality together: response to "Are we undercounting the true burden of mortality"
Adams and colleagues' response to "Stop analyzing suicides, drug- and alcohol-related mortality together"
Awareness survey on drug crime scene investigation and drug detection kits among drug-related police officers
The company Christmas party and employee happiness
Childhood bullying victimization, substance use and criminal activity among adolescents: a multilevel growth model study
A six-year prospective study on problem drinking among evacuees of the Great East Japan Earthquake: the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Exposures and suspected intoxications to pharmacological and non-pharmacological agents in children aged 0-14 years: real-world data from an Italian reference poison control centre
From bumps to binges: overview of deaths associated with cocaine in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (2000-2019)
Alcohol use among adolescents in India: a systematic review
Community mental health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives: reconciling evidence-based practice and alter-Native psy-ence
Estimating the prevalence of high-risk behaviors using network scale-up method in medical university students
Mandatory prescription drug monitoring programs and overlapping prescriptions of opioids and benzodiazepines: evidence from Kentucky
Old versus new antihistamines: effects on cognition and psychomotor functions
Perceived effects of cannabis: generalizability of changes in driving performance
'We don't live in a harm reduction world, we live in a prohibition world': tensions arising in the design of drug alerts
Trends in emergency department visits associated with cannabis use among older adults in California, 2005-2019
Assessing cross-lagged associations between depression, anxiety, and binge drinking in the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA) study
Does illicit amphetamine seizures quantity associated with amphetamine use disorder related admissions in Saudi Arabia?
The effects of cannabidiol on subjective states, cognition, and psychomotor function in healthy adults: a randomized clinical trial
Electric scooter-related trauma, alcohol and other drugs
Exploring the link between ADHD and cannabis use in Swedish ninth graders: the role of conduct problems and sensation-seeking
Externalizing and internalizing problems as predictors of alcohol-related harm and binge drinking in early adolescence: the role of gender
#Cheers: an examination of user-generated alcohol advertising on Instagram
Androgenic-anabolic steroids use among bodybuilders in western Iran: application of ridge logistic regression model
Violence in Quilombola women living in rural communities in Brazil
The use of volatile substances in drug-facilitated sexual assault: a systematic review
A randomized trial of letters to encourage prescription monitoring program use and safe opioid prescribing
One and a half years of e-scooters in Hamburg - Part 2: Accident characteristics
Exposure to pro and anti-cannabis social media messages and teens' and college students' intentions to use cannabis
Geographic variation and sociodemographic correlates of prescription psychotropic drug use among children and youth in Ontario, Canada: a population-based study
The habit of drinking and driving in Brazil: National Survey of Health 2013 and 2019
An integrated LSTM-HeteroRGNN model for interpretable opioid overdose risk prediction
Pharmacological prophylaxes against moral injury
The NIH childhood adversity portfolio: unmet needs, emerging challenges
Distracted and impaired driving among U.S. adolescents, 2019, USA
THC and THC-COOH hair concentrations: influence of age, gender, consumption habits, cosmetics treatment, and hair features
Trends in antipsychotic prescribing in children and adolescents: more is not necessarily better
Review of case reports on adverse events related to pre-workout supplements containing synephrine
Revisiting Thailand's cannabis legislation
Risk of depressive disorders associated with medical cannabis authorization: a propensity score matched cohort study
Pediatric hospitalizations for unintentional cannabis poisonings and all-cause poisonings associated with edible cannabis product legalization and sales in Canada
Predictive impact of different acute cannabis intoxication effects with regard to abstinence motivation and cessation of use
How are young people's mental health related to their sexual health and substance use? A systematic review of UK literature
Exploring influences on the intention of motorcyclists to drink and ride: an investigation in a fourth-tier city of China
Cannabis and public health: a study assessing regular cannabis users through health indicators
Understanding health behaviours in context: a systematic review and meta-analysis of ecological momentary assessment studies of five key health behaviours
Serious harm reduction strategies indirectly affects the relationship between explicit drinking identity and hazardous drinking in college males
Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in athletes: the mediating role of achievement goal orientations
An empirical investigation of sport stakeholders' beliefs about whistleblowing against doping behaviour
Doping behaviour in mixed martial arts athletes: the roles of social norms and self-regulatory efficacy
An Adaptation of the Women's Recovery Group for women veterans with substance use disorders: a quality improvement project
Alcohol and drug use screening among justice-involved persons
Alcohol, substance use disorders and mental health: resources for U.S. veterans
Assembling the socio-cultural and material elements of young adults' drinking on a night out: a synthesis of Australian qualitative research
Workplace alcohol and other drug policy and support services in the United States, 2015-2019
Association of sex work and social-structural factors with non-fatal overdose among women who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Behavior change techniques used in binge drinking interventions among college students: a systematic review
The Altered States Database: psychometric data from a systematic literature review
A perspective on neurobiological and intersubjective connectedness in coexisting schizophrenia and substance use disorders
Policy and scientific implications of compromised replications
Mothers' experiences of navigating the SUD treatment system with their young adult child
Greek myth or fact? The role of Greek houses in alcohol and drug violations on American campuses
Instagram posts related to alcohol use on college football game days after implementation of an alcohol sales policy
The effect of marijuana on labour market outcomes:evidence from medical marijuana laws
Factors associated with attending "open bar" parties amongst early adolescents
Cannabis detection with solid sensors and paper-based immunoassays by conjugating antibodies to nanocellulose
Synthetic opioids: a review and clinical update
Sudden death following aspiration of gastric contents under the influence of alcohol
Barriers to addressing alcohol use in college sexual assault prevention: where we stand and future steps
Bystander intoxication and appraisal of sexual assault risk: a field study of emerging adult bargoers
Social influence and the likelihood of using cannabis: role of source physical attractiveness
Substance use in rural trauma patients admitted for motor vehicle injuries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Reporting of unknown drug test results in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System and associated factors, 2000-2020
Drug overdose patterns among emergency department patients at an academic hospital in Jeddah
Adolescent feelings on COVID-19 distance learning support: associations with mental health, social-emotional health, substance use, and delinquency
Cannabis legalization and cannabis use, daily cannabis use and cannabis-related problems among adults in Ontario, Canada (2001-2019)
Driving under the influence of cannabis, alcohol, and illicit drugs among adults in the United States from 2016 to 2020
Factors associated with cannabis use in early adolescence
The impact of Suboxone's market exclusivity on cost of opioid use disorder treatment
It's not just drinking, but where you drink: a daily diary study of drinking venue effects on sexual activity with new partners
The perceived impact that alcohol policy could have on Brazilian and British students' pre-drinking behaviour
Principal component regression analysis of familial psychiatric histories and suicide risk factors among adults with opioid use disorder
Race-related and mental health factors of powder cocaine use among Black incarcerated men
Recreational cannabis and opioid distribution
Simultaneous fatal poisoning of two victims with 4F-MDMB-BINACA and ethanol
COPE and oxytocin for the treatment of co-occurring PTSD and alcohol use disorder: design and methodology of a randomized controlled trial in U.S. military veterans
Early-onset smoking and vaping of cannabis: prevalence, correlates and trends in New Zealand 14-15-year-olds
Genetic risk, neighborhood characteristics, and behavioral difficulties among African American adolescents living in very low-income neighborhoods
Home alone: patterns and perceptions of solitary home alcohol consumption in an Australian convenience sample
Prevention, practice, and policy: older US veterans' perspectives on cannabis use
Accidental acetone ingestion in liver transplant patient with alcohol relapse: a case report
Naltrexone as a possible treatment for the violent patient in forensic and non-forensic settings
Psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the Externalizing Spectrum Inventory-Brief Form (ESI-BF)
A qualitative study of multiple voices to inform aftercare services for older persons following self-harm
Substance (mis)use among refugees as a matter of social ecology: insights into a multi-site rapid assessment in Germany
Exploring the influence of local alcohol availability on drinking norms and practices: a qualitative scoping review
Mental health disorders and recidivism among incarcerated adult offenders in a correctional facility in South Africa: a cluster analysis
Are higher antidepressant plasma concentrations associated with fall risk in older antidepressant users?
The association between unemployment trajectories and alcohol consumption patterns: evidence from a large prospective cohort in The Netherlands
Characterizing alcohol expectancies in the ABCD Study: associations with sociodemographic factors, the immediate social environment, and genetic propensities
How should policy makers regulate the tetrahydrocannabinol content of cannabis products in a legal market?
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual students experiencing homelessness and substance use in the school context: a statewide study
The prevalence of drug driving and being caught for a drug driving offense among community-recruited people who use methamphetamine in metropolitan and rural Victoria, Australia
School-level longitudinal predictors of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use
Ups and downs of addiction harm reduction in Iran: key insights and implications for harm reduction policy and policing
I don't believe a person has to die when trying to get high: overdose prevention and response strategies in rural Illinois
The role of firearm and alcohol availability in firearm suicide: a population-based weighted case-control study
Unhelmeted riding, drunk riding, and unlicensed riding among motorcyclists: a population study in Taiwan during 2011-2016
Validation of the Alcohol-Related Sexual Consequences Scale in Swedish university students
A suspected case of carbon monoxide poisoning consistent with fentanyl toxicity
The predictive validity of the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) for moderate-to-high risk cannabis, methamphetamine and opioid use after release from prison
Pediatric emergency department management in acute poisoning-a 2-year retrospective study
Overdose detection technologies to reduce solitary overdose deaths: a literature review
Military service and risk of subsequent drug use disorders among Swedish men
Italian politics at the start of 2023
Acute intoxication by bisoprolol and drowning: toxicological analysis in complex suicides
Associations of parent-adolescent closeness with P3 amplitude, frontal theta, and binge drinking among offspring with high risk for alcohol use disorder
Associations of recreational cannabis dispensaries' availability, storefront signage, and health benefit signs with cannabis use: findings from a representative adult sample in California, United States
Avoidance tendencies toward cannabis stimuli in a college sample
A brief screen to detect cannabis use disorder among incarcerated youth
Depressive symptoms in early alcohol or opioid abstinence: course & correlates
Determining youth intentional fatal drug intoxication: the case for a psychological autopsy to complement the medical examiner's report
Fentanyl use disorder characterized by unprescribed use of transdermal patches: a case report
Increased risk for sexual violence victimization on drinking days involving pregaming
Investigating the relations between sexual victimization, substance misuse, and exposure to community violence
'Most of the youth are drinking because they have nothing to do': how idle time facilitates adolescent alcohol use in urban Tanzania
Prevalence of opioid use disorder and other substance use among adolescents and young adults in Medicaid/CHIP, 2015-2019
Requiem for a dream: a lifestyle and routine activities victimological analysis to explore the sexual victimization of illicit drug users
Spice use among adolescents in the United States: a national profile of synthetic cannabinoid users
Third spaces and opioid use within Black communities of Dane County: a qualitative secondary data analysis
Trends in cannabis use among adolescents in Spain 2006-2018
Influence of alcohol ingestion to visual feature of drivers
Studies on user acceptability of alcohol ignition interlock system and notes when using it
Decrease in alcohol use disorder hospitalizations in Brazil: what does it mean?
Treatment of substance use disorders among black and white adults: rates, correlates, and racial discrimination
Time trends in hospitalizations with anxiolytic, sedative, or hypnotic drug use disorder: a 17-year U.S. national study
The roles of emotion regulation, alcohol consumption, and women's condom request style in men's coercive condom use resistance intentions
Registered clinical trials on addiction: a cross-sectional study on
Longitudinal and self-attributed change in alcohol use among young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
First episode psychosis with and without the use of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids: psychopathology, global functioning and suicidal ideation and antipsychotic effectiveness
Examining the risk and predictive factors for marijuana and alcohol use among adolescent youth in out-of-home care
Features of the school environment that moderate adolescent marijuana use: an application and extension of the theory of planned behavior
Drug use intention and associated factors among college students: a survey conducted in Beijing
Interstrain differences in adolescent fear conditioning after acute alcohol exposure
Psilocybin use patterns and perception of risk among a cohort of Black individuals with Opioid Use Disorder
Substance use patterns in 9 to 13-year-olds: longitudinal findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study
US trends in the association of suicide ideation/behaviors with marijuana use among adolescents ages 12-17 and differences by gender and race/ethnicity
Anticholinergic burden measures, symptoms, and fall-associated risk in older adults with polypharmacy: development and validation of a prognostic model
Association between childhood trauma, intimate partner violence, and perceived parental competence among women abusing amphetamine-type stimulant
Co-occurring subacute combined degeneration and Guillain-Barré syndrome resulting from nitrous oxide abuse: a case report
Comparison of sorority and non-sorority women: risks for different sexual assault types
"It breaks the ice": a qualitative examination of drinking game motives, harms and protective behavioral strategies among university students in Australia
Opioid-related deaths in Ontario correctional facilities and penitentiaries (2009-2019)
Sociocultural determinants of alcohol and cannabis use and misuse among Nunavimmiut
What is a public health approach to substance use? A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis
A rare case of fatal poisoning during long-term therapy with lithium carbonate - chronic poisoning, suicide or psychiatric malpractice?
Susceptibility to interference between Pavlovian and instrumental control predisposes risky alcohol use developmental trajectory from ages 18 to 24
Binge drinking in the young population: lost memory after initial ethanol exposure via neuroinflammation and epigenetic
Buprenorphine dispensing among youth aged ≤19 years in the United States: 2015-2020
Hospital discharges for substance-related injuries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive surveillance study using administrative data
Dyadic effects of minority stress and problematic alcohol use on sexual intimate partner violence in same sex couples
Revealing the meaning of cannabis use as an occupation: a scoping review
Parents' drinking, childhood hangover? Parental alcohol use, subjective health complaints and perceived stress among Swedish adolescents aged 10-18 years
Medical costs of substance use disorders in the US employer-sponsored insurance population
Mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military: a data linkage study
Testing for cannabis intoxication: current issues and latest advancements
Assessing the applicability of cerebrospinal fluid collected from the spinal cord for the determination of ethyl alcohol in post-mortem toxicology
Criminal action against drug counterfeiters: assessment of the FDA Office of Criminal Investigation database 2016 through 2021
Identification of synthetic cathinones in seized materials: a review of analytical strategies applied in forensic chemistry
Kratom: a systematic review of toxicological issues
Taking the cat-and-mouse game to the next level: different perspectives on the introduction of the German New Psychoactive Substances Act
Self-report and urine drug screen concordance among women with co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders participating in a clinical trial: impact of drug type and participant characteristics
State cannabis legalization and psychosis-related health care utilization
Subjective response to alcohol in young adults with bipolar disorder and recent alcohol use: a within-subject randomized placebo-controlled alcohol administration study
Burden of disease due to amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, and opioid use disorders in South America, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Integration of substance use disorder treatment into a traditional community mental health treatment system
Lethal lust: suicidal behavior and chemsex--a narrative review of the literature
A longitudinal study of protective factors against substance use in early adolescence. an ecological approach
Evidence of the ability of microsatellite method to distinguish cannabis strains with high cannabinoid content
Facial fractures in indigenous and non-indigenous populations of South Australia
A deep-learning approach for identifying a drunk person using gait recognition
Unintended reductions in assaults near sobriety checkpoints: a longitudinal spatial analysis
Adolescent substance use at the intersections of foster care, sexual orientation and gender identity, racial/ethnic identity, and sex assigned at birth
"Are they into each other?" What drinking alcohol and leaving a party together signal to college students about sexual intent
Calls of despair: an EMS perspective on suicide and overdose in Rhode Island during COVID-19
CANNabinoid Drug Interaction Review (CANN-DIR™)
Illuminating differences among overdose deaths by intent with a social determinants of health framework, North Carolina, 2015-2019 [conference abstract #88]
Understanding implementation of a lockbox distribution program to prevent opioid overdose in native communities [conference abstract #87]
Cocaine exposures reported to United States poison control centers, 2000-2020 [conference abstract #8]
Implementing optimal configurations of sobriety checkpoints to reduce alcohol-impaired driving [conference abstract #45]
Informing the development of a recovery friendly workplace toolkit for small businesses [conference abstract #39]
Injury-related risk behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the emergency department enrolled in an opioid prevention randomized controlled trial [conference abstract #28]
Trends in non-opioid pain medication prescribing before and after the release of the 2016 CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain [conference abstract #75]
Use of medication for opioid use disorder and other prescription opioids among mothers of infants with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome: North Carolina Medicaid, 2016-2018 [conference abstract #59]
Ridesharing and alcohol-related assaults in NYC: a spatial ecological case-crossover study [conference abstract #24]
Prescription characteristics associated with increased fall-related injury risk among older adults prescribed benzodiazepines: a cohort study [conference abstract #60]
Reductions in assaults around sobriety checkpoints: a longitudinal spatial analysis of an unintended effect [conference abstract #157]
Substance use disorder prevention and treatment and health coverage can bolster school violence prevention [letter]
The cost of opioid use disorder-related conditions in Medicare
A developmental cascade model of adolescent peer relationships, substance use, and psychopathological symptoms from child maltreatment
Stressors and coping strategies in rural farmers: a qualitative study
Sleep medication use in adults aged 18 and over : United States, 2020
Giving alcohol sports marketing the red card in Scotland [letter]
A grounded theory approach to exploring the experiences of community pharmacists in Lebanon to a triple whammy of crises: the Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut port explosion
Inhibition of RPTPβ/ζ reduces chronic ethanol intake in adolescent mice and modulates ethanol effects on hippocampal neurogenesis and glial responses in a sex-dependent manner
Letter-to-the-editor, concerning the article entitled "Common opioids and stimulants in autopsy and DUID cases: a comparison of measured concentrations."
Negative effects of rivaroxaban observed in a patient with multiple common risks triggered by a bicycle accident
Negative urgency, PTSD symptoms, and alcohol risk in college students
Network analysis of comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol misuse in treatment-seeking UK Armed Forces veterans
Opioid use disorder from poppy seed tea use: a case report
Parent-child separation and intergenerational transmission of substance use and disorder: testing across three generations
Prevalence and influencing factors of self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arab region: a multinational cross-sectional study
Mental health among LGBTQ cannabis users during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of the COVID-19 Cannabis Health Study
The clouded debate: a systematic review of comparative longitudinal studies examining the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on key public health outcomes
Pregnant women and opioid use disorder: examining the legal landscape for controlling women's reproductive health
Improving care for SUD patients with complex trauma-relationships between childhood trauma, dissociation, and suicidal behavior in female patients with PTSD and SUD
Disproportionality analysis of quinolone safety in children using data from the FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS)
Effectiveness of a brief motivational intervention in the management of risky alcohol use in primary care: ALCO-AP20 study protocol
Cannabis use among adolescents and emerging adults who use e-cigarettes: findings from an online, national U.S. sample
Changes in pregnancy-associated deaths in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
Association between cannabis and violence in community-dwelling patients with severe mental disorders: a cross-sectional study using machine learning
Association between child maltreatment and substance use disorder across emerging adulthood
Associations between β-blockers and psychiatric and behavioural outcomes: a population-based cohort study of 1.4 million individuals in Sweden
Substance use and violence victimization among women: a review of relevant literature
Substance use disorders among adults during imprisonment in a medium security prison: prevalence and risk indicators
A systematic review of alcohol consumption and disorders in relation to disasters
Perceived discrimination enhances the association between distress and impact related to the murder of George Floyd and unhealthy alcohol use in a survey sample of U.S. Veterans who report drinking
Holyoke Early Access to Recovery and Treatment (HEART): a case study of a court-based intervention to reduce opioid overdose
Identification of prescription opioid misuse and abuse behaviors and risk factors in chronic pain patients using the Prescription Opioid Misuse and Abuse Questionnaire (POMAQ)
Initiation of and escalation to high-intensity drinking in young adults
Expanding clozapine use in state prisons: a review of the North Carolina experience
A cross-national study on adolescent substance use: intentions, peer substance use, and parent-adolescent communication
Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol: a scoping review and commentary
Changes in medical cannabis use after recreational cannabis legalization in Canada
Sex moderates family history of alcohol use disorder and childhood maltreatment effects on an fMRI stop-signal task
Life time use of illicit substances among adolescents and young people hospitalized in psychiatric hospital
NHANES cross sectional study of aspirin and fractures in the elderly
A novel community-based therapeutic education program for reducing alcohol-related harms and stigma in people with alcohol use disorders: a quasi-experimental study (ETHER study)
Adolescent drug ingestions requiring ICU stay: single-center retrospective cohort study
Application prospect of integrative omics in forensic identification of methamphetamine-associated psychosis
Associations of adolescent psychosocial factors to later benzodiazepine use: a population-based follow-up study of adolescent psychiatric inpatients in Northern Finland
Suicide by taking phenobarbital and scopolamine: a case report
Older adults with vestibular disorders and hip fractures have high rates of meclizine use
Influence of mild traumatic brain injury history and mental health status on alcohol and cannabis use in university athletes
Adult use of highly-potent Δ9-THC cannabis concentrate products by U.S. state cannabis legalization status, 2021
Trajectories of parental harshness and exposure to community violence differentially predict externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in legal system-involved youth
The utility of thc cutoff levels in blood and saliva for detection of impaired driving
Substance use and help-seeking barriers: a qualitative study of East African migrants' experiences of access to Norwegian healthcare services
Soccer clubs as avenues for gender transformative socialization of adolescent boys in Cape Town and Mthatha, South Africa: a qualitative study
Regular cannabis use is associated with history of childhood and lifetime trauma in a non-clinical community sample
Oral and maxillofacial injuries associated with e-scooter use at Broomfield Hospital: a cohort study of 24 months of data since e-scooter legalisation in the UK
Overpoliced and underrepresented: perspectives on cannabis legalization from members of racialized communities in Canada
Prevalence and risk factors for tobacco, khat, and alcohol consumption among high school students in Ethiopia
Burn injury from smoking electronic cigarettes while on supplemental oxygen
Legalizing harmful drugs: government participation and optimal policies
Identifying desired features that would be acceptable and helpful in a wrist-worn biosensor-based alcohol intervention: interview study among adults who drink heavily
Contexts of drinking- and alcohol-related problems among Whites and Hispanics on and off the US/Mexico border in California
Drug induced liver injury: causative agents and predictors for the outcome - a retrospective study at Tanta University Hospital, Egypt
Relicensing of drunken drivers
The Massachusetts Saving Lives program: Six cities widening the focus from drunk driving to speeding, reckless driving, and failure to wear safety belts
Britain's campaign against drinking and driving
Response to Smyth & McCarron: Increases in cannabis-attributable emergency department visits during different phases of the pre and post legalization period are multifactorial
Community-, network-, and individual-level predictors of uptake of medication for opioid use disorder among young people who inject drugs and their networks: a multilevel analysis
Deeper understandings of patterns of drinking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: informing policy and practice
Heatwave and mental health
Cannabis use in a sample of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki students: a pilot cross-sectional study
Mathematical modeling of risk-taking in bipolar disorder: evidence of reduced behavioral consistency, with altered loss aversion specific to those with history of substance use disorder
Prevalence of alcohol intake and illegal drugs among the students at English medium private schools of Tripura, India (North Eastern States of India)
Adolescents' lived experiences of substance abuse in the Greater Giyani Municipality
Antidepressant drugs use and epilepsy risk: a nationwide nested case-control study
Blood alcohol concentration and road accidents: underestimation due to time of the arrival to the emergency department (ED) or delay in blood sampling. a 4-year retrospective study in Rome
Impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety from the "Lockdown" to the "New Normal": a case study of Utah
Implementing the White House's strategic plan to save lives amid the opioid crisis: reaching for the "North Star"
In-hospital newborn falls and suffocation associated with parental drug-related fatigue
Getting in: safe water entry competencies
Predicting young adults' intentions and involvement in alcohol-influenced aquatic activity
Alcohol focused drowning prevention campaigns: what do we know and what should we do now?
Perceptions and motivation toward water safety and aquatic activities in college students
Wai puna: An indigenous model of Maori water safety and health Maori in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Case report of lethal concentrations of the over-the-counter sleep aids diphenhydramine and melatonin
Annual research review: prenatal opioid exposure - a two-generation approach to conceptualizing neurodevelopmental outcomes
A case report of cannabis abuse: a surprising etiology of elevated troponin
The clustering of physical health conditions and associations with co-occurring mental health problems and problematic alcohol use: a cross-sectional study
The COVID-19 impact and characterization on substance use-related emergency department visit for adolescents and young adults in Canada: practical implications
Determining factors of the accident rate and occupational diseases of the shellfish divers of the Coquimbo Region, Chile
Disparities in maternal-infant drug testing, social work assessment and custody at five hospitals
Drinking in the home: what does it entail for younger and older Finns?
Emergence of fentanyl-related deaths in Travis County, Texas and surrounding areas: a retrospective review of postmortem fentanyl-related drug toxicities from 2020 to 2022
The effect of parental alcohol use on alcohol use disorder in young adulthood: exploring the mediating roles of adolescent alcohol expectancies and consumption
Syndemic profiles and sexual health risks among sexually exploited adolescent girls in Taiwan: a latent class analysis
The effect of drug abuse on clinical outcomes of adult burn patients admitted to a burn center in the north of Iran
Do anxiety symptoms mediate the association between cannabis use frequency and psychotic-like experiences in emerging adult undergraduates?
Emerging patterns of substance abuse and related treatment in China
Comparison of the effect of lemborexant and other insomnia treatments on driving performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Drugs, violence and trauma in the Colombian context: a health care point of view of a human rights challenge
Alcohol consumption, alcohol expectancies, and drinking contexts in young Argentinean college students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a one-year follow-up study
Psychosocial, neurobiological and familial influences on children and adolescents' alcohol and substance use
Increasing trends and incidence of nonfatal overdose among women sex workers who use drugs in British Columbia: the role of criminalization-related barriers to harm reduction
Intoxications with synthetic cannabinoids
Measurement of Δ(9)THC and metabolites in the brain and peripheral tissues after intranasal instillation of a nanoformulation
Prevalence, knowledge, and attitude toward substance abuse, alcohol intake, and smoking among male high school students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Psychoactive substance abuse among commercial bus drivers in Umuahia, Abia State, South-Eastern Nigeria: an uncontrolled "epidemic" with attendant road traffic crashes
Role of the National Health Service Corps in delivering substance use disorder treatment in underserved communities
Trends in mortality related to unintentional poisoning in the South Asian region from 1990 to 2019: analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study
Adolescent alcohol exposure alters threat avoidance in adulthood
Suicide ideation, distress, and peer perceptions as predictors of substance use
Statistical analysis of toxicological data of victims of traffic accidents in Galicia (Spain)
Prevalence of alcohol and drugs among drivers killed in road traffic crashes in Norway during 2011-2020
The impact of recreational cannabis markets on motor vehicle accident, suicide, and opioid overdose fatalities
Analysis of the characteristics and causes of night tourism accidents in China based on SNA and QAP methods
Understanding sexualized drug use: substances, reasons, consequences, and self-perceptions among men who have sex with other men in Spain
Trends in public awareness and knowledge of drinking guidelines: a representative population survey in England, 2016-2022
Another reason to quit smoking: results of a prospective study examining smoking, COPD, and suicide [editorial]
Associations between blackout drinking and self-reported everyday cognition among young adults
A cross-sectional study of alcohol, opioid use, and anxiety in agriculturally based occupations
A cross-sectional study on the associations between depression and anxiety, medication use for these diseases and physical activity level in Spanish people with hypertension
Defining despair: assessing the multidimensionality of despair and its association with suicidality and substance use in early to middle adulthood
Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure and confirmation in four pediatric patients
A dose of truth: a qualitative assessment of reactions to messages about fentanyl for people who use drugs
From punishment to help? Continuity and change in the Norwegian decriminalization reform proposal
Geography, rurality, and community distress: deaths due to suicide, alcohol-use, and drug-use among Colorado Veterans
The international regime of drug control may violate the human right to life and security
Internet gaming disorder does not predict mood, anxiety or substance use disorders in university students: a one-year follow-up study
Overdose and off-label psychotropic prescribing in patients with borderline personality disorder: a retrospective series
Parental drug use disorders and youth psychopathology: meta-analytic review
A preliminary experimental study of self-objectification and risky sex behavior among a university sample of cisgender women in the US
Presentations of active substance use in the emergency department: a single center's perspective study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Sexual assault, mental health, and alcohol use in college women: the role of resilience and campus belonging
Substance use and attendance motives of electronic dance music (EDM) event attendees: a survey study
Can blood alcohol concentration have a role in choosing high lethality method of suicide?
Consequences of cannabis use: narrative review
Minors and cannabis use: an analysis by gender and age
Legal regulation of cannabis in Mexico
Too many hats? The role of police officers in drug enforcement and the community
Toxicological findings in fatal intoxications from synthetic cathinones: a narrative review
Alprazolam-associated death: suicide or unintentional overdose?
Associations between early childhood adversity and behavioral, substance use, and academic outcomes in childhood through adolescence in a U.S. longitudinal cohort
A case study on MDMA: two fatal cases involving young adults
Characteristics and circumstances of cocaine-related completed suicide in Australia, 2000-2021
Crash-involved THC-positive drivers in Norway have a high frequency of polysubstance use
The impact of employment on treatment completion rates with DWI offenders
Impaired proactive control in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder: evidence from ERPs
The cannabidiol and marijuana research expansion act: promotion of scientific knowledge to prevent a national health crisis
Intimate partner violence, substance use, and health comorbidities among women: a narrative review
What do we know about alcohol internet interventions aimed at employees?-A scoping review
Severe drug-induced liver injury from over-the-counter medication
Sex/gender differences in the time-course for the development of substance use disorder: a focus on the telescoping effect
Profound hyperthermia associated with fentanyl and cocaine use with suspected synephrine adulteration
Poisonings from hydrocarbon inhalant misuse in Australia
Ketamine and esketamine in suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a systematic review
Heroin use and neuropsychological impairments: comparison of intravenous and inhalational use
The impact of hydrocodone rescheduling on utilization, abuse, misuse, and overdose deaths
Effect of psychostimulant medications on static balance performance in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: within-subjects repeated-measure study
Correction: comparison of lithium levels between suicide and non-suicide fatalities: cross-sectional study
Depression and substance use as consequences of exposure to family violence: a moderation mediation and self-medication hypothesis study
Community selected strategies to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths in the HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term (SM)) communities study
Adverse drugs reactions to paracetamol and ibuprofen in children: a 5-year report from a pediatric poison control center in Italy
Alcohol-related mortality in four European countries: a multiple-cause-of-death study
The impact of poisoning in British Columbia: a cost analysis
Self-reported impacts of recreational and medicinal cannabis use on driving ability and amount of wait time before driving
What contributes to drug driving? An exploratory investigation into the influence of problematic substance use, roadside testing and alternative transport options
Use of substances to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic among transgender and gender diverse adults
Treatment delays for mental disorders in Singapore: results from the Singapore Mental Health Study 2016
Alcohol use, suicidality and virologic non-suppression among young adults with perinatally acquired HIV in Thailand: a cross-sectional study
Assessing substance use disorder among Social Security Administration disability applicants
Commentary: Lower legal BAC limit and traffic safety: some international evidence
Drugs in Danish traffic cases where no alcohol was found present
Experience of road control pilot study in South Korea for international motor vehicle project aimed at counteracting traffic injuries
Characterisation of institutionalised Portuguese older adult fallers: is there a place for pharmacist intervention? A preliminary study
The differential relation of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse histories to antidepressant treatment remission and persistence of anhedonia in major depression: a CAN-BIND-1 report
The nomological network of drinker identity: a scoping review
Patients' experience with a community pharmacy fall prevention service
Pharmacological strategies for the management of the antisocial personality disorder
Massive intentional enoxaparin overdose managed with minimal protamine: a single case report
Increased prescribing of psychotropic drugs or school-based services for children with disabilities? Associations of these self-control-boosting strategies with juvenile violence at the state level
Insights in opiates toxicity: impairment of human vascular mesenchymal stromal cells
Interventions to reduce parental substance use, domestic violence and mental health problems, and their impacts upon children's well-being: a systematic review of reviews and evidence mapping
Is there a dose-response relationship between cannabis use and violence? A longitudinal study in individuals with severe mental disorders
Using formative evaluation of a community-based opioid overdose prevention program to inform strategic communication for adoption, implementation, and sustainability
Urine drug tests indicate higher prevalence of combined alcohol and cocaine use compared to alcohol together with cannabis or amphetamine-a possible link to cocaethylene
Traumatic experiences and PTSD symptoms in substance use disorder: a comparison of recovered versus current users
"There's a big tag on my head": exploring barriers to treatment seeking with women who use methamphetamine in Sydney, Australia
Mad drivers: psychiatric illness and driving performance
Single- and cross-commodity delay discounting of cannabis
A shift in focus: mothers' descriptions of sharing a child with a co-parent with unhealthy alcohol use after participating in a support program
Emotion regulation difficulties moderate the association between typical drinking and sexual assault victimization among sexual and gender minority university students
Children with problem-drinking parents in a Swedish national sample: is the risk of harm related to the severity of parental problem drinking?
Associations between relative deprivation with opioid use among working-age adults during the great recession
Access to alcohol outlets from home and work in Sweden: longitudinal associations with problem drinking
Alcohol-related road accidents in the Federal Republic of Germany
Adolescent and young adult drunkenness and future educational attainment and labor market integration: a population-based longitudinal study
Adverse outcomes associated with opioid prescription by dentists in the Veterans Health Administration: a national cross-sectional study from 2015 to 2018
The effect of question order on outcomes in the orbital core outcome set for alcohol brief interventions among online help-seekers (QOBCOS): findings from a randomised factorial trial
The effectiveness of the helmet for the motorcyclist (machine under 50 cc), and the importance of alcoholemia in traffic accidents
Establishing the relative accuracy of using city directories as proxies to define and reconstruct historical alcohol environments
Association between parental supply of alcohol and later adolescent alcohol use in a highly permissive context
Attitudes toward cannabis use legalization and openness to legal use among young partygoers in Norway
Between- and within-person correlates of alcohol-impaired driving in first-year university students: the roles of impulsivity, binge drinking, depression, and anxiety
Characterization of unintentional deaths among buprenorphine users
Ecological momentary assessment of cannabis use and affect among adolescents following psychiatric discharge
The impact of posttraumatic stress disorder, ethnic discrimination, and nativity on nicotine dependence among female Hispanic survivors of physical intimate partner violence
The incidence and temporal patterns of use of amphetamine-type stimulant use in traffic-related ambulance attendances from 2015 to 2020 in Victoria, Australia
Interactions between the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the alcohol industry: evidence from email correspondence 2013-2020
Media reporting on alcohol and other drugs in Australia and the Mindframe guidelines: baseline data
A pilot study of an evidence-based prevention intervention (keepin' it REAL) for early adolescents in Kenyan schools
Prevalence of alcohol and other drug use in patients presenting to hospital for violence-related injuries: a systematic review
Physiological, psychosocial and substance abuse effects of pornography addiction: a narrative review
Impulsivity, masculine norms and patron pre-drinking levels in Queensland
High risk and low prevalence diseases: toxic alcohol ingestion
The effects of exceeding low-risk drinking thresholds on self-rated health and all-cause mortality in older adults: the Tromsø study 1994-2020
Deterrence effect of penalties upon adolescent cannabis use
Corrigendum to: Use of electronic medical records to monitor the safe and effective prescribing of medicinal cannabis: is it feasible?
Antidepressant poisoning trends in pediatric intensive care: a comparative study of new- and old-generation antidepressants
Correlation of symptoms registered during blood collection from drivers who tested positive for Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Using direct and belief-based measures of the theory of planned behaviour to predict intention to cycle when mildly intoxicated
Suicide risk, alcohol consumption and attitudes towards psychological help-seeking among Lithuanian general population men, conscripts and regular active duty soldiers
The effects of cannabidiol on the driving performance of healthy adults: a pilot RCT
Alcohol use severity, anger and drinking motives among firefighters
Association between sexual violence victimization and electronic vaping product use among adolescents: findings from a population-based study
Characteristics, methods, and functions of non-suicidal self-injury among highly dissociative individuals
Coinciding crises: the effects of the police legitimacy and opioid crises on the culture of a specialized drug investigation unit
Comparison of characteristics between adolescent and adult pregnant women who used methamphetamine: a retrospective study in a tertiary hospital
Why money laundering is nurtured in Ethiopia?
A transformative and social marketing ecosystem investigation into drug use among young adults
Culturally tailored substance use interventions for Indigenous people of North America: a systematic review
Editorial : Dual diagnosis and public health – a lost opportunity in prevention
Programme responses for men who perpetrate intimate partner violence in the context of alcohol or other drugs: a scoping review
The problem of unaccompanied children in the earthquake; insufficient enrollment
Further understanding the correlations between sexting and mental health: considerations for sex and sexual identity
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) poisoning: findings from ten cases
Comparison of Cloninger's personality traits in drug addicts in different cultures
The mediating role of school anxiety and emotional control in the relationship between basic psychological needs and the tendency to use drug among
Veterans crisis line call outcomes: treatment contact and utilization
Trends of repeated emergency department visits among adolescents and young adults for substance use: a repeated cross-sectional study
Marijuana legalization and opioid deaths
Oral and maxillofacial injuries associated with e-cigarette explosions: a systematic review and management guidelines proposal
Over-the-counter cough and cold medicines: reported poisonings of children before and after the 2012 and 2020 labelling changes in Australia
Acute alcohol intoxication and alcohol expectancy effects on women's memory for consensual and non-consensual sexual activity
Opioid overdoses increase at home during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order period in Cook County, Illinois
Noncommunicable diseases, injuries, and mental health: the triple burden in Africa
The association between abused adults and substance abuse in Taiwan, 2000-2015
Description and evaluation of cocaine body-packers management in French Guiana (2016-2019)
Functional correlates of neurological soft signs in heavy cannabis users
Understanding the associations between personality traits and the frequency of alcohol intoxication in young males and females: findings from the United Kingdom
The role of effortful control in mitigating negative consequences associated with emerging adult drinking
Regular cannabis use during the first year of the pandemic: studying trajectories rather than prevalence
Parental divorce, discord, and polygenic risk on children's alcohol initiation and lifetime risk for disorder
Identification of LSD analogs, 1cP-AL-LAD, 1cP-MIPLA, 1V-LSD and LSZ in sheet products
Induced negative affect's impact on self-reported cannabis use, expectancies, and problems
Concordance between substance use self-report and hair analysis in community-based adolescents
Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses of a web-based computer-tailored intervention for prevention of binge drinking among Spanish adolescents
Defining cannabis risky use: building the plane while you fly it
Alcohol impairs driver attention and prevents compensatory strategies
Physician self-identified race and opioid prescription practices in upper extremity injuries in the pediatric emergency department
The socio-ecological context of U.S. college student drinking: a latent class analysis
Mental health concerns for college students: self-harm, suicidal ideation, and substance use disorders
Pathways connecting socioeconomic marginalization and overdose: a qualitative narrative synthesis
Pediatric poisonings associated with ingestion of marijuana products
Fatal and nonfatal opioid overdose risk following release from prison: a retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data
Herbal supplement-induced liver injury: a case report
Disruption to Australian heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy markets with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions
Drug overdose deaths among non-Hispanic Black men in the U.S.: age-specific projections through 2025
Editorial: Using digital solutions for Brief Interventions in Alcohol, Tobacco, other drug use, and gambling: from the present to the future
A characterization of pre- to post-immigration alcohol use among recent Latino immigrants to the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cannabis effects on driving performance: clinical considerations
Alcohol consumption and well-being among 25,000 Danish high school students
Acute kidney injury after treatment of paracetamol overdose using new N-acetylcysteine guideline
Pharmacists' experiences, perceptions, and attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention: a scoping review
Puff, puff, don't pass: harm reduction for cannabis use during a viral respiratory pandemic
Likelihood of craniofacial injury and hospitalization with alcohol use while skateboarding and scootering
Motives for alcohol use, risky drinking patterns and harm reduction practices among people who experience homelessness and alcohol dependence in Montreal
Neurocognitive effects of binge drinking on verbal episodic memory. An ERP study in university students
Social suffering: Indigenous peoples' experiences of accessing mental health and substance use services
Substances from unregulated drug markets - a retrospective data analysis of customer-provided samples from a decade of drug checking service in Zurich (Switzerland)
Prevalence and psychiatric correlates of illicit substance use in UK undergraduate students
The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol abuse and drunkorexia behaviors in young adults
Recreational drug use and distress from hallucinations in the general Dutch population
Reply to: "Interpreting with caution the lack of association between isotretinoin, depression, and suicide"
Neighborhood alcohol outlet density, historical redlining, and violent crime in NYC 2014-2018
Place of therapeutic cannabis in France and safety data: a literature review
Kratom retail availability in Fort Worth, Texas
Mobile app-based coaching for alcohol prevention among adolescents: pre-post study on the acceptance and effectiveness of the program "MobileCoach Alcohol"
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training and impact on mental illness and substance use-related stigma among law enforcement
Non-medical use of pharmaceutical opioids with and without other illicit substance use: trends from two repeated nationally representative Australian surveys
Trauma exposure among cannabis use disorder individuals was associated with a craving-correlated non-habituating amygdala response to aversive cues
The impact of childhood trauma on problematic alcohol and drug use trajectories and the moderating role of social support
Does relationship-contingent self-esteem play a role in the stress to impaired control pathway to alcohol-related problems in a college student sample?
Changes in mental health, emotional distress, and substance use affecting women experiencing violence and their service providers during COVID-19 in a U.S. southern state
Alcohol and cannabis co-use in a national sample of U.S. adults ages 30-80
An approach for studying the contributions of childhood sexual abuse and HPA axis dysregulation to substance use disorders
The weaponization of medicine: early psychosis in the Black community and the need for racially informed mental healthcare
Seasonal, weekly, and other cyclical patterns in deaths due to drug poisoning in England and Wales
Sociometric network analysis in illicit drugs research: a scoping review
Sodium nitrite poisoning: a series of 20 fatalities in which post-mortem blood nitrite and nitrate concentrations are reported
Substance use and related disorders among persons exposed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks: essentials for screening and intervention
Key informant perspectives on the enforcement of police-imposed barring notices and prohibition orders in Western Australia
Perceptions of using instant messaging apps for alcohol reduction intervention among university student drinkers: semistructured interview study with Chinese university students in Hong Kong
Prevalence of substance use among Asian sexual minority individuals in the United States, 2015-2020
Cocaine use disorder and childhood maltreatment are associated with the activation of neutrophils and increased inflammation
Cannabis-assisted psychotherapy for complex dissociative posttraumatic stress disorder: a case report
Alcohol use as a predictor of the course of major depressive disorder: a prospective population-based study
Adolescent predictors of psychiatric disorders in adulthood: the role of emotional distress and problem drinking in emerging adulthood
Associations between observed neighborhood physical disorder and health behaviors, New Jersey behavioral risk factor Surveillance System 2011-2016
Typical sources and locations of marijuana among US young adults: differences by sexual minority status
The need to monitor emerging issues in etomidate usage: the misuse or abuse potential
Can counter-advertising exposing alcohol sponsorship and harms influence sport spectators' support for alcohol policies? An experimental study
Differential momentary reports of stress and affect associated with alcohol consumption in middle-aged versus younger adults
Development of a web-based alcohol prevention program linking school-child-family for intermediate elementary students
Cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of Australians who use alcohol home delivery services
The effects of the 4/20 cannabis holiday and adult-use cannabis legalization on medical cannabis sales and medical cannabis patient registration in Arizona
Integrating depression and alcohol use care into primary care in low- and middle-income countries: a meta-analysis
Analysis of opioid poisoning in medically underserved rural areas: an evaluation of International Statistical Classification of Diseases codes from the state of South Dakota
Determinants of health among people who use illicit drugs in the conflict-affected countries of Afghanistan, Colombia and Myanmar: a systematic review of epidemiological evidence
Solitary cannabis use and related consequences among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Speedy Gonzales analysis method in one drop of beverage, for crimes committed with drugs from three different groups
State cannabis legalization and cannabis use disorder in the US Veterans Health Administration, 2005 to 2019
Prescription drugs with potential for misuse: protocol for a multi-indicator analysis of supply, detection and the associated health burden in Ireland between 2010 and 2020
Psychosocial factors associated with substance use among secondary school students in Ilorin, Nigeria
Race-based traumatic stress predicts risky drinking, over and above negative affect, and non-race-related trauma symptoms in racial/ethnic minority female college students
Masculine depression and its problem behaviors: use alcohol and drugs, work hard, and avoid psychiatry!
Medication-associated diethylene glycol mass poisoning - a preventable cause of illness and death
Naloxone expansion is not associated with increases in adolescent heroin use and injection drug use: evidence from 44 US states
Part II: Missouri's fentanyl poisonings rise to record levels
The impact of receiving polygenic risk scores for alcohol use disorder on psychological distress, risk perception, and intentions to reduce drinking
The health and psychosocial profiles of adults who sought mental health and addiction specialty services through a centralized intake process in Nova Scotia in 2020 and 2021
Food insecurity and its impact on substance use and suicidal behaviours among school-going adolescents in Africa: evidence from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey
Fatal toxicity due to locally produced unlabeled alcohol consumption: an illustrative case series from Nepal
Examining the clinical correlates of conduct disorder in youth with bipolar disorder
Determinants of school dropouts among adolescents: evidence from a longitudinal study in India
Development and validation of the alcohol-related content poster prototype scale: exploring the impact of social media prototypes on college students' drinking
Development of the ¡Vamos por Mas! parenting program to prevent substance use among Chilean adolescents
Correction to: Determinants of health among people who use illicit drugs in the conflict-affected countries of Afghanistan, Colombia and Myanmar: a systematic review of epidemiological evidence
Clinical diversity in a randomized trial that explicitly sought racial/ethnic diversity in its sample: baseline comparisons in a treatment of youth substance use and posttraumatic stress
Clearing cannabis criminal records: a survey of criminal record expungement availability and accessibility among US states and Washington DC that decriminalized or legalized cannabis
Acute kidney injury among children likely associated with diethylene glycol-contaminated medications - The Gambia, June-September 2022
Access to a dementia-friendly garden on behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, falls and psychotropic medication use in residents of an aged care home in Melbourne, Australia
Support for evidence-based alcohol policy in Ireland: results from a representative household survey
Sex differences in relation between military sexual trauma and risk for alcohol misuse among U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers
A review of factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol
Resilience and challenges among women with histories of addiction and victimization newly admitted to a sober living home: a brief report
Personalized risk communication and opioid prescribing in association with non-prescribed opioid use: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Modulation of neuronal excitability by binge alcohol drinking
Maturing out: between- and within-persons changes in social-network drinking, drinking identity, and hazardous drinking following college graduation
The long road to introduce drug checking as a harm reduction strategy in Australia
The journey to overdose: using spatial social network analysis as a novel framework to study geographic discordance in overdose deaths
Childhood neglect is associated with low affect and high stress in habitual alcohol drinkers
Injury severity analysis of time-of-day fluctuations and temporal volatility in reverse sideswipe collisions: a random parameter model with heterogeneous means and heteroscedastic variances
The history, evolution, and practice of cannabis and E-cigarette industries highlight necessary public health and public safety considerations
Feasibility and acceptability of the social media-brief alcohol screening and intervention for college students intervention
Fat-free mass accounts for most of the variance in alcohol elimination rate in women
Drugged driving among U.S. adolescents, 2016-2019, USA
Decline in youth drinking in high-income settings: implications for public health in low-income countries
Defining and measuring 'inhalant' use in population-based surveys
C-L case conference: suicidal risk management in the context of alcohol intoxication
Association between co-occurring anxiety and depression with drug overdose encounters in the emergency department among adolescents and young adults in the era of COVID-19
Association between pediatric TBI and mental health and substance use disorders: a scoping review
Associations between tobacco and alcohol use and aggressive behavior among adolescents in 55 low- and middle-income countries
Absence of age verification for online purchases of cannabidiol and delta-8: implications for youth access
Access to tablet injectable opioid agonist therapy in rural and smaller urban settings in British Columbia, Canada: a qualitative study
Analyzing risky behaviors among different minority and majority race in teenagers in the USA using latent classes
Alcohol use and physical intimate partner violence perpetration among Black men: the moderating effect of interpersonal social support
Years of life lost due to unintentional drug overdose relative to the leading underlying causes of death in the United States: a comparative analysis of excess mortality 2017-2019
Worsening psychosis associated with administrations of buspirone and concerns for intranasal administration: a case report
Teasing and alcohol drinking among African American adolescents in Chicago's Southside: implications for nursing practice
Unmet mental health need and subsequent substance use in individuals with a history of depression: are there differences between metro and nonmetro areas?
Tracking changes in the endorsement of injunctive drinking norms in response to the COVID-19 pandemic using longitudinal alignment analysis
Perceived risk of LSD varies with age and race: evidence from 2019 United States cross-sectional data
Overdose and suicide are different phenomena among opioid users that require different clinical management
Mechanisms of injury in adolescent trauma patients with a positive marijuana screen
A legal dispute resolution intervention for patients with substance use disorders: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Gender-based differences in abstention and desistance from drug use among American Indian adolescents
Fatalities of pedestrians lying on the road
Exploring roles of stakeholders in combating substance abuse in the DIMAMO Surveillance Site, South Africa
Evolving threat of pediatric ingestions: a discussion of cannabis and button batteries and their implications for children
The effect of HD-tDCS on brain oscillations and frontal synchronicity during resting-state EEG in violent offenders with a substance dependence
'The area I'm from is very rough': drug users' views on the role of social and economic factors in their experiences of drug-related harm
Daily impulsivity and alcohol expectancies: a multilevel examination of the acquired preparedness model
A clinical-epidemiological study on beta-blocker poisonings based on the type of drug overdose
Chemsex drug use among a national sample of sexually active men who have sex with men, - American Men's Internet Survey, 2017-2020
Changing trends and characteristics of one punch deaths in Australia (2012-2018)
Changes in hazardous drinking pre, during and post 70-day alcohol sales ban during COVID-19 pandemic in Botswana
Autoimmunity associates with severity of illness in elderly patients with drug-induced liver injury
Supervised relation extraction between suicide-related entities and drugs: development and usability study of an annotated PubMed corpus
Treatment retention and reductions in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) during the first 90 days of a telehealth program for alcohol use disorder
Adverse childhood experiences and sipping alcohol in U.S. Children: findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study
Risk factors for gambling disorder: a systematic review
Recurrent severe burns due to cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
A randomized controlled trial of an online alcohol and sexual risk prevention program for college students studying abroad
Racial and ethnic differences in deaths by suicide, drug overdose, and opioid-related overdose in a national sample of military members with mild traumatic brain injury, 1999-2019
Opioid and cannabis co-use: the role of opioid use to cope with negative affect
Patterns of polysubstance use and clinical comorbidity among persons seeking substance use treatment: an observational study
Loneliness, affective disorders, suicidal ideation, and the use of psychoactive substances in a sample of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Incidence of newborn drug testing and variations by birthing parent race and ethnicity before and after recreational cannabis legalization
A double-blind randomized controlled trial of doxazosin for co-occurring PTSD and alcohol use disorder in veterans
Differential prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by gender and substance used in individuals with cannabis, cocaine, opioid, and tobacco use disorders
Deriving generalizable and interpretable brain-behavior phenotypes of cannabis use
Trends in pediatric nonprescription analgesic/antipyretic exposures during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rare fatal effect of combined use of sildenafil and alcohol leading to cerebrovascular accident
Prevalence of potentially traumatic events and symptoms of depression, anxiety, hazardous alcohol use, and post-traumatic stress disorder among people with HIV initiating HIV care in Cameroon
Effectiveness of a mobile app to increase risk perception of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use in Mexican high school students: quantitative study
Delta-8-THC association with psychosis: a case report with literature review
The impact of sedative hypnotic drugs on hallucinated sexual assault or sexual fantasies involving health professionals: a systematic review
Worldwide prevalence of alcohol use in non-fatally injured motor vehicle drivers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Who are Australia's young heavy drinkers? a cross-sectional population study
Thyroid hormone abuse among elite athletes
Seeing is believing: How cannabis marketing exposure is associated with cannabis use attitudes and behavior in a permissive medical cannabis policy environment
Shared genetic liability for alcohol consumption, alcohol problems, and suicide attempt: evaluating the role of impulsivity
Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: the role of social context
School prejudice and substance use from adolescence to emerging adulthood in the United States: variation across race and ethnicity
Religion and drinking: differences between two campuses
Marijuana-induced lung injury: a case report and a review of the literature
Is minimum unit pricing for alcohol having the intended effects on alcohol consumption in Scotland?
Incidence of intoxications in the emergency department of Galati Hospital with examples of cardiovascular effects of MDMA intoxication
High 'n' dry? A comparison of cannabis and alcohol use in drivers presenting to hospital after a vehicular collision
Effects of cannabis legalization on road safety: a literature review
Effect of binge-drinking on quality of life in the 'Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra' (SUN) Cohort
Documenting tribal community readiness to support substance abuse prevention
Determinants of problem drinking by regional variation among adult males in single-person households: geographically weighted regression model analysis
Differences in drug use among persons experiencing homelessness according to gender and nationality
Comprehensive analysis of social stigma of ındividuals with substance use disorder in Turkey in the context of Erving Goffman's stigma theory
Co-occurring suicidal ideation and alcohol-related problems: an intersectional analysis of Native American and White adults with minoritized sexual identities
Association of rheumatoid arthritis with opioid pain medication overuse among persons exposed to the 9/11 World Trade Center Disaster
Alcohol versus combined alcohol and energy drinks consumption: risk behaviours and consumption patterns among European students
The acute effects of alcohol on social cognition: a systematic review of experimental studies
Do opioid prescriptions lead to fatal car crashes?
Prevalence and correlates of erectile dysfunction among long-distance commercial vehicle drivers and commercial motorcycle riders in Ibadan Nigeria: a comparative cross-sectional study
The profile and causes of death among medical doctors and dental surgeons in Uganda: 1986 to 2016
Ameliorative effect of rice husk methanol extract on liver and kidney toxicities induced by subchronic codeine administration
Assessing the contributions of modifiable risk factors to serious falls and fragility fractures among older persons living with HIV
Association between drug craving and aggression in Chinese male methamphetamine-dependent patients with and without depressive symptoms
Association between traumatic brain injury and mental health care utilization: evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey
Association of alcohol social media marketing with young adult drinking expectancies and behaviours: abridged secondary publication
The availability and promotion of low alcohol beverages in licensed venues: an environmental audit on the Gold Coast, Australia
Clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with paracetamol poisoning before and after restrictions of over-the-counter sale of paracetamol
Clinical features and factors related to lifetime suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in patients who have had substance-induced psychosis across their lifetime
Drug and alcohol use in trauma patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
The effect of recreational cannabis legalization on rates of traffic injury in Canada
Illicit fentanyl exposure among victims of violence treated at a trauma center
Impact of Canada's cannabis legalisation on youth emergency department visits for cannabis-related disorders and poisoning in Ontario and Alberta, 2015-2019
The impact of minimum unit pricing on traumatic brain injury in Scotland: a retrospective cohort study of routine national data
Nitrous oxide-induced neurotoxicity: clinical characteristics and impacts on overall neurological impairments
Optimizing sobriety checkpoints to maximize public health benefits and minimize operational costs
Training nursing students in motivational interviewing for alcohol misuse: a mixed method study
Nystagmus among suspected amphetamine impaired drivers
Impact of substance-related harms on injury hospitalizations in Canada, from 2010 to 2020
Differences in clinical presentation at first hospitalization and the impact on involuntary admissions among first-generation migrant groups with non-affective psychotic disorders
The global distribution and epidemiology of psychoactive substance use and injection drug use among street-involved children and youth: a meta-analysis
Network analysis of reasons for and against changing alcohol use among veterans engaged in a web-based intervention for hazardous drinking and PTSD symptoms
Neuroimaging-derived predicted brain age and alcohol use among community-dwelling older adults
Drug Burden Index in older adults with psychiatric illnesses: a cross-sectional study
Increasing use of cannabis for medical purposes among US residents, 2013-2020
Individual-level and neighborhood-level shifts in mortality patterns among drug poisoning deaths in a high-density Asian city: a territory-wide, case-only analysis
Media framing of causes, risks, and policy solutions for cannabis-impaired driving: does medical vs. non-medical cannabis context matter?
Understanding the complexity, patterns, and correlates of alcohol and other substance use among young people seeking help for mental ill-health
Social illness before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a regional study
Recreational cannabis legislation: substance use and impaired driving among Canadian rural and urban postsecondary students
Psychomotor performances relevant for driving under the combined effect of ethanol and synthetic cannabinoids: a systematic review
Partner alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence among women in Papua New Guinea: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey
Interplay between genetic risk and the parent environment in adolescence and substance use in young adulthood: a TRAILS study
Are drinking cognitions associated with marijuana and concurrent alcohol and marijuana use among adolescents and young adults?
The distribution of alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking across British drinking occasions in 2019: a cross-sectional, latent, class analysis of event-level drinking diary data
Providing a population based registry model of drug poisoning in Iran
Reducing the drivers of drug demand in English towns by understanding risk and resilience in the community and developing a framework for partnership action: a mixed methods analysis
The role of unawareness, volition, and neural hyperconnectivity in alcohol use disorder: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Associations of cannabis use with motor vehicle crashes and traffic stops among older drivers: AAA LongROAD study
Cannabinoids in traumatic brain injury and related neuropathologies: preclinical and clinical research on endogenous, plant-derived, and synthetic compounds
Changes in opioid and benzodiazepine poisoning deaths after cannabis legalization in the US: a county-level analysis, 2002-2020
Changes in opioid prescription duration for musculoskeletal injury associated with the STOP Act
Childhood traumatic experiences and negative alcohol-related consequences in adulthood: a cross-cultural examination of distress tolerance and drinking to cope
Consuming oral cannabidiol prior to a standard alcohol dose has minimal effect on breath alcohol level and subjective effects of alcohol
Coping and conformity motives mediate the joint effects of the behavioral inhibition and approach systems on alcohol problems in young adults
The COVID-19 Pandemic in the Nawalparasi District of Nepal: a mixed methods assessment of increased alcohol use and violence against women
Depression, alcohol misuse, and suicide attempt among North Korean refugee women exposed to gender-based violence
Direct effects of cannabis intoxication on motivations for softer and harder drug use: an experimental approach to the gateway hypothesis
An exploratory follow-up study of cannabis use and decision-making under various risk conditions within adolescence
Impact of alcohol taxes on violence in Hong Kong: a population-based interrupted time series analysis
The impact on poisonings of up-scheduling of modified release paracetamol to Schedule 3 (pharmacist only medicine)
Number of medications and polypharmacy are associated with risk of fall in Saudi community-dwelling adults
Pilot test of intranasal oxytocin as an enhancer of brief couples therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder
Evaluating the effectiveness of implementing a more severe law on prevention of road traffic injury mortality in mainland China: an interrupted time series study based on national mortality surveillance
Exposure to traumatic events and use of over-the-counter analgesics in adolescents: cross-sectional findings from the Young-HUNT study
Facilitating factors and barriers for use of medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD) among justice-involved individuals in rural Appalachia
Identifying patterns of substance use and mental health concerns among adolescents in an outpatient mental health program using latent profile analysis
Identifying differential trajectories and predictors for depressive symptoms in adolescents using latent class growth analysis: a population-based cohort study
Heart rate variability may index emotion dysregulation in alcohol-related intimate partner violence
Incidence of cardiovascular symptoms and adverse events following self-reported acute cannabis intoxication at the emergency department: a retrospective study
Trends in drug use among nightclub and festival attendees in New York City, 2017-2022
Sexual victimization in adolescence: pathways of risk from sexual harassment via risky alcohol use and delinquency among U.S. adolescents
Specificity in genetic and environmental risk for prescription opioid misuse and heroin use
Risk of motor vehicle collisions after methadone use: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Psychological distress, intimate partner violence and substance use in a representative sample from Mexico: a structural equation model
Quickstats: Age-adjusted drug overdose death rates,*(,)(†) by state - National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2021
Prevalence and factors affecting the use of antipsychotics and antipsychotic polypharmacy in a child and adolescent psychiatry inpatient service
Opioid-related mortality: dynamic temporal and spatial trends by drug type and demographic subpopulations, Massachusetts, 2005-2021
Pathways to care in alcohol use disorders: a cross-sectional study from a tertiary hospital in South India
Naloxone prescribing in an academic emergency department: provider practices and attitudes
News media coverage of the problem of purchasing fake prescription medicines on the internet: thematic analysis
Measures of self-reported identity associated with sex and gender: relations with collegiate drinking
Minimum unit pricing in Scotland is associated with 13% fall in alcohol deaths, study finds [editorial]
Intoxications with synthetic cannabinoids
Longitudinal associations between descriptive and injunctive norms on college drinking
"Letting go and staying connected": substance use outcomes from a developmentally targeted intervention for parents of college students
Alcohol consumption and related disorders in Iran: results from the National Surveillance of Non-Communicable Diseases' Survey (STEPs) 2016
Feasibility of SMS booster for alcohol reduction in injury patients in Tanzania
Syndemic violence victimization, alcohol and drug use, and HIV transmission risk behavior among HIV-negative transgender women in India: a cross-sectional, population-based study
Alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments on Crate Day in Waikato, New Zealand
Appropriate use and abuse of sedative-hypnotic drugs
The associations of basic psychological need satisfaction and need frustration with cannabis-related outcomes in a multi-site sample of college students
Attachment insecurity, hazardous alcohol use, and intimate partner violence: a dyadic analysis
The acceptability of overdose alert and response technologies: introducing the TPOM-ODART framework
Spatiotemporal patterns of deaths of despair across the U.S., 2000-2019
Study design to evaluate a web-intervention to prevent alcohol and cannabis-impaired driving and use among adolescents in driver education
Revisiting the effect of recreational marijuana on traffic fatalities
The role of decision tree and machine learning models for outcome prediction of bupropion exposure: a nationwide analysis of more than 14,000 patients in the United States
The association between vaping and driving under the influence of cannabis among US young adults
Association of friendly school and family contexts and reducing health risk behaviors among adolescents: a cross-national study in Europe, North America, and China
Binge drinking and violence in the transition to adulthood
Burns caused by nitrous oxide cylinder misuse
Cannabis retailer marketing strategies and regulatory compliance: a surveillance study of retailers in 5 US cities
The CARE health advocacy intervention improves trauma-informed practices at domestic violence service organizations to address brain injury, mental health, and substance use
Development of cannabis use disorder in medical cannabis users: a 9-month follow-up of a randomized clinical trial testing effects of medical cannabis card ownership
Drinking alcohol to cope with hyperactive ADHD? Self-reports vs. continuous performance test in patients with ADHD and/or alcohol use disorder
Evaluating effects of IBEM-U on decreasing alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking among university students in Colombia: protocol for a randomized control trial
"Harm per litre" as a concept and a measure in studying determinants of relations between alcohol consumption and harm
Hazardous drinking interventions delivered during medical-surgical care: patient and provider views
The Impact of religiosity/spirituality on slowing the progression of substance use: based on the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC-III)
Integrated treatment group curriculum for people with serious mental health conditions who use substances
The mediating role of self-regulation on the link between child maltreatment and later substance use among Latinx youth
Methamphetamine use in homicide victims
Minimum legal age laws and perceived access to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and other substances among youth in Canada, England, and the United States: 2017-2021
Most common reasons for emergency department presentation among patients with psychiatric disorders: a United States nationwide analysis
Acute consequences associated with co-use of alcohol and cannabis: a daily survey analysis
Adolescent substance use is associated with altered brain response during processing of negative emotional stimuli
The association between opioid prescribing and opioid-related mortality within neighborhoods in Ontario, Canada: a case control study
Associations of adolescent alcohol use and self-reported alcohol tolerance with risk of self-harm and suicide in early adulthood: a birth-cohort study
Birth, expansion, and contestation of alcohol per se laws: a global dataset of policies regulating driving under the influence of alcohol
A comparison of parents' and students' reports of general and alcohol-specific parenting behaviors across the four years of college
Concerning trends in youth substance use: dual use and social media marketing
Contextualizing cannabis implicit associations: consideration of peers and personality
Cultural factors and alcohol use in American Indian adults: results from a culturally tailored contingency management intervention
Drinking motives and willingness to drink alcohol in peer drinking contexts
Examining attitude, norms, and intentions as predictors of prospective change in alcohol-induced blackouts
How are retailers describing Delta-8 THC? A mixed-methods study in Fort Worth, Texas
Measuring how PH stakeholders seek to influence alcohol premises licensing in England and Scotland: the Public Health engagement In Alcohol Licensing (PHIAL) measure
Occasions of alcohol and cannabis use and associated risk for sexual assault among college women with higher sexual risk alcohol expectancies
Suicidal behaviors and risk taking among homeless individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Alcohol enforcement in the U.S. from 2010 to 2019
"Another tool in the toolkit"-perceptions, suggestions, and concerns of emergency service providers about the implementation of a supervised consumption site
Beer googles or liquid courage? Alcohol, attractiveness perceptions, and partner selection among males
Pennsylvania's community coordination strategy to reduce opioid overdose deaths
An overlooked effect: domestic violence and alcohol policies in the night-time economy
Multilevel risk and protective factors for frequent and non-frequent past 30-day marijuana use: findings from a representative sample of high school youth
Investigating TSPO levels in occupation-related posttraumatic stress disorder
The interrelationship of the genetic risks for different forms of substance use disorder in a Swedish national sample: a top-down genetic analysis
Impacts of recreational cannabis legalization on use and harms: a narrative review of sex/gender differences
How policy influences aggression in nightlife spaces: a proposed core aggression cycle
Cannabis use and health-related 'harm-to-others': towards a conceptual framework and evidence-base for public health
Delinquency, substance use, and risky sexual behaviors among youth who are involved in the justice system and predominantly reside in rural communities: patterns and associated risk factors
Delta-8, Delta-10, HHC, THC-O, THCP, and THCV: what should we call these products?
Risk factors in Japanese drug overdose patients: identifying their associations with suicide risk
Risk factors for binge drinking in young adulthood: the roles of aggregate genetic liability and impulsivity-related processes
Assessment of cognitive and psychomotor impairment, subjective effects, and blood THC concentrations following acute administration of oral and vaporized cannabis
Assessing electronic cigarette use and depressive symptoms among adolescents in Kansas
Cannabis use in adult population in Galicia: prevalence and associated characteristics
Challenges in drug surveillance: strengthening the analysis of new psychoactive substances by harmonizing drug checking services in proficiency testing
Changes in cannabis use in Spanish consumers during the COVID-19 lockdown according to gender, age, living situation and addiction level
Response to the letter to the editor "GHB-facilitated sexual assaults: how to proper assess a single GHB exposure in hair"
The relevance of patterns of use: a survey to assess cannabis use related harm
Do coping motives and perceived impaired control mediate the indirect links from childhood trauma facets to alcohol-related problems?
Medical outcomes of acute aspirin single substance poisoning in pediatric patients
Ketamine evolving clinical roles and potential effects with cognitive, motor and driving ability
From crime scene to courtroom: a review of the current bioanalytical evidence workflows used in rape and sexual assault investigations in the United Kingdom
Goal commitment and goal confidence mediate the path between desire to get drunk and binge drinking among young adults receiving text message goal-related feedback
Heroin-related fatalities in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, between 2008 and 2018
Psychiatric illness and substance abuse: unaddressed factors in burn injury
Mortality in patients addicted to opioids across 30-year follow-up
Multilevel longitudinal relations among impulsive traits, positive expectancies, and binge drinking from late adolescence to adulthood: a developmental test of acquired preparedness
A narrative review of alcohol control policies in Latvia between 1990 and 2020
Unused treatment offer at a drug withdrawal clinic - a qualitative study
Trends in concomitant and single opioid and benzodiazepine exposures reported to the California Poison Control System following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention release of opioid guidelines in 2016
Association between acute alcohol use and firearm-involved suicide in the United States
Alcohol prices, the April effect, and the environment, in violence-related injury in England and Wales
Suicide in services for mental health and substance use: a national hybrid registry surveillance system
Risk of motor vehicle collisions and culpability among older drivers using cannabis: a meta-analysis
Old and new biomarkers of alcohol abuse: narrative review
Neurological and cardiac symptomatology in a teenager in the context of chronic nitrous oxide use: a case report
Neurobiology of aggression-review of recent findings and relationship with alcohol and trauma
Micro-temporal analyses of crime related to alcohol outlets: a comparison of outcomes over weekday, weekend, daytime and nighttime hours
GHB-facilitated sexual assaults: how to proper assess a single GHB exposure in hair
First results of the French OCTOPUS survey among festival attendees: a latent class analysis
Desire to get drunk partially mediates effects of a combined text message-based alcohol intervention for young adults
A deductive thematic analysis of nurses with job-related problems who completed suicide during the early COVID-19 pandemic: a preliminary report
Criminal recidivism of patients in Swedish forensic psychiatry: a register-based comparison study
Comparison of incidence and outcome between occupational and non-occupational motorcycle injuries in Korea: a 7-years observational study
Clinical care pathway appropriateness of the intoxicated paediatric patient: a retrospective evaluation with Poisoning Severity Score
Effect of Ivermectin prophylaxis in prevention of COVID 19: meta-analysis and systematic review
Effect of lock down due to COVID-19 pandemic on the alcohol use and abuse among a tribal community in South India
Frequency and factors related to substance use among Black individuals aged 15-40 years old in Canada: the role of everyday racial discrimination
Alcohol use and drinking patterns in Swedish 85 year olds born three decades apart - findings from the Gothenburg H70 study
Alcohol, the overlooked drug: clinical pharmacist perspectives on addressing alcohol in primary care
Association between psychotropic drug prescription and suicide rates in Scotland: population study
Cannabis vaping among high school seniors in adult-use, medical, and prohibited legal contexts
Depressive symptoms, racism, and school belonging: examining correlates of substance use behaviors among Black college students
The effects of alcohol and marijuana co-use patterns on intimate partner aggression perpetration
Strictly regulated cannabis retail models with state control can provide lessons in how jurisdictions can regulate THC
Substance use outcomes for sexual and gender minority adults with a history of adverse childhood experiences: a scoping review
A method of diamorphine (heroin) administration for harm reduction
An individuality of response to cannabinoids: challenges in safety and efficacy of cannabis products
Feasibility of child-resistant and senior-friendly press-through packages: potential of different materials
Do Australian adolescents with permission to drink at home engage in different alcohol use behaviours and experience more harms than those without such permission?
Tobacco and alcohol consumption and the risk of frailty and falling: a Mendelian randomisation study
Trends and outcomes of trauma patients positive to marijuana and cocaine
Retention and overdose risk among patients receiving substance use disorder treatment, mental health care and peer recovery support: a longitudinal analysis
Nonpartner violence perpetration among emerging adults: associations with polysubstance use and trait mindfulness
The opioid response project: an effective learning collaborative for local communities?
Implications of cannabis legalization on substance-related benefits and harms for people who use opioids: a Canadian perspective
Employment status and recidivism after relationship violence intervention
Fatalities involving substance use among U.S. oil and gas extraction workers identified through an industry specific surveillance system (2014-2019)
Development and validation of an overdose risk prediction tool using prescription drug monitoring program data
Acute benzyl alcohol intoxication: an autopsy case report
Alcohol-induced blackouts among college student drinkers: a multilevel analysis
Income inequality and daily use of cannabis, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes among Canadian secondary school students: results from COMPASS 2018-19
Sleep medications and fall injury
Sex differences in pre-incarceration mental illness, substance use, injury and sexually transmitted infections and health service utilization: a longitudinal linkage study of people serving federal sentences in Ontario
Determination of 11 cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L. by liquid chromatography Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF-MS)
The association between child maltreatment and health risk behaviours and conditions throughout life in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study
Auto brewery syndrome from the perspective of the neurologist
Decomposing risky decision-making in methamphetamine use disorder: behavioral updating and D2 dopamine receptors
Untangling the temporal association between daily urges to die by suicide and to use substances
Suspected suicides and suicide attempts involving antipsychotic or sedative-hypnotic medications reported to America's Poison Centers, 2000-2021
Association between nocturnal falls and hypnotic drug use in older patients at acute care hospitals
Update on pharmacological treatment for comorbid major depressive and alcohol use disorders: the role of extended-release trazodone
Spirituality/religion and self-harm among patients with alcohol/substance use versus other disorders
Social media campaigns to influence alcohol consumption and related harms, attitudes, and awareness: a systematic review
The impact of minimum unit price on police-recorded alcohol-related assault rates in the Northern Territory, Australia
A laboratory test of alcohol-related intimate partner aggression: expectancies are not to blame
Pectoralis major rupture in body builders: a case series including anabolic steroid use
Baseline characteristics of people experiencing homelessness with a recent drug overdose in the PHOENIx pilot randomised controlled trial
The effect of different types of migration on symptoms of anxiety or depression and experience of violence among people who use or inject drugs in Kachin State, Myanmar
Postintervention reoffense in DUI repeat offenders receiving alcohol treatment as a diversion intervention: a 2-year follow-up study
Associations between polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications with risk of falls among the elderly in Saudi Arabia
Characteristics and circumstances of volatile solvent misuse-related death in Australia, 2000-2021
Perceptions of prescription opioids among marginalized patients with hematologic malignancies in the context of the opioid epidemic: a qualitative study
Design, development and pilot testing of 'Quest', a smartphone-based relapse prevention app for patients with alcohol dependence
Alcohol-related mortality in 15-24-year-olds in Denmark (2010-2019): a nationwide exploratory study of circumstances and socioeconomic predictors
Assessing options for poppers policy in Canada: a call to action for evidence-based policy reform
A comprehensive overview of substance abuse amongst Syrian individuals in an addiction rehabilitation center
Increased risks for suicide, self-harm, substance use, and psychiatric disorders in adults with inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide study in the United States From 2007 to 2017
Prevalence of self-reported adverse effects associated with drug use among nightclub and festival attendees, 2019-2022
Stability and change in substance use among Swedish adolescents: a latent transition analysis
Years of life lost due to unintentional drug overdose among perinatal individuals in the United States
A smartphone-based colorimetric assay using Au@Ag core-shell nanoparticles as the nanoprobes for visual tracing of fluvoxamine in biofluids as a common suicide drug
Deaths from alcohol related injuries in Australia doubled in a decade
The effect of physical training on health and psycho!Emotional state of managers of law enforcement agencies
Pilot randomized clinical trial of an app-based early intervention to reduce PTSD and alcohol use following sexual assault
Opportunities and challenges in capturing severe vaping-related injuries among Canadian children and youth
Urine drug test results among adolescents and young adults in an outpatient office-based opioid treatment program
Trends in public attitudes to permitting cannabis for recreational use: analysis of Irish survey data since 2002
A moderated mediation analysis of the association between smoking and suicide attempts among adolescents in 28 countries
Drug-related problems as reason for emergency department visit: 3 years of the FARM-URG registry
Detection of scopolamine in urine and hair in a drug-facilitated sexual assault
US drug overdose mortality rose faster among Hispanics than non-Hispanics from 2010 to 2021
Pushing boundaries or adding a gimmick to the party? Young people's experiences of nitrous oxide use in Denmark
Perceptions and practices of cannabis use among emergency department patients
Avoidance coping as a vulnerability factor for negative drinking consequences among injury survivors experiencing PTSD symptoms: an ecological momentary assessment study
Delta-8- and delta-9-THC use frequency, use motives, and mental health outcomes
Exploring associations between affect and marijuana use in everyday life via specification curve analysis
Opioid litigation: lessons learned from a retail pharmacy settlement
Alcohol screening during COVID-19 surges in an urban health system the United States
Effects of cannabis regulation in Switzerland: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Expectancies that predict cannabis initiation in response to legalization
Pediatric toxicology: an updated review
Perspectives toward cannabidiol (CBD) among youth in early psychosis intervention programs: a qualitative study
Sexual identity disclosure and alcohol experiences among LGBTQ+ adolescents
Factor structure of the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test Revised (CUDIT-R) for men and women
The sobering effects of binge drinking [editorial]
Uncomfortably high: testing reveals inflated THC potency on retail cannabis labels
Adolescents and youths' opinions about the factors associated with cannabis use: a qualitative study based on the I-Change model
CannaCount: an improved metric for quantifying estimates of maximum possible cannabinoid exposure
Children victims of drug abuser parents: hair testing as a forensic tool to assess exposure. A cohort of 37 cases from Spain
Combating fentanyl: National Guard physician assistants on the front lines of America's war against synthetic opioids
Diagnostic dilemma of differentiating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from mood disorders and other common psychiatric illnesses in substance use patient population
Duration of stay and rate of subsequent criminal conviction and hospitalisation for substance use among young people admitted to a short-term residential program
Electric scooter accidents leading to emergency department visits: influence of alcohol and outcomes in Stockholm, Sweden
Opioid prescribing and suicide risk in the United States
Resilience to substance use disorder following childhood maltreatment: association with peripheral biomarkers of endocannabinoid function and neural indices of emotion regulation
Preliminary study of the interactive effects of THC and ethanol on self-reported ability and simulated driving, subjective effects, and cardiovascular responses
Pharmacological risk assessment among older patients with polypharmacy using the clinical decision support system Janusmed Risk Profile: a cross-sectional register study
Peer- and web-based interventions for risky drinking among US National Guard members: Mission Strong randomized controlled trial
Patients with drug-abuse poisoning with and without HIV infection: differential characteristics
Guidance for handling the increasing prevalence of drugs adulterated or laced with fentanyl
PROTOCOL: The effects of cannabis liberalization laws on health, safety, and socioeconomic outcomes: an evidence and gap map
Risk perception of traffic accidents due to alcohol and marijuana use in Mexican college students
Characteristics of fatal, pedestrian-involved, motor vehicle crashes in West Vrginia: a cross-sectional and spatial analysis
Alcohol's harm to others in 2021: who bears the burden?
The evolution of ketamine in severe pediatric traumatic brain injury, from contraband to promising neuroprotectant?
Teen Well Check: an e-health prevention program for substance use, sexual assault, and sexual risk behaviors for adolescents in primary care
The association of FKBP5 polymorphisms with the severity of depressive disorder in patients with methamphetamine use disorders
Detection of fatal potassium overdose: a case report and review of the literature
Does personality, trait emotion regulation, and trait attentional control contribute toward the experience and impact of an alcohol hangover?
Does sport participation protect adolescents from alcohol consumption? A scoping review
A mobile-based pregaming drinking prevention intervention for college students: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Stand Down-Think Before You Drink: protocol for an effectiveness-implementation trial of a mobile application for unhealthy alcohol use with and without peer support
Trends in and factors associated with parental provision of alcohol to minors in Western Australia, 2013-2019
Occurrence of terrifying nightmares after few days of mirtazapine use in elderly patients
A scoping review of risk and protective factors for negative cannabis use consequences
"As long as that place stays open, I'll stay alive": accessing injectable opioid agonist treatment during dual public health crises
The association between drug use and mortality in a Norwegian prison cohort: a prospective cohort study
Behind the ChatGPT hype: are its suggestions contributing to addiction?
Drug use before and during imprisonment: drivers of continuation
Effects of emerging alcohol use on developmental trajectories of functional sleep measures in adolescents
A fast and convenient sample preparation method for the analysis of cannabinoids in oral fluid
Predictors of methamphetamine use in a longitudinal birth cohort
Typologies of child maltreatment and peer victimization and the associations with adolescent substance use: a latent class analysis
An unusual route of non-intentional intoxication by ecstasy in a toddler
Use of the BACtrack Skyn alcohol biosensor: practical applications for data collection and analysis
Examination of sex-related distress and self-medication drinking model in U.S. college women
Relational and trait factors mediate the associations between women's intoxication-related unwanted sexual experiences, pleasure, and desire
Social media, marijuana and sex: an exploratory study of adolescents' intentions to use and college students' use of marijuana
Sexual assault victimization in premature female mortalities: evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health
How long should a patron ban be: an examination of police-imposed barring notice records in Western Australia
The indirect effect of #Tamojunto2.0 program on bullying through reduction of alcohol use initiation
COVID-19 pandemic's disproportionate impact on childhood bereavement for youth of color: reflections and recommendations
Self-reported THC content and associations with perceptions of feeling high among cannabis consumers
Cross-national reflections on medicinal cannabis and depression
Exploring the association of addiction-related genetic factors with non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents
Roadside screening tests for cannabis use: a systematic review
Rise of pregabalin poisoning and abuse cases in Serbia: a ten-year retrospective study
The relationship between physician burnout and depression, anxiety, suicidality and substance abuse: a mixed methods systematic review
Identifying and describing trajectories of alcohol use frequency and binge drinking frequency among those age 15-30 in a national cohort of U.S. adolescents: a group-based trajectory modeling approach
Substance use and sexual risk taking in emerging adults with a history of bullying victimization
Victimization experiences and binge drinking and smoking among boys and girls in grades 7 to 12 in Manitoba, Canada
Trends in alcohol expenditure in Australia from 1984 to 2015-2016: an exploratory study
Prescription stimulant medical and nonmedical use among US secondary school students, 2005 to 2020
A narrative systematic review of the gender inclusivity of measures of harmful drinking and their psychometric properties among transgender adults
Influence of cannabis use on incidence of psychosis in people at clinical high risk
Individual differences in affect dynamics and alcohol-related outcomes
Emergency department presentations with suicide and self-harm ideation: a missed opportunity for intervention?
Blunted neural reward response to alcohol and greater alcohol motivation in binge drinkers in a randomized clinical experiment
Awareness raising and dealing with methanol poisoning based on effective strategies
Suspected suicidal cannabis exposures reported to US poison centers, 2009-2021
"Spice"-related deaths in and around Munich, Germany: a retrospective look at the role of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in our post-mortem cases over a seven-year period (2014-2020)
Emergence of sex differences in U.S. adolescent substance use
Use of both alcohol and cannabis protective behavioral strategies is associated with fewer negative consequences: a moderation analysis
Prevalence and incidence of alcohol dependence: cross-sectional primary care analysis in Liverpool, UK
Medicinal cannabis and implications for workplace health and safety: scoping review of systematic reviews
Adverse childhood experiences and their association with substance use disorders in adulthood: a general population study (Young-HUNT)
Association of mental health conditions, recent stressful life events, and adverse childhood experiences with postpartum substance use - seven states, 2019-2020
Daily associations between cannabis use and alcohol use among people who use cannabis for both medicinal and nonmedicinal reasons: substitution or complementarity?
Δ(9)-THC and CBD in plasma, oral fluid, exhaled breath, and urine from 23 patients administered Sativex
Testing relationships between exposure to violence and substance use: comparing cognitive and mental health mediation and integrating propensity score matching
Access to psychosocial support for church-going young people recovering from drug and substance abuse in Zimbabwe: a qualitative study
Neighborhood-level association between release from incarceration and fatal overdose, Rhode Island, 2016-2020
The association between suicidal behaviour and violence, sexual abuse, and parental substance abuse among Sami and Greenlandic adolescents: the WBYG study and the NAAHS
Association of gender-based violence with sexual and drug-related HIV risk among female sex workers who use drugs in Kazakhstan
Development and validation of the C-SHADE Scale for measuring perpetration of common sexually harassing and aggressive behaviors in drinking environments
Do non-drinking youth drink less alcohol in young adulthood or do they catch up? Findings from a Swedish birth cohort
Cannabis demand and use among veterans: a prospective examination
Sweden's first Take-Home Naloxone program: participant characteristics, dose endpoints and predictors for overdose reversals
Antecedents of sibling aggression and bullying victimization: the parallel and serial contributions of depressive symptoms and substance use
The association between potentially traumatic events and cocaine, cannabis, and alcohol use differs by race
Effective alcohol policies are associated with reduced consumption among demographic groups who drink heavily
Identifying causal associations between early sexual intercourse or number of sexual partners and major depressive disorders: a bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis
Prevalence of fall-risk increasing drugs in older adults presenting with falls to the emergency room
Reduced connectivity of the cognitive control neural network at rest in young adults who had their first drink of alcohol prior to age 18
For preventing fatal motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians lying on the road
Improved estimates for individual and population-level alcohol use in the United States, 1984-2020
Pain perception, resilience, failure tolerance and aggression of women and men treated with methadone in Tehran, Iran
The pattern of structural relations of predicting craving based on childhood maltreatment, negative emotionality and impulsivity with the mediating role of behavioral emotion regulation
Predictors of alcohol consumption among adolescents and young adults in Lusaka, Zambia
Tracking the randomized rollout of a Veterans Affairs opioid risk management tool: a multi-method implementation evaluation using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)
Alcohol and public health: failure and opportunity
A case of barbiturate poisoning from pentobarbital in a young Japanese patient
Changes in co-use of alcohol and cannabis among Nordic adolescents in the 21st century: results from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs study
The characteristics and treatment outcomes of people with very late onset of problem drinking
The relationship between alcohol purchasing, rurality, and poverty status in Zambia
Developing indicators to measure the implementation of the Western Cape Alcohol Harms Reduction Strategy in South Africa
Barriers and enablers of screening and brief intervention programme implementation for patients with alcohol-related injuries in a South African trauma centre: views of health care providers
Trends in alcohol-impaired crashes in California, 2016 to 2021: a time series analysis for alcohol involvement and crash distribution among demographic subgroups
The separate and joint effects of recent interpersonal abuse and cannabis use on psychotic experiences: findings from students in higher education in the United States
Self-report survey measures of alcohol-impaired driving: a systematic review
Alcohol use disorder as a risk factor for violent offending and reoffending in delinquent women with substance use disorders
Prevalence of substance abuse among trauma patients in rural West Virginia
The role of culture in the association between racial discrimination and alcohol use among North American Indigenous adolescents reporting recent drinking
A pilot study investigating cognitive impairment associated with opioid overdose
Postmortem mitragynine distribution in a single drug fatality case
Measuring cannabis quantities in online surveys: a rapid review and proposals for ways forward
Naloxone online information exceeds the recommended reading level for patient education materials
The influence of social media on alcohol consumption of mothers of children and adolescents: a scoping review of the literature
Effectiveness of sexual assault protective behaviors on the daily level: the roles of intoxication and executive control
Does a history of cannabis use influence onset and course of schizophrenia?
The danger of the toxicity and inefficacy of alcohol-based hand rubs in Iran during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study
An explanatory model of violent behavior, self-concept, and alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis consumption in secondary education students
"The familiar taste of poison": a qualitative study of multi-level motivations for stimulant use in sexual minority men living in South Florida
Injuries, poisonings, and other external causes of morbidity among drug crime offenders: a follow-up study of former adolescent psychiatric inpatients
High incidence of signs of neuropathy and self-reported substance use disorder for nitrous oxide in patients intoxicated with nitrous oxide
Role of positive emotion regulation strategies in the association between childhood trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder among trauma-exposed individuals who use substances
The role of beta- and alpha-adrenergic receptors on alcohol drinking
Response to Letter-to-the-editor, concerning the article entitled "Common opioids and stimulants in autopsy and DUID cases: a comparison of measured concentrations."
Adaptation of a European categorization system for driving-impairing medicines in Iran
Alcohol and other substance use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2021
American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel Consensus Statement on leveraging equity in policy to improve recognition and treatment of mental health, substance use disorders, and nurse suicide
Prevalence of alcohol binge drinking and associated suicidality in a nationwide population survey in Taiwan
Rapid analysis of drugs: a pilot surveillance system to detect changes in the illicit drug supply to guide timely harm reduction responses - eight syringe services programs, Maryland, November 2021-August 2022
Witnessing community violence, gun carrying, and associations with substance use and suicide risk among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2021
Women with substance use disorders are highly impacted by the overturning of Roe v. Wade: advocacy steps are urgently needed
Acceptability and anklet user experience with the SCRAM-CAM transdermal alcohol concentration sensor in regularly drinking young adults' natural environments
Adverse drug effects as a deterrent against willingness to use in the future among nightclub/festival attendees
The epidemiology of substance use in the West Bank: who is at risk?
Frequency and timing of sent and received alcohol-related text messages: associations with alcohol use and related consequences among adolescents and young adults
A multi-topic bystander intervention program for upper-level undergraduate students: outcomes in sexual violence, racism, and high-risk alcohol situations
Prehospital emergency service use for substance-related issues before and during COVID-19
The relationship between drunkorexia, alcohol, and blackouts among college students: an exploratory study
Cannabinoids and multiple sclerosis: a critical analysis of therapeutic potentials and safety concerns
Description of trends over the week in alcohol-related ambulance attendance data
Driving under the influence of substances and motor vehicle fatalities among older adults in the United States
Epilogue to the special issue on predrinking and drinking game behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the United States and across the globe: problems to be addressed in future predrinking research
The establishment of a population-specific reference value for the ruler drop test for the clinical assessment of reaction time
Evidence for an alcohol-related "harm paradox" in individuals with internalizing disorders: test and replication in two independent community samples
Fatal drug use in the COVID-19 pandemic response: changing trends in drug-involved deaths before and after stay-at-home orders in Louisiana
Hospital admissions for paracetamol poisoning declined following codeine re-scheduling in Australia
Unrecorded alcohol use in 33 European countries: analyses of a comparative survey with 49,000 people who use alcohol
Trends in the use of driving-impairing medicines according to the DRUID category: a population-based registry study with reference to driving in a region of Spain between 2015 and 2019
Tribal Reservation Adolescent Connections Study: a study protocol using mixed methods for examining social networks and associated outcomes among American Indian youth on a Northern Plains reservation
Methamphetamine-induced profound rhabdomyolysis and myoglobin cast nephropathy: a case report and a literature review
Minimum legal drinking age and alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortality by age 63 years: a register-based cohort study based on alcohol reform
Minimum legal drinking age-still an underrated alcohol control policy [editorial]
National analysis of motor vehicle collision-associated mortality among opioid users from 2010 to 2020: the need for effective prevention policies
'Safe supply' initiatives: are they a recipe for harm through reduced healthcare input and supply induced toxicity and overdose?
Racial and ethnic disparities in alcohol-attributed deaths in the United States, 1999-2020
Pharmacological mechanism of ketamine in suicidal behavior based on animal models of aggressiveness and impulsivity: a narrative review
Drugs or despair? Unraveling the rise in deaths of despair in Illinois
High potency cannabis use, mental health symptoms and cannabis dependence: triangulating the evidence
Abrupt peaks in perceived risk of occasional drug use after changing the question order in a repeated self-administered survey
Associations between prescription stimulant use as prescribed, nonmedical use, and illicit stimulant use among adults evaluated for substance use treatment, 2017-2021
An unusual case of small bowel obstruction because of body packing
Recovery schools for improving behavioral and academic outcomes among students in recovery from substance use disorders: a systematic review
University students' (binge) drinking during COVID-19 lockdowns: an investigation of depression, social context, resilience, and changes in alcohol use
Recreational marijuana use, adolescent cognitive development, and schizophrenia susceptibility
Orthopaedic injuries due to electric scooter trauma presenting to a level 1 trauma centre before and after introduction of a scooter-sharing scheme
Narrative minireview of the spatial epidemiology of substance use disorder in the United States: who is at risk and where?
"My family was also happy": couples' qualitative reports of a combined behavioral economics and cognitive behavioral therapy intervention to reduce alcohol use and intimate partner violence
Knowledge, perception, and beliefs of Saudi physicians at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh related to medical cannabis: Literature review and a cross-sectional survey
The impact of legal cannabis availability on cannabis use and health outcomes: a systematic review
Built environment influence on the incidence of elderly pedestrian collisions in a medium-large city in southern Brazil: a spatial analysis
Cannabis use in adolescence: vulnerability to cognitive and psychological effects
Conscription hurts: the effects of military service on physical health, drinking, and smoking
Could the serum glucose/potassium ratio offer an early reliable predictor of life-threatening events in acute methylxanthine intoxication?
Polypharmacy and associated cumulative anticholinergic burden are important predictors of falls risk
Prison adjustment among military veterans: the impact of traumatic events, service history, and PTSD
Predictors of alcohol and substance use among people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): findings from the NESARC-III study
Prevalence and predictors of sex under the influence of psychoactive substances among young people in informal settlements in Kampala, Uganda
Prevalence of cannabis use among young adults in Sweden comparing Randomized Response Technique with a traditional survey
Nearly one-fourth of eastern Ethiopian adolescents are current psychoactive substance users: a school-based cross-sectional study
The nature and extent of outdoor alcohol marketing in Wellington, New Zealand: a longitudinal audit and spatio-temporal analysis of outdoor alcohol marketing
Military-to-civilian transition strains and risky behavior among post-9/11 veterans
Longitudinal examination of high-risk drinking contexts: daytime drinking, pregaming, and drinking games linked to high-risk alcohol use and negative consequences in young adults
Legislation alone is not enough to reduce prescriptions of benzodiazepines
Investigation of the subtypes of nonsuicidal self-injury based on the forms of self-harm behavior: examining validity and utility via latent class analysis and ecological momentary assessment
Effect of CannEpil(®) on simulated driving performance and co-monitoring of ocular activity: a randomised controlled trial
Drunkenness and regretted online social risk behaviors: the role of social drinking motives and positive urgency
Did the cannabis recreational use law affect traffic crash outcomes in Toronto? Building evidence for the adequate number of authorised cannabis stores' thresholds
Who gets burned in Brazil?
Cannabis positivity rates in 17 emergency departments across the United States with varying degrees of marijuana legalization
Absconding among admitted patients with bipolar affective disorder diagnosis in Uganda
Association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia stronger in young males than in females
Cannabis use among female community college students who use alcohol in a state with and a state without nonmedical cannabis legalization in the US
Turmeric-associated liver injury: a rare case of drug-induced liver injury
Using mobile technology to influence alcohol-impaired driving risk perceptions and decisions
All-cause and cause-specific mortality in individuals with an alcohol-related emergency or hospital inpatient presentation: a retrospective data linkage cohort study
Assessing the diagnostic utility of the Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test - Revised (CUDIT-R) among veterans with medical and non-medical cannabis use
Comment on 'Characteristics of poisonings involving ketamine in the United States, 2019-2021'
Understanding the relationship between domestic and intimate partner violence, adverse childhood experiences, and chronic opioid use disorder: the patient perspective
Prevalence and correlates of opioid-involved suicides in Maryland
Prospective associations between cannabis use and depressive symptoms across adolescence and early adulthood
Record linkage studies of drug-related deaths among adults who were released from prison to the community: a scoping review
Relative age within school grade, including delayed and accelerated school start: associations with mid-life psychiatric disorders, suicide and alcohol- and drug-related mortality
Learning from disaster: a natural experiment exploring disaster preparedness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic by houses of worship
Childhood poisoning during the COVID-19 pandemic
Adaptive interventions for alcohol misuse and violent behaviors among adolescents and emerging adults in the emergency department: a sequential multiple assignment randomized controlled trial protocol
Computational markers of risky decision-making predict for relapse to alcohol
County-level social vulnerability and nonfatal drug overdose emergency department visits and hospitalizations, January 2018-December 2020
Effects of alcohol problem discrepancy on relationship adjustment: the moderating role of conflict negotiation among couples with alcohol use disorder and intimate partner violence
Ethnoracial differences in workplace drug testing and policies on positive drug tests in the United States
The relationship between an individual's birthday and admission for traumatic injury
No laughing matter: bilateral inner thigh burns secondary to nitrous oxide inhalation
Why your bar has crime but not mine: resolving the land use and crime - risky facility conflict
Developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis concurrent use in a nationally representative sample of United States youths
Probable PTSD, PTSD symptom severity, and comorbid PTSD and hazardous drinking among sexual minority women compared to heterosexual women: a meta-analysis
Alcohol consumption among adults in Germany: heavy episodic drinking
A comparison of opioid prescription trends in England and the United States from 2008 to 2020
Culturally adapted motivational interviewing's effects on drinking in response to immigration and acculturation stressors among Latinx adults with heavy drinking problems
Drinking motives, personality traits, life stressors - identifying pathways to harmful alcohol use in adolescence using a panel network approach
Drug and alcohol intoxication in major trauma: associations, trends and outcomes over a decade
Understanding the illicit drug distribution in England: a data-centric approach to the County Lines Model
Psychotropic medication use and future unexplained and injurious falls and fracture amongst community-dwelling older people: data from TILDA
National trends in pediatric deaths from fentanyl, 1999-2021
High risk or risky highs: understanding the links between alcohol and cannabis use on the transition from suicidal ideation to attempts in Australian men
People experiencing homelessness in NC have increased mortality, including high overdose, violence, injury, and chronic disease death rates [letter]
Assessment of medical cannabis and health-related quality of life
Cannabis toxicity in children and adolescents
Cannabis, cannabinoids and psychosis: a balanced view
Characterization of aerosols from hemp-derived pre-roll joints
A comparative analysis of antidepressant and anti-suicidal effects of repeated ketamine infusions in elderly and younger adults with depression
Increasing risk of cannabis use disorder among U.S. veterans with chronic pain: 2005-2019
Highlighting victim vividness and external attribution to influence policy support regarding the opioid epidemic: the mediating role of emotions
"I'm almost opioid-a-phobic": family medicine residents' perceptions of enhancing opioid analgesic and agonist treatment training in a Canadian setting
Perceived parental alcohol problems and psychosomatic complaints among adolescents in Sweden
Drinking at home: restricting alcohol availability is a key mechanism to reduce harms
Diagnosed behavioral health disorders, related duty limitations, and return to duty time in the U.S. Army: population-based data, from 2017 to 2019
Building cultures of participation: involving young people in contact with the criminal justice system in the development of drug interventions in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Italy and Poland
Latent profiles of cannabis use, protective behavioral strategies, and health beliefs in college students
Improving alcohol health literacy and reducing alcohol consumption: recommendations for Germany
Associations of alcohol use disorder, cannabis use disorder, and nicotine dependence with concurrent opioid use disorder in U.S. adults
Changing approaches to treating opioid withdrawal in the USA
Emergency department visits involving mental health conditions, suicide-related behaviors, and drug overdoses among adolescents - United States, January 2019-February 2023
Emerging trends in methaqualone and analogues abuse: insights from online forums [letter]
"If my buddies use drugs, will I?" Peer effects on substance consumption among teenagers
Isotretinoin and neuropsychiatric side effects: continued vigilance is needed
Mental health and substance use among sexual minority women who report childhood sexual abuse: a systematic literature review
Modeling the value-based decision to consume alcohol in response to emotional experiences
Perceived racial discrimination and polysubstance use among racial/ethnic minority adolescents in the United States
Prologue to the special issue on predrinking and drinking game behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the United States and across the globe: definitions and overview of prevalence rates
Provider intentions to implement cannabis use intervention in first episode psychosis treatment
The relationship of history of psychiatric and substance use disorders on risk of dementia among racial and ethnic groups in the United States
The use of nitrous oxide whippets as a recreational drug: hidden health risks
Childhood adversity and developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis co-use
Cognitive preoccupation with drinking and behavioral effects of alcohol as predictors of current consumption patterns
Déjà Q in the Australian nightlife: ID scanners and violent crime in night-time entertainment districts
Is arrest for prohibited drug use a prelude to more serious offending?
Psychopharmaphobia: elevated fear of antidepressant medication among patients with major depression and breast cancer
Public transport access to drug treatment before and during COVID-19: implications for the opioid epidemic
The relationship between mindfulness and readiness to change in alcohol drinkers
A latent profile analysis of blackout drinking behavior among young adults
A metabolomics and big data approach to cannabis authenticity (authentomics)
Factors to reduce drug-related recidivism among paroled methamphetamine users in Japan: 10-year data analysis
Impact of alcohol home delivery and other methods of obtaining alcohol in young adults
Examining the differences in perceived legal and non-legal factors between drink driving and drug driving
Experiences of trauma and alcohol and other drug use by domestic, family, and sexual violence offenders: a review of 6 months of sentencing remarks from the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, Australia
Parent and adolescent reports of parental monitoring and sources of parental knowledge are linked to cannabis use and symptom development in adolescents
(Young) men behaving badly: dangerous masculinities and risk of drowning in aquatic leisure activities
Alcohol consumption in aquatic settings: a mixed-method study exploring young adults' attitudes and knowledge
Beverage-specific consumption trends: a cross-country, cross-sectional comparison
Canada's cannabis legalization and police-reported cannabis-related criminal incidents among youth, 2015-2021
A case of near-fatal bradycardia caused by accidental cannabis intoxication
CandyCodes: simple universally unique edible identifiers for confirming the authenticity of pharmaceuticals
US Food and Drug Administration warning regarding finasteride and suicidal ideation: what should urologists know?
Traumatic brain injury in college students and the influence of alcohol consumption: a retrospective review from a rural state
Evaluating cannabis exposure in survey items: insights, strategies, and remaining challenges identified from cognitive interviewing
Profile of childhood poisoning and its outcomes in the United States: a one-year nationwide study of emergency and inpatient admissions
Public health ethics and punitive drug policy: are new proposed sanctions for drug possession in the UK ethically justifiable?
Identifying early intervention opportunities for illicit stimulant use: a cross-sectional study of factors associated with illicit stimulant use among young people accessing integrated youth services in British Columbia, Canada
"Go hard or go home": exploring young people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of alcohol use and water safety in Western Australia using the Health Belief Model
Alcohol and driving-How bad is the combination? A meta-analysis
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in trauma patients: a study using the Trauma Quality Program Participant User File
Considerations for the design of overdose education and naloxone distribution interventions: results of a multi-stakeholder workshop
Effects of cannabis legalization on the use of cannabis and other substances
The impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis use and associated outcomes: a systematic review
Nursing students' perceived knowledge, therapeutic attitudes, and interest in addictions education
Prices of flower and resin in cannabis social clubs: analyses of register data from 220,000 collections
Renal toxicity caused by diethylene glycol: an overview
The role of nephrologists in the management of methanol poisoning
Semaglutide exposures reported to the NSW Poisons Information Centre: effects of social media marketing and supply chain disruptions
Unpacking the differing understandings of "alcohol industry" in public health research
Newer antiseizure medications and suicidality: analysis of the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Database
Methamphetamine use associated with gun and knife violence: a matched cohort analysis
Longitudinal changes in the county-level relationship between opioid prescriptions and child maltreatment reports, United States, 2009-2018
Investigating the relationship between early life adversity, inflammation and alcohol use
Increase in alcohol use among the geriatric trauma population during the covid-19 pandemic
Exploratory study of the effects of sex and hormonal contraceptives on alertness, fatigue, and sleepiness of police officers on rotating shifts
Father-mother co-involvement in child maltreatment: associations of prior perpetration, parental substance use, parental medical conditions, inadequate housing, and intimate partner violence with different maltreatment types
Will Germany's new cannabis policy reform plans serve public health?
Seeking order in patterns of polysubstance use
The safety of lookalikes: a new THC beverage enhancer and a non-THC counterpart
Longitudinal links of parental solicitation, knowledge, and peer approval with deviance during early adolescence
Medications and driving vehicles
Characteristics of associated injuries in children and teenagers with craniofacial fractures
Designing and evaluating opioid misuse prevention training for rural communities and health care providers
Estimating the impact of the minimum alcohol price on consumers' alcohol expenditure in the Northern Territory, Australia
Examining COVID-19 pandemic-related economic and household stress and its association with mental health, alcohol, and substance use in a national sample of Latinx sexual minority and heterosexual adults
Increase in educational inequalities in alcohol-related mortality in Spain during a period of economic growth
Longitudinal course of endocannabinoids and N-acylethanolamines in hair of mothers and their children in the first year postpartum: investigating the relevance of maternal childhood maltreatment experiences
Using natural language processing to predict fatal drug overdose from autopsy narrative text: algorithm development and validation study
Trends of cannabis use and related harms before and after legalization for recreational purpose in a developing country in Asia
Through the wine glass: how biographical midlife transitions and women's affective interpretations interact with alcohol consumption
Organic impurity profiling of fentanyl samples associated with recent clandestine laboratory methods
Prescription characteristics associated with drug overdose risk among adults prescribed benzodiazepines: a cohort study
The role of early intervention for adolescent mental health and polydrug use: cascading mediation through childhood growth in the general psychopathology (p) factor
High craving is associated with fewer abstinent days and lesser time to relapse during treatment in severe alcohol use disorder
Traumatic brain injury and opioids: twin plagues of the twenty-first century
Unpacking assertions made by the alcohol industry and how they make them: an analysis of submissions into Australia's National Alcohol Strategy
Trends in emergency department visits for unsupervised pediatric medication exposures
Rates and causes of mortality among the homeless in Sydney
Daily-level relationships between negative affect, negative emotion differentiation, and cannabis behaviors among a high-risk sample of young adults
Changes in opioid and other analgesic prescribing following voluntary and mandatory prescription drug monitoring program implementation: a time series analysis of early outcomes
Acute care related to cannabis use during pregnancy after the legalization of nonmedical cannabis in Ontario
Adolescent advertising exposure to cannabis products in rural Oklahoma via medical dispensaries
Adolescents' views on preventing youth cannabis marketing exposure: a concept mapping approach
Prevalence and predictors of alcohol use among school-going adolescents in Panama: a population-based cross-sectional study
Trends and prevalence of hospital admissions related to deliberate self-poisoning and used substances in Romanian adolescents between 2016 and 2022
Determinants of spousal physical violence against women in Zambia: a multilevel analysis
Drivers of purchase decisions among consumers of dried flower cannabis products - a discrete choice experiment
Recreational marijuana legalization, local retail availability, and alcohol and marijuana use and co-use among California high school students
Risk factors for intimate partner emotional violence among women in union in Uganda
Substance abuse and susceptibility to false memory formation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
THC in breath aerosols collected with an impaction filter device before and after legal-market product inhalation-a pilot study
Field measures are all you need: predicting need for surgery in elderly ground-level fall patients via machine learning
Parental imprisonment, delinquent behavior, and BMI gain in a U.S. nationally representative cohort study of adolescents and adults ages 12-32
Injurious fall in an elderly chronic heroin addict during a syncopal episode
Testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis in a national sample of Spanish adolescents
Personality traits and substance use among college students in Eldoret, Kenya
The impact of an annual mass media campaign on treatment seeking for alcohol use disorders in the Danish population: an interrupted time-series analysis
Depressive symptoms, alcohol use, and alcohol-related consequences: the moderating role of gender among American Indian adolescents
Emotion dysregulation in relation to cannabis use and mental health among young adults
Exploring Australian pharmacists' views toward reducing the risk of medicines-related harm in aged care residents
Evaluation of morphine, methadone, digoxin, and dronabinol poisoning during the years 2017 to 2019 in Ilam, Iran
Associations of childhood maltreatment with binge eating and binge drinking in emerging adult women
Cask wine: Describing drinking patterns associated with Australia's cheapest alcohol
Cannabis use disorder and subsequent risk of psychotic and nonpsychotic unipolar depression and bipolar disorder
Lessons learned and future directions: a scoping review of American Indian and Alaska native participants in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network
Mental health service use among Canadian veterans within the first 5 years following service: methodological considerations for comparisons with the general population
Neural similarity in nucleus accumbens during decision-making for the self and a best friend: links to adolescents' self-reported susceptibility to peer influence and risk taking
Predictors of suicidal ideation during residential substance use treatment
QuickStats: Age-adjusted percentage* of adults aged ≥18 years who take prescription medication for depression,(†) by sex and race and Hispanic origin - National Health Interview Survey,(§) United States, 2021
Impact of alcohol and methamphetamine use on burn resuscitation
Increase in driving after cocaine use in Spain: a cross-sectional dataset analysis for 2021
Driving under the influence of cannabis: impact of combining toxicology testing with field sobriety tests
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with mental illnesses who attempted suicide by drug overdose: a retrospective analysis of 109 cases
Commentary on Han & Shi: The presence of recreational cannabis dispensaries and storefront marketing activities in residential neighborhoods-recent evidence for associations with individual cannabis use
Computer-based intervention for residents of domestic violence shelters with substance use: a randomized pilot study
Association of racism and substance use treatment with belief in the myth of an American Indian/Alaska Native biological vulnerability to alcohol problems
Associations among discrimination, psychological functioning, and substance use among US Black adults aged 18-28: moderation by racial attribution and sex
Development and validation of the Personal Assessment of Responsible Drinking Identity (PARDI) with a college student sample
Early warnings and slow deaths: a sociology of outbreak and overdose
Effectiveness of brief in-person and virtual substance use disorder counselor trainings, 2019-2021
Emergency medical services on the frontlines of the opioid overdose crisis: the role of mental health, substance use, and burnout
"Wake-and-bake" cannabis use: predictors and cannabis-related outcomes of use shortly after waking
Public health professionals in Latin America should play a more active role in tackling drug violence
Pharmacological insights emerging from the characterization of a large collection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists designer drugs
No laughing matter: the nonsense plan for placing nitrous oxide in the MDAct1971
National survey findings on law enforcement agency drug response practices, overdose victim outcomes, and Good Samaritan Laws
Alcohol and drug consumption among drivers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study
Cannabis use and suicide risk among Gulf War veterans
A causal analysis of young adults' binge drinking reduction and cessation
Increasing overdose deaths among Black Americans: a review of the literature
Impulsivity and alcohol-drinking behavior: evidence from Japan
The first drug-related death associated with xylazine use in the UK and Europe
Examining grieving problem correlates of anticipation of the death vs. shock among overdose death and suicide bereaved adults
Does the co-use of cannabis exacerbate the effect of alcohol on the risk of crashing? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Decriminalization of drug possession in Oregon: analysis and early lessons
The effects of alcohol on anxiety-like, depression-like and social behavior immediately and a day after binge drinking
Adverse childhood experiences and adolescent cannabis use trajectories: findings from a longitudinal UK birth cohort
Prescribed drugs and self-directed violence: a descriptive study in the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Database
Trajectories of drug use and depressive symptoms among Latinx youth and sexual minority youth
A retrospective study of epidemiological correlations of food, drug and chemical poisoning in Al-Baha, Western Saudi Arabia
Civil commitment perspectives and experiences among friends and family of people who use illicit opioids in Massachusetts, USA
An example of implementing a safety protocol in remote intervention and survey research with college students
Intimate partner violence survivors' daily experiences of social disconnection, substance use, and sex with secondary partners
Longitudinal associations between insomnia, cannabis use and stress among US veterans
Drugs and racial microaggressions: a mediation analysis of racism, mental health, and coping strategies
"Let's not talk about it": parents' reasons for not discussing alcohol use with emerging adult children
Management of use of urinary antimuscarinics and alpha blockers for benign prostatic hyperplasia in older adults at risk of falls: a clinical review
Barriers and facilitators of naloxone and safe injection facility interventions to reduce opioid drug-related deaths: a qualitative analysis
Designing a public access naloxone program for public transportation stations
Fall-risk-increasing drugs in older patients: the role of guidelines and GP-centred health care in Germany
Beating trauma: physical activity to promote resilience against substance use
Enhanced unemployment benefits, mental health, and substance use among low-income households during the COVID-19 pandemic
A multicomponent psychosocial intervention to reduce substance use by adolescents involved in the criminal justice system: the RISKIT-CJS RCT
Predictors of beverage-specific, alcohol consumption trajectories: a Swedish population-based cohort study
Student drinking cultures in tertiary education residential accommodation: a contextual research study
Swedish exchange students' alcohol use, drug use, risky sexual behaviour, mental health, and self-rated health: a follow-up study
Three-year custody outcomes among infants investigated by child protection systems for prenatal substance exposure in California
Typification and factors associated with violence among the homeless in a municipality of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Toward automated infrared spectral analysis in community drug checking
Naloxone training and availability in the US commercial fishing industry
Prescribed and penalized: the detrimental impact of mandated reporting for prenatal utilization of medication for opioid use disorder
Public health and medical preparedness for mass casualties from the deliberate release of synthetic opioids
The effect of parents and peers on the neural correlates of risk taking and antisocial behavior during adolescence
Experiences of violence during the COVID-19 pandemic among people who use drugs in a Canadian setting: a gender-based cross-sectional study
Höffding step and beyond: the impact of visual sensory impairment on cognitive performance in neuropsychological testing of survivors of acute methanol poisoning
An intoxication involving 2-methyl AP-237 and AP-238 from Victoria, Australia: Case report
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning and transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, and gender questioning adult alcohol use outcomes associated with state alcohol-related laws during the coronavirus pandemic in the United States
Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and risk of all-cause mortality in people with anxiety disorders in South Korea
Substance abuse, self-harm and suicide in adolescents
Association between opioid prescribing and suicide risk in the United States
Childhood social capital and drug use disorder in adulthood: a retrospective study on antecedent determinants of the type of drug use
Leaving before completion of treatment among alcohol-intoxicated, college-aged emergency department patients
Single and combined use of fall-risk-increasing drugs and fracture risk: a population-based case-control study
A study on the social contract conditional reasoning of male substance abusers during detoxification
What is the link between substance-induced psychosis and primary psychotic disorders? [editorial]
Violence victimization and alcohol use among venue-based female sex workers in Pattaya, Thailand: unpacking the temporal relationship
High suicidality predicts overdose events among people with substance use disorder: a latent class analysis
What affects the perception of a drunk driving campaign?
Stress and coping among college students during a COVID-19 Red Alert status on campus
Sustained decline of direct general practitioner reporting of adverse drug reactions in Australia and paucity in details of Australian reports in safety advisories
Treating trauma in criminal justice-involved with SMI: "trauma is a huge part of it"
Alcohol, cannabis, and nicotine use have distinct associations with COVID-19 pandemic-related experiences: an exploratory Bayesian network analysis across two timepoints
Assessing the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis use disorder and admissions to treatment in the United States
Understanding intentionality of fentanyl use and drug overdose risk: findings from a mixed methods study of people who inject drugs in New York City
The clinical toxicology of ketamine
Drinking alcohol by mid-adolescence is related to reduced reward reactivity: novel evidence of positive valence system alterations in early initiating female youth
Effectiveness of brief alcohol intervention in reducing alcohol consumption among patients with alcohol-related facial trauma in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Exacerbated PTSD symptoms among older U.S. military veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
The relationship between financial hardships and the development of risk-taking behaviors: the protective role of extracurricular activities
Revisiting the association between attachment to parents and adolescent substance use: conditional effects of parental disapproval
Predicting pedestrian behavior by sleep quality and emotional self-regulation
Predicting U.S. county opioid poisoning mortality from multi-modal social media and psychological self-report data
First use of cannabis compared to first use of alcohol and tobacco: associations with single and poly-substance use behavior
Fatal intoxication involving 2-methyl AP-237
Impact of cannabis on outcome in patients following traumatic injury
Kratom's emergence and persistence within the US polydrug epidemic
The use of analgesics for intentional self-poisoning: trends in U.S. poison center data
Peer-led alcohol intervention for college students: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Adolescent simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana by trends in cigarette and nicotine vaping from 2000 to 2020
Differences in perceived threat and efficacy in managing opioid use disorder versus alcohol use disorder
Perceived neighborhood disorder as a moderator of the relationship between marijuana use and disinhibition in a sample of emerging adult African American females
Social disparities in alcohol's harm to others: evidence from 32 European countries
Blood biomarkers of alcohol use: a scoping review
Cigarette smoking and risk of suicide in bipolar disorder: a systematic review
Corrigendum to: Surviving traumatic injury, only to die of acute drug poisoning: should trauma centers be a path for intervention? [Surgery 170 (2021) pp 1249-54
Drug addiction and incarceration: a call for research and transparency among prison-based substance abuse treatment programs
Factors associated with hospitalization times and length of stay in patients with bipolar disorder
Fatal curiosity: a case of suicidal attempt by abrus seeds consumption through online research
Forensic assessments of alcohol, cannabis and methamphetamine intoxication in cases of violent offending
Drug-facilitated sexual assault with tetrahydrozoline (Visine): a case report
"Drugs can be a great coercion": service providers' perspectives on the relationship between substance use and trauma bonding among survivors of sex trafficking
Fatal intoxication with 1,4-butanediol: case report and comprehensive review of the literature
Sex differences in suicide ideation: mediating effects of alcohol abuse/dependence on suicide ideation through psychological distress and hopelessness
Investigating blood alcohol concentrations in injury- related deaths before and during the COVID-19 national lockdown in Western Cape Province, South Africa: a cross-sectional retrospective review
Investigating blood alcohol concentrations in injury-related deaths before and during the COVID-19 national lockdown in Western Cape, South Africa: a cross-sectional retrospective review
The ability of psychosocial care centers specialized in alcohol and drugs to handle crises
Alcohol consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality among US adults: prospective cohort study
An epigenetic synopsis of parental substance use
Examination of acetone findings in suspected drug-facilitated sexual assaults: a case series
A research agenda for criminal justice involvement among U.S. veterans
New outlook on safety of traditional Chinese medicine: concept and practice
Ventricular arrhythmias associated with over-the-counter and recreational opioids
Time to pay attention: an underrecognized casualty of the opioid epidemic
Acute lead poisoning mimicking posterior reversible encephalopathy
Analysis of dispensing and utilization patterns of medical cannabis products in state licensed cannabis dispensaries
Psychological characteristics of adolescent suicide attempters presenting to a pediatric emergency service
Genetic underpinnings of the transition from alcohol consumption to alcohol use disorder: shared and unique genetic architectures in a cross-ancestry sample
"Pediatric" drug studies might be the largest abuse in medical research in history. it is time for lawyers to step in
Non-medical prescription opioid use among high school students in 38 U.S. States
Does accessibility of cannabis mediate the relation between method of acquisition and cannabis use frequency among adolescents?
The green sheep: exploring the perceived risks and benefits of cannabis among young military members and veterans
Local laws regulating cannabis in California two years post legalization: assessing incorporation of lessons from tobacco control
Racial equity in cannabis policy: diversity in the Massachusetts adult-use industry at 18-months
Central nervous system depression following accidental ingestion of Visine eye drops
Central nervous system depression from ingestion of nonprescription eyedrops
Serum concentrations in three children with unintentional tetrahydrozoline overdose
Utilization of presence awareness in trauma therapy
The association between diuretics and falls in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The Cannabis Effects Expectancy Questionnaire-Medical (CEEQ-M): preliminary psychometric properties and longitudinal validation within a clinical trial
College students' perceptions of alcohol's role in disclosures of sexual assault and intimate partner violence
Correction to: Psychiatric illness and substance abuse: unaddressed factors in burn injury
Racial trauma as a risk factor for risky alcohol use in diverse college students
Reasonable access: important characteristics and perceived quality of legal and illegal sources of cannabis for medical purposes in Canada
Road user psychoactive drug use: NHTSA study
Polypharmacy and cumulative anticholinergic burden in older adults hospitalized with fall
A decomposition of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in the motor vehicle collision related mortality in Alabama
The effects of β-myrcene on simulated driving and divided attention: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study
Experiences of frostbite injury from recreational use of nitrous oxide canisters in a UK burns center: not a laughing matter
Wearable alcohol monitors for alcohol use data collection among college students: feasibility and acceptability
Understanding feeling "high" and its role in medical cannabis patient outcomes
Trends in fentanyl content on reddit substance use forums, 2013-2021
Adverse childhood experiences and risk patterns of alcohol and cannabis co-use: a longitudinal study of Puerto Rican youth
Case report: Fatal poisoning caused by additive effects of two barbiturates
Risk perceptions of driving under the influence of cannabis: comparing medical and non-medical cannabis users
Sociodemographic distribution and correlates of nonfatal unintentional non-traffic-related injuries in Kenya: results from the 2014 demographic and health survey
A psychological profile of drivers convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol
Prevalence of illicit drug use in young sudden cardiac death patients
The influence of alcohol and automation on drivers' visual behavior during test track driving
Ethylene glycol poisoning may be associated with elevated post-mortem vitreous glucose level
Defining recent cannabis use analytically [editorial]
Drug checking in the fentanyl era: utilization and interest among people who inject drugs in San Diego, California
Kidney outcomes after methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning: a systematic review and meta-analysis
An outbreak of severe coagulopathy in northern Israel among users of illicit synthetic cannabinoids adulterated with brodifacoum
Trends in overdose deaths involving gabapentinoids and Z-drugs in the United States
'A recipe for cultural disaster!'- a case study of Woolworths Group's proposal to build an alcohol megastore in Darwin, Northern Territory
Diuretic use and risk of falls in older women with urinary incontinence
Death after smoking of fentanyl, 5F-ADB, 5F-MDMB-P7AICA and other synthetic cannabinoids with a bucket bong
Acute caffeine differently affects risk-taking and the expression of BDNF and of adenosine and opioid receptors in rats with high or low anxiety-like behavior
Dimension reduction of 911 Good Samaritan Laws: drawing inferences from policy surveillance
Social anxiety disorder is a risk factor for alcohol use problems in the National Comorbidity Surveys
Phenytoin toxicity with high dose, concomitant ascorbic acid dosing
Correction to Lancet Psychiatry 2023; published online June 1. [The association of alcohol dependence and consumption during adolescence with depression in young adulthood]
CannibiSenS: an on-demand rapid screen for THC in human saliva
Examining the moderating role of heavy drinking behaviors and precarious masculinity on sexual aggression among young adult men
The effects of the (fentanyl-fueled) drug overdose epidemic on medicolegal death investigation in the United States
Drug self-poisoning in adolescents: a report of 267 cases
The impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing on people with experience of homelessness: qualitative study
Proximity to legal cannabis stores in Canada and use of cannabis sources in the first three years of legalization, 2019-2021
Prevalence of rape and its predictors among female students attending elementary schools: in the case of Kule Refugee Camp, Gambella, Southwest Ethiopia-a cross-sectional study
Parental divorce and trajectories of alcohol consumption in men: a genetically informative perspective
The use and safety risk of repurposed drugs for COVID-19 patients: lessons learned utilizing the Food and Drug Administration's Adverse Event Reporting System
Under the influence: how viewing extreme partying and drinking on social media shapes group perceptions
THC exposure during adolescence increases impulsivity-like behavior in adulthood in a WIN 55,212-2 self-administration mouse model
Safe supply in the midst of a crisis of unregulated toxic drug deaths - a commentary on Roberts and Humphreys (2023)
Opioid use in the era of COVID-19: a multifaceted study of the opioid epidemic in Canada
Number of medications and polypharmacy are associated with frailty in older adults: results from the Midlife in the United States Study
Driving anxiety and anxiolytics while driving: their impacts on behaviour and cognition behind the wheel
Alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic: gender, parenthood, intimate partner violence, and stress
Detection of alcohol intoxication using voice features: a controlled laboratory study
Descriptive analysis of poisoning cases involving attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medications in Hong Kong
Towards a new definition of the typical day in the alcohol use disorder identification test-consumption
Shared genetic and environmental etiology between substance use disorders and suicidal behavior
Recreational cannabis: profile of cannabinoids present in marijuana samples supplied by the consuming population
Potency trends of cannabis in Jamaica during the period of 2014 to 2020
Outcomes associated with treatment with and without medications for opioid use disorder
An interlaboratory study to evaluate the utility of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy spectral libraries in the forensic analysis of fentanyl-related substances
Alcohol use and associated risk factors among female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The global distribution and epidemiology of alcohol and drug use among street-involved children and youth: a meta-analysis
Identifying reliable ions for the statistical differentiation of structurally similar fentanyl analogs
Associations of alcohol and cannabis use with change in posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms over time in recently trauma-exposed individuals
Bullying victimization and associations with substance use among US middle school students: 2019 youth risk behavior survey
Can all healthy adults use the current evidential breath alcohol analysers? An investigation using a large spirometry database
When prohibition works: comparing fireworks and cannabis regulations, markets, and harms
"Better than any DARE program": qualitative analysis of adolescent reactions to EVALI television storylines
Commentary on: Elkhazeen A, Poulos C, Zhang X, Cavanaugh J, Cain M. A TikTok™ "Benadryl challenge" death-a case report and review of the literature. J Forensic Sci. 2023;68(1):339-42.
Risk factors for the development of psychotic disorders associated with synthetic cathinones usage
A literature review of mental health symptom outcomes in U.S. veterans and servicemembers following combat exposure and military sexual trauma
"I don't want to die": a qualitative study of coping strategies to prevent fentanyl-related overdose deaths among people who inject drugs and its implications for harm reduction policies
Examining the predictive potential of depressed mood and alcohol misuse on risky driving
An agenda for research to transform care for cannabis use disorder
COVID-19-related shifts in polysubstance use
Warning labels on alcoholic beverage containers: a pilot randomized experiment among young adults in Mexico
An urgent need for school-based diversion programs for adolescent substance use: a statewide survey of school personnel
"Unconscious or for other reasons incapable of resisting": (un)protected sexual assault under Norwegian criminal law
The role of coping behaviors and intoxication in trauma symptomology subsequent to sexual victimization
ICD-11 complex post-traumatic stress disorder and psychiatric comorbidity among UK Armed Forces veterans in Northern Ireland: a latent class analysis
Gender identity, stimulant drug use, and criminal justice history on internalized stigma among a nationally representative sample of adults who misuse opioids
Can we interrogate public databases to fill critical gaps in mental health epidemiology? Testing the association between cannabis and psychosis in the UK as an example
Driving patients crazy: acute neuropsychiatric toxicities of commonly prescribed antibiotics in interventional radiology
Adverse childhood experiences and tobacco use patterns among adults in the United States: exploring sex differences
Alcohol-involved rape: limitations of the "rape exception" for abortion access
Annual use and perceived need for mental health and substance treatment among people in remission from substance use disorders in the United States
Australian daily cannabis users' use of police avoidance strategies and compensatory behaviours to manage the risks of drug driving
Changes in alcohol consumption reported on routine healthcare screenings are associated with changes in depression symptoms
Compounds identified in an illicit generic Xanax tablet are the result of a failed synthesis of alprazolam
Why get high? Coping and enjoyment motives mediate elevated cannabis demand and cannabis-related outcomes
Recreational cannabis legislation and binge drinking in U.S. adolescents and adults
Female intrasexual competitiveness interacts with body mass index to predict willingness to use a risky diet pill
Measuring the diversity gap of cannabis clinical trial participants compared to people who report using cannabis
Prescription drug dependence with and without concurrent illicit drug use: a multicenter cross-sectional survey among an addiction treatment seeking population
Prevalence and correlates of past year ecstasy/MDMA use in the United States
Prevalence and distribution of known associated factors of burnout among military personnel of Sri Lanka Army: a descriptive cross-sectional study
Association of medication use with falls and mortality among long-term care residents: a longitudinal cohort study
Assessment of fitness to drive 2021
Cannabis and alcohol use by U.S. young adults, 2008-2019: changes in prevalence after recreational cannabis legalization
Depression and suicidal behavior comorbidity in patients admitted to substance-use residential treatment in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Depressive symptoms, cannabis use, and transition readiness among college students with and without chronic medical conditions
Facebook and drug driving: does online sharing work against road safety countermeasures?
Forensic medicine between legislation and jurisprudence. To determine the limit of alcohol-related driving insecurity
Frequency of new psychoactive substances in hair and urine samples of individuals subject to drug testing in driving license regranting-a toxicological perspective
Identifying biomarkers of drug use recurrence using wearable device technologies and phone applications
Patients under cannabis therapy as road users. An exploratory study of drivers with doubtful driving ability
Police-internal survey on practicability on immunochemical on-site drug tests in roadside traffic controls
Positive findings in blood after an intimate contact with a cocaine or cannabis consuming partner. A consideration of plausibility
Re-issuance of driving licence. Arrangement of an MPU at less than 1.6 per mil. Problems with the factual implementation by the driving license authorities
Which consequences will occur after increasing the threshold of THC according to paragraph 24a StVG? An exemplary evaluation of the routine cases of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Cologne
County-level variation in synthetic opioid and heroin overdose incidents in Pennsylvania during the COVID-19 pandemic
Modeling spatiotemporal interactions in single-vehicle crash severity by road types
Predicting reasons for drinking in a dually-diagnosed sample with PTSD and substance use disorders
The Society of Hair Testing consensus on general recommendations for hair testing and drugs of abuse testing in hair
Activity space assessments to investigate neighborhood exposure to racism-related stress and related substance use among young Black Men: Connecticut, 2019
Cross-phenotype relationship between opioid use disorder and suicide attempts: new evidence from polygenic association and Mendelian randomization analyses
Drinking motives, alcohol misuse, and internalizing and externalizing psychopathology across college: a cross-lagged panel study
Effectiveness of strategies to reduce risky alcohol consumption among youth living in rural or remote areas: a systematic review
Toxic encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy of poisoning by Avermectin Pyridine: a case report and a review of the literature
Veterans health administration outpatient psychiatry staffing model: longitudinal analysis on mental health performance
Risk of adverse outcomes among veterans who screen positive for traumatic brain injury in the Veterans Health Administration but do not complete a comprehensive evaluation: a limbic-cenc study
Risk of suicide attempt and suicide associated with benzodiazepine: a nationwide case crossover study
Opioid-related emergency department visits and deaths after a harm-reduction intervention: a retrospective observational cohort time series analysis
Impact of recreational cannabis legalization on opioid prescribing and opioid-related hospital visits in Colorado: an observational study
Motor impulsivity but not risk-related impulsive choice is associated to drug intake and drug-primed relapse
The modulatory role of cannabis use in subconcussive neural injury
Preliminary effectiveness of online opioid overdose and naloxone administration training and impact of naloxone possession on opioid use
A web-based sexual violence, alcohol misuse, and bystander intervention program for college women (RealConsent): randomized controlled trial
Using the Severity of Dependence Scale to examine cannabis consumers with impaired control in Canada
ABC-training as a new intervention for hazardous alcohol drinking: two proof-of-principle randomized pilot studies
Alcohol use disorder visits and suicide ideation diagnosis: racial/ethnic differences at emergency departments
Anxiety and substance abuse disorders-focus on alcohol and cannabis
Substance use and the nervous system
Prevalence and correlation of multiple chemical sensitivity and electromagnetic hypersensitivity with age, sex, and depression in the Japanese population: a retrospective study
Is England facing an opioid epidemic?
Delivery of a prevention program in large college classes: effectiveness of the expectancy challenge alcohol literacy curriculum
Determination of cannabinoids in 50 μL whole blood samples by online extraction using turbulent flow chromatography and LC-HRAM-Orbitrap-MS: application on driving under the influence of drugs cases
Effect of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on alcohol treatment outcomes among US veterans: a randomized clinical trial
Collisions and cannabis: measuring the effect of recreational marijuana legalization on traffic crashes in Washington State
Driving under the influence of zopiclone: elimination between two consecutive blood samples
Symptoms of posttraumatic stress partially mediate the relationship between gender-based violence and alcohol misuse among South African women
Trends in characteristics of prescription opioid-related poisonings among older adults in the United States, 2015-2021
Youth cannabis use in Canada post-legalization: service providers' perceptions, practices, and recommendations
Prevalence, incidence, deaths, and disability-adjusted life-years of drug use disorders for 204 countries and territories during the past 30 years
Notes from the field: E-cigarette-associated cases reported to poison centers - United States, April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023
Fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine-based counterfeit pills sold at tourist-oriented pharmacies in Mexico: an ethnographic and drug checking study
Fall-risk-increasing drugs and gait performance in community-dwelling older adults: exploratory results from the gait and brain study
The drink and drug driving behaviours of young Queensland drivers and attitudes toward apprehension
Disparities in cannabis-related emergency department visits across depressed and non-depressed individuals and the impact of recreational cannabis policy in Ontario, Canada
Detection of emerging patterns of drug misuse in sports via wastewater monitoring: a mini-review and potential strategies
Zero-shot learning has the potential to revolutionise research on exposure to alcohol and other drugs in digital media
"We just don't have the space for it." Geographies of survival and spatial triage in overdose prevention sites
The efficacy of oral ketamine in severely depressed patients at high risk of suicide
Framing harm reduction as part of an integrated approach to reduce drug overdose: a randomized message testing experiment in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults, 2022
How can we measure alcohol outlet density around schools? A comparison between two buffer-based methods
How does being under the influence affect willingness to experience overlapping effects of alcohol and marijuana?
Increased incidence of mixed drug toxicity deaths involving tapentadol - a forensic study
Non-fatal opioid overdose and abuse visits to a university hospital emergency department in Puerto Rico, 2009-2018
Suicidal sodium nitrite intoxication: a case report focusing on the postmortem findings and toxicological analyses-review of the literature
Severe methodological problems in a recent review and analysis of the association between lithium concentration in potable water and suicide rates
A policy analysis of how alkyl nitrites (poppers) became prescription-only in Aotearoa New Zealand
Reasons for not drinking among young adults with simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: a latent class analysis applied to daily diary data
Recovery of driving skills after endoscopy under propofol sedation: a prospective pilot study to assess the driving skills after endoscopic sedation using driving simulation
Review of the prevalence of opioid use disorder following traumatic brain injury
Opioid and stimulant attributed treatment admissions and fatal overdoses: using national surveillance data to examine the intersection of race, sex, and polysubstance use, 1992-2020
Intersections between syndemic conditions and stages along the continuum of overdose risk among women who inject drugs in Mexicali, Mexico
After school: Volunteering in community emergency services and substance use among Israeli adolescents
Beliefs, attitudes and experiences of virtual overdose monitoring services from the perspectives of people who use substances in Canada: a qualitative study
Chicago Tylenol murders: information and mindfulness
"All carrots and no stick": Perceived impacts, changes in practices, and attitudes among law enforcement following drug decriminalization in Oregon State, USA
The association between lifetime trauma exposure typologies and mental health outcomes among veterans
Analysis of the psychological causes of early substance use among adolescents in school and university settings
Associations between psychotropic and anti-dementia medication use and falls in community-dwelling older adults with cognitive impairment
Cannabis unveiled: an exploration of marijuana's history, active compounds, effects, benefits, and risks on human health
Beyond the drug war: violence, forced displacement, and shale gas in northeastern Mexico (2000-2020)
Characteristics associated with cannabis use initiation by late childhood and early adolescence in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study
Childhood and adult sexual violence exposures as predictors of PTSD, dissociation, and substance use in women in jail
Contextualizing drug use and pharmacological harm in the United States: a socio-historical overview
Drinking alcohol appears to have no impact on self-perceptions of morality, aggressiveness, or intelligence
Drinking and driving among Whites and Hispanics on and off the US/Mexico border in California
Suicidal behavior, psychoactive substances use and quality of life in Chilean adolescents
The impact of education on attitudes toward medical cannabis
Ecological factors of telemental healthcare utilization among adolescents with increased substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: the moderating effect of gender
Emergence agitation with earthquake-related traumatic stress symptoms after intravenous sedation
Demographic and geographic variation in fatal drug overdoses in the United States, 1999-2020
Screening for alcohol and drug use in pediatric trauma
Police stigma toward people with opioid use disorder: a study of Illinois officers
Fatalities involving khat in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, 2018 to 2021
An autopsy case of BRON(TM) overdose with multiple drug ingestion
Changes in trauma-related emergency medical services during the COVID-19 lockdown in the Western Cape, South Africa
Differential associations of adolescent versus young adult cannabis initiation with longitudinal brain change and behavior
Effect of a motivational interviewing-based brief intervention on alcohol use behavior in Korean internal medicine settings
Alcohol consumption epidemic and its complications during the COVID-19 pandemic in Khuzestan Province, Iran; 2020
Addressing an uncertain future with a culture of psychological safety
Views on minimum unit pricing for alcohol before its introduction among people with alcohol dependence in Scotland: a qualitative interview study
The internment of patients undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction as a result of a specific interpretation of legal provisions by some judicial authorities
Changes in the perception of drinking among university students with health problems related to heavy drinking in social settings
Analyzing the relationship between participation in sports and harmful alcohol drinking in early adolescence: two-year prospective analysis
Cannabidiol as a harm reduction strategy for people who use drugs: a rapid review
Fentanyl in an infant: taking our breath away
Impact of a brief suicide prevention training with an interactive video case assessment on student pharmacist outcomes
The implementation and public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada: a systematic review
Increase of overdose and deaths related to methadone during COVID-19 epidemic in 2020
Administration errors of compounded semaglutide reported to a poison control center - case series
Alcohol social media marketing in Hong Kong: a content analysis of facebook posts
Anticoagulant use in older persons at risk for falls: therapeutic dilemmas-a clinical review
The association between callous-unemotional traits and substance use in childhood and adolescence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Comparison of injuries associated with electric scooters, motorbikes, and bicycles in France, 2019-2022
Evaluating the impact of a multifaceted distracted driving prevention program
Increased use of cannabis in our older adults-an emerging trend
Modeling state- and trait-level associations between aggression, somatic symptoms, substance use, and distress tolerance
Overcrowded housing during adolescence and future risk of premature mortality: a 28-year follow-up of 556,191 adolescents from Switzerland
Prevention of opioid use and disorder among youth involved in the legal system: innovation and implementation of four studies funded by the NIDA HEAL Initiative
Reducing partner violence against women who exchange sex and use drugs through a combination microfinance and HIV risk reduction intervention: a cluster randomized trial
Reduction in substance-related composite harm scores through street soccer
Responding to the opioid crisis
Response rate and safety of antidepressants combined with electroconvulsive therapy in adolescent depression: real-world clinical application
Transdiagnostic processes linking posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms to alcohol use severity
Association between marijuana laws and suicide among 12- to 25-year-olds in the United States From 2000 to 2019
Associations among alcohol-related factors and men's nonconsensual condom removal perpetration
Cannabis use prevalence, patterns, and reasons for use among patients with cancer and survivors in a state without legal cannabis access
Effect of pharmacological treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on criminality
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl-involved overdose deaths with detected xylazine - United States, January 2019-June 2022
The role of posttraumatic cognitions in integrated treatments for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder
Risk for ecstasy use disorder and other substance use among international users of recreational ecstasy/molly/MDMA
Perceived barriers and facilitators to treatment for alcohol misuse among survivors and victim service professionals following sexual assault and intimate partner violence
Factors influencing drink driving intention among motorcyclists in Vietnam
Ranking trust factors affecting risk perception in illicit drug purchase on the darknet: a large-scale survey study in Hungary
Impact on sales of adding a smaller serving size of beer and cider in licensed premises: an A-B-A reversal design
Incidence of persistent opioid use following traumatic injury
Inhalant misuse reported to America's poison centers, 2001-2021
Injury-related emergency department visits and unplanned readmissions are associated with worse long-term mental and physical health
"The little money I get is used to buy drugs": a qualitative exploration of the economic cost of intimate partner violence for female survivors in Ghana
Longitudinal associations between anxiety sensitivity and substance use in adolescents: mediation by depressive affect
Participatory asset mapping and photovoice interviews to scope cultural and community resources to reduce alcohol harm in Chitwan, Nepal
Shame-and-guilt-proneness, interpersonal sensitivity, and alcohol: results from a moderated mediation
Substance use and intimate partner abuse (IPA): a descriptive model of the pathways between substance use and IPA perpetration for men
Promise and pitfalls: trauma informed care, trauma services, and efforts to address both substance use disorders and intimate partner violence
"A lotta people switched playing hard ball to playing Russian roulette": experiences with rising overdose incidence caused by drug supply changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in the San Diego-Tijuana border metroplex
Opioid overdose prevention education in Texas during the COVID-19 pandemic
The interactive effect of alcohol use and depressive symptoms in predicting couples' risk for intimate partner violence perpetration
Implementation of diversion towards children who commit criminal acts of drug abuse in Denpasar City resort police
Incidence of suicide and self-harm among people with opioid use disorder and the impact of opioid agonist treatment: a retrospective data linkage study
Adolescents' perceptions about non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts
The spatial association between drugs and urban violence: an analysis for the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Brazil
Community overdose surveillance: fentanyl involvement in overdose deaths in rural Michigan
Distinct psychological profiles linking childhood adversity and substance misuse in high-risk young adults
Differences in drug use behaviors that impact overdose risk among individuals who do and do not use fentanyl test strips for drug checking
Effects of acute exercise on affect, anxiety, and self-esteem in poly-substance dependent inpatients
Epidemiological and clinical profile of cannabis users at the Addiction Care and Prevention Centre of the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala, Cameroon
Immunohistochemical detection of insulin at the injection site in a case of suspected murder with the suicide of the perpetrator
Adverse childhood experiences and clustering of high-risk behaviors among high school students: a cross-sectional study
Contributions of demand/withdraw processes and alcohol consumption on emotional flooding in distressed violent versus distressed non-violent couples
Death by dangerous driving - new interim guideline? Soto & Anor, Re (Re Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988) (Rev 1) [2023] EWCA Crim 55
Association between body mass index and suicide attempts in Chinese patients of a hospital in Shanxi district with first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder
Psychosis related to baclofen withdrawal or overdose: a systematic review
Social and contextual factors associated with drinking before, during and after watching Australian Football League games: a pilot ecological momentary assessment study
Take-home Naloxone and risk management from the perspective of people who survived an opioid overdose in Stockholm -- an analysis informed by drug, set and setting
Problematisation of parental alcohol abuse related harm to children: the results of professionals' response
Predictors of opioid overdose during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of relapse, treatment access and nonprescribed buprenorphine/naloxone
Homicide and the opioid epidemic: a longitudinal analysis
The moderating role of recreational substance use in the association of Mediterranean diet with academic performance among adolescents
mHealth early intervention to reduce posttraumatic stress and alcohol use after sexual assault (THRIVE): feasibility and acceptability results from a pilot trial
Weekly pattern of alcohol-attributable male mortality before and after imposing limits on hours of alcohol sale in Lithuania in 2018
Who supports drug-checking services in Australia? An analysis of 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey data
Association between alcohol expectancy and drinking behaviors in summer vacation and last year among college students
Associations between the use of psychedelics and other recreational drugs with mental health and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
Does high family support protect against substance use in adolescents who perceive high disordered neighborhood stress, border community and immigration stress or normalization of drug trafficking at the US-Mexico border? Analysis of the BASUS survey
Examining the association between psychological distress and alcohol use in Australian adolescents over a period of declining consumption
Do as I say, not as you perceive: examining the roles of perceived parental knowledge and perceived parental approval in college students' alcohol-related approval and behavior
Association between toxic drug events and encephalopathy in British Columbia, Canada: a cross-sectional analysis
Poisoning by opium
Poisoning with morphine
Effects of tobacco versus electronic cigarette usage on nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidality among Chinese youth: cross-sectional self-report survey study
Monitoring trends in lacrimator exposures using the National Poison Data System: 2000-2021
Medical examiner response to the drug overdose epidemic in King County Washington: "real-time" surveillance, data science, and applied forensic epidemiology
Prevalence and correlates of substance use among school-going adolescents (11-18years) in eight Sub-Saharan Africa countries
Protective factors in the relationship between perceived discrimination and risky drinking among American Indian adolescents
Psychosis following caffeine consumption in a young adolescent: review of case and literature
The role of alcohol use in pesticide suicide and self-harm: a scoping review
A tornado in the family: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and aggression during childhood and adolescence: a scoping review
Therapeutic dilemmas: cognitive enhancers and risk of falling in older adults-a clinical review
Cannabis policy in the 21st century: mandating an equitable future and shedding the racist past
Understanding the link between alcohol dependence and victimisation risk: is risk explained by peers or alcohol behaviours?
Alcohol use and internal migration in Nepal: a cross-sectional study
Cannabis social clubs in contemporary legalization reforms: talking consumption sites and social justice
Association between stimulant treatment and substance use through adolescence into early adulthood
Associations among military sexual trauma, positive alcohol expectancies, and coping behaviors in female veterans
Co-occurring mental health and drug use experiences among Black and Hispanic/Latino sexual and gender diverse individuals
Doctors call for drink driving limit to be lowered to match other European countries
DSM-5 criterion-a-based trauma types in service members and veterans seeking treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder
E-cigarette sales, poison control cases increase; FDA cracks down
Economic recession, illicit drug use and the young population: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the aggressive behavior in methamphetamine addicts
Initial opioid prescription characteristics and risk of opioid misuse, poisoning and dependence: retrospective cohort study
The impact of cannabis use on adolescent neurodevelopment and clinical outcomes amidst changing state policies
Location and home rules of cannabis use - findings from marijuana use and environmental survey 2020, a nationally representative survey in the United States
Let's match: making cannabis policy guided by research
Juridical analysis of implementation of assessment for victims of narcotics abuse to reach certainty and legal protection of the community (research study at the Batam city narcotics agency)
Opioid poisoning in Newcastle over the last three decades: from heroin to prescription opioids
Nine insights from 10 years of legal cannabis for nonmedical purposes
The potential effect of ethyl alcohol elution from liner type denture adhesives on breath alcohol concentration and determination of drunk driving
Risk factors for adolescent cannabis use in a state with legal recreational cannabis: the role of parents, siblings, and friends
A research agenda to inform cannabis regulation: how science can shape policy
Substance use, sexual agreements, and sexual risk behaviors among adolescent sexual minority males (aged 13-17) in the United States
Exploring the impact of adult-use cannabis legalization on legal system referrals to treatment for cannabis use: do age and race have a moderating effect?
Erratum: vol. 72, no. suppl-1. "Alcohol and other substance use before and during the covid-19 pandemic among high school students -- Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2021."
Enabling dads and improving First Nations adolescent mental health: a pragmatic randomised controlled study
History of cannabis regulation and medicinal therapeutics: it's complicated
Use of psychoactive medications and risk of suicide in late life (75+): a total population study
Bicycling during alcohol intoxication
Residence in a Medicaid-expansion state and receipt of alcohol screening and brief counseling by adults with lower incomes: Is increased access to primary care enough?
A national study on pregaming motives, frequency, consumption, and negative alcohol consequences among university students in the United States
Patterns of alcohol use among middle school students in rural communities: associations with community violence exposure
Identification of 1-(thiophene-2-carbonyl)-LSD from blotter paper falsely labeled "1D-LSD"
DrunkChain: blockchain-based IoT system for preventing drunk driving-related traffic accidents
Insights into mixing fentanyl and benzodiazepines from Canadian drug seizures
Self-poisoning by e-cigarette and e-liquids: national reports to French Poison Control Centers from July 2019 to December 2020: VIGIlance and VAPE: the VIGIVAPE Study
Self-reported adverse events associated with ∆8-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-8-THC) use
Recent advances of drugs monitoring in oral fluid and comparison with blood
Rapid screening of vaping liquids by DART-MS
Preventing mislabeling: a comparative chromatographic analysis for classifying medical and industrial cannabis
Pharmacogenetics of lethal opioid overdose: review of current evidence and preliminary results from a pilot study
Association between weekly working hours and risky alcohol use: a 12-year longitudinal, nationwide study from South Korea
Drug prescriptions preceding opioid-related deaths-a register study in forensic autopsy patients
Holding your liquor: comparison of alcohol-induced psychomotor impairment in drinkers with and without alcohol use disorder
No prescription? No problem: A qualitative study investigating self-medication with novel psychoactive substances (NPS)
Opioid analgesia for acute low back pain and neck pain (the OPAL trial): a randomised placebo-controlled trial
Differences in pandemic-related factors associated with alcohol and substance use among Korean adolescents: nationwide representative study
Does a fall from a standing height warrant computed tomography in an elderly patient with polytrauma?
An uncharted territory of sexualized drug use: exploring the dynamics of chemsex among young and adolescent MSM including self-identified gay men in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh
Trajectories of drug treatment and illicit opioid use in the AIDS linked to the IntraVenous Experience cohort, 2014-2019
Suicidality risk after using cannabis and cannabinoids: an umbrella review
The effect of recreational cannabis legalization and commercialization on substance use, mental health, and injury: a systematic review
Impact of personalized alcohol intake and cognitive feedback on alcohol use behavior in hazardous drinkers: a quasi-randomized trial
Indigenous mental healthcare and human rights abuses in Nigeria: the role of cultural syntonicity and stigmatization
Inverse association of anti-inflammatory prescription fills and suicide-related mortality in young adults: evidence from a nationwide study of Swedish regions, 2006-2021
Adrenaline-resistant anaphylactic shock caused by contrast medium in a patient after risperidone overdose: a case report
Associations between exposure to sexual abuse, substance use, adverse health outcomes, and use of youth health services among Norwegian adolescents
Do we really need two sessions? The use of a structured interview as a trauma cue reactivity paradigm
Effects of age on suicide attempts by medication in patients transferred to the emergency rooms of two advanced medical centers: a retrospective chart review of the DJ project
Influence of the toxicological status on the diagnosis of fatal drowning
Just one shot? The contextual effects of matched and unmatched intoxication on perceptions of consent in ambiguous alcohol-fueled sexual encounters
Postinjury alcohol use is associated with prolonged recovery after concussion in NCAA athletes
Systematic review and rationale of using psychedelics in the treatment of cannabis use disorder
Reducing underage drinking through visible home visits by law enforcement: an efficacy case study over 29 months
Psychological resilience in U.S. military veterans: results from the 2019-2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Cannabis-involved emergency department visits among persons aged <25 years before and during the COVID-19 pandemic - United States, 2019-2022
Alignment in local approaches to alcohol and cannabis control policy: a case study of California cities and counties
Cannabis and cannabinoids for pain and posttraumatic stress disorder in military personnel and veterans
Cannabis dispensary staff approaches to counseling on potential contraindications to cannabis use: insights from a national self-report survey
Centrally acting antihypertensives and alpha-blockers in people at risk of falls: therapeutic dilemmas-a clinical review
Change in marijuana use from adolescence to young adulthood and its relation to gestational alcohol and marijuana exposure
Declines in adolescent substance use after the COVID-19 pandemic onset: the role of initiation in grades 7 and 9
Drug regulations and trafficking: synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones in Hungary
Drunk driving: a secondary analysis of factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol in Jamaica
Electronic harm reduction interventions for drug overdose monitoring and prevention: a scoping review
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose and hepatotoxicity: mechanism, treatment, prevention measures, and estimates of burden of disease
"It's pretty sad if you get used to it": a qualitative study of first responder experiences with opioid overdose emergencies
Measuring alcohol use among adolescents in Africa: a systematic scoping review of consumption, screening and assessment tools
Mind the gap! Gender differences in alcohol consumption among Swedish ninth graders 1989-2021
Interactive effect of adverse child experiences and suicidal thoughts and behaviors on adolescent alcohol and cannabis use frequency
Medicolegal aspects of chemical tests of alcoholic intoxication
Medicolegal aspects of chemical tests of alcoholic intoxication: Comments on Dr. I. M. Rabinowitch's Paper
Medicolegal aspects of chemical tests of alcoholic intoxication: Comments on Dr. I. M. Rabinowitch's Paper
Validation of a Bayesian learning model to predict the risk for cannabis use disorder
Using a syndemic framework and structural equation modeling to assess the co-occurrence and mutual impact of violence experiences and substance use behaviors among adolescents
Suicide by sharp force associated with major self-mutilation and self-cannibalism
Substance use disorders in adolescents and young adults: history and perioperative considerations from the society for pediatric pain medicine
The role of empathy in alcohol use of bullying perpetrators and victims: lower personal empathic distress makes male perpetrators of bullying more vulnerable to alcohol use
Changes in quantity measures of various forms of cannabis consumption among emerging adults in Canada in relation to policy and public health developments
Dynamic changes in drinking behaviour among subpopulations of youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study
Hot weather and death related to acute cocaine, opioid and amphetamine toxicity in British Columbia, Canada: a time-stratified case-crossover study
Harm reduction strategies for severe alcohol use disorder in the context of homelessness: a rapid review
Recommendations for reducing the risk of cannabis use-related adverse psychosis outcomes: a public mental health-oriented evidence review
Alcohol use, self-harm and suicide: a scoping review of its portrayal in the Sri Lankan literature
Evaluation of the NHS England 'Op COURAGE' High Intensity Service for military veterans with significant mental health problems
European position paper on polypharmacy and fall-risk-increasing drugs recommendations in the World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management: implications and implementation
Virtual overdose monitoring services and overdose prevention technologies: opportunities, limitations, and future directions
Tianeptine, an antidepressant with opioid agonist effects: pharmacology and abuse potential, a narrative review
Socioeconomic marginalization and risk of overdose in a community-recruited cohort of people who use drugs: a longitudinal analysis
Exploring the added value of portable devices such as near infrared spectrometer in the field of illicit drugs analyses
Incidence of persistent opioid use following traumatic injury: an infographic
Intracranial hemorrhage secondary to vaping: a case report and literature review
Temporal trends and geographic variations in mortality rates from tobacco and firearms in the United States
The association of allostasis with alcohol use: a case-control study in males with and without alcohol use disorder
Cannabis retail market indicators in five legal states in the United States: a public health perspective
Decriminalization thresholds for drug possession: a multi-criteria policy analysis framework
Is non-medical use normal? Normalisation, medicalisation and pharmaceutical consumption
Comparison of state-level regulations for cannabis contaminants and implications for public health
A single method for 127 recommended and additional DUID drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS-MS
Acute alcohol intoxication in adolescents before and after the Dutch alcohol law change
Association between rumination and drug craving in Chinese male methamphetamine use disorder patients with childhood trauma
Blood alcohol concentration as a measure of risk among pedestrian fatalities in the U.S., 2016-2020
Drunk driving policies and breath test refusal in Taiwan
Suicide prevention and ketamine: insights from computational modeling
Have yourself a 'merry' little Christmas: alcohol adverts and alcohol content within adverts in the run-up to Christmas
Trauma experience among women who have substance use disorders and are homeless or near homeless
Violence victimization, homelessness, and severe mental illness among people who use opioids in three U.S. cities
When veterinary drugs reach human hospitals: a problem-based learning discussion
Predicting response to services for homeless adolescents and Transition Age Youth (TAY) with substance use and/or mental health disorders: implications for youth treatment and recovery
Genetic origins of schizophrenia, child maltreatment in Kurdistan (Iran), coping strategies in psoriasis patients, problematic benzodiazepine use, and covid-19 pandemic effects on pregnant women, older adults with psychiatric illness, and physician training
Drug use and suicidal ideation in the daily lives of individuals in a dialectical behavior therapy program
Cannabis use among workers with work-related injuries and illnesses: results from a cross-sectional study of workers' compensation claimants in Ontario, Canada
Associations between childhood polyvictimization, intimate partner violence victimization and substance use among college students
Acute neurocognitive and subjective effects of oral methamphetamine with low doses of alcohol: a randomised controlled trial
Case report-pediatric brugada phenotype from accident cocaine ingestion
Alcohol and addictive substances in deceased active participants of traffic accidents
Assessment of the acute effects of 2C-B vs. psilocybin on subjective experience, mood, and cognition
The association between the nonmedical use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and interpersonal violence: a meta-analysis
Availability of health-promoting interventions in high schools in Quebec, Canada, by school deprivation level
Dysfunctional parenting and emotional problems and substance misuse: enhancing psychological flexibility in college students
Spatiotemporal analysis exploring the effect of law enforcement drug market disruptions on overdose, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2020-2021
The suicidal patient in the emergency department team-based learning activity
Profiles of alcohol and cannabis protective behavioral strategies use across two large, multi-site college student samples of concurrent alcohol and cannabis users
An intervention based on Well-Being Therapy to prevent alcohol use and other unhealthy lifestyle behaviors among students: a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial
Estimating alcohol-attributable injury deaths: a comparison of epidemiological methods
Early and recent military and nonmilitary stressors associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms among military service members and their spouses
Vestibular disorders following BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination: a retrospective case series
Substance familiarity in middle childhood and adolescent substance use
Residence in urban or rural counties in relation to opioid overdose mortality among Kentucky hospitalizations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Psychosocial ergonomics of the workplace of medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic in three risk's dimensions: working hours, violence and the use of psychoactive drugs-a prospective pilot study
QuickStats: Percentage* of children and adolescents aged ≤17 years who have experienced a specified stressful life event,(†) by type of event and family income(§) - national health interview survey,(¶) united states, 2021
Overcoming the odds: does social support make a difference for young people with ADHD symptoms?
General health and its relation to the quality of life and alcohol consumption in a Polish cohort of medical students - preliminary results of POLLEK survey
Emotion differentiation and intimate partner violence: effects of provocation and alcohol intoxication
Attitudes and beliefs about Vermont's 2021 buprenorphine decriminalization law among residents who use illicit opioids
A daily diary exploration of contexts and experiences associated with planned drinking decisions in young adults
Daily exercise and alcohol use among young adult college students
Seasonal trends in antidepressant prescribing, depression, anxiety, and self-harm in adolescents and young adults: an open cohort study using UK primary care data
Maternal childhood maltreatment, internal working models, and perinatal substance use: is there a role for hyperkatifeia? A systematic review
The impact of fentanyl on DUIDs and traffic fatalities: blood and oral fluid data
The how and where of substance use in the USA
Fentanyl concentrations in ligated femoral blood in the presence and absence of NPS benzodiazepine drugs. a review of over 1250 benzo-dope / fentanyl toxicity cases in Alberta, Canada
Fall-related injuries and opioid administration among veterans with dementia in US Department of Veterans Affairs community living centers
Adverse childhood experiences and alcohol use and misuse: testing the impact of traditional and expanded adverse childhood experiences among racially/ethnically diverse youth transitioning into adulthood
Adolescent polysubstance use and co-occurring weapon carrying, bullying victimization, and depressive symptomology: patterns and differences in the United States
Addiction and physical dependence are not the same thing
Deliberate intoxication with Datura Stramonium, a rare cause of confusion
Effect of polypharmacy and Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs (FRIDs) on falls among Brazilian older adults: the SABE cohort study
The effects of depressed mood and 0.05 % blood alcohol concentration on risky driving in males
Investigating predictors of driving immediately after consuming cannabis: a study of medical and recreational cannabis users in Australia
Medications influencing the risk of fall-related injuries in older adults: case-control and case-crossover design studies
Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence: a systematic review
Substance use prevalence, patterns, and correlates in transgender and gender diverse youth: a scoping review
Z-substances versus benzodiazepines. Prevalence of unchecked medication or undiscovered misuse in chemical-toxicological abstinence checks within the scope of diagnostics of fitness to drive
"They sent it away for testing and it was all bunk": exploring perspectives on drug checking among steroid consumers in Queensland, Australia
The theory of planned behavior and driving under the influence of alcohol: a scoping review
25 years of evidentiary breath alcohol analysis in Germany
On the subjective perception of alcohol in water
Religious protection from populist violence: the Catholic Church and the Philippine drug war
Comparing presumptive with direct-to-definitive drug testing in oral fluid vs. urine for a U.S. national sample of individuals misusing drugs
Bowel obstruction in body-packing: a case report and literature review
Spanish validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire and the Acquired Capability for Suicide scale among Mexican university students
Substance use trajectories among emerging adult Black men: risk factors and consequences
Relations among adolescent alcohol and cannabis co-use, adolescent impulsive traits, and prospective change in impulsive traits into emerging adulthood
Public education can be used to increase support for equity in cannabis policy
The alcohol and polysubstance behaviors of mandated college students prior to collegiate sporting events: an assessment of pregaming
Application to several suspected poisoning cases of a validated analytical method for the determination of muscarine in human biological matrices using liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry detection
Mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and jail readmission in four rural counties
A latent variable analysis of psychomotor and neurocognitive performance after acute cannabis smoking
Impulsivity and risk-taking behavior in school-going adolescents
Association of cannabis, cannabidiol and synthetic cannabinoid use with mental health in UK adolescents
What are the treatment remission, response and extent of improvement rates after up to four trials of antidepressant therapies in real-world depressed patients? A reanalysis of the STAR*D study's patient-level data with fidelity to the original research protocol
Societal disruption as a disaster: exploring suicide, drug addiction and domestic violence in Australia through a disaster risk reduction lens
Drug-related poisonings among Chilean adult population
Disordered alcohol and substance use in Irish farmers: a cross-sectional survey
Associations between drinking contexts, minority stress, and problematic alcohol use among sexual minority individuals assigned female at birth
Description of kratom exposure events in Wisconsin as reported to the Wisconsin Poison Center, January 1, 2010 to September 1, 2022
Risk factors and protection of illicit drug use in Latin American adolescents
Substance use, internet risk behavior, and depressive symptoms as predictors of self-harm thoughts in adolescents: insights from the 2019 ESPAD Survey in Croatia
Alcohol consumption and partner violence in college students from native peoples
Alcohol mixed with energy drinks and aggressive behaviors in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review
Association between non-medical cannabis legalization and emergency department visits for cannabis-induced psychosis
Cannabis and tobacco use among adolescents aged 12-17 years from 16 low- and middle-income countries
Using in vitro receptor activity studies of synthetic cannabinoids to support the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances - a Swedish strategy to protect public health from harm
Effects of chronic workplace harassment on mental health and alcohol misuse: a long-term follow-up
Smart multiplex point-of-care platform for simultaneous drug monitoring
Trends in cause-specific mortality: deaths of despair in Spain, 1980-2019
Psychometric properties of the German Penn Alcohol Craving Scale
Prescribing patterns of fall risk-increasing drugs in older adults hospitalized for heart failure
Pressure sensitive adhesives and paper spray-mass spectrometry for the collection and analysis of fentanyl-related compounds from shipping materials
Prevalence, reasons, predictors, perceived effects, and regulation of alcohol use among children in Ghana
The absence of data on driving under the influence of alcohol in road traffic studies: a scoping review of non-randomized studies with vote counting based on the direction of effects of alcohol policies
Be aware of (R)-methamphetamine: negative immunoassay versus positive confirmation analysis
Bounded equity: the limits of economic models of social justice in cannabis legislation
Trends in alcohol-related deaths by sex in the US, 1999-2020
Self-report methodology for quantifying standardized cannabis consumption in milligrams delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Potency levels of regulated cannabis products in Michigan 2021-2022
Gender differences in physical morbidity in opioid agonist treatment patients: population-based cohort studies from the Czech Republic and Norway
Institutional violence from police militarization and drug cartel wars as a 'Big Event' and its influence on drug use harms and HIV risk in people who inject drugs on the U.S.-Mexico border
The impact of cannabis legalization and decriminalization on acute poisoning: a systematic review
More than meets the eye: a scoping review on the non-medical uses of THZ eye drops
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder among rural primary care patients
Who benefits from brief motivational intervention among young adults presenting to the emergency department with alcohol intoxication: a latent-class moderation analysis
Alarming use of psychoactive drugs amongst medical under and post graduate students
A cross sectional study on the risk factors of illicit drug use among the university students
Decoding hidden darknet networks: what we learned about the illicit fentanyl trade on AlphaBay
Examining the psychoactive differences between kratom strains
Exploring the molecular targets for the antidepressant and antisuicidal effects of ketamine enantiomers by using network pharmacology and molecular docking
Living with substance abused spouse: a phenomenological approach
Canada's cannabis legalization and adult crime patterns, 2015-2021: a time series study
Ecological investigation of the co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and cannabis use among community women experiencing intimate partner violence
Evaluation of clinical spectrum of kala pathar poisoning at Jinnah Hospital Lahore
Genome-scale metabolic reconstruction, non-targeted LC-QTOF-MS based metabolomics data, and evaluation of anticancer activity of cannabis sativa leaf extracts
Perspectives of and experience toward the abuse of antidiarrheal drug (loperamide) among community pharmacists: a cross-sectional study
Utility of the brief young adult alcohol consequences questionnaire to identify college students at-risk for alcohol related problems: relative operating characteristics across seven countries
Prevention of criminal acts of the drug trade through the internet media based on positive law in Indonesia
Workplace and non-workplace cannabis use and the risk of workplace injury: findings from a longitudinal study of Canadian workers
Adult cannabis use: an exploratory case study
Associations between school-behavior-health difficulties and subsequent injuries among younger adolescents: a population-based study
Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a Swedish register-based cohort study
Substance use disorders after natural disasters: a narrative review
Study of cardiovascular drugs usage, among elderly subjects admitted to the emergency department for syncopal falls in Rhône-Alpes region
Shifts in the Australian public's opinions towards alcohol policies: 2004-2019
PTSD and crime propensity: stress systems, brain structures, and the nature of the relationship
Mental health, substance use, experiences of violence, and access to health care among transgender and non-binary people during the COVID-19 lockdown in Argentina
Pattern of lifestyle behaviors and associated risk of being bullied at schools: a latent class analysis of 25,379 adolescents in Jiangsu Province of China
Perspectives and recommendations of opioid overdose survivors experiencing unsheltered homelessness on housing, overdose, and substance use treatment in Boston, MA
The COVID-19 pandemic and cannabis use in Canada-a scoping review
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use and risky drinking among undergraduate students in Johannesburg, South Africa: a cross-sectional study
Peer-elicited alcohol craving in adolescents and emerging adults: bridging the laboratory and natural environment
Sensitive screening of new psychoactive substances in serum using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Legal sourcing of ten cannabis products in the Canadian cannabis market, 2019-2021: a repeat cross-sectional study
Exposure to alcohol outlets and risk of suicidal behavior in a Swedish cohort of young adults
Cigarette smoking among veterans at high risk for suicide: challenges and opportunities for intervention
Alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder: exposing an increasingly shared genetic architecture
Early onset marijuana use and suicidal ideation among African American college students
Evaluation of field sobriety tests for identifying drivers under the influence of cannabis: a randomized clinical trial
Injunctive norms and driving under the influence and riding with an impaired driver among young adults in Washington State
An international comparison and review of self-induced intoxication causing automatism
A new statistical model for binge drinking pattern classification in college-student populations
The rise and rise of fentanyl in postmortem casework
24-month outcomes of an eHealth universal program for students and parents to prevent adolescent alcohol use: a cluster randomized controlled trial in schools
Assessment of efficacy of drug evaluation and classification program in Florida
The association of alcohol use and heavy drinking with subsequent handgun carrying among youth from rural areas
Association of pregnancy-specific alcohol policies with infant morbidities and maltreatment
Associations between problematic internet use, life satisfaction, and deliberate self-harm among Chinese adolescents: a multi-centered longitudinal study
Consequences of substance abuse on non-addicted family members and their role in treatment and rehabilitation initiatives
Does the "entourage effect" in cannabinoids exist? A narrative scoping review
Does it really matter that I do not remember my night? Consequences related to blacking out among college student drinkers
Injection drug use frequency before and after take-home naloxone training
Impact of drugs on the mental health of youth in the long run: psychological and rehabilitation perspective
State-level homelessness and drug overdose mortality: evidence from US panel data
Alcohol and crime
Age of illicit drug initiation
Homicide between friends and acquaintances in Australia
Framing death penalty politics in Malaysia
Transgender women in Kenya experience greater stigma, depressive symptoms, alcohol and drug use and risky sexual practices than cis-gendered men who have sex with men
Trends and psychosocial correlates of same day polysubstance use among people who inject drugs in Australia, 2012-2022
Typology of laws restricting access to methadone treatment in the United States: a latent class analysis
RETRACTED: Juvenile delinquency from the perspective of socialization and social control
A qualitative analysis of adolescents' perspectives on peer and influencer alcohol-related posts on social media
Prevalence of psilocybin use in vaping and associated factors: a study among amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) use disorder in Malaysia
The perils of not being attractive or athletic: pathways to adolescent adjustment difficulties through escalating unpopularity
Older and wiser? Age-related change in state and trait boredom during adolescence and associations with neural correlates of self-regulation
Non-fatal overdose risk associated with prescribing opioid agonists concurrently with other medication: Cohort study conducted using linked primary care, secondary care and mortality records
A mobile addiction service for community-based overdose prevention
Evaluation of common prescription analgesics and adjuvant analgesics as markers of suicide risk: a longitudinal population-based study in England
Do you 'like' problems? The linkage between college students' interactions with alcohol-related content on social media and their alcohol-related problems
Confirmation of cannabinoids in forensic toxicology casework by isomer-selective UPLC-MS-MS analysis in urine
Can alcohol policy prevent harms to women and children from men's alcohol consumption? An overview of existing literature and suggested ways forward
Cannabis use is associated with depression severity and suicidality in the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement
Crime by outlaw motorcycle gang members during club conflicts
Correction: Potency and safety analysis of hemp delta-9 products: the hemp vs. cannabis demarcation problem
Disentangling opioids-related overdose syndemics a scoping review
Potency and safety analysis of hemp delta-9 products: the hemp vs. cannabis demarcation problem
Real world effectiveness of psychological intervention on the reduction of suicidal attempts among patients with drug use disorder before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tainan
The effect of suspected alcohol intoxication on fatality and injuries of road users in Metro Manila -- 2005-2020
Medical marijuana permits and concealed weapons permits: when one right impacts another
Factors related to the delivery of interpersonal violence services in outpatient substance misuse treatment programs
Family violence and adolescent aggressive behavior: the direct and indirect effects of depression and substance use
A study on teenage and college culture: why substance abuse is considered as cool?
How to interpret studies on the impact of legalizing cannabis
"I don't want to introduce it into new places in my life": the marketing and consumption of no and low alcohol drinks
Changing dynamics of drug overdoses in the United Kingdom: an attempt to replicate the Jalal et al. findings of steady exponential growth
Commentary on Allaf et al.: Comparing countries with different legal cannabis markets can inform on the impact of regulating product type and potency
Can high and consistent school-related protective factors prevent cannabis use among American Indian middle school students?
Consumption of non-prescribed drugs in Portugal during the pandemic in 2021
Data driven mixed effects modeling of the dual process framework of addiction among individuals with alcohol use disorder
Editorial: Community series - Purple Haze: issues on cannabis legalization, volume II
Festivals following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions: prevalence of new psychoactive substances and illicit drugs
Guidelines and treatment for illicit drug related presentations in emergency departments: a scoping review
Influencing the global governance of alcohol: alcohol industry views in submissions to the WHO consultation for the Alcohol Action Plan 2022-2030
Vaping opioids: should we be worried?
Substance use and adolescent injuries: a multi-country analysis of the association and mediating effect of interpersonal violence among 122,945 in-school paediatric populations in 29 countries
Prevalence and factors associated with occupational injuries among building construction workers in the Gambia
Non-prescribed pharmaceutical stimulants use among adolescents: a way to self-care or peer success?
Perceptions of cannabis use risk to mental health among youth in Canada, England and the United States from 2017 to 2021
Phentermine involvement in fatal drug overdoses in Tennessee, 2019-2022
Lessons learned through the 20-year development of a national fatal drowning database in Australia
A systematic review of economic evaluations for opioid misuse, cannabis and illicit drug use prevention
Predictors of stigma, guilt, and shame among adults bereaved by fatal overdose
Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation, cannabis, and alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saskatchewan: findings from a joint-effect modeling
Rural community pharmacy approaches to lethal means management for suicide prevention
Post-mortem toxicological analysis of cocaine: main biological samples and analytical methods
Disparities in cannabis use and documentation in electronic health records among children and young adults
A systematic review of pattern and prevalence of cannabis use among transporters and associated road traffic accidents
Sexual health and drug use prevention for Black girls (The Dreamer Girls Project): protocol for an intervention development
Substance use, harm reduction attitudes and behaviors among attendees of nature rave parties in Israel
Cannabis industry campaign expenditures in Colorado, 2005-2021
Alcohol use in multiracial American youth compared with monoracial youth: a meta-analysis
Biases in the collection of blood alcohol data for adult major trauma patients in Victoria, Australia
Development and validation of a simple, fast, and accessible HPLC-UV method for cannabinoids determination in Cannabis sativa l. extracts and medicinal oils
Gastric obstruction by opium packets: a case report
Immediate postoperative zolpidem use increases risk of falls and implant complication rates following total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective case-control analysis
National increase in the community supply of take-home naloxone associated with a mass media campaign in Scotland: a segmented time series analysis
Prevalence of and factors influencing suicide ideation, attempt, and completion in heroin users: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A six-year follow-up of people who use cannabis in Iran - a case series
Tianeptine abuse via novel, extended-release, star-shaped, drug delivery device
Comparison between the management and outcome of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs overdose: a study from the National Environmental and Clinical Toxicology Research Centre, Cairo University Hospital
Determinants of unintentional injuries in preschool age children in high-income countries: a systematic review
Internalized stigma, self-esteem, loneliness, and suicide probability in patients with alcohol use disorder in remission
Family history of substance use disorder and parental impulsivity are differentially associated with neural responses during risky decision-making
Impact of COVID-19 controls on the use of illicit drugs and alcohol in Australia
Relationship between drinking risk and preferences for helping resources among emerging adults living in disadvantaged communities in the Southeastern United States
Population-level health effects of involuntary displacement of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness who inject drugs in US cities
Involuntary displacements--making a bad situation worse [editorial]
Legalization of recreational cannabis use in Germany - implications based on experiences in Uruguay, Canada and USA: a narrative review
Field-portable detection of fentanyl and its analogs: a review
Development and validation of a Chinese Drinking Expectancies Questionnaire for young adults: a Hong Kong study
Clinical and psychological features of patients with poisoning by antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic drugs as a result of suicidal actions
Clinical and genetic subtyping of suicide death by substance use
Child maltreatment history, deployment-related traumatic events, and past 12-month cannabis use among veterans in Canada
Changes in arrests following decriminalization of low-level drug possession in Oregon and Washington
Can counter-advertising dilute marketing effects of alcohol sponsorship of elite sport: a field experiment
Binge drinking and suicidal ideation in Peruvian adolescents: evidence from a pooled cross-sectional survey
Alcohol-related falls are increasing in older emergency department patients: a call to action
Ultrasound assisted membrane-assisted solvent extraction for the simultaneous assessment of some drugs involved in drug-facilitated sexual assaults by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Public support for vehicle technology to prevent operation by impaired drivers
Parental knowledge attitude and practices about chemical and medicinal poisons: a hospital based study from Karachi, Pakistan
The needle and the damage done: deaths of despair, economic precarity, and the white working-class
Major depressive disorder as a moderator of the relationship between heavy-episodic drinking and anxiety symptoms
Medical cannabis laws lower individual market health insurance premiums
In our responses to the overdose epidemic, we cannot forget pregnant and postpartum people
How do young adult drinkers react to varied alcohol warning formats and contents? An exploratory study in France
Driving under the influence of cannabis and alcohol: evidence from a national sample of young drivers
Acute intoxication caused by three common synthetic cannabinoids: the experience of a large, urban, tertiary care hospital
Analysis of first responder-involved traffic incidents by mining news reports
The role of shame and trauma type on posttraumatic stress disorder and depression severity in a treatment-seeking veteran population
Low levels of fitting in on campus moderates the relationship between enhancement drinking motives and drinks per week among college students
Integrating trauma-informed principles into suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention
Influence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on ICU admissions for severe acute poisoning
Femininity work: the gendered politics of women managing violence in bar work
Association between substance-induced psychosis and suicide attempt: a Danish nation-wide register-based study
Trends in hospital admission related to poisoning by, narcotics and psychodysleptics and poisoning by antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, and antiparkinsonism drugs in England and Wales between April 1999 and April 2020: an ecological study
Association between triglyceride glucose index and suicide attempts in patients with first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder
Depression and suicidal ideation among patients receiving opioid maintenance treatments considering cognitive flexibility
Designing effective alcohol warnings: consumer reactions to icons and health topics
Effectiveness of youth risk prevention programs when virtually adapted
"It's easier to go to the beer store than ask for help": a qualitative exploration of barriers to health care in rural farming communities
A multicomponent holistic care pathway for people who use drugs in Tayside, Scotland
Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical profile of suicide attempters attending the emergency department at a tertiary care hospital in Oman: a retrospective study
Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol-related harm in adolescents: a prospective cohort study of 68,299 Danish 15-19-year-olds
Substance use disorder and rural detention center readmission: results from a 3-year prospective cohort study
Women who pre-game: a study of stress and alcohol use in female collegiate predrinkers
Prevalence and impact of recreational drug use in patients with acute cardiovascular events
Intoxications in childhood and adolescence
The effects of impulsiveness, depression and distress tolerance on problematic drinking of undergraduates: the moderated mediating effect of gender
The bystander intervention for problematic alcohol use model (BIPAUM)
Acute drug intoxication in childhood: a 10-year retrospective observational single-centre study and case reports
Addressing gender-based violence in drug addiction treatment: a systematic mapping review
Adverse impact of cannabis on human health
Alcohol-related sexual harassment in the workplace: a between and within industry analysis
The effectiveness of choice theory and reality therapy training in reducing aggression and negative emotion of female adolescents
Postmortem of traffic accident deaths in Kenya: indicators of alcohol intoxication
Incidence and determinants of COVID-19 in patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder: a patient-based linkage study
The impact of a school-based self-injury prevention program on adolescent girls' risk-taking and metaemotions
Association between cannabis use disorder and mental health disorders in the adolescent population: a cohort study
Cannabis use associations with adverse psychosocial functioning among North American college students
Heavy episodic drinking and self-reported increased alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a spotlight on frontline and essential workers in Canada
Chemical and toxicological diagnosis of acute poisoning with doxylamine, zaleplon, and phenazepam
Distress symptoms and alcohol consumption: anxiety differentially mediates drinking across gender
Effect of a smartphone intervention as a secondary prevention for use among university students with unhealthy alcohol use: randomised controlled trial
The effectiveness of a resilience-based curriculum on impulsivity and psychological flexibility in addiction-prone adolescents
Family dysfunction and parental role abdication as predisposing factors for drug abuse among secondary school adolescents and youths in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria
Adolescent substance use patterns and risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young adulthood
Autopsy, histological and toxicological findings in deaths associated with new psychoactive substances (NPS): a study with 12 autopsies
A review of psilocybin: chemistry, clinical uses and future research directions
Simultaneous determination and stability analysis of ten new psychoactive substances including synthetic cathinones, phenethylamines, and ketamine substitutes in urine using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
The motives and methods of methamphetamine and 'heroin' co-use in West Virginia
Neighborhood factors and survival to old age: the Jackson Heart Study
Prevalence and outcomes of depression, obstructive sleep apnea, and concurrent anxiety (DOCA) in stroke survivors: insights from a nationwide study
Psychometric properties of the PTSD checklist for DSM-5 in treatment-seeking Black veterans
Individual differences in females' adherence to public health measures and psychopathology symptoms during a global health crisis: the role of triarchic psychopathic traits
Intelligent framework for cannabis classification using visualization of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry data and transfer learning
Examining the association between moral injury and suicidal behavior in military populations: a systematic review
Comparing trends in mid-life 'deaths of despair' in the USA, Canada and UK, 2001-2019: is the USA an anomaly?
A preliminary report on alcohol-associated DNA methylation changes and suicidal behavior: evidence using Mendelian randomization
Profiles of vulnerability to alcohol use and mental health concerns in first responders
Translating evidence-based substance use prevention interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean: the key role of cultural adaptation
Participants in court-mandated intervention programs for intimate partner violence perpetrators with substance use problems: a systematic review of specific risk factors
Extending gender- and sex-based analyses in cannabis research: findings from an online sample of gender diverse young adult consumers
The international center for alcohol policies (ICAP) book series: a key resource globally for alcohol industry political strategies
The role of military identity in substance use and mental health outcomes among U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers
Perceived risk of harm for different methods of cannabis consumption: a brief report
The police paradox: a qualitative study of post-overdose outreach program implementation through public health-public safety partnerships in Massachusetts
A grounded theory exploration of programme theory within Waves of Wellness surf therapy intervention
Implementation strategies to improve posttraumatic stress disorder care in rural veterans
Implementing mental health first aid training in a doctor of pharmacy program
Regulation and guideline for juvenile justice in Thailand: a case study of drug-related offenses
Toxicity of synthetic cannabinoids in K2/spice: a systematic review
Relative risk of cannabis, alcohol, and their combination on driver behavior in fatal crashes in Washington State
A remote brief intervention plus social media messaging for cannabis use among emerging adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial in emergency department patients
Longitudinal changes in neurocognitive performance related to drug use intensity in a sample of persons with and without HIV who use illicit stimulantsLongitudinal effects of cocaine and HIV on cognitive performance
Molecular insights into GPCR mechanisms for drugs of abuse
Fidelity of implementation of Reptes, an alcohol and cannabis selective prevention program for youngsters
A content analysis of social media discussions on THC-O-acetate
Association of cyberbullying victimization and substance initiation: the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study
Use of psychoactive substances by goods carriage drivers associated with Kerala, India
Unintentional pediatric ingestion of cannabis-addressing a growing public health risk
The association between exercise and prescription opioid misuse: a scoping review
Developing the Weaving Healthy Families Program to promote wellness and prevent substance abuse and violence: approach, adaptation, and implementation
Hypertensives versus normotensives: study on coping strategies and lifestyle determinants among industrial workers, Hyderabad, South India
Offending and the long-term risk of death: an examination of mid-life mortality among an urban Black American cohort
The prevalence and determinant factors for alcohol abuse in Gondar city's preparatory schools: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse in Iranian adults: results of Azar Cohort Study
Retrospective chart review of substance abuse in patients with psychiatric emergencies in an emerging urban county
Severe outcomes following pediatric cannabis intoxication: a prospective cohort study of an international toxicology surveillance registry
Analysis of bias in toxicology screening of patients in serious motor vehicle accidents
The effects of alcohol intoxication on perceptions of consent and refusal indicators in a fictional alcohol-involved sexual encounter
Experiences of violence among people with stimulant use disorder in psychiatric inpatient settings: a qualitative study
Perceived educational needs of substance use peer support specialists: a qualitative study
Seasonal variation of use of common psychedelics and party drugs among nightclub/festival attendees in New York City
Use of the opioid receptor antagonist - naltrexone in the treatment of non-suicidal self-injury
A comparison of the drug use and protective factors of rural and urban students
Biosynthesis of kratom opioids
Authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles as correlates of students' tendency to abuse drugs in Rivers State, southern Nigeria
Driving impairment and altered ocular activity under the effects of alprazolam and alcohol: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Drug deaths fall in Scotland but major problems persist
Engaging families and parent advocates in research on substance use and drug policy reform: guiding principles from a Canadian community-academic partnership
Health seeking behavior of street connected children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Legal approaches to new psychoactive substances: first empirical findings
The longitudinal relationship between concussion history, years of American football participation, and alcohol use among former National Football League players: an NFL-LONG Study
Neurophysiological error processing and addiction self-awareness correlates of reduced insight in cannabis use disorder
Predicting risk of suicidal behaviour after initiation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in children, adolescents and young adults: protocol for development and validation of clinical prediction models
A study protocol for a European, mixed methods, prospective, cohort study of the effectiveness of naloxone administration by community members, in reversing opioid overdose: NalPORS
Study of fractional-order alcohol-abuse mathematical model using the concept of piecewise operator
A study of attitudes and experiences relating to alcohol use in a community of family farmers from Southern India
Adolescent alcohol and cannabis use as risk factors for head trauma in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort study 1986
Adolescent substance use patterns and risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young adulthood
Buprenorphine deregulation as an opioid crisis policy response - a comparative analysis between France and the United States
Safer medicines To reduce falls and refractures for OsteoPorosis (#STOP): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of medical specialist-initiated pharmacist-led medication management reviews in primary care
High levels of pesticides found in illicit cannabis inflorescence compared to licensed samples in Canadian study using expanded 327 pesticides multiresidue method
Physical violence against women in Brazil: findings from the 3rd Brazilian household survey on substance use
Safety concerns related to the simultaneous use of prescription or over-the-counter medications and herbal medicinal products: survey results among Latvian citizens
Self-medication for toothache causing chemical burn of oral mucosa and alveolar bone loss in a child
Solving homelessness in Delaware requires resolving the disparities that cause it
Trends in illicit cannabis potency based on the analysis of law enforcement seizures in the southern area of Rome
Do trauma cue exposure and/or PTSD symptom severity intensify selective approach bias toward cannabis cues in regular cannabis users with trauma histories?
Gun carrying among US adolescents: the mutual impact of violence experiences, safety concerns, and substance use behaviors
Addiction, rehabilitation, and recovery of Filipino substance abusers: a phenomenological inquiry
Assessing the efficacy of a brief universal family skills programme on violence and substance-use indicators in youth in Trentino and Parma, Italy: study protocol for a multi-centre, non-blinded, cluster-randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of Family UNited
Suicidal behaviours among school-going adolescents in Samoa: a secondary analysis of prevalence, protective, and risk factors
Survey of U.S. residents and their usage of electronic cigarettes with drugs other than nicotine
Results of the implementation of a trauma registry in a Peruvian low complexity hospital: a 2-year analysis
Medicinal cannabis and implications for workplace health and safety: scoping review of systematic reviews
A model to prevent substance use/abuse by student nurses at Limpopo College of Nursing, South Africa
A multi-analyte screening method for the rapid detection of illicit adulterants in dietary supplements using a portable SERS analyzer
Peer bullying victimization in adolescence is associated with substance use: cross-sectional findings from French high school students
Illicit drug use and violence
Emerging issues in cannabis law: big business and equity challenges
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and the risk of crime
Characteristics of adolescents admitted with acute alcohol intoxication: a retrospective multicentre study in Antwerp, Belgium, in the period 2015-2021
Differences of chronological seasonality in drug overdose
Cannabidiol safety considerations: development of a potential acceptable daily intake value and recommended upper intake limits for dietary supplement use
Real or fake? Sourcing and marketing of non-prescribed benzodiazepines amongst two samples of people who regularly use illicit drugs in Australia
Adolescent cannabis users who have never smoked a combustible cigarette: trends and level of addictive drug use from 1976 to 2020
A review of disparities in cannabis use and cannabis use disorder affecting sexual and gender minority populations and evidence for contributing factors
Accidental poisoning with aconite overdose: a case report and resuscitative emergency management in a tertiary level hospital of Bangladesh
The effects of race and class on community-level stigmatization of opioid use and policy preferences
Who bought a gun during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States? Associations with QAnon beliefs, right-wing political attitudes, intimate partner violence, antisocial behavior, suicidality, and mental health and substance use problems
(mis)perceptions of bystander behaviors and approval: the role of gender-specific perceived norms
The teenage brain: under construction
Sexual assault revictimization among sexual minority individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Preliminary efficacy of a web-based alcohol and emotion regulation intervention on intimate partner aggression among college women
Prevalence of cannabis use disorder and reasons for use among adults in a US state where recreational cannabis use is legal
Effects of workplace variables on workers intentions to misuse prescription opioids
Endocannabinoid system and aggression across animal species
Exploiting the potential of fabric phase sorptive extraction for forensic food safety: analysis of food samples in cases of drug facilitated crimes
Correction: The role of alcohol use in pesticide suicide and self-harm: a scoping review
Toxic tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) dose in pediatric cannabis edible ingestions
Studies pertaining to the emerging cannabinoid hexahydrocannabinol (HHC)
Overview of the synthetic approaches to lysergic acid as a precursor to the psychedelic LSD
Increasing adolescent legal awareness about emergency prevention of drugs abuse in the young generation at the Al-Ma'un Shelter House, Bengkulu City
Socioeconomic disparities in the uptake of substances of abuse: results from a household cross-sectional survey in Murang' a County, Kenya
Trends in fatal poisoning among drug users in France from 2011 to 2021: an analysis of the DRAMES Register
Criminal justice referrals to cannabis use disorder treatment among adolescents and young adults following recreational cannabis legalization in the United States
Drug overdose deaths with evidence of counterfeit pill use - United States, July 2019-December 2021
Association of driving while intoxicated and suicide ideation and attempts in South Korea: a study in a nationally representative sample
Smoke alarm
Recreational nitrous oxide-induced injury to the soft palate
Rate of alcohol-induced blackout experience and its negative consequences among Korean university students
Study protocol for a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial to reduce risky drinking among service members and their partners
Using linked data to identify pathways of reporting overdose events in British Columbia, 2015-2017
Systematic review of naloxone dosing and adverse events in the emergency department
Adverse childhood experiences and alcohol use among Black college students: examining the mediating roles of depression and coping drinking motives
Anticholinergic medications associated with falls and frailty in people with HIV
Pilot randomized controlled trial of a brief strategy to prevent suicide after discharge from residential addiction treatment
Preliminary efficacy of a brief cognitive restructuring intervention to reduce sexual coercion intentions: roles of alcohol and emotion regulation
Binge drinking, other substance use up in midlife adults
Daily naltrexone use does not adversely affect physical, cognitive or marksmanship performance in U.S. Army soldiers
Interrupted time series analysis of drug overdose fatalities in service-related industries versus non-service-related industries during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2018-2021
Types of psychiatric beds and mental health services in 16 Latin American countries, 1990-2020
Suicide deaths and substance use in the Galician provinces between 2006 and 2020
The link between drug dependency and criminality: a systematic review
A mixed methods exploration of Texas school nurses' involvement in addressing substance use and sexual/reproductive health among students in alternative high schools
Neurotrophic factors in cannabis-induced psychosis: an update
Parental openness and communication regarding cannabis and alcohol use with their children
Examining engagement effects in an adaptive preventive intervention for college student drinking
Intimate partner violence perpetration among sexual minority young adults: associations with alcohol use, PTSD symptoms, internalized homophobia, and heterosexist discrimination
A longitudinal analysis of monthly changes in substance use in relation to negative consequences from alcohol and cannabis use in a community sample of young adults
Disparities in Alcoholics Anonymous participation from 2000-2020 among U.S. residents with an alcohol use disorder in the National Alcohol Survey
Distressed drinking: the moderating impact of distress tolerance on the relation between anxiety sensitivity, panic symptoms, and alcohol use and problems
Drug-facilitated sexual assault: a systematic review
Examining alcohol-related blackouts and drinking motives over time among college women
Characterizing Twitter chatter about temporary alcohol abstinence during "Dry January"
Change in alcohol consumption in adolescence and emerging adulthood - a meta-analysis
Cannabis use in context: relations among impulsive personality traits, context, and cannabis problems
Associations between individual hallucinogens and hallucinogen misuse among U.S. adults who recently initiated hallucinogen use
The association between social fragmentation and deaths attributable to alcohol, drug use, and suicide: longitudinal evidence from a population-based sample of Canadian adults
Alcohol use, discrimination, and psychological partner abuse among LGBQ+ college students: results from a daily diary study
The aftermath of war; mental health, substance use and their correlates with social support and resilience among adolescents in a post-conflict region of Sri Lanka
Recreational cannabis use over time in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: lack of associations with symptom, neurocognitive, functioning, and treatment patterns
Alcohol intake before injury and functional and survival outcomes after traumatic brain injury: Pan-Asian Trauma Outcomes Study (PATOS)
Substance use disorders refresh: nonopioid substance use disorders
Substance use disorders among African-American men in the rural south: a scoping review
Drugs involved in Kentucky drug poisoning deaths and relation with antecedent controlled substance prescription dispensing
The development of a Cannabis Knowledge Assessment Tool (CKAT)
Associations between doses of fall-risk-increasing drugs (FRIDs) and falls of hospitalized patients
Parallel development: medicalization and decriminalization in the changing media framing of the opioid overdose crisis
Pharmacokinetic properties of an fda-approved intranasal nalmefene formulation for the treatment of opioid overdose
Prevalence of xylazine in overdose cases: an analysis of Miami-Dade County medical examiner case data
Severe arsenic poisoning due to Ayurvedic supplements
Amlodipine overdose in a transgender woman: a case study
Car accident & alcohol detector & black box [conference abstract]
Cultivating agents of change in medical students: addressing the overdose epidemic in the United States through enhancing knowledge of multimodal pain medicine and increasing accessibility via open-access, web-based medical education and technology
A cross sectional study on risk factors of road traffic accident cases admitted in a tertiary care hospital, Tirupati
Factors associated with work zone crashes
Driving under the influence of cannabis versus alcohol: a mixed-methods study examining perceptions and related risk behaviors among US and Israeli adults
Weeding out the truth: a survey experiment on the role of scientific evidence in shaping public opinion on marijuana policy
Summary of hospitalizations related to medicational poisoning groups in a cardiological and toxicological department from 04.2013 to 12.2021
Keeping pace with the evolution of illicit darknet fentanyl markets: using a mixed methods approach to identify trust signals and develop a vendor trustworthiness index
Is the effect of parenting on substance use among adolescents and young adults context dependent? Evidence from ten countries of southeastern Europe
Hair analysis of selected drug-facilitated sexual assault substances using green supramolecular solvent extraction and LC-MS/MS analysis
Study on human subjects - influence of stress and alcohol in simulated traffic situations
The use of chemical control within coercive controlling intimate partner violence and abuse
Use of hypnotic-sedative medication and risk of falls and fractures in adults: a self-controlled case series study
Retrospective evaluation of poisoning cases followed up in pediatric intensive care unit-a 12-year experience in a single center
Problematic alcohol use in young adults exposed to childhood trauma: the Trøndelag Health (HUNT) Study
Multifaceted intervention to increase the delivery of alcohol brief interventions in primary care: a mixed-methods process analysis
Investigating the relationship between domestic violence with substance abuse and suicide resilience in mothers with disabled children
Factors associated with risk of falling among younger inpatients in a mental health setting-a systematic review
Dyskinesia due to mexiletine overdose: a rare presentation
Development of public stigma scales on alcohol use disorder and substance use disorder
The curse of experiencing and committing violence as a criminal recidivism predictor: a comparison between female forensic psychiatric patients with severe mental disorders and substance use disorder
Systems analysis and improvement approach to improve naloxone distribution within syringe service programs: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
The role of adverse childhood experiences on people in opiate agonist treatment: the importance of feeling unloved
Outcomes and resource utilisation of patients presented to the emergency department with opioid and benzodiazepine poisoning
Old drugs and new challenges: a narrative review of nitazenes
Medication overdose data analysis: a review of medication error reports in the FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accidental and suicidal drug intake rates, what has the pandemic changed?
Factors associated with suicide in people who use drugs: a scoping review
Examining the impact of daily discrimination on alcohol use among racially diverse, trauma-exposed sexually minoritized adults: a pilot study
Complete investigations (autopsy, toxicology, and histology) in a death due to apixaban overdose
Bottle gourd juice: poison or panacea
Associations between opioid overdose deaths and drugs confiscated by law enforcement and submitted to crime laboratories for analysis, United States, 2014-2019: an observational study
Investigating the relationship between social capital and successful quitting of using substances and psychoactive drugs in Isfahan
Advances in urinary biomarker research of synthetic cannabinoids
Cannabis-involved traffic injury emergency department visits after cannabis legalization and commercialization
Driving-related behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions among Australian medical cannabis users: results from the CAMS 20 survey
Family history, childhood maltreatment, and adolescent binge drinking exert synergistic effects on delay discounting and future alcohol use
Health-related quality of life in patients accessing medicinal cannabis in Australia: the QUEST initiative results of a 3-month follow-up observational study
Theory-based correlates of cannabis use and intentions among US and Israeli adults: a mixed methods study
Risk-related brain activation is linked to longitudinal changes in adolescent health risk behaviors
A national transgender health survey from China assessing gender identity conversion practice, mental health, substance use and suicidality
Reformulation of legal regulations concerning alcoholic beverages in Bali with legal certainty and benefit
Widespread distribution of xylazine detected throughout the United States in healthcare patient samples
Watching the fall of Roe v. Wade: media exposure relates to U.S. women's alcohol use intentions
A systematic review and meta-analysis of health, functional, and cognitive outcomes in young people who use methamphetamine
Substance use disorders, mental illness, and health care utilization among adults with recent criminal legal involvement
The quality, readability, and accuracy of the information on Google about cannabis and driving: quantitative content analysis
Prevalence and factors associated with vaping cannabidiol among US adolescents
Moral injury is a risk factor for substance use and suicidality among US military veterans with and without traumatic brain injury
Autopsy study of alcohol-associated unnatural deaths in Thailand, 2007-2019
Analytical strategies for herbal cannabis samples in forensic applications: a comprehensive review
Emerging adult perceptions of higher-risk cannabis consumption behaviours
Effect of vaporizing cannabis rich in cannabidiol on cannabinoid levels in blood and on driving ability - a randomized clinical trial
Illicit drugs in the emergency department: can we determine on clinical grounds if patients are intoxicated? Results from the Western Australian Illicit Substance Evaluation (WISE) study
Pattern of alcohol consumption among workers at a public market
Alcohol motivations associated with frequency of alcohol use, binge, and alcohol problems among active duty junior enlisted soldiers and non-commissioned officers
The association of medical providers' attitudes about naloxone and people with opioid use disorder and their self-reported "low-barrier" treatment practices
Childhood emotional abuse and alcohol use disorders in a national Nepali women sample: the mediating role of borderline personality traits
Defining opioid naïve and implications for monitoring opioid use: a population-based study in Alberta, Canada
Differences in smoking behaviors and readiness to change for patients with COPD and differing categories of depressive symptoms: a descriptive cross-sectional design
Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan)
Epidemiology of psychoactive substance use in Togo: results of WENDU data collection from 2015 to 2019
New perspectives on how to formulate alcohol drinking guidelines
Perceived problematic alcohol use in the family and adolescents' stress-related complaints: examining the buffering role of the school's degree of student focus as rated by its teachers
Perceptual generalization of alcohol-related value characterizes risky drinkers
Prevalence and characteristics of violence against paramedics in a single Canadian site
Socioeconomic and psychosocial determinants of substance misuse - a national perspective
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and substance use: a meta-analysis
A cross-sectional study on resilience, anxiety, depression, and psychoactive substance use among heterosexual and sexual minority adolescents in Nigeria
Ethanol kinetics in the human brain determined by magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Extraction of a metallic susceptor after accidental ingestion of the heated tobaccostick TEREA™: a case report
Implementing suicide risk screening in a virtual addiction clinic
Saturated cannabinoids: update on synthesis strategies and biological studies of these emerging cannabinoid analogs
Oral analgesic for musculoskeletal injuries in children: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Mediators of effects of a digital alcohol intervention for online help-seekers: findings from an effectiveness trial
"It's like a safety net for when things go wrong": key stakeholder and program user perspectives on a peer-led safe space program in Sydney, Australia
Opioid and benzodiazepine misuse in the United States: the impact of socio-demographic characteristics
From coca to cocoa: Conflicts, violence and hegemonic compromises in the turbulent Peruvian Amazonia settlement process: The case of Tocache
Ethanol and illicit drugs acute use and abuse as risk factors for suicide: a case-control study based on forensic autopsies in the Basque Country, Spain
Community reentry: racial/ethnic differences in unmet needs among adults with co-occurring opioid use and mental health disorder
Alcohol and cannabis dual use among Black adults: associations with alcohol use, use-related problems, and race-based discrimination
Alcohol use in Australia: countering harm with healing
Case report: catastrophic effects of using cannabis via bucket bong in top end Northern Territory of Australia
A cross-cultural comparison of negative alcohol-related consequences in the United States and Sweden: measurement invariance of the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index
E-cigarette explosions: patient profiles, injury patterns, clinical management, and outcome
High-risk drug use among Palestinian adolescent refugees in the North West Bank Palestine
Overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids: racial/ethnic and educational disparities in the eastern and western US
The relationship between time spent on social media and adolescent alcohol use: a longitudinal analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Prediction of the effective work function of aspirin and paracetamol crystals by density functional theory-a first-principles study
Resource utilization among children presenting with cannabis poisonings in the emergency department, a retrospective analysis
A cluster of five deaths due to methanol toxicity after apparent hand sanitizer ingestion in the setting of chronic alcoholism
Comprehensive toxicological screening of common drugs of abuse, new psychoactive substances, and cannabinoids in blood using supported liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS)
Relationship between psychosocial health and drug use among street children in Starehe Sub-County, Nairobi County Kenya
There and back again … safely: examining students' reports of substance use and sexual assault prevention program receipt prior to departure abroad
Sublethal toxicities of 2,4-dinitrophenol as inferred from online self-reports
Diagnosis and management of toxicity associated with the recreational use of nitrous oxide
Potential effect of antidepressants on remission from cocaine use disorder - a nationwide matched retrospective cohort study
Evaluation of an online advanced suicide prevention training for pharmacists
Nature of drug and substance abuse in Kilifi and Mombasa Counties of Coastal Kenya
Behavioral and neurocognitive factors distinguishing post-traumatic stress comorbidity in substance use disorders
The bully-victim overlap and vaping activity among adolescents
Improving function through primary care treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder study outcomes: a randomized controlled trial of prolonged exposure for primary care in veterans
Wellness and delinquency at the intersection of gender and race
Which risk factors plays the most critical role for delinquent behavior? Examining integrated cognitive antisocial potential theory
An analysis of National Hockey League playoff games and city-level crime counts
College students' sexual motives, experiences, and drinking-related protective behavioral strategies
Combating the opioid crisis and its national security threat through CReDO: a multidisciplinary solution with disaster medicine implications
Community-level risk factors for firearm assault and homicide: the role of local firearm dealers and alcohol outlets
Critical chemsex studies: Interrogating cultures of sexualized drug use beyond the risk paradigm
Daring and distress: insights on adolescent risk taking and difficulties in emotion regulation from a network analysis perspective
Delinquent by the dozen: youth from larger families engage in more delinquency--fact or myth?
Do control, peers, and permissive attitudes to drugs influence drug use frequency in a gendered way?
Does coping mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and health outcomes in young adults?
Exploring multilevel determinants of co-occurring violence, HIV, mental health and substance use problems
Hostile, quick-tempered, and exposed to dangerous environments: exploring the link between temperament and the street code adherence
An interrupted time series evaluation of the effect of cannabis legalization on intentional self-harm in two Canadian provinces: Ontario and Alberta
Reported risky alcohol use among US adults prescribed 3 classes of chronic alcohol-interactive medications
Advances in the understanding of acetaminophen toxicity mechanisms: a clinical toxicology perspective
Adverse childhood experiences: a meta-analysis of prevalence and moderators among half a million adults in 206 studies
Anger and support for retribution in Mexico's drug war
Cannabis use in adolescence : which consequences in adulthood?
Shame and guilt for alcohol-related transgressions and hazardous drinking among male and female college students
Risk factors and perpetrators of domestic violence during any pregnancy experienced by women in northeast India
Risk factors for self-harm ideation among persons treated with opioids for chronic low back pain
Psychosocial stress and methamphetamine use: a mixed-methods study of intersectional stigma and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methamphetamine use
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use, mental disorders, and awareness and utilization of support services among healthcare professionals in West Rand District, Gauteng, South Africa: a cross-sectional study
A pilot study to identify pharmacogenomic and clinical risk factors associated with opioid related falls and adverse effects in older adults
Perceived offensiveness to the self, not that to others, is a robust positive predictor of support of censoring sexual, alcoholic, and violent media content
Patterns of emergency department presentations for a youth mental health cohort: data-linkage cohort study
Notes from the field: online weight loss supplements labeled as tejocote (Crataegus mexicana) root, substituted with yellow oleander (Cascabela thevetia) -- United States, 2022
Outcomes and experiences after child custody loss among mothers who use drugs: a mixed studies systematic review
12-step programs for reducing illicit drug use
Association of adolescent depression with subsequent prescriptions of anti-infectives and anti-inflammatories in adulthood: a longitudinal cohort study
Effects of early, computerized brief interventions on risky alcohol use and risky cannabis use among young people
Fatal toxicity index, total prescriptions per death, a unique view of medical examiner deaths and prescription monitoring data
Lifetime suicidal-related behaviour among patients in treatment for substance use disorder: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence of substance use disorder among young adults hospitalized in the US hospital: a decade of change
Protocol for a systematic review: recovery schools for improving well-being among students in recovery from substance use disorders: a systematic review
Trends in self-reported non-fatal overdose and patterns of substance use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in a prospective cohort of adults who have injected drugs - Baltimore, Maryland, 2014-2022
A case study for local data surveillance in opioid overdose fatalities in Cuyahoga County, OH 2016-2020
Evolving trends in U.S. mortality from opioid overdose: heroin and beyond
Poisonings during the COVID-19 pandemic: attention to children and adolescent admitted to the Referral Teaching Hospitals of Yazd and Taft Cities
Understandings, attitudes, practices and responses to GHB overdose among GHB consumers
Associations between parental drinking and alcohol use among their adolescent children: findings from a national survey of United States parent-child dyads
Postmortem redistribution of drugs: a literature review
Identification of opioid use disorder using electronic health records: beyond diagnostic codes
Inequality's on tap: a longitudinal study of area-level income inequality and alcohol consumption among Canadian adolescents
Emerging adult perceptions of cannabis consumption: examining changes in perceptions from pre-legalization to post-legalization
Familial predictors of alcohol and drug use-related problems among middle-aged and older adults
Gender, sexual orientation identity, and initiation of amphetamine injecting among people who inject drugs: examination of an expanding drug era in Montreal, Canada, 2011-19
Community pharmacist encounters with patients displaying suicide warning signs: a cross-sectional survey
Drug overdose deaths in Brazil between 2000 and 2020: an analysis of sociodemographics and intentionality
German medical association objects to cannabis plan
How much cannabis is used in a joint in Australia? An experimental investigation into use by potency and frequency
Investigating the methods and characteristics of the trafficking of performance and image enhancing drugs in Australia
Suicide-related care among patients who have experienced an opioid-involved overdose
Prevalence of alcohol and other drug detections in non-transport injury events
Screening for cannabis use disorder among young adults: sensitivity, specificity, and item-level performance of the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test - Revised
Additive manufacturing of a portable electrochemical sensor with a recycled conductive filament for the detection of atropine in spiked drink samples
Drug-facilitated sexual assault in Africa: a scoping review of empirical evidence
Population ranges for the volume of distribution (Vd) of alcohol for use in forensic alcohol calculations
Strengthening pill press control to combat fentanyl: legislative and law enforcement imperatives
"The Box has become an indispensable part of my life": a case study of Victoria cannabis buyers club and its consumption space
Drug-related deaths among housed and homeless individuals in the UK and the USA: comparative retrospective cohort study
The role of thought suppression and negative urgency in eating disorder symptoms and alcohol-related problems among survivors of childhood maltreatment
Concern for police brutality, societal discrimination, and school shootings and subsequent cigarette and cannabis use in Los Angeles County Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White youth: a longitudinal study
Decreasing alcohol use among young adults presenting for service in the U.S. Air Force: an epidemiological surveillance study
Automating detection of drug-related harms on social media: machine learning framework
Adverse childhood experience trajectories and individual high risk-behaviors of sexual offenders: a developmental victimology perspective
Sensation seeking, drinking motives, and going out mediate the link between eveningness and alcohol use and problems in adolescence
Preventing substance use among urban, African American youth: the potential of mentor-mentee conversations
Blood and breath alcohol concentration from transdermal alcohol biosensor data: estimation and uncertainty quantification via forward and inverse filtering for a covariate-dependent, physics-informed, hidden Markov model
Syringe service programs in Indiana: moving past the "moral" concerns of harm reduction towards effective legislation
Ketamine use in pediatric depression: a systematic review
At-risk drinking and workplace conditions among Latino day laborers
Climate change and the opioid epidemic
Pediatric colchicine poisoning with survival after a "lethal" overdose: a case report
Reducing overdose through policy interventions: ASTHO's recommendations for state and territorial health officials and agencies
Role of forensic histopathology in diagnosing medication poisoning at autopsy: A case series
Ketamine: mechanisms and relevance to treatment of depression
Mortality, incarceration and cost implications of fentanyl felonization laws: a modeling study
Dove: shoulder-based opioid overdose detection and reversal device
Does the decline in Swedish adolescent drinking persist into early adulthood?
Comparison of emergency transport for acute alcohol intoxication before and after the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a retrospective observational study
Depression, anxiety, psychological distress and associated factors among students attending Nemelifen Secondary and Preparatory School, Afar regional state, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Drug trafficking and consumption among motorcycle taxi drivers in Bouake
E-cigarette explosion injuries in the oral and maxillofacial region and a protocol for their management
Executive functions and behavioral economic demand for cannabis among young adults: indirect associations with cannabis consumption and cannabis use disorder
High willingness to use overdose prevention sites among suburban people who use drugs who do not inject
How are state telehealth policies associated with services offered by substance use disorder treatment facilities? Evidence from 2019 to 2022
Income inequality and 'hospitalisations of despair' in Canada: a study on longitudinal, population-based data
Modeling cartel size to inform violence reduction in Mexico
Parent alcohol use and problems in children's alcohol-related learning and subsequent alcohol use
Parking behaviour under the influence of alcohol
Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of first-time and repeated opioid-related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees
Protection of children as perpetrators of drug abuse in the perspective of Law Number 35 of 2014
On-site drug detection coasters: an inadequate tool to screen for GHB and ketamine in beverages
Prescription high-risk polysubstance use among opioid maintenance treatment patients
Trends in varying modes of drug use in opioid toxicity deaths in Ontario from 2017 to 2021
Subjective evaluations of alcohol-involved sexual experiences over time among heavy-drinking college students: comparisons across gender
The role of child maltreatment and adolescent victimization in predicting adolescent psychopathology and problematic substance use
The role of the Huamual Police in handling the distribution of liquor in Talaga Negeri Luhu Hamlet, Huamual District, West Seram Regency
School racial composition as a moderator of the effect of discrimination on mental health and substance use among American Indian adolescents
The use of a national identification system to prevent misuse of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs in Japan
Suicidality by sexual identity and correlates among American Indian and Alaska Native high school students
Synthetic cannabinoids in hair-prevalence of use in abstinence control programs for driver's license regranting in Germany
How do underage youth access e-cigarettes in settings with minimum age sales restriction laws? A scoping review
Implementation and outcome evaluation of LA DOOR: a Proposition 47-funded program in Los Angeles: Cohort 2 final evaluation report
Kratom availability in California vape shops
Do adolescent trajectories of riding with an impaired driver and driving impaired predict similar behaviors in early adulthood?
Discharge prescribing and subsequent opioid use after traumatic musculoskeletal injury
Relationships between caregiver substance use disorder and child maltreatment in the context of non-victimization life adversities: findings from a nationally representative sample of youth
Effect of ADHD medication on risk of injuries: a preference-based instrumental variable analysis
The association between wealth and sleep medication use in a nationally-representative sample of older Medicare beneficiaries
Trends in drivers testing positive for drugs of abuse in oral fluid from 2018 to 2021 in France
The role of gender and COVID-19 on attitudes toward justice-involved adolescent substance users and harm reduction policies
Prevalence and associated factors of non-medical use of prescription drugs among adolescents in secondary schools in Buea, Cameroon: a cross-sectional study
Measurement invariance of the Marijuana Motives Measure among men and women using Stop Cannabis App
Impacts of childbirth on anxiety, disability, and depression: results from a Brazilian cohort
Impact of a high-volume overdose prevention site on social and drug disorder in surrounding areas in San Francisco
Evaluating age-related disparities in cannabis-related problems among LGBT+ versus non-LGBT+ adults
The effects of alcohol-related social media content on adolescents' momentary perceived norms, attitudes, and drinking intentions
The effectiveness of mobile-based ecological momentary motivational enhancement therapy in reducing craving and severity of cannabis use disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Developing new antidotes for poisons with existing effective treatments: a case study of fomepizole in paracetamol poisoning
Creating profiles of juvenile offenders using functions of aggression and callous-unemotional traits: relations to crime type
A constructivist grounded theory study on mental health recovery from a lived experience perspective in Singapore
Would you let this guy into a bar? Identifying cues that signal a perceived increase in the propensity for violence of potential bar patrons
Brief report: Synthetic cannabinoid use among military personnel
Association of drug overdoses and user characteristics of Canada's national mobile/virtual overdose response hotline: the National Overdose Response Service (NORS)
Distinguishing types of sexual assault among young people: a latent class analysis approach
QuickStats: Rate of emergency department visits for substance use disorders among adults aged ≥18 years, by age group -- National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 2018-2019 and 2020-2021
Marijuana legalization and traffic fatalities revisited
Inhalant abuse in adolescents in North Karnataka: a case series
Exploring substance abuse and the dark tetrad in health sciences and non-health sciences students
Hippocampal volume loss in individuals with a history of non-fatal opioid overdose
The joint effect of education and alcohol use on 100% alcohol-attributable hospitalization or death in Canada
Prevalence of parental supply of alcohol to minors: a systematic review
The ongoing challenges in psychiatric epidemiology and the prevalence of mental illness in India and Australia
Psychiatric epidemiology in India: where do we stand following the National Mental Health Survey, 2016?
Alcohol-related metabolic emergencies
Alcohol-tolerant workplace environments are a risk factor for young adult alcohol misuse on and off the job in Australia and the United States
Cannabis and other substance misuse: implications and regulations
Cannabis use frequency and cannabis-related consequences in high-risk young adults across cannabis legalization
A case of fatal overdose involving both hydromorphone and kratom
Community exposure to armed conflict and subsequent onset of alcohol use disorder
Disparities in cannabis use outcomes, perceived risks and social norms across sexual orientation groups of US young adult women and men
Religiosity and associations with substance use and delinquency among urban African American adolescents
Risk of suicidal behavior as a function of alcohol use disorder typologies: a Swedish population-based study
The alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol (PEth) - test performance and experiences from routine analysis and external quality assessment
Alcohol use patterns among underage autistic and non-autistic youth
The association between temperature and alcohol- and substance-related disorder hospital visits in New York State
Correlates of nonfatal overdose among treatment-seeking individuals with non-heroin opioid use disorder: findings from a pragmatic, pan-Canadian, randomized control trial
The effect of different types of high school transitions on delinquent friendships and delinquency
The effect of untargeted naloxone distribution on opioid overdose outcomes
Effects of a clinical decision support system and patient portal for preventing medication-related falls in older fallers: protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial with embedded process and economic evaluations (ADFICE_IT)
Pro-active drug-facilitated crimes (DFC): a study in the Department of Forensic Medicine of Paris, France
Risk factors of suicidal ideation in Iraqi crystal methamphetamine users
The potential mechanisms behind loperamide-induced cardiac arrhythmias associated with human abuse and extreme overdose
Parental practices and their association with alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents in Chile
The impact of number of medications on falls in aging persons with human immunodeficiency virus
Latent class analysis of substance use typologies associated with mental and sexual health outcomes among sexual and gender minority youth
In the balance: No new diagnosis needed in addition to opioid use disorder to study harms associated with long-term opioid therapy
A dual-process decision-making model examining the longitudinal associations between alcohol-induced blackouts and alcohol use disorder risk among college student drinkers
A case of subacute combined degeneration secondary to recreational whippet use
Cannabis use disorder and adverse cardiovascular outcomes: a population-based retrospective cohort analysis of adults from Alberta, Canada
Impact of parental consciousness towards juvenile delinquency in Punjab, Pakistan
Internalizing disorder among individuals with substance use disorders: a systematic review
Sociological study about prevention of drug among children and adolescents in Pakistan
Alcohol policy framing in South Africa during the early stages of COVID-19: using extraordinary times to make an argument for a new normal
Consensus pregnancy-related criteria for suicide and unintentional overdoses using a Delphi process
Country and sex measurement invariance of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST) in European youth
Evaluating the Iimpact of Brave Technology Co-op's novel drug overdose detection and response devices in North America: a retrospective study
Fatal concentrations of antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs in postmortem femoral blood
Impact of dissociation on exposure therapy for PTSD outcomes and adherence among U.S. Military service members
Large variations in all-cause and overdose mortality among >13,000 patients in and out of opioid maintenance treatment in different settings: a comparative registry linkage study
The most practical diagnostic imaging for detecting body packers during the drug trafficking: ultrasonography
Patterns in medication use for treatment of depression in autistic spectrum disorder
Reflective participatory crime prevention education and solution finding through World Café and Forum Theatre with young people and young adults
Strengthening prevention systems to address the overdose crisis through the HEAL Prevention Cooperative and HEAL Preventing Opioid Use Disorder Research Program
Substance use and variation in sexual partnership rates among young MSM and young transgender women: disaggregating between and within-person associations
Exploring survey methods for measuring consumption quantities of cannabis flower and concentrate products
Mental ill-health and substance use among sexuality diverse adolescents: the critical role of school climate and teacher self-efficacy
Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity on youth cannabis use: a structural equation modelling analysis on national survey on drug use and health (NSDUH) 2015-2019
Differentiating the local impact of global drugs and weapons trafficking: how do gangs mediate 'residual violence' to sustain Trinidad's homicide boom?
Has there been an increase in nitrous oxide use and associated harms in Australia? An analysis of triangulated data sources, 2003-2020
Young adult depression and cannabis use: associations before and after recreational legalization
Characterizing patterns of substance use in trauma exposed youth
Correction to: Child exposure to domestic violence, substance dependence and suicide resilience in child laborers
A latent class analysis of mental disorders, substance use, and aggressive antisocial behavior among Swedish forensic psychiatric patients
Uncovering forensic evidence of drug-facilitated sexual assault: toxicological findings from Eastern Denmark from 2015-2022
Transgender individuals are at higher risk for suicidal ideation and preparation than cisgender individuals in substance use treatment
Changes in cannabis use from 2014-2019 among young adults in Washington State
The role of minority stress in psychological distress and hazardous drinking among sexual minority college student victims of intimate partner violence
Using e-scooters: An easy way to get home or a nightmare? An orthopedic perspective on e-scooter accidents
Toward a socioeconomic equity in combating adolescent substance abuse: an outreach and drop-in centre to bridge the gap
The role of psychosocial factors and biological sex on rural Thai adolescents' drinking intention and behaviours: a structural equation model
Review of analytical methods for screening and quantification of fentanyl analogs and novel synthetic opioids in biological specimens
The relationship between victimization and vaping results from monitoring the future
Does housing status matter in emergency medical services administration of naloxone? A prehospital cross-sectional study
Alcohol-related problems as moderators of PTSD symptom change during use of a web-based intervention for hazardous drinking and PTSD
A survey of North American drug checking services operating in 2022
Suicide among roofers: injury, pain & substance misuse
'Safer drug supply' measures in Canada to reduce the drug overdose fatality toll: clarifying concepts, practices and evidence within a public health intervention framework
The roles of vicarious trauma exposure and perceived social support in codeine syrup misuse among Black men living in prisons
Response to letter to the editors regarding 'a meta-regression of trial features predicting the effects of alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapies on drinking outcomes in randomized clinical trials: a secondary data analysis'
Negative changes in illicit drug supply during COVID-19: associations with use of overdose prevention and health services among women sex workers who use drugs (2020-2021)
Changes in cannabis-attributable hospitalizations following nonmedical cannabis legalization in Canada
The recent rise of eutylone intoxications in Onondaga County and surrounding counties
Pharmacokinetics of oral minor cannabinoids in blood and brain
Optimizing a drone network to respond to opioid overdoses
Navigating chemical toxicity in coca production in the Colombian Borderlands of Putumayo
Development and validation of the Substance Use Protective Strategies Scale (SUPSS) among Polish young adults using various psychoactive substances
COVID-19 pandemic stressors are associated with reported increases in frequency of drunkenness among individuals with a history of alcohol use disorder
Consequences of adolescent drug use
Fentanyl and its derivatives, xylazine, and benzodiazepines: new sources of risk for acute poisonings
Lifeboat ethics, risk, and therapeutic opportunity: an appeal for equitable psychedelic therapy access in the "high-risk" addiction patient
Legalization and retail availability of recreational marijuana and adolescent use in schools
Improving understandings of trauma and alcohol and other drug-related problems: a social research agenda
PTSD symptom severity and alcohol use among firefighters: the role of emotion regulation difficulties
Phenomenon of nightclub shots: mass psychogenic disease?
Patterns of substance use among adolescents in and out of foster care: an analysis of linked health and child welfare administrative data
Opioid and polydrug use among rural sexual and gender minorities: current knowledge and future directions
A behaviourally informed approach to reducing the risk of inadvertent anti-doping rule violations from supplement use
Associations between insomnia medications and risk of death by suicide
The associations between drinking motives and alcohol-related consequences in graduate students from universities in the United States
Three years in: a consideration of the impacts of Canada's legalization of cannabis on law enforcement
Risk assessment of maladaptive behaviors in adolescents: nutrition, screen time, prenatal exposure, childhood adversities - adolescent brain cognitive development study
Anxiety as a predictor of the age of initiation of tobacco and cannabis use in adolescents and young adults
Traffic safety management to reduce foreigner accidents
Pitfalls in assessing the exogenous origin of GHB in hair
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and their associations with mental distress, substance use and sexual risk behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) combined with Raman spectroscopy for selective detection of Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Trajectories of alcohol use in Hispanic individuals with TBI over the ten years post-injury: a Model Systems study
A provisional evaluation of Australia's medical cannabis program
Falls at the interface between geriatric and psychiatric patients: a critical review from a psychopharmacological perspective
Identification and quantification of the main psychoactive ingredients of cannabis in urine using excitation-eemission matrix fluorescence coupled with parallel factor analysis
Visual functions, seatbelt usage, speed, and alcohol consumption standards for driving and their impact on road traffic accidents
What parents are missing: parental knowledge of adult-use cannabis legislation and health effects, and communication with adolescents
Agenda-setting in policies related to high-risk sexual behaviours, stimulants, and alcohol abuse in Iranian adolescents
Associations between shyness and victimization with substance use outcomes in the national comorbidity and collaborative psychiatric epidemiological surveys
Vigilance needed with methamphetamine-associated psychosis
Trends and projection in the proportion of (heavy) cannabis use in Germany from 1995 to 2021
START NOW: a cognitive behavioral skills training for adolescent girls with conduct or oppositional defiant disorder - a randomized clinical trial
Potential risk of driving performance under combined conditions of taking second-generation antihistamines and attending calls using a hands-free function
Investigating the co-occurrence of marijuana use and prescription opioid misuse with multiple suicide attempts among adolescents with a history of suicidal ideation
A lethal cocktail - shining a light on the relationship between alcohol use and pesticide self-poisoning
Outcomes associated with nonmedical cannabis legalization policy in Canada: taking stock at the 5-year mark
Depression and suicidal ideation in patients with mental illness in South Korea: the mediating effect of alcohol drinking
Enhancing the Standardized Field Sobriety Test to detect cannabis impairment: an observational study
Attachment and mental health of men having sex with men engaging in chemsex: is substance abuse only the tip of the iceberg?
Drug overdose risk with benzodiazepine treatment in young adults: comparative analysis in privately and publicly insured individuals
Evaluating the effect of an adapted mental health literacy intervention on mental health related stigma among secondary students in Germany: results of a pre-post evaluation study
An individual segmented trajectory approach for identifying opioid use patterns using longitudinal dispensing data
Relationship between craving to drugs, emotional manipulation and interoceptive awareness for social acceptance: the addictive perspective
Reducing the harms of xylazine: clinical approaches, research deficits, and public health context
Alcohol use and suicide-related outcomes in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
Potential use of psilocybin drugs in the treatment of depression
Addiction severity and re-employment in Sweden among adults with risky alcohol and drug use
QuickStats: Age-adjusted drug overdose death rates involving cocaine, by region -- National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2021
Cannabidiol does not attenuate acute delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced attentional bias in healthy volunteers: a randomised, double-blind, cross-over study
Child and adolescent psychopathology and subsequent harmful behaviors associated with premature mortality: a selective review and future directions
Trajectories of financial distress during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associations with mental health and substance use outcomes in a cohort of young adults
The temporal association between suicide and comorbid mental disorders in people treated for substance use disorders: a national registry study
Exploring the complex relationship between antiepileptic drugs and suicidality: a systematic literature review
Veratrum veride, a sure antidote to opium poisoning
Alcohol demand in college students: the roles of athletic involvement and gender
Barriers to seeking treatment for alcohol use disorders among males in a tertiary care center in South India - a cross-sectional study
Blood-lead level in humans and drug addiction: a comprehensive study in Iran
Combined use of cocaine and alcohol: A violent cocktail? A systematic review
Test characteristics of shorter versions of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) for brief screening for problematic substance use in a population sample from Israel
Unlocking deflection: the role of supervisor support in police officer willingness to refer people who inject drugs to harm reduction services
The role of differential exposure and susceptibility to heavy drinking linking income inequalities and tooth loss: an investigation of the alcohol harm paradox using a four-way decomposition analysis
Scientific facts improve cannabis perception and public opinion: results from Sinaloa, México
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in marijuana users
Rates and correlates of medication non-adherence behaviors and attitudes in adult patients with early psychosis
A review of factors influencing drinking behaviours in young Australian adults using a behavioural framework approach
Parents, pain, and over-the-counter medicine: athletes' perceived alternatives to prescription opioid misuse
Meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of Xingnaojing and naloxone in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning
Improving voluntary engagement for posttraumatic stress disorder treatment among active-duty service members using motivational enhancement therapy
An evaluation of naloxone transit for opioid overdose using drones: a case study using real-world coroner data
Drug-related deaths in a university hospital - comparison to previous decades
The DrinksRation smartphone app for modifying alcohol use behaviors in UK military service personnel at risk of alcohol-related harm: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Does a local Alcohol Health Champion programme have a measurable impact on health and crime outcomes? A natural experiment evaluation of Communities in Charge of Alcohol (CICA) based on triangulation of methods
Latent profiles of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and sleep disturbances in relation to drinking to cope motives among college students
Profiles of patients with substance-related disorders who dropped out or not from addiction treatment
What substances are adolescents vaping? Estimating nicotine-specific and cannabis-specific vaping from US national youth surveys
Disappearance of codeine, morphine and 6-MAM in hair after cessation of abuse
Assessing changes in sleep across four weeks among adolescents randomized to incentivized cannabis abstinence
Gone with the weed: incidents of adolescent marijuana use in the United States, 1976-2021
Neurological manifestations induced by nitrous oxide abuse: a case series and review of literature
Investigating the impact of 'dark nudges' on drinking intentions: a between groups, randomized and online experimental study
The cost of living index as a primary driver of homelessness in the United States: a cross-state analysis
Identification of the veterinary sedative medetomidine in combination with opioids and xylazine in Maryland
Analytical description of adolescent binge drinking patients
Willingness to use a drug consumption room among people who use drugs in Lyon, France, a city with no open scene of drug use (the TRABOUL survey)
Trends in deaths following drug use in England before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdowns
Toward a national policy on alcohol: a complex public health issue in need of urgent action
Community voices on alcohol harm in Sierra Leone: perceptions of prevention needs
Comparing police use of drug detection dogs amongst injecting and non-injecting groups of people who regularly use drugs in Australia
Substance use and misuse among college students: results of an online survey from three neighboring cities of North India
Novel paradigms for the gut-brain axis during alcohol withdrawal, withdrawal-associated depression, and craving in patients with alcohol use disorder
Accuracy of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) for screening on comorbid internalizing disorders among youth in substance use disorder treatment
Cannabis use disorder, suiscide attempts, and self-harm among adolescents: a national inpatient study across the United States [[This article has been republished with a title with spelling corrections PLOS ONE | ]] Cannabis use disorder, suicide attempts, and self-harm among adolescents: A national inpatient study across the United States
Co-occurrence of bipolar disorder and personality disorders in the United States: prevalence, suicidality, and the impact of substance abuse
Determining the impact of opioid policy on substance use and mental health-related harms: protocol for a data linkage study
Effectiveness of blood steroidal passport markers for detecting testosterone abuse in Asians
Effects of alcohol consumption on driving performance in the presence of interocular differences simulated by filters
Medications and traffic accidents involving older drivers: do Spanish primary healthcare physicians know enough?
Race and ethnicity and prehospital use of opioid or ketamine analgesia in acute traumatic injury
Association between steroid use and concussions among high school athletes: a cross-sectional analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
Analysis of rehabilitation services for addicts and victims of drug abuse quality at the National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and alcohol use behaviors: the mediating role of drinking to cope with PTSD symptoms
Community corrections officers' perspectives of the impact of Hurricane Maria on the participant's mental health and substance use: a qualitative content analysis
Differences in severity of poison centers exposures involving XTAMPZA(®) ER versus other opioid analgesics
Discrimination, gender dysphoria, drinking to cope, and alcohol harms in the UK trans and non-binary community
Levels of IL-6 are associated with lifetime attempted suicide in alcohol use disorder patients
Mothering and desistance from high-risk drug use amongst women in Malta: an evolved grounded theory study
Pandemic and older adults' social structure of shared time
Predictive risk markers in alcoholism
Qualitative analysis of bystander intervention among young adult male soldiers who engage in at-risk drinking
Real-world evidence on clinical outcomes of commonly used antidepressants in older adults initiating antidepressants for depression: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark
Social-geographic disparities in suicidal ideations among methamphetamine users in the USA
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland after 20 months: an interrupted time series study
Alcohol first, cannabis last: identification of an especially risky use pattern among individuals who co-use alcohol and cannabis
Cannabis and methamphetamine in New Zealand: a Kaupapa Māori literature review
The co-occurrence of conduct problems and depressive symptoms from childhood to adulthood for men: stability over time and prediction to substance use
Determinants of prescription opioid misuse among Black Americans: evidence from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Does social support moderate the association between adverse childhood experiences and substance-related problems?
E-cigarette use-associated lung injury (EVALI)
Examining engagement and responses to a digital binge drinking campaign for young males in Florida
Perceived belonging on campus predicts depression among heavy drinkers: a test of three moderators
Shared decision making in patients with substance use disorders: a one-year follow-up study
Under pressure: the paradox of autonomy and social norms in drug education
Using the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test to predict substance-related hospitalisation after release from prison: a cohort study
Alcohol use, rape myth acceptance, rape empathy, and sexual assault history influence the believability of a hypothetical victim's report of sexual assault
The self-reported psychosocial and legal factors contributing to drink and drug driving
Impact of the program life in traffic and new zero-tolerance drinking and driving law on the prevalence of driving after alcohol abuse in Brazilian capitals: an interrupted time series analysis
Effectiveness of contingency management using transdermal alcohol monitoring to reduce heavy drinking among driving while intoxicated (DWI) arrestees: a randomized controlled trial
Digital forensic intelligence for illicit drug analysis in forensic investigations
The role of aggression in substance use: the prison case
The relationship between cannabis and anorexia nervosa: a scoping review
Non-abstinent recovery in alcohol use disorder is associated with greater regional cortical volumes than heavy drinking
New insights into the molecular basis of alcohol abstinence and relapse in alcohol-associated liver disease
Longitudinal relations among parental substance use disorder and adolescent drinking behavior: the role of temperament, negative urgency, and maternal parenting
Knowledge, safety, and impact of alcohol consumption in young adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a qualitative study
Increased risk of non-fatal overdose associated with non-prescribed benzodiazepine use in Scotland, UK
Psychological distress and cannabis vaping among U.S. adolescents
An autopsy case of drowning under the influence of etizolam: a case report
"If you're strung out and female, they will take advantage of you": a qualitative study exploring drug use and substance use service experiences among women in Boston and San Francisco
Legal limits for driving under the influence of illicit drugs: large variations between jurisdictions
Work accident effect on the use of psychotropic drugs: the case of benzodiazepines
Statin-associated autoimmune myopathy masquerading as recurrent falls in an older adult
Treatment of a life-threatening dapsone intoxication
Trends in cannabis-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations among children aged 0-11 years in Canada from 2015 to 2021: spotlight on cannabis edibles
Opioid prescription and opioid disorders in burns: a large database analysis from 1990 to 2019
Pharmacovigilance of unlicensed cannabidiol in European countries
Recreational marijuana legalization and marijuana and alcohol co-use among adolescents: differential associations among racial and ethnic groups
Methylamphetamine toxicity and its involvement in death: a retrospective observational study of deaths reported to the Victorian Coroner, Australia
Methodologies for modeling and identification of breathing crack: a review
Is there a gender paradox in the association between conduct problems and cannabis use? A cohort-study among Swedish adolescents
Impact of COVID-19's economic burden on alcohol-related problems: an indirect effect of depression, stress, and anxiety
Cannabis and amphetamine use among school-going adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country analysis of prevalence and associated factors
Prevention of hazardous use of alcohol among high school students: a study protocol for the randomized controlled trial 'Our choice'
Persistent long-term opioid use after trauma: incidence and risk factors
Preliminary clinical outcomes of the Hello Sunday Morning Alcohol and Wellbeing Self-Assessment: feasibility and acceptability study
Should alcohol marketing be restricted? Scotland should follow other European countries in banning alcohol sports advertising
A content analysis of social media discussions on THC-O-acetate
Assessing the impact of SSRI antidepressants on popular notions of women's depressive illness
Substance use and pre-hospital crash injury severity among U.S. older adults: a five-year national cross-sectional study
Substance use screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in pediatric primary care, school-based health clinics, and mental health clinics
Addressing cannabis use during adolescence
Adolescent cannabis use, comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other internalizing and externalizing disorders
Appeal rating and visual attention associated with youth-appealing cannabis packaging: an eye-tracking experiment
Brief interventions for cannabis using adolescents
Cannabis and psychosis
Descriptive study of reported cases of sexual violence and specialized care services in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2019
A review of the effects of adolescent cannabis use on physical health
An examination of the perceived countermeasure of breath alcohol ignition interlock device and behavioral intention of drunk driving in South Korea: an application of the theory of planned behavior
How research and policy can shape driving under the influence of cannabis
Impact of cannabis legalization on adolescent cannabis use
Assessing evidence supporting cannabis harm reduction practices for adolescents at clinical high-risk for psychosis: a review and clinical implementation tool
Swimming against the current: addressing community needs and establishing partnerships for the prevention of opioid and methamphetamine use among parents
The role of media in addressing opioid use disorder: examining causal attributions and emotions as mediators of media influence on stigma and policy support
QuickStats: Percentage* of children and adolescents aged 5-17 years who took medication for their mental health or received counseling or therapy from a mental health professional during the past 12 months,(†) by year - National Health Interview Survey,(§) United States, 2019 and 2022
A latent class analysis of change and continuity in adolescent health and wellbeing in England during the decline in youth alcohol consumption: a repeat cross-sectional study
Estimated cost of extra work hours from co-workers' drinking in Thailand
Gender moderates the association between PTSD and mutual IPV in an emergency department sample
Medical cannabis legalization: no contribution to rising stimulant rates in the USA
Death from methamphetamine intoxication in a body stuffer
Deaths related to drowning in Antalya, an important tourism center in the Mediterranean region: a 10-year retrospective study
A diagram of the social-ecological conditions of opioid misuse and overdose
The drug overdose epidemic in the U.S.-Mexico border region: shifts, progression, and community characteristics
Editorial: Marijuana legalization and suicide in adolescents and transitional-age youth: important future directions for this line of research
The effect of non-medical cannabis retailer proximity on use of mental health services for psychotic disorders in Ontario, Canada
Hazardous substance use among sexual and gender minority adults: a deeper look into distal minority stressors
Exploring trauma and wellbeing of people who use drugs after witnessing overdose: a qualitative study
Ganoderma lingzhi (reishi mushroom)-induced acute liver injury in the setting of alcohol use: a case report and review of the literature
Habit-, reward- and fear-related motivations in alcohol use disorder: a one-year prospective study
Identifying the impact of the business cycle on drug-related harms in European countries
Ketamine and suicidal behavior: Contribution of animal models of aggression - impulsivity to understanding its mechanism of action
Neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological predictors of human alcoholism and risk
Proximity of alcohol outlets and presentation to hospital by young people after self-harm: a retrospective geospatial study using the integrated data infrastructure
Relapses in illicit drug use among probationers: results in a risk group of public health services in Bavaria
"That's why we're speaking up today": exploring barriers to overdose fatality prevention in Indianapolis' Black community with semi-structured interviews
Unintentional cannabis ingestions and supervisory neglect
Update on herbal and dietary supplement-induced liver injury: current gaps and future directions
Risk factors for recurrence of suicide attempt via overdose: a prospective observational study
The role of plasma concentrations and drug characteristics of beta-blockers in fall risk of older persons
Severe and fatal fentanyl poisonings from transdermal systems after on-skin and ingestion application
"She gives it to her child who doesn't even talk": a qualitative exploration of alcohol and drug use among primary school-age children in Uganda
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the severity of alcohol use disorder: significance of dual disorders
Intervention targets for reducing mortality between mid-adolescence and mid-adulthood: a protocol for a machine-learning facilitated systematic umbrella review
Effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for improving the physical health of children and adolescents taking antipsychotic medications: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Examining the dynamic relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury and alcohol use experiences
Behavior-related risk factors and time to death among persons with alcohol consumption versus persons without: a general population study with mortality follow-up after 20 years
Motives for cannabis use and risky decision making influence cannabis use trajectories in teens
Nitrous oxide inhalant abuse: preliminary results from a cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Italian physicians (2023)
"Are you a boy or a girl?"-a missing response analysis
The association between traumatic experiences and substance and behavioral addictions in late adolescence: a role for PTSD and cPTSD as potential mediators
Initial results from a new college substance use prevention program targeting externalizing and internalizing traits
Barriers to care for pregnant and post-partum women experiencing co-occurring intimate partner violence and opioid use disorder
Clinical characteristics, support system, and personality differences of cannabis and stimulant users in South Korea
Exploratory mixed methods analysis of self-authored content from participants in a digital alcohol intervention trial
Hydrocodone, oxycodone, and morphine metabolism and drug-drug interactions
Presence of alcohol and other drug use within youth mental health presentations to the emergency department: a single-site retrospective observational study
Association between early onset of psychoactive drug use and health risk behaviors in Chilean adolescents
Deliberate self-harm and psychoactive substance use in Colombian school adolescents
Increase in intentional medication poisoning in adolescents during the pandemic: a worrying situation [letter]
Benzodiazepine prescriptions for homeless veterans affairs service users with mental illness
The association of alcohol use and child-to-parent violence in Mexican adolescents
Changes in the burden of medications that may impair driving among older adults before and after a motor vehicle crash
Development and evaluation of a virtual reality driving test for patients with cirrhosis
Development and validation of cannabis use disorder scale among university undergraduates in Nigeria
Does nitrous oxide addiction exist? An evaluation of the evidence for the presence and prevalence of substance use disorder symptoms in recreational nitrous oxide users
The relative effects of parental alcohol use disorder and maltreatment on offspring alcohol use: unique pathways of risk
Toward AI-supported evaluation for safety control measures against near-miss events in pharmaceutical products
Seasonal trends in antidepressant prescribing, depression, anxiety and self-harm in adolescents and young adults: an open cohort study using English primary care data
Alcohol and cannabis use among rural university students: a quantitative analysis of barriers to care, student resilience, and school climate
Alcohol use among emergency medicine department patients in Tanzania: a comparative analysis of injury versus non-injury patients
All a-BORG! The dangerous drinking trend steamrolling across social media and college campuses
Correction: Cannabis use and suicidal ideation among youth: can we democratize school policies using digital citizen science?
Prevalence of alcohol, cannabis, and simultaneous use among drivers in six states
Incidence of postpartum depression in low-income cannabis users with and without a history of depression
Health, safety, and socioeconomic impacts of cannabis liberalization laws: an evidence and gap map
Hallucinogen-induced persisting perception disorder: a case report
Genetic correlation for alcohol consumption between Europeans and East Asians
Fucking with homonormativity: the ambiguous politics of chemsex
Social support and mental health among female employees: the moderating effect of age
Cannabis use and suicide in non-affective psychosis: a mini-review of recent literature
Changes in self-reported cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review
Conversion of water-soluble CBD to ∆9-THC in synthetic gastric fluid--an unlikely cause of positive drug tests
DART-HRMS triage approach part 2 - application to the detection of cannabinoids and terpenes in recreational Cannabis products
An eHealth prevention program for substance use, sexual assault, and sexual risk behaviors for adolescents in primary care: pilot feasibility randomized controlled trial of teen well check
The imperative of regulation: the co-creation of a medical and non-medical US opioid crisis
Sources of nonmedically used prescription psychotherapeutic drugs using real-world data from adolescents and adults assessed for substance use treatment--2014-2022
Prevalence and pattern of maxillofacial injuries associated with domestic violence: a retrospective study at a major trauma center
A nomogram proposal for early prediction of intensive care unit admission in patients with acute antipsychotic poisoning
Neural correlates of negative life events and their relationships with alcohol and cannabis use initiation
The intersection between alcohol use and sexual activity among young adult male U.S. service members
Interpretations and experiences of subjective effects for alcohol alone and when combined with cannabis: a mixed-methods approach
The association between hazardous drinking indicators and drinking problem concerns among sexual minority women
Vision Zero and impaired driving: near and longer-term opportunities for preventing death and injuries
Association between adverse childhood experiences and opioid use-related behaviors: a systematic review
Risk-taking in consumers' online purchases of health supplements and natural products: a grounded theory approach
Prevalence and correlates of violence among sexual and injecting partners of people who inject drugs living with HIV in Kenya: a cross-sectional study
Ketamine for major depressive disorder
Impulsivity, sex-related alcohol expectancies, alcohol use, and sexual risk-taking among bisexual women
Factors associated with indirect exposure to and knowledge of fentanyl among youth
College students' prescription drug misuse over time and links with their mental health and well-being
Behavioral economic analysis of legal and illegal cannabis demand in Spanish young adults with hazardous and non-hazardous cannabis use
Alcohol initiation before age 15 predicts earlier hazardous drinking: a survival analysis of a 7-year prospective longitudinal cohort of Australian adolescents
The association between alcohol use and sexual assault victimization among college students differs by gender identity and race
Psychiatric comorbidities and concurrent substance use among people who inject drugs: a single-centre hospital-based study
Upholding confidentiality in the preparation and distribution of medication in prisons: implementing recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Alcohol withdrawal presenting with cut throat injury during COVID-19 lockdown: case reports from Nepal
Association between household opioid prescriptions and risk for overdose among family members not prescribed opioids
Brexpiprazole for the treatment of agitation and aggression in Alzheimer disease
Can medication increase the risk of falls? The importance of medication review
Virtual overdose monitoring services/mobile overdose response services: estimated number of potentially averted drug poisoning fatality events by various telephone and digital-based overdose prevention/harm reduction services in North America
Outcome in intoxicated patients transported by a physician-staffed helicopter in Japan from 2015 to 2020
Using behavioral economics to optimize safer undergraduate late-night transportation
Baclofen and the risk of fall and fracture in older adults: a real-world cohort study
Comparison of poisoning deaths with wastewater-based consumption estimates and assessment of fatal toxicity for amphetamine-type stimulant drugs
The effectiveness and safety of herbal medicine on suicidal behavior: a PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis
Effectiveness of reducing craving in alcohol use disorder using a serious game (SALIENCE): randomized controlled trial
A review of community health worker interventions for Latinx/o/a individuals with unhealthy alcohol use
The relationship between suicidal behavior and perceived stress: the role of cognitive emotional regulation and problematic alcohol use in Spanish adolescents
Recovery capital correlates with less methamphetamine use and crime in the community
Patients' perspectives on medication-related suicide prevention interventions delivered in emergency settings
Gender and substance use among Latinx college students: an application of social structure social learning theory
Femicide in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil: matched case-control study
Toxicological analysis of fluorofentanyl isomers in postmortem blood
Verbal memory and executive components of recall in adolescent binge drinkers
Why can't we be friends? The manufactured fear of pharmacist 'scope creep'
Shifting drug markets in North America - a global crisis in the making?
Police officers' perspective on doping and prevention among recreational athletes: a cross-sectional study
Patterns of polydrug use classes among a subset of Latino male seasonal workers in South Florida: a latent class analysis
Listening to the data: computational approaches to addiction and learning
Ketamine for traumatic assault-induced depression: a case report
Impact of a rounding tool and clinical champion on trauma patient screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for alcohol use disorder
'I'd be willing to take that risk for the enjoyment of the time that I have': a COM-B influenced analysis of older people's perspectives on their alcohol consumption
Health effects of high-concentration cannabis products: scoping review and evidence map
Correlates of risk for disinhibited behaviors in the Million Veteran Program Cohort
A computer-assisted telephone collaborative care intervention provided by lay providers for the treatment of comorbid depression and at-risk drinking: analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Clinical evaluation of the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) in Moshi, Tanzania
Cannabis vape product sales in California following CDC's initial advisory about lung injuries
Associations between alcohol intake and hospital contacts due to alcohol and unintentional injuries in 71,025 Danish adolescents - a prospective cohort study
Driving under the influence of psychotropic substances: a technical interpretation
Artificial intelligence based automatic speech emotion and drunkenness detection using convolutional neural network voice segment dropout optimizer
Supervenience and the public health standard for psychoactive substances
Substance use and housing stability among individuals experiencing homelessness and a traumatic brain injury: the role of social support
Social jeopardy of substance use among adolescents: a review to recognize the common risk and protective factors at the global level
Self-compassion and avoidant coping as mediators of the relationship between childhood maltreatment and mental health and alcohol use in young adulthood
Scuba diving while taking an antidepressant: a case report of a diver with depression
The role of alcohol and patterns of alcohol-related deaths in Republic of North Macedonia within the period 2007-2020
Resilience and traumatic childhood experiences of patients with opioid use disorder
Prevalence of use and impairment from drugs and alcohol among trauma patients: a national prospective observational study
Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol use in selected urban communities in Ibadan, Nigeria
Perceived psychological control relates to coping-related drinking motives via social anxiety among adolescents: a cross-sectional mediation analysis
Patterns of anxiety, depression, and substance use risk behaviors among university students in Canada
Outcome prediction of methadone poisoning in the United States: implications of machine learning in the National Poison Data System (NPDS)
Ononin ameliorates depression-like behaviors by regulating BDNF-TrkB-CREB signaling in vitro and in vivo
Identifying trajectories and predictors of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms, physical functioning, and falls across treatment and recovery in adults treated with neurotoxic chemotherapy: the PATTERN observational study protocol (NCT05790538)
Alcohol use among sexual minority women: methods used and lessons learned in the 20-Year Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women Study
Clinical and pathohistological manifestations of acute kidney injury among patients with acute drug poisoning (overdose)
Adolescents' drinking behavior off- and online: disentangling exposure effects and selective exposure in networked communication structures
Age differences in the associations between incarceration and subsequent substance use, sexual risk-taking, and incident STI among black sexual minority men and black transgender women in the HIV Prevention Trials 061 Cohort
Deprescribing electronic case reviews for older veterans at risk for falls: effects on drug burden and falls
Do young children with known cannabis intoxication benefit from further neurological-based testing or imaging?
Risky sexual behaviour and sexual victimization among young people with risky substance use in Europe-perspectives from Belgium, Sweden, the Czech Republic, and Germany
The psychedelic effects of cannabis: a review of the literature
Opioid-related trends in active duty service members during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Loss of consciousness in a 34 yo male related to marijuana
The impact of exposure to physical and sexual violence on opioid consequences among trauma-exposed individuals recruited from the community who use opioids
Hydrogen cyanamide exposure: a case series from Pavia Poison Control Centre
"A new order of poisonous substances": revisiting Robert M. Glover's dissertation on the physiological effects of bromine, chlorine, and iodine compounds
Wastewater analysis for new psychoactive substances and cocaine and cannabis in a Northern Ireland Prison
Suicides among American Indian/Alaska Native firefighters: data from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003 - 2017
Big business: the private sector market for image and performance enhancing drug harm reduction in the UK
Understanding the effects of sexual victimization on substance use among American Indian youth: exploring the moderating effects of cultural identity
(Mis)understanding alcohol use disorder: making the case for a public health first approach
Binge-like administration of alcohol mixed to energy drinks to male adolescent rats severely impacts on mesocortical dopaminergic function in adulthood: a behavioral, neurochemical and electrophysiological study
Factors associated with drug use in prison: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence
Five cases of unintentional exposure to BZO-4en-POXIZID among nightclub attendees in New York City
The gendered violence of injecting-related stigma among relatively affluent, suburban women who inject drugs
Impact of opioid dose reductions on patient-reported mental health and suicide-related behavior and relationship to patient choice in tapering decisions
Insomnia medications and death by suicide: a risk assessment
A risk-based approach to community illicit drug toxicosurveillance: operationalisation of the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia - Victoria (EDNAV) project
The unacceptability of evidence on acceptable risks
Substance use-associated infant maltreatment report rates in the context of complex prenatal substance use policy environments
Alcohol and psychoactive substance use in a cohort of children followed by child protection in France
Altered attentional processing of facial expression features in severe alcohol use disorder: an eye-tracking study
Association of substance use and other psychiatric disorders with all-cause and external-cause mortality in individuals given community sentences in Sweden: a national cohort study
Cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention among Veterans receiving substance use disorder treatment: results from a randomized trial
College men's use of protective behavioral strategies for sexual aggression, risky sexual behavior, and heavy episodic drinking
The effectiveness of sexual assault referral centres with regard to mental health and substance use: a national mixed-methods study - the MiMoS Study
The impact of recreational cannabis use on neuropsychological function in epilepsy
Investigating uses of peer-operated Virtual Overdose Monitoring Services (VOMS) beyond overdose response: a qualitative study
Overdose prevention centers, crime, and disorder in New York City
Predictors of morning cannabis use among young adults: between- and within-person associations from 24 consecutive months of data
Adolescents' experiences of close relatives having physical illness, mental illness, addiction/gambling disorders, or death are associated with poor mental health and non-suicidal self-injury
Correlates of cannabis use in a sample of mental health treatment-seeking Canadian armed forces members and veterans
A descriptive coronial study of heroin toxicity deaths in Australia, 2020-2022: characteristics, toxicology and survival times
Determination of lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD in blood: validation and comparison of two liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods
What clinicians need to know about intranasal esketamine for treatment-resistant depression?
Electronic nicotine delivery systems and E-liquid modifications to vape cannabis depicted in online videos
Investigating the associations of age of initiation and other psychosocial factors of singular alcohol, tobacco and marijuana usage on polysubstance use: analysis of a population-based survey in Jamaica
A preliminary investigation of the simultaneous effects of cannabidiol and caffeine
Self-reported xylazine experiences: a mixed-methods study of Reddit subscribers
Alcohol availability and crime: a robust approach
An investigation into the demand for alcoholic beverages in Canada: a choice between the almost ideal and the Rotterdam models
Criminal behaviour and youth in the labour market: the case of the pernicious minimum wage
Adolescents' cannabis knowledge and risk perception: a systematic review
The United States opioid crisis: big pharma alone is not to blame
Substance use among rural adolescents with incarcerated parents: Evidence from a state-wide sample
The need to rethink harm reduction for people using drugs alone to reduce overdose fatalities
Outcomes of elevated blood alcohol concentrations in elderly patients following a ground level fall: a matched analysis from the National Trauma Quality Program
Examination of brief parent-based interventions to reduce drinking outcomes on a nationally representative sample of teenagers
Identification of factors necessary for gatekeeper of overdose
Improved post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and related sleep disturbances after initiation of medical marijuana use: evidence from a prospective single arm pilot study
Is combined antidepressant medication (ADM) and psychotherapy better than either monotherapy at preventing suicide attempts and other psychiatric serious adverse events for depressed patients? A rare events meta-analysis
Life expectancy and years of potential life lost in people with mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cannabis use in Germany: frequency, routes of administration, and co-use of inhaled nicotine or tobacco products
Chan-Chuang and resistance exercise for drug rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial among Chinese male methamphetamine users
'We never thought this would be considered drug trafficking': international finance rules, policy space and Uruguay's regulation of recreational cannabis
Uber use after alcohol consumption among car/motorcycle drivers in ten Brazilian capitals
Impact of opioid law on prescriptions and satisfaction of pediatric burn and orthopedic patients: an epidemiologic study
Epidemiology of maxillofacial injury among adults in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review
Aggression severity as a predictor of mortality in dementia
The appearance of xylazine in the United States as a fentanyl adulterant
Alcohol and toxicological factors influencing fatal falls from height in the Greater Tokyo Area: a retrospective study
Sharpen the focus on chemsex
A randomized, prospective, active-controlled study comparing intramuscular long-acting paliperidone palmitate versus oral antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia at risk of violent behavior
Presenting pattern and psychiatric comorbidities in rural versus urban substance dependent patients: a hospital-based cross-sectional study
Common adolescent mental health disorders seen in family medicine clinics in Ghana and Nigeria
Sensation seeking and adolescent drinking: do protective behavioral strategies lower risk?
Across the spectrum of legality: the market activities of influencers specialized in steroids and other performance and image enhancing drugs
All boundaries have two sides: a commentary on Bartlett and McCambridge (2024)
Alcohol intoxication and homoeopathy - a review
Response to recreational cannabis use over time in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: lack of associations with symptom, neurocognitive, functioning, and treatment patterns by Carrión et al., 2023
Resilience and low substance use among indigenous college students from a sexual assault prevention study
The relative risk of alcohol-involved crashes as a function of time of day
The legalization of cannabis may result in increased indoor exposure to Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol
Is drug driving more common among those who know where the police are? An investigation into the use and non-use of Facebook police location communities
Feasibility and acceptability of a peer provider delivered substance use screening and brief intervention program for youth in Kenya
Fear of deportation and Hispanic early adolescent substance use: a moderated mediation model of stress and hope
Electrocortical correlates of hypersensitivity to large immediate rewards in sensation seeking
Effects of restricting alcohol sales on fatal violence: evidence from Sunday sales bans
Development of a brief intervention for emergency department attendees presenting with self-harm and co-occurring substance use problems
"Death by a thousand cuts": agriculture producer resiliency in the western United States
Causes of death of transgender and gender diverse veterans
How can psychiatry catch up with the wave of the future during the current global mental health and addiction crisis? A clinician's perspective
Subthreshold opioid use disorder prevention (STOP) trial: a cluster randomized clinical trial: study design and methods
Access challenges to opioid use disorder treatment among individuals experiencing homelessness: voices from the streets
Drug-facilitated sexual assault followed by femicidal chloroform poisoning and suffocation: a case-report of criminal responsibility
Clinical predictive factors and trajectories of suicidal remission over 6 weeks following intravenous ketamine for suicidal ideation
Cardiovascular drugs and suicide death: determination of carvedilol, amlodipine, doxazosin and diltiazem in two fatal cases
Acute poisoning among adult females admitted to Alexandria poison center - Egypt
Authors' reply to comments on: Recreational cannabis use over time in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: lack of associations with symptom, neurocognitive, functioning, and treatment patterns
Substance use disorder in the context of the economic crisis, covid-19 pandemic and social unrest: a cross-sectional study across Beirut (2020-2021)
Spanish versions and validation of a series of rating scales and visual analogue scales to assess the subjective effects of cannabis
Safety profile of antidepressant for Japanese adults with major depressive disorder: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Self-regulation profiles in addictive behaviors among adolescents: a transdiagnostic approach
Predicting changes in driving performance in individuals who use cannabis following acute use based on self-reported readiness to drive
Overdose and mortality risk following a non-fatal opioid overdose treated by emergency medical services in King County, Washington
Othello syndrome: a case report and literature review
Optimising alcohol interlock program performance
Medications for opioid use disorder are associated with reduced risk of repeat opioid overdose in Medicaid: a cohort study
Impulsivity drives adolescents to smoke and drink: gender differences in the mediating effects of resilience and depression
Factors in road traffic crashes among drivers in Buno Bedelle Zone, Southwest Ethiopia: a case control study
Evidence of syndemic effects influencing older transgender persons' likelihood of contemplating suicide: results from a large national study
Energy drinks, substance use, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among Palestinian athletes: the mediating role of perceived self-efficacy and resilience
The effects of the Friendship Online Intervention Program on physical activity, substance abuse, psychosomatic symptoms, and well-being among at-risk youth
Effect of severity of depression on augmentation of antidepressant medication in young adults with depression
Uncovering the role of substance use in suicide attempts using a mixed-methods approach
Trends and correlates of discordant reporting of drug use among nightclub/festival attendees, 2019-2022
"Tranq-dope" overdose and mortality: lethality induced by fentanyl and xylazine
THC edibles in children - appealing and even more dangerous: a case report
Social determinants of alcohol-related traumatic injury in young adults: a scoping review protocol
Relation between adverse childhood experiences and problematic alcohol consumption in adulthood
MDMA-based psychotherapy in treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a brief narrative overview of current evidence
Intimate partner sexual violence, gender, and psychological distress among Northern Irish university students
Factors associated with unexplained sudden deaths among adults aged 18-45 years in India - a multicentric matched case-control study
Comprehensive evaluation of drug cases in Seoul and its metropolitan areas - 2022
Assessing the frequency of fall risk screening in older adults on chronic opioids in primary care
Serotonin is a common thread linking different classes of antidepressants
A review of the use of psychotropic medication to address challenging behaviour in neurodevelopmental disorders
Parental absence as an adverse childhood experience among young adults in sub-Saharan Africa
Internet-based inquiries from users with the intention to overdose with over-the-counter drugs: qualitative analysis of Yahoo! Chiebukuro
Implementation of overdose prevention in Maryland: implications for resource allocation, program scale-up, and evaluation
And harm reduction for all
Age-related patterns in high-risk alcohol and cannabis use and their associations with positive and negative affect in young adulthood
Mental illness in elite weightlifters
Role of suboptimal psychiatric evaluation in the development of first episode psychosis in an athlete
Usage and health perception of cannabidiol-containing products among the population in Germany: a descriptive study conducted in 2020 and 2021
Overdose or self-poisoning: considerations for consistency in language
The 5Cs of positive youth development and risk behaviors in a sample of Spanish emerging adults: a partial mediation analysis of gender differences
Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with recreational nitrous oxide use
Trauma-toxicology: concepts, causes, complications
Alcohol Prevention in Urgent and Emergency Care (APUEC): development and evaluation of workforce digital training on screening, brief intervention, and referral for treatment
Anabolic-androgenic steroids: considerations for forensic psychiatry, sports psychiatry, and the law
Association between longitudinal patterns of child maltreatment experiences and adolescent substance use
Associations between parental smoking and teenage alcohol and drug use in the Growing Up in Ireland cohort study: a longitudinal observational study
Characteristics of overdose deaths related to illicitly manufactured fentanyl - Arizona, July 2019 - June 2020
Community Opioid Dispensing after Injury (CODI): cohort characteristics and opioid dispensing patterns
Costing analysis of a point-of-care drug checking program in Rhode Island
Cumulative incidence of all-cause knee injury, concussion, and stress fracture among transgender patients on gender-affirming hormone therapy: an exploratory retrospective cohort study
Disparities in alcohol- and substance-related hospitalizations and deaths across sexual orientations in Canada: a longitudinal study
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland: a theory-based synthesis of the evidence
Exploring substance misuse in a prison in Wales: a cross-sectional analysis
Integrated alcohol use and sexual assault prevention program for college men who engage in heavy drinking: randomized pilot study
International evidence on lived experiences of trauma during homelessness and effects on mental health including substance use: a co-produced qualitative systematic review
The "triple whammy": serious psychological distress, suicidal ideation, and substance misuse among transgender persons
Treatment for problematic substance use in Nordic youth: a narrative review from the viewpoint of social services
Motives for driving after cannabis use: a scoping review
Mindfulness and clinical correlates in methamphetamine use disorder
Cycling under the influence of alcohol and other drugs: An exploratory analysis
The clinico-epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of methanol poisoning: a five-year retrospective study, northern iran
Concerns related to the consequences of pediatric cannabis use: a 360-degree view
Socio-economic inequalities in smoking and drinking in adolescence: assessment of social network dynamics
Relationship between alcohol use and firearm-involved suicide: findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2020
Pre-post cannabis legalization for adult use: a trend study of two cohorts of young adult cannabis users in Los Angeles
Suicide attempts in an Italian population with cannabis use disorders: results of a follow-up study
Growth in suicide rates among children during the illicit opioid crisis
Prevalence and frequency of cannabis use among adults ages 50-80 in the United States
Prevalence of increased alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in adult victims of terrorist attacks: a systematic and meta-analytic review
Effect of the NFL's Super Bowl on emergency department visits for assault-related injuries
Erratum to "Age-related differences in injury patterns and outcome from falls from tree stands"
Estonian alcohol control legislation in 1990-2020: a narrative review
Alcohol-involved sexual assault in the US military: a scoping review
Alcohol protective behavioral strategies for young adults: a content analysis across drinking contexts and gender
12-month substance use disorders among first-year university students in Kenya
Addendum to "Evaluating substance use outcomes of recreational cannabis legalization using a unique co-twin control design"
Alcohol use trends in Dallas County during the COVID-19 pandemic
Associations of psychological distress and alcohol use patterns among older adults of sexual minority status and heterosexual peers
Quantitative analysis of drugs of abuse and cognitive enhancers in influent wastewater by means of two chromatographic methods
Psychoactive substances and previous hospital admissions, triage and length of stay in rural injuries: a prospective observational study
Investigating the impact of alcohol outlet density on crime rates
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic herb-drug interactions--part I. Herbal medicines of the central nervous system
Effects of cannabis legalisation on patterns of cannabis consumption among adolescents in Ontario, Canada (2001-2019)
The associations of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with substance use in young adults: a systematic review
Trends in use of medicines for opioid agonist treatment in Australia, 2013-2022
Trends in prevalence of cannabis use disorder among U.S. veterans with and without psychiatric disorders between 2005 and 2019
A systematic review of the acute effects of alcohol on emotion recognition of facial expressions
Time series modeling and forecasting of drug-related deaths in Iran (2014-2016)
Trends in alcohol-related harm among Swedish youth: do in-patient care registry data match drinking trends?
Study of pattern and outcome of acute poisoning cases at tertiary care hospital in North India
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors and the reporting of falls and fractures: an European pharmacovigilance analysis
Risk of suicide and psychiatric disorders among isotretinoin users: a meta-analysis
Recent increases in crack injection and associated risk factors among people who inject psychoactive drugs in England and Wales
Psychostimulant misuse among American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian college students in the U.S. from 2015 to 2019
Medication risk checklist for older adults (LOTTA) - development and validation of a self-assessment tool
Associations between trait boredom and frequency of cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco use in college students
Change and stability in British drinking practices and culture between 2009 and 2019: a longitudinal latent class analysis of drinking occasions
Meet us where we are: non-Indigenous young peoples' ideas on how to reduce alcohol-related harm in Mparntwe (Alice Springs)
Psychoactive substance intoxication leading to general hospital admission in young and middle-aged people during and after the first lockdown
Societal costs of illegal drug use in Sweden
Trajectories of oppositional defiant disorder severity from adolescence to young adulthood and substance use, mental health, and behavioral problems
A pediatric patient with severe obstructive sleep apnea and comorbid depression and substance abuse
Childhood adversity determines the syndemic effects of violence, substance misuse, and sexual behavior on psychotic spectrum disorder among men
Colchicine: the good, the bad, the ugly, and how to minimise the risks
Demographics and reported symptoms associated with marijuana use among adolescents and young adults
Do risk factors for incapacitated and other sexual assault differ for black and white college women? A preliminary investigation
Enhancing campus safety: exploring student perspectives on a text message-delivered intervention for addressing sexual violence and alcohol use
Examining the relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and mental health among female Arab minority students: the role of identity conflict and acculturation stress
How can ketamine be used to manage suicidal risk?
Identification of emotional spectrums of patients taking an erectile dysfunction medication: ontology-based emotion analysis of patient medication reviews on social media
The impact of recreational cannabis laws on cannabis use disorder during "treat and release" visits to hospital emergency departments in four U.S. states, 2017-2020
In-school adolescents' sociodemographic correlates of serious unintentional injuries in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: a cross-sectional study
Loneliness is associated with problematic internet use but not with the frequency of substance use: a Czech cross-sectional study
Legalization of access to cannabis: a growing agenda for tobacco control research in the USA
User-guided enhancements to a technology-facilitated resilience program to address opioid risks following traumatic injury in youth: qualitative interview study
Untrained bystanders administering drone-delivered naloxone: an exploratory study
Sober up: Time from last drink to a road traffic injury
The role of sex in daily levels of high-risk alcohol and cannabis co-use
Assessment of substance exposures in nail clipping samples: a systematic review
Binge drinking disparities by gender identity, race, and ethnicity in California secondary schools
Predictors of cannabis use among Canadian university students
Preliminary effects of a guided self-change intervention on perceived risk and self-efficacy in university students engaging in cannabis or alcohol misuse
Pregaming potentiates risk between UPPS-P impulsivity and day-level drinking behavior: a test of person-environment transactions theory
Incremental predictive validity of the dualistic model of passion for cannabis use among college undergraduate students with and without a cannabis use disorder
Parent-child communication about substance use, puberty, sex, and social media use among Hispanic parents and pre-adolescent children
Opioid prescriptions among the World Trade Center Health Program population
Naloxone use by Aotearoa New Zealand emergency medical services, 2017-2021
Here to stay? Policy changes in alcohol home delivery and "to-go" sales during and after COVID-19 in the United States
Examining differences in emotion dysregulation between emerging adult alcohol-only users, abstainers, and simultaneous users
Effects of beta lactams on behavioral outcomes of substance use disorders: a meta-analysis of preclinical studies
Progression to drug use from adolescent initiation of marijuana among South Korean inmates: a propensity score matching technique
Evaluating harm-reduction initiatives in a night-time economy and music festival context
The impact of state drug laws on high school completion and college enrollment for Latino young men
Substandard and falsified ivermectin tablets obtained for self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of potential harm
Spatial point pattern analysis of drug related crimes in October 2017 in Manila City
Retail pharmacies and drug diversion during the opioid epidemic
Receipt of opioid use disorder treatments prior to fatal overdoses and comparison to no treatment in Connecticut, 2016-17
Prevalence and correlates of positive parental attitudes towards cannabis use and use intention in Australia during 2016 and 2019
Patterns of alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use among U.S. adolescents and young adults by disability status: 2015-2019
Comparing the risk factors of youth detained for running away or commercial sexual exploitation to more serious youth offenders
Do crashed drivers need more drug testing? A retrospective analysis of blood samples from hospitalised post-crash drivers in New Zealand
Identifying policy options to regulate high potency cannabis: a multiple stakeholder concept mapping study in Washington State, USA
Antisocial behavior in football matches: do changes in alcohol sales policy increase violent acts?
Associations between state-level general population alcohol policies and drinking outcomes among women of reproductive age: results from 1984 to 2020 National Alcohol Surveys
Characteristics of poisoning cases admitted to outpatient and emergency department - China, 2019
Unsettling settler colonialism in research: strategies centering Native American experience and expertise in responding to substance misuse and co-occurring sexual risk-taking, alcohol-exposed pregnancy, and suicide prevention among young people
Health claims denial for alcohol intoxication: state laws and structural stigma
The interplay of childhood trauma, oxytocin, and impulsivity in predicting the onset of methamphetamine use
Kids gone wild - Alcohol use and patient characteristics in pediatric trauma during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Masculine drinking norms and alcohol use in a national sample of NCAA male student-athletes
Post mortem blood bromazolam concentrations and co-findings in 96 coronial cases within England and Wales
Problematic familial alcohol use and adolescent outcomes: do associations differ by parental education?
Substance use and treatment characteristics among pregnant and non-pregnant females, 2015-2019
Twitter activity surrounding the Finnish Green Party's cannabis legalisation proposal: a mixed-methods analysis
Supervised inhalation sites: preventing overdose and reducing health inequities among people who use drugs
Changes in state laws related to coverage for substance use disorder treatment across insurance sectors, 2006-2020
Characteristics of high- and low-risk drinkers who use online alcohol home delivery in Western Australia
College student alcohol use: understanding the role of alcohol expectancies, social anxiety, social connectedness, and need to belong
Development of the Protective Strategies for Psychedelics Scale: a novel inventory to assess safety strategies in the context of psychedelics
Early closing of hotels: Impacts on alcohol consumption, drunkenness, liver disease and injury mortality
Fall risk and cardiovascular outcomes of first-line antihypertensive medications in nursing home residents
Implementation of mandatory blood alcohol screening in trauma patients: a retrospective study from a tertiary trauma center in a Middle Eastern country
Mediational analyses of the effects of social behaviour and network therapy on alcohol use
Alcohol diagnostic validation for injury-related trauma: findings from a pilot study
Can drug policies modify cannabis use starting choice? Insights from criminalisation in Italy
Does bullying due to oral conditions influence cigarette smoking in adolescents? A structural equation modeling
Oculogyric crisis due to aripiprazole ingestion as a suicide attempt: a case report
Police-recorded adult sexual assault in the Northern Territory, Australia: alcohol involvement and alcohol policy effects
Single-dose synthetic psilocybin with psychotherapy for treatment-resistant bipolar type ii major depressive episodes: a nonrandomized controlled trial
Trends and correlates of naloxone possession and use among people who inject drugs in Seattle, Washington
What is going on in our schools? Review of injuries among school children across the United States
Understanding the intersectionality of Covid-19 racism, mental distress, alcohol use, and firearm purchase behavior among Asian Americans
Suicide within 1 year of non-fatal overdose: risk factors and risk reduction with medications for opioid use disorder
Psychometric properties of the family assessment task parental monitoring scenario among adolescents receiving substance use treatment
Maladaptive daydreaming: a shortened assessment measure and its mental health correlates in a large United States sample
Brief report: The influence of childhood trauma on the effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with opioid use disorder
Investigating cannabis-use among students attending high schools within the Cherokee Nation reservation 2017 and 2019
The relationship between vaping cannabis and frequency of cannabis use and cannabis-related problems among urban high school students
Drug-related deaths at Australian music festivals
Driving under the influence of nitrous oxide - a retrospective study of HS-GC-MS analysis in whole blood
Can placebo effect save your life?
Assessing the risk of intentional self-harm in montelukast users: an updated Sentinel System analysis using ICD-10 coding
Using EMA to explore the role of Black adolescents' experiences in activity spaces in momentary negative emotion and marijuana use
The name and frame matters when it comes to public support of opioid prevention programs
Medication and the risk of falls: an analysis of adverse drug reactions reported to the Portuguese pharmacovigilance system
Global trends in the prevalence of alcohol consumption among school-going adolescents aged 12-15 years
Experiences of racial discrimination and adverse gene expression among black individuals in a level 1 trauma center sample
Comparison of paper-and-pencil versus tablet administration of the 2021 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
Comorbid substance use disorder, major depression, and associated disability in a nationally representative sample
Associations between cannabis use and mental distress in young people: a longitudinal study
Adolescent hazardous drinking and socioeconomic status in France: insights into the alcohol harm paradox
Abusive consumption of alcoholic beverages and associated factors in Brazilian university students
Youth fatal drug overdose and suicide: trends in Connecticut, 2019-2021
Economic costs of alcohol consumption in Thailand, 2021
Psychopharmacology in children and adolescents: unmet needs and opportunities
Medical jurisprudence: report of a trial for murder, in which the culprit was defended on the ground of his labouring under mania a potu, or delirium from intemperance
Response to the critical comments on the article "Driving license regranting: Hair EtG, serum CDT, and the role of sociodemographic and medicolegal variables"
Accidental iron poisoning in children - experience from a teaching institution
Mental health symptoms in German elite athletes: a network analysis
Cannabis use as a potential mediator between childhood adversity and first-episode psychosis: results from the EU-GEI case-control study
A linguistic analysis of dehumanization toward substance use across three decades of news articles
Is cannabis bad for teens? Here's what the data say
Underage alcohol use by intersectional identity among alternative high school students
School-based services may eliminate substance treatment disparities: results from a nonrandomized program evaluation
Psychiatric and substance use disorders among adults over age 50 who use cannabis: a matched cohort study using electronic health record data
Investigating the associations between prenatal exposure to substances and intergenerational maltreatment and symptoms of psychopathology for adolescent girls from families with low income
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic experiences on college drinking via mental distress: cross-sectional mediation moderated by race
How effective are health messages/warnings in improving knowledge and awareness of alcohol-related harm? The Slovenian case on using a mobile app
Forty years of National Poison Data System Annual Reports
Exploring nighttime pedestrian crash patterns at intersection and segments: findings from the machine learning algorithm
Evaluation of intoxication level with EOG analysis and machine learning: a study on driving simulator
Evaluation of an electrochemical sensor and comparison with spectroscopic approaches as used today in practice for harm reduction in a festival setting-A case study: analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine samples
The developmental timing but not magnitude of adolescent risk-taking propensity is consistent across social, environmental, and psychological factors
The differential role of perceived same-gender and gender-neutral norms in emerging adult risk behavior
Critical comments on the article "Driving license regranting: Hair EtG, serum CDT, and the role of sociodemographic and medicolegal variables" by A. Cinquetti et al. in drug testing and analysis (December 2022)
Corrigendum: Case report: early recognition, treatment, and occupational safety protection are crucial for methanol toxicity
Correction: Cross-phenotype relationship between opioid use disorder and suicide attempts: new evidence from polygenic association and Mendelian randomization analyses
Why do men with drinking problems change their behaviour? A qualitative study nested in a randomised controlled trial in India
Alcohol use among NTNU students 2007-19
Child maltreatment and parental domestic violence and abuse, co-occurrence and the effect on lifetime outcomes in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)
Can inhaled cannabis users accurately evaluate impaired driving ability? A randomized controlled trial
Cocaine, in The Affair at the Victory Ball
Are health levies from unhealthy commodities a good way to fund harm reduction initiatives?
The association of acute intoxication and threats to masculinity on laboratory based sexual aggression
Associations of sexual identity change and identity-attraction discordance with symptomatic alcohol and other drug use
Associations with experience of non-fatal opioid overdose in British Columbia, Canada: a repeated cross sectional survey study
A comparison of two strategies to assess sexual violence: general vs. specialised trauma screening strategies in two high-risk substance use health disparity samples
"You kind of blame it on the alcohol, but. . .": a discourse analysis of alcohol use and sexual consent among young men in Vancouver, Canada
Trends in cannabis use among parenting women with major depressive episode in the United States
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of RealConsent2.0: a web-based intervention to promote prosocial alcohol-involved bystander behavior in young men
Social epidemiology of early adolescent alcohol expectancies
The relationship between childhood maltreatment and social anxiety among Chinese male individuals with drug use disorders: a moderated mediation model of fear of negative evaluation and self-construals
Prescription opioid use among people with opioid dependence and concurrent benzodiazepine and gabapentinoid exposure: an analysis of overdose and all-cause mortality
The effects of binge drinking on attention in young adults
Endorsement of psychotic-like experiences and problematic cannabis use associated with worse executive functioning performance in undergraduates
Identifying patterns of pain, depression, anxiety, interpersonal trauma exposure, and nonmedical prescription opioid use: latent class analysis among patients with chronic pain
Are cannabis use problems comparable across individuals using for recreational and medical purposes? An international cross-sectional study of individuals who use self-grown cannabis
Correlation analysis of mental health conditions and personality of patients with alcohol addiction
Emotion dysregulation is associated with increased problem cannabis use among emerging adults during COVID-19
Management of foreign body ingestion in adults: time to STOP and rethink endoscopy
Methanol poisoning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran: a retrospective cross-sectional study of clinical, laboratory, and brain imaging characteristics and outcomes
Mortality in adolescents and young adults following a first presentation to the emergency department for alcohol
Predictors of one-year persistence of harm from a known person's drinking: findings from a longitudinal population-based study in Sweden
Sudden death related to sexual activity: a multicenter study based on forensic autopsies (2010-2021)
Serving alcohol to an "obviously intoxicated" patron
Validity of an online, self-administered Timeline Followback for alcohol use with adolescents
Antiretroviral drug use and the risk of falls in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Drug policies and responses in Afghanistan
Examining the effect of cannabis cues on cannabis demand in sleep, driving, and typical drug-use contexts
Prevalence and correlates of unintentional nonfatal injuries among school-going adolescents in Central America
Review of the demographic factors and toxicology related to deaths due to pregabalin in Northern Ireland
Motivators of and barriers to drug checking engagement in British Columbia, Canada: findings from a cross-sectional study
Youth perception of difficulty accessing cannabis following cannabis legalization and during the early and ongoing stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: repeat cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the COMPASS study
The relationship between discrimination, alcohol use severity, and PTSD symptoms among Latinx heavy drinkers
Intimate partner violence and its associations among HIV-infected MSM with new drug abuse in Jinan, China
Contexts of social alcohol and cannabis use among sexual minority cisgender women and gender diverse individuals: event-level differences in alcohol and cannabis use patterns based on the sexual orientations and gender identities of substance use companions
Drug transactions and the dark web: public perceptions of the locational setting of offenders and support for drug policy outcomes
Drug-drug interactions involving classic psychedelics: a systematic review
Trends in reported and biologically confirmed drug use among people who use ecstasy in the nightclub/festival-attending population, 2016-2022
An on-line school-based substance use harm reduction programme: the Illicit Project randomized controlled trial results
The relationship of anti-transgender discrimination, harassment, and violence to binge drinking among transgender adults
A semi-naturalistic, open-label trial examining the effect of prescribed medical cannabis on neurocognitive performance
Software-assisted automated detection and identification of "unknown" fentanyl analogues
New perspectives on how to formulate alcohol drinking guidelines: response to commentaries
Modelling the continuum of serious traffic injuries in police-hospital linked data by applying the random parameters hazard-based duration model
Mexican-origin parent and child reported neighborhood factors and youth substance use
Medicines and other factors causing deaths in English and Welsh care homes: five-years of preventing future death reports by coroners
Longitudinal associations among experiences of sexual assault, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and heavy drinking in young adults
Initiation of opioid agonist therapy after hospital visits for opioid poisonings in Ontario
2D:4D-ratios among individuals with amphetamine use disorder, antisocial personality disorder and with both amphetamine use disorder and antisocial personality disorder
Where are the children? Addiction workers' knowledge of clients' offspring and related risks
An analytical approach for on-site analysis of breath samples for Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Coming of age in recovery: the prevalence and correlates of substance use recovery status among adolescents and emerging adults
Associations among trauma exposure, post-traumatic stress symptoms and alcohol use in Black/African American treatment-seeking adults
Blood alcohol concentration in the clinical laboratory: a narrative review of the preanalytical phase in diagnostic and forensic testing
Cannabis use influences disorganized symptoms severity but not transition in a cohort of non-help-seeking individuals at-risk for psychosis from São Paulo, Brazil
Correction to: Prevalence of parental supply of alcohol to minors: a systematic review
Suicides, drug poisonings, and alcohol-related deaths cluster with health and social disadvantage in 4.1 million citizens from two nations
Rural and urban differences in disparities in substance use and substance use disorders affecting sexual minority populations
Cannabinoid home storage practices among a national Qualtrics panel of adult users of cannabinoid products in the USA
Cheers not tears: champagne corks and eye injury
Overview of road traffic injuries among migrant workers in Guangzhou, China, from 2017 to 2021
State alcohol policy environments of U.S. colleges: predictors of sexual assault and alcohol-related arrest and disciplinary action
Burden of noncommunicable diseases among children and adolescents aged 10-24 years in China, 1990-2019: a population-based study
The evolution of fentanyl-related substances: prevalence and drug concentrations in postmortem biological specimens at the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Department
Factors related to alcohol-drinking behaviors on secondary school students grade 1-3 in the province of Nakhon Si Thammarat Thailand
Polysubstance use and post-discharge mortality risk among hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder
Potential mediators of a school-based digital intervention targeting six lifestyle risk behaviours in a cluster randomised controlled trial of Australian adolescents
Proximity to cannabis retailers and recent cannabis use among a diverse sample of California adolescents
Quality of care received by patients with alcohol poisoning in a pediatric emergency department
The role of substance use disorders on suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts: a nationally representative study of adolescents and adults in the United States, 2020
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of ketamine and esketamine on suicidal ideation in treatment-resistant depression
Grill-related burn injuries: a matched cohort study
Suicidal ideations and self-dehumanization in recently detoxified patients with severe alcohol use disorder: an experimental exploration through joint explicit-implicit measures
Alcohol and drug traffic violations. Rating as a criminal offense or misdemeanor depending on the federal state
BASt: Assessment of fitness to drive 2022
Cannabis and fitness to drive. Analysis of case files of medical-psychological examination by driving under the influence of cannabis (for the first time or once)
Effects on the performance of on-site drug tests in case of an increase in the analytical limit value for Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Project to improve the assessment of driving safety without driving problems when under the influence of non-alcoholic substances
Qualified driving ability check in Lower Saxony
Traffic offenses on Hamburg roads under the influence of alcohol (2016-2021)
Why do we need to go digital? Process of developing an online facilitator training platform for a global family skills programme for drug use prevention
Toxicology screening in sports-related sudden cardiac death: a multinational observational study
Association between alcohol use and frailty among elder adults in three Chinese cities
Cannabis as a shareable commodity in a social discounting task
Cannabis vaporisation: understanding products, devices and risks
Childhood trauma and the use of opioids and other prescription analgesics in adolescence and young adulthood: the HUNT Study
Health risks associated with smoking versus injecting fentanyl among people who use drugs in California
Impacts of medicinal cannabis on an early psychosis service [letter]
Radiological findings in poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids adulterated with brodifacoum
Response to comments on: incidence of persistent opioid use following traumatic injury
The role of anhedonia in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), alcohol use disorder symptoms, and food addiction symptoms in a sample of emerging adults with histories of heavy drinking
Social norms for cannabis use following non-medical legalization in Canada
Simultaneous detection of residual diazepam, ketamine, nimetazepam, and xylazine by high-performance liquid chromatography: application in drug-spiked beverages for forensic investigation
Severe caffeine poisoning treated with intermittent hemodialysis under circulatory support: a case report
Alcohol consumption and illicit drug use: associations with fall, fracture, and acute healthcare utilization among people with HIV infection
Consumer perception, knowledge, and uses of cannabidiol
Fatal oedipism: a case report and literature review
Hazardous alcohol use among community-dwelling older adults with persistent or recurrent pain: findings from the health and retirement study
Health behaviors and mental health among adolescents: a comparison based on BMI using the 2021 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The mental health and substance use treatment experiences of racially and ethnically minoritised women who have experienced sexual violence
Neuropathy with cerebral features induced by nitrous oxide abuse-a case report
Nitrous oxide abuse: clinical outcomes, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, toxicity and impact on metabolism
Uncovering the hidden burden of pharmaceutical poisoning in high-income and low-middle-income countries: a scoping review
Linking historical discriminatory housing patterns to the contemporary alcohol environment
Polydrug use in Australian 12-14 year olds from 2006 to 2017: an examination of drug use profiles, emotional control problems, and family relationship characteristics
Predictors of relapse and engagement in care one year after ending services in an urban safety net coordinated specialty care program for first episode psychosis
The company you keep: the neglected role of affiliating with delinquent friends in the development of the cannabis-violence link
Differences in brain network topology based on alcohol use history in adolescents
Motivations for cannabis use in individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD)
Sexual violence and alcohol intake: a population-based explorative study in a northwestern Italian area
Reasons for calling EMS: a survey of frequent callers in Ontario
The impacts of the drug war on Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: an overview
Lifetime classic psychedelic use is associated with greater psychological distress in unemployed job seekers
Analyzing the relationships between frequency of leisure activity participation and social capital
Association between mystical-type experiences under psychedelics and improvements in well-being or mental health - a comprehensive review of the evidence
Associations between excessive screen time and school and out-of-school injuries among adolescents: a population-based study
Drug overdose mortality rates by educational attainment and sex for adults aged 25-64 in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2015-2021
Evaluating the role of psychedelic psychotherapy in addressing societal alienation: imaginaries of liberation
Association between air temperature and unintentional drowning risk in the United Kingdom 2012-2019: a nationwide case crossover study
Learner experiences of safety at public high schools in three South African townships: baseline findings from the National School Safety Framework learner surveys
New synthetic cannabinoids and the potential for cardiac arrhythmia risk
External hair contamination from cannabis and "light cannabis" delivered by smoking and vaping: an in vitro study
An assessment of court fees, surcharges, and penalties for alcohol-impaired driving in five midwestern U.S. states: implications for exacerbating poverty and health inequalities
Relationships between alcohol and cannabis policies in U.S. states, 1999-2019
Progesterone attenuates the stress response in individuals with alcohol dependence and post-traumatic stress disorder - a pilot study
Polypharmacy is associated with slow gait speed and recurrent falls in older people with HIV
Phenibut screening and quantification with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to driving cases
Parents who inject drugs: demographics, care arrangements and correlates for child placement in out-of-home care
Non-obstetric maternal mortality trends by race in the United States
Measuring exposure to the hazardous drinking of others and perceived opportunity to intervene as a bystander
Living arrangements predict frequent alcohol consumption among university students: a retrospective cohort study
Ammonia inhalants: use, misuse, and role in sports performance
Suicide victims and alcohol-related consumption in Brazil: an observational study and a narrative review of the literature
The indirect effects of self-regulation on the association of social support with increased protective drinking behavior and decreased alcohol problems in a predominantly Hispanic college student sample
An experimental laboratory-based minority stress paradigm for alcohol research among sexual minority women: a pilot study
Why does youth unemployment lead to scarring of depressive symptoms in adulthood? The importance of early adulthood drinking
Understanding the social and community support experiences of sexual and gender minority individuals in 12-Step programs
Trajectory modeling of cannabis use over 30 years identifies five unique longitudinal patterns
Productivity loss among opioid and benzodiazepine users in the United States: a medical expenditure panel survey from 2010-2019
Labor trafficking in marijuana production: a hidden epidemic in the shadows of the cannabis industry
Factors contributing to U.S. parents' decisions to administer melatonin to children
Epidemiology, risk factors, and strategies to prevent and manage poisonings due to pharmaceuticals in children in low income and low-middle income countries: a systematic review
Carbon monoxide related deaths: a Verona case series. When cooperation becomes compulsory
Active social media use and health indicators among sexual and gender minority adults
Relationship between falls and the use of hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study
Influence of road investment and maintenance expenses on injured traffic crashes in European roads
First death involving 4-fluoroethylphenidate (4F-EPH): case report, user experiences, and review of the related literature
All-cause and cause-specific mortality among individuals imprisoned for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs in Norway (2000-2016): a retrospective cohort study
Cannabis use and its relationship with bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Taking a breather from pulmonary aspiration and a multidrug ingestion
A study into the nature and extent of polydrug use in driving recidivism behavior
An observational study on deliberate self-harm in individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome
Notes from the field: Seizures, hyperthermia, and myocardial injury in three young adults who consumed bromazolam disguised as alprazolam -- Chicago, Illinois, February 2023
Impact of the Russian invasion on opioid agonist therapy programs in Ukraine: a qualitative study
Factors associated with sexual victimization among transgender emerging adults
Context matters: athletes' perception of dopers' values, actions and vulnerabilities
A cross-sectional study of the prevalence and determinants of common mental health problems in primary care in Switzerland
Decoding the link between substance dependence and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults: a cross-sectional study from North India
Correction: CannibiSenS: an on-demand rapid screen for THC in human saliva
Are cisgender women and transgender and nonbinary people drinking more during the COVID-19 pandemic? It depends
Cannabis legalization and driving under the influence of cannabis and driving under the influence of alcohol among adult and adolescent drivers in Ontario, Canada (2001-2019)
Youth cannabis use and subsequent health service use for mood and anxiety disorders: a population-based cohort study
Where can offenders be found when they are not committing crimes? A cross-sectional survey of British police officers on non-crime locations
Violence against partners, children tied to broader health problems [editorial]
Treatment-seeking behavior and barriers to mental health service utilization for depressive symptoms and hazardous drinking: the role of religious and traditional healers in mental healthcare of Northwest Ethiopia
Sex, executive function, and prospective memory regulate the chain-mediation pathway of alcohol use and impulsivity
Adverse childhood experiences and illegal drug use among college students: findings from a French sample
Adverse outcomes of cannabis use in Canada, before and after legalisation of non-medical cannabis: cross-sectional analysis of the International Cannabis Policy Study
Analysis of social media compliance with cannabis advertising regulations: evidence from recreational dispensaries in Illinois 1-year post-legalization
Chemical composition of commercial cannabis
Recalibrating single-study effect sizes using hierarchical Bayesian models
The relationship between alcohol use and self-determination:psychometric characteristics of the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire in a Hungarian sample
Treatment referrals post-prohibition of alcohol exclusion laws: evidence from Colorado and Illinois
Responses to a "typical" morning dose of kratom in people who use kratom regularly: a direct-observation study
Profiles of vulnerability for suicide and self-harm in UK prisoners: neurodisability, mood disturbance, substance use, and bullying
Privacy and confidentiality in Massachusetts' post-overdose outreach programs: mixed methods analysis of outreach staff surveys and interviews
Prevalence of carboxy-Δ(8) -tetrahydrocannabiniol in antidoping samples
Predicting completion of ecological momentary assessments among substance-using women experiencing intimate partner violence
Patterns of remission from alcohol dependence in the United Kingdom: results from an online panel general population survey
Methanol poisonings from contaminated hand sanitizers identified by the United States Food and Drug Administration [letter]
Longitudinal polysubstance use patterns and non-fatal overdose: a repeated measures latent class analysis
Long-term antipsychotic use, orthostatic hypotension and falls in older adults with Alzheimer's disease
The interaction of opiate misuse and marijuana use on behavioral health outcomes using the traumatic brain injury Model Systems pain collaborative dataset
Integration of substance use disorder treatment in traditional mental health facilities: timeseries and cross-sectional evaluations
Incidence and outcome of laryngeal edema and rhabdomyolysis after ingestion of black rock
Homoprejudiced violence experiences and high-risk sexual behaviors among Chinese men who have sex with men: depression severity and recreational drug usage as potential mediators
Factors predicting the intention of drug abuse avoidance among adolescents in Pinlaung Township, Myanmar: predictive correlational design
Adoption of methadone take home policy by U.S. state opioid treatment authorities during COVID-19
The Baltic and Nordic responses to the first Taliban poppy ban: Implications for Europe & synthetic opioids today
Colorado drugged driving prevalence and impaired driving conviction rates: effects of impaired driving definitions and a 5-nanogram limit for delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol
Corrigendum to "Predictors of morning cannabis use among young adults: Between- and within-person associations from 24 consecutive months of data" [Addict. Behav. 124 (2024) 107908]
Is legal recreational cannabis associated with cannabis use during pregnancy, beliefs about safety, and perceived community stigma?
The economic costs of alcohol-related harms at the local level in New South Wales
Effectiveness of a cannabis prevention program in school: results of a randomized prospective study
Prevalence of illicit drug use and related factors in adults: results of first phase of Shahedieh Cohort Study 2015-2016
A latent profile analysis of social anxiety, depression, and pregaming motives among heavy-drinking college students
Evening chronotypes with depression report poorer outcomes of SSRIs: a survey-based study of self-ratings
Effect of number of medications on the risk of falls among community-dwelling older adults: a 3-year follow-up of the SONIC study
Creating and evaluating the score to assess overdose: the OD score
The association between concussions and vaping among a nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents
Toxic leukoencephalopathy after "chasing the dragon" with a non-heroin opioid
Fine-grained intoxicated gait classification using a bilinear CNN
The influence of peer's social networks on adolescent's cannabis use: a systematic review of longitudinal studies
Editorial: Public health, suicide, and substance addiction
Social acceptability of health behavior posts on social media: an experiment
Associations between day-level affect profiles and same-day substance use among young adults
Bidirectional associations between alcohol drinking and depressive symptom scores among US older adults
Comprehensive treatment for pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders and their children: the UNC horizons story
Resilience buffers the association between psychotic-like experiences and suicide risk: a prospective study from a non-clinical sample
Occurrence and correlates of domestic violence among Asian patients with alcohol use disorder seeking treatment for cessation
Maternal deaths using coroner's data: a latent class analysis
An experimental investigation into the effect of negative affect on the behavioral economic demand for alcohol
Do school-based smoking preventive interventions have unintended effects? Post hoc analysis of the Focus cluster randomised controlled trial
Voices of change: stakeholders' roles in the fight against substance abuse in Mogadishu, Somalia
Safety and risks of CBD oils purchased online: unveiling uncertain quality and vague health claims
Insecure housing, substance abuse, and incarceration among emerging adults aging out of foster care: examining associations with legal orphan status
Juvenile delinquecy and substance abuse; the dynamic duo
A qualitative exploration of intimate partner violence among HIV/TB coinfected persons with problematic alcohol use participating in an incentive-based alcohol/medication adherence intervention in Uganda during COVID-19
Addressing the spectrum of opioid misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery in rural Washington State communities: provider identified barriers and needs
Amphetamine-type drug-related fatalities in the context of 8 years of methamphetamine use measured by wastewater analysis in South Australia
Cyanide poisoning after bitter almond ingestion: "a rare case report"
A network analysis of Hurricane Maria-related traumatic stress and substance use among Puerto Rican youth
Fifty years of paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning: the development of risk assessment and treatment 1973-2023 with particular focus on contributions published from Edinburgh and Denver
Reported exposures to derived cannabis products in California before and after the 2018 federal reclassification of hemp
Pregnancy-associated homicide, suicide and unintentional opioid-involved overdose deaths, North Carolina 2018-2019
Associations of adolescent school social networks, gender norms, and adolescent-to-young adult changes in male gender expression with young adult substance use
Canada's alcohol deficit, 2007-2020: Social cost, public revenue, magnitudes of alcohol use and the per-drink net deficit for a fourteen-year period
Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder with onset during withdrawal: a brief report of emerging evidence
Co-occurring alcohol misuse and criminal offending in adolescence: is it a matter of similarity, severity or accumulation of risk factors?
Sexual violence in nightlife and positive bystander intervention in an English city
Substance use over time among sexual and gender minority people: differences at the intersection of sex and gender
Where do adults in the United States obtain cannabis? A nationally representative study examining the relationships between sociodemographic factors, cannabis use characteristics and sources of cannabis
Engagement with mHealth alcohol interventions: user perspectives on an app or chatbot-delivered program to reduce drinking
Identification of three unexpected new psychoactive substances at an Australian drug checking service
Impact of alcohol driving-while-impaired license suspension duration on future alcohol-related license events and motor vehicle crash involvement in North Carolina, 2007 to 2016
A scoping review of law enforcement drug seizures and overdose mortality in the United States
Antidepressants and suicide: 7,829 inquests in England and Wales, 2003-2020
Trends in hallucinogen-associated emergency department visits and hospitalizations in California, USA, from 2016 to 2022
Outcomes of patients admitted for drowning
Perspectives of healthcare workers on the integration of overdose detection technologies in acute care settings
Risk factors for deaths of despair in England: an ecological study of local authority mortality data
A metabolomics-based study on the discriminative classification models and toxicological mechanism of estazolam fatal intoxication
Methamphetamine-related forensic autopsy cases in a Japanese prefecture over a 7-year period: characteristics of deaths and blood concentrations
Integrated biobehavioral surveillance among people who inject drugs in Ukraine, 2007-2020
Sleep quality impacts the link between reactivity to uncertain threat and anxiety and alcohol use in youth
Street code values among youth in the 'Northern Triangle' of Central America: do they predict delinquency, substance use, and bullying perpetration?
Substance use disorder: epidemiology, medical consequences and treatment
Mental health problems among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a repeated cross-sectional study from Sweden
Mixed method examination of alcohol and suicidality among actively suicidal adults who engage in heavy episodic drinking
Plastic bag suffocation and codeine overdose: an unusual case of complex suicide and review of the literature
Immigration and police perceptions of a "war on police" in a U.S.-Mexico border town
The role of interpersonal trauma and substance use in mental health: a large population-based study
What influences intentions to offend? A systematic review and meta-analysis on the factors associated with the deterrence of drink-driving
Off-premises demand elasticities for pure alcohol in five Latin American countries: the case of Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Uruguay
Tailoring parenting styles and family-based interventions cross-culturally as an effective prevention strategy for youth substance use: a scoping review
A systematic review of cannabis health warning research
Exploring childhood experiences and family contexts as risk factors for drug use in the lives of young drug users in the Western Cape, South Africa
Comparison of breath alcohol measuring devices
In-vehicle technology to prevent drunk driving: public acceptance required for successful deployment
Associations among sexual assault, posttraumatic stress, drinking to cope with anxiety, and alcohol use based on gender identity and sexual orientation
Mortality risk and causes of death among people who use opioids in a take-home naloxone cohort
Predictors of suicidal ideation and continued substance use problems among patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment who have co-occurring cocaine use disorder
Primary prevention of prescription stimulant misuse in first-year college students
Sales to apparently intoxicated customers in three states with different histories of responsible beverage service training
How does parental monitoring reduce adolescent substance use? Preliminary tests of two potential mechanisms
Investigating associations of substance use and dependence with planned versus unplanned suicide attempt
The clinical evolutions of surveillance and violence during three contemporary US crises: opioid overdose, COVID-19, and racial reckoning
Associations between cannabis use, opioid misuse and severe psychological distress in adolescents: a cross-sectional school-based study: cannabis, opioids, and mental health
Exploring trends in benzodiazepine-positive fatal drug overdoses in Tennessee, 2019-2021
Overdose detection mapping application program expansion evaluation--a qualitative study
Suspicious places make people suspicious: officers' perceptions of place-based conditions in racialized drug enforcement
Vape gods, vape lords, and fiends: the language of vaping
There goes the neighborhood? The public safety enhancing effects of a mobile harm reduction intervention
Substance use among international college students in the Netherlands: an exploratory study
Regrets, I've had a few: exploring factors associated with getting drunk and regret in an international study of people who drink alcohol
Recreational cannabis legalization and pediatric exposures in Massachusetts, United States
The association between childhood trauma and tobacco smoking in patients with psychosis, unaffected siblings, and healthy controls
The effectiveness of court-mandated compulsory treatment in promoting abstinence among people with substance use disorders in Iran
The hidden impact of alcohol on young victims: an analysis of alcohol-related police offences resulting in hospitalisation
High school athletes' use and knowledge of (safe) nutritional supplement use: an exploratory study
Impacts of Northern Territory banned drinker register on police recorded youth assault
The independent and joint effect of socioeconomic status and multiracial status on the prevalence and frequency of substance use and depression among U.S. adolescents
Drug trafficking problems and approaches to prevention in Armenia: expert opinions
Comparative analysis of the influence of coaches' beliefs on the attitude of athletes to the use of prohibited substances
Association between suicidal ideation and tandem repeats in contactins
Types, predictors, and consequences of medicines related problems (MRPs) in frail older adults admitted to hospital from primary care - a retrospective cohort study
Types and brands of derived psychoactive cannabis products: an online retail assessment, 2023
A suicide case of liquid nicotine intoxication
Substance use screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in urban settings: barriers and facilitators to implementation with minoritized youth
Stigma as a local process: stigma associated with opioid dependency in a rural-mixed Indiana county
A retrospective review of methylamphetamine detected in child deaths reported to the Victorian Coroner, Australia
Recreational substance use among international travellers
Morphine for Gaza? Limits of care during genocidal violence
Recreational and medical cannabis legalization and opioid prescriptions and mortality
The intersection of gender and occupational roles in agriculture: stress, resilience, and alcohol behaviors of US farmers
Lifetime use of alcohol and cannabis among U.S. adolescents across age: exploring differential patterns by sex and race/ethnicity using the 2019 NSDUH data
Does risk-taking or alcohol misuse mediate the association between anger and suicidal ideation in male depression?
Dynamic social network analysis of a brief alcohol intervention trial in heavy-drinking college students shows spillover effects
Development and usability testing of an mHealth tool for trauma-informed prevention of substance use, HIV acquisition, and risky sexual behaviors among adolescents: mixed methods study
Correction to: Driving under the influence of cannabis: impact of combining toxicology testing with field sobriety tests
Concussion symptoms and neurocognitive performance of children and adolescents on antidepressants
Cannabis use among students in grades 8, 10, and 12, by sex - King County, Washington, 2008-2021
Cannabis and driving in older adults
Addressing fear of negative consequences of overdose response: a qualitative study of the perceptions of service industry workers who encounter an opioid overdose in an urban commercial district in Atlanta, Georgia
Acute alcohol intoxication-related metabolic and biochemical disturbances in adolescents: a matched case-control study
Prevalence of anxiety and depression among Lebanese women using oral contraceptives: a cross-sectional study
Predicting first use of heroin from prescription opioid use subtypes: Insights from the Monitoring the Future longitudinal panel
Substance use and associated experiences of intimate partner violence among MSM in Los Angeles, California
Analyzing 14-years of suicide rates in Chile: impact of alcohol policy, domestic violence, and a suicide prevention program
Coastal mortality burden on school holidays 2004-2021: an Australian perspective
Drinking, diversity, and discrimination: campus-level factors that influence students' risk of experiencing sexual assault
Stimulant use and opioid-related harm in patients on long-term opioids for chronic pain
Social influence in the darknet market: the impact of product descriptions on cocaine sales
Characterizing opioid overdose hotspots for place-based overdose prevention and treatment interventions: a geo-spatial analysis of Rhode Island, USA
Placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials of antidepressants for major depressive disorder: analysis of, 2008-2022
Cannabis roots: therapeutic, biotechnological and environmental aspects
Cannabis-associated pneumothorax: a case report
Youth aggression and peer victimization as predictors of adolescent alcohol and marijuana use: a longitudinal analysis of youth with aggressive behavior problems
Women, addictions, mental health, dishonesty, and crime stigma: solutions to reduce the social harms of stigma
Women abused: analysis of assistance provided by urgency mobile service
Urban violence, migration and alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use among transnational students in northern Mexico
Factors associated with delta-8 THC retail availability in Fort Worth, Texas, 2021-2022
Mercury poisoning in a bodybuilder
On the relationship between online heterosexist discrimination and mental health and substance use among LGBTQ+ young adults
Patterns of alcohol use in Hispanic individuals with TBI over the ten years post-injury: a Model Systems study
Stimulant medication and suicide mortality in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Cannabis use in the UK: a quantitative comparison of individual differences in medical and recreational cannabis users
Pregabalin use in forensic hospitals and prisons in German speaking countries-a survey study of physicians
Sex and gender differences in simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: a narrative review
Automated enzymatic hydrolysis of urine samples for improved systematic toxicological analysis of drug-facilitated sexual assault cases
Bad break-up behavior: break-up characteristics, emotional dysregulation, and alcohol use as risk factors for cyber dating abuse among sexual orientation diverse college students
Childhood aggressive behavior and adolescent substance use initiation
Drug driving in Italy. The results of the first roadside drug testing service utilizing on-site confirmatory analysis between 2019 and 2022
The effect of nabiximols on driving ability in adults with chronic tic disorders: results of a substudy analysis of the double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled CANNA-TICS trial
Evaluation of an educational intervention based on theory of planned behavior to reduce suicidal ideation and attempts in drug addicts receiving methadone: a quasi-experimental study
Health-related factors among pilots in aviation accidents
Pediatric popper intoxication: case report of intoxication in a 3-month-old infant
Perceptions and attitudes related to driving after cannabis use in Canadian and US adults
The trend of poisonings before and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Trajectories of homelessness and association with mental health and substance use disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia
Presence of kratom in opioid overdose deaths: findings from coroner postmortem toxicological report
Validation of a method for detecting hospitalizations for falls related to adverse drug reactions in geriatric departments
Adolescent alcohol and cannabis use and early adulthood educational attainment in the 1986 Northern Finland birth cohort study
Alcohol and substance use among the working age population: a nationwide study of fall-related emergency department visits
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with more alcohol problems and less substance-free reinforcement: a behavioral economics daily diary study of college student drinkers
Cannabis approval and perceived risk of use among minority U.S. Army Reservists
Cannabis smoking and storage within the home: a cross-sectional survey of pregnant women and women with young children
Latent class groups of concurrent substance use among adolescents in an urban community: correlates with mental health, access to drugs and alcohol, and risk perception
Metabolic management of accidental intoxication
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and problematic health outcomes among US young adults: a latent class analysis
Providers' experiences and perspectives in treating patients with co-occurring opioid and stimulant use disorders in the hospital
The role of emotion dysregulation in heightened alcohol craving related to posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms
Threat, distract, and discredit: cannabis industry rhetoric to defeat regulation of high THC cannabis products in Washington State, USA
The role of stigma in cannabis use disclosure: an exploratory study
Sexual orientation-based microaggressions and cannabis use outcomes among sexual minority individuals: the impact of negative affect and coping-motivated cannabis use
Subjective intoxication predicts alcohol-related consequences at equivalent alcohol concentrations in young adults using ecological momentary assessment and alcohol sensors
Suicidality emerging from rapid venlafaxine discontinuation: a challenge-dechallenge-rechallenge case report
Perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge of cannabis and its use: a qualitative study among herbal heart study young adult cannabis consumers in south Florida
Nitrous oxide tank cold burn to the forearm: a case study and discussion of the literature
The modern history of alcohol research: introducing the Rutgers Digital Alcohol Studies Archives
How do bystanders help in drinking situations: the bystanders to alcohol risk scale - strategies
Evolving disparities in cannabis use among youth by demographics, tobacco and alcohol use in the US: 2013-2021
Establishing quality and outcome measures for recovery housing: a tiered approach supporting service evolution
Exploring enzymatic hydrolysis of urine samples for investigation of drugs associated with drug-facilitated sexual assault
Risk of motor vehicle collision associated with cannabis and alcohol use among patients presenting for emergency care
A serial mediation model of depression and drinking motives underlying problem drinking among Hispanic college women following rape
Lived experiences of intimate partner violence and help-seeking among wives of persons with alcohol dependence: a thematic analysis
How do drunk-driving events escalate into drunk-driving crashes? An empirical analysis of Beijing from a spatiotemporal perspective
Analysis of nonfatal suicide attempts and demographic characteristics of US military veterans with opioid use disorder: a descriptive VA medical center study
A case of digoxin intoxication caused by short-term massive overdose: case report
Associations among sexual assault history, alcohol use, blackouts, and blackout intentions among college women
Stress and alcohol-related coping mechanisms linking lifetime suicide ideation and attempt to multidimensional quality of life
Prevalence and blood concentrations of benzodiazepines and opioids in opioid-positive death investigations in Ontario, Canada, from 2017 to 2021
Adverse childhood experience-related conditions and substance use in adolescents: a secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data
Life-course accumulated cannabis use and recent cannabis-related problems in the Washington Panel Survey
Acute myocardial infarction among teenagers in the United States between 2016 and 2020: a retrospective analysis from the National Inpatient Sample
Validation of a brief screener for broad-spectrum mental and substance-use disorders in South Africa
Substance use, suicidal thoughts, and psychiatric comorbidities among high school students
Confirming eight-factor structure of the substance use motives measure in a sample of US college students
Geographically specific associations between county-level socioeconomic and household distress and mortality from drug poisoning, suicide, alcohol, and homicide among working-age adults in the United States
Development and validation of the Cheers Attitudes towards Non-drinkers Scale (CANS)
Prevalence of probable substance use disorders among children in Ugandan health facilities
Social media posts from friends during late adolescence as predictors of young adult physical health
Disaster-related deaths with alcohol-related diseases after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident: case series
Driving under the influence of alcohol among road traffic accident patients presenting to a tertiary care centre
Initial evidence of delay discounting's predictive utility for alcohol self-administration in ecologically valid contexts among young adults who drink heavily
Why do only some cohort studies find health benefits from low volume alcohol use? A systematic review and meta-analysis of study characteristics that may bias mortality risk estimates
A systematic review of evidence on integrated management of psychiatric disorders in youth who use cannabis
Trauma-related shame predicts daily non-medical prescription opioid use among individuals with PTSD symptoms
Trends and characteristics of terrorist attacks against nightclub venues over 5 decades
Assessing the labeling information on drugs associated with suicide risk: systematic review
Characterizing opioid withdrawal experiences and consequences among a community sample of people who use opioids
Comparing the performance of World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview Substance Abuse Modulein adolescents to diagnoses made by pediatric addiction medicine specialists
Effects of the Sacramento Neighborhood Alcohol Prevention Project on rates of child abuse and neglect 7 years post-implementation (1999-2010)
Estimating the ratio of fatal to non-fatal overdoses involving all drugs, all opioids, synthetic opioids, heroin or stimulants, USA, 2010-2020
Evaluating distress as a moderator of the relationship between drinking identity and hazardous drinking during the post-college transition
Fire deaths in Cape Town, South Africa: a retrospective review of medico-legal and toxicological findings (2006 - 2018)
Medication safety counseling practices of pediatric primary care clinicians
A systematic review of clozapine for aggression and violence in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
Wastewater-based epidemiology to investigate spatio-temporal trends in alcohol consumption in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Sociodemographic correlates of mental health treatment seeking among college students: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Caffeine poisoning and fatal arrhythmias: a case report
Cannabis use disorder contributes to cognitive dysfunction in Veterans with traumatic brain injury
Compulsive drinking behavior, anger and self-esteem among patients with alcohol dependence syndrome
Couples motivational interviewing with mobile breathalysers to reduce alcohol use in South Africa: a pilot randomised controlled trial of Masibambisane
Danish dog owners' use and the perceived effect of unlicensed cannabis products in dogs
Driving impairment due to psychoactive substances and attention deficit disorder: a pilot study
Exploring patient safety risk in an emergency ward for substance use through a mixed-method analysis
Origin of the first handheld breath alcohol analyzer incorporating an electrochemical sensor
The effect of some adulterants on drug abuse detection by immunoassay test strips
Synthetic cannabinoids users admitted to Menoufia Poisoning and Dependence Control Center
Welcome to television: regulating alcohol marketing on television in australia to protect the health of young people
Supplement usage and doping attitudes in elite youth sports: the mediating role of dietary supplement acceptance
Sweating for sobriety: exploring the relationship between exercise engagement and substance use disorders
Which came first, the cannabis or the depression? [letter]
Why are adolescent cannabis use disorder treatment admissions declining in the US? The mediated pathway of state treatment admissions rates before and after recreational cannabis legalization
Women in acute forensic psychiatric care: comparison of clinical, sociodemographic, and detention-related characteristics in pretrial detention, sentence execution, and court-ordered treatment
The role of perceived parent drinking motives on alcohol use among adolescents with and without childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
A structural vulnerability approach to older adult suicides: trends and potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Clark County, NV (2017-2021)
Substance use disorders among adolescents in the United States: 2000-2019
Polysubstance mortality trends in White and Black Americans during the opioid epidemic, 1999-2018
Partying in Thailand: never testing among MSM who attend sexualized (drug) parties
Parental alcohol communication and student drinking: examining potential differences between underage and legal drinking age students
The intergenerational continuity of alcohol use in a population sample
Methamphetamine-induced psychosis and schizophrenia: a call for special attention
Methamphetamine-induced psychosis and schizophrenia: a call for special attention: response to Zhu et al
Modelling the longer-term health and health inequality impacts of changes in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in England
Notes from the field: cluster of severe illness from Neptune's Fix tianeptine linked to synthetic cannabinoids - New Jersey, June-November 2023
Hazardous drinking in youth with co-occurring PTSD and psychosis symptoms: a network analysis
Historical trauma and polysubstance use in Black young adults: the role of contemporary racism
'I mean, I wouldn't say I was sober': exploring the psychosocial impact of e-scooter injuries and aligning a collaborative public health response
Are polypharmacy side effects predicted by public data still valid in real-world data?
Associations between frequency of exposure to peer-generated alcohol-related posts and alcohol use within a social network of college students
Development and validation of the Perceived Approval of Risky Drinking Inventory in undergraduate students
Distal and proximal risk factors of problematic cannabis use associated with psychotic-like experiences
Elevated drug overdose mortality among Americans who visit Florida, 2003-2020
Evaluating associations between cannabis and heroin use
Food and alcohol disturbance, alcohol use, and negative consequences among college students engaging in binge drinking: a longitudinal examination of between- and within-person effects
Are behavioural risk factors clusters associated with self-reported health complaints? University students in Finland
Association of cannabis use with depression among cancer patients
Trends and disparities in deaths among young persons in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic
Therapeutic effects of anti-diabetic drugs on traumatic brain injury
Cannabis-involvement in emergency department visits for self-harm following medical and non-medical cannabis legalization
Declining teenage drinking: a global phenomenon?
Effects of acute cannabis inhalation on reaction time, decision-making, and memory using a tablet-based application
Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of cannabis use disorder in a veteran cohort enriched for posttraumatic stress disorder
Opinions of French psychiatrists on the regulatory status of cannabis: results from the "PsyCan - Encéphale" national online survey
Longitudinal stability of reward and relief drinking phenotypes in community and treatment-seeking individuals who engage in heavy drinking
Youth exposure to recreational cannabis legalization: moderation of effects by sex and parental cannabis use during adolescence
Why do drinkers earn more? Job characteristics as a possible link
Preference for hotline versus mobile application/countdown-based mobile overdose response services: a qualitative study
Reevaluating the "deaths of despair" narrative: racial/ethnic heterogeneity in the trend of psychological distress-related death
Mortal systemic exclusion yielded steep mortality-rate increases in people experiencing homelessness, 2011-20
Adolescent substance use disorders
A comparison of advertised versus actual cannabidiol (CBD) content of oils, aqueous tinctures, e-liquids and drinks purchased in the UK
An overview on the hallucinogenic peyote and its alkaloid mescaline: the importance of context, ceremony and culture
Impaired control (both attempts to control drinking and failed control) as prospective predictors of negative outcomes among young adults who drink heavily
Exploring the role of fear of missing out in coping and risk-taking among alcohol use disorder and general young adult populations
Higher rates of homelessness are associated with increases in mortality from accidental drug and alcohol poisonings
Alcoholic beverage types consumed by population subgroups in the United States: implications for alcohol policy to address health disparities
Analytical techniques for screening of cannabis and derivatives from human hair specimens
Approaches and reporting of alcohol and other drug testing for injured patients in hospital-based studies: a systematic review
"When people who use drugs can't differentiate between medical care and cops, it's a problem." Compounding risks of law Enforcement Harassment & Punitive Healthcare Policies
Police-identified psychological distress, substance use, and physical violence among male intimate partner stalkers
Developing herbal antidote or method of combact poisoning
Counterfeit medicines: relevance, consequences and strategies to combat the global crisis
Effect of prescriber notifications of patient's fatal overdose on opioid prescribing at 4 to 12 months: a randomized clinical trial
Naloxone education and receipt of kit during the perinatal period
Opportunities for clinicians and health systems to address disparities in US drug overdose deaths by race and ethnicity--reply
QTc intervals in drug poisoning patients with tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
QTc intervals in drug poisoning patients with tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: Erratum
A statistical overview of death due to alcohol poisoning in the Rajshahi Region
Violence exposure, mental distress, substance use behaviors, and overdose experiences among people who inject drugs
Understanding the differential effect of local socio-economic conditions on the relation between prescription opioid supply and drug overdose deaths in US counties
The state school mental health profile: findings from 25 states
Substance use patterns in an adolescent psychiatric unit in Johannesburg, South Africa
Systematic review of financial interventions for adults experiencing behavioral health conditions
Sexual consent, alcohol use, and Greek membership: testing measurement invariance and group mean differences of two sexual consent measures
Prevalence and factors associated with risky sexual behavior among Brazilian school adolescents
Alcohol use and abstinence throughout adolescence: the changing contributions of perceived risk of drinking, opportunities to drink, and self-control
Allopathic medicine practitioners' experiences with non-disclosure of traditional medicine use
Can drinking companions accurately and reliably report on visible signs of alcohol intoxication among bar patrons? Issues in dram shop witness testimony
Child passenger deaths in traffic crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers: 2011-2020
Characteristics of incident substance-induced psychosis compared to first-episode psychotic disorders: a nationwide register-linkage study from Sweden
Comparison of administration of 8-milligram and 4-milligram intranasal naloxone by law enforcement during response to suspected opioid overdose - New York, March 2022-August 2023
Dangers of chemsex: an autopsy case report
The effect of cannabis use on depression
Feasibility of implementing a screening tool for risk of opioid misuse in a trauma surgical population
National and regional trends in seizures of shrooms (psilocybin) in the United States, 2017-2022
Origin of the first handheld breath alcohol analyzer incorporating an electrochemical sensor
Pain medication misuse in the South African spinal cord injury context
Morning cannabis use in young adults: Associations with overall levels of use, negative consequences, and cannabis use disorder symptoms across 2.5 years
Is this safe? Examining safety assessments of illicit drug purchasing on social media using conjoint analysis
Gabapentinoids in Ireland 2010 to 2020: An observational study of trends in gabapentinoid prescribing, law enforcement drug seizures and postmortem toxicology
High-dose benzodiazepine use and QTc interval prolongation, a latent class analysis study
How much THC is in that joint? A daily diary study of young adults' knowledge of the cannabinoid content of cannabis products
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-harm attempts observed in a hospital emergency department
Serious and life-threatening events associated with non-medical cannabis use in Canadian children and youth
Prescribed safer opioid supply: a scoping review of the evidence
Prototyping the implementation of a suicide prevention protocol in primary care settings using PDSA cycles: a mixed method study
Lifetime non-fatal overdose experiences among at-risk adolescents and young adults in the emergency department with past-year opioid use in the USA
Overdosing in a motor vehicle: examination of human, geographic, and environmental factors
Intracerebral hemorrhage in methanol toxicity patients during COVID-19 pandemic: case report and review of literature
Exploring death scenes and circumstances in fatal opioid poisonings: insights for preventive strategies using forensic autopsy cases in Western Denmark
Dubowski's stages of alcohol influence and clinical signs and symptoms of drunkenness in relation to a person's blood-alcohol concentration - historical background
Estimated effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of opioid use disorder treatment under proposed U.S. regulatory relaxations: a model-based analysis
Examination of factors related to problem drinking among the working population: the Japanese Civil Servants' Study
Examining attributes of retailers that influence where cannabis is purchased: a discrete choice experiment
Characteristics of alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use among persons aged 13-18 years being assessed for substance use disorder treatment -United States, 2014-2022
Aggressive behaviours associated with MDMA and psychedelics: a narrative review
Relationships between alcohol policies and infant morbidities and injuries
Public opinion on the expenditure of adult-use cannabis tax revenue: evidence from New Jersey
Trajectories of alcohol and cannabis use among emerging adults with a history of unstable housing: associations with functioning over a two-year period
Screening for light personalities in Portugal: a cross-cultural validation of the light triad scale with an at-risk-of-delinquency sample
Investigation of the prevalence and factors influencing tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents in Nigeria: a systematic literature review
Using publicly available data to predict recreational cannabis legalization at the county-level: a machine learning approach
Prosecuting overdose: an exploratory study of prosecutorial motivations for drug-induced homicide prosecutions in North Carolina
The consequences of friend-related stress across early adolescence
Sexual minority youth's mental health and substance use: the roles of victimization, cybervictimization, and non-parental adult support
Public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland: the ExILEnS mixed-method, natural experiment evaluation
Impact of acute alcohol consumption on sexuality: a look at psychological mechanisms
Characteristics, toxicology and major organ pathology of deaths due to acute alcohol toxicity in Australia, 2011-2022
The protective role of valuing cultural activities on cannabis use in reserve-dwelling First Nation youth
Prevalence, knowledge, causes, and practices of self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional survey
A new neural diathesis-stress model of cannabis addiction based on the diurnal cortisol pattern and childhood maltreatment in users
Predicting violence in female forensic inpatients with substance use disorders - the utility of a gender-responsive assessment
The importance of individual characteristics on bicycle performance during alcohol intoxication
Derived psychoactive cannabis products and 4/20 specials: An assessment of popular brands and retail price discounts in Fort Worth, Texas, 2023
Evaluation of Global Dystonia Rating Scale as a predictor of unfavorable outcomes among acute antipsychotics poisoned patients
An evaluation of first responders' intention to refer to post-overdose services following SHIELD training
What does a systematic review of cannabis and PTSD tell us? That we need to learn more
Relationship between sexual abuse and substance use among students from Caribbean Colombian
Substance use and type of road traffic injury in Mexico City
Suicide rates and prescription of antidepressants
A systematic review of the clinical effects of cannabis and cannabinoids in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and symptom clusters
Unveiling the road to safety: understanding the factors influencing motorcycle accidents among riders in rural Chiang Mai, Thailand
Hit-and-run or hit-and-stay? Unintended effects of a stricter BAC limit
The dangers of "chasing the dragon": a fatal case of heroin-induced leukoencephalopathy
Routes of drug use among drug overdose deaths - United States, 2020-2022
Alcohol use, alcohol use disorder and heavy episodic drinking in the Eastern Mediterranean region: a systematic review
Willingness to reduce alcohol consumption predicted by short-form video exposure, media involvement, psychological bias, and cognitive factor
Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence, and improve educational attainment: a systematic review
Theory of Planned Behavior and alcohol use in adolescents in Ecuador. structural linear regression analysis
Social and economic determinants of drug overdose deaths: a systematic review of spatial relationships
Prospective associations between adolescent risky substance use and school dropout and the role of externalising and internalising problems
Associations between different forms of intimate partner violence and posttraumatic stress among women who use drugs and alcohol in Kyrgyzstan
Patterns of cannabis use, perception of harm, and perceived impact of legislative change in an online sample of young adults from Lebanon: insight on recreational users versus dual motive users
Patterns of filled prescriptions and the association with risk of drug-induced death. a population-based nested case-control register study
Correction: Intimate partner violence and its associations among HIV-infected MSM with new drug abuse in Jinan, China
Daily associations between resilience factors, substance use, and affect among sexual minority youth
Increasing support for the prevention of adverse childhood experiences and substance use: implementation of narrative change strategies in local health departments
Depression mediates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and risky drinking among Hispanic young adults
The effect of statins on falls and physical activity in people aged 65 and older: a systematic review
Examining the role of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in intimate partner violence among couples with alcohol use disorder
Examining interactions between polygenic scores and interpersonal trauma exposure on alcohol consumption and use disorder in an ancestrally diverse college cohort
World Health Organization risk drinking levels among mandated college students: associations with alcohol use, mental health, and academic performance
Neurocognitive impact of exposure to cannabis concentrates and cannabinoids including vaping in children and adolescents: a systematic review
Linking crash and breathalyzer data in Connecticut
An improved Simon reaction method to discriminate between methamphetamine and false-positive substances
Growing attention on the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicine: a bibliometric analysis from 2013 to 2022
Evolutionary conservation of putative suicidality-related risk genes that produce diminished motivation corrected by clozapine, lithium and antidepressants
Efficacy and safety of ketamine and esketamine for unipolar and bipolar depression: an overview of systematic reviews with meta-analysis
Critical misconceptions and knowledge gaps regarding alcohol cessation and risk of relapse in alcohol-related liver disease patients: a qualitative mental models study
Associations of childhood poly-adversity with alcohol problems among undergraduates: adolescent alcohol use trajectories and drinker self-schema
Adolescent social isolation increases binge-like alcohol drinking in male but not female high-alcohol-preferring mice
The war on drugs is a war on us: young people who use drugs and the fight for harm reduction in the Global South
A two-year examination of intimate partner violence and associated mental and physical health among sexual minority and heterosexual women veterans
Trends and factors associated with illicit drug use in South Africa: findings from multiple national population-based household surveys, 2002-2017
Toxicovigilance 2.0 - modern approaches for the hazard identification and risk assessment of toxicants in human beings: A review
Relative effects of intimate partner violence subtypes on opioid misuse
The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of non-suicidal overdose: Retrospective study
The prevalence of alcohol references in music and their effect on people's drinking behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Opioids and youth athletes
Mental telehealth utilization patterns among high school students from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds affected by violence and substance use
Cannabis advertising impacts on youth cannabis use intentions following recreational legalization in Canada: an Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) study
Age at first drink and its influence on alcohol use behaviours in young adulthood: evidence from an Australian household-based panel study
Validation of a fast LC-PDA method for the quantification of cannabinoids in commercial tea samples
The contribution of childhood maltreatment to the incidence of heavy cannabis use in Iran (IRNS-CCI): A multicenter, matched-pairs, nested, case-control study
A case series of substance abuse among urban slum population during the COVID 19 pandemic
Recovering safety: a pilot study of a women's empowerment group for survivors of intimate partner violence with substance use disorders
War, forced displacement, and alcohol abuse: experiences and perceptions of war-affected south Sudanese refugee youth living in Bidibidi refugee settlement in northern Uganda
Victims of drug facilitated sexual assault aged 13-24: a cross sectional study on the pool of users of a sexual violence relief centre in Northern Italy
Sedative drug prescription patterns in Danish adults from 2002 through 2021. a register-based cohort study
Prospective associations of psychedelic treatment for co-occurring alcohol misuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms among United States Special Operations Forces Veterans
Longitudinal examination of alcohol demand and alcohol-related reinforcement as predictors of heavy drinking and adverse alcohol consequences in emerging adults
Exploring ecosocial contexts of alcohol use and misuse during the COVID-19 pandemic among urban refugee youth in Kampala, Uganda: multi-method findings
Denial, attention-seeking, and posting online while intoxicated: three key predictors of collegiate sadfishing
The demonstrated association: cannabis use and onset of psychosis in the study by Medeiros et al., refuting the reverse notion
Age-related risk of serious fall events and opioid analgesic use
Risk-taking behaviour: the role of dark triad traits, impulsivity, sensation seeking and adverse childhood experience
A systematic review of interventions that impact alcohol and other drug-related harms in licensed entertainment settings and outdoor music festivals
Health warning labels on cannabis products. What is the best design?
Poisoning in children and adolescents in Kermanshah city, Iran
Old age and fire injury
Cannabis use in teenage years: results of the prevention radar from 2016 to 2023
Acute medication poisoning
Associations between simultaneous use of alcohol and cannabis and cannabis-related problems in 2014-2016: evidence from the Washington panel survey
Unrelenting growth and diversification: using the health and retirement study to illuminate cannabis use among aging Americans
Responding to 'wicked problems': policy and governance on drug-related deaths in English and Welsh prisons, 2015-2021
Longitudinal associations between adult-supervised drinking during adolescence and alcohol misuse from ages 25-31 years: a comparison of Australia and the United States
Individual differences in legal and illicit cannabis purchasing behaviour in British Columbia, Canada: findings from a 2021 cross-sectional survey
Brexpiprazole attenuates aggression, suicidality and substance use in borderline personality disorder: a case series
Cold burn injuries in the United Kingdom: retain--a 5-year cohort study of patients presenting to a regional burn unit
Drug poisoning deaths by occupation and drug type, Massachusetts 2010-2019
Drug use and the constitution of homo politicus in Swedish politics 1966-1979
Ethanol binge drinking exposure during adolescence displays long-lasting motor dysfunction related to cerebellar neurostructural damage even after long-term withdrawal in female Wistar rats
Examination of social worlds of risky drinking. Insights from Twitter data analysis
Exploring the self-reported physical and psychological effects in a population exposed to a regional conflict
Work-related and non-work-related mild traumatic brain injury: associations with mental health and substance use challenges in a Canadian population-level survey
"They either leave you or they get involved in it": Familial factors influencing drug use amongst Appalachian people
Recreational marijuana legalization and workplace injuries among younger workers
Psychotropic medication use among adolescents participating in three randomized trials of DBT
Learning with conviction: exploring the relationship between criminal legal system involvement and substance use and recovery outcomes for students in collegiate recovery programs
The impact of an unsanctioned compassion club on non-fatal overdose
High levels of all-cause mortality among people who inject drugs from 2018 to 2022
AI, doping and ethics: on why increasing the effectiveness of detecting doping fraud in sport may be morally wrong
Alcohol use disorder and time perception: The mediating role of attention and working memory
Associations between cannabis policies and state-level specialty cannabis use disorder treatment in the United States, 2004-2019
Cannabis and children: risk mitigation strategies for edibles
Neurogenetic and multi-omic sources of overlap among sensation seeking, alcohol consumption, and alcohol use disorder
Waterpipe vs non-waterpipe carbon monoxide poisoning: comparison of patient characteristics, clinical presentation and outcomes
Reported xylazine exposure highly associated with overdose outcomes in a rapid community assessment among people who inject drugs in Baltimore
Effect of cannabis legalization in Canada on the incidence of psychosis consultations in Quebec City's psychiatric emergency services
Effects of strength of relationship ties in recovery homes: a conundrum
How do gain-loss frames and cultural arguments persuade? Designing effective messages to weaken college students' binge-drinking intentions
Alcohol's role in sexual decision making in first-year college women: an event-level assessment
Gabapentin in drugged driving investigations
Intensive care management of phenytoin intoxication in a patient with iatrogenic overdose combined with glycol
Rise in deaths from firearm injury and drug overdose during COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on organ donation in the United States
Risks of opioid overdose among New York State Medicaid recipients with chronic pain before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
The role of forensic autopsy in pursuit of material truth in optical evidence for negative legal proof in the cyanide coffee murder case
Analysis of home-made cannabis edibles by UHPLC-HRMS after standard addition method
The effect of conflict-related violence intensity and alcohol use on mental health: the case of Colombia
Use of tobacco products and suicide attempts among elementary school-aged children
Pain intensity, pain-related anxiety, and hazardous drinking among individuals with PTSD
Prevalence of suicide attempt and associations with deliberate self-harm, mental health problems, drug misuse and traumatic experiences - a cross sectional survey of the Norwegian population
Psychiatric risk factors and burn severity in self-immolation
Psychotropic medication prescriptions and large California wildfires
Epidemiological aspects of opioid poisoning in northern Iran: a registry-based clinical study
Psychosocial factors associated with alcohol use among nurses: an integrative review
The acute effects of cannabis, with and without cannabidiol, on attentional bias to cannabis related cues: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study
Association between cannabis use and subjective cognitive decline: findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Associations of intimate partner violence and drug use on viral suppression among women living with HIV in south Florida: a secondary analysis
Beyond the laws: parental monitoring, perceived acceptability of underage drinking and alcohol use among Belgian youth
Cannabis-related disorders and toxic effects
Classification of traumatic life events and substance use among persons admitted to inpatient psychiatry in Ontario, Canada
Correction to "Chemical composition of commercial cannabis"
Drinking and mental health in middle adulthood: exploring the impact of wellbeing, mental health literacy, and drinking motives on risk of alcohol dependence
Exposure to ammonia solution due to substance use: a retrospective study from the French poison centres database (2009-2018)
Towards a framework of driver fitness: operationalization and comparative risk assessment
Short-term outcomes of prehospital opioid pain management for older adults with fall-related injury
Recent advances in the development of portable technologies and commercial products to detect Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in biofluids: a systematic review
Historical trends in cannabis use among U.S. adults aged 19-55, 2013-2021
Psilocybin exposures reported to US poison centers: national trends over a decade
New autophagy-modulating lanostane-type triterpenoids from a hallucinogenic poisonous mushroom Gymnopilus orientispectabilis
Off-road vehicle crashes: dangers of alcohol and drug impairment
"When a man drinks alcohol it's cool but when a woman drinks she is a hoe": a qualitative exploration of alcohol, gender, stigma, and sexual assault in Moshi, Tanzania
Substance use and recidivism of intimate partner violence in Peru: a cross-sectional study
Recommendations for effective collaboration and capacity building in epidemiological studies on the effect of alcohol and drug use on traffic safety in low- and middle-income countries
Risk of fall or fracture with concomitant use of prescription opioids and other medications in osteoarthritis patients
Sensitivity to the initial rewarding effects of alcohol: influence of age, sex, and β-endorphin
The PIRATE mnemonic: providing a structured approach in the care for intoxicated patients at the emergency department
Perceived parental alcohol problems and drinking patterns among adolescents in Sweden
Modeling the structural relationships between trauma exposure with substance use tendency, depression symptoms, and suicidal thoughts in individuals with earthquake trauma experience: the mediatory role of peritraumatic dissociation and experiential avoidance
Incapacitated and/or forcible rape experience predicting college women's rape victim empathy
Factors associated with psychotic and depressive symptoms in methamphetamine users
Hexahydrocannabinol poisoning reported to French poison centres
Difficulties with emotion regulation within PTSD clusters and moral injury subtypes
Deaths from excessive alcohol use - United States, 2016-2021
Association between social media use and substance use among middle and high school-aged youth
Off-label prescribing of psychotropics in a psychiatric patient population in Australia
Evaluation of knowledge and attitude toward substances of abuse and reasons for taking psychoactive substances among patients abusing illicit substances
Substance use disorder and lifetime suicidal behaviour: a scoping review
Substance addictions and suicidal thoughts and behaviors: evidence from a multi-wave epidemiological study
"They start on the zero-alcohol and they wanna try the real thing": parents' views on zero-alcohol beverages and their use by adolescents
Persistent opioid use following pediatric nonfatal firearm injury
Recent anti-infective exposure as a risk factor for first episode of suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors in pediatric patients
Injury-severity analysis of crashes involving defective vehicles and accounting for the underlying socioeconomic mediators
Access to an educational video preoperatively has no effect on postoperative opioid use after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy of the knee: a prospective cohort study
Analysis of physical activity and prescription opioid use among US adults: a cross-sectional study
Self-reported knowledge of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol concentration in cannabis products among cancer patients and survivors
A case of lethal suicidal intoxication with propafenone and diazepam
Perceived neighbourhood disorder, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Chile
Prevalence and factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol in Brazil
Do subjective effects from alcohol and cannabis predict simultaneous use during a decision-making task?
Exposure to potentially lethal weapons and drugs among U.S. adolescents with recent depressive symptoms or suicidality in the Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey
Gender identity and mental health symptom severity among adolescents admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital
Volatile drug use and overdose during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Acetaminophen overdose: analysis of 2018 US nationwide emergency database
CBD products: labeling accuracy of an obscure niche market
Changes in restless sleep, self-control, and alcohol-related problems with police from late adolescence to adulthood
Examining the role of alcohol and cannabis use patterns in bystander opportunity and behavior for sexual and relationship aggression
Frostbite injuries from recreational nitrous oxide use
Medics convicted of homicide justified ketamine use with ExDS diagnosis
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use among the elderly in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) cohort study
Protocol for creating a dataset of U.S. state alcohol-related firearm laws 2000-2022
Joint trajectories of bullying victimization and sexual harassment victimization as predictors of adolescent alcohol use
Variation by race/ethnicity-gender in the relationship between arrest history and alcohol use
A pilot study to explore the effect of long acting injectable antipsychotics on aggression
Risk and promotive factors related to cannabis use among American Indian adolescents
Analysis of primary-party traffic accident rates per driver in Japan from 1995 to 2015: do older drivers cause more accidents?
Association between non-medical cannabis legalization and alcohol sales: quasi-experimental evidence from Canada
Behavioral economic and wellness-based approaches for reducing alcohol use and consequences among diverse non-student emerging adults: study protocol for Project BLUE, a randomized controlled trial
A daily-level examination of willingness to pregame, blackout, and hook up across drinking days: associations with respective behavioral outcomes among adolescents and young adults
Development of a risk estimation model for condomless sex among college students in Zhuhai, China: a cross-sectional study
Dopaminergic remodeling during a critical developmental window: linking drug use to adult aggression
Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with sertraline on cognitive level, inflammatory response and neurological function in depressive disorder patients with non-suicidal self-injury behavior
Establishing motivational profiles to drink among college students: converging patterns using multiple theories of alcohol use
Emotional reactivity linking assaultive trauma and risky behavior: evidence of differences between cisgender women and men
Illicit drug abuse and complexity of tibial shaft fracture based on AO/OTA classification: is there any connection?
Young people's alcohol use in and around water: a scoping review of the literature
Unmet need for medication for opioid use disorder among persons who inject drugs in 23 U.S. cities
Shedding light on the hidden methamphetamine abuse: a nation-wide 7-year post-mortem study in Taiwan
Prevalence and factors associated with polydrug use among clients seeking treatment for alcohol misuse
Prediction of acute methanol poisoning prognosis using machine learning techniques
Perception and correlates of opioid overdose risk among overdose survivors who use nonprescribed opioids in San Francisco and Boston
Intoxication and Glasgow coma scale scores in patients with head trauma
Evaluation of sleep behavior and the use of sleep aids among adults living in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study
Adolescent Δ8-THC and marijuana use in the US
Alcohol Consumption Questionnaire: Scale development in a sample of Mexican American young adults and association with ADH7
Architecture and development framework for a web-based risk assessment and management platform developed on WordPress to address opioid overdose
The association between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an umbrella review of systematic reviews using lifetime abstainers or low-volume drinkers as a reference group
Association of cannabis with apneic episodes in a breastfed infant: a case study
A case of anaphylactic shock due to levofloxacin eye drops confirmed by a prick test
Circumventing Iran's prohibition of alcoholic beverages through black markets: a deadly issue that needs to change policies
Drinking behavior patterns may be associated with persistent depressive symptoms after alcohol abstinence in alcohol use disorder
Adolescent psychedelic use and psychotic or manic symptoms
Association between drinking behaviors, sleep duration, and depressive symptoms
Trends of alcohol-attributable deaths in Lithuania 2001-2021: epidemiology and policy conclusions
Sowing the seeds of recovery: a qualitative study of women in recovery from addiction and victimization
Suicide in the elderly - a prevalent phenomenon with low societal awareness
The role of depression and use of alcohol and other drugs after partner suicide in the association between suicide bereavement and suicide: cohort study in the Danish population
Sex-specific association of alcohol use disorder with suicide mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prevalence and predictors of lifetime amphetamine use among in-school adolescents in Sierra Leone
Psychoactive substance consumption after the Fundão dam mine tailing disaster in Minas Gerais State, Brazil
The public health challenge of Δ8-THC and derived psychoactive cannabis products [editorial]
Patterns and predictors of alcohol misuse trajectories from adolescence through early midlife
Correction to: Factors related to increased alcohol misuse by students compared to non-students during the first Covid-19 lockdown in France: the confins study
Can we predict adolescent cannabis use? A Bayesian semi-parametric approach to project future trends
Association of depression and antidepressant use with driving behaviors in older adults: a LongROAD study
A network analysis of early trauma and impulsive behavior in individuals with mono- and poly-dependence of alcohol and crack cocaine
Identifying and validating alcohol diagnostics for injury-related trauma in South Africa: protocol for a mixed methods study
Evaluation of the urine drug abuse screening tests
Blood alcohol content assessment in drowning: case report and review of literature
Effects of childhood trauma and alcoholism history on neuropsychological performance in adults with HIV infection: an initial study
Unravelling the risk of poisoning from nicotine-containing tobacco products in children less than five years of age
Sudden death due to butane abuse - an overview
Suicide, stimulants, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a retrospective chart review
Alcohol use among children and adolescents with chronic pain. scoping review
Barriers to opioid use disorder treatment among people who use drugs in the rural United States: a qualitative, multi-site study
Research report: a link between sertraline treatment and susceptibility to (mis)information
A mixed methods analysis of youth mental health intervention feasibility and acceptability in a North American city: perspectives from Seattle, Washington
Latent class analysis of health behaviors, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors among Korean adolescents
Changes in six categories of alcohol-attributable mortality from before to during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic
The effectiveness of regulations preventing alcohol-related road traffic crashes and fatalities in the European Union countries
Assessing a medication safety and disposal educational program using the health belief model
Prevalence and perceptions of illicit substance use amongst medical students
The effectiveness of prison for reducing drug offender recidivism: a regression discontinuity analysis
Adverse drug reactions from adrenaline auto-injectors: data from the French poison control centres
Alcohol-related non-fatal motor vehicle crash injury in the US from 2019 to 2022
Antidepressants and suicide-more benefit than harm
The association between physical availability of cannabis retail outlets and frequent cannabis use and related health harms: a systematic review
Association between prolonged stress caused by COVID-19 pandemic and earthquakes and quality of life, anxiety, depression, psychoactive substances, and problematic alcohol use in adult Croatian population
Burden of alcohol and other substance use and correlates among undergraduate students at Busitema University in rural Eastern Uganda after COVID-19 lockdown
Cannabis use and cannabis use disorders and their treatment in the Europe
Changes in substance use among adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Guatemala
Recidivism among juveniles in a multi-component gang reentry program: findings from a program evaluation in Harris County, Texas
Identifying brief intervention factors to improve cannabis related outcomes in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review of sample characteristics and intervention components
Opioid-related overdose deaths in Maryland (2018), by industry and occupation
A randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind, crossover trial on the effect of a 20:1 cannabidiol: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol medical cannabis product on neurocognition, attention, and mood
"It gets you high as a kite but not unsick": characterizations of and responses to a changing local drug supply by people who use drugs in Rhode Island
Infant exposure to drugs of abuse investigated by hair analysis
Radical hospitality: innovative programming to build community and meet the needs of people who use drugs at a government-sanctioned overdose prevention site in San Francisco, California
Alcohol industry-sponsored music festivals, alcohol marketing and drinking practices among young Nigerians: implications for policy
Attitudes toward extended-release naltrexone treatment for opioid use disorder among African Americans
Untargeted metabolomics for lifestyle biomarker discovery in human hair
Risk of suicide attempts and intentional self-harm on alprazolam
From context to perception to behavior: predicting delinquency with the parental support-perceived parental competence cross-lag
Interplay between parental knowledge and adolescent inebriation, and their links to parent-child relationships over time
National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network meeting report: managing patients exposed to xylazine-adulterated opioids in emergency, hospital and addiction care settings
Predicting alcohol relapse post-detoxification: the role of cognitive impairments in alcohol use disorder patients
Risk and protective factors for early dropout from telephone monitoring for individuals with drug convictions in community mental health centers in Japan
Measurement of cigarette relighting: a common but understudied behavior
Adult use cannabis legalization and cannabis use disorder treatment in California, 2010-2021
Does the worst of both worlds effect run through cognition? Testing perceived peer delinquency/drug use and moral neutralization as mediating mechanisms
Cyberbullying roles and the use of psychoactive substances: a systematic review
Muslim religiosity and juvenile delinquency: a systematic review
The association between cocaine product use and violence outcomes in Brazil: a comprehensive, systematized review
Discrimination, drinking to cope, protective behavioral strategies, and alcohol-related consequences among university students
The effect of opioid use on traffic fatalities
Effects of kratom on driving: results from a cross-sectional survey, ecological momentary assessment, and pilot simulated driving study
False-positive rate for suspected drug-related deaths following full autopsy
Gender and drug use discrimination among people who inject drugs: an intersectional approach using the COSINUS cohort
Impact of early-life adversity on cannabis use: exploring the mediating and moderating effects of chronic pain
Insights into skullcap herb-induced liver injury
A meta-analysis on the relationship between media with violence and aggression in Iranian sports
Methanol intoxication in the central region of Saudi Arabia: five case studies
Rapid identification of suspected drug overdose deaths by death investigators, New Jersey, 2020
Probe electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for the detection and quantification of benzodiazepines
Sex differences and driving impairment related to psychoactive substances
Associations between hair-derived cannabinoid levels, self-reported use, and cannabis-related problems
Binge drinking in early adolescence : results of the "Präventionsradar" from 2016 to 2023
Self-medication cases reported to a poison information center in Brazil from 2014 to 2020
US exceptionalism? International trends in midlife mortality
Potential dextromethorphan-induced serotonin syndrome leading to homicide and suicide
Predictors for prolonged QT intervals in acute antipsychotic poisoned patients
Experiences of physical healthcare services in Māori and non-Māori with mental health and substance use conditions
Cannabis use, health problems, and criminal offences in Germany: national and state-level trends between 2009 and 2021
Cannabis withdrawal and manic episodes: three cases of an unknown trigger for bipolar disorder
Carbon monoxide poisoning from charcoal-heated hookah vs electrically heated hookah
Childhood sexual abuse and suicide attempts in patients with substance use disorders: the mediating role of emotion dysregulation
Developing a text messaging intervention to prevent binge and heavy drinking in a military population: mixed methods development study
Differentiating action from inaction: longitudinal relations among impulsive personality traits, internalizing symptoms, and drinking behavior
The effectiveness of electronic screening and brief intervention for alcohol-related maxillofacial trauma: a randomized controlled trial
Histories of violence among clients seeking substance use disorder treatment: a systematic mapping review
Trends in purchasing cross-border, illicit and home-brewed alcohol: a population study in Great Britain, 2020-2023
The intersections between sexual orientation, Latine ethnicity, social determinants of health, and lifetime suicide attempts in a sample being assessed for entry to co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder treatment
Methamphetamine intoxication and suicidal ideation/behavior in the emergency department
Effects of a smoke-free policy on healthcare staff attitudes and aggression in psychiatry
Differentiating the association between age of alcohol use initiation and conditional suicidal behaviors among adolescents
Association of disability status and type with binge drinking and prescription opioid misuse among adults from a 3-state sample
Depressive and anxiety symptoms predict obsessive and compulsive cravings among depressed alcoholics
Exploring the major triggers of seizures due to drug overdose and their corresponding countermeasures
A within-person examination of alcohol involved and non-alcohol involved internal and external sexual consent communication
When do drugs trigger criminal behavior? A machine learning analysis of offenders and non-offenders with schizophrenia and comorbid substance use disorder
Predictors of receiving mental health services in trauma patients with positive drug screen
Order of cannabis and alcohol use on pregaming and non-pregaming days among college students
Event-level drinking intentions, social drinking contexts, and motives affect alcohol consumption among same-sex female couples
Giving voice to women with substance use disorder: findings from expressive writing about trauma
Adults' understandings and experiences of the capacity to consent to substance-involved sexual activity
Analysis of rising cases of adolescent opioid use presentations to the emergency department and their management
Differences in resting-state brain activity in first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder patients with and without suicidal ideation
"Deaths of despair" over the business cycle: new estimates from a shift-share instrumental variables approach
Systematic web monitoring of drug test subversion strategies in the United States
How have cannabis use and related indicators changed since legalization of cannabis for non-medical purposes? Results of the Canadian Cannabis Survey 2018-2022
'It has gotten a lot better, but it is still bad': experiences with the police among marginalized PWUDs in a context of depenalization
Latent profile analysis of college students' alcohol and cannabis co-use patterns after recreational cannabis legalization
Maltreatment, resilience, and sexual relationship power in a sample of justice-involved women with opioid use disorder
Massive intracerebral hemorrhage following methamphetamine poisoning in a man: a case report
The silent survivor: a cross-sectional study of domestic violence, perceived stress, coping strategies, and suicidal risk in the wives of patients with alcohol use disorder
Distal factors of suicidal behavior among patients with substance use disorder: a comparative study
Trends in opioid toxicities among people with and without opioid use disorder and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: a population-based analysis
Acceptability and anticipated effectiveness of a safe supply of opioids, among people who inject opioids in King County, WA
Determinants of substance use among young people attending primary health centers in India
Emerging global trends and development in forensic toxicology: a review
Forensic analysis of illicit liquors in Himachal Pradesh: assessing toxicity and composition for public health safety
Unveiling the surge: a comprehensive analysis of E-scooter-related injuries at an urban level 1 trauma center in Vilnius, Lithuania (2018-2021)
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl use among individuals in the U.S., 2022
Improving substance use disorder treatment training in medical school
Correction to: Amanita mushroom toxin poisoning in Los Angeles County
Trends in substance-related visits among youth to US children's hospitals, 2016-2021: an analysis of the Pediatric Health Information System Database
Telehealth and delivery of alcohol use disorder treatment in the Veterans Health Administration
Subjective and objective assessments of executive functions are independently predictive of aggressive tendencies in patients with substance use disorder
Safety or efficiency? Estimating crossing motivations of intoxicated pedestrians by leveraging the inverse reinforcement learning
Prenatal opioid use as a predictor of postpartum suicide attempts among reproductive-age women enrolled in Oregon Medicaid
Investigating the safety profiles of exogenous melatonin and associated adverse events: a pharmacovigilance study using WHO-VigiBase
Has the rescheduling of modified-release paracetamol in Australia affected the frequency of overdoses?
Family history of substance problems among African Americans: associations with drug use, drug use disorder, and prescription drug misuse
Clinical analysis of acute poisoning in children
Computer-facilitated screening and brief intervention for alcohol use risk in adolescent patients of pediatric primary care offices: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Acute high-output heart failure with pulmonary hypertension and severe liver injury caused by amlodipine poisoning: a case report
Alcohol use and Moffitt's maturity gap thesis for adolescent offending: an evolutionary perspective and analysis
Behavioural mental health interventions delivered in the emergency department for suicide, overdose and psychosis: a scoping review
Alcohol policy changes during the first three-months of the COVID-19 pandemic: development and application of a classification scheme
Determining the manner of death in victims in drug-induced psychosis: a case of an atypical head stab wound
State licenses for medical marijuana dispensaries: neighborhood-level determinants of applicant quality in Missouri
Cannabis use and its impact on mental health in youth in Australia and the United States: a scoping review
The decrease in alcohol consumption and suicide rate during the COVID-19 pandemic and their association
Digital alcohol interventions could be part of the societal response to harmful consumption, but we know little about their long-term costs and health outcomes
Effectiveness of the Minder mobile mental health and substance use intervention for university students: randomized controlled trial
I can't believe I missed that! How the fear of missing out impacts on alcohol behaviours
Injury patterns of electric-scooter related trauma: a systematic review with proportion meta-analysis
Metabolic consequences of anabolic steroids, insulin, and growth hormone abuse in recreational bodybuilders: implications for the World Anti-Doping Agency Passport
Pain in alcohol use disorder: evaluating effects of childhood trauma, perceived stress, and psychological comorbidity
To do more and better regarding Portugal's alcohol consumption, a social change is needed
Addressing substance use: National Suicide Prevention Strategy of India from an addiction psychiatry perspective
The burden of prenatal and early life maternal substance use among children at risk of maltreatment: a systematic review
Chemistry and pharmacology of delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol
Children intoxicated with psychoactive substances: the health status on admission to hospital based on medical records
A cross-sectional analysis of parental behavior and adolescent mental health in Mexico: insights into excessive alcohol intake, tobacco use, suicidal behavior, and depressive symptomatology
Gender differences in the co-use of tranquilizers, sedatives, sleeping pills and alcohol among Spanish adolescents: a nationwide population-based study
Individual differences in substance use motives, trauma, and stress among college-based polysubstance users
The mediating effect of depression on the relationship between loneliness and substance use in Korean adolescents
A novel correction method for modelling parameter-driven autocorrelated time series with count outcome
A systematic review of the neurocognitive effects of psychedelics in healthy populations: implications for depressive disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder
'Spice' use motivations, experiences, and repercussions among veterans of the United States Armed Forces
Psychiatric and behavioral concerns of perampanel with concomitant levetiracetam in children with epilepsy
The prevalence of alcohol-related deaths in autopsies performed in Lithuania between 2017 and 2020: a cross-sectional study
Positive associations between potentially morally injurious experiences and alcohol outcomes in college students: results from a dominance analysis
A text message intervention aimed at nurturing peer outreach to help meet drinking limit goals: a remote pilot randomized trial in non-collegiate young adults
Alcohol expectancies for sexual enhancement, event-level alcohol use, and likelihood of sexual aggression perpetration: a timeline followback approach
Adulterants present in the San Diego county fentanyl supply: a laboratory analysis of seized law enforcement samples
Systematic review and meta-analysis: medical and recreational cannabis laws and cannabis use among youth in the United States
Fentanyl abuse proportion in methadone maintenance treatment, and patients' knowledge about its risks
Gender differences in alcohol drinking among adolescents: a school-based survey in China
Effect of a selective personality-targeted prevention program on 7-year illicit substance related outcomes: a secondary analysis of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Interpersonal trauma, shame, and substance use: a systematic review
Patterns of delta 8 THC and cannabis uptake in Nebraska: a cannabis prohibition state
A fall prevention feasibility trial for people with HIV and alcohol use
Adulteration and substitution of drugs purchased in Australia from cryptomarkets: an analysis of Test4Pay
Alcohol use disorder and risk of specific methods of suicide death in a national cohort
Loneliness among substance abusers of type A and B personality
Mapping the pathways between posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and alcohol and cannabis use: a network analysis
Methamphetamine poisoning after "plugging" intentional recreational rectal use
Interrupted time series analysis of bar/tavern closing hours and violent crime
Is the 21st birthday a turning point for alcohol and cannabis use? A monthly study of young adults
The prevalence of alcohol consumption and its related factors in adolescents: findings from Global School-based Student Health Survey
Black family members' cultural beliefs and experiences regarding substance use and misuse by relatives: a focused ethnography
Diseases of despair in early adulthood: the complex role of social relationships
Loperamide ingestions and cardiotoxicity reported to Texas poison centers, 2004-2021
Medical marijuana laws and mental health in the United States
Mental health concerns during COVID-19: an observational study among a predominantly Black community in New York City
Psychological problems in the context of political violence in Afghan children
Recreational cannabis legalization and immigration enforcement: a state-level analysis of arrests and deportations in the United States, 2009-2020
Glastonbury festival: medical care at the world's largest greenfield music festival
Experiencing violence and other predictors of within-person same-day use of multiple substances in youth: a longitudinal study in emergency settings
An epigenetic candidate-gene association study of parental styles in suicide attempters with substance use disorders
Enhancing knowledge, attitude, and perceptions towards fall prevention among older adults: a pharmacist-led intervention in a primary healthcare clinic, Gemas, Malaysia
Demographic, substance use, and mental well-being correlates of high-intensity drinking among college students and non-college young adults: implications for intervention
Alcohol and alcoholic intoxication [from 1920]
Fatal intoxications from a combination of 4-fluoroamphetamine and 25C-NBOMe
Illicit markets and violence in Afghanistan: avenues for understanding the use of targeted violence and its implications in afghan illicit economies
Unveiling the link between chronic pain and misuse of opioids and cannabis
A qualitative study of military service members undergoing medical separation
Psychometric properties of the cannabis abuse screening test (CAST) in a sample of Moroccans with cannabis use
Monitoring the use of novel psychoactive substances in Australia by wastewater-based epidemiology
Male sex and hazardous alcohol use following military sexual assault increase suicide risk among US service members and veterans
Interrelatedness of family and parenting risk factors for juvenile delinquency: a network study in U.S. and Dutch juveniles
Improving state medicolegal death investigation: does system level reform improve public health data concerning drug-related mortality?
Implementation of an intervention aimed at deprescribing benzodiazepines in a large US healthcare system using patient education materials: a pre/post-observational study with a control group
Female patients show a larger reduction in suicidal ideation in inpatient addiction treatment than male patients: results of a single-center observational study
Evaluating the detection of cocaine and its impurities concealed inside fruit- and vegetable- food products using handheld spatially offset Raman spectroscopy
Escaping precariousness: criminal occupational mobility of homicide inmates during the Mexican drug war
Effects of parental job loss on psychotropic drug use in children: long-term effects, timing, and cumulative exposure
Determinants of poison-related mortality in tertiary care hospital, south india
Adolescent substance use at the intersection of sexual orientation and gender identity
The acute toxicity of Novichok's degradation products using quantitative and qualitative toxicology in silico methods
Changes in delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) concentrations in cannabis over time: systematic review and meta-analysis
Acute thyroid hormone exposure in children: a national retrospective study using health data routinely collected by the French poison control centers
"This might be cliché, but it was a sense of family": gang involvement among Indigenous young adults and their search for attachment, community, and hope
A systematic review of binge drinking interventions and bias assessment among college students and young adults in high-income countries
Risk factors associated with driving after marijuana use among West Virginia college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Preferences of young adults with psychosis for cannabis-focused harm reduction interventions: a cross-sectional study
How frequently is alcohol advertised on television in Canada? A cross-sectional study
Erratum: Vol. 71, No. 19 : Trends in Gabapentin Detection and Involvement in Drug Overdose Deaths ...
Examining the impact of legalization on the prevalence of driving after using cannabis: a comparison of rural and non-rural parts of Canada
Evaluation of dispensaries' cannabis flowers for accuracy of labeling of cannabinoids content
Associations between traumatic dental injuries due to violence and various drinking behaviors in Korea: a cross-sectional study
Smartphone swabs as an emerging tool for toxicology testing: a proof-of-concept study in a nightclub
Interactive effects of alcohol and cannabis quantities in the prediction of same-day negative consequences among young adults
Is there a safe alcohol consumption limit for the general population and in patients with liver disease?
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of five distinct commercially available hemp-derived topical cannabidiol products
Who gets screened and who tests positive? Drug screening among justice-involved youth in a midwestern urban county
Butane-related deaths in post-mortem investigations: a systematic review
Clearing the haze? Context and consequences of cannabis legalization in Europe and North America
Deaths from excessive drinking rose in the US during pandemic
Driving after substance use in Rhode Island adolescents: a cross-sectional analysis of surveillance data
Violence exposure, self-reported mental health concerns and use of alcohol and drugs for coping among youth in the slums of Kampala, Uganda
Safety and risk assessment of psychedelic psychotherapy: a meta-analysis and systematic review
Paramao root oil: a novel culprit in salicylate poisoning
Homonegativity, binegativity, and transnegativity among substance use treatment practitioners in the United States
Facilitators of and barriers to healthcare providers' adoption of harm reduction in cannabis use: a scoping review protocol
The impact of growth environment on individual crime behavior
Substance use and self-poisoning in schizophrenia: 11-year findings from a national clinical survey of suicide in mental health patients in England
Brief emotion regulation strategies to reduce alcohol craving: mediating role of state difficulties in emotion regulation
Childhood trauma and alcohol misuse in college students: the moderating role of minimization
Correlates of overdose among 2711 people who use drugs and live in 7 rural US sites
Daily and momentary associations between gender minority stress and resilience with alcohol outcomes
Human healthcare and its pharmacy component from a safety point of view
Impact of overdose on health plan disenrollment among patients prescribed long-term opioids: retrospective cohort study
A qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of overdose among people who smoke drugs in Vancouver, British Columbia
Exploring experiences with alcohol and how drinking has changed over time among minority ethnic groups with a diagnosed mental health problem
Repeated surveys of people who inject drugs: the exception, not the rule
The increased incidence of psychosis during the COVID-19 pandemic in South London: the role of heavy cannabis use
Titration of antihypertensive therapy to mitigate the risk of falls
Where do high-risk drinking occasions occur more often? A cross-sectional, cross-country study
Traumatic brain injury outcomes after recreational cannabis use
Genetic aspects of child and adolescent alcohol-substance use problems
Childhood violence, high school academic environment, and adult alcohol use among Latinas and Black women: a structural equation modeling study
Cannabis use and its psychosocial correlates among school-going adolescents in Sierra Leone
Overcoming stigma: community support for overdose prevention sites
Psychosocial sequalae of sexual assault in a sample of partnered adults experiencing alcohol use disorder and intimate partner violence
Quantitative morphological analysis of age structural changes in prostate of experimental animals with ethanol poisoning
An examination of cannabis use motives among couples with intimate partner violence and alcohol use disorder
Cannabis use and dependence among festival attendees: results from the French OCTOPUS survey
Alerta cannabis: a tailored-computer web-based program for the prevention of cannabis use in adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial protocol
Association of buprenorphine retention and subsequent adverse outcomes following non-fatal overdose: an analysis using statewide linked Maryland databases
A case study in developmental discontinuity: PROSPER Interventions and adolescent substance use trajectories shape young adult substance use and mental health problems
Environmental scanning of cocaine trafficking in Brazil: evidence from geospatial intelligence and natural language processing methods
Trends in substance use among sexual minority adolescents in South Korea
Street drugs associated with acute poisoning: description and analysis of differences in women attended in a hospital emergency department
Racial/ethnic inequality in homelessness and drug overdose deaths in US States
The return of drugs courts: some important considerations
Effectiveness of a web-based individual coping and alcohol intervention program for children of parents with alcohol use problems: randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of web-based personalised feedback interventions for reducing alcohol consumption among university students: a systematic review and meta-analysis
"Everybody is impacted. Everybody's hurting": grief, loss and the emotional impacts of overdose on harm reduction workers
Exploring differences in substance use behaviours among gender minority and non-gender minority youth: a cross-sectional analysis of the COMPASS study
Fall risk factors among poly-medicated older Lebanese patients in primary care settings: a secondary cross-sectional analysis of the "MGPIDP-L project"
More than just joy: a qualitative analysis of participant experiences during nitrous oxide sedation
COVID-19 racism, depressive symptoms, drinking to cope motives, and alcohol use severity among Asian American emerging adults
Hazardous drinking mediates the relation between externalizing personality and reduced adherence to COVID-19 public health guidelines in university students
A scoping review on the role of sexual orientation and gender identity microaggressions in substance use
State cannabis laws and cannabis positivity among fatally injured drivers
Relationships of state alcohol policy environments with homicides and suicides
The public health impacts of supervised injection sites in Canada: moving beyond social acceptability and impacts on crime
Prevalence and predictors of risky sexual behavior among young men in India: evidence from National Family Health Survey
Motivations for alcohol consumption in schooled adolescents: analysis of discussion groups
Assessing the association between safety perceptions and communication about sex and drugs among Black adolescents exposed to adversity
Firearm-related injuries and the US opioid and other substance use epidemic: a nationwide evaluation of emergency department encounters
Characteristics of drug poisonings seen in the emergency department of an urban hospital
The cognitive effects of stopping and starting antipsychotics on changes in cognitive functioning
An exploration of geographic access to substance use treatment programs and violence against women
Binge drinking associated with mean temperature: a cross-sectional study among Mexican adults living in cities
"He stole my meds to get high:" the mental health and well-being of women abused by intimate partners and their disability status
Evaluation of a pilot program to prevent the misuse of prescribed opioids among health care workers: repeated measures survey study
Criminal behavior in alcohol-related dementia and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome: a nationwide register study
Reflections on editing the International Journal of Drug Policy: the limits and power of research evidence
Marijuana use among community-dwelling older adults: a population-based study
Non-invasive alcohol concentration measurement using a spectroscopic module: outlook for the development of a drunk driving prevention system
Rates and causes of death after release from incarceration among 1 471 526 people in eight high-income and middle-income countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis
Investigating key latent factors influencing alcohol consumption among the tribal male adolescents in Dooars region, West Bengal
Cannabidiol-derived cannabinoids: the unregulated designer drug market following the 2018 Farm Bill
Can child deaths be prevented? The Arizona Child Fatality Review Program experience
Serious firearm injury prevention does make sense
Skateboard and scooter injuries
Strength training by children and adolescents
Injury as disease
Injuries: the neglected epidemic: Stone lecture, 1985 America Trauma Society Meeting
A "call to arms" for a national reporting system on firearm injuries
Advances in the epidemiology of injuries as a basis for public policy
An approach to the epidemiology of childhood injuries
Biomechanical epidemiology: a new approach to injury control research
Bridging prevention and practice: public health and family violence
Building a foundation for suicide prevention: the contributions of Jack C. Smith
Causal webs, preventive brooms, and housekeepers
Child and adolescent injury research in 1998: a summary of abstracts submitted to the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association and the American Public Health Association
Child injury control: surveillance and research questions
Childhood injuries: where we are
Control of stress and violent behavior: Mid-course review of the 1990 Health Objectives
Epidemiology and prevention of injuries
Reflections on a half century of injury control
Reinventing injury prevention in California: a model for reinventing local public health programs
Firearms and the public health
Freedom and protection: a balancing of interests
From research to public policy: the prevention of motor vehicle injuries, childhood drownings, and firearm violence
Standard definitions for childhood injury research: excerpts of a conference report
Highway deaths: false PR on the effects of PR
Surveillance for fatal and nonfatal injuries--United States, 2001
The cost of childhood unintentional injuries and the value of prevention
How can road safety be improved? More people die on the roads than from malaria, says WHO chief
Injuries in America: a national disaster
Injuries in Wisconsin
Injuries: the number one threat to our children
Injury control in perspective
Injury control
Injury control. a crucial aspect of emergency medicine
Injury prevention and emergency medical services: the "Accidents Aren't" program
Injury prevention curriculum
Injury prevention in medical school curriculums
Injury Prevention: A Crucial Aspect of Travel Medicine
Injury science comes of age
Injury-control education in six u.s. medical schools
Injury: conceptual shifts and preventive implications
Let's be clear. Violence is a public health problem
Evitable injuries
Motor vehicle injuries: the law and the profits
On lobbies, liberty, and the public good
On the escape of tigers: an ecologic note
Prevention of childhood injuries
Reducing injuries and their results: the scientific approach
Research fraud, public policy, and gun control
So, just do it...go upstream
Social problems and injury
The challenging but essential pursuit of suicide prevention: reflections from a trainee. (editorial)
Sociology stretches its goals
The effectiveness review trials of Hercules and some economic estimates for the stables
The federal role in injury control
Accidental policy: an analysis of the problem of unintended injuries of childhood
Alcohol and injuries: time for action
American Public Health Association/American Academy of Pediatrics Injury Prevention Standards
Analysis of US child care safety regulations
Application of behavior-change theories and methods to injury prevention
Epidemiologic evidence and motor vehicle policy making
Health promotion policy and politics: lessons from childhood injury prevention
Health promotion research approaches to the prevention of injuries and violence
Implementation and evaluation of a Web-based continuing education course in injury prevention and control
Injuries, injury prevention and public health
Injury prevention and control. an evolving role for emergency physicians and other specialists
Legislative and regulatory strategies to reduce childhood unintentional injuries
Mayhew Derryberry: pioneer of health education
Military injuries and public health. an introduction
Motor vehicle trauma and safety belt use in the context of public health priorities
Pediatric injury prevention counseling priorities
Pediatric injury prevention counseling: an observational study of process and content
Progress and potential in injury control
Resource guide to occupant protection programs and materials
Road safety is no accident
Social determinants of pediatric residents' injury prevention counseling
The importance of obstetricians/ gynecologists in promoting children's unintentional injury prevention: a focus on bicycle helmet use
The role of surveillance and evaluation research in the reduction of violence against workers
Training by satellite: planning and evaluating a video conference for injury prevention practitioners
The prevention of traffic deaths and injuries: the role of physicians
"Banana boating"
'Interdisciplinary' and 'multidisciplinary' are not synonymous
'Safety in primary schools: towards an accident-free school': national implementation of a safety-policy strategy at primary schools in The Netherlands
'What I said' versus 'what you heard': a comparison of physicians' and parents' reporting of anticipatory guidance on child safety issues
A double standard? Disease v injury
A modest proposal
A new department for injuries and violence prevention at the World Health Organization
A new paradigm of injury intentionality
A research agenda for increasing safety belt use in the United States
A resource-based assessment of trauma care in the United States
A statistic of one
A trip on the World Wide Web
A unified framework for injury control: the public health approach and Haddon's Matrix combined
Accident prevention--injury control--injury prevention--or whatever?
Action on Injury--a stepping off point for the UK
Action on injury. setting the agenda for children and young people in the UK: conclusion
Adversarial safety analysis: borrowing the methods of security vulnerability assessments
Afterword: speaking for the victims
America's experiment with motor vehicle safety regulation
An editor's dilemma--avoiding conflict of interest
An overview of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Are cost of injury studies useful?
Are we blind to injuries in the visually impaired? A review of the literature
Are we sufficiently aware of poverty?
Austrian Committee for Injury Prevention in Childhood
Banning the "A word": where's the evidence?
Barriers and opportunities in reducing motor vehicle injuries
Barriers to pediatric injury prevention counseling
Bicycle helmets reduce head injuries and should be worn by all
Bridging the gap: bringing together intentional and unintentional injury prevention efforts to improve health and well being
Burns: the importance of prevention
Can we prevent accidental injury to adolescents? A systematic review of the evidence
Challenges for surveillance for injury prevention
Child Accident Prevention Trust in Northern Ireland
Child and adolescent injury control activities: reports from the field
Child and adolescent injury control: what to do when the conference is over
Child death reviews: a gold mine for injury prevention and control
Childhood injuries
Children hospitalized early and increased risk for future serious injury
CHIRPP: Canada's principal injury surveillance program
Citywide trauma experience in Kampala, Uganda: a call for intervention
Closing remarks from the Haddon Memorial Plenary Session
Cost of illness studies: what is good about them?
Death and injury from motor vehicle crashes: a public health failure, not an achievement
Death on the road
Deeper meanings
Deregulation and product safety
Desk cleaning
Developing a regional network for preventing injuries of children and adolescents: the Region X experience
Did that injury happen on purpose? does intent really matter?
Argument for accident and emergency department data collection flawed
Editorial elaborations
Editorial to the special issue on drowning prevention
Educating medical students on injury prevention: sense and sensibility
Education versus environmental countermeasures
Effective immediately Injury Prevention expands to all age groups
Electronic version of the encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety as a source of definitions
Emergency Medical Services for Children: it could save a child's life
Energy damage and the 10 countermeasure strategies (reprint)
Epidemiology and injury prevention
Epidemiology, and what then?
Etiological studies of traumatic injury: are we measuring the right outcome?
Evaluation and other issues
Evaluation of a child safety program based on the WHO Safe Community model
Evaluation of interventions to prevent injuries: an overview
Evolving role of standards in child safety: a Canadian perspective
Expanding the precautionary principle
Exploratory analysis: what to do first
Forests and trees in firearm injury research
FoWoCo, Rijstafel, and FiWoCo
From injury research to injury prevention: facilitating the connection
From strategy to reality: 25 years of planning and progress in occupational injury research
From the traditional concept of safety management to safety integrated with quality
From theory to practice
Further reflections on the seatbelt use and effectiveness issue
Going international: what are the implications?
Groundless attack on an uncommon man: William Haddon, Jr, MD
Hand searching Injury Prevention
Have we become so accustomed to being passive that we've forgotten how to be active?
How much science is there in injury prevention and control?
Improving post-impact care--a form of injury prevention
Inequalities in health
Influence of free trade on the politics of safety
Injury and entropy
Injury and violence: a public health perspective
Injury prevention in practice
Injury prevention in sport: not yet part of the game?
Injury prevention in the information age: the injury and violence prevention library
Injury prevention in the Republic of Ireland
Injury prevention in the UK--the European dimension
Injury prevention is growing up!
Injury prevention: an uphill battle
Injury prevention: blurring the distinctions between home and work
Injury reporting in Connecticut newspapers
Injury research and violence: what's our contribution?
International injury control conferences: surely we can do better?
International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Introduction to statistics--1. the confidence interval
Introduction: the global challenge of road traffic injuries: can we achieve equity in safety?
Investing in safety an analytical precautionary principle
Is child safety rebellion reaching its tipping point?
Is there more to parental supervision than political incorrectness?
Is this journal really needed?
Joining with the adults
Keys to success: WHO's world report on violence and health, Montreal declaration, motor vehicle injuries
Kidsafe Australia
Leadership in injury prevention and control
Letter to the editors and reply on: "Air bag effectiveness as a function of impact speed" Traffic Injury Prevention, 4:128-135, 2003
Logistic regression and odds ratios
Making injury prevention a top social issue: the Canadian Injury Prevention Foundation
Measuring the implementation of injury prevention programs in state health agencies
Mechanical analysis of survival in falls from heights of fifty to one hundred and fifty feet (reprint 1942)
Mentoring and momenti: on timely thanks
Minerva, have you led us astray?
Misleading airbag alarms
Missing cyclists
My sister's death
National inventory of hospital trauma centers
NEISS and child injury data
New Zealand's Injury Prevention Research Unit: helping shape injury prevention policy and practice
No tea until three?
Northern Ontario MDs seek solution to region's huge accidental-death toll
Occupational injury prevention research: progress and priorities
On the need for the rare disease assumption in some case-control studies
One adolescent's injury--a continuing saga
Our responsibility to children and adolescents
Parental supervision: a popular myth
Patricia Fossum Waller, PhD (1932-2003)
Population strategies for prevention? If only it were that simple!
Precautionary principle
The role of the epidemiologist in injury prevention and control--an unmet challenge
President Clinton's radio address on child passenger safety
Preventative pathology and childhood injury
Preventing childhood unintentional injuries--what works? A literature review
Prevention is the key
Prevention of injuries to children and adolescents
Prevention of pediatric mortality from trauma: are current measures adequate?
Primary care counselling for injury prevention: where is the evidence?
Priorities for child safety in the European Union: agenda for action
Product safety: getting tough or being nice?
Program evaluation for prevention projects
Program evaluation--balancing rigor with reality
Progress in the development of trauma systems in the United States. results of a national survey
Public health and traffic safety: a collaborative success
Ragnar Berfenstam's legacy
Randomised controlled trials in general practice: time for international collaboration
Rapid assessment procedures in injury control
Reducing the burden of injury
Regionalization and injury prevention and control--a new dynamic or persistent lethargy?
Regulations, legislation, and classification
Reintegrating injury prevention
Remarks from the Haddon Memorial Plenary Session
Risk assessment and perception
Risk homeostasis hypothesis: a rebuttal
Risk homeostasis theory: an overview
Searching the medical literature
Should injury prevention programmes be targeted?
Should injury prevention programmes be targeted?
Should we be advocates for injury prevention?
Speech by the hon. carol j. carmody
Spinal cord injury associated with all-terrain vehicle accidents
State of the journal report
Statistical commentary
Strategies for recovery and regeneration after brain and spinal cord injury
Sweden's pioneering child accident programme: 40 years later
Systematic review of published evidence regarding trauma system effectiveness
Tap water scald prevention: it's time for a worldwide effort
The Child Accident Prevention Trust (UK)
The Childhood Injury Prevention and Promotion of Safety Programme (CHIPPS)
The Cigarette Safety Act
The Connecticut Childhood Injury Prevention Center--the first six years
The development of the Functional Capacity Index
The economic impact of traumatic injuries. one-year treatment-related expenditures
The establishment of a Jamaican all-injury surveillance system
The history of childhood accident and injury prevention in England: background to the foundation of the Child Accident Prevention Trust
The role of health education in childhood injury prevention
The role of supervision in child injury risk: definition, conceptual and measurement issues
The security of urban women: practice, research, and partnerships
The Swedish National Safety Promotion Program
The trouble with pediatricians
Traditional public health injury control does not apply to violence - dissent (editorial)
Understanding and reducing barriers to collaboration by academics with agencies and community organizations: a commentary
Unicef's child injury league table. an analysis of legislation: more mixed messages
UNICEF's child injury league tables: a bag of mixed messages
Unintentional injury prevention survey
Updating the evidence. a systematic review of what works in preventing childhood unintentional injuries: part 1
Updating the evidence. a systemic review of what works in preventing childhood unintentional injuries: part 2
Using the Haddon matrix: introducing the third dimension
What makes regulation work?
When doing nothing can cause harm
Where have all the programmes gone?
Who should be the leaders in injury prevention and control? Anyone with an interest preventing injury!
Who's prepared for advocacy? Another inverse law
America: where kids are getting killed
Dinner address: trauma care systems--what's the catch?
Editorial: 28,000 Gun deaths a year: what is our role?
Editorial: Perspective on a current public health controversy
Editorial: Seat belts: freedom and responsibility
Editorial: strategy in preventive medicine: passive vs. active apprroaches to reducing human wastage
Editorial: The accident, the ugly duckling, and the three preventions: a fable for mature health officers
Energy damage and the ten countermeasure strategies
Energy damage and the ten countermeasure strategies
Fact and fancy in the formation of public policy
Fact and fiction about accidental injury
Firearm injury surveillance at the local level from data to action
Garen Wintemute, founding director, Violence Research Program and Time Magazine hero in medicine. interview by James A. Johnson
The global burden of injuries
The man in the street: a tale of two cities
Traumatic brain injury in the United States: A public health perspective
The transtheoretical model of change in adolescents: implications for injury prevention
Workshop on Hip Fracture Registries in Europe
Not just another 'head lac' -- low-velocity, penetrating intra-cranial injuries: a case report and review of the literature
Importance of health education in injury prevention among children
Injury minimization in construction projects
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear? Tackling violence on the terraces
Bridging schools of public health between Iran and the USA
Emerging communication responsibilities of epidemiologists
Emerging communication responsibilities of epidemiologists
Falls among older persons: a public health perspective
Geriatric trauma: the continuing epidemic
Haitian mass migration: Uniformed Service medical support, May 1992
Injuries as the cause of mortality among Delaware residents, 1978-1982
Medicine and mass communication: an agenda for physicians
Prehospital traumatic cardiac arrest: the cost of futility
Preventing accidents in childhood
Protecting American families from injury
The importance of medical records in disaster epidemiology research
Factors associated with self-worth in young people with physical disabilities
The importance of injury prevention
"Accidental death and disability: the neglected disease of modern society" --  a progress report
"Gearing up" for summer: quick tips and biking essentials
39 years of suicide research: a personal view
A bookshelf on injury control and emergency health services: emergency health services
A bookshelf on injury control and emergency health services: injury control
A Canadian National Trauma Registry: the time is now
A career plundered
Bicycle safety helmets [Comment on A case-control study of the effectiveness of bicycle safety helmets. Thompson RS, Rivara FP, Thompson DC.]
A framework for assessing the effectiveness of disease and injury prevention
A legislator looks at trauma
A plea for uniformity in EMS research
A psychiatrist's experience of death terror
A psychotherapist's reaction to his patient's death
A scheme for describing injury events
A shot in the dark
Accidental injury: a major challenge to medicine
Accurate occupational illness and injury data in the US: can this enigmatic problem ever be solved?
Cochrane injuries group
Emphasise burns prevention in developing countries
Reducing injury from speed related road crashes
Are uninsured trauma patients treated differently?
Assessing the effectiveness of disease and injury prevention programs: costs and consequences
Autopsies in trauma do not add to peer review or quality assurance
Award program needed for injury control research
Battlefield casualties treated at Camp Rhino, Afghanistan: lessons learned
Behavioral consequences of trauma
Bicycle safety programs save children's lives
Bless the seats and the children: the physician and the legislative process
Boxing should be banned in civilized countries--round 3
Boxing: atavistic spectacle or artistic sport?
Burn prevention through Weatherization Assistance Programs
Burn prevention
CDC: the nation's prevention agency
Changes in premature mortality--United States, 1979-1986
Changing guidelines for mass emergency care
Characteristics and outcome of injured patients treated in urban trauma centers in Iran
Chest trauma in a Canadian urban setting--implications for trauma research in Canada
Child abuse problem demands much of physician but also of the community and its officials
Childhood burns reconsidered: the child, the family, and the burn injury
Clinical issues: treating the difficult patient
Coercive suicide prevention: a libertarian perspective
Cognitive factors influencing women to seek care during pregnancy
Compromise, complicity, and torture
Control group studies of suicide survivors: a review and critique
Correctional suicide prevention in the year 2000 and beyond
Cost of injury--United States: a report to Congress, 1989
Culture and suicide: from a Japanese psychiatrist's perspective
Cycle helmets. bma report does not give the whole picture
Death and disability from injury: a global challenge
Definition and measurement of sexual orientation
Disarming violent domestic abusers is key to saving lives, say experts
Do cycle helmets work?
Do they suffer more? Reflections on research comparing suicide survivors to other survivors
Donald Budd Armstrong and W. Graham Cole: early injury control advocates
Duty to warn third parties
Editorial: Choice of bullets for police use
Editorial: Defusing the two-wheeled menace
Editorial: Fatally injured drivers
Editorial: Lessening risks associated with roasting bags and other consumer products
Editorial: Management of the critically injured following large-scale civil disturbances in major cities
Editorial: Motor vehicle-related burns
Editorial: Recent changes in the pattern of skiing injuries
Editorial: Safety for children in automobiles
Editorial: The battered child syndrome: unusual manifestations
Editorial: The magnitude of the problem of trauma
Editorial: Weapons and wounds
Eliminate head-checking in ice hockey
Emotional reaction to injury
Epidemiology and prevention of adolescent injury. a review and research agenda
Estimating costs of illness and injuries: a criticism
Falls may be preventable
Franklin E. Zimring on law and firearms
From the Surgeon General, US Public Health Service
From the world health organization. violence prevention: a public health approach
Giant steps and baby steps: toward child health
Good news on guns--but not for everyone
Has the time come for protective headgear for soccer?
How do we get skaters to protect their heads?
Injury control: issues and methods for the 1990s
Injury control: new challenges
Injury prevention. a new perspective
Injury prevention. Where are the resources?
Injury prevention: the pediatrician as child advocate
Injury research: where should we go from here?
Injury: intent and change
Don't overlook childhood depression
Is it time to reassess the categorization of disease burdens in low-income countries?
Is the injured child different or just treated differently with respect to the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome?
It's time to wake up to the importance of sleep disorders
Jonestown--two faces of suicide: a Durkheimian analysis
Keeping our helmet laws--who is the best teacher?
Letter: On injury control
Letter: To be or not to be
Litigating for the public's health
Effectiveness of cycle helmets and the ethics of legislation
Medical management of disasters and mass casualties from terrorist bombings: how can we cope?
Mini funds, maxi impact: subcontracting injury prevention projects
Music preference, depression, suicidal preoccupation, and personality: comment on Stack and Gundlach's papers
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Commentary: Motorcycle helmet law repeal--a tax assessment for the rest of the United States?
Injury surveillance is key to preventing injuries
Pediatric trauma in southwestern Ontario: linking data with injury prevention initiatives
Pediatric injury control in 1999: where do we go from here?
Political risk assessment, from an elected safety belt law advocate's point of view and experience
Position papers from the Third National Injury Control Conference: Setting the National Agenda for Injury Control in the 1990s. Denver, Colorado, April 22-25, 1991
Position statement. violence and injury in ice hockey
Posting the signs on the road to the 21st century
Reducing violence--how do we proceed?
Reflections on the Patty Hearst case
Reverend Jones on suicide
Seven years before centennial of first U.S. traffic death, toll already has reached nearly 2.8 million
Should dead cases be matched to dead controls?
Some reflections of a founder
Statement in support of motorcycle helmet laws
Statement on child abuse and neglect
Statement of support of motorcycle helmet laws
Suggested recommendations for the study of suicide and other life-threatening behaviors
Suggested recommendations for the study of suicide and other life-threatening behaviors
Suggested recommendations for the study of suicide and other life-threatening behaviors
Child Mortality Report
Child injury prevention in Canada
The fault doctrine and injury control
The postself and Richard Nixon's partial death
The role of no-suicide agreements in the treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior: a comment
The solution is injury prevention
The unrelenting epidemic of violence in America: truths and consequences
The war in Iraq: civilian casualties, political responsibilities
Susan Limber: award for distinguished early career contributions to psychology in the public interest
Trauma surgeons on violence prevention: ready, willing, and able?
Violence in America: A public health emergency. Time to bite the bullet back
Accident, emergency, or what?
The word 'accident': no chance, no error, no destiny
ThinkFirst: fundamentals of injury prevention
Battle scars: global conflicts and environmental health; the price of preparing for war
Injury control in South America: the art and science of disentanglement
Antidepressants and the risk of suicidal behaviors
Planning + Practice = Preparedness: A case study in injury prevention
Risk compensation, motivation, injuries, and biomechanics in competitive sport
The burden of road traffic injuries in South Asia : a commentary
Sleep, science, and policy change
The importance of maintaining simplicity in planning and preparation for major accidents and disasters
Road safety - threats and opportunities for poor countries
Cochrane injuries group
Opioid poisoning deaths in New Zealand (2001-2002) and the UK's recent decision to withdraw the pain killer Coproxamol
Earthquake and tsunamis in the Indian ocean. Why we should care?
Prevention of falls--a time to translate evidence into practice
Report highlights barriers to research on firearms and violence
At the summit: Minnesota youth lobby for gun safety
Disaster may be a boy with a gun
Flawed gun policy research could endanger public safety
Gun control editorial illogical
Gun control. Is it the answer? No way!
Gun control. Is it the answer? You bet!
Gun control: Iowa physicians have opposing views
Injury research and the US gun lobby
Medical societies unite against firearm injuries
NRA on gun ownership
On public health and gun control
Charcoal burning is also popular for suicide pacts made on the Internet
Physicians among many participants in midst of Canada's emotional gun-control debate
Physicians need to encourage responsibility, not gun control
Physicians should participate in gun safety education
Policy research on firearms and violence
Preventing firearm violence: a public health imperative. American College of Physicians
Richard Gatling and his gun
Sensible gun laws needed
Should you carry a gun?
Support for gun-control legislation
Foreword: injury in Asia and the Pacific
Taking a stand on gun safety
The "guns" debate
The case against the gun industry
The case against the gun industry
The impact of firearm violence on children: support for prevention strategies. a position report from the ASPA Trauma Committee. American Pediatric Surgical Association
The medical profession sets its sights on the gun-control issue
The next generation deserves a gun-free world
What is an accident?
Why I carry a gun
Why physicians should support gun control
Our role as agricultural safety and health professionals in the post-9/11 world
The future of injury prevention in Asia and the Pacific
Advances in the prevention of injuries and their effect on emergency medical services
Advocating bicycle helmet use: a nursing issue
Ban Military Boxing
Bike helmets save lives
Cars, boats, dogs ... why not guns? the case for national gun registration in Australia
Commentary: We need to give children a boost before we buckle them
Injury as a field of public health: achievements and controversies
Injury Prevention Initiative for Africa: achievements and challenges
Injury prevention--Oklahoma's planning
More on injury prevention
On reducing childhood trauma: child accident prevention--the poor relation of preventive health. a tribute to the late Professor John Jiddulph OBE
Children's safety in the automobile and health education
Prevention of pediatric injuries: so much to do, so little time
Primary injury prevention in an urban EMS system
Principles in injury control: lessons to be learned from child safety seats
Protecting children: intuition and awareness in the work of health visitors
Safety and safety promotion: conceptual and operational aspects
The role of health visitors in the prevention of home accidents involving children: time for a rethink?
Emergency medicine and injury control.

Commentary: "You Drink and Drive. You Lose." Reaching the target audience is not enough
A crash is not an accident
WHO acts on road safety to reverse accident trends. Traffic accidents kill 1.26 million people each year; 2nd leading cause of death among those aged 15-29
Depiction of elderly and disabled people on road traffic signs: international comparison
The role of the African-American physician in reducing traffic-related injury and death among African Americans: consensus report of the National Medical Association
Falls--the great silent killer
Injury: a disease that affects all of society
Neuropsychiatry and gun safety
One engineer's view on human injury
Medical College faculty provide national leadership in injury control and prevention
Setting up a specialised service for falls and fracture prevention
Happy holidays means kids in the back seat, with their belts fastened
I was saved by a seat belt... would my 5 year old have been so lucky?
Imperatives for saving lives
Injury control: a primer for physicians
Injury prevention and emergency medical services for children in a managed care environment
Injury prevention: can we meet the challenge?
Injury prevention: where do we go from here?
It's time for pediatricians to 'rally 'round the pool fence'
Effect of integration of injury control information into a high school physics course
Automobile accidents
Commentary: air bags--the changing landscape
Commentary: air bags: looking ahead through the rearview mirror
Commentary: Emergency physicians and emerging technologies: special crash investigations
Commentary: juvenile DUI: more work
Commentary: The role of the emergency physician in older driver safety
Commentary: Traffic safety--an American export
Commission buckles down to support safety
Control of road trauma epidemic in Australia
"Let the emergency department do it"--a simple solution to a complex problem
Driving safety
A rollover epidemic in North Dakota from 1994 to 1997
Counting the cost of violence in the Middle East
Head injuries in youth soccer players presenting to the emergency department - Commentary
Injuries in women's professional soccer
Characteristics of ice hockey-related injuries treated in US emergency departments, 2001-2002 (Letter)
Characteristics of ice hockey-related injuries treated in us emergency departments, 2001-2002 (Letter, authors' reply)
Education is not enough: equipment and legislation also needed to prevent injury
Injuries can be prevented
Injury prevention: part 2
Much more research needed on injury prevention
Occupational safety research in Australia: time for a wake or time to awake?
Motorcycle mayhem
Deaths due to road traffic crashes in Hyderabad city in India: need for strengthening surveillance
Does risk homoeostasis theory have implications for road safety? (For)
The earliest days of first aid
James Parkinson (1755-1824): a pioneer of child care
Advocacy for safety education. the doctor's role
Barriers to safety
Current controversies in child accident prevention. an analysis of some areas of dispute in the prevention of child trauma
Mississippi's highways are die-ways
Unspeakably cruel--torture, medical ethics, and the law
The Department of Transportation should take a leading role in traumatic brain injury research and prevention initiatives
World health assembly resolutions on violence and injury prevention: new opportunities for national action
All injuries cannot be prevented
A letter to the Editor in response to: Acid burns from personal assault in Uganda
Self harm was misrepresented (again)
Community based interventions--less than perfect?
Reflections on the highway safety field
What can we learn from international comparisons of social inequalities in road traffic injury mortality?
About safety and safety promotion concepts
Seatbelt/helmet enforcement needed
Evidence based advocacy
Commentary: novice teen drivers and crashes-just how worried should we be and what should we do about it?
Epilepsy and driving: Regulations in the European Union need harmonisation as well as greater flexibility
Lightning: A bolt out of the blue
How are emergencies different from other medical situations?
Counting road traffic deaths and injuries: poor data should not detract from doing something!
Suicide is probably more common in untreated youths than in those receiving treatment: The need for a retrospective epidemiological study
Gait variability: methods, modeling and meaning
Commentary: next steps for graduated licensing
Introduction to this issue: terrorism
My elderly aunt's car accident: a James Bond thriller or a fight for independence
Preventing accidental injuries in children: champions needed in primary care
Disaster may be closer than you think. Are you ready?
Long work hours and occupational injuries: new evidence on upstream causes
Prevention of falls--a time to translate evidence into practice
Re: Prevention of falls--a time to translate evidence into practice
The Impact of Disaster on Culture, Self, and Identity: Increased Awareness by Health Care Professionals is Needed
Safety lessons from aviation
Traffic accidents scar Latin America's roads
"Banned from the streets I have paid to use": an analysis of Australian print media coverage of proposals for passenger and night driving restrictions for young drivers
"Catastrophic" violence continues unchecked in Somalia
Antidepressant adherence and suicide risk in depressed youth
Antidepressants and suicide: a commentary on a significant contribution to this debate
Half a million Americans use methamphetamine every week
Work hours and reducing fatigue-related risk: good research vs good policy
50,000 child-years of accidental injuries
Funding the public health response to terrorism
Katrina reveals fatal weaknesses in US public health
Louisiana looks back on a week of disaster
US government declares emergency after Hurricane Katrina
Accident investigation: keep asking "why?"
Child camel jockeys: a present-day tragedy involving children and sport
Domestic violence: shattering the silence
Eight in 10 dancers have an injury each year, survey shows
Funding the public health response to terrorism
Caring for victims of sexual abuse
American Beverage Licensees attack Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Artists' suicides as a public good
American association for the surgery of trauma prevention committee topical updates: getting started, fall prevention, domestic violence, and suicide
Women and girls are still victims of violence in Darfur
Canada gets its house in order
Heroes needed to conquer burning issues
Injury prevention and terrorism
Lessons from Hurricane Katrina, tsunamis, and other disasters
To burn or not to burn: an advocate's report from the field
Using communication theory in injury prevention campaigns
Violence in the workplace
Suicide in prison
Accident prevention: a new challenge to Public Health
Advocacy in public health: roles and challenges
Does road safety concern medicine?
Dying to go on holiday
Editorial: Some protective measures in road traffic accidents
Making safety motivate--the personal importance of accident prevention
Road safety advocacy
Road safety: BMA comments
The Maurice Ellis Lecture for 1986. the responsibility of emergency medicine towards the prevention of road accidents
Road traffic deaths and injuries in India: time for action
Struan Sutherland's "Rationalisation of first-aid measures for elapid snakebite"--a commentary
An uncommon view about teenage suicide
Brief communication: physical abuse of boys and possible associations with poor adult outcomes
Data need to be accurate when screening for depression in teenagers
The neurobiology of suicide in adolescents. an emerging field of research
Guest Editorial: School-Related Violence and Primary Prevention
Discussion of "Seat belts and human rights: an appraisal"
Discussion of "Seat belts and human rights: an appraisal"
Economy, convenience, and safety: can we have it all? Some thoughts on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Committee on Injury and Poison Prevention
Editorial: compulsory wearing of seat belts in New South Wales, Australia. an evaluation of its effect on vehicle occupant deaths in the first year
Editorial: IMPACT: seat belt performance in traffic creashes
Editorial: Safety belts--the real preventive medicine in automotive safety
Editorial: Seat belts and road safety
A critical examination of arguments against bicycle helmet use and legislation
Injury control research in Canada
Postcards from the edge: GPs have role in reducing repetition of self harm
Postcards from the edge: homelessness poses extra challenge in reducing self harm
Rural youth violence: it is a public health concern!
Letters to the editor: The seat belt debate
Lives, liberty, and seat belts in Britain: lessons for the United States
Motorists, seat belts and individual freedom
No seat belt, no Michael Jackson
The NIEHS Responds to Hurricane Katrina
Editorial: An unnecessary risk to children
Seat belt legislation: buckle up!
Seat belt success: where next?
Seat belts and human rights: an appraisal
Seat belts pay off
Seat belts: is freedom of choice worth 800 deaths a year?
Seat belts: personal choice or necessity?
Firearm injury prevention: reasons for optimism
UK must tackle road crashes, skin cancer, and asthma
Sleep habits and accident risk among truck drivers: a cross-sectional study in Argentina
Today's CIREN: news you can use
Head injuries in nursery rhymes: evidence of a dangerous subtext in children's literature
The CDC's role in emergency preparedness and response
Traffic accidents--the national killer
Traffic medicine should be established as a special field of competence
Does the National Safety Council really do anything?
Sleep disorders, immunizations, sports injuries, autism
Total workplace injuries up despite reduction within construction industry
Commentary: Older Driver Safety: Why Emergency Physicians should Care about Medical Advisory Boards
Editorial: field loss vs central magnification. Telescopes and the driving risk
Editorial: Vision and driving
MDs should consider "the public good is the higher law" when determining fitness to drive
Medical aspects of fitness to drive. Enabling patients to drive is also important
The asphalt identikit: old age and the driver's license
On the freedom from punishment of physicians for traffic violations during emergency calls
The medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom: one viewpoint from the USA
Seat belt injuries. Editorial
Seat-belt--hindrance of life-saver?
Traffic accidents and daylight saving time
Ergonomics and safety in societies in transfer
Motor vehicle safety
Accident research ought to be given priority
Random breath testing now
Setting the national agenda for injury control in the 1990s
Should there be laws mandating seatbelts in all school buses? Writing for the con position
Should there be laws mandating seatbelts in all school buses? Writing for the pro position
A new traffic safety vision for the United States
Strengthening motor vehicle occupant protection laws: American College of Preventive Medicine public policy statement
Swimming pool fencing at last
Terrorism and the ethics of emergency medical care
The annual injury of 15,000,000 children: a limited study of childhood accidental injury and death
The avoidable toll of accidents
Hospitals can't prepare for disaster without better government help
Surgeons and injury prevention: what you don't know can hurt you!
Growing up on the farm: some kids don't
CMA launches bicycle helmet campaign, hopes to reduce roadside carnage
Editorial: Car seat belts
A grim experiment
Dentist tackles bullying
Frostbite: incidence and predisposing factors in mountaineers
How evidence based is the management of two common sports injuries in a sports injury clinic?
Physiological characteristics of top level off-road motorcyclists
Childhood pesticide poisoning--a clarion call for action on children's vulnerability
Injury research explains conflicting violence trends
Robertson's review of Traffic Safety by Leonard Evans
Falls: a social, individual, and medical issue
Cognitive therapy and preventing suicide attempts
Cognitive therapy and preventing suicide attempts
From the editor-a call for violence prevention in 2006
Developing the Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Thesaurus, International English Edition: An interdisciplinary tool for indexing and searching for research literature. Progress report 1
Essay: Injury prevention in young people--time to accept responsibility
Health professional training in youth violence prevention a commentary by the Surgeon General
Oklahoma Nurses Association 2005 House of Delegates resolution. Dangers of leaving children unattended in and around motor vehicles
Editorial: In Puero est Homo: Nipping Violence in the Bud
In favor of Bill 413: helmet law
Issues in the prevention of neurotrauma
More ammunition against firearm editorial
More guns, more deaths
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials
What is the price for personal freedom?
Roller-blades: should they carry a government health warning?
The coercive altruism of "saving lives" on roads
Can injury prevention efforts go too far? Reflections on some possible implications of Vision Zero for road accident fatalities
Can road traffic law enforcement permanently reduce the number of accidents?
Cellular telephone use and fatal traffic collisions: a commentary
Disaster preparedness perspective from 90.05.32w, 29.57.18n
Beyond putting out fires
Child Maltreatment: A Clinical Guide and Reference -- Comprehensive Photographic Reference Identifying Potential Child Abuse
Cancer patients and domestic violence: providing safety and support
Nice head injury guidelines--expensive? Yes, but what are the alternatives?
Non-accidental burns in children. Are we neglecting neglect?
On the frontier of The Empire Chance: statistics, accidents, and risk in industrializing America
Violence against women: A global public health crisis
Practical aspects of federalizing disaster response
Seven hundred fifty-three consecutive deaths in a level I trauma center: the argument for injury prevention
Injury as metaphor: towards an integration of perspectives
Is motor vehicle-related mortality a disease of development?
On the prevention of accidents and injuries. A comparative analysis of conceptual frameworks
Public beliefs about the preventability of unintentional injury deaths
Road safety rhetoric versus road safety politics
Youth violence and the apocalyptic
Trauma--the malignant epidemic
The limits of the ledger in public health promotion
The Million Mom March: engaging the public on gun policy
The motorcyclist as gladiator
The use of media to impact on legislation
Re: Guns and violence
Firearms--a growing threat against public health
A partisan assault on science--the threat to the CDC
Lessons from tobacco control for advocates of healthy transport
Re: Editor's Corner, "On guns and violence" (July 1993)
Re: Guns and violence
The attack on the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Trauma, the forgotten disease
Violence in america. reaching epidemic proportions
Waging a new kind of war. a scourge of small arms
Children and guns: advocacy groups speak out
Co-opting the health and human rights movement
Firearms injury center's objectivity questioned
From tobacco to health care and beyond--a critique of lawsuits targeting unpopular industries
Public health and peace
Research fraud and public policy
Unfair assessment presented by Mrs. Brady
Family violence in New Zealand: we can do better
Governmental health agencies need to assume leadership in injury prevention
'Negligent homicide' charges for nursing home owners: the frailest residents paid the highest price when Katrina struck
Violence in rural communities: youth speak out!
Childhood accidents: how a health promotion model may help
Epilepsy, driving and confidentiality
Some problems of research on the association between blood types and suicide mortality: comment on Lester (2004)
Injury prevention forum: introduction
Suicide now and then... an elusive comparison: Invited commentary on, "Lifetime suicide rates in treated schizophrenia: 1875-1924 and 1994-1998 cohorts compared"
Falls in elderly people
Building cultures of peace: Contextual and discursive considerations
A disaster medical assistance team operates a hurricane evacuation shelter with U.S. Public Health Service support
Ambulance strike teams. California's new weapon for an organized disaster response
Antidepressants double suicidality in children, says FDA
A brief history of injury and accident prevention publications
Violence is also a public health issue
3:59--pt pronounced dead...not yet 4 hrs into October--domestic violence awareness month
Future physicians and firearms: the need for additional training in firearm injury prevention counseling
Invited critique: pediatric burns with snap-cap fireworks
Thinking about the unthinkable: are we really prepared for impending disaster?
Strategies to prevent suicide
Suicide among indigenous peoples: introduction and call to action
The failure of international action against terrorism
Would society pay more attention to injuries if the injury control community paid more attention to risk communication science?
Control of hazardous substances at small workplaces
Brazil: the need for violence (including suicide) prevention
Don't drink and drive: the successful message of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Looking back and ahead. Suicidology and suicide prevention: do we have perspectives?
Preventing suicide: a call to action
Re: A new framework for research leading to sports injury prevention
Landmine injuries: experience in the West Azarbaijan Province
A traffic safety fable
A year of celebrations and promise for safety research
DWI programs: doing what's in or dodging what's indicated?
Editorial: A diagnostic evaluation of 400 drinking drivers
Editorial: Injury epidemiology
Editorial: Pareto's law and modern injury control
Editorial: The influence of societal values on rates of death and injury
Editorial: the need for ANSI standard Z16.1
Experiments in injury control: The Injury Control Research Laboratory, 1966-1973
A brief on accident prevention
Journal of safety research: Past perspectives/future priorities
Landmarks in the history of safety
Motor-vehicle safety in Europe and the USA: A public-health perspective
What is this thing called a safety regulation?
Why is the traffic safety community so often hostile to research?
The psychological problems of burned patients. The Rudy Hermans lecture 1991
"Clueless": why do pediatricians underestimate the media's influence on children and adolescents?
A look in the rear view mirror
A position statement
Adoption of right turn on red--Effects on injury accidents at signalized intersections : A comment on Zador, Moshman and Marcus
A human factors commentary on innovations at railroad-highway grade crossings in Australia
Arguments against the seat belt and the facts!
Commentary: Alcohol/drug users and traffic accidents - A review on epidemiological studies
Commentary: Analysis of drugs hazardous for traffic safety - Applications of different specimens
Corporate incentives for promoting safety belt: rationale, guidelines and examples. : e.scott geller, office of driver and p[edestrian research, national highway traffic safety administration, washington, d.c., 1982, 92 pp. $11.50
Critique of Sam Peltzman's study : The effects of automobile safety regulation
Deterring the drinking driver: legal policy and social control : h. laurence ross. d.c. heath and company, lexington, ma, 1982. 160pp. $22.95
MADD: The heart of America's anti-drunk driving movement
Message from Professor Ridvan Ege president of IAATM
Motorcycle casualties - a time bomb? How long is the fuse?
Perspectives to improve driving behaviour in the Federal Republic of Germany [editorial]
Response to Brian O'Neill's comments
Review of the W.H.O. program for safety from accidents and injuries as a health problem
Rewards for unsafe driving? a rejoiner to P.M. Hurst
Road safety education in Singapore - the role of traffic police
Road safety: defeat, complicity and the bankruptcy of science
Road traffic accidents as a public health problem in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The case for laws requiring use of safety belts
What is traffic medicine?
What's in a word?
The semantics of safety
The SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands
The United States National Transportation Safety Board
Thirty years of safety engineering
Transport and public health towards a holistic view of traffic medicine
Transport safety science and the political process
Trauma Centres
Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada
UK statistical indifference to military casualties in Iraq
UK statistical indifference to military casualties in Iraq
Road-traffic injuries: confronting disparities to address a global-health problem
Safety design: Towards a new philosophy
Comment on "Relative controllability of dissimilar cars" by P. L. Olson and R. A. Wachsler
A diagrammatic classification of man-machine system displays
Consumer safety: a new area for research (editorial)
Editorial: Consumer and product safety - a major challenge for the next millennium
Editorial: International Journal for Consumer Safety -- an issue on 'safe communities'
Editorial: Product inforamtion as part of a general safety policy
Editorial: Product information as a safety provision
Editorial: The rich and the poor
Everyone has an interest in consumer safety (editorial)
Injury; A leading cause of the burden of disease
A down-to-earth view of proposals for a grand unification of traffic sciences (GUTS)
The future of occupational safety and health
Synergism of ergonomics, safety, and quality--a behavioral cybernetic analysis
A pessimistic view
Analysis of the COTS debate
Avoiding square wheels: International experience in sharing solutions
Challenging the orthodoxy in risk management
Comment on "the use of quantitative risk criteria in hazard analysis" by S.B. Gibson
Conflict resolution in sustainable infrastructure management
Corporate accountability. the time for consensus
Poland in transition to the European union (in the context of meeting standards in occupational safety and health)
Accidents are normal and human error does not exist: a new look at the creation of occupational safety
Accidents in Australia: the need for research
Fact or fable: towards the conceptualization of trauma
Injury control: a state-of-the-art review
Legislation and injury control
Some features of trauma in Australia
The current hiatus in occupational injury research in Australia
The dimensions of the accident problem in Australia
The need for epidemiological research in road trauma
Towards an Australian Institute of Trauma Research: learning the lessons of history
Driving the science of prevention into reverse
Finding occupational injury solutions: The impact of training in creative thinking
Basic concepts of safety engineering
Harmonised Risk Based Regulation -- a legal viewpoint
Herbert Eisner's contribution to safety in South Africa
Human factors and road safety. Overview of research at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute between 1977 and 1986
Identifying and registering safety practitioners
In defence of conventional safety measures: a reply to G.J.S. Wilde
Injuries as a preventable disease: the control of occupational injuries from the medical and public health perspective
Integral assessment -- putting safety on the agenda for mitigation and preparedness
Man-made disasters: why technology and organizations (sometimes) fail
Is ergonomics empirical?
Perspectives of accident research by safety science
Perspectives of accident research: Causes and prevention
Preface : European year of safety and health at work
Prevention--a government perspective
Priority to key areas and management by results in the National accident prevention policy
Reply to Larsson
Risk management in a dynamic society: a modelling problem
Safety Recommendations -- The engine that drives change
Safety science in retrospect a tribute to Herbert S. Eisner
Scientific theory and practical experience
Setting priorities for occupational health and safety research
Special issue for the 10th anniversary of the safety science group at the TU Delft
Special issue of Safety Science on Safety in Design
Symposium "The traffic dilemma"
The ergonomics research society: the society's lecture, 1974. the borderland of anatomy and ergonomics
The goal, and how to get there
The importance of accident and injury prevention
The impossibility of a unified traffic science
Research into accidents as a design tool
The need for a unification in traffic science
Bicycle helmets: Lack of efficacy against brain injury
Calling on exercise scientists to participate in broader efforts to prevent falls in older adults
Face protection in recreational ice hockey players: 1035: 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Self harm in Goth youth subculture: study merely reinforces popular stereotypes
More than 100,000 Europeans die prematurely each year from drinking, report warns
Understanding suicide through studies of diaries: the case of Cesare Pavese
Myths, the ultimate survivors in disasters
Traffic accidents another disaster?
Avoidable mortality in Europe 1955-1994: a plea for prevention
Incomplete priorities: ignoring the role of firearms in US suicides
Research on injury prevention: Time for an international agenda?
Socioeconomic differences in road traffic injuries
The Contribution of Health Promotion Research to Public Health
Injuries caused by traffic accidents in Spain: a call to action
Health proverbs
Toxicology: Then and now
Reward processing abnormalities and promising new directions for understanding suicide vulnerability (editorial)
1987 Conference on Injury in America: a summary
A blueprint for injury control in the United States
Can a community inject public health values into transportation questions?
Docs for guns
Epidemic on the roads
Evaluate! evaluate!
Injuries are not accidents
Injury prevention and control comes of age
Injury prevention for Indians: was the assessment too early?
Leading article--understanding and preventing violence: a review
Occupational safety and health: progress toward the 1990 objectives for the nation
One fine solution to the injury problem
Head trauma and hospital admission [letter]
Guest editor's introduction: domestic violence is a subject that has "found its time"
Issues in safety education interventions
Pediatric safety on farms: redefining the unacceptable
Economics and accidents: a commentary
Traffic accidents, a 20th century disease
A right to health
Conference on the prevention of injuries. Atlanta, Ga, October 15-17, 1984
Editorial was premature and misleading: The Heimlich maneuver
Licence for mayhem
Road safety is no accident: a call for global action
Setting the national agenda for injury control in the 1990s
The Heimlich Maneuver
The Nation's Health: when epidemiology meets ethics and politics
The possible dream: accident prevention and injury control--a conference to chart advances and plan strategy
The prevention of minority youth violence must begin despite risks and imperfect understanding
Why the government was right to change the 'Our Healthier Nation' accidental injury target
A survivor's analysis of a typical paragliding accident
Comment on Umbreit and Vos: Retributive Versus Restorative Justice
Primary prevention of sexual violence in North Carolina: a public health approach
Regulation or Responsibility? Autonomy, Moral Imagination, and Engineering
Death on the Roof: Race and Bureaucratic Failure
Commentary: television, children's health and safety behavior, and pediatric psychology
Comments on sociopsychological aspects of juvenile delinquency
Can sports injuries be prevented? Troubling shortage of controlled trials on the effects of prevention
Intervention of the state in the protection of childhood in danger: remarks of a magistrate for youth (France)
Evaluation in primary prevention: an obligation, i. the obstetrical point of view
Behavioral research toward prevention of childhood injury. Report of a workshop sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Sept 3-5, 1986
Broadening the understanding of injury prevention: a case study
Child care centers: a community resource for injury prevention
Childhood injury prevention: time for tougher measures
Childhood injury: significance and prevention strategies
Authors' reply to Bukowski's comments
Comments on Lucht's "Changing the Way We Do Business"
The need for a co-ordinated research activity for meeting the challenges of Europe
The need for fundamental Fire Research
Culture, meaning and disability: injury prevention campaigns and the production of stigma
Efforts to reduce the toll of injuries in childhood require expanded research
RE: "To sprinkler or not to sprinkler: that is not the question"
Reply by authors to Mr. Morin's letter commenting upon the report concerning elevation of gas-fired water heaters
Editorial. Analysis and synthesis
Editorial. Fire research needs interpretation
Editorial: Continuing Education
Editorial: Debugging Fire Risk
Editorial: Evaluating Scientific Evidence
Editorial: Rescuing Truth from Familiarity
Editorial: Sustainable Fire Safety
Editorial: The Role of Value Judgements in Performance-Based Fire Safety
Whatever happened to combustion toxicity?
Injury prevention in children
Introduction: [to this issue on topics including the laws of war and protection of war refugees, and human trafficking]
Junior League Football: risks versus benefits
Medical ethics and child abuse
Marketing Fire Safety
Injury prevention: a nursing responsibility
Prevention of childhood injury: clinical and public policy challenges
Words and Actions
Whatever happened to Mary Ellen?
Society of Pediatric Psychology Task Force Report: pediatric psychology and injury control
Strengthening the prevention and care of injuries worldwide
The physician's role in injury prevention: beyond the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force report
Underreported, underacknowledged: child abuse can no longer be ignored
Use of infant walkers
Health research funding: ... while injuries were ignored
Improving safety could save 15,000 children's lives a year in Europe, says WHO
Child safety is not accident. a 50-year dilemma
Childhood accident prevention--the importance of research
Only wholeness leads to clarity
Safety and the child
The need to make rugby safer
Traffic accidents are a political issue
Data translation: What can injury prevention and safety promotion learn from tobacco control data-policy nexus?
Comments on Drabek and Other Encyclopedists
No Good Idea Goes Unpunished - Moynihans Misunderstandings and Proper Role of Social Science in Policy Making
An editorial on "Mental health care for adults with suicide ideation"
But Will It be Just Another Ripple in the Pool
Medical neglect: a challenge in all countries
Accepting the unacceptable
The last word
Reaction to: "preventing suicide in women and men," by David Lester (Crisis 1995; 16:79-84)
Behavioral medicine and health psychology in a changing world
Challenges we face in understanding children and war: a personal essay
Commentary: Munchausen syndrome by proxy--is expansion justified?
Dead letter or living document? Ten years of the Code of Conduct for disaster relief
Time to get transportation on the aging policy agenda
Presidential address: International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Fourth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Paris, France, September, 1982
Presidential address: The International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
The coming decade: unfinished tasks and new frontiers
The vision: why a national call to action
Injury prevention: North Carolina's challenge and capacity to respond
Editorial: Dissociation in pre-school children
Alcohol and street traffic (critical comments from the legal and traffic medicine viewpoint)
Comment on the contribution by Schoknecht and Hahlbrauck. "Detection of foreign gases in breath alcohol analysis."
Health education and injury prevention: working together
Education versus environmental countermeasures: is it really an either-or proposition?
Editorial: Suicide in recently released prisoners
Public responses to intimate violence: a glance at the past
Editorial: Death and injury on roads: Lowering the road toll will take much more than altering road users' behaviour
A comment on Fort and Grigg's article (carbon monoxide poisoning in North Carolina)
Can the punishment fit the crime when suspects confess child sexual abuse?
Commentary: carceral suicides--some exceptions and paradoxes
Making road safety a public health concern for policy-makers in India
Reports on Katrina highlight weaknesses in U.S. disaster preparedness and response
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) State-Of-the-Science Conference on Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents - A Commentary
Traffic safety and sports utility vehicles
When food is poison: the history, consequences, and limitations of the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004
WHO update: finding a common vision for injury prevention
A new epidemic is killing our children ... and everyone can help immunize them!
Commentary: child abuse in New Jersey
Editorial: Physician responsibility in child abuse
Editorials: Murder and mayhem: The weekly agenda
The fate of the motorcycle safety bill in the 1973 Alabama legislature
Traffic safety: action needed now
Commentary: legal minimum tread depth for passenger car tires in the u.s.a.--a survey
Injury Admissions to Pediatric Intensive Care Are Predictable and Preventable: A Call to Action
Commentary: The Zone of Danger, Physical Impact, and PTSD
Violence: a complex but preventable public health issue
Shopping cart-related injuries to children
Falls and fracture prevention in older people: time for action
Casualties: narrative and images of the war on Iraq
Assessment of interpersonal aggression and violence: introduction to the special issue
Royal college rewrites child protection history
National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)
Editorial: Accident prevention
Editorial: Accidents in the factory and in the home
Editorial: Home accidents
Editorial: Safety and preventive medicine
Editorial: Should the health officer look at the automobile -- the misguided missile
Editorial: Toward prevention of suicide
Epidemiologic studies and control programs in alcoholism. 4. Discussion
Rôle of the health department in the prevention of accidents
The fence or the ambulance? A public health poem
Accident prevention has been beneficial. a historical reflection and current update
The medical association's suggestions on traffic: increase of driving age, improved motorcycle control
How can we prevent accidents?
Better scientific basis is necessary for traffic safety
Comment on "Post-wildfire logging hinders regeneration and increases fire risk"
Comment on "Post-wildfire logging hinders regeneration and increases fire risk"
Progress?--Yes, but unmet needs remain
The 8th world conference
The International Society for Violence and Injury Prevention
U.S. homeland security: Congress dials back research on understanding terrorism
WHO's Plan of Action
Public health notes: Accidents among children
Can child accidents be prevented in your community?
Twenty years on ... time to take stock
Cannabis and driving: a new perspective
The Early American Origins of the Modern Gun Control Debate: The Right to Bear Arms, Firearms Regulation, and the Lessons of History
The Reasonable Right to Bear Arms
A Cultural Turn: Reflections on Recent Historical and Legal Writing on the Second Amendment [USA]
Alcohol-related injury and the emergency department: research and policy questions for the next decade
Reader's response to "Who gets shot? firearms and the doctor."
Still too much drinking and driving in the EU
Motorcycle accidents and their outcome. Commentary
Avoidance and misunderstanding: a rejoinder to McDowall et al
Life support for ailing hypotheses: modes of summarizing the evidence for racial discrimination in sentencing
Editor's note: A debate about defensive gun uses
Impossible policy evaluations and impossible conclusions: a comment on Koper and Roth
Optimal penalties versus minimizing the level of crime - does it matter who is correct - comment
Point Blank against itself: evidence and inference about guns, crime, and gun control
Public Opinion and Gun Control: A Comparison of Results from 2 Recent National Surveys
Rape and resistance
Rejoinder to Tomislav V. Kovandzic's comment on our article "the effectiveness of gun control laws: multivariate statistical analysis"
The surprising finding that "cultural worldviews" don't explain people's views on gun control - Commentary
Unemployment and property crime: a target-specific assessment of opportunity and motivation as mediating factors
Cholera and car accidents
Motorcycle helmets do save lives!
Child abuse: a disturbing problem
Seat belt campaigns--role of health agencies
King salomon was not so "wise"
The alcohol problem in former East Germany--suggestions for necessary discussion
The promille limit in political discussion
Hurricane Katrina. One year after, New Orleans researchers struggle to rebuild
Suicide amongst the adolescent [editorial]
Family violence will be the issue of the 90s
Few Comments on the Political Dimensions of Disaster Assistance
Founder's perspective--then and now
Full circle or forward
Grandiose fury. letter across the Pacific
Some comments on the future of ergonomics
Moving child abuse and neglect prevention programs forward: improving program evaluations
Henry Kempe memorial lecture--11th international congress on child abuse and neglect. thoughts from the human rights perspective
Henry kempe's legacy
ISPCAN presidential message
It's time to broaden the agenda
It's time to wave the yellow flag
Kempe memorial lecture. children, society, and ethics
Should Pastoralism Continue As A Way of Life
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the call to action
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the economics
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the media
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the message
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the politics
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the practice
National call to action: working toward the elimination of child maltreatment. the science
One good controlled study is worth a thousand expert opinions
Re: Freeman-Longo, R.E. (1996). Invited commentary: Feel-good legislation -- prevention or calamity
Reaction to Michael Kelleher's review of "death on request"
Reflections on 7 Years at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Rethinking prevention
Rights, standards and quality in a complex humanitarian space: is Sphere the right tool?
Administration of justice in drunk driving cases
British law on drinking and driving
Control of the drinking driver: Science challenges legal creativity
Drink-Driving - the Nexus Between Social-Attitudes, Social-Action and Research Directions - Comment
Drinking Driver - Challenge of Seventies
Drunk driving - Are random checkpoints constitutional?
Literary Rhetoric of Science - Comedy and Pathos in Drinking Driver Research
Problem of drinking driver
Solutions to the drunk driving conundrum
Noncommunicable Diseases and Injuries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Time for Action
Comment: Prevention of fatal occupational injuries
Firearm violence in America: a growing health problem
Reply to letter to the editor re: "incidence and characteristics of falls leading to hip fracture in Iranian population."
Life-altering decisions. Katrina-related murder arrests for three New Orleans healthcare workers could have major implications for industry
A Reader Comments on Hotel Firesafety Article
A Welcome Dialogue: Reply to Wickens
Perfect and Imperfect Duties to Aid
Vehicles and Crashes: Why is this Moral Issue Overlooked?
Almost 19 million childhood injuries result in 11 thousand deaths
Accidents--a preventable epidemic
Federal health policy response to Hurricane Katrina: what it was and what it could have been
Injury prevention
In memoriam: Frank A. Haight 1919-2006
Appeasement and reconciliation: Introduction to an aggressive behavior special issue
Are human rights the same for citizens of weak and strong nations?
Better codes via fire technology
Bullying in schools: Lessons from two decades of research
Commentary on Goodman, Tijerina, Bents, and Wierwille, "Using cellular telephones in vehicles: safe or unsafe?"
Commentary on "Using cellular telephones in vehicles: safe or unsafe?"
Fire Safety Challenges in the 21st Century
Flame resistant cotton/polyester carpet materials (vol 18, pg 160, 2000)
Has the time come for aggression researchers to participate more in the public discussions about alternatives for war and terrorism as solutions for human group conflicts?
Latin America Must Take Firesafety Seriously
Reply to Comments by Hancock and Scallen, Moray, and Smiley on ""Using cellular telephones in vehicles: safe or unsafe?"
The Vision Becomes a Reality: the Learn No To Burn Foundation's 1st Year
Social knowledge in Medicine: An editorial
Injury in childhood: a vexingly simple problem
Falling wrinklies
Road traffic accidents, causes and causalities [editorial]
Commentary on Johnson's "Conflict and Control: Gender Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence"
Commentary on Swan and Snow's "The Development of a Theory of Women's Use of Violence in Intimate Relationships"
Peer mediation and conflict resolution (editorial)
Violence against children is widespread
Bullying Widespread: A Critical Analysis of Research and Public Discourse on Bullying
Blood and oil: vehicle characteristics in relation to fatality risk and fuel economy
BMJ bans "accidents"
Injury prevention: an international perspective
Road traffic injury prevention
Taking risks with injury prevention
The continuing global challenge of injury: The UK is lagging behind
The non-existent role of injury prevention in medical practice
A reply from SMARTRISK
Medical contributions to accident prevention
Suggestions for a course in the history and philosophy of health and safety education
An ethicist's commentary on the case of whether a biting dog should be adopted out or destroyed
Commentary on the pitfalls and pratfalls of evaluation research with intervention and prevention programs
Guidelines for dealing with disasters involving large numbers of extensive burns (2006)
Comment on
Moving from blame to quality: how to respond to failures in child protective services
Injury Control and Trauma Care in Canada: How Well are We Doing?: Trauma Association of Canada Presidential Address
Violence and Mental Illness -- How Strong is the Link?
Commentary: Time for a re-assessment of the incidence of intentional and unintentional injury in India and South East Asia
Advancing injury prevention and trauma care in North America and globally
Injury Prevention in Child and Adolescent Sport: Whose Responsibility Is It?
Preparing for the next natural disaster: need for a WHO coordinating centre
Iraqi death estimates called too high; methods faulted
Deregulation and the right to life
The changing approach to the epidemiology, prevention, and amelioration of trauma: The transition to approaches etiologically rather than descriptively based (1970)
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy/Fabricated and Induced Illness: Does the diagnosis serve economic vested interests, rather than the interests of children?
Higher alcohol tax will cut underage drinking
Study reveals extent of rape in spread of HIV/AIDS
Comment on: Tap water scald burns in children, by KW Feldman, RT Schaller, JA Feldman, and M McMillon, Pediatrics, 1978;62:1-7
Burns in childhood. social implications in the eve of the year 2000
The benefit of moderate alcohol consumption once again questioned by the Swedish National Institute of Public Health
Commentary: the importance of professional judgment in evaluation of stalking and threatening situations
Injury as a global phenomenon of concern in nursing science
Perspectives on violence
Are Editors free from bias? The special case of Letters to the Editor
Bridging the gap between research and practice: a continuing challenge
Injury prevention policy forum
The National Violent Death Reporting System: a new gold standard for the surveillance of violence related deaths?
Implementation of the national policy to reduce accidents and violence
Not Just a Domestic Problem: Intimate Partner Violence
No Acceptable Level of Accidents
Caution: Teens at Work.
Hooked on Safety: Using Public Health Methods to Prevent Accidents in Alaska
Commentary on how child protective service investigators decide to substantiate mothers for failure to protect in sexual abuse cases
Comments on How Child Protective Services Investigators Decide to Substantiate Mothers for Failure-to-Protect in Sexual Abuse Cases
Paternalism and its discontents: motorcycle helmet laws, libertarian values, and public health
Unscientific contribution about suicide among adolescents
Staying alive! A suicide prevention overview
Gunshot wounds: a public health care crisis
Toward a Critical Anthropology of Human Rights
Editorial: the continuing struggle for adequate compensation for injured workers
Occupational safety and health on the U.S.-Mexico border
Workplace violence: a policy statement
Behavioral and social sciences and public health at CDC
Engineering and public health at CDC
Urban planning and public health at CDC
'There was an accident at work, but I'm ok'
Forum: Sexual violence and health. Introduction
Forum: Sexual violence and health. Postscript
Bullying. Killing them softly
A further celebration of nursing research in violence
Medicalising domestic violence
Nation unprepared for natural disasters, terrorism attacks
Prevent occupational poisoning, protect workers' health
Say what? Who? Me? Right here in the trenches? Collaborate on what?--Seeking common ground in regional all-hazards preparedness training
Geomatics in injury prevention: the science, the potential and the limitations
Health research funding: injuries were ignored
Occupational injuries
Policy recommendations in the discussion section of a research article
Success in gun law reform in Australia
The disaster response system: unanswered questions
Government needs to take lead in preventing injuries in children
'It's in the blood and you're not going to change it': Fish harvesters' narrative accounts of injuries and disability
Suicide mortality data need revision
Injury prevention activities in U.S. trauma centres: Are we doing enough?
Introducing emergency preparedness in childbirth education classes
Occupational safety and health objectives of Healthy People 2010: a systematic approach for occupational health nurses--part I
Preventing injury and injury-related disability in children and adolescents
Tattooing and body piercing
The educational value of a single injury prevention counseling encounter
Timing of brain injury
Action on alcohol and road accidents
Be careful with statistics--they're fragile
Blood tests and drivers
Editorial: Teen-age alcoholism, medicine, and the law
International views on alcohol and traffic safety
Medical Association of New Zealand submission to Royal Commission on Liquor 15 March 1974
Suicide through the eyes of the riddler
"Around here, they roll up the sidewalks at night": A qualitative study of youth living in a rural Canadian community
Recommendation against policies facilitating the transfer of juveniles from juvenile to adult justice systems for the purpose of reducing violence
Statement on bicycle safety and the promotion of bicycle helmet use
Treating Juveniles as Adult Criminals An Iatrogenic Violence Prevention Strategy if Ever There Was One
Comment on the Comments, or What I See in Hewitt's Mirror in Rereading My Paper
Commentary about the Terrorist Acts of September 11, 2001: Posttraumatic Reactions and Related Social and Policy Issues
Comments on Pagelow's myth of psychopathology in woman battering
Control "social carnivores" to prevent bites
Court hears shaken baby cases
Description, Taxonomy, and Explanation in Disaster Research
Essay - self-inflicted injury .
Silent victims: Children exposed to family violence
United Kingdom General Medical Council fails child protection
Firearms law is absurd and harmful to our patients!
Are test materials toys? A reply to Ridenour and Reid
Adapting international best practises for Africa: Advancements and challenges (editorial)
Childhood injuries: Defining a global agenda for research and action (editorial)
Data to action: Intersecting spaces, diversity, and social action (editorial)
Data to action: Mobilising compassion and merging voices in safety promotion (editorial)
Data to action: The science and politics of violence prevention (editorial)
Building and consolidating the injury prevention sector in Africa
Engaging Utopia through evidence
Injury prevention initiative for Africa: Achievements and challenges
Making Africa safer for children (editorial)
Equity, social differentiation, transport policy and road design (editorial)
Performance management and occupational safety: Start with a safety belt program
Since safety maintains our lives, we need to maintain maintaining
Building safety--an international perspective
Medicalising domestic violence
Noncommunicable diseases and injuries: action needed in South Asia too
Protest and survive, the U.K. construction safety campaign: a case study of workers' and victims' family action and legal and regulatory inaction on construction health and safety
American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence: Firearms and adolescents
Book of accidents (1830). Excerpt XI: riding a wild horse
Book of accidents. 18. Boys fighting
Book of accidents. 8. Worrying dogs
Book of accidents. Excerpt X: playing with horses
Book of accidents. Excerpt XIV: tossed by a bull
Book of accidents. Excerpt XVI: climbing trees
Child abuse control centers: a project for the Academy?
Child abuse control centers: a project for the Academy?
Child-resistant containers can prevent poisoning
Childhood injury and pediatric education: a critique
Commentaries: A first priority--childhood automobile safety
Alcohol is the true 'rape drug'
Medical students should be taught about rape
Mental health of young people: a global public-health challenge
Protecting children from all forms of abuse and neglect
Federalism and the Battle over Counterterrorist Law: State Sovereignty, Criminal Law Enforcement, and National Security
Finland pioneers international suicide prevention
Following Some Dreams: Recognizing Opportunities, Posing Interesting Questions, and Implementing Alternative Methods
Forensic engineering: Reduction of risk and improving technology (for all things great and small)
A chronology of failed advocacy and frustration:  The time is long overdue for genuine national leadership
Emerging Disease Burdens and the Poor in Cities of the Developing World
Health diplomacy through collaboration and a story of hope in tsunami-ravaged Banda Aceh, Indonesia: a U.S. Public Health Service nurse officer perspective
Preventing violence--caring for victims
Prevention of injuries at home
Reducing firearm violence: a research agenda
Vision Zero - Is it irrational?
Doctors are more dangerous than gun owners: a rejoinder to error counting
On the road: accidents that should not happen
Democratic virtues, diversity and the common good: Exploring the nexus of peace and justice in Islamic society (editorial)
Domestic violence against women--an international concern
Gun violence and public health
Injury prevention activities: What should we really be doing?
Injury prevention and trauma centres: Is it an oxymoron?
Report recommends tighter legislation and better road design to reduce traffic injuries and deaths
Suicide among the young: it is still a crisis!
Gunshot violence in the United States: a growing threat to all. A physician's personal view
How do we know we're winning the war against terrorists? Issues in measurement
GDL [graduated driver licensing] and Beyond: Progress and Promise
Integrating intimate partner violence prevention into daily practice
Moving GDL [graduated driver licensing] Forward
Science and graduated licensing
Sexual assault nursing research: it makes a difference
Striving to help college students with mental health issues
Translating research into practice
Infanticide: contrasting views
Murphy's law
Hurricane Katrina: disasters teach us and we must learn
Agility and Discipline: Critical Success Factors for Disaster Response
Protecting children -- the role of the law, 1: Principles and key concepts
Violence and children: a view from the emergency department
Violence--the neglected epidemic
Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System after Hurricane Katrina
Assessing U.S. strategy in the war on terror
Policy and politics
50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics Suicide in children and adolescents
Suicide for scrutinizers
Accident--an anachronism?
An accident and emergency based child accident surveillance system: is it possible?
Antipersonnel mines: who are the victims?
Casualty, accident and emergency, or emergency medicine, the evolution
A critical appraisal of the 1998 meta-analytic review of child sexual abuse outcomes reported by Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman
Kids in need: immediate psychological support for children after a disaster
The real controversy about child sexual abuse research contradictory findings and critical issues not addressed by Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman in their 1998 outcomes meta-analysis
An approach to the problem of accidents
Helping communities address suicide and violence: the special initiatives team of the Indian Health Service
Go ahead punk, make my day: it's time for pediatricians to take action against media violence
Pulling the plug on entertainment industry ratings
Editorial: Jealousy and the emergence of violent and intimidating behaviours
Editorial: Post-traumatic stress disorder as a bodily injury
Hortations on the use of accident cost data
Book of accidents. Excerpt XV. troubling the cook
Injury illiteracy
Injury prevention and safety promotion in Africa: Local actors and global partmers (editorial)
A critique of research on sexual-minority youths
Junction design - A view from the sharp end
The injury problem from different perspectives: An academic perspective
The injury problem from different perspectives: A neurosurgeon's perspective
A Kantian duty to commit suicide and its implications for bioethics
A Kantian moral duty for the soon-to-be demented to commit suicide
Can suicide be a rational and ethical act in persons with early or pre-dementia?
Exploring assumptions about child neglect in relation to the broader field of child maltreatment
Guidelines for medical care of children who may have been sexually abused
Gun control US style: one small step
Management of major accidents and disasters: An important responsibility for the trauma surgeons
Prediction of morbidity and mortality on admission to a burn unit: Reply
Principles to help prevent youth sports-related injuries
Response to open peer commentaries on “A Kantian moral duty for the soon to be demented to commit suicide”
Teaching medical students about rape
The length of hospitalization and morbidity of burned patients (Letter)
Unfinished business
Violence and schizophrenia: Commentary
FDA panel seeks to balance risks in warnings for antidepressants
High-priority research and development needs for maintaining the safety and mobility of older drivers
Safety: accident prevention and safety--whose responsibility?
Driving retirement: the role of the physician
Driving safety for older adults
Driving: the ultimate IADL
The Moslems are here—Be Afraid!
Senior drivers: risks, interventions, and safety
System of renewal of driving licences for elderly people needs overhauling
Work by Alberta researchers may free MDs from awkward fitness-to-drive decisions
Emergency nurse urges booster seat advocacy after encounter at traumatic crash scene
Health in Africa: in Taiwan, taking action on road safety made a difference
Prevention and control of injury and violence
Can fatal head injuries be prevented?
2006 ENA national scorecard on [USA] state highway laws: a road map for advocacy
Children plus all nonautomobile motorized vehicles (not just all-terrain vehicles) equals injuries
Commentary on "terrorism, trauma, and mass casualty triage"
Commentary: What happens to crash victims after we resuscitate them?
Road Traffic Injury Is an Escalating Burden in Africa and Deserves Proportionate Research Efforts
School transportation safety
Seats must be secured when children are not using them
Cell phones and E-mail: some thoughts
Diabetes and driving
Guidelines for dealing with disasters involving large numbers of extensive burns (2007)
Terrorists are activists who renounce non-violence
Challenges in studying the psychological effects of Palestinian children's exposure to political violence and their coping with this traumatic experience
Falling through the cracks--Virginia Tech and the restructuring of college mental health services
Injury prevention: why so important?
Preventing motor vehicle crashes (no accidents please!)
WHO safe communities--should we expand the definition of a 'community'?
Acute need of registration of ambulance crash-related injuries
Automobile driving by old demented patients--an issue that has to be addressed immediately
Confidentiality threatened if physicians are to report drivers who pose a danger to traffic
Insufficient controllable, measuring data in a debate article on alcohol ignition interlock
The primary care physician and the unsafe older drivers
Integrating injuries into noncommunicable disease prevention: a case study from Pakistan
Promoting road traffic injuries research in South Asia: capacity strengthening in health research
The role of health research in the prevention and control of road traffic injuries in South Asia
Can the number of people killed in traffic accidents in Denmark be reduced?
Surprise, surprise--the correlation between legislation and behavior of people explains the increasing number of accidents due to driving under the influence of alcohol
Campus tragedy prompts closer look at mental health of college students
Guiding resource allocations based on terrorism risk
My Favorite Tips for Detecting Malingering and Violence Risk
Personal injury compensation
Protecting children -- the role of the law, 2: Legal powers to safeguard children
Working together to protect children: Who should be working with whom?
Doctors are failing to tell diabetic people about UK driving rules
Drugs and driving: when science and policy don't mix
It's important to see the wood for the trees: a reply to Andover, Pepper, Ryabchenko, Orrico, and Gibb (2005)
Comment on "Psychology and U.S. psychologists in torture and war in the Middle East"
The importance of reporting mistreatment of the elderly
A look at the national health crisis of drunk driving
Efforts to prevent gun sales to mentally ill may deter patients from seeking help
School bus and children's traffic safety
A right to be safe
Limitations of study on violent crime and mental illness
Loathing the sinner, medicalizing the sin: why sexually violent predator statutes are unjust
Needed: new concepts and methods in research on violence and its effects
Impact agricultural safety and health: know producers, know agriculture, and engage in a professional community of practice
Progress in preventing violence
Why safety training may not be the answer
Alcohol limit for drink driving should be much lower
Can traffic calming measures achieve the Children's Fund objective of reducing inequalities in child health?
Car makers press Europe for voluntary agreement on safety
Emerging technologies and the safety and health of farming people
Toward optimal health: Dr. Brigid Mccaw discusses intimate partner violence
Wearing a hard hat is only half the job
Falls and hip fractures in elderly can be prevented
The inclusion of violence in the health agenda: historical trajectory
Reframing political violence and mental health outcomes: outlining a research and action agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean region
The deterritorrialization of violence
Drowning prevention and knowledge transfer
Interdisciplinary research and randomized trials
On systematic reviews
On the importance of methods
Perspectives on publishing highlights of the last decade
Recent trends in accident prevention
There's more to Injury Prevention than original papers
WHA resolution on trauma and emergency care services
When the attack comes before the asthma: violence increases risk from pollution
Driving and dementia
Focused road-safety initiatives urgently required
Time to retire preventable death studies
Humanitarian benefits of cadaver research on injury prevention
Injury biomechanics research: an essential element in the prevention of trauma
A single avoidable death from injury is a tragedy, a thousand deaths is just a statistic
Analysis and Implications of the Omission of Offenders in the DoD Care for Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force Report
Get involved with your hospital's disaster planning initiatives
Interventions to halt child abuse in Aboriginal communities
Natural disaster, unnatural deaths: The killings on the life care floors at Tenet's Memorial Medical Center after Hurricane Katrina
Prepare for disaster with scenario-based planning
Specialists at violence prevention conference
Ten myths about injury prevention that hinder effective child safety policy making
Understanding the complexities of feminist perspectives on woman abuse: A commentary on Donald G. Dutton's rethinking domestic violence
Violence: A priority for public health? (part 2)
When disaster strikes
Agricultural occupational health and safety organisation
Opinionating on the cause of poisoning and death in fire victims
Commentary on "Association of ground hardness with injuries in rugby union"
Commentary on "Quantifying the risk of sports injury: a systematic review of activity-specific rates for children under 16 years of age"
Heat waves and heat-related illness: preparing for the increasing influence of climate on health in temperate areas
World Suicide Prevention Day--September 10, 2007: "suicide prevention across the life span"
Childhood injury: call for action
Injury prevention as the physician's challenge
Is there any obligation to maintain and promote health?
"And things that go bump in the night": nothing to fear?
Safety, state and peace promotion in the Middle-East: Where do we begin? (editorial)
Securing safety as a right: From knowing to doing (editorial)
The damage of discourse: Notes on violence in the Basque country
Psychiatrists, mental illness, and violence (Commentary)
A Developmental Perspective on the Controversy Surrounding the Use of SSRIs to Treat Pediatric Depression (Commentary)
What can the physician do in order to improve the traffic safety?
What do we know about school accidents?
Commentary: automatic collision notification: ready or not, here it comes
Commentary: cellular telephones and cars: a mix that is a real handful...with or without the hands
Cyclists and pedestrians are sacrificed for the greater safety of motorists, says campaigner
An alcohol strategy for England: the good, the bad and the ugly
Remarkable Decline in Hip Fracture Incidence in Younger Age Groups in Germany
Development of the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network
A major step forward in violence prevention
Attributes of an injury-free culture: ownership
Commentary: Polypharmacy and older drivers: beyond the doors of the emergency department (ED) for patient safety
Challenges of meeting new department of defense sexual assault guidelines
Concerns About Methodology Used in Real-World Experiments on Transport and Transport Safety
FDA: Cold Medications Risky for Young Children
First Comprehensive Road Safety Plan by the Valencia Regional Government
Injury prevention and control
Proliferation of firearms is growing global health problem
Editorial: bullying as a public health issue
The unexpected shutdown. Do you have disaster-recovery plans for your practice's data?
Access management: will raising the drawbridge keep your healthcare facility safe?
Preventing falls in hospital - time to change STEP?
Worst-case scenario. Many hospitals still unprepared for disaster: CDC
Unique emergency training for healthcare safety/security officers
Number of gun-related suicides in Austria has fallen since tightening of gun controls
Speed limits: a letter to the minister of transportation Pietro Lunardi
Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: a cross sectional cluster sample survey
English medical experts and the claims for shock occasioned by railway collisions in the 1860s issues of law, ethics, and medicine
Struggles for health and safety in the Danish construction industry
Traffic safety: ambitious targets and initiatives in Canada and around the world
Injury prevention and control: understanding the issues and making a difference
Reporting impaired drivers
Drugs and driving: the nuances
Playground safety
Every ride a safe ride
Lessons learned when science meets legislation
Reducing illegal BAC levels across the country
Failure in the control of the number of traffic accident victims in Spain: Is this a result of the correct answer to the wrong question?
With rights and privileges go responsibilities
Child abuse and the 'Little Children are Sacred' Report: a rural paediatrician's perspective
Commentary on "Injuries in the Victorian thoroughbred racing industry"
Groups urge warning label for medical devices containing toxic chemical
Ring ring . . . 'Hello, drug and poison"
Trauma and motorcyclists; born to be wild, bound to be injured?
The role dentists can play in mass casualty and disaster events
Violence and the Millennium Development Goals
Work injuries
Workplace violence: Are you prepared?
A Few Words on Highway Safety
Editorial: Intelligent Transportation Systems and Safety: Innovation and Directions
First Hand Witnesses of Sled Testing Over the Past Forty Years
Investigation of Road Accidents on Lithuanian State Roads
Method for Highway Safety Design on Computer Simulation
Commentary on Evaluating the Implementation of Hospital-based Domestic Violence Programs
Adjusting Actuarial Violence Risk Assessments Based on Aging or the Passage of Time (Crim Just Behav Vol 34, Pg 297, 2007)
Actuarial Assessment of Violence Risk - To Weigh or Not to Weigh?
A Father and His Perverse Son: The First Example of Juvenile Delinquency in the Recorded History of Man
A Look Toward the Prevention of Crime and Delinquency
A Newspaper's Obligations
Hated Identities: Queers and Canadian Anti-hate Legislation
A commentary on violence
"Crash" was his name; car safety was his game
Legislative advocacy is key to addressing teen driving deaths
John Paul Stapp memorial lecture. the birth of European biomechanics fed by the Atlantic umbilical cord
Long-term global health deficits: yet another adverse outcome from motor vehicle crashes
Road traffic deaths in the Middle East: call for action
Risks on the roads
Stop the dangerous ambulance transports!
 The implications of increasing alcohol consumption in Australia today
A National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety
A National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety: some comments
Addendum to Dr Hanson's Remarks
Book Review: No Peace in Our Time? Aggression: a social learning analysis by Albert Bandura. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
Article on Amish buggy accidents draws fire
Assault as a public health problem: discussion paper
Commentary: Preventing suicide: need for a life course approach
Evidence-based practice in road casualty reduction
Is smoking associated with suicide in bipolar patients?
Overdoses are injuries too
Protecting children from dangerous products: fundamental change needed
Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility: UK government statement on the duties of doctors
Attacking violence as a public-health emergency
Call to action against femicide: illuminating a shadow pandemic as a global public health emergency
Challenging dentistry to recognize and respond to family violence
Finding studies for inclusion in systematic reviews of interventions for injury prevention the importance of grey and unpublished literature
Injury and violence prevention: behavioral science theories, methods, and applications
Intimate partner violence
A Criticism of the Automobile Legal Association
A New Approach to the Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents
A "sense of traffic"
A Talent for Accidents
Accident Prevention - A State Health Departments Responsibility
Accident Prevention - An Essential Public Health Service
Accident Prevention in the Iron and Metal Industry: An Appeal to the Reich Operating Confraternity of Iron and Metal
Accident Prevention
A cautionary note for forensic psychologists Andrea Pia Yates v. the State of Texas
A Comment on Robert D. Goldney's “A Historical Note on Suicide During the Course of Treatment for Depression”
Addressing Domestic Violence: The (Long) Road Ahead
Rwanda's road-safety transformation
Are Accidents Inevitable?
Are Accidents Inevitable?
Automobile injuries--a national epidemic
Chest injuries - what is new?
Principles of mass casualty response to terrorist attacks. What American responders can learn from the Israeli experience
Selected issues in injury and illness prevention and the team physician: A consensus statement
Work-related road safety
Australia urgently needs a federal government body dedicated to monitoring and preventing sports injuries
Medical care provided during a disaster should be immune from liability or criminal prosecution
Suicide prevention in Pakistan: an impossible challenge?
Inherent safety, ethics and human error
Nurses--making family violence our business
Reflections on a natural disaster
Senior suicide
Update on child abuse prevention
A few lessons about drugs and gun crime
Disaster preparedness: When your community needs you most
From trauma care to injury control: a people's history of the evolution of trauma systems in Canada
Guidelines for Postmortem Protocol for Ocular Investigation of Sudden Unexplained Infant Death and Suspected Physical Child Abuse
Domestic violence: A multifaceted evil
Tai chi may prevent falls
Teen dating violence: an unrecognized health care need
The conversion of coroner systems to medical examiner systems in the United States: a lull in the action
Practice Well: Suicide Risk and Suicide Prevention
Safety: what do we mean?
The struggles of doing what is right and needed
Bullying: emotional and physical terrorism
Ethical decisions in times of disaster: choices healthcare workers must make
Firearms and dementia: a smoking gun?
Head injuries in high school and college football players
The role of public health in injury prevention in the WHO European region
Violence and nursing
Weapons of war - Humanitarian and medical impact
Commentary: Alcohol and violence -- A complex nexus of drinking environment and drinking pattern
A correction: how I fixed my mistake
"Drinking is Fun" and "There's Nothing You Can Do About It": The Problem With the 21-Year-Old Minimum Drinking Age
Children for sale: child trafficking in Southeast Asia
New Directions for Research on Intimate Partner Violence and Children
The Instruments of Transport Policy
All Trucks Need Recorders, Not Just Those Driven by Habitual Violators
Boys Are Not Sexually Exploited? A Challenge to Practitioners
How Far Is England in the Process of Introducing a Mandatory Reporting System?
Using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut: the modern management of concussion
Getting Around in an Aging Society
One last kick at the can
Getting beyond, 'What did she do to provoke him?': Comments on child custody and domestic violence
Why is it so difficult to legislate on alcohol in Spain?
A global overview of burns research highlights the need for forming networks with the developing world
Baby-Boomer Bikers Dominate Roads - But at a Cost
Door Latch Standard Is Strengthened but Still Requires Work
Risk compensation theory keeps popping up where it's wholly irrelevant
A stance against violence
Cranio-maxillofacial injuries in Homer's Iliad
Domestic violence: What should pediatricians do?
A review of unique challenges and important directions for self-injury science
Youth and suicide
Suicide Is Preventable
Child and adolescent injuries: a new agenda for child health
Increase in US youth suicide rates 2004
Parenting interventions for child injury, and interventions for the construction industry: systematic reviews
The MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study Revisited: Two Views Ten Years After Its Initial Publication
World report on child injury prevention
Railroad Safety: An Unfinished Investment (With Commentary)
Drug-facilitated sexual assault: educating women about the risks
Intimate partner violence is not identified as a health problem by health care workers
The ethics of the other
Culture clash: alcohol marketing and public health aspirations
Delivery of a brief motivational intervention to patients with alcohol-related facial injuries: Role for a specialist nurse
Discussion of, "Injuries to Restrained Children" by Henderson et al
Intimate partner violence: A gender-based issue?
Calming traffic on Bogota's killing streets
Prevalence and effects of rape myths in print journalism: the Kobe Bryant case
Sexual and reproductive health in conflict areas: the imperative to address violence against women
The challenge of managing families with intimate partner violence in primary care
Substance abuse and diagnosis of cervical spine injuries: policy consideration
Salvia divinorum: an hallucinogenic mint which might become a new recreational drug in Switzerland
Commentary on"injuries on offshore cruising sailboats: analysis for means of prevention."
Engineering education in the wake of hurricane Katrina
Transferring injury data to decision makers in British Columbia
Guns, Fear, the Constitution, and the Public's Health
Handgun Violence, Public Health, and the Law
Interpreting the Right to Bear Arms -- Gun Regulation and Constitutional Law
Bridging Science and Practice in Violence Prevention: Addressing Ten Key Challenges
Comment on ocular manifestations of crush head injury in children
Mandatory reporting of domestic violence
Role of the law in ensuring work related road safety
Despite benefit, physicians slow to offer brief advice on harmful alcohol use
Commentary on"understanding the motivations for recreational marijuana use among adult Canadians"
Disaster training enters the 21st Century
Making youth violence prevention a national priority
Review of: Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys, 2nd ed
All measures necessary for prevention of violence against women
Physicians against violence--where are you?
"A preliminary evaluation of SOLVE: addressing psychosocial problems at work": correction to Probst et al. (2008)
Attacks intended to block access to information
Hurricane Katrina and disaster preparedness
Implementing the national [Australia] priorities for injury surveillance
Injury control: an opportunity for China
New manual for estimating the economic costs of injuries due to interpersonal and self-directed violence
Reconciling clinical experience with evidence-based knowledge in suicide prevention policy and practice
Remarks by Mary McAleese, President of Ireland made at the International Association of Suicide Prevention XXIV Biennial Conference, August 31, 2007, Irish National Events Centre, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Reversing motor vehicle injuries: a preventable tragedy
Studies need to make explicit the theoretical and case definitions of injury
Tornadoes and disaster management: not just in Kansas, Dorothy
Violence education in nursing: critical reflection on victims' stories
Is exposure to media violence a public-health risk?
Safety nets
Preventing sports injuries at the national level: Time for other nations to follow New Zealand's remarkable success
NZ Government's trend analysis of hospitalised self-harm is misleading
Accident perceptions: Their implications for accident investigations
Introducing the X-tree
Ten-to-the-minus-ninth: Satisfaction or satisfiction?
System improvement should be the objective of investigations
System safety's open loops
Underage drinking: understanding and reducing risk in the context of human development. Editors' preface
Underage drinking: understanding and reducing risk in the context of human development. Foreword
Whose risk is it, anyway?
Follow-Through: It's Good For Golf; its Great For Safety
Words mean something
Quality management for accident investigations I
Quality management for accident investigations II
Are these the same accident?
Standards for the Conduct of Air Safety Investigation
Safety training's Achilles heel
Five accideent perceptions: Their implications for accident investigation
District of Columbia v. Heller: Plaintiff's brief
Reducing the damage of Motor Vehicle Use
On cause
Role of the primary health care team in preventing accidents to children
Beyond poisons and problems: toxicology in Italy
Commentary on Josefsson K, Sonde Robins Wahlin T-B (2007): Violence in municipal care of older people in Sweden as perceived by registered nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 900-910
Safer schools in an age of mass violence: back to the basics of public health
"We must discuss suicide", and response by Dr Beautrais
Offspring of suicide attempters at greater risk of suicide events
Violence against women FIGO Committee for the Ethical Aspects of Human Reproduction and Women's Health
Epidemiology the major missing element in the global response to child maltreatment?
Editorial: sexual violence in prison
Improving the art and science of disaster medicine and public health preparedness
South Asian medical students call for the prevention of small arms violence
Lessons learned from aviation safety
Violence and commitment to treatment: reply
Falls among the elderly are a major cause of injuries and deaths in countries around the world
Injury prevention
Injury: our children's greatest health problem
Injury prevention and control: reflections on the state and the direction of the field
Setting priorities for child health and research: the neglected burden of injuries
Safe communities: a synopsis
Construction Safety
Toward an Interactional Perspective on Intimate Partner Violence
Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgeons' position statement on the use of all-terrain vehicles by children and youth
Transforming a flawed policy: A call to revive psychology and science in domestic violence research and practice
More on suicide
Retail Sales of Alcohol and the Risk of Being a Victim of Assault
The final log off for suicide sites
We are still trapped in the cycle of violence against women and children
Maltreatment of children--relevance for dental care
Traumatic brain injury in Latin America and the Caribbean: a call for research
Sports injury outcomes and prevention. Foreword
Sports injury outcomes and prevention. Preface
Violence, injury, and human safety
Athletic injuries in children...time for a reality check
Cassia occidentalis poisoning causes fatal coma in children in Western Uttar Pradesh
Injury prevention as a global health initiative
The value of trauma registries
Nurturing the research vision: violence, injury, and human safety
Sports injury prevention: A key mandate for the IOC
Accident proneness (Unfallneigung): a classic case of simultaneous discovery/construction in psychology
Adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury: who is doing it and why?
Fire-safe cigarettes: reducing the hazards of smoking
Statement in support of legislation regarding fire-safe cigarettes
Statement on insurance, alcohol-related injuries, and trauma centers
Child injuries and violence: the new challenge for child health
Japan to rethink suicide prevention policies
The increasing burden of injuries in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Making the case for safety investments
Unrecognized suicidal ideation in ED patients: are we missing an opportunity?
Preventing injury in childhood
The concept of establishing autonomous occupational safety and health in hospitals: an abstraction proposal
Role of health professionals in the prevention of domestic violence against women
Recent advances in the treatment of intimate partner violence and abuse. Foreword
The social and political functioning of states and the homicide of media workers
Violence, Canadian style
Varenicline: depression and suicide. Nicotine is a safer option. [Editorial]
Transferring injury data to decision makers in British Columbia
The prevention of suicide in India and the developing world: the need for population-based strategies
The rise of falls research
World Suicide Prevention Day:"think globally, plan nationally, act locally"
Automobile crashes and teenaged drivers
50 Years Ago in CORR: Motorist Injuries and Motorist Safety: Introduction: Prevention of Accidents. [editorial]
Brain injury in sports
Driving in Europe: the need of a common policy for drivers with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
Poverty, murder, and respect: unlikely to be linked in UK
FDA warns of adverse events linked to smoking cessation drug and antiepileptics. [editorial]
Which drug to be used in smoking cessation?
All-terrain vehicle safety: a long-standing issue!
Child Abuse and Neglect: A System That Still Needs Pediatric Leadership
Cost-effectiveness analyses for injury prevention initiatives in low- and middle-income countries
Improving infrastructure for injury control: a call for policy action
Injury research advocacy a high priority
Preventing violence and reducing its impact: How development agencies can help
Securing the future of injury prevention: people and institutions
Surveillance alone is not the answer
The gain of suicide
The role of public health nurses in emergency preparedness and response: a position paper of the Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing
The special issue on prevention of violence ignores the primordial violence
Translating Child Abuse Research Into Action
Violence Against Women With HIV Risk and Recent Criminal Justice System Involvement: Prevalence, Correlates, and Recommendations for Intervention
Whose life is it anyway? An exploration of five contemporary ethical issues that pertain to the psychiatric nursing care of the person who is suicidal: Part two
NAPNAP position statement on the prevention of unintentional injuries in children
Comments on Depreitere et al. Lateral head impacts and protection of the temporal area by bicycle safety helmets. J. Trauma. 2007; 62:1440
It cannot be all about safety: the benefits of prolonged mobility
Licensing authorities' options for managing older driver safety--practical advice from the researchers: commentary
Workplace Violence Survey 2008: Unsettling findings
Should it be the law in Wisconsin that all motorcyclists are required to wear helmets?
Special issue of traffic injury prevention. Introduction
Staying focused on falls
Future directions for older driver research
Injuries in Developing Countries-How Can We Help?: The Role of Orthopaedic Surgeons
The M77 Highway: Saving lives and money
Bullying: a global public health risk
Commentary on Luck L, Jackson D, and Usher K (2008) Innocent or culpable? Meanings that emergency department nurses ascribe to individual acts of violence. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1071-1078
A standardized model is needed to study the neurological effects of primary blast wave exposure
GPs have a vital role in recognising child abuse
Guns and suicide in the United States
Manifesto for safe communities
Reducing child accidents: lessons from down under
Safe communities
"The calm after the storm"
Injury epidemiology: Prevention and control of a major public health problem
Injuries, a medical and social problem
On cogency, professional bias, and public policy: an assessment of four views of the injury problem
Editorial: does suicide know the points of the compass?
Injury prevention: lots of work to do
Doctors must do more to identify child abuse, Dutch association says
Services for child sexual abuse lacking
Meeting the Global Demand of Sports Safety: The Intersection of Science and Policy in Sports Safety
The child rape epidemic
Commentary: Alcohol poisoning in Russia: implications for monitoring and comparative risk factor assessment
Editorial comments--"But for the hurricane": measuring natural disaster mortality over the long term
Editorial comments: Disasters, women's health and conservative society: working in Pakistan with the Turkish Red Crescent following the earthquake in Southeast Asia
The epidemic of injuries in Pakistan--a neglected problem
Guest editorial: Research and planning for injury prevention
Injury prevention: neurosurgery and public health
The right to bear arms: constitutional law, politics, and public health
A review of "Traffic Safety and Human Behavior, by David Shinar."
Air gun injuries: a growing problem in the UK
Performance-based building codes: a call for injury prevention indicators that bridge health and building sectors
The European Code Against Injuries (ECAI): translating evidence into practice
Journal of safety research: A safety and health research forum
Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse
Politics and disaster response: recent experience in Asia
Injury-related fatalities in China: an under-recognised public-health problem
Road traffic injuries: a major global public health crisis
Disaster response
Domestic violence: What should pediatricians do?
Violence against women. Editor's introduction
WHO's budgetary allocations and burden of disease: a comparative analysis
For safe biking, stay sober and stay off the sidewalk
Alice Springs [Northern Territory, Australia] faces epidemic of stab injuries
Domestic violence: the"rule of thumb": 2008 Western Trauma Association presidential address
Falls in the elderly--the need for more access to chiropody
Injury and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Spanish politicians discourse about the responses to violence against women
The need for a juvenile fire setting database
Falls of the elderly. Fate or disease?
A fresh look at the safety program - 1. when enough is too much
The second annual William S. Stone lecture of the American Trauma Society
Zhang Yimou and the quiet dialogue of cinematic violence: an analysis of “Hero” and “House of Flying Daggers”
A view on the road accident problem
The Doctor, the Driver, and the Police
Increasing rate of acute alcohol poisoning among Finnish youth
Suicide intervention research: a field in desperate need of development
Honor killings - still a burning issue in Pakistan
Smirking at Suicide
Suicide - A Neglected Medical Problem
Suicide - A Neglected Problem
Suicide - Neglected Problem
Taking the Trauma Out of Traffic
The traffic court: The most important in our system
Toward solving the accident problem
Traffic courts: The judge's responsibility
Wanted: Safety Devices for Automobile Passengers
What to do about automobile collision injuries?
AOTA's societal statement on youth violence
Future directions for research on core competencies
National Athletic Trainers' Association position statement: environmental cold injuries
The Bullet's Yaw: Reflections on Violence, Healing, and an Unforgettable Stranger
Childhood injury prevention
Creating Safe Travel Environments for Mobility As We Age: AARP's Efforts and Key Roles for Transportation Professionals
First Aid Training and Accidents - Comment
First Aid Training and Accidents
Gains made from research in the past, and challenges and questions for the future
Have We Grown Complacent About Highway Deaths?
Improving Intersection Safety - What's Next?
International Walk to School Day 2003
Sleep: a good investment in health and safety
The Nondangerous Offender Should Not Be Imprisoned: A Policy Statement Board of Directors, National Council On Crime and Delinquency
The Nondangerous Offender Should Not Be Imprisoned: A Policy Statement
Big yellow taxi, or, unhealthy terms of trade?
Construction Safety: An Agenda for the Profession
Hidden Epidemic of Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Mortality and Injury From Crashes a Case of Societal Neglect?
History of the Loss Prevention Symposia: Forty Years, 1967-2006
Improving road safety in developing countries: Opportunities for U.S. cooperation and engagement
Safe Routes to School: bringing together transportation and public health
Combat-related disorders: a persistent chimera
Teenage rape victim is stoned to death as violence sweeps Somalia
Fifty years of accident prevention
Growing road traffic death toll requires action from all sectors, urges new report
Trail to a Safer Country
Public health and violence
Random breath testing in Australia: getting it to work according to specifications
Re: "Guns in the medical literature (March and May)"
Reflections on trauma and violence-related deaths in Soweto, July 1990-June 1991
Reporting of child abuse by prehospital personnel
Every doctor has a duty to report suspected child abuse or neglect, says GMC
Road deaths: a neglected public health problem
Road safety--a national public health problem
Road trauma prevention: perspectives
Rural motor vehicle crashes: can we prevent them?
Safe travel--a worthwhile destination
Editorial: Towards a Better Understanding of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada
Introduction to Crashworthiness
Re: N-Point Linear Interpolation of Motor Vehicle Crush Profiles Applied to Various Force-Shortening Models (Vol 8, Pg 321, 2003)
Navigating Through the Healthy People 2020 Process
Child health must include injury prevention
US company designs gun for people with arthritic hands
Why We Need the Death Penalty
Injury and globalisation
Air Safety
The changing approach to the epidemiology, prevention, and amelioration of trauma: The transition to approaches etiologically rather than descriptively based (reprint of the 1968 article)
Barry Pless a celebration of his editorship of Injury Prevention
Editorial: Skateboard Safety
Book review-- Arming and disarming: a history of gun control in Canada (Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History) R. Blake Brown
Policy Research and Child Passenger Safety Legislation: A Case Study and Experimental Evaluation
The Impact of Poverty, Fear of Crime, and Crime Victimization on Keeping Firearms for Protection and Unsafe Gun-Storage Practices: A Review and Analysis With Policy Recommendations
Preventing foreign body injuries in children: A key role to play for the injury community
Before their time: The world of child labor
Child injury in the spotlight
Response to O'donnell et al. on preventing child abuse and neglect with public health principles
Simple measures could halve global deaths from unintentional injury, report says
Surveillance is necessary but not sufficient for prevention
World report on child injury prevention appeals to "Keep Kids Safe"
Thirty-five years of progress in automotive safety-my perspectives
Translating research into practice: resources available, researchers needed!
A new perspective on the natural philosophy of steams and its relation to the steam engine
Child maltreatment: seeing the problem is only step one
Child safe. Working to prevent childhood injuries
Civic Republicanism and the Citizen Militia: The Terrifying Second Amendment
Commentary on child abuse and neglect
Commentary: Some Trends and Issues in Citizen Involvement in the Law Enforcement Process
Committee on Accident Prevention
Cradle to cradle design initiatives: lessons and opportunities for Prevention through Design (PtD)
Crime and Peace: A Walk With Richard Quinney
Crime control through the private use of armed force
Critical Infrastructures and Responsibility: A Conceptual Exploration
Current research in road safety in United States of America
30 years against suicide: a summary of our research on depression and suicide prevention between 1985 and 2015
Deviant Sexual Behavior in Men's Prisons
Discussion of "On the predictability of violent behavior: considerations and guidelines"
Discussion related to 'Comparison of high speed crash test results with fatality rates' by Grush et al
Dr. Schimke's brushes
Driving and epilepsy: a physician's dilemma
Du-Ponts Accident Frequency Rate Has Been Reduced to 1/25Th of Its Accident Rate 25 Years Ago
Dual Loyalty of Physicians in the Military and in Civilian Life
E codes should include domestic violence
Editorial: Psychological Impediments to the Peace Process in the Middle East
Editorial: The Media and Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Education and research in adult family violence: A perspective
Occupational therapy and older drivers: research, education, and practice
Older drivers: integrating research and education to shape practice
Elder abuse: Campaign seeks to raise awareness and improve action
Emergency medicine and domestic violence
Emergency physicians tackle violence
Epilogue: A "Good" Military Death
Essay on violence
Ethical challenges posed by dementia and driving
Ethical dilemmas in epilepsy and driving
Ethical problems in research on risky behaviors and risky populations
Exceptions to a General Prohibition on Handgun Possession: Do They Swallow Up the Rule?
Extending the boundaries of the Declaration of Helsinki: a case study of an unethical experiment in a non-medical setting
Eyes wide shut. The dangers of sleepy driving
The President's New Freedom Commission: Capitalizing on Opportunities to Advance School-Based Mental Health Services
Pesticide exposure among farm workers
A Comment on Biologically Correct Traffic Equipment
German paediatricians want law changed to make it easier to report child abuse
Reducing the burden of injury: An intersectoral preventive approach is needed
Road safety is no accident
Alcoholics and Public Drunkenness: The Emerging Retreat From Punishment
A commentary on mandatory reporting legislation in the United States, Canada, and Australia: a cross-jurisdictional review of key features, differences, and issues
Ethical suicide research: A survey of researchers
National and global agendas on violence against women: Historical perspective and consensus
A comment on heat-of-passion crimes, honor killings, and Islam
A reader and author respond to"Honor killings - still a burning issue in Pakistan"
Call to action: Reducing interpersonal violence across the lifespan
Federal safety belt research program: Past results and future directions
Children of genocide: a legacy of lost dreams
Commentary: Surviving terrorist cells
First aid and initial management for childhood burns in Vietnam: An appeal for public and continuing medical education
Foreword: Towards a Revitalization of Theory and Research on Victimization by Crime
Foundations target violence programs
Function of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Global warming: polar bears and people -- Implications for public health preparedness and disaster medicine. A call to action
Going after guns
Gun control: A simple answer to the wrong question
Guts and Glory: The Making of the American Military Image in Film (Book Review)
Health aspects of safety
Acceptance of prostitution and its social determinants in Canada
HHS 'violence initiative' caught in a crossfire
Historical change and evolutionary theory
How Airbags Went From Controversial to Commonplace
How will we get there from here? Placing transportation on the aging policy agenda
Husband-Wife Homicide: An Essay From a Family Law Perspective
Ideas about the development of violent behavior
Impaired drivers: a call to action for Rhode Island physicians
Injuries and noncommunicable diseases: Emerging health problems of children in developing countries
Injuries in developing countries: Policy response needed now
Injury control
Injury control: A promising field for psychologists
Injury control: What psychologists can contribute
Injury epidemiology: Research and control strategies
Injury with the kite flying thread "Manja": Response to Manja - A dangerous thread [15(3)(2008) 189-192]
Interest of Organized Medicine in Traffic Accidents
Invitation to rural hospitals: Lead efforts to fight impaired driving
It's no accident
Kentucky's landmark domestic violence legislation
Keynote address: A balanced approach to highway safety for the 1980's
Killing People on the Roads
Learning the hard way: Veterans of disaster tell why--and how--you should be prepared
Legacy for our children: violence or harmony?
 Assumptions on battering questioned
Linking research to practice: Challenges and opportunities
Looking for the Causes of the Causes
MADD's position on alcohol advertising: A response to Marshall and Oleson
MDs' bid to raise drinking age meets opposition
Medical Aspects of Road Safety: The Doctor and His Pen
Men's patriotic wars against women's intimate lives: Patriarchy, the institution of heterosexuality and patriotism (editorial)
Military Heroism: An Operational Definition - A Comment
Military Heroism: An Operational Definition - Reply to a Comment
Minimizing violence
WHO--focus on accidents and violence
Weapons without control--violence without end: America's internal war
Injury among Indigenous people - charting a safer future: a symposium at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Injury and trauma issues from a primary health care perspective
Risk factors associated with postpartum suicide attempt
Situational analysis of poverty and violence among children and youth with disabilities in the Americas: an agenda proposal
Monash University Accident Research Centre
Morals Under the Gun: The Cardinal Virtues, Military Ethics, and American Society (Book Review)
More Gun Laws or More Gun Law Enforcement?
More guns, more crime
More than 50 years of history and accomplishments in human performance model development
Motor accident compensation study
Motor vehicle accidents: A national disgrace
Mr. Barzun and capital punishment
Murder, honor and law: Four Virginia homicides from reconstruction to the great depression
Nanny or steward? The role of government in public health
National policy documents for violence and injury prevention (editorial)
Necessary Evil: Perspectives on West German Arms Transfer Policies
Need for More Medical Attention to Accident Prevention Program
Needs and objectives for a national program on child safety
Needs for Youth Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention in Schools and Communities
New driving guidelines: Ethical and legal uncertainties
Night driving restrictions for youthful drivers: a literature review and commentary
No such thing as nonaccidental injury
Number of traffic deaths plummets, experts say MDs can help trend continue
Of "crashes" and "accidents," a comment on Stewart and Lord
Older drivers--a complex public health issue
On 'Wind profiles over a Suburban site and wind effects on a half full-scale model building'
On Accident Prevention
On Durkheim, Suicide, and Anomie - Rejoinder
On Durkheim, Suicide, and Anomie
One million people die on world's roads every year
One-third reduction target
Optometrists Association Australia position statement on driver vision standards
Organized Behavior in Disaster: A Review Essay
Organizing Research to Improve Criminal Justice Policy: A Perspective from Canada
Ought Suicide to Be a Crime?
Out of the hands of babes: Anger, violence, and children
Overview of special issue on adolescent suicide: risk, assessment, and treatment
Parasuicide: Everybody's concern
Recurrent Falls: Pace Now or Wait for Another Fall?
Intimate partner violence: A call for social work action
Pavement, Bridge, Safety and Congestion Management Systems: A Need for A Clear Federal Vision
PennDOT reporting regulations: an ethical duty, not an option
Perspectives: Public health attacks violence
Physician involvement in safety programs is not enough
Physicians and domestic violence. Can we make a difference?
Physicians and domestic violence: challenges for prevention
Physicians can help end the violence
Physicians must report elder abuse
Physicians must take different approach to curbing violence
Physicians' role in the fight against family violence. breaking the cycle, controlling the costs
Friends of the Second Amendment: A walk through the amicus briefs in D.C. v. Heller
Planning the Unthinkable: How New Powers Will Use Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons (Book Review)
Policy and Science: Should Epidemiologists Comment on the Policy Implications of Their Research?
Policy Instruments in Injury Crashes: Traffic Law Enforcement and Alcohol Prohibition
Policy lessons from recent gun control research
Policy makers' perspectives on the utility of a national study of child maltreatment
Politics of Force: Conflict Management and State Violence in Northern Ireland (Book Review)
Poor quality data are major obstacle to improving road safety, says World Bank
Psychiatric patients who kill have often refused treatment
Violence against persons in France
Suspected child abuse: a perilous situation for practician?
World report on child injury prevention calls for evidence-based interventions
President's column: The tsunamis put injury prevention on the public health agenda
Preventable Accidental and Other Deaths
Preventing injuries to children through compulsory automobile safety seat use
Prevention of Childhood Accidents: What Are We Waiting for
Prevention of Injuries in Airplane and Automobile Accidents
Prevention partners: Community, physicians team up against injury and violence
Prevention Science and Practice: An Agenda for Action
Prevention through Design (PtD) safe design from an Australian perspective
Prevention through Design (PtD): history and future
Prevention: The best medicine for the trauma pandemic
Primary prevention of catastrophic injury
Priorities for pediatric injury prevention counseling
Prioritising violence prevention in national public health programmes: Experiences from Jamaica
Proliferation and Peace: An Agnostic View
Safeguarding children: a call to action
Proposed NSF Violence Center
Public health advocacy: process and product
Public health and architecture
Public health enemy no 1?
Public Health and Traffic Safety
Rape Reporting as a Function of Victim-Offender Relationship: A Critique of the Lack of Effect Reported by Bachman (1993)
Reaction Paper: Excluded Perspectives in the Social Construction of Disaster
Recommendations for preventive pediatric health care
CAEP Position Statement on Gun Control
Cold and cough medications in children: dealing with parental expectations
Commentary: Out of the Silence: Confronting Depression in Medical Students and Residents
Motorcycle safety: using your head
On the role of images in the construction of narratives about the crash of United Airlines flight 93
Regulating firearms as a consumer product
A reminder: dentistry's role in preventing child abuse and neglect
Clinical ethics and domestic violence: an introduction
Commentary on Taylor J, Baldwin N and Spencer N (2008) predicting child abuse and neglect; ethical, theoretical and methodological challenges. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1193-1200
Epidemiological sociology and the social shaping of population health
Ethical challenges of research on and care for victims of intimate partner violence
Global health research priorities: Injury needs an advocate
Homicide due to mental disorder
Illinois Trauma Centers and Intimate Partner Violence: Are We Doing Our Share?
Homicide due to mental disorder
Injury: the most under-appreciated and unattended pandemic
Measuring the global burden of road traffic injury: implications for low-income and middle-income countries
MENTOR-VIP: helping develop key skills for injury and violence prevention
Re: The relationship between childhood behaviour disorders and unintentional injury events
Telling tales (editor's response)
The controversy on screening for intimate partner violence: a question of semantics?
The role of psychology in injury prevention efforts
The veil of silence around family violence: is protecting patients' privacy bad for health?
Child abuse: how society and careproviders should respond
In the company of cars. Driving as a social and cultural practice
Ambivalence: The Divided Self in Sylvia Plath's Poetry
Core competencies for injury and violence prevention
Is it acceptable for a psychiatrist to break confidentiality to prevent spousal violence?
What’s Wrong with America’s Playgrounds and How to Fix Them: An Interview with Joe L. Frost
Medical condition and sudden death while driving
Preventing sexual abuse of children in the Twenty-First Century: preparing for challenges and opportunities
The development of the norm against the use of poison: what literature tells us
New interpretation of laws and regulations governing occupational safety, fire protection and environment protection (2)
Response to self-injurious behaviors in a community sample of young women
The Role of Preschool Home-Visiting Programs in Improving Children's Developmental and Health Outcomes
Does it matter where the drinking is, when the object is getting drunk?
Occupational eye injuries: a continuing problem
World report on child injury prevention: opportunity for scaling injuring prevention in Africa
Rational suicide: philosophical perspectives on schizophrenia
Injury prevention: Second of two parts
Swimming programs for infants and toddlers
Swimming programs for infants and toddlers
Are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors a risk factor for adolescent suicide?
Expert opinion and controversies in musculoskeletal and sports medicine: Stingers
Alcohol-branded merchandise: the need for action
Prevention of drowning: the time is now
Water safety and swimming lessons for children
Mars attacks
Reducing intergroup prejudice and conflict: A commentary
Response to the letter by Pavic R. concerning the article "Pattern of orthopaedic injuries in bear attacks: report from a tertiary care centre in Kashmir" [Injury 39(2) (2008) 249-255]
The European countries' government programs targeted to decrease road traffic injuries
A broader liberty: J.S. Mill, paternalism and the public's health
Pattern of orthopaedic injuries in bear attacks: Report from a tertiary care centre in Kashmir
The case for a comprehensive, effective, and realistic anti-bullying policy in North Carolina's schools
World report on child injury prevention an ignored component of child survival
World report on child injury prevention says road crashes are a leading cause of child deaths
Injury control research in pediatric psychology: a commentary and a proposal
A New Year's resolution to make safety "no accident"
Editorial on "Inpatient suicide: Preventing a common sentinel event"
Independent investigations after homicide
Outside the box: Child abuse and its impact on mental health
Sexual violence must be treated as medical emergency, charity says
Sport injuries in the pediatric and adolescent patient: a growing problem
The ethics of suicide research
The Need for Outreach in Preventing Suicide among Young Veterans
Advancing the study of violence against women: response to commentaries and next steps
Advancing the study of violence against women: response to Jordan
Grappling with suicide. New Washington law poses dilemma for providers
Justification doctrine in the prohibition on torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
Primary care pediatricians' experience, comfort and competence in the evaluation and management of child maltreatment: Do we need child abuse experts?
Relationship problems and the DSM: needed improvements and suggested solutions
General comments and discussion: Social issues of suicide
Increased fire death risk for the elderly
Science, social change, and ending violence against women: which one of these is not like the others?
Should the study of violence against women be a science?
Soldier suicide rates continue to rise: military, scientists work to stem the tide
Sports injury: informed consent-how much do we tell them?
The substance, scholarship, and science of research on violence against women: a comment
WITHDRAWN: Intimate partner violence and depression among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
Discussion of "Evaluation of the motorcycle rider course"
Discussion of "Abdominal injuries to restrained front seat occupants in frontal collisions"
Discussion of "Comparison of high speed crash test results with fatality rates"
After the fires: looking to the future using the lessons from the past
CDC Childhood Injury Report: Patterns of Unintentional Injuries Among 0- to 19-Year Olds in the United States, 2000-2006
Commentary: advocating for safety--the motorcycle helmet debate
Commentary: Suicide and Incarcerated Veterans--Don't Wait for the Numbers
Discussion of "A kinematic and dynamic analysis of occupant responses to lap belt only restraint forces"
Discussion of "Helmet use, patterns of injury, and medical outcome among motorcycle drivers in Maryland"
Discussion of "Rail-Highway Grade Crossings: Their Safety and the Effect of Warning Devices"
Discussion of "The effectiveness of the mechanisms of injury in the triage of patients to trauma centers"
Discussion of "The Effects of Alcohol on Driver Decision Making and Risk Taking"
Discussion of "The problem of compatibility in car-to-car collisions"
Discussion of "Usage patterns and misuse rates of automatic seat belts by system type"
Discussion of "Use of A Single-Page Abbreviated Injury Scale in Clinical Practice"
Framing the problem: injuries and public health
Injury prevention counseling for adults: Have we made progress?
Recognize sex work as legitimate work
Reducing the risk of injury in young footballers
Random or accidental--what is the goodness of the fit?
Education of the disabled driver
Highlights of NHTSA's occupant restraint programs to 1979
Incompatibilities between highways, vehicles, and drivers
Passive protection: Promulgation or politics
Warning: In cars, children may be hazardous to their parent's health: The role of restraints in preventing collisions
The Tennessee Child Passenger Protection Act: Origin, legislative success, and national impact
The Palestinian/Israeli conflict: A geopolitical identity disorder
The rise and fall of suicide in New South Wales
Update on child maltreatment
Why assess the cost of child home accidents?
Which strategy to prevent child home accidents?
Editorial: The war on drugs -- a devastating public policy disaster
Fathers' Rights Groups: Demographic Correlates and Impact on Custody Policy
The future of child maltreatment prevention
Use of guidelines in suicide prevention
Youth Depression and Suicide: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Treat the Former and Prevent the Latter
Children exposed to violence: An often neglected social, mental health, and public health problem
Statement on Violence in the Workplace: The Council on Surgical and Perioperative Safety (approved October 9, 2007)
Automotive medicine and EMS: The bird and the rhinoceros
Having fun and defying adults: speculations on why most young people ignore negative information on the dangers of drinking alcohol
Current problems in gaining access to automobile accident victims
Education of medical students about injury control
Emergency medical services
Feasibility of designating medical examiners for interstate commercial drivers
The contribution to suicide prevention of restricting access to methods and sites
Suicides in persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror -- A case against Donald Rumsfeld?
Community policing in an age of terrorism
The public rhetorics of policing in times of war and violence: Countering apocalyptic visions
Commentary: Our next challenge in heatwave prevention
Surveillance: to what end?
What victims of domestic violence need from the dental profession
Street racing: a neglected research area?
Core competencies for injury and violence prevention [conference abstract]
After seat belts -- What?
Doctors, Samaritans and the accident victim
Editorial: The Australian experience
Emergency medical care
European economic community support for major biomechanics research programme
Fourteen ounces of prevention: A clinician's viewpoint
German society for traffic medicine
Highway safety: Dream or reality?
How many needed to die
Motorcycle safety: VROOM for improvement
Motoring and safety
Progress in safe vehicle design
The role of an independent research and testing facility in the furtherance of automotive safety
We must make a decision
Slaughter - and what to do about it
The automobile: A medico-legal hazard
The need for traffic safety legislation
The pre-crash, crash, and post-crash parts of the highway safety problem
Outlook 70s: Driver education
The AAAM -- Its educational potential in the medical community
The role of a professional society for traffic medicine
NHTSA report
Recent trends in motor vehicle crash deaths
Reducing car crash injuries: Folklore, science and promise
Some major changes ahead in automotive safety
The New York state safety belt use law: A political success story for AAAM, traffic safety and organized medicine
The risk compensation tambourine - risk and freedom: The record of road safety regulation [Book review]
The need for better criteria in determining driver impairment limits
The vehicle: Presentation for panel, "Investigation Plus Action"
Driver licensing and public health: A proposal for collaborative efforts
Road traffic accidents: a major public health problem in Nigeria
Traffic medicine as a part of preventive medicine teaching programs in Virginia medical schools
Review essay - The lure of the sensational murder
A great number of deaths between 1 and 70 years can and should be prevented
A new branch of epidemiology--injury epidemiology
A severe traffic accident--250 years ago: Medical history presentation
Abuse and violence--what can physicians do?
Accidents in pediatrics: opportunities for prevention
Accidents, epidemic of our age
Underage drinking: a call to action
Seatbelts and the law: how well do we protect Australian children?
Guideline on oral and dental aspects of child abuse and neglect (2009)
Research evidence to update practice guidelines for domestic violence screening in military settings
Suicide bombers are not explosives!
The training needs of Turkish emergency department personnel regarding intimate partner violence
What are we teaching our students by not asking about abuse?
What do abused women expect from their family physicians? A qualitative study among women in shelter homes
Workplace violence: Practical policies and strategies for prevention, response, and recovery
Pediatric disaster response in developed countries: Ten guiding principles
Violence. The need for preventive health activity
At least she was restrained by seat belts
Clever prevention results in fewer suicides
Clinical research on violence
Comment on "sexual abuse of children"
130 kilometers/hour save time!--besides there is a shortage of organ donors
UK doctors show most interest in falls among elderly people, but French more curious about type 2 diabetes
Ethics, evil, and child abuse
Guidelines for medical care of children evaluated for suspected sexual abuse: an update for 2008
Strategies for Saving and Improving Children's Lives
The life and death of a street boy in East Africa: everyday violence in the time of AIDS
Revising the War Powers Act
Rising to the challenge of youth suicide
Road Traffic Bill
Road traffic injuries are a global public health problem
Road traffic injury--a global public health scourge: a review for World Health Day 2004 (April 7)
Road Traffic Research
Road accidents and research
Road Accidents As a Problem of Preventive Medicine
Road not taken: lessons to be learned from Queen v. Gillett
Road Safety - The Partnership Approach
Role of the child protective organization
Romance with the automobile in the 20th century: Implications for adolescents in a new millennium
Running Guns: The Global Black Market in Small Arms (Book Review)
Role of the courts
Royal Medico-Psychological Association and British Sociological Association: Suicide As A Social Problem
Injury prevention must be part of nation's plan to reduce health care costs, say control experts
Saddam Hussein: Political Psychological Profiling Results Relevant to His Possession, Use, and Possible Transfer of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to Terrorist Groups
Safe care - safe play: child care as a site for injury prevention
Safe driving for business
Safety and Preventive Medicine
Safety Belt Attachments for Front Seats of Automobiles - A Step Forward
Safety Closure Caps
Safety for Florida Children
Safety, Strength, Simplicity
Science, Scientists, and Drug Policy: A Conversation With Harry
Screening for family and intimate partner violence: recommendation statement
Screening for family violence: What's an evidence-based doctor to do?
Injury bounties: bad for sport, bad for players
Security. Responding to violence requires a reasoned, not emotional, response
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pediatric psychopharmacology: a review of the evidence
Road safety is no accident--for celebrating World Health Day 2004
Safety education in elementary school
'I can actually talk to them now': qualitative results of an educational intervention for emergency nurses caring for clients who self-injure
Engineering. Can technology get your eyes back on the road?
World report on child injury prevention: A wake-up call
Abstract and Practical Ethics
An Attitude on Attitude Research
Has Illinois the Best Laws in the Country for the Protection of Children?
Recognition for home care's role in disaster preparedness: our time has come...but are we ready for it?
Is Our Republic a Failure?
Jan Loubser Replies to Anselm Strauss Criticism of His Review of Discovery of Grounded Theory
Letter to the Editor regarding the book "The Discovery of Grounded Theory"
Medicine and Public Health
Medicine and Public Health
O'Lessker replies to Schnaigerg's critique of "Who Voted for Hitler?"
Public Health and Medicine (1927 in review)
Public Health and Medicine (1929 in review)
Public Health and Medicine (1929 review)
Public Health and Medicine (1932 in review)
Reply to Gove and Tudor's Comment on "Sex Differences and Psychiatric Disorders"
Review: "The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research" by Glaser and Strauss
Review: "War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression. by Marvin Harris; Morton Fried; Robert Murphy'
Review: "Crime is Not the Problem: Lethal Violence in America" by Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
Review: On Coming to Terms with the Past
Review: Studying the Nazi Party: "Clean Models: Versus "Dirty Hands"
Review: Who Joined the Nazis and Why?
Social and Labor Legislation (1927 in review)
Social Legislation
Social Problems
Socialization of the Law
Sociology Applied in the Field of Health
The Case of Purpose Against Fate in History
The Child (1930-31 in review)
The Child (1932 in review)
The Child (1930 in review)
The Era of Sociology
The Ethical Bases of Democracy
The Ethics of the Competitive Process
The Family (1928 in review)
The Family (1932 in review)
The Garrison State
The Ideals of Social Reformers
The Laws of Hammurabi
The Meaning of the Social Movement
The Monograph of the Community
The Nature and Scope of Social Psychology
The Place of Sociology Among the Sciences
The Present Problems of Social Psychology
The Problem of Perspective in Moral Reasoning
The Problem of Values in the Light of Psychopathology
The Province of Social Psychology
The Relation of Anthropology to the Study of History
The Relation of Biology and Sociology
The Reversal of Malthus
The Scope and Method of Folk-Psychology
The Seriousness of Acts and Social Contexts: A Test of Black's Theory of the Behavior of Law
The Social Psychology of Morality and Its Bearing on Moral Education
The Sociological Place of Law
The Transition to an Objective Standard of Social Control, I
The Transition to an Objective Standard of Social Control, II
Where Is the Modern Sociology of Conflict?
Women (1932 in review)
Frederick Douglass and the early social psychology of racial oppression
Race talk: the perpetuation of racism through private discourse
No Child Left Behind: flowers don't grow in the desert
"This was not a fire, it was an inferno": Australian bushfire and prevention
Automated fall detection: saving senior lives one fall at a time
"Protecting disaster site, support, and recovery workers"- a brief comment
The National Transportation Safety Board's Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Public Hearings
An Argument in Support of Suicide Centres
Commentary on: Gill JR, Pasquale-Styles M. Firearm deaths by law enforcement. J Forensic Sci 2009;54(1):185-8
Is it time to ban alcohol advertising?
More than 40% of children in parts of Africa have experienced physical violence
NICE head injury guidelines pre-empted two millennia ago
There is no such thing as a natural disaster: Race, class, and hurricane Katrina
Who should conduct and interpret the neuropsychological assessment in sports-related concussion?
Ethical advice on the prevention of suicide in mental health care
Confronting the global burden of burns: A WHO plan and a challenge
Watchdog warns [UK] government over inaccurate data on road casualties
Bushfire disaster: a rural nurse's perception
Fear for children or fear of children? Child justice bill breaches the divide: Editorial
Suicide from the perspective of the patient's family
Sexual assault and the adolescent. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence
The Problem of Suicide
The Need for a National Accident Policy
Commentary: Pedestrians -- truly vulnerable road users
Comments on 'Seasonality and Climatic Associations with Violent and Nonviolent Suicide.'
The launch of the World Report On Child Injury Prevention: Hopefully the beginning of an end to a childhood tragedy
Treat sleep apnoea before people fall asleep at the wheel
Handguns, health, and the second amendment
Men: The most powerful 'minority' ever
Mass shootings in schools: the worst possible case for gun control
MENTOR-VIP: Piloting a global mentoring program for injury and violence prevention
Stemming the Tide of Suicide in Older White Men: A Call to Action
The Media Spectacle of Columbine: Alienated Youth as an Object of Fear
European children still at high risk of injury
Forensic medicine and prevention are not contradictions. "Victim medicine" moves into the spotlight
"Complex Systems Threaten to Bring Us Down...": Introduction to the Symposium on Normal Accidents
A Personal Note on Normal Accidents
Are We Ready For Another Three Mile Island, Bhopal, Tylenol?
Fire alarms and siren songs: the role of issues management in the prevention of, and response to, organizational crises
Guns and health
Mandated reporting is still a policy with reason: empirical evidence and philosophical grounds
The subtle trade-off between personal freedom and social responsibility
On the meaning of meaning when being mean: commentary on Berkowitz's "on the consideration of automatic as well as controlled psychological processes in aggression"
Survey finds worrying number of young people self-harm
Are children still invisible in domestic violence?
When children are maltreated or at risk of being maltreated: The absolute notification obligation must not be interpreted literally
Cutting violence
Stop the violence. Interview by Veronique Robert
Physician suicide
Should mental health assessments be integral to domestic violence research?
Injury surveillance: unrealistic expectations of Safe Communities
Antidepressive agents to children and adolescents: continuous restriction is justified
Suicide among children and adolescents--too serious for empty rhetoric
Statement on all-terrain vehicle injuries
Why Hong Kong needs a transportation safety board
Working in the legislature: perspectives on injury prevention in the United States
Child injury around the world: a global research agenda for child injury prevention
Delinquency Research via Computer
"Enhanced" interrogation of detainees: do psychologists and psychiatrists participate?
An ethical approach to resolving value conflicts in child protection
fall-related hip fractures
Policy Statement--Role of the Pediatrician in Youth Violence Prevention
Professionals Against Child Abuse express support for David Southall
Remember violence when investigating stress and stillbirth
A care-full diagnosis: three Vietnamese Australian women and their accounts of becoming "mentally ill"
Why are older peoples' health needs forgotten post-natural disaster relief in developing countries? A healthcare provider survey of 2005 Kashmir, Pakistan earthquake
Reaction on 'Assessment and management of the risk for violence.'
Child injury in a changing world
Communal stereotypes prime men's benevolent sexism: Implications for romance and family
Do offensive words harm people?
What's wrong with believing in repression?: A review for legal professionals
Caution: a comment on Alena Erke's red light for red-light cameras? A meta-analysis of the effects of red-light cameras on crashes
Commentary: doing time in maximum security--the pains of separation
Position statement: prevention of juvenile suicide in correctional settings
Child maltreatment comes out of the shadows
Injury prevention and the attainment of child and adolescent health
Strengthening care of injured children globally
Youth binge drinking: progress made and remaining challenges
Trafficking in women for prostitution in Israel: a follow-up analysis
A Columbine study: giving voice, hearing meaning
A comment on Rory C. O'Connor's "The relations between perfectionism and suicidality: a systematic review"
Incorporation rather than recovery: Living with the legacy of domestic violence
Passengers play a key part in road safety in Kenya
Why Can’t Martha Stewart Have A Gun?
A nationwide speed limit < or = 65 miles per hour will save thousands of lives
Commentary: evaluation of driver fitness--the role of continuing medical education
Suicide in adolescents: a worldwide preventable tragedy
Schemes to collect and destroy handguns help to cut homicide rate
Churchill in Munich: The Paradox of Genocide Prevention
Conflict, violence and militarization in education
Another baby walker injury victim
Combat veterans, mental health issues, and the death penalty: addressing the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury
Commentary: thoracic injury in older occupants: challenged human crashworthiness
Burden of disease and economic evaluation of healthcare interventions: are we investigating what really matters?
A syllabus of errors: Pope Benedict XVI on Islam at Regensburg
The effect of compensation claims on outcomes after injury
Physician suicide rates show alarming need for education
The risk of assault to physiotherapists: beyond zero tolerance?
Safe Return to School for Students With Risky Behaviors
Bring in the social context: towards an integrated approach to health promotion and prevention
Global status report on road safety
Help put "injury" prevention and care into healthcare reform
Medical student action and the "Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence 2009"
On hopes for a historic road safety meeting
Preventing intimate partner violence: screening is not enough
The urgency of establishing a rapid monitoring system for mortality due to traffic accidents (as well as for all mortality due to violence and accidents)
Policy statement--Pedestrian safety
More effort needed to prevent unintentional drug poisoning in children
Risk of suicidality in clinical trials of antidepressants in adults: analysis of proprietary data submitted to US Food and Drug Administration
Reply to our commentators
Commentary on development of measures of abuse among women with disabilities and the characteristics of their perpetrators
Commentary on Powers et al.'s Article: "Interpersonal Violence and Women With Disabilities: An Analysis of Safety Promoting Behaviors"
Book Review: Intimate Partner Violence. By Angela J. Hattery. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2008, 222 pp
John Buchan and the First World War: Fact into Fiction
Methodological Immaturity in Childhood Research?
Review: Should ethanol be scheduled as a drug of high risk to public health?
A New Moral Hazard? Military Intervention, Peacekeeping and Ratification of the International Criminal Court
Bradford Washburn's 1962 NEJM Article "Frostbite: What It Is-How To Prevent It-Emergency Treatment"-Historical Background and Commentary
Injury prevention and the national agenda-can we make America injury free?
Trauma system: the backbone of disaster preparedness
Commentary: Myths, Narratives, and Patterns of Rumors: The Construction of ‘Jewish Subversion’ and Retributive Violence in 1940—41 Romania
How can the health sector respond to violence?
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Sweeping "new" proposed consumer product safety legislation
The micro-sociology of violence (letter)
The Role of Immigration for Violent Deaths
Is violence natural, unnatural, or rational?
What can public health surveillance of emergency department presentations for acute alcohol problems tell us about social trends in drinking behaviour?
Australian mental health reform: time for real outcomes
Editorial: Doctors who suicide
Historical note on completed suicides in Australia: Introduction
Lessons from the Westgate Bridge: suicide prevention and publicity
Preventing suicide
Preventing suicide: what will work and what will not
Preventing suicide: what will work and what will not
Public health and suicide
What do doctors know, think and do about firearms?
Towards the human future: medical practice and human possibility
The Peden case: an Australian forensic disaster
Shifting paradigms: a social-determinants approach to solving problems in men's health policy and practice
Grey mood: grey colours
Personality factors in monozygotic and dizygotic twins: a comparative study
Suicide and mental disorders: do we know enough?
Who are the kids who self-harm? An Australian self-report school survey
Why are we not getting any closer to preventing suicide?
The bleedin’ obvious: Long-term support reconnects at-risk young people
Major advances in bipolar disorder
Mental health law reform: the "Second Wave"
Our hearts and minds--what would it take for Australia to become the healthiest country in the world?
What's in a name
When our patients die
Who bears the costs of antidepressants in Australia?
A perspective on soldier suicide
Lithium in drinking water and food, and risk of suicide
Lithium in drinking water and food, and risk of suicide
Violence and injuries in South Africa: prioritising an agenda for prevention
What's your risk of suicide?
Gender-based violence in Public Health: challenges and achievements
Is violence man's thing? The naturalization of the violence for young men
Can we better prevent binge drinking?
Childhelp: celebrating 50 years of fighting child abuse
Comorbidity of poverty among adolescents
Inner-city violence in the United States: what pediatricians can do to make a difference
A multi-disciplinary approach to assessing health promotion, occupational health and safety in the workplace
European update. The Healthy Workplace campaign: reducing work-related accidents and illness through better risk assessment
Health information on the Internet: is quality a problem?
Parliamentary committees turn road safety research and ideas into practice: examples from Australia
Understanding mental illness in India and Britain
"The play’s the thing/Wherein I’ll catch the conscience": The Legal Community Reads Hamlet
Book Review: Gender Violence: A Cultural Perspective
The Politics and Inhumanity of Torture
Torture and an Ethics of Responsibility
Torture and Hyperbole
School Violence Beyond Columbine: A Complex Problem in Need of an Interdisciplinary Analysis
The Lessons of Columbine, Part I
The Lessons of Columbine, Part II
Violence against women as a health problem. A debatable topic?
A personal reflection on the Falklands Islands War of 1982
Burnt: Writing Torch Singers and Torch Singing
Alternatives to animal experimentation v.s. animal rights terrorism
What sense can we make of violence?
Violence against professional nurses. Statement by the International Council of Nurses
Violence and humanity
Violence in childhood and adolescence
Violence, a public health and social problem
What happens with child and adolescent psychiatric patients? Cooperation between pediatrics and psychiatry is required
The problem of infanticide
The Prevention of Accidents
The Crusade Against Automobile Accidents
Commentary: How traffic crashes were reduced in China--experience and difficulties
Editor's introduction. Violence against women with disabilities and deaf women
Response to Harbison J (2009) Commentary on Taylor J, Baldwin N and Spencer N (2008) Predicting child abuse and neglect: ethical, theoretical and methodological challenges. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1193-1200 in Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 621-6
Safeguarding children: why an issue for pediatric anesthetists?
Studies Probe US Traffic Injuries, Deaths: Focus on Factors That Reduce, Exacerbate Toll
Paving the Way to a Successful and Safe Sports Season
On a pale horse? Conceptualizing narcotics production in southern Afghanistan and its relationship to the Narcoterror Nexus
'Minimum Force': a reply to Huw Bennett
The psychology of driving automation: a discussion with Professor Don Norman
5-Hydroxytryptamine in the hind-brain of depressive suicides
Bullying: we need to increase our efforts and broaden our focus
A conference on child abuse
A counter-homily
Fall in child mortality in Africa and Asia is "grossly insufficient" to meet millennium development goal, says UNICEF
Joint policy statement--guidelines for care of children in the emergency department
Methodological innovations in research on violence against women: a special issue of Violence Against Women
Patient charting. Turning a routine activity into an opportunity for injury prevention
The Dangerous Shortage Of Domestic Violence Services
The ubiquity of murder-suicide
Bruises in infants should always be accounted for
Comment on Aluminum and zinc phosphide poisoning
Red, yellow and green? Road safety in Spain during the first decade of the 21st century
Our public health system: an accident waiting to happen?
Prevention and law. The legal regulation of prevention in health care
'Delusion of world destruction' (Wetzel). Comparative study between Japan and West Germany
"Violence towards children"--how can we recognize it and how can we help? "Personal commitment is essential"
'Child abuse: we can help'
"Rational suicide" raises patient rights issues
.05% or 0.08%?
A British view of liaison psychiatry
A commitment to peace: a doctor's tale. A short, selected history of the Medical Association for Prevention of War
Disaster diplomacy: current controversies and future prospects
Editorial comments-driver-related risk factors in commercial motorcycle (Okada) crashes in Benin city, Nigeria
The direct and indirect costs of explosive violence
Changes in income inequality and suicide rates after "shock therapy": evidence from Eastern Europe
Stop the annual firework disaster - a plea for medical scientific associations to take a clear-cut position
Researchers fear "Magic Mint" ban could slow studies
Response to the murder of George Tiller
Commentary: A consumer perspective on parenting while homeless
Commentary: Designing Codes: Trends in Cities, Planning and Development
Hospitals must plan for full evacuation, concludes review of fires
More descriptive sub-coding for the source or place of carbon monoxide poisoning would be required for the revision of ICD-11
Policy Statement--Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on Children and Youth
Policy Statement--Media Violence
Supermarket chains warn that minimum pricing of alcohol will not stop binge drinking
Limit the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's review of occupational injury cases
Commentary: From the Consumerist/ Oppressive City to the Functional/ Emancipatory City
Social-Emotional and Character Development and Academics as a Dual Focus of Educational Policy
About the national health policy for reducing accidents and violence nowadays
Dialoguing on the implementation of the National Policy for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from Violence and Accidents in five Brazilian capitals
A commentary on national child maltreatment surveillance systems: Examples of progress
From their cradle to your grave: how child abuse and dissociation drive violent crime
Historical perspective: Neurological advances from studies of war injuries and illnesses
Malawi health workers grapple with rising incidence of rape
Brown backtracks on promise to allow local authorities to ban 24 hour drinking
Children in deprived areas at most risk of road injuries
"General staff" should coordinate the fight for better traffic safety
1,500 deaths annually, many needlessly
8 ways you can help reduce auto accidents and fatalities
A condensation of AMA's guide to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (with paraphrasing)
A general practitioner looks at violence
A granddaughter of violence: Doris Lessing's good girl as terrorist
A lawyer's viewpoint
A leader in health education: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
A letter to an enemy of society
Trauma and Safety – The Road Trauma Advisory Work of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
The Right Approach for Older Drivers
The Material Culture of Road Safety: Road safety as museum display?
Road Safety Is No Accident
Who protects the defenseless child?
"Condemning 'poison-ivy' injections"
Responding to gender-based violence in disasters
Can "Men" Stop Rape?
A Letter to Michael Murphy in Response to "Can 'Men' Stop Rape? Visualizing Gender in the 'My Strength is Not for Hurting' Rape Prevention Campaign"
The rat poison vendor
Classification of traumatism; on Ia. I. Tarnopol'skii's article, Classification of traumatism
On the article of Ia. I. Tarnopolskii The classification of traumatism
Observations on the branch of medicine dealing with accidents
Neurologic-psychiatric expert opinion in the distribution of reported severely injured
Legend of Mozart's poisoning
A criticism of the concept of neurotic depression
A doctor looks at capital punishment
A matter of fried onions
A medical and social critique of delinquency
A need for population-based studies of health and safety risks in Canadian agriculture
A note on suicide
A pediatric surgeon's perspective of child abuse. (The Luther Longino lecture)
A perspective on campus safety programs
A perspective on child abuse
A perspective on childhood sexual abuse
A philosophical perspective on child abuse
A piece of my mind. Road accident
A piece of my mind. Social Darwinism
A pound of prevention when there isn't a cure
A psychiatrist's duty of confidentiality
A question of conscience. Physicians in defense of human rights
A Comment on ‘The Myth of Travel Time Saving’
A Comment on ‘The Myth of Travel Time Saving’
Forensic importance of homicide
A civilized approach to alcohol and the motorcar
25 Years' work of the casualty hospital in Brno
A Short Reply
A solicitor's view of accidents
A Sound Principle, but Not a Playbook
A strategy for injury prevention
A suicide attempt and emergency room ethics. Commentary
A suicide attempt and emergency room ethics. Commentary
A tiger under the hood and a donkey at the wheel
A violent society -- is there a solution?
A World Flying Apart? Violent Nationalist Conflict and the End of the Cold War
About people, not injuries
Abuse of elderly subject of Toronto conference
Abuse of psychiatry: analysis of the guilt of medical personnel
Abuse: medical complicity?
Abused children. A problem of society and methods of placement
Abused children. Foreword
Abusive men's contact with their children following separation or divorce from the children's mother
Accident consequence or predestined disease?
Accident prevention as the task of preventive medicine
Accident prevention is everybody's job
Accident Prevention-An Essential Public Health Service : Subcommittee on Accident Prevention
Accident prevention: the past holds key to future
Accident prevention; a state health department's responsibility
Accident-proneness; a critique
Accidental death and disability: the neglected disease of modern society--where is the fifth component?
Violence--a challenge for health policy and an obligation for forensic medicine
Violence. I. Introduction
Accidental death--fact, fancy or fable
Accidental death--the legal view
Accidental death--the medical examiner's view
Accidental public health?
A web-based survey on students' conceptions of 'accident'
Disputes over moral standards guiding treatments for imperiled infants
Intimate partner violence. Editor's introduction
Policy makers face a growing range of illicit drugs and aggressive marketing
Training of safer drinking instead of addiction prevention in adolescents--pro
Training of safer drinking instead of addiction prevention in adolescents--contra
Controlled drinking in persons with alcohol abuse or dependence--pro
Controlled drinking in persons with alcohol abuse or dependence--contra
Urgency of Suicide Prevention Measures for Older Women in Japan
Use of over-the-counter cough and cold medications in children
Accidents and their sequelae have psychosomatic characteristics. Do accidents happen by chance?
Accidents are about to happen--unless employees are trained in safety attitudes
Accidents are no accident
Accidents are not accidental
Accidents as a public health problem
Accidents as a public health problem
Accidents as factors changing the integrity of the Mexican. I. Introduction
Accidents as public health problem
Accidents can happen
Accidents do happen: two cautionary tales
Accidents from the epidemiological viewpoint
Accidents from the viewpoint of protection and saving of life
Accidents in childhood, a social plague
Accidents in childhood. From epidemiology to prevention
Accidents in childhood. Its importance in our milieu
Accidents in childhood: a childproof environment
Accidents in childhood; facts as a basis for prevention
Accidents in children, adolescents and young adults: a major public health problem
Accidents in children: 10 years of prevention and control
Accidents in children: fighting indifference
Accidents in children; what can we do about them?
Accidents in the light of statistical data
Accidents must be prevented
Accidents will happen
Accidents will happen
Accidents will happen
Accidents, childhood's greatest health hazard
Accidents, childhood's greatest physical threat, are preventable
Accidents, violence and traumatic lesions. A new look at the use and conceptual analysis of the terminology
Accidents--a major public health problem
Accidents--an emerging health problem in India
Accidents--rarely accidental
Accidents--the foremost problem in preventive medicine
Accidents--the new scourge
Accidents--the result of doing something dumb
Accidents-a major child health problem
Accidents-the chief cause of death in children
Accidents: a call for help
Accidents: the stumbling-block of modern medicine
Accidents; are they really necessary?
Accountability and abuse of confidentiality in the practice of psychiatry
Accused La. doctor finds support. Rally held for Pou, despite ongoing grand jury probe
Achievements in preventing morbidity and mortality by researchers of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Action for accident victims
Activists: arson risks killing innocent people
Administrative handling of the narcotic addict: its benefits and dangers
Trauma, a malignant epidemic in South Africa
Adolescent suicide: an open letter
Advantages and disadvantages of automobilism
Afterword: teen driving
Age must not invite harm or hurt. I
Aged abuse: who cares?
AIHA short-term values
Airbags: safety delayed
Alberta task force on suicide problem finds present attitudes inadequate
Alcohol and driving: the breathalyser bogey
Alcohol and Poe
Alcohol policies in national health and development planning. Including a summary of the technical discussions held during the thirty-fifth World Health Assembly, 1982
Alcohol--a shared responsibility
Alcoholism, a public health problem
Alcoholism, freedom, and moral responsibility
Alfred McCoy, Hebb, the CIA and torture
All's Well That Ends Well: A Reply to Oneal, Barbieri and Peters
All's well that ends well: toward a policy of assisted rational suicide or merely enlightened self determination?
America's No. 1 public health problem
America's number one epidemic
American Academy of Pediatrics child safety program
American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Accident and Poison Prevention. Automatic passenger protection systems
Violence against women. Relevance for medical practitioners
The battered-child syndrome by C. Henry Kempe, Frederic N. Silverman, Brandt F. Steele, William Droegemueller and Henry K. Silver. Landmark article 1962, Journal of the American Medical Association
American medicine as a military-political weapon
American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth
Amnesty International's seminar "Torture and the Medical Profession". Torture is a spreading social cancer
Amnesty International--campaign against torture
Amnesty International. Electric torture in Turkey
Amnesty says human rights have been eclipsed by "war on terror"
Amnesty. Nurses should participate in the fight against torture
Amnesty. Torture during arrest in Morocco
Traffic chemistry--seen in the rear-view mirror
An ACCIDENT service for the nation
An ancient Egyptian treatise on traumatology, 2800 B.C
An anesthetist who became professor in road safety. Physicians are making a great effort in silence to increase "risk groups" security
Physician-assisted suicide: the dangers of legalization
Suicide: a neglected medical problem?
Suicide: a public health concern?
Vincent Foster's suicide: what can psychiatric nurses learn?
Attending the funeral of a patient who commits suicide
The school-community collaboration model for preventing and treating school violence (editorial)
Why we need gender to understand human violence
Why we question study on subabusive violence against children
Annotation: children in situations of political violence
Author responds to review of vaccination, social violence, and criminality
KMA releases domestic/interpersonal violence educational packet
Debriefing victims of violence
Family violence intervention. Physicians find it's more than treating injuries
Family violence: a letter to my doctor
Book Reviews: Violence, Feminism, and Social Control: THE TERMINAL MAN. By Michael Crichton. New York: Bantam Books, Pp. 279.
Jim Brady speaks out on handgun violence
Join the campaign against violence
Conflict, violence, and health: Setting a new interdisciplinary agenda
More on violence theme issue
Notes on the "violence in the emergency department" theme issue
Nurses in violence-prone emergency department seek solutions
The Seville Statement on Violence
Death at work in America: pandemic, mostly unacknowledged
Under the Gun - Weapons, Crime, and Violence in America - Wright, Rossi, Daly
Musculo-skeletal injury: Are Universities doing enough to protect students?
Road deaths three times higher in poorer European countries
Suicide survivors and the suicidology academe
Surgeon Gen. violence report reviewed
Violence in America: an emerging public health problem
Youth violence. An epidemic vaccines can't treat
Society must denounce violence against women
Should doctors be more proactive as advocates for victims of violence?
Violence: a major public health problem
Violence: the malignancy of our times! Is there hope?
CNJ talks to...Susan Lee Painter, head, National Clearinghouse on Family Violence. Interview by Judith Banning
Those who don't understand violence cannot counteract violence. Interview by Jan Thomasson
Violence is a medical problem, asserts physician from CDC
The violence of psychosurgery
Violence prevention: a call to action
Editorial: Health policy 1976: violence, television, and American youth
Editorial: Violence and television
Letter: TV violence: a case for protest
Letter: Violence on TV
Editorial: Aspects of violence
Editorial: Code on violence
Editorial: Social violence and medicine
The malignancy of violence
Dentists in vital position to detect domestic violence
Violence as a public health priority for black Americans
Violence in American cities: young black males is the answer, but what was the question?
Not 'part of the job'. Nurses want to put an end to workplace violence
Trial of drug for trauma patients includes victims of Iraqi violence
Violent or violence: what is the difference?
Book Review: Kirsh, S. (2006). Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. 409 pp
Occupational therapy services for individuals who have experienced domestic violence (statement)
The role of the ministry of health in preventing injuries and violence
Violence against children--where will it end?
The horror! The horror! Reflections on our culture of violence and its implications for early development and morality
Violence Versus Violence
Structuring the debate about ethical predictions of future violence
New injury and violence research website open to the world
Violence and public health
Let us Face Chile, Yes, But: Which Chile?: A rejoinder to Ekkehart Krippendorff's 'Chile, Violence, and Peace Research'
The Seville Statement on Violence: A Progress Report
The Epistemological Argument Against a Causal Relationship Between Media Violence and Sociopathic Behavior Among Psychologically Well Viewers
The Impact of Arrest on Domestic Violence: Introduction
The Role of Exposure to Media Violence in the Etiology of Violent Behavior: A Criminologist Weighs In
Watching Social Science: The Debate About the Effects of Exposure to Televised Violence on Aggressive Behavior
Don't be a street stain
Discussion of "Electrocution by Street Lighting"
Editorial: Disappearance of streetcars. Was spitting responsible?
Time to take back our streets--and our homes
Still no truck with torture
Editorial: The declaration of Tokyo: no truck with torture
The Domain of Truck and Bus Safety Research: Introduction
Criminology confronts genocide: whose side are you on?
Global Industrial Disaster, National State Failure and Local Self-provision of Health Care
Globalizing Disaster, Provincializing Law: Bhopal 25 Years Later
Learning from Bhopal
Advice Offered by Practitioners of Complementary/ Alternative Medicine
A replication of a non-linear association of educational attainment and suicide rates among the elderly using five-year data
Alcohol as a risk factor for injury: lessons from French data
Call for cross governmental leadership to strategic cooperation among multiple stakeholders in preventing injuries in Europe: conclusions of the 2nd European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, 9-10 October 2008
Injury data needs and opportunities in Europe
Violence against women. Make the shame visible
Why isn't more injury prevention evidence-based?
Speaking of human factors: Emergent meanings in interviews with professional accident investigators
An experience in the formation of a committee on accident prevention in children
An Immigrant's Dream and the Audacity of Hope: The 2004 Convention Addresses of Barack Obama and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Torture of Palestinians by Israeli physicians must cease
The road accident is not inevitable
An objective study of two medicolegal Systems--Libyan and British
An ounce of prevention, a pound of cure
ANA Council of Nurses distributes document on "Baby Doe" regulations: final rules for changes in the regulations that implement Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act ("Baby Doe")
Analysis of cause-long cut to prevention?
Bereavement and the burden of injury
Book review: Peter R Boyce (2009) Lighting for driving: Roads, vehicles, signs and signals. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group). 371 pp. Hard cover. £49.99. ISBN 978-0-8493-8529-2
Child abuse: stop the collusion and enhance the protection
Ending intimate partner violence
Hockey injuries: a pediatric sport update
Legal Commentary: Children on the Sex Offenders Register: Proportionality, Prospect of Change and Article 8 Rights
Neuromaturation and Adolescent Risk Taking: Why Development Is Not Determinism
Transportation policy and injury control
WHO to develop guide to promote standardised documentation of deaths due to injuries and violence
Weapons: existing stockpile can be safely maintained
Weapons: the need to replace aging and deteriorating stock
Accident prevention and nursing
Accident prevention and the sanitary inspector
Accident prevention as a subject in education
Accident prevention in Western States
Accidents are not accidental
Alcohol and road accidents, report of special B.M.A. committee
The Artful Side of the Terrorism Discourse: A Response to H
The Responsibility to Protect in the Asia-Pacific Region
'Non-accidental brain injury: mechanisms and imponderables'
The Choking Game: Physician Perspectives
Traffic speed zones and road injuries
Book Review: Dead certainty: The death penalty and the problem of judgment, Jennifer Culbert. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008. 248 pp. $21.95 (pbk). ISBN10: 0804757461
The Presidential Commission On Drunk Driving
Bowden, Shores, and Mathias (2006): Failure to replicate or just failure to notice. Does effort still account for more variance in neuropsychological test scores than TBI severity?
Fifteen tips for success in injury prevention
Genetics and criminal behaviour: recent accomplishments
Sustainability of an in-home fire prevention intervention
The Relative Health Burden of Selected Social and Behavioral Risk Factors in the United States: Implications for Policy
Policy Statement--Child Abuse, Confidentiality, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Family violence. Prevention doesn't have to be an impossible dream
Position of the czech society of forensic medicine and forensic toxicology on evaluation of the effect of addictive substances other than alcohol on drivers (drugs)
The nurse's role with mistreated children
Prevention of accidents: results of an experience
Report on suicide in the aged: it has no purpose
Zero tolerance on torture
Road traffic injury--a global public health problem
Suicide as a human, medical, and health-political problem
Suicide--a neglected public health problem
Television and aggression
Suicidal patient: how can suicide be prevented? (Interview by Dr. Thomas Meissner)
A Taoist orientation and fears of death and dying
The scientific study of suicide requires accurate data
A comment on “urbanism and crime”
Current Gun Control Laws Don't Work
Review: "The rationality of psychological disorders: Psychobizarreness theory"; Yacov Rofe
Review: "Violent Men" - H Toch
Review: "Suicide as a Case of Psychic Homicide"; E. West
Special Issue Introduction: The Place of Self-Harm in Adolescent Development
Summary of the National Athletic Trainers' Association position statement on the acute management of the cervical spine-injured athlete
The cost of murder. Anti-violence groups, hospitals work to try and stop homicides, which have negative impacts on both the community and bottom lines
Consensus statement on concussion in sport - the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008
Comment on "a case-matched controlled study on high-voltage electrical injuries vs thermal burns"
COMMENTARY: Time for a Paradigm Shift in Conceptualizing Risk Factors in Sports Injury Research
Historical parallel evolution of injury prevention and control science and emergency medicine
Injuries: An Underrecognized Lifestyle Problem
Injury Prevention: A Medical and Public Health Imperative
Book Review: Handbook of Injury and Violence Prevention; Edited by Lynda S. Doll, Sandra E. Bonzo, James A. Mercy, and David A. Sleet. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC; 2007. US$109.00. ISBN-13: 978-0387-25924-6
Re: Ethical practice under fire: deployed physicians in the global war on terrorism
Re: Reference data from the automated neuropsychological assessment metrics for use in traumatic brain injury in an active duty military sample
The role of the health sector on road traffic injuries
Editorial. Toxicology in the network society: focus on suicide attempts
Editorial: Injury Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine
Violence and mental health: how can we be part of the solution?
Editorial: Chemical castration for sex offenders -- Doctors should avoid becoming agents of social control
Coders need guidance
Book Review: Brail, R. K., ed. 2008. Planning support systems for cities and regions. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 312 pp. $35.00 paperback. ISBN: 978-1-55844-182-8
'Black Shame' — the campaign against 'racial degeneration' and female degradation in interwar Europe
Parricide: a crime against nature
Adolescents, accidents and the need to extend our scope of research
Child Abuse and Neglect in Saudi Arabia: Journey of recognition to implementation of national prevention strategies
Lesions by traumatism in Mexico: End to the negligence
Analysis of the mortality by road accidents in Monterrey City: Strategies to implement. (Editorial)
Violence as a public health problem. (Editorial)
Strategies to prevent suicide
Meth lab fires put heat on burn centers
How healthy are US children?
Prevention of unintentional child injuries
Arguing for an integrated approach to resolving the crisis in Darfur: the challenges of complementarity, enforcement, and related issues in the International Criminal Court
Do executions lower homicide rates?: The views of leading criminologists
Grassroots death sentences? The social movement for capital child rape laws
Justifying killing in self-defense
The crime of complicity in genocide: How the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia got it wrong, and why it matters
Adolescent Motor Vehicle Crash Risk: What's Needed to Understand and Reduce the Risk?
Combating violence and abuse of people with disabilities: a call to action
New ANSI fall protection standards: what they mean to you
Sexual violence: a medical center responds. Mercy Medical Center's program mirrors the ideals 'in the care of the sick, great tenderness above all things'
Why do people support gun control? Alternative explanations of support for handgun bans
ONA's fight against workplace violence
Workplace violence is not part of your job
Antidepressants and suicide in adolescents and adults: a public health experiment with unintended consequences?
What I always wanted to know about instability training
'Mental illness': A sexually violent predator is punished twice for one crime
The military accident and injury prevention challenge: setting a foundation for the future
The U.S. Army medical department commitment to injury reduction
Keeping urban teachers: a national necessity
Musculoskeletal injuries: description of an under-recognized injury problem among military personnel
Guest Editorial: Prevention of fall-related injuries: A clinical research agenda 2009-2014
Young Impaired Drivers: The Nature of the Problem and Possible Solutions
Child abuse and neglect: a worldwide concern
Recovering from Disaster -- Partners in Health and the Haitian Earthquake
What we can learn from a case of medical malpractice--a case of suicide caused by bullying between male nurses
Acquired brain injury
Childhood sexual abuse and psychosis: aetiology and mechanism
Identifying the pathways to suicide in child sexual abuse victims
Medical complicity, torture, and the war on terror
Enough of 'tough': Youth Justice in Scotland
How We Can Promote Behavior That Serves All of Us in the Future?
National Bodies: The 'Comfort Women' Discourse and its Controversies in South Korea
Policy Statement--Prevention of Choking Among Children
Counting secondary injuries on national estimates: the road to multiple injury profiles
Emergency medicine and injury research: challenges and opportunities
Human violence: a treatable epidemic. 1998
Reply to 'Exposure to firearms, not marriage, the true risk factor for firearm suicide among women'
Road traffic injury prevention
An Injury Prevention Strategy for Teen Restaurant Workers: Washington State's ProSafety Project
Are we there yet? Canada's progress towards achieving road safety vision 2010 for children travelling in vehicles
Armed resistance to the Holocaust
On not taking the world as you find it-epidemiology in its place
Postmodernism and the Model Penal Code v. The Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments -- and the Castle Privacy Doctrine in the Twenty-First Century
Small Arms Control and the United Nations
The Consumer Federation of America's Case for Gun Safety Regulations
The Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act
Editorial: Vulnerable road users
A ringside seat. Why one physician supports a violent sport
Economic impact of disease and injury: counting what matters
Emergency departments are underutilized sites for suicide prevention
Hamas and the Israeli state: A ‘violent dialogue’
Violent Crime (and Suicide) in Imperial Germany, 1883—1902: Quantitative Analyses and a Durkheimian Interpretation
On being 'probably slightly on the wrong side of the cheating thing'
A Caveat on Crime Control
Restricting sales of barbecue charcoal helps in suicide prevention, study shows
Adventures in beekeeping
Approaching actionable farm safety programs
Neuroethical issues in cognitive enhancement
A nation of cowards
A Systematic Approach to Controlling Firearms Markets
A tale of three cities: the right to bear arms in state supreme courts
Absolutist politics in a moderate package: prohibitionist intentions of the gun control movement
Gun Control: Will it Work?
Has the gun deterrence hypothesis been discredited? A reply to McDowall et al., Criminology, November 1991
Can the Second Amendment survive?
Gun control legislation: Valid and necessary
The Federalist Papers
Lott's "More Guns" and Other Fallacies Infecting the Gun Control Debate
Research agenda on guns, violence, and gun control
The emperor has no clothes: using interrupted time series designs to evaluate social policy impact
The federal factoid factory on firearms and violence: A review of CDC research and politics
The misconception of the American citizen's right to keep and bear arms
The tragedy at Waco
The text of the Second Amendment
Mandatory reporting of non-accidental injury in children
The need for improved surveillance of occupational disease and injury
The roles of doctors and health services in community violence prevention
The problem with football. Our favorite sport is too dangerous. How to make the game safer
Psychoanalytic and musical ambiguity: the tritone in "Gee, officer Krupke"
A 10-year plan to reduce road-traffic accidents
Wheelchair transportation safety - Introduction
National laws must be improved to protect children against violence, UN says
The 1990 objectives for the nation for injury prevention: a progress review
The 8th Amendment: The death penalty and the mentally retarded criminal – fairness, culpability, and death
Abstract thinking: assessing the risk of suicide through prospective studies
Abolish the juvenile court: Youthfulness, criminal responsibility, and sentencing policy
Abortion in case of rape and the code of medical ethics
Abuse of children--whose responsibility
Accident Prevention vs. Accident Cause
Accident prevention
Accident prevention: an overview of the field
The accident problem
Accidents--a major public health problem
Accomplishing the Difficult but Not Impossible
The ACLU philosophy and the right to abuse the unborn
Youth suicide: new research focuses on a growing social problem
Brain injury awareness month
Commentary: Child Maltreatment and Physical Health: A Call to Action
Vehicle mass as a determinant of fuel consumption and secondary safety performance: A comment
Intimate partner violence (IPV). Editor's introduction
Looking in, looking out-increasing awareness of intentional self-harm in community populations
Forensic evaluations and mandated reporting of child abuse
Attitudes to the elderly
Housing for all--what norms?
Burns: learning from the past in order to be fit for the future
NHS, not police, should be responsible for medical examination of rape victims
Schizophrenia, mental capacity, and rational suicide
Traumatic brain injury: time to end the silence
Sport for all, injury prevention for all
Sustaining employment after vocational rehabilitation in acquired brain injury
America's youth violence hoax
Homicide and allied inquiries: in whose best interests?
Images of female slaves in Rio de Janeiro daily life, 1808-22
The United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Iran: the path to preventing traffic injuries?
Ophthalmology from the world of Egyptian gods
Vision without light and eyes; the phenomenon of Tiberius
The 20-year trajectory of marital quality in enduring marriages: Does equity matter?
Is fatality-free travel on North Carolina's streets and highways feasible? It's time to think the unthinkable
Bioethics, social class, and the sociological imagination
Creating a center for global health at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
The crisis of health in a crisis ridden region
Editor's introduction
Letter: "The effects of early prevention programs for families with young children at risk for physical child abuse and neglect: a meta-analysis" by Liesl Geeraert and coworkers
Emphasis on prevention
Ethical dilemmas in medically assisted procreation: a psychological perspective
Response to the Letter to the Editor Concerning the Viewpoint "An Anti-Doping Sampling Strategy Utilizing the Sewerage Systems of Sport Villages"
The liberal basis of the right to bear arms
Child labour: a public health issue
Illustrating injury
Invisible and involuntary: female genital mutilation as a basis for asylum
Jean-Paul Marat: physician, scientist and revolutionary
Preventing road deaths--time for data
Secondhand smoke is the most frequent cause of child maltreatment
Changing emphases in public health and medical education in health care reform
The changing organization of work and the safety and health of working people: a commentary
Preventive medicine, social medicine and health education, fundamental bases in the teaching of hygiene and public health
The addict as savior: heroin, death, and the family
Additional discussion about easing concealed firearms laws – Reply
Accident prevention
Reducing distracted driving: regulation and education to avert traffic injuries and fatalities
A tale of two responses: Haiti earthquake highlights the need for training in international disaster response
Wearing pink as a stand against bullying: why we need to say more
Guns: dangerous, especially for suicide, and costly for America
Wildfire Evacuation: Outrunning the Witch's Curse-One Animal Center's Experience
A dream for the future of public health
Ill-gotten gains: on the use of results from unethical experiments in medicine
Work engagement: an emerging concept in occupational health psychology
A century of forensic social work: bridging the past to the present
Mobbing in the work place. Catchword or sad reality
Neuroscience, genetics, and society: is the biology of human social behavior too controversial to study?
Collective violence: whose responsibility?
WHO argues the economic case for tackling violence
Why reduce health inequalities?
Will public health's response to terrorism be fair? Racial/ethnic variations in perceived fairness during a bioterrorist event
Bangladesh becomes "success story"
'Norway is a peace nation': A discourse analytic reading of the Norwegian peace engagement
Policies to assist pregnant women and children should include a complete assessment of the realities of women's lives
Reporting and referring research participants: ethical challenges for investigators studying children and youth
Response to battered mothers in the pediatric emergency department: a call for an interdisciplinary approach to family violence
Suicide during pregnancy and its neglect as a component of maternal mortality
Creating a safer Europe for our children
A dangerous surplus of sons? Two political scientists warn that Asia's lopsided sex ratios threaten world peace
The dark world of toiling children in India
Deconstructing the discourse on violated women in manuals of legal medicine
The dental practitioner's role in protecting children from abuse. 3. Reporting and subsequent management of abuse
Distortions and difficulties in data for trafficking
Domestic violence, nurses, and ethics: what are the links
Effect on suicide rate of having reduced unemployment is uncertain
"El Chalequero" or the Mexican Jack the Ripper: the meanings of sexual violence in turn-of-the-century Mexico City
Elder abuse: a call to action
Ethical implications of what we know about violence
Ethical issues in discharge planning for vulnerable infants and children
Ethics and the forensic expert: a case study of child custody involving allegations of child sexual abuse
The evaluation of workplaces subjected to heat stress: can ISO 7933 (1989) adequately describe heat strain in industrial workplaces?
Global civil society remakes history: "The Women's International War Crimes Tribunal 2000"
A global overview of ethical issues in women's health
How should the health community respond to violent political conflict?
How well do we prepare pediatric radiologists regarding child abuse? Results of a survey of recently trained fellows
Human violence: a treatable epidemic
The changing approach to the epidemiology, prevention, and amelioration of trauma: The transition to approaches etiologically rather than descriptively based
Indian Academy of Pediatrics and child abuse and neglect and child labour
Inequity as Violence: Race, Health and Human Rights in the United States
Inequity in child health as a global issue
Intimate partner violence. Bridging the gap between law and science
Is domestic violence relevant?: An exploratory analysis of couples referred for mediation in family court
Local initiatives: USAID / Peru supports national legislation on domestic violence
Making history with Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian feminism, domestic violence, and the language of imperialism
Mental health in Northern Ireland: have "the Troubles" made it worse?
Methodological challenges in injury epidemiology and injury prevention research
Missed opportunities in the fight against domestic violence
"A murderer for love": on fatherhood, care, and despair at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century
Narrative accounts of tracking the rural domestic violence survivors' journey: a feminist approach
Nurses always on your side: united against violence. Promoting the fight against violence
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)
Personal commitments needed to reduce violence
Perspectives on legal strategies to prevent workplace violence
Physical abuse of children: an update
Physical and sexual abuse. A middle-class concern?
Preventing sexual violence: a rights-based approach
Preventing violence in the healthcare workplace
Priorities in injury epidemiology
Promoting road traffic injuries research in South Asia: capacity strengthening in health research
When daughters are unwanted. Sex determination tests in India
We can no longer ignore the rising rate of African-American suicide
The violence of poverty victimizes children
Violence towards the caregiver. A growing crisis for professional nursing
Violence--the next out-of-control disease
Violence--a public health crisis
Violence in the workplace. Are you prepared?
Violence against women. Ending impunity for sexual violence
Untamed hearts: Eros and suicide in late Imperial Chinese fiction
US report on violence in the medical workplace may hold lessons for Canadian MDs
A public health perspective on violent offenses among persons with mental illness
The reality of violence in the workplace
Reducing governmental interventions in families by licensing parents
Ren and Yuan: a cultural interpretation of Chinese women's responses to battering
Reproductive rights and racism in Brazil
Riotous community: crowds, politics and society in Wales, c. 1700-1840
Sanctioned social violence: A psychoanalytic view--part I
Sanctioned violence: development and the persecution of women as witches in south Bihar
Security departments and employee assistance programs: an effective alliance against domestic violence
Traumatology is neglected. The number of professional years lost due to accidents is higher than the loss caused by cancer and heart diseases
Socioeconomic impact of child abuse. It is easier to build strong children than to mend broken men
Suicide in the world: toward a population increase theory of suicide
Suicides in Japan reach a record high
There are still children who are abused--in spite of new laws and increased awareness concerning children's rights
Thoughts after the fatal beating of Ricky Whistnant
Will Increasing Alcohol Availability By Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Decrease Drinking and Related Consequences Among Youths?
Post-crisis: earthquake, tsunami, radiation leak and rural health crisis in Japan
Positioning North Carolina for leadership in injury control: a call to action
District of Columbia v. Heller: Amicus in support of Plaintiff
Violence and trauma: the past 20 and next 10 years
From William Henry Furman to Anthony Porter: The changing face of the death penalty debate
Further reflections on the guillotine
The decline of the juvenile death penalty: Scientific evidence of evolving norms
The seduction of innocence: The attraction and limitations of the focus on innocence in capital punishment law and advocacy
Ultimate punishment: A lawyer's reflections on dealing with the death penalty
American police and subcultural support for the use of excessive force
Can information change public opinion? Another test of the Marshall hypotheses
Notes on Punishment and Terrorism
Polish Substantive Penal Law Against Terrorism (Selected Issues)
The United States of America Vis-a-Vis Terrorism: The Super Power's Weaknesses and Mistakes
Will the West Survive?
The Classical Liberals Were Half Right (or Half Wrong): New Tests of the 'Liberal Peace', 1960-88
What Tools Do We Need to Improve Identification of Child Abuse?
Thoracolumbar Spinal Injuries Following Speedboat Accidents: Is It Time to Change the Safety Regulations?
War and Punishment: The Causes of War Termination and the First World War (Book Review)
Traffic calming - IHIE debate highlights the lack of consensus
The deacons for defense: armed resistance and the civil rights movement (book review)
The problem of child sexual abuse
WHO takes up issue of child abuse
Wrongful diagnosis of child abuse--a master theory
The road ahead
Things planners believe in, and things they deny
Editorial comments-changing pattern of pediatric maxillofacial injuries at the accident and emergency department of the university teaching hospital, Ibadan-a four-year experience
Spinal cord injury nursing: an extraordinary specialty
Injury prevention and safety promotion
Liberal versus conservative public policies on crime: What was the comparative track record during the 1990s?
Scholarly influence in criminology and criminal justice journals in 1990-2000
Alcohol and sports: a bad mixture
America's aging farmers: tenacious, productive, and underresearched
Appendix: Health professionals' participation in interrogations that violate national as well as international laws, a dialogue with the American Psychological Association
Commentary: irrational exuberance for the aging in place of vulnerable low-income older homeowners
Comments on "Vigilance monitoring - review and practical aspects", by Sebastian Canisius and Thomas Penzel; Biomed Tech 2007; 52: 77-82
The public health department in time of war
The public health service during the war
Further Tests of the Influence of Black Mayors on Murders of Police
The North Carolina Falls Prevention Coalition
The National football League and concussion: leading a culture change in contact sports
Life Loss and Disability from Traffic Accidents: It is imperative we all act now
Commentary on Cannabis and Crash Risk: Concentration Effect Relation
Commentary on History of DWI Enforcement: What Does It Tell Us About DUID Enforcement?
Commentary on Legal Framework for Dealing with Drugs in Traffic
Commentary on Legal Framework for Dealing with Drugs in Traffic
Commentary on Medicinal Drugs: Critical Review of Present Knowledge and Statements for Discussion
Commentary on the Risks Posed by Drugs in Traffic
Commentary on Variability Among Epidemiological Studies of Drugs and Driving
He died because he was wearing the wrong color sneakers: Some thoughts on the unpopularity of intellect and the issue of difference in today's society (remarks of the special issue editor)
Democracy as a Cure for Famine
Test violent offenders for anabolic steroid use
Trauma--the disease that was neglected. progress: past and that to be
Unconvincing evidence for condemning school-based conflict resolution programs
The tragedy at St Peter's Field, Manchester, 16 August 1819
Theories of crime, attitudes to punishment and juror bias amongst police, offenders and the general public
Guidelines for adolescent health research: a position paper of the society for adolescent medicine
A tribute to a view I have opposed
Book review: 'To keep and bear arms, the origins of an Anglo-American right' - Malcolm,JL
Should courts instruct juries as to the consequences to a defendant of a not guilty by reason of insanity verdict
Some ethical issues surrounding covert video surveillance--a response
The role of the physician and the medical profession in the prevention of international torture and in the treatment of its survivors. american college of physicians
The rough road to air bags
Understanding fatal child abuse
Violent juvenile delinquents. treatment effectiveness and implications for future action
Unfit for Human Consumption: The Problem of Flawed Writing in Criminal Justice and What to Do About It
Trends and availability of suicide methods in Finland. Proposals for restrictive measures
Research, forensics, public health, injury prevention and policy development
Response to Letter to the Editor entitled, "Is there a relationship between the WHO hazard classification of organophosphate pesticide and outcomes in suicidal human poisoning with commercial organophosphate formulations?"
"Marriage" Misnames "Couples" and Familial Therapies
Doctors in prison: documenting torture in detention
Gaps in research and public policies
Global health and human security
Silent healers: on medical complicity in torture
Suicide research before Durkheim
The meaning of justice in safety incident reporting
Use of the term "mental defective" by Congress and in the U.S. Code
Biker docs
Can suicide be a good death?
Can suicide be a good death? A reply
Can suicide be ethical? A utilitarian perspective on the appropriateness of choosing to die
Care of the self and American physicians' place in the "war on terror": a Foucauldian reading of senator Bill Frist, MD
Chieko's story: giving voice to survivors of wife abuse
Reflections on the care delivered in a suspected case of infanticide
Improvements in Transport Infrastructure are designed to Increase Travel Speed: Comments on ‘The Myth of Travel Time Saving’
Reflections on Travel Time Savings: Comments to David Metz
Response to the Responses on ‘The Myth of Travel Time Saving’
Who Knows Where the Time Goes? A Response to David Metz
Engineering professional ethics in a broader dimension
Philosophical underpinning for systems thinking
The intertwining of ethics and methodology in science and engineering: a virtue-ethical approach
Towards an 'engineered epistemology'?
The involuntary treatment of adolescent psychiatric inpatients--a nation-wide survey from Finland
The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests: a review of scientific and legal issues
Booster seat use by children aged 4-11 years: evidence of the need to revise current Australasian standards to accommodate overweight children
Complaints in child protection
Decisions among time saving options: when intuition is strong and wrong
Editorial: new perspectives on aggression
Elaboration: diabetes and driving
Error in the article: "driving under the influence of opiates: concentration relationships between morphine, codeine, 6-acetyl morphine, and ethyl morphine in blood"
Expanding the vision of visual bioethics
Festive medical myths
How can the study of biological processes help design new interventions for children with severe antisocial behavior?
Human trafficking and the healthcare professional
Is drug safety dangerous?
It is time to take a stand for medical research and against terrorism targeting medical scientists
It's the law: physicians must report abuse
Juvenile psychopathy and judicial decision making: an empirical analysis of an ethical dilemma
Linking thought suppression and recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse
Our minds are made up--don't confuse us with the facts: commentary on policies concerning children with sexual behavior problems and juvenile sex offenders
Physical abuse and preterm delivery: Rodrigues et al
Primary care of patients with serious mental illness: your chance to make a difference
Provision of hospital care and medical services during certain disasters or emergencies. Final rule
Public alcohol policy: current directions and new opportunities
Regarding Formula One and global road safety
Response to Hayden: Comment on 'ethnic cleansing' and 'genocide'
Response to: vision and drivers--a South Wales survey
Roundtable sessions of a Children's Hospital child protection team
Sexual politics, torture, and secular time
Shaken baby syndrome: facts, education, and advocacy
Social desirability and sexual offenders: a review
SSRI antidepressants don't actually do anything to improve depressed states
Systematic screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions: still debatable
The 'European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD)': a multifaceted, community-based action programme against depression and suicidality
The benefit of public transportation: physical activity to reduce obesity and ecological footprint
The Impact of Juror Characteristics and Victim Health Status on the Perception of Elder Physical Abuse
The population impact on incidence of suicide and non-fatal self harm of regulatory action against the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in under 18s in the United Kingdom: ecological study
The noble cause: An empirical assessment
Civil commitment in Turkey: reflections on a bill drafted by psychiatrists
Sterilization Bills
The German Prevention of Crime Act, 1933
Years of the Profession Cooperative Accident Prevention
Some Observations on the Psychological Aspects of Suicide
Interdisciplinarity: some models from the human sciences
AORN guidance statement: mass casualty, triage, and evacuation
Archaeology. Murder in Mesopotamia?
Australian efforts to tackle abuse of Aboriginal children raise alarm
Beyond the banality of evil: three dynamics of an interactionist social psychology of tyranny
Breaching confidentiality to protect the public: evolving standards of medical confidentiality for military detainees
Bystanding an abused child: testing the applicability of the stages of change construct
Childhelp's holy mission: reducing child abuse
Childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual dysfunction: response to commentary by Rind and Tromovitch (2007)
The effect of intellectual disability on the adherence of child witnesses to a "story grammar" framework
The human capacity to thrive in the face of potential trauma
The jigsaw of child protection
The jigsaw of child protection
The nature of parental supervisory neglect
Troubling times: a comment on Judith Butler's 'Sexual politics, torture and secular time'
Violent death in American schools in the 21st century: reflections following the 2006 Amish School shootings
Waterboarding is not torture: a physician's response
Which future for social psychiatry?
Basic driving skills should be practiced before going on-road with a motorized scooter but universal testing is not warranted
Blocking humanitarian assistance: a crime against humanity?
Death by web posts
Doctors' complicity with torture
Driving toward crashless cars
Emergency healthcare professionals can use motivational interviewing techniques to help change people's unhealthy or violent behaviour
Making difficult ethical decisions in patient care during natural disasters and other mass casualty events
Medical experts and the law: Safeguarding children, the public and the profession
Medical personnel's role in US detainees' interrogations questioned
Military medical ethics--physician first, last, always
Parenting online and lay literature on infant spanking: information readily available to parents
Presidential responses to national trauma: case studies of G. W Bush, Carter, and Nixon
Preventing dentists' involvement in torture: the developmental history of a new international declaration
Collaboration, integration and change in children's services: critical issues and key ingredients
Conceptualizing and defining public health emergency preparedness
Do I report an impaired driver?
Doctors as pawns? Law and medical ethics at Guantánamo Bay
Drivers of violent conflict
Trauma and disorders of the bones and joints. Critical analytical announcement from my consultation in the causes of accidents
Criminal Responsibility of the Insane: A Reply to Professor Ballantine
Aims and Ideals of the Police
The Cross-Examination of the Alienist
The Loeb-Leopold Murder of Franks in Chicago, May 21, 1924
The Psychopathology of Accidents
The Rehabilitation of the Morally Handicapped. A Study in Social Service
To Abolish Partisanship of Expert Witnesses, as Illustrated in the Loeb-Leopold Case
A Plan for Control of Firearms
Comment on the Werther effect
Commentary on "Self-injurious behavior to the lower extremities among children with atypical development: a diagnostic and treatment algorithm" by Paul Swamidhas Sudhakar Russell
Commentary on "Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: the children of Duplessis"
Commentary on "Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: the children of Duplessis"
Comments on "Surgical and psychosocial outcomes in the rural injured, a follow up study of 2001 earthquake victims" Int. J. Care Injured 36 (2005) 927-934
Creating political will: moving from the science to the art of health promotion
Doctors, interrogation, and torture
Editorial comment. Islam and terrorism
Editorial: those evil suicide bombers
Ending the darkness of suicide
Ethical dimensions of using individual case history studies in campaigning, fundraising and publicity work
Evaluation of brief intervention
Executions and torture: the consequences of overriding professional ethics
Experts work to prevent college suicides
Eye safety is everyone's business
FAQs: neurological illness and driving
Father responsivity: couple processes and the coconstruction of fatherhood
Female genital mutilation: whose problem, whose solution? Psychological damage is immense
Gaza--a comment
The need for a co-ordinated scientific approach to the investigation of dog bite injuries
Getting the right message: avoiding overly optimistic interpretations of the scientific literature
Guantanamo: a call for action: doctors should not treat detainees only to render them fit for further abuse
Guidance does not require mandatory reporting of underage sex
Holding doctors responsible at Guantanamo
If we want to know how best to help young people who self-harm, we should be asking the experts. Questions and answers
Improvements in trauma care capabilities in Vietnam through use of the WHO-IATSIC Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care
In defiance of nuclear deterrence: anti-nuclear New Zealand after two decades
Indecent medicine: in defense of the absolute prohibition against physician participation in torture
Information from your family doctor. Driving and dementia: what you should know
Is the healthcare industry prepared for terrorism?
Is there an unconscious conspiracy against teenagers in the United States?
Is your patient a suicide risk?
Islamophobia pre- and post-September 11th, 2001
Isn't it time we found out more about what the heck happens around American liquor stores?
It is hard to predict the future: the evolving nature of threats and vulnerabilities
The European Union and post-9/11 counterterrorism: A reappraisal
The right to safety as part of the human rights discourse (editorial)
The role of social movements in safety promotion: Comparative lessons from Brazil, South Africa and Australia
Use of epidemiology in the public space: Reconstruction of a train fire in India
Let's keep children safe in cars
Letter to the editor: a commentary on M. K. Wynia's "consequentialism and harsh interrogations"
Lies and coercion: why psychiatrists should not participate in police and intelligence interrogations
Life imprisonment: recent issues in national and international law
Medical ethics at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib: the problem of dual loyalty
Medicine, Peace and Public Policy
Models of resistance: "victims" lead
Moral nature of the DSM-IV Cluster B personality disorders
Erratum: Re: changing pattern of child bicycle injury in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Ethics and public health emergencies: encouraging responsibility
Ethics of asking trauma-related questions and exposing participants to arousal-inducing stimuli
Finally--sleep science for the courtroom
First, do no harm: health professionals and Guantánamo
First-hand experience of taking action against elder abuse
Football's big brainteaser. A new high-tech helmet is helping researchers pinpoint which hits cause head injuries
Greater vigilance needed to tackle domestic abuse, says BMA
Implementation of the healthcare recommendations arising from the Victoria Climbié report
In the coroner's chair - substance misuse and suicide in young people: have we got the focus right?
Warrior genes and risk-taking science
Should the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in child and adolescent depression be banned?
Need for injury-prevention education in medical school curriculum
Re: helmets not helpful--an example of poor public policy
Re: The development of forensic interview training models: a reply to Lamb, Orbach, Hershkowitz, Esplin, and Horowitz (2007)
Safeguarding children: the case for mandatory training
Sixty years of the Morris Minor and the NHS
Terrorism trials in the new century--how have things changed since the IRA trials?
Terrorist trials--'then' and 'now'
The anatomy of self-defense
The childhood origins of World War II and the Holocaust
The ethics of interrogation--the U.S. military's ongoing use of psychiatrists
The hazards of daily life: an historical perspective on adult unintentional injuries
The need for measures to prevent "solitary deaths" after large earthquakes - based on current conditions following the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
United States was not prepared to respond effectively to a public health emergency
Visions of the future: social processes and terrorism in Europe
What is Münchhausen's syndrome by proxy and why is it not in the DSM-IV?
Author's response to Chapman and Hayen. We agree that those looking to research for guidance on the impact of Australia's 1996 gun laws should exercise caution
Can randomized controlled trials be done with suicidal youths?
Commentary: implications for assessment and treatment of addictive and mentally disordered offenders entering prisons
Two Dissociable Aspects of Feeling-of-Knowing: Knowing That You Know and Knowing That You Do Not Know
Indian prison doctors are promised more help to fight abuse of prisoners
Informed consent for research in Borderline Personality Disorder
Interrogation comes under fire
Interrogation of prisoners after 2003: the role of health professionals
Is infant male circumcision an abuse of the rights of the child? Yes
Is military action ever justified? A physician defends the 'Responsibility to Protect'
Lessons all around. Decision not to indict doc in Katrina case hailed
Like children, older people deserve protection
Listening to the silence: doing better at responding to disasters
Medical ethical violations in Gaza
Medical ethics and the interrogation of Guantanamo 063
Mother-blaming in the shadow of incest: Commentary on "motherhood in the shadow of incest" by Rachel Lev-Wiesel
Mothers' comfort with screening questions
Treating the Abusive Partner: An Individualized Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
US hospitals are unprepared for disaster
Natural disasters: a view from afar
NEUROwords "Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy": Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Baron von Münchhausen, hasn't got anything to do with it
On hating to hate
On terrorism: editorial review
Our cars, ourselves
Outcomes of dead on arrival children: is it time to teach everybody PBLS?
Participation in torture and interrogation: an inexcusable breach of medical ethics
People who have committed a certain sin ought to be dead
Physical abuse of the elderly: the medical director's response
Policy and programmatic importance of spatial alignment of data sources
Possibility for the health sector to actively contribute to peace-making and peace-keeping
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adolescents after sexual abuse is readily treated
Sleep apnea and commercial motor vehicle operators: statement from the joint Task Force of the American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and the National Sleep Foundation
The Primacy of Partnership: Scoping a New National Disaster Recovery Policy
Spreading the word about the 'indisputable science of speed'
Prevention of intergenerational transmission of child abuse: a national priority
Progress on elder abuse
Promoting mental health as an essential aspect of health promotion
Psychology and U.S. psychologists in torture and war in the Middle East
Putting limits on teen drivers
Qualifying confidentiality obligations
Qualifying confidentiality: historical and empirical issues and facts
Questioning our principles: anthropological contributions to ethical dilemmas in clinical practice
From Wimps to Wild Men: Bipolar Masculinity and the Paradoxical Performances of Tom Cruise
Female Genital Mutilation: A Socio-Cultural Gang Up Against Womanhood
Recommendations for the elder abuse, health, and justice fields about medical forensic issues related to elder abuse and neglect
Redressing torture: a genealogy of remedies and enforcement
Reporting participants in research studies to Child Protective Services: limited risk to attrition
Restoring rape survivors: justice, advocacy, and a call to action
Risk, citizenship, and public discourse: coeval dialogues on war and health in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Royal college denies rewriting child protection history
Safeguarding children
Sandro Morselli: schizophrenic solitude, suicide, and psychotherapy
Scientific openness. Should academics self-censor their findings on terrorism?
Torture in Abu Ghraib
Should our infantry be issued with eye armour as part of combat body armour?
Specters of democracy: dense objects and states of mourning
Suicide risk in placebo-controlled trials of bipolar disorder
Temperature-related mortality in France, a comparison between regions with different climates from the perspective of global warming
The case against no-suicide contracts: the commitment to treatment statement as a practice alternative
The Limits of Autonomy: The Belmont Report and the History of Childhood
The Right to Rights?
Notes on newspaper accounts of male elder abuse
On terrorism--2
On thinking and not being able to think: reflections on viewing the Abu Ghraib photos
Opportunity born from tragedy. The Virginia Tech tragedy should motivate changes in Virginia's mental healthcare system
Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety: healthcare vs. aviation and other high-hazard industries
Paediatricians and child protection
Pediatric emergency medicine physicians' current practices and beliefs regarding mental health screening
Pediatric emergency medicine: legal briefs
Perpetuating mother-blaming rhetoric: a commentary
Policy on the prevention of suicidal behaviour; one treatment for all may be an unrealistic expectation
Primary prevention of child physical abuse and neglect: gaps and promising directions
Prisoners of war and torture need more attention
Protecting the right to medical treatment from the War on Terror. The status of Guantanamo Bay detainees
Re: "Lies and coercion: why psychiatrists should not participate in police and intelligence interrogations"
Reducing the risk of human extinction
Reflections on a mass homicide
Report highlights abuse of older people's human rights in hospitals and homes
Reporting requirements for child or adult abuse
Rules of the road. The must-haves of an effective vehicle-safety program
Rumblings in the air: understanding earthquakes in the 1690s
Seeking asylum from torture: a doctor's view
Sexuality, power, and love in Cavani's "The Night Porter": psychological trauma and beyond
Social justice and disadvantaged groups
With a song in my heart, the last word
The National Disaster Medical System: Past, Present, and Suggestions for the Future
Drug warnings that can cause fits--communicating risks in a data-poor environment
Dutch academics criticise suicide claims made in American psychiatry journal
Eleven deaths of Mr. K.: contributing factors to suicide in narcissistic personalities
FBI to reveal anthrax data
How academic psychiatry can better prepare students for their future patients. Part II: a course in ultra-brief initial diagnostic screening suitable for future primary care physicians
In this issue. Mental health literacy
Let's talk facts about teen suicide
Naked suicide
Pattern of police torture in Punjab, Pakistan
Position and role of forensic psychiatry in integrative psychiatry
Re: The national suicide prevention strategy for England: the reality of a national strategy for the nursing profession
Restructuring public health in Slovenia between 1985 and 2006
Sallekhana: the ethicality and legality of religious suicide by starvation in the Jain religious community
Samson's suicide: psychopathology (Grossman) vs. heroism (Jabotinsky)
Seafarers' fatigue: a review of the recent literature
Self-portrait with bandaged ear and Japanese print
Seven steps to integrating suicidology
Should the media be condemned for reporting on individual suicides?
Should we prevent non-therapeutic mutilation and extreme body modification?
The creation of emergency health care standards for catastrophic events
The flawed basis for FDA post-marketing safety decisions: the example of anti-depressants and children
The global war on terror: four years on
The London bombings of 7 July 2005: what is the main lesson?
The medical and ethical aspects of photography in the sexual assault examination: why does it offend?
The medical aspects of the UN Convention against Torture
The need for economic analysis in research on child maltreatment
The neglect of "child abuse and neglect"
The older driver: who is responsible? The state, the doctor, or the older driver?
The Palme murder, the Estonia shipwreck, the Anna Lindh murder, the tsunami disaster...What makes an event a national trauma?
The SSRI trials in children: disturbing implications for academic medicine
To test or not to test: screening for substance use in adolescents
TOPOFF 3 report finds government unable to coordinate response to terrorist attacks
Torture prevention in practice. Association for the Prevention of Torture
Towards a common global ethic: a rational approach to terrorism
Town of Castle Rock, Colorado v Gonzales: implications for public health policy and practice
Transporting minors for immoral purposes: the case for the Child Custody Protection Act and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act
Tsunami science before and beyond Boxing Day 2004
Two hypotheses on the causes of male homosexuality and paedophilia
U.S. psychiatrists' beliefs and wants about involuntary civil commitment grounds
Understanding the effects of disaster on children: a developmental-ecological approach to scientific inquiry
Unexploded bombs in Gaza
Update on child physical abuse, sexual abuse, and prevention
US doctors lobby for end to torture of terrorism suspects
Views on the US ''interrogation'' behaviour
Violations against children in a national and international perspective
Violent men have more sons: further evidence for the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH)
Warning a potential victim of a person's dangerousness: clinician's duty or victim's right?
We don't need a randomized controlled trial: youth should have a driver's license to operate tractors on public roads
Weaponising medicine: "Tutti fratelli," no more
When colleges go on suicide watch
Why physicians participate in executions
Why should we discuss CO poisoning now?
Will medical ethics be a casualty of the war on terror?
Winning the war on terror: psychology as a strategic framework
Wrongful convictions, lessons learned: the Canadian experience
Gun control editorial should have stuck to the evidence
Watching the Borders of Administrative Evil: Human Volition and Policy Intention
Debate: War and Post-Communist Democratization: Dealing with Old Comrade Endogeneity
External Threat and Democracy: The Role of NATO Revisited
International Linkages and Environmental Sustainability: The Effectiveness of the Regime Network
The Impact of Analogical Reasoning on US Foreign Policy Towards Kosovo
The Structural Model of Affecting Factors of Management Misconduct in Coalmine Fatal Accidents in China
Three Types Hazard Theory and Prevention of Coalmine Accidents
Refocusing Children's Services Towards Prevention: Lessons from the Literature
The United Nations and road safety: what is the connection?
Trauma surgery and traffic policy in Germany in the 1930s: a case study in the coevolution of modern surgery and society
Ten Uncertainties of Risk-Management Approaches to Security
The MSLT/MWT should be used for the assessment of workplace safety
Sickness in Government Science: Case, Cause and Cure
Is rehabilitation dead? The myth of the punitive public
Unintended murder and corporate risk-taking: Defining the concept of justifiability
Bush, Dukakis presidential race: all quiet on health and safety front
Deaths and injuries diminish as U.S. pursues selected public health goals
Exceptional safety programs can be dangerous to your health
Falls in the elderly. Is prevention possible?
Inadvertent nuclear war
Major industrial risks and compensation of victims: the role for insurance
Making the most of journals demands careful look at benefits obtained
Ministers act to reduce industrial accidents
NIOSH recommendations for occupational safety and health standards 1988
Occupational health and safety in South Africa: the perspectives of capital, state and unions
Spinal cord injuries in Enugu, Nigeria--preventable accidents
Strategy for the primary and secondary prevention of occupational diseases in the German Democratic Republic
Successful accident prevention. An intervention study in the Nordic countries
The prevention of modern plagues
The role of organizations in community participation--prevention of accidental injuries in a rural Swedish municipality
Winners and Losers: Some Thoughts about the Political Economy of Disaster
Ideology and crime control policy positions in a state legislature
Judgements of appropriate punishment: The effects of question type
The effects of classroom instruction and discussion on death penalty opinions: A teaching note
Can work accidents be avoided?
Deterring death in the workplace: the prosecutor's perspective
Injuries are not accidents. Introduction
Injury prevention as a public health responsibility: the New York State Department of Health Injury Control Program
Logging standard under review
Occupational injuries--routes to prevention
Prevention of injuries: a new approach
Promoting driving safety for teens and adults
Towards a Moral Philosophy of Natural Disaster Mitigation
Behavioral modelling: Implications for philosophy
Book Review: 'Violence: patterns, causes, public policy' - N Weiner, M Zahn, and R Sagi
A critique on Brown's "Police responses to wife beating: Neglect of a crime of violence."
Evaluating criminal justice programs: Establishing criteria
Police responses to wife beating: Five years later
Popular culture and criminal justice: A preliminary analysis
Teaching and learning police ethics: Competing and complementary approaches
Automating assistance for safety critical decisions
Childhood safety--are we doing enough?
Does sex sell safety?
Domestic accidents: theoretical controversies
Environmental notes: cutting traffic fatalities
Five years' experience of injured children
The Federal Emergency Management System in the United States: Past and Present
Workers' perceptions, knowledge and responses regarding occupational health and safety: a report on a Canadian study
Bodily injury. Introductory report of the Chairman of the Work Group
Bring back the General Duty Clause
Causes of accidents from the viewpoint of the forensic physician (pediatric accidents)
Community care--the price of liberty
Current legal concerns: regulations concerning hazardous chemicals in the workplace
Death and taxes. An opportunity for substitution
Book Review: 'Point blank: Guns and violence in America' - G. Kleck 1992
Contemporary police practices in domestic violence cases – arresting the abuser. Is it enough?
Research that succeeds, policies that fail
The arrest experiments: a feminist critique
Bodies in water. Solving the puzzle
Breaking the Barriers of Insider Research in Occupational Health and Safety
The fifth age of safety: the adaptive age
Regulation for "saving" the drowned in Italy (XVIII-XIXth century), with particular reference to the Republic of Venice
Traffic calming: Can it be done in America?
The neglected disease of modern society and the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Southern Africa
Using national news events to stimulate local awareness of public policy issues
Why do old people fall down?
As nation grows older, falls become greater source of fear, injury, death
Drunk driving fatalities for teenagers--emergency nurses do something besides talk about it
Eleven years in a specialist practice dealing with reporting of occupational diseases can be rewarding
Environmental accidents and public responsibility. Essay review
Epilogue: agricultural occupational and environmental health policy strategies for the future
Establish a committee of inquiry
Injury prevention update
Medico-legal brief. Physician owes duty to other persons when he administers drugs to patients
Motor vehicle trauma: a medical problem
My "one in a million" chance
The Delegitimization of Nuclear Deterrence
Prologue: agricultural occupational and environmental health: policy strategies for the future
Research focuses not only on where, why, how of falls, but also on preventing them
Safety before cost
Standard setting: a political process
Starting point is respect for the work environment
The physician as an accident witness: emergency care and problems of failure to provide first aid
The prevention of death and serious injury
The road accident epidemic
The Safety Seal Injury Prevention Program: a response to the epidemic of injury and death in children
Trauma prevention: puzzlement or possibility?
Are prosecuted parents allowed the benefit of the doubt in cases of child abuse?
Articles left 'wrong impressions' about spouse abuse
Worksafe Australia: to the McKay report and beyond
Are you now or have you ever been a sociologist?
Book Review: 'Devices and desires'; a novel by PD James
Book Review: 'Serial murder: an elusive phenomenon' - Egger,S
How just is the guilty but mentally ill verdict? An exploration into personality and intellectual factors
Are restraints all bad?
Child restraints: putting safety in the driver's seat
Childhood injuries: issues for the family physician
Coalition on trauma--trauma prevention and trauma care: presidential address, Trauma Association of Canada
Desperately seeking primary prevention
Empty pockets: application of the fireman's rule to emergency medical technicians
Ethical issues in caring for patients who have suffered water-related injuries
Falls in the elderly--future strategies
Freedom from restraints: patient right or patient risk?
Health education in occupational safety
In-hospital injury reports and the injury evaluation work. Intentions and practice in somatic hospitals
Injury: a new perspective on an old problem
Is money a cure? Follow-up of litigants in England
Pediatric injury prevention for the practitioner
Preventing eye injuries--the nurse's role
Why Does the Cold War Continue in the Third World?
The Development of the American Theory of Limited War, 1945-63
Falls in the aged subject--a public health problem
Falls in the nursing home: preventable or inevitable?
Health and safety at fairgrounds
Injury prevention: a survey of clinical practice
Lessons from the United Kingdom: fightback on workplace hazards, 1979-1992
Mandatory drug testing: boon for public safety or launch of a witch-hunt?
Police ethics: A critical perspective
APA's expert panel in the congressional review of the USS Iowa incident
Video Games
Video surveillance and child abuse
Foreign Aid Versus Military Intervention in the War on Terror
Sports Injury Prevention Failure
Understanding general practitioners' conflicts of interests and the paramountcy principle in safeguarding children
Child abuse and custody disputes: when should the caregiver report the case to police and social services, and when is there an obligation to do so?
Child abuse in "really existing socialism"
Child abuse reporting requirements: liabilities and immunities for clergy
Child psychiatry and legal liability: implications of recent case law
Thinking Globally in Post-Mao China
Toward an East--West Security Regime: The Case of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures
Normative Ethics in Planning
Common sense strategies for accident and injury prevention
Conscience and complicity
The Language of Foreign Policy
Dentists should be alert to signs of child abuse
Developing guidelines for HIV antibody testing among victims of pediatric sexual abuse
Doctors and the state: lessons from the Biko case
Doctors and torture
Does addiction excuse thieves and killers from criminal responsibility?
Duty to protect and gun control
Ethical considerations in testing victims of sexual abuse for HIV infection
France: a lawyer's view on female circumcision performed among immigrants
Regional Policy and World Crises: An East European View
Hospital-based program fights child abuse
How "mild" is mild Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
I shot the sheriff, but only my analyst knows: shrinking the psychotherapist-patient privilege
Initial Medical Advisory Board review of medical impairment: effect on driver performance and traffic safety
Investigation of abuse demands professionalism and an attitude of understanding
Investigation of child sexual abuse: if psychoanalysis is used it must not be done in metaphor only
Investigation of sexual child abuse: professionalism--an absolute necessity
Law and the abused woman
Legal and ethical issues. Ethical and legal dilemmas of battered women
Malpractice in psychotherapy: an overview
Medical and government response to child abuse
Medical aspects of torture. Chapter VIII. Medical involvement in the practice of torture Chapter IX. Medical profession against torture
Medical education for the prevention of torture
Mental health professionals and the courts: the ethics of expertise
Myths about dangerous psychiatric patients. Interview by Marit Fonn
Nazi science--the Dachau hypothermia experiments
New extension of the Tarasoff decision
New York requires continuing education in recognizing and reporting child abuse
No smacking?
Nosologic objections to the criminal defense of pathological intoxication: what do the doubters doubt?
Nurses and child abuse/neglect reporting: duties, responsibilities, and issues
Objectivity and ideology: criticism of Theo Sandfort's research on man-boy sexual relations
Factors Predisposing Individuals to Support Nuclear Disarmament: An International Perspective
From the Truman Doctrine to the Second Superpower Detente: The Rise and Fall of the Cold War
Global Policies and the United Nations System: A Current Assessment
Global Policy and the Future of the United Nations
Global Policy Studies: A Skeptical View
Who best represents the interests of the child in court?
Women as motivators in the use of safety belts
Yielding to age: when the elderly can no longer drive
Policy belief systems and risky technologies: the Dutch debate on regulating LPG-related activities
On the epidemiology of child abuse
On the evaluative nature of competency and capacity judgments
One smack is too many
Paradigm shifts in USA psychiatric epidemiology since World War II
Pediatrician's role in preventing child maltreatment
Physicians and human rights
Pioneers of prevention
Population course in psychological first aid
Preparation for court testimony in child abuse cases
Prevention of elder abuse: Betty Neuman health care systems approach
Prevention: the endpoint of suicidology
Primary health care. Working together for child protection
Principles of forensic dentistry: 2. Non-accidental injury, bite marks and archaeology
Prisoners of conscience in Sudan
Protecting severely abused and neglected children. An unkept promise
Psychiatric epidemiology--a historic review
Review essay : The role of science and knowledge in a risk society: comments and reflections on Beck
Atmospheric Pollution as a Global Policy Problem
Can Aggression Be Justified in Order to Study Aggression?
Confronting Anthropological Ethics: Ethnographic Lessons from Central America
European Security: New, Old and Borrowed
Psychiatric participation in capital sentencing procedures: ethical considerations
Special report on liability and insurance. Recent decisions further define scope of "Tarasoff" duty
Spouse abuse. Care goes beyond the office door
The aged: watch out for suicide
The development of the New South Wales Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS): the first year
The epidemiological sequelae of catastrophes and the tasks of the medical service in their elimination
The expert witness: medical testimony in child abuse and neglect
The historic origins of penal statutes concerning sexual activities involving children and adolescents
The judge facing physical and sexual abuse in children
The madness of Mental Health Acts
The parable of the forensic psychiatrist: ethics and the problem of doing harm
The police view of the Children Act 1989
The role of sociologists in the Acute Poisoning Clinic
The study of intergenerational intimacy in North America: beyond politics and pedophilia
To report or not to report: physicians' response to elder abuse
Torture in a democratic country, 1989. Medical aspects
Torture--to be silent is to cooperate
Understanding childhood sexualities
Nolo nocere
Occupational accidents' insurance is needed after all
Occupational medicine in Morocco. Current status and future perspectives
Pharmacists and Poison Prevention Week
Post-traumatic stress disorder due to devastating burns overcome by a single session of eye movement desensitization
Radiation safety for beginners
Review of a decade of activity in occupational safety and health in Israel
Risks, dignity and responsibility in residential homes for the elderly: freedom or restraint
Scope and design of the GUSI international research program
Suggestions for improving a falls prevention program
Traffic accident injuries of children: the need for prospective studies of psychiatric sequelae
Restraints. Protection or abuse?
Statutory accident insurance--obligatory social accident insurance in Switzerland
The Golden Fleece Award for cabin safety research
The nurse's role in pediatric injury prevention
Training in injury prevention for health professionals
Vision ignored in study of falls
We and child protection
Why are there so many injuries? Why aren't we stopping them?
Why are there so many injuries? Why aren't we stopping them?
Worker safety must be priority
Battered women: you can make a difference
Breaking through the postwar coverup of Nazi doctors in Germany
Buckle up!
Can infant death from child abuse be prevented?
Case vignette -- mandated child abuse reporting
Child abuse and neglect: ethical and legal issues for dentistry
Child abuse mistreated
Child protection in the 21st century
Child sexual abuse--the problem for medical practitioners in small towns
City's emergency-response agencies must jointly prepare for disaster
Clinical note: childhood neurotic disorders with a sexual content need not imply child sexual abuse
Comment on DWI (driving while impaired) article
Compulsory reporting changing MDs' role in sexual-abuse cases
Confidentiality and child protection
Confidentiality and the rape victim: ethical intent versus political reality
Crafting a federal legislative framework for child welfare reform
Create a central unit to support abused children
Deficiency in the opioid hypotheses of self-injurious behavior
Doctors and human rights
Does satanism exist?
Eighty years of the threat and use of chemical warfare: the medical-organizational challenge
Ethical aspects of psychological autopsy
Female circumcision. Should angels fear to tread?
Forensic issues
Four decades of the Medical Association for Prevention of War
General practitioners and child protection case conferences
General practitioners' attendance at child protection case conferences
Handling child sexual abuse
How to struggle against torture
Human and health rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Essay review
Impunity's psychological effects: its ethical consequences
Incest can have devastating emotional and physical consequences, women physicians told
Theories of Military Intervention in the Third World: Lessons From the Philippines
Interview with an expert on suicide, Konrad Michel. "The nurse must be there for the suicidal patient also"
Introduction to the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
James Parkinson. On child abuse and other things
Japan's new Mental Health Law: more light shed on dark places?
Knowledge about sexual abuse--oddities from the National Board of Health and Welfare
Lansing attorney reacts to article on assisted suicide
Laws on reporting sexual abuse of children
Why are there so many injuries? why aren't we stopping them?
Medical professionals and human rights in the Philippines
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week--December 7-13, 1991
New guidelines from the National Board of Health and Welfare: to prevent suicide within the health care services
Obscenity and social harm: a contested terrain
Perspective on the present and the future
Physical child abuse in Quebec. What is the role of the dentist?
Physician involvement in capital punishment
Physicians and the animal-rights movement
Position statement on child abuse and neglect by adults
Preoccupation with suicide in patients treated with fluoxetine
Proposal to change official governmental medicolegal death scene investigations, New York City
Protection of research subjects: do special rules apply in epidemiology?
Psychological sequelae of torture
Public health versus public policy? An appraisal of British urban transport policy
Reporting child abuse and neglect: the dentist's responsibility
Responsibilities of the public health office in cases of child abuse
Results of a national survey of physicians' knowledge and application of prevention capabilities
Rhode Island group helps abused women
Ritual abuse of children
Science and social policy problems: resolution of some, creation of others
Screening of excessive alcohol consumption. Medico-legal aspects
Sexual abuse in children and adolescents--a noteworthy important problem, also for the nursing staff
Should drugs be legalized? Implications of the debate for the mental health field
Simulation of terrorist attacks and incidents as an aid in investigating and reconstructing homicides of political significance
Socio-legal studies of obscenity
Special correspondence: vision standards
Statement of Madrid
Statutes of the International Tribunal for Investigation of Torture
Suicidal behavior and "individual freedom"
Suicidal behavior as a socio-hygienic problem
Suicide and euthanasia
Suicide liability
Suicide prevention as an ethical problem
Teaching pediatric residents about child maltreatment
The air medical crew: is a flight physician necessary?
The BMA's torture report and afterwards
The concept of naval catastrophic and accident medicine
The involvement of medical doctors in torture: the state of the art
The lazy revolutionary's guide to the prospects for reforming child welfare
The man in the scarlet cloak. The mysterious death of Peter Anthony Motteux
The medical profession and torture
The new law on psychiatric compulsory treatment is hazardous for the public
The nonrecognition of depressive disorders: a continuing public health concern!
The number of railway suicides can and should be reduced. The involved drivers receive crisis help
The pediatrician's concept of the normal adolescent
The position of the Chilean Medical Association with respect to torture as an instrument of political repression
The Tarasoff dilemma in criminal court
The U.S. Supreme Court on victimized children: the constitutional rights of the defendant versus the best interests of the child
Torture and abuse of our health care colleagues
Torture and the medical profession
Torture and the participation of doctors
Torture in Poland
Torture--a perspective on the past
Can a dentist be charged with child abuse?
Child abuse and neglect: the need for education
Child abuse and the limits of confidentiality: forewarning practices
Child welfare--dependent on you. From duty to silence to obligation to report. Interview by Marit Fonn
Confidentiality: ethical and legal aspects for Canadian psychologists
Controversies in treatment: Should a sexual offender be allowed castration?
Cot death and anal abuse--(was I right in disregarding the alleged anal abuse?)
Covert video surveillance of children. Role of police
Dangerous delusions? Misidentification syndromes and professional negligence
Depression: a neglected major illness
Discovery and invention in the history of adolescence
Doctors are helping with torture in Egypt
Don't extend sale of the non-prescription drugs. There is a risk of diminished respect, increased number of poisoning cases
DOT changes response to "no driving" reports
Drowning: to treat or not to treat--an unanswerable question?
The health of the nation and the way forward on accident prevention
Time to advocate for safe workplaces
Traumatic brain injuries kill or disable 4000 a year in Oklahoma
When is a woman's body not her own? According to law, when she's pregnant
Winning the war against unsafe working conditions
Ethics and the role of the medical librarian: health care information and the new consumer
Experts reveal national plan for injury control
Failure to report child, elder abuse is criminal offense in Texas
Forensic psychiatric services in Britain: a current review
General practitioners' beliefs about their role in the prevention and treatment of accidents involving children
Geneva Convention
Cooking up Non-violent Civil-disobedient Direct Action for the Hungry: ‘Food Not Bombs’ and the Resurgence of Radical Democracy in the US
Bethany House. A long-term shelter offers abused women a chance for a new life
Child abuse and neglect -- let's focus on prevention
Child abuse and neglect fact sheet
Child abuse. Recognition and reporting
Commentary. Posttraumatic stress disorder among injured survivors of a terrorist attack: predictive value of early intrusion and avoidance symptoms
Contributions to psychohistory: XIX. Kamikaze pilots: the Japanese versus the American perspective
Critical care nurses need to know about abused women
Discussion of "Alleged brain damage, diminished capacity, mens rea, and misuse of medical concepts"
Don't let safety happen by accident
Dr. Charles H. Mayo and the automobile
Emergency medicine and injury control
Epidemiology and moral philosophy
Ethical challenges in the treatment of traumatized refugees
Ethical issues in forensic child and adolescent psychiatry
Ethics -- perceived or reasoned from principles?: a rejoinder to Korn, Huelsman, and Reed
Exhumed presidents' society
Experts warn: bombings and bomb threats may be entering new phase
Final exit. The end of argument
Fluoxetine and suicidal behaviour. Some clinical and theoretical aspects of a controversy
From the Assistant Secretary for Health, US Public Health Service
From the Surgeon General, US Public Health Service
Unborn child abuse: contemplating legal solution
Violent patients. Are you prepared to deal with them?
Want to help fight child abuse? Here's how
We can prevent murder!
What is obscene? Social science and the contemporary community standard test of obscenity
Why two torture committees?
Wife assault: physicians cannot ignore it
Wife assault: physicians cannot ignore it
Camp David: Problem-Solving or Power Politics as Usual?
Reply to Nicole Ball
Work injuries and exposures in children and young adults: review and recommendations for action
Strategies for promoting safety and preventing injury
The Burma-Shave safety signs: History and lessons for health education
The role of the local health department in traffic safety
Handgun control: a public health imperative
Healthy Families America
Historical development of civil aviation medical standards
History of biological warfare: catapults to capsomeres
How treatment of persons with serious mental illness is portrayed in undergraduate psychology textbooks
Identifying and supporting battered women: if not now, when?
Improving child protective services: how to expand and implement the consensus
Incest, Freud's seduction theory, and borderline personality
International policies on alcohol-impaired driving: a review
Is abuse a feminist issue?
Is the debate on automobile driving taboo among physicians?
Killings in Killeen
Life masks and death masks
Luke May of Seattle--"America's Sherlock Holmes"
Management of the patient with the complaint of sexual assault. American College of Emergency Physician
Mandatory reporting of child abuse and research on the effects of prenatal drug exposure
Matters hospitals must report pursuant to state law
Medical ethics and human rights violations: the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and its aftermath
Medicine and torture
Mental illness topics in popular periodicals
Mixing the good with the bad. Abuse registry irregularities threaten aides' rights
National drunk and drugged driving prevention month--December 1992
New study of suicides needed
Night myopia may place many young drivers at risk, MD says
Pennsylvania Safe Kids Coalition features infant car safety
Pharmacist's obligation to hold confidential patient's intent to commit suicide
Preventing low birth weight, child abuse, and school failure: the need for comprehensive, community-wide approaches
Prevention and treatment of juvenile problem behavior: a proposal for a socio-ecological approach
Public health. Roads to poor health
Rape exceptions in post-Webster antiabortion legislation: a practical analysis
Re: "A statistical method for evaluating suicide clusters and implementing cluster surveillance"
Religion, political leadership, charisma, and mental illness: the strange story of Louis Riel
Romanian psychiatry in turmoil
Safer children
Self-instruction expert systems in medicine. Presentation of knowledge, acquisition of knowledge, prediction of suicide as an example
The John Stanley Coulter lecture. Injury control: meeting the challenge
Sexual abuse of children: the necessity of medical intervention
Student nurse opinions about the importance of health promotion practices
Suicide prevention: spreading the gospel to general practitioners
The beginning of the end for the psychotherapist-patient privilege
The constitutionality of the use of the Norplant contraceptive device as a condition of probation
The development of professional associations in cases of child abuse
The ethical issue of competence in working with the suicidal patient
The need to commute the death sentence: competency for execution and ethical dilemmas for mental health professionals
The non-psychiatric physician's responsibilities for the suicidal adolescent
The perils of investigating and certifying deaths in police custody
The relevance of illegality
The role of health care workers in responding to battered women
The Sherlock Holmes paradigm--detectives and diagnosis: discussion paper
The strategic management of serious news
The Swedish society of medical ethics. Prevention of suicide and assistance in suicide create difficult ethical problems among physicians
Theory-driven research in pediatric psychology: a little bit on why and how
There should be a place for emergency public health in Papua New Guinea
Three problems exists in patients with mental disorders who committed crimes
Torture survivors find helping hands worldwide
Traumatic stress. Profitable investment for the future. An emergency group contributes to extended psychological and social care in serious accidents
Videos focusing on teenage mothers, child sexual abuse, and poverty
Welcome to ICD-10
Working with sexual abuse experienced during childhood is easier using a theme
Blinding Laser Weapons and International Humanitarian Law
Is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation System a Regime? A Comment on Trevor McMorris Tate
Kant and Processes of Democratization: Consequences for Neorealist Thought
The ethical and legal responsibilities of the medical profession in relation to torture and the implications of any form of participation by doctors in torture
Utopianism in Peace Research: The Gandhian Heritage
The Primary Prevention of Illicit Drug Problems: An Argument for Decriminalization and Legalization
The current state of psychiatry in the treatment of violent patients
Heads-up campaign promotes injury prevention
How much safety is too much danger?
Human rights and doctors in Egypt
Human rights and medical activities--what can Scandinavian physicians do?
Illustrations from prisoner-of-war camps on the Japanese Thai-Burma Railway Project
Industrialization and the construction of health risks in German workers' autobiographies from the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Injury prevention. Public health approaches to improved road safety
Integrating science and ethics in research with high-risk children and youth
International human rights advocacy under the "Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness"
International Rescue Committee confronts Bosnian horrors
Is borderline personality disorder a post-traumatic stress disorder of early childhood?
Israeli doctors banned from role in interrogation
Law and forensic medicine in Scotland
The Role of the For-Profit Private Sector in Disaster Mitigation and Response
Medicolegal practice in Pakistan. A view from within
Raising the dead: sermons, suicide, and transnational exchange in the eighteenth century
The Pacific Advisory Group: reflections on its utility in health research
Need of improvement in emergency medical service in urban cities
Injuries: the neglected burden in developing countries
On what diseases and health conditions should new economic research on health and development focus?
The integration of social work into a postgraduate dental training program: a fifteen-year perspective
Public opinion on mandatory reporting of abuse and/or neglect of older adults in Manitoba, Canada
Racial disparities in involuntary outpatient commitment: are they real?
Sacred values: psychological and anthropological perspectives on fairness, fundamentalism, and terrorism
A New Strategic Approach to Advance Motorcycle Safety and Mobility in Victoria
Commentary on "The incoherence of determining death by neurological criteria"
Global Justice and Territorial Rights
Imagining Ourselves Beyond the Nation? Exploring Cosmopolitanism in Relation to Media Coverage of Distant Suffering
Taking place: 'new wars' versus global wars
The physician's role in health and social justice
Can Melanie Klein Help Us Understand Morality in IR?
Contesting the Myth of ‘A People’s War’ in Bruce Moore-King’s White Man Black War (1989)
Flies in Our Eyes
Medical care for terrorists-to treat or not to treat?
Ten reasons to oppose the criminalization of HIV exposure or transmission
The human face behind an ethical dilemma: reflecting on attempted suicide and outcomes of a case study
The terrorist and the doctor: a legal and ethical response
Introduction to the Special Issue on Policing and Homeland Security
Learning From Fiction: Applications in Emerging Technologies
A commentary on the unique developmental considerations of youth: Integrating the teenage cortex into the occupational health and safety context
Editorial comments-Canadian operational and emotional prehospital readiness for a tactical violence event
Thoughts Versus Deeds: Distal and Proximal Intent in Lay Judgments of Moral Responsibility
Never forget the importance of caring
Injury control research has come a long way, but more needs to be done
Should we manage terror--if we could?
International Journal of Sports Medicine - ethical standards in sport and exercise science research
Is a Diagnostic Category for Paraphilic Coercive Disorder Defensible?
Technology in sport: medical and ethical repercussions
The Psychiatric Emergency Research Collaboration-01: methods and results
The future of cars. Inteview by Stuart F. Brown
Impact theory under fire once more
Bombsights and Adding Machines: Translating Wartime Technology Into Peacetime Sales
Responsibility in Engineering: Toward a New Role for Engineering Ethicists
How far have modern improvements in production and transportation changed the principle that men should be left free to make their own bargains?
The tornado appearances; Lieut. Finley's views
The tornado: theories; objections
The Evolution of Firearms and Ordnance and Their Relation to Advancing Civilization
Ethnicity, substance use, and development: exemplars for exploring group differences and similarities
Health risk behaviors of Texas students attending dropout prevention/recovery schools in 1997
Fighting the Jihad of the Pen: Countering Revolutionary Islam's Ideology
Medicalization and social ills
Violent teens. Can physicians help?
Intrinsic and extrinsic religiousness: genetic and environmental influences and personality correlates
Crimes of the century: From Leopold and Loeb to O.J. Simpson
Responding to child homicide: A statutory proposal
Age, self-control, and adults' offending behaviors: A research note assessing A general theory of crime
Are members of the public tough on crime?: The dimensions of public "punitiveness"
Louisiana's newest capital crime: The death penalty for child rape
Elite versus citizen attitudes on capital punishment: Incongruity between the public and policymakers
Who wants a gun license?
Feasibility of a globally harmonised Environmentally Friendly Vehicle concept
East or Further East?
Instruments of Security or Tools of Repression? Arms Imports and Human Rights Conditions in Developing Countries
Accident study brings awareness
Ripples from the Waves? A Systemic, Time-Series Analysis of Democracy, Democratization, and Interstate War
Russia: Systemic Transformation or Federal Collapse?
Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool: Weighing Humanitarian Impulses
Suicidal behaviour in people infected with human immunodeficiency virus: a literature review
The Influence of Religious Legitimacy on Grievance Formation by Ethno-Religious Minorities
The Intrastate Security Dilemma: Ethnic Conflict as a 'Tragedy'?
The Propensity to Forgive: Findings from Lebanon
The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws: A Comment on the Work by Kwon, Scott, Safranski and Bae and Their Debate With Kovandzic
Tort Liability Review of Roadway Lighting Design Methods
The Public Safety Potential of Megan's Law in Massachusetts: An Assessment From a Sample of Criminal Sexual Psychopaths
The Western Ethical Tradition and the Morality of the Warrior
Critique of Sikkink and Keane's comparison of surface fuel sampling techniques
Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Case of Aum Shinrikyo
The Development of Prejudice and Sex Role Stereotyping in White Adolescents and White Young Adults
What's Gender 'Got to Do With It'?
Sport activity in adolescence: associations with health perceptions and experimental behaviours
Women's rights are human rights
Prohibition without a law: Gun control in Italian history from the Roman Age to Facism
How not to study the effect of gun levels on violence rates
Peace studies and conflict resolution: the need for transdisciplinarity
Factual errors by gun control organizations in the public debate
A Heller overview
District of Columbia v. Heller: Amicus in support of Plaintiff
District of Columbia v. Heller: Respondent's brief
District of Columbia v. Heller: Amicus in support of Respondent
District of Columbia v. Heller: Amicus in support of Respondent
Sentenced to death: The American novel and capital punishment
Shadow play: The murder of Robert F. Kennedy, the trial of Sirhan Sirhan, and the failure of American justice
Which homicides decreased? Why?
District of Columbia v. Heller: Amicus in support of Respondent
District of Columbia v. Heller: Amicus in support of Respondent
Policy Statement--Prevention of Drowning
What can we do to reduce the burden of avoidable deaths in those with serious mental illness?
Does research on marriage and crime have policy implications?
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for Planners: What Tools Are Useful?
In conversation: War photography
Terror's True Nightmare? Reevaluating the Consequences of Terrorism on Democratic Governance
Truth and reconciliation commissions: problems in transitional justice and the reconstruction of identity
Popular culture as an ideological mask: Mass-produced popular culture and the remaking of criminal justice-related imagery
Anti-Semitism and Nazism: Reconciling Fromm and Goldhagen
Armed Conflict and Regional Conflict Complexes, 1989-97
Armed Conflict and The Environment: A Critique of the Literature
Arms Transfers and Coups d'Etat: A Study on Sub-Saharan Africa
Democracy and the Environment: An Empirical Assessment
Forming Electorates, Forging Spaces: The Nazi Party Vote and the Social Construction of Space
Framing the Wars in the Gulf and in Bosnia: The Rhetorical Definitions of the Western Power Leaders in Action
From War-Hero to Villain: Reversal of the Symbolic Value of War and a Warrior King
Introduction: Nazism as a Social Phenomenon
Joining the Nazi Party: Explaining the Political Geography of NSDAP Membership, 1925-1933
Mervyn Frost and the Constitution of Liberalism
Movement Cycles and the Nazi Party: Activities of the Munich NSDAP, 1925-1930
Persistent Pacifism: How Activist Commitment is Developed and Sustained
Reconfiguring The Arms Race-War Debate
Rwanda: The Perils of Peacemaking
The Limits and Promise of Environmental Conflict Prevention: The Case of the GEF
The good, the bad and the ugly. Association between car colour and bicycle passing space
The Rocky Road Toward Peace: Beliefs on Conflict in Israeli Textbooks
The Study of Appeasement in International Relations: Polemics, Paradigms, and Problems
Taking a Holistic Approach to Suburbs
Visioning: Did Anybody See Where It Came from?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Dealing With Flawed Writing in Criminal Justice
The Will of the People? The Public's Opinion of the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Act of 1997
The logic of ethnic terrorism
Afterword to “lunatics and anarchists: Political homicide in Chicago”
Beyond repair? America's death penalty
Can gun control work?
Capital punishment for the crime of homicide in Chicago: 1870-1930
Anti-drink driving reform in Britain, c. 1920-80
Are suicide bombers heroes?
Disaster medicine and public health preparedness: a discipline for all health professionals
Crime: Public policies for crime control
A heart-rending account of interpersonal violence
Foreword: Terrorism and utilitarianism: Lessons from, and for, criminal law
Guns and violence: The English experience
Making disaster medicine every physician's second specialty
NICE recommends minimum price for alcohol to curb high risk drinking
'The one truly serious philosophical problem': Ethical aspects of suicide
Homicide in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago
Life terms or death sentences: The uneasy relationship between judicial elections and capital punishment
One of the guys: Girls, gangs and gender
Shafer v. South Carolina: Another missed opportunity to remove juror ignorance as a factor in capital sentencing
The death penalty: An American history
Understanding infanticide in context: Mothers who kill, 1870-1930 and today
Wife murder in Chicago: 1910-1930
Comments on the Articles by Sample and Diehl and Crescenzi
Secondary Prevention of Suicide
Israeli assault of flotilla highlights crippling effects of blockade on Gaza's health care
The whole truth: Restoring reality to children's narrative in long-term incest cases
Creating the 'Ripe Moment' in the East Timor Conflict
Deliberation, Leverage or Coercion?: The World Bank, NGOs, and Global Environmental Politics
Democracy and Integration: Why Democracies Don't Fight Each Other
Democracy and Militarized Interstate Collaboration
Epistemology, Postmodernism and International Relations Theory: A Reply to Osterud
Ethnicity, Territorial Integrity, and Regional Order: Palestinian Identity in Jordan and Israel
Explaining the Democratic Peace: The Evidence from Ancient Greece Reviewed
Focus on Postmodernisms: A Rejoinder
Press Freedom and the Democratic Peace
Some Non-Western Perspectives on International Relations
The Continuation of History: Power Transition Theory and the End of the Cold War
The Rhetorical Strategies and the Misleading Nature of Attacks on 'Postmodernism': A Reply to Osterud
Planning and the Liberal Paradox: A Democratic Dilemma in Social Choice
Return to the First Image
Using Integrated Theory to Explain the Movement into Juvenile Delinquency
Therapist Ethical Responsiblities for Spousal Abuse Cases
The ethics of medical involvement in torture: commentary
Lost in translation: Translating injury research into effective interventions
The Victim-Offender Relationship Does Affect Victims Decisions to Report Sexual Assaults - Comment
Book Review: 'The Martinsville Seven, race, rape, and capital punishment' - Rise,EW
Deterrence and the death penalty: The views of the experts
Eighth Amendment: The constitutionality of the Alabama capital sentencing scheme
Punishment and the wild beast of prey: The problem of preventive detention
The impact of rape law reform on the processing of simple and aggravated rape cases
The proportionality review of capital case by state high courts after Gregg: Only 'the appearance of justice'?
Prison civil liability for inmate-against-inmate assault and breakdown/disorganization theory
Citizen complaints and problem officers: Examining officer behavior
Antinuclear and Pronuclear Empowerment and Activism
Conflict Resolution among Peaceful Societies: The Culture of Peacefulness
Deliberating Global Environmental Politics
Democracy and Peace: A More Skeptical View
National Interest, Humanitarianism or CNN: What Triggers UN Peace Enforcement After the Cold War?
Prevention of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse: Federal Efforts to Stimulate Prevention Research
The Gender Gap in Attitudes toward the Gulf War: A Cross-National Perspective
Tibetan Nationalism: The Politics of Religion
Commentary: addressing suicidality in the treatment of parricidal offenders
Public health versus public policy? An appraisal of British urban transport policy
Legislative Constraints: A Path to Peace?
The Ethic of ''Responsible Drinking''
‘‘We Don’t Talk to Terrorists’’: On the Rhetoric and Practice of Secret Negotiations
Integrated safety analysis: probabilistic risk assessment using markov reliability analysis and operational simulation
Juveniles' experiences of incarceration: The role of correctional staff in peer violence
Perceived crime seriousness: Consensus and disparity
Public views toward crime and correctional policies: Is there a gender gap?
Risk of multiple-offender rape-murder varies with female age
Modified rapture
Psychological issues in crisis management: an introduction
From Politics Back to the Barracks in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exploration
Gene Sharp's Theory of Power: A Feminist Critique of Consent
Mandatory Arrest of Batterers: A Reply to Its Critics
Myths, Politics and the Not-So-New World Order
Neorealism and Kant: No Pacific Union
Strength of Weakness: American-Indonesian Hegemonic Bargaining
The Dilemmas of Democracy and Foreign Policy
The History of Economic Warfare: International Law, Effectiveness, Strategies
The International Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict: Concepts, Indicators, and Theory
The Reform of the UN and Cosmopolitan Democracy: A Critical Review
Smoking guns and public health
The onset of adult offending: A neglected dimension of the criminal career
Toward a review of the need for and selection of appropriate end treatments in permanent and work zone situations
Update of u.S. Crash test procedures
Autoerotic accident associated with self-applied ketamine
Women's crisis centers and shelters in Italy: working with battered women and with health care providers
Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset
Attributions of Hate: The Media's Causal Attributions of a Homophobic Murder
Civil War: Academic Research and the Policy Community
Common Law, Equity, and American Public Administration
Communication Across Conflict Lines: The Case of Ethnically Divided Cyprus
Conflict, Civil War and Underdevelopment: An Introduction
Conflicting Identities: Solidary Incentives in the Serbo-croatian War
Credibility and Reputation in Peacemaking
Cyberhate: A Legal and Historical Analysis of Extremists' Use of Computer Networks in America
Defence, Education and Health Expenditures in Turkey, 1924-96
Defending the Color Line: Racially and Ethnically Motivated Hate Crime
Discrimination in International Relations: Analyzing External Support for Ethnic Groups
Divided yet United: Israeli-jewish Attitudes Toward the Oslo Process
Do Democracies Exhibit Stronger International Environmental Commitment? A Cross-country Analysis
Double-blind but More Transparent
European Integration in Identity Narratives in Estonia: A Quest for Security
Evaluating the Contributions of Track-two Diplomacy to Conflict Termination in South Africa, 1984-90
Give or Take: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy Substitutability
Good Intentions: The Enforcement of Hate Crime Penalty-Enhancement Statutes
Hate Crime as a Crime Category Worthy of Policy Attention
International Systems, Domestic Structures, and Risk
Is There a Clash of Civilizations? Evidence from Patterns of International Conflict Involvement, 1946-97
Kantian Liberalism and the Collective Defense of Democracy in Latin America
Making Power-sharing Work: Lessons from Successes and Failures in Ethnic Conflict Regulation
Muslims and Christians in Lebanon: Common Views on Political Issues
Northern Ireland Public Administration in Transition: An Analysis of the Civil Service
On Different Types of International Relations Scholarship
Paradise is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, and Governance in Civil War, 1989-99
Peacekeeping and Burden-sharing, 1994-2000
Perceptions of Hate Crime Perpetrators and Victims as Influenced by Race, Political Orientation, and Peer Group
Politics, Administration, and Markets: Conflicting Expectations and Accountability
Rewarding North Korea: Theoretical Perspectives on the 1994 Agreed Framework
Saying "Yes,""No," and "Load Me Up" to Guns in America
Strategic Rivalries, Protracted Conflict, and Crisis Escalation
Terror in Cyberspace: Terrorists Will Exploit and Widen the Gap Between Governing Structures and the Public
The Geography of Civil War
The Liberal Peace and Conflictive Interactions: The Onset of Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1950-78
The Outcomes of Military Buildups: Minor States vs. Major Powers
The Ripple Effect of the Matthew Shepard Murder: Impact on the Assumptive Worlds of Members of the Targeted Group
Trade and Conflict in Multi-country Models: A Rejoinder
Trade Decreases Conflict More in Multi-actor Systems: A Comment on Dorussen
Twentieth-century Stories
War-weariness and Cumulative Effects: Victors, Vanquished, and Subsequent Interstate Intervention
Warlord Competition
Sex difference in geographical knowledge: driving experience is not essential
Subsidized Housing and Neighborhood Impacts: A Theoretical Discussion and Review of the Evidence
White, Black, and Latino Homicide Rates: Why the Difference?
The Earthquake Threat in Southwestern British Columbia: A Geologic Perspective
The Elements of Applied Avalanche Forecasting - Part II: The Physical Issues and the Rules of Applied Avalanche Forecasting
The Mount Parnitha (Athens) Earthquake of September 7, 1999: A Disaster Management Perspective
Additional data on the shooting of President Kennedy
Anorexia and lycanthropy ++: grandiosity and fall
Use of the word 'accident' in injury-causing events
Structure of European research into the biomechanics of impacts
The carnage on the roads
The carnage on the roads
Our national accident problem
Terminology and classification of automobile injuries
Affiliative behavior at the time of the president's assassination
"Woolmergate": Cricket and the Representation of Islam and Muslims in the British Press
Generals, Dictators, and Kings
Problematic conclusions regarding suicide prevention: A response to ten Have et al, 2009
Understanding suicide - a critical stance
Prioritisation of road traffic injury prevention fund spending in developing countries
It wouldn't hurt to walk: promoting pedestrian injury research
Action indicators for injury prevention
Special issues in injury prevention research: Developing the science of program implementation
Poison Control Centers on the Chopping Block--Will This Affect the Training of Future Medical Toxicology Fellows?
Bullying allowed to flourish
The Garrett Lee Smith memorial suicide prevention program
Violence against women. Editor's introduction
Beyond staged retreat behind virtual ‘gender paradigm’ barricades: the rise and fall of the misrepresentation of partner-violence, and its eclipse by an understanding of mate-guarding
Operation Princess in Rio de Janeiro: policing ‘sex trafficking’, strengthening worker citizenship, and the urban geopolitics of security in Brazil
The most primary of care -- talking about driving and distraction
A Framework for Public Health in the United States
Can evidence-based medicine become counter-productive?
Controlling alcohol-related global health problems
Disaster in the Gulf: public health and public responsibility
Disaster response. Natural disaster: Katrina
Do-not-resuscitate orders in suicidal patients: clinical, ethical, and legal dilemmas
Epidemiological review and proposed management of 'scaphoid' injury in children
Haiti disaster tourism-a medical shame
Legal issues of humanitarian assistance after the 2007 earthquake in Pisco, Peru
Political violence and partner violence
Review of recommendations for the management of dental trauma presented in first-aid textbooks and manuals
BMA meeting: Doctors reject calls for national ban on drinking on public transport
The bridge: Providing nursing care for survivors of sexual violence
Response to Letter to the Editor: Carbon monoxide poisoning prevention at home
Safety climate: new developments in conceptualization, theory, and research
Thirty years of safety climate research: reflections and future directions
Adult attachment and the brain
African peacekeeping in Africa: Warlord politics, defense economics, and state legitimacy
Agency, reflexivity and risk: cosmopolitan, neurotic or prudential citizen?
The ambiguity of khat in Somaliland
Animal models of traumatic brain injury: Is there an optimal model to reproduce human brain injury in the laboratory?
Applying Roper v. Simmons in Juvenile Transfer and Waiver Proceedings: A Legal and Neuroscientific Inquiry
Assessment of termination of trauma resuscitation guidelines: are children small adults?
Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government
Beyond Kantian Liberalism
Blocking resolution: How external states can prolong civil wars
Book Review: Unequal Crime Decline: Theorizing Race, Urban Inequality and Criminal Violence
Boom to Bust or Bust to Boom? Following the Effects of Weed and Seed Zoning in New Britain, Connecticut, from 1995 to 2000
British Muslims and the UK government's 'war on terror' within: evidence of a clash of civilizations or emergent de-civilizing processes?
Capable of suicide: a functional model of the acquired capability component of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide
Butter, guns and ice-cream theory and evidence from sub-saharan africa
Fighting terrorism: are military measures effective? Empirical evidence from Turkey
The impact of the high school junior rotc program: does treatment timing and intensity matter?
Snapshots in time: using real-time evaluations in humanitarian emergencies
Will announcing seat-belt checkpoints reduce the non-use of seat-belts or increase other violations?
Legitimation of massacres in Israeli school history books
Numbers of homicides and suicides among mentally ill patients have stopped rising
The rise of biocriminology: Capturing observable bodily economies of ‘criminal man’
Adolescents and Driving: A Position Paper of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
At odds with ratios
The fishy count Poisson
Handling the baseline
Injury control and safety promotion
The death of Leon Trotsky
Images of Islam in US - Media and their Educational Implications
Editorial: Developments in the European Region with regards to injury prevention
How the media and animal rights activists put avalanche burial study on ice
Multiple multiplicities
Significance or importance: what is the question?
What is the purpose of statistical modelling in traumatic brain injury?
Books vs Bombs? Humanitarian development and the narrative of terror in Northern Pakistan
A civilian perspective on ballistic trauma and gunshot injuries
Commentary: An electrophysiological study of the intermediate syndrome of organophosphate poisoning
The complexities of interprofessional learning/working: Has the agenda lost its way?
9/11: What did we know and when did we know it?
Child abuse: a district hospital's reality!
Animal rights 'terror' law challenged
Changing drinking patterns: a sobering thought
The Context(s) of Precaution: Ideological and Instrumental Appeals to the Precautionary Principle
Continuity in Parenting Strategies: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Do We Want to Be Politically Correct, or Do We Want to Reduce Partner Violence in Our Communities?
Fatigue and the road users: travellers' account!
Home childhood injury: active or passive prevention?
Re: Loder RT, Abrams S. Temporal variation in childhood injury from common recreational activities Injury 2010, doi:10.1016/j.injury.2010.02.009
Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence: Implications for Prevention and Treatment
Tragedy and the meaning of school shootings
Critical Voices and Human Security: To Endure, To Engage or To Critique?
The cross politics of Ecuador's penal state
Dangerous severe personality disorder: the controversy continues
Déjà Vu All Over Again: A post-Cold War empirical analysis of Samuel Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilizations’ Theory
CAEP position statement on cellphone use while driving
The democratic peace research program and system-level analysis
Democratization and civil war: Empirical evidence
Development safety update reports and proposals for effective and efficient risk communication
Ethical and data-integrity problems in the second Lancet survey of mortality in Iraq
Political survival, policy distribution, and alliance formation
Reviewers' bias against the null hypothesis: the reproductive hazard of binge drinking
A Contribution to Current Debates in Impact Evaluation
Correspondence (letter to the editor): Fear and Insecurity
Deconstructing the DMZ: Derrida, Levinas and the phenomenology of peace
"If your hand Causes You to Sin . . .": Florida's Chemical Castration Statute Misses the Mark
Emotions and affect in recent human geography
Enough Already about "Black Box" Experiments: Studying Mediation Is More Difficult than Most Scholars Suppose
EU Defence Integration and Nuclear Weapons: A Common Deterrent for Europe?
The European Union, borders and conflict transformation: The Case of Cyprus
Evaluating Diplomacy: A Mission Impossible?
Explaining Ethnic Inequality in the Juvenile Justice System: An Analysis of the Outcomes of Dutch Prosecutorial Decision Making
Identity, International Terrorism and Negotiating Peace: Hamas and Ethics-Based Considerations from Critical Restorative Justice
Existential crisis and the awareness of dying: the role of meaning and spirituality
Farm Tractors, Occupational Therapy, and Four-Wheel Drive: Transforming a Military Vehicle Into a Cultural Icon
Why We Should Not Set a Minimum Price per Unit of Alcohol
Ethics and Epidemiology: The Income Debate
Implementing the Marmot Commission's Recommendations: Social Justice Requires a Solution to the Equity–Efficiency Trade-Off
In Support of a Broad Model of Public Health: Disparities, Social Epidemiology and Public Health Causation
The Limits of Public Health: A Response
Public Health and Liberty: Beyond the Millian Paradigm
Public Health and the Rights of States
Forced marriage among men: An unrecognized problem
Analysing the language of war monuments
The Census and the Federal Statistical System: Historical Perspectives
Collective Memory, International Law, and Restorative Social Processes After Conflagration: The Holocaust
A criminal law for citizens
An analysis of the Ministry of Health of Brazil investments in research and development between 2000-2002: a base line towards future valuations beginning with the implementation of the National Health Research Priority Agenda
Almost five years later. Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans health care, and the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
The Bert and Peggy DuPont Lecture: "Love, Death, and Commitment: Twenty Three Years of HIV and Genocide Prevention in Africa" or "Passionate not equal Unhinged"
Fight for subject confidentiality threatens disaster research
Harm reduction for unintentional poisoning
Prevention of unintentional injury in the community setting
Healthcare ethics: the experience after the Haitian earthquake
O2C3: A unified model for emergency operations planning
Circumventing the Law: Students’ Rights in Schools With Police
Urban African American Girls at Risk: An Exploratory Study of Service Needs and Provision
Suicide and euthanasia paradox
The Future of Emotion Research in the Study of Psychopathology
From Gist of a Wink to Structural Equivalence of Meaning: Towards a Cross-Cultural Psychology of the Collective Remembering of World History
The Future of Field Experiments in International Relations
Global Trauma and Narrative Cinema
Protecting citizen-children safeguards our common future
Research exceptionalism
Rolling of the Barrells - A flaming tradition in Ottery St Mary, Devon
Ubuntu: Relational generosity
Ingroup Glorification, Moral Disengagement, and Justice in the Context of Collective Violence
The Need to Get the Right Health Statistics and to Get the Health Statistics Right
Science Starts Not after Measurement, but with Measurement
Health literacy, victim blaming and the mission of public health
Hedley Bull and Just War: Missed opportunities and lessons to be learned
The Importance of Federal Statistics for Advancing Science and Identifying Policy Options
In Engineering: Why It Is Critical to Have Quality Statistics and Scientifically Sound Statistical Analysis
Italian appeal court: a genetic predisposition to commit murder?
The Joys of Victimage in George W. Bush’s War of Totality
Joachim von Stülpnagel’s Military Thought and Planning
What's the Pence Line?
Violence against women: The perspective of academic women
The center of excellence on elder abuse and neglect at the University of California, Irvine
The contributions of Ellen Pence to batterer programming
Discussing the Duluth curriculum: creating a process of change for men who batter
Editor's introduction: the impact of the Violence Against Women Act
Cycling injuries in Australia: Road safety’s blind spot?
Interjournalistic discourse about African Americans in television news coverage of Hurricane Katrina
Legal and ethical aspects of refusing medical treatment after a suicide attempt: the Wooltorton case in the Australian context
Poems by a suicide: Sara Teasdale
Discussion: "Who wants airbags?"
Cluster munitions: a threat to health and human rights
Sweden asks: should convicted murderers practice medicine?
"Sports injuries in an America's Cup yachting crew: A 4-year epidemiological study covering the 2007 challenge"- A critical commentary
Reply to a critical commentary of the paper entitled "Sport injuries in an America's Cup yachting crew: A 4-year epidemiological study covering the 2007 challenge"
Public financing of health research in five Latin American countries
Federal Statistics in the Policy making Process
The impact of defence integrators and standards on vertical and horizontal innovation in the defence industry
Indicators and the Federal Statistical System: An Essential but Fraught Partnership
Individual Competition and the Emergence of Density-Dependent Exposure to Predation: How Behaviors Influence Population Processes
Involvement of the US Department of Defense in Civilian Assistance, Part I: a quantitative description of the projects funded by the Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Program
Is the focus on health-related behaviours a new phenomenon?
Is peacekeeping peaceful? A systematic review
Narcissism as Ethical Practice?
Multilateralism, Intervention and Norm Contestation: China’s Stance on Darfur in the UN Security Council
Nature and Nurture by Definition Means Both: A Response to Males
New directions in attachment theory and research
Neuroscience: Brain's traffic lights
"I Feel Like It’s a Heavier Burden. . ."
Pharmacist Approach to Geriatrics
The Conviction of Dr. Crippen: New Forensic Findings in a Century-Old Murder
Do Gun Laws Affect Crime the Way Steroids Affect Homeruns in Baseball?
Gun Shows and Gun Violence: Fatally Flawed Study Yields Misleading Results
Preferences for lives, injuries, and age: A stated preference survey
Medical implications of the Taser
Foucault’s Legacy: Security, War and Violence in the 21st Century
Hybrid Peace: The Interaction Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Peace
Missile Defence Discourses and Practices in Relevant Modalities of 21st-Century Deterrence
Playing the Ethnic Card: Politics and Segregation in London’s East End
Policy Statement--Alcohol Use by Youth and Adolescents: A Pediatric Concern
Police Academy Socialization: Understanding the Lessons Learned in a Paramilitary-Bureaucratic Organization
Reply to discussion of "Who wants airbags?"
Commentary on "Another look at Meyer and Finney's 'Who wants airbags?'"
Intercultural Communications
The effect of changes in perception of time on demographic processes
Difficulties in a case of intimate partner violence
Injury statistics, high risk groups, and individuals: falling through the cracks
Policy statement--Child Fatality Review
Why the United States lags in auto safety and lessons it can import
British and Polish general practitioners' opinions on the importance of preventive medicine
A century of silence
Contributions from the critical leisure field to the health promotion
Gun control redux
Critical and Moral Stances in Consumer Studies
Snowflakes on a Scarred Knuckle: The Biopolitics of the ‘War on Terror’ through Steve McQueen’s Hunger and Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker
The Ethical Code for Medical and Biological Engineers Should Preclude Their Role in Judicial Executions
There are no lessons to be learned from Littleton
Intimate partner violence: Are we ready for action?
Myths and Facts about Suicide from Individuals Involved in Suicide Prevention
Searching for answers. Suicide experts point to risk factors, but say problem 'knows no boundary'
Violence and Other Stressful Life Events as Triggers of Depression and Anxiety: What Psychosocial Resources Protect African American Mothers?
Bullying update: are we making any progress?
The Convention on the Rights of the Child as applied in Italy
Backyard Desperadoes: American Attitudes Concerning Toy Guns in the Early Cold War Era
Does access to compensation have an impact on recovery outcomes after injury? Comment
Does access to compensation have an impact on recovery outcomes after injury? Comment
Does access to compensation have an impact on recovery outcomes after injury? Comment
Injury prevention: A strategic priority for environmental health?
Small changes can have large impacts: health care overhaul should include child maltreatment prevention in primary care
"There Is No Such Thing as an Accident," Especially When People Are Drunk
Who is Susan P. Baker and why did she win the Calderone Prize?
Using the UN Convention on the Rights of Children to improve the health of children
Shift-work research: Where do we stand, where should we go?
Establishing the value of a human life
Children's bicycle safety education does not reduce injuries
Depression in epilepsy: Why aren't we treating?
Disaster readiness tips steeped in my time in Haiti
Heat and disasters spur climate researchers
Nessun Dorma ("None Shall Sleep")… At Least Not Before We Digest Treatment of Adolescent Suicide Attempters (TASA)
Neurotrauma and the RUB: where tragedy meets ethics and science
Ethical Dilemmas in School-Based Behavioral Screening
A pilot walking school bus program to prevent obesity in Hispanic elementary school children: role of physician involvement with the school community
Worth their while? Pursuing a rape complaint through the criminal justice system
Introduction: new perspectives on Soviet mass violence
Is “genocide” still a powerful word?
Moving mental health into the disaster-preparedness spotlight
Moral Responsibility, Technology, and Experiences of the Tragic: From Kierkegaard to Offshore Engineering
Popularity of "binge drinking" in the lay press: 1990-2009
Policy Statement--Children, Adolescents, Substance Abuse, and the Media
Should "harmful" information on network be restricted to prevent self-poisoning?
What can qualitative research tell us about helping a person who is suicidal?
Power and Violence by Paul Ricoeur
The Forgotten Freedom: Freedom from Fear
Endless war: A brief history of the Somali conflict
Scientific methodology and its complements
Ethics in sport
Paneurhythmy and eurhythmy: philosophy and practice
The role of the injury prevention research centers in promoting the national center for injury prevention and control research agenda
Developing a policy for sexual assault examinations on incapacitated patients and patients unable to consent
The Emory Center for Injury Control: Vision and Priorities for Reducing Violence and Injuries through Interdisciplinary Collaborations
Advancing research in youth violence prevention to inform evidence-based policy and practice
Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, and Suicide
Child protective services has outlived its usefulness
Is there a link between mental disorder and violence?
Military probes epidemic of suicide: mental health issues remain prevalent
Child welfare endangerment and neglect in the tension field between politics, reporting and specialty quality development
Deadly trend. Arkansas accident was eighth air medical crash in '10
The Economics and Ethics of Hurricane Katrina
Editorial: Disaster relief: older people and care needs
All-terrain vehicle use by children: a form of child neglect?
Best practices for mental health in child welfare: screening, assessment, and treatment guidelines
Child protection and the health professional: mandatory responding is our duty
Fear, failure, outrage and grief: the dissonance between public outrage and individual action?
Beyond the specific child. What is 'a child's case' in general practice?
Celibacy of Catholic priests. Time for root and branch reform
Strengthening incentives for efficient road safety policy priorities: The roles of cost-benefit analysis and road pricing
Is there a need for new theories, models and approaches to occupational accident prevention?
The need for a systems theory approach to road safety
Occupational and public health and safety in a changing work environment: An integrated approach for risk assessment and prevention
Emergency Response and Public Health in Hurricane Katrina: What Does it Mean to Be a Public Health Emergency Responder?
Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence
Protection against head injuries should not be optional: a case for mandatory installation of side-curtain air bags
RE: Editorial, The uncertain state of U.S. interrogation techniques, published in [Mil Med 2009; 174(4): xii-xiv]
RE: Ethical practice under fire: deployed physicians in the global war on terrorism, published in [Mil med 2009; 174(5): 441-7]
RE: Ethical practice under fire: deployed physicians in the global war on terrorism, published in [Mil Med 2009; 174(5): 441-7]
Thinking on the violence origins
Clinical report—the pediatrician’s role in child maltreatment prevention
Ethical approaches to triage in public health emergencies
The Ethics of Care and Treatment of Sex Offenders
Preventing falls: educational campaign urges patients to "speak up"
Research is needed on the use of cognitive enhancer drugs in sport
Statement on national worklife priorities
Cultural mistrust and mental health help-seeking attitudes among Filipino Americans
Domestic violence--problem of public health
Family Violence and the Need for Prevention Research in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Communities
WHO launches TEACH-VIP E-Learning
Hazards with mobile phones during driving. Time for a more stringent legislation and smarter technology according to a pilot study
Injury risk and prevention in context
The last days of Sala al-Din (Saladin) "noble enemy" of the third Crusade
Ludwig II of Bavaria - the "fairy tale king": His last years from a psychiatric point of view
Quality information from the grapevine
Schizophrenic Diseases, Psychosis and Homicide: The Importance of Community Psychiatry for the Prevention of Offences
Seduction, Prostitution, and the Control of Female Desire in Popular Antebellum Fiction
Subjectivity and Severe Psychiatric Disorders
Veteran suicide
Afrocentricity and the Argument for Civic Commitment: Ideology and Citizenship in a United States of Africa
Continuity and change in the development of moral education in Botswana
Abusive physicians: violence is not "part of the job"
Addressing a deadly epidemic
AE special issue on "driver modelling in automotive systems"
American Academy of Nursing policy on torture
The bioterrorism threat and dual-use biotechnological research: an Israeli perspective
Bomb spurs research rally. Interview by Rex Dalton
British Association for Psychopharmacology consensus statement on evidence-based treatment of insomnia, parasomnias and circadian rhythm disorders
Buckling up is 'cool' on Russian island
Call for more research on injury from the developing world: results of a bibliometric analysis
The campaign to prevent violence against women, a priority to defend
Commentary: Causal pathways of relative motor vehicle crash fatality risk are hard to estimate from police records
Commentary: moving forward by looking behind you
Corporate strategy, corporate capture: Food and alcohol industry lobbying and public health
Editorial: Danger, Will Robinson, danger!!
Debating Darfur in the World
Diabetes at 100 mph. Catching up with Charlie Kimball, a race car driver with type 1
A dismal year for human rights abuses
Distractive driving or sharks... you be the judge
Dominique-Jean Larrey: the effects of therapeutic hypothermia and the first ambulance
Driveway accidents in New Zealand
Elderly abuse: tip of the ice berg
Ending the taboo about violence
What causes domestic abuse and how can nurses effectively support abused women?
Alcohol involvement in hospital-admitted nonfatal suicide acts
Lessons from the Campaign against Elsevier “We won, but how did we win?”
Places, people and perpetuity: Community capacities in ecologies of catastrophe
Proving Grounds of Urbicide: Civil and Urban Perspectives on the Bombing of Capital Cities
Biopower and the Militarization of the Police Function
Firearm anticipatory guidance training in psychiatric residency programs
How can we reduce alcohol-related road crash deaths among young Australians?
Reality of acute poisonings: Health Department progresses adequately, Social Policy Department needs to improve
Am I sure I want to go down this road? Hesitations in the reporting of child maltreatment by nurses
'And then one day he'd shot himself. Then I was really shocked': General practitioners' reaction to patient suicide
Are findings from large longitudinal studies of child health and development useful or just of interest?
Assessing the legal and ethical preparedness of master of public health graduates
Beyond the Panopticon: Mass Imprisonment and the Humanities
The Bipolar Spectrum: Myth or Reality?
The blame game
Book Review: New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy
Caring Through Restraint: Violence, Intimacy and Identity in Mental Health Practice
Case of Baby P. There are no "basics" in child protection
Child neglect: what does it have to do with general practice?
The child welfare - agreement of the practices in the competence of the county court of Grenoble
The children's advocate should stay!
‘Now We Are All Avatars’
“We are not a Truth Commission”: fragmented narratives and the historical record at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Alcohol harm: beyond the body to the body politic
Brain death is not death: a critique of the concept, criterion, and tests of brain death
Computer implants and death
Death and irreversibility
Defining human death: an intersection of bioethics and metaphysics
Diagnostic value of neurophysiological tests in the diagnosis of brain death--do we need changes in national guidelines?
Israel's new brain-respiratory death act: one step forward or two steps backward?
Networks of conscious experience: computational neuroscience in understanding life, death, and consciousness
Planning and providing for a good death using rural French-Canadian and English-Canadian insights
The political economy of death and the history of its criteria
Towards an effective definition of death and disorders of consciousness
Christchurch Earthquake
"Comparing perceived injustices from supervisors and romantic partners as predictors of aggression": Correction to Dupré et al. (2010)
Dealing with Domestic Violence towards Complicating the Rights Discourse
Domestic violence
Editorial Comments-Collaboration between Civilian and Military Healthcare Professionals: A Better Way for Planning, Preparing, and Responding to All Hazards Domestic Events
From Nat Turner to Molefi Kete Asante
In the public interest: Intellectual disability, the Supreme Court, and the death penalty
The gap between ideal and actual images about the elderly among staff of nursing care facilities is related to elder abuse
Nothing gold can stay?: EMS crashes, lack of evidence bring the golden hour concept under new scrutiny
Pedestrian paths: why path-dependence theory leaves health policy analysis lost in space
Women’s Subjectivities of Suffering and Legal Rhetoric on Domestic Violence
An urgent need to restrict access to pesticides based on human lethality
An assault on trauma and addiction
Assessing safe sleep: injury prevention for central city infants
Competitive youth sports in society: what president Obama needs to know to get -- and keep -- kids moving
"Damage control" in the elderly: futile endeavor or fruitful enterprise?
Disseminating Effective Community Prevention Practices: Opportunities for Social Work Education
Do Past U.S. Acts Constitute Terrorism? Implications for Counterterrorism Policy
Early sport specialization: roots, effectiveness, risks
Global injury surveillance: opportunities and challenges
Psychosocial aspects and accidents in land transport
Reducing pedestrian deaths and injuries due to road traffic injuries in Peru: interventions that can work
Road traffic injuries in developing countries: research and action agenda
Students' response to disaster: a lesson for health care professional schools
Nurses' possible participation in the torture and abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo
Physicians' duty to inform about the presence of health contraindications to driving motor vehicles
Recommendations from the Society of concerning domestic violence
Page for patients. Helping make healthy legislative changes
The McDonaldization of Childhood: Children's Mental Health in Neo-liberal Market Cultures
Mental health challenges and strengths of street-involved youth: the need for a multi-determined approach
The reported thoracic injuries in Homer's Iliad
Saving lives in road traffic-ethical aspects
Should We End Military Recruiting in High Schools as a Matter of Child Protection and Public Health?
Brain Injury is a Major Problem in Canada and Annual Incidence is Not Declining
China's Perspective on a Nuclear-Free World
Choosing "The Best of the Hells": Mothers Face Housing Dilemmas for Their Adult Children With Mental Illness and a History of Violence
Classification and Moral Evaluation of Uncertainties in Engineering Modeling
Clinical decisions in psychiatry should not be based on risk assessment
Clinical Report--The Pediatrician's Role in Child Maltreatment Prevention
Can media depictions of suicide influence copycat acts?
Co-editors and editors with Jewish origins of the first German journals for anaesthesia. Their fate under National Socialism and an attempt at a biographical appreciation
Commentary on Jamie L. Callahan's "Manifestations of power and control: training as the catalyst for scandal at the United States Air Force Academy"
Commentary on Nelson, Toomey, Lenk, et al. (2010): "Implementation of NIAAA College Drinking Task Force Recommendations: How Are Colleges Doing 6 Years Later?"
Common data elements for research on traumatic brain injury and psychological health: current status and future development
Encouraging self-identified pedophiles and hebephiles to seek professional help: first results of the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (PPD)
Improved child protection training needed
The perils of policy by p-value: Predicting civil conflicts
A piece of my mind. Driving thoughts
Pornography, Pragmatism, and Proscription
President Kennedy's death: A poison arrow-assisted homicide
Preventing injuries (all kinds)
Prevention of unintentional injuries in children
Safety decision making -- Drawing a line in the sand
Include a social determinants of health approach to reduce health inequities
Should the world really be free of ‘child labour’? Some reflections
Tolerance As a Crime? The British Treatment of German Prisoners of War on the Western Front, 1914-1918
Comment on article, "a multifactorial approach to understanding fall risk in older people"
Abdominal trauma in primary blast injury (Br J Surg DOI: 10.1002/bjs.7268)
Adolescent suicide and SSRI antidepressants
Antiepileptic drugs and suicide risk: could stopping medications pose a greater hazard?
The Biopower of Beauty: Humanitarian Imperialisms and Global Feminisms in an Age of Terror
Commentary: Religion, religious attitudes and suicide
Less advantaged children are 17 times more at risk of unintentional or violent death than more advantaged peers
Major reductions in global suicide numbers can be made rapidly through pesticide regulation without the need for psychosocial interventions
Population‐based prevention of child maltreatment: the U.S. ‘Triple‐P System’ population trial
Prevalence of partner violence. Why the detection by the general practitioner?
School Nurses and Athletic Trainers Team Up on Concussion Management
Savage Poetry: Torture and Cruelty in Mirbeau and Barbey d'Aurevilly
“Boy Eternal”: Aging, Games, and Masculinity in "The Winter's Tale"
Review Article: Punishment, politics, and levels of analysis
Advancing the science of behaviour change: a plea for scientific reporting
Preventing suicide is hard to do!
Theodore Roosevelt's role in the 1905 football controversy
Canada suicide prevention efforts lagging, experts say
Child abuse and neglect: is it time for a public health approach?
Combined Arms during the Hundred Days Campaign, August—November 1918
Comment: Diabetes Medications Related to an Increased Risk of Falls and Fall-Related Morbidity in the Elderly
Commentary on 'validity of the codes of suicidality in the THIN database' by Arana et al
Commentary: Intersubjectivity, interobjectivity, and the embryonic fallacy in developmental science
Computing what the public wants: Some issues in road safety cost-benefit analysis
A conversation with Edwin Shneidman
Counterinsurgency's Impossible Trilemma
Cultural, ethical, and spiritual competencies of health care providers responding to a catastrophic event
Cultural, ethical, and spiritual implications of natural disasters from the survivors' perspective
Darwin's earthquake
Can Unintended Side Effects Be Intentional? Resolving a Controversy Over Intentionality and Morality
Can Virtual Streetscape Audits Reliably Replace Physical Streetscape Audits?
Crossing the great divide: response to Douglas and Walsh
De-escalating angry and violent clients
Developing policy in the provision of parenting programmes: integrating a review of reviews with the perspectives of both parents and professionals
Assisted suicide laws create discriminatory double standard for who gets suicide prevention and who gets suicide assistance: Not Dead Yet Responds to Autonomy, Inc
Bipolar disorder and violent crime: time at risk reanalysis
An English admiral and an American aviator: Advanced trauma life support and two historical military casualties
Calamitous Moments: Rethinking the Ethics of Post Disaster Psychological Reconstruction Programs
Can Fire and Rescue Services and the National Health Service work together to improve the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable older people? Design of a proof of concept study
Collateral Damage: Humanitarian Assistance as a Cause of Conflict
Commentary: What interventions work for victims of conflict related rape?
Counting suicides and making suicide count as a public health problem
Criminal-Justice and School Sanctions Against Nonheterosexual Youth: A National Longitudinal Study
Cultural Patterns of Trauma among 19th-Century-Born Males in Cadaver Collections
Curse and consequence: King Lear's destructive narcissism
Dilemmas in harm minimization: a response to Fry and Irwin
Dirty Windows and Burning Houses: Setting the Record Straight on Irregular Warfare
Disaster non-preparedness: the orange bag denial
Do measures matter? Comparing surface-density-derived and census-tract-derived measures of racial residential segregation
Dude, Where’s My Conflict?
Dusk or Dawn for the Human Rights Movement?
Dynamic Debates: An Analysis of Group Polarization Over Time on Twitter
Dynamics of influence in international politics: The ICC, BIAs, and economic sanctions
The Fight to End Global Slavery
How Terrorism Fails
In the Crossfire or the Crosshairs? Norms, Civilian Casualties, and U.S. Conduct in Iraq
Public health, populations, and lethal ingestion
Probing the genome to understand suicide
Prevalence of sexual assault in the military misrepresented
Research needs and opportunities for reducing the adverse safety consequences of fatigue
In this issue: injury prevention
Innovative but insufficient? A response to Graham's commentary on 'alcohol, suppressed anger and violence'
Medical and genetic differences in the adverse impact of sleep loss on performance: ethical considerations for the medical profession
Attitudes among stakeholders towards compulsory mental health care in Norway
Cigarette smoking: an underused tool in high-performance endurance training
Commentary: the problem of agreement on diagnoses in criminal cases
Comments on "The increasing trend in alcohol-related burns: It's impact on a Tertiary burn centre"
Disaster medicine reporting: The need for new guidelines and the CONFIDE statement
Emergency mental health: lessons learned from flight 3407
The MMPI-2 Symptom Validity Scale (FBS) is an Empirically-Validated Measure of Over-reporting in Personal Injury Litigants and Claimants: reply to William et al. (2009)
Magnificent teamwork in response to Canterbury earthquake
Supporting the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020
Trauma in Tanzania: Researching Injury in a low-Resource Setting
Family income supplements and development of psychiatric and substance use disorders among an American Indian population
Fieldnotes: a forensic
Focusing on youth--and taking responsibility
Forgetting the future
Four hour targets for accident and emergency are to be scrapped
The führer gives the Jews a town: Impression management, homo dramaticus, and bare life in Theresienstadt
Generation and Utopia
Geographies of education and the significance of children, youth and families
German flooding of the Pontine Marshes in World War II
Giving VOICE to our stories: whatever it takes
Global Zero: An Israeli Vision of Realistic Idealism
Globally we need more comprehensive vision-screening strategies
Has there been Conceptual Progress in The Science of Emotion?
Health advocacy by accident and discipline
Health promotion in nursing: a Derridean discourse analysis
Historical Experiences, Collective Memory, and Willingness to Fight for One’s Country: Comments on Paez et al. (2008)
A historical vignette (19). An orbital trauma in the 16th century
Counterforce Revisited: Assessing the Nuclear Posture Review's New Missions
What are we confident about?
Whiplash associated disorders--a real health problem
Traumatic brain injury
The Hollow Legal Shell of European Race Discrimination Policy: The EC Race Directive
The holy grail of supply control: have we found the evidence?
The horror of being deaf and in prison
The Importance of Consumer Perceived Criticism on Clinical Outcomes for Outpatient African Americans with Schizophrenia
Inside Mexico's Drug War
Integrating violence prevention research: examining perpetration and victimization of violence within and across relationship contexts
Killing us softly: the dangers of legalizing assisted suicide
The Language of Damage
How do the cost bias and probability bias influence social anxiety symptoms?
How Politics Deals with Expert Dissent: The Case of Ethics Councils
The Illogic of Zero
Impact factor: vitamin or poison?
Imitation, immaturity, and injury
The importance of epistemology: a response to Rosenstein's commentary
No, we don't think our doctors are out to get us: Responding to the straw man distortions of disability rights arguments against assisted suicide
Peer specialists can prevent suicides
Suicide on my mind. A look back and ahead at suicide prevention in Italy
Suicide survey in a London borough: Primary care and public health perspectives
Suicide-related events in patients treated with antiepileptic drugs
Suicide-related events in patients treated with antiepileptic drugs
Living in the hands of God. English Sunni e-fatwas on (non-)voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide
Morbidity-mortality review in psychiatry: Suicide or suicide attempts
Prevention through intervention. Programs use training, patient education to help head off suicide attempts
Suicide and suicide attempts: Acts of complete despair
Suicide prevention in primary care: General practitioners views on service availability
Religion and assisted and non-assisted suicide in Switzerland: National Cohort Study
Behind the torment of rape victims lies a dark fear: reply to the commentaries
Introduction to injuries and illness in college outdoor education
Assaulting our rights: how domestic violence laws curtail our fundamental freedoms
To abolish war
On territory, the nation-state and the crisis of the hyphen
Should military uniforms carry the union label?
Improving the outcome of severely head injured children in the UK
Interdisciplinarity and the Authority Paradigm: Should Law Be Taken Seriously by Scientists and Social Scientists?
A medical appeal for a nuclear-weapons-free world; speaking out against violence
Great expectations
Introducing a special issue on violence
Introduction 2008 Forging New Frontiers: Securing Your Organization's Future--the 13th Annual Conference of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids
Keeping genes out of terrorists' hands
Last call: Lawmakers hope new technology could mean the end to drunken driving
Leveraging COOP for biological incidents: natural, accidental or bioterrorism
Road Safety Week
Security Council votes to name and shame people who abuse children in conflict
Kim Jong-il's Clenched Fist
Understanding the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy Debate
Why Has the United States Not Been Attacked Again?
What does reconciliation after genocide mean? Public transcripts and hidden transcripts in post-genocide Rwanda
Medicine before the motor car
More about the right to acute death without resuscitation attempts
Must physicians report impaired driving? Rethinking a duty on a collision course with itself
Optimal trauma care requires personnel and infrastructure to deliver optimal care
Pediatric emergency medicine: legal briefs
Pediatric emergency medicine: legal briefs
Powerless new ambulance directive
Prisoner of war camps: lack of a revolution
Struggle against abuse, a complex ethic
Teenage driving, rural bugs in urban spaces, web scorecards to set public health priorities, and how primary care physicians should be taught
Unexplained car crash: what you should consider
The need for a General Comment for Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Toward enlightenment and progress for child protection
Three basic convictions: a recipe for preventing child injuries
Twenty years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Achievements and challenges for child protection
Iraqi children's rights: building a system under fire
Keep children safe
Literature analysis to determine the inclusion of children with disabilities in abuse interventions
Mental health crises and public policy: opportunities for change?
No easy fix for alcohol problem
The precarious practice of forensic psychiatric risk assessments
Learning to be prejudiced: A test of unidirectional and bidirectional models of parent-offspring socialization
Why people in RI won't drive far: a scientific explanation
Need for stronger laws to protect older Australians
Peace and reconciliation in Ireland: a cross-border approach to meeting carers' needs
Silence the Violence
In Denial of Democracy: Social Psychological Implications for Public Discourse on State Crimes Against Democracy Post-9/11
In surveyed Australian medical-surgical units about a third of nurses on perceive emotional abuse in recent shifts and a fifth report actual violence; perception of violence in the workplace is associated with unstable or negative working conditions and a
Inertia: the discrepancy between individual and common good in dispersal and prospecting behaviour
NICE is told to halt work on 19 public health topics (News and Commentary)
Integration of Social Justice Into the Teaching of Evaluation
Introduction to second special issue on violence exposure in children, adolescents, and women: the lived experience
Is the focus on health-related behaviours a new phenomenon? Reply to Vallgårda (2010)
Is the hidden hand an iron fist? Capitalism and civil peace, 1970-2005
Issues on violence exposure in children, adolescents, and women: The lived experience
The Italian Air Force from the Eve of the Libyan Conflict to the First World War
The Journalist Behind the News: Credibility of Straight, Collaborative, Opinionated, and Blogged "News"
Keeping children safe: rethinking how we design our surroundings
Key to prevent HIV in women: Reduce gender-based violence
Knowledge is not Power
Lateral violence update: We are still listening and we thank you
Lateral violence: is nursing at risk?
Legislation to combat elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Foreword
Liaison and co-operation between paediatrics and mental health
The Liberal Way of Development and the Development—Security Impasse: Exploring the Global Life-Chance Divide
Life, Liberty, and ... a Cup of JOE!
When Is the Unfamiliar the Uncanny? Meaning Affirmation After Exposure to Absurdist Literature, Humor, and Art
Why Johnny Can't Fly: Treating Games as a Form of Youth Media Within a Youth Development Framework
Why some road safety problems are more difficult to solve than others
Why We Need One Statistical Agency
The wish to hasten death: A review of clinical studies
Youth Sports Programs: Contribution to Physical Activity
Youth Sports: Who's Pushing the Cart?
The Limits of Audacity
Lives and deaths: Biographical notes on selections from the works of Edwin S. Shneidman
Manhood, Race, Failure, and Reconciliation: Charles Francis Adams Jr. and the American Civil War
Monument and Crime: The Destruction of Historic Architecture in Kosovo
Terror is Inescapably Contestable
Tiresian Journeys
The materials of practice: Nuclear warheads, rhetorical commonplaces and committee meetings in Russian–Atlantic relations
Mechanisms of moral disengagement and their differential use by right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in support of war
Medicalized weapons and modern war
Medicine Turned Poison for Children in Nigeria (letter)
Mental health care systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
Military Keynesianism today: an innovative discourse
The missing tombstone: Reflections on mourning and creativity
More daylight, better health: Why we shouldn't be putting the clocks back this weekend
Much ado about religion: Religiosity, resource loss, and support for political violence
Multiple Audiences and Reputation Building in International Conflicts
The Norman Invasion of Sicily, 1061-1072: Numbers and Military Tactics
Pakistan moves to tackle acid violence
The pediatric athlete: younger athletes with sport-related concussion
People-centred myth: Representation of the Wenchuan earthquake in China Daily
Picture the Problem: Toward a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World: What Will It Take?
Claims to Protection: The Rise and Fall of Feminist Abolitionism in the League of Nations' Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children, 1919–1936?
Doubts about the efficacy of fall-prevention programmes for the elderly
Findings on youth injuries bolster case for helmet use by all motorcycle riders
Hangman's fracture: a historical and biomechanical perspective
Past, present, and future of head injury research
The role of public health in addressing child maltreatment in Canada
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes and infectious diseases
Suicide in the elderly: analysis of "The Humbling" by Philip Roth
Dangerous Drafts? A Time-Series, Cross-National Analysis of Conscription and the Use of Military Force, 1946—2001
A Historical Context for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Editorial comments-development of a mass-gathering medical resource matrix for a developing world scenario
Editorial comments: burn disasters-an audit of the literature
Human rights assessment in Parc Jean Marie Vincent, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
The interplay of geopolitics and historical lessons in foreign policy: Denmark facing German post-war rearmament
The necessity of protection: Transgovernmental networks and EU security governance
A Need for Improved Training Interventions for the Remediation of Impairments in Social Functioning Following Brain Injury
Negative Information Action: Danger for Democracy
A new professional code in sports medicine
Legislative Attack
Vertical Security in the Megacity
Introduction: The Problem of Violence
Modernity and the Holocaust, or, Listening to Eurydice
Meta-analyses and antidepressant prescribing
War as an Institution of International Hierarchy: Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the Partisan and Contemporary US Practice
Islamist Challenges to the ‘Liberal Peace’ Discourse: The Case of Hamas and the Israel—Palestine ‘Peace Process’
Partial Sleep Deprivation Reduces Phase Advances to Light in Humans
Disputes and Going Concerns in an Institution for "Troublesome" Boys
Who Talks, and Who’s Listening? Networks of International Security Studies
Security Must Be Defended - Or, the Survival of Security
The Public, the Private and the Evolution of Security Studies
Flooding and EcoBuild - Strategies for the Future: Dykes, Dams, SUDS and Floating Homes
Visual Testimonies of Atrocity: Archives of Political Violence in Chile and Guatemala
Government Monitoring and Political Participation in the United States: The Distinct Roles of Anger and Anxiety
No reason for optimism: the expected impact of commitments in the European Commission's Alcohol and Health Forum
The effects of magic in medical epidemiology
Vested interests, addiction research and public policy
The alcohol industry and public interest science
Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy
 -- Alcohol policies out of context: drinks industry supplanting government role in alcohol policies in sub‐Saharan Africa
Supporting the need for rigorous enforceable disclosure policies for scientific journals
The challenge of external validity in policy‐relevant systematic reviews: a case study from the field of substance misuse
Conflicts of interest. A golden standard to generalize in addiction research
Safeguarding Children in Primary Health Care
"The gift of failure: New approaches to analyzing and learning from events and near-misses." Honoring the contributions of Bernhard Wilpert
Conversation with Robert Voas
Reducing underage and young adult drinking: How to address critical drinking problems during this developmental period
On the identification of the effect of prohibiting hand-held cell phone use while driving: Comment
Wanted: a broader view of alcohol studies
Commentary on Cobiac et al. (2009): How to use science to improve alcohol policy?
Prevention programs in the 21st century: what we do not discuss in public
Drug prevention programmes for young people: where have we been and where should we be going?
Commentary on Hickman et al. (2009): The place of risk in drug policies
Understanding prevention research as a form of pseudoscience
Thinking outside the box: a necessary course for the future of alcohol research
Just the facts: trade agreements do not undermine alcohol policy
Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy
Poisonous partnerships: health sector buy‐in to arrangements with government and addictive consumption industries
Commentary on Ware and St Arnaud‐Trempe (2010): Nabilone abuse in Canada? Nature provides an effective prevention program
The death penalty for drugs is a violation of international human rights law; efficacy—whether real or imagined—provides no excuse
Dangers of banning spice and the synthetic cannabinoid agonists
How ideology shapes the evidence and the policy: what do we know about cannabis use and what should we do?
Brief alcohol intervention: time for translational research
What neurobiology tells us about addiction
Commentary on Pedersen and Skardhamar (2010): Does cannabis use predict non‐drug offending?
Mobile phone addiction: a point of issue
Raising the bar: preventing aggression in and around bars, pubs and clubs
Premature adoption and dissemination of prevention programmes
Commentary on Britton et al. (2010): The dangers of declining drink
Meeting the challenges for research and practice for brief alcohol intervention
Child abuse - some aspects for neurosurgeons
Commentary on: Sauvageau A, Boghossian E. Classification of asphyxia: the need for standardization. J Forensic Sci 2010;55(5):1259-67
Commentary on: Semon MD. Review of: Mathematical Methods for Accident Reconstruction. J Forensic Sci 2010;55(4):1138-9
Garibaldi's wounds
Guest editorial for the special issue on violence
Injury prevention: Role of the hospital-based Child Passenger Safety Program (CPSP)
Suicide terrorism as a socially approved form of suicide
The 'WHO Safe Communities' model for the prevention of injury in whole populations: a review summary
Yes we can! Improving medical screening for intimate partner violence through self-efficacy
Commentary on Kypri et al. (2011): Fighting the good fight against alcohol-related violence: one bar or one hour at a time?
Concussion research: a public health priority
Defining Paraphilia in DSM-5: Do Not Disregard Grammar
Introduction to special issue on suicide, mental health, and youth development
Looking back and looking forward: a review and reflection on research articles published in child maltreatment from 1996 through 2010
Psychologists and Detainee Interrogations: Key Decisions, Opportunities Lost, and Lessons Learned
NIH Roundtable on Opportunities to Advance Research on Neurologic and Psychiatric Emergencies
Predicting suicide rates in the elderly
The role of infrastructure in the transformation of child-adolescent mental health systems
The Public Health Priority to Address the Accessibility and Safety of Firearms: Recommendations for Training (editorial)
In Search of Peace: Structural Adjustment, Violence, and International Migration
Mobilizing Communities for Implementing Evidence-Based Youth Violence Prevention Programming: A Commentary
Mobilizing Communities to Implement Evidence-Based Practices for Youth Violence Prevention Introduction to the Special Issue
Of rulers, rebels, and revenue: State capacity, civil war onset, and primary commodities
An older adult falls research agenda from a public health perspective
Open letter to the National Board of Health about alcohol recommendations
Our 18-month experience at a new burn center in Gaziantep, Turkey
Reply to J. Kopp's critique of "levels of selection: an alternative to individualism in biology and the human sciences"
Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange as art against torture
Binge drinking: all too prevalent and hazardous
The implicit rules of evidence‐based policy analysis, updated
Estimating harmful effects of cannabis and use for policy makers shifting from one mistake to the next?
A renewed call for action on alcohol policy
Rediscovering MDMA (ecstasy): the role of the American chemist Alexander T. Shulgin
Science and non‐science in uk drug policy
Drug prevention programs for young people are a good investment
Bumps on the road to preparedness
The Ethics of Trauma: Re-traumatization in Society's Approach to the Traumatized Subject
Let's Get the Head Further Out of the Game: A Proposal for Reducing Brain Injuries in Helmeted Contact Sports
Mobilizing Communities to Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Youth Violence Prevention: The State of the Art
Not 'part of the job'. Nurses seek an end to workplace violence
Road traffic accidents - a cause of death and trauma
Should Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sport be Legalized under Medical Supervision?
Torture, war, and the culture of fear after 9/11
Commentary on Müller et al. (2010): Tax policy on alcopops ‐ advances and limitations
Ethical dilemmas for physicians in time of war
An anti‐inflammatory as a recreational drug in brazil
Meta‐analysis is no substitute for theory
Moving beyond the grass ceiling
Commentary on Kuhns et al. (2011): Drinks and death – alcohol and the homicide victim
Questionable conclusions on cannabis and crime
Commentary on Grey et al. (2011): Does methadone maintenance therapy adversely affect bone mass?
Methamphetamine addiction: biological foundations, psychological factors, and social consequences
Pharmacotherapy for aggressive behaviours in persons with intellectual disabilities: treatment or mistreatment?
Farmers’ Suicide in India: Implications for Public Mental Health
Co-opting feminist voices for the war on terror: Laura Bush meets Nordic feminism
Preventing Bullycides
Multifarious terminology: multivariable or multivariate? univariable or univariate?
Commentary on Huckle et al. (2010): Those confounding facts of lifestyle
Should Laura Dekker be allowed to attempt to sail solo around the world?
Man's inhumanity to children
The Slow Creation of Humanity
Scrutiny of Older Drivers May Cut Deaths but Loss of Independence Can Be Painful
The grassy knoll . . . and an elephant
The Ha Noi Expert Statement: recognition of maternal mental health in resource-constrained settings is essential for achieving the Millennium Development Goals
Pediatrician-Psychiatrist Collaboration to Care for Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depression, and Anxiety
Because Women Will Always Be Women and Men Are Just Getting Older
Public Policies and Child Rights: Entering the Third Decade of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Insomnia: more questions need answers
Ratification by the United States of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Pros and Cons from a Child’s Rights Perspective
"Vanilla Thrillas": Modern Boxing and White-Ethnic Masculinity
Violence hinders efforts to stem Haiti cholera epidemic as deaths continue to rise
What is the single most important thing you can do to prevent injuries in a crash?
The Duluth model: a data-impervious paradigm and a failed strategy
Do motor vehicle advertisements that promote vehicle performance attributes also promote undesirable driving behaviour?
Disaster response workers: are we doing enough to protect them?
Sudan: The War Goes On
Implementation of injury prevention for children and young people
Prevention of injuries to children and young people: The way ahead for the UK
Childhood injuries: extent of the problem, epidemiological trends, and costs
Action on injury. Setting the agenda for children and young people in the UK: Introduction
The United States experience: Injury in America
Action on injury: Setting the agenda for children and young people in the UK
Drills and exercises: the way to disaster preparedness
Guns don't kill crowds, people with semi-automatics do
Traumatic brain injury: football, warfare, and long-term effects
Authors are not criminals and editors should not be policemen
The role of safety research in road safety management
Lads’ Mags, Young Men’s Attitudes towards women and acceptance of myths about sexual aggression
Annie get your gun (Letter)
Introduction to the Special Section on The Effects of Early Experience on Development
Firearms and suicide
Fatal outcome of a propoxyphene/acetaminophen (darvocet) overdose: should it still be used in the United States?
Philadelphia doctor who ran "baby charnel house" is charged with murder
Regulatory oversight: do psychiatric patients have the right to refuse active treatment?
Response to Comments on "The increasing trend in alcohol-related burns: Its impact on a Tertiary burn centre"
Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics – Edited by Kevin Olsen
Editorial: Special issue on cognitive aging, safety, and quality of life
Drug use and sport-A commentary on: Injury, pain and prescription opioid use among former National Football League football players by Cottler et al
Foreign body injuries in children: Need for a step forward against an old yet neglected epidemic
The first hero of auto safety: Dr. Claire Straith
Injury prevention in Safe Communities
Light, Years Ahead
'A man's game': Cricket, war and masculinity, South Africa, 1899-1902
Prevalence of depression in granted and refused requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide: a systematic review
The public policy approach to injury prevention
Societal stigma and suicide prevention--in reply
Education for all and child labour in Kenya: A conflict of capabilities?
Ethical codes of conduct and practices using human subjects
The importance of moral training in sports performance
Multicultural education and administration and general ethic standards
Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child
What we know and need to know about factors that protect youth from problems: A review of previous reviews
People Power
Societal stigma and suicide prevention
Streets Ahead
There To Be Broken?
Why having a national sport injury reporting system just is not enough: NSWSIC supported speaker
Why injury prevention has to be more that just ice packs and first aid kits: NSWSIC supported speaker
Soldiers, Scholars, and Spies: Combining Smarts and Secrets
Speed cameras "do a good job" in reducing road deaths and injuries
Sport injury prevention: time for an intervention?
Sport injury and risk management standards (SIRM)
Stricter weapons law in Switzerland is the wrong policy prescription for homicide-suicide
Supporter of stability or agent of agitation? The effect of US foreign policy on coups in Latin America, 1960—99
Showdown in the Show‐Me State: The Fight Over Conceal‐and‐Carry Gun Laws in Missouri by William T. Horner
Hate, Narrative, and Propaganda in The Turner Diaries
Fighting Traffic: The Dawn of the Motor Age in the American City by Peter D. Norton and Republic of Drivers: A Cultural History of Automobility in America by Cotten Seiler
The Automobile and American Life by John Heitman
Murder 101: Essays on the Teaching of Detective Fiction by Edward J. Rielly, Editor
"However Satisfied Man Might Be": Sexual Abuse in Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints Communities
NASCAR Nation: A History of Stock Car Racing in the United States by Scott Beekman
Increasing number of unintentional falls indicates urgent need for fall prevention programs
Misleading Findings on Cognitive Status Stereotype Older Drivers
Comments on article on older drivers in Australia
Response to the big picture
To Be (Come) or Not to Be (Come): Understanding Children’s Citizenship
Concerning the Viewpoint; "An Anti-Doping Sampling Strategy Utilizing the Sewerage Systems of Sport Villages"
New approaches to alcohol marketing research
Do alcohol portrayals in movies and commercials directly affect consumption?
Alcohol marketing research agenda—let us look at how the industry maintains its hegemony
Advertising research—calls for an even more ambitious agenda?
The spatial concentration of illegal residence and neighborhood safety
Making the Case for Laws That Improve Health: A Framework for Public Health Law Research
Everyday Harm: Domestic Violence, Court Rites, and Cultures of Reconciliation by M. Lazarus‐Black
COUNTERBLAST: More than Casualties of War?: Ex‐military Personnel in the Criminal Justice System
Essential Medicolegal Death Investigation Services: Standardization of a Survey Instrument Based on the Essential Public Health Services
Ethics, healthcare and spinal cord injury: research, practice and finance
Quality Improvement as a Tool for Translating Evidence Based Interventions Into Practice: What the Youth Violence Prevention Community can Learn from Healthcare
Corrigendum to "Transforming a flawed policy: a call to revive psychology and science in domestic violence research and practice"
Memory Brokers, Shameful Pasts, and Civil War Commemoration
Go Down to Suffering and Raise it Up
Applying comparative effectiveness research to public and population health initiatives
Better identification of fire hazards needed
Buttery Guns and Welfare Hawks: The Politics of Defense Spending in Advanced Industrial Democracies
It Takes a Village (Perhaps a Nation): Families, States, and Educational Achievement
Review: Steps toward an ecological model of risk
Towards a Phenomenology of Civil War: Hobbes Meets Benjamin in Beirut
The fall telephone for falls assessment in frail older persons; feasibility, reliability, and validity
Effective prevention measures based on aspects of traffic fatality rates are needed in Thailand
Feeling shame: Insights on intimate partner violence
Injury prevention in child death review
Injury prevention in child death review: child pedestrian fatalities
Urgent importance of various suicide prevention measures among the elderly in South Korea
The US National Child Death Review Case Reporting System
Sheriffs Perceptions of Firearm Control Polices
Surrendering the keys: a doctor tries to get an impaired elderly patient to stop driving
The suicides of The Metamorphoses
Public health policy research: making the case for a political science approach
Making Terrorism Risk Analysis Less Harmful and More Useful: Another Try
Traffic accidents: Another example of diseases of civilization
Burns demand our attention
The elephant in the room: Collaboration and competition among relief organizations during high-profile disasters
Experimental wounds: science and violence in mid-century America
Going for the burn: Medical preparedness in early cold war America
Incredible India: The inconvenient truth
Innovation and translation in sports medicine and sports science research
Is it possible to predict suicide?
Lawyers, guns, and money: a plenary presentation from the conference "Using Law, Policy, and Research to Improve the Public's Health"
Legal scenario in burn care in India
National programme for prevention of burn injuries
The protective effects of helmets in skiers and snowboarders
The role of federal preemption in injury prevention litigation
Strange fires, weird smokes and psychoactive combustibles: entheogens and incense in ancient traditions
Surviving wartime emancipation: African Americans and the cost of civil war
What is the role of nursing students and schools of nursing during disaster? a discussion paper
Unintentional injury
The use of depleted uranium ammunition under contemporary international law: Is there a need for a treaty-based ban on DU weapons?
Reflections on science and the governance of alcohol policy
A Bump on the Head
Child Sexual Abuse: Ethical Issues for the Family Therapist
Violent acts and injurious consequences: an examination of competing hypotheses about intimate partner violence using agency-based data
The Development of Car Safety: Past, Present and Future
Australian and US gun deaths compared
Cost effectiveness of health care interventions to address intimate partner violence: what do we know and what else should we look for?
Towards a national sports safety strategy: addressing facilitators and barriers towards safety guideline uptake
The utilization of forensic science and criminal profiling for capturing serial killers
War as a moral imperative (not just practical politics by other means)
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Review Conference: success is in the eye of the beholder
The effectiveness of injury prevention strategies: what does the public believe?
Campaigns against acid violence spur change
Intimate partner violence: Advanced practice nurses clinical stories of success and challenge
Libyan hospitals are overstretched treating thousands of victims of violent crackdown
The politics of fear
Reducing violent behavior in adolescents
Violence against women: An urgent public health priority
Alcohol control policy: evidence‐based medicine versus evidence‐based marketing
Commentary on Black et al. (2011): Minimum pricing of alcohol – a solution whose time has come
Can We Live Forever? A Sociological and Moral Inquiry
The crime of crimes and the crime of criminology: genocide, criminology and Darfur
Is 'genocide' such a good idea?
Forms of genocidal destruction: a response to commentators
Societal value formation and the value of life
A working day with harassment, threats and violence
Conceptual and definitional issues in occupational injury epidemiology
Football injuries: a new season begins
Accidents in history: an introduction
Symbolism and values: Rationality and irrationality of culture
Opinion: Is human colour perception really only trichromatic?
The association of stigma with violence
‘Time for a Fresh Start’, but is this it? A Critical Assessment of The Report of the Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial Behaviour
Editorial: The Peace Support Operations Model
The authors respond
Diplomacy through disaster response training in eastern Europe
Disclosure of child murder: A case study of ethical dilemmas in research
Do animals commit suicide? Does it matter?
Epilogue: Theoretical and Comparative Notes on Reserve Forces
Court Trials and Miscarriage of Justice in "Dream of the Red Chamber"
In Search of Heimat: A Note on Franz Kafka's Concept of Law
Mys-Reading the Past in Detective Fiction and Law
William Gilmore Simms and the Literary Aesthetics of Crime and Capital Punishment
The ghost of public health journalism: past, present, and future
The 'goddess of randomisation' in small samples
Hebephilia Is Not a Mental Disorder in DSM-IV-TR and Should Not Become One in DSM-5
Human rights and health: Opportunities to advance rural occupational health
Improving global health, strengthening global security
The monsters of medicine: Political violence and the physician
Natural disasters-taking a longer term view
National Public Health Week: focus on injury prevention
Planting the seed: the 2009 Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Forum (MRASH)
Road safety: decade of action with research
Risky actions can have long-term consequences
When may road fatalities start to decrease?
Motivational predictors of prosocial and antisocial behaviour in football
Epidemiology of injury and violence in North Carolina
Alcohol and injury: Are we really focussing on the problem?
Battlefield euthanasia - courageous compassion or war crime?
The Bayview Hunters Point Foundation for Community Improvement: A pioneering multi-ethnic human service organization (1971-2008)
Brain injury and aggression: Can we get some help?
Counterheroism, common knowledge, and ergonomics: concepts from aviation that could improve patient safety
Earthquake, tsunami, radiation leak, and crisis in rural health in Japan
Fire extinguisher: an imminent threat or an eminent danger? A case report
Geography and ethics: Justice unbound
ISCoS-WHO collaboration. International Perspectives of Spinal Cord Injury (IPSCI) report
Japan disaster. Devastating earthquake defied expectations
Japan disaster. Waves of destruction
Policy Statement--Child Passenger Safety
Exploring the Influence of Islam on the Perceptions of Mental Illness of Volunteers in a Johannesburg Community-based Organisation
Recommendations on the effectiveness of ignition interlocks for preventing alcohol-impaired driving and alcohol-related crashes
Interest and need greatly outpace resources for youth suicide prevention
The accidents trend in the third millennium
Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients
Bracing for the impact of expanded Second Amendment rights
The concept of ''equity'' in health-promotion articles by Nordic authors - a matter of some confusion and misconception
Can we prevent falls in the elderly from primary care?
Capacity building and information technology
Domestic violence: responding to the needs of patients
Government says no to lowering drink driving limit in UK
Needed: reliable information on violent incidents and crime in healthcare facilities
Personal observations on the earthquake disaster in Christchurch
The rise and fall of a National Safety Promotion Programme - The case of Sweden
Some thoughts about 'acceptable' and 'non-acceptable' childhood injuries
Using Theory to Guide Injury Prevention Activities
WHO and CDC nomenclature
Community-based norms about intimate partner violence: putting attributions of fault and responsibility into context (erratum)
Questioning global vaginahood: Reflections from adapting The Vagina Monologues in Hong Kong
Neurologists weigh in on sports-related concussions
Sexual preference for 14-year-olds as a mental disorder: you can't be serious!!
Safety awards that endanger workers' lives
Safety is no accident: live injury-free
Comment on: POWs versus torturers: forensic evaluation of military personnel
Commentary: alcohol and motor vehicle-related crashes-driver attitudes need further intervention
Commentary: Approaching and stalking public figures--a prerequisite to attack
A Deafening Silence: Hidden Violence against Women and Children
Do we really need another meeting? Lessons from the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center
Crime and how society deals with it is of public health importance
Make fall risk the sixth vital sign
Injury prevention legislation
Introduction to the special issue: the physical health consequences of childhood maltreatment--implications for public health
Japan disaster. Scientific consensus on great quake came too late
Commentary on Nelson et al. (2010)
Commentary: the mental status examination in the age of the internet--challenges and opportunities
Contemporary discursive psychology: issues, prospects, and Corcoran's awkward ontology
Developing health promotion education: mainstreaming or acknowledging tensions in an evolving discipline?
Child injury prevention and child survival
Rape, shame and pride -- address to Stockholm Criminology Symposium, 16 June 2006
Controversies Involving Gender and Intimate Partner Violence: Response to Commentators
Disinformation: "What you hear, see and feel, does not exist"
Does asking adolescents about suicidal ideation induce negative mood state?
Does temporary brittle bone disease exist? Not by the evidence offered
Domestic partner violence and other serious issues. From the Editor-in-Chief
Domestic violence--"physicians must be bridges to the help network" (interview by Dr. Bernhard Epping)
Editorial comments-Evaluation of medical command and control using performance indicators during a full-scale major aircraft crash exercise
Erratum to: Langhinrichsen-Rolling’s Confirmation of the Feminist Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence: Comment on “Controversies Involving Gender and Intimate Partner Violence in the United States”
Ethical issues in geriatric psychiatry
The emergence of triage in family court services: the beginning of the end for mandatory mediation?
Globalization and Violence: The Challenge to Ethics
Human Rights: Historical Learning in the Shadow of Violence
Rejecting violence on the landscape in Lawrence, Kansas
The women are not wrong: It is the approach that is debatable
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (or does it?): intergenerational patterns of antisocial behavior—the American Society of Criminology 2008 Sutherland address
Detailed Knowledge of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Who Knows What? A Framework for Health Promotion Strategies
The dollars and senselessness in failing to prioritize childhood maltreatment prevention
Should child protection services respond differently to maltreatment, risk of maltreatment, and risk of harm?
Announcing the launch of Psychology of Violence
About psychology of violence
Commentary on Livingston (2011): Alcohol outlets and domestic violence - acute effects and the social ecology of neighborhoods may both contribute to the relationship
Guidance launched to reduce the number of unintentional injuries
Response from New Zealand injury prevention strategy head
Road traffic injuries - changing trend?
Vitamin D deficiency and falls: There's smoke, but is there fire?
What's your risk of suicide?
You Can't Stop the Rain: José Betancourt, MD, Cuban Civil Defense
Role of Emergency Medical Services in Disaster Response: Resource Document for the National Association of EMS Physicians Position Statement
Gun control editorial should have stuck to the evidence
Secret law and the value of publicity
Cultural research in suicidology: challenges and opportunities
The economic argument for a policy of suicide prevention
Edwin S. Shneidman on suicide
Is there an economic argument for suicide prevention? A response to Doessel and Williams
Revitalizing suicidology: a call for mixed methods designs
Suicide and the partition of India: a need for further investigation
Are earthquake magnitudes clustered?
Can business impact analysis play a meaningful role in planning a cost-saving programme?
Gun control is not clinically relevant
A critical analysis of the American Nurses Association Position Statement on Workplace Violence: ethical implications
Long‐term trends in crimes of violence (comment on Cooney, 2003)
“Victims” and “survivors”: emerging vocabularies of motive for “battered women who stay”
Psychiatric disorders as failures in the prediction machine (editorial)
System versus traditional approach in road traffic injury prevention: A call for action
"Violence and health": An autopsy of a public health plan
What part of ‘No’ don’t you understand? —Talking the Tough Stuff of the Bible: A Creative Reading of the Rape of Tamar—2 Sam. 13:1-22
Blazing Angels or Resident Evil? Can Violent Video Games Be a Force for Good?
Can the Millennium Development Goals database be used to measure the effects of globalisation on women’s health in Sub-Saharan Africa? A critical analysis
Ego Depletion—Is It All in Your Head?
A framework for research ethics review during public emergencies
From Goya to Afghanistan--an essay on the ratio and ethics of medical war pictures
Ten great public health achievements --- United States, 2001--2010
Death and injury from automobile collisions: an overlooked epidemic
The decade of action for global road safety
Back to the basics: Reembedding battered women's resistance tactics within ongoing patterns of power, control, oppression, and patriarchy
Another tragic--and preventable--adolescent death
Ethical dilemmas for physicians in time of war
Guns: Dangerous, especially for suicide, and costly for America
Injury Prevention: a status update
Is it time for a progress report on violence against women in Ghana?
Law and Violence in The Owl and the Nightingale
Latent class/profile analysis in maltreatment research: a commentary on Nooner et al., Pears et al., and looking beyond
The impacts of terrorism on urban form [with comment]
Gun control is not clinically relevant
Affecting geospatial technologies: toward a feminist politics of emotion
Bioarchaeology in the United Arab Emirates
Catiline, Clodius, and popular politics at Rome during the 60s and 50s BCE
Crime and human rights—how political paranoia, protestant fundamentalism, and constitutional obsolescence combined to devastate Black America: the American Society of Criminology 2007 presidential address
Debate: agonism as deliberation: on Mouffe's Theory of Democracy
Declaring war in sixteenth‐century France
Derrida on free decision: between Habermas’ Discursivism and Schmitt's Decisionism
Editorial introduction to coordinated community response to intimate partner violence
Even Gary Becker wouldn't call them altruists! The case of Mexican migration: a reply to Sana and Massey, SSQ June 2005
Expanding criminology's domain: the American Society of Criminology 2006 presidential address
Faith, hope and money: the Jesuits and the genesis of fundraising for education, 1550–1650
Feminism and imperialism, 1890–1920: our anti‐imperialist sisters—missing in action from American feminist sociology
Fiesta time in old Havana
Forgetting the founders
Genealogies of the grid: revisiting Stanislawski's search for the origin of the grid–pattern town
Genes and society: looking back on the future
Homogenisation, nationalism and war: should we still read Ernest Gellner?
How indirect can indirect utilitarianism be?
Imagining Muslim futures: debates over state and society at the end of the Raj
Institutions, beliefs and ethics: eugenics as a case study
Introduction: charting a contested transformation
Keynote article: Russia and the EU: strategic partners or strategic rivals?
Making war on terrorists—reflections on harming the innocent
Moving choice to center stage in criminological research and theory: the American Society of Criminology 2006 Sutherland address
Organizations working toward a just and lasting peace in the Middle East
Prevention is a sound public and private investment
The ethics of restrictive licensing for handguns: comparing the United States and Canadian approaches to handgun regulation
The labeling of convicted felons and its consequences for recidivism
The particularity of Jesus and the time of the Kingdom: philosophy and theology in Yoder
Toward a national use‐of‐force data collection system: one small (and focused) step is better than a giant leap
A brief description of the 18th International Conference on Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Commentary on Kuhns et al. (2011): Drinks and death – alcohol and the homicide victim
Accidents in waiting
Higher education. Spate of suicides roils university, jeopardizing academic reforms
History of studies of alcohol toxicology
Paediatric motorbike accidents: the need for stricter regulation to reduce the frequency of injuries
Neuroscience: Sleep deprivation: a risky business
Emergency physician watchdogs for law enforcement: if we are the hammer, everything will look like a nail
Moral obligations. What about abuse other than torture?
My friend, advocate Ellen Pence
Where's the peace in this movement? A domestic violence advocate's reflections on the movement
Violence Against Women. Editor's introduction
On the perils of living dangerously in the slasher horror film: gender differences in the association between sexual activity and survival
Nonsuicidal self-injury as a predictor of suicidal behavior in depressed adolescents
Screening for suicidality in the emergency department: When must researchers act to protect subjects' interests?
DSM-5 proposed diagnostic criteria for sexual paraphilias: Tensions between diagnostic validity and forensic utility
The Study of Criminology in China
Reducing road dangers
Injury prevention priority setting based on the National Injury Surveillance data in Korea
No Guns at Children: Not Even a Toy One!
Thousands of lives could be saved using tranexamic acid for patients with bleeding trauma
Getting Through the Quicksand of the Relationship between Drugs and Suicide
In Response to "Suicide and Ethnicity in Malaysia"
Injury prevention
Integration of suicidology with general medicine: An obligation to society
Japan faces up to failure of its earthquake preparations
A plea for caution: violent video games, the supreme court, and the role of science
Reducing rates of child abuse
Reducing the Risk of Being a Victim of Crime in South Africa: You can tell and be Heard!
Theoretical and research support for the Duluth Model: a reply to Dutton and Corvo
Addiction and dependence in DSM‐V
Between symbols and technicalities – a concept of binge drinking
Language‐use disorder: comment on dsm‐v's proposed ‘addiction and related disorders’ and charles o'brien's ‘addiction and dependence in dsm‐v’
A commentary on ‘addiction and dependence in dsm‐v’
Child sexual abuse reported by an English national sample: characteristics and demography
Earthquake in Japan
Occupational therapists lead a national injury prevention strategy to help older drivers
Overdose with suicidal intent: Ethical considerations for liver transplant programs
Preserving the United States's Poison Control System
Preventing bicycle-related injuries: Next steps
Risks from nuclear accidents are still uncertain
Road safety plan aims to save five million lives in next 10 years
Tackling Violence and HIV/AIDS: Global Health Imperatives
Violence against women: A concern in the public health
YouTube Self-Harm Videos Under Scrutiny
Screening for Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries is Cost-Effective
Domestic violence: We need changes in the ICD and at the start of training
Effective measures to prevent child injuries could help save 1000 lives a year
Falls prevention in NSW: A big issue requiring sustained research, policy and practice initiatives
Key considerations for preventing suicide in older adults
A long way to go for prevention and treatment of organic solvents poisoning
No more! Organized rape in the Democratic Republic of the Congo must stop now
Safety at play: Let's all help to prevent drowning
Vehicle safety features, especially airbags, may account for the recent decline in heart donors
Child Abuse Pediatrics: New Specialty, Renewed Mission
Education in Terms of Human Rights
Falls prevention among the elderly: an update from Age UK
Le suicide des hommes
Commentary: predicting aggression in youth
Doctors will be asked to help identify people at risk of becoming terrorists
Stigma and Violence: Isn't It Time to Connect the Dots?
Adolescent transition: Ordinary People (1980), Fly Away Home (1996), and (500) Days of Summer (2009)
Commentary: Graduated licensing-moving forward or standing still?
What does sports injury research tell us?
Genocide in Rwanda Is It Really Finland's Concern?
Enhancing national policy and programs to address elder abuse
Alcohol screening in the emergency department
Evidence of new innovations: Investing in evidence synthesis, generation and translation ensures public health innovations improve population health
Hazardous Use Should Not Be a Diagnostic Criterion for Substance Use Disorders in DSM-5
Introduction to the Special Section: Rural Health Issues in Pediatric Psychology
Occupational health
Universal bicycle helmet use
Physician reporting of potentially impaired drivers
Alcohol marketing and youth drinking: A rejoinder to the alcohol industry
Lesson learning about getting research into policy and practice
Human stampedes: A neglected disaster in the developing world
"It's time to take a stand": Depicting crosshairs can indeed promote violence
Using accident and emergency data to prevent violence in communities
A Soldier's Suicide: Understanding its Effect on Fellow Soldiers
Reducing lifelong disability from sports injuries in children
Public health and preventing violence
Reply to Letter to the Editor: Unexplained Fractures: Child Abuse or Bone Disease: A Systematic Review
Football's missing link: the real story of the evolution of modern football
Retraction of the Voukelatos and Rissel paper on bicycle helmet legislation and injury
Causal Explanation and Moral Judgement: Undividing a Division
Too Many Assumptions, Not Enough Data
Youth and "the hood" - livelihoods and neighbourhoods
In the first place: community prevention's promise to advance health and equity
GMC guidance puts duty on doctors to try to prevent child abuse
The necessity for urgent suicide prevention measures in Japan based on current high rates in a review from 1980-2007
Ten great public health achievements --- worldwide, 2001--2010
Review: The influence of armed conflict on the development of critical care medicine
Policy Statement--Protecting Children From Sexual Abuse by Health Care Providers
War legitimation discourse: Representing 'Us' and 'Them' in four US presidential addresses
Ideological collocation and the recontexualization of Wahhabi-Saudi Islam post-9/11: A synergy of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis
I. New views of rape prevention and resistance: Enlightening men, empowering women
'A Brighter and Nicer New Life': Security as Pacification
Accessibility to spinal cord injury care worldwide: The need for poverty reduction
Comment on the association of stigma with violence
The complexity of failure: Implications of complexity theory for safety investigations
Emotion is not just an alarm bell-it's the whole tootin' fire truck
From Kentucky to the Caribbean - and the Future of Federally Funded Agricultural Safety and Health
Ladies in Waiting: A Group Intervention for Families Coping with Deployed Soldiers
Modern pentathlon and the First World War: When athletes and soldiers met to practise martial manliness
Pilot Health Promoting Hospital in rural South Africa: Evidence-based approach to systematic hospital transformation
Practical Safety and Health Risk Management in Production Agriculture: Report on the 2011 ASHCA Workshop
Recessions are bad for workplace safety
Secondary injury mechanisms in traumatic spinal cord injury: A nugget of this multiply cascade
Sport in the trenches: the new deal for masculinity in France
Systems Thinking in Injury Prevention: An Innovative Model for Informing State and Local Policies
Using Policy to Strengthen the Reach and Impact of Injury Prevention Efforts
Why it was so difficult to develop new methods to inspect work organization and psychosocial risks in Sweden
Wartime rugby and football: Sports elites, French military teams and international meets during the First World War
Beyond 'enemy combatants': a review article
A call to action-preventing community violence
Child abuse prevention program wins NACHRI award--a journey
'Oh, my father hit me'
Review of George J. Annas, "Worst Case Bioethics: Death, Disaster, and Public Health"
Timing of the appearance of habitual fire use
Remnants and Revenants: Politics and Violence in the Work of Agamben and Derrida
Book review -- Caught in the machinery: workplace accidents and injured workers in nineteenth‐century Britain - by Jamie L. Bronstein
Comments on editorial "Rescue and resuscitation or body retrieval-the dilemmas of search and rescue efforts in drowning incidents"
Crash course in injury-prevention research
Doctors should not agree to identify potential terrorists
How much are your employees' eyes worth? A safety eyewear program can be effective in lowering worker's compensation premiums. Rates are based on the number of accidents, not their severity
Israel amends law forcing adult cyclists to wear helmets
New perspectives on suicide prevention
Paxil study under fire
Proceedings from the ice hockey summit on concussion: A call to action (2)
Proceedings from the ice hockey summit on concussion: A call to action (1)
The role of predictive models in identifying intimate partner violence in healthcare settings: A commentary
Another perspective on motorcycle helmet use
Attention should be paid to preventing knee injury in tai chi exercise
Never too late: Older people and alcohol misuse
Minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland
The problem with drink
When is social marketing not social marketing?
Why nudging is not enough
Committee opinion no. 499: Sexual assault
The crisis in mental health care: A preliminary study of access to psychiatric care in Boston
Disaster response. 'You can't teach that kind of character'
Domestic Violence: Are we improving?
Emergency Evaluation of Children When Sexual Assault Is Suspected
Evidence Links Increases In Public Health Spending To Declines In Preventable Deaths
Graduate Psychiatric Nurse's Training on Firearm Injury Prevention
Historical review of emergency tourniquet use to stop bleeding
Incentives are needed to facilitate data sharing and reduce violence
Insufficient detection of child abuse in the emergency department
Population-risk and person-time risk drowning rates -- The Authors' response
Preventing youth suicide: Time to ask how
Proceedings from the ice hockey summit on concussion: A call to action
Risk-taking and other effects of sleep loss on brain function and behaviour
Data sharing to reduce violence: Why public health must contribute to reduce violence
The Airspace as a Cognitive System
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health of Children and Youth: A Role for SOPHE Members
Commentary: An explosion without a bang
Data Sharing and Dual-Use Issues
Ending child abuse, wars and terrorism
A further plea for caution against medical professionals overstating video game violence effects
Human-rights shift under fire
Lack of caregiver supervision: A contributing factor in Australian unintentional child drowning deaths, 2000-2009
A plea for concern regarding violent video games
Risky business: children at work
Case Report: Are Clinicians Obligated to Medically Treat a Suicide Attempt in a Patient with a Prognosis of Weeks?
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder From Vietnam to Today: The Evolution of Understanding During Eugene Brody's Tenure at the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Risks and comedy
The responsibility principle. Contradictions of priority-setting in Swedish healthcare
The institutional expansion of human rights, 1863-2003: A comprehensive dataset of international instruments
Young people 'as risk' or young people 'at risk': Comparing discourses of anti-social behaviour in England and Victoria
The art of the possible: Looking back and ahead 5 years after landfall
Carol Anne Bond v the United States of America: How a Woman Scorned Threatened the Chemical Weapons Convention
The expulsion from Disneyland: The social psychological impact of 9/11
Five years of changes on the receiving end of a disaster
Five years of thoughts on hurricane Katrina from a resident on duty
Fukushima nuclear power plant accident and disclosure of information
Katrina Changed Us (and Me) in So Many Ways
Necessity of an integrated road traffic injuries surveillance system: A community-based study
Alys Cole-King: a pioneer of suicide mitigation in the UK
Child injury prevention in Vietnam: Achievements and challenges
The cochrane library oversight committee
Delivering healthcare in situations of conflict or violence
The effectiveness of falls clinics in the Netherlands
NAPNAP position statement on child maltreatment
Normalizing policies of inaction-the case of health care in Australia for women affected by domestic violence
Public health and policy perspectives for psychiatry and law
Viewpoint: Randomised controlled trials using invasive 'placebo' controls are unethical and should be excluded from Cochrane Reviews
Breaking the Rules to Rise to Power
Maintaining Harmony Across the Globe
Monaco 2011: IOC commitment moves injury prevention to centre stage
Do we need to treat aggression?
The Gift of the Magi: Can Attachment, Altruism, and Hope be Mobilized in Treating Domestic Violence?
What did We Do in Fukhushima during the Disaster? Report from Department of Neurology
What's the future for health promotion in England? The views of practitioners
Who we are and what we must not be
Women, Globalization and Contemporary Politics of Belonging
Conflicting Voices: Withhold Treatment or Not for a Patient With Chronic Self-destructive Behavior?
Experiences of the great East Japan earthquake march 2011
How many, precisely?
Proceedings from the ice hockey summit on concussion: a call to action
Reducing violent injury
Displacement and reconciliation
The Brady Rule May Hurt the Innocent
9/11 and nursing, 10 years on
Big Brother Could Actually Help Quite Easily: Telementored "Just-in-Time" Telesonography of the FAST Over a Smartphone
Falling man: Encounters with catastrophic change
Injury research: a perspective from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Introduction to this Issue: Violent and Antisocial Behavior in Women
On the importance of a comprehensive study for diagnostics of death from acute ethanol poisoning and coronary heart disease
French utopian socialists as the first pioneers in development
Human Evolution, History and Violence: An Introduction
What's in a name: Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada
Stand up against the anti-technology terrorists
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: Ten years after
A reflection on Fukushima nuclear disaster: View of Taiwan doctor
The reputation of psychiatry in the first half of the twentieth century
Policy Statement--Boxing Participation by Children and Adolescents
Popularizing the ancestry of man: Robert Ardrey and the killer instinct
Houston MD tackles football injuries
Beastly: What Makes Animal Metaphors Offensive?
'When You Think of the Taliban, Think of the Nazis': Teaching Americans '9/11' in NBC's The West Wing
The Politics of Territorial Threat and Rivalry: An Introduction to this Special Issue
Urban form relationships with youth physical activity: implications for research and practice
'It was a freak accident': an analysis of the labelling of injury events in the US press
Domestic violence
Ethical Implications of Neuroimaging in Sports Concussion
Falls in the elderly: a current issue
The forensic sciences: International perspectives, global vision
Global health: injuries and violence
Insomnia is a risk factor for suicide-what are the next steps?
Letter to the editor: Guns and homicides in the United States
Mobile phone tracking could help target aid after disasters, study shows
Can Mobile Phone Data Improve Emergency Response to Natural Disasters?
The relationship between alcohol and violence: Population, contextual and individual research approaches
Remembering September 11, 2001, and the implications for physician disaster preparedness
Youth gangs: Reason for concern
The time for football injuries
Censorship of the patient-physician relationship: a new Florida law [concerning office-visit questions about firearms and home safety]
Group advises clinicians to routinely screen women for sexual assault history
Evil and elder abuse: Intersections of Paul Ricoeur's and Simone Weil's perspectives on evil with one abused older woman's narrative
A life course approach to injury prevention: A "lens and telescope" conceptual model
Review Essay: Empires, ancient and modern
The blurring border between the police and the military: A debate without foundations
Why interventions to reduce bullying and violence in schools may (or may not) succeed: Comments on this Special Section
Obama and the global war on terror
Corporal punishment of children: Changing the culture
Physical punishment of children: Can we continue to accept the status quo?
Book Review Essay: Risk Analysis and Science Fiction
Reflections on the discipline and profession of disaster medicine and public health preparedness
Suicide and self-harm in immigration detention
Who will help prevent sexual violence
Commentary: Driven to Success
An Analysis of the Significant Decline in Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities in 2008
The decision to access patient information from a social media site: What would you do?
Ethical Issues Relevant to the Assessment of Suicide Risk in Nonclinical Research Settings
Letter to the Editor-The Awesome Power of a $30 Seat Belt: An Early Recollection of M Gazi Yasargil
Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention: A global perspective
Registration of Observational Studies: Perspectives from an industry-based epidemiology group
Review: SFPE classic paper review: Interim guide for goal oriented systems approach to building fire safety by Harold E. 'Bud' Nelson
Who perished on the Titanic? The importance of social norms
Evaluating public and community health programs
Medical advances in child sexual abuse
Reaping what we sow: The costs of bullying
Senior doctors' opinions of rational suicide
What place, if any, does information on putative cardioprotective effects of moderate alcohol use have in safer drinking guidelines?
Injury prevention, violence prevention, and trauma care: Building the scientific base
Are radars for recidivist delinquents on their way?
Commentary on "blunt aortic injury"
International collaboration in journal publishing: Enhancing quality and visibility
Permanent record. Electronic records aid in the aftermath of Joplin tornado
Reaction on 'Assisted suicide in psychiatry; current situation and notes on a recent case' (1)
Reaction on 'Assisted suicide in psychiatry; current situation and notes on a recent case (2)'
Reaping the whirlwind: Emergency physician recounts his fateful brush with deadly twister in Joplin, MO
When disaster hits, where does the standard of care go?
Breaking the cycle or re-cycling errors: Critical comment on proposals for criminal justice reform
Book Review: No Place to Hide: Gang, State, and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador
The challenges of the ethics of personalism to clinical toxicology
Trauma epidemiology: Where are we today?
The role of physicians in advocating for a national strategy for suicide prevention
Ethical Issues in Disasters
Gender-based violence and the threat to women's mental health
The neuroscientific foundations of free will
Bioterrorism: Lessons learned since the anthrax mailings
Clinical preventive services for adolescents: Facing the challenge of proving "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
Commentary from E. Scott Geller on "Complexity and Safety" by Rosa Antonia Carrillo
Commentary from Edgar H. Schein on "Complexity and Safety" by Rosa Antonia Carrillo
Complexity and safety
Commentary from Oliver Wirth on "Complexity and Safety" by Rosa Antonia Carrillo
Commentary from William F. Maloney on "Complexity and Safety" by Rosa Antonia Carrillo
Complexities in Understanding the Role of Compensation-Related Factors on Recovery from Whiplash-Associated Disorders. Discussion Paper #3
Displacement and adolescent suicide: Introduction to a special section
Focus on violence prevention against women
Injury epidemiology and publishing injury research
Trauma research in low- and middle-income countries is urgently needed to strengthen the chain of survival
Elderly: A Term to Avoid or to Embrace?
Postmortem Confidentiality: An Ethical Issue
Boxing, mixed martial arts, and other risky sports: Is the BMA confused?
Ethical aspects of disordered States of consciousness
Minister admits government has not convinced public of the harms of excessive drinking
Sudden cardiac death: Mandatory exclusion of athletes at risk is a step too far
'I'm just a girl who can't say no': Some reflections on responsibility and resistance
Asking the important questions
Realism and the spirit of 1919: Halford Mackinder, geopolitics and the reality of the League of Nations
Understanding the Middle East Peace Process: A historical institutionalist approach
Defining by naming: Israeli civic warring over the Second Lebanon War
Individual responsibilities and moral inclusion in an age of rights
Sport physicians should practice the full gamut of their profession: Moving from sports medicine to sports and exercise medicine
Spies, vaccines and violence: Fake health campaigns and the neutrality of health
Let's leave bullying on the playground!
Consortium for Health and Military Performance and American College of Sports Medicine Consensus Paper on Extreme Conditioning Programs in Military Personnel
Review Symposium: Risk for prevention
Announcing a Decade of Action for Global Road Safety
The Political Paranoid in Contemporary Politics
Challenges for health promotion research and action across the globe
Comment: To collude or not to collude with crimes against humanity - the question of Adam Czerniakow's suicide
Depression: a diagnosis aptly used?
Dan olweus: award for distinguished contributions to the international advancement of psychology
Editorial: Preventing suicide by using consumer peer specialists
Early childhood development -- global action is overdue
Editorial code of conduct
Ending medical complicity in state-sponsored torture
Epileptologists struggle to make their voices heard
The rights of people with mental disorders: WPA perspective
Scale up of services for mental health in low-income and middle-income countries
Clinical research and prevention: Fundamental elements of sustainable health care systems based on patients' needs
The Bhopal gas disaster: Focus on community health and environmental effects
The decline of violence
General Comment no. 13 to the Convention on the Rights of the Child: The right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence
Healthy people 1980-2020: raising the ante decennially or just the name from public health education to health promotion to social determinants?
Healthy people: a 2020 vision for the social determinants approach
Ride your bike: Healthy policy for Australians (Editorial)
Critical questions we should ask in a changing Australian preventative health landscape: Competing interests, intervention limits and permissible health identities
Framing prevention: response to Fry, Gleeson and Rissel
A parliamentary spotlight on prevention
Understanding gender equity in the context of men's health policy development
Conrad and Becker's "10 Criteria" Fall Short of Addressing Conflicts of Interest in Chemical Safety Studies
Injury Free Coalition Annual Supplement: Editor's Foreword
Obstetricians and violence against women
Preparing to get the most from the biennial world injury conferences: Safety 2012 World Conference in Wellington, New Zealand
Evolutionary psychology. Controversies, questions, prospects, and limitations
False-positive psychology: undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant
Consensus statement on decision making in junctional trauma care
Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020
From the editor: Preventing injuries among construction workers
A multidisciplinary course on injury prevention and control for medical students
Strengthening injury surveillance system in Iran
Vision Zero - a road safety policy innovation
My life with hurricanes
The new emphasis on implementing evidence-based interventions: the end of research or a new beginning for partnerships?
When Disaster Strikes, Humanity Becomes our Patient
Ethical Issues in Using Deception to Facilitate Rehabilitation for a Patient With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Guest Editorial: Wildfires, Fire Science and Fire Safety Engineering
Current task of injury control in China
The assault on universalism: how to destroy the welfare state
Disease mongering in psychiatry: fact or fiction?
Editorial: Introducing the 2012 Volume of Epidemiologic Reviews on Injury and Violence
Editorial: Scientific Rigor as the Guiding Heuristic for SLTB's Editorial Stance
Gharasouran, pioneers of road police in Iran
Why the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia is not a credible partner for the Australian government in making alcohol policy
Elements of psychotherapy in Navaho religion
Epidemiologic approaches to injury and violence
Kool-aid and the Jonestown tragedy
The political economy of health promotion: part 1, national commitments to provision of the prerequisites of health
The political economy of health promotion: part 2, national provision of the prerequisites of health
A piece of my mind. The road warriors
Preventing suicide among returning combat veterans: a moral imperative
Rubbing out violence: critical to U.S. health
Safety cameras: more, not fewer, saves lives
Self-injury rates indicate Canadian mental health services are inadequate
U.S. Congress. Research projects could be roadkill in revision of massive highway bill
UN body condemns Syria for use of lethal violence against protestors and for denial of access to medical treatment
UK drinking guidelines are better for the alcohol industry than the public
Rumpelstiltskin suicide
Toward Zero-Traffic-Accident Society
Application of a public health framework to examine the characteristics of coroners' recommendations for injury prevention
Big Biking Payoff: Alternative Transportation Could Net Midwest over $8 Billion
The burden of injuries at the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital in Thimphu, Bhutan
Canada and the world: a comparative approach to injury prevention
Death with "dignity"
Global Alliance for Care of the Injured
Lessons from the past
Neonates--a neglected paediatric age group
Injury prevention activities in Pennsylvania trauma centers
Violent crime, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury
Drinking guidelines are essential in combating alcohol-related harm: Comments on the new Australian and Canadian guidelines
Drug policy and the public good: evidence for effective interventions
Position Statement: Swimming and Water Safety Education
Military metaphors and friendly fire
Profile: Kit Parker. Engineering a new line of attack on a signature war injury
From integrative bioethics to pseudoscience
Theme: Suicide and suicidal behaviours
To Be Looked at as Though Air: Civil Attention Matters
Committee opinion no. 518: Intimate partner violence
Hand injury prevention in India: Are we doing enough?
The impact of compulsory cycle helmet legislation on cyclist head injuries in New South Wales, Australia: A rejoinder
Murders unlikely to slow Iran's nuclear efforts
Unintentional falls mortality among elderly in the United States: Time for action
"Social justice needs to be everywhere": imagining the future of anti-oppression education in teacher preparation
A consideration of severity is sufficient to focus our prevention efforts
Eminence-based medicine versus evidence-based medicine: level v evidence in sports medicine
An invisible epidemic: Preventing unintentional injuries among children and youth - A priority for national Public Health Associations
Invited Commentary on Quality of Care Indicators for the Rehabilitation of Children With Traumatic Brain Injury, and Quality of Care Indicators for the Structure and Organization of Inpatient Rehabilitation Care of Children With Traumatic Brain Injury
Study finding psych follow-up faults stirs debate
Writing may be on the wall for violent and aggressive patients
To be or not to be exact
Barriers to service provision. Introduction
Box of rocks
Moral fiction or moral fact? The distinction between doing and allowing in medical ethics
Pain is my blanket
Preventable trauma deaths
The role of accident theory in injury prevention - time for the pendulum to swing back
Zero injuries is not your goal
Child abuse and neglect Asia pacific conference and the Delhi Declaration
Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: can you even imagine teaching medical students how to end their patients' lives?
The road to a World Health Organization global strategy for reducing the harmful use of alcohol
US guidelines for domestic violence screening spark debate
Addressing the public safety dangers associated with impaired or distracted driving
An american hibakusha in fukushima
Government must listen to scientists as their ability to predict disasters improves
Hippocratic Oath: professional or ethic code?
The need for reform of human subjects protections in military health research
Antidepressant-suicide link in children questioned
Coleman, Coyle, Shuping, and Rue make false statements and draw erroneous conclusions in analyses of abortion and mental health using the National Comorbidity Survey
Preventing suicide is a national imperative
Qualitative Research: The Importance of Conducting Research That Doesn't "Count"
The role of epidemiology in improving the evidence base in injury prevention and trauma care
Safety data collection and user behaviour
Suicide prevention for veterans and active duty personnel
Unprecedented Opportunities in Fall Prevention for Occupational Therapy Practitioners
What can optometrists do to prevent eye injuries?
Eschewing accidents
Commentary on "conceptions of modern psychiatry": from attachment to intersubjectivity
Lessons of a triple disaster
The Progressive Past of Residential Treatment of Emotionally Disturbed Children
Road safety in 10 countries: a global opportunity
Commentary: Impaired Driving: What is Your Responsibility as an Emergency Physician?
The health-promotion perspective in public-health plans in a Swedish region over three decades
Abstract thinking - saving lives: can we predict and prevent adolescent suicide?
Lessons from Dr. Strangelove
Alcohol use and suicidal behaviors among adults: a synthesis and theoretical model
What Is on the Horizon: The Physiatrist's Role in Injury Prevention
Commentary on "intimate partner violence education for medical students: toward a comprehensive curriculum revision"
Don't let torture victims fall through the cracks
A hazardous life - our role in injury prevention
I'm tired of stress, I prefer fatigue
Introduction: Elder Abuse in Canada—Reports From a National Roundtable Discussion
Measuring driver impairments: sleepiness, distraction, and workload
Cultural ergonomics in Ghana, West Africa: a descriptive survey of industry and trade workers' interpretations of safety symbols
National athletic trainers' association position statement: preventing sudden death in sports
Developing the 2012 national action plan for protecting children in agriculture
The future structure of childhood agricultural injury prevention: first the blueprint
Integrating the disaster cycle model into traditional disaster diplomacy concepts
Football brain injuries draw increased scrutiny
Definitions and methods of measuring and reporting on injurious falls in randomised controlled fall prevention trials: a systematic review
Women who have experienced intimate partner violence. Editor's introduction
Be prepared now for when disaster strikes: how can psychiatric nurses help?
Addressing the Implementation Gap in Global Road Safety: Exploring Features of an Effective Response and Introducing a 10-Country Program
Swimming Upstream
Preventing unintentional injuries: what does NICE guidance mean for primary care?
Erratum to: Response trajectories reveal conflict phase in image-word mismatch
Physician obligation to provide care during disasters: should physicians have been required to go to Fukushima?
Targeting 'high-risk' individuals
Adolescence: a foundation for future health
Adolescence and the social determinants of health
Bioethics in catastrophe situations such as earthquakes
Older people who self harm need long term follow-up to reduce suicide risk
Different injury settings require different cost severity thresholds
Drones--ethical considerations and medical implications
The publication of population genetic data in the International Journal of Legal Medicine: guidelines
The ethical landscape of professional care in everyday practice as perceived by staff-A qualitative content analysis of ethical diaries written by staff in child and adolescent psychiatric in-patient care
Sport is good, war is bad: discuss
Protecting youth rights and interests is more important than preventing youth crime
Viewpoint: were the riots political?
The inseparable link between violence and psychiatry
'Murder by Milligrams': Enhancement Technologies and Therapeutic Zeal in Timothy Findley's Headhunter"
Accident prevention: a state health department's responsibility
The use and the abuse of the bicycle
Agree to disagree
Childhood injury prevention revisited
The contribution of informal logic to public health
Drunk driving across the globe: let's learn from one another
The reality of war: wounded and fallen Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan
Perspective: A Culture of Respect, Part 1: The Nature and Causes of Disrespectful Behavior by Physicians
Prevention of death and disability from injuries to children and adolescents
Sexual assault nurse examiners' perceptions of funding challenges faced by SANE programs: "It stinks"
Commentary: driver electronic device use-put down that cell telephone!
A call for change from impersonal risk assessment to a relational approach: professionals' reflections on the national guidelines for suicide prevention in mental health care in Norway
Road map and challenges for universal coverage for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in India
Safety is an inherently inconsistent concept
Please Mr. Brög, give us your data! Reply to the comment of Wall, Brög, Erl, Ryle, & Barta on our paper "The effectiveness of soft transport policy measures: a critical assessment and meta-analysis of empirical evidence"
Acute sexual assault: a review (Comment)
Pereira's attack on legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: smoke and mirrors
Lessons for the "devilish statistical obfuscator," or how to argue for a null hypothesis: A guide for students, attorneys, and other professionals
Sport, sex segregation, and sex testing: critical reflections on this unjust marriage
Injury Prevention and Care : An Important Public Health Agenda for Health, Survival and Safety of Children
Two years into the road safety in 10 countries project: how are countries doing?
The "rules of the road": ethics, firearms, and the physician's "lane"
Evidence to Practice Commentary: The Evidence Alert Traffic Light Grading System
Looking for Lessons in the Child Agricultural Labor Law Dust-up
Electroshock: the gentleman's way to batter women
Child abuse reporting: rethinking child protection
Is futile care in the injured elderly an important target for cost savings?
It all started in Falköping, Sweden: Safe Communities - global thinking and local action for safety
The neglect of child neglect: a meta-analytic review of the prevalence of neglect
The research group, the conference programme and academic training in safety promotion - a report of the activities at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
The foundations of wilderness medicine: some historical features
A possible massacre at Early Bronze Age Titriş Höyük, Anatolia
Commentary: preventable injury and a trauma system near you
Research alone is not sufficient to prevent sports injury
Strategies for the return of behavioral surgery
Traumatic injury in Australia and New Zealand
Violence against women in South Africa: Policy position and recommendations
Don't shoot: one man, a street fellowship, and the end of violence in inner-city America
Clinical ethic dilemmas and difficulties in reporting child abuse
Exhumation - Nuisance to the dead, justified?
Need for mental health services and service use among high school students in China
On how to increase safety innovations
On preventing all injuries
Battling big booze and big bet: why we should not accept direct funding from the alcohol or gambling industries
Blaming the messenger for the bad news about partner violence by women: the methodological, theoretical, and value basis of the purported invalidity of the Conflict Tactics Scales
Non-communicable diseases: Harnessing the current opportunities
Listening to those called terrorists; the case for a public forum within the United Nations
Bahrain continues aggressive action against its health care system
Safe Communities in China as a strategy for injury prevention and safety promotion programmes in the era of rapid economic growth
Telecare, surveillance, and the welfare state
The myth of objectivity: a reply to Weitzer
Priorities for research in child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and resilience to violence exposures: results of an international Delphi consensus development process
Editorial: Traumatic brain injury in KIDs
More sports injuries, please!
Role of medical education in preventing and control of noncommunicable diseases in India?
Extremity war injuries: current management and research priorities
Reprioritization of research for combat casualty care
What's in a cost? Comparing economic and public health measures of alcohol's social costs
Are we underestimating the burden of TBI: surveillance of severe TBI using CDC ICD-9-CM traumatic brain injury codes
Festschrift in honour a safe community - a tribute to Leif Svanström
The problem of orthodoxy in safety research: time for a reformation
Professional autobiography of Professor Leif Svanström - with a focus on injury prevention and safety promotion
Sport-related concussion: a call for evidence and perspective amidst the alarms
Violence against EMS providers: what can we do about it? Working toward a policy of zero tolerance for assaults
Citation classics in Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior: A research note
Cut-laceration injuries and related career groups in New Jersey career, vocational, and technical education courses and programs (Comment)
Border violence complicates animal health surveillance: port-of-entry facilities moved for safety reasons
Author's Response to Comments on: Functioning and effectiveness of electronic control devices
Republicans call for changes in US healthcare and gun laws
Global suicide mortality rates - a light at the end of the tunnel?
Why not use the word accident
Microwave weapons: Wasted energy
Secret weapons
Domestic violence service in Mumbai wins international award
Murder and euthanasia accusations against physicians
RE: Article by DePalma et al. in a Recent Issue (Pain Med 2011;12:1622-27) "Structural Etiology of Chronic Low Back Pain Due to Motor Vehicle Collision."
WOS2010, on the road to vision zero?
Care of the injured worldwide: trauma still the neglected disease of modern society
Child mortality falls, but 19 000 under 5s still die every day
Burn care facilities are lacking at major trauma centres in England
Introduction to this Issue: Violent and Aggressive Behaviors in Women - Part II
Reflections on speed control from a public health perspective
Status of psychotic disorders in ICD-11
The rise and fall of bioterrorism research
The right to practice medicine without repercussions: ethical issues in times of political strife
Knowing our options for setting the record straight, when doing so is particularly important
Commentary: Death on our nation's roadways: not just for cars
Are those who die in road accidents any less dead?
Claims about women's use of non-fatal force in intimate relationships: a contextual review of Canadian research
Ergonomics and sustainability: towards an embrace of complexity and emergence
False alarms and pseudo-epidemics: the limitations of observational epidemiology
The impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse: reply to the commentaries
Neurology and Don Quixote
Qualitative research of contexts of occupational physician's advice
Can we reduce workplace fatalities by half?
Integrating health promotion in the national agenda: the perspective of a grassroots advocate
Multidisciplinary efforts toward sustained road safety benefits: Integrating place-based and people-based safety analyses
Poor sleep challenging the health of a Nation
Prescription drugs, drugged driving and per se laws
Preventing injury
Public health interventions in the emergency department: one resident's perspective
Beaten into action: A perspective on blood sports
Humanitarian responses and their ethical implications
Research will give insight into child abuse fatalities and lead to greater child protection
Saving lives: toothbrushes trump seat belts
Steps for strengthening the health education profession
Three common beliefs that are impediments to injury prevention
Women most at risk of violence from their male partner
Commentary: Self-harm in adolescents: the best predictor of death by suicide? Reflections on Hawton et al. (2012)
Moderate risk of bleeding shouldn't rule out sports in children with haemophilia
Urban Transport and Sustainability: The Key Challenges
Nothing but the truth. Are the media as bad at communicating science as scientists fear?
Intimate partner violence: An evil we must eradicate
Latin America looks to violence prevention for answers
No! The number of suicides in France is not decreasing
Bicycle helmet law in urban areas. Is it good for public health?
Men and women are from earth: examining the latent structure of gender
Rising self-inflicted injuries in the United States: a call for a comprehensive prevention plan and insurance coverage
Senior suicide: An overlooked problem
Violence: clarified
Violence: finding peace
Older people admitted to emergency department after a fall: what to do?
Relative importance of modularity and other morphological attributes on different types of lithic point weapons: assessing functional variations
Public health laws and ethics
Public health law and ethics
Can the feeling of being safe be dangerous?
Child injury prevention and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Closing the gap: progressing from injury prevention research to safety promotion practice
Let's talk about safety--can injury prevention do more harm than good?
One voice--Safer Canada: merging Canada's four largest injury prevention organisations
Solving the safety paradox--when making things less safe makes them more safe
"Why sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast": translating clinical experience into injury prevention outcomes
In honor of Margo Wilson: working across disciplines to increase the understanding of violence against women
Safe mom, safe baby: a collaborative model of care for pregnant women experiencing intimate partner violence
Sport-related concussion: time to take notice
Awareness campaign combats the growing problem of violence
Is football too dangerous and violent for universities to sponsor?
Guns, truth, medicine, and the constitution
CDC Foundation
From modest beginnings to a winnable battle: Road safety efforts at CDC's Injury Center
The future of injury and violence prevention: Where are we going?
History of injury and violence as public health problems and emergence of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at CDC
Injury and violence prevention policy: Celebrating our successes, protecting our future
The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control on its 20th Anniversary: A safe future and the importance of 20
National football league
NCIPC's contribution to global injury and violence prevention: Past, present, and future
The next 20years - challenges and opportunities for injury and violence prevention
Reflections on NCIPC's 20 years of injury control…….then……now……imagine
Researchers call for reform of US gun control policies
Top 20 violence and injury practice innovations since 1992
Twenty years of scientific progress in injury and violence research and the next public health frontier
Safe Kids Worldwide: preventing unintentional childhood injuries across the globe
'Getting things done': an everyday-life perspective towards bridging the gap between intentions and practices in health-related behavior
Accelerating suicide rate linked to economic downturn in the US
Study raises concerns about "heading" in soccer, but jury is still out on risks
Ethical implications of diversity in disaster research
Announcements: World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims -- November 18, 2012
Medical memorials in Antarctica: a gazetteer of medical place-names
Prisons: the psychiatric institution of last resort?
Raising price of alcohol in one Canadian province led to fall in drinking, finds study
The urgent need for ethical guidelines to protect children in the dissemination of research findings
Violence and accidents, a challenge for the Unified Health System
Evidence-based drug policy: It starts with good evidence and ends with policy reform
Compulsory cycle helmets
Public health and gun control --- a review (Part II): gun violence and constitutional issues
Public health and gun control --- a review (Part I): The benefits of firearms
Challenges for injury prevention in low and middle income countries
If it's about youth, involve youth: creating opportunities for youth engagement in injury prevention
Inadequacy of facial injury surveillance in Sri Lanka: a qualitative study of barriers in the routine health information system
Injury epidemiology and New Zealand military forces in World War One
Lesson learnt in injury control: after 30 years what would I do differently?
Life Quilt South Australia--stitching the stories of life
Medical community role in global arms trade policy discussions
Preventing child maltreatment: is there a need for a European policy?
Product safety--so who is responsible?
Progress on child safety action in Europe: the results of the 2012 child safety country profiles
A public health model for injury surveillance and control: perspective from the field
Using crowd-sourcing to drive innovation in injury prevention--results of a pilot programme
Intimate-partner violence--what physicians can do
Sexual violence in Congo-Kinshasa: necessity of decriminalizing abortion
An ecosysthemic vision of homicide
Commentary: a homicide-suicide assessment model
Commentary: homicide-suicide in the Caribbean
Off-label marketing and the First Amendment
Warnings cut road trauma, but at a cost
America, guns and freedom: Part II - An international perspective
America, guns, and freedom. Part I: A recapitulation of liberty
Building a global health ethic without doing further violence
Safe transportation of children: what is our responsability as pediatricians?
Transportation alternatives of the elderly after driving cessation
Preventing accidents by forming multidisciplinary partnerships
Ethical, legal and policy issues in management of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Angry birds
Editorial: It can be considered an epidemic while driving . . . and, let's add a work zone
Introduction to the special issue on sexual offender cognition
Bullying is a systems problem
American medical society for sports medicine position statement: concussion in sport
Mental health promotion: opportunities for school nursing research
Scientific reasoning and methods in urban planning
Children's Rights and Community Well-Being
Commentary to 'The postmodern assault on science' by Marcel Kuntz
Common sense gun policy reforms for the United States
Conducting intervention research among underserved populations: lessons learned and recommendations for researchers
Silencing the science on gun research
Side ways
Toward a world where children do not drown
Football is the most popular sport worldwide
Ethical and legal challenges in disaster medicine: are you ready?
Boxing participation by children and adolescents: A joint statement with the American Academy of Pediatrics
Exception from informed consent for emergency research: Consulting the trauma community
A new year's resolution for physicians: time to focus on the public health threat of gun violence
Preventing gun deaths in children
Proposed system to detect child abuse could deter parents from seeking treatment, pressure group says
Social withdrawal and violence - Newtown, Connecticut
The traumatologist and the battlefield: The book that changed the history of traumatology
Vulnerability to disasters: are we moving ahead?
Death and survival during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda
Need for comparative studies on injuries caused by traffic
A strategic approach for prioritizing research and action to prevent suicide
Knowledge, prevention strategies, and intervention tactics: traumas and motor vehicle accidents
Accidents have no cure! Road death as industrial catastrophe in eastern Africa
Emasculating agency: an unambiguous assessment of Albert Luthuli's stance on violence
The ANC, MK, and 'The Turn to Violence' (1960-1962)
The deaths of King Ludwig II of Bavaria and of his psychiatrist, Professor von Gudden: Warnings from the nineteenth century
Female sexual homicide offenders: an examination of an underresearched offender population
Business under fire: entrepreneurship and violent conflict in developing countries
Curbing gun violence: lessons from public health successes
Legitimate rape and other hazards of our time
Pediatric injury prevention: are we there yet?
December 2012 Connecticut school shooting position statement
Planetary disasters: It could happen one night
Temporal horizons
From research to global policy and action
Monitoring the past and the future of a passenger car auto brake system
50 years ago in the journal of pediatrics: juvenile delinquency, 1961
At last, some research on choking
Ethical and legal implications of the determination of blood alcohol content in the emergency department
Are "Facebook murders" a growing trend?
Opioid prescriptions for chronic nonmalignant pain: driving on a dangerous road
We need aggregated data on bullying in the NHS
Why do we overlook child abuse?
Call to action through tragedy. Connecticut shooting prompts demands for gun control
Traffic safety and thirty years of biomechanics research: A personal adventure
Firearm injuries as a public health issue
Making the case for primary care and mandated suicide prevention education
Medical care of urban gun violence injured a challenge for health personnel
Mortality from homicide among young black men: a new American tragedy
Response to 'Toilet seat injury of the achilles tendon'
Research into the prevention and treatment of burns due to specific causes should be highly strengthened
An editorial response to the Mangalore air disaster
Mental health promotion and the prevention of mental disorders in South Africa
Road traffic accidents: more than just whiplash?
After Newtown - public opinion on gun policy and mental illness
Concussions in high school sports: are they worth the risk? Should school football be banned?
Public health. Gun control agenda is a call to duty for scientists
Talking orders--opening dialogue about gun control
Addressing the dual relationship problem in forensic and correctional practice
Measuring the threat of global crime: insights from research by the League of Nations into the traffic in women
Technology and violence: Conceptual issues raised by the rapidly changing social environment
Child injury prevention: an overlooked challenge for child survival
Editorial: violence against women across the globe
Injuries in low- and middle-income countries: a neglected disease in global public health
Suicide in the UK: questioning ourselves
How big does the effect of an intervention have to be? Application of two novel methods to determine the smallest worthwhile effect of a fall prevention programme: a study protocol
Retraction of "Terror management and stereotyping: why do people stereotype when mortality is salient?," "Distinctiveness is key: how different types of self-other similarity moderate social comparison effects," and "When we wonder what it all means: inte
The physician's unique role in preventing violence: a neglected opportunity?
A physician's ethical responsibility to prepare for and respond to disasters and other catastrophic events
Preventing violent conflict: A revised mandate for the public health professional?
Examining the term 'surveillance' as a potential barrier between public health and community partners
Mental illness and new gun law reforms: the promise and peril of crisis-driven policy
Achilles' death: Anatomical considerations regarding the most famous trauma of the Trojan War
"I feel it is not enough..." Health providers' perspectives on services for victims of intimate partner violence in Malaysia
On preventing all injuries: a response to Pless
Where do you think domestic abuse hurts most?
The social cognitive neuroscience of aggression, violence, and psychopathy
Between reason and coercion: ethically permissible influence in health care and health policy contexts
Problem of violence against women with HIV is unacknowledged, say researchers
The heroism of women and men
Electric bikes and transportation policy
The distinction between completing a suicide and assisting one: why treating a suicide attempt does not require closing the "window of opportunity"
Response to open peer commentaries on "withdrawal of nonfutile life support after attempted suicide"
Withdrawal of nonfutile life support after attempted suicide
Guns and fear: a one-way street?
Search for ways to reduce gun violence spurred by toll of recent shootings
Lies, damned lies, and genocide
Editorial: Killing our own children
United States critical illness and injury trials group
Acquired brain injury needs to be acknowledged at the national mental health policy level
Burned children pay a costly price for carelessness and wrong behaviours
Responding to the crisis of firearm violence in the United States : Comment on "Firearm legislation and firearm-related fatalities in the United States"
TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Consensus Statement On Concussion In Sport - The 4th International Conference On Concussion In Sport Held In Zurich, November 2012
Gun-related deaths: how Australia stepped off "the American path"
The Lance Armstrong saga: a wake-up call for drug reform in sports
Book review: Point Blank - Guns and Violence in America - Kleck, G
Using speculation to meet evidence: reply to Alba and Messner (abbreviated version)
Editorial: Five years of scholarship on violence, bullying and aggression towards nurses in the workplace: what have we learned?
First-time parents are not well enough prepared for the safety of their infant
Urgent need for proactive leadership in local suicide prevention plans
A call to action: firearms, public health, and emergency medicine
The challenges of injuries and trauma in Pakistan: An opportunity for concerted action
Forging an agenda for suicide prevention in the United States
More action needed to protect vulnerable road users
What the journal of school nursing authors have said about violence in schools
Commentary on: Gun control, gun rights, and the role of nurses and the profession
Updating outdated predictive accident models
WHO launches second global status report on road safety
Hit parade: the future of the sports concussion crisis
The banning of sportsmen and women who fail drug tests is unjustifiable
John Snow: Impulsive, insensitive and illegal?
Trends in serious fall-related injury: Where we are and where to from here?
Capsule commentary on Ganzani et al., trust is the basis for effective suicide risk screening and assessment in veterans
Margo Wilson's contributions to the Chicago Homicide Dataset sexual rivalry and sexual jealousy
Postconcussion syndrome after mild traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents requires further detailed study
Asymptomatic women of childbearing age should be screened for signs of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Editorial Commentary: Resilience in child development - interconnected pathways to wellbeing
A heads-up on what's new in sports-related concussion assessment and management
Neuroscience. NFL kicks off brain injury research effort
Preface to the special section on human factors and automation in vehicles: designing highly automated vehicles with the driver in mind
Implementing a public health approach to gun violence prevention: the importance of physician engagement
Dating violence must be addressed in the public health forum
Should a doctor stop rendering medical services? Principles of conduct towards patients attempting to commit suicide. Part 1 - The Polish perspective
Statement on firearm injuries
Gun violence is a health crisis: physicians' responsibilities
Is your organization bullying-proof?
Science, telegraphs, and geography: military engineers in the Rondon Commission, 1907-1915
Do librarians have a shared set of values? A comparative study of 36 codes of ethics based on Gorman's Enduring Values
PURLs: Time to routinely screen for intimate partner violence?
Editor's introduction: intimate partner violence
The Stellenbosch consensus statement on health promoting schools
Ending the silence on gun violence
A forensic pathologist's perspective of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) course
Legal commentary: Prosecuting trafficked children
Special issue on elderly homicide: an introduction
USA reviews motorcycle safety laws as crash deaths increase
Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: The 4(th) International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Zurich, November 2012
John Snow's legacy: epidemiology without borders
AMA gun safety/gun control policy
US government targets gun research
Intimate partner violence: the end of routine screening
Social crime prevention by mobile youth work in Europe: a holistic community-based approach to include children and youth at risk and their families
Carrying guns in public: legal and public health implications
Sexual violence: what does it take for the world to care about women?
Suicide: Higher than the road toll yet hidden in the shadows
Preventing gun violence by changing social norms
In defence of academic freedom: bioethics journals under siege
Infanticide and madness
Infanticide, moral status and moral reasons: the importance of context
The moral significance of being born
Scientism. On the history of a difficult concept
Quad bikes: tobacco on four wheels (Editorial)
Disasters, catastrophes, and worse : a scalar taxonomy
Discussing infanticide
Response to: Is the pro-choice position for infanticide 'madness'?
Canadian academy of sport and exercise medicine position statement: Mandatory use of bicycle helmets
Wishful thinking will not do it! Practitioners and decision-makers need tools to implement evidence-informed public health
The challenge of autonomous lethal robotics to international humanitarian law
Is the normal accidents perspective falsifiable?
Lonnie Athens revisited: The social construction of violence
Youth suicide as a "wild" problem: implications for prevention practice
Gaia, suicide and suicide prevention
An essay on loss of self versus escape from self in suicide: illustrative cases from diaries left by those who died by suicide
Forgotten founder: Harry Marsh Warren and the history and legacy of the Save-A-Life League
Translating terror. The (mis)application of US federal prison rules in the Yousry case
Translating science: contexts and contests - on the translation of a misogynist scientific treatise in early twentieth-century Spain
The action program for highway safety
Ethical considerations for a better collaboration between architects and structural engineers: design of buildings with reinforced concrete frame systems in earthquake zones
With our voices and our votes: advocating gun control
Canadian values and military operations in the twenty-first century
Preventing depression: a global priority
A. James (Jim) McKnight, Ph.D. 1930─2012
Firearm legislation and reductions in mortality
A Nobel Sport: The racial football rhetoric of Mandela, Obama, and Martin Luther King Jr
Some reflections on the character and career of A. James (Jim) McKnight, Ph.D
A truly national National Violent Death Reporting System
Earthquake tests China's emergency system
Distracted driving - It is time for public health to step in
Keeping an eye on distracted driving
Institute of Medicine outlines research plan on US gun violence (Comment)
Tear gas is a chemical weapon, and Turkey should not use it to torture civilians
Commentary on "Analyzing the socio-economic cost of burn care"
Doing, redoing, and undoing gender: variation in gender identities of women working as police officers
Circumcision of male infants as a human rights violation
A concise argument: on the wrongness of killing
Embryonic viability, parental care and the pro-life thesis: a defence of Bovens
The harms of prostitution: critiquing Moen's argument of no-harm
Modern medicine is neglecting road traffic crashes
Helmets or not? Use science correctly
A quantitative philology of introspection
Response to the Barth Commentary (2012)
The life course: challenges and opportunities for public health research
The Italian reaction to the Giubilini and Minerva paper
Yes, the baby should live: a pro-choice response to Giubilini and Minerva
Patient education is key in sports medicine
Is it time to advocate for a vulnerable road user protection law in New Zealand?
Pay attention [to the road] or pay the price
Rugby Union: Much potential for injury prevention but substantial resources are required now
Rounding the next curve on the road toward reducing teen drivers' crash risk
Violence against women: ending the global scourge
Anniversary of the medical department of the Federal Directorate for Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons
An interview with Bernie Auchter
IOM details an ambitious agenda for US gun violence research
IOM Identifies Research Priorities on Firearm-Related Violence
Mental illness and gun control
Fostering resilience among urban youth exposed to violence: a promising area for interdisciplinary research and practice
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a worldwide problem that violates fundamental human rights and threatens the well-being of women and girls. Introduction
Pre-travel consultation without injury prevention is incomplete
Reducing firearm violence
Risk of suicide is insufficient warrant for coercive treatment for mental illness
To act out, to withdraw, or to constructively resist? Employee reactions to supervisor abuse of customers and the moderating role of employee moral identity
Understanding suicide: a sociological autopsy (Extended book review)
The clinician's dilemma: Two dimensions of ethical care
Getting the facts straight about gun violence and mental illness: putting compassion before fear
Help wanted: Studies of firearms injuries affecting children
No easy answers: emergency physicians engage in gun control debate
Patterns of new drug emergence: a comment in light of 'krokodil'
Study: ED providers could be doing more to prevent injuries, deaths related to improperly restrained child passengers
Stop trying to create a safety culture
Surveying the moral landscape moral motives and group-based moralities
Is there an association between physical punishment in childhood and physical health in adulthood?
Doubts about the BMA's policy on bicycle helmets
Anthropology. Latest skirmish over ancestral violence strikes blow for peace
Medical Society of Delaware Policy Statement on Gun Control
Alcohol consumption in late adolescence and early adulthood - where is the problem?
Shooting the messenger: authors' response
Gun violence: a public health problem
Guns and suicide
Police in an intensive care unit: what can happen?
"Politicians and NHS leaders are in denial about bullying"
Can a lot more people live to one hundred and what if they did?
College binge drinking: What is it? Who does it?
Bike helmets: a reply to replies
End freeze on gun violence research
Fighting on the side of life: a special issue on suicide in bipolar disorder (Editorial)
Five myths of terrorism. Why terror doesn't work
Firearm injuries and death: The cost of shooting in the dark (Editorial)
Introduction: Evidence-based action in humanitarian crises
States take a public health approach to curb gun violence. Interview by Bridget M. Kuehn
Recovery after violence and human rights abuses (Editorial)
Suicide, mental disorders, and the U.S. military: Time to focus on mental health service delivery (Editorial)
White coated healer or black coated executioner: Health professionals and capital punishment
A bad combination? Linking gun control, mental health bills questioned
The controversy of conventional psychiatric diagnostics
Staff efforts to reduce their alcohol intake fall flat
Delightful contradictions!
The humanity of it all: Exposing love, life, work and stupidity
Are we doing enough to prevent the perfect storm?: Novice drivers, ADHD, and distracted driving
"Double Crap!" Abuse and Harmed Identity in Fifty Shades of Grey
FDA approves reformulated OxyContin to discourage abuse, cut overdoses
Increase in pediatric magnet-related foreign bodies requiring emergency care
Some comments on the paper 'after-birth abortion: why should the baby live?'
Visual persuasion and politics: Ideology and symbols of the totalitarian regimes -- Case study: hammer and sickle
Weapons of mass destruction
'We're not doing enough'. Advocates want more from gun control plan
Why aren't we listening yet? A Decade of Road Safety begins quietly
Carthage or Jerusalem? Princely violence and the spatial transformation of the medieval into the early modern city
Measuring the public library's societal value: A methodological research program
The 'when' of memory: Contemporary memorials to distant and violent pasts
Andrew wyeth and N.C. Wyeth: A psychodynamic perspective on father and son
Editorial: Subconcussion in traumatic brain injury
'Jack-knife' scrum victim: 8 years on, no payout
Just post it: The lesson from two cases of fabricated data detected by statistics alone
Advocacy: translating injury research into policy
Water shortages and extreme events: A call for research
Addressing substance use in primary care
Charity pulls out of Somalia after 22 years because of violence and abuse
Gun violence and the role of health care: a confusing state of affairs
Glaucoma-related vision loss may increase risk for auto accidents: Study results show need for mandatory visual field testing for drivers
Law enforcement and the long gun: do we need a new face in the fight?
How clothes make the woman immoral: Impressions given off by sexualized clothing
Guns, ethics and public safety
Report shows school nurses are key in spotting signs of child abuse
Punitive military action in Syria will just prolong the suffering
The wonder of data
Understanding gender-based violence perpetration to create a safer future for women and girls
Cairo mourns the dead after violent crackdown
Child injury control: Trends, themes, and controversies
Editorial decisions may perpetuate belief in invalid research findings
Gun deaths, the invisible epidemic, by the numbers
Mental health and substance misuse influence military suicide rate more than combat
Concussion in sports medicine ethics: policy, epistemic and ethical problems
A public health approach to gun violence
A public health approach to gun violence
A public health approach to gun violence
Social science: the mathematics of murder
Sports medicine and ethics
"Hardly worth the effort"? Medical journals' policies and their editors' and publishers' views on trial registration and publication bias: quantitative and qualitative study
Lest we forget: Why the use of chemical weapons must not go unchallenged
Concerns and challenges for social sciences in Kashmir
The hazards of playing it safe: Perspectives on how the Society of Toxicology should contribute to discussions on timely issues of human and environmental safety
Readiness and DADT repeal: Has the new policy of open service undermined the military?
Social movements, competing rationalities and trigger events: The complexity of Chinese popular mobilizations
Theory is dead, long live theory: The end of the Great Debates and the rise of eclecticism in International Relations
U.S. cities providing new lanes as cycling commutes increase: Green lanes in six cities target safety
The challenge of gun control for mental health advocates
Children and guns: a call to disarm
Domestic abuse as a transgressive practice: Understanding nurses' responses through the lens of abjection
Editorial: Another step towards a neurobiology of suicide
Gangs, violence, and psychiatry
Pathway to reduce premature death after self-harm
Why aren't we doing more to safeguard vulnerable adults from thermal injuries?
The alphabet of sport science research starts with Q
A call to actions wisely chosen
Civilian gunshot injuries: Editorial comment
Debate: Gun control in the United States
'Do as we say, not as we do': A cross-sectional survey of injuries in injury prevention professionals
Understanding suicide: Why we don't and how we might
Childhood injury deaths [in the United States]: National analysis and geographic variations
Failing to professionalise, struggling to specialise: The rise and fall of health promotion as a putative specialism in England, 1980-2000
The Fall and Rise of Pharmacology: (re-) defining the discipline?
Remembering as we look ahead: The three E's and firearm injuries
A plea for Croatian trauma system
Severity of injury can be assessed on a number of dimensions
Who was Dr. Guillotin and why he should be remembered
Firearm injuries and children: A policy statement of the American Pediatric Surgical Association
For whom the bell tolls: Silver alerts raise concerns regarding individual rights and governmental interests
How can Saudi Arabia use the Decade of Action for Road Safety to catalyse road traffic injury prevention policy and interventions?
I study what i stink at: Lessons learned from a career in psychology
Rape in South Africa - call to action
The test of time: Karl Popper
Toward a research agenda on gendered violence in sub-Saharan Africa
Alcohol-related road traffic injury and Global Burden of Disease 2010 - Authors' reply
Behavioral Medicine in the 21st Century: Transforming "the Road Less Traveled" into the "American Way of Life"
Child maltreatment in Europe: taking a public health approach
Code black: A natural disaster
Commentary on Canadian child maltreatment data
Ending the silence on gun violence … or silencing the debate?
Gender-Based Violence: A Crucial Challenge for Public Health
Multiple injuries in a 3-year-old Nigerian girl: An extreme form of physical abuse
New WHO guidelines on intimate-partner violence
Behavioral health data in the electronic health record: Privacy concerns slow sharing
Domestic violence: a humanist or feminist issue?
Social intelligence - empathy = aggression?
What can we do? Social workers in Trinidad discuss intimate partner violence against women
Child and youth injury prevention: A public health approach
A futher comment on the constuct validity of laboratory aggression paradigms: a response to Giancola and Chermack
At the edge of individual cognitive-behavioural policies: How to walk the public health path to effectively improve population health?
Adapting to disaster? A commentary on Hamamatsu et al. (2014)
Lets talk limits: Do certain firearm regulations really constitute infringement?
Playing darts without a dart board: Why we need to create an International Trauma Data Bank (ITDB)
Rethinking the medicalization of violence: the risks of a behavioral addiction model
Anxiety is more likely than depression to trigger suicidal intent
Data on intimate partner murders prompt call for risk reduction strategies
Domestic violence: The role of the nurse
Don't wait to report child abuse, implores leading academic
The final push for polio eradication: Addressing the challenge of violence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria
Re: Association between nocturia and falls-related long-term mortality risk in the elderly
Scope of public health measures in ensuring road safety
Organized crime and the visible hand: A theoretical critique on the economic analysis of organized crime
The murder of Dr Narendra Dabholkar: A fascist attack on rationalism
Registries, violence, and threats of harm
Deinstitutionalization of people with mental illness: Causes and consequences
The median isn't the message
Mental illness, inside and out
The message isn't as mean as we may think
Sanism and the law
Should physicians participate in state-ordered executions?
From victim to victor: "Breaking Bad" and the dark potential of the terminally empowered
Investigating the fallout of a suicide (Correction)
Harvey Responds
Barriers to caregiver involvement in a child safety intervention in South Africa
Child mortality in the school setting: Position statement
IOM report provides blueprint for researching child abuse, neglect
Putting the public back in public health: An argument for the articulation of fatality reviews and coroners' inquests
Reducing pediatric firearm injury must start with stronger gun regulations
The waning of war is real: A response to Gohdes and Price
A few lines on the clothesline project
Do antiepileptic drugs cause suicidal behavior?
Silent victims--an epidemic of childhood exposure to domestic violence
The legend of Mary Ellen Wilson and Etta Wheeler: Child maltreatment and protection today
The public health approach for understanding and preventing child maltreatment: A brief review of the literature and a call to action
The road ahead: Comprehensive and innovative approaches for improving safety and preventing child maltreatment fatalities
Accurate data on all injury deaths is vital for monitoring suicide prevention
Abbreviated injury scale: Not a reliable basis for summation of injury severity in trauma facilities [Ringdal et al., Int. J. Care Injured 44 (2013) 691-699]
Murder of nine polio workers in Nigeria threatens eradication efforts
Appeal from Chinese doctors to end violence
Intersection of surging firearm sales and CoViD-19, psychological distress, and health disparities in the US-a call for action
Commentary: Pedestrian fatalities-a problem on the rise
Firearm legislation and gun-related fatalities
Firearm legislation and gun-related fatalities
Firearm legislation and gun-related fatalities-reply
Dazed and confused: Sports medicine, conflicts of interest, and concussion management
Demonopolizing medical knowledge
The primacy of politics: The rise and fall of evidence-based public health policy?
Application of mark-recapture to evaluate preventive road traffic injury policy
The equalizer? Crime, vulnerability, and gender in pro-gun discourse
Claude Bernard and his revelations in physiology
The promotion of road safety by healthcare professionals in South Africa
A public-private trauma center network in Florida harnesses data to improve care quality for an aging population
Traumatic brain injury: The South African landscape
When benefitting a patient increases the risk for harm for third persons - The case of treating pedophilic Parkinsonian patients with deep brain stimulation
Connections matter when disaster hits
Fatalities from road traffic accidents among the young in Bahrain
Finding a cure for violence
Health research and systems' governance are at risk: Should the right to data protection override health?
Invited commentary: Disclosure of gender-based violence in developing countries
Once you know, you are responsible: The road from scholar to activist
Potentially perilous pedagogies: Teaching trauma is not the same as trauma-informed teaching
'Programs' aren't enough: Child protection must become a part of everyday life
Too many people who self-harm receive too little follow-up care
The triadic systems model perspective and adolescent risk taking
The case for research into the zero accident vision
Racism, gun ownership and gun control: biased attitudes in U.S. Whites may influence policy decisions
Commentary: women, violence, and insanity
Commentary: delusions and homicide in women--stories, old and new
Addiction science advocacy: Mobilizing political support to influence public policy
Broad approach is needed to reduce gun violence, US psychologists say
The need for specialist services for serious and recurrent mood disorders
The sports concussion picture: Fewer 'pixels', more HD
Violence prevention: A nursing issue
Critical opportunities for public health law: A call for action
3d printing evarything: Products, weapons
On cognitive and moral enhancement: A reply to Savulescu and Persson
Reflections on the gender of violence
Silenced suffering: The need for a better understanding of partner sexual violence
Is it ethical and safe to use non-invasive brain stimulation as a cognitive and motor enhancer device for military services? A reply to Sehm and Ragert
The Global Road Safety Programme: Work in progress
Implementing proven road safety interventions saves lives
Beyond suicide: Action needed to improve self-injury mortality accounting
The Australian royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse
Etiology of non-typical suicide patterns essential
Consequences of brain damage in the public debate regarding the end of life. The mediatic prism: A reflection of reality?
The subject of murder: Gender, exceptionality, and the modern killer
Guns and nurses
Overuse injuries and burnout in youth sports: A position statement from the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine
The role of FIGO in addressing gender-based violence
80 under 40 by 2020: an equity agenda for NCDs and injuries
Evidence and harm: Time for reflection
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami catastrophe, its survivors, Job and the universal features of suffering: A theoretical study
Drugs and the death penalty
The place and time of drugs
Acknowledgment after mass violence: Effects on psychological well-being and intergroup relations
Athletes, doctors, and lawyers with first names beginning with "D" die sooner
Road accidents: A third burden of 'disease' in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding the causes of suicide: Psychological autopsies should not be our only resource
What is a sports injury?
An editorial: The slaughter on our highways
I want to believe: Some myths about the management of industrial safety
Children's rights and school psychology: Children's right to participation
In tribute to Newtown: Join the discussion to prevent gun violence
Minnesota's suicide trend ticks upward
'A child restraint for every child on every trip'
Firearms, children, and health care professionals
Brothers under the bridge: Factors influencing the transience of registered sex offenders in Florida
The role of occupational safety and health specialist in safety promotion and implementation - case study
Common sense gun policy reforms for the United States
The poison pen: How confident are we about iocane?
Reconceptualizing prevention of violence against women on college campuses: Response to Victoria Banyard's "Actualizing the Potential of Primary Prevention: A Research Agenda"
DSM-5, ICD-11 and 'pathologization of normal conditions'
Mobile phones and driving
The three must-do's of intervention reporting: Enhancing sports injury prevention research
What's new in critical illness and injury science? Rationale drug usage - A long way ahead!
Interpretation of "An analysis of energy-drink toxicity in the National Poison Data System"
Moving people safely in African cities
Why and for what are clinical trials the gold standard?
Unregulated proliferation of trauma centers undermines cost efficiency of population-based injury control
Address extreme violence in Central African Republic now: MSF
Attitudes about domestic violence and the use of harsh discipline
Empathy in a moral society
Evidence-based interventions in low- and middle-income countries: The tigress awakens
Reflections on jokes and cartoons about suicide
Doctors need training to respond to domestic violence, NICE guidance says
Methodological considerations in studying psycho-social aspects of suicide: Reply to the criticism
Nurses need to be trained in recognising and tackling domestic violence
Suicide prevention in Spain: An uncovered clinical need
More than Mazel? Luck and agency in surviving the holocaust
Deliver us from evil? The temptation, realities, and neuroethico-legal issues of employing assessment neurotechnologies in public safety initiatives
Sports and 'active commuting' mitigate adolescent obesity
Staying safe on two wheels means taking precautions
Stop football … save brains: a point counterpoint discussion
Reaction on 'Suicide: a medico-historical exploration'
Are national injury prevention and research efforts matching the distribution of injuries across sectors?
Head injury-a neglected public health problem: a four-month prospective study at Jimma University specialized hospital, Ethiopia
Predicting violent offences by released prisoners
Why is it so hard to believe that media influence children and adolescents?
Baby with the bath water: response to Fanniff and Letourneau
Every nurse should be trained to recognise domestic abuse - NICE
High levels of abuse and bullying could stem from workforce tension
Increasing suicide rates among middle-age persons and interventions to manage patients with psychiatric complaints
New York state leads injury control activities
Sanitarians can lead in accident control
It's time to report workplace violence
Commentary on: DeLisi M. An empirical study of rape in the context of multiple murder. J Forensic Sci 2013; doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12335
It's a dangerous world: preventing violence against EMS
Intra-oral mouth-guard in sport related oro-facial injuries: prevention is better than cure!
The need for schools in Afghanistan to be declared as zones of peace and neutrality: NGOs and communities can work together to promote humane schools
Patients asked to join research project into domestic violence
Payers probe ways to help curb risky prescribing
Divided they fall: time to resolve sterile academic disputes that jeopardise child safety efforts
The vanishing physician scientist: a critical review and analysis
Use of animals by NATO countries in military medical training exercises: an international survey
Some hard questions for road safety experts (editorial)
Reflections on the economics of transportation safety (editorial)
Commentary on transport and clinical practice
Transport and clinical practice
The stories behind the statistics
Launching injury epidemiology
A journey to and through
Commentary on: Vessey, J.A., diFazio, R.L., & Strout, T.D. (2013). Youth bullying: A review of the science and a call to action. Nursing Outlook, 61, 337-345
Heat-related illness: time to update our lexicon
IOM addresses ongoing effects of blast injury on soldiers
Sexual assault: where are mid-life women in the research?
Wilhelm Reich's self-censorship after his arrest as an enemy alien: The chilling effect of an illegal imprisonment
Walter Miles and his research on low dose alcohol (1914-1924): shifting the emphasis from intoxication to impairment
Using health impact assessments to advance the field of injury and violence prevention
Gun violence in United States: in search for a solution
An inspired change--stopping sexual violence against women
"Journal of Transport and Health": A reply by the JTH editor to an uncredited short piece in Injury Prevention
The coming disaster of ICD-10
Should anyone be riding to glory on the now-descending limb of the crack-cocaine epidemic curve in the United States?
Training doctors to respond to domestic violence: more than just communication skills
A call to research: documenting the non-fatal outcomes of injury
Commentary on: Falls prevention research in residential aged care is itself tripped up by medical clearance issues
Workplace violence: MNA partners with Wayne State University, implements three-pronged strategy to address growing problem
Creating a healthier future through prevention of child maltreatment
It is worth taking time to consider the scale and nature of falls among older people
Knowledge and attitude of dental professionals of north India toward plagiarism
Plagiarism and health promotion: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Screening for intimate partner violence in health care settings is a contested arena
North America's first E-bikeshare
Commentary on: The economic cost of firearm-related injuries in the United States from 2006 to 2010
Commentary on: The economic cost of firearm-related injuries in the United States from 2006 to 2010
Injury epidemiology research and secondary data
Power of statistical tests
Should criminologists shift their focus away from juvenile delinquency?
GP is suspended for dishonesty in preparing whiplash injury report
The harm of male-on-female rape: a response to David Benatar
I am right, you are wrong: how biased assimilation increases the perceived gap between believers and skeptics of violent video game effects
Internists' attitudes toward prevention of firearm injury
Hunger strikers: ethical and legal dimensions of medical complicity in torture at Guantanamo Bay
US internists call for public health approach to gun violence in US
Physician "gag laws" and gun safety
On the road to prevention: road injury and health promotion
Time for change: homicide bombers, not suicide bombers
Public health of sex life?
Trauma registry - a necessity of modern clinical practice
The roots of evil: a psychoanalytic inquiry
Towards a better measure of brain injury outcome: new measures or a new metric?
Nurses eat their own. Bullying and horizontal violence takes its toll
Reducing firearm-related injuries and deaths in the United States: executive summary of a policy position paper from the American College of Physicians
Research on products such as artificial turf is potentially exposed to the same types of industry bias as research on pharmaceuticals
Response to 'Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law' article
Retaliation is not the solution to the human suffering in Syria
Return-to-play following injury: whose decision should it be?
What is the role of key sports safety agencies in the development and dissemination of sport safety policies for community sport settings?
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: the concept, the reality, and the promise
NCAA concussion education in ice hockey: an ineffective mandate
Natsal and sexual violence in Britain
Natsal and sexual violence in Britain - Authors' reply
Mobile phone use and driving: the message is just not getting through
Comments on Stuart et al.'s "Genetic associations with intimate partner violence in a sample of hazardous drinking men in batterer intervention programs"
New way to call time on high strength, cheap alcohol
The fight against doping is a fight for the protection of the clean athlete, the health of the athlete and the integrity of sport
The road traffic crashes as a neglected public health concern; an observational study from Iranian population
Childhood deaths from car accidents decrease
GPS "bullets" and the Fourth Amendment
A new window into adolescents' worlds: the impact of online social interaction on risk behavior
Optimal evidence in difficult settings: improving health interventions and decision making in disasters
Re-moralizing the suicide debate
An updated feminist view of intimate partner violence
Why can't we retire codeine?
Does the golem feel pain? Moral instincts and ethical dilemmas concerning suffering and the brain
Firearms regulation, violence and the mentally ill: a contemporary Antipodean appraisal
More work needed to protect children but promising trend data on exposure to violence
Potentially preventable deaths from the five leading causes of death - United States, 2008-2010
The case for moderate gun control
Progress in preventing injuries: a content analysis of national policies in Europe
Yes, but don't underestimate estimation: reply to Morey, Rouder, Verhagen, and Wagenmakers (2014)
The desire to die: making treatment decisions for suicidal patients who have an advance directive
Comment on: "Nurses' perceptions of the factors which cause violence and aggression in the emergency department: A qualitative study". Int. Emerg. Nurs. 3 (2013), by Angland, S., et al
Duties to kin through a tragi-comic lens
A feminist, narrative analysis of drinking stories
Does health promotion need a Code of Ethics? Results from an IUHPE mixed method survey
A 0.05 BAC limit in the United States: an important challenge for policy, health and safety
A better path to progress on drunk driving
Christianity's commitments to nurturing and protecting children: Biblical foundations: children are neighbors worthy of love and respect
Is road safety being driven in the wrong direction?
Preventing suicide in England: saving lives
Women and NCDs: overcoming the neglect
Adding injury to injury: ethical implications of the medicaid sterilization consent regulations
Conflicts of interest in psychiatry: strategies to cultivate literacy in daily practice
Response to commentaries on 0.05 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit
Bikes, helmets, and public health: decision-making when goods collide
Uniting against family violence
Evidence and meaning in policy making
When does evidence-based policy turn into policy-based evidence? Configurations, contexts and mechanisms
Ethical issues in health care of gender violence
Falls in the elderly: a modern look at an old problem
India's Supreme Court tells government to improve road safety record
A medieval approach to head injuries from the Golden Era of Islamic medicine from the writings of Abn Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi - Rhazes (865-925)
Perspectives on behavior and acquired brain injury
Violence against women: just a social issue or a global public health concern?
The Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion creates incentive for state Medicaid agencies to provide reimbursement for hospital-based violence intervention programmes
The role of research in addressing the public health problem of gun violence
Promoting public safety through appropriate research
Globalization of gun culture transnational reflections on pistolization and masculinity, flows and resistance
Not all news is the same
The great american gun war: notes from four decades in the trenches
Public health gun control agenda is a call to duty for scientists
The Supreme Court in the 21st Century
Epistemic responsibility and critical thinking
Fostering democracy through social media: evaluating diametrically opposed nonprofit advocacy organizations' use of Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube
A good idea shot down: taking guns away from the mentally ill won't eliminate mass shootings
Arming and disarming: a history of gun control in Canada
Arming and disarming: a history of gun control in Canada
Gun control is dead but not yet buried
A systematic plan for firearms law reform
Caution, risk of accident!
Connecting falls to elder vision (editorial)
Mental health as an advocacy priority in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities
India's two finger test after rape violates women and should be eliminated from medical practice
Book review: Injury prevention for children and adolescents: research, practice and advocacy
Response to Errors and Misrepresentations in "Breaking Barriers: Addressing Structural Obstacles to Social Service Provision to Asian Survivors of Domestic Violence" by Mihan Lee
The health and disease from a sociocultural perspective in the first half of the 20th century
Health protection in times of economic crisis: challenges and opportunities for Europe
Dear health minister: tend the garden but make sure you fence the crocodiles
Human trafficking: crime in our own backyard
Health journalism in the service of power: 'moral complacency' and the Hebrew media in the Gaza-Israel conflict
From gun politics to self-defense politics: a feminist critique of the great gun debate
Fall injuries: an important preventable cause of trauma
Epidemiology as a liberal art: from graduate school to middle school, an unfulfilled agenda
Which newborn infants are too expensive to treat? Camosy and rationing in intensive care
Which newborns are too expensive to treat? A response to Dominic Wilkinson
Why China matters
Why we should study gait initiation in Parkinson's disease
Why we still can't all just get along: A review of The Evolution of Violence, edited by Todd Shackelford and Ranald Hansen
Hecamede: Homeric nurse of the battle-wounded in the Trojan War
Untreated mental disorders, unchecked guns
Suicide risk categorisation of psychiatric inpatients: what it might mean and why it is of no use
Beyond pragmatism: defending the 'bright line' of birth
Commentary on "The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS)": Army STARRS: A Framingham-like study of psychological health risk factors in soldiers
Glock: The rise of America's gun. By Paul M. Barrett (Book review)
Novel acoustic stimuli can alter locomotor speed to hippocampal theta relationship
Research ethics and private harms
War traumas in the Mediterranean area
First do no harm: is it any longer safe to write case reports?
The genomic revolution and beliefs about essential racial differences: a backdoor to eugenics?
Hypothalamic attack: a wonderful artifact or a useful perspective on escalation and pathology in aggression? A viewpoint
Introduction to special issue on violence against people with disability
Mental illness and reduction of gun violence and suicide: bringing epidemiologic research to policy
Neural veils and the will to historical critique: why historians of science need to take the neuro-turn seriously
Neurohistory is bunk? The not-so-deep history of the postclassical mind
Testing for drugs of abuse in children and adolescents
Tracking who climbs up--and who falls down--the ladder
Urban vegetation for reducing heat related mortality
Why a decade of road traffic safety?
"The wondrous eyes of a new technology"-a history of the early electroencephalography (EEG) of psychopathy, delinquency, and immorality
The World Health Organization's action plan on the road traffic injury pandemic: is there any action for orthopaedic trauma surgeons?
Beeping ADAS: reflexive effect on drivers' behavior
Car safety for tomorrow
Consensus statements on the assessment of older drivers
Better organisation of volunteers in disaster settings is needed: lessons for all from China
Concussion: no longer a laughing matter in sport
History of biological warfare and bioterrorism
Longitudinal driving behavior in case of emergency situations: an empirically underpinned theoretical framework
Ocular injuries in people with multiple trauma
Promotion of traffic safety by NCAP in Japan: aiming to be the safest country of road traffic in the world
The safety of women on college campuses: implications of evolving paradigms in postsecondary education
Understanding sexual violence perpetration (comment to the authors)
Understanding sexual violence perpetration (comment to authors)
Towards a theory of collective emotions
Preventing suicide in US veterans remains challenging
The burden of alcohol use: focus on children and preadolescents
Driving to save time or saving time to drive? The enduring appeal of the private car
Intimate partner violence screening among migrant/seasonal farmworker women and healthcare: a policy brief
It has been said that, "There are three degrees of falsehoods: Lies, damn lies, and statistics"
The Lavon Affair: How a false-flag operation led to war and the Israeli bomb
Improving work with fathers to prevent child maltreatment: fathers should be engaged as allies in child abuse and neglect prevention
In reply to "Interpretation of 'An analysis of energy-drink toxicity in the National Poison Data System'"
Promoting cycling for transport: research needs and challenges
Book review: The politics of sorrow: families, victims, and the micro-organization of youth homicide
Editorial: Suicide notes
Elucidating challenges and opportunities in the transition to ICD-10-CM
Need for a working classification system for sudden and unexpected infant deaths
Nicotine poisoning increase due to e-cigs
Protecting scientists, science, and case protagonists: a discussion of the Taus v. Loftus commentaries
Public, official, and industry submissions on a bill to increase the alcohol minimum purchasing age: a critical analysis
A review and correction of the errors in Loftus and Guyer on Jane Doe
Road safety and simulation conferences: an interdisciplinary network for safer roads
Summarizing risk using risk measures and risk indices
The transition to ICD-10-CM: challenges for pediatric practice
Whatever happened to the 'mad, bad' scientist? Overturning the stereotype
Creating a drowning chain of survival
The critical need for improved enumeration and surveillance of the logging workforce
Developing an agriculture employer-based position paper on youth employment
Evil, child abuse and the caring professions
Farm Safety For Just Kids goes electronic
The Grain Handling Safety Coalition: organizations collaborating to address grain safety issues
Intimate partner violence: screen others, besides heterosexual women
Voluntary certification systems to protect children's safety and health in agriculture
Ethical issues in adolescents' sexual and reproductive health research in Nigeria
Growing our mission through state and local networks
Risk homeostasis theory and traffic accident data
Allowing violence in New Zealand hospitals is bad business
Family physicians can champion sport-related concussion management: it's about time
A fellow's perspective on the threatened closure of the Illinois Poison Center
Twenty thousand more americans killed annually because US traffic-safety policy rejects science
Death in traffic: why are ethical issues ignored?
Safety first. A response to: "Safer vehicles for people and the planet," by Thomas P. Wenzel and Marc Ross
Responding to sexual violence in conflict
Published case reports: one woman's account of having her confidentiality violated
Remedy for radiation fear - discard the politicized science
Research ethics and case studies in psychology: a commentary on Taus v. Loftus
Schizophrenia is associated with increased rates of violence and suicide, Swedish study finds
"A visitation of providence:" Public health and eugenic reform in the wake of the Halifax disaster
Understanding OSHA--addressing the confusion around agricultural exemptions
Economic recession may have caused 10 000 extra suicides
The challenges of research on violence in post-conflict Bougainville
The decade of action for road safety - progress in research
Ending sexual violence in conflict and beyond
Guns, suicide, and homicide
Guns, suicide, and homicide
Guns, suicide, and homicide
In editorial, RIH's Dr. Ranney calls for research into gun violence
What do human factors and ergonomics professionals value in research publications? Re-examining the research-practice gap
Intimate partner violence affects men as well as women
Repeal of the Concealed Weapons Law and its impact on gun-related injuries and deaths: Ginwalla R, Rhee P, Friese R, et al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2011;76:569-74
Should i pay for your risky behaviours? Evidence from London
Study shows that more must be done to detect domestic violence
International aspect of the domestic (family) violence - victims and consequences
Physician attitudes and experience with permit applications for concealed weapons
Head injury in the elderly: is our health care system ready for the fall(s)?
Navigating toward zero fatalities: the role of NCAPs
New tool launched to support development of strong road safety mass media campaigns around the world
Nunavut extends implementation of suicide prevention plan
Nuclear arms control, nonproliferation, and counterterrorism: impacts on public health
Operationalizing an orthopaedic research plan in the Decade of Action for Road Safety: the INternational ORthopaedic MUlticenter Study in Fracture Care
A review of powered-two-wheeler behaviour and safety
Filicide: recasting research and intervention
Lost in commemoration: the Armenian genocide in memory and identity
Qualitative research can improve understandings about disaster preparedness for independent older adults in the community
Conducting research on adolescent suicide attempters: dilemmas and decisions
Understanding suicide: a sociological autopsy, by Ben Fincham, Susanne Langer, Jonathan Scourfield and Michael Shiner
The clinical application of attachment theory and research: Introducing a series of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry special sections
Commentary to: Balance-specific training embedded within a pulmonary rehabilitation program may reduce falls risk in people with COPD
Commentary: competencies in pediatric psychology: polishing Pandora's box
Correction: Human traumatic brain injury induces auto-antibody response against glial fibrillary acidic protein and its breakdown products
Death of a child in the emergency department
Ethics in occupational health: deliberations of an international workgroup addressing challenges in an African context
World War I: an air war of consequence
Health education: theoretical concepts, effective strategies and core competencies
Mental health: debunking myths around suicide
Unintentional injuries in childhood and adolescence: current prevalence, determinants, and trends : Results of the KiGGS study: first follow-up (KiGGS Wave 1)
Violence risk assessment has not been shown to reduce violence
What is the evidence of the experience of having a fall across the life course? A qualitative synthesis
The Chemical Weapons Convention-disarmament, science and technology
Facial hair: a newly identified, modifiable risk factor in home oxygen therapy-related burns
Responding to family violence: a comprehensive research-based guide for therapists, by C. E. Murray and k. N. Graves
Antidepressive agents and suicidal tendencies
Prevention of injury and violence in the USA
Intimate partner violence in pregnancy (Commentary)
Academic-practice collaboration in nursing education: service-learning for injury prevention
Evidence-based interventions in pediatric psychology: progress over the decades
Falling suicide rates in China mask emerging upward trends
Murder, mortsafes and Moir: a medical student looks at anatomy teaching in Aberdeen
Addressing concussion in youth sports
Knowledge and management of sports concussions among coaches and certified athletic trainers in Alabama (commentary)
Community violence and mental health among Iraqi women, a population-based study
Custom-made mouthguards may reduce risk of mild brain injury, study shows
Displaced African female survivors of conflict-related sexual violence: challenges for mental health providers
Nuclear weapons. Medical isotopes confound nuclear test monitoring
Promoting pragmatism over panic: the case of alcohol inhalation and other nontraditional forms of alcohol use
Reminder: dentists are mandated reporters for child abuse, neglect
Responsible management of motor vehicle drivers with dementia
"A shot at the father: a student's assault". Sigmund Freud and the case of Ernst Haberl
Suicide patterns in young people to come under scrutiny
Suicide prevention in mental health care - time for new ideas?
Critiques: Erin Pizzey and the forbidden narratives about domestic violence
Liver transplant for intentional acetaminophen overdose: a survey of transplant clinicians׳ experiences with recommendations
Approaching suicide as a public health issue
Pediatric drug formulations: a review of challenges and progress
Purity matters more than harm in moral judgments of suicide: response to Gray (2014)
'The last coachman', the trio of risk factors: alcohol, tobacco and traffic accidents
Harm concerns predict moral judgments of suicide: Comment on Rottman, Kelemen and Young (2014)
Ethical issues in using deception to facilitate rehabilitation for a patient with severe traumatic brain injury
Continuing the War Against Domestic Violence, Second Edition
Self-immolation among medical practitioners and medical students: more evidence is needed from developing countries
Gender and mental health
Rates of violence fall in England and Wales
Addressing the burden of gun violence
The burden of bad metaphors: putting blinders on how we think about gun violence
A forensic firearms examiner's lament
Investigation and prosecution following workplace fatalities: responding to the needs of families
Mental health patients pose high suicide risk in first two weeks after discharge, inquiry finds
A perspespective: gun-related fatalities and manner of death
Responsibility for crashes of autonomous vehicles: an ethical analysis
Tackling the sports-related concussion crisis
Revisiting the left-wing response to sociobiology: the case of Finland in a European context
Adolescents' aggression to parents: longitudinal links with parents' physical aggression
Increased effort needed to prevent falls as the U.S. population ages
Injuries from ladder falls draw greater scrutiny
Nursing practice with victims of sexual violence
Of women seeking assistance for intimate partner violence, those who report victimization during pregnancy are at higher risk of further victimization
Clinical conversations about health: the impact of confidentiality in preventive adolescent care
Joyce Brothers (1927-2013)
A move beyond screening is required to ensure adequate healthcare response for women who experience intimate partner violence
Protecting victims of violent patients while protecting confidentiality
Why primary health-care interventions for intimate partner violence do not work
Refereeing the public health
The impact of the antiwar elites' activities on the international life and politics
Sudden death memorials in Bucharest: mortuary practices and beliefs in an urban context
Medical condition analysis and safety loophole screening of CDL drivers
Social contract theory and the semiotics of guns in America
Ethics and disasters involving geriatric patients
The impacts of injury at the individual, community and societal levels: a systematic meta-review
Little Albert's alleged neurological impairment Watson, Rayner, and historical revision
The moral economy of violence in the US inner city
Obesity, pelvic inflammatory disease, falls prevention, and domestic violence
Preventing risk for significant behavior problems through a cognitive-behavioral intervention: effects of the Tools for Getting Along curriculum at one-year follow-up
World Health Organization's Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020
Being a family systems thinker: a psychiatrist's personal odyssey
The emergency department, injury control, and safety promotion
Neuroprediction, violence, and the law: setting the stage
Commentary on "community violence and pregnancy health behaviors and outcomes"
Hagar and Ishmael: the reception of expulsion
Hurdling over sex? Sport, science, and equity
Special collection: suicide awareness and prevention in psychiatric education: introduction and dedication
Transparency in mental health: why mental health tribunals should be required to publish reasons
Yet another inquiry into the trustworthiness of eighteenth-century Bills of Mortality: the Newcastle and Gateshead Bills, 1736-1840
Depression in men: issues for practice and research
The bureaucratization of safety
Intimate partner violence: How should health systems respond?
An introduction to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) efforts to prevent older adult falls
Safety in System-of-Systems: ten key challenges
Safety culture: the buzzword to ensure occupational safety and health
Two hour death in US execution is likely to lead to legal challenges
Custodians of the game: ethical considerations for football governing bodies in regulating concussion management
Suffering and salutogenesis
The evaluation of tax morale in terms of tax-payer and the community
Dealing with violence in primary care
Ethical dilemmas faced by the team physician: overlooked in sports medicine education?
The expanding scope of psychiatric epidemiology in the 21st century
Systemic family therapy
Understanding inequalities in access to health care services for Aboriginal people: a call for nursing action
Adding insult to injury: the development of psychosocial stress in Ontario wind turbine communities
Is the phenomenon of "crow's feet" in cases of high-voltage accidents a vital reaction?
The morality of suicide terrorism and Boko Haram challenges in Nigeria
The pros and cons of prohibiting drugs
Toward an effective long-term strategy for preventing motor vehicle crashes and injuries
The material is the metaphor is the method…You say you want a revolution…?
A geography of moral hazard: sources and sinks of motor-vehicle commuting externalities
Improving mental health is key to reduce violence in Israel and Gaza
United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC)
New lens on gender-based violence
Attention and reward. The power of reward to rewire attention (comment)
Compromise solutions between conservation and road building in the tropics
From Gibson and Crooks to Damasio: the role of psychology in the development of driver behaviour models
The history of road safety research: a quantitative approach
Introduction to the special issue on "The history of road safety research and the role of traffic psychology"
Pediatrician's passion evolves into center for childhood safety
Road safety knowledge and policy: a historical institutional analysis of the Netherlands
Thinking about the history of road safety research: past achievements and future challenges
Why it is scientifically respectable to believe in repression: a response to Patihis, Ho, Tingen, Lilienfeld, and Loftus (2014)
Role of the medical community in detecting and managing child abuse
Will new insights into neural networks help us improve our models of suicidal behavior?
A critique of models and measures of treatment readiness in offenders
Comment on Nazaretian and Merolla: "Questioning Canadian Criminal Incidence rates: a re-analysis of the 2004 Canadian Victimization Survey."
Donne's Biathanatos and the public sphere's vexing freedom
"Exactly as they appear": another look at the notes of a 1766 treason trial in Poughkeepsie, New York, with some musings on the documentary foundations of early American history
Increased constructive engagement among Israeli Arabs: the impact of government economic initiatives
Pulling back the curtain on heritability studies: biosocial criminology in the postgenomic era
Sondra Hale's "ethnographic residuals": silence and non-silence on female genital cutting
Trayvon Martin: reflections on the Black and Jewish struggle for justice
Violence against women: we need a transnational analytic of care
On 'accidents'
What's in a name? Comments on the use of the terms 'accident' and 'injury'
Is it safe to use the word 'safe'?
Injury control from the perspective of contextual pediatrics
Do we have enough 'injidents'?
How dangerous is the unintentional use of the word accident in our literature?
How members of the public interpret the word accident
The need to discontinue the use of the term "accident" when referring to unintentional injury events
Should the term accident be used in scientific research?
Accident and emergency medicine or emergency medicine?
Unintentional confusion of semantics is not accidental
What is an accident?
What is an accident?
What is an injury?
Agricultural trauma: its real meaning, determination of the causes and their classification
Connotation of hazard for signal words and their associated panels
Intension and extension and definition of injury
Motor vehicle crash versus accident: a change in terminology is necessary
Accident or crash?
Injury prevention: a glossary of terms
Doing more to prevent suicide
Economics of mass media health campaigns with health-related product distribution: a community guide systematic review
Introduction to the suicide prevention research prioritization task force special supplement: the topic experts
Public availability of published research data in substance abuse journals
Re: lower urinary tract symptoms and falls risk among older women receiving home support: a prospective cohort study
Reflections on expert recommendations for U.S. research priorities in suicide prevention
Sexual abuse and assault in children and teens: time to prioritize prevention
Why hasn't the mental health of Australians improved? The need for a national prevention strategy
Prioritizing research to reduce youth suicide and suicidal behavior
Child accidents or unintentional injuries?
Medical dictionaries and studies of terminology
Beliefs and the perception of risks and accidents
Injury prevention and control: will we or will we not step out of the twentieth century?
Transition determinations concerning the acquiring of the new specialist physician designation "Orthopedics and Accident Surgery"
Actions, causes, and psychiatry: a reply to Szasz
What's in a name: mortality and the power of symbols
Accident and emergency medicine or emergency medicine?
Accident and emergency medicine or emergency medicine (letter)
The accidental use of 'inadvertent'
Direct causation in the linguistic coding and individuation of causal events
Emergency medicine terminology in the United Kingdom--time to follow the trend?
Private accident insurance. Basic problems and terminology
Relationships between accident investigations, risk analysis, and safety management
What are we trying to measure? The problems of case ascertainment
"Words" in orthopaedics
Accidents and acts of God: a history of the terms
Safety and accidents -- a brief conceptual analysis, and a point of view
Traumatism among children and adolescents (a new approach)
Inaccuracy, underreporting of injury, and lack of training in death certificates
Bibliography review about children's accidents
A glossary of some terms used in the objective science of behavior
Concepts of accidents
From accidents to risk: public health and preventable injury
Letter in reply to John Langley’s comments "WHO and CDC nomenclature"
A realist theory of terminology: the sociocognitive
Child maltreatment: time to rethink the role of general practice
Extended-release hydrocodone: the devil in disguise or just misunderstood?
Lengthening military tour lengths: cut costs, improve morale, and improve patient outcomes
Nuclear-enmeshed Australia: an obstacle to nuclear weapons eradication
The rationality of suicide bombers: there is a little bit of crazy in all of us
Cars with the boom: identity and territory in American postwar automobile sound
Christian ethics and human trafficking activism: progressive Christianity and social critique
Combat trauma and psychological injury in Euripides' Medea
Epidemiology and transport: good science is paramount
Of clunkers and Camaros: accelerated vehicle retirement programs and the automobile enthusiast, 1990-2009
The rise of emergency medicine in the sixties: paving a new entrance to the house of medicine
Suicide terrorism and post-mortem benefits
'Violence is not part of our job': a thematic analysis of psychiatric mental health nurses' experiences of patient assaults from a New Zealand perspective
Violence against doctors in China
Violence against doctors in China
Violence against doctors in China
Violence against doctors in China
The "Anti-Marriage Theory" of Thomas and Mary Gove Nichols: a radical critique of monogamy in the 1850s
Francis Bacon, violence, and the motion of liberty: the Aristotelian background
The great exaggeration: death and the Civil War
Xenophobia and racism
Where is xenophobia in the fight against racism?
U.S. national security culture: from queer psychopathology to queer citizenship
The politics of suicide in John Fletcher's Tragedie of Bonduca
Marriage, force, and alternatives to force in John Dryden's fables
Electronic cigarettes: it is urgent to promote them to save lives
The emotional, political, and analytical labor of engaged anthropology amidst violent political conflict
Establishing conversation spaces in hastily formed networks: the worst fire in modern Swedish history
Injury surveillance in Europe and the UK
Introduction to "Compensation after injury: always for good?"
Introduction to the special issue on college drinking games
Lockout/tagout accident investigation
67th WHA Resolution on violence prevention misses the mark
WHO report says countries should do more to prevent suicides
Understanding school climate, aggression, peer victimization, and bully perpetration: contemporary science, practice, and policy
Commentary on: "Facilitating transparency in spinal cord injury studies using data standards and ontologies"
The dangers of posthumous diagnoses and the unintended consequences of facile associations: Jeffrey Dahmer and autism spectrum disorders
The struggle between liberties and authorities in the information age
Greater commitment to the domestic violence training is required
Three reasons why construction companies fail when trying to predict injuries
Reactions to media violence: it's in the brain of the beholder
Using a multidisciplinary approach for a multi-faceted public health problem
Balancing autonomy rights and protection: children's involvement in a child safety online project
Child well-being: what does it mean?
Editorial: whither family therapy: alive and flowering amidst the challenges
The eighth global conference on health promotion: health in all policies: from rhetoric to action
From suicide survivor to peer counselor: breaking the silence of suicide bereavement
Hats off to Vietnam's helmet law
The Helsinki statement on health in all policies: building on our heritage, looking to our future
Intimate partner violence: how should health systems respond?
Intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion: global barriers to women's reproductive control
Induced seismicity: (n.) earthquakes caused by human activities
An interpretive study of nursing students' experiences of caring for suicidal persons
Intimate partner violence and mental health-Remarks from two Chief Editors on a joint publishing venture
Introduction: illicit drugs in Central Asia
Accelerating progress on the road to safer sports: based on remarks of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in the Neurosurgical Society of America (NSA) Medal Lecture
At a glance: head injuries in children
Concussion 101: the current state of concussion education programs
Concussion advocacy and legislation: a neurological surgeon's view from the epicenter
Establishing a clinical service for the management of sports-related concussions
'Heed not the oracle': risk assessment has no role in preventing suicide in schizophrenia
The history of neurosurgical treatment of sports concussion
Louis Appleby: Wants to cut suicide rate again
More to be done to prevent injuries in under-fives
The paternal function in Winnicott: the psychoanalytical frame
Reply to Wang et al response to 'Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law' article
Risky business: doctors' understanding of statistics
WHO calls for stronger focus on adolescent health. Road traffic injuries, HIV/AIDS, suicide are top causes of death; depression is number 1 cause of illness and disability
Sports concussions take center field
Japan's emerging challenge for child abuse: system coordination for early prevention of child abuse is needed
Preventing non-communicable disease in Oman, a legislative review
Preventing texting while driving: a statement of the American College of Preventive Medicine
The problem of suicide, continued
The role of mental health in primary prevention of sexual and gender-based violence
School-related factors in the development of bullying perpetration and victimization: introduction to the special section
Suicide report indicates shift at WHO
Tackling violence against health-care workers in Spain
Violence against doctors in India
Violence against doctors in Iraq
Why we need to better understand the cortical neurophysiology of impaired postural responses with age, disease, or injury
The thinking ape: the enigma of human consciousness
Adolescent self-harm: new horizons?
Advocacy opportunities for pediatricians caring for maltreated children
Neuroinflammation in suicide: too little may be just as bad as too much
Primary care interventions to prevent child maltreatment: recommendation statement
Public health and recreation: prevention pays off
Screening teens for dating violence in EDs
Suicide: the preventable crisis
The visiting nurse service of New York's response to Hurricane Sandy
Complementing remarks to Skerrett et al. (2014) "suicides among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations in Australia: An analysis of the Queensland Suicide Register"
Cultural considerations and child maltreatment: in search of universal principles
The general principles of suicide prevention policy from the perspective of clinical psychiatry
Hypertension treatment and falls: should we be concerned?
Miles away or just around the corner? Systems thinking in road safety research and practice
The national strategies for suicide prevention by the United Nation/World Health Organization and the present situation of suicide in the East Asia
Patient advocacy: Japanese psychiatric nurses recognizing necessity for intervention
Personal experience: hopes and fears - the road to recovery after psychotic illness
Prevention of child maltreatment
Reviewing the revisions: what are the Australian Bureau of Statistics suicide figures really telling us?
Role of sport medicine professionals in addressing psychosocial aspects of sport-injury rehabilitation: professional athletes' views
"Stop importing weapons of family destruction!": cyberdiscourses, patriarchal anxieties, and the men's backlash movement in India
Suicide explained!
Suicide prevention activities of psychiatry-related professional societies: the promotion of suicide prevention in psychiatric care
A global strategy for road building
Healthcare practices for users suffering from violence: from invisibility to comprehensive (un)care
Home-safety modifications to reduce injuries from falls
Workplace injuries: risk of injury to vets [veterinarians]
Critical reflections on contemporary responses to gender violence within public, political, health and research contexts : editorial
Gender-based violence and the need for evidence-based primary prevention in South Africa : perspectives
Implementation epidemiology : the study of the frequency, distribution and determinants of effective prevention practice
The importance of confronting a colonial, patriarchal and racist past in addressing post-apartheid sexual violence : perspectives
Relevance and feasibility of WHO recommendations for intimate partner violence care in South African primary health settings : perspectives
Vrou is Gif : the representation of violence against women in Margie Orford's Clare Hart novels : perspectives
Combating trafficking in persons: a call to action for global health professionals
Cut costs, not fingers, with an injury & illness prevention program
Deception and the death of Ilyusha: truth and the best interest of a dying child in the Brothers Karamazov
Legal applications of the "best interest of the child" standard: judicial rationalization or a measure of institutional competence?
NTDB data points: don't chance it: use your seatbelt
Problems with traditional science publishing and finding a wider niche for post-publication peer review
Statement on bicycle safety and the promotion of bicycle helmet use
Statement on intimate partner violence
Statement on older adult falls and falls prevention
Whose interests count?
Grass roots injury prevention: a guide for field workers
Health care providers can help prevent domestic violence
Increased screening of alcohol habits among patients with depression is needed
A moral tragedy: patricide and step-patricide
Nurses believe speaking up about workplace violence will make no difference
Commentary: reducing teen motor vehicle crash fatalities: do parents hold the key?
Editors' introduction to "the three essentials for accident prevention"
The three essentials for accident prevention
Brick by brick: building up our knowledge base on the abuse of adults with learning disabilities
Child-witnessed domestic violence and its adverse effects on brain development: a call for societal self-examination and awareness
Domestic violence and the role of the dentist from the public health perspective: a review of scientific literature
Durkheim on laws, suicide rates, and symbols
Antidepressants and suicide in adolescents
Legitimacy of concerns about caffeine and energy drink consumption
Intimate partner violence and mental health-remarks from two chief editors on a joint publishing venture
"It will always continue unless we can change something": consequences of intimate partner violence for indigenous women, children, and families
The World Health Organization's report on suicide (editorial)
Australia's treatment of refugee and asylum seeker children: the views of Australian paediatricians
Commentary on "VHA chaplaincy contact with veterans at increased risk of suicide"
Correction to Sacchetti et al. (2014) "Ipsilesional neglect: behavioral and anatomical correlates"
Sexual assault in the military: a discussion of the current status and future prevention
Sexual violence against women: a challenge
'Shell shock' Revisited: An Examination of the Case Records of the National Hospital in London
Survival following investigational treatment of amanita mushroom poisoning: thistle or shamrock?
Understanding brain health can prevent another Sandy Hook shooting
Triage challenges: recognizing intimate partner violence
Viewing suicide risk through a new lens: the benefits of examining symptom trajectories
What has research over the past two decades revealed about the adverse health effects of recreational cannabis use?
Qingdao pipeline explosion: introductions and reflections
Neuropsychologists' preferences for DSM-5 versus ICD-10, NINDS, or other diagnostic criteria
Death certification: a primer, Part IV--problems in death certification
Drug overdose, addiction and binge drinking: medical problems with public health consequences
Review on the application of driving simulators for research and training activities in Malaysia
Biomechanical studies: Science (f)or common sense?
Doing one's best, alternative possibilities, and blameworthiness
Injuries are not accidents: towards a culture of prevention
Military sexual assault: a comparative legal analysis of the 2012 Department of Defense report on sexual assault in the military: what it tells us, what it doesn't tell us, and how inconsistent statistic gathering inhibits winning the "invisible war"
Suicide and related behaviour in Dostoyevsky novels
We Shall Be No More: Suicide and Self-Government in the Newly United States. By Richard Bell (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012
Speak, trauma: toward a revised understanding of literary trauma theory
Forensic science expressions and legal proof
A ten year retrospective of the bombing campaign in Indonesia by terrorists, 2002-2006
Understanding how forensic science may contribute to miscarriages of justice
More data needed to interpret link between suicide and FDA warning on antidepressants
Proxy for suicide attempts was inappropriate in study of changes in antidepressant use after FDA warnings
Psychometric properties of the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Study findings on FDA antidepressant warnings and suicide attempts in young people: a false alarm?
Drowning: the exit problem
Confronting death from drug self-intoxication (DDSI): prevention through a better definition
Everyday terrorism: connecting domestic violence and global terrorism
Renewed efforts needed to counter myths and misconceptions that persistently pervade sexual violence
Report focuses on global patterns of violence against children
Science and public health principles used to reduce road deaths
The equal right to drink
"What would you do if this were your child?": practitioners' responses during enacted conversations in the United States
Domestic violence: an old malady with a new perspective
The great war and public health
Link between FDA antidepressant warnings and increased suicide attempts in young people is questionable
Lithium in drinking water for dementia and suicide (editorial)
The Minute Books of the Suffolk Humane Society: A pioneer lifesaving organisation and the world's first sailing lifeboat, 1806-1892 by Robert Malster (ed.)
The morality of larks and owls: unethical behavior depends on chronotype as well as time of day
Need for an effective accident data system in India to improve road safety
The role of mental health in primary prevention of sexual and gender-based violence
Time to tackle domestic violence: identifying and supporting families
Buried in seconds. Oso mudslide in Snohomish County, Wash., impacts the community & first responders
Decisions, values, and data: understanding bias in transportation performance measures
Empowering adolescent girls: developing egalitarian gender norms and relations to end violence
Hubris: the recurring pandemic
Informal social control and intimate partner violence
Nonverbal rescue. Hearing-impaired patients require special consideration during a disaster
Parental desensitization to violence and sex in movies
Severe antisocial personality disordered and psychopathic offenders: should they be allowed to enter an insanity plea?
Self harm in young people
Traffic medicine--experience, problems, prospects, right for recognition
Voices and images of migrant women who are survivors of domestic violence
Keeping the case open: responding to DeJong and Blanchette's "case closed" on the minimum legal drinking age in the United States
Paraphilia or perversion?
Scientific Community. For Venezuelan academics, speaking out is risky business
The child is father of the man, and mother of the woman
Margaret McCartney: After Rotherham-pattern spotting and child abuse
Meeting report: The road to science-based policy - ESOF through the eyes of young scientists
Parents are the key to improving teen driving safety
Section editor's comment on the 2014 topical collection on traumatic brain injury (TBI)
State of innovation in suicide intervention research with military populations
Delivering services to individuals with severe mental illness: SAMHSA falls short
Fish hooks and window falls
Geoscience. Double-whammy tsunami?
Establishing the need for family medicine training in intimate partner violence screening
The implementation of the priorities of the National Health Promotion Policy, an assessment, 2006-2014
Scotland to bring in tougher drink driving law
Improving the identification of mental health need on college campuses
In response to: Injury profile of mixed martial arts competitors
In response to: Time to re-think the Zurich Guidelines? A critique on the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport, held in Zurich, November 2012
In response to: Time to re-think the Zurich Guidelines? A critique on the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport, held in Zurich, November 2012
In response to: Time to re-think the Zurich Guidelines? A critique on the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport, held in Zurich, November 2012
Sticking your neck out and burying the hatchet: what idioms reveal about embodied simulation
Letter to the editor concerning "Is trauma in Switzerland any different? Epidemiology and patterns of injury in major trauma - a five year review from a Swiss trauma centre"
Will I stay or can I go? Assisted suicide in prison
Ethical considerations for psychologists taking a public stance on controversial issues: the balance between personal and professional life
Erratum to: Emotional variability in mother-adolescent conflict interactions and internalizing problems of mothers and adolescents: dyadic and individual processes
Absolute or relative? A comparative analysis of the relationship between poverty and mortality
Direct and indirect punishment among strangers in the field
Child maltreatment and emerging adulthood: past, present, and future
Current topics in sports-related head injuries: a review
A defense of professionalism: a response to Fusco and Baizerman
Does the existence of steroid addiction alter the view that steroid use in sport is cheating?
The Durkheim-Tarde debate and the social study of aboriginal youth suicide
Erratum to: Feelings of loneliness among adults with mental disorder
Estimating the burden of psychiatric disorders in adolescence: the impact of subthreshold disorders
Guns and student safety (Editorial)
Omega-3 Fatty acids: nutritional armor for the warfighter and historical trends behind optimal warrior performance
The response of an expert panel to nutritional armor for the warfighter: can omega-3 Fatty acids enhance stress resilience, wellness, and military performance?
Threat assessment: are we using the wrong nets?
Moving beyond safety legislation: research agenda for 2015
Outcomes in emerging adulthood for maltreated youth: a clinical-developmental approach (editorial)
Rate of suicide increases in middle age: primary care key to suicide prevention
Recent suicides highlight need to address depression in medical students and residents
Transgression of gender norms and symbolic violence. Directions of youth sports, Marie Marvingt (1875-1939)
Physical exertion and gender in Nazi death camps
A 10-year review of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Heads Up initiatives: bringing concussion awareness to the forefront
Competency enhancement training for Philippine family court judges and personnel handling child abuse cases
In consideration of traffic safety culture
Doctors prepare for tight security at Sochi Olympics
No phoenix will arise from the ashes
Sharing care data could save lives of vulnerable children, hospital leader says
Social campaigns are needed to stop any forms of self-immolation
Stopping cyberbullying requires a combined societal effort
To be or not to be
Why the human fetus has such a large vulnerable head and why it is our job to protect it!
Prevention of chemical violence in Syria
Chinese pediatricians face a crisis: should they stay or leave?
Communicating with brain tumor patients about driving: are we falling short of the mark?
Child protection fathers' experiences of childhood, intimate partner violence and parenting
Injuries are not accidents: towards a culture of prevention
Letter to the Editor: An international consensus on the forensic assessment of sleep-related violence and sexual behavior in sleep: if not now, when?
Losing the forest for the trees
Loss of possession: concussions, informed consent, and autonomy
Mild traumatic brain injury and motor vehicle crashes: limitations to our understanding
Necessity for a national trauma center
The need for data in the world's most violent country
Nonnaïveté among Amazon Mechanical Turk workers: consequences and solutions for behavioral researchers
An online psycho-educational intervention for parents did not impact parent or child post-traumatic stress symptoms more than usual care for children following injury
Thoughts on suicidal thinking in bipolar disorder
Too much statistical power can lead to false conclusions: a response to 'Unsuitability of the epidemiological approach to bicycle transportation injuries and traffic engineering problems' by Kary
Yet another dimension of the ineffectiveness of supply-side interventions in illegal drug markets
Child abuse and neglect: challenges and opportunities (Editorial)
Screening and counseling for intimate partner violence: a vision for the future
Editorial introduction: The sociology of hope in contexts of health, medicine, and healthcare
Antidepressants and suicide - Did the FDA Black Box Warning back fire?
Sledding injuries a practice-based study is it time to raise awareness?
Response to letter to the editor: 'Burn surface area calculation instead of burn size estimation: our opinion'
Editorial: Far from idle: four ways in which growing knowledge of the 'resting' brain is transforming our understanding of the causes of childhood disorder
Occupational therapy and driving and community mobility for older adults
Psychiatric 'diseases' in history
Seismology. Relief greets acquittals in Italy earthquake trial
The recording of adverse events from psychological treatments in clinical trials: evidence from a review of NIHR-funded
Reconsidering Durkheim's assessment of tarde: formalizing a tardian theory of imitation, contagion, and suicide suggestion
A postmodern critique of societal discourses of male violence in interpersonal family relationships: a balancing act for social work
Theorizing children's exposure to intimate partner violence using Johnson's typology
"Return to play after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in National Football League athletes" by Shah et al
Review of meniscal injury and associated sports
October: football injuries
Forty years on, or "play up! Play up! And play the game!"
Mapping the global football field: a sociological model of transnational forces within the world game
Abstract and engaged critique in sociology: on football hooliganism
The Irish brawn drain: English League clubs and Irish footballers, 1946-1995
Management of medical confidentiality in English professional football clubs: some ethical problems and issues
Normative ethics in sports medicine
Football commentary: phalangeal fractures--displaced/nondisplaced
Thumb metacarpophalangeal joint ligament injury: football commentary
Commentary. Concussions in football
Concussions, professional sports, and conflicts of interest: why the National Football League's current policies are bad for its (players') health
A historical perspective of injuries in professional football. Twenty-six years of game-related events
Reflections on 40 years as a sideline physician
The National Football League: cerebral concussion, peer-review, and the oath of Hippocrates: keynote address--NFL concussion summit, Chicago 2007
Sports participation and fair play
(How) Can We Reduce Violence Against Women by 50% over the Next 30 Years?
Gender- and sex-specific sports-related injury research in emergency medicine: a consensus on future research direction and focused application
How postoperative respiratory distress conspired with friendly fire to kill "Stonewall" Jackson
Is workplace health promotion research in the Nordic countries really on the right track?
Report highlights U.S. data on intimate partner and sexual violence
Concussion in the National Football League: viewpoint of an elite player
Why not commercial assistance for suicide? On the question of argumentative coherence of endorsing assisted suicide
Implementing technology to improve public highway performance: A leapfrog technology from the private sector is going to be necessary
To reduce injury of the people of fatal injuries in the operation of motor transport
What does it mean to be a driver and what does it mean to own a car?
A common-sense model of injury perceptions
Gender-based violence: more research (funding) please
The role of trauma symptoms in nonsuicidal self-injury
The safety of women on college campuses: implications of evolving paradigms in postsecondary education
Health for all: a fundamental goal of public health in our region
Journalists and public health professionals: challenges of a symbiotic relationship
Marijuana liberalization policies: why we can't learn much from policy still in motion
Twenty-five years of research on violence in digital games and aggression empirical evidence, perspectives, and a debate gone astray
Twenty-five years of research on violence in digital games and aggression revisited: a reply to Elson and Ferguson (2013)
How to tell bad news
The foundation of counseling in the Republic of Ecuador
Why prevention? Why now?
Comments about the differences in the number of suicide deaths in Spain
Is violence a disease? Situating violence prevention in public health policy and practice
Pretty in pink? Firearm hazards for domestic violence victims
Violence and mental illness: what Lewis Carroll had to say
Addressing violence against women: a call to action
Assessment and prevention of falls in older people - concise guidance
Burn surface area calculation instead of burn size estimation: our opinion
Collective violence caused by climate change and how it threatens health and human rights
Commentary: driver monitoring and feedback: not just "I told you so"
A different approach to Indigenous drink driving is needed to incorporate cultural factors in outer regional and remote Australia
Disaster nursing in Iran: challenges and opportunities
Drowning: a largely preventable cause of death
Ethical guidance on healthcare professionals' responses to violence against women
Ethical issues after sexual assault
Freedom from fear
Promoting physical activity in Out-of-School Time programs: we built the bridge-can we walk over it?
Psychiatry's place in physician-assisted suicide
Craddock and Mynors-Wallis's assault on thinking
An alternative model of health delivery system to improve public health in India
No exceptions: documenting the abortion experiences of US Peace Corps volunteers
Quantifying the effects of rare variants in pedigrees: how far does the apple fall from the tree?
Correspondence to: "Factors affecting injury severity of vehicle occupants following road traffic collisions"
Disaster ethics
Ethics of research in pediatric emergency medicine
Glasgow coma scale scoring is often inaccurate
How many deaths before we put cough syrups behind the counter?
How to use the load-sharing classification of spine fractures? : Letter to the editor regarding ''Progressive kyphotic deformity in comminuted burst fractures treated non-operatively: the Achilles tendon of the Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS)'' by Tobias A Mattei, Joseph Hanovnikian, Dzung H. Dinh (2014) Eur Spine J. doi:10.1007/s00586-014-3312-0
Injury prevention practices as depicted in G- and PG-rated movies, 2008-2012
Teens and gun trafficking: a call for pediatric advocacy
When to say when: responding to a suicide attempt in the acute care setting
Understanding the public's health problems: applications of symbolic interaction to public health
"Femicide" and rhetorics of "coadyuvante" in Ciudad Juarez: valuing rhetorical traditions in the Americas
"True blood," a critical pedagogy of conjuration, and mediating racial histories in the classroom
"We have a great task ahead of us!": child-hate in Roald Dahl's "The Witches"
Addressing child maltreatment in New Zealand: is poverty reduction enough?
Adolescent drunkenness: perception of the problem in Russia and Germany
Affective emotions: the pedagogical challenges of knowing war
A science that saves lives
Are social work educators bullies? Student perceptions of political discourse in the social work classroom
Art means a lot
Athlete health and safety in rowing: editorial by the FISA (rowing) Sports Medicine Commission
The Australian situation: not so touchy?
Automatic processes in aggression: conceptual and assessment issues
The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS): has the "gold standard" become a liability?
From patchwork to package: implementing foundational capabilities for state and local health departments
Galileo would have loved sports biomechanics, digitised ECG and his smartphone
Refereeing: what football can teach science
Breaching confidentiality: medical mandatory reporting laws in Iran
Cannabis and road safety
Campus crisis response at Viberg College
Corrigendum to "Victimization and polyvictimization of Spanish children and youth: Results from a community sample" [Child Abuse Negl. 38 (2014) 640-649]
Deliberate self-harm and the nexus of violence, victimization, and mental health problems in the United States
The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour
Ready, fire, aim: the college campus gun fight
Response to "Seat belt injury causing bisection of the breast: a case report"
Toward understanding and treating violence in America: some contributions from group dynamic and group therapy perspectives: introduction to part i
Wasted potential: the role of higher education institutions in supporting safe, sensible and social drinking among students
Tragedy's legacy
Tragedy's legacy
Tragedy's legacy
Pitting the Second Amendment against the First
Serious youth violence and innovative prevention: on the emerging link between public health and criminology
Cooperation advances on vehicular communications: A survey
Air ambulance tasking: mechanism of injury, telephone interrogation or ambulance crew assessment?
Both Islam and Christianity invite to tolerance: a commentary on Dirk Baier
Ethics of pharmacological research involving adolescents
High incidence of occult, serious injury in possibly-abused infants presenting with isolated bruising
Improving our understanding of youth suicide clusters
It is not about the influence religiosity ought to have, but the influence it does have: a response
Postpartum psychosis: a valuable misnomer
Psychotic disorders in DSM-5: a paradigm shift?
Rape and the straw man: a response to Lindsay Kelland
Religion and morality
Suicide prevention: a complex global challenge
Suicide prevention: let's start at the very beginning
Violence, suicide, and all-cause mortality
Like a stone: "A happy death" and the search for knowledge
Love and politics: Sister Quinlan and the future we have desired
Considerations on the involvement of young people as co-inquirers in abuse and neglect research
Beyond broken spines-what the radiologist needs to know about late complications of spinal cord injury
Can child injury prevention include healthy risk promotion?
Child protection: a 50-year perspective
Classic and emergent psychosocial work factors and mental health
A common thread: pediatric advocacy training
Ensuring youth's right to participation and promotion of youth leadership in the development of sexual and reproductive health policies and programs
The general practitioner's role in identifying and supporting female victims of violence
Health professionals all have a role to play in identifying violence
Health promotion interventions and policies addressing excessive alcohol use: a systematic review of national and global evidence as a guide to health-care reform in China
A heavy burden on young minds: the global burden of mental and substance use disorders in children and youth
Problems of preparedness and its promotion in Germany
Safety alert: protecting yourself and others from violence
Twenty years after international conference on population and development: where are we with adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights?
Violence against women: an involvement of all players
Human factors implications of vehicle automation: current understanding and future directions
Booker T. Washington's audacious vocationalist philosophy
Challenges of the harmonization and ratification of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by Japan
Combining academia and activism: common obstacles and useful tools
Commentary on a study of the prevalence of mental disorders by Breslau et al
Commentary to: Tai Chi improves balance and prevents falls in people with Parkinson's disease
A critical appraisal of issues in differential response: moving the field forward
A critical evaluation of the literature of the Troubles project: philosophy, methodology, findings/outcomes
A critical pedagogy of ineffability: identity, education and the secret life of whatever
Crumbs, thieves, and relics: translation and alien humanism
Daisaku Ikeda's philosophy of peace, education proposals, and Soka education: convergences and divergences in peace education
Development of artificial empathy
A different type of summer camp: SNCC, Freedom Summer, Freedom Schools, and the development of African American males in Mississippi
Distorting the truth: conscious or subconscious self-esteem protection?
Do we only die once?
Transformative moral education: challenging an ecology of violence
Toward a critical peace education for sustainability
Time for a sport sex-discrimination uprising of a different sort
What every educator needs to know about queer youth
Violent events: school social workers' perception and response
Victories over violence: the quest for safe schools and communities
Early childhood interventionists' perceptions of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: provider characteristics and organizational climate
Education of women and women's expectations from distance education on the issues concerning them
Ferguson is about us too: a call to explore our communities
Governments must do more to address interpersonal violence
A group therapist reflects on violence in america
How much should we spend on health care?
Is it time for a U.S. policy to ban corporal punishment of schoolchildren?
Is road safety being driven in the wrong direction?
Mental illness, mass shootings, and the politics of American firearms
The most potent weapon
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of ...
Peace education, domestic tranquility, and democracy: the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster as domestic violence
Physics almost saved the president! Electromagnetic induction and the assassination of James Garfield: a teaching opportunity in introductory physics
Predictors of support for juvenile sex offender registration: educated individuals recognize the flaws of juvenile registration
Preventing suicide in the emergency department
Prevention in the twenty-first century: promoting health and well-being in education and psychology
Processing and representation of arguments in one-sided texts about disputed topics
Punishing youth and saturated violence in the era of casino capitalism
Setting the stage for "Animal House": student drinking in college novels, 1865-1933
Stop "poking the bear": dealing with violence in the family
Tai Chi improves balance and prevents falls in people with Parkinson's disease
The theory of feminist poststructural pedagogy applied to the training of public professionals in intimate partner violence
There's always a villain to punish: group processes contributing to violence and its remediation
Using literature and digital storytelling to create a safe place to address bullying
Violence, resilience and solidarity: the right to education for child migrants in South Africa
What can psychiatrists do to better support victims of family violence?
What were we thinking? Five erroneous assumptions that have fueled specialized interventions for adolescents who have sexually offended
Why Straus's "reanalysis" of physical tactics used by female partners is wrong: a response to "Addressing violence by female partners is vital to prevent or stop violence against women: evidence from the multisite batterer intervention evaluation," by Murray Straus, Violence Against Women, 20, 889-899
World Health Organization and disease surveillance: jeopardizing global public health?
Is chronic traumatic encephalopathy a real disease?
Comments on Bruun, D.M. et al. Community-based recreational football: a novel approach to promote physical activity and quality of life in prostate cancer survivors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public health 2014, 11, 5557-5585-time to raise our game
Emotional flow in persuasive health messages
Violence, threat, and emotional "malnourishment": an interview with Dr. Dan Gottlieb
Are there morally relevant differences between hymen restoration and bloodless treatment for Jehovah's Witnesses?
Fear of a family member in childhood is associated with use of prescription psychotropic drugs when older, study shows
Pelvic and lower extremity injuries in Homer's Iliad: a review of the literature
Provincial public center for crisis intervention and psycho-social rehabilitation. a path towards communitary suicidology
Suicide and psychiatry
Suicide, damned word (death, forbidden word)
Tactics of the war on suicide
Understanding and enhancing future infrastructure resiliency: a socio-ecological approach
Atomic weapons and the medical profession (response to Cruden)
Atomic weapons and the medical profession
How consequential is social epidemiology? A review of recent evidence
Advancing a biopsychosocial and contextual model of sleep in adolescence: a review and introduction to the special issue
Atomic weapons and the medical profession (response to Cruden)
Atomic weapons and the medical profession (response to Cruden)
The 'dirty downside' of global sporting events: focus on human trafficking for sexual exploitation
HIV and gender-based violence: welcome policies and programmes, but is the research keeping up?
Identifying domestic violence victims-it's our job
Leadership's role in eliminating workplace violence and changing perceptions in the emergency department
Overuse and underutilization in youth sports: time to seek equipoise
Vincenzo Quercioli (1876-1939), researcher and pioneer of the atlas fracture
Asking men about domestic violence and abuse in a family medicine context: help seeking and views on the general practitioner role
Ethical and methodological issues in qualitative health research involving children: a systematic review
Mandatory life sentences for serious sex offenders in England and Wales: tough, but intelligent too?
Pigeon cave: a legendary place of suicide in Lebanon
The profiles of victims, perpetrators, and unfounded beliefs in honor killings in Turkey
Public health initiatives and partnerships to address intimate partner violence
Race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status in research on child health
Realities after suicide can be a deterrent
TASER(®) conducted electrical weapons: misconceptions in the scientific/medical and other literature
What can GPs do for adult patients disclosing recent sexual violence?
Social and political aspects of physical culture in the Soviet Union in the years 1917-1939
Arrived: the crisis of unaccompanied children at our southern border
Children whose parents attempted suicide are at raised risk of similar behaviour, study finds
Commentary: Taking a deep breath before reflecting on differential response
Improving mental wellbeing for survivors of childhood abuse and neglect: psychological healing and education course in prisons
Influence of media on suicide: proper coverage of media on suicide report: the authors response
Emotional wellbeing and mental health: an exploration into health promotion in young people and families
Chasing: Pancho Villa
Design for America: organizing for civic innovation
Drivers' opinion and knowledge about the measure of using signposts for black spots
The GMO-suicide myth
Growing burden and impact of road crashes in India: need for a safe systems approach
Profiles in science for science librarians: Clyde Snow, forensic anthropologist, social justice advocate, and super sleuth
On peer review - the cornerstone of scientific publication
Partnering health disparities research with quality improvement science in pediatrics
Important messages for clinical care and health policy on suicide
Recognizing the importance of the social determinates of health
The recommendation for rest following acute concussion
Suicide in veterinary medicine: let's talk about it
The unknown risks of youth rugby
The public health crisis of child sexual abuse in low and middle income countries: an integrative review of the literature
What can be done about the social determinants of mental health?
'Mind Your Own Business' - how can we best support employers to improve the mental health of their employees?
Alcohol marketing and underage drinking: time to get real
Comment on 'The incidence of serious eye injury in Scotland: a prospective study'
Commentary: evidence to guide gun violence prevention in America
Creation of a death by suicide: how do bereaved young adults come to understand the death of a friend as suicide?
Cure violence: a public health model to reduce gun violence
Impact of unemployment variations on suicide mortality in Western European countries (2000-2010): authors' reply
The need for evidence-based public health response in disasters
Brief note: Response to Benatar 'The harm of male-on-female rape'
Fear of syphilis and suicide. 1914
Methamphetamine - just another stimulant or a more complex problem?
Pragmatism, mathematical models, and the scientific ideal of prediction and control
Preventing falls
Research ethics in the context of humanitarian emergencies
Revisiting the "golden hour": an evaluation of out-of-hospital time in shock and traumatic brain injury
Strange history: the fall of Rome explained in Hereditas
Distress signals Zeba Arif has seen the fallout from torture
Erratum to: California's nurse-to-patient ratio law and occupational injury
Latent structure of the proposed ICD-11 post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: implications for the diagnostic algorithm
IPPNW Congress in Astana charts course to nuclear-weapons-free world
Introduction to the special issue on factors positively associated with desistance for adolescents and adults who have sexually offended
Management of falls in community-dwelling older adults: a clinical guidance statement from the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association
Older persons' narrations on falls and falling: stories of courage and endurance
Paternalistic breaches of confidentiality in prison: mental health professionals' attitudes and justifications
Personal reflections on a suicide
Prehospital pain management of injured children: a systematic review of current evidence
Prioritization of pediatric CBRNE disaster preparedness education and training needs
The psychiatric consequences of physical injury in military personnel: predicting and managing the risk
A resource for those preparing for and responding to natural disasters, humanitarian crises, and major healthcare emergencies
Renaming schizophrenia to reduce stigma: comparison with the case of bipolar disorder
A second look at the validity of widely used Rorschach indices: Comment on Mihura, Meyer, Dumitrascu, and Bombel (2013)
Vision impaired or professionally blind: health education research and firearm violence
What is public health?
Why is it hard to make progress in assessing children's decision-making competence?
Promoting walking to older people is 'useful', but won't reduce incidence of falls
Commentary: side impact air bags: mitigating risk in the era of the SUV
Commentary: 'Smoking, caning and delinquency in a secondary modern school': A pioneer study by JW Palmer
Commentary on the Report of the APSAC Task Force on Evidence-Based Service Planning Guidelines for Child Welfare
Assessing parenting behaviors to improve child outcomes
Building a culture of health: promoting healthy relationships and reducing teen dating violence
Building the evidence base for safe and active bicycling: an historical commentary on Rivara et al: epidemiology of bicycle injuries and risk factors for serious injury
Enhanced definitions of intimate partner violence for DSM-5 and ICD-11 may promote improved screening and treatment
Failing ethics 101: psychologists, the U.S. military establishment, and human rights
How it all began: from conception to birth to early adulthood
Identity, history, and education in Rwanda: reflections on the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
The impact of marijuana policies on youth: clinical, research, and legal update
Injury Prevention at 20
Insult to injury-indeed: commentary on an article by Zachary J. Kastenberg, MD, et al.: "Adding insult to injury: discontinuous insurance following spine trauma"
Available evidence on risk of injury in youth rugby
Changes in professional rugby and risk of injury in the youth game
Commentary: Actions to end violence against women: a multi-sector approach
Doctors facing complaints are at higher risk of depression and self-harm
Forty years of forensic interviewing of children suspected of sexual abuse, 1974-2014: historical benchmarks
Gather data to reveal true extent of doping in sport
Getting burned. Holes in burn victim study negate prehospital blame
"I know people think i'm a complete pain in the neck": an examination of the introduction of child protection and "safeguarding" in English sport from the perspective of national governing body safeguarding lead officers
Laundry detergent pods pose a dangerous poisoning risk for children
Love or fear: can punishment promote cooperation?
Mars can wait: facing the challenges of our civilization
The marginalisation of bicycling in Modernist urban transport planning
The pandemic of violence against women - the latest chapter in the history of misogyny
Patients needing to discuss religion should be referred to the specialists
Pessimism and violence in Kiran Desai's "Inheritance of loss"
Youth rugby injuries need to be prioritised by funding bodies
'You feel unusual walking': the invisible presence of walking in four English cities
The voice of the child in child protection: whose voice?
Urgent protection versus chronic need: clarifying the dual mandate of child welfare services across Canada
U.S. Bicyclist deaths in motor vehicle accidents increase dramatically
Severe alkali burns from beer line cleaners warrant mandatory safety guidelines
Stanley Milgram's obedience to authority "relationship" condition: some methodological and theoretical implications
Regional frameworks for safeguarding children: the role of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Research on youth rugby injuries in Northern Ireland
Mixed emotions: a response to - Large MM and Ryan CJ. Suicide risk categorisation of psychiatric inpatients: what it might mean and why it is of no use. Australasian Psychiatry 2014; 22(4): 390-2
Organ donation after brain death due to child abuse
Preventing a child maltreatment epidemic
Psychiatric diagnosis: nominalism versus realism
Suicide in India: from criminalisation to compassion
Terrorism: science seeks roots of terror
Terrorism: terror prediction hits limits
The globalisation of cannabis cultivation: a growing challenge
Obamacare and immigration reform: is it time to promote occupational and agricultural health and safety?
Toward a national core course in agricultural medicine and curriculum in agricultural safety and health: the "Building Capacity" consensus process
High calorie, low nutrient food/beverage intake and video gaming in children as potential signals for addictive behavior
The safe routes to school program in California: an update
Could music potentially serve as a functional alternative to alcohol consumption? The importance of music motives among drinking and non-drinking adolescents
Addressing health care workplace violence
Being like Mike - fear, trust, and the tragic death of Michael Davidson
Child injury prevention in Croatia
Collectivity, evil and the dynamics of moral value
Do not blame the driver: a systems analysis of the causes of road freight crashes
Fighting fire: emotional risk management at social service agencies
Generalists or specialists? Interdisciplinarity in, and scientific development of, public health in Germany
Infant death scene investigation
The need for theory to guide concussion research
Nine out of ten trauma calls to a Norwegian hospital are avoidable: a retrospective analysis
Opportunities for suicide risk reduction
Poisoning prevention
Preventing gun injuries in children
Sports-related concussions in youth: improving the science, changing the culture
Torture and doctors' dual obligation
Undocumentedness and public policy: the impact on communities, individuals, and families along the Arizona/Sonora border
Women in situations of violence: limits of assistance
Response to the Barth and Saunders commentaries on the Report of the APSAC Task Force on Evidence-Based Service Planning Guidelines
Awareness in its infancy
Can we rely on suicide mortality data?
Does entering adulthood in a recession affect narcissism? Robust evidence is still needed
Acupuncture is all placebo and here is why
Counselor attitudes of effectiveness with sexually abused men
911 caller good Samaritan laws
Drowning a 'hidden' child-killer
How can we practice ethical medicine when the evidence is always changing?
North Earlham Estate, Norwich - the first UK 20 MPH zone
Menace of childhood non-accidental traumatic brain injuries: a single unit report
Adolescent dating violence: supports and barriers in accessing services
Bakian et al. respond to "Assessing air pollution and suicide risk"
Invited commentary: assessment of air pollution and suicide risk
Creating safer workplaces: the role of ethical leadership
Tackling disasters… are we prepared?
Traffic accidents in Iran, a decade of progress but still challenges ahead
Treatment needs of driving while intoxicated offenders: the need for a multi-modal approach to treatment
Recent survey suggests many teens think using marijuana isn't risky
Serenity in political uncertainty
Making the most of Safe Routes to School: a federal program provides children in local communities with improved ways to get to school
Identification of, and knowledge communication among core safety science journals
Participation in activities while distracted by mobile device use (Editorial)
Saying 'no' to domestic violence
Reprint of: Economic recession and a crisis of regulation in safety-critical industries
Sex offender populations and clinical efficacy: a response to Rosky
The misuse and abuse of statistics in biomedical research
Physical and sexual intimate partner violence negatively affects women's mental health and their children's behaviour
What constitutes a good and bad death?: perspectives of homeless older adults
Beyond CPS: Developing an effective system for helping children in "neglectful" families: policymakers have failed to address the neglect of neglect
Driving down injuries and deaths on country roads
Historical perspectives on music as a cause of disease
Medical journals and free speech
Melancholia before the twentieth century: fear and sorrow or partial insanity?
Providers' perspectives about helpful information for evaluating domestic violence and sexual assault services: a practice note
Safety sans Frontières: an international safety culture model
Suicide in doctors while under fitness to practise investigation
Walking safety and preventing falls in Parkinson's disease
Undergraduates' social and psychological functioning: the need for social re-orientation
Communicating the risk of violent and offending behavior: review and introduction to this special issue
Alcohol's harm to others' well-being and health: a comparison between Chile and Australia
Drawing on related knowledge to advance multiple sclerosis falls-prevention research
A geospatial analysis of the relationship between neighbourhood socioeconomic status and adult severe injury in Greater Vancouver
Progress in violence risk assessment and communication: hypothesis versus evidence
Publisher's Note to "The association between kinematic risky driving among parents and their teenage children: moderation by Shared Personality Characteristics"
The role of forensic death investigators interacting with the survivors of death by homicide and suicide
Commentary on, "Relationships among age, gender, anthropometric characteristics, and dynamic balance in children 5 to 12 years old"
Forged by fire: Margery Kempe's account of postnatal psychosis
Pioneers in pediatric psychology: environments shape behavior
Organizational contradictions between safety and security - perceived challenges and ways of integrating critical infrastructure protection in civil aviation
Reflections on 20 years of research on violence and trauma
'Safe routes' project aims to allay parents' fears of children walking and cycling to school
Physical activity, public health, and elementary schools
Edge-Ucation: What compels communities to build schools in the middle of nowhere? (Editorial)
Transportation practitioners: stakeholders in safer routes to school
Creating a safe community through the Walk This Way program: safe kids Philippines experience
Which pill should we take?
The 50 metre dash - trials and tribulations of the walking journey to school
The role of built environments in physical activity, eating, and obesity in childhood
The walking school bus: extending children's geographies?
Better ways to get to school
By foot, bus or car: children's school travel and school choice policy
Characteristics of child pedestrian crashes in the United States
Safe routes to schools
Community design and policies for free-range children: creating environments that support routine physical activity
Contributions of built environment to childhood obesity
Cycling for everyone: lessons from Europe
Determinants of activity-friendly neighborhoods for children: results from the SPACE study
Determinants of car travel on daily journeys to school: cross sectional survey of primary school children
Early arrival or trespassing? Leadership, school security, and the right to the school
Healthier kids, safer neighborhoods: safe routes to school encourages walking while educating kids and parents about pedestrian safety
Healthy routes for active modes in school journeys
Improve the major walk to school roads by mapping out the popular routes
Lafayette, CO leverages SRTS grant to make biking and walking to school safer with beacon technology
Road safety education in schools - making it happen
Safe routes to school
Safe routes to school--making a big difference via small steps
Making the way to school safer
Physical activity and active commuting to elementary school
Planning safe routes to school
Planning to make every school's travel sustainable by 2010
Anti-helmet arguments: lies, damned lies and flawed statistics
Creating a driver safety culture in the not for profit sector: the UnitingCare Queensland Road Safety Program
Cycling and children (editorial)
Cycling safety in Australia (editorial)
Driver behaviour (extended editorial)
"Ride to Live" - the research behind the campaign
Road Safety and cycling - a view from the handlebars (editorial)
Safe cycling: all we need is 3, 2, 1 to reach zero (extended editorial)
Adolescents who self-harm are at increased risk of health and social problems as young adults
Antidepressants and risk of suicide
Between Werther and Papageno effects
Combat-related PTSD in military court: a. diagnosis in search of a defense
Concussion and football: a review and editorial
Can we ever stop worrying about venous thromboembolism after trauma?
Design-for-human factors (DfHF): a grounded theory for integrating human factors into production design processes
Do NOT close the gate on gatekeeper training at universities and colleges
The ebb and flow of traumatic brain injury research
Get Set: prevent sports injuries with exercise!
Hospital-based active shooter incidents: sanctuary under fire (editorial)
Ethical and regulatory considerations in the design of traumatic brain injury clinical studies
Research and practice in a multidimensional world: a commentary on the contribution of the third dimension of the Haddon matrix to injury prevention
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States: a call to action from 8 health professional organizations and the American Bar Association
Guns, society, and medicine
In memory of Daniel - reviving research to prevent gun violence
In reply to Shark attacks and shark diving
Interventions for intimate partner violence
Interventions for intimate partner violence--authors' reply
More polygraph futility: a comment on Jensen, Shafer, Roby, and Roby (2015)
Personal reflections about the work of the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect
Presence of l-canavanine in Hedysarum alpinum seeds and its potential role in the death of Chris McCandless
Protecting children from injury
Re: Rational suicide: sending the wrong message?
Quality of life in psychosis: prevalence and associated factors in a Nigerian clinical population
Recommendations for the prevention of poisoning
Reducing firearm-related harms: time for us to study and speak out
Response to the commentaries on JW Palmer. Smoking, caning and delinquency in a secondary modern school
Restoration of firearm rights in New York
Reply to "In response to wilderness search strategy and tactics"
Special considerations in infants and children
Sports concussion: time for a culture change
State-level relationships cannot tell us anything about individuals
Sudden unexpected death in infancy: aetiology, pathophysiology, epidemiology and prevention in 2015
Sustaining the effects of gatekeeper suicide prevention training
US medical societies call for action on gun violence
Violence and homicide in Mexico: a global health issue
Workplace safety: risky encounters
Why analyse variances in order to compare means
New directions in cyberbullying research
Involuntary euthanasia of severely ill newborns: is the Groningen Protocol really dangerous?
International MS Falls Prevention Research Network: report from the front lines
Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: safety, security and privacy
Global health security demands a strong international health regulations treaty and leadership from a highly resourced World Health Organization
Passive perceptual learning versus active searching in a novel stimuli vigilance task
Patient confidentiality and new technologies in burn care
Patient confidentiality and new technologies in burn care
Practitioner insights on obesity prevention: the voice of South Australian OPAL workers
Promoting safety by increasing uncertainty - Implications for risk management
Reflecting on Jens Rasmussen's legacy. A strong program for a hard problem
Preliminary perspectives on DNA collection in anti-human trafficking efforts
The social construction of safety: comparing three realities
Towards safety through advanced solutions
A therapeutic approach to assessing legal capacity in Australia
Whom to target for falls-prevention trials: recommendations from the International MS Falls Prevention Research Network
Airbag-related death in a toddler. A poorly known danger?
Antidepressant dose and risk of deliberate self-harm-reply
Antidepressant dose and risk of deliberate self-harm: is it the dose or the indication?
Child hospital admissions for self-harm at five-year high
Commitment of primary care to gender violence. Have we met the challenge?
Correction to Anestis et al. (2014) The modal suicide decedent did not consume alcohol ...
Drowning is a 'serious and neglected' public health threat
The ethical and policy implications of research on income inequality and child well-being
For optimal outcomes, children belong in homes
Head trauma in sport and neurodegenerative disease: an issue whose time has come?
Informal coercion in psychiatry: a focus group study of attitudes and experiences of mental health professionals in ten countries
Corrections for Chen et al., Plasma butyrylcholinesterase regulates ghrelin to control aggression
Visualizing risk: images, risk and fear in a health campaign
Whither the "signature wounds of the war" after the war: estimates of incidence rates and proportions of TBI and PTSD diagnoses attributable to background risk, enhanced ascertainment, and active war zone service, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2003-2014
Social dominance in childhood and its evolutionary underpinnings: why it matters and what we can do
Social dominance, school bullying, and child health: what are our ethical obligations to the very young?
Standing up to bullies
'Suicide tourism': creating misleading 'scientific' news
A systemic failure to address at-risk drinking and alcohol use disorders: the Canadian story
Toxicology and treatment: medical authorities and snake-bite in the middle ages
Tragedy in sport
Traumatic brain injury and juvenile offending: complex causal links offer multiple targets to reduce crime
The use of Haddon's matrix to plan for injury and illness prevention at outdoor music festivals
Field Notes
Genomics of injury: the Glue Grant experience
When doing wrong feels so right: normalization of deviance
Transnational dialogues between specialist and institutional knowledge in occupational accident legislation, first half of the twentieth century
Somnambulism in Verdi's Macbeth and Bellini's La Sonnambula: opera, sleepwalking, and medicine
The strategic genius of Jonathan Letterman: the relevancy of the American Civil War to current health care policy makers
What Can We Learn from the Study of Mexican-Origin Families in the United States?
Athlete testing: sports doping vastly underestimated
Factors influencing publication of scientific articles derived from masters theses in public health
Hold that line: the New Orleans police strikes
Federal workers' compensation program basics
Suicide rate computation - methodological inexactitude
Shame and the modern woman: how slut-shaming hurts you!
The bad boys and girls of cyberspace: how gender and context impact perception of and reaction to trolling
Gender essentialism in Canadian foreign aid commitments to women, peace, and security
The OCTET RCT - a reply to Dr Mustafa
Potent questions about cannabis and mental health
Prison violence (editorial)
Psychological symptomatology, self-esteem and life satisfactions of women from polygamous and monogamous marriages in Syria
Reflections on the state of workers' compensation and occupational health & safety in the United States and Canada
Worker engagement in the health and safety regulatory arena under changing models of worker representation
Sir Humphry Davy and the coal miners of the world: a commentary on Davy (1816) 'An account of an invention for giving light in explosive mixtures of fire-damp in coal mines'
What does remembering racial violence do? Greensboro's Truth Commission, mnemonic overlap, and attitudes toward racial redress
Retraction notice: 'Stalking by Females’
Rejoinder to Dennis Gorman's critique of: "Preventing alcohol harm: Early results from a cluster randomised, controlled trial in Victoria, Australia of comprehensive harm minimisation school drug education"
Suicide in circumpolar regions: an introduction and overview
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-was Robert Louis Stevenson inspired by Horace Wells?
Youth suicide and access to guns
Why medical schools are tolerant of unethical behavior
Western Europe, state formation, and genetic pacification
Toward understanding and treating violence in America: some contributions from group dynamic and group therapy perspectives: introduction to Part II
Reconsidering "inattention" in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: implications for neuropsychological assessment and intervention
Nursing advocacy for women veterans and suicide
Addressing firearm-related violence in the United States
Youth suicide rate in rural US is nearly double that of urban areas, study finds (editorial)
Author's reply to letter by Trewartha and Stokes on available evidence on risk of injury in youth rugby
Challenges in understanding the epidemiology of acquired brain injury in India
Commentary on "Toward understanding and treating violence in America: some contributions from group dynamic and group therapy perspectives"
Commentary on "Toward understanding and treating violence in America: some contributions from group dynamic and group therapy perspectives"
Commentary on: Gauriot R, Gunaratnam L, Moroni R, Reinikainen T, Corander R. Statistical challenges in the quantification of gunshot residue evidence. J Forensic Sci 2013;58(5);1149-55
Firearm assault injuries in the United States: are we making progress?
Gun Violence, mental health, and Connecticut physicians
Importance of measures to prevent suicides related to the Higashinihon Great Earthquake among females
Is suicide under the influence of alcohol a deliberate self-harm syndrome? An autopsy study of lethality
Letter to the editor-homicides in Greece: trends and features
Letter to the Editor
Pharmacist consultations: simplifying daily drug regimens and providing education on fall risk for older adults
Alcohol and femininity in Sweden c. 1830-1922: an investigation of the emergence of separate drinking standards for men and women
The changing face of the cost-utility literature, 1990-2012
Alcohol, liberty, and societal change: what should we do about our drinking problem?
Child maltreatment: every nurse's business
The bicycle helmet - still controversial?
Exploring researchers' experiences of working with people with acquired brain injury
Development of a wearable-sensor-based fall detection system
Dignity of the elderly
Comment on the Straus article : Addressing violence by female partners
Traumatic brain injury in 2020 - a horizon-scanning project
Use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and its consequences: The authors respond
Falling behind? Understanding implementation science in future emergency department management strategies for geriatric fall prevention
"First things first": what is the first thing?
Jeopardizing Christmas: why spoiled kids and a tight schedule could make Santa Claus fall?
New studies question the cardiac safety of conducted electrical weapons
The role of schools in substance use prevention and intervention
Update on abusive head trauma
Violent patients are more than just occupational hazards
War on drugs policing and police brutality
A Comment on May et al. (2002). Do criminals go to the hospital when they are shot?
Deciphering the imperative: translating public health quality improvement into organizational performance management gains
Has epidemiology become infatuated with methods? A historical perspective on the place of methods during the classical (1945-1965) phase of epidemiology
Lessons from complex interventions to improve health
Translating evidence into population health improvement: strategies and barriers
Brain damage in American football
A cure for gun violence
Hitting the open road: the debate over requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets revs up once again
A school-based program reduces teen suicide attempts
What is new in critical illness and injury science? Acetazolamide in decompensated respiratory failure!
Correction to Peter-Hagene and Ullman (2014): Sexual assault-characteristics effects on PTSD and psychosocial mediators
MENTOR-VIP and broader capacity building for injury and violence prevention
Modeling health impacts of the transportation built environment: challenges and opportunities
Next steps to advance injury and violence prevention
Recent progress and future issues in the management of abusive head trauma
Safety 2014: global highlights in injury prevention
The topical problems of the car accident injury emerging from the materials of the articles published in the journal "Sudebno-meditsinskaya ekspertiza" during the period from 1958 to 2012
WHO suicide statistics - a cautionary tale
Using the Haddon matrix: introducing the third dimension
Unwarranted optimism in media portrayals of genetic research on addiction overshadows critical ethical and social concerns
Factor VII deficiency presenting as a possible child abuse
(De)criminalisation of possession of drugs for personal use - A view from the Czech Republic
Academic-community partnerships improve outcomes in pediatric trauma care
Adolescent drug testing policies in schools
Adolescent drug testing policies in schools
New approaches for moving upstream: how state and local health departments can transform practice to reduce health inequalities
Preventing unintentional injuries in the home using the health impact pyramid
Social and health care professionals' views on responsible agency in the process of ending intimate partner violence
Suicidology meets "big data"
Arms and 'The Man'. The role of law enforcement in securing violent patients
The causes of their death appear (unto our shame perpetual): why root cause analysis is not the best model for error investigation in mental health services
The criminal corpse, anatomists and the criminal law: parliamentary attempts to extend the dissection of offenders in late eighteenth-century England
Driving after traumatic brain injury
Earlier than too late: stopping stress & suicide among emergency personnel. First responders keep killing themselves--why is that, and what can we do about it?
Editorial: emerging issues in sociotechnical systems thinking and workplace safety
Emergency physicians and firearm violence
Fire and worker health and safety: an introduction to the special issue
Firefighters and flame retardant activism
Medical Disaster: Why Ken Mattingly Can't Have Measles in Apollo 13
Metric units and the preferred dosing of orally administered liquid medications
The natural theology of Victorian industry
Screening for suicide risk in adolescents, adults, and older adults in primary care: recommendation statement
Workplace fire-not a misfortune, but an avoidable occupational hazard in Korea
Why have we not yet developed a simple blood test for TBI?
The case for a public forum within the United Nations to listen to those who use armed violence to address their grievances
Psychiatry and law: past, present and future
2020 foresight: practicing ethically while doing things that don't yet exist
After 75 years of magic: Disney answers its critics, rewrites African American history, and cashes in on its racist past
Using speculation to meet evidence: reply to Alba and Messner (full author's version)
Firearms and suicide
Are all abortions equal? Should there be exceptions to the criminalization of abortion for rape and incest?
Brief account on the head injury of a noble youngster in the sixteenth century (Prince Don Carlos, heir to Philip II of Spain, 1545-1568)
"Careworkers don't have a voice:" Epistemological violence in residential care for older people
Celebrating the ACP centennial: from the Annals archive-firearm-related harms
A community for disaster science
Comprehensive SDG goal and targets for non-communicable diseases and mental health
Domestic violence project shortlisted for national award
Neuroscience: Binge drinking and brain stress systems
Sport-related concussions: paranoia or legitimate concern?
Traumatic brain injury in North Carolina: the state of the state today
Epidemiology of child psychopathology: major milestones
Erratum to: Do neighborhood attributes moderate the relationship between alcohol establishment density and crime?
Establishing an integrated trauma system in Iran: the time of translating information into action
A literature review on new robotics: automation from love to war
Mental health emergency detentions and access to firearms
Moral alliance strategies theory
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices and poison control centers: collaborating to prevent medication errors and unintentional poisonings
Intrasexual competition shapes men's anti-utilitarian moral decisions
Liberté, Liberté Chérie
An overview of international literature on school interventions to promote mental health and well-being in children and adolescents
Prevent youth assault by assaulting firearm violence
Promoting quality of care in disaster response: a survey of core surgical competencies
Shared use and safe routes to school: managing the fear of liability
The surgical elimination of violence? Conflicting attitudes towards technology and science during the psychosurgery controversy of the 1970s
Tarasoff's catch-22
Chronic disease causes more visits to emergency departments while visits for injuries fall, US study finds
Falls research: stumbling or striding?
Informing patients about limits to confidentiality: a qualitative study in prisons
A national tragedy: increases in death by suicide, decreases in other major causes of death
Nothing to fear with mental health
Nuclear Weapons. Iran deal would transform its nuclear infrastructure
Risk factors, warning signs, and drivers of suicide: what are they, how do they differ, and why does it matter?
Scientific Publishing. U.S. agencies fall in line on public access
Twenty years of neighborhood effect research: an assessment
Abolishing the world's worst weapons
Banal no more: an essay on the film Hannah Arendt, with special reference to Eichmann and the Nazi killing groups
Bullying prevention in schools: position statement
Comprehensive injury research
Guns, mental illness, and the law: introduction to this issue
New study highlights need to scale up violence prevention efforts globally
Promotion and application on the injury prevention strategy research in China
The rise of marijuana and the fall of cocaine in the United States: for better, for worse?
Towards an electronic national injury surveillance system in Saudi Arabia
We know too little about demand: comments on 'cocaine's fall'
Where are general practitioners when disaster strikes?
Correction: correction: challenges for resuming normal life after earthquake: a qualitative study on rural areas of Iran
Economic considerations and health in all policies initiatives: evidence from interviews with key informants in Sweden, Quebec and South Australia
Erratum to: Study protocol: evaluation of a parenting and stress management programme: a randomised controlled trial of Triple P Discussion Groups and Stress Control
Health in the sustainable development goals: ready for a paradigm shift?
The imperative of public health: opportunity or trap?
Journalists, district attorneys and researchers: why IRBs should get in the middle
Metapsychological and clinical issues in psychosomatics research
Policy context and narrative leading to the commissioning of the Australian indigenous burden of disease study
Respect for dignity and forensic psychiatry
"We are all one together": peer educators' views about falls prevention education for community-dwelling older adults - a qualitative study
Student's perspectives on objective structured practical examination (OSPE) in Forensic Medicine - A report from India
Sports and health: equivalence or contrariety
20 years of the ICRC Code of Conduct for Disaster Relief: what do we need to improve?
Acute stress symptoms among US ocean lifeguards
Antidepressants do not prevent suicide attempts or suicides
Battle over Florida legislation casts a chill over gun inquiries
Call for research on bystander intervention to prevent sexual violence: the role of campus environments
Create effective anti-bullying policies
HIV prevention and treatment strategies can help address the overdose crisis
Imagine no religion: heretical disgust, anger and the symbolic purity of mind
India needs shift in thinking to improve road safety
Neuroanatomical correlates of the income-achievement gap
The question on a few basic concepts of acute-poisoning research
Response to 'benzodiazepine use and aggressive behaviour'
From disease prevention to health promotion
Transportation policy and road investments
Applying the new genomics to alcohol dependence
Blast testing issues and TBI: experimental models that lead to wrong conclusions
Professionalism and care: the daily bread and butter of a paramedic attending patients who fall
Treating terrorists and victims: a moral dilemma
Reply to letter: "Prehospital intravenous fluid administration is associated with higher mortality in trauma patients: a National Trauma Data Bank analysis"
Correction: Safety and efficacy of at-home robotic locomotion therapy in individuals with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury: a prospective, pre-post intervention, proof-of-concept study
Involuntary outpatient treatment (IOT) in Spain
What makes you think you are conscious? An agnosticist manifesto
Desire for power or the power of desire? Mimetic theory and the heart of twentieth-century realism
New media and the war in Afghanistan: the significance of blogging for the Swedish strategic narrative
Reviving a ghost in the history of technology: the social construction of the recumbent bicycle
Rivalry and its antidote in charity: lessons from the crucifixion for wars and rumours of wars
Until the end of the world: Girard, Schmitt and the origins of violence
The appropriateness of treating psychopathic disorders
Barriers, blinders, and unbeknownst experts: overcoming access barriers to conduct qualitative studies of juvenile justice
Child injury forensic human factors points to the need for better product designs and warnings
Relational conceptions of paternalism: a way to rebut nanny-state accusations and evaluate public health interventions
Rethinking "time to rethink" distracting injuries
Terrorism-related trauma in Africa, an increasing problem
CDC: Increasing seat belt use among truckers could prevent worker deaths
Child abuse and child protection: the role of the expert
The Dark Ghetto revisited: Kenneth B Clark's classic analysis as cutting edge criminology
Reflecting on faith and feminism
A critical discourse analysis of provincial policies impacting shelter service delivery to women exposed to violence
Cyberbullying and bullying must be studied within a broader peer victimization framework
Can obtaining informed consent alter self-reported drinking behaviour? A methodological experiment
Policy conflict: women's groups and institutionalized restorative justice
Promoting the rights and responsibilities of children: a South Australian example
Rebranding "community mental health"
Sexual health, alcohol and the university environment: is there a need for sexual health promotion intervention?
"Slammed into walls": violence and the impersonalized subject in Danielle Collobert's It Then
Social evolution in the shadow of asymmetrical relatedness
Some reflections from the past and some ideas for the future: The 2014 Kempe Oration
The Soria Moria approach to pediatric forensic issues
Traumatic brain injury: some good news
Establishing a proactive safety and health risk management system in the fire service
The evaluation of suspected child physical abuse
Fall prevention in older adults
Travel through time: the story of research on travel time reliability
Correction: Keeping children safe at home: protocol for three matched case-control studies of modifiable risk factors for falls [Inj Prev. 2012]
American Psychological Association colluded with US officials to bolster CIA torture program, report alleges
The connection is in the data: we should consider them all
Breaking the cycle of violence
Extremity injury and war: a historical reflection
The green (and winding) road. It's been a year since Colorado and Washington legalized recreational marijuana, and not all that was predicted has come to pass--with some surprises along the way
Legalizing marijuana for medical purposes will increase risk of long-term, deleterious consequences for adolescents
Mental incapacity and criminal liability: redrawing the fault lines?
A national study on the prevalence of child abuse and neglect in Suriname
Politics of prevention: the emergence of prevention science
Psychopathology in a galaxy far, far away: the use of Star Wars' Dark Side in teaching
Cyberbullying and LGBTQ youth: a deadly combination
How can we socialize beheadings in the west?
The next generation
Social exclusion, vulnerable groups and driving forces: towards a social research based policy on car mobility
The violence of the Islamic State of Syria (ISIS): a behavioral perspective
Couldn't or wouldn't? The influence of privacy concerns and self-efficacy in privacy management on privacy protection
Call for an internationally recognized interprofessional simulation-based disease/injury independent, crisis resource management training certification
Challenges in minimizing the adverse effects of cannabis use after legalization
Good news in the battle against military suicide
Impeaching rape victims in criminal court: does concurrent civil action hurt justice?
Triple threat among the elderly: depression, suicide risk, and handguns
Violence against women: do not forget their children!
Violence on campus: we all have a role to play
What does the Cochrane Collaboration say about falls prevention?
Publication bias and the validity of evidence: what's the connection?
Attacks on children reduced by one fifth in England and Wales
Awarded nurse of the year for tackling domestic violence
Dealing with natural disasters
Diving injuries are (usually) no accident
Domestic violence: it is time for the medical profession to play its part
Economic crisis and mortality by suicide: two concepts hard to link
Evidence of harm from late night alcohol sales continues to strengthen
Four decades of research on school bullying: an introduction
Commentary on "The modal suicide decedent did not consume alcohol just prior to the time of death: An analysis with implications for understanding suicidal behavior"
The concept of capacity in Australian mental health law reform: going in the wrong direction?
Is anybody listening? The literature on the dialogical process of child sexual abuse disclosure reviewed
Poisoning from carbon monoxide is not simply a winter problem
Why do we need systematic reviews to inform healthcare decisions in the disaster context
Hair drug testing in the new Brazilian regulation to obtain professional driver's licence: no parallel to any other law enforcement in the world
What is so special about female sexual offenders? Introduction to the special issue on female sexual offenders
The connection between research and policy advocacy in the United States: a qualitative study
Has the time come for older driver vehicle?
The role of NGOs in child injury prevention: an organizational assessment of one network of NGOs
Current state and recent developments of child psychiatry in China
Four ways life extension will change our relationship with death
Japan copes with calamity: ethnographies of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters of March 2011 (Book review)
Lethal injection under fire: drug shortages and court challenges are causing lawmakers to review their states' method of execution
"Like a lots happened with my whole childhood": violence, trauma, and addiction in pregnant and postpartum women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Mappers rush to pinpoint landslide risk in Nepal
The National Youth Sports Health & Safety Institute: a healthy and sustainable approach to youth sports
Neuropsychiatric phenomena in the medieval text Cantigas de Santa Maria
Practice update: what professionals who are not brain injury specialists need to know about intimate partner violence-related traumatic brain injury
Road traffic injury and rescue system in China
Shaping the future of prevention in social work: an analysis of the professional literature from 2000 through 2010
Suicidal poisoning with cypermethrin: A clinical dilemma in the emergency department
Symbolic bones and interethnic violence in a frontier zone, northwest Mexico, ca. 500-900 C.E
Which nanny - the state or industry? Wowsers, teetotallers and the fun police in public health advocacy
Disgrace at EU's external borders
Conscientious objection: personal and professional ethics in the public square
Advances in traffic psychology
Adverse events do not happen by accident
A broader perspective of gun control
Challenging the political assumption that "Guns don't kill people, crazy people kill people!"
Children's rugby: outdated view that risk of injury is character building
Defying the odds on gun regulation: the passage of bipartisan mental health laws across the states
Erratum: Forjuoh, S. N. (2015). Editorial -- Protecting children from injury.
EuroTag rugby league: a semi-contact version of the game
ICD-10 sprains, strains, and automobile accidents
Introduction to crowd science
Mapping epidemiology's past to inform its future: metaknowledge analysis of epidemiologic topics in leading journals, 1974-2013
The new normal? Addressing gun violence in America
Nonaccidental trauma: guidance for nurses in the pediatric intensive care unit
Optical design of a light-emitting diode lamp for a maritime lighthouse
Positioning a public health framework at the intersection of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: primary prevention requires working outside existing systems
Preventing the invisible plague of firearm suicide
Recreational football is effective in the treatment of non-communicable diseases
The right to childhood: reflections on the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
Rise in violence against doctors in Turkey, elsewhere
Trauma in the geriatric population
Where the rubber meets the road: the challenge of reporting colleagues' boundary violations
Immediate lessons from the Nepal earthquake
Adapting to disaster? A commentary on Hamamatsu et al. (2014)--a brief reply
Are there scenarios when the use of non-placebo-control groups in experimental trial designs increase expected value to society?
Concussion is confusing us all
Health in All Policies: a cross-sectional study of the public health coordinators' role in Norwegian municipalities
Medical students' death anxiety: severity and association with psychological health and attitudes toward palliative care
Nepal earthquake exposes gaps in disaster preparedness
PhotoVoice: a community-based participatory approach in developing disaster reduction strategies
Preparing for disasters
Scientific disintegrity as a public bad
Secondary sex ratio and marriage after disaster: a reply to O'Donnell and Behie
What you need to know about fall protection training
Assessing command and control effectiveness - dealing with a changing world, Peter Berggren
Clinical challenges in parental expression of hope and miracles
Mental illness and stigma: has psychiatry done more harm than good?
Necessity to develop a tool to evaluate activity of daily living for electric powered indoor/outdoor chair users
Managing and caring for distressed and disturbed service users: the thoughts and feelings experienced by a sample of English mental health nurses
Rib fractures in osteogenesis imperfecta: have we learnt anything about child abuse?
Suicide risk assessment and management in practice: the quintessential clinical activity
The acceptability among health researchers and clinicians of social media to translate research evidence to clinical practice: mixed-methods survey and interview study
Achieving gender equality to reduce intimate partner violence against women
Against a singular understanding of legal capacity: criminal responsibility and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Are women in Turkey both risks and resources in disaster management?
Death anxiety and education: a comparison among undergraduate and graduate students
Enemies of ethics equals environmental exodus, Part 1
Ethical deliberations about involuntary treatment: interviews with Swedish psychiatrists
Famous people with Tourette's syndrome: Dr. Samuel Johnson (yes) & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (may be): victims of Tourette's syndrome?
Feminist framework plus: knitting feminist theories of rape etiology into a comprehensive model
Rural youths commit suicide almost twice as often as urban counterparts
Smoking and mortality - beyond established causes
Trauma informed care in medicine: current knowledge and future research directions
Drowning - the preventable killer
The exposure of children to intimate partner violence: potential bridges between two fields in research and psychosocial intervention: research and interventions often focus on a specific form of violence without considering other forms of victimization
Four paradigms: traffic safety in the twentieth-century United States
Global status report on violence prevention 2014
The history of traffic safety: describing 100 years
How members of the public interpret the word accident
In response to how not to train your dragon: a case of komodo dragon bite, by Borek and Charlton
Introduction: global perspectives on road safety history
Nurses' attitudes towards the reporting of violence in the emergency department
Navigating the gender minefield: an IPV prevention campaign sheds light on the gender gap
On patient safety: "Is there a gun in the home?"
Mental health legislation in New Zealand: a balancing act?
The gap remains: NHMRC research funding for suicide and self-harm, 2000-2014
How does intimate partner violence differ depending on level of rurality of residential area in Spain?
Linked records of children with traumatic brain injury. Probabilistic linkage without use of protected health information
Analysis of violence against elderly women
Community and law enforcements in preventing elderly abuse - critical analysis on human values in India
Emile Durkheim's concepts of justice and freedom
Happy like profilers: Gordon Burn, modernity and serial killing
Mental health effects of climate change
Omission of men from gender-development theory and praxis: a pathway for addressing the plights of women?
Professionalism under fire: conflict, war and epidemics
The stone that mourns its victims: Haiti still recovering from its injuries and traumas 5 years after the 2010 earthquake
Strong gun laws are not enough: the need for improved enforcement of secondhand gun transfer laws in Massachusetts
Untimely applause was a distraction Comment on "Shanghai rising: health improvements as measured by avoidable mortality since 2000"
Capitalising on research-industry partnerships to advance injury prevention
Car driving, cognitive aging and Alzheimer disease
Challenging conventional wisdom
Evidence-based hamstring injury prevention is not adopted by the majority of Champions League or Norwegian Premier League football teams: the Nordic Hamstring survey
Book review: Graham, R., Rivara, F. P, Ford, M. A., & Spicer, C. M. (Eds.). (2014) Sports-Related Concussions in Youth: Improving the Science, Changing the Culture
The next era of disaster risk reduction
Physical exercise counteracts genetic susceptibility to depression
Preventing unintentional injuries in children
Promoting road safety
Stress cause of nurse suicide, rules coroner
Suicide and cultural criticism in 19th century Spanish medicine
Tensions and ambivalent feelings: opinions of emergency department employees about the identification and management of intimate partner violence
Treat the treatable: a comprehensive and optimistic approach to treating psychiatric violence
Two years after Newtown - public opinion on gun policy revisited
Will the final battle not be between good and evil, but rather injuriologists and accidentologists?
Child safety and injury prevention
Pediatric unintentional firearm injuries: a Northwestern Louisiana trauma center analysis
Why have Australian suicide rates decreased?
The evolving position of the American Psychiatric Association on firearm policy (1993-2014)
Public health professionals and interpersonal violence
Brain injury and deprivation of liberty on neurosciences wards: 'a gilded cage is still a cage'
Crib of horrors: one hospital's approach to promoting a culture of safety
Ethnic inequalities in severe mental disorders: where is the harm?
Pathological publishing: a new psychological disorder with legal consequences?
A retrospective study of alleged female victims of sexual abuse
Review on road safety aspect in transportation
The socioemotional foundations of suicide: a microsociological view of Durkheim's suicide
Arrive alive: road safety in Kenya and South Africa
Automated speed enforcement systems to reduce traffic-related injuries: closing the policy implementation gap
College sexual assault: a call for trauma-informed prevention
Applying knowledge translation tools to inform policy: the case of mental health in Lebanon
Be prepared for disasters
Injuries-the neglected disease of modern society
Dangerous views require scientific evidence
The Danish preventive child health examination should expand on mental health and the well-being of the family
Developing a programme theory to explain how primary health care teams learn to respond to intimate partner violence: a realist case-study
Euthanasia: murder or not: a comparative approach
Fighting the battle on the home front: prevention and intervention of child maltreatment for the military family: The U.S. Air Force Family Advocacy Program seeks to provide safe and nurturing homes for children of military personnel
Growing inequalities in child injury deaths in Europe
How to improve your paper with a cost of illness analysis: providing an example on bullying among social care workers in elder care
Individual privacy versus public good: protecting confidentiality in health research
Intimate partner violence education for medical students in the USA, Vietnam and China
Moral reasoning in disaster scenarios
Preparedness explains some differences between Haiti and Nepal's response to earthquake
Putting residents first: strategies developed by CNAs to prevent and manage resident-to-resident violence in nursing homes
Re: Falls prevention in the elderly
The research impact of school psychology faculty
Road traffic fatalities in Greece have continued to fall during the financial crisis
Statement on virginity testing
Two male nurses' experiences of caring for female patients after intimate partner violence: a South African perspective
Challenges to preventing suicide in later life
A comprehensive approach to sexual violence prevention
One in four US children exposed to weapon violence, study finds
Post-9/11 torture at CIA "black sites"--physicians and lawyers working together
Insomnia and driving ability
The future of biosocial criminology
Violent video game legislation as pseudo-agenda
Alex Poteliakhoff: campaigner for a less violent world
Behavioral health apps abundant, but evidence-based research nearly nonexistent
Black lives matter: a commentary on racism and public health
Activists welcome Delhi government's ban on "unscientific" two finger test for rape
Twenty-seven years of the WHO European Healthy Cities movement: a sustainable movement for change and innovation at the local level
Preventing suicides: developing a strategy
Proving communal warfare among hunter-gatherers: the quasi-Rousseauan error
Policies and consequences: how America and psychiatry took the detour to Erewhon
Equal in the presence of death?
Excessive prescribing of hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs in Japan
Double hanging during consensual sexual asphyxia: a response to Roma, Pazzelli, Pompili, Girardi, and Ferracuti (2013)
Editorial: Increasing knowledge for the prevention of firearm violence
College sexual assault defense program for women halved rape risk
Car seat-associated hypoxia: low birth weight term newborns, another group at risk
The case for environmental strategies to prevent alcohol-related trauma
Child sexual abuse: an area of emerging concern
Editorial: On deliberate self-harm and emergency departments
Addiction, freedom, and responsibility
Dare psychologists become change agents?
The ethics and practicality of compulsory therapy
A 'fair go' on Australian beaches
Humanistic psychology's chief task: to reset psychology on its rightful existential-humanistic base
Interventions for LGBTQ youth suicide: a review of two books
John Rowan on men and the male psyche
Lies, damned lies, and IAPT statistics
The misnomer of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
The need and opportunity to expand substance use disorder treatment in school-based settings
On Sidney Hook's "The Ethics of Suicide"
Presenting phenomenology: faithfully recreating the lived experiences of Surfer Girls
Reviewing Crime Psychology: introducing a new review journal
Seeking social inventions to improve the transition to adulthood
Together4Health: integrating care for vulnerable populations
Translational research and youth development
Sec 498A IPC: will a boon turn in legal terrorism? A review
Advancing our knowledge of the complexity and management of intimate partner violence and co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems in women
American Psychiatric Association: Position Statement on Firearm Access, Acts of Violence and the Relationship to Mental Illness and Mental Health Services
Addressing depression and suicide among physician trainees-reply
Addressing depression and suicide among physician trainees
Editorial: Practising with our hearts and minds: nurses and intimate partner violence
The need for cultural safety in injury prevention
Protecting children in research: safer ways to research with children who may be experiencing violence or abuse
The relationship between child- and parent-reported shared decision making and child-, parent-, and clinician-reported treatment outcome in routinely collected child mental health services data
Advocating for deployed women veterans' health differences, difficulties, and disparities
Choosing death in depression: a commentary on 'Treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and assisted dying'
Dog bites: a complex public health issue
Drug overdose has become leading cause of death from injury in US
Impact of primary blast lung injury during combat operations in Afghanistan (Letter)
Intimate partner violence: a global mental health problem
Scoring the strengths and weaknesses of underage drinking laws in the United States
Understanding the influence of Parkinson's disease on Adolf Hitler's decision-making during World War II
Carelessness - an accident factor
Travelers' accident insurance: motor vehicles largest cause of accidental deaths
Reckless walking must be discouraged: the automobile revolution and the shaping of modern urban Canada to 1930
What is an accident?
Danger hour
Hitting the mind
Charity warns of carbon monoxide poisoning dangers (editorial)
An elusive low-hanging fruit for public health: gun violence prevention
Epidemiology of accidents
Gunshot and stabbing injuries : look beyond the horizon
Nepal disaster: a public health response needed
A spiritual journey - influence of Hannelore
Suicide is still with us
Widespread tsunami-like waves of 23-27 June in the Mediterranean and Black Seas generated by high-altitude atmospheric forcing
Call for Australia's ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture
The development of a humanitarian health ethics analysis tool
Errata: vol. 64, no. 19: fatal and nonfatal drowning outcomes related to dangerous underwater breath-holding behaviors..
Errata: Vol. 64, No. 23: Opioid overdose prevention programs providing naloxone to laypersons ..
Aboriginal youth suicide rises in Northern Ontario
Canada lacks national suicide prevention strategy
Gun ownership and social gun culture
Hymen restoration: "my" discomfort, "their" culture, and women's missing voice
Advancements in treating intimate partner violence in veterans
Social media embraces suicide prevention
Violence against women: where are the solutions?
Understanding Edward Muybridge: historical review of behavioral alterations after a 19th-century head injury and their multifactorial influence on human life and culture
The transformation of the value of life: dispossession as torture
The effect of school life on the physical child
Contributions to the study of shell shock: being an account of certain disorders of cutaneous sensibility
"Boring" family routines reduce non-communicable diseases: a commentary and call for action
Cannabis use: what to do in general practice?
Children and armed conflict
Commentary: status of road safety in Asia
The dying child in seventeenth-century England
Erratum: "Family needs and related factors in caring for a family member with mental illness"
Keeping recreational water facilities safe
Psychiatry in exceptional situations: the crash of flight AH5017 in Mali
A qualitative analysis of peer recruitment pressures in respondent driven sampling: Are risks above the ethical limit?
Suicide among US military personnel
Suicide among US military personnel-reply
Video surveillance in mental health facilities: is it ethical?
Decriminalization of attempted suicide law: journey of fifteen decades
Famous head injuries of the first aerial war: deaths of the "Knights of the Air"
Introduction: (In)famous neurological injuries and disease: cases and events of historical, political, cultural, and scientific impact
Joseph Warren: a discussion of his life and analysis of his death
On the evidence for human use and control of fire at Schöningen
Pediatric burns research: a history or an evolution?
Position statement on active outdoor play
Army suicide attempts are most likely among enlisted soldiers on first tour of duty and female soldiers, US study finds
Boards of trustees must assume responsibility for making alcohol prevention on campus a top priority
Child maltreatment in United States military families: the military Family Advocacy Program has given increased attention to the prevention of family violence
It will take more than an existing exercise programme to prevent injury
A long night in the emergency department during the Baltimore, Maryland (USA) Riots
Gender-based violence and HIV in Rwanda: respecting women's voices
Are fire policies fair when they mandate the use of chemical flame retardants without mandating their safety testing?
Bipolar depression, suicide and antidepressant prescriptions
Campus sexual assault perpetration: what else we need to know
Connecting the conceptual dots in embodied cognition: A commentary on "How body balance influences political party evaluations: a Wii balance board study"
Advancing the health-promoting prison: a call for global action
Case study. Temporizing after spinal cord injury. Commentary
Chronobiologic perspectives of black time-accident risk is greatest at night: an opinion paper
Controversies in faith and health care
Lessons must be learned after psychology torture inquiry
Issues in research on aging and suicide
Nepal after the disaster: insider point of views for the future of critical care medicine
Ordered rape: a principal-agent analysis of wartime sexual violence in the DR Congo
Commentary: Altered sleep composition after traumatic brain injury does not affect declarative sleep-dependent memory consolidation
Commentary: "Mental distress in patients with cerebral visual injury assessed with the German Brief Symptom Inventory"
Forensic pharmacovigilance: newer dimension of pharmacovigilance
Forensic science in the context of Islamic law: a review
The need for informatics to support forensic pathology and death investigation
Outcome data needed: interpreting variation in the medical evaluation of child physical abuse
Personal experience: being depressed is worse than having advanced cancer
Posttraumatic stress disorder: the misappropriation of military suicide causation and medication treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder
Prevention of violence in prison - the role of health care professionals
Recurring tragedy of road traffic accidents in India: challenges and opportunities
The safety of vulnerable road users: the challenge for twenty-first century
Severe mutilating injuries with complex macroamputations of the upper extremity - is it worth the effort?
Sticks and stones can break my bones but labels scar my soul
Suicide is a baobab tree: a narrative medicine case study
Three uncommon or underrated threats to football players and others: pearls and pitfalls for diagnosis and prevention
When a family requests a white doctor
Did Emperor Moctezuma II's head injury and subsequent death hasten the fall of the Aztec nation?
Editorial: Conflicts of interest in publication about families and family therapy
Hidden crisis: violence against Syrian female refugees
Mistreatment of women in childbirth: time for action on this important dimension of violence against women
The neurosurgeon as baseball fan and inventor: Walter Dandy and the batter's helmet
New NICE guidelines recommend debriefing after violent incidents
The ontological representation of death: a scale to measure the idea of annihilation versus passage
Punishing health care providers for treating terrorists
Response to letter to the editor: Regarding the Bulzacchelli et al. article on injury during U.S. Army basic combat training
From moral concern to moral constraint
The American Organization of Nurse Executives and Emergency Nurses Association guiding principles on mitigating violence in the workplace
Animal experimentation in forensic sciences: how far have we come?
Brain damage in American football: inevitable consequence or avoidable risk?
Child maltreatment and military-connected youth: developing protective school communities: school responses of referral and clinical interventions do not address needs of military families
Commentary on Center for Disease Control and Prevention Report to Congress: Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Epidemiology and Rehabilitation
Commentary on: Cohort study on the association between helmet use and traumatic brain injury in snowboarders from a Swiss tertiary trauma center
Commentary: Road traffic injury: we've come a long way, but not far enough
On deployment and military suicide risk
On Deployment and Military Suicide Risk-Reply
Urbanization, extreme events, and health: the case for systems approaches in mitigation, management, and response
Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual exploitation infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Forerunner of the science of psychoanalysis? An essay on the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition
Heat illnesses in the emergency department: a hot topic
Hidden victims: a call to action on sexual violence against men in conflict
Is it safe in numbers?
Embracing risk
If you are old and do not want to fall into the traditional stereotype-be physically active!
It can make nurses sick. Aiming to prevent incivility, bullying, violence
Let's listen to patients' and GPs' perspectives on alcohol-screening research
Mental illness drives hospitalizations for detained California youth
The nature of impulsive aggression: Commentary on "Aggression in borderline personality disorder-A multidimensional model"
Next steps in research on aggression in borderline personality disorder: commentary on "Aggression in borderline personality disorder-A multidimensional model"
Personal experience: suicide and psychiatric care - a lament
Reply to Oron: Electric vehicles provide an opportunity to reduce environmental health effects of transportation
Scientific societies. Torture report prompts APA apology
Sexual violence against adolescents
Should charity air medical organizations require commercial certification of their pilots?
Suicide prevention: the role of the psychiatrist
The dangers of disconnecting
Eliminating serious injury and death from road transport. A crisis of complacency (Book review)
Adolescent daughters and ritual abjection: narrative analysis of self-injury in four US films
Assuming the privilege of bridging divides: Abigail Fowler-Chumos, practical phrenology, and America's gilded age
Blowing the whistle on sports concussions: will the risk of dementia change the game?
Brand and generics companies unite to pressure FDA: they want the agency to drop its safety-label plan and adopt their alternative
Correcting some misrepresentations about gender and sexual economics theory: comment on Rudman and Fetterolf (2014)
Contesting the equivalency of continuous sedation until death and physician-assisted suicide/euthanasia: a commentary on LiPuma
The death of Stalin - was it a natural death or poisoning?
DELTA PREP: building capacity to meet the public health urgency of intimate partner violence
Developing brain injury interventions on both ends of the treatment continuum depends upon early research partnerships and feasibility studies
Dichotomy of psychiatric and somatic emergency care; fundamental flaw should be addressed
Injury control needs to move from research to implementation: the theme of Safety 2016 World Conference in Tampere, Finland
Nurses will join forces with safety bodies in bid to reduce violence
Physician counseling on firearm safety: a new kind of cultural competence
A population health perspective on suicide research and prevention
Prevention of violence against women and girls at the community level
Duties of child protection in suspected child abuse
How can we decrease suicide risk in cases of genitourinary cancer?
Romantic suicide - in 100 words
Why do we study animal toxins?
Yes, India has done it: decriminalization of suicide in India
Brief intervention in emergency department does not reduce partner violence in women, US study shows
Bullying in healthcare. A call to action to stop lateral violence
Why Sexual Economics Theory is patriarchal: reply to Vohs and Baumeister's (2015) comment on Rudman and Fetterolf (2014)
Violence in the United States: status, challenges, and opportunities
The role of university health centers in intervention and prevention of campus sexual assault
Safeguarding the welfare of children: what is the nurse's role?
A scientific answer to a scientific question: the gender debate on intimate partner violence
Should health care providers uphold the DNR of a terminally ill patient who attempts suicide?
Snakebite and acute kidney injury: we must do better!
Systematic review on concussion recovery time lacks comprehensiveness
What's new in emergencies, trauma and shock? Traumatic brain injury research in India: getting shape, taking momentum
Hannelore Wass: the lasting impact of a death educator, scholar, mentor, and friend
Healthy cities as catalysts for caring and supportive environments
How to support patients with severe mental illness in their parenting role with children aged over 1 year? A systematic review of interventions
Higher cost, but poorer outcomes: the US health disadvantage and implications for pediatrics
In harm's way. Violence in our health sector
Emile Durkheim's concepts of justice and freedom
Happy like profilers: Gordon Burn, modernity and serial killing (Editorial)
Safety differently: human factors for a new era
Moral injury is the wound: PTSD is the manifestation
Precision prevention: time to move beyond universal interventions
Suicidal ideation and behavior in youth in the juvenile justice system: a review of the literature
Statement in support of motorcycle helmet laws
Integrative and adaptive responses (editorial)
Connections between moral psychology and intimate partner violence: can IPV be read through moral psychology?
The evolutionary roots of psychopathy
Mercy death risks are far too great
The Boston bombing review: what went right and wrong? Report evaluates the response to the 2013 terrorist attack
The ch in children stands for cherish
Adopting the 3-Star minimum safety rating
Does road safety have any lessons for workplace health and safety?
Recent research on safe roads and infrastructure
Review of the impacts of road trauma: summary of report 140
Time for a new public debate about the state of road safety
Road trauma education: the impact of a patient presenter on the road safety attitudes of adolescents
Adolescent and young adult health in the Arab Region: where we are and what we must do
"As a parent, there is no rulebook": a new resource for parents and carers of young people who self-harm
Autohypnosis and trance dance in Bali
Bullying, victimisation, and psychosis
Circumstances leading to intimate partner violence against women married as children: a qualitative study in urban slums of Lahore, Pakistan
Facing violence - a global challenge
A first look at gender inequality as a societal risk factor for dating violence
How aggressively should neurosurgeons treat elderly patients with severe blunt traumatic brain injury?
Injury prevention in a self-learning health system
Mental health and suicide risk in Northern Ireland: a legacy of the Troubles?
More complications after a fall from height in patients with a mental disorder
The return of public health to local government in England: changing the parameters of the public health prioritization debate?
The rise or fall of the Nanny State?
Snakes and snakebite envenoming in Northern Tanzania: a neglected tropical health problem
Trauma in the elderly: burden or opportunity?
Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking: an ethical alternative to physician-assisted suicide
Comments about the paper entitled "Lessons to be learned from an analysis of ammonium nitrate disasters in the last 100 years" by Pittman et al. (J. Hazard. Mater. 280 (2014) 472-477)
The Concepts of Risk, Safety, and Security: Applications in Everyday Language
Criminal justice pathways to psychiatric care for psychosis
The definition of public health - where to shift the focus: prevention or population?
Discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment: where next for medical leadership?
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States
The global health network on alcohol control: successes and limits of evidence-based advocacy
The Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014: where to for the South African health sector?
Honor killing: where pride defeats reason
Judgement days: moral attitudes in the wake of local disasters
On the path of election and martyrdom: some psychic mechanisms involved in the Anders Behring Breivik's determination as a terrorist
Expertise and offending: themes for future research
Patients' perspectives of enrollment in research without consent: the patients' experiences in emergency research-progesterone for the treatment of traumatic brain injury study
Sailing uncharted seas without a compass: a review of interventions in forensic mental health
Three prevention studies ongoing in Germany and Switzerland enrolling psychiatric patients at high risk for violence and compulsory hospitalization: comparing aims, designs and methods
Violence in psychosis: conceptualizing its causal relationship with risk factors
Why psychopathy matters: Implications for public health and violence prevention
The advocate's devil: the maritime public historian as expert witness
The controversy of defining serial murder: revisited
How to avoid haste and waste in occupational, environmental and public health research
Integrated disaster relief logistics: a stepping stone towards viable civil-military networks?
The motor function specialty
Policy: Hurricane Katrina's lessons for the world
Preventing non-communicable diseases through structural changes in urban environments
Rational approach to understanding and preventing sport-related traumatic brain injuries
Re: characteristics of genitourinary injuries associated with pelvic fractures during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
Redefining quality in medical education research: a consumer's view
Reducing firearm-related harms
Reducing firearm-related harms
Remembrances of Hannelore Wass
Review article: Very serious and non-ignorable problem: crisis in emergency medical response in catastrophic event
The rights and responsibilities of citizenship for service users: some terms and conditions apply
Risk-taking behaviour in adolescents. 'Chance only favors the prepared mind'
Rugby football: fascinating sport, exceptional history and developments, immense potential for research
The War of Independence: a surgical algorithm for the treatment of head injury in the continental army
Bears in Eden, or, this is not the garden you're looking for: Margaret Cavendish, Robert Hooke and the limits of natural philosophy
Critical violent injury in the United States: a review and call to action
Did you know that your cravings might be microbes controlling your mind?
Children's exposure to violence in the United States
Perception of nursing students about couples' violence: knowledge, beliefs and professional role
Primary prevention is? A global perspective on how organizations engaging men in preventing gender-based violence conceptualize and operationalize their work
Screening for intimate partner and sexual violence in college women: missed opportunities
Suicide prevention strategies: adventures in the grey zone
Violence in Burundi triggers refugee crisis
Child protection in Tanzania: a dream or nightmare
Defining and strengthening child well-being in child protection
Fathers matter: involving and engaging fathers in the child welfare system process
Students in distress: unanticipated findings in a cyber bullying study
Why should child welfare pay more attention to emotional maltreatment?
The evaluation and management of heat injuries in an intensive care unit
Youth violence prevention and safety: opportunities for health care providers
Young goths may be more vulnerable to depression and self harm, study finds
Addressing psychological, mental health and other behavioural healthcare needs of the underserved populations in the United States: the role of local health departments
Evidence for the Upward Spiral Stands Steady: A Response to Heathers, Brown, Coyne, and Friedman (2015)
Hannelore Wass: Death Education - An Enduring Legacy
Nice guys and gals finish last? Not in early adolescence when empathic, accepted, and popular peers are desirable
On the road (editorial)
Plea to support victims of domestic violence
The practice of strategic journal self-citation: it exists, and should stop (A note from the editor-in-chief)
Who Is afraid of volume 1181 of the New York Academy of Sciences? Under threat, the nuclear establishment plays dirty
Violence against women
Violence and mental illness: what is the true story?
The use of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-II with forensic populations: a psychometric critique
To tell or not to tell
'Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him': a critical reconstruction of Winnicott's theory of value
Stand by me! Reducing the risk of injurious falls in older adults
Some promising news about psychosocial interventions for adolescent self-harm
Sex offenders seeking treatment for sexual dysfunction-ethics, medicine, and the law
Sexual assault in Benin City, Nigeria, a silent epidemic
Scientific dishonesty: a survey of doctoral students at the major medical faculties in Sweden and Norway
Fifty states, fifty attorneys general, and fifty approaches to the duty to defend
National alert system to pick up early signs of abuse
Stag head matriarchy: postfeminist domesticity and antlers in Domino Magazine, 2005-9
Editorial: crime patterns in time and space: the dynamics of crime opportunities in urban areas
What does global health promotion look like?
Violent frames: analyzing internet movie database reviewers' text descriptions of media violence and gender differences from 39 years of US action, thriller, crime, and adventure movies
Child protection in development: evidence-based reflections & questions for practitioners
A legacy in arms: American firearm manufacture, design, and artistry, 1800-1900
Letter in response to 'Classification algorithms for the identification of structural injury in TBI using brain electrical activity'
Low energy trauma in older persons: where to next?
A glimpse at an operation analyst's World War II: "Report on the combat performance of the remote control turrets of B-29 aircraft"
Pathology and laboratory medicine support for the American Expeditionary Forces by the US Army Medical Corps during World War I
Physician groups issue joint call to action on firearms injury prevention
Abuse barrier. Providers don't know when to report child abuse
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons/Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons/Orthopaedic Trauma Associations/Pediatric Orthopaedic Association Disaster Response and Preparedness Course
Comment on 'Temperamental and socioeconomic factors associated with traumatic dental injuries among children aged 0-17 years in the Swedish BITA study'
Depression and violence-what do we really know? Comment.
Development and evaluation of theories of alcohol-related violence: covering a 40-year span
Distinguishing professionalism and heroism when disaster strikes
Do we really need to use our smartphones while driving?
The economic downturn probably reduced violence far more than licensing restrictions
Ethical issues in neuroprognostication after severe pediatric brain injury
The evolving police power: some observations for a new century
Footballers should not feign or exaggerate injuries
Grave news about adolescents who engage in self-poisoning
A holistic approach to child maltreatment
In the library, with the candlestick: English murder revisited
The loss of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17: a forensic and humanitarian task
Murder of Şehzade Mustafa as an ordinary but very painful event in terms of the Ottoman history
Murder trials begin in US against two high opioid prescribers
The prehistory of serendipity, from Bacon to Walpole
Protecting children from all forms of violence
Putting intimate partner violence on your radar
Radiation exposure in imaging of suspected child abuse: benefits versus risks
The Step approach to Message Design and Testing (SatMDT): A conceptual framework to guide the development and evaluation of persuasive health messages
Teenagers who identify with 'goth' culture are more likely to self-harm
Unheard voices: African American fathers speak about their parenting practices
WHO launches the first world suicide report
You can't Band-Aid disaster preparedness
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: where are we and where are we going?
Erratum: Randomized controlled trial on drowning prevention for parents with children aged below five years in Bangladesh: a study protocol
Sports-related concussions: are we (fully) aware of the consequences?
Erratum to: Challenges in minimizing the adverse effects of cannabis use after legalization
Maternal and child physiological regulation in the context of child maltreatment
Pay no attention to that data behind the curtain: on angry birds, happy children, scholarly squabbles, publication bias, and why betas rule metas
The promise of smartphone fall detection solutions for falls in older adults
Suicide and suicidal behaviour
The vindication of Lamarck? Epigenetics at the intersection of law and mental health
What is a good skeptic to do? The case for skepticism in the media violence discussion
White coats for Black lives: medical students responding to racism and police brutality
Wildfires burn science capacity
Characteristics of U.S. mental health facilities that offer suicide prevention services
Juveniles' Miranda comprehension: understanding, appreciation, and totality of circumstances factors
The significance of immigration for youth and their experiences with violence and juvenile justice (editorial)
Children's self reported discomforts as participants in clinical research
Commentary on decision-making and judgments in child maltreatment prevention and response: An overview
Adolescents and the importance of parental supervision
Are we falling short? Incorporating falls assessment into cancer care for older adults
Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings (Reprint)
Erratum: Christian, Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. The evaluation of suspected child physical abuse. Pediatrics. 2015;135(5):e1337-e1354
Conquering life-threatening injuries
Epidemiological patterns and risk factors of motorcycle injuries in Iran and Eastern Mediterranean Region countries: a systematic review
The Fukushima accident was preventable
Gaps in crisis mental health: suicide and homicide-suicide
The influence of shame on posttrauma disorders: have we failed to see the obvious?
Let us stop throwing out the baby with the bathwater: towards better analysis of longitudinal injury data
A minimum data set for injuries: regarding the WHO evidence
On the road to interoperability, public and private organizations work to connect health care data
Road traffic related injury research and informatics. New opportunities for biomedical and health informatics as a contribution to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals?
Sexual assault resistance program lowers rape rate in university women
What if it really was an accident? The psychology of unintentional doping
World Rugby must review rules on tackling, says public health expert
If I had a hammer, I would not use it to control drunk driving: using predictive tools to respond to persisteng drunk driving
Police use of force and the suspect with mental illness: a methodological conundrum
Structured dispositional matrix for court recommendations made by juvenile probation officers
Employers' perceptions on the disclosure of juvenile records
Are we studying the right populations to understand suicide?
Attorney work product privilege trumps mandated child abuse reporting law: the case of Elijah W. v. Superior Court
Adolescence as a sensitive period of brain development
Civilian deaths from weapons used in the Syrian conflict
Crisis Reliability Indicators Supporting Emergency Services (CRISES): a framework for developing performance measures for behavioral health crisis and psychiatric emergency programs
Developing interventions in child and adolescent mental health services: do we really know what works for whom?
The emerging field of retinal electrophysiological measurements in psychiatric research: a review of the findings and the perspectives in major depressive disorder
Firearm injury in the United States: an overview of an evolving public health problem
The mortality of companies
NTDB data points: a hot mess: clothing-related burn injuries
Suicide prevention in patient and nonpatient populations: in reply
Time for a regional alcohol policy - a literature review of the burden of normative alcohol use in the Caribbean
Clergy perceptions of sexual assault victimization
Comments on Auble et al. regarding hypopituitarism in pediatric survivors of inflicted traumatic brain injury
The consequences of official labels: an examination of the rights lost by the mentally ill and mentally incompetent since 1989
Developmental psychopathology: recent advances and future challenges
Editorial: Television sets and traumatic brain injury
Erratum to: One-year incidence and prevalence of seclusion: Dutch findings in an international perspective
Forensic neuropsychology and expert witness testimony: an overview of forensic practice
Guidelines on safe alcohol drinking are probably about right
Letter from the editors - Strategic Highway Research Program's (SHRP 2)
A lot of mental illness starts in adolescence. Therefore should we shift some of the spending from adult to adolescent mental health services?
New challenges beyond nutrition: C-section, air pollution and domestic violence
'No sport is worth sacrificing your brain function'
Nonsuicidal self-injury: a rapidly evolving global field
The FBI's misinterpretation of the change in mass public shooting
Reflections of a Fulbright-Nehru Scholar: The need for physician action in India's child maltreatment challenge: Physicians should seed and support social change to address India's child maltreatment crisis
Reframing NCDs and injuries for the poorest billion: a Lancet Commission
Reply to the letter to the editor: 'Depression symptoms in burn patients'
SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study: the first data analysis studies
Suicide and attempted suicide: epidemiological surveillance as a crucial means of a local suicide prevention project in Trento's Province
The urban environment and violence: moving towards a dynamic understanding of space
Work with men to end violence against women: a critical stocktake
Violence in healthcare--one nursing student's perspective
Turning people into couch potatoes is not the cure for sports concussion
Commentary on: "Fatal isolated cervical spine injury in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis: a case report"
Dealing with bullying and harassment: a practical guide for Australasian emergency medicine trainees
Facts speak louder than words: science versus the pseudoscience of PAS
Feminism and/in/as psychology: the public sciences of sex and gender
Finding what works to reduce violence against women
Firearms, mental illness, dementia and the clinician (vol 201, pg 674, 2014)
Firearms, mental illness, dementia and the clinician
Firearms, mental illness, dementia and the clinician: Reply
Persisting without evidence is a problem: suicide prevention and other well-intentioned interventions
Preventing suicide requires more attention on technology-based crisis support services
Trashing epidemiology and public health with bibliometry? In defence of science in Germany (and elsewhere)
Anger and Afrophobia in South Africa: what is a health practitioner to do?
The cultural theory of risk for climate change adaptation
"Deaths by lightning in Mexico (1979-2011): threat or vulnerability?" Comment
"Deaths by lightning in Mexico (1979-2011): threat or vulnerability?" Reply to comment
How much is too much? Getting children involved, but not too involved
The importance of identified cause-of-death information being available for public health surveillance, actions and research
In response to snakebite rebound coagulopathy by Witham et al
More gun control ideas
Survival strategies for tsunami of ICD-10-CM for interventionalists: pursue or perish!
The Law Commission's proposals for the reform of the defences of insanity and automatism
Leaving Nepal after the earthquake: sometimes stepping away may be the best disaster response
Leaky humanitarianism: the anthropology of small arms control in the Gambia
A meta-analysis investigating falls in older adults taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors confirms an association but by no means implies causation
Mental health legislation in Lebanon: nonconformity to international standards and clinical dilemmas in psychiatric practice
Weighing the evidence for suicide prevention
The value and availability of forensic anthropological consultation in medicolegal death investigations
What are the physician's role and responsibility in the law named "Basic Act on Measures against Alcohol-related Health Harm"?
Unlocked and loaded: government censorship of 3D-printed firearms and a proposal for more reasonable regulation of 3D-printed goods
Survivors in the margins: the invisibility of violence against older women
A systems approach to addressing child maltreatment in China: China needs a formalized child protection system
Study links SSRIs to violent crime in young adults
Brief motivational interventions to reduce excessive drinking, intimate partner violence fail to positively impact outcomes
The decade of action for road safety in Medellin, Colombia, to 2015
Deferred consent for randomized controlled trials in emergency care settings
Discharge on the day after admission following announcement of suicide - contra
Discharge on the day after admission following announcement of suicide - pro
Driven to tears: epilepsy specialists and the automobile
World, time and anxiety. Heidegger's existential analytic and psychiatry
Eliminating the confusion surrounding concussions in sports
From criminogenic risk to rehabilitation: is there a need for a culturally sensitive approach?
Hansel and Gretel: a tale of terror
Implications of the 2014 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report for Forensic Mental Health in the War on Terror
New insights on the wooden weapons from the Paleolithic site of Schöningen
Nunavut suicides a "public health emergency"
Our empathic brain and suicidal individuals
Overlap in attitudes to policy measures on alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs
Pediatricians' role in preventing child maltreatment fatalities: a call to action
Protect children from EMF
Tourette's syndrome in famous musicians
Realistic consideration of women and violence is critical
Authors' reply: Deliberate self-harm in adolescents
Collision-prevention scheme may save urban cyclists
Comment on: Deliberate self-harm in adolescents
Culture of bullying must stop
A disgraceful assault on nursing ethics
Elderly suicide alarming
Handling bullying
How regional trauma systems improve outcomes
Observations: we need to stop drowning-a proposal for change in the evaluation process and the role of the clinical competency committee
Suicide prevention in primary care medicine
Surgery for children in low-income countries affected by humanitarian emergencies from 2008 to 2014: the Médecins Sans Frontières Operations Centre Brussels experience
Scathing report on violence calls for action
Proposal for a national institute on sexual violence
Mechanisms of cumulative advantage among NGOs engaging men in violence prevention
Stand by me. Nurses and midwives putting a stop to domestic violence
Standing up against domestic violence
Prediction in severe acute brain injury: early discussions with family of people with severe brain injury
Moving on from natural disaster
"The name game": feminist protests of the DSM and diagnostic labels in the 1980s
The neurotoxicology of carbon monoxide: historical perspective and review
Now hang on a minute: five rules for writing an editorial
Proposal of an index for government measures to deal with domestic violence against children and adolescents
A rejoinder to authors: data collection on Tor
Revised Purple Book highlights ways to spot sexual abuse in children
Self-injury is the eighth leading cause of death in the United States: it is time to pay attention
Book Review: Sexuality, Gender Roles, and Domestic Violence in South Asia
But can someone like me do it? The importance of appropriate role modelling for safety behaviours in sports injury prevention
Domestic violence training model for hospitals
E-commerce and biological weapons nonproliferation: online marketplaces challenge export controls to reduce the risk that rogue states or terrorists could acquire the capacity to produce biological weapons
Evidence of fatal skeletal injuries on Malapa Hominins 1 and 2
Exercise and gardening programs as tools to reduce community violence
Industrial accidents in China: risk reduction and response
Intimate partner violence
Letter in response to 'Classification of traumatic brain injury severity using informed data reduction in a series of binary classifier algorithms'
Liberty versus life: suicide in the writings of Montesquieu
M by Fritz Lang (Germany, 1931) Phenomenology of Evil: a serial killer and his social group
Pediatric research and child maltreatment: where have all the flowers gone?
Sexual violence in America: public funding and social priority
Should all severely injured pediatric patients be treated at pediatric Level I trauma centers? A National Trauma Data Bank study
Steep increase in prescribed opioids in the Netherlands. Are we going the same way as the U.S.?
Using accountability for mental health to drive reform
Using the structure of social networks to map inter-agency relationships in public health services
A forensic hypothesis for the mystery of al-Hasan's death in the 7th century: mercury(I) chloride intoxication
Crime narratives, dramatizations, and the legacy of the Kitty Genovese murder: a half century of half truths
Looking beyond risk in paroling denying prisoners: a response to Assy and Menashe's "The catch-22 in Israel's parole law"
Maximizing desistance: adding therapeutic jurisprudence and human rights to the mix
The parolee-parole officer relationship as a mediator of criminal justice outcomes
Commentary on Cherpitel et al. (2015): Improving global estimates of alcohol-attributable injury
Ensuring the health of children in disasters
Epilepsy and driving
A gloomy picture: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials reveals disappointing effectiveness of programs aiming at preventing child maltreatment
The Hartford Consensus on Active Shooters: implementing the continuum of prehospital trauma response
Hearing the voices of children: self-reported information on children's experiences during research procedures: a study protocol
Men's violence against women and men are inter-related: recommendations for simultaneous intervention
Mental health and sexual activity according to ancient Greek physicians
The need for evidence-based responses to address intimate partner violence perpetration among male substance misusers
Non-fatal suicidal behaviours in French Polynesia: results of the WHO/START study and its implications for prevention
Post-earthquake Nepal: the way forward
Road traffic injuries: an example of public health
Road traffic injuries: an example of public health
Why is major depression prevalence not changing?
The second wave of violence scholarship: South African synergies with a global research agenda
Trashing bibliometry? In defence of a unique approach for disciplinary development
The two-brains hypothesis
An interview with Richard Cloward
The implications of social psychological theories of group dynamics for gang research
Asian gang problems and social policy solutions: a discussion and review
The legacy of street corner society and gang research in the 1990s: an interview with William F. Whyte
Do gang prevention strategies actually reduce crime?
National policy neglect and its impact on gang suppression
Big data, bigger dilemmas: A critical review
Overcoming bias to learn about controversial topics
Do open access data files represent an academic Risk?
Human rights as a topic and guide for LIS research and practice
Who publishes in "predatory" journals?
An author's guide to submission, revision and rejection
Military-trained gang members - two different perspectives
Child abuse research 2015 - it's time for breakthroughs
Data research on child abuse and neglect without informed consent? Balancing interests under Dutch law
Depression and the suicidal patient
Developing theory to guide building practitioners' capacity to implement evidence-based interventions
Differential Intrinsic Coupling Modes in Psychological and Physical Trauma
Child passengers and driver culpability in fatal crashes by driver gender
Communicating consequences with costs: a commentary on Corso et al's cost of injury
Distracted driving
Let the kids play football!
Let's drop high school football
Make suicide prevention a national priority
Between the living and the dead: trauma medicine and forensic medicine in the Mid-Qing
Europe unites to boost active ageing and prevent falls
Multiple sharp force injuries to the head: the crime of passion
Neurosurgeons' critical role in managing traumatic brain injury
Neurosurgeons' critical role in managing traumatic brain injury-reply
On the shoulders of giants: Obituaries for Marnie Rice and Mark Chaffin
Perceptions of managerial support after workplace violence
Prevalence and characteristics of road traffic injuries among young drivers in Oman, 2009-2011
The responsibility of academic medicine for reducing football injuries
Understanding the conflicting values associated with motorized recreation in protected areas
US pediatricians call for tougher rule enforcement to reduce football injuries
Drug abuse scientists should use social media to engage the public because their primary translational product is information
Editorial on "Comprehensive geriatric care for patients with hip fractures: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial" published in The Lancet on April 25(th), 2015
Epigenetics and child abuse: modern-day Darwinism - the miraculous ability of the human genome to adapt, and then adapt again
Global deaths from road incidents plateau
Helmet use and injury patterns in motorcycle-related trauma
Ian Curtis: Punk rock, epilepsy, and suicide
Introduction of sharp objects in to brain with infanticidal intention
The Institute of Medicine (IoM) sets a framework for evidence-based standards for psychotherapy
The IoM framework for developing evidence-based standards in the field of psychosocial interventions for mental illness and substance abuse: a dynamic researcher's perspective. Cause for concern
IoM report on psychosocial interventions for mental and substance use disorders: the interpersonal psychotherapy perspective
IoM report on psychosocial interventions: commentary from a DBT perspective
IoM report on psychosocial treatments: CBT perspective
Medical associations and accountability for physician participation in torture
A medical history of Governor John B. Connally and his gunshot wounds
Piecetime burns. Sources of danger
Risky behaviors and social networking sites: how is YouTube influencing our youth?
Human trafficking: the role of the health care provider
Human trafficking: crime in our own backyard
Call it what it is: slavery
Commercial sexual exploitation of minors: overlooked and underreported
Could you spot someone who had been subject to trafficking?
Conservation policy. Wildlife decline and social conflict
Domestic minor sex trafficking: what the PNP needs to know
Enlisting charitable dentistry in the battle against human trafficking
Exploring the role of health sector in prevention of human trafficking
Female sex trafficking: conceptual issues, current debates, and future directions
Foreword. Commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC)
The hard truth about human trafficking
Human trafficking of children and adolescents: a global phenomenon with horrific health consequences
Human trafficking: look around--it's in our own backyard
Human trafficking: why Catholic health care commits to the fight
Medical education on human trafficking
NHS hospital staff who treat victims of human trafficking feel 'inadequately prepared'
Physicians must be vigilant for sex trafficking in unaccompanied minors
Responding to the sexual exploitation of minors
Taming the international commercial surrogacy industry
To protect girls and to honor grace
Trafficking, migration, and health: complexities and future directions
The tragedy of African migrants in Yemen
As bad as it gets: well-being deprivation of sexually exploited trafficked women
The travesty of human trafficking: a decade of failed U.S. policy
Human trafficking: a global perspective (Book review)
Louise Shelley: Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective (Book review)
The decline in intercountry adoptions and new practices of global surrogacy: global exploitation and human rights concerns
Stockholm syndrome as vernacular resource
An "almost endless traffic" traffic in goods, traffic in correspondence, social traffic, road traffic and sexual intercourse as semantic holism in Kafka's novella "The Judgment"
Am i still not a man and a brother? Protest memory in contemporary antislavery visual culture
ESOL curriculum: Human trafficking (a website review)
Anti-trafficking and its discontents: women's migrations and work in an Indian borderland
"America will not tolerate slave traders": counter-trafficking policies and U.S. power
Modern day slavery: what drives human trafficking in Europe?
California doctor convicted of murder over deaths of three patients by overdose
Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual exploitation infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Avoid major disasters by welcoming minor change
The quest to model chronic traumatic encephalopathy: a multiple model and injury paradigm experience
Traumatic brain injury advancements
The current problems of injury assessment dealt within the publications in the journal "Sudebnomeditsinskaya ekspertiza (Forensic medical expertise)" for the period from 2000 till 2014
Disorganized systematic reviews and meta-analyses: time to systematize the conduct and publication of these study overviews?
Driven to distraction
Driver compensation: impairment or improvement?
Emotional sentence annotation helps predict fiction genre
Legally flawed, scientifically problematic, potentially harmful: the UK Psychoactive Substance Bill
Let's not forget about injury
Mental health and pressures in teen sports
Migrant mortality in Qatar
Minister in charge of suicide prevention knows the crisis intimately
'Moneyball' and time to be honest about preseason screening: it is a sham making no inroads on the 1 billion dollar injury costs in baseball
Multilevel developmental perspectives on child maltreatment
Phosphine poisoning is emerging as an important cause of Brugada phenocopy
Politics by number: indicators as social pressure in international relations
Post-mortem as preventative medicine in Papua New Guinea: a case in point
Recognizing the symptoms of mental illness following concussions in the sports community: a need for improvement
The social determinants of mental health
Testing and treating sexually assaulted adolescents: what are we waiting for?
Top ten facts you need to know synthetic cannabinoids: not so nice spice
Organizing for safety
Keeping sex workers safe
"An abnormal habit": alcohol policy and the control of methylated spirit drinking in England in the 1920s and 1930s
Adolescent suicide: a primary care issue
A comprehensive approach to address the prescription opioid epidemic in Washington state: milestones and lessons learned
Depression and health-seeking behaviour among migrant workers in Shenzhen
Is courage always a virtue? Suicide, killing, and bad courage
Necromobilities: the multi-sited geographies of death and disposal in a mobile world
Rights and duties of circulation on American streets: to 'proceed uninterruptedly' or 'with reasonable care?'
Siberian automobility boom: from the joy of destination to the joy of driving there
Drink-driving: India slow on enforcement
Head trauma with clinical and medical legal interest
Importance of health and social care research into gender and sexual minority populations in nepal
A philosophical concept of deprivation and its use in the attachment-focused treatment of violence
Suicide and aging: special issue of Aging & Mental Health
Virginia Tech as a sentinel event: the role of psychiatry in managing emotionally troubled students on college and university campuses
Transformation of mental health care for U.S. soldiers and families during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars: where science and politics intersect
Why the war on drugs in sport will never be won
Stopping the 'war on the car': neoliberalism, Fordism, and the politics of automobility in Toronto
The Tornado that circles round the liquor question: New Zealand anti-prohibition arguments and strategies c1890-c1930
Galileo's dagger
Violence against women in the Arab world
Transnational crime and trafficking in persons: quantifying the nature, extent and facilitation of a growing phenomenon
Corporeal realism and victimology
From an Australian perspective to an international discourse: between control and true partnership, how problematic is law enforcement agencies' relationship with forensic science centers?
The inherent jurisdiction and child protection
Mental trauma affliction and infliction: punishment and atonement for sins?
Physicians need to take the lead in deprescribing
Recognising children's citizenship in the youth justice system
Suicide as a public health issue in the state of Florida
Time for lifestyle medicine to take injury prevention seriously
Who needs restraining? Re-examining the use of physical restraint in an English young offender institution
Years later the question remains: "Physician participation in executions: care giver or executioner?"
Coercion and trust in psychiatry: the ultimate contradiction
Commentary on Lovatt et al. (2015): Lay and standard alcohol epidemiology-rival approaches or the beginnings of a dialogue?
Conflict of interest in sports medicine: does it affect our judgment?
The bright spotlight on pro football concussions
David Hume's no-miracles argument begets a valid No-Miracles Argument
An exploration of adolescents' decisions to abstain or refrain from alcohol consumption in Australian social settings: a qualitative systematic review
Health sociology from post-structuralism to the new materialisms
Improving global health - is tourism's role in poverty elimination perpetuating poverty, powerlessness and 'ill-being'?
Korean American clergy practices regarding intimate partner violence: roadblock or support for battered women?
Why regulate guns?
Mental health services in Nepal: is it too late?
The needs for quality urban rail transit life in Asian metropolitan cities
One strike and you're out: the application of labeling theory to the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
Recent de-criminalisation of suicide attempts in the Indian sub-continent (Deletion of Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code): thoughts of a UK-based Consultant Psychiatrist of Indian origin
Sexual and partner violence prevention and popular media
Suicide in adolescents with depression: the need for early diagnosis
Zero tolerance. ANA releases new position statement on workplace violence, bullying
Re-problematizing anger in domestic violence advocacy
The myths we live (and die) by
Arson and pyromania, update 2015
Attacks on health care in Syria - normalizing violations of medical neutrality?
The changing face of major trauma in the UK
Child maltreatment prevention: the pediatrician's function: Part 1: overview, evidence, risk factors, protective factors and triggers
Designing to the test: performance standards and technological change in the U.S. automobile after 1966
Domestic abuse and the duties of physicians: a case report
Eradicating female genital mutilation and cutting in Tanzania: an observational study
Fifty feminine shades of domestic violence: time for doctors to get involved!
From sin to crime: laws on infanticide in the middle ages
Gun violence prevention: ripe for the entire medical community
Health promoters should and do take the lead in preventing violence against women
Injuries to the head and neck in Homer's Odyssey
Opioid use in cancer pain management in Indonesia: a call for attention
Practical integration: the art of balancing values, institutions and knowledge: lessons from the History of British Public Health and Town Planning
The prevalence rates of suicide are likely underestimated worldwide: why it matters
Racial violence, Academic Medicine, and academic medicine
Representing human rights violations in Darfur: global justice, national distinctions
The science of violence prevention
Separated cycling routes on cyclist safety: Reply to: Bicycling injury hospitalisation rates in Canadian jurisdictions: analyses examining associations with helmet legislation and mode share
Should states and local governments regulate dietary supplements?
Strangulation - suicide at the wheel
Towards a natural disaster intervention and recovery framework
Violence as a threatening factor to public health
Comment on: "Some aspects of nonbeverage alcohol consumption in the former Soviet Union"
Corrigendum to "Ratio of the dead to wounded (d/w) indicators and associated factors in major earthquakes of America from 1960 to 2011"
From "disgraceful carelessness" to "intelligent precaution": accidents and the public child in English Canada, 1900-1950
Glimpsing working-class childhood through the Laurier Palace fire of 1927: the ordinary, the tragic, and the historian's gaze
Privacy - aware average speed monitoring system for vehicular ad-hoc networks
Rape in the Icelandic sagas: an insight in the perceptions about sexual assaults on women in the Old Norse world
School bullying and victimization
Two-stage multi-criteria analysis and the future of intelligent transport systems-based safety innovation projects
Unwilling grooms in fourteenth-century lucca
Why are benzodiazepines not yet controlled substances?
What is smart rural development?
Between life and death: representing trafficked persons in Chris Abani's "Becoming Abigail" and Justin Chadwick's "Stolen"
Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual exploitation infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The debate on the abolition of the international slave trade during independence and early Republic in Colombia
The efficacy of sex crime and human trafficking legislations: introducing the special issue
Emergency department deaths in a Nigerian university hospital: deaths too many
Getting serious about reducing suicide: more "how" and less "why"
Global human trafficking: critical issues and contexts
Global human trafficking: critical issues and contexts
Globalisation masculinities, empire building and forced prostitution: a critical analysis of the gendered impact of the neoliberal economic agenda in post-invasion/occupation Iraq
A guide to performing a peer review of randomised controlled trials
A history of spine biomechanics: focus on 20th century progress
Human trafficking and contemporary slavery
Human sex trafficking: recognition, treatment, and referral of pediatric victims
Animals and the 3Rs in toxicology research and testing: the way forward
Championing research on traumatised and injured children
Comment: the doctrine of chances, brides of the bath and a reply to Sean Sullivan
Commentary - Adapting and retesting evidence-based child maltreatment prevention programs: a case study in Canada
Editorial: "The lack of specificity in fall risk assessment, a limited effectiveness in fall prediction and the inability to reliably monitor spontaneous falls in real life conditions with un-obstructive technological solutions remain key unsolved problems."
Age of first exposure to football and later-life cognitive impairment in former NFL players
Age of first exposure to football and later-life cognitive impairment in former NFL players
Mental health hangs in the balance without parity
A different trolley problem: the limits of environmental justice and the promise of complex moral assessments for transportation infrastructure
Human altruism and cooperation explainable as adaptations to past environments no longer fully evident in the modern world
Populism and criminal justice policy: an Australian case study of non-punitive responses to alcohol-related violence
Taking the problem seriously? Sentencing Indigenous and non-Indigenous domestic violence offenders
Falling suicide rates in Sri Lanka: lessons and cautions
More than just a famous face: exploring the rise of the celebrity expert-advocate through anti-trafficking action by the Demi and Ashton Foundation
Ethical and legal considerations for crafting rigorous online sex trafficking research methodology
Narratives of uncertainty: the affective force of child-trafficking rumors in postdisaster Aceh, Indonesia
Habitual criminal legislation in New Zealand: three years of three-strikes
Running a gauntlet: a review of victimization and violence in the pre-entry, post-entry, and peri-/post-exit periods of commercial sexual exploitation
Sex and (evacuation from) the city: the moral and legal regulation of sex workers in Vancouver’s West End, 1975—1985
The celebritization of human trafficking
The international traffic in women: Scandinavia and the League of Nations inquiry of 1927
The social construction of trafficked persons: an analysis of the UN protocol and the TVPA definitions
National threat perception, dominance-submissive authoritarian syndrome and totalitarian socialist ideology
The presentation of child trafficking in the UK: an old and new moral panic?
Sex workers: repositories of the "bad"?
The development of a framework to integrate evidence into a national injury prevention strategy
The devolution era in Northern Ireland
The existing tensions in the defining of human trafficking at a UK and international level: a critical overview
Erratum to: Do girls with depressive symptoms exhibit more physical aggression than boys? A cross sectional study in a national adolescent sample
The role of education in improving trauma care: can we do better?
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: no recovery without suicide prevention
Violence, health, and South-North collaboration: interdisciplinary research in light of the 2030 Agenda
'What on earth can this possibly mean'? French reentry courts and experts' risk assessment
What Role for Law, Human Rights, and Bioethics in an Age of Big Data, Consortia Science, and Consortia Ethics? The Importance of Trustworthiness
When a crash is really an accident: a concept analysis
Your company may unwittingly be conducting business with human traffickers: how can you prevent this?
Workplace bullying in healthcare: Part 2
The neurology-psychiatry divide: a thought experiment
NHS staff urged to speak up about assault as acute care attacks rise
Accident-prevention initiative needed for children under five
The American ambulance in Paris, 1914-1917 part i: the creation of the American ambulance
Are our medical centres' assessments for fitness to drive and firearms licences effective?
Authors' response: re: Differing opinions on upper age limit for pediatrics
Brain study seeks roots of suicide
Three interventions to address the other pandemic-firearm injury and death
Differing opinions on upper age limit for pediatrics
Disaster prepared: how federal funding in the USA supports health system and public health readiness
Globalization, global health, and disaster
How useful are the main existing theories of ethnic conflict?
Human safety "in the pocket" of national safety
Myth busting in carbon monoxide poisoning
"Violence. Enough already": findings from a global participatory survey among women living with HIV
Report from Paris
Restorative retelling for violent death: an investigation of treatment effectiveness, influencing factors, and durability
Sexual assault and rape among college students
Sexual enhancement treatment for sexually violent predators: ethical & legal implications
Should military care providers force-feed detainees?
Spirituality and resilience in psychiatric medicine
Suicide: old problem, new solutions needed
Conflicts, political leadership and public health
The dilemma of re-licensing DWI offenders: the offenders' point of view
Doctors' group urges Congress to lift ban on gun violence research
The failure of drug prohibition and the future of drug law reform in Australia
Is female circumcision evolving or dissolving in Norway? A qualitative study on attitudes toward the practice among young Somalis in the Oslo area
Not at imminent risk
"The police have given up": an empirical examination of covictims' beliefs about cold case homicide investigations
Suicide studies today
Words as cultivators of others minds
Women who worked with Marie Curie
Environmental change strategies targeting drug abuse prevention
Erratum to: Observing interactions between children and adolescents and their parents: the effects of anxiety disorder and age
Ethical issues in maternal-fetal care emergencies
Evaluating the attractiveness of a new light rail extension: testing simple change and displacement change hypotheses
The evolution of the emergency mental health system in Israel - from the 1980's until today
An exploration of inter-organisational partnership assessment tools in the context of Australian Aboriginal-mainstream partnerships: a scoping review of the literature
Family residency and psychosomatic problems among adolescents in Sweden: the impact of child-parent relations
Fifty years of public service for Quebec community psychiatry policies and services organisation
The growth of federal criminal justice policy making: the role of U.S. civil rights legislation
Hannelore Wass: insights into creative teaching and other ways of knowing when facing aging and mortality
Hidden perils of the "wild blue yonder" after traumatic brain injury
HIA in Switzerland: strategies for achieving Health in All Policies
The historical perspective of athletic sudden death
Historical trauma. Systematic review of a different approach to armed conflict
Immigrant mental health, a public health issue: looking back and moving forward
Introduction to the brain imaging and behavior special issue: mild traumatic brain injury among active duty service members and veterans
Is moral bioenhancement dangerous?
Is utilitarianism risky? How the same antecedents and mechanism produce both utilitarian and risky choices
Violence against women: perceptions of nursing students' about the focus on the formation
Voices from the past: mental and physical outcomes described by American Civil War amputees
Whither risk assessment: new challenges and opportunities a third of a century after the Red Book
Who is listening? When scholars think they are talking to Congress
The traffic in women reconsidered: on Debra Bergoffen's contesting the politics of genocidal rape
There is a need once again for a multifactorial assessment and intervention for fall prevention among the elderly
Can groups have human rights?
Criticizing common sense about war and posthumous harm
Does morality have a point?
Editorial: central nervous system injuries: from biology to clinical approaches
Examining the complementarity of 'children's rights' and 'bioethics' moral frameworks in pediatric health care
If killing isn't wrong, then nothing is
Injury prevention as social change
The madness of sport
Erratum: Predicting offender characteristics in serial house burglaries based on modus operandi
Challenges to the surveillance of non-communicable diseases--a review of selected approaches
Ethical standards in sport and exercise science research: 2016 update
Mental health reform will not reduce US gun violence, experts say
Newborn falls are not a priority
On the interpretation of risk and rate advancement periods
Post-earthquake recovery in Nepal
Recognizing and reporting domestic violence: attitudes, experiences and behavior of Dutch dentists
Rethinking adolescent inpatient psychiatric care: the importance of integrated interventions for suicidal youth with substance use problems
Rooting out gun violence
Selected issues in injury and illness prevention and the team physician: a consensus statement
Training to become a fall 'pro' is a never-ending journey
Violence and public health in the written press of Guadalajara, Mexico
Getting soldiers with brain injury back to work: the defence medical rehabilitation centre neurological vocational pathway
An historical examination of the development of emergency medical services education in the US through key reports (1966-2014)
The importance of distinguishing information from evidence/observations when formulating propositions
The legal features of smuggling organisations in light of the provisions of the Migrant Smuggling Protocol
Life interrupted: trafficking into forced labor in the United States
Looking back--how NSNA responded to Katrina disaster call for help
Alcohol industry and governmental revenue from young Australians
A balance retraining program reduces injurious falls and improves physical function in older women at risk of falling [commentary]
The CDC Injury Center's response to the growing public health problem of falls among older adults
'Compliance' versus 'adherence' in sport injury prevention: why definition matters
Corrigendum: Statistical signs of social influence on suicides
Doctor can I buy a new kidney? I've heard it isn't forbidden: what is the role of the nephrologist when dealing with a patient who wants to buy a kidney?
Epidemiology of spinal cord injury in Iran: discrepancy with international and previous institutional reports
A global agenda for electronic injury surveillance: consensus statement from the Trauma Association of Canada, the Trauma Society of South Africa, and the Panamerican Trauma Society
How to Start an injury Prevention Program. Better techniques and stretching can reduce employee injuries
In response to: Sport-related concussion reporting and state legislative effects
Meta-analysis: problems with Russian Publications
A "new" response to anti-social behaviour: early reflections on the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
Integrated research on disaster risk: is it really integrated?
Reflection on a mass shooting
What is the meaning of "reasonable medical certainty"? Your guess is as good as mine
Violence against nurses: the ultimate betrayal
Alienation: the critique that refuses to disappear
The American Psychological Association and the Hoffman Report
Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia
Climate change and disasters how framing affects justifications for giving or withholding aid to disaster victims
The cowboy and the goddess: television news mythmaking about immigrants
The deradicalisation of education: terror, youth and the assault on learning
Diagnosis of the times vs description of society
Dramaturgical domination: the genesis and evolution of the racialized interaction order
(210)Po poisoning as possible cause of death: forensic investigations and toxicological analysis of the remains of Yasser Arafat
Baltimore's unrest: perspectives from public health and emergency physician leaders
The burden of alcohol
Questions of fairness and anti-doping in US cycling: the contrasting experiences of professionals and amateurs
The emerging sociology of international criminal courts: between global restructurings and scientific innovations
The emotional dynamics of consent
Equipment designed to reduce risk of severe traumatic injuries in alpine ski racing: constructive collaboration between the International Ski Federation, industry and science
An examination of women in federal law enforcement: an exploratory analysis of the challenges they face in the work environment
Fault-y reasoning navigating the liability terrain in intelligent transportation systems
The globalization of higher education as a societal and cultural security problem
"A general separation of Colored and White": the WWII riots, military segregation, and racism(s) beyond the White/Nonwhite binary
"Haven't we always been doing mixed methods research?" Lessons learned from the development of the horseless carriage
The impact of military engagement in disaster management on civil-military relations
The insanity defence: an argument for abolition
Memorializing lynch victims countering colorblind ideologies with experiential learning
Practices of compassionate, critical, justice-oriented teacher education
Protecting victims of domestic violence--have we got the balance right?
The risk of a bicycle helmet: hyoid bone fracture
The application of forensic medical knowledge for the reconstruction of historical events
Are healthcare professionals working in Australia's immigration detention centres condoning torture?
Assessing the quality of mental health promotion and prevention in Croatia: the case of Istria
A balance retraining program reduces injurious falls and improves physical function in older women at risk of falling [synopsis]
Bringing community and academic scholars together to facilitate and conduct authentic community based participatory research: Project UNITED
Brodalumab and suicidal ideation in the context of a recent economic crisis in the United States
Child abuse in the dental setting
Continuous deep sedation and homicide: an unsolved problem in law and professional morality
Criteria for determining number of intersections at divided highway junctions: recommended changes to Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Fair representation of Transportation Research Record impacts
Level of service of safety revisited
Folding ROPS or automatically deployable ROPS?
From monocausality to systems thinking: a complementary and alternative conceptual approach for better understanding the development and prevention of sports injury
Genetics and neuropsychology: a merger whose time has come
Injury surveillance as a distributed system of systems
The issue of being touched
Local health departments' activities to address health disparities and inequities: are we moving in the right direction?
The national problem of untested sexual assault kits (SAKs): scope, causes, and future directions for research, policy, and practice
Randomised controlled trials as a driving force of evidence-based public health on the population level
Nursing ethics and the 21st-century armed conflict: the example of Ciudad Juárez
Reply to Thorborg et al.: high risk of bias and low transparency in "How effective are F-MARC injury prevention programs for soccer players? A systematic review and meta-analysis"
SAVE today! (Stop America's Violence Everywhere)
Serum neurofilament light in American football athletes over the course of a season
"Uproar, bulk, rage, suffocation, effort unceasing, frenzied and vain": Beckett's Transports of Rage
Violence against women and girls: how far have we come? (editorial)
What do EMS personnel think about domestic violence? An exploration of attitudes and experiences after participation in training
Why is suicide the leading killer of older adolescent girls? (editorial)
Winter refocus: ICD-10, the medical team and gun safety
The National Violent Death Reporting System: overview and future directions
The American ambulance in Paris, 1914-1917 Part II: the University Surgical Service
Cooperation and the common good
Harmful drinking among the elderly--a hidden problem
Internet alcohol marketing and underage alcohol use
Letter to the editor: pediatric sports-related concussions
Nurse bullying: a review and a proposed solution
Planning for research on children during public health emergencies
Should military doctors help patients when doing so could increase risks to others?
Suicide attempts in the US Army
Suicide attempts in the US Army-Reply
Use of antipsychotic medications for nonpsychotic children: risks and implications for mental health services
Who says this is a modern disorder? The early history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Alcohol, injuries and healthy public policy: clinicians as knowledge brokers
Aruna Shanbaug and workplace safety for women: the real issue sidestepped
An evaluation of the measurement properties of the five Cs model of positive youth development
Foster care experiences in youth literature: literary analysis provides insights into how young people talk about, comprehend, and internalize the phenomenon of foster care
Geographical variation in relative risks associated with cold waves in Spain: the need for a cold wave prevention plan
Harnessing information from injury narratives in the 'big data' era: understanding and applying machine learning for injury surveillance
Older persons' definitions and explanations of elder abuse in the Netherlands
Practical applications of injury surveillance: a brief 25-year history of the Connecticut Injury Prevention Center
Rape: holistic view
Revisiting the 2005 earthquake paraplegics: what has changed in a decade?
The art of being mentally healthy: a study to quantify the relationship between recreational arts engagement and mental well-being in the general population
Bullying and harassment and 'the looking glass self'
Concussion: doctor who took on the might of American football hits the big screen
Integrated approaches to occupational health and safety: a systematic review
Medical ethics and school football
A modest proposal on gun control-and a real one
Musings on models and the genius of Jens Rasmussen
Obama issues executive orders to curtail gun violence
Saved lives at risk in the Middle East
Towards a new standard for powered wheelchairs and scooters
Min Liu's "Migration, prostitution, and human trafficking: the voice of Chinese women"
Professionalism and conflicting interests: the American Psychological Association's involvement in torture
Professional care as an option prior to self-harm
The quest for wisdom: lessons from 17 tsunamis, 2004-2014
Tunnel vision on tunnel vision? A preliminary examination of the tension between precaution and efficacy in major criminal investigations in the Netherlands
Understanding and preventing falls: perspectives of first responders and older adults
Trends in traumatic spinal cord injury
Trends in traumatic spinal cord injury-reply
Translating research to practice: too much research, not enough practice?
The Colombian migrants in the Colombian press: a lecture of gender: 1990-2006
Milieu improvement in psychiatry using evidence-based practices: the long and winding road of culture change
Missed opportunities: screening and brief intervention for risky alcohol use in women's health settings
On the science-policy bridge: do spatial heat vulnerability assessment studies influence policy?
Our shrinking globe: implications for child unintentional injuries
Performing betweener autoethnographies against persistent us/them essentializing leaning on a fFreirean pedagogy of hope
Please confirm your online order: one child adopted from overseas at no cost
The politics of psychiatry and the vicissitudes of faith circa 1950: Karl Stern's psychiatric novel
Poppy: the elegant flower or a lethal weapon of addiction
Psychologists and the transition from pediatrics to adult health care
Refugee camp narratives: the role of 'eye-witness testimony' in journalists' travel accounts
Replication in psychological science
Research and evaluations of the health aspects of disasters, Part IV: framework for societal structures: the societal systems
Research priorities for NCD prevention and climate change: an international Delphi survey
Response to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster
Restavèk children in context: wellbeing compared to other Haitian children
Responding to violence with guns: mass shootings and gun acquisition
Rewriting the battles of Algiers: ephemeral tactics in the city at war
Sociological quasi-labs: the case for deductive scenario development
Suicide and serotonin: making sense of evidence
Treatment of depression in voluntary versus mandated physicians
On 'being forced to be free': between republican and liberal freedom
Performance of likelihood ratios considering bounds on the probability of observing misleading evidence
Public trust in the military: the Slovenian Armed Forces in a comparative analysis
Reacting to crises: the risk-averse nature of contemporary American public education
Reforming offences against the person in defence of 'moderate' constructivism
Sleep apnoea and driving risk: the need for regulation
Statistician, heal thyself: fighting statophobia at the source
Traditional fire-use, landscape transition, and the legacies of social theory past
Transparency rules lead to large fall in positive trial results, analysis finds
Traumatic brain injury in 2014: progress, failures and new approaches for TBI research
Aggression: is that an issue for worrying?
Can the sociology of social problems help us to understand and manage 'lifestyle drift'?
Does improving poison prevention practices reduce childhood poisoning rates
The ethics of resource allocation in disasters. Anticipate ethical issues before a crisis occurs
Factorial experimental designs
National Institute of Justice: investment in career development
On the strength of evidence in forensic pathology
Big data, organizational learning, and sensemaking: Theorizing interpretive challenges under conditions of dynamic complexity
#1 priority when disaster occurs: everyone goes home
Acid and burns violence against women: the role of the courts
Boundless syndromes in modern society: an interconnected world producing novel psychopathology in the 21st century
Competing factor models of child and adolescent psychopathology
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) and the humanitarian industry in Britain, 1963-85
Drowsiness and traffic safety: at least as dangerous as alcohol!
Dusky is here to stay-for now (Editorial)
Football and other issues
The functional value of preventive and restorative safety behaviors: a systematic review of the literature
The progressive nature of concentration camp syndrome in former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps - not just history, but the important issue of contemporary medicine
The sorrows of young Werther and Goethe's understanding of melancholia
Trusting Facebook in crisis situations: the role of general use and general trust toward Facebook
Are antidepressants really effective?
Confronting the need for evidence regarding prevention
Can you help me write my story? The institutional affiliations of authors of international journal articles on post-disaster health response
Deliberate self-harm following bariatric surgery
Deliberate self-harm following bariatric surgery
Deliberate self-harm following bariatric surgery-reply
Disaster prevention
Distracted driving, a major preventable cause of motor vehicle collisions: "just hang up and drive"
From crime to disease: laws on infanticide in the modern era
Wrongness in different relationships: relational context effects on moral judgment
Ethics surrounding the medical evacuation of catastrophically injured individuals from an operational theatre of war
"Hotspots" and "copycats": a plea for more thoughtful language about suicide
"Hotspots" and "copycats": a plea for more thoughtful language about suicide - Authors' reply
A military-specific injury scoring system to aid in understanding the golden hour
A military-specific injury scoring system to aid in understanding the golden hour-reply
It's okay to call them drones
Understanding public opinion of UAVs in Canada: a 2014 analysis of survey data and its policy implications
Accidental injury of Chinese children: priorities and actions
Alcohol use and firearm violence
Comment on "binge drinking and alcohol prices"
Ethical dilemmas concerning autonomy when persons with dementia wish to live at home: a qualitative, hermeneutic study
Evidence bicycle helmets mitigate intra-cranial injury is not controversial
Identifying gaps for research prioritisation: global burden of external causes of injury as reflected in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Legislation to prevent burns, not home prevention schemes
Suicide in India - changing trends and challenges ahead
Study on suicide risk assessment in mental illness underestimates inpatient suicide risk
What's new in critical illness and injury science? Nonaccidental burn injuries, child abuse awareness and prevention, and the critical need for dedicated pediatric emergency specialists: answering the global call for social justice for our youngest citizens
The U.S. public's preference for safer guns
Addressing the pandemic on our roads
Data linkage: an untapped resource for reducing serious traffic injuries in fast developing countries
Developing efficient traffic safety law enforcement programmes in rapidly developing countries
What we do not know, hardly know, and really know about traffic safety
Surveillance in the service of safety
Suicide and accident classification methodology
Traffic medicine and road safety: the Australian perspective
Traffic medicine and road safety: South American perspective
Traffic medicine in the Latin America: a focus on the Dominican Republic
Traffic medicine in the Netherlands
Traffic medicine in Saudi Arabia, from prevention to rehabilitation
Reducing injuries among young drivers: what kinds of measures are needed?
Road safety and traffic medicine in Iran: achievements and challenges
Innovative strategies to reduce traffic related injuries and deaths in youth
Mandatory toxicological examination: controversies
Employing refined licensing conditions to reduce the serious crashes of young drivers
Austerity and the limits of policy-induced suffering: what role for the prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment?
Beyond resilience: why we need to look at systems too
Bridging the gap between research and practice by strengthening academic-community partnerships for violence research
Commodification and resistance: theoretical implications drawn from a mobile recreational community
Crime, punishment and Article 3 ECHR: puzzles and prospects of applying an absolute right in a penal context
Decolonizing policing: indigenous patrols, counter-policing and safety
Further examinations of mobility in later life and improving health and wellbeing
Health implications of transport: evidence of effects of transport on social interactions
Helping professionals and Border Force secrecy: effective asylum-seeker healthcare requires independence from callous policies
Is Big Data challenging criminology?
Understanding cross-national differences in risk through a localized cultural perspective
Use of health impact assessment to promote safe built environments for active transportation
The state obligation to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: the case of honour-related violence
Still blaming the victim of intimate partner violence? Women's narratives of victim desistance and redemption when seeking support
Strengths, narrative, and resilience: restorying resilience research
The symbolic lynching of James Meredith: a visual analysis and collective counter narrative to racial domination
Transportation public health link: changing perspectives…changing a culture through cross-disciplinary collaboration
Reconstructing representations of dynamic visual objects in early visual cortex
The relationship between active transportation and health
Ritualistic rape in sociological perspective
The role of gender, class, and religion in biracial Americans' racial labeling decisions
Linking transport, health and sustainability: better data sets for better policy-making
Misrepresenting harms in antidepressant trials
Mobility in the transition to retirement - keeping up with the active ageing discourse
The power of language and labels: "the mentally ill" versus "people with mental illnesses"
Application and developmental strategies for community-based injury prevention programs of the international Safe Communities movement in Korea
Antidepressants may double risk of suicide and aggression in children, study finds
Professional speech targeted by the Florida Gun Privacy Law: the impact of Wollschlaeger on physician and attorney speech [Wollschlaeger v. Governor of Florida, 760 F.3d 1195 (11th Cir. 2014)]
The Declaration of İstanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism
Australian doctor challenges government over child detention "torture"
Child maltreatment: a public health overview and prevention considerations
Chronic issues related to traumatic brain injury: traumatic brain injury is not an incident
Correcting a prevalent misunderstanding of burns
Defining wellness as a balance
Don't sell out safety: a call to preserve risk evaluation and mitigation strategies to reduce harm to patients and the public in the U.S
The dose makes the poison
Exercise and fall prevention: narrowing the research-to-practice gap and enhancing integration of clinical and community practice
Frozen funding on firearm research: "doing nothing is no longer an acceptable solution"
What do we know now about the impact of the laws related to marijuana?
What does dependency on community mental health services mean? A conceptual review with a systematic search
What every ED nurse should know about suicide risk assessment
Violence against new graduated nurses in clinical settings: a qualitative study
"Take the Scare Out of Care" FNA's campaign to end violence against nurses
Teaching domestic violence online: a step forward or a step backward?
A month for reflecting on suicide prevention
The multifaceted aspects of suicide behavior
Public health nurses' activities for suicide prevention in Japan
Removing the "silencer": coverage and protection of physician speech under the First Amendment
Response to comments on "Poisonings with suicidal intent aged 0-21 years reported to poison centers 2003-12"
Response to letter to the editor, "Measurement of workplace violence reporting"
Reply to "The multifaceted aspects of suicide behavior" by Tondo
Suicidality risk assessment in adolescents and young adults
Cellular telephone use while driving: growing awareness of the danger. (Editorial)

The doctor and the automobile accident
Cautions about car telephones and collisions
Comment on Hemenway's and Solnick's "Fuzzy dice, dream cars, and indecent gestures: correlates of driver behavior?"
Crash and live -- need cars kill more soldiers than guns?
Some causes of the carnage on the roads
The carnage on the roads
The carnage on the roads
The carnage on the roads
Adolescents with substance use disorder and assent/consent: empirical data on understanding biobank risks in genomic research
Advocating new directions
The ageing population is neglected in research studies of traumatic brain injury
ANA sets 'zero tolerance' policy for workplace violence, bullying. Position statement calls on health care employers to implement violence prevention programs
Apology for discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment by the President of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Are we missing something pertinent? A bias analysis of unmeasured confounding in the firearm-suicide literature
The road traffic injury treatment network in mainland China
Six insights on traffic safety from Canada
Youth violence: what we know and what we need to know
The victims of unethical human experiments and coerced research under National Socialism
We have the programme, what next? Planning the implementation of an injury prevention programme
Who cares about a delinquency prevention experiment of Boston boys born in the 1920s and 1930s? The need for long-term follow-ups in criminology
Translating psychological science: highlighting the media's contribution to contagion in mass shootings: Comment on Kaslow (2015)
Transport and health: a marriage of convenience or an absolute necessity
Traumatic brain injury in United States Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) Hispanic veterans-a review using the PRISMA method
Behavioral disorders after traumatic brain injury: why and how did French recommendations for good practice emerge?
Building an evidence base for national suicide prevention strategies
Bullying in the workplace: a leadership perspective
The case for a sociology of dying, death, and bereavement
Child abuse in American storytelling: masterful storytellers can make it possible to speak not only of child abuse, but of the abuse of 'our children'
Commentary on Rossow et al. (2016): Early days yet in the cycle from peer to parent drinking as influences on adolescent alcohol involvement
Commentary on Pierce et al. (2016): Raising the bar of addiction treatment-first do no harm
Constructing the dead: retrospective sensemaking in eulogies
Does usage of a parachute in contrast to free fall prevent major trauma? A prospective randomised-controlled trial in rag dolls
The Four Cs of disaster partnering: communication, cooperation, coordination and collaboration
The gender of suicide: knowledge production, theory and suicidology
Gun violence as a public health problem
High training workloads alone do not cause sports injuries: how you get there is the real issue
In response to: "Poisonings with suicidal intent aged 0-21 years reported to poison centers 2003-12"
Impact of economic fluctuations on suicide mortality in Canada (1926-2008): testing the Durkheim, Ginsberg and Henry and Short theories
Improving access to treatment for mental health problems as a major component of suicide prevention strategy
Occupational health in fairy tales
Preventing suicide by a systems approach
Reducing the incidence of falls: the never-ending journey
Research at its best: competency in the complexity of child abuse and neglect
Suicide assessment and prevention
Suicide prevention competencies among urban Indian physicians: a needs assessment
Are mental health services getting better at responding to abuse, assault and neglect?
Challenges of epidemiologists of developing countries in the 21st century
Concussion ethics and sports medicine
Conflicts of interest in sports medicine
Ending gun violence: putting people before politics to expand research about gun violence
Ethical obligations in the face of dilemmas concerning patient privacy and public interests: the Sasebo schoolgirl murder case
Fundamental ethical principles in sports medicine
Gossamer threads: commentary on the impact of digital technology on the developing brain and the capacity for empathy
Gun violence
The importance of examining variants of implementation among evidence-based and promising programs to prevent child maltreatment
Mediating and moderating effects of social support in the study of child abuse and adult physical and mental health
Moral injury: a new challenge for complementary and alternative medicine
Older adult falls seen by emergency medical service providers: a prevention opportunity
Policy-relevant behaviors predict heavier drinking in both on and off premises and mediate the relationship between heavier alcohol consumption and age, gender, and socioeconomic status-analysis from the International Alcohol Control Study
Rationale for strengthening muscle to prevent falls and fractures: a review of the evidence
Response to "Chemical injuries caused by the hydrofluoric acid leak"
4 simple reforms to address mass shootings and other firearm violence
Accidents and apathy: the construction of the 'Robens philosophy' of occupational safety and health regulation in Britain, 1961-1974
Alcohol prices, taxes, and alcohol-related harms: a critical review of natural experiments in alcohol policy for nine countries
Alcohol use as a necessary cause of death in Brazil, 2010-2012
The American Ambulance in Paris, 1914-1917 Part III: The American Ambulance Field Service
Attitudes toward domestic violence and corporal punishment among former Soviet Union immigrants in Israel
Bringing attention into higher focus within the traumatic brain injury research agenda
Consequences learned from the use of chemical weapons during the First World War for the modern military medicine
Domestic violence and social justice: a structural intersectional framework for teaching about domestic violence
Executions and scientific anatomy
Exploring the controversy in child abuse pediatrics and false accusations of abuse
Exploring the importance of team psychological safety in the development of two interprofessional teams
Fall risk is not black and white
Gun violence in America: a national crisis
HPV vaccination for victims of childhood sexual abuse
Identifying signs of intimate partner violence
Letter to the editor: Wiltshire et al., on the South American botanical hallucinogen ayahuasca
Mass casualty incidents - time to engage
Mobile device identifies head injuries
A national description of violence toward emergency medical services personnel
Psychedelics and cognitive liberty: reimagining drug policy through the prism of human rights
A psychoanalytic study of Sylvia Plath
Psychohistory and family among antebellum slaveholders
Now or later? Understanding the etiologic period of suicide
Policy misperceptions and support for gun control legislation
A suicidal pregnant patient's request for premature Cesarean section: clinical and ethical challenges
Teaching domestic violence in the new millennium: intersectionality as a framework for social change
Tolerable risks? Physicians and youth tackle football
Why Do People Kill? Why Do They Stop? : A Review of "Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru" by Kimberly Theidon; University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014
Why do adolescents self-harm?
Updated College position statement on the abolition of torture
Promoting the science of school psychology
Response to: Commercial motor vehicle driver obstructive sleep apnea screening and treatment in the united states: an update and recommendation overview
A safer world
Screening for depression in children and adolescents: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
Successful treatment of suicidal risk
Suicide assessment and nurses: what does the evidence show?
Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: authors misinterpreted earlier paper from the FDA
Paper on suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment was flawed and the press release was misleading
Re: Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports (Sharma et al, 352:i65, 2016)
An appraisal of the rights of women under the Shar'iah
Child abuse awareness in the dental profession
A note on generalized ordered outcome models
Overcoming cultural, traditional and religious beliefs and practices in understanding and combating domestic violence in Nigeria
Understanding sexual revictimization of women through metaphors: a qualitative research
Health outcomes and attitudes toward female genital cutting in a community-based sample of West African immigrant women from high-prevalence countries in New York City
Attack in Paris and occupational health
Attribution of concussion-like symptoms and history of collision sports exposure-reply
Baltimore's recent violence a 'call to action' to address health disparities
Barriers to evidence-based disaster management in Nepal: a qualitative study
Bioanalytical techniques in discrimination between therapeutic and abusive use of drugs in sport
CDC MessageWorks: designing and validating a social marketing tool to craft and defend effective messages
Charlotte Watts: from pure maths to HIV and gender-based violence
Falls prevention education: interprofessional training to enhance collaborative practice
Gun-violence reduction must be treated like auto-safety movement
History and current status of state graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws in the United States
A history of the evolution of guidelines for reporting medical research: the long road to the EQUATOR Network
Intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: state of the science and next steps
Major causes of injury death and the life expectancy gap between the United States and other high-income countries
The mythology of "spontaneous" human combustion
Narrative review of women's health in Iran: challenges and successes
Editorial: Obesity, PANDAS, smoking, and gun violence
Protecting future children from in-utero harm
Psychophysiology of threat response, paradigm shifts in psychiatry, and RDoC: Implications for genetic investigation of psychopathology (Editorial)
Re: Traumatic spinal cord injury in the United States, 1993-2012
Reconciling RDoC and DSM approaches in clinical psychophysiology and neuroscience
Look before you leap: what are the obstacles to risk calculation in the equestrian sport of eventing?
Pediatric unintentional firearm injuries: a Northwestern Louisiana trauma center analysis (comment)
Toward a re-interpretation of self-harm: a cross-contextual approach
Use of out-of-hospital ethanol administration to improve outcome in mass methanol outbreaks
Predictors accident structures in mothers with children under 5 years old in city of Khorramabad based on Health Belief Model
Active transportation surveillance: United States, 1999-2012
Applying Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) to the study of fear and anxiety: a critical comment
A ban on smoking in psychiatric hospitals would reduce self burn injuries
California doctor convicted of murder in overdose deaths is sentenced to 30 years
Commentary: The devastating effects of ignoring child maltreatment in psychiatry - a commentary on Teicher and Samson 2016
Commentary: Risk taking, impulsivity, and externalizing problems in adolescent development - commentary on Crone et al. 2016
Community coping strategies in response to hardship and human rights abuses among Burmese refugees and migrants at the Thai-Burmese border: a qualitative approach
Statement on prevention of non-traffic vehicle-related injuries in children
Statement on safety belt laws and enforcement
The suicidal risks and treatments, seek medications from multi-disciplinary [factors]
Tackle gun violence like other public health problems
Tactical emergency medicine: lessons from Paris marauding terrorist attack
Suicide behaviors in bipolar disorder: a review and update for the clinician
What soldiers know and want to know about preventing injuries: a needs survey regarding a key threat to readiness
Where there's smoke, there's fire: the effect of truncated testimony on juror decision-making
Winter road safety is no accident
Unsafe and understudied: the US gun problem
Violence against women must concern obstetrician-gynecologists
Reply to the critics on "binge drinking and alcohol prices"
Sex, gender, and traumatic brain injury: a commentary
Simulations and social empathy: domestic violence education in the new millennium
Statement on older adult burn prevention
Countering a multi-faceted terrorist wave through an integrated emergency-care system
Can social media help increase the organ supply while avoiding exploitation and trafficking?
Domestic violence against rural women in Pakistan: an issue of health and human rights
Editorial: Gun violence-risk, consequences, and prevention
Egyptian doctors vote for free hospital care in police assault protest
Complex PTSD and phased treatment in refugees: a debate piece
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth: limited representation in school support personnel journals
Blast from the past: a retrospective analysis of blast-induced head injury
Envisioning zero suicide
Fatigue in transportation: NTSB investigations and safety recommendations
An international congress on violence in clinical psychiatry: reflections and takeaways
Advocates seek $100 million for youth suicide prevention
Reported versus actual assault rates
Reported versus actual assault rates: in reply
Need for studies of the health of Gulf War women veterans
One size should not fit all, so use the right tool for the job
Response to Kestens et al. Comments on Melis et al. The effects of the urban built environment on mental health: a cohort study in a large northern Italian City. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015, 12, 14898-14915
Understanding heterogeneity in clinical cohorts using normative models: beyond case-control studies
Special issue of Sexual Abuse: a journal of research and treatment-connecting theory with research: testing hypotheses about the causes of sexual offending
Are even stronger Christmas road safety blitzes necessary? 20 years of fatality data still says no
Assessment of sequelae of torture for refugees in host countries
Bullying culture: valuing the teacher-student relationship
Cannabinoids: medical implications
Child maltreatment prevention: the pediatrician's role. Part 2. Prevention before it happens, when suspected and when abuse is confirmed
Children, teachers and GPs call for more bullying support
Clinician attitudes, screening practices, and interventions to reduce firearm-related injury
Construction and evaluation of the epidemiological injury criteria based on the combination of 'Hurt' and 'Harm'
Cost-effectiveness thresholds in health care: a bookshelf guide to their meaning and use
Despising the weak: long shadows of infant murder in Nazi Germany
Domestic violence in Dakar
Knife stabbing attacks in the West Bank: implementing a modern response chain to an ancient foe
The need for development a national minimum data set of the information management system for burns in Iran
Injuries from cheerleading are comparatively infrequent but may be more serious (NewsCAP)
Antisocial personality disorder
Building codes: an often overlooked determinant of health
Community-based counselors' interventions for elementary school-age children coping with trauma
Complicity and torture
Detecting child abuse
Epidemic of fear
Experts seek ban on tackling in school rugby to prevent child injuries
Helping remove the shadow of torture
Interventions to increase the reporting of occupational diseases by physicians: a Cochrane systematic review
Is workload associated with injuries and performance in elite football? A call for action (Editorial)
It is time to give concussion an operational definition: a 3-step process to diagnose (or rule out) concussion within 48 h of injury: World Rugby guideline
How do authors of systematic reviews deal with research malpractice and misconduct in original studies? A cross-sectional analysis of systematic reviews and survey of their authors
Pediatric traumatic brain injury: is it time to consider gender-based treatments?
Predictors of health care provider anticipatory guidance provision for older drivers
Questions about the validity of the binge or heavy drinking criterion have implications for more than just treatment evaluation
Risk communication: an integral element in public health emergencies
RiskSOAP: introducing and applying a methodology of risk self-awareness in road tunnel safety
Road network safety evaluation using Bayesian hierarchical joint model
What to expect from the future leaders of Bogotá and Curitiba in terms of public transport: opinions and practices among university students
Still underdetected - social norms and collective efficacy predict the acceptance of electric vehicles in germany
Suicide risk in patients with bladder cancer: a call to action
Implementing mobility as a service: challenges in integrating user, commercial, and societal perspectives
Discovery of biochemical biomarkers for aggression: a role for metabolomics in psychiatry
Erratum to: Healthy living practices in families and child health in Taiwan
An examination of Horace Wells' life as a manifestation of major depressive and seasonal affective disorders
Fear, resilience, and tunnel vision
Firearm violence and effects on concealed gun carrying: large debate and small effects
The first step in preventing suicide is to ask
From empathic mind to moral behaviour: the "who", "why" and "how"
Helmet use and head injury in Homer's Iliad
Here/in this issue and there/abstract thinking: wielding weapons: the intersection between firearms and child psychiatry
Managing disruptive behavior will remove bullies from the OR
Of wholes and parts: a Thomistic refutation of "brain death"
Pediatric pesticide poisoning: a clinical challenge
Penalty for delay of game? Sobering results in treating adolescent depression
Penetrating arrow injury--causing the death of an early medieval woman from the Muzla-Cenkov locality in Slovakia (9th-10th century ce)
Physical and emotional sibling violence: a necessary role for social work
Police, equity, and child health
Preventing suicide in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender prisoners: a critique of U.K. policy
Reshaping time: Recommendations for suicide prevention in LBGT populations reflections on "Suicide and suicide risk in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations: review and recommendations" from Journal of homosexuality 58(1)
The role of incomplete information and others' choice in reducing traffic: a pilot study
Role of religious beliefs in preventing suicide attempts in Iran: a response to "Risk and protective factors for suicide attempt in Iran" by Akbari, et al. Arch Iran Med. 2015; 18(11): 747 – 752.
Role of religious beliefs in preventing suicide attempts in Iran: an authors' response to a letter by Zamani M, et al.
Should we revisit the 'Age at First Drink' concept in alcohol research?
Suicide screening for prisoners: an ethical critique of research rejection
Workplace bullying in hospitals: an unresolved problem
Want a better criminal justice response to rape? Improve police interviews with complainants and suspects
What I forgot to mention in my suicide note
Alternative international systems? System structure and violent conflict in nineteenth-century West Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia
Common sense or gun control? Political communication and news media framing of firearm sale background checks after Newtown
The conflictual positioning of the American Psychiatric Association for the possession of firearms
Bioethicists can and should contribute to addressing racism
Boss abuse and subordinate payback
Changing the direction of suicide prevention research: a necessity for true population impact
Child maltreatment prevention and the scope of child and adolescent psychiatry
A critical, rhetorical analysis of man therapy: the use of humor to frame mental health as masculine
An ethical exploration of barriers to research on controlled drugs
How to decrease violence against doctors in China?
Firearm injury prevention: a consensus approach to reducing preventable deaths
Firearm legislation and firearm mortality in the USA: a cross-sectional, state-level study
Firearm legislation and mortality in the USA
Fraud, individuals, and networks: a biopsychosocial model of scientific frauds
Gene duplication and divergence affecting drug content in Cannabis sativa
History and Medicine: ex voto as a tool for health and epidemiological surveillance
Prevention of youth violence: a public health approach
"Research you cannot talk about" a personal account of researching sudden, unexpected child death
Seeking balance between pain relief and safety: CDC issues new opioid-prescribing guidelines
Seeking a stay of proceedings for irregular apprehension before international courts fighting a losing battle against the pursuit of international criminal justice
Substance abuse prevention
Syndromic surveillance during the Paris terrorist attacks
"To tell my story" grief and self-disclosure in Hamlet
What every healthcare facility should do now to reduce the potential for workplace violence
Work-related mental disorders and their inclusion in health policies in the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde)
Analysis and implications of the miscarriages of justice of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito
Associations between non-discrimination and training policies and physicians' attitudes and knowledge about sexual and gender minority patients: a comparison of physicians from two hospitals
Editorial: Acute stress impacts psychomotor performance
Ending political abuse of psychiatry: where we are at and what needs to be done
Federally mandating motorcycle helmets in the United States
Health system screens all patients for suicide risk
Understanding the challenges of addressing intimate partner violence in the Dominican Republic
Understanding intimate partner violence in Jordan: application of the ecological model
Docs, Glocks and stray bullets: new laws that muzzle doctors on gun safety are dangerous
Study on machlock musket of the Late Choson Dynasty
Violent frames: analyzing Internet Movie Database reviewers' text descriptions of media violence and gender differences from 39 years of U.S. action, thriller, crime, and adventure movies
Massacre at Tallinn's Uus Turg (New Market) on 16 October 1905
Mythical moments in Remington brand history
Myths, militarism and the police patrol rifle
Filling the gap: after years of spending cuts to mental health programs, lawmakers have begun to boost funding for the most effective approaches
Book review: Gifts from the thunder beings: indigenous archery and European firearms in the Northern Plains and the Central Subarctic, 1670-1870 [Roland Bohr. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014. xviii, 468 pp.]
Gun Control
Handguns, moral rights, and physical security
Historical vignette of infamous gunshot injury to spine: "an ailment not to be treated"?
Childhood adversity and psychiatric disorder in young adulthood: an analysis of 107,704 Swedes
Does causality matter more now? Increase in the proportion of causal language in english texts
The formation of citizens: the pediatrician's role
Psychologists in public health: historical aspects and current challenges
Youth services: the need to integrate mental health, physical health and social care : Commentary on Malla et al.: From early intervention in psychosis to youth mental health reform: a review of the evolution and transformation of mental health services for young people
Commentary: Conduct disorder and perceiving harm to others - a reflection on Michalska et al. (2016)
Is it time for a more ambitious research agenda for decreasing alcohol-related harm among young adults?
Sustainable development goals put violence prevention on the map
Torture, healthcare and Australian immigration detention
Changing trends (patterns) of human poisoning in Tirupati Region: a five years study
The past and present of blast injury research in China
Traffic medical research status
Suicide: the lonely path
Some thoughts about the disaster medical rescue system in China
The ideal form of transdisciplinary research as seen from the perspective of sustainability science, considering the future development of IATSS
Advocacy research and social policy: Action for Children and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children as case studies
The challenges of transportation/traffic statistics in Japan and directions for the future
The dirty dozen: twelve risk factors for sexual violence on college campuses (DD-12)
Education for older drivers in the future
Police violence: a two-way street
Prevalence of traumatic brain injury and epilepsy among prisoners in France: results of the Fleury TBI study
A review of road traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia: the neglected epidemic
Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia: response to Pirkis
Building the conversation for hospital-based injury prevention program capacity
Commentary: Resilience defined: an alternative perspective
From arranged marriage to autonomous marriage: marriage liberalization in India, Ancient Rome, United Kingdom and China
Editorial: Brief interventions for risky drinkers
The evolution of multiagency partnerships for safety over the course of research engagement: experiences from the NoGAPS project
The Great Smoky Mountains Study: developmental epidemiology in the southeastern United States
Hidden child abuse identification in the emergency department
Human trafficking and the emergency nurse
Knowledge and perceptions of health workers' training on ethics, confidentiality and medico-legal issues
Letter on ethnic density and suicide: interpretation of results as a protective ethnic density effect is premature
Motorcycle helmet use and the risk of head, neck, and fatal injury: Revisiting the Hurt Study
Nunavut's new suicide prevention strategy
Prevention and public health approaches to trauma and traumatic stress: a rationale and a call to action
Response to "Letter on ethnic density and suicide: interpretation of results as a protective ethnic density effect is premature"
Sport Safety Policy Changes: Saving Lives and Protecting Athletes
The changed injury landscape, more on injury prevention roles for the lifestyle physician, and more than "limited progress" since "Injury in America"
Do male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) deserve help? Some reflections based on a systematic review
Globalization and violence against women: the missing girls of India
Traumatic brain injury: changing concepts and approaches
Should healthcare providers do safety cases? Lessons from a cross-industry review of safety case practices
Implementing a strengths-based approach to intimate partner violence worldwide
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Youth Violence Prevention Centers: paving the way to prevention
Building community capacity for road safety - are we doing it?
Building new partnerships to improve road safety risk
Comparative policy analysis for alcohol and drugs: current state of the field
We should have concerns about risk transfer
Occupational injury prevention research in NIOSH
Occupational safety and health activities conducted across countries in Asia
Improving outcomes of opioid overdose: preparing nursing students to intervene
Industrial accidents in Bangladesh apparel manufacturing sector: an analysis of the two most deadliest accidents in history
"No more trapping me!": communication scholarship in the service of women experiencing domestic violence and substance abuse
Perspective on sexual harassment of women in workplace
A public theology response to domestic violence in Samoa
Road safety: a reliable investment for every profitable heavy vehicle business
Theoretical and legal aspects of cyber warfare
Towards "evidence-making intervention" approaches in the social science of implementation science: the making of methadone in East Africa
Access and necessity for road emergency sites
Creating a culture of prevention in occupational safety and health practice
Safety and health practices and injury management in manufacturing industry
Tracking serious injury to improve road safety: why we can't do it now and what we should do about it
Alcohol use in children: an unrecognized fact
Current and historical involvement of the dentistry in child protection and a glimpse of the future
Domestic violence
Surveillance the key to firearm injury prevention
Big data and opportunities for injury surveillance
Collecting data on violence against children and young people: need for a universal standard
Commentary: From the primacy of safe passage for refugees to a global social policy
Commentary: systemic, local, and imaging biomarkers of brain injury: more needed, and better use of those already established?
Difficult safety problems
Ethical foundations of environmental radiological protection
Factors associated with review board dispositions following re-hospitalization among discharged persons found not criminally responsible
Federal enactment of Healthy Homes legislation in the United States to improve public health
The field becomes the laboratory? The impact of the contextual digital footprint on the discipline of E/HF
The forensic implications of predatory publishing
India needs to reduce incidental injuries to enhance productivity
Injury surveillance: the next generation
MAPx (Mobility Aid Personalization): examining why older adults "pimp their ride" and the impact of doing so
Neurology and neurologists during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
Neurology and war: from antiquity to modern times
Neurology in the Vietnam War
Neuropsychiatric disturbances, self-mutilation and malingering in the French armies during World War I: war strain or cowardice?
Neurosurgical work during the Napoleonic Wars: George James Guthrie's experience
Neurotoxic weapons and syndromes
Useful signs and symptoms of severe intracranial injury after minor head trauma
Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatio-temporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period
Traumatic brain injury studies in Britain during World War II
Suicide among refugees - a mockery of humanity
Gun violence in the United States: a call to action
Intimate partner violence and housing eroding women's citizenship
Introduction of the concept of risk within safety science in The Netherlands focussing on the years 1970-1990
Love in violence: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Guide launched to keep children safe on the way to school
Taking action to reduce gun violence: it's just common sense
A pressing need for pharmacotherapy development to treat drug addiction: an editorial from a legal perspective
Response for letter to the editor "Rethinking bicycle helmets as a preventive tool: a 4 year review of bicycle injuries"
What is this thing called a safety regulation?
Clinical presentation of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (Reader comment)
Crash investigation: powerful tool to assess vehicle safety
Global suicide: a problem of health systems
How to encourage building a new road traffic culture for children in developing countries
Importance of child safety on the road
New approaches to the assessment and treatment of suicidal adolescents (Comment)
Prevention of road crashes in Iran
Rape and its representation in Bollywood movies
A report base on the observation regarding to percentage of death in road accident
Roads safety in developing countries
Safety potential of advanced driver assistance systems
IEDs: a concussion and a photo dilemma
"Spontaneous human combustion," homicide, suicide or household accident
Traumatic brain injury
Safe children: reducing severe and fatal maltreatment
The role of physicians in asylum evaluation: documenting torture and trauma
Saving lives and protecting people from injuries and violence
Preventing torture in Nepal: a public health and human rights intervention
Tested at last: how DNA evidence in untested rape kits can identify offenders and serial sexual assaults
Trafficking in persons: Q&A with Dr. Donna Sabella
Trauma research in the Baltic countries: from political oppression to recovery
Undercounting of football concussions skewed NFL research, US investigation alleges
German emergency care in neurosurgery and military neurology during World War II, 1939-1945
Research on spousal violence: toward a balanced and rigorous approach
Where do soldiers really come from? A faculty development workshop on veteran-centered care
Discoursive humanity as a transcendental basis for cognitive (dis)ability ethics and policies
Rethinking the well woman visit: a scoping review to identify eight priority areas for well woman care in the era of the Affordable Care Act
Required actions to place NCDs in Africa and the global south high on the world agenda
Sedentary behavior and physical activity patterns in older adults after hip fracture: a call to action
Should children with suspected nonaccidental injury be admitted to a surgical service?
Sleep, dietary, and exercise behavioral clusters among truck drivers with obesity: implications for interventions
Strange bedfellows? Common ground on the moral status question
Testing and training (Comment)
Anatomy of a mass murderer
Anxiously awaiting the future of restorative justice in the United States
Challenges in researching violence affecting health service delivery in complex security environments
Domestic violence and abuse: an exploration and evaluation of a domestic abuse nurse specialist role in acute health care services
Deconstructing the brain disconnection-brain death analogy and clarifying the rationale for the neurological criterion of death
Nonlinear dynamical systems for theory and research in ergonomics
Removing contact from school rugby will not turn children into couch potatoes
From evidence to outcomes: promoting pediatric fall prevention around the world
The importance of developmental mechanisms in understanding adolescent depression
Is occupational health part of public health?
"It is both vital and feasible to balance practice and research"
Moral status of accidents
No quick fixes: a mixed methods feasibility study of an urban community health worker outreach program for intimate partner violence
Reaction on 'Risk factors and protective factors relating to suicide in the Netherlands and Flanders'
Wilderness Medical Society practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of drowning
Adequate funding for injury prevention research is the next critical step to reduce morbidity and mortality from firearm injuries
Corrigendum to "Exploring the application of latent class cluster analysis for investigating pedestrian crash injury severities in Switzerland" [Accid. Anal. Prev. 85 (2015) 219-228]
Drinking and driving in Brazil: same problem, same loophole
Eradicating human trafficking: a social and public health policy priority
Asylum seekers and the healthcare situation
The authors reply to "Association between active travel and depression: some clarifications needed"
Better mental healthcare in England may have reduced suicides
Using inclusive language in articles published in Journal of Adolescent Health
Toxicodynetics: a new discipline in clinical toxicology
To end life or to save life: ageism moderates the effect of message framing on attitudes towards older adults' suicide
Determination of death and the dead donor rule: a survey of the current law on brain death
Driving in unheard silence: disability and the politics of shutting up
Meet Bennet Omalu, MD: the physician leader whose research inspired the movie Concussion
Reducing suicide through improved quality of care
Why medical professionals have no moral claim to conscientious objection accommodation in liberal democracies
When sex and power collide: an argument for critical sexuality studies
Global violence prevention: the time is now
Māori, family group conferencing and the mystifications of restorative justice
Advances in environmental psychology
Overdosed on opioids: a deadly opioid epidemic sweeping the country has lawmakers working hard to find solutions
What is restorative justice? Fresh answers to a vexed question
Assisted suicide for prisoners? Stakeholder and prisoner perspectives
Catastrophic cliffs: a partial suggestion for selective vulnerability in neurodegenerative diseases
The challenges and promises of pediatric psychopharmacology
Commentary on Caetano, Vaeth, Mills, and Canino (2016): employment status, depression, drinking, and alcohol-use disorders in Puerto rRco
"Even war has rules": on medical neutrality and legitimate non-violence
How do community pharmacists make decisions? Results of an exploratory qualitative study in Ontario
Moral judgment, crime seriousness, and the relations between them: an exploratory study
No smoke without fire
Violence against healthcare staff - a multidimensional problem
AAST statement on firearm injuries
Child abuse from a pediatric perspective
Child homicide: a global public health concern
Co-occurring depression and alcohol misuse is under-identified in general practice: a cross-sectional study
Commentary on Tan MF et al. "Nursing management of aggression in a Singapore emergency department: A qualitative study". Nursing and Health Sciences. 2015; 17: 307-312
Editorial: Orthopaedic surgeons should recommend that children and young adults not play tackle football
Emotional intimate partner violence experienced by men in same-sex relationships
Ethics of clinical decision-making for older drivers: reporting health-related driving risk
Evolution of historical and social attitudes toward suicide
Click here to consent forever: expiry dates for informed consent
Considerations on combustion and fire behaviour of materials: a change of mind during the 18th century
Social media and the social sciences: how researchers employ Big Data analytics
"Playing through it": delayed reporting and removal from athletic activity after concussion predicts prolonged recovery
Recognising and responding to domestic violence and abuse: the role of public health nurses
Restraining good practice: feviewing evidence of the effects of restraint from the perspective of service users and mental health professionals in the United Kingdom (UK)
Response to 'An evaluation of case completeness to New Zealand Coronial case files held on the Australasian National Coronial Information System' by Lilley et al
Social complexity, modernity and suicide: an assessment of Durkheim's suicide from the perspective of a non-linear analysis of complex social systems
Stinging plants: as future bio-weapon
Student's suicide becomes cause for awareness
Tensions between policy and practice: a qualitative analysis of decisions regarding compulsory admission to psychiatric hospital
Training future physicians to screen for and intervene with domestic violence
The utility of medico-legal databases for public health research: a systematic review of peer-reviewed publications using the National Coronial Information System
'Big Five' of sports medicine: preparation, teamwork, passion, mentorship and collaboration
College sports dilemma
Darwin's "Mr. Arthrobalanus": sexual differentiation, evolutionary destiny and the expert eye of the beholder
Family fun or cultural free-for-all? A critique of the 2015 National Football League Super Bowl commercials
Revisiting traumatic brain injury in pediatric population
Jack Kerouac revisited: "Madness" in On the Road between stigma and glorification
On bullying [letter]
Suicide and euthanasia : discourse on physician-assisted suicide
Suicide rates in children and young people increase
Teen depression and suicide: a silent crisis
The things that batter
Traumatic brain injury: pathophysiology for neurocritical care
Violence in Gaza: an academic-activist agenda for health communication
War's carnage: wounds and weapons
Workplace violence against health care workers in the United States
Why bioethics has a race problem
Where have all the children gone?
Saving lives and protecting people from injuries and violence
Are violent video game-aggression researchers biased?
Causes and cures IV: the symbolism of violence
A systematic literature review of "rape victims" versus "rape survivors": implications for theory, research, and practice
Mental health workers' views about their suicide prevention role
Negative outcomes of unbalanced opioid policy supported by clinicians, politicians, and the media
Post-traumatic stress disorder and opioid use disorder: a narrative review of conceptual models
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Changing healthcare workers' attitudes to self harm (Letter)
Dangerous to stay, dangerous to leave: ethical and legal issues in domestic violence
Erratum to: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Youth Violence Prevention Centers: Paving the way to prevention
The European New Car Assessment Programme: a historical review
Gender is inevitable: gender-based violence is avoidable
Mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence is too dangerous for the victim
Prosecution of US psychologists who ran CIA torture program moves a step closer
Intimate partner violence: implications for counseling self-identified LGBTQ college students engaged in same-sex relationships
Corrigendum to "Public transit generates new physical activity: Evidence from individual GPS and accelerometer data before and after light rail construction in a neighborhood of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA" [Health Place 36 (2015) 8-17]
An unusual and unexpected finding in a case of self-poisoning
We still question the utility and validity of the binge/heavy drinking criterion
Triage ethics not individual choice
Uncertainty, conflict and consent: revisiting the futility debate in neurotrauma
Dilemmas in the attitude towards suicide
Global forum: fractures in the elderly
Improving emergency care for people who self harm
Intimate partner violence: the role of the health professions
Psychopathy, addictions, interpersonal violence and antisocial behavior, a mixed relationship
South Carolina's current approach to overcoming the domestic violence epidemic
The role of the culture into the multifactorial approach to suicidal behaviour (editorial)
Are transdermal opioids contraindicated in patients at risk of suicide?
Attitudes to physical punishment of children are changing
Behavior of pediatric medical residents during a clinical simulation of a violent mother in a pediatric emergency
Biologic treatments for sports injuries II think tank-current concepts, future research, and barriers to advancement, Part 1: biologics overview, ligament injury, tendinopathy
Concussion in sports
Trauma informed care: a commentary and critique
Why is child abuse awareness important to trauma nurses?
Following the yellow brick road: next steps in the synthesis of pediatric bioethics and child rights
Intimate partner violence
The invention of violence (of soccer fan groups in Buenos Aires)
The medical response to the Boston Marathon bombings: an analysis of social media commentary and professional opinion
Mental health of victims of trafficking: a right, a need and a service
The nudity of the ego. An Eckhartian perspective on the Levinas/Derrida debate on alterity
Policy statement on data sharing by WHO in the context of public health emergencies (as of 13 April 2016)
Pregnancy and brain death: lack of guidance in U.S. hospital policies
An official American Thoracic Society research statement: impact of mild obstructive sleep apnea in adults
Self-immolation and suicide attacks: an interpretive approach to self-destruction as a political act among the young (Editorial)
Announcing the CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain
Blowing the whistle on sports concussions: will the risk of dementia change the game?
Curbing firearm violence: identifying a specific target for physician action
Disaster mental health and community-based psychological first aid: concepts and education/training
A children's rights perspective on the participation of juvenile defendants in the youth court
Emotional intelligence: a violence strategy
Help in raising concerns about child abuse
The Moscow Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1918)
Occupational safety and health as an element of a complex compensation system evaluation within an organization
Rape without coercion: implementation of Art. 36 of the Instanbul Convention
Emergency nurses: grappling with rising violence
Evaluation of field of vision in private accident insurance
Firearm access and risk of suicide
Firearm access and risk of suicide-reply
The firearm for protection? A risky bet
A historical perspective on sports concussion: where we have been and where we are going
Identifying ethical issues in mental health research with minors adolescents: results of a Delphi study
Means, ends and the ethics of fear-based public health campaigns
The need for effective literature searching for burns research: a timely reminder
American football and national pride: racial differences
Capsule commentary on Kimerling et al., Prevalence of intimate partner violence among women veterans who utilize Veterans Health Administration primary care
"Can a school-wide bullying prevention program improve the plight of victims? Evidence for risk × intervention effects": Correction to Juvonen et al. (2016)
Does counterterrorist legislation hurt human rights practices? A longitudinal cross-national analysis
Fatalities in traffic crashes involving all-terrain vehicles
A plan to prevent gun suicides
Who would pay for state alcohol tax increases in the United States?
The genesis and correction of unprofessional behavior in surgeons: the role of society, education and genetics
The concept of theory guided validation of driving exercises and cognitive performance tests: a comment re: Vetter et al. ZVS 2015 4:222-234
About the importance of theory classes during driving training
Advantages and disadvantages of breath alcohol analysis-Reply to "Evidential breath alcohol analysis and the venous blood-to-breath ratio"
ANA sets 'zero tolerance' policy for workplace violence, bullying. Position statement calls on health care employers to implement violence prevention programs
Aquaticity: a discussion of the term and of how it applies to humans
Assuming vulnerability: ethical considerations in a multiple-case study with older suicide attempters
The biasing effect of the "sexually violent predator" label on legal decisions
The Cannabis Policy Framework by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: a proposal for a public health approach to cannabis policy in Canada
Child sexual abuse: raising awareness and empathy is essential to promote new public health responses
Consumeer buying behavior with respect to four wheelers in Hyderabad City
Corrigendum: Like a magnet: catharsis beliefs attract angry people to violent video games
Did the crew of the submarine H.L. Hunley suffocate?
Wear your bicycle helmet!
VR online dating: the new safe sex
Yes, you can: physicians, patients, and firearms
The discovery of fire by humans: a long and convoluted process
Ethical considerations for clinicians treating victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence
Ethical considerations in sensitive suicide research reliant on non-clinical researchers
Fire in the mind: changing understandings of fire in Western civilization
Fitness-to-drive agreements after stroke: medical versus practical recommendations
From management to prevention: the new cure for sports concussion
Health workers' views of help seeking and suicide among Aboriginal people in rural Victoria
Human brain expansion during evolution is independent of fire control and cooking
"Improving long-term psychiatric care: bring back the asylum": implications for ethnic minority individuals
In response to 'Top 10 lessons from the Glasgow major incidents'
Incorporation of poison center services in a state-wide overdose education and naloxone distribution program
The interaction of fire and mankind: introduction
Neuroscience in forensic psychiatry: from responsibility to dangerousness. Ethical and legal implications of using neuroscience for dangerousness assessments
On Shermer on morality
Organ and human trafficking in Nepal
Pediatric wartime injuries in Afghanistan and Iraq: what have we learned?
Physicians asking patients about guns: promoting patient safety, respecting patient rights
Primary care physicians' perspectives on the prescription opioid epidemic
Responding to domestic violence and spiritual abuse
Restorative justice: neither care nor repression? The case study of Louis, a multi-recidivist, neither "dangerous" nor "sick"
A review of health literacy: definitions, interpretations, and implications for policy initiatives
Statistical hypothesis testing and common misinterpretations: should we abandon p-value in forensic science applications?
Suicide in adolescent girls
Suicide in adolescent girls - Authors' reply
Transforming our settings: make it happen everywhere
Understanding decision-making in specialized domestic violence courts: can contemporary theoretical frameworks help guide these decisions?
Reaction on 'Risk factors and protective factors relating to suicide in the Netherlands and Flanders'
Progress towards zero, an international comparison: Improvements in traffic fatality from 1990 to 2010 for different age groups in the USA and 15 of its peers
Self-inflicted burns: are they preventable injuries?
Teen lives matter: an update on adolescent gun violence
Trade in kidneys is ethically intolerable
Violence prevention and intervention programmes for adolescents in Australia: a systematic review
Adversarial allegiance: the devil is in the evidence details, not just on the witness stand
Beyond advocacy: mapping the contours of victim work
"A call for the proper action on drowning resuscitation"
Children and solitary confinement: a call to action
Collaboration for a curriculum of caring: the zeitgeist is right
The communication of suicidal intentions: a meta-analysis
The corporate quest for zero accidents: a case study into the response to safety transgressions in the industrial sector
Developments in the safety science domain, in the fields of general and safety management between 1970 and 1979, the year of the near disaster on Three Mile Island, a literature review
Do no harm: balancing the costs and benefits of patient outcomes in health psychology research and practice
Editorial: Learning and training in safety and health
Firearm access and risk of suicide: reply (letter)
Gun control saves lives
Human subjects protection and technology in prevention science: selected opportunities and challenges
Important factors in common among organizations making large improvement in OHS performance: results of an exploratory multiple case study
The international dimension of drug policy reform in Uruguay
Leadership training as an occupational health intervention: improved safety and sustained productivity
Moral dilemmas and existential issues encountered both in psychotherapy and philosophical counseling practices
Physicians and youth tackle football
Physicians and youth tackle football
Recent and needed advances in the understanding, prediction, and prevention of suicidal behavior
Revisiting the crisis in Freud's libido theory and Abraham's concept of the oral-sadistic phase as a way out of it
Alcohol use among recent immigrant Latino/a youth: acculturation, gender, and the Theory of Reasoned Action
2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern
Working for the environment and against safety: how compliance affects health and safety on board ships
Why do policies change? Institutions, interests, ideas and networks in three cases of policy reform
Why are back pain guidelines left on the sidelines? Three myths appear to be guiding management of back pain in sport
What is gun control? Direct burdens, incidental burdens, and the boundaries of the Second Amendment
Where have all the gun deaths gone?
Using Johnson v. United States to reframe retroactivity for second or successive collateral challenges
Understanding disclosures for firearm background checks
Suicide in Illinois, 2005-2010: a reflection of patterns and risks by age groups and opportunities for targeted prevention
Taking away the guns: forcible disarmament and rebellion
Why there is a need for an international nomenclature and classification system for suicide
Violence against nurses in the workplace
Intense, passionate, romantic love: a natural addiction? How the fields that investigate romance and substance abuse can inform each other
Risk factors for suicide in children and young people: common yet complex
Role of the occupational physician in corporate management of health risks: an important aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Collegiate rugby has lower injury incidence than American football: letter to the editor
Collegiate rugby has lower injury incidence than American football: response
Depression in young people often goes undetected
Elder abuse: paucity of data hampers evidence-based injury prevention
Epidemiology of nonfatal injuries among schoolchildren
Exploring the diffusion of tweets designed to raise the road safety agenda in Saudi Arabia
Lessons from a decade of suicide surveillance in India: who, why and how?
Expressing anger is more dangerous than feeling angry when driving
Commentary on "Therapeutic error calls among older adults reported to a regional poison control center in alabama"
The continued need to balance preparation and scope of practice to meet behavioral health needs
Éditorial : Recherche sur la conduite automobile des personnes âgées : des preuves afin de guider le changement
Knowing what we don't know: long-term psychiatric outcomes following adult concussion in sports
The Port Arthur massacre and the National Firearms Agreement: 20 years on, what are the lessons?
Sexual assault victims participating in research: causing harm when trying to help?
Rethinking funding priorities in mental health research
Severe traumatic brain injury in children: a vision for the future
Sex-based differences as a predictor of recovery trajectories in young athletes after a sports-related concussion: letter to the editor
Sex-based differences as a predictor of recovery trajectories in young athletes after a sports-related concussion: response
UEFA making vital contribution to football medicine
The university of the National Football League: how technology, injury surveillance, and health care have improved the safety of America's game
Why the resistance to statistical innovations? A comment on Sharpe (2013)
Why is UEFA carrying out injury studies?
The violent content in attenuated psychotic symptoms
Childhood sexual abuse: identification, screening, and treatment recommendations in primary care settings
Falls in the elderly
First approach to a framework for regional road-traffic accidents reduction system
Intimate partner violence in the African American community: risk, theory, and interventions
Military suicide coverage: AP News Wire and suicide guidelines
Psychiatric emergencies
Zeroing in on violent recidivism among released prisoners
Too strong? Barriers from getting support before a suicide attempt in Lithuania
Assessing the use of failure case studies in civil engineering education
Co-prescription of naloxone as a universal precautions model for patients on chronic opioid therapy - observational study
Domestic violence against women: the unheard sound
Ethical issues in child and adolescent forensic psychiatry: a review
Imitation, myth and violence, today and in the past
Nuclear proliferation and the use of nuclear options experimental tests
Perspectives on treating couples impacted by intimate partner violence
Protecting the interests of the child through freedoms, human rights, and the rule of law
Suicide and social justice toward a political approach to suicide
What does recovery mean to a forensic mental health patient? A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the qualitative literature
Welfare workers' cultural models of domestic violence
Suicide, a philosophical act or an act of depression?
BJOG editor's choice: Intimate partner violence destroys love like tears blur clear vision
Car free cities: pathway to healthy urban living
Carlessness in a car‐centric world: a reconstructive approach to qualitative mobility biographies research
A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults: the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) statement
Crisis intervention teams: an evolution of leadership in community and policing
Can we consider the journalist an actor in suicide prevention?
Effective factors in severity of traffic accident-related traumas; an epidemiologic study based on the Haddon matrix
Fake lifejackets play a role in drowning of refugees
Gun violence, mental illness, and laws that prohibit gun possession: evidence from two Florida counties
Breaking the silence: recognizing sexual violence in criminal justice reform
The Enlighten Campinas Program: the construction of an intersectoral and interinstitutional policy to confront violence as a social problem
Failure to evaluate introduction of female genital mutilation mandatory reporting
International consensus statement on injury surveillance in cricket: a 2016 update
Is sexual abuse a part of war? A 4-year retrospective study on cases of sexual abuse at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya
Could cannabidiol be used as an alternative to antipsychotics?
The high price of public fear of low-dose radiation
Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in Middle Eastern/Arab women
Brownface minstrelsy: "José Jiménez," the civil rights movement, and the legacy of racist comedy
The intergenerational transmission of suicide: moral injury and the mysterious object in the work of Walker Percy
Mid-term assessment of the decade of action for road safety: progress made, yet at a slow rate
A review of the new provisions for sanctioning mentally disordered offenders in China, in a broader historical context
Suicide prevention: an emerging priority for health care
What is pregaming and how prevalent is it among U.S. college students? An introduction to the special issue on pregaming
When are doctors legally obliged to stop and render assistance to injured persons at road accidents?
What torture survivors teach assessors about being more fully human
When restoration fails: one state's answer to the dilemma of permanent incompetence
Having been exposed to violence increases the risk of health problems later in life: knowledge of the prevalence of violence and its consequences are needed throughout the health care -- medical history should include the issue of violence.
Active mobility: thanks to bicycles, in Italy in 2014 saved 1,867 deaths and 1,5 million tonnes of CO2
Can human rights standards help protect children and youth from the detrimental impact of alcohol beverage marketing and promotional activities?
A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults: the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) statement
A critique of cannabis legalization proposals in Canada
Disastrous but preventable: road traffic accidents
Eliminate bullies to improve the workplace diversity and foster creativity
Epidemiology of natural disasters: let us learn form the L'Aquila earthquake
The head trauma amnesia cure: the making of a medical myth
Designing a military event gazetteer: the case of parachute operations during the French Indochina War
Knowing me knowing you: key players and their interactions within the young driver road safety system
Understanding interactions
Zero vision and a Western salvation narrative
Development of a practice framework for improving nurses' responses to intimate partner violence
A head-on collision with the National Football League
Mental health surveillance after the terrorist attacks in Paris
Pathology of social violence phenomenon in Ardabil Province: a qualitative study
Tackling concussion, beyond Hollywood
Wollschlaeger v. Governor of Florida - the First Amendment, physician speech, and firearm safety
How to rescue American football
"A recipe for elder abuse:" from sin to risk in anti-euthanasia activism
A logic model to measure the impacts of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Workers in health care facilities more likely to have injuries due to violence
Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review
Twenty-five years of the French Addictovigilance Network (FAN)
Time to be blunt about blast traumatic brain injury
New online ecology of adversarial aggregates: ISIS and beyond
Re: "What do we know about the association between firearm legislation and firearm-related injuries?"
Analysis of illicit drugs in wastewater - is there an added value for law enforcement?
Carefully executed studies of illness in elite sport: still room to improve methods in at least five ways
Conceptual and methodological issues in evaluations of road safety countermeasures
Domestic violence against women in India- the truth of our society
Predicting inept discipline: the role of parental depressive symptoms, anger, and attributions
Women and domestic violence
Adolescent cellphone use while driving: an overview of the literature and promising future directions for prevention
Canadian earthquake detector has deep-sea edge over US rival
AMA calls for end to ban on gun violence research (editorial)
Is Australia engaged in torturing asylum seekers? A cautionary tale for Europe
Novel methods in psychiatric epidemiology (extended editorial)
Nurses' roles in screening for intimate partner violence: a phenomenological study
Support gun research
The time-limited visual statistician
Breaking the oath: why physicians torture
Bridging the gaps: a global review of intersections of violence against women and violence against children
Coercion and child harm: a response to Sarah Font
Consequential rather than 'significant' results
Doing policy: enacting a policy assemblage about domestic violence
Editorial: Reducing adolescent suicide
The elephant in the room: suicide in patients with epilepsy
An exploration of paediatric nurses' views of caring for infants who have suffered non-accidental injury
How physicians can reduce suicide- without changing anyone's mental health
Implications for therapeutic judging (TJ) of a psychoanalytical approach to the judicial role - Reflections on Robert Burt's contribution
Peacebuilding in the age of new media
Preventing elderly falls
Trauma and the state with Sigmund Freud as witness
When is depression a terminal illness? Deliberative suicide in chronic mental illness
Transforming the health care response to intimate partner violence: addressing "wicked problems"
Reply to the Letter to the Editor of Van der Put, Assink, & Stams about "Deciding on child maltreatment: A literature review on methods that improve decision-making"
Response: Cannabis intoxication, recent use and road traffic crash risks
Risky substance use environments and addiction: a new frontier for environmental justice research
Should School Buses Have Seat Belts?
Domestic violence against women: issues and challenges
Erratum: Vol. 65, No. SS-6
An exemplum and its road safety morals
A National Trauma Care System to Achieve Zero Preventable Deaths After Injury: Recommendations From a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report
Is natural turf a risk factor in football?
Why did U.S. healthcare professionals become involved in torture during the War on Terror?
When care is a "systematic route of torture": conceptualizing the violence of medical negligence in resource-poor settings
Shattering world assumptions: a prospective view of the impact of adverse events on world assumptions
"She gets me": forming a friendship from a place of vulnerability
Bicycle helmet legislation: Can we reach a consensus?
Preventing suicide: where are we?
Predicting future physical injury in sports: it's a complicated dynamic system
Exploring transportation equity: development and application of a transportation justice framework
Don't push the red button: a case against manual pedestrian detection in urban areas
AMA calls for end to ban on gun violence research
What do dogs see in human behavior?
If we knew what happened, we would know better what to do: a commentary on Kleinman and Kaplan's "Relaxation of rules for science detrimental to children"
Child abuse neglect: mandatory reporting for EMS providers. What to took for, what to report and how
Canada's Indigenous suicide crisis
Cannabis in New Zealand: smoking gun or medicalised smokescreen?
Child abuse in Australian camps-whose business, and who should speak out?
Disaster medicine in China: present and future
The effects of gender-based violence on women's unwanted pregnancy and abortion
Ethics in community-based research with vulnerable children: perspectives from Rwanda
Gaps in India's health response to violence against women
Improving the accuracy of sports medicine surveillance: when is a subsequent event a new injury?
Medical involvement in torture today?
No end in sight: the abuse of prescription narcotics
Professional discourses on intimate partner violence: implication for care of immigrant women in Spain
Tampon makers could help reduce violence against women: preventive strategies and support for a billion victims globally are hugely underfunded
Addressing violence against older women
Association of religious involvement and suicide
The case for uniform controls in drug policy studies
Chen Jingrun, China's famous mathematician: devastated by brain injuries on the doorstep to solving a fundamental mathematical puzzle
Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: a systematic review
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: the head injury that may have prolonged the Second World War
Head injury in heroes of the Civil War and its lasting influence
Imagining the unimaginable: parricide in early modern England and Wales, c.1600-c.1760
Lack of rating scale normalization and a socioeconomically advantaged population limits the generalizability of preadolescent transgender findings
De-Islamizing Sikhaphobia: deconstructing structural racism in Wisconsin gurdwara shooting 10/12
A community of practice as an inclusive model to support children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in school contexts
The emergence and evolution of school psychology literature: a scientometric analysis from 1907 through 2014
From clouds of chemical warfare to blue skies of peace: the Tehran Peace Museum, Iran
"Just being mean to somebody isn't a police matter": police perspectives on policing cyberbullying
"Theory of mind and executive function in Chinese preschool children": Correction to Duh et al. (2016)
Medical expert reports in the Valencia of the late Middle Ages: cases of poisoning
People, planet and participation: the Kuching statement on healthy, just and sustainable urban development
Physician-assisted suicide up for debate in states
Psychiatric beds and increased suicide rates in England
Psychiatric beds and increased suicide rates in England - Authors' reply
Two cases of 16th century head injuries managed in royal European families
The World Health Organization Global Health Emergency Workforce: what role will the United States Play?
Yonder: workplace violence, childhood obesity, somatoform disorders and 'selfies'
A big step toward elimination of the automobile hazard
The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles
Teaching data analysis to the data-averse: a framework for educators
Unclear suicide prevention effects, insufficient large-scale testing of suicide prevention programs
Understanding educational policy formation: the case of school violence policies in Israel
You can lose what you never had
Alcohol industry funding and the research community: reply to commentaries
Alcohol researchers should not accept funding from the alcohol industry: perspectives from brief interventions research
Australia has seen no mass shootings since it banned rapid fire long guns
The authors reply to: Unclear suicide prevention effects, insufficient large-scale testing of suicide prevention programs
An assessment of the existence and influence of psychoanalytic jurisprudence in the United States
Selected state policies and associations with alcohol use behaviors and risky driving behaviors among youth-findings from the Monitoring the Future Study (Commentary on Cavazos-Rehg and colleagues)
Commentary: Police and Suicide Prevention
Arrested development
A few clarifying comments on Pickett and Roche (2016)
Objective risks and individual perceptions of those risks
Toward a theory of police effects
"What we've got here is failure to communicate"
Disintegration of the prison system, public security and social exclusion
Moved by words: Affective ratings for a set of 2,266 Spanish words in five discrete emotion categories
Think before you bounce
In the wake of Orlando - taking steps against gun violence
Suicide: incidence or prevalence? Comments on Hernández-Alvarado et al. Increase in suicide rates by hanging in the population of Tabasco, Mexico between 2003 and 2012. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 552
"There were rapes!": sexual assaults of African American women and children in Jim Crow
We need abuse training for all
Aggression and violence: perennial concerns for psychiatric-mental health nursing
A brief history of forging new frontiers, the annual conference of the Injury Free Coalition For Kids®
US has worst traffic accident death rate among high income countries
Battling over Pakistan's battlefield nuclear weapons
Blinding prosecutors to defendants' race: a policy proposal to reduce unconscious bias in the criminal justice system
Bridging the divide between behavioral science and policy
Case commentary: R. v Walsh and the "myth" of marital rape
Civilian victimization and the politics of information in the Kurdish conflict in Turkey
Clothed in blue flesh: police brutality and the disciplining of race, gender, and the "human"
Consolidating support for a law "incapable of enforcement": segregation on Tennessee streetcars, 1900-1930
Elephants and epistemology: evidence of suicide in the Gilded Age
Free will, evil, and Saint Augustine
Honor and war: Southern US presidents and the effects of concern for reputation
How are they dying? politicizing Black death in Latin America
How war lost its politics
The impact of a post-Charlie Hebdo world on cartoonists
Intuition is not evidence: prescriptions for behavioral interventions from social psychology
Killing by drone: towards uneasy reconciliation with the values of a liberal state
Little Red Riding Hood: victimage in folktales and cinema--a case study
Malice in the palace: the incident
Mental illness in Singapore: a history of a colony, port city, and coolie town
Political violence in consolidated democracies: the development and institutionalization of partisan violence in late colonial Jamaica (1938-62)
The race to safety: how private lawmaking and voluntary-standard adoption can inspire a global regime that strengthens and harmonizes product safety standards
Rallying around the president: when and why do Americans close ranks behind their presidents during international crisis and war?
Religion, murder, and the Confederate Battle Flag in South Carolina
Rigorous morality: norms, values, and the comparative politics of human rights
Small behavioral science-informed changes can produce large policy-relevant effects
"Some witless paraclete beleaguered with all limbo's clamor": on violent contagion and apocalyptic logic in Cormac McCarthy's Outer Dark
Taking down the flag is just a start: toward the memory-work of racial reconciliation in White supremacist America
The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: relevance and application to pediatric clinical bioethics
Violence, sacrifice, and flesh eating in Judeo-Christian tradition
A new definition of health? An open letter of autochthonous peoples and medical anthropologists to the WHO
"Who's the man?" - Masculinties studies, Terry stops, and police training
Using Title IX and the model of public housing to prevent housing discrimination against survivors of sexual assaults on college campuses
Albert Pierrepoint and the cultural persona of the twentieth-century hangman
Continuity and change in child protection: challenges in research and practice
Review: Citizen-protectors: the everyday politics of guns in an age of decline
Water safety and the value of interdisciplinary approaches: a concluding dip
Discovering psychological principles by mining naturally occurring data sets
The ethics of occupational health and safety in Turkey: responsibility and consent to risk
Fatal head trauma from child abuse
Head injuries in soccer
Improving mental health service responses to domestic violence and abuse
Response to risk of avalanche involvement in winter backcountry recreation: the advantage of small groups by Zweifel et al
Scientific babel. The language of science from the fall of Latin to the rise of English
An updated review of institutions of higher education's responses to sexual assault: results from a nationally representative sample
Why do we persist in using pediatric fall risk scales that do not prevent falls or fall-related injuries?
The doctrine of necessity and the detention and restraint of people with intellectual impairment: is there any justification?
Assessing the completeness of coded and narrative data from the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset using injuries sustained during fitness activities as a case study
Child abuse: an underestimated health problem? A case report from Cameroon
Publication ethics in public health emergencies
Sixty seconds on . . . road traffic crashes
Drug and poison information centres: an emergent need for health care professionals in Pakistan
Evaluating programmes for violent fathers: challenges and ethical review
An exploration of road safety parameters in Belarus and the European Union
Assessing the long-term effects of autonomous vehicles: a speculative approach
Circumcision is unethical and unlawful
The key problem is that alcohol research is underfunded despite large industry profit and billions of dollars in annual alcoholic beverage tax revenues
Motor vehicle safety
Erratum to "Deciding to tell: Qualitative configurational analysis of decisions to disclose experience of intimate partner violence in antenatal care" [Soc. Sci. Med. 154C (2016) 45-53]
Commentary on INEBRIA's Position Statement on the Alcohol Industry
A defense of "soft coercion" in the child welfare system and targeted programs-A response to Pelton (2016)
Dialogic pedagogies in educational settings for active citizenship, social cohesion and peacebuilding in Lebanon
The evolution of offensive realism
For the greater good: protection of psychological test material
Freedom of navigation assertions: the United States as the world's policeman
Hijacked journals, hijacked web-sites, journal phishing, misleading metrics, and predatory publishing: actual and potential threats to academic integrity and publishing ethics
The ethics of deprescribing in older adults
Assisting the setting up of an emergency service in rural Africa
Bared breasts and body politics
Causes and cures VIII: environmental violence
A critical feminist and race critique of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-first Century
Dialoguing and negotiating with terrorists: any prospect for Boko Haram?
Drug analogues and substantial similarity, views of an expert witness
Families where a parent has a mental illness
The Islamic State: combating the caliphate without borders
Negotiating ethical challenges in youth research
Political violence as shared terrain of militancy: Red Brigades, social movements and the discourse on arms in the early Seventies
Piketty, capital and education: a solution to, or problem in, rising social inequalities?
Public space and the situational conditions of crime and fear
The similarities between Lombroso's theories on political crime and contemporary terrorism issues
Walking away: the disengagement and de-radicalization of a violent right-wing extremist
Anthropology and social work: engagement with humans, moral dilemmas and theories of difference
A case for terrorism as genocide in an era of weakened states
Child protection and welfare: cultures, policies, and practices
Children as co-researchers: the need for protection
Conflict resolution, logic of identity and recognition through narrative
The contemporary conflict resolution reader
The effects of supervisor education and training on police use of force (Comment)
Empowering peace: service provision and state legitimacy in Nepal's peace-building process
The end of power: from boardrooms to battlefields and churches to states, why being in charge isn't what it used to be
Fractured narratives and pop-up diaspora: re-theorizing the capillaries of power, terror and intimacy
Gender and global justice
Hyper or hypo-masculine? Re-conceptualizing 'hyper-masculinity' through Seattle's gay, leather community
The last and greatest battle: finding the will, commitment, and strategy to end military suicides
Legalizing and regulating marijuana in Canada: review of potential economic, social, and health impacts
The portrayal of disaster in Western fine art
Presidential rhetoric on cybercrime: links to terrorism?
Reconsidering the 'idea' of evidence in evidence-based policy and practice
Spatial imaginaries and collective identity in women's human rights struggles in Honduras
Mixing politics and crime - The prevalence and decline of political discourse on the cryptomarket
OSHA, well past its infancy, but still learning how to count injuries and illnesses
Policy measures for prescription opioids and harms: enough to protect public health? A comment on Yanovitzky (2016) and Piper et al. (2016)
The Ray Rice domestic violence case: constructing black masculinity through newspaper reports
'What meaning does somebody's death have, what meaning does somebody's life have?' Psychotherapists' stories of their work with suicidal clients
Advanced automatic crash notification: the future of motor vehicle crash response
Childhood injuries in Singapore: can local physicians and the healthcare system do more to confront this public health concern?
Injury modules in national surveys as a source of injury data in low and middle income countries
The modern coroner as injury preventer
Re: Stathopoulos et al. Injuries to the head and neck in Homer's Odyssey
Suicide triggers described by Herodotus
The ecological-evolutionary theory, migration, settler colonialism, sociology of violence and the origins of ancient Israel
Women, peace, and security and the DRC: time to rethink wartime sexual violence as gender-based violence?
The bicycle problem that nearly broke mathematics
Blurring reality with fiction: Exploring the stories of women, madness, and infanticide
Childhood accident prevention: an obligation for the perioperative nurse?
Gun violence: a public health and nursing concern
Navigating critical theory and postmodernism: social justice and therapist power in family therapy
Neural correlates of metacognitive ability and of feeling confident: a large-scale fMRI study
Response to the Letter to the Editor re: Stathopoulos et al. Injuries to the head and neck in Homer's Odyssey
Collusion, torture, and inequality: understanding the actions of the American Psychological Association as institutional betrayal
The evolution of virtual violence: how mobile screens provide windows to real violence
Field organization and disaster medical assistance teams
History of disaster medicine
Implementation of modern rescue medicine
Improving population health by incorporating chronic disease and injury prevention into value-based care models
Managing madness, murderers and paedophiles: understanding change in the field of English forensic psychiatry
Patient participation: causing moral stress in psychiatric nursing?
Rethinking our approach to gender and disasters: needs, responsibilities, and solutions
Retraction: Paraphenylene diamine poisoning
Sexuality education for children and adolescents
Workplace violence in health care: a critical issue with a promising solution
The toxic touch-cutaneous poisoning in classics and Shakespeare
Changing trajectory: an integrated theoretical view of the Roman Catholic priest sex abuse scandal
Editorial: Preventing death by suicide
Challenging the dogma that 'rest is best' after concussion
Clinical applications of hallucinogens: a review
Cognitive decline and recovery in alcohol abuse
Commentary: Death by distraction
Controlled fire use in early humans might have triggered the evolutionary emergence of tuberculosis
Drug use in the public health debate
Fear of faith: a reflection on 'Family therapy and fundamentalism'
Functional fun: legitimising adult recreational drug use
Gas: the greatest terror of the Great War
Gender in children's firearm deaths: using the data to guide interventions
Medical cannabis laws and juvenile cannabis use: a reply to Wall et al
Bringing complexity to sports injury prevention research: from simplification to explanation
A call to improve sampling methodology and reporting in young novice driver research
The ambivalent coalition: doing the least one can do against the Islamic state
Corrigendum: Impact of player injuries on teams' mental states, and subsequent performances, at the Rugby World Cup 2015
Durkheim's theory of anomie and crime: a clarification and elaboration
Deceiving or disrupting the pink aisle? GoldieBlox, corporate narratives, and the gendered toy debate
Do guns make us free? Democracy and the armed society
The financial performance of aircraft manufacturers during world war II: the vicissitudes of war
A feminist analysis of the American criminal justice system's response to human trafficking
Gun violence prevention (letter)
Gun violence prevention - Authors' reply
Gun violence prevention (letter)
The impact of prescription opioids on all-cause mortality in Canada
Is human trafficking the dark side of economic freedom?
The long road to gun control in America
Criminologists, duct tape, and Indigenous peoples: quantifying the use of silencing research methods
Impact factors and prediction of popular topics in a journal
Inuit suicide prevention strategy strives to save lives
Investigating a toxic risk (self-inflicted) the example of conventional and advanced studies of a novel tobacco heating system
Is there a role for paediatric sexual assault nurse examiners in the management of child sexual assault in Australia?
Opioid overdose prevention initiatives on the college campus: critical partnerships between academe and community experts
Psychologists should help curb the wave of U. S. gun violence
Research with adolescent victims of child sexual abuse: evaluation of emotional impact on participants
Routine primary care screening for intimate partner violence and other adverse psychosocial exposures: what's the evidence?
Safety risk intelligence: children's concept formation of safety and their individual capabilities to appraise risk of injury
Twenty years of Injury Free Coalition for Kids: precision focus on relentless problems
Paternalism v. autonomy - are we barking up the wrong tree?
Politics and public health-engaging the third rail
The psychohistory of child maltreatment among antebellum slaveholders
Student nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards domestic violence: results of survey highlight need for continued attention to undergraduate curriculum
Ed screening may detect patients at risk for suicide
How to write a suicide risk assessment that's clinically sound and legally defensible
Post-divorce parenting and fatal violence: separate worlds and tense relations
Discontinuation and nonpublication of randomized clinical trials conducted in children
Editorial commentary: pitching should come with a warning label
Ethics, methods, and measures in intimate partner violence research: the current state of the field
The Hague recommendations: improving nonlegislative responses to trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal
How to justify a ban on doping?
Corrigendum to 'Externalizing behaviors of Ukrainian children: the role of parenting' [Child Abuse Negl. 54 (2016) 23-32]
Cross-cultural perspectives on parent-adolescent discrepancies: existing findings and future directions
#SayHerName: using digital activism to document violence against black women
'Death is our life' - aboriginal suicide at crisis levels
Guns as a symbol of (fill-in-the-blank)
Illegible Black death, legible White pain: denied media, mourning, and mobilization in an era of "post-racial" gun violence
Inviting emotional connections to ethnographic research an ethnodrama of a community change initiative
The predicament of the undertreatment of chronic pain and prescription opioid epidemic
Justinus Kerner and sausage poisoning: the birth of botulinum toxin
Points of agreement and difference: A rejoinder to Fischer et al
Winter is coming: the recurring risk of carbon monoxide poisoning
Unintentional injury after traumatic brain injury: Issues, assessment, and reducing risk
Using the public health model to address unintentional injuries and TBI: a perspective from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Considering domestic violence in clinical practice
How to reduce workplace violence
Traffic safety in China: challenges and countermeasures
'Big data' in mental health research: current status and emerging possibilities
Erratum to "A testosterone-related structural brain phenotype predicts aggressive behavior from childhood to adulthood" [Psychoneuroendocrinology 63 (2016) 109-118]
French foreign and security challenges after the Paris terrorist attacks
The impotence of conventional arms control: why do international regimes fail when they are most needed?
Could funding gun violence research help prevent another Orlando?
The enemy as a patient: what can be learned from the emotional experience of physicians and why does it matter ethically?
The fluoxetine and suicide controversy : a review of the evidence
The human chameleon--bombarded
Reinstate the assault weapons ban
Counterfeit medications and fentanyl
The decline of the American family: can anything be done to stop the damage?
The innate necessity for survival through altruism might rescue us from needless glorification of violence in our culture
War and morality: a new case for pacifism
Understanding homicide-suicide
Laying claim to social media by activists: a cyber-material détournement
Relationships between firearm availability and suicide: the role of psychology
Admission for infection is linked to increased suicide risk
Everything you always wanted to know about drug cryptomarkets (but were afraid to ask)
Honorary authorship and symbolic violence
Suicide attempt as a risk factor for completed suicide: even more lethal than we knew
Virtual reality and the prevention of falls in the real world
Ethical challenges of randomized violence intervention trials: examining the SHARE intervention in Rakai, Uganda
Fear and loathing in bioethics
How to deal with bullying in the workplace
Intimate partner violence against pregnant women: the environment according to Levine's nursing theory
Open data and the needs of older people for public transport information
On Freud's theory of law and religion
An opinion regarding the INEBRIA position statement on the alcohol industry and the thoughts of others on this issue
New narratives of international security governance: the shift from global interventionism to global self-policing
No strong evidence bicycle helmet legislation deters cycling
Pay attention to the diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries in children and adolescents
Peace education research in the twenty-first century: three concepts facing crisis or opportunity?
Pioneering driverless electric vehicles in Europe: the City Automated Transport System (CATS)
Potion or Poison? Cannabis oil
Are there still too few suicides to generate public outrage? (Editorial)
Child maltreatment as a root cause of mortality disparities: a call for rigorous science to mobilize public investment in prevention and treatment
Concussions and repercussions
Gender differences in the relationship between changes in ADHD symptoms, executive functions, and self- and parent-report depression symptoms in boys and girls with ADHD: a 2-year follow-up study
Game on for Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go, go, go, gone?
Pokémon Go: mobile app user guides
Chymical exotica in the seventeenth century, or, how to make the Bologna Stone
Forms of interdisciplinarity in four sport science research centres in Europe
Letter to Editors. Upon the bill on prevention of sexual delinquency threats
The death penalty and human dignity: an existential fallacy
Expanding the health care response to mass violence
Feminist jurisprudence, the Australian legal system and intimate partner sexual violence: fiction over fact
Imbalanced: the confusing circular nature of falls research… and a possible antidote
Improving access to exercise training programs for patients with serious mental illness
Children and road traffic injuries: can't the world do better?
Climbing down the steps from the ivory tower: how UK academics and criminal justice practitioners need to work together on alcohol studies
What does the literature say about the needs of veterans in the areas of health?
Transportation planning and quality of life: where do they intersect?
Dramatic demographic changes in spine trauma mortality over the past quarter century in Finland ( Editorial)
Forensic expectations: Investigating a crime scene with prior information
Methodological and design considerations in evaluating the impact of prevention programs on violence and related health outcomes
Searching for sustainability within public health policy: insights from an injury prevention perspective
Pharmacists' responses to natural disasters: insights into the soul of pharmacists and our role in society
Commentary: Theoretical and methodological dimensions of convergence and divergence of adolescent and parent reports about youth development and family structure and function-a relational developmental systems perspective
Imaging assessment of gunshot injuries
Improving fall prevention in the elderly
Clinicians should not adopt a single self-reported item as a screener for suicide
Ethical issues and practical challenges in suicide research: collaboration with institutional review boards
Submission bias and the rise of open access journals
California veterans receive inadequate treatment to address their mental health needs
Disaster data collection
Fetishizing the health sciences: queer theory as an intervention
Growing up - or not - with gun violence
Human trafficking
Intermittent explosive disorder: a controversial diagnosis
Mental health policies and suicide rate
Mobile health technology transforms injury severity scoring in South Africa
Protection from violence in the emergency department
Taking the incidence of false child sexual abuse allegations more seriously
Do exoskeletons dream of plastic sleep?: Comment on "The embodiment of assistive devices--from wheelchair to exoskeleton" by M. Pazzaglia and M. Molinari
Need for innovative methods in transportation accident data recording and mining
Social media: challenges and concerns for families
What you may not know about all-terrain vehicle-related deaths and injuries
When silence is dangerous: "speaking-up" about safety concerns
Evaluating claims to avoid pseudoscientific and unproven practices in special education
Is the Animal Liberation Front morally justified in engaging in violent and illegal activism towards animal farms?
Parliamentary attempts to define terrorism in Canada and Australia
That word 'terrorist', and what terrorists say about it
Violent political movements: comparing the Shining Path to the Islamic State
Commentary: Integrated pediatric primary care: moving from why to how
Correction to Till et al., 2016
Disaster risk: strengthen China's flood control
Evolution of trauma care in Italy: what should we expect in the future?
Home visits: advancing pediatric training by preserving past traditions
Pioneers in pediatric psychology: smashing silos and breaking boundaries
Miscarriages of transmission: body, text, and method
Improved suicide prevention through consultation psychiatry in general hospitals
Invisible wounds: obstetric violence in the United States
Nursing victims of violence
Obstetric violence: a new framework for identifying challenges to maternal healthcare in Argentina
A public health approach to prevention: what will it take?
Recovery stories: An anthropological exploration of moral agency in stories of mental health recovery
The rise of concussions in the adolescent population
Second thoughts about who is first: the medical triage of violent perpetrators and their victims
State right to refuse medication laws and procedures: impact on homicide and suicide
A spiritual sleepiness scale: the Friday prayer
Violent offending and suicidal behavior have common familial risk factors: a rejoinder to Tolstoy
Warning over vulnerable children as school nurse posts fall 13% in six years
Terrorist attacks in Paris: surgical trauma experience in a referral center
Trampolining's popularity leads to bounce in injuries
Understanding women's experience of violence and the political economy of gender in conflict: the case of Syria
Risk compensation: revisited and rebutted
"Absolutely incapable of 'carrying on:'" shell shock, suicide, and the Death of Lieutenant Colonel Sam Sharpe
Addressing mental illness stigma in the psychology classroom
Apparent elevated blood alcohol due to laboratory artefact: a potential cause of misinterpretation
The Bali Nine, capital punishment and Australia's obligation to seek abolition
Building community resilience to hazards (Editorial)
Cathartic turned bioweapon: Ricinus communis, the castor bean
Combating opioid overdose with public access to naloxone
Conscientious refusal in healthcare: the Swedish solution
The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 - secure colleges and the legitimation of state sponsored violence
Canada needs a national suicide prevention strategy
The South African child death review pilot: a multiagency approach to strengthen healthcare and protection for children
Supporting reporting: on the positive effects of text- and video-based awareness material on responsible journalistic suicide news writing
Does quantitative research in child maltreatment tell the whole story? The need for mixed-methods approaches to explore the effects of maltreatment in infancy
Zero accident vision based strategies in organisations: innovative perspectives
How international is health promotion?
Injury prevention and trauma mortality
Traumatic brain injury: impaired medical decision-making capacity in TBI
Vicarious liability and non-delegable duty for child abuse in foster care: a step too far?
Sydney's lockout laws: cutting crime or civil liberties?
Sydney's lockout laws: for and against
Torture and ill treatment in Syria's prisons
Towards a transformative conceptualisation of violence against women - a critical frame analysis of Council of Europe discourse on violence against women
Research ethics in practice: Lessons from studies exploring interpersonal violence in different contexts
Retinal injury secondary to laser pointers in pediatric patients
Seneca on anger, mercy and sadistic homicide - in 100 words
Sexual harassment and bullying in UK surgery: no room for complacency
The sexuality of the night: violence and transformation
Sociocultural influences on moral judgments: east-west, male-female, and young-old
Sociodemographic antecedent validators of suicidal behavior: a review of recent literature
South Africa and the responsibility to protect: from champion to sceptic
Realising the technological promise of smartphones in addiction research and treatment: an ethical review
Road safety screening on the move
Romeo, juliet, and statutory rape
Sub-Saharan African hospitals have a unique opportunity to address intentional injury to children
Synthetic cannabinoids: undesirable alternatives to natural marijuana
You'll never guess who wrote that: 78 surprising authors of psychological publications
A war psychiatry approach to warfare in the Middle Byzantine period
Gender, identity, and bioethics
Global trends in satellite-based emergency mapping
Higher education as a pedagogical site for citizenship education
Teaching ethics informed by neuroscience
Temper loss and persistent irritability in preschoolers: implications for diagnosing disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in early childhood
The terrorists of Iraq: inside the strategy and tactics of the Iraq insurgency 2003-2014
Thomas Piketty's relevance for the study of education: reflections on the political economy of education
Walking the talk: towards a more inclusive field of disability studies
What is over and above psychopathy? The role of ability emotional intelligence in predicting criminal behavior
Incentives and participation in a medical survey
Informed assent recall among adolescents in substance use disorder treatment research
Introduction: the responsibility to protect after the Arab Spring
Let justice be done: a performative view on Portuguese criminal trial procedures
A vision of social justice in intergroup dialogue
Pilot study: the role of predeployment ethics training, professional ethics, and religious values on naval physicians' ethical decision making
The pitfalls of learning from historical experience: the British Army's debate on useful lessons for the war in Afghanistan
Political parties and citizen political involvement in post-conflict Burundi: between democratic claims and authoritarian tendencies
A positive psychology intervention in a Hindu community: the pilot study of the Hero Lab Curriculum
Post-seclusion and/or restraint review in psychiatry: a scoping review
Preaching dynamite: August Spies at the Haymarket trial
The under-recognition of the significance of social class conceptions of education in Piketty's Capital
Twelve-month recovery of medical decision-making capacity following traumatic brain injury
Toward a constructivist understanding of socio-environmental conflicts
Training for elite sport performance: injury risk management also matters!
The body of knowledge in thanatology: an outline
Child and family health in the era of prevention: new opportunities and challenges
Commentary on de Bruijn et al. (2016): Effective alcohol marketing policymaking requires more than evidence on alcohol marketing effects-research on vested interest effects is needed
Why brains are not computers, why behaviorism is not satanism, and why dolphins are not aquatic apes
Technical packages in injury and violence prevention to move evidence into practice: systematic reviews and beyond
Traumatic brain injury models in animals
Trauma management in Homer's Iliad
Violence risk instruments may be culturally unsafe for use with Indigenous patients
Setting up a domestic violence telephone helpline for general practitioners in Australia: what exists and what works?
Road safety risks in young people attending general practice: a cross-sectional study of road risks and associated health risks
Desistance from sexual offending: a policy and research agenda whose time has come
The history and evolution of experimental traumatic brain injury models
A history of falls should be recorded in all preoperative patients
How do people stop non-suicidal self-injury? A systematic review
Pedagogies of domestic violence
Monitoring and accountability for the Pacific response to the non-communicable diseases crisis
New clinically relevant findings about violence by people with schizophrenia
Paediatric sports injuries
Structural competency in the U.S. healthcare crisis: putting social and policy interventions into clinical practice
The sociologist as story teller: the broken foster care system used as mitigation at criminal trial
Psychohistorical hypotheses on Japan's history of hostility towards China
A psychological perspective on preventive detention decisions
Reducing the wasted transportation capacity of personal rapid transit systems: an integrated model and multi-objective optimization approach
Psychologists' collection and management of clients' information: an ethico-legal perspective
Reaching the person--social work research as professional responsibility
Realistically furthering the goals of public health by cannabis legalization with strict regulation: Response to Kalant
Response to: Letter to the Editor: Nonsurgical acute traumatic subdural hematoma
The responsibility to prevent: assessing the gap between rhetoric and reality
Risk - a commentary
Same same but different: why we should care about the distinction between professionalism and ethics
School resource officers and students' rights
Security gradient and national defense - the optimal choice between a draft army and a professional army
Challenges enrolling children into traumatic brain injury trials: an observational study
Child abuse: is it accepted in some societies?
The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: a call for interdisciplinary research
Researching domestic violence and abuse in healthcare settings: challenges and issues
Exploring symbolic violence in the everyday: misrecognition, condescension, consent and complicity
From pillar to post: understanding the victimisation of women and children who experience domestic violence in an age of austerity
Reflections on the silence on sexual violence among Palestinian feminists in Israel
The ripples of violence
A clarion call for social work attention: brothers and sisters of persons with acquired brain injury in the United States
Improving care for victims: a study protocol of the evaluation of a centre for sexual and family violence
Not forgetting severe mental disorders in humanitarian emergencies: a descriptive study from the Philippines
Scientific reporting: raising the standards
Standards for reporting research results: implications for the field of health education
Somebody CAN do something about intimate partner violence!
Achieving population-level violence declines: implications of the international crime drop for prevention programming
The anthropology of violence: context, consequences, conflict resolution, healing, and peace-building in Central and Southern Africa
Brokenheartedness and accountability
A case for studying country regimes in the public health model of violence
Concussion-mild traumatic brain injury: recoverable injury with potential for serious sequelae
The continuing challenge of suicide prevention (editorial)
Recent advances in means safety as a suicide prevention strategy
Response to: World Rugby's erroneous and misleading representation of Australian sports' injury statistics
Giving voice to consciousness
Health effects of 9/11 terror attacks continue to grow
Hypertension after severe traumatic brain injury: friend or foe?
National Initiative to Prevent Suicide (NIPS): a new proposal to improve the understanding and prevention of suicide
Past, present, and future of traumatic brain injury research
Addressing intimate partner violence with Latina women: a call for research
Clinical coding and external causes of injury: the importance of documentation
Defining biotypes for depression and anxiety based on large-scale circuit dysfunction: a theoretical review of the evidence and future directions for clinical translation
Electronic cigarette toxicity
Seeing students squirm: student nurses' bullying experiences in clinical settings
An argument for renewed focus on epidemiology for public health
Automatic classification of registered clinical trials towards the Global Burden of Diseases taxonomy of diseases and injuries
Bias in the reporting of harms in clinical trials of second-generation antidepressants for depression and anxiety: a meta-analysis
Diagnosis and causal explanation in psychiatry
Evidence and evidence gaps in adolescent health
Expanding advocacy for head trauma vision research funding
From advocacy to action in global adolescent health
Gun violence in Americans' social network during their lifetime
Analysis finds about 20 veterans died daily from suicide between 2001 and 2014
Development of bicycle infrastructure for health and sustainability
Doctors and witches, conscience and violence: abortion provision on American television
Drugs, guns and cars: how far we have come to improve safety in the United States; yet we still have far to go
Fire on cruise ships-a response to previous correspondence
A novel approach to proactive primary care-based case finding and multidisciplinary management of falls, syncope, and dizziness in a one-stop service: preliminary results
The protective effects of moderate drinking: lies, damned lies, and… selection biases?
The role of medical personnel in sports concussion
Slowing the tide of alcohol use disorders
State-of-the-science on prevention of elder abuse and lessons learned from child abuse and domestic violence prevention: Toward a conceptual framework for research
Synthetic cannabinoid poisoning: a growing health concern
The terrorist inside my husband's brain
Violence is a public health issue
Your understanding is my understanding: evidence for a community of knowledge
International youth justice systems: promoting youth development and alternative approaches: a position paper of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Medical marijuana: just the beginning of a long, strange trip?
Predictors of perceived need for and actual action taking among women in violent relationships
Removal notice to "Sustained-release naltrexone for opioid dependence: a cochrane review and meta-analysis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 146 (2015) e165-e166]
Arrowheads as indicators of interpersonal violence and group identity among the neolithic pitted ware hunters of southwestern Scandinavia
Bernard Magubane's The Making of a Racist State Revisited: 20 years on
Challenges in reporting systematic reviews on epidemiological sport injury data: Letter to the editor re: "Upholding standards of reporting in the synthesis of dance epidemiology literature" re: "Prevalence and profile of musculoskeletal injuries in ballet dancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
Compassion in the eye of the beholder
Concussion research at the National Institutes of Health: an update from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
The conundrum of hanging points in correctional facilities
The dark triad and intimate partner violence
Death by suicide in US military during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars
Declines in crime and teen childbearing: identifying potential explanations for contemporaneous trends
Determination of death: metaphysical and biomedical discourse
Ethics of coercive treatment and misuse of psychiatry
The futility of risk prediction in psychiatry
Admitting to uncertainty in the LR
Better suicide screening and prevention are possible
Is it time to abandon suicide risk assessment?
The LR does not exist
Posterior distributions for likelihood ratios in forensic science
Reframing the debate: a question of probability, not of likelihood ratio
Self-harm and suicidal acts: a suitable case for treatment of impulsivity-driven behaviour with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)
Traffic safety research - the unfinished research agenda
What should a forensic practitioner's likelihood ratio be?
'Keep the citizens poor': Machiavelli's prescription for republican poverty
Yonder: acute kidney injury, domestic violence, allergy services, and receptionists
Work is integral to mental health
Was addiction psychiatry an accident of history?
National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop: Advancing Research to Prevent Youth Suicide
A pragmatist defence of the ban on torture: from moral absolutes to constitutive rules of reasoning
Preventable injuries/fatalities due to distracted driving: a call for a coordinated action
Preventing adolescent suicide
Rethinking imperial infrastructure: a bottom-up perspective on the Inca Road
Role of pediatric emergency physicians in identifying bullying
The role of stepfathers in families receiving support from child protective services
Sociologies of the South and the actor-network-theory: possible convergences for an ontoformative sociology
Suicide and the economic situation in Europe: are we experiencing the development of a 'reverse stigma'?
Traumatic brain injury registry: need of the hour
Burns from e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems
Decline in alcohol use among adolescents in Slovakia: a reason for optimism?
The developmental case for adopting children from care
Failure to report effect sizes: the handling of quantitative results in published health education and behavior research
Injury and mortality in young Nepalese migrant workers: a call for public health action
Inuit take action towards suicide prevention (editorial)
Letter to the editor: Editorial: Orthopaedic surgeons should recommend that children and young adults not play tackle football
Lessons from the Iraq war: more aggressive peace building needed
It's time to change the culture of sports
A most odd ratio: interpreting and describing odds ratios
The morality of men convicted of domestic violence: how it supports the maintenance of the moral self-concept
Pediatric hoverboard injuries: a need for enhanced safety measures and public awareness
Pleasure in using adaptive cruise control: a questionnaire study in the Netherlands
Patterns of cooperation during collective emergencies in the help-or-escape social dilemma
Sport-related concussion: how best to help young athletes
Violence as a public health issue … an invitation to act
Violence, health, and the 2030 agenda: merging evidence and implementation
World Rugby's erroneous and misleading representation of Australian sports' injury statistics
Will rejecting woman-protective justifications for anti-abortion laws result in an increase of harassment and violence?
Injury prevention
Alarming increase of suicide in a remote Indigenous Australian population: an audit of data from 2005 to 2014
Announcement: National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month - October 2016
Are ethical norms and current policies still relevant in face of the recent mass terror events?
Our national accident problem -Discussion
Firearm injury prevention in clinical practice: staying on message
Helmet debate axed before vote is taken
'It's unbelievably humiliating'-patients' expressions of negative effects of coercion in mental health care
Can concussion constrain the Caped Crusader?
Compensation Research Database: population-based injury data for surveillance, linkage and mining
Consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine on the recommended amount of sleep for healthy children: methodology and discussion
Erratum to: The Sports-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Paralympic Sport Study (SRIIPSS): a study protocol for a prospective longitudinal study
Female genital mutilation: a systematic review of research on its economic and social impacts across four decades
Life shouldn't imitate art: infants need healthy and safe sleep environments
On golden vaginas and gun violence
Pro-life arguments against infanticide and why they are not convincing
Sleep safe, my baby
Sleep science and policy: a focus on school start times
Sleep: a human rights issue (Editorial)
Association of the firewater myth with drinking behavior among American Indian and Alaska Native college students
The road to heaven is paved with effort: perceived effort amplifies moral judgment
Survival of the friendliest: Homo sapiens evolved via selection for prosociality
Trauma, violence, and stigma: what can we do?
Vision Zero in the United States versus Sweden: infrastructure improvement for cycling safety
Violence against women: why higher reporting might be good
Response to inequality (Comment)
Vocational rehabilitation of Blacks. The statement.
Addressing key global agendas of road safety and climate change: synergies and conflicts
Aging in precarious times: exploring the role of gender in shaping views on aging
The American College of Preventive Medicine policy recommendations on reducing and preventing firearm-related injuries and deaths
Assembling the case and the coalition to achieve road safety's SDG health target
The Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety 2015-2016: addressing road traffic fatalities in low- and middle-income countries
Barriers for identification and treatment of problem drinkers in primary care
The critical role of data, education and enforcement in road safety
Emergencies and acute diseases in the collected works of Hippocrates: observation, examination, prognosis, therapy
Erratum to: Childhood maltreatment as a risk factor for diabetes: findings from a population-based survey of Canadian adults
Firearm injury in the United States: effective management must address biophysical and biopsychosocial factors
Forty years on from an event that changed the management of trauma around the world: what actually happened that night forty years ago?
Global enhancement of vehicle safety: the urgency of now
Human trafficking: the role of medicine in interrupting the cycle of abuse and violence
Informed consent for the diagnosis of brain death: a conceptual argument
Japan Earthquake 2011 and Fukushima Nuclear Accident: experience and physicians and veterinarians collaboration to recover
Japan Medical Association's view of disaster measures and practice
Letter to the Editor Re: "Suicide among 915,303 Austrian cancer patients: Who is at risk? Benjamin Vyssoki, Andreas Gleiss, Ian R.H. Rockett, Monika Hackl, Barbara Leitner, Gernot Sonneck, Nestor D. Kapusta [J. Affective Disord. 175 (2015)287-291]"
Magnetic foreign body ingestions
Making impacts through the global road safety facility
Management of speed: the low-cost, rapidly implementable effective road safety action to deliver the 2020 road safety targets
Maximising travel on 3-star or better roads: safer roads and safer speeds to deliver the 2020 UN road safety targets
The Multilateral Development Banks' road safety initiative
The wisdom to know the difference: strategy-situation fit in emotion regulation in daily life is associated with well-being
The National Violent Death Reporting System: past, present, and future
Preventing PTSD and depression and reducing health care costs in the military: a call for building resilience among service members
Road safety for all!
Road safety, the movie (Editorial)
Road safety: a step towards achieving the Global Goals
The role of GRSP in global road safety and priorities for achieving ambitious road fatality reduction targets
Safety needs mediate stressful events induced mental disorders
The significance of iJMAT: a new framework for international disaster medicine support
Slow walking speed puts older pedestrians in danger in UK
The status of global road safety: the agenda for sustainable development encourages urgent action
Suicide and suicide prevention among Inuit in Canada
Traffic safety: emerging concerns for low and middle income countries
A brief history of the treatment of burns
Childhood disclosure of sexual abuse: necessary but not necessarily sufficient
The 2030 agenda for sustainable development: a golden opportunity for global violence prevention
'A band of brothers'-an exploration of the range of medical ethical issues faced by British senior military clinicians on deployment to Afghanistan: a qualitative study
Commentary: the experience of depression during careers of elite male athletes
Commentary: how Bayes factors change scientific practice
Correction: Sun, Y.; et al. Bi-Objective Modelling for Hazardous Materials Road-Rail Multimodal Routing Problem with Railway Schedule-Based Space-Time Constraints. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 762
Development and health: keeping hope alive in the midst of irrationality
Editorial: the psychology of magic and the magic of psychology
Grand challenges in transportation and transit systems
Gun violence is structural violence: our role as trauma surgeons
Human trafficking identification and service provision in the medical and social service sectors
Implications of "too good to be true" for replication, theoretical claims, and experimental design: an example using prominent studies of racial bias
Involuntary outpatient commitment and the elusive pursuit of violence prevention: a view from the United States
Invited commentary on Stewart and Davis " 'Big data' in mental health research-current status and emerging possibilities"
Reply to Restolho et al. 'Contactless decontamination of hair samples: cannabinoids'
A tutorial on hunting statistical significance by chasing N
Bullying of surgery residents and attending staff surgeons is a problem!
The case for intimate partner violence education: early, essential and evidence-based
A case for less workup in near hanging
Disaster mental health and positive psychology-considering the context of natural and technological disasters: an introduction to the special issue
Do we need more measures of bullying?
Does the forensic physician have a role beyond injury documentation and specimen collection?
ERRATUM: Sex Trafficking Assessment and Resources (STAR) for pediatric attendings in Rhode Island
Gait disorders in adults and the elderly : a clinical guide
The history, geography, and sociology of slums and the health problems of people who live in slums
Implementation and analysis of initial trauma registry in Iquitos, Peru
Towards a shared understanding: perspectives from Toronto's first media forum for suicide prevention
US traffic deaths show sharp increase
Naked aggression: the meaning and practice of ejaculation on a woman's face
The need for a definition of big data for nursing science: a case study of disaster preparedness
Occupational injuries: global and local perspectives
Position statement of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Report, A National Trauma Care System: Integrating Military and Civilian Trauma Systems to Achieve Zero Preventable Deaths After Injury
Preventing violent extremism: the role of doctors
The rising toll of homicide by psychiatric patients: have we reached 'peak community care'?
Reinventing the political role of health professionals in conflict prevention & reconciliation: the Sudanese model
The scientific agreement on firearm issues
Veterans are not the only ones suffering from posttraumatic stress symptoms: what do we know about dependents' secondary traumatic stress?
Violence against doctors in the Indian subcontinent: a rising bane
Violence and health: implications of the 2030 Agenda for South-North collaboration
Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking: a patient's right to choose or an act of suicide?
Where there is a (collective) will, there are (effective) ways: integrating individual- and group-level factors in explaining humanitarian collective action
Young people and injection drug use: is there a need to expand harm reduction services and support?
Homicide mortality rates in Canada, 2000-2009: youth at increased risk
Role of occupational therapy in combating human trafficking
Research in disaster settings: a systematic qualitative review of ethical guidelines
American health improvement depends upon addressing class disparities
Human-caused climate change is now a key driver of forest fire activity in the western United States
Intimate partner violence and the community nurse role
Nursing staff play key role in preventing suicides, says leading nurse
Pharmacists' perceptions of advancing public health priorities through medication therapy management
Resource scarcity drives lethal aggression among prehistoric hunter-gatherers in central California
Talking about suicide can help to save lives
Advances in driving anger - Editorial
Advances in venomics
Changes in the conceptualization of suicidal behavior throughout history: from antiquity to the DSM-5
Murder by the book: using crime fiction as a bibliotherapeutic resource
Sir Hugh Cairns and World War II British advances in head injury management, diffuse brain injury, and concussion: an Oxford tale
Snakebite in bedroom kills a physician in Cameroon: a case report
Suicide Junkie - poems by doctors
Bicycle safety - Editorial
Concussion in sports: what do orthopaedic surgeons need to know?
The evolution of gerontology and geriatrics in an era of a politics of aging
Field studies in traffic safety behavior - Editorial
Football fatalities: the first-impact syndrome
Forensic issues raised by circumcision: review and case report
How the alcohol industry relies on harmful use of alcohol and works to protect its profits
Military officers, tropical medicine, and racial thought in the formation of the West India Regiments, 1793-1802
More trampoline parks, more injuries
Physicians of the Bear-Flag Republic
The rogue pilot phenomenon : safety specialists inevitably struggle to comprehend murder and/or suicide attributed to a flight crewmember
Shared road is double happiness: evaluation of a "Share the road" sign
The sparrow question: social and scientific accord in Britain, 1850-1900
Suicide prevention: creating a safer culture
Testing the psychophysical characteristics of professional drivers - can we identify unsafe drivers?
Moving the discourse on quality in pediatrics: recent contributions of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation clinical scholars
The pre-participation examination of the young athlete. Defining the essentials
Addressing domestic violence in Canada and the United States: the uneasy co-habitation of women and the state
Cognitive existentialism and the global politics of state survival: the Nigeria/Cameroun Bakassi conflict
Developing the tools to manage complex crises: training students in interdisciplinarity
Scar tissue
The Syrian conflict 2011 to the present: challenges and prospects
Disaster-related community resilience: a concept analysis and a call to action for nurses
'Remixing Rasmussen': the evolution of Accimaps within systemic accident analysis
Reply to 'Is binge drinking in adolescents related to specific impairments in well-being?' by Rafanelli et al
Researching LGB health and social policy: methodological issues and future directions
National Collegiate Athletic Association football and conditioning deaths-a positive progress report [American football]
New potential-treatment options in brain injury due to acute carbon monoxide poisoning in future
Pokémon Go-a new distraction for drivers and pedestrians
Upholding standards of reporting in the synthesis of dance epidemiology literature: letter to the editor re: Prevalence and profile of musculoskeletal injuries in ballet dancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Human rights and proactive displacement: determining the appropriate balance between the duty to protect and the right to remain
Lack of cost-effectiveness analyses to address Healthy People 2020 priority areas
Stigmatization of mentally ill patients by media coverage of Germanwings disaster
Anthropology in farm safety
Assessment of progress in early trauma care in Japan over the past decade: achievements and areas for future improvement
Closing in on crisis: informing clinical practice regarding nonsuicidal self-injury in youth
Compliance of parenting magazines advertisements with American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations
Editorial: The aging decision-maker: advances in understanding the impact of cognitive change on decision-making
Ethics in humanitarian services: report on the earthquake in Nepal
Increase in US suicide rates and the critical decline in psychiatric beds
Older adults' falls take high toll
Reflections on changing attitudes to alcohol excess and violence
Stories of victimization: self-positioning and construction of gender in narratives of abused women
Suicide prediction - a shift in paradigm is needed
Violence towards women is a public health problem
Imprudent use of unreliable dog bite tabulations and unpublished sources
How has research changed my practice in the last 5 years?
Dog ownership has unknown risks but known health benefits: we need evidence based policy
Collaboration between medical and veterinary professions on the problem of dog bites
Re: Mannion CJ, Kanatas A, Telfer MR. One dog bite too far [Br. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 49 (2011) 159, doi:10.1016/j.bjoms.2010.12.008]
One dog bite too far
Analysis did not account for cluster randomisation
A severe dog bite in a small child. (How can it become an ethical dilemma?)
Mutts: baby, does your dog bite?
Man's best friend
The campaign against rabid dog bites; on rabies control in the 18th century
The complex issue of dog bites
One health: the complex issue of dog bites
Defra publishes Bill to amend the Dangerous Dogs Act
Dog bite prevention. Re: Recent clinical review in the British Medical Journal (BMJ, vol. 334, pp. 413-417)
Dog bites - are vets missing an educational opportunity?
Dog bites are a public health issue
Dog bites in Australian children
Dog bites in Australian children
Information from your family doctor. Dog bites: teaching your child to be safe
Kennel Club launches resource to help schools teach safety around dogs
Pediatric dog bite victims: a need for a continuum of care
Review of responsible dog ownership in Wales
Serious dog bite lesions in childhood: presentation of 3 cases and literature review
Body snatchers
Firearm violence: a JAMA Internal Medicine series
Mechanisms of domestic violence and the impact on children and teenagers
Reducing suicides through partnerships between health professionals and gun owner groups: beyond docs vs Glocks
The role of physicians in preventing firearm suicides
Suicide by pesticide poisoning remains a priority for suicide prevention in China: Analysis of national mortality trends 2006-2013
Testing the immunity of the firearm industry to tort litigation
Approach to a standardized injury prevention coordinator training curriculum
Effective leadership and management of an ACS injury prevention program: current opinions and perspectives from where the rubber meets the road
Editors' introduction: drugs, crime and violence
Ending violence against children: a global initiative
Health professionals' stereotyping is impeding suicide prevention efforts
Injury prevention at the bedside
Letter to the Editor concerning "Multiple revisions of a L2 burst fracture in a suicide jumper: a retrospective analysis of what went wrong" by Gahr P, Tschöke SK, Haschtmann D, Heyde CE (Eur Spine J (2009) 18(7):927-34)
Mental illness and firearms: legal context and clinical approaches
Non-accidental trauma: the role of radiology
Non-faith-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia
PTSD in Court I: introducing PTSD for Court
Unintended consequences of wearable sensor use in healthcare. Contribution of the IMIA wearable sensors in healthcare WG
Successful post-disaster recovery requires adequate pre-disaster preparedness: the case of Gulf Countries
The hard road to reproducibility
Mentors need help to tackle bullying students
Screening for child abuse at emergency rooms is useful
Standardizing psycho-medical torture during the War on Terror: why it happened, how it happened, and why it didn't work
Aspects of disaster research ethics applicable to other contexts
Being right isn't always enough: NFL culture and team physicians' conflict of interest
Bridging the gap between social acceptance and ethical acceptability
Changing the direction of suicide prevention in the United States
Colleges and universities sticking to their guns?
Concerns with novel concussion protocol
Creating a better state of health for women
Developing the Philippines as a global hub for disaster risk reduction - a health research initiative as presented at the 10th Philippine National Health Research System Week Celebration
Disaster mental health and positive psychology: an afterward to the special issue
Disaster planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery: a call for all nurses to action
The dual role of NFL team doctors
Intimate partner violence prevention programs in North Carolina
Lessons for the NFL from workers' compensation
The long road of statistical learning research: past, present and future
The new ANSI nail gun standard: a lost opportunity for safety
Nurses can help the fight against modern slavery
On the unpredictability of suicide
Players' doctors: the roles should be very clear
Preventing conflicts of interest of NFL team physicians
A Response to Commentaries: NFL Player Health Care: Addressing Club Doctors' Conflicts of Interests and Promoting Player Trust
Saving science by doing less of it?
Suicidal thinking and behaviour as of 600 BCE (Aesop's fables)
Turning the tide or riptide? The changing opioid epidemic
When bad things happen to a protagonist like you: the role of self in resistance to negatively framed health narratives
Assessment of occupational exposure to pesticides in a pooled analysis of agricultural cohorts within the AGRICOH consortium: authors' response
Corrigendum: adoption of evidence-based fall prevention practices in primary care for older adults with a history of falls
Human rights of asylum seekers with psychosocial disabilities in Europe
Natural compounds as a therapeutic intervention following traumatic brain injury: the role of phytochemicals
New challenges in adolescent safeguarding
Psychiatry and Biopolitics in context of war: Understanding conflict to build the post-conflict
Should violent offenders be forced to undergo neurotechnological treatment? A critical discussion of the 'freedom of thought' objection
Unintended consequences of the 30-day mortality metric: fact or fiction
Two kinds of suicide
Use of restraint with hospitalized children: a survey of nurses' perceptions of practices
Suicidal patients with a do-not-resuscitate order
Advances in trauma-2016: goal zero preventable deaths after injury
Antimony content of inorganic gunshot residue (IGSR) produced by 0.22 caliber rimfire ammunition having free-antimony primer
Back to basics with some new tools: first ensure the safety of sporting environments
Visionary medicine: speculative fiction, racial justice and Octavia Butler's 'Bloodchild'
The urologist Eugen Joseph and his suicide
Traumatic brain injury advances
Bullying and banter
Childhood injury prevention in post-epidemiological transition in Nepal
The complexities of conducting research on child trafficking
Corrigendum to "Recurrence of suicide attempt in adolescents lost to contact early by clinicians: the 10-year REPEATERS cohort of French adolescents" [Journal of Adolescence 43 (2015) 111-118]
Cultivating community psychology for future generations: symbiosis, synergy, and separation
The Delphi method: a tool to support injury control and trauma care policy
The differential diagnosis between natural death and homicide, an everlasting challenge for the forensic pathologist: an exemplar case report
Domestic violence advisers should be introduced at every hospital, says charity
Essential resources for implementation and sustainability of evidence-based health promotion programs: a mixed methods multi-site case study
Gun violence and firearm safety in medical school curricula: missed opportunities to improve patient health
Ill or injured: shifting the emphasis to trauma in mental health diagnosis and treatment
Importance of engaging in dialogue with the population after a nuclear accident
Importance of external cause coding for injury surveillance: lessons from assessment of overexertion injuries among U.S. Army soldiers in 2014
An integrated approach including paediatric and forensic medical expertise on suspicion of child abuse
Mega-earthquakes go the flat way
New psychoactive substances: are there any good options for regulating new psychoactive substances?
New report outlines roadmap for preventing youth suicide (Comment)
Suicide attempts among US Army Soldiers
Suicide attempts among US Army Soldiers-Reply
Penetrating intracranial injury caused by an unusual home-made iron pyrotechnic device
A position paper: The convergence of aging and injury and the need for a Geriatric Trauma Coalition (GeriTraC)
Psychotherapy for adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a pediatrician's guide
Re-conceptualising the organ trade: separating 'trafficking' from 'trade' and the implications for law and policy
Retraction of: Violence and Gender, 2016;3(2):100-106; DOI: 10.1089/vio.2016.0003
The road ahead for personalized firearms
Status report - Public Health 2016: time for a cultural shift in the field of public health
The stage of change approach for implementing ergonomics advice - translating research into practice
The spatial properties of radical environmental organizations in the UK: Do or Die!
Should psychiatrists prescribe gender-affirming hormone therapy to transgender adolescents?
Author response: Identifying concussion: when guidelines collide with real-world implementation-is a formal medical diagnosis necessary in every case once a proper protocol is implemented?
Birth of the cool: a two-centuries decline in emotional expression in Anglophone fiction
A broader understanding of moral distress
Challenges in the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries in older adults
Commentary: comparison of athletes' proneness to depressive symptoms in individual and team sports: research on psychological mediators in junior elite athletes
Attacking the roots of violence
Does the second amendment protect the gun rights of persons with mental illness?
Isolating effects of moral injury and low post-deployment support within the U.S. military
Reducing harm from falls
Suicide prevention….Ask the question!
Traffic safety on tribal lands
Using video in concussion surveillance
We have the power to combat modern slavery
Commentary: Public health system perspective on implementation of evidence-based fall-prevention strategies for older adults
Consumer warning labels aren't working
Correction: Baker R, Tata LJ, Kendrick D, et al. Identification of incident poisoning, fracture and burn events using linked primary care, secondary care and mortality data from England: implications for research and surveillance. Inj Prev 2016;22:59–67.
Correction to: 'Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatio-temporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period'
Corrigendum to "Characterising dark net marketplace purchasers in a sample of regular psychostimulant users" [International Journal of Drug Policy 35 (2016) 32-37]
Youth sports injury prevention: keep calm and play on
Injuries from all-terrain vehicles: an opportunity for injury prevention
Injury incidence in a Premier League youth soccer academy using the consensus statement: a prospective cohort study
Minimizing fall risk in older adults
No more militaristic and violent language in medicine: response to open peer commentaries on "Healing without waging war: beyond military metaphors in medicine and HIV cure research"
Psychiatric/psychological injury and law: introduction
Rugby union needs a contact skill-training programme
Societal and ethical aspects of the Fukushima accident
Statistical evidence shows that mortality tends to fall during recessions: a rebuttal to Catalano and Bruckner
Commemoration of John Terry Maltsberger (1934-2016)
Connecting police violence with reproductive health
Functional reorganization is a maladaptive response to injury - Commentary
Functional reorganization is a maladaptive response to injury - NO
Functional reorganization is a maladaptive response to injury - YES
Hospitals: soft target for terrorism?
AAP Council on Communications and Media. Virtual violence. Pediatrics. 2016;138(1):e20161298
Addressing early childhood emotional and behavioral problems
Firearm deaths in the United States and globally, 1990-2015
Travel competence: empowering travellers
Depression is a deadly growing threat to our youth: time to rally
Expanding concussion laws not necessary for return to learning after concussion
Should school boards discontinue support for high school football?
Traumatic brain injury: current treatment strategies and future endeavors
Answer to the letter to the editor of S. Sabour concerning "Reliability and reproducibility analysis of the AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system by Chinese spinal surgeons" by J. Cheng et al. (Eur Spine J; 2016: DOI 10.1007/s00586-016-4842-4)
Car and motorcycle deaths: an evolutionary perspective
Commentary on Morgenstern et al. (2017): party-themed advertisements and initiation of alcohol consumption
Does alcohol really contribute to college men's sexual assault perpetration? A commentary on Testa and Cleveland (2017)
The idea of uniform change: is it time to revisit a central tenet of Rose's "Strategy of Preventive Medicine"?
Is suicide reporting in Indian newspapers responsible? A study from Rajasthan
It depends on how you look at it: the role of alcohol in men's sexual aggression perpetration
Letter to the Editor concerning "Reliability and reproducibility analysis of the AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system by Chinese spinal surgeons" by J. Cheng et al. (Eur Spine J; 2016: doi:10.1007/s00586-016-4842-4)
Maternal deaths from suicide must be tackled, say experts
Modern-day slavery as a public health issue
The Moscow and Brasilia Declarations on road safety - a parallel between two moments in health
Moving beyond simple answers to complex questions: how does context affect alcohol's role in sexual assault perpetration? A commentary on Testa and Cleveland (2017)
Protocols in healthcare for female victims of sexual violence from the standpoint of healthcare professionals
ICOH International Code of Ethics for Occupational Health Professionals: historical fortune and future perspectives in Italy.
Another "dear esteemed colleague" journal email invitation?
Antonio de Saldanha da Gama's proposals to improve the slave trade "for humanitarian and economic reasons," Rio de Janeiro, 1810
Curbing firearm violence
Curbing firearm violence
Current issues in child sexual abuse, gender and health outcomes: shedding new lights to inform worldwide policy and practice
Clinical policy: critical issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with acute carbon monoxide poisoning
Collegiate sports: professionals all but in name raise unique bioethics concerns in the collection of biometric data
Federal suicide prevention framework underwhelms
How to warn: 'Outside-in warnings' of Western governments about violent conflict and mass atrocities
Missing clinical and behavioral health data in a large electronic health record (EHR) system
Wearable technologies in collegiate sports: the ethics of collecting biometric data from student-athletes
Violent injury as a preventable condition
Trauma experts versus pediatric experts: comparison of outcomes in pediatric penetrating injuries
Suicide strategy has failed, and GPs need better training in assessing risk, say MPs
How contextual issues can distort shared decision making
Poor methodological quality and reporting standards of systematic reviews in burn care management
Syria violence is condemned as evacuation begins
Evidence-based medicine: a persisting desire under fire
The fate of Hungarian Jewish dermatologists during the Holocaust: Part 2: Under Nazi rule
Martin Erhard - upper world and underworld. Order and perversion
Rebalancing health service use for older people: simulating policy-relevant scenarios under demographic ageing
Reflections from a member of the AAP committee that prepared "Guidance for effective discipline"
When protocols become fairy tales and gods remain buried under: excerpts from the diary of forensic experts at ground zero during the mega quake that hit Nepal
A consensus-driven agenda for emergency medicine firearm injury prevention research
Criticism, critique, and opportunities for suicide research and prevention
The ecstasy of death
'Electroshock therapy' in the Third Reich
From justifying war to justifying peace: a historical overview of the discourse in ecumenical circles (1905-2014)
Injury at work and migrant workers: a priority for a global agenda in occupational health
Literary fiction influences attitudes toward animal welfare
Young children risk choking on whole grapes, doctors warn
Coming of age? Women's sexual and reproductive health after twenty-one years of democracy in South Africa
Editorial: Traumatic brain injury as a systems neuroscience problem
Pearls and pitfalls of open access: the immortal life of Henrietta Lacks
Pediatric residency education and the behavioral and mental health crisis: a call to action
Re: Intimate partner violence destroys love like tears blur clear vision: failing our patients
Response to letter to the editor on "Deriving injury risk curves using survival analysis from biomechanical experiments", Journal of biomechanics
Senseless violence: a global problem with psychological ramifications
Senseless violence: an overview
Teacher change in a changing moral order: learning from Durkheim
Teaching the violent past in secondary schools in newly independent south sudan
A proposal to address NFL club doctors' conflicts of interest and to promote player trust
Controversies in the management of caustic ingestion injury: an evidence based review
Development of a pediatric adverse events terminology
The era of sport concussion: evolution of knowledge, practice, and the role of psychology
Funding and publication of research on gun violence and other leading causes of death
High impact research: investigating the effects of repetitive head injury
The implicit power motive in intergroup dialogues about the history of slavery
Reducing suicide rates: need for public health and population interventions
Suicide prevention: beyond mental disorder
Suicide prevention: it's time to connect, communicate, and care
The toll of death and disability from traumatic injury in the United States-the "neglected disease" of modern society, still neglected after 50 years
The Mangled Extremity Score and amputation: time for a revision
The missing, the martyred and the disappeared: global networks, technical intensification and the end of human rights genetics
Heterogeneity in Response during Multisystemic Therapy: Exploring Subgroups and Predictors
Erratum to: Personal identity development in Hispanic immigrant adolescents: links with positive psychosocial functioning, depressive symptoms, and externalizing problems
Multidisciplinary identification of the controversial freedom fighter Jörg Jenatsch, assassinated 1639 in Chur, Switzerland
Narrative symposium: Patient, family, and clinician experiences with voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED)
A research agenda to advance the coordination of care for general medical and substance use disorders
Give south Indian authors their true names
Scientific publishing: Identity crisis
Identification of authors without surnames: is ORCID the right way forward?
Insensitivity of editors and indexers regarding the cultural variations of authors' surnames
Scientific author names: errors, corrections, and identity profiles
What's in a name, anyway?
Are there potential safety issues concerning the safe usage of electronic personal tracking devices? The experience of a multi-sport elite club
The continuing confusion in figuring out the surname of a Chinese author -- a proposed solution
How well are we measuring military mental health?
The military's drug problem: rethinking the consideration of historical drug and alcohol use in military accessions
Fifty years of physics of living systems
Firearm suicide in the United States from a broader preventive perspective
Improving firearm safety in the United States: response to Kapusta and Cramer
Injury epidemiology in Iran: a systematic review
A note on "Deriving injury risk curves using survival analysis from biomechanical experiments", Journal of Biomechanics
"Parsing the heterogeneity of psychopathy and aggression: differential associations across dimensions and gender": Correction to Hecht et al. (2016)
Plagiarism continues to affect scholarly journals
Predatory journals threaten the quality of published medical research
Predatory journals: the worst thing in publishing, ever
Severe youth violence: developmental perspectives introduction to the special section
Theory and methods in comparative drug and alcohol policy research: response to a review of the literature
Time to act - alarming rise in suicides among medical professionals in Pakistan
Firearm acquisition without background checks: results of a national survey
Firearm violence as a disease-"hot people" or "hot spots"?
Bilateral anterior capsulotomy and amygdalotomy for mental retardation with psychiatric symptoms and aggression: a case report
Concussion assessment and management knowledge among chiropractic fourth year interns and residents
European Academy of Paediatrics Statement: Vision Zero for child deaths in traffic accidents
Vision zero: a toolkit for road safety in the modern era
Cyber attacks and terrorism: a twenty-first century conundrum
Responding to firearm homicide in urban areas
Commentary: Exploring the nature and scope of clinicians' obligations to respond to human trafficking
Counselors' attributions of blame toward female survivors of battering
"It looks like a demon": Black masculinity and spirituality in the age of Ferguson
Mandatory reporting of human trafficking: potential benefits and risks of harm
Physician encounters with human trafficking: legal consequences and ethical considerations
What/who is sleeping? Sexual violence against adolescent girls and revenge in contemporary film versions of "Sleeping beauty"
Racial discrimination, John Henryism, and depression among African Americans
Spank, slap, or hit? How labels alter perceptions of child discipline
Review of regulatory emphasis on transportation safety in the United States, 2002-2009: public versus private modes
Airman and family resilience: lessons from the scientific literature
Australian Institute of Sport and Australian Medical Association position statement on concussion in sport
Brodifacoum poisoning: a clear and present danger to public health in the USA
Corporate corruption of science-another asbestos example
Mapping pediatric injuries to target prevention, education, and outreach
The past does matter: a nursing perspective on post traumatic slave syndrome
Physician power to declare death by neurologic criteria threatened
Recreational cannabinoid use: the hazards behind the "high"
The road to bribery and corruption
Strategies of successful and unsuccessful simulators coached to feign traumatic brain injury
The teaching of trauma management in undergraduate medical education
Time for the New Zealand government to ban alcohol advertising and sponsorship in sport
What constitutes strong psychological science? The (neglected) role of diagnosticity and a priori theorizing
Injury prevention counselling in the primary care setting revisited
New directions in neighbourhood research-a commentary on Lovasi et al. (2016): Cause and context: place-based approaches to investigate how environments affect mental health
Review of the book, Confronting Gun Violence in America by Thomas Gabor
Scientists fear pending attack on federal statistics collection
Shane O'Mara's Why Torture Doesn't Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation
Sports-related concussion in children and adolescents
Academic public health and the firearm crisis: an agenda for action
Borderline personality disorder and the ethics of risk management
Commentary on Patrick and colleagues: High-intensity drinking among young adults in the United States: prevalence, frequency, and developmental change
Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part I: the Istanbul Protocol Project in the Basque Country
Caring for the trafficked patient: ethical challenges and recommendations for health care professionals
Can a good tree bring forth evil fruit? The funding of medical research by industry
Decreasing human trafficking through sex work decriminalization
The distinctive effects of empathy and hope in intractable conflicts
What is the role of health systems in responding to domestic violence? An evidence review
Do ethics demand evaluation of public health laws? Shifting scientific sands and the case of youth sports-related traumatic brain injury laws
Drones may be used to save lives in out of hospital cardiac arrest due to drowning
Ethical considerations in mandatory disclosure of data acquired while caring for human trafficking survivors
Groupthink: how should clinicians respond to human trafficking?
Human trafficking in areas of conflict: health care professionals' duty to act
Human trafficking, mental illness, and addiction: avoiding diagnostic overshadowing
International movement to promote human rights of older women with a focus on violence and abuse against older women
A philosophical argument against evidence-based policy
Protections for children before the law: an empirical analysis of the age of criminal responsibility, the abolition of doli incapax and the merits of a developmental immaturity defence in England and Wales
Should U.S. physicians support the decriminalization of commercial sex?
Taking up the mantle of human trafficking education: who should be responsible?
Behind the lines: should reporters still be heading into warzones?
'Being the bridge': news fixers' perspectives on cultural difference in reporting the 'war on terror'
The bittersweet taste of revenge: on the negative and positive consequences of retaliation
Contesting the Malyn Massacre: the legacy of inter-ethnic violence and the Second World War In Eastern Europe
The effects of alcohol on emotion in social drinkers
The meaning of "protection" within the refugee definition
Moving toward an ideation-to-action framework in suicide research: a commentary on
Policing the private: social barriers to the effective policing of domestic violence
Reducing maternal suicide in Sri Lanka: closing the gap (editorial)
Undertriage of firearm-related injuries or insufficient granularity of data? (editorial)
Letters to the editor in response to studies of guns in the home and homicide and suicide
Preparing for disaster: a cross-sectional study of social connection and gun violence
Public health, autonomous automobiles, and the rush to market
Does the forensic physician have a role beyond injury documentation and specimen collection in Australia? A personal view
Martyrs never die
Road safety perspectives among employees of a multinational corporation in urban India: local context for global injury prevention
Sexual violence against adolescent girls: the need for shared multidisciplinary prevention strategies
Suicide in Indigenous Australians: a "catastrophic crisis"
What's the harm in polygamy? Multicultural toleration and women's experience of plural marriage
Different Strategies Needed to Prevent Suicide in Children and Adolescents
Erratum to: Factors affecting the exposure, vulnerability and emergency medical service capacity for victims of road traffic incidents in Kampala Metropolitan Area: a Delphi study
Overview of traumatic brain injury: an immunological context
Suicide awareness
Commentary: Hypnotic medications and suicide: risk, mechanisms, mitigation, and the FDA
Health care as a universal right
Rocky mountain high: preventing cannabis-related injuries
"Should I stop or should I go? The role of associations and expectancies": correction to Best et al. (2016)
Tailored integrated interventions for intimate partner violence and substance use are urgently needed
Hypertension after injury among burned combat veterans: a retrospective cohort study; methodological issues: methodological issues
Morally incorrect incidents perceived by third year medical students in 2009 and 2015
Nonsuicidal self-injury in men: a serious problem that has been overlooked for too long
Rethinking 'flexibilities' in the international drug control system: potential, precedents and models for reforms
Spanking and adult mental health impairment: the case for the designation of spanking as an adverse childhood experience
A call to capture fatalities in consensus statements for sports injury/illness surveillance
Dismantling the man-made myths upholding female genital mutilation
Informed consent in the context of research involving acute injuries and emergencies
Interrupting the intergenerational transmission of violence
Kill or die: moral judgment alters linguistic coding of causality
Kneeling on mung beans
The role of digital technology in child protection: still helping and harming?
Training to safety rules use. Some reflections on a case study
The domestic violence initiative: a private-public partnership providing psychiatric care in a nontraditional setting
Juggling confidentiality and safety: a qualitative study of how general practice clinicians document domestic violence in families with children
Twenty-six years prosecuting historic child sexual abuse cases: has anything changed?
Does gun control reduce violent crime?
A little anthropomorphism goes a long way
Resilient adaptation among at-risk children: harnessing science toward maximizing salutary environments
Lessons learned: program messaging in gender-transformative work with men and boys in South Africa
Addressing domestic violence in primary care: what the physician needs to know
Bridging the gaps: a global review of intersections of violence against women and violence against children
"Does anger regulation mediate the discrimination-mental health link among Mexican-origin adolescents? A longitudinal mediation analysis using multilevel modeling": Correction to Park et al. (2016)
Evidence-based national suicide prevention taskforce in Europe: a consensus position paper
Heading football is related to concussion symptoms, study finds
How industrial hygienists assist in rail emergencies
Human trafficking. Ministering to the 'invisible' victim
Human trafficking: listening to the victim
The invisibility of men in South African violence prevention policy: national prioritization, male vulnerability, and framing prevention
Is there a cure for violence?
Is violence 'senseless'? Not according to science. Let's make sense of it and treat it like a disease
Leaving gangs behind to live parables of kinship
Women religious unite to eradicate trafficking
What happens after the fall?
Calling for action on violence against women: is anyone listening?
Creating a drug law enforcement research agenda
Erratum to: A prospective cohort study of depression course, functional disability, and NEET status in help-seeking young adults
Improving research on drug law enforcement
A national safety stand-down to reduce construction worker falls
Needs and achievements of the juvenile justice system
Violence: a community health approach
Violence is one small part of childhood trauma. So why do we tend to focus on it alone?
Retraction of "Unlocking past emotion: verb use affects mood and happiness"
Safety science, a founding fathers' retrospection
Support groups for children and adolescents bereaved by suicide: lots of interventions, little evidence
A post-conference evaluation of the 2015 National Occupational Injury Research Symposium
Promising intervention strategies to reduce parents' use of physical punishment
Recent trends in the U.S. Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (BSSR) workforce
Research priorities for a multi-center child abuse pediatrics network - CAPNET
Severity of complicated versus uncomplicated subthreshold depression: new evidence on the "Monotonicity Thesis" from the National Comorbidity Survey
To reverse the cycle of violence, try humility
A tragic trend. Why terrorists use female and child suicide bombers
Gun control after Heller and McDonald: what cannot be done and what ought to be done
How the law affects gun policy in the United States: law as intervention or obstacle to prevention
Litigation as public health policy: theory or reality?
Lies, damn lies, and statistics: a rejoinder to the comment by Hay and McCleary
The effect of Massachusetts' gun control law on gun-related crimes in the city of Boston
Concealed handguns: the counterfeit deterrent
The Jodi Arias saga: a tragic drama
Neighborhood context, youthful offending, and peer selection: does it take a village to raise a nondelinquent?
Cataracts due to electrical injury. First description
Cyberbullying: a storm in a teacup?
Volunteering with sex offenders
Ensuring local capacity for public health disaster response and recovery: a national imperative
Holistic view is needed to tackle bullying in the healthcare profession (letter)
'Insane criminals' and the 'criminally insane': criminal asylums in Norway, 1895-1940
Missed opportunities to prevent workplace injuries and fatalities
Needs of a silent minority
Nurses need training in suicide awareness
Observations of the role of science in the United States medical cannabis state policies: lessons learnt
Paddle-boarding: fun, new sport or an accident waiting to happen?
Purpose and character development in early adolescence
Rapid widespread distribution of intranasal naloxone for overdose prevention
Putting the brakes on highway deaths
Should healthcare professionals sometimes allow harm? The case of self-injury
Training US health care professionals on human trafficking: where do we go from here?
Clinical action against drunk driving
Concern over 'under-reporting' of at risk self-harming clients (comment)
Congress Should Adopt a "Do No Harm to Children" Standard in Changes to Public Health Insurance
Ethical concerns related to mandatory reporting of sexual violence
Ethics committees in india: past, present and future
Have we failed Christianity? Or how violence in the Great Lakes region challenges Christianity and the nation state
Health professionals' explanations of suicidal behaviour
Introduction to the special issue on computer vision in road safety and intelligent traffic
A question of ethics, not nationalism: author's response
Recipes for attention: policy reforms, crises, organizational characteristics, and the newspaper coverage of the LGBT movement, 1969-2009
Social work's ethical responsibility to train MSW students to work with suicidal clients
Suicide and the Moralistic Fallacy: comment on Joiner, Hom, Hagan, and Silva (2016)
Symbols of power: the firearm paintings of Madjedbebe (Malakunanja II)
"Special needs" is an ineffective euphemism
The burden of neurological disease in the United States: a summary report and call to action
Confronting abusive injuries in dermatology: ethical and legal considerations
Cross-cultural relevance of the Interpersonal Theory of suicide across Korean and U.S. undergraduate students
Global mental health: a call for increased awareness and action for family therapists
Harm reduction and e-cigarettes: distorting the approach
Mental disorders as networks: some cautionary reflections on a promising approach
Public Health, Ethics, and Autonomous Vehicles
A response to "The importance of economic context in interpreting forensic data on drug trafficking networks"
The right to die in chronic disorders of consciousness: can we avoid the slippery slope argument?
Screening children for abuse and neglect: a review of the literature
Social science's curious war with pop culture and how it was lost: the media violence debate and the risks it holds for social science
Understanding ethical issues of research participation from the perspective of participating children and adolescents: a systematic review
'VisionZero': is it achievable for rugby-related catastrophic injuries in South Africa?
The American Psychological Association Task Force assessment of violent video games: science in the service of public interest
Caring for older adults in disasters: a special collection of papers for a special population
The child witness in the courtroom
European universities' guidance on research integrity and misconduct
Expert witness participation in civil and criminal proceedings
Expert witness participation in civil and criminal proceedings
Filicide in the United States
"The gaze heuristic:" biography of an adaptively rational decision process
It's time to screen for bullying
The Journal's concerns about suicide
Why wasn't prevention included? Comment on the special issue on undergraduate education in psychology (2016)
What family physicians can do to combat bullying
Positionpaper on telemonitoring in sleep-related breathing disorders
Preventing youth from falling through the cracks between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: a systematic review of models of care
Mobilising culture against domestic violence in migrant and ethnic communities: practitioner perspectives from Aotearoa/New Zealand
Agents of the Father's law in a society of brothers: a philosophic and psychoanalytic perspective on legitimate use of violence
Building evidence with flawed data? The importance of analysing valid data
Diagnosing crime and diagnosing disease: bias reduction strategies in the forensic and clinical sciences
What should we tell our patients about marijuana (Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa)?
Victims of human trafficking: hiding in plain sight
Emergency medical service systems in Sri Lanka: problems of the past, challenges of the future
The hidden story of innovation: Charity Hospital, Angola Prison, and the challenging of surgical dogma
Lessons from the past: Family involvement in patient admission and discharge, Beechworth Lunatic Asylum, 1900-1912
(Missing) knowledge about sexual assault resources: undermining military mental health
Child sexual abuse and exploitation-a global glimpse
Different psychometric properties of the Emotional Reaction Instrument-English (ERI-E) between hospitalized African American and Caucasian children
Does torture work? Donald Trump and the CIA
Healthy China 2030: a missed opportunity for injury control
Rape is always an emergency
RETRACTED: Garthe C, Ouellette L, Seamon JP, et al. The virtual cutting edge: adolescent self-injury and YouTube. Ann Emerg Med. 2015;66:S145
Commentary on: Intarapanich NP, McCobb EC, Reisman RW, Rozanski EA, Intarapanich PP. Characterization and comparison of injuries caused by accidental and non-accidental blunt force trauma in dogs and cats. J Forensic Sci 2016 Jul;61(4):993-9
Commentary: working toward a multi-program strategy in fall prevention
The effect of trauma on Neanderthal culture: a mathematical analysis
Ergonomics and human factors in aviation
Erratum to: Can augmented feedback facilitate learning a reactive balance task among older adults?
Erratum to: Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among asthma
Increasing the use of lithium and clozapine in US suicide prevention
Increasing the use of lithium and clozapine in US suicide prevention-reply
Is the French criminal psychiatric assessment in crisis?
Older people and pedestrian deaths
The polonium-210 poisoning of Mr Alexander Litvinenko
Soccer and head injuries: what is the risk?
Survey of American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma members on firearm injury: consensus and opportunities
Taking issue with crime, vulnerability, and AOT
A methodological proposal to evaluate the cost of duration moral hazard in workplace accident insurance
Next-generation systematic reviews: prospective meta-analysis, individual-level data, networks and umbrella reviews
Opposed to the being of Henrietta: bioslavery, pop culture and the third life of HeLa cells
Print media representations of United Kingdom Accident and Emergency treatment targets: winter 2014-15
Professionals should act on instincts if they suspect child abuse, NICE says [comment]
The road to prison is paved with bad evaluations: the case for functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans
Rollback of Michigan's motorcycle helmet law results in more head injuries
Sports injury prevention
Better studies are needed to guide treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning
Medical and legal issues of the decisions rendered by the European Court of Human Rights
Moving research beyond the spanking debate
A novel therapy for people who attempt suicide and why we need new models of suicide
PHAC and a national suicide prevention strategy
Reply: Better studies are needed to guide treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning
Silence and memories of war: an autoethnographic exploration of family secrecy
Youth are our future assets in emergency and disaster management
Suicide prevention in an international context
Assessing factors associated with suicide risk
Assessing factors associated with suicide risk-Reply
Consumer Healthcare Products Association response to Major et al., "Trends in rates of acetaminophen-related adverse events in the United States", Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, May 2016, 25: 590-8
Editorial: Binge drinking: lessons from ATF3 and HDAC1 collaboration
Ending violence in childhood: a global imperative
Laryngeal injury in a male lacrosse player: a case for prevention
Liberating burdensomeness of suicide survivorship loss: a critical interpretive synthesis
New plaque psoriasis approval carries suicide warning
Nonpsychiatric outpatient care for adults with serious mental illness in California: who is being left behind?
Response to Consumer Healthcare Products Association letter to "Trend in rates of acetaminophen-related adverse events in the United States"
Risk factors of coercion among psychiatric inpatients: a nationwide register-based cohort study
Self-poisoning by older Australians (editorial)
Traumatic brain injury: new insights into the long-term effects of mild brain injury
Controversies concerning the canadian not criminally responsible reform act
Erratum to "Bothrops fonsecai snake venom activities and cross-reactivity with commercial bothropic antivenom" [Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 191 (2017) 86-100]
Erratum to: Disposal practices of unused and expired pharmaceuticals among general public in Kabul
Erratum to: Reactive aggression among children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Fear-related behaviors in situations of mass threat
From "classic" child abuse and neglect to the new era of maltreatment
Hospital administration and nursing leadership in disasters: an exploratory study using concept mapping
How well do we understand the long-term health implications of childhood bullying?
I cut therefore I am? Avoiding labels in the context of self-injury
Improving knowledge on law enforcement in drug policy
A national survey of attitudes toward intimate partner violence among married women in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan: implications for health prevention and intervention
Perspectives on violence against women: a study of United States nursing textbooks
A positive behavioral approach for aggression in forensic psychiatric settings
Star Wars: the force awakens forensic teaching about patricide
Structural causes of urban firearm violence: a trauma surgeon's view from Philadelphia
Toward an integrated understanding of disaster and risk ecology
Toward a US Army Pacific (USARPAC) rapid deployment medical component in support of Human Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operations: challenges with "Going in Light"
Translating into practice data about violent women
Yes. This is a missed opportunity. Let's turn traumatic injury into a life-saving event
What is the relationship of traumatic brain injury to dementia?
Workplace violence and perceptions of safety among emergency department staff members: experiences, expectations, tolerance, reporting, and recommendations (comments)
Use of the TRB research needs statements database in an introductory transportation course
The decline of state mental hospitals as training sites for psychiatric residents
Prevention and the field of mental health: a psychiatric perspective
Confronting depression and suicide in physicians: a consensus statement
The Cuban immigration of 1980: a special mental health challenge
Commit to change? A call to end the publication of the phrase 'commit suicide'
Comparing two frailty concepts among older people with intellectual disabilities
Return to school and learning after concussion: tips for pediatricians
Childhood injuries: a commission for human responsibilities is needed
Concussion research: why we should back up before we move forward!
The connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence: a review from the veterinary perspective
The core symptoms of bulimia nervosa, anxiety, and depression: a network analysis
Drugs and driving research in medicinal drug development
The adaptation and implementation of guidelines for responsible media reporting on suicide in Slovenia
Assessing suicide risk: what is commonly missed in the emergency room?
Blue Datto: keeping safe program
The challenges of using self-report measures with people with severe mental illness: four participants' experiences of the research process
An examination of suicide research and funding in New Zealand 2006-16: implications for new research and policies
Is independence of older adults safe considering the risk of falls?
Making measures matter in road safety: introduction to a special supplement
Vulnerable road users in a safe system
Re-invigorating and refining Safe System advocacy (editorial)
Saving lives by improving road safety
Tragic failure of a road system: an Australian example (editorial)
A new concept of organization and scope of neurosurgical care in the US army during armed conflicts in the early 2000s
The program for personnel in medical institutions in Japan to combat child maltreatment
Risk taking and the triarchic model of psychopathy
Terrorist attack in Nice: the central role of a children's hospital
Traumatic brain injury in India: a big problem in need of data
Treating youths in the juvenile justice system
Unintended consequences of expanded mandatory reporting laws
Universal depression screening to improve depression outcomes in primary care: sounds good, but where is the evidence?
The ethics of researching intimate partner violence in global health: a case study from global health research
"Even the best law will never replace reflection in the field"
An excessive risk of suicide may no longer be a reality for multiple sclerosis patients
A personal perspective: the response to child abuse then and now
Human factors in automotive engineering and technology
Improving Data Quality in Mass-Gatherings Health Research
A model for evaluating academic research centers: case study of the Asian/Pacific Islander Youth Violence Prevention Center
Prehospital injury deaths: the missing link
Re: Burn injuries from exploding electronic cigarette batteries: an emerging public health hazard
Re: Imaging and reporting considerations for suspected physical abuse (non-accidental injury) in infants and young children. Part 1: initial considerations and appendicular skeleton. A reply
Rehabilitation traumatology: a narrative review
The role of engineering ethics on concrete fire safety
Social interventions in mental health: a call to action
Universal adolescent suicide screening in a pediatric urgent care center
Advancing knowledge on cannabis policy using evidence from North America
Can I use marijuana safely? An examination of distal antecedents, marijuana protective behavioral strategies, and marijuana outcomes
Cognitive deficits: underappreciated contributors to suicide
Editor's corner: Does alcohol industry funding corrupt alcohol science? A startling revelation about the early history of JSAD
Ethical problems in an era where disasters have become a part of daily life: a qualitative study of healthcare workers in Turkey
Exploring the use of alcohol with energy drinks: time for another round? A commentary on Roemer and Stockwell (2017)
First report of using portable unmanned aircraft systems (drones) for search and rescue
Suicide prevention strategy must include quicker support for patients after discharge, say MPs
From villain to victor: ketamine in acute neurologic injury
Health workers and the weaponisation of health care in Syria: a preliminary inquiry for The Lancet-American University of Beirut Commission on Syria
Improving disaster response efforts through the development of a disaster health care response system
The long and complex road in the search for treatment for mental disorders: an analysis of the process in five groups of patients
Menkes disease mimicking child abuse
Sexual violence against adolescent girls: labeling it to avoid normalization
A sociobiological extension of the interpersonal theory of suicide
The witch-hunt narrative: reflections on knowledge about child sexual abuse and the impact of mcmartin in the state of California
Is the sky falling? The persistent effects of concussion
Patterns of injury mechanism at a tertiary trauma center in Mumbai, India: opportunities for injury prevention
The potential for co-production in developing violence against women services in Wales
A balancing act: scientists seek to reduce the risk of falls in the elderly
Development and implementation of online training modules on abuse, neglect, and exploitation
The health and safety at work act 2015: the myth of increased deterrence
Life-saving weapons: the biolegitimacy of drone warfare
Mystery solved: our son's autism and extreme self-injury is genetic and treatable
Organized abuse in adulthood: survivor and professional perspectives
Process for developing rehabilitation practice recommendations for individuals with traumatic brain injury
We are the hollow men: the worldwide epidemic of mental illness, psychiatric and behavioral emergencies, and its impact on patients and providers
The value of the Injury Severity Score in pediatric trauma: time for a new definition of severe injury?
The trauma ecosystem: the impact and economics of new trauma centers on a mature statewide trauma system
Raising the bar on traumatic brain injury biomarker research - methods make a difference
Reduction and control of school bullying is urgently needed
Study finds risk of suicide higher for female nurses (editorial)
Corrigendum: "Work-time exposure and acute injuries in inshore lobstermen of the northeast United States"
From the power of disaster to the power of knowledge and solidarity
Haiti and the politics of governance and community responses to Hurricane Matthew
Health in All Policies utilization by municipal governments: scoping review
Conceptualizing structural change in health promotion: why we still need to know more about theory
Identifying and prioritizing information needs and research priorities of public health emergency preparedness and response practitioners
Leadership and a casualty response system for eliminating preventable death
Public health and disasters: an emerging translational and implementation science, not "lessons learned"
The relationship between trauma and research: a response to Burge et al. (2017)
Zero preventable deaths after traumatic injury: an achievable goal
Who 'owns' the injury or illness? Who 'owns' performance? Applying systems thinking to integrate health and performance in elite sport
Permeability and interface catchment: measuring and mapping walkable access
Walkability: to quantify or not to quantify
The growing challenge of major trauma in older people: a role for comprehensive geriatric assessment?
Importance of measuring outcomes after burns: why they matter
Injury prevention, performance and return to sport: how can science help?
Making sense of the public stigma of suicide
Seeing deaths resulting from interpersonal violence as a function of "state violence": time for a health disparities paradigm shift?
Adopting a public health approach to addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation
Burn survivor focus group
Commentary: Extraordinary environments, extreme neuroplasticity and mental disorder - reflections on pathways from adversity to mental disorder prompted by McCrory, Gerin, and Viding (2017)
Commentary: What's in a word (or words) - on the relations among self-regulation, self-control, executive functioning, effortful control, cognitive control, impulsivity, risk-taking, and inhibition for developmental psychopathology - reflections on Nigg (2017)
Coulrophobia: how irrational is fear of clowns?
Domestic violence against men
Don't shoot the messenger: Still no evidence that video-game experience is related to cognitive abilities—a reply to Green et al. (2017)
The effectiveness of policy interventions for school bullying: a systematic review
Harmful use of alcohol: a shadow over sub-Saharan Africa in need of workable solutions
U.S. political parties and support for suicide prevention
Improving public health by making cities friendly to walking and biking: safer, more active transportation starts with the street
The material, moral, and affective worlds of dealing and crime among young men entrenched in an inner city drug scene
Seeing through the public health smoke-screen in drug policy
Suicide hurts people
Why prudence is needed when interpreting articles reporting clinical trial results in mental health
The translation of sports injury prevention and safety promotion knowledge: insights from key intermediary organisations
Editorial: federal restrictions on gun research should be lifted
Motorcycle-helmet laws and public health
The National Violent Death Reporting System: use of the restricted access database and recommendations for the system's improvement
Necessity of internet regulation to prevent suicides in Mexico
Narratives of focal brain injured individuals: a macro-level analysis
Neurological aspects of chemical and biological terrorism: guidelines for neurologists
Parent-physician partnership at the edge of viability
Renewed awareness of motor symptoms in psychiatric assessment
Trauma care in Oman: a call for action
Management of obstructive sleep apnea in commercial motor vehicle operators: recommendations of the AASM Sleep and Transportation Safety Awareness Task Force
Motor exam of patients with spinal cord injury: a terminological imbroglio
The dissemination and counter measures of terrorist information online: a case of the terrorist threat incident online in Philadelphia
Campaigning to amend air gun licensing laws
The effects of requiring parental consent for research on adolescents' risk behaviors: a meta-analysis
Hope and adjustment to college in the context of collective trauma
Impact of individual clinical outcomes on trial participants' perspectives on enrollment in emergency research without consent
Interpretation of relative effects
Ongoing university studies and the risk of suicide: a register-based nationwide cohort study of 5 million young and middle-aged individuals in Sweden, 1993-2011
The predicament and countermeasures of police interfering with domestic violence: based on empirical study of Lliaoning Province
Suicide prevention
Suicide prevention involves all of us, together
Abuse and violence in families
Adoption of the national CLAS standards by state mental health agencies: a nationwide policy analysis
Advances in occupational traumatic injury research
Are older drivers' on-road driving error rates related to functional performance and/or self-reported driving experiences?
Child abuse prevention month
Does better health reduce domestic violence and illicit drug use?
Ethical issues in public health surveillance: a systematic qualitative review
Improving family medicine with thoughtful research
EBCOG position statement on violence against women
Ethical considerations of triage following natural disasters: the IDF experience in Haiti as a case study
From "jarts" to "zen magnets": protecting our children from dangerous toys
Gendered violence: advancing evidence-informed research, practice and policy in addressing sex, gender, and child sexual abuse
Implementing trauma-informed partner violence assessment in family planning clinics
In defense of p values
A next step in suicide prevention
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
Risk assessment tools in criminal justice and forensic psychiatry: the need for better data
Routine enquiry about violence and abuse is needed for all mental health patients
Screen for bullying--but know what to do next
Silent survivors
Spiritual aspects of suicide prevention efforts: response to Parry
Spiritual dimensions of suicide prevention
Suicide in 19th-century Australian fiction
Tools for assessing fall risk in the elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Unmet need for specialty mental health services among children across Europe
Veteran peer support: what are the mechanisms?
When there is no sexual assault nurse examiner: emergency nursing care for female adult sexual assault patients
Cost explosion, quest for efficiency and transparency : the three drivers of changes in public health
Enhancing understanding of intimate partner violence among undergraduate nursing students
Psychology of terrorism: introduction to the special issue
There and back again: the study of mental disorder and terrorist involvement
Corrigendum to "Do drinking-age laws have an impact on crime? Evidence from Canada, 2009-2013" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 167 (2016) 67-74]
Corrigendum to "Examining cognitive examining cognitive processes and drinking urge in PTSD" [Behav. Res. Ther., 90, (March 2017), 159-168]
If you're not measuring, you're guessing: the advent of objective concussion assessments
Unaccompanied children at the United States border, a human rights crisis that can be addressed with policy change
Letter to the Editor: Child maltreatment between knowledge, attitude and beliefs among Saudi pediatricians, pediatric residency trainees and medical students
Putting multisite college alcohol research into context: a call to assess the drinking culture on college campuses
Response to Li et al. (2017): Cannabis use and crash risk in drivers
Was jack the ripper a slaughterman? Human-animal violence and the world's most infamous serial killer
Physical punishment: sanctioned violence against children
Agonology - the prospect of an effective defence of peace and unrestricted freedom of scientists
Calling attention to the importance of assisting male survivors of sexual victimization
Concussion, dementia and CTE: are we getting it very wrong?
Conning the conmen: intelligence and female desire in Dedh Ishqiya
Ethical implications of missing gun violence data
No mission too difficult: responding to military sexual assault
Pediatric dog bite prevention: are we barking up the wrong tree or just not barking loud enough?
Public health crisis in war and conflict: health security in aggregate
Remote sensing, crowd sensing, and geospatial technologies for public health: an editorial
Response to Acierno's comments on Wong and Waite, "Elder mistreatment predicts later physical and psychological health: results from a national longitudinal study"
Sexual violence in academia: policy, theory, and prevention considerations (Editorial)
Young road fatalities
Self-harm and poisoning data in rural Ugandan hospitals
Self-harm and poisoning data in rural Ugandan hospitals - a reply
Sophism in the management of acute aluminum phosphide poisoning may cause patient harm
A blood test for concussion?
Erratum to: Brain structure differences among male schizophrenic patients with history of serious violent acts: an MRI voxel-based morphometric study
In a world of big data, small effects can still matter: a reply to Boyce, Daly, Hounkpatin, and Wood (2017)
Making connections across silos: intimate partner violence, mental health, and substance use
Physicians, firearms, and free speech - overturning Florida's firearm-safety gag rule
Pro: Heat stress as a potential etiology of Mesoamerican and Sri Lankan nephropathy: a late night consult with Sherlock Holmes
Sexual abuse and injury during incarceration reveal the need for re-entry trauma screening
Students teach children to stay safe at home
Comparison between the WHO and NIAAA criteria for binge drinking on drinking features and alcohol-related aftermaths: Results from a cross-sectional study among eight emergency wards in France
Holistic burn care: survival and beyond
Psychotropic implant can be a new hope in psychiatry
Why do patients with Parkinson's disease fall? A cross-sectional analysis of possible causes of falls
Bridging the two sides of a 30-year controversy over gender differences in perpetration of physical partner violence
Children as the forgotten victims of domestic and family violence: time for reform in Western Australian Refuges
The controversy concerning the validity of the asymmetry thesis for physical partner violence: a pilot study
Current controversies concerning gender differences in perpetration of physical partner violence [editorial]
Difficulties encountered by general practitioners in the management of shaken baby syndrome: report of a survey conducted in the department of Yonne, France
Gender arguments and paradigmatic challenges within intimate partner violence research: a call for a more inclusive paradigm of understanding regarding physical partner violence perpetration
Implications of partner agreement of IPV for the gender symmetry controversy
Interdiction for the protection of children: preventing sexual exploitation one traffic stop at a time
Intimate partner sexual violence: an overview of the problem in Italy
Intimate partner violence and the Duluth model: an examination of the model and recommendations for future research and practice
It is and it is not: the importance of context when exploring gender differences in perpetration of physical partner violence
Justification for domestic violence and women's autonomy in Zambia
Why do protective factors protect? An evolutionary developmental perspective
Where do we go from here?: examining intimate partner violence by bringing male victims, female perpetrators, and psychological sciences into the fold
Mass violence in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and narcissistic personality disorder: a case analysis of Anders Breivik using the "path to intended and terroristic violence" model
Methodological contributions to the gender symmetry debate and its resolution
Mobilities and livelihoods in urban development contexts: introduction
On defining violence, and why it matters
The pursuit of homeostasis: closing the gap between science and practice in the treatment of aggression and violence
Redefining intimate partner violence beyond the binary to include transgender people
The role of gender, sexuality and context upon help-seeking for intimate partner violence: a synthesis of data across five studies
A scoping study of moral injury: identifying directions for social work research
A treatise on secondary psychopathy: psychobiological pathways to severe antisociality
Understanding gender symmetry within an expanded partner violence typology
Understanding the origins and the development of rape and sexual aggression against women: four generations of research and theorizing
Understanding woman abuse in intimate heterosexual relationships: the enduring relevance of feminist ways of knowing
Unraveling the link between maltreatment and juvenile antisocial behavior: a meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies
The situational-cognitive model of adolescent bystander behavior: modeling bystander decision-making in the context of bullying and teen dating violence
The social construction of roles in intimate partner violence: is the victim/perpetrator model the only viable one?
The social construction of roles in intimate partner violence: is the victim/perpetrator model the only viable one?
Strength based approaches and protective factors from a criminological perspective
To educate or to incarcerate: factors in disproportionality in school discipline
Achieving safe road traffic -- the experience in Japan
Are we prescribing our patients too much pain medication? Best predictors of narcotic usage after spinal surgery for scoliosis
Corrigendum to :'Random-parameters analysis of highway characteristics on crash frequency and injury severity'" J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (English Edition) 3 (2016), 236-242
Editorial: The Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident and its implications for the safety of nuclear power
The collection as a reading device of political violence in children's literature in Argentina
Culture of lawfulness in violence contexts. Hagámoslo Bien Phenomenon in Monterrey
Opioid addiction in adolescents: a background and policy brief
Personhood, preemptive suicide, and legislation
Promoting empowerment among LGBTQ youth: a social justice youth development approach
Writing a risk assessment guide on violence and behavior to adopt for health professionals
Media reporting and coverage of suicide in Portuguese media
Response to "Letter to the Editor: Improvements of safety management system in Korean chemical industry after a large chemical accident"
Roboethics - making sense of ethical conundrums
A role for network science in social norms intervention
Ways out of violence: a pending work for the human and social sciences
Smart safety and health care in cities
Emotions in peace and conflict studies: an essay on the need for interdisciplinary research
Empathy and living together in harmony in a globalized society
An invitation to the interdisciplinary and cross-cutting emotion studies by sharing research results across all fields of science: in the case of social coexistence and emotion
Identifying victims of human trafficking in the emergency department
Advocating for a sensible firearm injury prevention plan
US public opinion on carrying firearms in public places
Three problems with current digital mental health research . . . and three things we can do about them
Study of deaths by suicide of homosexual prisoners in Nazi Sachsenhausen concentration camp
The suicidal crisis in emergency departments
Suicide risk article points in the wrong direction
Suicide, a social fact
Sustainable development goals and road traffic injuries: the new research challenge
A systematic literature review of experiences of professional care and support among people who self-harm
"Because we feel, we have to do something" - Barriers in the prevention of violence and key areas requiring action : a qualitative interview study with professional nurses and managers in the field of elderly care
Child health in Sweden is characterised by good health and low accidents, but rising psychological problems
The clinical application of suicide risk assessment: a theory-driven approach
Commentary on: Research priorities for a multicenter child abuse pediatrics network - CAPNET by Lindberg D et al., 2017: Need for internationally agreed definitions of Child Maltreatment for research purposes
Comorbidity, age of onset and suicidality in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): an international collaboration
Dating violence is an important issue in nursing education
Driving and dementia : an issue for general practice?!
Federal research priorities in child abuse and neglect research: a commentary on multi-site research networks
Firearm injury prevention: the role of the clinician
Fried Green Tomatoes and The Color Purple: a case study in lesbian friendship and cultural controversy
Improving suicide prevention
Legislative strategies to reduce the toll of firearm injuries in America
Lessons from a violent death: the heart & soul of change
Making visible the politics and ethics of alcohol policy research
Medicolegal issues in expedition and wilderness medicine
No time for silence: an urgent need for political activism among the medical community
Role of the oral care provider to call attention to child abuse
The role of public health in combatting synthetic cannabinoid use in adolescents
Advancing the ball or holding the line in concussion?
Authors' overarching reply to all the responses received to the systematic literature review on shaken baby syndrome
Bicycle helmet effectiveness is not overstated
On witches and terrorists: why torture doesn't work
Correction: Suicide prevention through means restriction: impact of the 2008-2011 pesticide restrictions on suicide in Sri Lanka
Perspective: hope for health equity
Research with American Indian and Alaska Native populations: measurement matters
Violence in context: embracing an ecological approach to violent media exposure
Exploring the spatial-temporal relationships between a community greening program and neighborhood rates of crime
How much should we trust life satisfaction data? Evidence from the Life in Transition Survey
The Berlin 2016 process: a summary of methodology for the 5th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport
The association of orthostatic hypotension with falls-an end to the debate?
Back to the Future - Part 2. Post-mortem assessment and evolutionary role of the bio-medicolegal sciences
The case for and against harm reduction approaches to drugs in sport
Assessment trends among neuropsychologists conducting sport-related concussion evaluations
Bridging international relations and disaster studies: the case of disaster-conflict scholarship
Can health care professionals do anything about gun violence?
Does the law on compensation for research-related injury in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand meet ethical requirements?
Commentary on Rehm et al. (2017): Composition of alcoholic beverages-an under-researched dimension in the global comparative risk assessment
Commentary on: Behera C, Rautjl R, Kumar R, Pooniya S, Sharma P, Gupta SK. Double hanging with single ligature: an unusual method in suicide pact. J Forensic Sci 2017;62(1):265-6
Commentary on: Shapiro S, Rotter M. Graphic depictions: portrayals of mental illness in video games. J Forensic Sci 2016;61(6):1592-5
Consensus statement on concussion in sport-the 5(th) international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016
Correction to Weststrate and Glück (2017)
Physics, history, and the german atomic bomb
Political determinants and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: don't leave your integrity at the political gate
US suicide rates display growing geographic disparity
US drug regulators should consider adding adults to SSRI suicide warning, says campaigner
Response: commentary: Effects of age and initial risk perception on balloon analog risk task: the mediating role of processing speed and need for cognitive closure
The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5)
Shrink in the Clouds: the recollections of an aviation psychologist
A review of CDC's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS™): planning for the future of injury surveillance
Counterterrorism killings and Provisional IRA bombings, 1970-1998
Culture and terrorism: the role of cultural factors in worldwide terrorism (1970-2013)
Domestic violence, children, and toxic stress
Fascism as action through time (or how it can happen here)
Ferocious times: the IRA, the RIC, and Britain's failure in 1919-1921
Group structure and intergroup relations in global terror networks: further explorations
Labelling and legitimization: justifying political violence in the Basque Country
Israel's counter-terrorism policy: how effective?
Predicting revolt: fragility indexes and the level of violence and instability in the Arab Spring
Red Dawn is now: race vs. nation and the American election
A social movement theory typology of militant organisations: contextualising terrorism
Surveillance and international terrorism intelligence exchange: balancing the interests of national security and individual liberty
The transformation of security planning for the Olympics: the 1976 Montreal Games
Summary of the 2015 University of Michigan Sport Concussion Summit
Using social work theory to engage with gatekeepers in researching the sensitive topic of intra-familial homicide
Challenges in conducting research on sexual violence and HIV and approaches to overcome them
Firearm lobbying, suicide prevention, and the Trump presidency
Bereavement by suicide is a distinctive kind of loss
Depression in young people: more than just a bad day-a concept analysis
Diagnosis of child maltreatment: a family medicine physician's dilemma
The emergence of new psychoactive substance (NPS) benzodiazepines: a review
Functional decline 5 years after blast traumatic brain injury: sounding the alarm for a wave of disability?
The impact of currently recommended antihypertensive therapy on depression and other psychometric parameters: preliminary communication
Making the case for 'power abuse disorder' as a nosologic entity
An opportunity for pharmacists and physicians to collaborate to prevent violence
Overstating the lack of evidence on suicide risk assessment (Letter)
Pediatric mild traumatic brain injury and population health: an introduction for nursing care providers
Recognition, treatment and prevention of suicide in adulthoode - Guideline
Self-injuring, a symptom retaining our attention
Specific ethical codes for mental health care professionals: do we need to annotate?
Suicide and assisted dying in dementia: what we know and what we need to know. A narrative literature review
Facilitating action for suicide prevention by learning health care systems
Mental health services and public safety: unanswered questions (Editorial)
Non-hospitalized patients with mild traumatic brain injury: the forgotten minority
Warfare chemicals: mechanisms of action and legal status
Putting mental health services and suicide prevention reform into practice
Uses of research evidence by state legislators who prioritize behavioral health issues
Safety in online research with women experiencing intimate partner violence: what about the children?
Do current suicide prevention policies neglect suicide survivors
"How dark a world it is … where mental health is poorly treated": mental illness frames in sermons given after the Sandy Hook shootings
Advancing the efforts of the macro-level social work response against sex trafficking
Medical narrative and the rhetoric of identification: the many faces of Anna White Dildane
Sex differences in the developing brain as a source of inherent risk
Corrigendum to: Sex disparities in substance abuse research: evaluating 23 years of structural neuroimaging studies [Drug Alcohol Depend. 173 (2017) 92-98]
Dr Matthew Cross: epidemiology and risk factors for injury in professional rugby union
'Major trauma': now two separate diseases?
Pediatric drowning: a standard operating procedure to aid the prehospital management of pediatric cardiac arrest resulting from submersion
Why psychiatry needs 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: a child psychiatrist's perspective
Trepanation to treat a head wound: a case of neurosurgery from 13(th) century Tuscany
Spinal injury resulting from car accident: focus to prevention
Striking back against racist violence in the East End of London, 1968-1970
Research with older adult methadone clients: the importance of monitoring suicide ideation
Response to: 'Don't let kids play football': a killer idea
Sexual assault in the ivory tower: public opinion on university accountability and mandatory reporting
Promise and pitfalls in the application of big data to occupational and environmental health
The public health threat of road traffic accidents in Nigeria: a call to action
The forgotten victim: men and domestic violence - issues for the I-360 Petition
New technologies and automakers have the potential to eliminate transportation as a major factor contributing to health disparities, and provide additional benefits
Toyota's slow response to manufacturing defects leading to recalls: result of poor communication strategy
Young men in post-apartheid South Africa talk about masculinity and suicide prevention
Beware of the predatory science journal: a potential threat to the integrity of medical research
Corrigendum: Costs of selective attention: when children notice what adults miss
A critical evaluation of the current "p-value controversy"
Current concepts and advancements in management of traumatic brain injury; a glimpse at the recently published evidence
Dealing more effectively and humanely with illegal drugs
Data opportunities and risks: the dynamic of public, personal, and commercial interest
Dealing more effectively with problematic substance use and crime
Burden of pediatric traumatic brain injury beyond the emergency department: the untold story of the silent epidemic
Changing paradigm in the scientific publication process: are we encouraging science or pseudoscience? Urgent need for introspection and self regulation
The affordable care act transformation of substance use disorder treatment
Antidepressants double risks of suicide, violence in healthy adults
The ethical dangers and merits of predictive policing
Global research priorities for global violence prevention: a modified Delphi study
Industrial occupational safety and health innovation for sustainable development
Introduction to the special issue on the economic causes and consequences of child maltreatment
Love is not an emotion
Occupational safety and health considerations in the workplace of the future
The non-violence movement and its contradictions in the context of history--a review of "Non-violence: a history beyond the myth" by Domenico Losurdo
Pro bono psychotherapy with survivors of intimate partner violence
Reducing firearm violence
Reinventing American policing
Research domain criteria and the study of trauma in children: implications for assessment and treatment research
The rising price of naloxone -- risks to efforts to stem overdose deaths (editorial)
Something for pain: responsible opioid use in emergency medicine
Targeting and transforming major depression
U.S. leadership and the international refugee regime
Editor's corner: does a little drinking make your heart grow stronger?
Fifteen-minute consultation in the normal child: challenges relating to sexuality and gender identity in children and young people
Gender equality and human rights approaches to female genital mutilation: a review of international human rights norms and standards
WPA international competency-based curriculum for mental health providers on intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women
International drug control system and the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem: an overview
Involving people who self-harm in research design
Major gun death declines in New York, California, and Texas
Severity of traumatic injuries predicting psychological outcomes: a surprising lack of empirical evidence
Suicide a serious health and social problem with the possibility of prevention
Towards a feminist understanding of intersecting violence against women and children in the family
Addressing the public health epidemic of firearm-related violence in America
Behavioral clinical trials in moderate to severe pediatric traumatic brain injury: challenges, potential solutions, and lessons learned
'Don't let kids play football': a killer idea
Drowning: a silent killer
The face of conflict: significant sharp force trauma to the mid-facial skeleton in an individual of probable 16th-17th century date excavated from Byczyna, Poland
Functional impairment does not equal injury
A new legal treatment for psychopaths? Perplexities for legal thinkers
Pediatricians, racial disparities, and tackle football
A political case of penetrating cranial trauma: the injury of James Scott Brady
Rape: is it a lifestyle or behavioral problem?
Safety and service. Reframing the purpose of nursing to decision makers
Workplace violence is unacceptable
What can critical suicidology do?
The cultural turn in critical suicidology: what can we claim and what do we know?
Cyclists as a minority group?
Financial woes spell trouble for the Biological Weapons Convention
Reflections on moral care when conducting qualitative research about suicide in the United States military
Young adult health and well-being: a position statement of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Critical infrastructure asset identification: seemingly simple but frustratingly elusive
An application of Durkheim's four categories of suicide to organizational crimes
Capital punishment of unintentional felony murder
A city-level analysis of property crime clearance rates
Connecting applied and theoretical Bayesian epistemology: data relevance, pragmatics, and the legal case of Sally Clark
Family counts: deciding when to murder among the Icelandic Vikings
Guns, crime, and dangerous minds: assessing the mental health turn in gun policy discourse
The legacy of lynching? An empirical replication and conceptual extension
May one murder the innocent for the sake of faith in God or filial piety to parents? A comparative study of Abraham's and Guo's stories
The national context of wicked problems: comparing policies on gun violence in the US, Canada, and Australia
Persuasion in 140 characters: testing issue framing, persuasion and credibility via Twitter and online news articles in the gun control debate
Police officers' use of evidence to elicit admissions in a fictitious criminal case
Psychocriminological and medicolegal considerations on Wuthering Heights: a story of passion, paranoia and perversity?
Underreporting of homicides by police in the United States, 1976-2013
Robotic rape and robotic child sexual abuse: should they be criminalised?
"The scourge of the stones': English gunpowder artillery at the siege of Harfleur
Intimate partner violence in ophthalmology: a global call to action
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train: risky behaviours in the era of social networks
Recommendations for research on suicide loss: a commentary
Rise and fall of the two visual systems theory
When is neglect, neglect? It depends on who you ask
Stressing out in medieval Denmark: an investigation of dental enamel defects and age at death in two medieval Danish cemeteries
The face of war: trauma analysis of a mass grave from the Battle of Lützen (1632)
Flu, floods, and fire: ethical public health preparedness
Historical analysis: the Journal of Pediatric Psychology from 1976 to 2015
Homosexuality according to ancient Greek physicians
The killing of Kitty Genovese: what else does this case tell us?
Transforming care for victims of violence
What does the Cochrane Collaboration say about interventions for falls prevention?
Enhancing understanding of community and public health
Creepy-ass cracker in post-racial America: Don West's examination of Rachel Jeantel in the George Zimmerman murder trial
Firearm availability and violent death: the need for a culture change in attitudes toward guns
Gun stories: how evidence shapes firearm policy in the United States
Making femicide visible
Necessary to the security of free states: the Second Amendment as the auxiliary right of federalism
Physicians, patients, and firearms
Reconciling Hall with discourse, written in the shadows of "Confederate" and Rainbow Flags
State right to refuse medication laws and procedures: impact on homicide and suicide
Taking aim at recent legislative proposals to curb gun violence from mental illness: a Second Amendment response
Toxic murder, female poisoners, and the question of agency at the late Ottoman law courts, 1840-1908
Twitter and the Oscar Pistorius trial
When the smoke clears: focusing events, issue definition, strategic framing, and the politics of gun control
How the Mexican drug war affects kids and schools? Evidence on effects and mechanisms
The authors respond to: "Questions on analysis of firearm injuries study"
Action, not rhetoric, needed to reverse the opioid overdose epidemic
Care homes needed for new research into managing falls
Child abuse-nonaccidental injury (NAI) and abusive head trauma (AHT)-medical imaging: issues and controversies in the era of evidence-based medicine
The emerging role of lawyers as addiction 'quasi-experts'
From systematic review to call for action: in search of evidence-based interventions to decrease intimate partner violence in rural Hispanic american women
The Orthopedic Trauma Symposium: improving care of orthopedic injuries in Haiti
Suicide risk after psychiatric hospital discharge
Violence against women and girls
Social outrage and organizational behavior: a national study of child protective service decisions
Surviving suicide: a psychiatrist's journey
Counting down to zero: can cities end pedestrian deaths?
Trends over two decades of transportation research: a machine learning approach
Prehistoric massacre revealed. Perimortem cranial trauma from Potočani, Croatia
Promote buckling up and save a child's life
Questions on analysis of firearm injuries study
Brief history of anti-doping
A clinically neglected topic: risk of suicide in transgender individuals
Commentary: IH Issues in natural disasters: residents, first responders & public health
Can we better integrate the role of anti-doping in sports and society? A psychological approach to contemporary value-based prevention
Physician speech and firearm safety: Wollschlaeger v Governor, Florida
Sex work criminalization is barking up the wrong tree
Ethics in times of conflict: some reflections on Syria, in the backdrop of Iraq
Public health research priorities to address US human trafficking
Organization of professional practices against intrafamily violence against children and adolescents in the institutional context
Trauma staff change routines in wake of terrorist attack
Why we need to enhance suicide postvention: evaluating a survey of psychiatrists' behaviors after the suicide of a patient
Sport, society, and anti-doping policy: an ethical overview
Suicide is a complex problem that requires a range of prevention initiatives and methods of evaluation
Swearing and verbal aggression in China: a call to action
Understanding the complexities of traumatic brain injury: a big data approach to a big disease
How to deliver a more persuasive message regarding addiction as a medical disorder
Key concepts in the national guidelines: "suicide exposure" and "levels of care"
The merciless mirror: Sylvia Plath's art, suicide, and influence
More on firearm injuries among children and youth
The challenge of energy-efficient transportation
How to Build the Best Bike Lane in America
The cycling city: bicycles and urban America in the 1890s
Editorial: Driving, cycling and flying: trends in planning and operational transportation research in Europe
Challenges and opportunities in suicide prevention in South-East Asia
Concussion in sports: what do orthopaedic surgeons need to know?
Correction to "AWHONN position statement: Intimate partner violence"
The future of safety science is happening now: the modernization of the benefit-risk paradigm
What do we know about child abuse and neglect patterns of co-occurrence? A systematic review of profiling studies and recommendations for future research
South Africa's vital statistics are currently not suitable for monitoring progress towards injury and violence Sustainable Development Goals
Recent advances in pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury
Commentary: hybrid electric vehicles: stealthily taking over roadways nationwide
Technology and mental health
Analysis of a case of child abuse with ethical approach
When she calls for help: domestic violence in Christian families
Opioid addiction: social problems associated and implications of both current and possible future treatments, including polymeric therapeutics for giving up the habit of opioid consumption
Self harm in an adolescent population
The first population-based injury register in Russia: establishment, logistics and role in the municipal injury prevention programme
An accident at work? Traumatic lesions in the skeleton of a 4th millennium BCE "wagon driver" from Sharakhalsun, Russia
"Docs vs. Glocks" and the regulation of physicians' speech
Barking up the wrong tree: why and how we may need to revise alcohol addiction therapy
Psychotherapy for torture survivors - suggested pathways for research
RCN congress discusses whether wearing helmets should be compulsory for cyclists
Alcohol industry and public health: friends or foes?
The gender suicide gap and differential misclassification: a research autobiography
Traces, bones, desert: the extermination of the Armenians through the photographer's eye
Medical expert warns against overlooking concussion risks, liabilities in soccer
Addressing the fentanyl threat to public health
Confidence crisis of results in biomechanics research
Confronting the firearm injury plague
National attention on opioid use and abuse: National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists in the forefront
The opioid epidemic: what does it mean for nurses?
Domestic violence and abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGB and/or T) relationships (Editorial)
Injuries of the spine and of the spinal cord in the Hippocratic Corpus of medicine
An integrative theoretical model of public support for ex-offender reentry
More or less than the sum of its parts? Mapping the Dark Triad of personality onto a single Dark Core
Raise alcohol taxes, reduce violence
Smoking ban in psychiatric hospital led to drop in violent assaults
Are wrongful life actions threatening the value of human life?
Violent video game effects remain a societal concern: Reply to Hilgard, Engelhardt, and Rouder (2017)
When do we think it is safe to drive after hand surgery? Current practice and legal perspective
A cranial trauma was the cause of death of Charles VIII of France (1470-1498)
A GP's experience of the Grenfell Tower fire
Grenfell Tower fire: why we cannot ignore the political determinants of health
Grenfell Tower tragedy echoes the public safety issues of Mid Staffs
How can we ensure that the coroner's autopsy is not an invasion of human rights?
How media exposure relates to laypersons' understanding of psychopathy
Improving the quality of prison research: a qualitative study of ex-offender service user involvement in prison suicide prevention research
Motor output variability impairs driving ability in older adults: Reply to Stinchcombe, Dickerson, Weaver, and Bedard
Nurses tell of horrific scenes as they helped those injured in London tower block fire
Overview of forensic toxicology, yesterday, today and in the future
The perspective of European researchers of national occupational safety and health institutes for contributing to a European research agenda: a modified Delphi study
Protect funding for US earthquake early-warning system
Psychotropic pharmacogenetics - distraction or destiny?
A review of general aviation safety (1984-2017)
Is a peaceful mind a winning mind? Comment on
Erratum to: Effect of socioeconomic conditions on health care utilization in marital violence: a cross-sectional investigation from the Japanese Study on stratification, health, income, and neighborhood
Falls risk assessments: too much, too little or just right?
End natural life sentences for juveniles
Employer requirements to work during emergency responses: key ethics considerations
Erasing LGBT people from federal data collection: a need for vigilance
Familiar ethical issues amplified: how members of research ethics committees describe ethical distinctions between disaster and non-disaster research
Firearm deaths in America: can we learn from 462,000 lives lost?
International Sports Federation's fight to protect the clean athlete: are we doing enough in the fight against doping?
Mental health promotion: a narrative review of emerging trends
NHS reviews fire safety procedures at its buildings
Seeing suicidology in a new light
Study analysis: revelation of truth, or murder by numbers?
Suicide prevention in correctional settings: current standards and recommendations for research, prevention, and training
Somatotyping, antimodernism, and the production of criminological knowledge
Need to be heard: increasing child participation in protection mediation through the implementation of model standards
Responses to ethical challenges in conducting research with Australian adolescents
The abolition of war as a goal of environmental policy
Correction: Expression of concern: car safety seats for children: rear facing for best protection
Report from the Secondary Traumatic Stress San Diego Think Tank
The current state of sports concussion
Reality versus grant application research "plans"
Understanding suicide risk within the research domain criteria (RDoC) framework: insights, challenges, and future research considerations
Health research ethics: between ethics codes and culture
Trauma hazards in children: an update for the busy clinician
Drowning prevention: a key concern for researchers and major health bodies
Intimate partner violence and mental health: Remarks from two Chief Editors on a joint publishing venture
Unlocking stories: older women's experiences of intimate partner violence told through creative expression
Opportunistic screening for exposure to bullying in the pediatric emergency department
Adolescent suicide as a global public health issue
Changing of the guard at depression and anxiety
The duty to bring children living in conflict zones to a safe haven
Falling through the cracks: the decline of mental health care and firearm violence
Bureaucracy, influence and beliefs: a literature review of the factors shaping the role of a safety professional
Differing perspectives on analyzing data related to firearms and suicide
Exploring the expectations of transport professionals concerning the future automobility system: visions, challenges, and transitions
German doctors condemn internet TV series depicting teenage suicide
Mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence: an ethical dilemma for forensic nurses
Neuropathology of suicide: recent findings and future directions
Princess Diana and reduced traffic deaths in France and the United States
Public health without fear of consequences or inconsequences
Randomised controlled trials and changing public health practice
When should governments increase the supply of psychiatric beds?
Global threats from preventable injuries
How to beat the traffic
How to make traffic worse everywhere
Men and violence, a subject little known by general practitioners
On the hegemony of naturalized violence: an apology
Responsibility and compassion in prehospital support to survivors of suicide victim - professionals' experiences
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict: a disease for which root causes must be acknowledged and treated
Both urgency and balance needed in addressing opioid epidemic: a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
The bridge between design and analysis
Falls in elderly people
Family polyvictimization, addictive behaviors, and psychopathology among Chinese families
Gender-based violence: evidence from Europe
Gun violence in Chicago
Is it coercive controlling violence? A cross-sectional domestic violence and abuse survey of men attending general practice in England
Mental disorders among criminal offenders: a review of the literature
Mental illness and gun violence: lessons for the United States from Australia and Britain
Preventing violence with diet, exercise, sleep, and lifestyle modification
A SoLiD base from which to prevent injuries in Bangladesh
Threat to criminal justice officials: if it is predictable, it is preventable
The use of non-uniform drowning terminology: a follow-up study
Developing culturally sensitive affect scales for global mental health research and practice: emotional balance, not named syndromes, in Indian Adivasi subjective well-being
Influencing safety in Australian agriculture and fisheries
North Carolina state agencies working to prevent agricultural injuries and illnesses
Now or never: "public health issues requiring urgent attention"
Nursing diagnoses related to psychiatric adult inpatient care
Science, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism
The spectrum of mild traumatic brain injury: a review
Trauma systems around the world: a systematic overview
When disaster strikes: how the emergency services provide a rapid response
Domestic violence protection measures
Erratum to: gender-specific linkages of parents' childhood physical abuse and neglect with children's problem behaviour: evidence from Japan
Fragility fractures at Auckland City Hospital: we can do better
It's every nurse's duty to help prevent terrorism
Cascades across an 'extremely violent society': Sri Lanka
Causes and cures XIV: nonviolence approaches
Causes and cures XV: synthesis and integration
The importance of cognitive dissonance in understanding and treating victims of intimate partner violence
A mediation model of sexual assault among Latter-Day Saints
The scope of male rape: a selective review of research, policy and practice
Violence and abuse in children's lives (editorial)
Adding insight to injury: a new era in neurotrauma
Balancing life and work by unbending gender: early American women psychologists' struggles and contributions
Collateral contamination concomitant to the polonium-210 poisoning of Mr Alexander Litvinenko
Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world: current issues and future challenges
Ethical and legal considerations in psychobiography
Ethical guidance for disaster response, specifically around crisis standards of care: a systematic review
Evidence-informed capacity building for setting health priorities in low- and middle-income countries: a framework and recommendations for further research
Psychology's replication crisis and the grant culture: righting the ship
PTSD and autism spectrum disorder: co-morbidity, gaps in research, and potential shared mechanisms
The relationship between occupational health and safety vulnerability and workplace injury
Debate Related to 'A comparative study of the use of the Istanbul Protocol amongst civil society organizations in low-income countries' pp.60-73 Comment I: Istanbul Protocol in low-income countries - A reply
Debate Related to 'A comparative study of the use of the Istanbul Protocol amongst civil society organizations in low-income countries' pp.60-73 Comment II: Documentation of Torture and Justice 'Bon pour L'Orient'i?
Binge drinking and the evolving language of alcohol research
Forensic civism: articulating science, DNA and kinship in contemporary Mexico and Colombia
Heading for trouble: is dementia a game changer for football? [Soccer]
How developments in the science and technology of searching, recovering and identifying the missing/ disappeared are positively affecting the rights of victims around the world
Injury prevention in the emergency department: an ongoing challenge reference to: emergency physicians as human billboards for injury prevention: a randomized controlled trial by Emily Sullivan et al
Is unintentional doping real, or just an excuse?
Moving alcohol prevention research forward-Part I: Introducing a complex systems paradigm
Procedural and political aspects of forensic exhumation in Brazil
Public health: acetaminophen (APAP) hepatotoxicity- isn't it time for APAP to go away?
Related to 'A comparative study of the use of the Istanbul Protocol amongst civil society organizations in low-income countries' pp.60-73 Response to Comment I and II by the authors
Rethinking enabling occupational performance: can the self-driving car be our road map?
The Role of Parents and Families in Preventing Young Adult Alcohol Use
Statement on anal examinations in cases of alleged homosexuality
Statement on virginity testing
'Symbolically burying the six million': post-war soap burial in Romania, Bulgaria and Brazil
Utilizing trauma admissions as an opportunity to identify developmental and behavioral concerns
The valley of the fallen: a new El Escorial for Spain
Workplace violence toward mental healthcare workers: a call for action
How people obtain the prescription pain relievers they misuse
Words can cut the deepest wounds: why the Family Medical Leave Act should be amended to expand protection for victims of domestic violence
Changing epidemiology of injury in the USA
Mitigating the prescription drug abuse epidemic
Nonmedical use of prescription drugs in adolescents and young adults: not just a Western phenomenon
Advances and gaps in understanding chronic traumatic encephalopathy: from pugilists to American football players
Child abuse: its prevention and interventions
Externalizing behavior severity in youths with callous-unemotional traits corresponds to patterns of amygdala activity and connectivity during judgments of causing fear - CORRIGENDUM
Legalization of same-sex marriage and drop in adolescent suicide rates: association but not causation
Legalization of same-sex marriage and drop in adolescent suicide rates: association but not causation-reply
Principles of care for women experiencing intimate partner violence: views of expert Japanese health professionals and advocates
Response to "Review of the incidence of traumatic brain injury"
The role of publishers in prevention of misconducts in medical research: Springer and BioMed Central, victim or culprit
Self-regulation shift theory: a dynamic systems approach to traumatic stress
Significant rise in nursery product-related injuries after years of decline
Think of it again, apply it anew: the socio-ecological model and farm safety
Today's fentanyl crisis: prohibition's Iron Law, revisited
The main issue of criminology: view through the prism of history
National initiative to prevent suicide: a new proposal to improve the understanding and prevention of suicide: analyzing biological samples from suicide victims could yield valuable data for researchers
Opioid overdose prevention and naloxone rescue kits: what we know and what we don't know
The place and role of proactive safety behavior in occupational risk management
The pragmatics of domestic violence discourse in Uruguay
Beliefs of poets regarding the triggers of suicide
Educate: don't punish
Evolutionary meaning of sadness, depression, and suicide
Inability to pay for opioid use disorder treatment is main reason young adults don't get it
It should not hurt to be a child: a case report
Officers' due diligence: is work health and safety an accounting problem?
The importance of laboratory re-evaluation in cases of suspected child abuse - a case report
Making a difference: working at Freedom from Torture
On living with tigers: an ecological postscript
Research in epidemic and emergency situations: a model for collaboration and expediting ethics review in two Caribbean countries
Safety accessibility and sustainability: the importance of micro-scale outcomes to an equitable design of transport systems
Understanding the influence of stigma and discrimination for the functional limitation severity - psychological distress relationship: a stress and coping perspective
A call for social responsibility and suicide risk screening, prevention, and early intervention following the release of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why
The future of road safety: a worldwide perspective
Helmet wear and craniofacial trauma burden: a plea for regulations mandating protective helmet wear
On anecdote and antidotes: poison trials in sixteenth-century Europe
Road traffic accidents in India: issues and challenges
Sustainable mobility and physical activity: a meaningful marriage
Erratum to: Structure and evaluation of the process for origin determination in compartment fires
Special section on structure ignition in wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires
Action against human trafficking and slavery
Why is terrorism a man's business?
Erratum to "Computer-based training (CBT) intervention reduces workplace violence and harassment for homecare workers"
Erratum to: Cluster randomized evaluation of adolescent girls empowerment Programme (AGEP): study protocol
Examining factors that influence the existence of Heinrich's safety triangle using site-specific H&S data from more than 25,000 establishments
If Abortion, then Infanticide
Removing firearms from the home after attempted suicide can be life saving
Special issue on fire safety of high-rise buildings
Detection and suppression of fires: a cornerstone of fire protection engineering
IAFSS working group on measurement and computation of fire phenomena
Antidepressants and murder: case not closed
Commentary about Cheit's witch-hunt narrative: the historical context
A commentary from a law enforcement perspective on the witch-hunt narrative by Ross E. Cheit
Connecting brain responsivity and real-world risk taking: strengths and limitations of current methodological approaches
A critical evaluation of the factual accuracy and scholarly foundations of the witch-hunt narrative
Danger ahead: the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2015
Enhancing public health capacity by using epidemiological teams in a public health setting
Wrongful acquittals of sexual abuse
The witch-hunt narrative: turning a blind eye to the evidence in the so-called name of justice
The witch-hunt narrative: introduction and overview
Foreword for special issue on the FRA's European Union-wide survey on violence against women
Implementing a disaster preparedness curriculum for medical students
Safety management theory and the expeditionary organization: a critical theoretical reflection
Determining the reasons behind women's vulnerability during disasters: a qualitative study
Is there consensus about children's memory and suggestibility?
The methodology of the witch-hunt narrative: a question of evidence--evidence questioned
Note from former editor-in-chief for the journal of family violence
A narrative on the witch-hunt narrative: The moral dimensions
A response to articles and commentaries on the witch-hunt narrative
A response to "The legacy of the witch-hunt narrative"
Up close and personal: ethics-guided practice
Evolving roles, innovative practice, and rapid technology growth: remaining ethical in modern clinical neuropsychology
Professional ethics in sports neuropsychology
Integrating behavioral care into interdisciplinary pain settings: unique ethical dilemmas
Generational wartime behavioral health crises: Part one of a preliminary analysis
Ethical quandaries for psychologists in workers' compensation settings: The GAF GAFFE
Erratum to: Who is the client and who controls release of records in a forensic evaluation? A review of ethics codes and practice guidelines
"Because of … sex": The historical development of workplace sexual harassment law in the USA
Childhood interrupted: a story of loss, separation, and reconciliation
Erratum to: do the military's frontline psychiatry/combat and operational stress control doctrine help or harm veterans? Part one: framing the issue
Ethical issues in geropsychology: clinical and forensic perspectives
Exploring options including class action to transform military mental healthcare and end the generational cycle of preventable wartime behavioral health crises
The focus of prevention in child abuse research : the journal of child abuse research in review
Functioning well in a dysfunctional system: recommendations for clinical psychologists in workers' compensation settings
Further life experiences informing the death and adjustment hypotheses
Is it time for a behavioral health corps? Ending the generational cycle of preventable wartime mental health crises--part 2
Leaving London: three autoethnographic sketches
PTSD-SUD comorbidities in the context of psychological injury and law
Sense of coherence during female holocaust survivors' formative years
A study of the impact of informed consent procedures on participant responses in trauma-related research
Worst expert testimony ever
Reliable references, accountable authors, and steadfast reviewers mitigate against retracted publications and scientific misconduct
Data sources hinder our understanding of transgender murders
Corrigendum to "Pediatric traumatic brain injury and autism: elucidating shared mechanisms"
Health providers-helping to disrupt human trafficking
Threat, pressure, and communication about concussion safety: implications for parent concussion education
Guerrillas, Marxists, terrorists, or trouble-makers? Doing sociology in high-risk violent conflict areas
Healing under fire - medical peace work in the field
The relative lack of data regarding firearms injuries in the United States
Revisiting the concept of severe mental illness: severity indicators and healthcare spending in psychotic, depressive and dissociative disorders
A silenced population
Sport-related concussions in adolescent athletes: a critical public health problem for which prevention remains an elusive goal
Optimising implementation of reforms to better prevent and respond to child sexual abuse in institutions: insights from public health, regulatory theory, and Australia's Royal Commission
Patterns and prevalence of violence-related skull trauma in medieval London
Paramilitary provision of adequate disaster response and advancement of public health: the case of the Texas State Guard and Operation Lone Star
International emergency psychiatry challenges: disaster medicine, war, human trafficking, displaced persons
Needed reduction in mobility energy consumption to meet the goal of a 2000-watt society
Overcoming barriers to cycling: understanding frequency of cycling in a University setting and the factors preventing commuters from cycling on a regular basis
A critical race feminist perspective on prostitution and sex trafficking in America
The feminist case for acknowledging women's acts of violence
Frustrated expectations: experiences of Northern Rhodesian (Zambian) ex-servicemen in the post-Second World War era
German wartime anglophobic propaganda in France, 1914-1945
Under fire: the Falklands War and the revival of naval gunfire support
'A vexed question': sentencing historic youthful offending
Wives' lawsuits addressing husband drunkenness: tempered by gender standards, 1850-1910
When should TSA PreCheck be offered at no cost to travelers?
Association between enactment of a "stand your ground" self-defense law and unlawful homicides in Florida (Reply to comments and reanalysis including new data and excluding 'justifiable homicides)
Canaries in the coal mine: interpersonal violence, gang violence, and violent extremism through a public health prevention lens
Ethical considerations for forensic scientists participating in humanitarian action: a personal reflection
Evaluating for intimate partner violence in the healthcare setting
Developing a system for processing health data of children using digitalized toys: ethical and privacy concerns for the internet of things paradigm
Do you see what I see: a mother's plea
Ethical issues in school psychology
The politics of virtue: an Aristotelian-Thomistic engagement with the VIA classification of character strengths
The promise of qualitative inquiry for positive psychology: diversifying methods
Training the next generation of school psychologists to deliver evidence-based mental health practices: current challenges and future directions
Well-being vocabulary in media language: an analysis of changing word usage in Norwegian newspapers
What we were, what we are, and what we should be: the racial problem of American sociology (editorial)
Incidents of violence against doctors in India: can these be prevented?
Quantifying infant physical interactions using sensorized toys in a natural play environment
The forgotten realm of the new and emerging psychosocial risk factors
Further controversies about brain tissue oxygenation pressure-reactivity after traumatic brain injury
On the way to the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games (2020). Prevention of severe head and neck injuries in judo: it's time for action
Worries about others' substance use-Differences between alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs?
Trauma centre synergies can move injury science to effective injury prevention
Age limit of pediatrics
Risk profiles for falls among older adults: new directions for prevention
The social construction of disasters in the United States: a historical and cultural phenomenon
Ethical issues in sport psychology
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of healthcare professionals regarding child maltreatment in China
Lay worker-administered behavioral treatments for psychological distress in resource-limited settings: time to move from evidence to practice?
Making the hard decisions: ethical care decisions in wartime nursing practice
The neglected burden of snakebites in Cameroon: a review of the epidemiology, management and public health challenges
Occupational therapy and veteran suicide: a call to action
Opportunities and challenges in screening for childhood sexual abuse
The PACE trial: it's time to broaden perceptions and move on
PACE-GATE: An alternative view on a study with a poor trial protocol
Regulatory control of highly hazardous pesticides to prevent self-poisoning
Suicide prevention: keeping the momentum
The U.S. Department of State's mental health services: a model for integrated care
Understanding the bell-ringing of concussion
'Health psychology' or 'psychology for health'? A history of psychologists' engagement with health in South Africa
Increased acetaminophen related calls to Finnish PIC better reflect acetaminophen sales than serious poisonings
Moral behavior in sport
The pre-history of health psychology in the United Kingdom: from natural science and psychoanalysis to social science, social cognition and beyond
Psychosocial factors and sport injuries: prediction, prevention and future research directions
The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy
Should potential risk of chronic traumatic encephalopathy be discussed with young athletes?
Violence in schools and the voice of teachers
Astronomical bodies, disasters and superstitions
Gun violence and children
The time paradox of emergency medicine: another inverted U curve
Achieving population level changes in health: a dialogue on pathways to progress (Safety-2016 abstract #35)
Building capacity through a grants program. Is it possible? (Safety-2016 abstract #97)
Application of spatial epidemiological approaches to injury research: a systematic review (Safety-2016 abstract #311)
The case for a cross-cutting approach to violence prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #15)
The Child Safety Good Practice Guide: we don't need to reinvent the wheel (Safety-2016 abstract #129)
Civil society supporting government implementation of child restraint standards in Russia (Safety-2016 abstract #369)
Consumer product safety policy revisited (Safety-2016 abstract #351)
Creating more peaceful societies: global strategies to reduce interpersonal violence (Safety-2016 abstract #6)
Developing risk-informed decision-making processes (Safety-2016 abstract #354)
Drowning - a neglected but preventable public health issue (Safety-2016 abstract #25)
Emergency care systems (Safety-2016 abstract #21)
Emerging issues in road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #17)
Equity in access to injury prevention and trauma care (Safety-2016 abstract #9)
Establishment of the first Russian injury registry in Shenkursk (Safety-2016 abstract #232)
European facts and the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #76)
The European injury data base: supporting injury research and policy across Europe (Safety-2016 abstract #220)
Fostering inquiry and multi-sectoral humility using the multi-sectoral influences matrix (Safety-2016 abstract #276)
Prescription opioid use, misuse, and use disorders in U.S. adults (Summary for patients)
All in one minute: eulogy for a pedestrian and well-being for us
The Brazilian World Cup: too hot for soccer?
Cultivating connectedness and equity: a call to action for the global adolescent health community
Drowning in a river with an average depth of three feet: interpreting athletic performance gains
Eating disorders and suicidality: what we know, what we don't know, and suggestions for future research
Fake news of baby booms 9 months after major sporting events distorts the public's understanding of early human development science
Guns, culture or mental health? Framing mass shootings as a public health crisis
Out on campus: meeting the mental health needs of sexual and gender minority college students
Social class & risk preferences and behavior
Surveillance bias in child maltreatment: a tempest in a teapot
Teen suicide: fanning the flames of a public health crisis
Elimination of violence against women and girls as a global action agenda
The history of child and adolescent psychiatry in Austria : essay about a long development
Preventive human rights monitoring in child and adolescent psychiatry and welfare institutions
A queer theorist's critique of online domestic violence advocacy: critically responding to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence website
Renewing the call for public health advocacy against nuclear weapons
Does individual stigma predict mental health funding attitudes? Toward an understanding of resource allocation and social climate
Even unpleasant reminders that you are an animal need not disgust you
A historical comparison of Australian lawyers' strategies for cross-examining child sexual abuse complainants
Increases in United States life expectancy through reductions in injury-related death
Interdisciplinary cooperation as a factor to reduce social inequality in health in Drammen
PREDICT prioritisation study: establishing the research priorities of paediatric emergency medicine physicians in Australia and New Zealand
From Vision Zero to practical reality - knowledge to share (Safety-2016 abstract #18)
Future challenges and solutions for safety in China (Safety-2016 abstract #10)
Global alliance of NGOs for road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #535)
Harnessing social media for safety (Safety-2016 abstract #336)
Head injuries in young children: the forgotten pandemic (Safety-2016 abstract #258)
Health sector's role in addressing gaps in the prevention of traffic injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #892)
Hearing the voice of disabled people. Developing better services of domestic violence (Safety-2016 abstract #33)
How to choose who to focus on? National study to identify risk groups for child injury (Safety-2016 abstract #177)
Implementation of a mortuary-based fatal injury surveillance(FIS) system in rural and urban Hospitals in Tanzania (2010-2015) (Safety-2016 abstract #162)
Implementing research into practice (Safety-2016 abstract #3)
Injury information-seeking for a national sample of mothers with young children (Safety-2016 abstract #649)
Injury prevention as a byproduct (Safety-2016 abstract #38)
Injury prevention as social change (Safety-2016 abstract #36)
Injury prevention in Finland among people under 25 years 2009-2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #178)
Injury prevention in the WHO South-East Asia region, 2005-2015: from policy to practice (Safety-2016 abstract #201)
Innovative approaches to capacity development for injury prevention in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (Safety-2016 abstract #27)
Intimate partner violence: Turkey's femicide problem (Safety-2016 abstract #390)
An investigation of the state of occupational safety and health in the Philippines (Safety-2016 abstract #381)
Key success on participation in national and international Safe Communities networks (Safety-2016 abstract #227)
Yarning, giving a voice to older aboriginal people on healthy ageing and fall prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #60)
Lessons from tragedy: an in-depth medico-legal examination of fatal road transport crashes (Safety-2016 abstract #188)
Making the road safety SDG targets count: delivering quick wins for road traffic injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #8)
Myanmar road safety situation 2015: an urgent issue for the nation (Safety-2016 abstract #862)
Necesserity of an integrated road traffic injuries surveilance system (Safety-2016 abstract #876)
Need for new human factor models and tools in the safety-critical nuclear domain (Safety-2016 abstract #197)
New horizons for global violence prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #14)
A new model for translating research to policy: the consortium for evidence-based policy (Safety-2016 abstract #202)
A Norwegian pathway to community safety - based on Norwegian laws and regulations and the Safe Community concept (Safety-2016 abstract #229)
The office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response; strengthening preparedness in the U.S. health system (Safety-2016 abstract #16)
Paediatric injury prevention: addressing injury prevention through a coordinated approach (Safety-2016 abstract #399)
Policy maker's perceptions of the role of research in injury prevention legislation (Safety-2016 abstract #198)
Policymaker perspectives on why evidence-based traffic safety policies are supported or opposed (Safety-2016 abstract #81)
The public health implications of small arms and light weapons (SALWs) injuries in Sokoto state, North West, Nigeria (Safety-2016 abstract #345)
Religious and cultural factors: barriers to developing interventions and safety countermeasures (Safety-2016 abstract #92)
The rising global burden of road injuries (Safety-2016 abstract #75)
The Canadian Atlas of Child and Youth Injury: mobilizing injury surveillance data to launch a national knowledge translation tool
African communal basis for autonomy and life choices
Fear of massive deportations in the United States: social implications on deprived pediatric communities
Response to: "On the nature of clinical evaluations with low sensitivity for concussion-related balance deficits"
Fake bad scale: the case of the missing construct, a response to Larrabee, Bianchini, Boone, and Rohling (2017)
In response to: Avalanche fatalities in the United States by Jekich et al
Stock photographs do not comply with infant safe sleep guidelines
New Zealand campaign calls for action to prevent suicides
The pursuit of primary human goods in men desisting from sexual offending
Supporting Bill S-206 protects Canadian children from violence
Correspondence regarding: Post-traumatic headache: the use of the sport concussion assessment tool (SCAT-3) as a predictor of post-concussion recovery
Editorial: Learning from incidents
Erratum to: Validation of verbal autopsy: determination of cause of deaths in Malaysia 2013
Erratum to: A manual-based vocational rehabilitation program for patients with an acquired brain injury: study protocol of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Abusive injuries are worse than vehicular injuries: should we refocus prevention?
Addressing the knowledge gap: sexual violence and harassment in the UK Armed Forces
Amusement park injuries are not amusing
An assessment of the effects of alcohol consumption and prevention policies on traffic fatality rates in the enlarged EU: time for zero alcohol tolerance?
CDC's efforts to improve traumatic brain injury surveillance
Ethics in the setting of burned patients
The need for detailed gender-specific occupational safety analysis
New adult trauma center on Chicago's South Side will treat violence as a disease
Pediatric Burn Reconstruction: Focus on Evidence
Preparing global trauma nurses for leadership roles in global trauma systems
Thinking with pleasure: experimenting with drugs and drug research
Collaborative visual analytics: a health analytics approach to injury prevention
Commentary on White et al. (2017): Adolescent drinking and exposure to advertising-behaviour does not occur in a social vacuum
Doctors dissect medicine's bullying problem
The evolution of public health emergency management as a field of practice
Towards a critical health equity research stance: why epistemology and methodology matter more than qualitative methods
Public health disasters: be prepared
Assaulted and unheard: violence against health-care staff
Bullying students impacts future nurses
The campaign for a National Strategy for Gypsy site provision and the role of Public Health activism in the 1960-1970s
Ethical practices in community-based research in non-suicidal self-injury: a systematic review
Corrigendum: The role of drug and alcohol use and the risk of motor vehicle crashes in Shiraz, Iran 2014: a case-crossover study
Road safety: serious injuries remain a major unsolved problem
Sanitary worker's death unnerves pakistan's health care ethics to the core
Constance Kent and the road murder
Chelmsford-charge of murder-acquittal on the ground of puerperal insanity
Children's health must remain a focus in the recovery from Hurricane Harvey
Domestic violence, concussion injuries, and the imaging professional's role in identifying traumatic brain injury
Editorial: Age-related vestibular loss: current understanding and future research directions
An ethical analysis of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: rejecting euthanasia and accepting physician assisted suicide with palliative care
Fixed or random? A resolution through model averaging: reply to Carlsson, Schimmack, Williams, and Bürkner (2017)
From militant voices to militant irony: examining identity, memory and conflict in the Basque Country
Is it a dangerous world out there? The motivational bases of American gun ownership
James Wenceslaus Papez, his Circuit, and emotion
Juvenile delinquency: memorandum issued by the Royal Medico Psychological Association
Letter to the editor on "Effects of antigravity treadmill training on gait, balance, and fall risk in children with diplegic cerebral palsy"
Neglected brain disease-suicide
The need for the early diagnosis and treatment of potential delinquency in cases of mental disorder and defect
Physician beware: severe cyanide toxicity from amygdalin tablets ingestion
The Road Murder psychologically considered
Violent crime at GP surgeries is on the rise, figures show
Truth or punishment: secrecy and punishing the self
"Teach-to-goal" to better assess informed consent comprehension among incarcerated clinical research participants
Accountability, collaboration, and social change: ethical tensions in an action research project to address untested sexual assault kits
Adolescent and young adult tattooing, piercing, and scarification
Awakening to the alcohol epidemic - need of the hour
The continuing presence of tobacco and alcohol products in media that target young people: a commentary on Russell et al. (2017)
Erratum to: "Like a lots happened with my whole childhood": violence, trauma, and addiction in pregnant and postpartum women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Natural disasters and healthcare: lessons to be learned
Nursing a disaster
The promise of qualitative research to inform theory to address health equity
The emergency department: challenges and opportunities for suicide prevention
Erratum to: Masculinity and suicidal thinking
Erratum: Is Colombia a violent country?
The forgotten need of disaster relief
Medical ethics in combat sports that permit knockouts
William Ladd before the Halifax explosion
Why we write (nuclear) history
Why we must invest in early adolescence: early intervention, lasting impact
"Predatory" journals threatening the scientific medical press
Preventing falls in older persons
Protection of human subjects
Reducing urban violence: a contrast of public health and criminal justice approaches
Responding to crisis: surgeons as leaders in disaster response
What you don't see can kill you
Caring for the Veteran, military and family member nursing competencies: strategies for integrating content into nursing school curricula
Concussion in sports - what trauma/orthopedic surgeons need to know!
'Attending to the wound and the person - patients' experiences and expectations of a newly established traumatic brain injury clinic
Authors' response to "Veterans and the national tragedy of suicide"
Child protection and the development of child abuse pediatrics in New York City
The clinical implications of youth sports concussion laws: a review
Alternative facts? Antidepressants and falls in older adults
Asking the difficult questions: building the capacity of community paediatricians to routinely enquire and respond to family violence
Building the adult protective services system of tomorrow: the role of the APS national voluntary consensus guidelines
Commentary on "Validity of accelerometry to measure physical activity intensity in children with an acquired brain injury"
Workplace bullying is a real problem in health care
Head injury decision rules in children
Head injury decision rules in children - Authors' reply
Head injury decision rules in children
Health professional education on trafficking: the facts matter
In cases of serious injury "scoop and run" improves survival compared with ambulance
Juvenile solitary confinement as a form of child abuse
Letter: management of penetrating cerebrovascular injuries in pediatric trauma: a retrospective multicenter study
The new concussion in sport guidelines are here. But how do we get them out there?
Paediatric traumatic brain injury: prognostic insights and outlooks
Peer victimization and adjustment in young adulthood: introduction to the special section
Statement on general helmet use
Suicide in India: part perceptions, partial insights, and inadequate solutions
Teachers in multi-cultural societies: excellence and leadership
Veterans and the national tragedy of suicide
Institutional violence and humanization in health: notes to debate
Novel concepts for damage control resuscitation in trauma
Recent encouraging developments in efforts to prevent gun violence
Traumatic brain injury: an enduring challenge
Partnerships for global child health
Call to action: a study to determine the etiology of catastrophic brain injuries in high impact sporting activities within the adolescent population
Trauma education and prevention
The Amsterdam-based Maatschappij tot Redding van Drenkelingen 1767-2017: guiding drowning resuscitation during 250 years
Conceptual divides and practice synergies in law enforcement and public health: some lessons from policing vulnerability in Australia
Development of a course on complex humanitarian emergencies: preparation for the impact of climate change
Don't let disaster recovery perpetuate injustice
Emerging trends in adolescent suicide prevention research
External threat and the limits of democratic pacifism
Framing the gun control debate: press releases and framing strategies of the National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign
Giving voice to the accused: serial and the critical potential of true crime
Investigating Miss Fisher: the value of a television crime drama
Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field
Mouthguards and their use in sports: report of the 1(st) International Sports Dentistry Workshop, 2016
Pacopampa: early evidence of violence at a ceremonial site in the northern Peruvian highlands
Policing and public health: not quite the right analogy
Prospect theory and civil-military conflict: the case of the 1976 Korean axe murder incident
Researching law enforcement and public health
The Revised International Guidelines for Ethical Health-Related Human Research
Rights, laws and tensions: a comparative analysis of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the WHO Resource Book on Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation
Shorter work hours and work-to-family interference: surprising findings from 32 countries
'Sometimes I give up on the report and ring the scientist': bridging the gap between what forensic scientists write and what police investigators read
Spontaneous violent and homicide thoughts in four homicide contexts
Stand your ground laws, homicides, and injuries
A systematic review of prospective epidemiological research into injury and illness in Olympic combat sport
When laws are not enough: violence against women and bureaucratic practice in Nicaragua
Why siblings ?: The "sibling trauma" and the "law of the mother" on the "horizontal" axis
Unfair fights: Power asymmetry, nascent nuclear capability, and preventive conflict
The use of behavioural genetics in the criminal justice system: a disability & human rights perspective
Access to opioids: a balance of harms
Challenges in doing multi-disciplinary health promotion research in Germany
Child abuse in children and youth with special health care needs
The evolutionary psychology of envy and jealousy
Grenfell Tower fire - a tragic case study in health inequalities
Guns and violent media-a toxic mix with an available antidote
Health system and law enforcement synergies for injury surveillance, control and prevention: a scoping review
Invited commentary on … When unbearable suffering incites psychiatric patients to request euthanasia
Justice-involved youth: the newest target for health equity approaches?
Physician suicide too often "brushed under the rug"
Risk Engagement and Protection Survey (REPS): developing and validating a survey tool on fathers' attitudes towards child injury protection and risk engagement
The role of the physician in Israel's maternal child health clinics: surveys of professional and parental perceptions
Smoothbore hunting ammunition - a historical overview
Ehrmann, FE, Duncan, CS, Sindhusake, D, Franzsen, WN, and Greene, DA. GPS and injury prevention in professional soccer. J Strength Cond Res 30(2): 360-367, 2016
After the mass shooting in Las Vegas - finding common ground on gun control
Concussion may not cause multiple sclerosis
Erratum to: degradation of βII-spectrin protein by calpain-2 and caspase-3 under neurotoxic and traumatic brain injury conditions
Firearm surrender laws: prompting promise for women's health
Gender fluidity and child abuse: a personal view
Judge questions why GMC took three years to investigate sexual assault claim
Many reasons to talk about suicide
Reply to: Concussion may not cause multiple sclerosis
Reply to McMaugh, Badouk Epstein, & Richardson: "Response to 'Weaponized sex: defensive pseudo-erotic aggression in the service of safety' by Dr. Richard Kluft, March 2017"
Risk Adjustments Based on Socioeconomic Status in Pediatrics: Adjusting Our Expectations
The road to zero deaths from motor vehicle crashes
Abused child or suspected abused child: caregiving
A case for stopping the early withdrawal of life sustaining therapies in patients with devastating brain injuries
Emergency response after Mexico's earthquakes
Slavery in New Zealand: what is the role of the health sector?
Traumatic brain injury may not increase the risk of Alzheimer disease
The need for VA leadership in advancing traumatic brain injury care
The hit man from Washington: place, marketable deviance, and major league baseball
Children get over bullying, study shows
Use of firearms in terrorist attacks: differences between the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand
Emergency preparedness and response in occupational setting: a position statement
Gun injuries cost U.S. nearly $3bn a year in hospital charges
Sex segregation and sport
Big data and clinical research in traumatic brain injury
Child abuse and neglect in France. Finally recognize its individual and societal impact
'Clemency on the way to the gallows': death, dreams and dissociation
A commentary on the limits of alcoholic beverage policies
Commentary on Moore et al. (2017): Focus on policies rather than programmes to address alcohol-related violence
Critical health psychology in New Zealand: developments, directions and reflections
Do black lives matter in public health research and training?
Editors note focusing on violence in the African American community
Ending the spanking debate
Executive functions and externalizing symptoms: common and unique associations
Firearm-related injury and death - a U.S. health care crisis in need of health care professionals
Firearm-related injury and death: a U.S. health care crisis in need of health care professionals
Introduction to the special section on executive functions and externalizing symptoms
Letter to the editor: Ding Q, Wang Z, Shen M, Su Z, and Shen L. Acute alcohol exposure and risk of mortality of patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Mental health services for our most vulnerable children
Missing developmental and sociocultural perspectives: comment on the "Psychology of Terrorism" special issue (2017)
A national survey of characteristics of child advocacy centers in the United States: do the flagship models match those in broader practice?
The need for accuracy and validity in research on nightlife and drinking: a commentary on Devilly et al. and recommendations for future research
Supporting injury prevention research: taking stock and moving forward
A survey on the attitude towards renaming bipolar disorder in Japanese
What matters, when, for whom? Three questions to guide population health scholarship
Advancing suicide prevention through a focus on firearm safety
Beyond the mouthguard: sports dentistry's role in nutrition, prevention and social advocacy
A cautionary note about the use of estimated homicide data for cross-national research
Creating healthy communities after disasters
Introduction to special section: pediatric psychology and child unintentional injury prevention: current state and future directions for the field
Saving life, limb, and eyesight: assessing the medical rules of eligibility during armed conflict
The view from Puerto Rico - Hurricane Maria and its aftermath
Who speaks up for Inés Fonseca? Representing violence against vulnerable subjects and the ethics of care in fictional narrative about Alzheimer's disease: Ahora tocad música de baile (2004) by Andrés Barba
Close only counts in alcohol and violence: controlling violence near late-night alcohol establishments using a routine activities approach
De-policing and crime in the wake of Ferguson: racialized changes in the quantity and quality of policing among Missouri police departments
The filicide maternal and the paternal incest: a clinical analyze of two movies: To loose the reason and She does not cry, she sings
Frederic Andrews Gibbs and the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Misidentification of victims under international criminal law: an attempted offence?
Benzodiazepines do not cause suicide or suicide attempts
Comment on: Family involvement in managing violence of mental health patients
Editorial: Karolinska Institutet 200-Year Anniversary Symposium on Injuries to the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System-an update on recent advances in regenerative neuroscience
Why we should focus on the burden of injuries and illnesses, not just their incidence
Towards a more complex perspective on workplace violence: more to come? Commentary on Zhang et al., 2017 "Workplace violence against nurses: A cross-sectional study"
Protecting Student Athletes. Are states doing enough to keep student athletes safe from heat and head injuries?
Public health crisis: the need for primary prevention in failed and fragile states
The anniversary of a massacre and the death of a monarch
Death by gun violence--a public health crisis
Disaster prevention should be equal
The wild West IS wild: the homicide resource curse
Fundamental epidemiology terminology and measures: it really is all in the name
Global health promotion and population health intervention research
'I am not very well I feel nearly mad when I think of you': male jealousy, murder and Broadmoor in late-Victorian Britain
'If experts differ, what are we to do in the matter?' the medico-legal investigation of gunshot wounds in a 1927 Scottish murder trial
Shock troupe: medical film and the performance of 'shell shock' for the British nation at war
Spending on social and public health services and its association with homicide in the USA: an ecological study
Tsunamis in the geological record: making waves with a cautionary tale from the Mediterranean
Reflections on the trivialisation of genocide : can we afford to part with the special stigma attached to genocide?
South Africa's rape shield : does section 227 of the Criminal Procedure Act affect an accused's fair trial rights?
Towards resuscitating the ailing public violence jurisprudence - lessons from history
Update on concussion: here's what the experts say
Many football knee injuries preventable
Let's make high school football safer
In Europe, hooligans are prime subjects for research
The top 100 cited of injury-international journal of the care of the injured: a bibliometric analysis
Treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons: towards safeguarding humanity
Predictable and preventable: historical and current efforts to improve child injury prevention
Crime: the mystery of the common-sense concept
Delinquency prevention for individual change: Richard Clarke Cabot and the making of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study
Good cop, bad war: my undercover life inside Britain's biggest drug gangs
Historical perspectives on democratic police reform: institutional memory, narratives and ritual in the post-war Italian police, 1948-1963
Identifying patterns of situational clustering and contextual variability in criminological data: an overview of conjunctive analysis of case configurations
Integration of design safety into curricula in the undergraduate programs: the academician perspective
Introduction to the special issue on police organizations
Windows into the soul: surveillance and society in an age of high technology
Was it justified? Applying attribution theory to corporate violence
Understanding the culture of craft: lessons from two police agencies
Transnational crime
Race, riots, and the police
Studying terrorism empirically: what we know about what we don't know
Total safety management: principles, processes and methods
Stop and search: the anatomy of a police power
Stop and search and police legitimacy
Understanding the mechanisms underlying broken windows policing
Examining political violence: studies of terrorism, counterterrorism, and internal war?
Revisiting the classics: Janet Chan and the legacy of 'changing police culture'
Revisiting the classics: Robert Reiner, the politics of the police
The street casino: survival in violent street gangs
Special issue: total safety management
The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Cognitive behavioural therapy halves the risk of repeated suicide attempts: systematic review
Cryptomarkets, systemic violence and the 'gentrification hypothesis'
Can we usefully stratify patients according to suicide risk?
Using the power of the media to reduce the risk of suicide
The Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders Intervention: falls risk factor assessment and management, patient engagement, and nurse co-management
Saskatchewan First Nations drafts suicide prevention plan
The other side of the story: knowledge transfer and advice-giving in a drug subculture
Plural policing in Europe: relationships and governance in contemporary security systems
Predicting the length of jury deliberations
The psychosocial work environment in times of change: society and the workplace
Dual-task gait and incident dementia: a step forward, but not there yet
Firearm-related injury and death: a US health care crisis in need of health care professionals
The health care professional's pledge: protecting our patients from firearm injury
Mild traumatic brain injury and mental health
Mild traumatic brain injury and mental health-reply
Why we must defend suicide in fiction
What you can do to stop firearm violence
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Death by gun violence-a public health crisis
Emails reveal pressures on NIH gun research
Firearm-related injury and death: a care crisis in need of health care professionals
Who bears the cost of NICE public health recommendations?
The las vegas shootings-underscoring key features of the firearm epidemic
Environmental influences on maternal and child health
Questions regarding study design and analysis in "Previous suicide attempt and its association with method used in a suicide death"
Response to letter to the editor: "Questions regarding study design and analysis in 'Previous suicide attempt and its association with method used in a suicide death'"
Cyberbullying: how big a deal is it?
Media violence and youth aggression
Straight disasters: the (hetero)sexual geographies of Hollywood disaster movies
Communicating geographical risks in crisis management: the need for research
Line of fire - what happened at the Wantabadgery seige?
Judicial murder-suicides in Van Diemen's Land
Commentary: Preliminary evaluation of an analog procedure to assess acceptability of intimate partner violence against women: the Partner Violence Acceptability Movie Task
Evidence-based practice guideline: fall prevention for older adults
A social-ecological framework of theory, assessment, and prevention of suicide
Suicide lethality: a concept analysis
Bringing back the term "intersex"
Clinicians should better invest in de-escalation than in fish-oil to prevent violence
Health professionals prefer to communicate risk-related numerical information using "1-in-x" ratios
How to fight terrorism? Political and strategic aspects
August 17: First reflections after the terrorist attack in Barcelona
Been there, done that-what will it take to safeguard seniors in disasters?
Is it rational to pursue zero suicides among patients in health care?
Lay workers can ease distress in women exposed to violence
New data on suicide risk among military veterans
Child-resistant closure: yesterday, today and tomorrow
A colloquy on violence and non-violence: towards a complementary conflict resolution
The effects of non-physical peer sexual harassment on high school students' psychological well-being in Norway: consistent and stable findings across studies
Erratum to: When violence becomes endemic
Harnessing the power of South-South partnerships to build capacity for the prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence
The microbiome as a key regulator of brain, behavior and immunity: commentary on the 2017 named series
A new resource for examining and responding to the contexts of alcohol-related harm
Nuclear weapons in a changing climate: probability, increasing risks, and perception
The Royal Commission, the media and the Church
The death of Ben Hall
Decriminalisation of gender-based violence is a global health problem
Earlier alcohol use onset predicts poorer neuropsychological functioning in young adults
Gun deaths and the gun control debate in the USA
Leaving no one behind: lessons on rebuilding health systems in conflict- and crisis-affected states
An association between prenatal acetaminophen use and ADHD: the benefits of large data sets
Changing attitudes to alcohol in Australia
Commentary on fathers' play: measurement, conceptualization, culture, and connections with child development
A conceptual kaleidoscope: contemplating 'dynamic structural risk' and an uncoupling of risk from need
Editorial: enhancing transparent reporting of pediatric psychology intervention research: introducing the role of the student editorial liaison (Editorial)
Farmers' suicide and agrarian crisis: social policy and public mental health
From dynamic risk factors to causal processes: a methodological framework
Identifying policy implications and future research directions regarding military community support and child psychosocial adjustment
Annual Research Review: Suicide among youth - epidemiology (potential), etiology, and treatment
An ethics of global security
Ethics of research in conflict environments
Improving schools, improving school health education, improving public health: the role of SOPHE members
Paying attention to dead bodies: the future of security studies?
Perceived risk of intimate partner violence among STI clinic patients: implications for partner notification and patient-delivered partner therapy
A response to proposed budget cuts affecting children's mental health: protecting policies and programs that promote collective efficacy
Self-censorship in international relations and security studies
Spaces of global security: beyond methodological nationalism
Towards a psychopathology specific to substance use disorder: should emotional responses to life events be included?
Instant admirals and the plague of politics in the United States Public Health Service: back to the future
A national trauma care system: integrating military and civilian trauma systems to achieve zero preventable deaths after injury
Child fatalities in Dammam: a call for child fatality reviews in Arab countries
Traumatic brain injury is a longitudinal disease process
Treat gun violence like the public health crisis it is
Universal suicide prevention in young people
Commentary on "using pill identification calls to poison centers as a marker of drug abuse at three Texas military bases"
Violence against children in Afghanistan: concerns and opportunities for positive change
The new French mental health law regarding psychiatric involuntary treatment
New global priority for mental health - reasons for optimism and concern
Reducing gun violence in America
Child human trafficking: see, pull, cut the threads of abuse
The issue of violence in the emergency setting
Bicycles as a means of transportation: Introduction
Clinical science and torture survivors' rights to rehabilitation
The barriers to a national inquiry into child sexual abuse in the United States
The Berlin International Consensus Meeting on Concussion in Sport
Pediatric emergency department and primary care provider attitudes on assessing childhood adversity
Understanding the highs and lows of adolescent marijuana use
Response to "Towards a reliable paradigm shift in emergency medical service for improving mass burn casualty response"
It is time for zero tolerance for sexual harassment in academic medicine
The blind psychological scientists and the elephant: reply to Sherlock and Zietsch
Correction to: Ideas, actors and institutions: lessons from South Australian Health in All Policies on what encourages other sectors' involvement
Evidence supports action to prevent injurious falls in older adults
Rough road
Sociology as moral philosophy (and vice versa)
Special patient populations needed special attention during hurricane
Technology 2.0: a commentary on progress, challenges, and next steps
The evolution of public health ethics frameworks: systematic review of moral values and norms in public health policy
Firearms and suicide: finding the right words
Traumatic brain injury: a priority for public health policy
Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research
Traumatic brain injury: a global challenge
A review of the history of the origin of triage from a disaster medicine perspective
Trauma patients centralization for the mechanism of trauma: old questions without answers
'Blue whale challenge': a game or crime?
A return to the psychiatric dark ages with a two-system framework for fear
The best of leaders at the worst of times: medical scientist and war premier
Can we predict suicide?
Families and the juvenile justice system: considerations for family-based interventions
The killer of Socrates: coniine and related alkaloids in the plant kingdom
Self-driving cars and engineering ethics: the need for a system level analysis
Are we scoring a goal by banning headers from soccer?
Care-ful definition of consent
Adolescent dating violence and nonmedical prescription drug use (Editorial)
External cause of morbidity codes and injury surveillance data systems
The failure of suicide prevention in primary care: family and GP perspectives - a qualitative study
Injury and illness epidemiology in soccer - effects of global geographical differences - a call for standardized and consistent research studies
The key role of health professionals in preventing and combating transplant-related crimes
Lessons from history: Parents Anonymous and child abuse prevention policy
Social violence: time to innovate
Child trafficking and the European migration crisis: the role of forensic practitioners
Doctors in India still carry out "two finger test" on rape victims
Introduction: reporting on updates in the scientific basis for the Lives Saved Tool (LiST)
Leadership and funding: changes ahead for agricultural safety and health
The neurodevelopmental basis of early childhood disruptive behavior: irritable and callous phenotypes as exemplars
Controlling disasters: local emergency management perceptions about Federal Emergency Management and Homeland Security actions after September 11, 2001
Can social epidemiology contribute to a better world?
How do public health professionals view and engage with research? A qualitative interview study and stakeholder workshop engaging public health professionals and researchers
How probable is it that seniors using an e-bike will have an accident? A new health care topic, also for consulting doctors
Human trafficking and exploitation: a global health concern
Labour trafficking: challenges and opportunities from an occupational health perspective
Medical school hotline: advancing suicide prevention in Hawai'i
Preventing violence: a public health participatory approach to homicide reviews
You can't burn the house down because of one bedbug: a qualitative study of changing gender norms in the prevention of violence against women and girls in an urban informal settlement in India
The 1917 Halifax Explosion: the first coordinated local civilian medical response to disaster in Canada
50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: Public knowledge of ipecac syrup in the management of accidental poisonings
Advancing alcohol research and treatment: contentions and debates about treatment intensity, goals and outcomes in the 1970s and 1980s
The community impact violence: a time to stop killing
Conceptualising forensic science and forensic reconstruction. Part I: A conceptual model
Conceptualising forensic science and forensic reconstruction. Part II: The critical interaction between research, policy/law and practice
Complexities in the association between bullying victimization and weapon carrying
Global human trafficking and child victimization
"The path towards frailty must be broken"
Sensitivity to the deficits associated with traumatic brain injury or chronic traumatic encephalopathy-reply
Suicide Rates Higher in Rural Areas for Most Demographic Groups
Understanding the resistance to creating safer ice hockey: essential points for injury prevention
Former USA Gymnastics team doctor pleads guilty to sexual assault
Gun laws in the United States
Lessons learned from 50 years of violence prevention activities in the African American community
What should a forensic practitioner's likelihood ratio be? II
Violence Research
What makes the difference in people's lives when they have a mental disorder?
Response paper to "The likelihood of encapsulating all uncertainty": The relevance of additional information for the LR
Taki Onqoy: mercury poisoning epidemic in 16TH century Huamanga
Transportation and aging: an updated research agenda for advancing safe mobility
Tractor ROPS and stability research: introduction to this special issue
Catalyzing state public health agency actions to prevent injuries and violence: introductory remarks
Chasing the rainbow: the non-conscious nature of being
Comment on "An increase in dietary supplement exposures reported to U.S. poison control centers"
Connecting the dots: state health department approaches to addressing shared risk and protective factors across multiple forms of violence
Death anxiety and its importance for psychiatry
Distracted driving: liability time bombs from smartphones to lights and siren
Duck Vs. Bus: Seattle Fire Department manages complex MCI on Aurora Bridge
Federal and state policy efforts to address maternal opioid misuse: gaps and challenges
Forging a frailty-ready healthcare system to meet population ageing
Indicators for evaluating community- and societal-level risk and protective factors for violence prevention: findings from a review of the literature
Innovative methods for designing actionable program evaluation
Introduction to the special issue: Catalyzing state public health agency actions to prevent injuries and violence
Violence against women: injuries and deaths in Rhode Island
Towards a national child and adolescent health strategy in Switzerland: strengthening surveillance to improve prevention and care
Neurologists should endorse active transportation for their patients
Nurses rally in Illinois for legislation to end workplace violence
The power of academic-practitioner collaboration to enhance science and practice integration: injury and violence prevention case studies
Predicting violent behavior: what can neuroscience add?
Redpilling: a professional reflects on white racial privilege and drug policy in American health care
Theories, models and frameworks used in capacity building interventions relevant to public health: a systematic review
Aggression addiction and relapse: a new frontier in psychiatry
Contextualising Safety in Numbers: a longitudinal investigation into change in cycling safety in Britain, 1991-2001 and 2001-2011
Correction: Nabeshima, Y., et al. Analysis of Japanese articles about suicides involving charcoal burning or hydrogen sulfide gas. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 1013
The war on terror: is there ever room for compassion?
So you want to understand subsequent injuries better? Start by understanding the minimum data collection and reporting requirements
Facilitating temporary, safe firearms restrictions among individuals at high risk of suicide: response to Sung
Family focused care for refugees and displaced populations: global opportunities for family therapists
Gun violence-make it stop
I knew how it feels but couldn't save my daughter; testimony of an Ethiopian mother on female genital mutilation/cutting
Nursing ethics, disasters and public emergencies
Peer victimization and adjustment in young adulthood: commentary on the special section
Self-harm in young people: a challenge for general practice
Concussion prevention in youth sports: what have we overlooked?
Disaster management and primary health care: implications for medical education
Editorial: advancing research on child and adolescent psychopathology
Tom Crook and Mike Esbester (eds), Governing Risks in Modern Britain: Danger, Safety and Accidents c.1800-2000 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. xiv+315, £63.00, hardback, ISBN: 978-1-137-46744-7
Health promotion, partnership and intersectoral action
Disasters through the lens of disparities: elevate community resilience as an essential public health service
Hurricane Harvey and climate change: the need for policy to protect children
A humanitarian crisis: lessons learned from Hurricane Irma
Maria in Puerto Rico: natural disaster in a colonial archipelago
Public health implications of complex emergencies and natural disasters
Rage against the machine? Google's self-driving cars versus human drivers
Sir Hugh Cairns: the neurosurgeon who introduced crash helmets
STEADI: CDC's approach to make older adult fall prevention part of every primary care practice
The neuropsychology of traumatic brain injury: looking back, peering ahead
Post-disaster fertility: Hurricane Katrina and the changing racial composition of New Orleans
13Reasons Why : a trigger for teen suicide?
Child-safety containers/devices and compounding
Extended suicide: public tragedy
Significance testing is still wrong, and damages real lives: a brief reply to Spreckelsen and Van Der Horst, and Nicholson and McCusker
Soccer (Football Association) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy: a short review and recommendation
Suicide: the challenge of prevention
Understanding how the internet facilitates crime and deviance
Columbine revisited: myths and realities about the bullying-school shootings connection
Gender trouble: The World Health Organization, the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD)-11 and the trans kids
Medical information system (PMSI) does not adequately identify severe trauma
Rigorous qualitative research in sports, exercise and musculoskeletal medicine journals is important and relevant
Commentary on a Cochrane Review of screening for intimate partner violence in health care settings
Medical toxicology in the Old Testament. The poisonous pottage
Changing views on child mortality and economic sanctions in Iraq: a history of lies, damned lies and statistics
Commentary: Methamphetamine abuse impairs motor cortical plasticity and function
Considerations of socioeconomic status as separate from race: a commentary on Zemore et al. (2018)
Corrigendum: The Wisdom in Virtue: Pursuit of Virtue Predicts Wise Reasoning About Personal Conflicts
Erosion of state alcohol excise taxes in the United States
Evolution of non-communicable disease prevention and control in China
Florida State University's Institute for Family Violence Studies
The influence of race and ethnicity on becoming a human subject: factors associated with participation in research
Intimate Partner Violence and Pediatric Practice
On effective graphic communication of health inequality: considerations for health policy researchers
An outstanding plan of attack, but how do we fund it? A commentary on Zemore et al. (2018)
Could cannabis liberalisation lead to wider changes in drug policies and outcomes?
Death in Slawi: the "sugar factory murders," ethnicity, conflicted loyalties and the context of violence in the early revolution in Indonesia, October 1945
Epistemologies of violence: medieval Japanese war tales
French historians and collective violence
How exposure to violence affects ethnic voting
What social science research says about police violence against racial and ethnic minorities: understanding the antecedents and consequences--an introduction
Violence and its histories: meanings, methods, problems
Toward better understanding of how fathers contribute to their offspring's health
Totalitarianism between history and theory
Thinking with violence
Theorizing histories of violence (editorial)
Opioid overdose protection: an inevitable need to address an alarming epidemic
The role of western mainstream media: how Islam is being branded as promoter of violence
Theorizing ballistics: ethics, emotions, and weapons scientists
Editorial overview: aggression and violence
First steps in creating a national action plan on post-traumatic stress injury/disorder
In reply to the letter to the editor "Body mass index >35 as independent predictor of mortality in severe traumatic brain injury: statistical and methodologic issues"
Why do certain primary health care teams respond better to intimate partner violence than others? A multiple case study
Traffic safety science: research agenda for the way forward
Through the lens of gender: domestic abuse of older women in England and Japan
The physician and traffic safety
Domestic fatalities: the impact on remaining family members
Alcohol is an unsafe product
An empirical approach to assessing training needs for emergency department management of intentional self-harm and related behaviors in the United States
The evolution of sports health: past, present, and future
The evolutionary psychology of war: offense and defense in the adapted mind
Gays vs. Russia: media representations, vulnerable bodies and the construction of a (post)modern West
Healthcare professionals should be actively involved in gender violence reduction: political consensus emerges in Spain
Medical ethics in times of conflict - why silence is not an option
Negotiating the traffic: can cognitive science help make autonomous vehicles a reality?
New evidence for the role of transportation in health
The pain of terror
Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917) and the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the trench warfare
Prevent the bleed: how surgeons can lead the national conversation about firearm safety forward
Challenges in developing U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Child Health Recommendations
Child-pedestrian injuries inflicted in the road traffic accidents as a forensic medical problem
Cyberbullying among adolescents: a general strain theory perspective
The deadliest weapon
"Harden up and face reality:" exploring underlying bullying beliefs in New Zealand
Should we have a guard against therapeutic nihilism for patients with severe traumatic brain injury?
"We now have a patient and not a criminal": an exploratory study of judges and lawyers' views on suicide attempters and the law in Ghana
Traumatic brain injury: an underappreciated public health issue
Standards for ethics in sport and exercise science research: 2018 update
What doesn't kill them doesn't make them stronger: questioning our current notions of resilience
Understanding violence when the perpetrator has an intellectual disability: the perceptions of professionals
Violence against doctors, a serious concern for healthcare organizations to ponder about
A British perspective on the American College of Surgeons conversation about firearm safety
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in football players
Can the International Criminal Court deter atrocity?--CORRIGENDUM
Developing a policy game intervention to enhance collaboration in public health policymaking in three European countries
Droning on: explaining the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles
The importance of the political order for peace
Reflection of violence, threats and aggression in a political space: a case of the post-apartheid novel Sehlekehleke sa Deidro by V. Masima
Response: Hidden costs of hospitalization after firearm injury
The role of social capital in the perception of images of the Islamic State
Saving the injured: evolution and mechanisms
Title IX sexual violence reporting requirements: knowledge and opinions of responsible employees and students
Two converging paths: behavioural sciences and social marketing for better policies
Winning the peace locally: UN peacekeeping and local conflict
Violation of women's human rights
Injury resulting from targeted violence: an emergency department perspective
Prepare for take-off: fasten your seatbelt and keep a magnet in your pocket!
"A problem in detection": the rhetoric of murder in Poe's "The black cat"
The re-emergence of psychiatric neurosurgery: insights from a cross-national study of newspaper and magazine coverage
Reflecting on twenty years of Masculinities: an interview with Raewyn Connell
Seven sins when interpreting statistics in sports injury science
Traumatic brain injury in 2017: exploring the secrets of concussion
"All the King's horses and all the King's men…": what is broken should not always be put back together again
Barriers to the prevention of suicide in nursing homes
Commentary: increasing the connectivity between implementation science and public health: advancing methodology, evidence integration, and sustainability
The guilty mother
How can health promotion address the ecological determinants of health?
Methodological flaws, conflicts of interest, and scientific fallacies: implications for the evaluation of antidepressants' efficacy and harm
Opioids, part 1: Health insurers pushed to take steps to curb the epidemic
Transnational social movement theory and the waning war on drugs: case studies from UNGASS 2016
Rationale and design of the violence, injury and trauma observatory (VITO): the Cape Town VITO pilot studies protocol
Health and safety at work: analysis from the Brazilian documentary film Flesh and Bone
Machiavelli and the liberalism of fear
After the September earthquake in Mexico: observations of a British psychiatrist
Curses in Acts: hearing the apostles' words of judgment alongside 'magical' spell texts
North American opioid crisis: decline and fall of the war on drugs
Will sports survive the product liability suits?
Aggression prevention and reduction in diverse cultures and contexts
The aggressive brain: insights from neuroscience
Beyond the hype? The response to sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2011 and 2014
The case against physical punishment
The epistemic costs of compromise in bioethics
The facts on the furious: a brief review of the psychology of trait anger
The general aggression model
Gun violence
The I3 Model: a metatheoretical framework for understanding aggression
Injuries in junior ice hockey
An integrative theoretical understanding of aggression: a brief exposition
A preliminary analysis of incident investigation reports of an integrated steel plant: some reflection
Published intimate partner violence studies often differ from their trial registration record
Response to Kypri's commentary on Moore: red tape, the limitations of policy and a science of prevention
Rethinking balance and impartiality in journalism? How the BBC attempted and failed to change the paradigm
The roots of intimate partner violence
When age-based guidance is not enough: the problem of early puberty
Some problems with cyberbullying research
Two pedals drive the bi-cycle of violence: reactive and appetitive aggression
Two types of aggression in human evolution
Violence against women
The weapons effect [RETRACTED]
Guidance for sports injury surveillance: the 20-year influence of the Australian Sports Injury Data Dictionary
Psychiatry between glorification and stigmatization
Reply to Plewis, Murari et al., and Das: The suicide-temperature link in India and the evidence of an agricultural channel are robust
Mental illness, radicalization, and terrorism: no connection has been demonstrated with certainty
Event dependence in U.S. executions
A suicidal, dysarthric patient who wishes to discontinue life-sustaining treatments: a case report
Alexandria, an emporium in the Silk Road, and the traffic of unusual medicines
Looking into the future: the potential impact of emerging trends on child and family mental health services
Stalking victimization in LGBTQ adults: a brief report
Therapeutic change in group therapy for interpersonal trauma: a relational framework for research and clinical practice
Justice delayed: the right to effective remedy for victims of coercive sterilization in the Czech Republic
The role of legal and moral norms to regulate the behavior of texting while driving
Why suicide risk assessment still matters
The complexities of intimate partner violence: mental health, disabilities, and child abuse history for White, Indigenous, and other visible minority Canadian women
"Don't ever give up!" resisting victimhood through self-defense
Medea's nuptial gifts: myth and biomedical reality
Listening to the therapeutic needs of male survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Connecting a school of nursing and a professional nurse organization to promote concussion awareness
Health and welfare of women and child survival: a key to nation building
The importance of anxiety and depression in family practice
The relationship between maternal domestic violence and infant and toddlers' emotional regulation: highlighting the need for preventive services
Carless in California: green choice or misery?
Cycling towards a more sustainable transport future
Historic vehicles: an overview from a transport policy perspective
How to define and measure pedestrian traffic deaths?
Individual latent error detection: simply stop, look and listen
Why we need to view road safety through a public health lens?
Methodologies, principles and prospects of applying big data in safety science research
The quality of the post academic course 'management of safety, health and environment (MoSHE) of Delft University of Technology
Road Danger Reduction: a research challenge (editorial)
Safety Management System in TQM environments
The unmet travel needs of the older population: a review of the literature
AOTA's societal statement on disaster response and risk reduction
Commentary on: Jiang B, Zhu F, Cao L, Presley BR, Shen MS, Yang KH. Computational study of fracture characteristics in infant skulls using a simplified finite element model. J Forensic Sci 2017;62(1):39-49
Current issues in the impacts of transport on health
Do providers know what they do not know? A correlational study of knowledge acquisition and person-centered care
Violence in paradise: cranial trauma in the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)
Introduction to the special section: Integrative approaches for treating violent loss survivors
Is envy harmful to a society's psychological health and wellbeing? A longitudinal study of 18,000 adults
Funding for gun violence research is key to the health and safety of the nation
Further considerations for research on human trafficking
Rothman et al. Respond to comment on: Public Health Research Priorities to Address US Human Trafficking
Should pediatric euthanasia be legalized?
Neuropsychological assessment of traumatic brain injury: current ethical challenges and recommendations for future practice
Promoting economically equitable rural road development: case study among Chinese provinces
There are no sides in forensic science
Topical collection on human factors and safety (editorial)
Methods, measures and indicators for evaluating benefits of transportation research
Campus sexual assault: future directions for research
Commentary: Easy home gun access and adolescent depression
Community peer-led falls prevention presentations: what do the experts suggest?
Interpersonal violence among the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages inhabitants living on the Central Plateau of Iran: a voice from Tepe Hissar
The association between serious mental health problems and violence: some common assumptions and misconceptions
Challenging narratives of the anti-rape movement's decline
Concise history of toxicology - from empiric knowledge to science
Concordance between parents in perpetration of child mistreatment: how often is it by father-only, mother-only, or by both and what difference does it make?
Corrigendum to "Preventing miscarriages of justice: A review of forensic firearm identification" [Sci. Justice 56 (2) (2016) 129-142]
Understanding (and acting on) 20 years of research on violence and LGBTQ + communities
Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials
Violence against international students: a critical gap in the literature
Gauging the impact of gun background checks
Hedging bets: applying New Zealand's gambling machine regime to cannabis legalization
How co-developed are community and academic partnerships?
How ending impunity for conflict-related sexual violence overwhelmed the UN women, peace, and security agenda: a discursive genealogy
A methodological review and critique of the "intergenerational transmission of violence" literature
The prevalence and correlates of partner violence used and experienced by adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review and call to action
Re: Characteristics of a mild traumatic brain injury sample recruited using Amazon's Mechanical Turk
Response to: 'Psychosocial job stressors and suicidality: a meta-analysis and systematic review' by Milner et al
Towards a psychology of sexual health
Insufficient sleep syndrome: an unrecognized but important clinical entity
New recommendations on sport-related concussions: stronger methodology, practical messages, and remaining challenges
Peripartum suicide: additional considerations
R A Cowley, the "Golden Hour," the "Momentary Pause," and the "Third Space"
Sexual and reproductive health education needs, gender roles attitudes and acceptance of couple violence according to engaged men and women
Increasing our understanding of an overlooked public health epidemic: traumatic brain injuries in women subjected to intimate partner violence
Required navigation performance for connected and autonomous vehicles: where are we now and where are we going?
Exploiting sleep to modify bad attitudes
The forgotten casualties redux: women, children, and disaster risk
The CLASH model in broader life history context
CLASH's life history foundations
Disaster-relief fraud: a dark side of disasters
From "a fair game" to "a form of covert research": research ethics committee members' differing notions of consent and potential risk to participants within social media research
Gender-based violence and the role of healthcare professionals
Hell on earth? Equatorial peaks of heat, poverty, and aggression
How should we understand family-centred care?
The importance of being explicit
Interpreting risky behavior as a contextually appropriate response: significance and policy implications beyond socioeconomic status
Physicians join frontline efforts to curb gun injuries, deaths
What does gunshot detection technology tell us about gun violence?
Call for a new epidemiological approach to disaster response
Mitigating risk of injury in alpine skiing in the Pyeongchang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games: the time is now!
Reply to Van Lange et al.: Proximate and ultimate distinctions must be made to the CLASH model
The role of climate in human aggression and violence: towards a broader conception
Russian data refute the CLASH model
Seeing context through metaphor: using communications research to bring a social determinants perspective to public thinking about child abuse and neglect
Sociocultural discourse in science: flawed assumptions and bias in the CLASH model
Strategies and challenges in preventing violence against Canadian indoor sex workers
Stuck in the heat or stuck in the hierarchy? Power relations explain regional variations in violence
Visualized analysis of developing trends and hot topics in natural disaster research
Violence against women in Cambodia: towards a culturally responsive theory of change
To do no harm: humanitarian aid in conflict demands political engagement
Edge conditions and crash-avoidance roles: the future of traffic safety in the world of autonomous vehicles
Editorial. Impact of the Binge Drinking (BD) in Adolescence. Are we doing it right?
"I don't know that I've ever felt like I got the full story": a qualitative study of courtroom interactions between judges and litigants in domestic violence protective order cases
Treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons and Germany's global health responsibility
New WHO Violence Prevention Information System, an interactive knowledge platform of scientific findings on violence
Overstating the effects of loving-kindness meditation: comment on Kok et al. (2013)
The presence of sharp-edged weapon related cut mark in Joseon skull discovered at the 16th century market district of Old Seoul City ruins in South Korea
Reflections on six decades of research on adolescent behavior and development
Child road traffic injury mortality in Victoria, Australia (0-14 years), the need for targeted action
Clinicians' need for an ecological approach to violence reduction
Continuing medical education and firearm violence counseling
Correction to: 'The effects of cannabis intoxication on motor vehicle collision revisited and revised' (2016)
What should be the scope of physicians' roles in responding to gun violence?
How the health sector can reduce violence by treating it as a contagion
How should physicians make decisions about mandatory reporting when a patient might become violent?
Pediatricians and public health: optimizing the health and well-being of the nation's children
Should a physician comply with a parent's demands for a forensic exam on a 16-year-old trauma patient?
Smiles, apologies, and drawing trauma-informed care in the PurpLE Clinic
Stop posturing and start problem solving: a call for research to prevent gun violence
Stress reactions following acute situations involving moral challenges among health care professionals
Three perspectives on mental health told through StoryCorps' "Liza Long and 'Michael'"
Law, ethics, and conversations between physicians and patients about firearms in the home
Violencia De Pareja (Intimate Partner Violence)
Hamstring injuries are increasing in men's professional football: every cloud has a silver lining?
Medical knowledge in accident insurance : assessing "pneumatic tool damages" at the Bergmannsheil Hospital, 1929-1944
Tackling in physical education rugby: an unnecessary risk?
Remaking the electronic tracking of offenders into a "persuasive technology"
End-of-life decision-making for patients with geriatric trauma cared for in a trauma intensive care unit
Why arguments against infanticide remain convincing: a reply to Räsänen
Implementation of a National Trauma Research Action Plan (NTRAP)
Microaggressions and social work practice, education, and research
Statement of removal: "Sexual coercion in marriage: narrative accounts of abused Latinas"
Social work practice and technology: ethical issues and policy responses
Ethical issues in forensic testimony involving abusive head trauma
Emergency preparedness and disaster management: what you need to know
Art is not special: an assault on the last lines of defense against the naturalization of the human mind
Fall concern about older persons shifts to carers as changing health policy focuses on family, home-based care
The neural basis of social influence in a dictator decision
Trust and the ethical conduct of community-engaged research
Injury Prevention: where to from here?
Public health interventions against hate violence
Write to the editor
AI opens new frontier for suicide prevention
Dutch practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide: a glimpse at the edges of the practice
Forgotten children in parked vehicles: a review of Italian fatalities
Model to reduce unintentional firearms injury and death: safety through education
Beyond the forensic pathology investigation: improving warfighter survivability
Confronting an upsurge in opiate deaths with limited resources
County coroners and their role in the heart of the opioid epidemic
Eternally vulnerable: the pathology of abuse in domestic animals
How to survive a mass fatality incident, mostly
National Association of Medical Examiners Position Paper: Recommendations for the Definition, Investigation, Postmortem Examination, and Reporting of Deaths in Custody
National Coronial Information System: epidemiology and the coroner in Australia
The promise of molecular autopsy in forensic pathology practice
Recommendations for the autopsy of an infant who has died suddenly and unexpectedly
South Africa: vulnerable persons and groups in a vulnerable democracy -- can forensic medical services help to ensure justice in critical times?
Ten percent of SIDS cases are murder -- or are they?
Christianity, antisemitism, and the Holocaust
Christian ethical boundaries of suicide prevention
The case for considering rather than ignoring race/ethnicity in substance abuse research
From 'miserable minority' to the 'fortunate few': the other end of the mild traumatic brain injury spectrum
Why are injuries disgusting? Comparing pathogen avoidance and empathy accounts
Reducing frequent utilization of psychiatric emergency services among veterans while maintaining quality of care
Safety management systems: a broad overview of the literature
Sport-related concussion
Swedish Vision Zero policies for safety - a comparative policy content analysis
Letter to the editor: Editorial: Do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
Letter to the editor: Editorial: Do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
Letter to the editor: Editorial: Do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
Reply to the letter to the editor: Editorial: Do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
Reply to the letter to the editor: Editorial: Do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
PENS position statement on bullying prevention
Regression: simple linear
Safety of 'the vulnerable road users': current challenges and need for a new approach
Severe unintentional injuries to Ohio children: what we should be addressing at well-child visits
The history of the coal mining industry and mining accidents in the world and Turkey
Backstories on the U.S. opioid epidemic: good intentions gone bad, an industry gone rogue and watch dogs gone to sleep
Better care, fewer suicides?
Disaster risk assessment in educational hospitals
Why polyvictimization matters
Whether sports participation is healthy or detrimental for the individual is a matter of dosage
Future directions for research on early intervention for young children at risk for social anxiety
What manner of man is the murderer ? Physique and intelligence
Addressing youth drinking
Interpreting the Czech drug decriminalization: The glass is half full - Response to Cerveny, J., Chomynova, P., Mravcik, V., & van Ours, J.C. (2017). Cannabis decriminalization and the age of onset of cannabis use
Intimate partner violence, traumatic brain injury, and social work: moving forward
Intoxication from accidental marijuana ingestion in pediatric patients: what may lie ahead
Limiting the impacts of child abuse and neglect by understanding which supports matter most: a differential impact approach
Mass violence, radicalization and terrorism: a role for psychiatric profession?
Natural disasters: looking at the consequences
Reflections on traumatic brain injury research in 2018
Role of Occupational Physician in Mining Accidents
Suicide and the criminal justice system: a more complete picture
Suicide and the criminal justice system: a more complete picture - Authors' reply
Using school disciplinary context to understand adolescent health behaviors
Suicide and the criminal justice system: a more complete picture
Classifications in brief: Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Injury Severity Score System
Clinical care and complicity with torture
Creating new solutions to tackle old problems: the first ever evidence-based guidance on emergency risk communication policy and practice
Dismantling the justice silos: flowcharting the role and expertise of forensic science, forensic medicine and allied health in adult sexual assault investigations
Gender violence and mental health: a gap between clinical assistance and research
Gun violence: care ethicists making the invisible visible
International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine Consensus Guidelines for On-Site Management and Transport of Patients in Canyoning Incidents
Rehabilitation and re-socialization of criminals in Iranian criminal law
The collapse of the state criminal justice system and rise of private violence and crime: a Roman historical case
Suicide in Korea and the role of media
The necessity for the theoretical and empirical research on assaulted and injured police officers in the line of duty in South Korea
Researching the decline in adolescent drinking: the need for a global and generational approach
The strengthen role of police in holistic system of child abuse
Supporting doctors as healthcare quality and safety advocates: recommendations from the associations of surgeons in training (ASiT)
Editorial of hidden costs of hospitalization after firearm injury: national analysis of different hospital readmission
The global collaboration on traumatic stress
The many layers of meaning of 007
Sixty years of child-to-parent abuse research: what we know and where to go
A social problem: individual and group rape
Trauma is a public health issue
Trauma registry implementation in low- and middle-income countries: challenges and opportunities
Understanding conflict and the role of community development: is building a peaceful society within our reach?
Cumulative disadvantage
Gender-based violence against transgender people in the United States: a call for research and programming
"High holidays" are linked to increased risk of fatal traffic crashes
Need for gender sensitive health system responses to violence against women and children
The psychohistory of child maltreatment among antebellum slaveholders: part II
After Aylan Kurdi: how tweeting about death, threat, and harm predict increased expressions of solidarity with refugees over time
The case for severe mental illness as a disparities category
The role of close relationships in terror management: a systematic review and research agenda
Children's doctor games and nudity at Danish childcare institutions
Don't fight like a girl: veteran preferences based on combat exposure and gender
Mental health care providers talk about their experiences preventing suicide in people with substance use disorders in South Africa: implications for clinical practice
More questions raised by concussion-like symptoms found in US diplomats who served in Havana
Neurological manifestations among US government personnel reporting directional audible and sensory phenomena in Havana, Cuba
Shot by a gun … missed by a provider
It is time to consider a presumed liability law that protects cyclists and other vulnerable road users
The geography of crime and crime control
A survey of nurses' perceptions on child abuse
Addressing the disconnects in child protection practice (editorial)
Comparing international approaches to safeguarding children: global lesson learning (editorial)
Physical abuse of children (editorial)
The practical sense of protection: a discussion paper on the reporting of child abuse in Africa and whether international standards actually help keep children safe
The prevalence of child maltreatment across the globe: review of a series of meta-analyses
What is really wrong with serious case reviews?
'This is not just about history…' addressing the disconnect in historic (non-recent) child abuse investigations
Comment on: "Emergency nurses' perspective of workplace violence in Jordanian hospitals: A national survey" Int. Emerg. Nurs. 24(1) (2016), 61-65 by ALBashtawy M and Aljezawi M
Distracted and impaired driving
Increasing perceived emergency preparedness by participatory policy-making (think-tanks)
Can we do better? A Canadian perspective on firearm injury prevention
Beyond infanticide: how psychological accounts of persons can justify harming infants
High rates of violent death among Rohingya refugees (editorial)
Occupational violence and staff safety in general practice
Workplace violence and components of a psychologically healthy workplace
Working towards more effective implementation, dissemination and scale-up of lower-limb injury-prevention programs: insights from community Australian football coaches
Torture-if it doesn't work-why use it?
Who deserves basic rights? People condone violations of procedural and physical rights in the treatment of terrorist suspects
A 5-year follow-up of psychological distress caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident: a case report
ED visits for self-harm by girls are on the rise
The ethical and legal implications of a nurse's arrest in Utah
Ethics, effectiveness and population health information interventions: a Canadian analysis
No fear: be proactive to end workplace violence and bullying
Reducing youth firearm suicide risk: evidence for opportunities
Reply to the letter to the editor: Editorial: do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
Make helmets a policy
Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) position statement: restore CDC funding for firearms and gun violence prevention research
Suicide assessment and treatment: gaps between theory, research, and practice
Battered baby syndrome
High-risk mechanism of injury: a new indication for screening for blunt cerebrovascular injury?
Back to the future: What do accident causation models tell us about accident prediction?
The golden age? What the 100 most cited articles in terrorism studies tell us
Psychological approaches to the study of play
The violent video game moral panic and the politics of game research
Letter to the editor: Editorial: Do orthopaedic surgeons belong on the sidelines at American football games?
An autoethnographic account of child sexual abuse in South Africa : a personal experience perspective
How the science of injury prevention contributes to advancing home fire safety in the USA: successes and opportunities
Letter to the Editor concerning "Pilon fractures: A new classification system based on CT-scan" by Danilo Leonetti, *, Domenico Tigani (2017). Injury. 2017 Oct;48(10):2311-2317
Our role in radiation disaster preparedness
Alcohol, masculinity, violence and anti-social behaviour in sport (editorial)
Corrigendum to: "Does outcome measurement of treatment for substance use disorder reflect the personal concerns of patients? A scoping review of measures recommended in Europe" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 179 (2017) 299-308]
Earth, wind, and fire: Pinal Apaches, miners, and genocide in Central Arizona, 1859-1874
The ethics of smart stadia: a stakeholder analysis of the Croke Park project
The Halifax Explosion a century later: lessons for our time
Implementation of the 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement in contact and collision sports: a joint position statement from 11 national and international sports organisations
A Magna Carta in psychosocial rehabilitation: the long road traveled
Managed alcohol programs: reducing social and injury harm, but what about long-term health harm?
The metaphorical zombie a review of zombie theory: a reader edited by Sarah Juliet Lauro
Raise concerns without fear and protect confidentiality: why the two orders?
Rational suicide in elderly adults: a clinician's perspective
Refractory schizophrenia, attempted suicide, and withdrawal of life support: a clinical ethics case report
Trading health risks for glory: a reformulation of the Goldman Dilemma
A bibliometric analysis of the published road traffic injuries research in India, post-1990
Dealing with violence as a community nurse
Fewer orbital fractures treated at St Vincent's Hospital after lockout laws introduced in Sydney
More action needed: psychotropic prescribing in Australian residential aged care
Tinnitus and self-harm revisited
Traumatic brain injury pharmacological treatment: recommendations
Using drones to study human beings: ethical and regulatory issues
A new "shield of the weak": continued paternalism of domestic violence services in Uruguay
Notes on the development of health psychology and behavioral medicine in the United States
Protecting our patients from sexual assault
Is there an inherent conflict in managing fire for people and conservation?
Mantras of wildland fire behaviour modelling: facts or fallacies?
Whither the paradigm shift? Large wildland fires and the wildfire paradox offer opportunities for a new paradigm of ecological fire management
You own the fuel, but who owns the fire?
The burden of traumatic brain injury in children
Public history, invisibility, and women in the Republic of Ireland
Stronger US gun laws are linked to lower homicide and suicide rates
Interstate association of state firearm laws with suicide and homicide
Parallels in safety between aviation and healthcare
"Complete streets" policies and eliminating pedestrian fatalities (editorial)
Full coverage sports physicals: school nurses' untapped role in health promotion among student athletes
How many people are exposed to suicide? Not six
The violence epidemic in the African American community: a call by the National Medical Association for comprehensive reform
Death by gun violence-guns are not the problem-reply
Urban streets between public space and mobility
The challenge of safe driving among elderly drivers
Logistics research: what a long, strange trip it's been
Motility as a policy objective
The West, Texas, ammonium nitrate explosion: a failure of regulation
Athletic suicide - separating fact from fiction and navigating the challenging road ahead
Concussion in sport: the importance of accurate and reliable discharge advice
Harnessing the language of overdose prevention to advance evidence-based responses to the opioid crisis
Suicide in men: the time is ripe for active scientific investigations
Rural accidental injury and death: the neglected disease of modern trauma systems?
Principles for designing and delivering psychosocial and mental healthcare
Regarding the editorial "The autopsy evaluation of 'straightforward' fire deaths"
Modern statistics, multiple testing and wishful thinking
A negative CT may be sufficient to safely discharge patients with abdominal seatbelt sign from the emergency department: a case series analysis
Nutritional supplements for the treatment and prevention of sports-related concussion - omega 3 fatty acids: evidence still lacking?
Are older women forgotten in the fight against sexual violence?
High numbers of firework related injury referrals to the London Burns Service during the recent 'Bonfire night' period, is it time for new regulations?
The importance of interagency collaboration for crossover youth: a research note
Jodi Arias: a case of extreme violence
Promoting gun safety: sharing knowledge of child development to support informed decisions
Public transportation and the idiocy of urban life
Unlocking the mind-trap: politicising urban theory and practice
Searching for actually existing justice in the city
Sentencing children for sexual offending: a prequel case study
"To this day she continues to struggle with the terror imposed upon her": rape narratives in victim impact statements
Outcomes of fire research: is science used?
Safety of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) -the balance of the social benefit and risk
Analysing and exemplifying forensic conclusion criteria in terms of Bayesian decision theory
Concussion: a history of science and medicine, 1870-2005
Bystander training as leadership training: notes on the origins, philosophy, and pedagogy of the mentors in violence prevention model
Commentary on Katz's Bystander Training as leadership training
Dangers of private vehicle transportation vs emergency medical services transportation-reply
Gender equality in India hit by illiteracy, child marriages and violence: a hurdle for sustainable development
Questioning the benefits of private vehicle transportation vs emergency medical services transportation
Questioning the benefits of private vehicle transportation vs emergency medical services transportation
Reflections on Jackson Katz and the MVP Program
Response to Commentaries on Bystander Training as Leadership Training
Dizziness and vertigo syndromes viewed with a historical eye
Drowning prevention in pediatrics
Global citizenship and the role of the United Nations: the promise of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium
Injuries in Austrian football players: are they an issue?
When psychology and politics commingle
One size does not fit all for Canadian trauma systems
'Opening the door' on domestic violence and abuse - the crucial role of medical professionals
The refugee crisis and the rights of children: perspectives on community-based resettlement programs
Reply to letter regarding "The effect of hearing aids and cochlear implants on balance during gait"
Response to Weaver TS, Shayman CS, Huller TE. The effect of hearing aids and cochlear implants on balance during gait. Otol neurotol 2017;38: 1327-1332
Routine screening laboratory studies for nonheat stroke field heat injuries are unnecessary: a retrospective review
Sexual violence against children and adolescents in South Africa: making the invisible visible
Suicide: the leading cause of violent death
To screen or not to screen: overreliance on risk without protective factors in violence research
Uneven progress in reducing exposure to violence at home for New Zealand adolescents 2001-2012: a nationally representative cross-sectional survey series
Traumatic brain injury: at the crossroads of neuropathology and common metabolic endocrinopathies
Editorial: understanding the complex phenomenon of suicide: from research to clinical practice
Integration of the nurse practitioner into your child abuse team
Kingpin approaches to fighting crime and community violence: evidence from Mexico's drug war
Recent advances in the prevention of mental disorders
Violence for educational purpose: representations of general practitioners in the Paris area, France. A qualitative study
Psychosocial risk factors and other than honorable military discharge: providing healthcare to previously ineligible veterans
Alcohol's harm to others: opportunities and challenges in a public health framework
Inadequate sleeping impairs brain function and aggravates everyday life: a challenge for human psychophysiology?
Drinkers' harm to others: a commentary on Karriker-Jaffe et al. (2018)
"The heart of our mission is to provide emergency shelter, at any time, including weekends"
Injuries in the Greek epics of Homer
Continuing conversations about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screening: a public health perspective
Outcome assessment after traumatic brain injury
Outcome assessment after traumatic brain injury - Authors' reply
Tackling an epidemic: new and emerging opioid addiction treatments offer hope for solutions to this crisis
Public health research on gun violence: long overdue
Aviation security and the TSA's behavior detection: why effective academic and practitioner dialogue is vital
Ptolemaic military operations were a dominant factor in the spread of Egyptian cults across the early Hellenistic Aegean Sea
Gait and balance in the aging population: fall prevention using innovation and technology
Preschool work against bullying and degrading treatment: experiences from an action learning project
The public health challenge of consumer non-compliance to toy product recalls and proposed solutions
Reconsidering our domestic violence system
Running the numbers: domestic violence in child welfare
Sustainable transportation and health
Toward a trauma-responsive juvenile justice system
Women, 'madness' and exercise
How to stop the epidemic of suicides: health workers are not trained to address patients' self-destructive impulses—but they should be
Physician-assisted dying: thoughts drawn from Albert Camus' writing
Preventing suicide
Working in the field of complex psychological trauma: a framework for personal and professional growth, training, and supervision
The American Organization of Nurse Executives and American Hospital Association initiatives work to combat violence
Commentary on De Genna et al. (2017): Why should we be concerned about adolescent mothers and their risks for long-term risky alcohol consumption over the life course?
Editorial licence: what gets published and why
Imagining the future in children with severe traumatic brain injury
Twenty challenges in incident planning
Commentary: A time to reap and a time to sow: reducing the adolescent suicide rate now and in the future: commentary on Cha et al. (2018)
Coordination in theory, coordination in practice: the case of the Clusters
Deconstructing criminology's origin stories
Development of the AAS Statement on "Suicide" and "Physician Aid in Dying"
Drug war stories and the Philippine president
Mr. Trump: How I learned to stop worrying and love the patient-aggressor
Ready, willing and able: the role of pharmacists in natural and manmade disasters - can we do more?
Reimagining the environment in developmental psychopathology: from molecules to effective interventions
Research ethics, trauma and self-care: reflections on disaster geographies
Understanding the pathways from depression to suicidal risk from the perspective of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide
Does the reliability of reporting in injury surveillance studies depend on injury definition?
Less dogmatic approach to severe traumatic brain injury
Tamper-resistant prescription forms for narcotics in France: should we generalise them?
Reducing falls in older adults recently discharged from hospital: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Geography and the priority of injustice
Family violence: an insight into perspectives and practices of Australian health practitioners
Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders: PTSD is not the only diagnosis
Economic abuse as an invisible form of domestic violence: a multicountry review
Good gun policy needs research
Mass shootings, mental illness, and gun control
Medical evaluation board involvement, non-credible cognitive testing, and emotional response bias in concussed service members
The spread of true and false news online
Advancing trauma center injury and violence prevention: public health and health care working together
Terrorist speech and the criminal law - a comparative analysis
Countdown for UK Child Survival 2017: mortality progress and targets
Doctors and suicide
Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults: a cause of falls, a consequence, or both?
Comparison of concussion rates between NCAA Division I and Division III men's and women's ice hockey players: letter to the editor
Comparison of concussion rates between NCAA Division I and Division III men's and women's ice hockey players: response
Contact burns in the elderly: do we need a campaign of prevention?
Reported resuscitation of a hypothermic avalanche victim with assisted ventilation in 1939
From agricultural benefits to aviation safety: realizing the potential of continent-wide radar networks
The gun violence epidemic: time for perioperative physicians to act
Addressing the wicked problem of American gun violence: consumer interest groups as macro-social marketers
Against racial profiling
Arms and their innovations in Aragon during the second half of the 14 th century
Can sinful firms benefit from advertising their CSR efforts? Adverse effect of advertising sinful firms' CSR engagements on firm performance
Emails reveal pressures on NIH gun research: agency staff wanted program on firearms violence to continue
The spread of firearms in the Visconti's Lordship (14th Century)
Taking aim at an epidemic: firearms injury prevention by emergency nurses
Why so silent? The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment debate after DC v. Heller
Re: Cook, et al. letter concerning "The hidden epidemic of firearm injury: increasing firearm injury rates during 2001-2013". Three authors reply
Fight the silencing of gun research
The fight to bear arms: challenging the Second Amendment and the U.S. Constitution as a sacred text
Firearm "rights" in Canada: law and history in the debates over gun control
Gun owners, ethics, and the problem of evil: a response to the Las Vegas shooting
The gun-slave hypothesis and the 18th century British slave trade
How many bullets do you need? Contrasting and comparing behavioral outcomes and cognitive abilities when using a semiautomatic versus automatic firearm
Learning to need a gun
Linking statewide hospital admission and mortality datasets to investigate events after opioid-related hospitalizations in Pennsylvania (Abstract 64)
Much ado about nothing? Prehistory of the firearm
Physicians, patients, and firearms: the courts say "yes"
Addressing workplace violence
The brain feels the pain from teenage drinking
Increasing male preponderance in suicide coinciding with a reduction by half in total suicides in the Danish population should raise awareness of male depression
The opioid crisis and schools-a commentary
Poisoning histories in the Italian renaissance: the case of Pico Della Mirandola and Angelo Poliziano
Promoting research integrity
Documentary cinema and memory of political violence in post-authoritarian Morocco and Tunisia (2009-2015)
Editorial: reflecting on trafficking research
Firearm injury control: a call to arms for wide ranging advocacy
Interventions to prevent falls in older adults
Interventions to prevent falls in older adults-reply
Nationwide trends in mortality following penetrating trauma: are we up for the challenge?
Open discussion of suicide
The risk of fatigue and sleepiness in the ridesharing industry: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine position statement
Vehicular suicides resulting in the deaths of others
We need to treat gun violence like an epidemic
What should the African health workforce know about disasters? Proposed competencies for strengthening public health disaster risk management education in Africa
Injury control: using novel analytic methods to enhance advocacy and policy response
Natural environments and suicide
Predatory journals: when publications fall prey
Preventing recreational sports injuries: practicalities and governance
An update to the AIS-AMA position statement on concussion in sport
40 years of fabricated or induced illness (FII): where next for paediatricians? Paper 1: epidemiology and definition of FII
Can public health strategies tackle London's rise in fatal violence?
Editorial: The future of crisis mental health services for children and young people
The effect of driver improvement interventions on crash involvement; has it been under-estimated?
Bringing social justice principles to practice: new practitioners speak
Broadening our understanding of evidence-based practice: effective and discredited interventions
Building an infrastructure for evidence-based policymaking: a view from a state administrator
Campus high-risk drinking culture as a social justice issue: a commentary on the potential impact on the mental health and well-being of marginalized college students
Crimes of solidarity in mobility: alternative views on migrant smuggling
Discursive context and language as action: a demonstration using critical discourse analysis to examine discussions about human trafficking in Hawai'i
How violence breeds violence: micro-dynamics and reciprocity of violent interaction in the Arab uprisings
In response to Dr. Laura Huey's commentary on "harm-focused policing"
The new role of health educators in reducing health disparities: from research to action plan
Toward an integrated theory of relational youth violence: bridging a gap among the theory, research, and practice of bullying prevention
Transition from war to peace: the Ethiopian disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration experience
Violence: constructing an emerging field of sociology
When suicide kills: an empirical analysis of the lethality of suicide terrorism
The German emergency and disaster medicine and management system-history and present
Harm from others' drinking-related aggression, violence and misconduct in five Asian countries and the implications
Keeping athletes on the field: preventing primary and secondary ACL injuries
A multidimensional theory of suicide
Psychological pain, depression, and suicide: recent evidences and future directions
Reefer madness or much ado about nothing? Cannabis legalization outcomes among young adults in the United States
Rethinking cures in Jesse Ball's "A cure for suicide"
Screening for intimate partner violence in women: creating proper practice habits
Theory of the rise of al-Qaeda
What is truth? The spiritual quest of forensic psychiatry
Abuse and violence
Born in Auschwitz and survived: a triumph over murderers
Communicating about mental illness and violence: balancing stigma and increased support for services
Islam and cannabis: legalisation and religious debate in Iran
There is too much traffic for Alex to walk to school, so we drive. A call to action based on a 42-year trend (Letter)
There is too much traffic for Alex to walk to school, so we drive: a call to action based on a 42-year trend
Timely intervention can reduce the cost of falls
The state of US health, 1990-2016: burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors among US states
Supporting community nurses to cope with patient suicide
Syndemics: a theory in search of data or data in search of a theory?
Editorial: Monitoring pathophysiology in the injured brain
"Everybody likes a drink. Nobody likes a drunk". Alcohol, health education and the public in 1970s Britain
Extracapsular fracture of the femur in an elderly male from the Church of Nossa Senhora da Anunciada (Setúbal, Portugal)
Finding a silver lining: the importance of documenting medical tragedies
Pediatric trauma - an emerging epidemic
What am I? A philosophical account of personhood and its applications to people with brain injury
Concussion diagnoses among adults presenting to three Canadian emergency departments: missed opportunities
Evaluating an intervention to improve belt fit for adult occupants: promoting positive beliefs
Violence rife in Mexico, affecting medical community
Twenty-two years of Injury Free
Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater; screening can identify meaningful risk factors for sports injuries
Drug misuse at heart of strategy to reduce violent crime
"For their own good": a response to popular arguments against permitting medical assistance in dying (maid) where mental illness is the sole underlying condition
From high street to main street: revising and utilizing the Richter Scale for Health in an urban center in the US
Head injury; the forgotten child of the psychiatry?
Late-life depression: issues for the general practitioner
Reducing physician suicides requires system change, not just self-care tips
Reading Willy Wonka in the era of anti-thinking
Five years post Nirbhaya: critical insights into the status of response to sexual assault
Medical cannabis: an oxymoron? Physicians' perceptions of medical cannabis
The need for first aid education for adolescents
Coach and player attitudes to injury in youth sport
Can "results blind manuscript evaluation" assuage "publication bias"?
Results-blind publishing: a rejoinder to responses
Results blind science publishing
Results blind science publishing ; comment
Results blind manuscript evaluation proposal: comment
Results blind science publishing: commentary on Locascio
How to curb production of chemical weapons
'Assisting' listeners to hear words that aren't there: dangers in using police transcripts of indistinct covert recordings
Making forensic science fit for justice
Of lamp posts, keys, and fabled drunkards: a perspectival tale of 4 guidelines
Pedagogical injustice and counter-terrorist education
Rethinking the approach to veteran suicides
The rise and fall of human rights in English education policy? Inescapable national interests and PREVENT
Exploring the impact of climate change on the outbreak of early twenty-first-century violence in the Middle East and North Africa and the potential of permaculture as an effective adaptation
The relationships among actual weather events, perceived unusual weather, media use, and global warming belief certainty in China
Social resilience to climate-related disasters in ancient societies: a test of two hypotheses
(When) is science reporting ethical? The case for recognizing shared epistemic responsibility in science journalism
A call for implementing preferred practices for brain injury screening in youth to improve transition
A closer look at the psychosocial realities of LGBTQ youth
Costs and collateral damage of a failure to protect in Syria
Covering mass murder: an experimental examination of the effect of news focus--killer, victim, or hero--on reader interest
Exercise and depression: where do we go from here? A rebuttal to Schuch et al
The fight against terrorism
Gender nonconforming youth: current perspectives
How can we balance our ethical concerns and responsibilities with the benefits of dealing with commercial organisations?
Near-drowning: to be or not to be … is it the question?
Quality indicators for systematic reviews in behavioral disorders
Reducing media-induced mass killings: lessons from suicide prevention
Safe spaces and defending the academic status quo
Science journalism's unlikely golden age
Science training for journalists: an essential tool in the post-specialist era of journalism
Societal threats from ideologically driven science
Toward an acceptable definition of emotional disturbance: waiting for the change
Commentary: Advancing an implementation science agenda on mental health and psychosocial responses in war-affected settings: comment on trials of a psychosocial intervention for youth affected by the Syrian crisis - by Panter-Brick et al. (2018)
David Oliver: Falls in older people-can we really make a difference?
Ethical challenges faced by healthcare professionals who care for suicidal patients: a scoping review
Ethical implications of mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence
US gun massacres are preventable
Standard of care, controversies and innovations in the medical treatment of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (STBI)
Chemical weapons are intentionally deployed against the most vulnerable groups of people
Critical issues in men's mental health
Keeping up with the technology? Technological advances and child maltreatment research
Paramedics as a new resource for women experiencing intimate partner violence
Preventing fractures and falls: a limited role for calcium and vitamin D supplements?
Research priorities in suicide prevention: review of Australian research from 2010⁻2017 highlights continued need for intervention research
Walter B. Cannon's World War I experience: treatment of traumatic shock then and now
Violence and the contemporary soldiering body
Why we need to study (US) militarism: a critical feminist lens
Training to curb police corruption in developing countries: a suggested framework
Training teachers to teach epidemiology in middle and high schools
Bridging the digital disconnect: exploring the views of professionals on using technology to promote young people's mental health
Criminalizing vulnerability: protecting 'vulnerable' children and punishing 'wicked' mothers
A culture that is hard to defend: extralegal factors in federal death penalty cases
"The destruction of a legacy": agenda setting and the Bill Cosby sexual assault allegations
The fight against terrorism
From performance to performativity: the legitimization of US security contracting and its consequences
The human trafficking debate: implications for social work practice
'I am somewhat puzzled': questions, audiences and securitization in the proscription of terrorist organizations
The imperatives of sustainable development
To kill or not to kill: (when) that is the question? A legislative treatise on battered Israeli women facing a dead end road
The "true man" and his gun: on the masculine mystique of second amendment jurisprudence
The origins of the Jimmy Savile scandal
Predictive risk modelling to prevent child maltreatment: insights and implications from Aotearoa/New Zealand
The Republican Party, conservatives, and the future of capital punishment
Rethinking militarism as ideology: the critique of violence after security
Robot Wars: US Empire and geopolitics in the robotic age
Sexual harassment: have we made any progress?
Some reflections on radicalization (Editorial)
Terrorism as a political violence: the formula
Acting to prevent male suicide
Are sleepy punishers really harsh punishers? Comment on Cho, Barnes, and Guanara (2017)
Bicycle helmets and the experimenter effect
Changing trends in suicides using helium or nitrogen - a 15-year study
Freedom with responsibility: a consensus strategy for preventing injury, death, and disability from firearm violence
Mobile bicycle sharing: the social trend that could change how we move
Are people with psychiatric disorders violent?
Epidemiological findings of major chemical attacks in the Syrian war are consistent with civilian targeting: a short report
Public health journals' requirements for authors to disclose funding and conflicts of interest: a cross-sectional study
Why are suicides of inpatients so burdensome?
"Sometimes, somebody just needs somebody - anybody - to care:" the power of interpersonal relationships in the lives of domestic minor sex trafficking survivors
Contemporary principles of suicide prevention
Adopt zero tolerance for hospital staff bullying nursing students
Child's dignity in suffering and death
Claims of sexual harassment and assault threaten UN agency
Organizing a local safety council
Human rights-based approach to unintentional injury prevention
Motivation in rehabilitation and acquired brain injury: can theory help us understand it?
New horizons in fall prevention
Recording routine forensic mental health evaluations should be a standard of practice in the 21st century
A rose by any other name? A subtle linguistic cue impacts anger and corresponding policy support in intractable conflict
Thinking about denial
The institutional and cultural logics of legal commensuration: blood money and negotiated justice in China
Toxic tales-recent histories of pollution, poisoning, and pesticides (ca. 1800-2010)
Alcohol drinking and problems in young populations: the challenge in Asia
Autonomous vehicle perception: the technology of today and tomorrow
Prometheus revisited
A collaborative road safety survivor mission: the sacred work of sorrow
The challenges of estimating the cost of traumatic brain injury worldwide - Editorial
Failure to identify a human trafficking victim
Is a socio-cultural analysis of depressive disorders a matter of concern? Response to Kaiya
Issues in geriatric care: falls
Level I trauma centers: more is not necessarily better
Perspectives for surrogate safety studies in East-European countries
Physical therapists' role in solving the opioid epidemic
Review of the graduated driver licensing programs in Australasia response to letter to the editor
Review of the graduated driver licensing programs in Australasia : letter to the editor
That's "not medicine" - when doctors advocate for safer roads, gun bans or reducing poverty
The role of peers in health interventions for serious mental illness
Cannabis and the opioid crisis
Gunshot-wound dynamics model for John F. Kennedy assassination
Assessing protective factors for adolescent offending: a conceptually informed examination of the SAVRY and YLS/CMI
Current research on child maltreatment epidemiology
What do we know about suicide bombing?
Suicide in older adults: current perspectives
Wearing the marks of violence: unusual trauma patterning at Coyo Oriental, Northern Chile
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Department of Defense Sport-Related Concussion Common Data Elements Version 1.0 Recommendations
On "Diagnosis of child maltreatment: a family medicine physician's dilemma"
The role of epidemiology in firearm violence prevention: a Policy Brief
Criminal responsibility in autism spectrum disorder: a critical review examining empathy and moral reasoning
Development of safety science in Chinese higher education
Effective suicide prevention: where is the discussion on alcohol?
The effects of the global financial crisis on occupational safety and health (OSH): effects on the workforce and organizational safety systems
Bonded slavery and gender in Mahasweta Devi's "Douloti the bountiful"
Clashing cartographies, migrating maps: the politics of mobility at the external borders of E.U.rope
Death and the car: on (auto)mobility, violence, and injustice
Measuring the subjective well-being of diverse populations in the U.S. (Editorial)
The relations between theory of mind and empathy
A road map for civil engineers towards bridge engineering through academic education and professional training
What are funders doing to prevent violence?
All equine vets should wear helmets
Child maltreatment identification rates in a child development center: suggestions for improved detection
Commentary on Salloum et al. (2018): Rethinking adolescent cannabis use and risk perception
Correction: Baseline omega-3 index correlates with aggressive and attention deficit disorder behaviours in adult prisoners
The cost(s) of geospatial open data
Are tropical storms a failure warning? Evidence from standardized school examinations
Critical review of existing built environment resilience frameworks: directions for future research
Decriminalization of suicide as per Section 115 of Mental Health Care Act 2017
Disasters as opportunity for change: tsunami recovery and energy transition in Japan
Translating behavioral science into practice: a framework to determine science quality and applicability for police organizations
Experience of data collection in support of the assessment of global progress in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 - a Swedish pilot study
The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize and the Doomsday Clock - the end of nuclear weapons or the end of us?
"Because if we talk about health issues first, it is easier to talk about human trafficking"; findings from a mixed methods study on health needs and service provision among migrant and trafficked fishermen in the Mekong
Death in trauma: the role of the ACNP in patient advocacy and familial support in end-of-life care decision-making
Firearm injuries and NRA annual conventions
Harsher drug prohibition won't stop violence, but regulation might
Youth suicide prevention in the context of firearm safety
Identifying research priorities around psycho-cognitive and social factors for recovery from hip fractures: an international decision-making process
Introduction: special section on social and economic costs of gender-based violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: causes, implications, and policy directions
Moral injury in time of war
Phrenology and the Rwandan Genocide
Preventing violent crime
Steps to achieve universal suicide screening in emergency departments: a call to action
How did we get here? Heroin and fentanyl trafficking trends: a law enforcement perspective
Interventions for coping with bullying need further investigation and should be built into nursing curricula
Firearm injuries and NRA annual conventions - Authors' Response
Treatment of gunshot wounds to the spine during the late 19th century
On dignity and psychiatry
Public-private-people relationship stakeholder model for disaster and humanitarian operations
Rapid seismic risk assessment
The social construction of disaster risk: seeking root causes (Editorial)
Social disruption by flooding, a European perspective
Preventing suicide: a multicausal model requires multimodal research and intervention
A social change perspective on injury prevention in China
Neither medicine nor health care staff members are violent by nature: obstetric violence from an interactionist perspective
New skills to reduce sexual risk behaviors among young adolescents
Questioning the current public health approach to countering violent extremism
The Syrian conflict: a case study of the challenges and acute need for medical humanitarian operations for women and children internally displaced persons
Distress and satisfaction with research participation: impact on retention in longitudinal disaster research
Adaptive governance as a catalyst for transforming the relationship between development and disaster risk through the Sendai Framework?
University sports rivalries provide insights on coalitional psychology : territorial context influences reactions to vocal signals of allegiance
The Natural Hazards Partnership: a public-sector collaboration across the UK for natural hazard disaster risk reduction
Grappling with suicide risk
Adolescent injuries should not be ignored
Building resilience after disasters through the youth leadership program: the importance of community and academic partnerships on youth outcomes
Heat and community sport guidelines
Memento mori and photographic perspective of roadside trauma
A national program for injury prevention in children and adolescents: the Injury Free Coalition for Kids
A structural model of health behavior: a pragmatic approach to explain and influence health behaviors at the population level
Injury control in developing nations: what can we learn from industrialized countries?
Elevating Black women in contextually relevant ways: a top priority in violence and HIV prevention work
Gun violence research and the profession of trauma surgery
What is the institutional duty of trauma systems to respond to gun violence?
Parental desensitization to gun violence in PG-13 movies
A systematic review of longitudinal cohort studies examining unintentional injury in young children
Italian organized crime: will the real Mafia please stand up
Hospital-based violence intervention: an emerging practice based on public health principles
13 things pediatricians should know (and do) about 13 Reasons Why
Bullying the archenemy of holistic care
Correction: Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults: a cause of falls, a consequence, or both?
Grey's Anatomy effect: television portrayal of patients with trauma may cultivate unrealistic patient and family expectations after injury
Highly deficient alcohol health warning labels in a high-income country with a voluntary system
Ethical issues in conducting research with children and families affected by disasters
Predicting risk of suicide among individuals who are members of higher-risk populations: finding THE needle in a stack of needles!
Sustainable partnerships for NCD prevention: implications for public health
Teacher involvement prevents increases in children's depressive symptoms: bidirectional associations in elementary school
Reconsidering the woodpecker model of traumatic brain injury
How safe is safe enough for self-driving vehicles?
Human trafficking: how nurses can make a difference
The importance of considering political contributors to violence in public health research
Intimate partner violence: what health care providers should know
Metaphorically or not, violence is not a contagious disease
Reducing waste in evaluation studies on fall risk assessment tools for older people
Response to "Metaphorically or not, violence is not a contagious disease"
Addressing research gaps in sexual and gender minority adolescents' substance use and misuse
Failure to tackle suicide inequalities across Europe
How (not) to interpret a non-causal association in sports injury science
Maternal distraction from smartphone use: a potential risk factor for sudden unexpected postnatal collapse of the newborn
Workplace violence against nurses
Work stress prevention needs of employees and supervisors
Variability in adolescent portal privacy features: how the unique privacy needs of the adolescent patient create a complex decision-making process
Child abuse: awareness is the first step to action
Hawaii volcano eruption holds clues to predicting similar events elsewhere
Injury prevention: achieving population-level change (Editorial)
Social marketing to address attitudes and behaviours related to preventable injuries in British Columbia, Canada
Research driven policy: is financial capacity related to dangerousness?
Exploring the impact of off the beaten path: violence, women, and art
The limits of ethical consumption in the sex industry: an analysis of online brothel reviews
What makes a good mother? An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the views of women with learning disabilities
Shaping perceptions of Sarah Palin's charisma: presentations of Palin in the 2008 presidential election
Some brief concluding remarks in relation to the discussion with Floris Goerlandt and Genserik Reniers about strength of knowledge (strength of evidence) judgments in semi-quantitative risk analysis (Letter)
Tracing the rise of evidence-based juvenile justice in Florida
On sceptics and enthusiasts: what are the expectations towards self-driving cars?
Perception of rape culture on a college campus: a look at social media posts
Policing unruly women: the state and sexual violence during the Northern Irish Troubles
What is this thing called injury prevention?
Advocating for life support training of children, parents, caregivers, school personnel, and the public
Aggressiveness, violence, homicidality, homicide, and Lyme disease
Another mass shooting: time to ban the assault rifle
Cataract surgery and motor vehicle fatality prevention-reply
Cataract surgery and motor vehicle fatality prevention
Consensus statement on abusive head trauma in infants and young children
Prosocial behavior and subjective insecurity in violent contexts: field experiments (Correction)
How media influences perceptions of suicide
NewsCAP: APHA unlocks free public access to articles on firearm issues and research
When disaster strikes
Universities should encourage helmet wearing
Taking a closer look at the biomarker test for mild traumatic brain injury
Sustainable development goals for health promotion: a critical frame analysis
Social workers: an important piece of the puzzle to prevent and respond to school violence
A survivor's perspective of acid attacks in the UK: an open letter from Katie Piper
Perspectives on acid attacks in the UK
The (suicidal-) depressive position: a scientifically informed reformulation
Commentary: Childhood conduct problems are a public health crisis and require resources: a commentary on Rivenbark et al.
Long term outcome following severe traumatic brain injury: ethical considerations
Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Politics of African Peace Support Operation architecture: what next post-2015 African Standby Force?
The role of heritage structural engineering and why it is important for future generations
Abdominal stab wound injury in children: do we need different approach?
Childhood maltreatment and impulsivity: a meta-analysis and recommendations for future study
Commentary on: suicide screening tools for use with incarcerated offenders
Critical reflection on the ethics of mindfulness
The cumulative complexity model and repeat falls: a quality improvement project (comment)
Interagency working in child protection and domestic violence
Interdisciplinary applications of reliability analysis, risk analysis and optimization
No effect of generalized joint hypermobility on injury risk in elite female soccer players: letter to the editor
No effect of generalized joint hypermobility on injury risk in elite female soccer players: response
Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents: current developments to help inform assessment and treatment
Notes from a projected sacrifice zone
Sports-related traumatic brain injury: compliance audit of regulations, remedies for non-compliance, and litigation
Understanding the intergenerational cycle of child protective service involvement
The circumstances surrounding the death of 105 elders as a result of resident-to-resident incidents in dementia in long-term care homes
Undocumented immigrants, U.S. citizens, and convicted criminals in Arizona
Concealed carry permit holders across the United States: 2016
Concealed carry permit holders across the United States: 2017
Researcher perceptions of lawful, concealed carry of handguns: do economists and criminologists differ in their views of firearms’ effects on crime and suicide?
Not all right-to-carry laws are the same, yet much of the literature keeps ignoring the differences
Defining disaster-related health risk: a primer for prevention
Kane JM, Colvin JD, Bartlett AH, Hall M. Opioid-related critical care resource use in US children's hospitals. Pediatrics. 2018;141(4):e20173335
The long road to recovery from conflict in Serbia
Should domestic violence be decriminalized?
Child protection social work in England: how can it be reformed?
Not all suicide is preventable
Did nonviolent resistance fail in Kosovo?
The falling carbon footprint of acquisitive and violent offences
How children become invisible in child protection work: findings from research into day-to-day social work practice
Social work research in the child protection field in Australia
PEACE: trauma-informed psychoeducation for female-identified survivors of gender-based violence
Social capital and cognitive decline after a natural disaster (Letter)
Social capital and cognitive decline after a natural disaster - Authors' reply
Injury rate and prevention in elite football: let us first search within our own hearts
"May all be shattered into god": Mary Barnes and her journey through madness in Kingsley Hall
"I want to see a drowning-free Philippines": a qualitative study of the current situation, key challenges and future recommendations for drowning prevention in the Philippines
Dealing with the Devil: methodological and ethical problems of research in violent contexts
Strategic proposal for a national trauma system in France
The relevance of public health research for practice: a 30-year perspective
Concurrent substance use disorders and mental illness: bridging the gap between research and treatment
Conceptualizing urban ontological security: 'being-in-the-city' and its social and spatial dimensions
What are the differences between sustainable and smart cities?
Commentary on: "An exploration of the impact of initial timing of physical therapy on safety and outcomes after concussion"
The next step towards more equity in health in Sweden: how can we close the gap in a generation?
Athletes as heroes and role models: an ancient model
Clarifying the concept of validity: from measurement to everyday language
Contact between groups, peace, and conflict
Contemporary anarchist and anarchistic movements
Did Armstrong cheat?
Disrupting being on an industrial scale: towards a theorization of Māori ways-of-being
Evaluating violent conduct in sport: a hierarchy of vice
Everyday work investigations for safety
Evidence-based practice in the social sciences? A scale of causality, interventions, and possibilities for scientific proof
From Selz to Gigerenzer: a thought-psychological research history, which needs a Popperian, fallibilist theory of rationality to effectively develop
When we know better, we don't always do better: facilitating the research to practice and policy gap in school mental health
Theorizing the radical right: directions for social movements research on the right-wing social movements
Theory construction and data analysis
Towards a psychology of free action
Trauma as a collective disease and root cause of protracted social conflict
Two kinds of brain injury in sport
The sociology of U.S. gun culture
Sudden cardiac death in special circumstances
Suicide investigation: psychological autopsy (Editorial)
Is arming teachers our nation's best response to gun violence? The perspective of public health students
Need for men's awareness of intimate partner violence via information technologies
The politics of firearm safety: an emerging new balance of power
Shifting the focus in intimate partner violence research
175 years of progress in PTSD therapeutics: learning from the past
Save LIVES technical package: 22 interventions that could make a difference
Call for implementing workplace violence simulation training
Commentary on: Audit of healthcare professionals' attitudes towards patients who self-harm and adherence to national guidance in a UK burns and plastic surgery department
Editorial: Investigating brain activity after acquired and traumatic brain injury: applications of functional MRI
From sanctioning culture to safety culture: let's stop making errors on error
How to prevent bullying
Mental disorders, personality traits, and grievance-fueled targeted violence: the evidence base and implications for research and practice
Values, attitudes toward interpersonal violence, and interpersonal violent behavior
Suicide by stabbing while driving a car
Coping and posttraumatic growth: a longitudinal comparison of two alternative views
Impact of hospital murder-suicide on behavior of patients and staff (Letter)
Sexual violence against children in sports and exercise: a systematic literature review
"Save 100,000 babies": the 1918 Children's Year and its legacy
The Hunger Games: theorizing opportunities for peace education
In search of a bigger picture: a cultural-relational perspective on social transformation and violence
Individual risk prediction: or, confidence intervals for dummies
The infected self: revisiting the metaphor of the mind virus
Investigating the exploitative and empowering potential of the prosumption phenomenon
Kierkegaard and the modern search for self
The lynching of African Americans in the U.S. South: a review of sociological and historical perspectives
Measurement, ontology, and epistemology: psychology needs pragmatism-realism
New wars rational, old war expectations
"Nobody ever told us": the contribution of intragroup dialogue to reflexive learning about violent conflict
Obsessional subjectivity in societies of discipline and control
Shifting role for human factors in an 'unmanned' era
Safe danger - on the experience of challenge, adventure and risk in education
The role of toxic substances in sudden cardiac death
Psychology, conceptual confusion, and disquieting situationism: Response to Lamiell (2018)
Dissemination and implementation research for occupational safety and health
Enabling the enabler: using access to information to ensure the right to peaceful protest
The lost art of discovery: the case for inductive methods in occupational health science and the broader organizational sciences
A positive, communitarian right to security in the age of super-terrorism
Sex offender civil commitment policies in context (Editorial)
Taking sides? Issues of bias and partisanship when researching socio-political conflict
Women's victimisation and safety in transit environments (Editorial)
Teaching students about the Vietnam War: the case for balance
War stories and occupying soldiers: a narrative approach to understanding police culture and community conflict
Weapon of mass distraction: New Zealand's National Security System
Who wants to participate in routine outcome monitoring? Differences between youth in secured residential care who consent or refuse the use of their clinical data for research and policy making
Death on a Napoleonic battlefield - Peri-mortem trauma in soldiers from the Battle of Aspern 1809
"It must be great being a female pedophile!": the nature of public perceptions about female teacher sex offenders
Not all suicide is preventable: a letter to the editor
Special traumatized populations : burn injuries
Natural disasters and injuries: what does a surgeon need to know?
Preventing community violence to prevent communities' disease events: an efficient approach with short- and long-term potential
A public health crisis: recommendations to reduce gun violence in America
The pyramid of injury: estimation of the scale of adolescent injuries according to severity
Surgery with limited resources in natural disasters: what is the minimum standard of care?
Four cases of beheading from 14th-17th century Lithuania
Precarious employment and occupational injuries in the digital age ‒ where should we go from here?
"Violence" in medicine: necessary and unnecessary, intentional and unintentional
Can human rights standards counter Australia's punitive youth justice practices?
Delaying pre-trial therapy to child victims of sexual abuse: an unfounded prevailing culture in South Africa?
The double-edged sword of gender equality: a cross-national study of crime victimization
Hardened professional criminals, or just friends and relatives? The diversity of offenders in human trafficking
Literature and bullying: teenage and children novels on school bullying prevention
Physical punishment of children: time to end the defence of reasonable chastisement in the UK, USA and Australia
The press and suicides in the 19th century: investigating possible imitative effects in five territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
The United States opioid epidemic: a review of the surgeon's contribution and health policy initiatives
US suicide rate is climbing steadily with highest prevalence in sparsely populated Western states
The right to security of online childhood
Secrecy's corrupting influence on democratic principles and the rule of law
Seeking dignity, voice and story for children in our child protective systems
An analysis of social justice research in school psychology
The CSI-education effect: do potential criminals benefit from forensic TV series?
Discourses on non-conforming marriages: love in Taiwan
Encounters on the dirt track: Polish - British speedway from 1955
Fifty years of Super Bowl commercials, thirty-two years of spectacular consumption
An introduction to global mental health
"A kind of agonie in my thoughts": writing Puritan and non-conformist women's pain in 17th-century England
Loss, protest, and heritage: Liverpool FC and Hillsborough
Making visible the invisible: visuality, narrativity, and victimhood in Greek Cypriot memorials
Mass media, violence, and peacebuilding: a qualitative study in Mexico
Mom doesn't think so
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure: shouldn't we be doing EVERYTHING to reduce sports injury incidence and burden?
Parading memory and re-member-ing conflict: collective memory in transition in Northern Ireland
Sandwiched between sport and politics: Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile, Formula 1, and non-democratic regimes
Treatment utility of universal screening for behavioral risk: a manipulated assessment study
Considerations and interpretation of sports injury prevention studies
Do researchers anchor their beliefs on the outcome of an initial study?
The four-quadrant approach to ethical issues in burn care
Heroism and nursing: A thematic review of the literature
Invited commentary on "The Report to Congress on the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children"
Is it ethical to treat pain differently in children and adults with burns?
Postgraduate training for trauma prevention, injury surveillance and research, Uganda
Seafloor fiber optic cables can listen for earthquakes
Ambiguities and dilemmas around #Metoo: #forhow long and #whereto? (editorial)
Controversial issues in human sexuality research: the state of the science
Fatal shootings of the mentally ill and disabled raise public awareness
Feminist resistance and resistance to feminism in gender equality planning in Finland
Hidden victims and hidden abuse: clients of hair salons
Large outdoor fires and the built environment: objectives and goals of permanent IAFSS working group
Livestreamed hate crime against disabled man prompts national outrage
A mother vindicated: landmark cyberstalking case
Practitioner (mis)understandings of coercive control in England and Wales
Sexual homicide: a theoretical examination
Survey of California DV providers finds family courts fall short of the mark
Untangling the concept of coercive control: theorizing domestic violent crime
Correcting misperceptions about cognitive processing therapy to treat moral injury: a response to Gray and colleagues
Editorial: A catastrophic event
Investigating interviewer falsifications - a quasi-experimental design
The making of childhood mortality in modern South Africa
Reflections on sexual health: fraught intimacies and ethical choices
When self-blame is rational and appropriate: the limited utility of Socratic questioning in the context of moral injury: commentary on Wachen et al. (2016)
Emergency management: it starts with a question in the design stages "What can go wrong?"
Interrelations between process safety management elements
Annals Consult Guys - talking to our patients about firearm injury
The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: an analysis of the senator's injuries and neurosurgical care
Building bridges between gerontology and elder law
Commentary: Frying pan to fire? Commentary on Stringaris et al. (2018)
Decoding New York State's prescription monitoring program
Religion, violence, nonsense, and power
Atmospheric governance: gassing as law for the protection and killing of life
Blaming the victim, all over again: Waddell and Aylward's biopsychosocial (BPS) model of disability
Affective communities and millennial desires: Latinx, or why my computer won't recognize Latina/o
Barriers to the ballot: implications for the development of state and national crime policies
Celebrating the resurgence of the women's movement
Cultural neuroscience and global mental health: addressing grand challenges
The diversity of systemic safety drift: the role of infrastructure in the railway sector
Emotional responses to world inequality
Reducing young drivers' crash risk: are we there yet? An ecological systems-based review of the last decade of research
Guest editorial for special issue on modeling and analysis of human-machine systems in transportation
The impact of integration between the theoretical and practical side of sustainability teaching in architecture departments
The integrity of the game: exploring attitudes of professional male athlete criminality
Latinx: ¡Estamos aquí!, or being "Latinx" at UNC-Chapel Hill
'Listen, Anarchist!' A personal response to Simon Springer's 'Why a radical geography must be anarchist'
'Nobody worries about our children': unseen impacts of sex offender registration on families with school-age children and implications for desistance
On naming ourselves, or: When I was a spic
The points of view of people exposed to domestic violence: complexity and importance of this field of study
The portrayal of drones in terrorist propaganda: a discourse analysis of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's Inspire
Questioning authority
Reflecting on regendering care at different scales: bodies, home, community and nation
"Research doesn't fit in a 50-minute hour": the phenomenology of therapists' involvement in research at a university counseling center
A review of the research on childminding: understanding children's experiences in home-based childcare settings
Should conventional terrorist bombings be considered weapons of mass destruction terrorism?
Sometimes they mean what they say: understanding violence among domestic extremists
To confront versus not to confront: women's perception of sexual harassment
Trimming a hazard logic tree with a new model-order-reduction technique
Unipolar politics and global peace: a structural explanation of the globalizing jihad
Violence breeding violence
What are we fighting for? Ideological posturing and anarchist geographies
Writing and publishing qualitative studies in early childhood education
The X factor: the struggle to get Latinos in US news stories amid a Latinx push and a changing journalism landscape
X marks the spot
Exposing school employee sexual abuse and misconduct: shedding light on a sensitive issue
Has suicide become an occupational hazard of practising medicine?
Health impact is the invisible side of terrorism
Violence next door: the influence of friendship with perpetrators on responses to intimate partner violence
The Veterans Health Administration's Traumatic Brain Injury Screen and Evaluation: service delivery insights
Children protection, politics and procrastination: the discourse of deferral
Commentary: New Zealand's full decriminalisation means police and sex workers collaborate to try to reduce violence
Compensating the innocent: perceptions of exonerees' deservingness to receive financial compensation for wrongful convictions
'Dead people don't claim': a psychopolitical autopsy of UK austerity suicides
Improving police use of force: a policy essay on national data collection
In-secure identities: on the securitization of abnormality
Is drowning a mere matter of resuscitation?
World Inequality Database on Education
Nazism, neoliberalism, and the Trumpist challenge to democracy
Taking one's own life in hospital? Patients and health care professionals vis-à-vis the tension between assisted suicide and suicide prevention in Switzerland
Adequate statistical power in clinical trials is associated with the combination of a male first author and a female last author
Rooting out bias
Safe, seen, and celebrated with AHA! Peace builders: putting youth in charge of change
Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature
"Strictly an act of street violence": intimate publicity and affective divestment in the New Orleans Mother's Day shooting
Unsettling the sediments of violence
Thinking permeable matter through feminist geophilosophy: environmental knowledge controversy and the materiality of hydrogeologic processes
The impossibility of criminal justice ethics: toward a phenomenology of the possible
Mental illness and gun violence: disrupting the narrative
RIGHTS: Response Initiative Guiding Human Trafficking Services
Risk factors for youth violence: youth violence commission, International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA)
Is there a contingent relationship between serious mental illness and increased gun violence?
Assessment of the predictive value of the International Classification of Diseases Injury Severity Score for trauma mortality in urban India
Understanding the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear assault weapons
How does war become a legitimate undertaking? Re-engaging the post-structuralist foundation of securitization theory
Moral panics by design: the case of terrorism
The UN Secretary-General's Human Rights Up Front initiative and the prevention of genocide: impact, potential, limitations
Unpacking the mind of evil: a sociological perspective on the role of intent and motivations in genocide
The visibility of scientific misconduct: a review of the literature on retracted journal articles
Should let them go? Study on the emergency department discharge of patients who attempted suicide
Development of the International Alcohol Policy and Injury Index
Domestic violence among pregnant women
Epigenetic mechanisms of traumatic brain injuries
An erroneous opinion on a cause of death in a forensic autopsy: a case report
Fentanyls and the safety of first responders: science and recommendations
It is a problem and it is not a problem: dilemmatic talk of the psychological effects of female genital cutting
Partiality, impartiality and the ethics of triage
Patients with cancer at 20% increased risk of suicide, show figures for England
Police violence and the built harm of structural racism
Suicide in the USA: a public health emergency
Child trafficking in Europe: what is the paediatrician's role? A statement by the European Academy of Paediatrics
Context matters: revisiting the first step of the 'sequence of prevention' of sports injuries
Continuing conversations: debates about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screening
The contribution of indigenous knowledge to disaster risk reduction activities in Zimbabwe: a big call to practitioners
Public health policy in a time of change and disaster in South Africa: 1910-1920
A review of children's participation in disaster risk reduction
Drivers, scales and contexts of disaster risk: an editorial introduction
Clarifying methods and results in studies of the association between hormonal contraception and mental health issues: response to Berlin et al
Classification improvements in automated gunshot residue (GSR) scans
Comment on the association of hormonal contraception with suicide attempts and suicides
Ending the opioid epidemic by changing the culture
The healing relationships in public-sector psychiatry
Of drugs and droogs: cultural dynamics, psychopharmacology, and neuroscience in Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange
On media violence and aggression
Skin-to-skin care cannot be blamed for increase in suffocation deaths
To prevent suicide, address it directly
Diagnosing violence
When bullying affects patient safety
Strengthening non-communicable disease policy with lessons from Bhutan: linking gross national happiness and health policy action
Firearm injuries and violence prevention - the potential power of a Surgeon General's report
International nurses to the rescue: the role and contribution of the nurses of the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War
Joint Commission issues alert addressing violence against health care workers
The lack of standardized outcome measures following lower extremity injury in elite soccer: a systematic review
Moving college health research forward: reconsidering our reliance on statistical significance testing
NewsCAP: Each year an estimated 600 to 1,600 newborns fall or are dropped while in the hospital
NewsCAP: Soldiers in the U.S. Army who deploy within six months of an earlier deployment are at higher risk for suicide
Notice to Readers: Ongoing Analysis of Suicide Rates Data by Occupational Group from Results Reported in MMWR
It is time to address the crisis in the pharmacotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder: a consensus statement of the PTSD Psychopharmacology Working Group
Reply to: It is time to look for new treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder: can sympathetic system modulation be an answer?
Political beliefs, region of residence, and openness to firearm means safety measures to prevent suicide
"Reality rarely looks like the guidelines": a qualitative study of the challenges hospital-based physicians encounter in war wound management
Reducing fall risk in older adults
Reframing and addressing horizontal violence as a workplace quality improvement concern
Rise in fall-related deaths
Screening for osteoporosis to prevent fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
Associations between gun shows and firearm deaths and injuries (Response to comments)
Associations between gun shows and firearm deaths and injuries
Associations between gun shows and firearm deaths and injuries
Associations between gun shows and firearm deaths and injuries
Emergency care in rural settings: can doctors be ethical and survive?
Firearm-Related Injury and Death
Gun violence research in the USA: the CDC's impasse
"Zero Suicide" - a model for reducing suicide in United States behavioral healthcare
Infrastructure designs and traffic safety: the road to vision zero
Injury pyramid of unintentional injuries according to sex and age in South Korea
Institutionalizing the theme of violence within Brazil's national health system: progress and challenges
Intracranial pressure thresholds in severe traumatic brain injury: Con : the injured brain is not aware of ICP thresholds!
Intracranial pressure thresholds in severe traumatic brain injury: Pro
Intracranial pressure thresholds in severe traumatic brain injury: we are not sure : prudent clinical practice despite dogma or nihilism
AAST Statement on Firearm Injury
Mild traumatic brain injuries can be safely managed without neurosurgical consultation: the end of a neurosurgical "nonsult"
Professional football participation and mortality
Professional football participation and mortality
Professional football participation and mortality-reply
Response to Delgadillo Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner article
Sexual violence: a call for public health research
The 2017 earthquakes in Mexico and pending issues with older adults
Approaches to suicide prevention: ideas and models presented by Japanese and international early career psychiatrists
Building good policy from good science-the case for concussion and chronic traumatic encephalopathy
A call for research on sex offender treatment programs
Gun addiction
Measuring trends in infant mortality due to unintentional suffocation
Measuring trends in infant mortality due to unintentional suffocation
Medical students actively seek gun violence education
Legislators' sources of behavioral health research and preferences for dissemination: variations by political party
Mandatory reporting of domestic violence: what do abuse survivors think and what variables influence those opinions?
They didn't believe her pain: my education in interpersonal violence
The rising tide of opioid use and abuse: the role of the anesthesiologist
Hip fractures in the non-elderly-who, why and whither?
Multi-level prevention of human trafficking: the role of health care professionals
Bridging language barriers, bonding against immigrants: a visual case study of transnational network publics created by far-right activists in Europe
Dr. death? Professionalism, virtue, and U.S. physician participation in the death penalty
Drone killings in principle and in practice
Futile superiority: decision making and the development of new-generation nuclear weapons
Is space war imminent? Exploring the possibility
Killing by autonomous vehicles and the legal doctrine of necessity
Mill's defense of capital punishment
Police responses to violent crime: reconsidering the mobilization of law
Postmodern warfare and the blurred boundaries between war and peace
Train robbery: a retrospective look at an obsolete crime
Pervasive technologies for the reduction of disaster consequences: opportunities and questions
Adolescent sport medicine : do simple injuries really exist in youth athletes ?
Beyond the parish pump: what next for public health?
Depression in children and adolescents: the pediatrician at the front lines
"The Auschwitz reservation": Dutch victims and bystanders and their knowledge of the Holocaust
Editorial: The facts and the rights of the victims of intimate partner violence
The leadership of the Jewish combat organization during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising: a reassessment
Media Action Research Group: toward an antiauthoritarian profeminist media research methodology
Experiences in bullying and/or peer victimization of vulnerable, marginalized, and oppressed children and adolescents: an introduction to the special issue
Blunders and blame: how armed non-state actors react to their mistakes
Confessions of an inadequate researcher: space and supervision in research with learning disabled children
Determining the role of the internet in violent extremism and terrorism: six suggestions for progressing research
The dynamics of terrorism and counterterrorism: understanding the domestic security dilemma
"Electronic jihad": the internet as Al Qaeda's catalyst for global terror
Facebook and the Napalm Girl: reframing the iconic as pornographic
Fitness to stand trial evaluation challenges in the United States : some comparisons with South Africa
Gender equal BDSM practice - a Swedish paradox?
Rethinking the biopsychosocial model of health: understanding health as a dynamic system
'What it means to be truly human': the postsecular hack of mindfulness
V for vendetta: government mass killing and domestic terrorism
Unintentional use of the word "accident"?
What is "non-binary" and what do i need to know? A primer for surgeons providing chest surgery for transgender patients
Poisoning and poisoning advice: availability, toxico-vigilance and research
'Dry drowning' and other myths
Enlightenment from the surveillance in post extreme emergencies and disasters
Response to Walker et al. (doi: 10.1089/neu.2017.5359): predicting long-term global outcome after traumatic brain injury: development of a practical prognostic tool using the traumatic brain injury model systems national database
Impact of a Canadian Pediatric Society position statement on trampoline-related injuries at IWK Health Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Suicide: an unrecognized epidemic among farmers
Accessibility: measurement and application in transportation planning (Editorial)
Children who murder: indeterminate sentencing in law and practice
Explaining the inexplicable: differences in attributions for the Holocaust in Germany, Israel, and Poland
Publishing in predatory journals: time for reflections
A rare case of child abuse from early modern Lithuania
Sexting: 21st-century statutory rape
Some pitfalls in the promises of automated and autonomous vehicles
Neandertal fire-making technology inferred from microwear analysis
Neglected children with severe obesity have a right to health: is foster home an alternative? A qualitative study
Emergency care providers and falls in the elderly: are we ready for primary prevention?
Falls in older people: a nonspecific warning sign
Begin risk assessment for falls in women at 45, not 65
Child sexual abuse news: a systematic review of content analysis studies
Can mental health parity help address the mental/behavioral gap in child health?
Disentangling mental illness and violence
Ethical challenges in the provision of mental health services for children and families during disasters
Injury prevention: an intranational, multinational, international, transnational or global journal?
Reprint of Trends and key correlates of prescription opioid injection misuse in the United States
Sexual delinquency and surgical castration: a 'measure of last resort' in the Netherlands from 1920-1970
A "#MeToo movement" for children: increasing awareness of sexual violence against children
Advances in Mexico in the middle of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020
Analysis and critique of 'Transforming children and young people's mental health provision: a green paper': some implications for refugee children and young people
Bullying nursing students
Bullying nursing students
For survivors of intimate partner violence, overlooked brain injuries take a toll
The future of agricultural safety and health: North American Agricultural Safety Summit, February 2018, Scottsdale, Ariz
Ill-treatment and torture in demonstrations and other non-custodial settings. How can academic research help in the discussion?
Study of U.S. Veterans links mild traumatic brain injury to dementia risk
What can campuses learn from community sexual assault response teams? Literature review of teams' purpose, activities, membership, and challenges
What will it take to get the evidential value of lay knowledge recognised?
Who gains more: experts or novices? The benefits of interaction under numerical uncertainty
NewsCAP: Deaths from falls in older adults increased 31% from 2007 to 2016
Overcoming tribalism
History of the war and wars of history: teaching the Second World War and the Holocaust in post-Soviet Belarus
Conceptualising school violence : a human rights perspective
When love is not enough: parenting an adopted child with mental illness
Social value, clinical equipoise, and research in a public health emergency
Feminist research with student activists: enhancing campus sexual assault research
From furious to fearless: faculty action and feminist praxis in response to rape culture on college campuses
From infantilizing to world making: safe spaces and trigger warnings on campus
Gun policy in the United States: evidence-based strategies to reduce gun violence
In the event of death: lesbian families' plans to preserve stepparent-child relationships
Intersectionality and perceptions about sexual assault education and reporting on college campuses
Chinese cities scan sewers for signs of illegal drug use: privacy concerns and cultural differences could limit the technique's use in other nations
IPV screening and readiness to respond to IPV in ob-gyn settings: a patient-physician study
Reunification is not enough: assessing the needs of unaccompanied migrant youth
Yesterday's law: terrorist group listing in Canada
Coup, riot, war: how political institutions and ethnic politics shape alternative forms of political violence
Issues in the specification of regret-only choice models: a rejoinder to Chorus and Van Cranenburgh
The moral hazard of lifesaving innovations: naloxone access, opioid abuse, and crime
Why "I" became a combatant: a study of memoirs written by Nepali Maoist combatants
Proscription's futures
Specification of regret-based models of choice behaviour: formal analyses and experimental design based evidence--commentary
Feminist geopolitics and the Middle East: refuge, belief, and peace
The Fermi paradox, Bayes' rule, and existential risk management
The parent: a cultural invention. The politics of parenting
What ever happened to the "child maltreatment revolution"?
What is wrong with evidence based policy, and how can it be improved?
What prohibition teaches about guns and abortion: how alcohol can save individual rights
Why history matters: placing infant and child development in historical perspective
Automatic transmission: ethnicity, racialization and the car
Feminist criticism of the concept of resilience: transformation of the subversive into the normative
On deaf ears: anti-black police terror, multiracial protest and white loyalty to the state
War and crime as a source of moral renewal and unity - republican heritage and its transformation into a work of Emile Durkheim
Sociologist as voyeur: genealogical problematization and critical interpretation of dominant discourse of sociology of sexuality
A sociology of nothing: understanding the unmarked
Surviving all the way to college: pathways out of one of America's most crime ridden cities
Consensus statement: abusive head trauma in infants and young children
Dental caries are more likely to impact on children's quality of life than malocclusion or traumatic dental injuries
Epidemiology in firearm violence prevention
Suicides rise with temperature in much of North America
Brief to Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Re: Bill C-71 an Act to Amend Certain Acts and Regulations in Relation to Firearms
The Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium: epitomizing collaborative research in Canada
Challenge of firearms control in a free society
The challenge of the new preemption
How the Hemenway surveys distorted estimates of defensive gun use frequency
Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico: a physician looks back at the storm
Towards a greater understanding of suicidal behaviour and its prevention
Editorial overview: Suicide
Fanon and the new paraphilias: towards a trans of color critique of the DSM-V
Suicide and Nurses
AAST statement on firearm injury-one surgeon's perspective
Yes, it's time to talk about gun control
Children's crusade
The gold rush and afterwards: homicide in San Francisco, 1849-2003
Gun violence as industrial pollution
OMG U #Cyberbully! An exploration of public discourse about cyberbullying on twitter
"Our tears are not enough": the warrant of the dead in the rhetoric of gun control
The prediction and prevention of suicide: introduction to the special issue
Procedural disobedience: minority resistance in the US House of Representatives
Teaching healthcare ethics students how to cope with gun violence
Firearms data, and an ode to data systems
The need to treat driving under the influence of drugs as seriously as driving under the influence of alcohol
Preventing or fomenting crime: a contribution to the Lott - Donohue debate
Stop posturing and start problem solving: a call for research to prevent gun violence
Stop scapegoating the mentally ill
Fourteenth annual Warren K. Sinclair keynote address: aren't we ready yet? Closing the planning, response, and recovery gaps for radiological terrorism
US government queries drug companies about alleged funding of Iraqi terrorists
Child abuse and neglect: breaking the intergenerational link
Child maltreatment: daunting and universally prevalent
Is it unethical to use fear in public health campaigns?
Opioid prescribing limits for acute pain - striking the right balance
Should prevention of falls start earlier? Co-ordinated analyses of harmonised data on falls in middle-aged adults across four population-based cohort studies
Reply to rational suicide in older adults: not by default an ageist concept
Ethical, palliative, and policy considerations in disorders of consciousness
Exercise is medicine for concussion
Rational suicide in older adults: not an ageist concept by default
Suicide and physician-assisted death for persons with psychiatric disorders: how much overlap?
Assembling the social and political dimensions of take-home naloxone
Before trauma: the crusades, medieval memory and violence
Constructing drug using victims: race and class in policy debates on ecstasy use in the U.S
Embedding understandings of suicide prevention in nursing education and nursing practice: a call to action
Suicide? (re)introducing the bobby wright social-political model of African-U.S. own-life taking or African high-tech lynching
Why housing studies still lacks social theory and what to do about it
Women's evolving roles in drug trafficking in the United States: new conceptualizations needed for 21st-century markets
Autonomous weapons in armed conflict and the right to a dignified life: an African perspective
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): new directions
Sex and labor trafficking in Paraguay: risk factors, needs assessment, and the role of the health care system
The interpersonal context of suicide and self-harm in later life: an invited commentary on "why do the very old self-harm? A qualitative study"
Learning from experience: emergency response in schools
The Nazi seizure of the International Education Review: a dark episode in the early professional development of comparative education
Should suicide prevention training be required for mental health practitioners? A Colorado, United States case study
Truth commissions, education, and positive peace: an analysis of truth commission final reports (1980-2015)
Terrorist attacks: a public health issue
Medical retirement from sport after concussions: a practical guide for a difficult discussion (Reader response)
The importance of future studies in promoting safety in the conflict of natural disasters
Rethinking suicidal behavior disorder
Future directions in father inclusion, engagement, retention, and positive outcomes in child and adolescent research
Is there a need for LGBT-specific suicide crisis services?
Conflict thinking: exploring the social basis of perceiving the world through the lens of social conflict
Psychological and legal aspects of dangerous sex offenders: a review of the literature
Are we finally making progress with suicide and self-harm? An overview of the history, epidemiology and evidence for prevention
Reflections on Attila Nemeth's "Three neuralgic points of psychiatric services: suicide prevention, treatment of dementia and the care of homeless psychiatric patients" article
Young people, the internet and mental health
Recent innovations in hazard and risk analysis (editorial)
Attention and awareness in everyday driving (Editorial)
Benefactor or burden: exploring the professional identity of safety professionals
Workers' compensation insurer risk control systems: opportunities for public health collaborations
Traumatic brain injury and risk of suicide
Do accessibility, vulnerability, opportunity, and travel characteristics have uniform impacts on the traveler's experience?
Failure to adequately protect adolescents presenting to London sexual assault services
The extent and cost of corruption in transport infrastructure. New evidence from Europe
Firearm suicide: pathways to risk and methods of prevention
Ideation-to-action theories of suicide: a conceptual and empirical update
Putting Children First: when trauma research and governmental policy collides
The risks of big databases: why do married people drown in Kentucky?
Road trauma - an ongoing challenge in injury prevention and post-crash care
Timing is everything: do we need more from our databases?
The views of Wilhelm Griesinger (1817-68) on suicidality or 'self-murder'
What suicide interventions should target
Seven decades of disasters: a systematic review of the literature
Should we prioritise victims over terrorists in medical triage?
Discourse after a batterer intervention program: a qualitative analysis of "Letters From the Future"
The increase of suicide rates: the need for a paradigm shift
Childhood trauma and the enduring consequences of forcibly separating children from parents at the United States border
The history of poisoning: from ancient times until modern ERA
How should we set consumption thresholds for low risk drinking guidelines? Achieving objectivity and transparency using evidence, expert judgement and pragmatism
Studying sexual coercion in a lab: adaptation and validation of the French version of the "date rape analogue task"
Top geneticist loses £3.5-million grant in first test of landmark bullying policy
Prominent geneticist loses £3.5m grant over charges of bullying
Studies document reductions in murder, suicide rates with certain gun laws
The Unabomber's ethics
Danger, crime and rights: a conversation between Michel Foucault and Jonathan Simon
Reducing the impact of violence on the health status of African-Americans: literature review and recommendations from the Society of Black Academic Surgeons
Sociology as practical philosophy and moral science
Understanding suicide: focusing on its mechanisms through a lithium lens
Withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in perceived devastating brain injury: the key role of uncertainty
Understanding and misunderstanding group mean centering: a commentary on Kelley et al.'s dangerous practice
Hard words from the wards: images of violence and violation in hospital poetry
Learning and solving algebra word problems: the roles of relational skills, arithmetic, and executive functioning
Physician autonomy and the opioid crisis
Postvention in action: the International Handbook of Suicide Bereavement Support
A brief history of biological weapons programmes and the use of animal pathogens as biological warfare agents
Genome editing as a national security threat
Weather, climate, and narrative: a relational model for democratizing risk communication
Mortality in the United States from self-injury surpasses diabetes: a prevention imperative
Racism and its harmful effects on nondominant racial-ethnic youth and youth-serving providers: a call to action for organizational change: the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Unhealthy sponsorship in sport: a case study of the AFL
Disaster recovery: lessons learned when information is not readily available
Editorial: Special issue on sexual violence
Too few victims: finding the optimal minimum victim threshold for defining serial murder
Violence as work: ethnomethodological insights into military combat operations
GP is struck off after being jailed for human trafficking
How should autonomous cars drive? A preference for defaults in moral judgments under risk and uncertainty
The key to safety: preparing for disasters
Research is set up for bullies to thrive
Building risk communication capabilities among professionals: seven essential characteristics of risk communication
Injury prevention and health promotion: a global perspective (Editorial)
An internet for some threatens health for all: what effects could the repeal of net neutrality in the USA have on individual and population health?
Suicide Prevention
#NeverAgain: gun violence and youth activism in America
Abortion and suicide
Balancing benefit and risk in youth sports
Behavior therapy may help prevent teen suicide
Child passenger safety
Finding community after suicide and a near-death experience
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is not a real disease
The importance of governmental and nongovernmental investments in public health and social services for improving community health outcomes
Enhanced interrogation: inside the minds and motives of the Islamic terrorists trying to destroy America
Enormous wildfires spark scramble to improve fire models
Firearm violence: silent victims
The global challenge of child injury prevention
The violence of uncertainty - undermining immigrant and refugee health
Leveraging data to strengthen campus sexual assault policies
Many Canadian health facilities unprepared for disasters
A murdered teen, two million tweets and an experiment to fight gun violence
Comment on: Epidemiology of paediatric poisoning presenting to a children's emergency department in Singapore over a five-year period
Commentary on: Prahlow SP, Prahlow JA. Homicide in a horse barn? J Forensic Sci Epub 2018 Mar 8
When numbers lie: the lessons the true Hurricane Maria death toll should teach us about the necessity of addressing radiation therapy access disparities in the United States
Do sociocultural factors influence periviability counseling and treatment more than science? Lessons from Scandinavia
Ending violence against children: a call to action
Firearm-related mortality: a global public health problem
Insane arsonists: an early 21st century sample
Is euthanasia psychiatric treatment? The struggle with death on request in the Netherlands
Call for a scientific consensus regarding the application of retrograde extrapolation to determine blood alcohol content in DUI cases (Letter to the editor)
Non-communicable disease prevention policy process in five African countries authors
Recommend or mandate? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of mandatory bicycle helmet legislation
The joint trauma system: history in the making
Moral enhancement, self-governance, and resistance
Why do we need a new clinical practice guideline for moderate to severe traumatic brain injury?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline on the Diagnosis and Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Among Children
How key intermediary organisations 'bridge the gap' between injury prevention research and practice: novel insights
Suicide and death with dignity
Responding to new psychoactive substances in the European Union: early warning, risk assessment, and control measures
The American Psychological Association's Hoffman report allegations of my association with the "CIA torture" program
Challenging violence against women: a Scottish critical health literacy initiative
Creative destruction: barriers to urban growth and the great Boston fire of 1872
The design and price of information
Why being wrong can be right: magical warfare technologies and the persistence of false beliefs
Family ruptures, stress, and the mental health of the next generation: comment
The Hoffman report, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the defense of the nation: a personal view
Is there no such thing as non-White racism?
Informal use of restraint in nursing homes: a threat to human rights or necessary care to preserve residents' dignity?
Integrating sexual assault resistance, bystander, and men's social norms strategies to prevent sexual violence on college campuses: a call to action
Local overdose fatality review team recommendations for overdose death prevention
Microwave weapon caused syndrome in diplomats in Cuba, US medical team believes
Concussion in sport: the unheeded evidence
The American Organization of Nurse Executives and American Hospital Association initiatives work to combat violence
Building a culture of peace and collective memory in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo's Museum of War Childhood
Disaster risk reduction and sustainable development: the role for occupational health
Violence in the health care setting: what can we do?
Children's healthcare nurses should receive education in discussing intimate partner violence with new mothers
Commentary on "Methodologic limitations of prescription opioid safety research and recommendations for improving the evidence base"
Concussion evaluation and management: an osteopathic perspective
Crash test dummies (editorial)
Empirical models of transit demand with walk access/egress for planning transit oriented developments around commuter rail stations in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (editorial)
Eugenics and the playground movement
Science in the fight to uphold the rights of children
Suicide prevention cannot be overlooked in nurse education
Suicide prevention is everyone's business (comment)
Suicide by a psychiatry resident - reflection and postvention
Suicide in India: a complex public health tragedy in need of a plan
High-reliability uncaged: safety lessons from Army aviation
Human rights approaches to suicide in prison: implications for policy, practice and research
Medical marijuana for minors may be considered child abuse
The need for systems of care and a trauma-informed approach to intimate partner violence
Firearm violence: a global priority for nursing science
Delivering bad or life-altering news
Clinician response to a child who completes suicide
The consumer-citizen duality: ten reasons why citizens prefer safety and drivers desire speed
Wisdom of the crowd in saving lives: the Life Guardians app
Child mortality in the United States: bridging palliative care and public health perspectives
Comment on: "Mixed approach retrospective analyses of suicide and suicidal ideation for brand compared with generic central nervous system drugs"
Prevalence of alcohol impairment and odds of a driver injury or fatality in on-road farm equipment crashes (Corrigendum)
No one left behind: Postevent experiences of differently abled individuals in Denmark
Researcher cautions against initiatives to reduce student suicide that lack evidence
Meet & fly: sustainable transport academics and the elephant in the room (editorial)
Twenty-first century dandyism: fancy Lycra® on two wheels
Assessing New Zealand's Cannabis Legalization and Control Bill: prospects and challenges
Introduction to the special issue: the role of public policies in preventing IPV, TDV, and SV
A just outcome, or 'just' an outcome? Towards trauma-informed and survivor-focused emergency responses to sexual assault
Workplace bullying among surgeons-the perfect crime
What psycho-social factors determine intimate partner violence of men against women? A social cognitive theory-based study
Prominent palaeontologist loses £1-million grant following bullying investigation
Starting the conversation: are campus sexual assault policies related to the prevalence of campus sexual assault?
How do natural hazards cascade to cause disasters?
Violence, trauma, testimonials and truth
Time after time: individuals with multiple fractures and injury recidivists in long eighteenth-century (c. 1666-1837) London
Towards more influential research in acute poisoning from toxic materials
Showers: from a violent treatment to an agent of cleansing
The teen driver
Recent advances in the study of aggression
Perspectives on the opioid crisis from pain medicine clinicians
Marijuana-related visits were too broadly defined to draw meaningful conclusions
Marijuana legalization and adolescent health
Marijuana legalization and adolescent health
Science and politics of disaster death tolls: science must prevail (editorial)
Growing the next generation of researchers in injury prevention
Public involvement in the production, dissemination and implementation of injury prevention research
The underlying factors affecting the ethical performance of health service providers when faced with disasters: a qualitative study
Workplace violence
Orthopaedic trauma in the developing world: where are the gaps in research and what can be done?
The peril and promise of traffic
The case for mobility assessment in hospitalized older adults: American Geriatrics Society white paper executive summary
Challenges and importance of measuring neurobehavioural disability in acquired brain injury: the 'St Andrew's Swansea - Neurobehavioural Outcomes Scale' (SASNOS)
Gold award: Integrated psychiatric treatment for survivors of intimate partner violence at the Bronx Family Justice Center
Letter about "Impact of licensed federal firearm suppliers on firearm-related mortality," which has been published online ahead of print
Prioritizing safety among patients with serious mental illness
A review of the diversity in taxonomy, definitions, scope, and roles in forensic medicine: implications for evidence-based practice
Youth suicide: the first suicide attempt
Anticipating suicide will be hard, but this is progress
Bridging neuropsychology and forensic psychology: executive function overlaps with the central eight risk and need factors
When DAWN went dark: can the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) fill the surveillance gap left by the discontinued Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)?
Bump-fire stocks: finding a way to outlaw their usage
Procedural shortcomings with near point of convergence assessment may lead to inappropriate prognosis of concussion injury in athletes: letter to the editor
Procedural shortcomings with near point of convergence assessment may lead to inappropriate prognosis of concussion injury in athletes: response
A call for culturally-relevant interventions to address child abuse and neglect in American Indian communities
Violent attacks: what do we know? What can we do?
Emergency preparedness is equally important as response in optimizing the health and well-being of the nation's children
Ethical and definitional considerations in research on child sexual violence in India
First aid for children's burns in the US and UK: an urgent call to establish and promote international standards
Locked down after a school shooting
Male suicide as a silent epidemic
Males tend to die, females tend to pass away
Narrative medicine: a comparison of terminal cancer patients' stories from a Dutch hospice with those of Anatole Broyard and Christopher Hitchens
National Burns Awareness Day 2018, but how aware are British medical students?
Post-traumatic stress disorder: present and future
Is there a role for suicide research in modern Ireland?
Automobile dependence: a contributing factor to poorer health among lower-income households
The epidemiology of pedestrian deaths in Georgia USA: opportunities for public health
Increasing suicide rates across Asia- a public health crisis
Injury prevention class exercise: three-pronged list making
The Girl in the Book: a screenplay on child abuse, personality dysfunction and recovery - of interest to not only psychiatry
Going peripatetic
Iceberg of workplace violence in health sector of Bangladesh
Bullshit as a problem of social epistemology
The emergence of statistical objectivity: changing ideas of epistemic vice and virtue in science
Fuck nuance
Less theory. more description
The love of neuroscience: a sociological account
Perceptions about social science among NWS warning coordination meteorologists
Is Vision Zero important for promoting health?
Nanotechnology: the future of fire safety
Need for evidence-based early intervention programmes: a public health perspective
Acceptable limitations on paramedic duty to treat during disaster: a qualitative exploration
Between medicalisation and normalisation: antithetical representations of depression in the Greek-Cypriot press in times of financial crisis
Brief review on four strategies for the development of burn discipline
Who is responsible for global road safety? A cross-cultural comparison of Actor Maps
"I was grabbed by my pussy and its #notokay": a twitter backlash against Donald Trump's degrading commentary
PTSD and the influence of context: the self as a social mirror
The risk of standards proliferation - an analysis of differences between private and public transport standards
Road danger reduction - and why it is needed
Road traffic safety as a public health problem: evidence from Serbia
Suicide in the elderly: an underappreciated and understudied issue
Toward zero road death vision assessment the role auto-dependency, public health, and active transportation modes: (2448)
US Supreme Court should prevent execution of murderer who no longer remembers his crime
Human rights: The Violence Against Women Act reauthorization Is due
Congolese gynaecologist shares Nobel peace prize for work with war rape victims
Implications of the Australian experience with firearm regulation for US gun policy
Commentary: A timely statement - Reducing the impact of violence on the health status of African-Americans: literature review and recommendations from the Society of Black Academic Surgeons
Ethics of outbreaks position statement. Part 2: family-centered care
How family income is associated with suicidal and violent behaviour in young adults
Nobel Prizes: cancer, phages, and fighting sexual violence
Predicting suicide and its prevention
Preventing gun violence: the role of family physicians
Reflections on causes of suicidal behaviour
The road to zero: a vision for achieving zero roadway deaths by 2050
Act now to close chemical-weapons loophole
Horizontal violence among nurses: experiences, responses, and job performance
Violence, justice, and health: implications for a multisectoral collaboration
Advances in travel time reliability monitoring and assessment
The French revolution as moral shock : on the political dimension of the research and therapy of the human mind, ca. 1792-1806
Hard measures needed to tackle youth drinking
Reducing the impact of violence on the health status of African-Americans: literature review and recommendations from the Society of Black Academic Surgeons
Supporting ALL victims of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation: guidance for health providers
Community pediatrics in israel during the next decade - a need for a change
Shame and a theory of war and violence
Getting disciplined: what's trans* about queer studies now?
Violence against nurses
Scientific evidence is just the starting point: a generalizable process for developing sports injury prevention interventions
Western Trauma Association resolution regarding assault weapons
Concussion in contact sport: a challenging area to tackle
The dark side of college football
Determining age of high-explosive to support nuclear warhead dismantlement verification
Ensuring safety in public playgrounds is everybody's business
Firearm violence in the US
For a public policy of surveillance of suicidal behavior
Hypothermia treatment does not help traumatic brain injury, study finds
Improve reporting systems for academic bullying
Is suicide prevention an absolute?
Mental health and social care and social interventions
Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Public health social work as a unifying framework for social work's grand challenges
Screening for intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and abuse of vulnerable adults: US Preventive Services Task Force final recommendation statement
Theoretical matters: on the need for hazard and disaster theory developed through interdisciplinary research and collaboration
Traumatic brain injury in older adults: do we need a different approach?
Diversity of "pedestrians on wheels", new challenges for cities in 21st century
LGBT studies without LGBT studies: mapping alternative pathways in Perú and Colombia
Sleep and sleep disorders following traumatic brain injury: an introduction
"Suddenly everyone's an expert in our field": campus victim advocates and the promise and perils of professionalization
What can I do as a physician to prevent firearm injury?
Violence against doctors: a wake-up call
Reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the United States: a position paper from the American College of Physicians
Trends in the incidence of and charges associated with firearm-related injuries among pediatric patients, 2006-2014
Expanding the public health approach to gun violence prevention
A giant step for spinal cord injury research
NHS staff get new measures to tackle violence in the workplace
Building research capacity among Irish prehospital practitioners
John Terry Maltsberger, American psychoanalyst: contributions to the development of studies of suicide and self-attack
A call to action from the APNA Council for Safe Environments: defining violence and aggression for research and practice improvement purposes
Ethical considerations for disability-inclusive gender-based violence research: reflections from a South African qualitative case study
Patient safety in inpatient psychiatry: a remaining frontier for health policy
Frequent violence in the ED doesn't have to be part of the job
#ThisIsOurLane - firearm safety as health care's highway
Conceptions of the catastrophe: discourses on the past before the rise of Holocaust memory
Why teach or learn about the Holocaust? Teaching aims and student knowledge in English secondary schools
Walkability in the connected and automated vehicle era: a U.S. perspective on research needs
Gender asymmetry and symmetry in Brazilian intimate partner violence research
An integrated public health approach to interpersonal violence and suicide prevention and response
A public health strategy for the opioid crisis
Predicting suicide [editorial]
Can the national call to prevent gun violence reduce suicides?
Discovering a double murder through skeletal remains: a case report
Grief after suicide
Improve traffic death statistics in China
Traumatic dental injuries are now the 5th most prevalent disease/injury in the world-But they are being neglected!!
On the link between concussions and suicide
Public health preparedness for and response to nuclear disasters: an editorial
Redirecting the mental health and gun violence conversation from mass shootings to suicide
Reducing crime - a call for action for public health leaders
Scottish health secretary orders independent inquiry into bullying culture at NHS Highland
The American opioid overdose crisis: a threat for France?
Why we fear the wrong things?
Whats new in emergencies trauma and shock? Autopsy in fatal head injuries
Injury prevention in kids' adventure and extreme sports: future directions
Gun violence: a biopsychosocial disease
The role of primary care physicians in curtailing harmful social media trends
Alcohol as an issue of the public health in the Czech Republic: facts and context
Safer societies (editorial)
An essay: Societal safety and the global
Safety work versus the safety of work
Visualising safety: the potential for using sociotechnical systems models in prospective safety assessment and design
Call for more translational research in burn injury prevention
Shuffle methodological deck chairs or abandon theoretical ship? The complexity turn in injury prevention
Recommendations from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma's Firearm Strategy Team (FAST) Workgroup: Chicago Consensus I
Recent advances in pediatric concussion and mild traumatic brain injury
Association of interpersonal violence with women's health (editorial)
It is time to consider a presumed liability law that protects cyclists and other vulnerable road users (reader comment)
Firearm injury prevention: AFFIRMing that doctors are in our lane
Suicide: a taboo topic that we must talk about now (editorial)
Preventing suicide - what precedes us will propel us
In review
Injury prevention in medical education: a systematic literature review
The danger of a single story about forensic humanitarianism
Maternal health-still a long way to go
Time for autonomous vehicles to connect (editorial)
Advancing our understanding of the who, when, and why of suicide risk
A contribution to empirical revitalization of the samfunnssikkerhet concept
The evolving police response to individuals with behavioral health challenges (editorial)
Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example
Interventions to prevent child maltreatment
Preventing maltreatment of children
There is no such thing as an international elite under-9 soccer player
Elimination of the moratorium on gun research is not enough: the need for the CDC to set a budgetary agenda
Does science have a bullying problem?
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Firearm Injury Prevention Statement: approved by the EAST Board of Directors September 26, 2018
Gender myths in energy poverty literature: a critical discourse analysis
Is a zero suicide target defensible and sensible?
Murder in the archives: additions to the Sydney Smith Collection
Physician alleged to have taken part in Khashoggi murder
Video analysis of anterior cruciate ligament tears in professional American football athletes: letter to the editor
An investigation of the effects of citation instruction to avoid plagiarism in EFL academic writing assignments
Dispatches from the editor: blast injury is everyone's problem
US life expectancy falls for third year in a row
Carols by glow sticks: a retrospective analysis of Poisons Information Centre data
From brainstorming to strategic plan: the framework for the Society for the Advancement of Disaster Nursing: a work in progress
The impact of social experiences of physical and structural violence on the growth of African enslaved children recovered from Lagos, Portugal (15th-17th centuries)
Nice brains finish last: more "prosocial" brains are more prone to depression
The importance of designing a preventable deaths instrument for road traffic injuries in pre-hospital phase
The continuing significance of masculinity
The curious death - and life? - of British transport policy
The evolution of #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter: social movements, big data, and race
Introducing the urban wind island effect
The devil in the detail of storms
Looking to the future: a synthesis of new developments and challenges in suicide research and prevention
Measurement is not enough for global road safety: implementation is key
A new accurate clinical assessment tool for fear of falling is needed for older patients
Taking self-harm seriously
The tragedy of trafficking of women and children
Traumatic injury
Doctors need to speak up more
Call to participate in the international study of traumatic brain injury results (Global Neurotrauma Outcomes Study)
Evolution of the Abbreviated Injury Scale: 1990-2015
Physicians are steering the conversation about gun violence (an interview)
Physicians' voices on gun violence and other important public health issues
Take-home naloxone is a global issue, in practice and in research: a response to Heavey et al
Update on insomnia after mild traumatic brain injury
Future directions in the study and treatment of parent-child separation
Werner Heyde: psychiatrist and mass murderer : a forensic psychiatric perspective
Self-harm, traumatic brain injury, and suicide
Self-harm, traumatic brain injury, and suicide-Reply
No better than chance? Developments in predicting adolescent suicide, a commentary on Mars et al. (2018) and Beckman et al. (2018)
Seeking to improve care for young patients: development of tools to support the implementation of the CDC Pediatric mTBI Guideline
Building the injury field in North America: the perspective of some of the pioneers
Domestic and family violence in post-conflict communities: international human rights law and the state's obligation to protect women and children
Emerging issues in occupational safety and health
TBIcare investigator's response to "Raising the bar for traumatic brain injury biomarker research: methods make a difference" by Papa and Wang
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of [randomized] controlled trials
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial [Erratum]
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial
Intersex variations, human rights, and the International Classification of Diseases
The NSSI family distress cascade theory
Our lane needs all of us
Balance exercises prevented falls
The language of suicide
Pathologizing the crisis: psychiatry, policing, and racial liberalism in the Long Community Mental Health Movement
Perspectives on adolescence and young adulthood
Emerging trends and new developments in disaster research after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
It takes a village: a realist synthesis of social pediatrics program
Why we should stop using the term "elective abortion"
The evolution of agricultural health and safety in the United States
Health and dignity of Palestine refugees at stake: a need for international response to sustain crucial life services at UNRWA
Living our ethics in the face of violence
Religious radicalization and lone-actor terrorism: a matter for psychiatry?
Full-body scanners: full protection from terrorist attacks or full-on violation of the constitution?
Heading the ball in football: what do we tell our patients and why so long to action?
Actively Listening: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient for Journal Innovation
Correction to: Examining the interdependence of parent-adolescent acculturation gaps on acculturation-based conflict: using the actor-partner interdependence model
Domestic violence: does it concern the psychiatrist? (Editorial)
The need to abolish the death penalty (Editorial)
Decriminalizing suicide in Bangladesh
Shattered dreams: a county hospital's commitment to preventing teenage drinking and driving
A different direction: pediatrician's practice unexpectedly turns toward suicide prevention
Are new standards for assessing and managing suicidal patients needed in Canada?
Letter to the editor: call for a scientific consensus regarding the application of retrograde extrapolation to determine blood alcohol content in DUI cases
Violence and health: current perspectives from the WHO Violence Prevention Alliance
Teaching about the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons to three generations
Healthcare for the Rohingya people: traumatised by violence, trapped in squalor
Revisiting the relationship between safety and security
Intimate partner violence
The benefits of youth sports participation should outweigh the risks
Measuring discomfort in health research relative to everyday events and routine care: an application to sexual and gender minority youth
Response to Long and Dowdell article on human trafficking
The time for action is at hand
US doctors call for tracking of suicides among medical trainees
Viewpoint: toward involvement of caregivers in suicide prevention strategies; ethical issues and perspectives
Dreaming of death rays: the search for laser weapons
Ethics and floods: a systematic review
Improving severe traumatic brain injury observational research: not all questions need an RCT
A survey of governance approaches to ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction: current gaps and future directions
Leading causes of fatal and nonfatal unintentional injury for children and teens and the role of lifestyle clinicians: a commentary
Mesh implants: women who need corrective surgery have higher risk of depression and self harm, finds study
Engaging with motherhood and parenthood: a commentary on the social science drugs literature
Patient who shot GP with a crossbow over his father's death is guilty of attempted murder
Marching orders: exploring the mediation mandate
The case for investing in public health surveillance in low- and middle-income countries
Fire debris analysis: a need to develop databases
Great boast, small roast on effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: response to a critique of our systematic review
Katakam and co-workers have not shown SSRIs to be harmful and ineffective and should stop claiming that they have
Multiple possible inaccuracies cast doubt on a recent report suggesting selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to be toxic and ineffective
The Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) in measurement-based care of patients with psychotic depression (Editorial)
Advice on assistance and protection provided by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Part 1. On medical care and treatment of injuries from blister and nerve agents
Health-emergency disaster risk management and research ethics
Why clinical psychology needs to engage in community-based approaches to mental health
Risk factors for depression: an autobiographical review
Gun violence is an epidemic and "we solve epidemics with medicine, not politics"
Mild traumatic brain injury: a clarion call for care of the postconcussive spectrum
Americans who become a new versus a former gun owner: implications for youth suicide and unintentional firearm injury
Challenges and opportunities for modernizing the National Violent Death Reporting System
Postoperative pain and opioid use in children with supracondylar humeral fractures: balancing analgesia and opioid stewardship
Urgency for safety in construction: narrative struggles of carpe diem, carpe pecunia and memento mori
Professionals without a profession: occupational safety and health professionals in Denmark
Racial discrimination in the United States: a national health crisis that demands a national health solution
Re: The association between lower urinary tract symptoms and falls:
Traumatic brain injury: global collaboration for a global challenge
Sudden death and catastrophic injury reporting: a call to action for athletic trainers
Advancing injury prevention in China
The importance of critical thinking skills in disaster management
Introductory remarks: injury in China
Leveraging history to improve crisis response
Physician's passion helps improve the lives of victims of sex trafficking
SleepOMICS: how big data can revolutionize sleep science
AOTA's societal statement on youth violence
Bullying investigations need a code of conduct
"If you do not birget [manage] then you don't belong here": a qualitative focus group study on the cultural meanings of suicide among Indigenous Sámi in arctic Norway
What orthopaedic surgeons need to know: the basic science behind opioids
Austria and its efforts towards the prohibition of nuclear weapons
Comment on "Mushroom poisoning: a proposed new clinical classification"
Trauma surgeons' perspective on gun violence and a review of the literature
Editorial: Binge drinking in the adolescent and young brain
The need for an intervention to prevent sports injuries: beyond "rub some dirt on it"
Self harm attempt in the older population of the UK
Self harm attempt in the older population of the UK - author's reply
Female genital mutilation; culture, religion, and medicalization, where do we direct our searchlights for it eradication: Nigeria as a case study
Human trafficking and labor exploitation: toward identifying, implementing, and evaluating effective responses
Young minds, old legal problems: can neuroscience fill the void? Young offenders & the age of criminal responsibility bill--promise and perils
Road safety research collaborations to meet SDG safety target
Formula companies' responsibility for burns awareness
Francis Bacon's doctrine of idols: a diagnosis of 'universal madness'
The offence/defence of infanticide: a view from two perspectives
Understanding science in the service and care of mental health and disorders
Unduly lenient sentences (s. 36 CJA 1988): the correct approach to sentencing where multiple deaths occur as a result of dangerous driving: R v Robert Anthony Brown [2018] EWCA Crim 1775
Reducing road traffic accidents in Bangladesh
Letter to the editor: The prevalence of drivers under the influence of medical cannabis must be considered within proper context
Exploring how practicing social workers define evidence-based practice
Metaphysics of terrorism
Morality and politics in Ágnes Heller
Pregabalin misuse: the next wave of prescription medication problems
Sexual cyberbullying: review, critique, & future directions
Basic epidemiology research designs I: cross-sectional design
When a lost "Petit Prince" meets Antoine de Saint Exupéry: an anthropological case report
Supporting evidence-informed practice in human service organizations: an exploratory study of link officers
At work in the woods: occupational hazards of harvesting special non-forest products in the Pacific Northwest
"But what about real mental illnesses?" alternatives to the disease model approach to "schizophrenia"
Defending public schooling
You have the right to remain silent, or do you have the obligation to speak?
The puzzle of the global commons or the tragedy of inequality: revisiting Hardin
Reconstructing Strangelove: inside Stanley Kubrick's "nightmare comedy"
Response to Orange, Botticelli, Soldz, and Hollander
Risk communication: time for more scholarly research
Human progress by human effort: neo-Darwinism, social heredity, and the professionalization of the American social sciences, 1889-1925
Neuroessentialism: theoretical and clinical considerations
Death, statistics and a disaster zone: the struggle to count the dead after Hurricane Maria
How machine learning could keep dangerous DNA out of terrorists' hands
Letter to the Editor Re: DiMaggio, C. et al. "Changes in U.S. mass shooting deaths associated with the 1994-2004 federal assault weapons ban: analysis of open-source data." J Trauma Acute Care.J Trauma Acute Care. 2019;86(1):11-19
Rapid emergency medical services response saves lives of persons injured in motor vehicle crashes
A "buck a beer," but at what cost to public health?
Government review on illicit drug use and violence will not look at decriminalisation
Critique of transcendental violence
Desperation, hopelessness, and suicide: an initial consideration of self-murder by slaves in seventeenth-century crimean society
The dialectic of capitalism, socialism, and the split subject in the phenomenology of Crime and Punishment
From conversion to ritual murder: re-contextualizing the circumcision charge
'The intolerable impact of armed conflict on children': the United Nations Security Council and the protection of children in armed conflict
Of responsibilities, protection, and rights: children's lives in conflict zones
Ruth in the days of the judges: women, foreignness and violence
Strengthening the preventive role of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa
Can Japan be a bridge-builder between deterrence-dependent states and nuclear weapon ban treaty proponents?
Implementation of trauma systems: not inventing the wheel over and over again!
Latin America: non-nuclear weapon states at the forefront of nuclear disarmament
Statement of the Committee for Transport and Traffic Ophthalmology of the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists Germany (BVA) and the German Society of Ophthalmology (DOG) : November 2018
Swedish physicians against nuclear weapons
Accommodating the motor car: Dunedin, New Zealand, 1901-30
On the road, again. rethinking automobilism
The walking stick in the nineteenth-century city: conflicting ideals of urban walking
Cruelty and kinds: Scalia and Dworkin on the constitutionality of capital punishment
Naltrexone: a history and future directions
Old Hickory's violent past medical history
"Yes, I Shot the President, but His Physicians Killed Him." The Assassination of President James A. Garfield
Public health issues in the 21st century: national challenges and shared challenges for the Maghreb countries
Henrique Dumont: how a traumatic brain injury contributed to the development of the airplane
Reflections on 40 years of Disasters, 1977-2017
The U.S. gun violence crisis: human rights perspectives and remedies
Ethical considerations of compelled disclosure of sexual assault among college students: Comment on Holland, Cortina, and Freyd (2018)
Integration of unaccompanied migrant youth in the United States: a call for research
Promoting health equity through trauma-informed care: critical role for physicians in policy and program development
Is augmented reality the next frontier in behavioral health?
Call me by my name
Editorial: categorising migrants: standards, complexities, and politics
Words matter. but rights matter more
Response to Reifels et al., Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
Violent drug cartels stifle Mexican science
Association of physician organization-affiliated political action committee contributions with US House of Representatives and Senate candidates' stances on firearm regulation
The Baldovan Institution Abuse Inquiry: a forgotten scandal
Money, politics, and firearm safety: physician political action committees in the era of "This is our lane"
Researchers spy signs of slavery from space
Sex differences in traumatic brain injury: what we know and what we should know
The use of medical knowledge in the crime investigation
The American life span gets shorter
Firearm policies that work
My road to violent extremism (as its researcher, that is…)
Is forensic science in danger of extinction?
The issue of schooling….or how to tame a horse
Towards happy and healthy travellers: a research agenda
"It's hard when people try and get their kids away from Cole": a family's experiences of (in)dignity in leisure settings
Young children and suicidal ideations: developmentally specific symptoms call for developmentally specific interventions (Editorial)
Teenagers and cannabis use: why it's a problem and what can be done about it
Wanted: local medical experts/champions to prevent gun violence
An epidemic of suspicion - ebola and violence in the DRC
Sexual violence and mental health services: a call to action
Forty years of Safety Science: a bibliometric overview
Violence propels Ebola outbreak towards 1,000 cases
The need for a national strategy to assess and reduce disaster-related mortality in the United States
A call for evaluation of restorative justice programs
Challenges in research on suicide prevention
What does safety commitment mean to leaders? A multi-method investigation
Let's join the lane: the role of infectious diseases physicians in preventing gun violence
The price of alliance: Anglo-American intelligence cooperation and Imperial Japan's criminal biological warfare programme, 1944-1947
Time to take self-harm in young people seriously
The rise and fall of scientific authority - and how to bring it back
The long and winding road to causality
Exploring warfare and violence from a cross-cultural perspective
Gender identity: the human right of depathologization
Adopting the objectifying gaze: exposure to sexually objectifying music videos and subsequent gazing behavior [Corrigendum]
Pharmacy schools should be involved in disaster preparedness planning at the local and state levels
Bullying: GP leaders condone victimisation of doctors, conference hears
Forging the future: is the injury prevention community a learning organisation?
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma firearm injury prevention statement
Eye Injuries across history and the evolution of eye protection
"Orthopaedic surgeons responding to the US opioid crisis." Commentary on: "Clinical practice guidelines for pain management in acute musculoskeletal injury."
ACOG Committee Opinion No. 777 Summary: Sexual assault
ACOG Committee Opinion No. 777: Sexual assault
Lethal autonomous weapons
Future directions for early childhood prevention of mental disorders: a road map to mental health, earlier
How do general practitioners (GPs) engage in falls prevention with older people? A pilot survey of GPs in NHS England suggests a gap in routine practice to address falls prevention
Lack of impact of past efforts to prevent suicide in Australia: please explain
Portugal's first major forensic case and the genesis of forensic toxicology: 10 years of research to reconstruct the event
Statistical analyses of clinical trials in haematopoietic cell transplantation or why there is a strong correlation between people drowning after falling out of a fishing boat and marriage rate in Kentucky
Basic epidemiology research designs II: case-control design
Doctors and torture
Mental health: current trends and challenges in the Nordic countries and beyond
Violence against nurses: increased awareness
Suicide: what the general public and the individual should know
Ethics committees, journal publication and research with children
Rethinking 'safe spaces' in children's geographies
New strategies for falls prevention
Road safety- is it a local government priority? (What does the experience suggest?)
Dealing with ethical concerns in suicide research: a survey of Australian researchers
Youth tackle football: perception and reality
Elevated skull fractures - too rare to care for, yet too common to ignore
The influence of NVMP's medical-humanitarian arguments on Dutch nuclear weapons politics: the Netherlands can make a difference in reaching a nuclear weapons-free world
Mental health services for youth in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: challenges and opportunities (Editorial)
Socio-ecological context and the interpersonal theory of suicide: a response to Hjelmeland & Knizek
Emerging findings on trauma in the military
Child abuse and the pediatric surgeon: a position statement from the Trauma Committee, the Board of Governors and the Membership of the American Pediatric Surgical Association
Injury prevention leads to better health
Mental health trends in military pediatrics
Suicide prevention-we know what to do, but will we do it?
Tackling violence as a public health issue
Long-lasting consequences of gun violence and mass shootings
Response to "Policy brief on the nursing response to human trafficking"
"Time to talk about it: physician depression and suicide" video/discussion session for interns, residents, and fellows
Addressing interpersonal violence as a health policy question using interprofessional community educators
Forensic examiner who failed to examine two alleged rape victims has suspension extended by12 months
Editorial: New perspectives on domestic violence: from research to intervention
The Kirkbride buildings in contemporary culture (1850-2015): from 'moral management' to horror films
The unethicality of doping in sports
We need a renewed focus on primary prevention to tackle youth knife violence
We need more randomised controlled trials in injury prevention
Offline: Facing down the violence of liberal communists
Essentials for childhood: planting the seeds for a public health approach to preventing child maltreatment
Generating Essentials for Childhood: new roles in child protection for the U.S. federal government and the public health sector
Individual solutions to shared problems create a modern tragedy of the commons
Interdisciplinary collaboration needed in obtaining high-quality medical information in child abuse investigations
Toward fire safety without chemical risk
Addition of an intimate partner violence intervention to a nurse home visitation program
Are successful safety devices being used universally?
Caring text messages for preventing suicides
A different aspect of the unexpected death of Mozart at the age of 35 years
Traumatic brain injuries among youth
Teen crash risk and insufficient sleep
Screening preteens in the emergency department for suicide risk
Gun control: a health issue for which physicians rightfully advocate
The real worry: what matters is that government funding of drug policy studies is so deficient
Sustained attention to science: a tribute to the life and scholarship of Joel Warm
US succeeds in diluting UN resolution on sexual violence against women
A call for a better response to major disasters
Editorial: The psychology of suicide: from research understandings to intervention and treatment
Murder, abortion, contraception, greenhouse gas emissions and the deprivation of non-discernible and non-existent people: a reply to Marquis and Christensen
Natural disasters and public health
Posttraumatic stress disorder upon admission to shelters among female victims of domestic violence: an ecological model of trauma
Is teenage heavy drinking more hazardous than we thought?
American Medical Society for Sports Medicine position statement on concussion in sport: erratum
Children and gun safety: a call to action for nurses
Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport (CCMHS) position statement: principles of mental health in competitive and high-performance sport
Firearm injury research and epidemiology: a review of the data, their limitations and how trauma centers can improve firearm injury research
A few more questions for suicide prevention
Maxillofacial surgeons see a rise in violent crime
Mental health promotion and disease prevention: it's about time
Violence against doctors: a viral epidemic?
Computer-aided image analysis of crayfish bitemarks - reinterpreting evidence: A case report
It's time to start asking all patients about intimate partner violence
My Journey before and after the birth of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Physicians and healthcare professionals in the era of #Metoo
Depressed and suicidal patients in the emergency department: an evidence-based approach
Cycling-related injuries and cycling promotion: a trauma service perspective
Pediatric resident firearm-related anticipatory guidance: why are we still not talking about guns?
The healthcare response to human trafficking: a need for globally harmonized ICD codes
Editorial: Bullying and suicide risk: restructuring prevention, identification, and treatment to address a global mental health crisis
Domestic violence-are we up to the task?
Pattern recognition: a mechanism-based approach to injury detection after motor vehicle collisions: Invited commentary
Editorial: Making an impact: injury prevention is a priority
Response to Scott et al Fall-risk assessment tool article
Violence and public and personal health: sexual violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking
Evidence of infectious disease, trauma, disability and deficiency in skeletons from the 19th/20th century correctional facility and asylum "Realta" in Cazis, Switzerland
Violence and public and personal health: intimate partner violence
Violence and public and personal health: gun violence
Violence and public and personal health: Foreword
Unlinking prostitution and sex trafficking: response to commentaries
Unraveling ancestry, kinship, and violence in a Late Neolithic mass grave
Physicians should play a role in ensuring safe firearm ownership
Suicide prevention and patient safety
Commentary on: Chen F, Ye Y, Jin B, Yi B, Wei Q, Liao L. Homicidal paraquat poisoning. J Forensic Sci Epub 2018 Nov 19
Progress in reducing road-traffic injuries in the WHO European region
Unhelmeted motorcycle riders have increased injury burden: a need to revisit universal helmet laws
Update on mental health aspects of intimate partner violence
Hundreds of staff may have been harmed by bullying and harassment in NHS Highland
Speaking up for global road safety
The role of the gunshot residue expert in case review - a case study
Mad, bad and dangerous to know? History and mental health
Mitochondrial DNA, a powerful tool to decipher ancient human civilization from domestication to music, and to uncover historical murder cases
No Indians to spare: depression and suicide in Indigenous American children and youth
Chaos outside, kindness inside: on lockdown during Hurricane Florence
Firearm injuries and children: position statement of the American Pediatric Surgical Association
Protection of children and adolescents victims of violence: the views of the professionals of a specialized service
'Active & Safe Central': development of an online resource for the prevention of injury in sport and recreational activity
Time for action: intimate partner violence troubles one third of Ethiopian women
Strengthening emergency care systems to serve the injured
Proposition 8 and homophobic bullying in California
Proxy war against head injury: myriads of conflicting laws and gender-based discrimination
Solving the opioid epidemic in Ohio
Merseyside launches public health approach to tackle rising violent crime
The cultural (mis)attribution bias in developmental psychology in the United States
The destruction of the Monument to Humanity: historical conflict and monumentalization
Reconceptualizing historic and contemporary violence against African Americans as Savage White American Terror (SWAT)
Thirteen Reasons Why revisited: a monograph for teens, parents, and mental health professionals
Advocacy for improved response to self-injury in schools: a call to action for school psychologists
Ubuntu and the quest for conflict resolution in Africa
The value and challenges of using meta-analysis in transportation economics
Sexual offense legislation across the pond: a review of community sentiment toward the United Kingdom's implementation of Sarah's Law
The orthodontist's reach in bullying
Is hip-hop violent? Analyzing the relationship between live music performances and violence
Community-based learning collaboratives and participant reports of interprofessional collaboration, barriers to, and utilization of child trauma services
Proceedings from the Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Death and Disability in the US
Stemming the tide of young person suicide and self-harm
Letter to the editor (January 1, 2019) concerning the paper "Impact of air pollution on depression and suicide"
Need for improving the health system preparedness for road traffic injuries in Nepal
Do not cross me: optimizing the use of cross-sectional designs
HARKing: how badly can cherry-picking and question trolling produce bias in published results?
The needs of the many do not outweigh the needs of the few: the limits of individual sacrifice across diverse cultures
Youth homelessness and the racial knowledge gap
"UNHAPPY" environment for adolescent development in Hong Kong
Belief in conspiracy theories: basic principles of an emerging research domain
Concussion - Part I: The need for a multifaceted assessment
Equitable realization of the right to health in Haiti: how household data inform health seeking behavior and financial risk protection
Gun violence and cardiovascular health
Research participant communication via social media platforms remains risky
Why the duty to research falls on institutions rather than individuals
Objectivity in science and law: a shared rescue strategy
The FDA "black box" warning on antidepressant suicide risk in young adults: more harm than benefits?
It's time to address sexual violence in academic global health
Opioids and the urgent need to focus on the health care of young adults
Why the nails should boss the hammers
These scientists are setting a forest on fire - and studying it with drones
Naloxone urban legends and the opioid crisis: what is the role of public health?
Two infant boys misdiagnosed as "shaken baby" and their twin sisters: a cautionary tale
Improper study design precludes valid effect estimates in important suicide prevention research
Looking back on 10 years of global road safety
Commentary on the special issue on moral injury: advances, gaps in literature, and future directions
Traumatic brain injury in the new millennium: a new population and new management
Translating cutting-edge neuroscience to rehabilitation practice in concussion management: 11 things the rehabilitation clinician should know about the pathophysiology of sports-related concussion
Falls in older adults: prevention, mortality, and costs
Introduction to the special issue on moral injury: conceptual challenges, methodological issues, and clinical applications
Our own worst enemies: the nurse bullying epidemic
From opioid pain management to opioid crisis in the USA: how can public-private partnerships help?
More research is needed on digital technologies in violence against women
The occupational therapy practitioner's role in health promotion, injury prevention, and role participation for the older worker
Ophthalmic injuries in the Iliad of Homer
Preventing firearm-related death and injury
Safety in the nonoperating room anesthesia suite is not an accident: lessons from the National Transportation Safety Board
Escalating Congo ebola epidemic passes 2000 cases amid violence and suspicion
Major rise in non-suicidal self harm in England, study shows
Understanding the mental health impact of human trafficking
Error traps and culture of safety in pediatric trauma
The pathologist Philipp Schwartz (1894-1977) : from Nazi victim to initiator of the "Emergency Society of German Scholars Abroad". German version
Responding to the rising prevalence of self-harm
Absolute risk estimates of the association between concussion and suicide
Absolute risk estimates of the association between concussion and suicide-reply
Anti-social media and violence
Call for a centralized, unit-wide aggressive patient reporting
Doing equitable work in inequitable conditions: an introduction to a special issue on transformative research methods in gender-based violence
Our seat at the table: mentorship, advocacy, & youth leadership in qualitative research
Promoting clarity and transparency in family violence research: editorial comments on the journal's revised author guidelines
Childhood maltreatment and health outcomes - Editorial
Clinical epidemiological research on suicide-related behaviors-where we are and where we need to go
No cold comfort: murder and environmental monsters in a fictional arctic town
One step forwards half a step backwards: changing patterns of intimate partner violence in Bangladesh
Preventing sexual violence on campus in the U.S.: four thought experiments
Editorial: suicide and IBD-a call to action
Editorial: suicide and IBD-a call to action. Authors' reply
Gun safety in the home initiative
The role of physicians in the violence epidemic
Rising opioid-related deaths in England and Scotland must be recognised as a public health crisis
The CDC guideline on the diagnosis and management of mild traumatic brain injury among children: what physical therapists need to know
Importance of firearms research
Need for a framework document on building competency in injury prevention
Suicide in long-term care facilities-the exception or the norm?
Alcohol consumption : from epidemiology to prevention
Health risks of practicing correctional medicine
The Public Health Association of Australia's advocacy to prevent suicide
Reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the United States
Reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the United States
Reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the United States
Reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the United States
The development of the occupational health and safety profession in Canada
The emergence of the occupational health and safety profession in Australia
The five pillars of occupational safety & health in a context of authoritarian socio-political climates
Neighborhood connectivity matters: keeping older people mobile and healthy
Theorizing and theory building in the safety sciences: a reflective inquiry
What the Puerto Rican hurricanes make visible: chronicle of a public health disaster foretold
Suicide research and prevention: we need new, innovative approaches
US suicide rates in young people are highest since 2000
Indian doctors' leaders demand national law to reduce violence in hospitals
Latin American Pediatric Neurosurgery Society declaration against abusive head injury
Pre-hip fracture falls: a missed opportunity for intervention
Introduction: Thematic papers issue on "advances in our understanding of the morphological response to injury in the peripheral nervous system"
The injury workforce in Western Australia: findings from a cross-sectional survey
Inscriptions on roadside memorials in Poland
Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides
Rising suicide rates among adolescents
Kelsey Hegarty: calling attention to domestic violence
Commentary: Multicenter validation of the survival after acute civilian penetrating brain injuries (SPIN)-score
Documenting the impact of conflict on women living in internally displaced persons camps in Sri Lanka: some ethical considerations
Ethical considerations for disseminating research findings on gender-based violence, armed conflict, and mental health: a case study from rural Uganda
How much can we trust the literature?
Positive predictive values and potential success of suicide prediction models
Positive predictive values and potential success of suicide prediction models
Mental health and violence: opportunities for change
Reply to: Charlier et al. 2018. Mudslide and/or animal attack are more plausible causes and circumstances of death for AL 288 ('Lucy'): a forensic anthropology analysis. Medico-Legal Journal 86(3) 139-142, 2018 DOI: 10.1177/0025817217749504
Seeing the whole picture of postpartum depression
A sibling suicide: one sister's ethical dilemma
Social media: suicide promotion and anti-vaccine content must be banned, says BMA
Snowsport trauma and safety: understanding and reducing the likelihood of injury in snowsports
Toward firsthand knowledge of the secondhand effects of alcohol: a commentary on Nayak et al. (2019)
Policies to reduce the secondhand harms of alcohol: a commentary on Nayak et al. (2019)
A population health perspective on America's opioid addiction
How we can approach survivors of torture
Treating posttraumatic stress disorder in the presence of acute suicide risk in veterans and active duty service members: a call for research
Social work and suicide prevention
Social violence, structural violence, hate, and the trauma surgeon
Self-reported suicidal ideation as a predictor of suicidal behavior
Self-reported suicidal ideation as a predictor of suicidal behavior
Germany's prestigious Max Planck Society conducts huge bullying survey
Reassessment of the Ireland v. the United Kingdom ECtHR case: a lost opportunity to clarify the distinction between torture and ill-treatment
State of the art forensic techniques reveal evidence of interpersonal violence ca. 30,000 years ago
Violence in hot weather: will climate change exacerbate rates of violence in South Africa?
"Clinician, heal thyself": decisional conflict, value judgments, and their role in practice variation in traumatic brain injury
Intimate partner violence and orthopaedics: AOA critical issues
Non-accidental injury of animals
What ought we to do with "thick terms"? A response to Frankfurt & Coady's "Bringing philosophy to bear on moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder construct validation"
Reflections on suicidal ideation
Surveillance for self-harm: an urgent need in low-income and middle-income countries
What is the object of safety science?
A roadmap to professionalism: advancing occupational safety and health practice as a profession in the United States
The safety professional in the UK: development of a key player in occupational health and safety
Commentary on Leth PM. Homicide by drowning. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2019;15:233-8
The main challenges of safety science
Automated driving cuts the future
Considering the source of information in the evaluation of maltreatment experiences : Letter
Should smartphones be banned for children or does cyberpsychology have a bigger problem?
Trauma and the investigator of violence: weathering the storm
A public health approach to gun violence, legally speaking
Mass shootings: a sad reality
Correction: Ye, T.; et al. Automatic railway traffic object detection system using feature fusion refine neural network under shunting mode. Sensors 2018, 18, 1916
Essay: A "safety model" perspective can aid diagnosis, prevention, and restoration after criminal justice harms
Political violence in Sudan: the need for a coordinated, locally led humanitarian health response
Interventions to prevent child maltreatment: recommendation statement
Critical factors for mitigating car traffic in cities
The impact of Brexit on the future of UK forensic science and technology
Detours, roadblocks, jams: the rough road to US car regulation
No silver bullet: firearm laws and pediatric death prevention
Pediatricians urge federal action on pharmacare and gun control
There's no cure for brain injury: work-related stress in brain injury rehabilitation professionals
The Congress of Vienna and the making of second slavery
Slaves for pleasure in Arabic sex and slave purchase manuals from the tenth to the twelfth centuries
Slavery and public history at the big house: remembering and forgetting at American plantation museums and British country houses
Child passenger safety: AAP updates best practice recommendations
NewsCAP: The AAP updates child passenger safety policy
The impact of editorial policy
To die, to sleep, perchance to dream? A response to DeMichelis, Shaul and Rapoport
Patients participating as co-researchers in health research: a systematic review of outcomes and experiences
Psychiatry's stance towards scientifically implausible therapies: are we losing ground?
Health systems have a role in preventing firearm injury
Who cares if college and drinking are synonymous? Identification with typical students moderates the relationship between college life alcohol salience and drinking outcomes
Firearm violence in America: is there a solution?
A call to reorient pediatric residency education to address the emerging threat of suicide
The investigation of homicide
Misperceptions about the 'opioid epidemic:' exploring the facts
Traffic safety research in the 15th world conference on transport research
Rape of the lock: note on nineteenth-century hair fetishists
Legal and policy changes urgently needed to increase access to opioid agonist therapy in the United States
Mounting evidence and Netflix's decision to pull a controversial suicide scene
Readers beware! Predatory journals are infiltrating citation databases
Critical call for hospital-based domestic violence intervention: the Davis Challenge
With a spirit that understands: reflections on a long-term community science initiative to end suicide in Alaska
Moving towards equity as a driver of health behavior research
A public health argument against arming teachers
Should schools have teachers carry guns?
Dedicated firearm injury research infrastructure is needed: in reply to Gambhir
Firearm violence and wounding pattern
EMS professionals: critical partners in human trafficking response
Authors' commentary: Domestic violence against women, public policies and community health workers in Brazilian primary health care
Take-home naloxone for the emergency interim management of opioid overdose: the public health application of an emergency medicine
Moving moral injury into the future with functional contextualism: a response to Nash's "Unpacking two models for understanding moral injury" (2019)
What is the right question for moral psychology to answer? Commentary on Bostyn, Sevenhant, and Roets (2018)
Adolescent self-harm: think before prescribing
Comparing hypothetical and real-life trolley problems: commentary on Bostyn, Sevenhant, and Roets (2018)
Human trafficking: impact, identification, and intervention
The opioid crisis: origins, trends, policies, and the roles of pharmacists
Request for medical assistance in dying after a suicide attempt in a 75-year-old man with pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Firearms safety: a growing public health threat
The long road of inquiry following sex abuse by clergy
The promise and limits of suicide genetics
Innovation in prevention of and responses to violence against women
Changing the culture? A feminist academic activist critique
Compensation models in emergency medicine: an ethical perspective
Between shell shock and ptsd? 'accident neurosis' and its sequelae in post-war Britain
The danger of sleep deprivation
Palaeoenvironmental, epigraphic and archaeological evidence of total warfare among the Classic Maya
Risperidone for psychosis-induced aggression or agitation
Rethinking self-injury recovery: a commentary and conceptual reframing
Why a right to life rules out infanticide: a final reply to Räsänen
Understanding the unintended consequences of public health policies: the views of policymakers and evaluators
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States: a call to action from the nation's leading physician and public health professional organizations
What should global mental health do about violent extremism?
Violence against doctors in India - safety versus service
Falls research is coming of age
Forecasting global road traffic injury mortality for 2030
Gun violence: US doctors' groups call for action
The insignificance of significance in scientific reporting
Letting the cat out of the bag: athletes, coaches and physiotherapists share their perspectives on injury prevention in elite sports
Can pedophiles change?
Can pedophiles change? Response to opening arguments and conclusions
"Can people with pedophilia change? Yes they can!"
Involuntary sterilisation: we still need to guard against it
When will most cars be able to drive fully automatically? Projections of 18,970 survey respondents
A social work perspective on police violence: evidence and interventions
Achieving engagement in injury and violence prevention research
Breast ironing: an under-recognised form of gender-based violence
Clinical emergency care research in low-income and middle-income countries: opportunities and challenges
Political response to firearm violence resulting in mass casualties in New Zealand and the United States: worlds apart
Social media can harm when use displaces sleep or exercise or involves bullying, finds study
Responding to mental health needs after terror attacks
'Stealth trauma' in the young and the old: the next challenge for major trauma networks?
Suicide prevention in England
Failure in the construction of the ego in confessional poetry - Sylvia Plath and Attila Jozsef
From the experience to anger: the elaboration of the feelings against the parents in the art of Sylvia Plath
"The grasses unload their griefs on my feet" - the therapy of Sylvia Plath
Mask and self - and the illness: injuries of the soul in Sylvia Plath's poetry
'Mild traumatic brain injury' and 'sport-related concussion': different languages and mixed messages?
The oeuvre, life history and illness of Sylvia Plath
On Sylvia Plath's personality
The "price" of creativity? Predictive and protective factors in the suicide of Sylvia Plath
Psychiatric disorder of Sylvia Plath
The risk of imagination, or orgy of anger. Trying to reconstruct and understand the Sylvia Plath-phenomenon
Annals On Call - Firearm violence: a call to action
Firearm injury prevention
Firearm injury prevention
Paediatric trauma epidemic: a call to action
The prevention of sexual abuse: issues, challenges and resolutions
Arming teachers is not the solution
BLEVE: the case of water and a historical survey
Urgent need for research to achieve health equity for sexual and gender minority youth
Understanding the neurobiological implications of maltreatment: a commentary on the special issue
The UK Government must help end Scotland's drug-related death crisis
'We're not all dangerous and crazy'. Negotiating the voice hearing identity: a critical discursive approach
Tie institutions' reputations to their anti-bullying record
Bringing Daesh to justice: what the international community can do
Can we stop the violence, please? Moving forward to address domestic violence
A holistic approach to firearm legislation is needed: in reply to de Jager and colleagues
The ethical contours of research in crisis settings: five practical considerations for academic institutional review boards and researchers
Vaccination = seat belt
Position statement: Child Maltreatment: International Association of Forensic Nurses Board of Directors, 2019
Two mistaken beliefs about suicide
Critical state of disaster preparedness
Domestic family violence
Epidemiology needs to inform suicide prevention strategies
Violence-free society
Safety solutions on mixed use urban arterial roads
These are all our lanes
Veteran suicide: not just a VA Issue; it's a U.S. issue
How useful are child death reviews: a local area's perspective
FIMR and other mortality reviews as public health tools for strengthening maternal and child health systems in communities: where do we need to go next?
Gun control: a health issue, a legal issue or both
Tighter gun control laws are unlikely to prevent shootings
Fulfilling the promise of adolescence: realizing opportunity for all youth
Human Trafficking: ACOG committee opinion summary, number 787
Psychiatric needs for self-inflicted burn patients in developing countries: a call for action
Religious insanity: a diagnosis at the intersection of 19th century American religion and psychiatry
Vaping and lung injuries: five minutes with . . . Nick Hopkinson
Is the exclusion of psychiatric patients from access to physician-assisted suicide discriminatory?
Preventing injuries must be a priority to prevent disease in the twenty-first century
Reflections on working in public-figure threat management
When is hastened death considered suicide? A systematically conducted literature review about palliative care professionals' experiences where assisted dying is legal
Scientific integrity in the forensic sciences: consumerism, conflicts of interest, and transparency
The social life of forensic evidence and the epistemic sub-cultures in an inquisitorial justice system: analysis of Saltão case
Disaster rehabilitation response plan: now or never
Caring for survivors of institutional child abuse
The role of the orthopaedic surgeon in the identification and management of nonaccidental trauma
"Aha!" is stronger when preceded by a "huh?": presentation of a solution affects ratings of aha experience conditional on accuracy
Almost half of consultant anaesthetists have had a car accident or near miss on their commute home because of fatigue
Association between early maternal depression and child growth: a group-based trajectory modeling analysis
The opioid crisis and the future of addiction and pain therapeutics
Effective communication in a fake news environment: the role of health education
Nonaccidental injury in pediatric patients: detection, evaluation, and treatment
Bullying and cyberbullying: protective factors and effective interventions
Falls, subclinical cardiovascular disease, and a nonagenarian's sage advice
Anti-trafficking efforts and colonial violence in Canada
Telling stories of terrorism: a framework for applying narrative approaches to the study of militant's self-accounts
Ten questions concerning the built environment and mental health
What the world needs now: an intervention for promoting prosocial behavior
Ideology and guerrilla in the political speech of Guerra en el Paraíso of Carlos Montemayor
Neuroimaging of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in bipolar disorder: ideas and considerations for future research
No one knows what attention is
Scientific debate instead of beef; challenging misleading arguments about the efficacy of antidepressants
Toward a new framework for understanding human-wild animal relations
US supermarket chain Walmart limits gun and ammunition sales
Vaping in the news: the influence of news exposure on perceived e-cigarette use norms
What role can cognitive neuroscience play in violence prevention?
Challenging belief systems and professional perspectives to protect children from harm
Child sexual abuse: ethics and evidence
Commentary: Adolescent self-harm prevention and intervention in secondary schools: a survey of staff in England and Wales - a reflection on Evans et al. (2019)
A country with a broken psyche : violence against children in South Africa
What is said and what is understood? The readability and language of child protection medical reports
Response: Sports participation and interventions to reduce risk of mental health problems during childhood: a response to Crowell (2018)
Building resilience to combat stress, burnout, and suicidal ideation among pharmacists
Using technologies to commemorate International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers in the North East of England
Editorial: screening for and treatment of moral injury in veterans/active duty military with PTSD
Get ready for being chauffeured: passenger's preferences and trust while being driven by human and automation
My body is a war zone: exhibitions and testimonies as a tool for change
Inconsistent classification of unexplained sudden deaths in infants and children hinders surveillance, prevention and research: recommendations from The 3rd International Congress on Sudden Infant and Child Death
Suicide risk in US veterans
Modern-day slavery in our health care system: an advocacy journey
The opioid epidemic and psychiatry: the time for action is now
Editorial: Suicide and self-harm: advancing from science to preventing deaths
Human decision-making biases in the moral dilemmas of autonomous vehicles
Older age and new technologies in suicide prevention
Radicalization and psychiatry: a plea for a broad perspective
Reflecting on intramural incidents: how do judges think about intramural crimes in mental health care?
So you want to address sexual harassment and assault in your organization? Training is not enough; Education is necessary
Introduction to the special issue on gender-based violence research methods: building bridges for the next steps
It is time for a change in the management of elderly severely injured patients! An analysis of 126,015 patients from the TraumaRegister DGU®
Shortfall of intervention research over correlational research in childhood maltreatment: an impasse to be overcome
Gun violence: the physician's response
The impact of medicaid expansion on trauma-related emergency department utilization: a national evaluation of policy implications
Advancing theory, methods, and dissemination in sexual violence research to build a more equitable future: an intersectional, community-engaged approach
Editors' note: Concussion Biomarkers Assessed in Collegiate Student-Athletes (BASICS) I: normative study
The value of thoughts and prayers
International traumatic brain injury research: an annus mirabilis?
Prevalence of screening for food insecurity, housing instability, utility needs, transportation needs, and interpersonal violence by US physician practices and hospitals
Reader response: Concussion Biomarkers Assessed in Collegiate Student-Athletes (BASICS) I: normative study
Through laughter and through tears: emotional narratives to antiracist pedagogy
Preventing catastrophic injury and death in collegiate athletes: interassociation recommendations endorsed by 13 medical and sports medicine organisations
Suicide prevention [letter]
Firearm policy: physician organizations' role in political action committee funds, 2018
Attaching importance to the study of referral and transport of critically ill patients: my humble opinion on non-emergency medical referral and transporting service
Equity as the fourth 'E' in the '3 E's' approach to injury prevention
Feminism in the humanitarian machine. Introduction to the special section on 'the politics of intervention against (conflict-related) sexual and gender-based violence'
Undisciplined: tracing criminology's growing divergence from sociology
Children, substance abuse and the role of social work
What is safe household firearm storage to prevent deaths among U.S. youths?-reply
Too many avoidable suicides occur worldwide in young patients
Problems with the 'ask for help' approach to mental illness and suicide prevention
Psychological maltreatment and medical neglect of transgender adolescents: the need for recognition and individualized assessment
Psychological needs of the families of patients who attempted suicide by self-immolation: an overlooked issue [letter]
The ethical issues in research on child abuse
A propensity to murder: phrenology in antebellum medico-legal theory and practice
Trauma care and development assistance: opportunities to reduce the burden of injury and strengthen health systems
Strengthening our collaborative approaches for advancing equity and justice
Research 'with' not 'on', yes, but with whom and how?
Underutilized strategies in traffic safety: results of a nationally representative survey
'Dignity and respect': an example of service user leadership and co-production in mental health research
Informed consent in a pragmatic emergency suicide trial: rejecting the research-practice distinction
Physician aid-in-dying and suicide prevention in psychiatry: a moral crisis?
Physician aid-in-dying and suicide prevention in psychiatry [Response to open peer commentaries]
Baby boomers and booze: we should be worried about how older Australians are drinking [letter]
Baby boomers and booze: we should be worried about how older Australians are drinking
The credit incentive to be a maverick
We must oppose lethal autonomous weapons systems
Trauma surgeon-funded injury prevention and research decrease motorcycle crash injuries
Featured counter-trafficking program: H.E.A.L.T.H. Clinic of Ottawa
A holistic and scientifically rigorous approach to firearm research is needed: in reply to Sauaia and colleagues
One size does not fit all: a comprehensive clinical approach to reducing suicidal ideation, attempts, and deaths
SAVIR: going forward by looking back
The earliest evidence for mechanically delivered projectile weapons in Europe
Perimortem sharp force trauma in an individual from the early medieval cemetery of Säben-Sabiona in South Tyrol, Italy
Historical persistence of alcohol-induced mortality in the Russian Federations: legacy of early industrialization
Letter to the editor regarding "Undetected traumatic diastasis of cranial sutures in a case of child abuse" by C.P. Campobasso et al. (
The rise and restraint of the preventive state
Smuggling of migrants is and should be established as an autonomous offence
Suicide prevention: putting the person at the center
Reducing gun violence using alcohol-related convictions: "Never use alcohol, over-the-counter drugs, or prescription drugs before or while shooting"
The rise and fall of the Occupational Health & Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH) in British Columbia, Canada
Invited commentary: his life was lost but his heart still beats: in honor of children harmed by child abuse [invited commentary]
Memorializing mass deaths at the border: two cases from Canberra (Australia) and Lampedusa (Italy)
A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory to solve complex crimes: a case report
The case for case-control studies in the field of suicide prevention
The role of the American Society of anesthesiologists physical status classification in predicting trauma mortality and outcomes
Tendrils of hope in the gun epidemic: a public health of consequence, November 2019
The need for innovation in health care systems to improve suicide prevention
Rational suicide in late life: a systematic review of the literature
Euthanasia, medically assisted dying or assisted suicide: time for psychiatrists to say no
The 1904 assassination of governor general Bobrikov: tyrannicide, anarchism, and the expanding scope of "terrorism"
Playing with shame: the temporal work of rape jokes for the cultural body
The Wests: decline management and geopolitics
After suicide
The temptation to text when driving - many young drivers just can't resist
Pharmacists can help implement suicide prevention goal
Upper extremity burns in the developing world: a neglected epidemic
Association of lipid profile with completed suicides: a hospital-based case-control study [letter]
Women Like That: a poetic exploration into the complexities of intimate partner abuse
An emerging crisis: vaping-associated pulmonary injury
Ending gaze aversion toward child abuse and neglect
Let's stop feeding the risk monster: towards a social model of 'child protection'
A response to 'Clarifying the meaning of mantras in wildland fire behaviour modelling: reply to Cruz et al. (2017)'
'Stop asking me 'what about men?'
'Forget TV, it will never show you the experience of the victim': representations of rape in Mindhunter
The duty to prevent genocide under international law: naming and shaming as a measure of prevention
History, periodization and the character of contemporary crime control
How does the method change what we measure? Comparing virtual reality and text-based surveys for the assessment of moral decisions in traffic dilemmas
Three theoretical approaches to Lemkin's definition of genocide
Visible injuries, unrecognized truth - the reality of intimate partner violence
Revisiting positionality and the thesis of situated knowledge
Invited commentary on "Traumatic brain injury: imaging patterns and complications"
Reflections on the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (England and Wales)
Risk of misdiagnosing chronic traumatic encephalopathy in men with depression
Uncovering the real recovery challenge: what emergency management must do
Signage interventions for stair climbing at work: more than 700,000 reasons for caution
A vision for the future of pediatric firearm-related ocular trauma
Firearm violence research: improving availability, accessibility, and content of firearm-related data systems
Long-term effectiveness of housing and support services for homeless adults with mental illness
Suicide among medical students: be firm on wellbeing
Suicide among medical students: investing in our future NHS
Suicide among medical students: money worries affect mental health
Introducing article numbering to Economics Letters
The power of nonviolence: confirming and explaining the success of nonviolent (rather than violent) political movements
Skeletal evidence for violent trauma from the bronze age Qijia culture (2,300-1,500 BCE), Gansu Province, China
"The Western feminists want to make us gay": nationalism, heteronormativity, and violence against women in Bulgaria in times of "anti-gender campaigns"
"There are certain rules that one must abide by": predictors of mortality in slasher films
Reflections on the L'Aquila trial and the social dimensions of disaster risk
Smart technologies for vehicle safety and driver assistance
FEMA's fall and redemption--applied narrative analysis
"If torture is wrong, what about 24?" torture and the Hollywood effect
Addressing gun violence: a social work imperative
Editorial: Navigating the science-practice gap in child maltreatment
Editorial: Psychosocial interventions for suicide prevention
The eugenic and dysgenic effects of war
A thousand deaths from gender-based violence
"Not in my name": the anti-racist praxis of Mab Segrest & Minnie Bruce Pratt
Structural violence: its many faces and challenges in research, policies, prevention, and intervention
Democracy interrupted: the anti-social side of intensified policing
Exploring the policy implications of high-profile police violence [editorial]
Police violence, procedural justice, and public perceptions of legitimacy [editorial]
Incidence of nonaccidental head trauma in infants: a call to revisit prevention strategies
Narrative criminology as critical criminology
Public-private partnerships and beyond: potential for innovation and sustainable development [editorial]
Disruptions in strategic infrastructure planning - what do they mean for sustainable development?
"It is better to be safe 100 times than dead once."--Mark Twain
Barriers to adopting Inherently Safer Design philosophy in Iran
Emotional safety culture: a new and key element of safety culture
"You shouldn't worry walking a block and a half to your car": perceptions of crime and community norms in the Bakken oil play
Reducing the attractiveness of chemical plants to terrorist attacks: dehorning rhinos
Selection of key indicators for reputation loss in oil and gas pipeline failure event
Suicide: reframing the problem from the perspective of Durkheim
Giving voice to silence: empowerment and disempowerment in the developmental shift from trauma 'victim' to 'survivor-advocate'
Bureaucracy, case geography and the governance of the inebriate in Scotland (1898-1918)
"We get tunnel vision": emergency medical service providers' views on the opioid epidemic in Baltimore City
Suicides in young US people increase 56% over a decade
Is gun control really about people control?
Mental health competencies for pediatric practice
Authors' response to commentaries on "Trouble in paradigm"
Sleep disturbances and disorders: a poorly recognized accident risk
Comment on Brush and Miller's "Trouble in Paradigm: 'Gender Transformative Programming' in Violence Prevention"
Introduction to this issue: International perspectives on homicide and the law
Safety science as a new discipline in China
Safety in international security: a view point from the practice of accident investigation
Assaults on staff: clear policies needed
Informed consent for youth tackle football: implications of the AAP policy statement
'Just three Skittles in a bowl will kill you. Would you take a handful?' Evidence, public policy and Islamist-inspired violent extremism
The Nazi persecution of Jews and the African American freedom struggle
An analysis of the vascular injuries and attempted resuscitation surrounding the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr
An uphill battle to keep american youths from harmful dietary supplements
'For pain, no shame' and 'My secret solace': Accounts of over-the-counter codeine dependence using Q methodology
Health professionals talk about the challenges of suicide prevention in two correctional centres in South Africa
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the least biased of them all? Dangers and potential solutions regarding bias in forensic psychological evaluations
Nursing organizations address discrimination and gun violence
Occupational health nursing: competence and experience to achieve the safety, health and well-being of the working population
Racing toward positive youth-police interactions
"Even if it didn't happen, it's true": the fantasy of geopolitics in the "post-truth" era
Suicide; the most delicate philosophical question
Suicide and the psychiatrist
Rigorous research on existing child maltreatment prevention programs: introduction to the special section
Questions and answers from research centers on gun violence
Suicidal ideation during a year after the earthquake: a letter to editor
Seismic isolation: early history
The epidemiology of sport-related concussion: what the rehabilitation clinician needs to know
Gun violence in Colombia
Horizon of artificial intelligence and neurosciences. About robots, androids and cyborgs
Institutionalizing torture in Israel: The Firas Tbeish decision. A commentary by John W. Schiemann, PhD
A problematic Israeli High Court dismissal of a torture complaint. A commentary by Hans Draminsky Petersen, MD
'A crime of almost unspeakable cruelty and wickedness': gender, agency and murder in Scotland - the case of Jeannie Donald
Campus crime and concealed carry laws: is arming students the answer?
Menno ter Braak on democracy, populism and fascism: ressentiment and its vicissitudes
Man Haron Monis and the Sydney Lindt Café siege - not a terrorist attack
Rethinking the public health model for injury prevention
Assaults on staff: clear policies needed
Patients and guns: Florida physicians are not asking
European research on children, adolescents and domestic violence: impact, interventions and innovations
No credibility without plausibility: a response to Lewis and Lanier
Frameworks of causal inference for improving intervention, prediction, and imagination in family violence research: a commentary on Rose (2018)
Warfare in an evolutionary perspective
Comprehensive prevention of campus sexual violence: expanding who is invited to the table
Does the first assault on women's rights occur in utero?
"We are responsible for the violence, and prevention is up to us": a qualitative study of perceived risk factors for gender-based violence among Ethiopian university students
Military masculinity and the act of killing in Hamlet and Afghanistan
The "new science" of abusive head trauma
The changing nature of concussion in rugby union: looking back to look forward
Parallels between the tenure of C. Everett Koop in the age of AIDS and the epidemic of gun violence today
Violence against women: where are we 25 years after ICPD and where do we need to go?
RETRACTED : Alcohol misuse among young adults in northern Italy
Unearthing the reality of slavery
Gun laws save children's lives
Death certification in England must evolve (Considering current technology)
Urgent need for better care after self-harm
When should the police investigate cases of non-recent child sexual abuse?
Afterword: the Columbine effect on culture, policy, and me
Bold actions needed to improve civil registration data for road traffic deaths
The story of the development and adoption of the Glasgow Coma Scale: Part I, the early years
Consensus statement on sports-related concussions in youth sports using a modified Delphi approach
Cycling, driving, and injuries (Editorial)
Nuclear war as a global catastrophic risk
Critically appraised paper: Task-oriented gait training that focuses on the safe and correct use of a walking aid may reduce falls in people with multiple sclerosis [commentary]
Neuroimaging-based prediction of mental traits: Road to utopia or Orwell?
What the protests and violence in Chile mean for science
Twenty-five years of research and advocacy on violence against women: What have we accomplished, and where do we go from here? A conversation
'Treatment not Trident': medical activism, health inequality and anti-militarism in 1980s Britain
Revisionist history? Responding to gun violence under historical limitations
Mitigating the shadow of the worldwide opioid crisis: a review for the foot and ankle specialist
Violence against women: public health or law enforcement problem or both?
Youth gangs: nationwide impacts of research on public policy
Whatever gets you through the night: officer coping strategies after the high-profile line of duty deaths in Dallas and Baton Rouge
Disrupting social norms: eliminating child abuse and neglect in our lifetime
Household firearm ownership and storage, suicide risk factors, and memory loss among older adults
Household firearm ownership and storage, suicide risk factors, and memory loss among older adults
Making a difference - or not: an evaluation of the effects of failing to evaluate (editorial)
Unique needs of the adolescent
Sports injury prevention is complex: we need to invest in better processes, not singular solutions
What is violence? The role of sexism and social dominance orientation in recognizing violence against women
Disaster-zone research needs a code of conduct
Commentary: complex motor learning and police training: applied, cognitive, and clinical perspectives
Editorial: Impact of traumatic brain injuries on participation in daily life and work: recent research and future directions
Making the 'invisible' visible: transforming the detection of intimate partner violence
Teens, sexual assault and ethical research: how do we include their voice?
Redefining the science and policy of early childhood intervention programs
Firearm storage practices and risk perceptions
Intimate partner violence screening and intervention: the American College of Preventive Medicine Position Statement
Professional education in the field of injury prevention
Implementation science and school psychology: future needs for research and practice
Risk factors of suicide with reference to the theory of social integration by Émile Durkheim
50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: Rape: a complex management problem in the pediatric emergency room
Turning back the clock? Violence against women and the Trump administration
Less safe in the ivory tower: campus sexual assault policy in the Trump administration
"Murderers, rapists, and bad hombres": deconstructing the immigration-crime myths
". . . The forgotten heroes": a qualitative study exploring how friends and family members of DV survivors use domestic violence helplines
Advancing health equity and social justice in forensic nursing research, education, practice, and policy: introducing structural violence and trauma- and violence-informed care
Advancing health equity and social justice in forensic nursing research, education, practice, and policy: introducing structural violence and trauma- and violence-informed care
Disclosure of child sexual abuse: directions for breaking new ground (editorial)
The smoking gun: can we do for gun control what we are doing to control the vaping and e-cigarettes epidemic?
New adolescent grief scales open new research possibilities: a commentary
The national epidemic of gun violence: the Vermont Department of Health response
Reply to Fanton et al.: Comment on "Frequency and magnitude of game-related head impacts in male contact sports athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
Diversity of mental health issues in agriculture
Designer drugs - still a threat?
Confronting the rise and fall of US life expectancy
CJEM Debate Series: #DomesticViolence - We should routinely screen for domestic violence (intimate partner violence) in the emergency department
When user-centered design meets implementation science: integrating provider perspectives in the development of an intimate partner violence intervention for women treated in the United States' largest integrated healthcare system
Correction: Evaluating the impact of cycle helmet use on severe traumatic brain injury and death in a national cohort of over 11000 pedal cyclists: a retrospective study from the NHS England Trauma Audit and Research Network dataset
Forensic medical evaluation of children who present with suspected sexual abuse: how do we know what we know?
Trauma surgeon-funded injury prevention and research decrease ATV crash injuries
Intimate partner violence is just one element of "intimate terrorism"
In close combat: Vice-Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson's injuries in the Napoleonic Wars
Precision medicine and suicide: an opportunity for digital health
A disorder of the humanitarian sector: the new v old humanitarianism debate
Abolishing the entire system of nuclear weapons: an issue of quality control and public safety
What is a rural opioid risk and policy environment?
What the highest rated movie of all time may teach us about portraying suicide in film
Trying to describe mixed anxiety and depression: have we lost our way?
Commentary on: Crudele GDL, Merelli VG, Vener C, Milani S, Cattaneo C. The frequency of cranial base fractures in lethal head trauma. J Forensic Sci doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14149. Epub 2019 Aug 21
Evidence to assess potential policy-oriented solutions for reducing adolescent firearm carriage
Repairing the effects of childhood trauma: the long and winding road
Pediatric hospitalists at the front line of gun violence prevention: every patient encounter is an opportunity to promote safe gun storage
Recognizing the child's right to protection from physical violence: an update on progress and a call to action
The role of firearms in intimate partner violence: policy and research considerations
Editorial: Psychophysiological contributions to traffic safety
"Correlates of gun violence by criminal justice-involved adolescents": Retraction of Gonzales and McNiel (2019)
Proposed Ohio bill asks doctors to re-implant ectopic pregnancies or face "abortion murder" charges
When partners turn violent: understanding causality and signs
When Violence Hits Home
Closed-course human factors evaluation of marking and marker visibility by Barrette and Pike (Discussion)
Terrorism as cancer: how to combat an incurable disease
Traumatic brain injury and homelessness: from prevalence to prevention
Perception Sensors for Road Applications
A history of Stoke Mandeville Hospital and the National Spinal Injuries Centre
Burden of mental, neurological, substance use disorders and self-harm: counting the cards, or shuffling the deck?
Commentary: Reducing adolescent suicide: a global imperative - A reflection on Glenn et al. (2019)
Electric scooters
A spoonful of injury prevention makes the ADHD medicine go down
Toward an expanded focus for occupational safety and health: a commentary
Indian suicide data: what do they mean?
Is suicide prevention possible?
'It's mental health, not mental police': a human rights approach to mental health triage and Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983
Lest we forget: a historical analysis of police line of duty deaths in Indianapolis
Suicide in India: a preventable epidemic
Understanding and responding to right wing terrorism (editorial)
What is CPTED? Reconnecting theory with application in the words of users and abusers
When is policing fair? Groups, identity and judgements of the procedural justice of coercive crowd policing
Response to: Media depictions of possible suicide contagion among celebrities: A cause for concern and potential opportunities for prevention - the role of grief
The rise and fall of MRI studies in major depressive disorder
Addressing violence against children online and offline
Commentary: A commentary on van IJzendoorn and colleagues' (2019) Umbrella Synthesis of Meta-Analyses on Child Maltreatment Antecedents and Interventions for Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry's Annual Research Review
The ethics and politics of gun violence research
The global challenge of the neglect of children
In search of historical insight into the problem of military suicide
It is time to teach safe sexting
The third rail of pediatric communication: discussing firearm risk and safety in well-child exams
Editorial Perspective: Childhood maltreatment - the problematic unisex assumption
Further promotion on children injury prevention and control in China
Enabling suicide prevention in India: a call to action
School nurses on the front lines of health care: "STICKS & STONES" may hurt more than your students' bones: a guide to the recognition of bullying in your schools
Traumatic brain injury in 2019: databases, biomarkers, and stratified treatment
WHO takes aim at noncommunicable diseases and traffic injuries
"Heave half a brick at him": hate crimes and discrimination against Muslim converts in late Victorian Liverpool
The moral hazard of terrorism prevention
Aging without injury in the United States requires action today
Brain Injury Awareness Month - March 2019
Do shark attacks influence presidential elections? Reassessing a prominent finding on voter competence
The violence of men against women: medico-legal and psychological issues
Why are Australia's suicide rates returning to the hundred-year average, despite suicide prevention initiatives? Reframing the problem from the perspective of Durkheim
New research on older adult suicide: a reason for hope
Healthy and Safe Swimming Week - May 20-26, 2019
Is there a role for sleep medicine in suicide prevention?
The overwhelming issue of drug facilitated sexual assaults (DFSA): the case of GHB
When do governments support common goods for health? Four cases on surveillance, traffic congestion, road safety, and air pollution
Fewer reasons to sin: a five-factor investigation of vice stock returns
Stopping the bleeding is not enough (Letter)
Asylums: the historical perspective before, during, and after
Car seat tolerance screening for late-preterm infants
The role of religious institutions in preventing, eradicating, and mitigating violence against children
A response letter to the editor on mechanism classification of fatal injuries
US set to raise smoking age to 21 and to fund gun violence research after 20 year freeze
'Trusty Bess': the definitive origins and history of the term 'Brown Bess'
Actually, guns do kill people
We need to target trauma: a prospective observational study in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Should a medical ethics journal discuss the actions of the security forces?
United States to fund gun-violence research after 20-year freeze
Are psychiatric nurses sufficiently informed about the repercussions of childhood maltreatment?
Health disparities and the heterogeneity of Blacks/African Americans in the United States: why should we care?
Childhood maltreatment hampers interpersonal distance and social touch in adulthood
Lessons learned in conducting youth suicide prevention research in emergency departments
Learning lessons from rail safety storytelling: telling safety like it is
The hidden wounds of Hurricane Dorian: why emergency response must look beyond physical trauma
Diagnostic biomarkers in liver injury by drugs, herbs, and alcohol: tricky dilemma after EMA correctly and officially retracted letter of support
International crimes and the right to punish
Sexual violence: Christian theological legacies and responsibilities
Conflict peace and security: the Nigeria experience
Media portrayal of alcohol does not match its real harm effects in the Czech Republic
Protests in India: doctors condemn police violence and restrictions on hospital access
Editorial: knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss: public perceptions and responses to human trafficking
Bipolar depression: a major unsolved challenge
Deregulation and the assault on science and the environment
Firearm-related mortality in the US
ICoRSI's comments on WHO's draft global targets for road safety risk factors
A proposal to introduce dental trauma into medical education: an insight
The public health approach to violence prevention
To treat my patient, I had to understand her trauma
Firearm violence in the USA: a frank discussion on an American public health crisis-The Kansas City Firearm Violence Symposium
The impact of gun violence on those already dying: perspectives from a palliative care physician
ASHP councils discuss firearms, workplace violence
Alcohol sponsorship and esports: reinforcing the need for legislative restrictions on alcohol sponsorship
Teen with Psychiatric Diagnoses Improves After Eliminating Medications and Initiating Endurance Sports Training
Breaking the chains: human trafficking and health care providers
Electric scooters: case reports indicate a growing public health concern
The impact of bleeding control - a perspective beyond firearm injury!
Traumatic brain injury in older adults: shining light on a growing public health crisis
Government orders urgent review of date rape drugs
Accident analysis and prevention: experimental and numerical approaches (editorial)
Will automotive be the future of mobility? Striving for six zeros
Beyond the body count: field notes as first responder witness accounts
Commentary: A challenge for a higher bar in research on childhood trauma: reflections on Danese 2019
Angels versus devils: the portrayal of characters in the gun policy debate
Gender violence prevention in middle school male athletics programs
The shape of MaaS: the potential for MaaS Lite
The digital health revolution and people with disabilities: perspective from the United States
Endemic violence in a pre-Hispanic Andean community: a bioarchaeological study of cranial trauma from the Majes Valley, Peru
Reply to Chest-compression-only after drowning: a call for more research
Mouth-to-mouth-ventilation-first in drowning victims
Commentary on Rehm et al. (2019): Alcohol control policy and changes in alcohol-related traffic harm
Let's talk about violence - more!
Trends in suicide-related research in Australia
India's medical community rallies to help protestors injured in police violence
The ongoing genocidal crisis of the Rohingya minority in Myanmar
Why victimology should focus on all victims, including all missing and disappeared persons
Addressing mental health in Aboriginal young people in Australia
Indian health care caught up in violence
Australia on fire
How should clinicians respond to international public health emergencies?
Resilience and behavioral health parity key to disaster preparedness
Will we ever make headway in severe traumatic brain injury treatment trials?
Mapping stakeholder perspectives on engagement in concussion research to theory
Wild melancholy: on the historical plausibility of a black bile theory of blood madness, or hæmatomania
Ethnicity and mental health: a new beginning
Dugnad: a fact and a narrative of Norwegian prosocial behavior
Ending childhood violence in Europe
Patient safety and suicide prevention in mental health services: time for a new paradigm?
Psychological torture
Railway spine: the advent of compensation for concussive symptoms
Global road safety: a well-travelled road?
Injury and illness on Global Health Electives
The urgent need for modification of scientific ranking indexes to facilitate scientific progress and diminish academic bullying
Better guidelines needed for mild traumatic brain injury in the primary care setting
Drug-facilitated sexual assault
Minimum wage policy protects against suicide in the USA
2017 saw 122 countries - but none of the nuclear-weapons states - support the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons. Why is nuclear disarmament so difficult and what should be the next steps for those aiming for prohibition?
American Medical Society for Sports Medicine position statement: mental health issues and psychological factors in athletes: detection, management, effect on performance, and prevention-executive summary
Hospital security programs and policies related to guns and other weapons
Stress, burnout, and moral injury: the state of the healthcare workforce
Urgent appeal for a nuclear-weapons-free world! Connecting the medical-humanitarian and political perspective. Peace Palace, The Hague
Predict, control, and replicate to understand: how statistics can foster the fundamental goals of science
A call to the media to change reporting practices for the coverage of mass shootings
Due diligence to prevent foreseeable harm: the international human rights agenda on civilian gun violence
Firearm suicide as a human rights priority for prevention
Extreme polypharmacy: the need to mint a new term
How to stop the dying, as well as the killing, in a terrorist attack
Counterpoint: Links between traumatic brain injury and dementia remain poorly defined
Denmark's success in reducing adolescent self-harm
Validating the experiences of emotionally abused men: a call to the profession
Why a new journal in transportation engineering?
Burnout, depression and suicide in nurses/clinicians and learners: an urgent call for action to enhance professional well-being and healthcare safety
Funding for gun violence research: the importance of sustained advocacy by academic pediatricians
On the front lines of disaster recovery: nurse practitioners fill the health care void
Józef Bednarz (1879-1939) - psychiatrist, forensic expert and manager of psychiatric treatment in the interwar period
Road safety risks of cannabis use: sales need to fund research
Caring for torture survivors: one of the most difficult but fulfilling jobs in medicine
Burn survivor artist changes artistic approach by sharing how other survivors of traumatic events can use art to heal themselves by helping others heal
A beacon in the storm: competencies of healthcare chaplains in the accident and emergency department
Disparities in National Institute of Health trauma research funding: the search for sufficient funding opportunities
Domestic violence, firearms, and mass shootings
Fostering healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development in children and youth: a national agenda
Monitoring India's progress on road safety will require investment in data systems
People with severe mental illness as the perpetrators and victims of violence: time for a new public health approach
Law enforcement, public health, and so much more
Should manual driving be (eventually) outlawed?
Revisiting 'An unpopular essay on transportation:' the outcomes of old myths and the implications of new technologies for the sustainability of transport
Trespassing for mobilities. Operational directions for addressing mobile lives
Decisions to be made on US gun violence research funds
The term traumatic in mild traumatic brain injury and the misrepresentation of outcomes-reply
The mental health hazards of reading about physician suicide
Prevention professional for violence intervention: a newly recognized health care provider for population health programs
Ethics review in anti-doping research: experiences of stakeholders
Can you see what I see? Assessing brain maturation and injury in preterm and term neonates
Tudor military surgery and the management of Sir Martin Frobisher's gunshot wound: comparison with current treatment
Child sexual abuse and the moralization of purity
Role of the GP in the management of patients with self-harm behaviour: a systematic review
Beyond band-aids for bullet holes: firearm violence as a public health priority
Deep into that darkness peering: a computational analysis of the role of depression in Edgar Allan Poe's life and death
Editorial: Selective prevention in anti-bullying programs: could targeting personality be the answer?
Medical cannabis and cannabis-based medicines: an appeal to doctors, journalists, health insurance companies and politicians for responsible treatment
E-cig explosions
Making the right moves to prevent depression in young people
Curbing the tragedy of injuries frequently and comprehensively promoting injury prevention in China
Injury prevention at the US-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Target forecast for reducing road traffic accidents in realizing sustainable development goals (SDGs): comparative study of China, Japan and Cambodia
Another summit on global road safety? Key questions to ask ministers
Separating truth from alternative facts: 37 years of guns, murder, and violence across the US
Trends in US suicide deaths, 1999 to 2017, in the context of suicide prevention legislation
Cannabis and driving research: lessons from an unlikely teacher
Re-examining the association between "4/20" and fatal crashes--doobie-ous data?
Prevention of falls in community-dwelling older adults
Popular hazards and policy rhetoric
Presidential assassinations: historical review with current technology
Trauma intensive care unit (TICU) at Hamad General Hospital
Child abuse taking its toll on the emotional well-being of pediatricians
Disaster-zone research: no need for a customized code of conduct
Privadentiality: developing a coherent framework for establishing communication protections in family and child protection dispute resolution methods
Is familicide a distinct subtype of mass murder? Evidence from a Swiss national cohort
The nosological wanderings of post-concussion syndrome. The epilogue is still to be written
Paediatrician left suicide note suggesting he secretly left patients unvaccinated
Parenting coordination and confidentiality: a (not-so) delicate balance
Commentary on Bosker et al. (2012): Driving under the influence of cannabinoids
(Side) effects of the rule of the road and neurophysiology on traffic safety: a hypothesis
Alcohol-induced deaths among American Indian and Alaska Native individuals-"drinking was what I and others just did"
Burn wound care of civilians in Sahel region by French military surgical teams: ethical challenges and future training requirements
Clinical nurse leaders address a call to action on human trafficking
Editorial: Understanding extreme sports: a psychological perspective
Exposure to digital alcohol marketing and alcohol use: a systematic review
Fiery eruptions: travel health risks of volcano tourism
Moral injury: the pandemic for physicians
Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Child Abuse Committee response regarding Miller, Stolfi and Ayoub's flawed theories about child abuse and metabolic bone disease
Addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in BC: practical approaches
Driving and cannabis: the expert's sanction
Cannabis-impaired driving: a public health and safety concern
Affirming cultural values for health: the case of firearm restriction in suicide prevention
Position on the use of cannabis (Marijuana) and driving
Spike in e-scooter injuries linked to ride-share boom
Epidemiology of injuries sustained by civilians and local combatants in contemporary armed conflict: an appeal for a shared trauma registry among humanitarian actors
Similarities and differences between bereaved parents and parents of a person with a very severe brain injury: what can we do to help?
Beyond the burn: Studies on the physiological effects of flamethrowers during World War II
Drunk, dangerous and delusional: how legal concept-creep risks overcriminalization
Better off doing falls prevention "with" our patients rather than "to" them?
"Against shameless and systematic calumny": strategies of domination and resistance and their impact on the bodies of the poor in nineteenth-century Ireland
Evidence-based solutions to pediatric firearm deaths-the need for out-of-the-box answers
Survivors of gun violence and the experience of recovery
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States
Firearm-related injury and death in the United States
On the need to promote the primary prevention of head injury
Strengthening the evidence base in suicide prevention
End of the road for the " homosexuality gene "
Ignaz Semmelweis: a victim of harassment?
Commentary on: Hand burn injuries in children
Deciding to end one's life because of a psychiatric illness-a decision without second thoughts?
Youth mental health in North Carolina: creative innovations in challenging times
Advancing research in child suicide: a call to action
WAIMH position paper: Infants' rights in wartime
Letter to the editor "Is sleep duration associated with prognosis in patients with traumatic brain injury?"
Peer review at the Ministry of Silly Walks
Reply letter to the Editor-Malnutrition according to the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) definition and falls in general older population
Barriers to firearm injury research
A cautionary tale about narcolepsy and deferrals to the civilian network
Correlation between Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines and published severe traumatic brain injury research
Special Issue: International Developmental/Life-Course Perspectives and Research on Sexual Offending and Offenders
Prevention of firearm injuries: it all begins with a conversation
Introduction to traumatic brain injury in children
A continent aflame: ethical lessons from the Australian bushfire disaster
Rising emergency department visits for suicidal ideation and self-harm
The cannibal's gaze: a reflection on the ethics of care starting from Salvador Dalí's oeuvre
Disaster-zone research: make participation voluntary
Disaster-zone research: participants should benefit too
Can suicide ever be rational?
A review of causal inference in forensic medicine
The suicide risk heading in DSM-5: promising start or flubbed launch?
Understanding police violence as a mutual problem
Challenging the brain disease model of addiction: European launch of the addiction theory network
The etymology and early history of 'addiction'
In the absence of hard data, is soft data better than no data at all?
Inside the black box of traditional treatment programs: clearing the air on the original literary teachings of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
The pitfalls of prevalence estimation: the case of regular and dependent methamphetamine use in Australia
Designing better cycling infrastructure
A suggestion to the article "Acute cerebellar edema after traumatic brain injury in a child. a case report"
The nature of suffering, health care "providers," and the opioid crisis
No time for complacency on the road to gender equality
Glasgow Coma Scale is a better delayed neurological sequelae risk factor than neurological examination abnormalities in carbon monoxide poisoning
Identifying suicide risk factors in children is essential for developing effective prevention interventions
Medical ethics in extreme and austere environments
Editorial: Back to the future: on the road towards precision psychiatry
The Canadian High-Resolution Traumatic Brain Injury (CAHR-TBI) Research Collaborative
White paper: recognizing child trafficking as a critical emerging health threat
Asylum seekers in the global context of xenophobia: introduction to the special issue
The importance of good practice in traffic safety at community level
Traffic safety in Tasmania: Tasmanian Road Safety Council
Road safety into the 21st century
#Time2Act: harassment and abuse in elite youth sport culture
Clothes don't maketh the man: nor a criminal profiler an expert witness
Disasters: Implications, mitigation, and preparedness [editorial]
Efforts to reduce stillbirths, deaths, and injuries in babies have failed, finds review
Head and neck injuries associated with cell phone use [letter]
Queensland: the continuing need for RBT! Random breath testing
Road safety and the historical perspective: the example of women
It is time we start asking: handgun carrying among youth in rural contexts
Mild traumatic head injuries with minor intracranial hemorrhage: can they be safely managed in the community hospital? Yes,almost. An invited commentary on "Mild traumatic brain injuries with minor intracranial hemorrhage: can they be safely managed in the community? - a cohort study."
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 50: protecting workers in a changing economy
Pathological laughing and psychotic disorder: the medical evaluation of the Joker
Review of "Trends of burn injury in the United States" by Crowe CS et al in Ann Surg 270: 944-953, 2019
Road safety Australia 2001: a reflection
The theory of collectivity of drinking cultures: how alcohol became everyone's problem
"And then he got into the wrong group": a qualitative study exploring the effects of randomization in recruitment to a randomized controlled trial
Against gun bans and restrictive licensing
Against moderate gun control
How to think about the gun control debate
In defence of spanking
Limited government and gun control
Gun violence agnosticism
On risk & responsibility: gun control and the ethics of hunting
Gun control and alcohol policy
Gun control: a European perspective
Openly carrying handguns for self-defense
The path to gun control in America goes through political philosophy
Cannabis crashes: myths & truths (Response to critiques)
Self-driving vehicles against human drivers: equal safety is far from enough
Incest from a young age … lasting a lifetime
The OHCHR background note on human rights violations against intersex people
Rethinking youth sports
US gun violence and deaths
Concerns about suicide among Asian Americans: the need for outreach?
Festina lente
Future Directions
Violence, health and ailment of bodies in the parish of Vila Rica, eighteenth century
SAMHSA: creating a system of care that meets the needs of people with mental and substance use disorders
Falls: do we know anything more than we did 40 years ago?
Protective effect of extract of Ginkgo biloba 761 against frostbite injury in rats [letter]
Protective effect of extract of ginkgo biloba 761 against frostbite injury in rats - Reply
NewsCAP: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a three-digit hotline number for suicide prevention
NewsCAP: Congress approves funding for gun violence research
Intimate partner violence [letter]
Corrigendum to "Length of stay in relation to the risk of inpatient and post-discharge suicides: A national health insurance claim data study" [Journal Affective Disorders 266 (2020) 528-533]
Lessons learned: forty years of clinical work with suicide loss survivors
The first lesson in prevention
Public policy, mental health and a public health approach to violence
The limited importance of dehumanization in collective violence
Criminal justice in the middlebrow imagination: the punitive dimensions of Making a Murderer
The ambiguity of maltreatment
The mysterious "mental illness" of a philosopher: the case of Blaise Pascal
State or market? How to effectively decrease alcohol-related crash fatalities and injuries
The co-constitution of violent death: bombs, civilian victims and material destruction in Rotterdam during the Second World War
RETRACTED: Cost of two-wheeler road accidents in India
Mindful organizing for safety
How can we support best practice? A situational assessment of injury prevention practice in public health
Putting Popper to work
J. J. Gibson's most radical idea: the development of a new law-based psychology
Twin epidemics: suicides and opiate overdoses are increasingly fueling our donor supply in transplantation
Suicide prevention is everyone's business: challenges and opportunities for Google
Marijuana legislation and electronic cigarette- or vaping-associated lung injury: a historical perspective
Vaping associated lung injury: a potentially life-threatening epidemic in US youth
Heller's self defense
How contemporary rehabilitation fails youth and sabotages the American juvenile justice system: a critique and call for change
Falls in older adults are serious
Parental responsibilities and moral status
Why have public mass shootings become more deadly? Assessing how perpetrators' motives and methods have changed over time
The gifts of process safety management: effective process safety helps make chemical plant workers safer than almost any other occupation
Safety is about doing the right thing
Overcoming mine safety crisis in Pakistan: an appraisal
Suicide prevention from a public health perspective
Addressing domestic violence: the surgeon's role
Treating gun violence with a public health approach
Risk communication in tables versus text: a registered report randomized trial on 'fact boxes'
First, prevent harm: eliminate firearm transfer liability as a lethal means reduction strategy
Falls and older people: understanding why people fall
Interprofessional research team approach is the key to traumatic brain injury intervention
"Six months is a joke": carceral feminism and penal populism in the wake of the Stanford sexual assault case
It's time to normalize observation for pediatric minor head trauma
Medication by proxy: the devolution of psychiatric power and shared accountability to psychopharmaceutical use among soldiers in America's post-9/11 wars
Paucity of clinical practice guidelines for rehabilitation of burn survivors
A patient with epilepsy charged with kidnapping, unlawful confinement, and assault causing bodily harm after seizures: deficiencies in the legal system
First COVID-19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: possible suicide prevention strategies
Improving concussion care for athletes with intellectual disabilities
Commentary letter on: "The mind of suicide terrorists" and "Psychopathology of terrorists"
Contributions of the Hungarian Trauma Society (Magyar Traumatológus Társaság - MTT) in the evolution of trauma care in Hungary
Safety after neoliberalism
The future of safety science
A manifesto for reality-based safety science
Use of Nazi torture device image in digital scholarship article
Why human subjects research protection is important
Sowing seeds to harvest healthier adults: the working principles and impact of participatory health research with children in a primary school context
Commentary for falls in community-dwelling older adults with heart failure: a retrospective cohort study
Causes and consequences of Eastern Australia's 2019-20 season of mega-fires: a broader perspective
Classic cases revisited: of hurricanes, cyanide and moral courage
Commentary: Sensitivity and specificity of on-field visible signs of concussion in the National Football League
Ethical reasoning and moral distress in social care among long-term care staff
Fall risk and balance outcomes in healthy young adults: a call for research
A growing need for youth mental health services in Canada: examining trends in youth mental health from 2011 to 2018
Keep socially (but not physically) connected and carry on: preventing suicide in the age of COVID-19
Reform of the death investigation system in Japan
Response to Newman et al. 2020: Use of nazi torture device image in digital scholarship
Tailgating (aori-unten): a recent major social issue in Japan
A 300,000-year-old throwing stick from Schöningen, northern Germany, documents the evolution of human hunting
War trauma in Homer's Iliad: a trauma registry perspective
Earliest evidence of a death and injury by a meteorite
Child Abuse Awareness Month during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
It is time to mobilize suicide prevention for sexual and gender minorities in Canada
Suicide risk and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic
We need to delay the age of onset of alcohol consumption
Author Correction: A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community
Prevention and control of serious trauma and accidental injury in China: timely but difficult
History of burns: the past, present and the future
Principles for the use of large-scale medical databases to generate real-world evidence
Public health needs to engage in the primary prevention of child maltreatment
Intimate partner violence in Saudi Arabia: a topic of growing interest
A systemic approach to achieving population-level impact in injury and violence prevention
Preventing violence-related maternal death: a call to action
Racism and Its Effect on Cannabis Research
Head injury deaths on the rise
The perils of parity: should citizen science and traditional research follow the same ethical and privacy principles?
Our house is on fire: child and adolescent psychiatrists in the era of the climate crisis
The Center for Trauma Survivorship: addressing the great unmet need for post-trauma center care
Comment on "At-risk drinking and current cannabis use among medical students: a multivariable analysis of the role of personality traits"
Depression and violence: a contradiction?
Implementation of the FIFA 11+ Injury Prevention Program by high school athletic teams did not reduce lower extremity injuries: Letter to the editor
Who are "we"? Dealing with conflicting moral obligations
Work motivation of safety professionals: a person-centred approach
Unregulated health research using mobile devices: ethical considerations and policy recommendations
Strengthening risk communication systems for public health emergencies in the WHO South-East Asia Region
Discussing elder abuse and neglect in undergraduate dental education: a commentary
The arrogance of power: alcohol industry interference with warning label research
Commentary on Kypri & Livingston (2020): Alcohol trading hour restrictions reduce assault incidence
Household chaos: a risk factor for adverse child outcomes gains attention in public health
See the forest for the trees: making injury risk mitigation programs work for you
Monitoring road safety progress in Europe requires the best data
Accepting what we do not know: a need to improve professional understanding of brain Injury in the UK
US firearm mortality: an update
How I learned to start worrying and love the just war tradition
Engagement and leadership in firearm-related violence prevention: the role of the pediatric hospitalist
Grief after suicide
"We're not ready, but I don't think you're ever ready." Clinician perspectives on implementation of crisis standards of care
Injury research in the midst of a global pandemic
Sexual abuse in children: what the general practice OB/gyn needs to know
The road to zero: taking a safe system approach
Deadly Japanese earthquake study retracted over false data
Historicising stress: anguish and insomnia in the middle ages
Statement on methods in sport injury research from the 1st METHODS MATTER Meeting, Copenhagen, 2019
Stark findings about sexual assault: implications for sexual minority women and the challenging work ahead
Traumatism and some aspects of trauma care in transcarpathian region as a part of public health
Limitations of case register studies for violence and psychiatric disorders-Reply
Letter regarding: Policy and other opportunities to intervene on firearm injury in the United States
Typology of interpersonal violence model with applications in emergency nursing: forensics and interpersonal violence special issue
Caring for victims of violence
Healing our healers: the silent tragedy of physician suicide
Introducing a scientific and specialized database in the field of safety and injury
What's new in emergencies, trauma and shock? Developing competency in injury prevention
Visual representations of physical trauma: a medical pedagogy
Boy is set to receive millions in damages after NHS missed deliberate injuries
To legalize or not to legalize cannabis, that is the question!
Recreational cannabis legalization presents an opportunity to reduce the harms of the US medical cannabis industry
Mapping and mitigating the health risks of legalizing recreational cannabis use: a call for synergy between research and policy
Physician involvement in promoting gun safety
Is chronic methamphetamine-induced psychosis a mental disease for the purposes of insanity? [Letter]
COVID-19: a public health approach to manage domestic violence is needed
Developing the culture of ethics in population health intervention research in Canada
A good call? Contextual factors influencing mandated reporting in domestic violence programs
The firearm suicide crisis: physicians can make a difference
Asymmetric politics and forensic intelligence
Cannabis in the workplace: what physicians need to know
A crisis for the future of forensic science: lessons from the UK of the importance of epistemology for funding research and development
Emergency Medical Services traumatic brain injury protocols do not reflect Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines
Forensic epistemology: a need for research and pedagogy
A national research strategy to reduce firearm-related injury and death: recommendations from the Health Policy Research Subcommittee of the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Preventing harm to others as a criterion for compulsory treatment: an overview of criticisms and current research
Prevention of occupational injuries and accidents: a social capital perspective
Prevention of sexual violence among college students: current challenges and future directions
Tigers, black swans, and unicorns: the need for feedback and oversight
The war on drugs, forensic science and the death penalty in the Philippines
Understanding personality's role in late-life suicide research: a multifaceted challenge: invited perspective on "The interaction of personality and social support on prospective suicidal ideation in men and women with late-life depression"
Body & Soul Charity: youth suicide prevention
Workplace violence in healthcare: another perspective
Methanol toxicity outbreak: when fear of COVID-19 goes viral
Opportunities to reduce distracted driving and adolescent driver motor vehicle crashes [Editorial]
Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality
Chemistry and slavery in the Scottish Enlightenment
Gendered perspectives on young adults, alcohol consumption and intoxication
Nurses' participation in the Holocaust: a call to nursing educators
Can we expect an increased suicide rate due to CoVID-19?
Editorial: Extreme weather resulting from global warming is an emerging threat to farmworker health and safety
Editorial: ROPS are not homemade
Editorial: Response to "ROPS are not homemade"
Firearm industry groups are using CoVID-19 to expand gun rights
The government's proposal to legalise cannabis in New Zealand: 10 key questions
Heat-related mortality: an urgent need to recognise and record
Public health and medicine's need to respond to cannabis commercialization in the United States: a commentary
The best way out is always through: addressing the problem of untested sexual assault kits (SAKs) through multidisciplinary collaboration
Masculinizing care? Gender, ethics of care, and fathers' rights groups
Victimization and offending in Mexico: the three-pronged security challenges of trafficking, kidnapping, and smuggling
What is an accident anyway and what is injury? Considerations on causality in various legal fields
Documenting the history of slavery on film in Kayes, Mali
Editorial: Between hope and hype: critical evaluations of technology's role in anti-trafficking
One step forward and two steps back: migration policy and human trafficking in the russian federation since the Palermo Protocol of 2020
Remembering indian ocean slavery through film: Afro-Sri Lankan memories
Why do we need traffic safety research based on characteristics of local community?
Why social justice matters: a context for suicide prevention efforts
A burned body with a gunshot wound in the mouth and a suicide note: a complex or complicated suicide?
Ending sexual violence on campus through research, practice, and policy: introduction to the special supplement
The 2017 hurricane public health responses: case studies illustrating the role of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's public health emergency preparedness program
Attitudes toward intimate partner violence in Muslim society in Israel: tragedy or comedy
Current critiques of the WHO policy on female genital mutilation
'How can we work together?' Nurses using relational skills to address child maltreatment in Australia: a qualitative study
International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 2. Avulsion of permanent teeth
Screening for suicide risk - the need, the possibilities, and a call for resources
Projected increases in suicide in Canada as a consequence of COVID-19
Requested editorial for: The opioid epidemic: challenge to military medicine and national security
An introduction to gangs and serious youth violence in the United Kingdom
Analysis of Russians' views on personal qualities as a basis for prosocial safe behavior factors' identification
What lies ahead: elevated concerns for the ongoing suicide pandemic
Safety and services for survivors of intimate partner violence: a researcher-practitioner dialogue on the impact of COVID-19
Evaluation of injury prevention and control professionals on the current situation and future development of my country's injury prevention field
Focus on the prevention of violence as a global public health
The bell tolls for thee & thine: compassion fatigue & the overdose epidemic
Classic cases revisited - Tony Nicklinson and the question of dignity
What if child maltreatment were childhood leukemia? Lessons from the halls of the hospital
Heed neglect, disrupt child maltreatment: a call to action for researchers
Should euthanasia and assisted suicide for psychiatric disorders be permitted? A systematic review of reasons
Reconsidering risks of gun ownership and suicide in unprecedented times
"Dyspepsia," "seduction" and "violent hysteria": reports, reforms and the Irish asylums of the 1850s
Is consent causing confusion for clinicians? A survey of child and adolescent Mental health professional's confidence in using Parental Consent, Gillick Competence and the Mental Capacity Act
Screening for elder mistreatment in emergency departments: current progress and recommendations for next steps
Sexual violence in sport: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine position ptatement
Hope after TBI begins with rehabilitation
Retraction Notice: 2 articles by Q. Zhang et al
The imperial origins of American policing: militarization and imperial feedback in the early 20th century
Home of the brave?
Injury and illness surveillance in elite Paralympians - urgent need for suitable illness prevention strategies in para athletes
Alcohol industry corporate social responsibility, strategic ambiguity, and the limits of fact-checking: response to Drinkaware UK and International Alliance for Responsible Drinking regarding our study of misinformation on alcohol consumption and pregnancy
Authors, elite journals under fire after major retractions
Gun violence and lawful self-defense [Letter]
Major burns: debt recovery or ethics?
Acute elevation of serum inflammatory markers predicts symptom recovery after concussion: Author response
Comment on "Worse than death: survey of public perceptions of disability outcomes after hypothetical traumatic brain injury"
Services for self-harm: progress and promise?
Violence against women in the covid-19 pandemic: we need upstream approaches to break the intergenerational cycle
A four-year-old Nigerian boy with battered child syndrome: implications for public health
Inevitable loss and prolonged grief in police work: an unexplored topic
Hip fractures are preventable: a proposal for osteoporosis screening and fall prevention in older people
Please don't call it medical marijuana unless it is; but it probably isn't
Frederick Engels, social reproduction, and the problem of a unitary theory of women's oppression
Public reason and structural coercion: in defense of the coercion account as the ground of public reason
Gun rights as deontic constraints
Harm to self or others: on central non-paternalistic arguments
(When) do victims have duties to resist oppression?
Fifty years of Accident Analysis & Prevention: a bibliometric and scientometric overview
From Charlottesville to the Nobel: political leaders and the morality of political honors
Advancing injury and violence prevention through data science
The hidden disaster of COVID-19: intimate partner violence
Non-accidental trauma associated with withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment in severe pediatric traumatic brain injury
Rising suicide rates in Pakistan: is it about time to break the silence?
Adolescent depression screening: not so fast
Should adolescents be screened for depression?
The medical observer in American football: a survey of use and efficacy
Exposure to sexual harm is now a 'normal part' of life
Yellow May: worldwide road safety injury prevention program
50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: predictors of severity of iron poisoning
A call for greater sensitivity in the wake of a publication controversy
The death of George Floyd: bending the arc of history towards justice for generations of children
Workplace violence: the Congressional vote on HR1309
A child's right to family
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Statement on Racism and Violence
Addressing maternal deaths in North Carolina: striving to reach zero
The attempted murder of a surgeon (1882): Frank Algernon Hall of Lewes, Sussex
The climate emergency: are the doctors who take non-violent direct action to raise public awareness radical activists, rightminded professionals, or reluctant whistleblowers?
Vehicle safety post-Decade of Action for Road Safety: the way forward
Health and public health approach to ending child abuse and neglect
European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) Child Abuse Taskforce Committee: a response to Miller et al
Do conscientious athletes value world peace? Personality traits and value preferences of young athletes and non-athletes
European Safe Community Network
The importance of humanistic approach to traffic accidents
Comprehensive sexuality education to address gender-based violence
Exploring the knowledge translation of domestic violence research: a literature review
George Floyd and our collective moral injury
"We denounce race-related violence and will speak out against discrimination"
Reflections about the nature of authoritarism as a political phenomenon
The firearm industry as a commercial determinant of health
Guns, germs, and public history: a conversation with Jennifer Tucker
Mental health in children and adolescents and disasters: a global overview of research and interventions
RETRACTION: Paricio, A.; Lopez-Carmona, M.A. MuTraff: A Smart-City Multi-Map Traffic Routing Framework. Sensors 2019, 19, 5342
Building consensus to decrease firearm injuries and death in the USA: engaging medical and public health organizations to find common ground
Haunted salvation: the generational consequences of ecclesial sex abuse andn the conditions for conversion
Overdose reversals save lives-period
Suicide: an unresolved enigma
The mocking of Margaret and the misfortune of Mary: sexual violence in Irish History, 1830s to the 1890s
The suicide epidemic in youth and the FDA black-box warning: time to reconsider [Editorial]
Thinking like a crosswalk
A disaster that could happen anywhere-the Palm Bay Massacre
Embedding an evidence-based model for suicide prevention in the National Health Service: a service improvement initiative
Fighting violence against women: laws, norms & challenges ahead
The Boeing 737 MAX: lessons for engineering ethics
Breaking down the pseudo-pacification process: eight critiques of ultra-realist crime causation theory
Pharmacy leaders' beliefs about how pharmacies can support a sustainable approach to providing naloxone to the community
The plural of soldier is not troops: the politics of groups in legitimating militaristic violence
War craft: the embodied politics of making war
Translating clinical experience into action: developing an educational protocol to improve intimate partner violence screening by emergency department nurses
Preparing survivors of traumatic brain injury for catastrophic hurricanes in the time of climate change
Coping with moral threat: moral judgment amid war on terror
Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field [Editorial]
Making safe: the dirty history of a bomb disposal robot
Moving beyond descriptions-developing a strategy to prevent gun violence
Suicide screening in Sturge-Weber syndrome: an important issue in need of further study
"My God, here is the skull of a murderer!" Physical appearance and violent crime
Firearm safety in an aging United States
'We will march side by side and demand a bigger table': anger as dignity claim
Sitting with resentment: response to Will Davies' 'Anger fast and slow'
Head injuries in Homer's Iliad
Uphold the nuclear weapons test moratorium
Editorial perspective: Treatment of complex maltreatment - beyond the NICE guideline? Manuals, muddles or modules
Reducing violence and injury in the WHO European region
Sexually explicit video games and online pornography - the promotion of sexual violence: a critical commentary
Two roads, one destination: community and organizational mechanisms for contextualizing child abuse prevention in Australia and the UK
Social stress and psychiatric disorders: evolutionary reflections on debated questions
Reducing global traffic deaths with seatbelts and other technology
Artificial intelligence or manufactured stupidity? The need for injury informaticians in the big data era
Need to establish a new adolescent suicide prevention programme in South Korea
How much does quality matter: the value of data
Let me count that again
Let's make it a priority to improve injury data
Suicide. The post-COVID era: a time for action
Global traumatic brain injury research enters a new era
Neonatal skin assessments and injuries: nomenclature, workplace culture, and clinical opinions - method triangulation a qualitative study
Rethinking research on the social determinants of global mental health
Advocating for child health: how the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition took action against high-powered magnets
Effects of swallowing batteries and magnets
A public health and data crisis you can help solve: CPSC's critical need for NASPGHAN's data
Ethics in retrospect: biomedical research, colonial violence, and Iñupiat sovereignty in the Alaskan Arctic
Magnet ingestion in children--a potentially sticky issue?
Save the children from gastric and intestinal perforation secondary to small magnet ingestion by educating families with the help of pediatricians
First report of traumatic brain injury in Luanda, Angola
Suicide in children and young people: can it happen without warning?
Nazi dentists on trial: on the political complicity of a long-neglected professional community
A reevaluation of the death of Vincent van Gogh: suicide or murder? The need for a definitive autopsy
Click it or give it: Increased seat belt law enforcement and organ donation
Interpersonal violence and mental health: a social justice framework to advance research and practice
How not to spend an opioid settlement
Researchers: help free the world of nuclear weapons
Live-tweeting and distant suffering: Nicholas Kristof as global savior
Nuclear weapons: arms-control efforts need China
Are the two approaches to moral economy irreconcilable?
Canadian doctors for protection from guns: how physicians contributed to policy change
Coronavirus disease 2019 crisis and intentional injuries: now is not the time to erode alcohol control policies
Standing AFFIRM: Firearm suicide: a pressing and personal issue for EPs
'Collaborate now with worldwide physicians and scientists!'-the obscenity of predatory science
Traffic signal change and clearance intervals: research still needed!
Road safety lessons to learn from Low and Middle-Income Countries
Road safety into the next decade: greater commitment and actions in LMICs (Editorial)
Suffocation by massive blood aspiration due to intraoral gun-shot injury -the oldest museum specimen in the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade
24th International Conference on Safe Community: count down to decade of action for road safety
Developing Safe Community and Healthy City joint model
In reply to Managing bias in research
CoViD-19 could change the way we respond to the opioid crisis-for the better
Critical foundations for implementing the VA's public health approach to suicide prevention
Recognizing and responding to child abuse in the medical setting
Nurses' perceived emergency preparedness knowledge: an opportunity for improvement
Past epidemics, natural disasters, CoViD19, and mental health: learning from history as we deal with the present and prepare for the future
For victims of fatal child abuse, who has the right to consent to organ donation?
The legacy of Caster Semenya: examining the normative basis for the construction of categories in sport
Maternal depression is a public health crisis: the time to act is now [Commentary]
Mental disorders in referred 0-3-year-old children: a population-based study of incidence, comorbidity and perinatal risk factors
The need to prevent suicide by hanging in Australia
Nurses should oppose police violence and unjust policing in healthcare
Addressing the high school sexual assault epidemic: preventive and responsive solutions
George Colman's The Suicide, A Comedy (1778): a tale of two manuscripts
Commentary: racism is a public health emergency
Response to: Tony Kuo, Noel C. Barragan, Robert Kim Farley. Policy and Other Opportunities to Intervene on Firearm Injury in the United States
Beyond gun laws-innovative interventions to reduce gun violence in the United States
Formalizing the profession's commitment to preventing violence
TMD and motor vehicle accidents: revisited (editorial)
Geographies of uncertainty
Initiating a dialogue about gun violence: shifting the focus
Gun violence: an introduction
Can a poem be a shield? A weapon? A light?
Silent girls in fairy tales: against the grain of violence
A survivor's guide to academic bullying
Suicidal behaviors in France: still a public health issue
Patterns of fatal injuries among Iraqi protesters who were admitted to the Forensic Department, Directorate of Health, Dhi Qar in 2019 (Editorial)
Suicide-related materials and voluntary assisted dying
The violent blasts that can add to an avalanche's devastation (Editorial)
Notice to Readers: Forthcoming Correction and Republication of the Report "Deaths and Years of Potential Life Lost From Excessive Alcohol Use - United States, 2011-2015" RETRACTION NOTICE
Considerations about the neuropsychiatric conditions of Quixote of La Mancha
WITHDRAWAL NOTICE to "Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation predict adolescent amygdala-orbitofrontal cortex white matter connectivity" [Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 45 (2020) (October) 100822]
Pediatric seat belt use in motor vehicle collisions: the need for driver education programs
Predictors of childhood injury in children reported to child protective services
Cannabis research data reveals a focus on harms of the drug
Comment on "I can't breathe - race, violence and COVID-19"
Weapons for when bigotry claims science as its ally
Social service responses to human trafficking: the making of a public health problem
International security: what nuclear weapon states have not learnt in 75 years (Editorial)
Continuing the journey toward health equity: becoming antiracist in health promotion research and practice
The potentials of goodness and badness in humans on the Qur'an and Hadith
United States of America v. Majid Shoukat Khan: Guantánamo's first ruling to consider torture in mitigating sentencing for detainees
Nursing work is justice work: rethinking justice and promoting healing in survivors of gender-based violence
Moral choice when harming is unavoidable
Commentary in response to 'Characterising the risk of homicide in a population-based cohort' (O'Neill et al, 2019) [Commentary]
Indigenous lives matter
What can Hitchcock teach us about psychopathology? Part 1: Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
Gender and the intergenerational transmission of antisocial behavior
High rates of sexual assault kit submission and the important role of place
Coding, concessions, conclusions: a reply to Matt Qvortrup
Revisiting Lorent and Szymberski: evaluating how research in prevention through design is interpreted and cited
Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA): an examination through differential association theory
The logic of domestic terrorism revisited: a response to a critic
Biological kinship in 750 year old human remains from Central Argentina with signs of interpersonal violence
The Salisbury Poisonings: a tale of public health and ordinary heroism
Screening for plagiarism in psychiatric research: similarity scores are not all the same (letter)
Pushing the envelope: the who, what, when, and why of critical consciousness
Natural selection versus creation: a review on the origin of SARS-COV-2
Out of the silos: embedding injury prevention into the Sustainable Development Goals
Overcoming the limitations of 'accident' as a manner of death for drug overdose mortality: case for a death certificate checkbox
Implications of culture of honor theory and research for practitioners and prevention researchers
Child sexual violence in Brazil: a public health issue
A seat at the table: centering the voices of gun violence survivors
Police killings as a problem of governance
Five years after Ferguson: reflecting on police reform and what's ahead
The cost of safety: balancing risk and liberty in psychiatric units
The fundamental human right to health: the conjuncture life and death through a sociojuridical reflection on the phenomenon of suicide
Top 10 things every radiologist needs to know about intimate partner violence
Mitigating violence against women and young girls during COVID-19 induced lockdown in Nepal: a wake-up call
Risk of suicide and other adverse outcomes among servicemembers: looking beyond the military experience (editorial)
Injury prevention: maturation of the field
Protecting children and adults from abuse after Savile
Re-thinking exposure to trauma and self-care in fieldwork-based social research (editorial)
Science and public good: Max Weber's ethical implications
Should academics debunk conspiracy theories?
Untrol: post-truth and the new normal of post-normal science
In-between the ears: how concussion reshaped my life
Knowledge is made for cutting - an introduction
Max Weber's 'inconvenient facts' and contemporary studies of public science communication
Critical, Habermasian examinations of research on child maltreatment: a review of the literature
Justice for George Floyd and a reckoning for global mental health
Commentary on Raitasalo et al. (2020): Looking beyond the borders-what else is driving the decline in adolescent alcohol consumption?
50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: Suicide among adolescents with chronic illness: a path forward
Response to comment on "Worse than death: survey of public perceptions of disability outcomes after hypothetical traumatic brain injury"
An introduction to probabilistic record linkage with a focus on linkage processing for WTC registries
25 years of suicide research and prevention: how much has changed?
COVID-19 outbreak and suicides in Nepal: urgency of immediate action [letter]
Slapstick violence and the female comedian in early cinema
Reevaluating Maryland's child pornography laws in the "send nudes" era
Prevention of unintentional childhood injury
Reefer Madness: an undeserved classic movie
Understanding responsible drinking is in the service of evidence-based public health: a response to Petticrew et al. (2020)
Troubling the 'troubled teen' industry: adult reflections on youth experiences of therapeutic boarding schools
Global burden of injuries: it is time to understand the data in order to intervene
After COVID-19, business as usual: is this the right goal?
Should domestic violence be or not a public crime?
We must do better science: addressing racism to improve health and safety for all people
Reckoning with histories of medical racism and violence in the USA
End the violence against the caregivers
Experiencing the war "of" terror: a call to the critical terrorism studies community
We will remember them: the Canadian Armed Forces's Casualty Identification Program
Addressing intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: how radiologists can make a difference
Self-harm and suicidal behaviour among LGBTQ+ young people: an overlooked public mental health issue in Africa
Firearm safety and injury prevention
Communicable diseases (including CoViD-19)-induced global depression: caused by inadequate healthcare expenditures, population density, and mass panic
Editorial: A brief reflection on policing in south Asia after the George Flyod's incident
Ethical and public health implications of genetic testing for suicide risk: family and survivor perspectives
The Cannabis Referendum: why a yes vote offers a net gain for public health
Bystanders to bullying: an introduction to the special issue
An intimacy choreography for sexual justice: considering racism and ableism as forms of sexual violence
Alcoholism as a medical and socio-legal problem and ways to solve it
Gendered violence as revelation in John le Carré's The Night Manager
Introducing a new journal: Violence
Understanding suicidal risk of LGBTQ veterans: a call for action
Sports performance and injury research - methodologic limitations and recommendations for future improvements
Predatory open access journals are indexed in reputable databases: a revisiting issue or an unsolved problem
The 1994 Violence Against Women Act: a historic response to gender violence
Inertial confinement fusion: a defence context
Why the government should be blamed for road safety?
Ethical decision making in autonomous vehicles: the AV ethics project
Adherence to the strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology statement in observational studies published in Iranian medical journals
Building strong children together: ending child maltreatment in our lifetime through disruption of educational systems and approaches
"Hot-for-Teacher": statutory rape or postfeminism in Pretty Little Liars?
The surgeon solving violent crime with data sharing
Sexual intimate partner violence: a neglected issue within the department of defense
The menacing assaults on science, FDA, CDC, and health of the US public
Efficacy of the basic trauma course in family medicine resident physicians in southern Ecuador: it is time to innovate education in trauma
The surgeon solving violent crime with data sharing
Rising rates of ED visits for suicidal ideation, suicide attempt
Treatment of migrant children on the US southern border is torture
Where we've been and may go, standing on the shoulders of giants
Child murder in the Early Bronze Age: proteomic sex identification of a cold case from Schleinbach, Austria
Digital public health: a hopeful strategy to tackle the surge in domestic violence
Injury and illness surveillance in sports: how golf, tennis, cycling and parasport extended the IOC consensus statement to tailor injury and illness surveillance to specific sports (editorial)
A survey to assess the need for a national registry to track physician suicide
'You must acknowledge and address the toxic culture at Edinburgh's vet school'
The role of an academic emergency department in advancing equity and justice
Responses to bullying allegations at Edinburgh vet school
The psychotherapeutic practice and potential of mental health nurses: an Australian survey
Responding to a population mental health crisis (Editorial)
Special issue on concussion biomechanics in football
Lagniappes: "a little something extra" or unintended positive consequences of implementation facilitation
Masks, seat belts, and the politicization of public health (editorial)
A research agenda for advancing strategies to improve opioid safety: findings from a VHA state of the art conference
US medical and surgical society position statements on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: a review
Let's teach peer support skills to all college students: here's how and why
Helping athletes affected by sexual violence: my challenge to the sports and exercise medicine community
Algorithms, agency, and respect for persons
From conflict to common ground: why anti-trafficking can be compatible with challenging the systemic drivers of everyday abuses (comment)
Editorial: from exceptional cases to everyday abuses: labour exploitation in the global economy
EVs are not the answer: a mobility justice critique of electric vehicle transitions
Violence, a scourge to be eliminated from hospitals
Reply to: Nonfatal drowning in people with Parkinson's disease
Response to, "Comfort care for burns patients: the gold standard for assessment and delivery remains in a burn center."
Nonfatal drowning in people with Parkinson's disease
Awareness and expectations of the role of the Neurotrauma Society about child abuse: abusive head traumas in 4 infants, case series
COVID-19 and violence: a research call to action
Traumatic loss: mental health consequences and implications for treatment and prevention (editorial)
The role of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on suicide rates: preliminary study in a sample of the Greek population (editorial)
Action or inaction: United Nations Security Council activity, 1994-2013
Developing robot driver etiquette based on naturalistic human driving behavior
Cannabis: neuropsychiatry and its effects on brain and behavior (editorial)
BMC health services research title: the 2020 blast in the port of Beirut: can the Lebanese health system "build back better"?
Zero preventable deaths by 2020: analysis of prehospital and emergency department deaths following penetrating trauma stratified by anatomic location
Square peg round hole - time to customise a concussion assessment tools for primary care: the New Zealand experience? A call for a GP-SCAT
Is COVID-19 the current world-wide pandemic having effects on the profile of psychoactive substance poisonings? (Letter)
"Children are not children anymore; they are a lost generation": adverse physical and mental health consequences on Syrian refugee children
Introduction to a special section on the effects of the dating matters model on secondary outcomes: results from a comparative effectiveness cluster randomized controlled trial (editorial)
Historical and methodological highlights of quarantine measures: from ancient plague epidemics to current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
A global collaboration for community-based disaster preparation and health promotion: Fukushima to Zuunbayan in Mongolia
Teen suicide: an underreported and emerging plague (Letter)
University of California pays out $73m to 6600 patients of gynaecologist charged with sexual assaults
Searching racism after George Floyd
The missing global in global mental health
Twenty-five years ago
'Staying home is NOT staying safe': a rapid 8-day online survey on spousal violence against women during the COVID-19 lockdown in India
#ThisIsOurLane: time for pediatric hematology/oncology providers to join gun violence prevention efforts
Ebola responders killed as violence flares
Letter to the editor regarding the article "Impact of a specialist service in the emergency department on admission, length of stay and readmission of patients presenting with falls, syncope, and dizziness."
Gottlieb Burckhardt (1836-1907): 19th-century pioneer of psychosurgery
Editorial introduction: Effects of gun violence on communities and recent theoretical developments
"Time to try something new" - professionals' experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway
Helping children hurt themselves: why pediatricians ought to support adolescent football players in their athletic goals
The pediatrician's moral obligation to counsel directively against youth tackle football
Universal suicide prevention for health care professionals-reply
Universal suicide prevention for health care professionals
Universal suicide prevention for health care professionals
The Joint Commission should reconsider its position on virtual monitoring of suicide risk
Was it an axe or an adze? A cranial trauma case study from the Late Neolithic - Chalcolithic site of Cova Foradada (Calafell, Spain)
A call to intervene: suicide risk among nursing students
Did poisoning play a role in Napoleon's death? A systematic review
Firearm research must not presuppose outcome
Editorial: Grief after suicide: a health perspective on needs, effective help, and personal growth
Police demilitarization and violent crime
Pedestrian safety perception and urban street settings: a comment
Understanding women's risk for suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic: a call to action
The "3 Es" of trauma-informed care in a federally qualified health center: traumatic Event- and Experience-related predictors of physical and mental health Effects among female patients
Gun violence in the U.S.: it is past time we listen to the voices of women and black communities
Let's be more ambitious in treating suicide
Violence in the first millennium BCE Eurasian steppe: cranial trauma in three Turpan Basin populations from Xinjiang, China
Toxicological analysis of George's marvellous medicine: literature review
Bridging the siloed fields to address shared risk for violence: building an integrated intervention model to prevent bullying and teen dating violence
'Sea of blood': the intended and unintended effects of the criminalisation of humanitarian volunteers rescuing migrants in distress at sea
Protecting medical students against workplace research bullying: a graduate's experience and standpoint
The persistent pandemic of violence against health care workers
Exertion-related symptoms in adults and youth who have sustained a sport-related concussion [editorial]
Editorial: Perspective-taking, self-awareness and social cognition in neurodegenerative disorders, cerebral abnormalities and acquired brain injuries (ABI): a neurocognitive approach
The empire that was blinded. The revenge of Basil II, the murderer of Bulgarians
Pitfalls of automation: a faulty narrative? Commentary on Hancock (2019) Some pitfalls in the promises of automated and autonomous vehicles
A rebuttal to a physician's response to gun violence
Hospital-based injury and violence prevention: defining the role of injury prevention professionals at trauma centers in the United States
Importance of domain-specific metacognition for explaining beliefs about politicized science: the case of climate change
Jens Ove Andreasen, 1935-2020 father of dental traumatology
Correction: Ethical and public health implications of genetic testing for suicide risk: family and survivor perspectives
Broken promise: challenges in achieving effective universal suicide screening
Child maltreatment in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: a proposed global framework on research, policy and practice
Not all costs should be treated equally: commentary on the article 'What will it cost to prevent violence against women and girls in low- and middle-income countries? Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa and Zambia'
Going viral: the 3 Rs of social media messaging during public health emergencies
Safety research: learnings from new methods and large data sets
Author response: No need for throwing stones - Wherever you live…
Continued confusion about inconclusives and error rates: Reply to Weller and Morris
Why geographic data science is not a science
A new public health psychology to mend the chasm between public health and clinical care
Correcting the record: extended sleep deprivation is torture, and sleep deprivation impairs, rather than facilitates, interrogations and investigative interviews
Editor's introduction: terrorism and violent extremism
The Emergency Nurses Association: 50 years of advocacy and advancement
Women and suicide: moving forward on a troubling problem
Advancing knowledge of suicide risk and prevention among women: introduction (editorial)
Firearm access and suicide: lethal means counseling and safe storage education in a comprehensive prevention strategy (editorial)
The need for nurse interventions in sex education in adolescents
What we're not talking about when we talk about addiction
Meaning and purpose in the context of opioid overdose deaths (editorial)
Canada will have three-digit suicide prevention hotline by 2023
The grisly trials that gave poison to prisoners
Scientists fear major volcanic eruption in the Philippines
Child injury prevention: it is time to address the determinants of health (editorial)
A commentary on Blue Zones(®): a critical review of age-friendly environments in the 21st century and beyond
The anti-trafficking cause: from exceptionalism to shared struggle (comment)
Electric scooter-related injuries: the desperate need for regulation
Attempted suicides in the elderly with existing DNRs: an emerging geriatric ethical dilemma
Emergency medical services protocols for traumatic brain injury in the United States: a call for standardization
Trauma and police violence: issues and implications for mental health professionals
Reply to the letter : "Psychometric properties of the German version of the Fear of Falling Questionnaire-revised (FFQ-R) in a sample of older adults after hip or pelvic fracture"
Study ties youth suicide spike in Missouri to lax gun regulation
Medieval injuries: skeletal trauma as an indicator of past living conditions and hazard risk in Cambridge, England
Testimony of the Beirut explosion-a white coat soaked in blood and tears (comment)
Trauma systems save lives - Is that enough?
Traffic safety research in 'post covid19' world: challenges in the new decade
Slavery without racism, racism without slavery
Editorial on the Special Issue on "Mountain Sports Activities: Injuries and Prevention"
Firearm suicides in the elderly: a narrative review and call for action
Soft furnishing fires: they're still a problem
Commentary on historical intimate partner violence and its impact on well-being and risk for elder abuse in older women
The need for systematic training on gun rights and mental illness for forensic psychiatrists
Teaching hard truths about medicine and the holocaust
Correspondence: Sexual identity & suicide risk among women
The Nazi analogy muddles our thinking about physician aid-in-dying in the US
Researchers must contribute to responsible reporting of suicide
The practical alternative to the p value is the correctly used p value
Prevention of sexual violence in America: where do we stand?
Comment on: Patterns of cervical spine injuries in adults at a major trauma center in Saudi Arabia
Commentary: when science conflicts with the agendas of the powerful, people die
Was Jesus an assisted suicide?
Revisiting the fetal assault law in Tennessee: implications and the way forward
Access to healthcare following serious injury: perspectives of allied health professionals in urban and regional settings
Understanding racism as a historical trauma that remains today: implications for the nursing profession
Young driver licensing and COVID-19
Suicide prevention (Letter)
The CoViD-19 response has uncovered and increased our vulnerability to biological warfare
Opening the proverbial "can of worms" on trauma-specific treatment in prison: the association of ACEs to treatment outcomes
The role of mortality concerns in separation and connection effects: comment on Lee and Schwarz
Media and aggression research retracted after scrutiny (editorial)
Comment on "Effects of acetaminophen on risk taking"
The "forensic paradox" of aging unaccompanied minors in the migration crisis: why medicine and forensics are a must
Improving care for mental health disorders: the urgent needs of the population with spinal cord injury (editorial)
On football, personal risk, and public health (editorial)
Recent trends on IoT systems for traffic monitoring and for autonomous and connected vehicles
Delineating policing towards a social and health profession
Envisioning the future: police and public health joining forces (letter)
Computed tomography study of the mummy of King Seqenenre Taa II: new insights into his violent death
Treat physical and sexual violence against women as public health problem, says WHO
Bullying, victimization, and resiliency: an introduction to the special issue
Hal Arkowitz (1941-2019)
Researchers should avoid causally attributing suicide to video game play as a single factor
Navigation apps are becoming a threat to road safety (beyond distraction)
The social impact of deepfakes [editorial]
To end the opioid crisis, we must address painful social disparities
Prevention science as a platform for solving major societal problems and improving population health
The rise and fall of the "warrior gene" defense
A response to "A personal perspective: is bullying still a problem in medicine?" - a medical student perspective [letter]
Research on sexual violence in the #MeToo era: prevention and innovative methodologies (editorial)
Editorial: in search of mechanisms: genes, brains, and environment in aggressive behavior
From victim to minister's advisor: a personnal view of child protection in France
Turkey withdraws from treaty on violence against women [comment]
Preventing intimate partner homicide: a call for cooperative federalism for common sense gun safety policies
Neo-republicanism, nondomination, and gun rights in uncertain times
Comments on assault weapons, the right to arms, and the right to live
Stimulating research on childhood adversities, borderline personality disorder, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (editorial)
John Senders, human error, and system safety
Marijuana for glaucoma treatment: a recipe for disaster
The elusive phenotype of preadolescent suicidal thoughts and behaviors: can neuroimaging deliver on its promise? (editorial)
Before the bullets fly: the physician's role in preventing firearm injury
Statistical advances in epidemiology and public health [editorial]
Inequalities in the universal right to health
Ghost guns: spookier than you think they are
Commentary: Reducing youth firearm violence and the associated health disparities requires enhanced surveillance and modern behavioral intervention strategies - a commentary on Bottiani et al. (2021)
Translating interventional neuroscience to suicide: it's about time
An ethical dimension to accident management and health surveillance
Why (and how) the media will save us
Ethical concerns in suicide research: thematic analysis of the views of human research ethics committees in Australia
Our child's TBI: a rehabilitation engineer's personal experience, technological approach, and lessons learned
Biden outlines plans to reduce US gun violence
The health care system as champion to curb the drug overdose crisis [editorial]
Dear Unknown: A letter to a teenage gunshot victim
Commentary on mild traumatic brain injury research needs in the general population
Response to Wyatt et al.'s comment on "Changes in traumatic mechanisms of injury in southern California related to covid-19: penetrating trauma as a second pandemic"
The influence of the CoViD-19 pandemic on pediatric firearm injuries [editorial]
Suicide prevention, public health, and the chiropractic profession: a call to action
Note from the editor: Storming the capitol, political irresponsibility, and questions for democracy
Letter on Rocket's et al., manuscript: Fatal self-injury in the United States, 1999-2018: unmasking a national mental health crisis
Covid-19: suicide rates were static in rich countries in first months of pandemic, study finds
California ACEP firearm injury prevention policy
Endemic violence against women and girls
Three department of defense-funded public health approaches to reduce military suicide
Children and youth in the climate crisis
Ringing the alarm on suicide prevention: a call to action
Introduction to the public health approaches to suicide prevention special issue [editortial]
New directions in machine learning analyses of administrative data to prevent suicide-related behaviors (editorial)
Out of tragedy can emerge the finest human qualities
Correction: Psychological impact of mass violence depends on affective tone of media content
Gun violence education in medical school: a call to action
Iterative revision of the DSM: an interim report from the DSM-5 steering committee
Lynching in the New South, festival of violence, and the synergy of two disciplines
Position statement: Mass gathering medical care
Plantation botany: slavery and the infrastructure of government science in the St. Vincent Botanic Garden, 1765-1820s
Moving ahead together, on a foundation of rights-based evidence
The call to translate data into action to prevent infant death [editorial]
Call to action for enhanced equity and inclusion in cannabis research
Australian firearm regulation at 25 - successes, ongoing challenges, and lessons for the world
Integrating operations management and occupational health and safety: a necessary part of safety science!
Role of emergency medical services in disaster response - National Association of EMS Physicians position statement
Three Es of linked injury data: Episodes, Encounters and Events
Mental well-being interventions in the military: the ten key principles [editorial]
Challenges of localizing mobility SDGs in Indian cities [editorial]
Hijacking of the aircraft OK ADN L410 TURBOLET on June 8, 1972 - forensic medical notes
Asking about suicide and self-harm: moving beyond clinician discomfort
Editorial: Suicide and related behaviour
The history of carbon monoxide intoxication
The rising tide of elderly African-American suicides: a call for action
Born to drive: elderly women's recollections of early automotive experiences
COVID-19 threatens decade-long suicide initiatives in Japan
Focusing on medications that increase the risk of falls in older adults [editorial]
Profiling a unique female serial killer: Aileen Wuornos's life of violence
The Anti-Trafficking Bill, 2018: does it fulfill India's commitment to the international community?
Freud's Why War? Revisited
Addressing children's exposure to violence and the role of health care
Daily briefing: How to blow the whistle on an academic bully
On the use of evolutionary mismatch theories in debating human prosociality
Head-injury risk higher for female soccer players [editorial]
If suicide were CoViD-19: a neglected cause of premature death
An historian's future attic archives on prevention CoViD, ecological medicine and public health injury and violence prevention [commentary]
Questions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic that should be answered by traumatic dental injuries researchers
Suicide prevention training [letter]
Preparing medical students for disaster response [editorial]
The impact of the consensus statement on abusive head trauma in infants and young children
Donald trump, dominating masculine necropolitics, and CoViD-19
Editorial: Disrupting pathways to self-harm in adolescence: machine learning as an opportunity
Commentary on Rychert and Wilkins (2021) 'Why did New Zealand's referendum to legalise recreational cannabis fail?'
The epidemic of gun violence in America
Prevention of suicide is possible
Suicide hot spots: leveraging county-level data and local agencies to target prevention in high-risk areas [editorial]
America's obsessive gun psychosis
The ancient Greek roots of the term Toxic
Clinician guide to motorcycle helmet safety
Safety research in the midst of global health emergency
A man can only be truly known in drunkenness and war. An anthropological perspective on alcohol use during the Portuguese Colonial War
Making music in exile and fighting border violence
Stathis Kalyvas on 20 years of studying political violence
What is contemporary political violence? An interview with Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou
Engaging communities in youth violence prevention: introduction and contents [editorial]
Developing and implementing community-level strategies for preventing youth violence in the United States [editorial]
The lasting contribution of Dr. Saba Masho on youth violence prevention
"Know your epidemic, know your response": Epidemiological assessment of the substance use disorder crisis in the United States
Commentary: "Ockham's razor" doesn't apply to "opioid" overdose death
A model for effective community-academic partnerships for youth violence prevention
New horizons in falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative
Social and structural determinants of health and youth violence: shifting the paradigm of youth violence prevention
Youths and violence: changing the narrative
Youth firearm injury prevention: applications from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded youth violence prevention centers
Youth voices in violence prevention
Youth violence prevention: building local power and empowering youths [editorial]
Youth violence: prevention and control [editoril]
The evolution of racism in the Western world: addressing fear of the other
The historian's self-reflection and American racism
Murderous racism as normal psychosis: the case of Dylann Roof
Observations on use of the N-word in psychoanalytic conferences
New insights on interpersonal violence in the Late Pleistocene based on the Nile valley cemetery of Jebel Sahaba
A commentary on Leza et al. (2021), Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use disorder (SUD): a scoping review
Editorial: Addressing the persistent epidemic of violence against nurses
Call to restore funding to monitor youth exposure to alcohol advertising [letter]
Academic bullying: mediatiors hear both sides
The other pandemic: gun violence and its impact on children and youth
The medical profession must urgently act on caste-based discrimination and harassment in their midst
Improving social connections to reduce suicide risk: a promising intervention target? [editorial]
Revitalizing developmental research on adolescent gun involvement [editorial]
Correction to: Sexual assault: women's voices on the health impacts of not being believed by police
Author Correction: Association of serotonin system-related genes with homicidal behavior and criminal aggression in a prison population of Pakistani Origin
Collins, Bruegel, and the games they play
Tackling gender-based violence also requires focus on the perpetrators
RETRACTION notice to "Independent and combined associations of intimate partner violence and food insecurity on maternal depression and generalized anxiety disorder" [Journal of Anxiety Disorders Volume 81, June 2021, 102409]
The mysterious hole in the skull of Pope Celestin V
Increased risk for mental disorders and suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Position statement of the Section on Suicidology and Suicide Prevention of the European Psychiatric Association
How the prohibition of torture under human rights law applies to nursing
A global priority: addressing violence against children
First, do no harm: from diversity and inclusion to equity and anti-racism in interpersonal violence research and scholarship
Five things that went wrong with media violence research
Deaths of despair and the future of capitalism [book review]
The Utstein Kloster and its role in firearm violence policy [editorial]
Rationale for a social statement on child abuse and child protection
Paraquat poisoning in Andaman and Nicobar Islands - government must intervene
Caligula: a neuropsychiatric explanation of his madness
Firearms injury prevention, emergency medicine, and the public's health: a call for unity of purpose
Editorial: Venoms, animal and microbial toxins
Eye movements in real and simulated driving and navigation control - Foreword to the special issue
Is the international regulation of medical complicity with torture largely window dressing? The case of Israel and the lessons of a 12-year medical ethical appeal
The number and type of private firearms in the United States: results from the 2019 national firearms survey [conference abstract]
Suicide, a separate entity in psychiatry
Prevention is not enough [conference abstract]
Is our focus on risk misplaced? [conference abstract]
If we don't ask, we don't know and we can't help [conference abstract]
Empowering the next generation of safety ambassadors - National Safety Science Campaign [conference abstract]
The philosophy of stoicism: a resident's greatest weapon when battling adversity
Transition to a safe home sleep environment for the NICU patient [editorial]
"There must be someone's name under every bit of text, even if it is unimportant or incorrect": plagiarism as a learning strategy
Response to: Response to: Prone restraint cardiac arrest: a comprehensive review of the scientific literature and an explanation of the physiology
Open science and data-sharing issues, and complaint policies: Editorial for Aggressive Behavior
A review of nursing position statements on racism following the murder of George Floyd and other Black Americans
The dangerous use of inhalants among teens: a case report
Prevention of childhood injuries
Addressing suicide among Black youths: a call to action within and outside clinical practice
Chicken or egg? Mental illness as a risk factor and outcome of traumatic brain injury (editorial)
To confront sexual violence, we must train non-forensic experts to perform medico-legal evaluations
Injuries in elite football: sports medicine should perform better?
Editorial: Special section on modeling and simulation in disaster and emergency management
Comments on: The correlation between fear of falling and upper extremity muscle strength
Adolescent suicide: an individual disaster, but a systemic failure
This is very much our lane: childhood firearm exposure and adult outcomes
Suicide prevention is everybody's business
How should clinicians respond to children in transgenerationally traumatized families?
The natural history of the concept of antidote
On the threshold of scientific medicine: Gerard van Swieten and his perception of the pathophysiology in traumatic brain injury
Introductory essay to this issue: International perspectives on homicide and the law: Part III
The death of sodium pentothal: the rise and fall of an anesthetic turned lethal
Editorial: Social and health implications of active travel policies
"Her problem is she hasn't been laid ": medical students fighting against sexist behaviours during training and clinical practice
Current status of websites offering information to traumatic brain injury patients and caregivers: time for reform?
Traumatic brain injury: a perspective on the silent epidemic
The need for compassionate self-harm services
Is it time for other practitioners to certify death?
From iology to toxicology: a new specialization in ancient Alexandrian School
Editorial: Dialectical behavioral therapy and the function of self-injury
Conservation in violent environments: Introduction to a special issue on the political ecology of conservation amidst violent conflict
Editorial: Child-to-parent violence: challenges and perspectives in current society
Understanding the long-term trauma of sexual assault patients [editorial]
The roots of human aggression: experiments in humans and animals have started to identify how violent behaviors begin in the brain
Editorial: diversity, equity, and inclusion: reporting race and ethnicity in the Journal of pediatric psychology
It is time to recognize communications as a mode of transportation
The first conceptualization of terrorism: Tallien, Roederer, and the "System of Terror" (August 1794)
Text collage from "Transmedia collage: histories of violence and futures of health on Chicago's South Side."
Second-generation antipsychotics and suicide: a commentary
The birth of a new suicidology journal: the Journal of Suicide Prevention [editorial]
War epidemiology: an urgent plea
Letter: "Taking the opposite side of issues in epidemiology: 'peace' versus 'war'"
Does Durkheim's theory hold any truths for modern day self-immolation? A review on the literature
Application of viewshed analysis and probability mapping for search area determination based on the Moors murders on Saddleworth Moor, the United Kingdom
How the US is rebooting gun violence research
Gun violence is surging - researchers finally have the money to ask why
Don't downplay "play": reasons why health systems should protect childhood play
Study of a more than a hundred years old theriac jar' content: a famous thousand-year-old counter-poison
Drowning prevention: turning the tide on a leading killer
Editorial: Violence and the young: a public health problem - etiology, epidemiology, intervention, and prevention
It takes action to prevent falls in older people. what role will you play?
Is it not obvious that it is not a traffic 'accident'?
Emergencies: on the misuse of government powers
Perpetrator or victim? The orthodontist Gustav Korkhaus (1895-1978) and his actual role in the Third Reich
Strategies for trauma centers to address the root causes of violence: recommendations from the Improving Social Determinants to Attenuate Violence (ISAVE) Workgroup of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma
Introduction to the special issue on the intersection of intimate partner violence and child maltreatment [editorial]
Response to Houghton's letter: 'Minimizing assessments of alcohol advertising in the Six Nations Rugby Championship'
Why sports concussions are worse for women [editorial]
Statistical considerations for research
Gun violence researchers are making up for 20 years of lost time [editorial]
CAEP position statement on violence in the emergency department
Attending to the threat of nuclear weapons [editorial]
Commentary on Allegations of child sexual abuse: an empirical analysis of published judgements from the Family Court of Australia 2012-2019
Pediatric opioid prescribing: a call for calm
Editorial: COVID-19: lessons learned for suicide prevention
The evolution of disaster risk management: historical approach
Commentary: Defining self-harm: how inconsistencies in language persist - a commentary/reflection on Ward and Curran (2021)
Let us ring the bell on domestic violence…. call for ceasefire
Patient safety programs for child maltreatment: does one size fit all?
Unconscious pupillometry: an effect of "attentional contagion" in the absence of visual awareness
Why would you choose to do an extreme sport? [editorial]
A year since George Floyd [editorial]
It's a no brainer: combat sports should be ground zero for research on concussion
Towards a critical decision-making ecology approach for child protection research [editorial]
Telling the story: before and after
Are we there yet? The American journey to safer city streets [Editorial]
Adolescent health: prevention of injury and death
Protecting the vulnerable by design - a tribute to Dinesh Mohan (1945-2021) [editorial]
Editorial: suicide prevention in podiatry
Face of a king: battlefield penetrating trauma to the midface in 1403 and a surgeon who changed the course of history
Hurricane Ida forces Louisiana researchers to rethink their future (editorial)
Eduard Gamper (1887-1938): cases and accidents
Injury free Coalition for Kids® forges on amid the COVID-19 pandemic [editorial]
School safety and school violence: trends [editorial]
Battered women syndrome: a headache for medicine and law
Individual and location-based characteristics associated with autonomous vehicle adoption in the Chicago metropolitan area: implications for public health
Fofola e Fala ka e Talanoa e Kainga: a Tongan approach to family violence prevention and intervention [commentary]
ACSM expert consensus statement on exertional heat illness: recognition, management, and return to activity
The noblest among noble public health goals: preventing suicide
King Charles VIII of France's death. From an unsubstantiated traumatic brain injury to more realistic hypotheses
Firearm injuries' impact on US children: broadening our work
Can we predict or prevent suicide? An update
Unintended but hardly unexpected consequences of cannabis legalization [editorial]
Grand challenges and global solutions: where does injury prevention fit in?
2020: deadliest year for gun violence in decades
Ethical capacity and its challenges in the academy of science: historical continuities and contemporary violence
How criminal science publishing gangs damage the genesis of knowledge and technology-a call to action to restore trust
Injury prevention strategy making good progress
Taking a position on "appropriate educational services."
Heading, concussion, and dementia: how medicine is changing football forever
Editorial: concussion and sport: a sociocultural perspective
Understanding gun violence: factors associated with beliefs regarding guns, gun policies, and gun violence [editorial]
Identifying protective factors for bullying and guiding school mental health practitioners around the world: a tribute to Dr. Dan Olweus [editorial]
What do CDC's surveys say about the prevalence of defensive gun use?
Associations between sad feelings and suicide behaviors in the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey: a call for action
Athlete abuse hurts everyone: vicarious and secondary traumatic stress in sport
Addressing drug overdose deaths in pediatrics: where do we go from here?
Advancing action on health equity through a sociolegal model of health
Infographic. The first position statement of the Concussion in Para Sport Group
Virgin suicide and vital conflicts
The phrase "committed suicide" is judged as more applicable to suicides depicted as immoral
Mental health among justice-involved veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic: understanding needs and proposing a research agenda
What is the place in pediatric hospitalization for child abuse? Criteria and guidance
Abortion vs. sexual assault: people's perceptions of Kavanaugh's nomination to the supreme court of the United States
Bodies and bureaucracy: the demise of the body snatchers in 19th century Britain
Editorial: New insights into self-harm among children and young people - renewed links with inequality, new opportunities for recognition and new treatment option
Firearm violence: a neglected "global health" issue
Editorial. What causes excitotoxicity after concussion?
Forging a societal safety science
On racial disparities in recent fatal police shootings
An analysis of American physician professional statements about gun violence against children
Covid-19: gun violence in US increased 30% during pandemic
A commentary on youth onset bipolar disorder
How can health promotion contribute to pulling humans back from the brink of disaster?
EXPRESSION OF CONCERN: "Chronic cocaine exposure in a toddler revealed by hair test"
Editorial: Black adolescent suicide in America: insights from a large epidemiological study
Runaway slaves and the aftermath of slavery on the Swahili coast: new perspectives from Witu in the 19th century
For safety sake: stop calling pedestrians and bikers vulnerable road users [conference abstract]
Digital technologies and gender-based violence ‐ mechanisms for oppression, activism and recovery [editorial]
Advancements in the understanding of PTSD and suicide risk: Introduction to a special section
Can knowledge of genetic and environmental causal factors of fatal and nonfatal suicidal behavior be translated into better prevention? [editorial]
This is our lane: the role of pediatric intensivists in firearm violence and injury prevention
Preventing road deaths through safe system design
Traumatic brain injury and the fall of the Aztec empire: 500 years of head injury diagnosis
AAFP toolkit addresses violence prevention in health care
Why are there so few experimental road safety evaluation studies: could their findings explain it?
Gun safety [editorial]
Addressing the nationwide shortage of child and adolescent psychiatrists: determining factors that influence the decision for psychiatry residents to pursue child and adolescent psychiatry training
Dan Olweus (1931-2020)
School violence: where are the interventions?
Examples abound of agricultural employers doing best to protect workers [letter]
'Essential' but undervalued: industry must do more to protect farmworkers
Building on the past 50 years, not starting over: a balanced interpretation of meta-analyses, reviews, and commentaries on treatments for suicide and self-injury [editorial]
What does it take to improve road safety in Asia?
Toward violence intervention and prevention: reflections on "Physical and mental health effects of intimate partner violence for men and women" [editorial]
Moving the needle on intimate partner violence. [editorial]
Introduction to the special issue: urban mobility and crime patterns [editorial]
Science tikkun: Science for humanity in an age of aggression
Retraction of a peer reviewed article suggests ongoing problems with Australian forensic science
Tracking progress and sharing learning: data and evidence dissemination as a critical contribution to ending child marriage [editorial]
Young leaders' experiences and recommendations to strategically tackle child, early, and forced marriage [editorial]
A clear message: child marriage is a significant global problem requiring a collaborative, contextual, and evidence-based response [editorial]
The child marriage learning partners consortium: connecting data and evidence for action [editorial]
Child marriage in the United States: prevalence and implications [editorial]
Context matters-one size does not fit all when designing interventions to prevent child marriage [editorial]
Current trends in child marriage [editorial]
Measuring progress in reducing violence and HIV risk among children and young people [editorial]
Editors' Expression of Concern: The social context of criminal threat, victim race, and punitive black and Latino sentiment
Falls prevention in China: time for action [editorial]
A call for the conceptual integration of opportunity structures within school safety research
The growing rape incidences seems an epidemic turn of sexual violence in Bangladesh: a letter to the editor
Craniofacial sporting injuries: a trend among the weekend warriors that's an emerging problem we need to address [editorial]
Incest and double registration
Diagnosis on the way out - personality on the way in? Priorities in treatment in child and adolescent psychiatry
Analysis of the autopsy, toxicological, and psychiatric reports of Portugal's first major forensic case: part III
Is the role of mental illness in suicide overestimated?
Talking about "firearm injury" and "gun violence": words matter
A call for complex systems and syndemic theory in firearm violence research
The gender symmetry problem in physical teen dating violence: a commentary and suggestions for a research agenda
Editorial: Advancing theory of suicide and non-suicidal self-injury
Traffic safety lessons ignored in confronting COVID-19
Demography and the rise, apparent fall, and resurgence of eugenics
Escalating violence against health workers prompts calls for action
Introduction to the special issue. Prevalence and predictors of teen dating violence: a European perspective [editorial]
'One of the most important subjects for a healthcare worker': cross-sectional student evaluation of family violence best practice response curriculum
The important role for physicians as advocates for firearm and road traffic injury prevention
"Don Kişot" novel within the context of violence elements
Editorial: Prevention of abuse and harassment in athletics and sports
Safeguarding children: are we getting it right? [editorial]
Reviewing transport in light of the pandemic [editorial]
The end of suicidology continued [editorial]
Applying David Levy's errors in critical thinking to suicidology [editorial]
Diego de Leo's book on attempted suicides
Ethical issues in suicide research
Impossible suicide rates [editorial]
Moral decisions involving euthanasia and suicide
Moral issues involving euthanasia and suicide
Suicide as a mistake: a bizarre idea from philosophers
The suicide of a gypsy
Will suicide rates rise or decline during the pandemic?
Thoughts on who are the most influential suicidologists
Thomas Joiner's theory: the good, the bad and the ugly (The theory is good, the criticisms sometimes ugly)
Suicidologists should stop studying non-lethal suicidal behavior
George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory and the thought processes of suicidal individuals
Interviews with suicidologists
Comment on "An examination of the lyrics of musicians who died by suicide"
Comparative analysis of non-violence theory in Ghandi
"If it's not femicide, it's still murder": contestations over femicide in Nicaragua
Excessive alcohol consumption during the CoViD-19 pandemic [editorial]
Gun violence prevention and treatment: a challenge for NPs and NP educators
Addressing adverse childhood experiences with evidence-based care: Tripp Ake and Lisa Amaya-Jackson [Interview]
The the war guilt clause and the rise of Adolf Hitler
Editorial: Children, adolescents and families with severe mental illness: toward a comprehensive early identification of risk
Ending the violent streak
America's first memorial honoring survivors of sexual violence
Past due: improving the naming of psychiatric disorders
Suicide in China: the power of social and economic change [editorial]
The death of a baron: the hermeneutics of suicide in late-eighteenth century European culture, as revealed by Russian-Swedish correspondence
From the Holocaust to the Tree of Life shooting: an oral history conversation with Judah Samet
There's safety, there's culture, but is there safety culture? [editorial]
A new trade war with an opium component: can the U.S. opioids crisis be solved by banning fentanyl in China? [Letter]
Tent City 1977 and the Kent State Gym Annex
Ending nuclear weapons before they end us: current challenges and paths to avoiding a public health catastrophe
Suffering is not enough: assisted dying for people with mental illness
Psychiatric euthanasia, suicide and the role of gender
Vehicle assessment programs in Malaysia: from safer cars to safer motorcycles [editorial]
The escalating crisis in adolescent mental health
Holistic health of two spirit people in Canada: a call for nursing action
Lessons from the field: community assessment for public health emergency response (CASPER)
Acute traumatic brain injury in frail patients: the next pandemic
The firearm injury epidemic: causes and how to move forward
Monitoring the impact of cannabis use. [Editorial]
States should use Medicaid to support violence intervention efforts
Sexual assault and harassment in medicine: we need actions not words [editorial]
NewsCAP: Wearing a baby in a carrier may increase the infant's risk of injury [editorial]
NASN position statement: human trafficking
Tonga disaster health response accelerates [Editorial]
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences, social problem-solving, and mental health among Latina immigrants
No change on prison suicides [Editorial]
Mandatory vaccination and the 'seat belt analogy' argument: a critical analysis in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
Disrespect and abuse, mistreatment and obstetric violence: a challenge for epidemiology and public health in Brazil
Rethinking older adult murder victims: looking back at 25 years of Homicide Studies to inform future research needs
Editorial: Impact of the coronavirus pandemic (CoViD-19) on mood disorders and suicide
Horrifying obsession: reading incest in Edgar Allan Poe's "Ligeia"
A major investment in the United States sexual assault nurse examiner workforce [editorial]
Increasing access to forensic nursing services in rural and underserved areas of Texas
Editorial: To be or not to be ringside? Ethical issues pertaining to combat sports medicine
A good fight: how Indigenous women approach boxing as a mechanism for social change
Recollections of how the child marriage field has evolved
New evidence for state-specific heterogeneity in the association of stand your ground laws with firearm violence [Editoirial]
New deal in road safety: why we need NGOs
National Athletic Trainers' Association position statement: reducing intentional head-first contact behavior in American football players
Miracles, martyrdom and violence: historical origins of the patron saints of trauma and orthopaedic surgery
Intimate partner violence: we should not fail to ask about it!
An engineer advances fire-management laws in Colombia [editorial]
Ethological problems with the interpersonal theory of suicide
Epidemic rates of child and adolescent mental health disorders require an urgent response
Disruptive behavior disorders: symptoms, evaluation and treatment [editorial]
Development of pediatric hospital position statements on medical and non-prescribed cannabis
The trauma and healing of consciousness
Covid-19 and increased risk of physician suicide: a call to detoxify the U.S. medical system
Commentary: Open globe injury: the Indian perspective
Editorial: Effective treatments for acute neurological injury: are we moving forward?
A look ahead [editorial]
Suicide communication? [editorial]
Analysis of a national response to a White House directive for ending veteran suicide
Psychiatric organisations should unite voices in condemning the invasion of Ukraine
Child abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: a brutal reality [editorial]
Commentary: The influence of religious/spiritual beliefs on Malaysian hospital healthcare workers' attitudes toward suicide and suicidal patients: a qualitative study
Commentary: Relationships between nurses' experiences of workplace violence, emotional exhaustion and patient safety
A useful science: criminal interrogation and the turn to psychology in Germany around 1800
Editorial: Child sexual abuse: empirical research on understanding and helping victims and offenders
Better workplace ergonomics and better prevention and treatment of occupational musculoskeletal injuries critical for stemming the drug overdose epidemic [editorial]
Ukraine invasion: why I fear for Ukraine's healthcare workers
Tina Musuya: preventing violence against women
Violence, legitimacy, and control: the dynamics of rebel rule [editorial]
Women in Afghanistan: a call for action
Black healers, surgeons and 'witches': medicine, mobility and knowledge exchange in Swedish St Barthélemy 1785-1815
Enhancing the cancer workforce response to domestic violence and abuse: the time is now [editorial]
Introduction to the PLOS ONE collection on 'Understanding and preventing suicide: towards novel and inclusive approaches'
COVID-19, violence, and mental health among Indigenous gay and bisexual men in Guatemala: an urgent call from key stakeholders
EDITORS' EXPRESSION OF CONCERN: Vitamin D reduces falls and hip fractures in vascular Parkinsonism but not in Parkinson's disease
Editorial: Drowning
"I've been to  more  of my friends ' funerals  than  I've been to my friends' weddings": witnessing and responding to overdose in rural Northern New England
Harvey Schlossberg (1936-2021)
Evidence from the Decade of Action for Road Safety: a systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions in low and middle-income countries
Conversion therapy: a violation of human rights in Iranian gay men
Pandemic outbreaks and the language of violence: discussing the origins of the Black Death and COVID-19
How one child's tragedy is making us reconsider our approach to drowning prevention
Explaining the spatial patterning of racial disparities in traffic stops requires a structural perspective: further reflections on Stelter et al. (2022) and Ekstrom et al. (2022) [editorial]
Increasing murders but overall lower crime suggests a growing gun problem [editorial]
A historical review of calcaneal fractures: from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Don Juan injuries to the current plate osteosynthesis
A call for an immediate ceasefire and peaceful end to the Russian aggression against Ukraine
Dimensions of pathological aggression: from neurobiology to therapy [editorial]
Response to Adelaide study on injuries associated with facial fractures
User-centered implementation of motion tracking sensors for people with visual impairments and blindness
Childhood maltreatment and the subjective roots of mental health suffering [editorial]
Introduction to the special issue: Bullying and its linkage to other forms of violence
The impact of "the war that drags on" in Ukraine for the health of children and adolescents: old problems in a new conflict?
The need for rigour and balance in reporting the health impacts of conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia [editorial]
On the provision of health services and protection of health workers in war: a review of Leonard Rubenstein's Perilous Medicine
An ancient cranium from Dmanisi: evidence for interpersonal violence, disease, and possible predation by carnivores on Early Pleistocene Homo
Appeal to the WPA president and executive committee to suspend the Russian Association of Psychiatry
The biblical Job against Zeno the Stoic: living purposively versus dying for meaning
Summary for patients: homicide deaths among adults living with handgun owners in California
Editorial commentary: Baseball catchers who throw from a squatted position may reduce medial elbow torque by stretching exercise to increase passive internal rotation of the throwing-side hip
Firearm injury in the United States: time to confront it as the epidemic it has become
From inter-group conflict to inter-group cooperation: insights from social insects
The medical profession and American slavery
George Floyd protests and the criminal justice system [editorial]
Will Russia use chemical weapons in Ukraine? Researchers evaluate the risks
Rethinking suicide prevention as a public health issue
Editorial: futsal research and challenges for sport development
Commentary on Skulberg et al.: Naloxone administration-finding the balance
Older people: forgotten victims amid the Ukrainian humanitarian disaster
Faced with conjugal violence, the need for a global care
Do autonomous vehicles dream of virtual sheep? The displacement of reality in the hyperreal visions of autonomous vehicles
You can't carry a gun and a stethoscope at the same time [Letter]
Moral dilemmas in hospitals: which shooting victim should be saved?
Toward a cultural sociology of disaster: Introduction
Should morality be abolished? An empirical challenge to the argument from intolerance
Fighting here or in heaven? Sherman alexie's the Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven
Sexual violence and hypertension risk in women: an interview with Rebecca Lawn
How safe are safety messages?
Current causes of death in children and adolescents in the United States [letter]
On the relationship between economic inequality and child maltreatment: takeaways from the special issue and future directions
Pediatric neurotrauma and child abuse [editorial]
Future transportation: sustainability, complexity and individualization of choices
Introduction - the prevention of sexual violence in sport: a real game changer
Deep learning to predict outcome in severe traumatic brain injury [editorial]
Workplace violence influences nurses' turnover intentions, but only when organisational support and perceived invulnerability are considered [editorial]
End bullying and harassment in academia
Motivation of love, loneliness and suicide in the novels "The Sufferings of Young Werther" and "Bonu"
Has violent death lost the interest of epidemiology?
CEDAW and violence against women: reflections after 40 years
Toxicological analysis of a "poison vial" found in the remains of an SS soldier (Maltot, Normandy, France)
Covid-19 and Ukrainian crisis exponentiates the need for the inclusion of conflict and disaster medicine in medical curriculum
Our power to reduce gun violence
Instilling hope for all North Carolinians: reducing our suicide rate by 2030
Cultivating intentional action out of unintentional injury disparities: a call to action for hospitalists
Building back better in the Caribbean: an introduction [editorial]
How do we solve a problem like bullying & harassment?
Wartime toxicology: the spectre of chemical and radiological warfare in Ukraine
A call for action on alarming road traffic injuries in Africa
Commentary: Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder populations
A call for health education specialists: addressing racism through an ecological framework
The debate over whether physician-assisted-suicide is the same or different from suicide
Suicide in London in the 17th century [essay]
Engineers' roles and responsibilities in automated vehicle ethics: exploring engineering codes of ethics as a guide to addressing issues in sociotechnical systems
Breaking the cycle of family violence: a critique of family violence interventions
Violence against children: multifaceted approaches to a complex problem [editorial]
US gun murders reached 25 year high in 2020
Why trauma care is not expensive: detailed analysis of actual costs and cost differences of patient cohorts
Schools are important for preventing suicide, but more needs to be done
Improving justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in research on sexual abuse perpetration. [editorial]
Eliminating conversion therapy and promoting LGBTQ-affirmative therapy in China
The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on intimate partner violence and mental health: advancing mental health services, research, and policy
Intimate partner violence and trauma [Editorial]
Health organizations fear effects of US abortion ruling
We all have a role to play in suicide prevention
Failure of risk assessment following paracetamol overdose - a short communication
The state of violence prevention: reflections from the First South African National Conference on Violence Prevention
What's in a Name? Reflections at a milestone moment in African Safety Promotion
The case of Dr Pownall - mad doctor, sane patient and insane murderer
Fear, disgust, hate: negative emotions evoked by animals in ancient literature
The importance of perinatal maternal depression as a public health problem in Africa
Domestic violence: an invisible pandemic
How far have we come? A historic scoping review of dental traumatology literature
Bushfires in Tasmania, Australia: an introduction
The field of firearms forensics is flawed
The science is clear: gun control saves lives
Traffic safety, injuries and the end of COVID 19 pandemic [editorial]
Disasters, diagnosis, and distress: multiple perspectives, populations, and methodologies [editorial]
Editorial: Radicalization among adolescents
Workplace violence and bullying: you can survive [editorial]
Another disaster: the closing of the National Library of Medicines Disaster Information Management Research Center
US science raises its voice for gun control
The sickening toll of US gun violence continues to rise
National plan to fight against falls in the elderly: measures expected!
Injuries after violence and accidents - the forgotten pandemic?
Higher risk of suicide should prompt calls for better mental healthcare and support, not legalised assisted dying
Addressing the void: firearm injury prevention in the USA
Polytrauma: it is a disease
Mining safety and sustainability--an overview [editorial]
Introduction to the special section on suicide and crisis management in clinical practice: theoretical and practical integration
Gun violence in the USA: children's right to health
US doctors redouble calls for gun control after hospital shooting
Strengthening relationships between couples to respond to domestic violence: a commentary on policy changes needed to support this evolution
The American histories of president Trump: beyond the Jacksonian parallel
Editorial: The role of media in suicide and self-harm: cross-disciplinary perspectives
Intimate partner violence: breaking the silence
How the US can have guns but fewer gun problems
Epistemic oppression, construct validity, and scientific rigor: commentary on Woo et al. (2022)
The effects of COVID-19 social restrictions and subsequent informal support limitations on intimate partner violence: an opinion piece
Obstetric violence in historical perspective
The emperor has no clothes: a critique of Safety-II
Domestic violence: a public health problem requires a public health solution
Reflections on mission and priorities of Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) during my first 100 days as president
Conspicuously concealed: federal funding, knowledge production, and the criminalization of gun research
DSM-5-TR turns normal grief into a mental disorder
Jillian Peterson and James Densley: The violence project: how to stop a mass shooting epidemic [book review]
Should my robot know what's best for me? Human-robot interaction between user experience and ethical design
A new explanation for the mystery of Rasputin's survival of cyanide poisoning: eating raw garlic
Crisis leadership: a case for inclusion in accredited master of public health program curricula
Costs associated with assault injuries and future opportunities for violence research, prevention, and intervention in the U.S
US Supreme Court ends New York's restriction on carrying firearms as Senate passes gun regulations [editorial]
US Senate announces planned gun reforms after latest school shooting
Social vulnerability and mental health inequalities in the "syndemic": call for action
Addressing youth suicide through school-based prevention and postvention: contemporary scholarship advancing science, practice, and policy [Editorial]
Philosophy of science can prevent manslaughter
Safety impacts and benefits of connected and automated vehicles: how real are they? [editorial]
Racist history and the Second Amendment: a critical commentary
Reparations for a public nuisance? The effort to compensate survivors, victims, and descendants of the Tulsa race massacre one hundred years later
Intimate partner violence (IPV) as a public health crisis: a discussion of intersectionality and its role in better health outcomes for immigrant women in the United States (US)
A call for integral violence studies
Suicide among patients with cancer: a call to action for researchers and clinical caregivers
Reducing health misinformation in science: a call to arms
Fetal protection laws and the "personhood" problem: toward a relational theory of fetal life and reproductive responsibility
The far-right threat in the United States: a European perspective
The ever-present problem of violence and abuse [editorial]
The public health response to human trafficking: a look back and a step forward
The political and social contexts of global road safety: challenges for the next decade
Gunshot survivors and trauma surgeons welcome the bipartisan Safer Communities Act
Bullying: it never went away
Editorial: Humanitarian health in conflict and violence settings
Gun safety revisited
Perspectives on family-based suicide prevention and postvention [editorial]
Governance and injury prevention
The role of clinicians in firearm safety: let's talk!
Investigating child abuse and safeguarding children: contemporary developments in the application of psychology to policing practice [editorial]
A crisis in leadership in the United States [editorial]
Weighing the costs and benefits of universal suicide risk screening in primary care: an evidence-based approach
Violence prevention: the case for action
Commentary: The history of disaster nursing: from Nightingale to nursing in the 21st century
The history of disaster nursing: from Nightingale to nursing in the 21st century
Increased risk of intimate partner violence among military personal requires effective prevention programming
Universal prevention of depression at schools: dead end or challenging crossroad?
The prohibition of nuclear weapons: a public health priority
Contributions to the post-World War II history of high-speed ground transport in the United States
The correspondence between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud in "Why War" and the socio-political perspective of Alfred Adler
Traffickers and victims: opposite sides of the same coin?
Editorial: Antibullying initiatives and suicideprevention
The field of human trafficking: expanding on the present state of research [editorial]
Educating crisis supporters about self-harm and suicide in older adults: commentary
Violence is a public health and healthcare issue
Statement of Correction. Pediatric firearm injury mortality epidemiology
Orthopaedic injuries of the knee - unique considerations in military service members: Part II
Bandaging our own wounds: how do we support each other when a colleague dies by suicide?
Are assisted suicide and psychopathology compatible?
Speak out against gun violence-this is our lane #ThisIsOurLane
The place of self-immolation in Persian love poems
Important advances in pediatric injury prevention
Why Australia should move towards nationally consistent mental health legislation?
What's important: dealing with gun violence
Violence against pain care providers: the frightening future of American pain medicine? [editorial]
Mass murder of children…..again [editorial]
Gun violence. Yes, this is our lane
Toxicology rounds: Abandon the term 'antidote' and its muddy thinking
Focus on craniomaxillofacial injuries in trauma patients [editorial]
Gun violence and mass shootings as a public health priority in the United States: an expert panel discussion
The story of the drowning of Pharaoh: between truth and illusion
Moving the needle: a call to action for sports injury and illness prevention researchers to embrace knowledge translation principles [editorial]
What's a chance event? Contrasting different senses of 'chance' with Aristotle's idea of meaningful unusual accidents
High suicide rates among Nepalese population: need for action
Visions from the past: reflecting on the history of epidemiological research in the refugee and post-conflict mental health field
Medical meanderings of the mind, looking back at 30 years of experience visiting victims of torture in custody
Making the road as we go.
Inside the belly of the beast. Reflections on the history of IRCT
From sunrise to sunset: personal memories of the early years
30 years on: a brave new world or an unfolding disaster?
The problem of the moral evil and consent in rape: a philosophical analysis
Editorial: Brief interventions in suicide prevention across the continuum of care
Concluding reflections from the former UNHRC special rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences (2009-15)
The work we can't ignore: preaching and gun violence
Letter from the editor the Oxford, Michigan, school shooting: a first look
Poisoning at the court of the Sun King, the affair of the poisons [conference abstract]
Criticizing consent: a reply to Susan Brison
Violence and injury curricula still inadequate in public health schools and programs-a call to action
Editorial: weapons
Mounting violence in healthcare: is it time to harden the sanctuary?
Editorial: Cognitive mechanisms for safe road traffic systems
Firearm injury-when minutes really matter in the field [Invited commentary]
NYSRPA V. Bruen: a Supreme Court victory for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms--and a strong rebuke to "Inferior Courts"
Roald Dahl's eerie Landlady: a macabre tale of aging
Vengeance is whose? Applying the interpersonal theory of suicide to the titular character in Lev Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
"Doctor" Marcel Petiot: serial murderer
Gun violence [letter]
Rugers, Remingtons, and reality: a gun lover's plea for a safer Second Amendment
Describing pediatric poisoning epidemiology - riding a Bactrian camel
Don't listen to the Naysayers: momentum for nuclear weapons divestment is growing
Challenges and promises of brief interventions to decrease the risk of suicide after psychiatric hospitalization [editorial]
From Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842) to today's neurosurgery: how antipersonnel weapons have laid the foundation of clinical and surgical management of head injury fractures and penetrating brain injuries
The crippled brain that prolonged the Civil War: General Joseph Hooker's concussions at Chancellorsville
Firearm violence in the United States: an issue of the highest moral order
BASE: pragmatic injury prevention for practitioners
Three questions about violence
F@#k pain! The effect of taboo language and gesture on the experience of pain
Introduction to the special issue on common goals, different needs: improving communication and collaboration between researchers and practitioners to end interpersonal violence
Frontiers in occupational health and safety management [editorial]
"We are desensitized": violence escalating in struggling emergency departments
Pediatric firearm injury and mortality
Reflections on the violence of development [editorial]
Every pregnancy associated violent death should be considered preventable, say researchers
Mass shootings in America: consensus recommendations for healthcare response
Cannabis and the violent crime surge
What is in the name? What is our game? [editorial]
Commentary: Global perspectives on resilience and callous-unemotional traits - a reflection on Obando et al. (2022)
A medical & social catastrophe in the making: Missouri may legalize addicting high THC marijuana in 2022. [editorial]
Too serious to ignore: the epidemiologic and economic burden of home injuries in the Southwest Region of Cameroon-a community-based study
First, do no harm: why anti-immigrant policies in the United States are a public health concern
A call for prudent taxation of cannabis corporates to fund mental health programmes
Economic competition in the alcohol trade should not trump public health
Current trends in traffic safety--the need for crossing the borders of disciplines [editorial]
What the hell is wrong with America? The truth about racism and justice for all
Interpersonal violence in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt: evidence of craniofacial traumas from the tomb of Pwinre (TT39) (fifteenth century BC), Luxor
Commentary: Racism and structural violence: Interconnected threats to health equity
Editorial: Behavioral outcomes of traumatic brain injury
Trauma of bone and soft tissues in South American mummies-new cases provide further insight into violence and lethal outcome
The Supreme Court expands Second Amendment rights as the nation experiences historic levels of firearms violence
The role of academic medical centers in the prevention of violence and firearm-related morbidity and mortality
The epidemiology of firearm injuries in the US: the need for comprehensive, real-time, actionable data
Firearm violence in the US
Psychiatrist died by suicide four days after learning of GMC investigation (editorial)
Levelling up: prioritisation of global health
Lest we forget Nazi atrocities in cold research
To prevent gun injury, build better research
The linguistic terror in France according to Jean Paulhan and Jean-Paul Sartre
Editorial: Cities, violence and gender: findings and concepts of the 21st century
'Anyone who commits such a cruel crime, must be criminally irresponsible': context effects in forensic psychological assessment
Reframing the monuments: how to address Confederate statues in the United States
Gun violence in the United States
America's gun violence epidemic: a colossal, but correctable, system failure
Violence, pregnant with peace: criminological reading of Lars von Trier
Enough is enough: our responsibility to prevent gun violence
RETRACTION: Should we treat concussion pharmacologically?
US gun deaths increased by 35% during the early covid-19 pandemic [editorial]
Did a misquotation warp the concussion narrative? [Editorial regarding a RETRACTION]
To prevent suicide among veterans, their physicians should discuss gun safety
Screening for adolescent depression and suicide risk [editorial]
California cannabis markets-why industry-friendly regulation is not good public health
The importance of mental health measurement to improve global adolescent health
Commentary: The impact of frailty on traumatic brain injury outcomes: an analysis of 691 821 nationwide cases
Analysis of pre- and post-disaster management and recovery in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria [editorial]
Fall prevention program delivered electronically to community-dwelling older people can reduce fall rate over 24 months [commentary]
Editorial: Suicide prevention in youth
It's not only a lack of funding: obstacles to firearm-related violence research in america
Everyday ethics and disasters
Sexual violence-another public health emergency
Implementing facilitative leadership to develop a school nurse research agenda in western North Carolina [editorial]
Alcohol consumption in Portugal: we need to do more [editorial]
Editors' note: Cognitive outcome 1 year after mild traumatic brain injury: results from the TRACK-TBI Study
Bruen's preliminary preservation of the Second Amendment
The well-meaning but misguided rollback of fire safety in the United States
Police officers do not need more training; but different training: policing domestic violence and abuse involving children: a rapid review
Warning: medical education is hazardous to your mental health. medical students should make an informed decision to begin and continue training
50 Years of Title IX
Aiming to explain: theories of policy change and Canadian gun control by B. Timothy Heinmiller and Matthew A. Hennigar (book review)
Firearm injury-a preventable public health issue
The time is now for a unified vision of a systems-approach to community safety and well-being
Streets for tomorrow… today
Combinatorial diagnostics of sports-related concussion [editorial]
Healthcare workplace violence: hurting those who try to help
Enough! The school shootings have to stop
Human trafficking is more than a crime
Freedom to play, learn, live, and thrive: a youth-serving professional call to action to address firearm violence
Gun violence research is surging to inform solutions to a devastating public health crisis
International needs in pediatric trauma
Isn't it obvious that actual health care costs go up after firearm injury?
Gun control and national defence in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century denmark
Imperial legality through 'Exception': gun control in the Russian Empire
The popular basis of the state's monopoly on legitimate violence: how american voters use political values to (de)legitimate gun rights
The right to self-defense against the state
Promoting evidence-based policy solutions to the US gun violence epidemic [editorial]
Living alone and suicide risk: a complex problem requiring a whole population approach [editorial]
Gun control for health: a public health of consequence, December 2022
Defense with dignity: how the dignity of violent resistance informs the gun rights debate
Do moms demand action on guns? Parenthood and gun policy attitudes
Are guns the new dog whistle? Gun control, racial resentment, and vote choice
Author Response to Ertle’s remarks regarding: Firearm purchasing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cause-and-effect regarding firearms purchases should not be implied [comment]
AMA establishes taskforce to prevent US gun violence
Touch, carriance and the sea in Aurora Lubos's performance Out of Water
Scientists say harassment in the Antarctic must stop - but US plan falls short
Feminist revolution in Iran: the need for immediate action to reduce psychiatric disorders
Cranial gravitational (falling) bullet injuries: point of view
A stray bullet in the brain
The stray bullet project
Censoring and punishing free speech is unethical: Reply to Jackson (2022) and Smith (2022)
The Vienna Protocol: Recommendations/Guidelines for the Handling of Future Discoveries of Remains of Human Victims of Nazi Terror "Vienna Protocol" for when Jewish or Possibly-Jewish Human Remains are Discovered
Waiting for the stop sign to turn green: contemporary issues on drug and alcohol impaired driving policy
Material culture and structural violence: reframing evidence of the social gradient in industrial contexts
A pressing need: decades of agreement, few results on arms record-keeping
World Cup: concussion protocol in Iran-England match was "utter disgrace," says charity
Abuse with impunity in sports: some reflections
The uprise of gun violence in the United States: consequences of a dual pandemic
Pathological internet use, aggression, and cyberbullying in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - editorial comment
Hope is not enough: my journey through concussion recovery
E-gaming should not equal E-fear
Writing a popular book for child injury prevention: process and outcomes [conference abstract #26]
Saving lives out of motorcycle tragedies [editorial]
Injury prevention and safety promotion. It is not that simple [conference abstract #549]
RETRACTED: Prevention methods of fitness and bodybuilding exercise injury based on data mining
Interagency collaboration for the identification of road safety research priorities in Nepal [conference abstract #201]
Letter of response to Nabi Z, Stansfeld J, Plöderl M, Wood L, Moncrieff J. Effects of lithium on suicide and suicidal behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2022 Sep 16;31:e65. doi: 10.1017/S204579602200049X
Own my life today
GMC needs to take a more proactive role in preventing harm and suicide in doctors under investigation
Startling suicide statistics in india: time for urgent action
Firearm violence: a call for action by nurse scientists
Editorial: cannabis use disorders at the emergency department, a sign of a growing cannabinoid emergency
Preventing gun violence: catalyzing action
"Harry Potter and the Multitudinous Maladies": a retrospective population-based observational study of morbidity and mortality among witches and wizards
Violence against healthcare workers is a political problem and a public health issue: a call to action
There is more to the story
WHO urges more effective prevention of injuries and violence causing 1 in 12 deaths worldwide [editorial]
Editorial: Floods
Invited commentary: More is less: restrictive firearm laws and firearm-related suicide
Invited commentary: The necessity of sub-typing firearm injury to facilitate an overdue public health approach to "gun violence"
Reflections on masochism: an introduction
Child health professionals can play an integral role in identifying and preventing intimate partner violence [editorial]
Revival of psychology in central and eastern Europe after the fall of communist regimes
Pediatric injury prevention: emerging epidemics within a pandemic [editorial]
Rethinking the Red Sea in the Old English Exodus
"Judicial killings - that's a rarity in Australia": detection, identity and representation in Nicole Watson's The Boundary
Family violence and public policy: existing trends and emerging needs [editorial]
Who is the author of a scientific article? Chi è l'autore di un articolo scientifico?
What will it take? Plastic surgery's small but powerful role in reducing gun violence
"Verum ipsum factum", factum ipsum bellum: death drive or driving towards death?
Social media and mental health special issue editorial - November 2022
Suicide among older Hispanic adults: a call to action
Gun violence is a public health crisis that needs more applied criminologists
Editorial - Paradoxes in the far right's gender and sexuality politics: nationalism, Islamophobia and multiple positionings on gender
New Year's resolution: stop the violence
Stop analyzing suicides, drug- and alcohol-related mortality together: response to "Are we undercounting the true burden of mortality"
'How is it possible that at times we can be physicians and at times assistants in suicide?' Attitudes and experiences of palliative care physicians in respect of the current legal situation of suicide assistance in Switzerland
Editorial: Emergency in psychiatry-the various facets of behavioral emergencies, crises and suicidality, volume II
Bernard D. Goldstein-Risk communication as an essential component of public health practice [editorial]
Ken Berlin-Climate science, risk, and solutions must be communicated together [editorial]
Grinding all my life: Nipsey Hussle, community health, and care ethics
Trends in antipsychotic prescribing in children and adolescents: more is not necessarily better
Vitriol throwing in Victorian America
Every man has his price: Kant's argument for universal radical evil
Armed citizens: the road from Ancient Rome to the Second Amendment by Noah Shusterman (book review)
SB 319: Chairman John Meadows Act
Hope - beyond firearm trauma [editorial]
Firearm injury: an escalating health crisis
Reimagining suicide prevention as a social justice issue: getting back to social work's roots
Syd Barrett took a left turn and never came back, Andrew Voyce did. Why?
AOTA's Societal Statement on Gun Violence
Editorial: Suicide and self harm in young people
The death of King Charles XII of Sweden revisited
Safety Science in the new age of work [editorial]
Deep learning approaches for vulnerable road users safety [editorial]
Editorial on Meta-learning peculiarities and approaches for facing safety issues and enhancing risk management process
Editorial commentary: there is no standard for or standardization of postoperative rehabilitation protocols after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Kill your darlings: Stop using the terms retrospective and prospective
Promise and perils of Canada's new action plan to end gender based violence
AOTA's societal statement on community violence
The challenge of water entries [editorial]
"We're in the same boat - brother!" aquatic movement research and drowning prevention research [editorial]
Fighting the current: the rise of American women's swimming, 1870-1926 [book review]
The Lifesaving Foundation
Primary and Secondary Drowning Interventions: The American Red Cross Circle of Drowning Prevention and Chain of Drowning Survival
Australian aquatic curriculum reform: Treading water carefully?
The case for universal screening for suicidal risk in adolescents
A Comparison of American Red Cross- and YMCA-preferred approach methods used to rescue near-drowning victims
History of lifeguard rescue [letter]
The "A" word [editorlal]
The need for Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification for open-water lifeguards at Huntington Beach, CA
Understanding the role of the personal floatation device: workshop
Why 1962 matters in the history of clinicians' responses to abused and neglected children
American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Committee Scientific Review: eating before swimming
Considering drowning, drowning prevention, and learning to swim [editorial]
What African Americans can do to bridge the swimming gap: a call to action
State of emergency: a crisis in children's mental health care [editorial]
Editorial: Modeling and fantasy rehearsal: from self-injury to self-efficacy
Editorial: New approaches to understand domestic violence and reduce its prevalence
Approaches to prevention of firearm violence
"We're led by stupid people": exploring Trump's use of denigrating and deprecating speech to promote hatred and violence
Exit duty generator
Do automated vehicles reduce the risk of crashes-dream or reality?
Editorial : Dual diagnosis and public health – a lost opportunity in prevention
Guest editorial: Reexamining the police culture
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: a retrospective overview
Was famed poet Pablo Neruda poisoned? Scientists warn case not closed
Top 10 priorities for sexual violence and abuse research: indings of the James Lind Alliance Sexual Violence Priority Setting Partnership
Teens report record levels of violence, mental health challenges
AI weapons: Russia's war in Ukraine shows why the world must enact a ban [editorial]
Recommendations for population-based applications of the adverse childhood experiences study: position statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine
The concept of mild traumatic brain injury: Response to Palacios et al
Protecting nursing home residents in disasters: the urgent need for a new approach amid mounting climate warnings [editorial]
Disaster mobilities, temporalities and recovery: experiences of the tsunami in the Maldives
Editorial: Using digital solutions for Brief Interventions in Alcohol, Tobacco, other drug use, and gambling: from the present to the future
Public health: a tool to quell violence and war [letter]
The Injury Equity Framework - establishing a unified approach for addressing inequities
The Türkiye-Syria Earthquake: a response from the editors of the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
Urgent help needed for children affected by the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye
Proceedings from the Second Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention, 2022: creating a sustainable healthcare coalition to advance a multidisciplinary public health approach
Woman and the bicycle [editorial] [1895]
Woman and the bicycle [editorial] [1896]
Automobile notes [editorial] [1914]
On the automobile [editorial] [1904]
The firearm pandemic: time to act and flatten the curve
Editorial: Postural control, exercise physiology and the balance training-type of exercises, mechanisms and insights
The automobile [editorial] [1901]
Deaths from violence [suicide]
Controversial aspects of imaging in child abuse: a second roundtable discussion from the ESPR child abuse taskforce
Four futures for occupational safety and health
Editorial: The neural systems of fairness, retaliation, and aggression
Five US medical associations form coalition against gun violence
The phantasm of zero suicide
Did Jesus die by suffocation? An appraisal of the evidence
Editorial: Mental health in a prison setting: implementation and practice (mhPIP)
Suspected Iran schoolgirl poisonings: what scientists know
Courts' disregard for women's health and safety - intimate partner violence, firearms, and "history and tradition"
Editorial: Digital suicide prevention
The price of silence: time to address the hidden cost of domestic violence in academic medicine
Systematic review: what works to prevent falls for older people [editorial]
Responding to the crisis in college mental health: a call to action [commentary]
Minimum unit pricing in Scotland is associated with 13% fall in alcohol deaths, study finds [editorial]
The time is now: advancing shared risk and protective factor approaches to injury and violence prevention
Assessment of increased knowledge about traffic accidents prevention, one month after a presentation included in the program "it can happen to you" of AESLEME
Suicide risk and prevention in Guam: clinical and research considerations and a call to action
Google and corporate social responsibility: YouTube in the service of terrorism
The rapid growth of mega-journals: threats and opportunities
Greetings from your predatory journal! What they are, why they are a problem, how to spot and avoid them
Intersectionality Policymaking Toolkit: key principles for an intersectionality-informed policymaking process to serve diverse women, children, and families
Introduction to the special issue of child abuse & neglect: street-connected children
Jehovah's witnesses response to child sexual abuse: a critique of organisational behaviour and management policies (1989-2020)
The religious dimension of the first Antisemitic violence in Eastern Galicia (June-July 1941): manifestations and interpretations
Quintessential solutions to existential problems: how human factors and ergonomics can and should address the imminent challenges of our times
Risk-reduction research in occupational safety and ergonomics: an editorial
Gun violence and risk to children and youth in the United States
Commentary on "Association between baby walker use and infant functional motor development"
Trust must tackle "bullying and toxic" culture that is putting patient care at risk, says review
Cultural genocide in Joe Sacco's Paying the Land
Severity as a moral qualifier of malady
A new era in child maltreatment prevention: call to action
Corrigendum to "Caring for the injured: Exploring the immediate and long-term consequences of injury in medieval Cambridge, England" [Int. J. Paleopathol. 40 (2023) 7-19]
The mental health of people in Turkey-Syria earthquake-affected areas needs urgent attention
Recommendations for investigating the neurobiological basis of suicide
Response to "Important advances in pediatric injury prevention"
Reforming the criminal justice response to human trafficking victims and offenders: an introduction
Editorial: Human factors in transport and road safety
Disparities in mortality trends for infants of teenagers [editorial]
The sobering effects of binge drinking [editorial]
Commentary on from the war on terror to the moral crusade against female genital mutilation
Tonga volcano eruption triggered 'mega-tsunami' [comment]
Editorial: Bullying, cyberbullying, and dating violence: State of the art, evaluation instruments, and prevention and intervention proposals
Primary care pediatricians as a solution to increasing treatment of anxiety and depression [editorial]
Qualitative methods in school bullying and cyberbullying research: an introduction to the special issue
Using qualitative methods to measure and understand key features of adolescent bullying: a call to action
Emerging perspectives on transportation justice
Youth commentary on adolescent interventions
Physical activity intervention in youth with concussion [editorial]
Sexual violence against women remains problematic and highly prevalent around the world
Decreasing the effects of cumulative head injuries in adolescent football players
World needs leadership and greater political will to combat torture [editorial]
There is no such thing as unbiased research - is there anything we can do about that? [editorial]
Suicide in Indian women [editorial]
Role of nursing education to facilitate nursing students' competency to recognise and respond to intimate partner violence
A new punishment for murder [editorial]
Prehospital and emergency department pediatric readiness for injured children: a statement from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma EMS Committee
Injury prevention: a strong case for urgent action
Gender-based violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic: recommendations for future
Commentary: Spatiotemporal patterns of suicide in Korea from 2009 to 2019 using geographic information systems
ENA advocacy efforts and the state of play regarding workplace violence [editorial]
Road traffic accidental injuries and deaths: a neglected global health issue
Deadly mushroom poison might now have an antidote - with help from CRISPR [editorial]
Child maltreatment, the law, and two types of error [editorial]
Time to retire the theory of planned behaviour
Editorial: The challenge of understanding and preventing filicide
Universal screening in the emergency department for intimate partner violence would consume scarce resources without improving patient well-being
The linkages between organized crime and terrorism [editorial]
Social workers should stand against physical punishment of children
Stimulating hypocretin receptors improves sleepiness and vigilance in idiopathic hypersomnia: lessons from a proof of concept study
Traumatic brain injury and opioids: twin plagues of the twenty-first century
The costal memoir
Women physicians group to mitigate bullying in international academic medicine
Finding balance in the fight against gun violence [editorial]
Framing and agenda setting: media effects on gun violence in the U.S
Public health professionals in Latin America should play a more active role in tackling drug violence
Elderly murder-suicide: is it ever merciful?
Ted Hughes: on being angry at survivors (editorial)
What does artifical intelligence know about suicide?
What is considered as global health scholarship? A meta-knowledge analysis of global health journals and definitions
Editorial: Grievance-fueled violence: conceptual and empirical developments
Editorial: Machine learning in research on violence and general offending
How will the bad news cycle of recent years affect young people?
Safeguarding the safeguarders: Improving access to supervision
Female genital mutilation: new research shows barriers to accessing care
Modern developments in flood modelling
Substance abuse, self-harm and suicide in adolescents
What is the link between substance-induced psychosis and primary psychotic disorders? [editorial]
Numb to the violence: five years as a general surgery resident
Physician suicide: a personal story and call to action [letter]
Bruns N, Willemsen L, Stang A, et al. Pediatric ICU admissions after adolescent suicide attempts during the pandemic. Pediatrics 2022; 150: e2021055973 (Andere Studienart)
Corrigendum to: Surviving traumatic injury, only to die of acute drug poisoning: should trauma centers be a path for intervention? [Surgery 170 (2021) pp 1249-54
Trauma, violence, & reproductive rights [editorial]
Time to pay attention: an underrecognized casualty of the opioid epidemic
On suicidal ideation: the need for inductive methodologies for advancing the field
"Pediatric" drug studies might be the largest abuse in medical research in history. it is time for lawyers to step in
Mea culpa: "correcting" my 2012 BMJ article on the Abolitionists and calling on medical institutions to research their links with slavery
The history of international traffic and transport psychology: how a few created a conference, division, and journal for the many
Domestic violence and abuse is our issue
Defining recent cannabis use analytically [editorial]
Comment on "Comparison of the relationship between cognitive function and future falls in Chinese community-dwelling older adults with and without diabetes mellitus"
Editorial: A global perspective on suicidal behaviour and ideation: demographics, biomarkers and treatment
Malaysia to decriminalise suicide
Celebrating global road safety week
Violence towards women in environmental protests [editorial]
Comment on: "Gender-based violence is a blind spot for sports and exercise medicine professionals"
Author's response. Efficient processing of sexual assault evidence kits
Nuclear bomb and public health
Concussion guidance for sports sidesteps brain-disease link - critics are baffled
Concussion in sport: better studies needed to assess long term health effects, experts say
How a geneticist led an effort to free a convicted serial murderer [editorial]
A call to action: drawing a red line to end conflict-related sexual violence
Coroner asks drug regulator to review advice about ciprofloxacin after doctor's suicide
Reframing the key questions regarding screening for suicide risk [editorial]
Abuse of a newborn - the need for professional awareness of this increasingly common social problem
Furthering the discussion on sport-related structural brain injury: an invited commentary on positive head computed tomography findings in the setting of sport head injuries: can these athletes return-to-play?
Editorial: Combatting the intergenerational trauma of structural racism through practice, policy, and research
Intersectional approaches to risk, resilience, and mental health in marginalized populations: introduction to the special section
"Forbidden fish": Did King Henry I die of lamprey poisoning?
The ethics of risk prediction for psychosis and suicide attempt in youth mental health
Racist or radical? The strange case of Robert Moses and the building of New York City's aquatics infrastructure
Comment on "The Emergency Medical Services Sleep Health Study" from the US Department of Transportation
Editorial: The neurobiology of suicide: the 'suicidal brain'
Assisted suicide and capital punishment: a mirror image?
The tightrope between visibility and invisibility? [editorial]
Children deserve to be protected from traumatic injuries and receive high-quality equitable rehabilitative care when injuries occur
Editorial: Insights in disaster and emergency medicine: 2022
A commentary on suicide prevention training: the process of implementing an ASIST pilot in postsecondary nursing education
Coercive measures in psychiatry - when do they occur and who is at risk?
Editorial commentary: Understanding injury epidemiology builds trust in baseball players
Editorial: Interaction between automated vehicles and other road users
Promoting admiration of Foucault hiding his defense of rape and pederasty
Why pacifism now?
Physiological incest
Physiological incest
A new defence for murder
Rape: what is it? [[An article from the Chicago Medical Journal published in 1867 (That this was published even in the 19th century spoiled my good day)]]
Struggle and solidarity: seven stories of how Americans fought for their mental health through federal legislation
Suicide prevention: more actions are needed
The challenges of pacifism and nonviolence in the twenty-first century
Doctors call for drink driving limit to be lowered to match other European countries
A developmental psychopathology perspective on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): introduction to the special issue
SAEM response to the National Institute of Health request for information: future directions in violence against women (VAW) research
Patients requesting and receiving euthanasia for psychiatric disorders in the Netherlands
Contingent electric skin shock: an empirical or ideological issue?
Is suicide a mental health, public health or societal problem?
Child maltreatment should be a priority for public mental health interventions
Restoring reason and tolerance at America's universities
Felony murder liability for homicides by police: too unfair and too much to bear
Violence in Sudan: a looming public health disaster [editorial]
IQ after pediatric concussion: clinical considerations [editorial]
Why do issues "whose time has come" stick around? Attention durability and the case of gun control
Genetic origins of schizophrenia, child maltreatment in Kurdistan (Iran), coping strategies in psoriasis patients, problematic benzodiazepine use, and covid-19 pandemic effects on pregnant women, older adults with psychiatric illness, and physician training
Building leadership through partnerships: using concept mapping to develop community capacity to address gender-based violence
In memoriam: Leif Svanström (1943-2023)
Editorial: Who Counts? Issues of definition in anti-trafficking and housing research and action
Editorial: Conflicts and humanitarian crises on displaced people's health
Editorial: Current trends and challenges in the assessment of suicidal behavior: a psychometric approach
Social science contributions to earthquake warnings: commemorating the work of Dennis S. Mileti
Sociological understandings of sexual assault: the legacy of Diana Scully
A cult of ignorance (My turn)
ChatGPT: forensic, legal, and ethical issues
Violence as a public health issue
The historical development of treatment for adolescent sex offenders
Anti-death penalty advocacy: a lawyer's view from Australia
Framing death penalty politics in Malaysia
The pandemic of child abuse [editorial]
Non-invasive prenatal testing for "non-medical" traits: ensuring consistency in ethical decision-making
You only get one brain: adult reflections on coping and recovery after traumatic brain injury in adolescence
Violence and surgeons
Editorial: Community series - Purple Haze: issues on cannabis legalization, volume II
Editorial: Men who experience interpersonal violence: perspectives from research to intervention
Invited commentary: Reflections: accidental death and disability: the neglected disease of modern society
Reflections: accidental death and disability: the negelcted disease of modern society
Methodological reflections: developing the WHO database of Violence against Women Policies
Remembering Diana Scully and the art of a well-asked question
Involuntary displacements--making a bad situation worse [editorial]
Does the human right to healthcare apply universally? A contribution from a trauma therapeutic perspective
Capital punishment trials of youthful offenders: the impact of ACEs mitigation
Patient termination of a life-sustaining medical device: suicide or natural death?
WHO urges countries to invest in drowning prevention to protect children
"Secret services are meant to serve": state violence in the autobiographic memory of secret police officers in communist Poland
On the hermeneutics of everyday things: or, the philosophy of fire hydrants
Survivor-organisation in the search for justice and reparation: a vision from grassroots organising [editorial]
Maui's deadly blazes reveal a fire-prone Hawaii
The editor is not the author: artificial intelligence and public health publishing [editorial]
The mechanism of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and the specific forensic diagnostic indicators in sudden death with a negative autopsy
Real Americans: national identity, violence, and the constitution by Jared A. Goldstein [book review]
Come take call with me--a plea for action on gun violence
How the NHS can support violence reduction [editorial]
We must change course to create a world free from the threats of nuclear annihilation and armed violence
Gun-related deaths continue to rise
Preventing suicide: it is time to mobilize the physical therapy workforce
New guidance for self-harm: an opportunity not to be missed [editorial]
Smoke alarm
Diana Scully: a feminist mentor and torch bearer
Abuse of children: a basic human rights issue
Portraying murder and sexual abuse: review of the film Cuttputlli
Prevention and elimination efforts of HIV/AIDS caused by sexual violence against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: an editorial
Call to action: the rise of pediatric gun violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Most medical practices are not parachutes: a citation analysis of practices felt by biomedical authors to be analogous to parachutes
Research--What is it good for? Absolutely nothing… unless it is used to inform policy and practice
Obituary: David R. Ragland (1943-2023)
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for driving urgently should be lowered to 0.05
We must confront sexual violence in the NHS to prevent further institutional harm
Taliban's war on educating girls and women must end now: a call for global actions [editorial]
The Adams criteria: an update to a venerable tool in the diagnosis of childhood sexual abuse comes to Child Abuse & Neglect
A response to Evangelist et al., 2023: Child protective services contact and youth outcomes
We are their hope: addressing mental health barriers through advocacy [editorial]
Biden establishes top level office to reduce gun violence "to send a clear message to the country" [editorial]
Mental health professionals and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer: current scenario
Violence and related health outcomes in sexual and gender minority communities: introduction to the special issue
We need irreversible elimination of all stockpiles of nuclear weapons
Genres of rape and putting rape into genre: sexual violence and TV after #MeToo
Sleepwalking into a risky path: expanding the concerns for parasomnias in the elderly
Reframing mental health ethics
Immigration reform in the USA: health must come first
Can service members and veterans find parallels between biblical combat veterans and their own lives?
Answering Meier: family violence and the importance of primary prevention
Race-based medicine is racist
How to prevent drowning [Year 1881]
Ancient views concerning earthquakes
Rising above the ashes: sustainable development goals and the intersections of peace education amid a violent past
Israel and Gaza: MSF calls for end to "indiscriminate violence and collective punishment"
Normalizing child rape: our current crisis of child sex trafficking and pedophilia can be traced to the decades-long promotion of the research of perverted doctor Alfred Kinsey
Preventing suicides: need for a stronger strategy
The hidden crisis of nurse suicide
Violence in Palestine demands immediate resolution of its settler colonial root causes [editorial]
Digital footprints as a new translational approach for mental health care: a commentary
Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency
Long-term self harm: a patient perspective [letter]
End the violence and help the victims in Gaza
Fall risk stratification of community-living older people. Commentary on the world guidelines for fall prevention and management
Carbon monoxide poisoning: largely preventable [editorial]
Medical acupuncture and sports injuries: ancient wisdom for the twenty-first century [editorial]
Why the United States needs a multifaceted definition of health
Editorial: Violent relationships: acute and long-term implications
Controversies in dental traumatology
A call to change our vision on sports injuries and their prevention: adopt a salutogenic approach! See the half-full glass!
Health disinformation use case highlighting the urgent need for artificial intelligence vigilance: weapons of mass disinformation
The healthcare community must approach the violence in Israel and Gaza with inclusive compassion
Palestine and Israel: for an end to violence and the pursuit of justice
Preface to the special issue on assessment and effectiveness of driver monitoring systems
The world's chemical-weapons stockpiles are gone - but a new challenge looms
Return to sports, return to preinjury sports, return to prior performance at sports: all meaningful parameters with different meanings and scales [Editorial]
The United States opioid crisis: big pharma alone is not to blame
Correction: Violence in Palestine demands immediate resolution of its settler colonial root causes
Disaster early-warning systems are 'doomed to fail' - only collective action can plug the gaps
Editorial Comments: The 2023 Model Core Content of Disaster Medicine
Survivor strategies: rebuilding intimate relationships and sexual wellbeing following sexual violence [editorial]
"Where were you shot?": analyzing location rhetoric as strategic maneuvering in contemporary gun-control discourse
Troubling organizational violence with Judith Butler: surviving whistleblower reprisals
Permanent standard time is the optimal choice for health and safety: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine position statement
Death drop: the Roberts court, legitimacy, and the future of democracy in the United States
How can psychiatry catch up with the wave of the future during the current global mental health and addiction crisis? A clinician's perspective
Mental health impacts of interpersonal violence in sports [editorial]
How to stop stigma: implementing The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health
Vale Ivor Barry Pless
Supporting a community of injury prevention giants: past, present and future
Drowning prevention: a global health promotion imperative, now more than ever [editorial]
Diverse views and novel Insights to better understand suicidal behavior: the interplay of individual and contextual factors [editorial]
Who required the counselling to stop intimate partner violence, victim or perpetrators? [letter]
US medical schools should teach students how to counsel patients on firearm injury prevention
Reducing the risks of nuclear war
Reducing the risks of nuclear war
#NeverAgainMSD and the March for Our Lives Movement: American youth for gun control
New Jersey's ammunition restriction rings "hollow"
Child death reviews should not require parental consent
A mental health crisis and call to action: increasing trends in suicide among Black women in the United States
Introduction to the special issue on global mass shootings
The measurement and reporting of falls: recommendations for research and practice on defining faller types [Editorial]
Prevention of gender-based violence and harassment at workplace in India
It's time to protect nursing students from workplace violence
Letter to the editor: parent perspectives and psychosocial needs 2 years following child critical injury. A call for new recovery program standards
Slavery and the journal - reckoning with history and complicity
Firearm violence is both a public health and mental health issue in America
New US initiative to prevent gun violence welcomed
Pediatric firearm violence in America
Pornography. The politics of legal changes. An opinion article
How a bullying scandal closed a historic astronomy department
Barry Turner: the under-acknowledged safety pioneer
Review of "The right to bear arms: A constitutional right of the people or a privilege of the ruling class"
It takes a safe village to raise a child-a commentary on Dana McCoy et al. (2023)
New perspectives on how to formulate alcohol drinking guidelines: response to commentaries
Editorial: Self-harm behaviors from young adults to the elderly: prevalence, prevention and treatment following the COVID-19 pandemic
Editorial: Group-focused enmity - conceptual, longitudinal, and cross-national perspectives based on pre-registered studies
Dan Olweus (1931-2020)
'Doing harm was the point': family separations at the border
Stop blaming the industry and follow the science: it's time we learnt to bazooka responsibly [editorial]
The health dimensions of violence in Palestine: a call to prevent genocide
World war I and the origins of blood transfusion for the trauma patient
War, forced displacement, and lack of healthcare in the Gaza Strip
Mental health -- a foundational and universal human right
Commentary: The relationship between workplace violence, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction and turnover intention among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic
Wars, pandemics, mass shootings and human behavior: disasters across the globe [editorial]
Promoting firearm injury prevention and advocacy as pediatric surgeons: a call to action from the APSA/AAP Advocacy Committee
The man helping prevent suicide with Google adverts
Alerting for imminent earthquakes
Need more reasons to curb gun violence?
Editorial: Public health, suicide, and substance addiction
Cycles of disasters in Afghanistan: the urgent call for global solidarity
Progress and challenges in developing medical countermeasures for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threat agents (special issue on medical countermeasures -commentary)
Cases of child sexual abuse in Pakistan: a wake-up call for public health concern
WHO urges countries to invest in drowning prevention to protect children
Swimming [editorial]
Paradoxes of mobility by the sea: water as a site of threat and rescue in the Exodus story
The death of the 2015 special educational needs code of practice-and the parable of the drowning man-should government have learnt lessons from listening to the voices of history, research and politicians? (Part I)
Use of nitrogen in US execution may constitute torture, warns human rights agency
Enriching the assessment of suicidal ideation: learning from digital studies [editorial]
Reflecting on advances in lower extremity biomechanics and injury prevention: insights from our special issue
The Kenneth Law media event - a dangerous natural experiment
Letter: a call to action: a neurosurgeon's responsibility in firearm injury prevention and advocacy
Rape or homicide: which is worse?
The modern history of alcohol research: introducing the Rutgers Digital Alcohol Studies Archives
Gaza disaster: we need a permanent ceasefire, now!
A global call for adolescent intimate partner violence prevention
Special issue on current trends in impact and injury biomechanics [editorial]
Child health and the US pediatric subspecialty workforce: planning for the future
What have we learned about suicide? A harsh critique of theory and research
Shannon Watts: fearless gun safety advocate
The death of suicidology in Canada
Interviews with suicidology : Toward a new theory of suicide
The Letby murders: a fatal diagnostic omission
Nuclear war and the public health community: the responsibility to act
Can bullets kill soft power? The National Rifle Association as a threat to America's attractiveness abroad [Essay]
Editorial: Objective and measurable predictors of violence risk and outcome among forensic patients with psychosis
FISA and the Second Amendment: gun owners beware
Origin of the first handheld breath alcohol analyzer incorporating an electrochemical sensor
World Psychiatric Association position statement on mental health and the death penalty
Stalking: Issues of deterrence "When I was stalking, I was so dedicated to it. Nothing would stop me. It was my focus."
Advances in novel flame-retardant technologies for fire-safe polymeric materials
Engaging in educational narrative inquiry: making visible alternative knowledge [editorial]
My thoughts: the rise of social media as a reporting source for firearm violence
Treating the innocent victims of trolleys and war
PREFACE to what traditional neuropsychological assessment got wrong about mild traumatic brain injury. A four-part opinion review
Kids these days and kids those days: investigating perceptions of children's social skills from 1988 to 2007
Denis Mukwege: healing the survivors of sexual violence
Discussion of defining the problem: 53 years of firearm violence afflicting America's schools
The public health challenge of Δ8-THC and derived psychoactive cannabis products [editorial]
An automobile's tail lights: sacrificing safety for playful design?
Road Safety on Five Continents 2022 conference papers
Healthcare's role in reducing gun violence
Gun violence: a public health issue
Crash causation, countermeasures, and policy - Editorial
Primary care interventions to prevent child maltreatment: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
Introduction to the child abuse and neglect special issue "Epidemiology, risk factors, and impacts of adverse childhood experiences in low- and middle-income countries."
Editorial: Balance-controlling mechanism and fall-prevention strategy
Editorial: Congress is AWOL and the public is polarized-is there a sensible middle path for orthopaedic surgeons who want to reduce gun-related injuries and deaths?
Foreword: Expanding horizons in child abuse pediatrics, part 1
Suicide or accident? A call for expansion of psychological autopsy studies
Forword for: Pediatric suicide: review of a preventable tragedy
The corporate right to bear arms
It is not too late for reconciliation between Israel and Palestine, even in the darkest hour
Health care in crisis amid Haiti violence [editorial]
FOREWORD: Expanding horizons in child abuse pediatrics, part 2
National Athletic Trainers' Association bridge statement: management of sport-related concussion
Letter to the editor: In-depth understanding of prolonged grief disorder: analysis based on a development atlas
Evolving dimensions of bullying in children [editorial]
"Suicide among children and adolescents in India: understanding the urgent need for action"
Editorial: Injuries, injury prevention and training in climbing
A 2023 hurricane caught Mexico off guard: we must work together to prepare better
Addressing gun violence as a public health problem: why dentistry needs to engage
Strengthening the role of the NIH in the firearm violence epidemic: a modest proposal
The urgent need for suicide prevention tools in Spain
Disentangling gun ownership and leanings to political violence in unstable times
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine position statement: gun violence and pregnancy
Advancing concussion research - follow the yellow brick road [editorial]
Death by accident: the curse of mobility [editorial]
Reflections on editing the International Journal of Drug Policy: the limits and power of research evidence
Readiness, functioning, and perceived effectiveness in community prevention coalitions: a study of communities that care
Concepts guiding the study of the impact of the built environment on physical activity for older adults: a review of the literature
Evidence-based clinical practice in falls prevention: a randomised controlled trial of a falls prevention service
Prevention of childhood injuries: evaluation of the Statewide Childhood Injury Prevention Program (SCIPP)
Building relationships and resilience in the prevention of youth violence
A community health education approach to occupant protection
Home visitors' beliefs and practices regarding childhood injury prevention
Implementation and evaluation of a Web-based continuing education course in injury prevention and control
Pediatric injury prevention counseling priorities
Pediatric injury prevention counseling: an observational study of process and content
Cost effectiveness analysis of a smoke alarm giveaway program in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Evaluation of a bicycle helmet giveaway program--Texas, 1995
"First aid for scalds" campaign: reaching Sydney's Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic speaking communities
'What I said' versus 'what you heard': a comparison of physicians' and parents' reporting of anticipatory guidance on child safety issues
A benefit-cost analysis of the Harlem hospital injury prevention program
A community based approach to bicycle helmet use counts
A controlled study of health education in accident prevention: the Rockland County child injury project. 1966
A hospital led promotion campaign aimed to increase bicycle helmet wearing among children aged 11-15 living in West Berkshire 1992-98
A preschool program for safety and injury prevention delivered by home visitors
Assessing community child passenger safety efforts in three Northwest Tribes
Association between the inception of a SAFE KIDS Coalition and changes in pediatric unintentional injury rates
Barriers to pediatric injury prevention counseling
CAPFSA--facing the problem of childhood injury in South Africa
Child Accident Prevention Trust in Northern Ireland
Community based intervention on adolescent risk taking: using research for community action
Community based program to improve firearm storage practices in rural Alaska
Comparison of community based smoke detector distribution methods in an urban community
Evaluation of a child safety program based on the WHO Safe Community model
Evaluation of a community based childhood injury prevention program
Evaluation of a drowning prevention campaign in King County, Washington
Evaluation of a New Zealand indigenous community injury prevention project
Evaluation of interventions to prevent injuries: an overview
Evaluation of Safe Kids Week 2001: prevention of scald and burn injuries in young children
Evaluation of the Latrobe Valley Better Health Injury Prevention Program
Evaluation of the Think First head and spinal cord injury prevention program
Evaluation of the Waitakere Community Injury Prevention Project
Harstad injury prevention study: prevention of burns in young children by community based intervention
Implementation of a system of surveillance of childhood injuries involved in a Safe Community program: the example of Boulogne-Billancourt (France)
Lidköping Accident Prevention Programme: what was the impact?
Measuring community/environmental interventions: the Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project
Mobilizing for pedestrian safety: an experiment in community action
More safe communities programs in Scandinavia have been evaluated: repeating the results from Falköping
Population strategies for prevention? If only it were that simple!
Preventative pathology and childhood injury
Project Burn Prevention: outcome and implications
Safe Child Penarth: experience with a Safe Community strategy for preventing injuries to children
School injuries in an occupational health perspective: what do we learn from community based epidemiological studies?
The evaluation of community based injury prevention activity: the UK perspective
The Lidkoping Accident Prevention Programme--a community approach to preventing childhood injuries in Sweden
The National SAFE KIDS Campaign (USA)
The Safety City Program: knowledge is power
The spectrum of prevention: developing a comprehensive approach to injury prevention
Understanding and reducing barriers to collaboration by academics with agencies and community organizations: a commentary
CDC recommendations for a community plan for the prevention and containment of suicide clusters
Childhood injuries: the community approach to prevention
The association between hands-on instruction and proper child safety seat installation
A community-based study of parents' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs related to childhood injuries
Fall injuries among the elderly. community-based surveillance
What makes community based injury prevention work? In search of evidence of effectiveness
Capodanno Senza Danno: the effects of an intervention program on fireworks injuries in Naples
Children can't fly: a program to prevent childhood morbidity and mortality from window falls
Community injury control--a management approach
Community suicide prevention: the effectiveness of bridge barriers
Community-based injury prevention interventions
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis: guidelines for vaccine prophylaxis and other preventive measures. immunization practices advisory committee
Duluth takes firm stance against domestic violence; mandates abuser arrest, education
Effect of a curfew law on juvenile trauma
Effect of community-based interventions on high-risk drinking and alcohol-related injuries
Effectiveness of a comprehensive multisector campaign to increase seat belt use in the greater athens area, greece. hellenic road traffic police department
Effectiveness of state trauma systems in reducing injury-related mortality
Effectiveness of state trauma systems in reducing injury-related mortality: a national evaluation
Evaluating programs to prevent unintentional trauma in Canada: challenges and directions
Assessment and management of falls in older people
Can textbook covers be used to increase poison center utilization?
Federal, state, and community partnerships to prevent youth suicides
First reports evaluating the effectiveness of strategies for preventing violence: early childhood home visitation. findings from the task force on community preventive services
First reports evaluating the effectiveness of strategies for preventing violence: firearms laws. findings from the task force on community preventive services
Secondary prevention of domestic violence in HMO primary care: evaluation of alternative implementation strategies
Preparing at the local level for events involving weapons of mass destruction
Promoting oral health: interventions for preventing dental caries, oral and pharyngeal cancers, and sports-related craniofacial injuries. a report on recommendations of the task force on community preventive services
Suicide prevention from a public health perspective
Emergency room injury presentations as an indicator of alcohol-related problems in the community: a multilevel analysis of an international study
EMS champions of injury prevention: Highlights from some of the best injury-prevention programs in the United States
Intimate partner violence in American Indian and/or Alaska Native communities: a social ecological framework of determinants and interventions
To prevent, react, and rebuild: health research and the prevention of genocide
Youth violence: an exploratory study of a treatment program in a central Illinois county
Community disaster planning
Community based prevention programs targeting all injuries for children
The Central Harlem playground injury prevention project: a model for change
Association of selected risk factors with variation in child and adolescent firearm mortality by state
Childhood bullying: implications for physicians
Health risk factors among detained adolescent females
Introducing four new educational programs from the International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI)
Steps to reduce the risk of falls
Communities mobilizing for change on alcohol (CMCA): effects of a randomized trial on arrests and traffic crashes
Use of child booster seats in motor vehicles following a community campaign: a controlled trial
Evaluating education as an intervention for injury control (letter)
Pediatric first aid knowledge among parents
Experience of a falls and injuries risk assessment clinic
Reduction of injuries due to external causes. Can the pediatrician help?
Kitchen scalds and thermal burns in children five years and younger
Community-based programs to promote car seat restraints in children 0-16 years - a systematic review
Is there violence in the neighbourhood? Ask the children
Perceptions of service providers and community members on intimate partner violence within a Latino community
Tobacco Industry Sponsorship of Community-Based Public Health Initiatives: Why AIDS and Domestic Violence Organizations Accept or Refuse Funds
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multidisciplinary intervention programme to prevent new falls and functional decline among elderly persons at risk: design of a replicated randomised controlled trial
Attention deficit disorder and hospitalization owing to intra- and interpersonal violence among children and young adolescents
Attributions and behaviours of parents abused as children: a mediational analysis of the intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment (Part II)
Bringing health policy issues front and center in the community: expanding the role of community health coalitions
Drink driving enforcement and publicity campaigns: are the policy recommendations sensitive to model specification?
Injury prevention and other international public health initiatives
Symbolic violence and the neighbourhood: the educational aspirations of 7-8 year old working-class girls
The contributions of community, family, and school variables to student victimization
The impact of verbal prompts on child safety-belt use in shopping carts
The relationship between perceptions of neighborhood characteristics and substance use among urban African American adolescents
Development of older adult falls prevention educational materials
Effect of an alcohol, drug, and injury prevention program on adolescents
Emergency nurses getting the message out: injury prevention in the media
Implementation of a male domestic violence screening program
Family preparation for responding to disasters
Teaching in tandem: injury prevention in children and adolescents
Traffic injury prevention program
Cultural diversity and child passenger safety
Increasing car seat safety: a multidimensional state council initiative
Firearm safety
Traffic safety for diverse populations
An internet-based violence prevention resource guide for trauma care professionals
Population-based interventions for the prevention of fall-related injuries in older people
Cochrane injuries group
Community interventions to prevent violence: Translation into public health practice
Recommendations to reduce violence through early childhood home visitation, therapeutic foster care, and firearms laws
The effectiveness of early childhood home visitation in preventing violence: A systematic review
The effectiveness of therapeutic foster care for the prevention of violence: A systematic review
Childhood injuries: prevention is always better than cure
First-aid training and capabilities of the lay public: a potential alternative source of emergency medical assistance following a natural disaster
Knowledge, attitude and practices of childhood injuries and their prevention by primary caregivers in Singapore
Injury prevention and control: National Action Plan for NCD Prevention, Control and Health Promotion in Pakistan
Educating the community about violence through a gun turn-in program
A maternity hospital-based infant car-restraint loan scheme: public health and economic evaluation of an intervention for the reduction of road traffic injuries
Accidental injury: a neglected area within Primary Care Groups and Trusts?
Child car seat checkpoints: one urban community's experience
Evaluation activities to strengthen an injury prevention resource center for urban families
Health visitors' knowledge, attitudes and practices in childhood accident prevention
Injury prevention--Oklahoma's planning
Iranian rural health workers (behvarz) and risk factors of childhood injury
Local injury information, community participation and injury reduction
Primary injury prevention in an urban EMS system
Principles in injury control: lessons to be learned from child safety seats
Safe communities for children: only models of good practice or ways through practical difficulties in injury prevention?
The Harstad Injury Prevention Study: a decade of community-based traffic injury prevention with emphasis on children. Postal dissemination of local injury data can be effective
The process and impact of implementing injury prevention projects in smaller communities in New Zealand
Community Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency: A Review of Evaluation Studies - 1
The guide to community prevention services. Reducing injuries to motor vehicle occupants. Systematic reviews of evidence, recommendations from the Task Force on Community Prevention Services, and expert commentary
Bullying prevention: Wisconsin takes a stand
Community-based fall prevention programs for older adults in Wisconsin
Give Wisconsin children a boost
The burden of suicide and homicide of Wisconsin's children and youth
Trauma center-community partnerships to address firearm injury: it can be done
Association between childhood community safety interventions and hospital injury records: a multilevel study
Effects on alcohol related fatal crashes of a community based initiative to increase substance abuse treatment and reduce alcohol availability
Preventing abusive head trauma among infants and young children: a hospital-based, parent education program
Community pediatrics: the Rochester story
Development of pre-hospital trauma-care system-an overview
The Resolve to Stop the Violence Project: reducing violence in the community through a jail-based initiative
Teaching about family violence: a proposed model curriculum
Advice from bereaved parents: on forming partnerships for injury prevention
The 'WHO Safe Communities' model for the prevention of injury in whole populations (2005)
An effective burn prevention program initiated by a recovered burn patient group
Falls prevention in older people
Urban Jamaican children's exposure to community violence
Coordinated strategies in burn prevention programs: a case study
Evolution of a successful community bicycle helmet campaign
A discussion of "urban sprawl and public health: designing, planning, and building for healthy communities"
The public health roots of zoning: in search of active living's legal genealogy
A Home Visitation Program Welcomes Home First-time Moms and Their Infants
Community-based programmes to prevent pedestrian injuries in children 0-14 years: a systematic review
Community approaches to elder abuse
From walkability to active living potential: an "ecometric" validation study
Adapting the 'family wellbeing' empowerment program to the needs of remote indigenous school children
Peer educators--contributing to child accident prevention
Program self-evaluation: the evolution of an injury prevention foundation
Role of physicians in preventing accidents in the home involving children under 15 years in the French-speaking community of Belgium
Community based interventions--less than perfect?
Community Partners for Healthy Farming Intervention Research
Evaluation of a community-based handgun safe-storage campaign
Getting past the "f" word in federally funded public health research
Group interventions for the prevention of injuries in young children: a systematic review
Road safety campaigns: do they work?
Impact of social standing on sports injury prevention in a WHO safe community: intervention outcome by household employment contract and type of sport
Community and school drug prevention strategy prevalence: differential effects by setting and substance
Social networks and community prevention coalitions
An evaluation of the effects of neighborhood mobilization on community problems
Community organizing to prevent youth drug use and violence: The D.A.R.E. Project
A coordinated response to intimate partner violence: lessons from an exploratory study
Intimate partner violence and patient screening across medical specialties
Assessing intervention effects in a community-based trial to reduce self-harm: A methodological case study
Creating a DIN to tackle drug-related deaths in the community
Promoting child safety in primary care: a cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce baby walker use
Reduction in fear of falling through intense Tai chi exercise training in older, transitionally frail adults
Clinical effectiveness information bulletin. 18. Domestic violence
Quality of research on community partnerships: developing the evidence base
How do we determine whether community health workers are cost-effective? Some core methodological issues
Community policing: A preliminary assessment of environmental impact with panel data on program implementation in U.S. cities
An Interactive, Hospital-based Injury Prevention Program for First-, Second-, and Third-grade Students
Protective factors against suicide attempt risk among African American women experiencing intimate partner violence
A Resident's Experience in Cross Cultural/Community Psychiatry
Understanding unintentional injury risk in young children II. The contribution of caregiver supervision, child attributes, and parent attributes
Comparison of the effects of four suicide prevention programs for family and friends of high-risk suicidal men who do not seek help themselves
Safe community in different settings
The Stockholm Manifesto
Working Toward the Elimination of Residential Fire Deaths: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Smoke Alarm Installation and Fire Safety Education (SAIFE) Program
Influencing public transportation policy through community engagement and coalition building: process and preliminary outcomes
Supportive social relationships and adolescent health risk behavior among secondary students in El Salvador
From strange bedfellows to natural allies: the shifting allegiance of fire service organisations in the push for federal fire-safe cigarette legislation
Multisystemic therapy and neighborhood partnerships: reducing adolescent violence and substance abuse
Weapon violence in adolescence: Parent and school connectedness as protective factors
Child and adolescent injury as a result of falls from buildings and structures
Coastal Terrorism: Using Tabletop Discussions to Enhance Coastal Community Infrastructure Through Relationship Building
Considering the interplay of cultural context and service provision in intimate partner violence: the case of Haitian immigrant women
Moving Forward in Fall Prevention: An Intervention to Improve Balance among Older Adults in Real-World Settings
Reaching an underserved population with a randomly assigned home safety intervention
State suicide prevention plans
The framing safety project: photographs and narratives by battered women
The legacy of a community mobilisation project to reduce alcohol related harm
Disaster preparedness and response: more than major incident initiation
The evolution of an integrated State Trauma System in Victoria, Australia
The Impact of Culturally Relevant Violence Prevention Models on School-Age Youth
Twelve-Month Outcomes of Trauma-Informed Interventions for Women With Co-occurring Disorders
A tentative cost-utility analysis of road safety education
Community participation in road safety: barriers and enablers
Does health education provide a good return on investment? One HMO's experience with an infant car safety program
Functions of public health authorities with regard to accident prevention
Netherlands Congress for the regulation of public health: prevention and cure in traffic accidents
Television and public health. effect of public campaigns for the prevention of traffic accidents
Project L.I.F.E.: local involvement in fire education
Protecting children from the tragedy of burns. A renewed educational campaign
Reducing automobile traffic: an urgent policy for health promotion
Automobile passenger safety education for pregnant women and infants. attitudes and practices of obstetrician-gynecologists
Medicaid waiver programs for traumatic brain and spinal cord injury
A model program for youth suicide prevention
Breaking away from the medical model: perceptions of health and health care in suburban Sydney youth
Parental and Peer Influences on the Risk of Adolescent Drug Use
Poison centres place and role in the health protection of the population: changes and perspective
Correlates of seat-belt use by adolescents: implications for health promotion
Developing motor vehicle occupant protection programs in local health departments
A quality improvement project to reduce falls and improve medication management
Agroterrorism Workshop. Engaging Community Preparedness
Criminal investigations of child abuse: the research behind "best practices"
National campaign effects on secondary pupils' bullying and violence
Grassroots movement yields safety belt law
Hospitals' response to the buckle-up baby legislation in Ontario
Increased safety belt use following education in childbirth classes
Infant passenger safety education in perinatal services in California
Intervention to increase seat belt use at a primary care center
Occupant protection as a priority in national efforts to promote health
A multidisciplinary youth violence-prevention initiative: impact on attitudes
Assisting and advising complaints of sexual assault in the family planning setting
Implementing trauma-informed alcohol and other drug and mental health services for women: lessons learned in a multisite demonstration project
Rationales for home safety promotion in the Iranian primary healthcare system: results from a pilot study
Sexual violence and youth in South Africa: The need for community-based prevention interventions
The causes and consequences of injury in students at UK institutes of higher education
Promoting law enforcement for child protection: a community analysis
A federal perspective on EAPs and emergency preparedness
The potential of community diagnosis as a tool in planning an intervention programme aimed at preventing injuries
Opportunities and challenges for collaboration in research and practice in injury prevention across work and other settings
Suicide in developing countries: prevention efforts
The effect of a campus-community environmental alcohol prevention initiative on student drinking and driving: results from the "a matter of degree" program evaluation
The Supply and Demand for Guns to Juveniles: Oakland's Gun Tracing Project
Critical factors in building local capacity to prevent and control injury: North Carolina's experience
Injury status and perspectives on developing community safety promotion in China
Promoting safety of young children with guided participation processes
The Harstad Injury Prevention Study: evaluation of hospital-based injury recording and community-based intervention for traffic injury prevention
"Fishing for Burn Prevention": a novel approach to burn and fire safety
A community-based program for juvenile firesetters
A multidisciplinary approach in the evaluation of demented drivers referred to geriatric assessment centers
A new approach to fire education for children
Audible pedestrian traffic signals: Part 1. Prevalence and impact
Burn Education Awareness Recognition and Support (BEARS): a community-based juvenile firesetters assessment and treatment program
Collaborative treatment of juvenile firesetters: assessment and outreach
Community interventions for juvenile firesetters: a survey of two national programs
Emergency fire-safety skills for blind children and adolescents. Group training and generalization
From concept to application: the impact of a community-wide intervention to improve the delivery of preventive services to children
Injury prevention in an urban setting: challenges and successes
Urban community intervention to prevent Halloween arson--Detroit, Michigan, 1985-1996
DWI awareness. Austin EMS drives it home
Media advocacy in community prevention: news as a means to advance policy change
Operation safe crossing: using science within a community intervention
The community safety approach in Falun, Sweden--is it possible to characterise the most effective prevention endeavours and how long-lasting are the results?
Which "broken windows" matter? School, neighborhood, and family characteristics associated with youths' feelings of unsafety
Preventing alcohol-impaired driving through community self-regulation training
Disaster management teams
Safe sleep practices for hospitalized infants
Disease prevention and health promotion initiatives: some legal considerations
Injury control recommendations for bicycle helmets. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Injury prevention. Bicycle helmet promotion programmes, Canada, Australia, and United States of America
An examination of the effectiveness of domestic violence coordinating councils
Randomized trial of the Early Start program of home visitation
TEACH-VIP: WHO's contribution to capacity building for injury prevention
The 1,000,000 lives campaign
A psychological autopsy of an Indian adolescent suicide with implications for community services
Community-based programmes to promote use of bicycle helmets in children aged 0-14 years: a systematic review
Evaluation of community-based injury prevention programmes: methodological issues and challenges
Validity and reliability of responses to a self-report home safety survey designed for use in a community-based child injury prevention programme
Effect of the Uniform Accident and Sickness Policy Provision Law on Alcohol Screening and Intervention in Trauma Centers
A developmental approach to mentalizing communities: i. a model for social change
A developmental approach to mentalizing communities: ii. The peaceful schools experiment
American Medical Association's Youth Violence Prevention Training and Outreach Guide
Bringing violence prevention into the clinic. The Massachusetts Medical Society Violence Prevention Project
Collaborating for violence prevention training health professionals to work with schools
Growing the Field of Health Impact Assessment in the United States: An Agenda for Research and Practice
Health professional training in youth violence prevention a commentary by the Surgeon General
Public health training on the prevention of youth violence and suicide an overview
Public health training online the National Center for Suicide Prevention training
Training emergency medicine nurses and physicians in youth violence prevention
Training healthcare professionals in youth violence prevention an overview
Training healthcare professionals in youth violence prevention: Closing the gap
World Health Organization's TEACH-VIP Contributing to Capacity Building for Youth Violence Prevention
Evaluation of a police and social services domestic violence program: empirical evidence needed to inform public health policies
Protecting prosecution: exploring the powers of law in an intervention program for domestic violence
The injury iceberg: an ecological approach to planning sustainable community safety interventions
The origins of hopelessness among inner-city african-american adolescents
Helmets! All the pros wear them
Evaluation of the Healthy Village Program in Kapit District, Sarawak, Malaysia
Building a campus crisis team
Lifetime prevalence and socioemotional effects of hearing about community violence
Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a nationwide survey
Clinical guidelines for the prevention of falls in elderly people
Competences necessary for Japanese public health center directors in responding to public health emergencies
Healing fractured families: parents' and elders' perspectives on the impact of colonization and youth suicide prevention in a Pacific Northwest American Indian tribe
Recommendations for water safety and drowning prevention for travelers
Rethinking the bystander role in school violence prevention
Supporting Adolescents with Guidance and Employment (SAGE)
Analysis and applicability of the Dutch EMS system into countries developing EMS systems
Knowledge and perceptions of parents regarding child sexual abuse in Botswana and Swaziland
Social and emotional impacts of farmwork injuries: an exploratory study
The Formation of the Emergency Medical Services System
Partners for child passenger safety: a unique child-specific crash surveillance system
Safety in urban areas: the French program "safer city, accident-free districts"
The role and influence of 'champions' in a community-based lifestyle risk modification programme
The limits of the ledger in public health promotion
The use of media to impact on legislation
Reduction of automobile traffic: urgent health promotion policy
Lessons from tobacco control for advocates of healthy transport
Metropolitan Hospital first to join New York's 'Goods for Guns' drive
Criminal deterrence as a public health strategy
Medical education through community experience: community projects at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine
A Community-Based Trial of an Online Intimate Partner Violence CME Program
A tool for measuring physician readiness to manage intimate partner violence
Anticipatory guidance and violence prevention: results from family and pediatrician focus groups
Behavioral strategies for constructing nonviolent cultures with youth: a review
Building safer environments: injury, safety, and our surroundings
Effectiveness of a Community Based low Intensity Exercise Program for Older Adults
The pediatrician and disaster preparedness
The pediatrician and disaster preparedness
A primary falls prevention programme for older people in Hong Kong
Adolescent alcohol use and suicide indicators among adolescents in Hawaii
Evaluation of an integrated falls education group programme
Local community intervention through depression screening and group activity for elderly suicide prevention
Mortality among mentally disordered offenders: a community based follow-up study
Providing critical care during a disaster: The interface between disaster response agencies and hospitals
Governmental health agencies need to assume leadership in injury prevention
Evaluation of the Reading, PA nighttime safety belt enforcement campaign: September 2004
Effects of Washington, D.C. law on drivers' hand-held cell phone use
Eliminating gender-based violence: learning from the widowhood practices elimination initiative of a women organisation in Ozubulu, Anambra State of Nigeria
Efficacy of the North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks in Reducing Childhood Agricultural Injuries
Inner-City Victims of Violence and Trauma Care. The Importance of Trauma-Center Discharge and Aftercare Planning and Violence Prevention Programs
Measuring trauma center injury prevention activity: an assessment and reporting tool
An exploratory study of the point of view of women and men on the services used concerning conjugal violence
Cease Fire Tampa Bay: a three-tiered approach to firearm injury prevention
Community-based disaster preparedness and climate adaptation: local capacity-building in the Philippines
Role of first responders in detecting and evaluating elders at risk
An Emergency Department Intervention to Increase Booster Seat Use for Lower Socioeconomic Families
Can we prevent road rage?
Mortality associated with Hurricane Katrina--Florida and Alabama, August-October 2005
Public health response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita--United States, 2005
Rapid community needs assessment after Hurricane Katrina--Hancock County, Mississippi, September 14-15, 2005
Strategies and goals of community-based injury prevention programmes - a mixed-methods study of 25 Scandinavian WHO Safe Communities
Addressing domestic violence through maternal-child health home visiting: what we do and do not know
A community participatory research partnership: the development of a faith-based intervention for children exposed to violence
A hospital-based infant safety seat program for low-income families: assessment of population needs and provider practices
HEADS UP! A nested intervention with freshmen male college students and the broader campus community to promote responsible drinking
Multifactorial day hospital intervention to reduce falls in high risk older people in primary care: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
'Make a move' falls prevention project: an area health service collaboration
Violence is also a public health issue
Facilities for complainants of sexual assault throughout the United Kingdom
Reducing Conduct Problems Among Children Brought to Women's Shelters: Intervention Effects 24 Months Following Termination of Services
Youth Sports: A Pediatrician's Perspective on Coaching and Injury Prevention
Associations between risk behavior and injury and the protective roles of social environments: an analysis of 7235 Canadian school children
Child passenger safety for inner-city Latinos: new approaches from the community
Effectiveness of bicycle helmet legislation to increase helmet use: a systematic review
Findings from an elder abuse forensic center
Strategies to prevent suicide
Would society pay more attention to injuries if the injury control community paid more attention to risk communication science?
Contextual Effects in School-Based Violence Prevention Programs: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Review
Disaster myths and Hurricane Katrina 2005: can public officals and the media learn to provide reponsible crisis communication during disasters?
Enhancing local health department disaster response capacity with rapid community needs assessments: validation of a computerized program for binary attribute cluster sampling
Evaluating the effectiveness of health promotion policy: changes in the law on drinking and driving in California
Evaluation of the Be Poison Smart! Poison prevention intervention
Experiences of pregnant adolescents - voices from Wakiso district, Uganda
Language barriers and pediatric burns: Does education make a difference?
Simplifying data collection for process evaluation of community coalition activities - an electronic web-based application
The effect on teen driving outcomes of the Checkpoints Program in a state-wide trial
Trauma week 2005--an injury prevention and health promotion initative for the community
Child Abuse and Neglect. The responsibility of the dental community
Don't drink and drive: the successful message of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Health care providers' opinions on intimate partner violence resources and screening in a pediatric emergency department
Monitoring poison control center data to detect health hazards during hurricane season--Florida, 2003-2005
Sure Start community children's nursing: Setting up a minor illness and injury service for children up to five years
The impact of community risks and resources on adolescent risky behavior and health care expenditures
"Buckle Up NOW!" An Enforcement Program to Achieve High Belt Use
Bicycle protection laws in Singapore: are more compelling data still needed?
Injury prevention and control research and training in accredited schools of public health: a CDC/ASPH assessment
Intimate partner violence screening practices of certified nurse-midwives
Predicting Active and Effective Agents for Safety: Test of the Actively Caring Approach
Seat belts pay off: The evaluation of a community-wide incentive program
Use of a Community Program to Increase Seat Belt Use Among Shopping Center Patrons in Charlotte, North Carolina
A burn prevention program as a long-term investment: trends in burn injuries among Jews and Bedouin children in Israel
Importance of planned health education for burn injury prevention
Landmarks in burn prevention
Prevention and rehabilitation: the community faces of burn care
The Harstad Injury Prevention Study: prevention of burns in small children by a community-based intervention
Use of hospital statistics to plan preventive strategies for burns in a developing country
A delayed reward strategy for large-scale motivation of safety belt use: A test of long-term impact
Improvement on traffic safety on Jordanian roads through a comprehensive plan of education training and control of drivers
Improving prospects for pedestrian safety
Investigation of factors significantly affecting child seat belt usage
MADD: The heart of America's anti-drunk driving movement
Trauma systems in Australia
The effectiveness on seat belt use in Jordan of a public education campaign
Hospital-based multidisciplinary teams can prevent unnecessary child abuse reports and out-of-home placements
Accidental injuries among the elderly with the Vienna community: Epidemiology, risk factors, and preventive mesaures
Community safety promotion at local, regional, and national levels
Editorial: International Journal for Consumer Safety -- an issue on 'safe communities'
Evaluation of a home injury prevention program in a WHO Safe Community
Experience from a multivenue program to increase the use of car restraints in Greece
Falkoping, Sweden, ten years after: still a safe community?
Impact of the Safe Community program in harstad on the incidence of injuries
Preventing accidents to elderly people: a strategy for managing risks
Regional strategies for injury prevention: Experiences from six county-wide programs in Sweden
Safe Communities in industrialised versus less industrialised countries: different models, similarities and differences
Safety and safety promotion: definitions for operational developments
Statistical considerations for the design, conduct and analysis of the efficacy of Safe Community interventions
The community safety approach in Falun, Sweden. What makes it work?
The effects of a community-based injury prevention program in Falun, Sweden -- Outpatient and hospital-based injury records
The Fort McMurray demonstration project in social marketing: Health- and safety-related behaviour in a prosperous industrial community
The relevance of social inequalities for designing intervention programs
A community action programme for reducing harmful drinking behaviour among adolescents: the Trelleborg Project
Community mental health response to crisis
10 years of the chair in safety science at the Delft University of Technology
Curtin industrial safety trial: Methods and safe practice and housekeeping outcomes
Ergonomics and community needs
Evaluation of a stimulation plan for municipalities in the Netherlands
Role of home visiting in improving parenting and health in families at risk of abuse and neglect: results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation
Preventing femoral fractures among elderly: The community safety approach
Priority to key areas and management by results in the National accident prevention policy
Effect of caffeine on target detection and rifle marksmanship
A sustainable programme to prevent falls and near falls in community dwelling older people: results of a randomised trial
Economic evaluation of a community based exercise programme to prevent falls
The Harstad injury prevention study: community based prevention of fall-fractures in the elderly evaluated by means of a hospital based injury recording system in Norway
What community? what lifestyle?
Intervening in communities: challenges for public health
Development of injury prevention materials for people with low literacy skills
Association between setting quantified road safety targets and road fatality reduction
Prison-based peer-education schemes
Prosocial family therapy: A manualized preventive intervention for juvenile offenders
"Megan's laws" and the US Constitution: implications for public health policy and practice
"Supporting services" for people with severe drink problems
A "community as resource" strategy for disaster response
A blueprint for injury control in the United States
A community home inspection approach to preventing falls among the elderly
A community-based approach to preventing alcohol use among adolescents on an American Indian reservation
A cost-benefit analysis of the community-based injury prevention programme in Motala, Sweden--a WHO Safe Community
A proposal for a foster grandmother intervention program to prevent child abuse
Childhood injury prevention in a suburban Massachusetts population
Current issues in rabies prevention in the United States health dilemmas. public coffers, private interests
Preventing suicide by influencing mass-media reporting. the viennese experience 1980-1996
Elder health programs in state health agencies
Evaluation of an inter-organizational prevention program against injuries among the elderly in a WHO Safe Community
Forum on youth violence in minority communities. Application of principles of community intervention
Forum on youth violence in minority communities. Application of the principles of community-based programs
Forum on youth violence in minority communities. Boston's violence prevention project
Forum on youth violence in minority communities. Establishing a public-private partnership
Forum on youth violence in minority communities. Evaluation of community-based violence prevention programs
Involving a community in a marine safety investigation
Knowledge of accident prevention among parents of young children in nine Massachusetts towns
MADD rates the states: a media advocacy event to advance the agenda against alcohol-impaired driving
Police as contributors to Healthy Communities: Aiken, South Carolina
A national program for injury prevention in children and adolescents: the Injury Free Coalition for Kids
Children's acquisition and retention of safety skills: the Lifeskills program
Empowering children for risk taking--children's participation as a health promoting strategy in the "Safe Schools in a Community at Risk" project
Issues in safety education interventions
Suicidal expressions among young people in Nicaragua : A community-based study
The theory of community based health and safety programs: a critical examination
Role of health services in the prevention of traffic accidents
A community program to reward children's use of seat belts
Area-wide traffic calming for preventing traffic related injuries
Ten years of experiences from a participatory community-based injury prevention program in Motala, Sweden
The application of co-ordinated preventive activities to social problems
Friday Night Youth Basketball League: A Program To Increase Self Esteem, And Decrease Crime, Violence And Injury Among Inner City Youth
A public health approach to suicide attempts on a Sioux reservation
Contrasting Juvenile and Program-Level Impacts on Diversion Service Provision: A Hierarchical Linear Analysis
An Examination of Citizen Involvement in Crime Prevention in High-Risk Versus Low- to Moderate-Risk Neighborhoods
Discovering the Impact of Community Policing: The Broken Windows Thesis, Collective Efficacy, and Citizens' Judgment
Korean Version of the Notification Policy on Sexual Offenders: Did It Enhance Public Awareness of Sexual Crimes Against Minors?
Life Constraints and Psychological Well-Being of Domestic Violence Shelter Graduates
A qualitative assessment of inner city elementary school children's perceptions of their neighborhood
Current pediatric roles in child abuse and neglect
Evaluation of an infant car seat program in a low-income community
In Seattle, children's hospital makes kids more aware of safety. Hospital scores big with Seattle mariners, Safeco insurance
Improving EMS public perception, one injury-prevention program at a time
Zero tolerance or community tolerance? Police and community talk about crime in high-crime areas
Community-based childhood injury prevention interventions: what works?
Community-based injury prevention programs: toward a safer Wisconsin
Fatalities assessed by the Orange County child death review team, 1989 to 1991
Helping northern Ethiopian communities reduce childhood mortality: population-based intervention trial
Unintentional injury prevention efforts for young children: levels, methods, types, and targets
Aftermath of tragic events: the development and use of community support meetings on a university campus
Determination of infant-safe homes in a community injury prevention program
Bike rodeos. Safety for young cyclists emphasizes concern for community
Coordinated Community Intervention for Domestic Abusers: Intervention System Involvement and Criminal Recidivism
A community development approach to the prevention of institutional and societal child maltreatment
Promotion of responsible drinking in hotels
Psychosocial Care for Adult and Child Survivors of the Tsunami Disaster in India
Child abuse: A community approach through the workshop concept
Earthquake drills and simulations in community-based training and preparedness programmes
Child abuse: prevention and treatment a community project
A large undertaking. The campaign against alcohol offenses in the USA
Evaluated community fire safety interventions in the United States: a review of current literature
Economic analysis of a community-based falls prevention program
International community efforts in prevention of nuclear terrorism
Early detection of child abuse. Pilot work program in the net
The impact of legal provisions on barroom behavior: toward an alcohol-problems prevention policy
Making road safety a public health concern for policy-makers in India
Parent Refugee Status, Immigration Stressors, and Southeast Asian Youth Violence
Reducing repeat victimization among high-risk victims of domestic violence: the benefits of a coordinated community response in Cardiff, Wales
Accident control: a local health department's experience in development and evaluation of a home accident program
Epidemiologic studies and control programs in alcoholism. 2. State and municipal alcoholism programs and their relationship to health services
Mental illness and the criminal law: is community mental health an answer?
Rôle of the health department in the prevention of accidents
Suggested home accident prevention activities for health departments
Can child accidents be prevented in your community?
International guidelines and standards for education and training to reduce the consequences of events that may threaten the health status of a community
Development and evaluation of a youth mental health community awareness campaign - The Compass Strategy
Development, implementation and evaluation of a unique African-American faith-based approach to increase automobile restraint use
Sogn and Fjordane county community-based injury prevention: evaluation design
No association of neighbourhood volunteerism with mortality in New Zealand: a national multilevel cohort study
SCAN: a method of community collaboration
Societal self-defense: new laws to protect children from sexual abuse
Mobilizing and managing the caring power of a community in times of need
It's time for neighborhood research and action
Report of a child abuse awareness campaign in Finland
Resolving Conflict in the Community: A Case for Mediation?
Estimating population-based injury prevention practices
Inupiat youth suicide and culture loss: Changing community conversations for prevention
Protocol to evaluate the effectiveness of a consciousness-raising and training intervention for primary care professionals, in order to improve detection of domestic violence
American Red-Cross Response to Disasters
American Religious Organizations in Disaster - Study of Congregational Response to Disaster
Assessing outcomes for sufferers of severe mental disorder: A conceptual framework and review
Community planning and the prevention of alcohol involved traffic problems : An application of computer simulation technology
Comparative-Study of Disaster - Social Organizational Approach
Sustaining collaboratives: a cross-site analysis of The National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention
Towards a Community Disaster Model for Policy Analysis
Whither the drunk driving movement? : The social and programmatic orientations of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Current understandings of survivor issues: research, practice and plans
Evaluation of a Multistate Faith-based Program for Children Affected by Natural Disaster
How to develop community networks and national survivor associations?
Police contact prior to suicide: a need for communication among health agencies
Effects of state coalitions to reduce underage drinking a national evaluation
Church Groups May Bolster the Fire Prevention Message
Community responses and perceived barriers to responding to child maltreatment
Drug prevention in Zuni, New Mexico: Creation of a teen center as an alternative to alcohol and drug use
Promoting hospital discharge of infants in safety seats
Retention of low income mothers in a parenting intervention study
Starkville Free Smoke Detector Program
Statewide Smoke Detector Blitz
Contribution of falling and being homebound status to subsequent functional changes among the Japanese elderly living in a community
Domestic violence fatality review teams: An interprofessional model to reduce deaths
Enhancing the safety of children in foster care and family support programs: automated critical incident reporting
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD): the first 25 years
Mothers' Beliefs about Knowledge, Child Development, and Parenting Strategies: Expanding the Goals of Parenting Programs
Child life services
Impact of a community based fire prevention intervention on fire safety knowledge and behavior in elementary school children
The ethics of silence: Action research, community 'truth-telling' and post-conflict transition in the North of Ireland
The influence of local politicians on pedestrian safety
The role of health professionals in childhood injury prevention: A systematic review of the literature
Effectiveness of community-based injury prevention. Long-term injury rate levels, changes, and trends for 14 Swedish WHO-designated Safe Communities
Can screening for domestic violence be introduced successfully in a sexual health clinic?
Child death review teams: a vital component of child protection
Come On Back: Enhancing Youth Development Through School/Community Collaboration
Policy needs regarding the duty to protect in epidemiological research with high-risk populations
Implementing Community-Based Prevention Programming: A Review of the Literature
The development of national injury prevention policy in the Australian health sector: and the unmet challenges of participation and implementation
An analysis of interagency communication patterns surrounding incidents of school crime
World Health Organization rings global alarm bell to address, prevent violence
Qualitative lessons from a community-based violence prevention project with null findings
Systemic Obstacles to Battered Women's Participation in the Judicial System: When Will the Status Quo Change?
Utilizing Program Evaluation as a Strategy to Promote Community Change: Evaluation of a Comprehensive, Community-Based, Family Violence Initiative
Counseling about firearms: Proposed legislation is a threat to physicians and their patients
Building community capacity for violence prevention
Comment on
The Preventing Suicide Network: Delivering online tailored resources to those who help others
Are Local Emergency Planning Committees Effective in Developing Community Disaster Preparedness?
Promoting safety awareness in fishing communities through community arts: An action research project
An Uphill Climb: The Challenge of Collaboration in Response to Family Violence in a Rural Area
Assessing family violence interventions: Linking programs to research-based strategies
Use of a breathalyzer in a local bar: A community education project
Compliance of child care programs with health and safety standards: impact of program evaluation and advocate training
Behavior modification as a countermeasure for the drinking driver
The President's New Freedom Commission: Capitalizing on Opportunities to Advance School-Based Mental Health Services
What can we learn from the first community-based epidemiological study on stalking in Germany?
Legal aspects of prevention in Norway
Legal measures in support of prevention in Switzerland
Local stakeholders' perspectives on improving the urban environment to reduce child pedestrian injury: implementing effective public health interventions at the local level
Evidence into practice: combining the art and science of injury prevention
Bridging the gap between research and practice: a continuing challenge
Implementation of the national policy to reduce accidents and violence
Comparing prenatal providers' approaches to four different risks: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and domestic violence
Public health professionals and interpersonal violence
Urban planning and public health at CDC
Knowledge and perception of professionals towards school injuries
Pathways to collaboration: exploring values and collaborative practice between child welfare and substance abuse treatment fields
Should suicide prevention programs target individuals or society as a whole?
A multifactorial fall prevention programme in the community-dwelling aged: predictors of adherence
A network model for providing culturally competent services for intimate partner violence and sexual violence
Community uptake of safe storage boxes to reduce self-poisoning from pesticides in rural Sri Lanka
Global Youth Voices: engaging Bedouin youth in health promotion in the Middle East
Education of staff--a key factor for a safe environment in day care
Evaluating the "it's better if we talk" A communication strategy for promoting pacific co-existence in Cali, Colombia, between 1996-2000
The Effects of City-Wide Implementation of "Second Step" on Elementary School Students' Prosocial and Aggressive Behaviors
Competency-based strategies for injury control and prevention curriculums in undergraduate medical education
Domestic violence and diversity: a call for multicultural services
The Sacramento neighborhood alcohol prevention project: outcomes from a community prevention trial
Evaluation of regional prevention programs in France: the case of suicide prevention
The plans of baseline survey for the programs of injury intervention in safe community
Active parental consent for a school-based community violence screening: comparing distribution methods
Preparing for disaster: a way of developing community relationships
Government needs to take lead in preventing injuries in children
The how and why of community-based injury prevention: A conceptual and evaluation model
Care or scare: The safety of youth in congregate care in New York City
Injury prevention activities in U.S. trauma centres: Are we doing enough?
Introducing emergency preparedness in childbirth education classes
Population strategy to address child maltreatment in Japan
Using PEACE to Target Helmet Legislation Involving Nonmotorized Wheeled Sports in Canada
Youth access interventions do not affect youth smoking
Prescribing prevention to treat urban violence
Children's understanding of events and criminal justice processes in police programs
Community collaboration to develop research programs in partner violence
Community notification laws: A step toward more effective solutions
Community notification of sex offenders: A new tool or a false promise?
Developing an educational workshop on teen depression and suicide: a proactive community intervention
Kenosha county falls prevention study: a randomized, controlled trial of an intermediate-intensity, community-based multifactorial falls intervention
Effects of improved access to safety counseling, products, and home visits on parents' safety practices: results of a randomized trial
Creating a safe environment for children in daycare
Building and consolidating the injury prevention sector in Africa
Community volunteerism in safety promotion and implications for sustained participation
Extending the boundaries of injury prevention theory, research and practice in Africa
Injury prevention initiative for Africa: Achievements and challenges
Towards a South African injury costing model: A review of the literature for the development of a process path
Noncommunicable diseases and injuries: action needed in South Asia too
Accident prevention and health education: back to the drawing board?
American Public Health Association/American Academy of Pediatrics National Health and Safety Guidelines for Child-Care Programs: an overview
Applied Social and Community Interventions for Crisis in Times of National and International Conflict
Building Intergroup Relations After September 11
Childhood injury control: who will take what action. Suggestions for national priorities
Effectiveness of a regional poison center in reducing excess emergency room visits for children's poisonings
Effectiveness of moped legislation
Efficacy of prenatal and postpartum home visits on child health and development
Evaluation of the London (Ontario) Community Group Treatment Programme for Children Who Have Witnessed Woman Abuse
Inter- and Intraorganizational Cohesion in Emergencies
Community engagement: leadership tool for catastrophic health events
Drawing on wisdom from the past: an elder abuse intervention with tribal communities
Failure of pediatricians to provide automobile restraint information to parents
Federalism and the Battle over Counterterrorist Law: State Sovereignty, Criminal Law Enforcement, and National Security
Community-based violence awareness
Preventing violence--caring for victims
Newspaper coverage of residential fires: an opportunity for prevention communication
Long-term effects of community-based injury prevention on the island of Vaeroy in Norway: A 20-year follow up
Issues in the economic evaluation of prevention programs
California's Safe Routes to School program: impacts on walking, bicycling, and pedestrian safety
Community-based intervention for children exposed to intimate partner violence: an efficacy trial
The Los Angeles County response to child abuse and deafness: a social movement theory analysis
Gangs and gang activity in a non-metropolitan community: The perceptions of students, teachers, and police officers
Home visiting: a necessary but not in itself sufficient program component for promoting the health and development of families and children
Hospital and home support during infancy: impact on maternal attachment, child abuse and neglect, and health care utilization
Hospital-based rental programs to increase car seat usage
Comparative study illustrating difficulties educating the public to respond to chemical terrorism
Impact of a community disaster awareness training program in Turkey: Does it influence hazard-related cognitions and preparedness behaviors
Incidence of dog bites in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Using community and family risk and protective factors for community-based prevention planning
Preventing blindness from eye injuries through health education
A community intervention program targeting the elderly in Stockholm county
Communities, care and domestic violence
Reconsidering sustainability: some implications for community-based crime prevention
A clinical perspective on inner-city youths' exposure to homicide: Community and policy implications
A Community Program to Reward Childrens Use of Seat Belts
An Advocacy Intervention Program for Women with Abusive Partners - Initial Evaluation
Community policing
Citizen Response in A Neighborhood Under Threat
Community sector and gender differences in the perception of community-based prevention
Community Ties and Urbanites Fear of Crime - An Ecological Investigation
Community-Based Interventions for Encouraging Safety Belt Use
Community-based prevention using simple, low-cost, evidence-based kernels and behavior vaccines
Description and immediate impacts of a preventive intervention for conduct problems
Development, crime prevention and social policy in post-apartheid South Africa
Different clients, different needs? Practical issues in community-based treatment for sex offenders
Aggregating indices of risk and protection for adolescent behavior problems: the Communities That Care Youth Survey
Community notification: perceptions of its effectiveness in preventing child sexual abuse
Individual, group and community risk and protective factors for alcohol and drug use among Swedish adolescents
The Bee Kind Garden: a qualitative description of work with maltreated children
Effective and ineffective use of fear in health promotion campaigns
Adaptive Evaluation Strategies for Estimating Effects of Community-Based Drug-Abuse Prevention Programs
An Innovative and Unconventional Approach to Program Evaluation in the Field of Substance Abuse Prevention: A Threshold-Gating Approach Using Single System Evaluation Designs
Analysis Issues in the Evaluation of Community Trials - Progress Toward Solutions in Sas/Stat Mixed
Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol - Design of A Randomized Community Trial
Communities mobilizing for change on alcohol: Lessons and results from a 15-community randomized trial
Community-based interventions into street gang activity
Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of Community-Based Substance-Abuse Prevention Coalitions - Lessons Learned from the National Evaluation of the Community Partnership Program
Emerging findings from high-risk youth prevention programs
Evaluation of a fire-safety training program for preschool children
The reliability and validity of a questionnaire describing neighborhood characteristics relevant to families and young children living in urban areas
Strategies for Comparing Multiple-Site Evaluations Under Nonequivalent Design Conditions
An evaluation of health care providers' sexual violence screening practices
Families' health-related social problems and missed referral opportunities
Prevention of self-immolation by community-based intervention
Drug prevention in a community setting: A longitudinal-study of the relative effectiveness of a 3-year primary prevention program in Boys and Girls Clubs across the nation
Ecological assessments of community disorder: Their relationship to fear of crime and theoretical implications
Effect of closed circuit television on urban violence
Effect of Strathclyde police initiative "Operation Blade" on accident and emergency attendances due to assault
From 'community' to 'neighbourhood' policing: Police community support officers and the 'Police extended family' in London
Gaming Simulation to Pretest Operant-Based Community Interventions: Urban-Transportation Example
Injury prevention and safety promotion in Africa: Local actors and global partmers (editorial)
Impact of Pediatricians' Perceived Self-Efficacy and Confidence on Violence Prevention Counseling: A National Study
Suicide prevention training outside the mental health service system: evaluation of a state-wide program in Australia for rehabilitation and disability staff in the field of traumatic brain injury
Interagency collaboration between child protection and mental health services: practices, attitudes and barriers
Investigation laws and practices in child protective services
Legislation, Regulation, and Litigation To Prevent Injury
Addressing domestic violence through maternity services: policy and practice
Identifying and supporting young women experiencing dating violence: what health practitioners should be doing Now
Is home visiting an effective strategy? A meta-analytic review of home visiting programs for families with young children
Structural Approach to Injury Control
Promoting bicycle helmet wearing by children using non-legislative interventions: systematic review and meta-analysis
Quantifying the effect of a community-based injury prevention program in Queensland using a generalized estimating equation approach
The emergency department and victims of sexual violence: An assessment of preparedness to help
Might the decrease in the suicide rates in France be due to regional prevention programmes?
Understanding the use of a community-based drive-home service after alcohol consumption among young adults
Impact of functional and cognitive status on elderly people living in the community
Comprehensive response to rape needed in conflict settings
Traumatic loss and major disasters: Strengthening family and community resilience
A meta-analysis of direct and mediating effects of community coalitions that implemented science-based substance abuse prevention interventions
Recruitment strategies for a fall prevention program: If we build it, will they really come?
Capacity building for injury prevention in China pilot evaluation of World Health Organization's TEACH-VIP curriculum
Effect evaluation of a multifactor community intervention to reduce falls among older persons
Feasibility and effectiveness of a nurse-led community exercise programme for prevention of falls among frail elderly people: A multi-centre controlled trial
The National Disaster Life Support Foundation: Local preparedness, global response
Using local injury surveillance for community-based injury prevention: an analysis of Scandinavian WHO safe community and Canadian safe community foundation programmes
Behavioral family counseling for substance abuse: a treatment development pilot study
WHO safe communities--should we expand the definition of a 'community'?
Four years on: The impact of the National Service Framework for Older People on the experiences, expectations and views of older people
Parents View a Brief Violence Prevention Program in Clinic
Reducing alcohol-related damage in populations: rethinking the roles of education and persuasion interventions
Associations Between Sociodemographics and Safety Belt Use in States With and Without Primary Enforcement Laws
Changing network support for drinking: Initial findings from the Network Support Project
Falls Assessment Clinical Trial (FACT): design, interventions, recruitment strategies and participant characteristics
Friends talk to friends about drinking: exploring the role of peer communication in the theory of normative social behavior
Reducing alcohol-related violence and improving community safety: the Alcohol Linking Program
Strengthening the effectiveness of 'whole of government' interventions to break the cycle of violence in disadvantaged communities
Barriers to children walking and biking to school--United States, 1999
Using a computer kiosk to promote child safety: results of a randomized, controlled trial in an urban pediatric emergency department
Building little safe and civilized communities: community crime prevention with Chinese characteristics?
Participative risk communication in an industrial village in Sardinia
Safer car travel for children: the updated law
Evaluating a Comprehensive Community Initiative for Children, Youth, and Families
Cost-effectiveness analysis of a proposed public health legislative/educational strategy to reduce tap water scald injuries in children
The community benefits of farm safety day camps
Measuring changes in interagency collaboration: an examination of the Bridgeport Safe Start Initiative
The effectiveness of universal school-based programs for the prevention of violent and aggressive behavior: a report on recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services
WHA resolution on trauma and emergency care services
Evaluating and improving prevention programs: a strategy from drug abuse
Project SAFE: an Armed Forces cooperative initiative for the prevention and treatment of family violence
Estimating causal effects of public health education campaigns using propensity score methodology
Evaluation of community coalitions ability to create safe, effective exercise classes for older adults
Suicide prevention and community-level indictors
Do urban adolescents become desensitized to community violence? Data from a national survey
Negotiating state and NGO politics in Bangladesh: women mobilize against acid violence
Talk-story: perspectives of children, parents, and community leaders on community violence in rural Hawaii
World Suicide Prevention Day--September 10, 2007: "suicide prevention across the life span"
Injury prevention as the physician's challenge
Community intervention can prevent risky drinking and car crashes and trauma associated with alcohol abuse
Community prevention of alcohol problems
Community versus individual benefit
Dangerousness and death: a nexus in search of science and reason
Development and confirmatory factor analysis of the community norms of child neglect scale
Development of a national injury prevention/safe community programme in Vietnam
America's Health Care Safety Net: Revisiting The 2000 IOM Report
Australian firearms legislation and unintentional firearm deaths: a theoretical explanation for the absence of decline following the 1996 gun laws
British Asian families and the use of child and adolescent mental health services: A qualitative study of a hard to reach group
Characteristics of facilities with specialized programming for drinking drivers and for other criminal justice involved clients: analysis of a national database
Effectiveness of universal school-based programs to prevent violent and aggressive behavior: a systematic review
Emergency Preparedness for Health Professionals in a Statewide AHEC Program: the first two years
Firearm legislation reform in the European Union: impact on firearm availability, firearm suicide and homicide rates in Austria
Impact of a statewide home visiting program to prevent child abuse
Injury prevention and control
Prevention of sexual abuse through educational programs directed toward children
Attributes of an injury-free culture: ownership
Step by step: Integrating evidence-based fall-risk management into senior centers
Access management: will raising the drawbridge keep your healthcare facility safe?
Developing the Miami-Dade County Injury Surveillance System: using surveillance to build community capacity for injury prevention
Differences in child injury hospitalizations in Sweden: The use of time-trend analysis to compare various community injury-prevention approaches
Innovations in injury prevention education
Reducing injury rates using a community-based approach
Realistic program for teens discourages drunk driving
Injury prevention and control: understanding the issues and making a difference
Injury among the elderly: the challenge to integrate preventive activities in public and individual levels
Healthy Families America effectiveness: a comprehensive review of outcomes
Healthy Families America Research Practice Network: a unique partnership to integrate prevention science and practice
Healthy Families America state systems development: an emerging practice to ensure program growth and sustainability
Healthy Families America: Ruminations on implementing a home visitation program to prevent child maltreatment
Introduction: the challenge of integrating research into practice
Potential lessons from public health and health promotion for the prevention of child abuse
The evaluation of Healthy Families Arizona: a multisite home visitation program
A Legislative Study of the Effectiveness of Criminal Penalties
A decade of difference--MADD in Hawaii
A legislative view of driving and legal restriction
A prospective community-based pilot study of risk factors for the investigation of elder mistreatment
Academic medical centers have a major role in preventing violence
Accidents to children: the doctor's role. Education or environmental change?
Planning and implementing a community-based public health advocacy campaign: a transport case study from Australia
A community action project on alcohol: Community organization and its evaluation
Accident prevention activities in the Norwegian municipalities: The local response to a nationwide campaign
An evaluation of a hospital-based drinking and driving prevention program
Approaching alcohol problems through local environmental interventions
A student-led demonstration project on fall prevention in a long-term care facility
Beyond Public Protection: An Examination of Community Protection and Public Health Approaches to High-Risk Offenders
Building community networks: a road trauma education and training program for rural areas
California Emergency Nurses Association introduces prototype state legislation to fight violence in the emergency department
Capital Punishment in Texas, 1924-1968
Capital Punishment
Challenging dentistry to recognize and respond to family violence
Citizens and Crime
Providing car seat checks with well-child visits at an urban health center: a pilot study
A randomized, controlled trial of a group intervention to reduce fear of falling and associated activity restriction in older adults
Long‐term effects of a community‐based intervention: 5‐year follow‐up of 'Clubs against Drugs'
A Human Error Approach to Accident Investigation: The Taxonomy of Unsafe Operations
Building an infrastructure to prevent falls in older Californians: the fall prevention center of excellence
The effects of home safety education on taking precautions and reducing the frequency of home accidents
A community program to fight child abuse: the Fort Wayne Children's Foundation and Kids' Law
Implementation of Washington State's Zero Tolerance Law: Patterns of Arrests, Dispositions, and Recidivism
The area-level association between hospital-treated deliberate self-harm, deprivation and social fragmentation in Ireland
Effects of Legal BAC Limits on Fatal Crash Involvement: Analyses of 28 States from 1976 through 2002
Intervention on behalf of children exposed to intimate partner violence: Assessment of support in a diverse community-based sample
Messages from moms: Barriers to and facilitators of behavior change in a lead poisoning preventive education project
Domestic violence screening rates in a community health center urgent care clinic
The status of health-promoting schools in Hong Kong and implications for further development
Challenges in residential fall prevention: Insight from apprentice carpenters
Disaster preparedness: When your community needs you most
Evaluation of a community-driven preventive youth initiative in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia
Harm reduction programmes in the Asia - Pacific Region
Private lives and public programs: an Australian longitudinal study of the elderly
Effects on violence of laws and policies facilitating the transfer of youth from the juvenile to the adult justice system: a report on recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services
Influence of Walk-to-school Promotion Program on Traffic Safety Behavior of Elementary Schoolchildren in Taiwan
The relationship between elderly suicide rates and mental health funding, service provision and national policy: a cross-national study
A qualitative assessment of children's farm safety day camp programs
Coalitions: partnerships to promote agricultural health and safety
Cognitive-behavioral approaches to farm community safety education: a conceptual analysis
Observation study of students who completed a high school agricultural safety education program
Use of the North American guidelines for children's agricultural tasks with Hmong farm families
A Pilot Program Using Promotoras de Salud to Educate Farmworker Families About the Risk from Pesticide Exposure
An evidence based alcohol screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) curriculum for emergency department (ED) providers improves skills and utilization
Community response and needs of African American female survivors of domestic violence
Intrinsic risk factors for falls by community-based seniors: implications for prevention
Public Health Campaigns to Change Industry Practices That Damage Health: An Analysis of 12 Case Studies
Uncovering evidence on community-based injury prevention: A review of programme effectiveness and factors influencing effectiveness
Community planning for accident coverage
Are We Safe Yet? A Twenty-Five Year Look at Playground Safety
A Peer-to-Peer Safety Program to Reduce Teen Driver Crashes in Texas
A Qualitative Study of the Activities and Outcomes of Domestic Violence Coordinating Councils
Antibullying Legislation: A Public Health Perspective
Rethinking individual and community fall prevention strategies: a meta-regression comparing single and multifactorial interventions
Disaster planning after Katrina. Louisiana hospitals are partnering to build new models of community response
Safety and local government - Partnerships and collaboration: How to find all those intersections and actually do something about it
Deconstructing male violence against women: the men stopping violence community-accountability model
Does targeting injury prevention towards families in disadvantaged areas reduce inequalities in safety practices?
Enhancing community-based disaster preparedness with information technology
Evaluation of community-based programs to increase booster seat use
A survey of ED injury prevention activities
Community violence in context: risk and resilience in children and families
Implementing a community-based falls-prevention program: from drawing board to reality
Injury prevention activities in U.S. trauma centres: are we doing enough? What should we really be doing; injury prevention and trauma centres: Is it an oxymoron?
Author's reply: Injury prevention activities in U.S. trauma centres: are we doing enough?
The effect of poison control center consultation on accidental poisoning inpatient hospitalizations with preexisting medical conditions
Treating depression is an effective population suicide prevention strategy: recent evidence from Scandinavian studies
Evaluation of a community-based effort to reduce blueberry harvesting injury
Religion as a means of preventing injury and promoting safety: Christian discourses on embodiment as safety discourses
Training and selection of paraprofessional home visitors for injury prevention in low income neighborhoods
The United Kingdom neighbourhood road safety initiative: Baseline results on risk factors for children in deprived communities
Association of father involvement and neighborhood quality with kindergartners' physical activity: a multilevel structural equation model
Combining primary and secondary poison prevention in one initiative
Montreal youth use their voice to transform their lives and prevent violence in their communities: A discussion of the Leave Out Violence program
WITHDRAWN: Home-based support for disadvantaged adult mothers
WITHDRAWN: Home-based support for disadvantaged teenage mothers
Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities, and Strategy for Disaster Readiness
Comparison of fall risk education methods for primary prevention with community-dwelling older adults in a senior center setting
Effectiveness of a community-based multifactorial intervention on falls and fall risk factors in community-living older adults: a randomized, controlled trial
Exploring the links between components of coordinated community responses and their impact on contact with intimate partner violence services
How Culture Impacts the Dissemination and Implementation of Innovation: A Case Study of the Families and Schools Together Program (FAST) for Preventing Violence with Immigrant Latino Youth
A community approach to the prevention of alcohol-related problems: the San Francisco experience. 1984-85
Primary prevention: a new look at basic concepts
The prevention of alcohol-related problems in the USA: health educators and the"new generation"of strategies
A healthy settings framework: an evaluation and comparison of midwives' responses to addressing domestic violence
Collaborating for Family Safety: Results From the Greenbook Multisite Evaluation
Crafting the Greenbook: Framers Reflect on the Vision, Process, and Lessons Learned
Calming traffic on Bogota's killing streets
A public health nursing initiative to promote antenatal health
Changing Policy and Practice in the Child Welfare System Through Collaborative Efforts to Identify and Respond Effectively to Family Violence
Collaborative Efforts to Improve System Response to Families Who Are Experiencing Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence
Developing a national policy for injury and violence prevention
Transferring injury data to decision makers in British Columbia
Bridging Science and Practice in Violence Prevention: Addressing Ten Key Challenges
Evidence based prevention of acute injuries during physical exercise in a WHO safe community
Requirements Engineering for inter-organizational health information systems with functions for spatial analyses: modeling a WHO safe community applying Use Case Maps
Staying Active -- Staying Safe: development of a physical activity and falls prevention resource for older people who dwell in the community
The WHO safe community program for injury prevention: evaluation of the impact on injury severity
Streets ahead on safety: young people's participation in decision-making to address the European road injury 'epidemic'
Social capital externalities and mortality in Sweden
Translation of an evidence-based tailored childhood injury prevention program
Community life, public health, and children's safety
Effect of Community-based Intervention Using Depression Screening on Elderly Suicide Risk: A Meta-analysis of the Evidence from Japan
Evaluation of RugbySmart: A rugby union community injury prevention programme
Expanding the pediatrician's black bag: a psychosocial care improvement model to address the"new morbidities"
From safe sanctuaries to strong communities: the role of communities of faith in child protection
National instant criminal background check improvement act: implications for persons with mental illness
Role of the law in ensuring work related road safety
Strong communities for children: a community-wide approach to prevention of child abuse and neglect
Survey of current injury prevention practices by registered nurses in the emergency department
Toward a science of community intervention
A framework for community mobilization to promote healthy youth development
A Media Campaign Prevention Program for Child Sexual Abuse: Community Members' Perspectives
An ethnic-studies model of community mobilization: collaborative partnership with a high-risk public high school
Asian/Pacific islander youth violence prevention center: community mobilization efforts to reduce and prevent youth violence
Collaborative emergency management: better community organising, better public preparedness and response
Community Health Centers and Emergency Preparedness: An Assessment of Competencies and Training Needs
Community mobilization and its application to youth violence prevention
Community mobilization to prevent youth violence and to create safer communities
Coordinated Community Response to Family Violence: The Role of Domestic Violence Service Organizations
Decision making as community adaptation: a case study of emergency managers in Oklahoma
Developing a comprehensive approach to youth violence prevention in a small city
Developing partnerships to advance youth violence prevention in Puerto Rico: the role of an academic center of excellence
Exploring Local Perceptions of and Responses to Urban Youth Violence
Hui Malama o ke Kai: mobilizing to prevent youth violence and substance use with passion, common goals, and culture
Organizational empowerment in community mobilization to address youth violence
Partnerships for preventing violence: A locally-led satellite training model
Assessing the integration of health center and community emergency preparedness and response planning
Linking public health and the emergency care community: 7 model communities
Community Violence Victimization and Depressed Mood: The Moderating Effects of Coping and Social Support
Beyond individual war trauma: Domestic violence against children in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
The effect of the new
The effectiveness of domiciliary health visiting: a systematic review of international studies and a selective review of the British literature
Effectiveness of home based support for older people: systematic review and meta-analysis
Injury prevention programmes in primary care: a high risk group or a whole population approach?
Parenting interventions for the prevention of unintentional injuries in childhood
A community-based intervention to reduce alcohol-related accidents and violence in 9th grade students in southern Sweden: The example of the Trelleborg Project
Preventing tragedy: balancing physicians' ethical obligations to patients and the public
Protecting the public's health following the Virginia Tech tragedy: issues of law and policy
Have Broad-Based Community and Professional Education Programs Influenced Mental Health Literacy and Treatment Seeking of those with Major Depression and Suicidal Ideation?
Community psychiatric nurses' experience of working with people who engage in deliberate self-harm
Deploying and using volunteer health practitioners in response to emergencies: proposed uniform state legislation provides liability protections and workers' compensation coverage
Evaluating the effect of an injury prevention intervention in a population
Impact of Homeland Security Alert level on calls to a law enforcement peer support hotline
Bringing adolescents into substance abuse treatment through community outreach and engagement: the Hartford Youth Project
Partnerships to promote mental health of NSW farmers: the New South Wales Farmers Blueprint for Mental Health
Safe communities: a synopsis
How much health promotion and disease prevention is enough?: Should chiropractic colleges focus on efficacy training in screening for family violence?
Multimedia campaign on a shoestring: promoting 'Stay Active - Stay Independent' among seniors
Trauma education and assessment
Effects of enhanced foster care on the long-term physical and mental health of foster care alumni
Fall prevention in older adults: towards an integrated population-based perspective
"Help Seniors Live Better, Longer: Prevent Brain Injury": An Overview of CDC's Education Initiative to Prevent Fall-related TBI Among Older Adults
Integrating the ecological approach in health promotion for older adults: a survey of programs aimed at elder abuse prevention, falls prevention, and appropriate medication use
Non-pharmaceutical prevention of hip fractures - a cost-effectiveness analysis of a community-based elderly safety promotion program in Sweden
Paraprofessional home visitation program to prevent childhood unintentional injuries in low-income communities: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Readiness for Community-based Bicycle Helmet Use Programs: A Study Using Community-and Individual-level Readiness Models
The impact of recent legislation on pediatric fireworks injuries in the Newcastle upon Tyne region
Translation of an Effective Tai Chi Intervention Into a Community-Based Falls-Prevention Program
Injury prevention as a global health initiative
Assessment of the Relationship of Demographic and Social Factors with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) among Latinas in Indianapolis
Factors Influencing Booster Seat Use in a Multiethnic Community: Lessons for Program Implementation
Establishment of a comprehensive anti-suicide project in an urban city
Importance of area activities to prevent suicide and the involvement of NOCOMIT-J
Inter-rater and test-retest reliability: methods and results for the neighborhood observational checklist
The relationship between leisure, walking, and transportation activity with the natural environment
Investment in safe routes to school projects: public health benefits for the larger community
Need and Possibilities for Seat Belt Use Promotion in Bashkortostan, Russia
Creating a community coalition to address violence
Screening and brief interventions for alcohol: attitudes, knowledge and experience of community pharmacists in Auckland, New Zealand
Preferred choice of gender of staff providing care to victims of sexual assault in Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)
Tai Chi: moving for better balance -- development of a community-based falls prevention program
The efficacy of a multidisciplinary falls prevention clinic with an extended step-down community program
A Model for Identifying and Ranking Need for Trauma Service in Nonmetropolitan Regions Based on Injury Risk and Access to Services
Are perceptions of the physical and social environment associated with mothers' walking for leisure and for transport? A longitudinal study
Community readiness and prevention of traumatic brain injury
From Isolation to Connection: Understanding a Support Group for Hispanic Women Living with Gender-based Violence in Houston, Texas
Developing a Citywide Youth Violence Prevention Plan: Perceptions of Various Stakeholders
Developing suicide prevention programs for African American youth in African American churches
Efficacy of a Randomized Trial of a Community and School-based Anti-violence Media Intervention Among Small-town Middle School Youth
Impact of participation in a community-based intimate partner violence prevention program on medical students: A multi-center study
Pediatricians and the US Preventive Services Task Force: a natural partnership to enhance the health of children
The Zuni life skills development program: a school/community-based suicide prevention intervention
Development and application of a multidimensional suicide prevention program for Korean elders by utilizing a community network
Cost-benefit analysis of a regional poison center
Family-centred services within Accident and Emergency Departments
Documenting the development of social capital in a community Safety Promotion Network: It's not what you know but who you know
Coping with youth suicide and overdose: one community's efforts to investigate, intervene, and prevent suicide contagion
Built environment correlates of walking: a review
Facilitators and barriers for implementing home visit interventions to address intimate partner violence: town and gown partnerships
Preventing violence and reducing its impact: How development agencies can help
Prevention of physical child abuse: Concept, evidence and practice
Injury research advocacy a high priority
Improving infrastructure for injury control: a call for policy action
County council politicians' attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention: a qualitative cross-cultural study
Prevention of public health risks linked to bullying: a need for a whole community approach
Evaluation of community-based health projects: the healthy tomorrows experience
Accident prevention. Organising safe communities
Adversity and psychosocial competence of South African children
Art and Safe Communities: the role of Big hART in the regeneration of an inner city housing estate
Information system needs in health promotion: a case study of the Safe Community programme using requirements engineering methods
Manifesto for safe communities
NSW Safe Communities Pilot Projects--evaluation methodology
Parent-child connections: the essential component for positive youth development and mental health, safe communities, and academic achievement
Reducing child accidents: lessons from down under
Safe communities
"The calm after the storm"
Active Community Environments and Health: The Relationship of Walkable and Safe Communities to Individual Health
Safe Communities - the application to industrialized countries
Impact of social standing on injury prevention in a World Health Organization Safe Community--intervention outcome by household employment contract
Safe Communities and injury prevention: convergence in a global quest or an experiment in "empowered deliberative democracy"?
Economic impact of injuries according to type of injury
The interface of school climate and school connectedness and relationships with aggression and victimization
Integrating public safety and use into planning urban greenways
The problem of children's injuries in low-income countries: a review
The American Communities Movement
A framework for research utilization applied to seven case studies
A public-health perspective on violence
Accidental injuries in the young: from epidemiology to prevention
Community-based interventions for the prevention of burns and scalds in children
Controlled evaluation of a community based injury prevention program in Australia
Community mobilization: evaluation of an environmental approach to local action
Evaluation of community based injury prevention: an epidemiologist's quandary
Evaluation of the Ngati Porou Community Injury Prevention Project
Long-term effects of community-based injury prevention on the island of Vaeroy in Norway: a 20-year follow up
The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: theory, design, and evaluation
Recording and prevention of injuries in a rural district
The control of product-related injuries in New Zealand
Injuries, a medical and social problem
On cogency, professional bias, and public policy: an assessment of four views of the injury problem
Childsafe Ireland--can we do it?
A community intervention trial of multimodal suicide prevention program in Japan: A novel multimodal community intervention program to prevent suicide and suicide attempt in Japan
Health-sector responses to intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income settings: a review of current models, challenges and opportunities
Effectiveness of a falls-and-fracture nurse coordinator to reduce falls: a randomized, controlled trial of at-risk older adults
Falling is not just for older women: Support for pre-emptive prevention intervention before 60
Sexual assault nurse examiners' application of statutory rape reporting laws
Disaster Legislation Shields Health Care Workers in Louisiana
Education and Prevention for Teens: Using Trauma Nurses Talk Tough Presentation With Pretest and Posttest Evaluation of Knowledge and Behavior Changes
Environmental Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials
Analyzing the outcomes of health promotion practices
A multiagency effort to reduce bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries in New York City
Disaster planning for schools
Engaging policy makers in road safety research in Malaysia: A theoretical and contextual analysis
Impact of a multifaceted community-based falls prevention program on balance-related psychologic factors
The NIfETy Method for Environmental Assessment of Neighborhood-level Indicators of Violence, Alcohol, and Other Drug Exposure
County government resources associated with dependent-adult abuse investigations in Iowa
Communication between secondary and primary care following self-harm: are National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines being met?
Creation of a community violence exposure scale: Accounting for what, who, where, and how often
Factors Associated With Engagement in a Police-Advocacy Home-Visit Intervention to Prevent Domestic Violence
Geographic mapping as a tool for identifying communities at high risk of fire and burn injuries in children
Characteristics of clients to a suicide prevention centre - An epidemiological analysis of the users over a 10-year period
Effectiveness of a mentor-implemented, violence prevention intervention for assault-injured youths presenting to the emergency department: Results of a randomized trial
A regional poison prevention education service-learning project
Spanish politicians discourse about the responses to violence against women
The efficacy of community-based intervention in prevention of self-immolation
A Community and School Approach to Drug Prevention and Early Intervention With High Risk Elementary School Children
A Community Participation Approach to Farm Health and Safety
A Community Systems Approach to Substance Abuse Prevention in a Rural Setting
A Cultural Consistency Evaluation of a Substance Abuse Prevention Program With Inner City African-American Families
A Descriptive Definition of Primary Prevention
A Home-Based Prevention Program for Sixth-Grade Alcohol Use: Results From Project Northland
A Model of the Effects of Protective Parent and Peer Factors on Young Adolescent Alcohol Refusal Skills
A Social Marketing Approach to Involving Afghans in Community-Level Alcohol Problem Prevention
A study of the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyles approach to drugs education with children between 7 and 11 years of age
A Typology of Prevention Activities: Applications to Community Coalitions
Accident Control: A Local Health Department's Experience in Development and Evaluation of a Home Accident Program
Accident Prevention in A Large Urban Community
Suicide 5: The trouble-shooting clinic - prototype of a comprehensive community emergency service
Suicides Not Increased by Community Psychiatric-Service
The Pedestrian Safety Campaign in New York City
The Public Analyst and the Public Safety
A survey of the 16 Canadian child and youth protection programs: A threadbare patchwork quilt
Developing and piloting community-based self-injury treatment groups for adolescents and their parents
Evaluation of seven publicized enforcement demonstration programs to reduce impaired driving: Georgia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Indiana, and Michigan
The efficacy of Familias Unidas on drug and alcohol outcomes for Hispanic delinquent youth: Main effects and interaction effects by parental stress and social support
Engaging community-based organizations in fall prevention education
Caring for young adolescent sexual abuse victims in a hospital-based children's advocacy center
Commitment to partnership: interdisciplinary initiatives in developing expert practice in the care of survivors of violence
Community responsibility for preventing sexual violence: a pilot study with campus Greeks and intercollegiate athletes
Developing a university-wide institutional response to sexual assault and relationship violence
Effect of a community-based Argentine tango dance program on functional balance and confidence in older adults
Identifying common practices in community-based rape prevention programs
Houston, Texas, Metropolitan Traffic Safety Planning Program
Empowering bystanders to prevent campus violence against women: a preliminary evaluation of a poster campaign
Transportation research for community objectives
Travel Behaviour of Seniors in an Aging Population: An Exploratory Study of Trip Chains and Modal Preferences in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Sydney
Responsible alcohol service: A study of server, manager, and environmental impact
Integrated Community-Based Disaster Management Program in Taiwan: A Case Study of Shang-An Village
Locating Social Capital in Resilient Community-Level Emergency Management
Maximising Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Government and Community Volcanic Hazard Management Programs; A Case Study From Savo, Solomon Islands
Measuring Tsunami Preparedness in Coastal Washington, United States
Organisations in Disaster
People and Community As Constituent Parts of Hazards: the Significance of Societal Dimensions in Hazards Analysis
Potential of High-Resolution Satellite Data in the Context of Vulnerability of Buildings
Adolescent violence: a family health and community challenge
Can I Play on the Road, Mum? - Traffic and Homes in Urban Australia
Choosing objectives in transportation planning
Using Community-Based Prevention Marketing to Improve Farm Worker Safety
Dynamics and Stability of Collective Action Norms
A Human Rights-Based Approach to Sex Offender Management: The Key to Effective Public Protection?
Poison Control and the Drug Information Center: the Palestinian experience
Community Notification Provisions of "Megan's Law" From a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Perspective: A Case Study
Assessing Community Fire Risk: A Decision Analysis Based Approach
Advancement of Community Health and Safety Practice
Alcohol Dispenser Training in Amherst Massachusetts
An Experiment on the Effect of Specially Designed Safety Posters
Empire, internationalism, and the campaign against the traffic in women and children in the 1920s
Community-based suicide prevention through group activity for the elderly successfully reduced the high suicide rate for females
Child development programme in Singapore 1988 to 2007
Kids on bikes: a community intervention
Neighbourhood access to open spaces and the physical activity of residents: a national study
Physical activity, weight status, and neighborhood characteristics of dog walkers
Reliability and validity of destination-specific barriers to walking and cycling for youth
Communities, Crime, and Neighborhood Organization
Community crisis intervention in suicide epidemics
Community development through partnership: promoting health in an urban indigenous community in New Zealand
Community Health Promotion: The Church As Partner
Community Policing in Hong Kong: Transplanting a Questionable Model
Community Policing in Small Town and Rural America
Community responses to violence
Community Risk and Protective Factors and Adolescent Substance Use
Community trauma and community interventions
Community violence exposure and children's social adjustment in the school peer group: the mediating roles of emotion regulation and social cognition
Community violence, children's development, and mass media: In pursuit of new insights, new goals, and new strategies
Community-Based Crime Prevention: An Assessment of the Eisenhower Foundation's Neighborhood Program
Community-based improvement: preventing motor vehicle injuries
Community-based suicide prevention programs in rural Alaska: self determination as a new approach
Composite Vehicle Structural Crashworthiness: A Status of Design Methodology and Numerical Simulation Techniques
Coordinated Community Intervention for Domestic Violence: The Effects of Arrest and Prosecution on Recidivism of Woman Abuse Perpetrators
Cost-Benefit Estimates in Prevention Research
Crime in the School and in the Community: Offenders, Victims, and Fearful Youths
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Discourses of Risk, Social Control, and a Neo-Liberal Context
Opportunities and challenges for public libraries to enhance community resilience
Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of neighborhood cohesion and stressors with depressive symptoms in the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis
DAYS La Familia Community Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program: Family- Centered Model for Working With Inner-City Hispanic Families
Delinquency Prevention in the Neighborhood
Designing and Evaluating Alcohol Problem Community Interventions: Quasi-Lessons From the Experience of Medical Trials
Determinants of Residential Group Development and Social Control
Documenting community-level outcomes. Lessons from drinking and driving
Domestic violence requires concerted community response
Drive or Walk? Utilitarian Trips Within a Neotraditional Neighborhood
Drunken Driving and Informal Social-Control - the Case of Peer Intervention
Earthquake Response of Bridge Restrainers Considering Failure of Bearings
Increasing use of seat belts among kindergarten children: Skills beyond awareness
Elder abuse: Campaign seeks to raise awareness and improve action
Empowering Communities to Prevent Adolescent Substance Abuse: Process Evaluation Results From a Risk- and Protection-Focused Community Mobilization Effort
Environmental Strategies for Primary Drug Abuse Prevention Programs
Evaluating a community intervention to reduce the risk of child abuse: Methodological strategies in conducting neighborhood surveys
Evaluating a Domestic Violence Program in a Community Policing Environment: Research Implementation Issues
Evaluating the alcohol environment: Community geography and alcohol problems
Evaluation design for a community prevention trial. An environmental approach to reduce alcohol-involved trauma
Evaluation of a community-based youth violence prevention project
Examining the Link Between Provider Roles and Program Development: Findings From a Process Evaluation of a Community-Based Drug Prevention Program
Experimental study of a compliant bumper system
Exploring the relevance of localization in anti-drinking and driving PSAs: Factors that may influence college students' behaviors
Ranking the Risks from Multiple Hazards in a Small Community
Promoting Children's Mental Health in Family Supportive Housing: A Community-University Partnership for Formerly Homeless Children and Families
Child abuse: an interdisciplinary management experience
The Promise of Primary Prevention Home Visiting Programs
Promoting Community Preparedness: Lessons Learned From the Implementation of a Chemical Disaster Tabletop Exercise
Implementation of Universal Screening for Domestic Violence in an Urgent Care Community Health Center
Improving adolescent preventive care in community health centers
Improving the management of family psychosocial problems at low-income children's well-child care visits: the WE CARE Project
Accident Prevention - A State Health Departments Responsibility
Accident Prevention - An Essential Public Health Service
Federal Regulation of Firearms Sales
Federal-State Relations in Gun Control: The 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Disabling the public interest: Alcohol strategies and policies for England
Disaster response and grassroots environmental advocacy: The example of the World Trade Center community labor coalition
Fire Protection in London and the London County Council
Grassroots Advocacy for Gun Violence Prevention: A Status Report on Mobilizing a Movement
Guidelines for handling domestic violence cases in community mental health centers
Hierarchical models to evaluate translational research: Connecticut collaboration for fall prevention
HIPP: A Comprehensive School-Based Substance Abuse Program With Cooperative Community Involvement
Home Accident Prevention: The Home Safety Program of the Los Angeles City Health Department
Home Accidents As a Community Health Problem
How to Organise Accident Prevention
Implementing a community initiative for the prevention of injury on farms in New Zealand
Implementing Community-Oriented Policing: Organizational Change and Street Officer Attitudes
Implementing Primary Prevention Programs for Adolescents in Rural Environments
Increasing the use of child restraints in motor vehicles in a Hispanic neighborhood
Injury Prevention in the Emergency Department: A Caregiver's Perspective
Injury prevention takes root. EMS evolves to assume expanded mission
Injury-producing events among children in low-income communities: the role of community characteristics
Introduction: Community-Based Prevention: An Evolving Paradigm
Invitation to rural hospitals: Lead efforts to fight impaired driving
Kentucky Plan for Local Accident Prevention
Linking Planning and Operations to Improve Regional Mobility and Safety in Hampton Roads, Virginia
Local action groups in prevention of child accidents
Managing vehicle speeds for safety: Why? How?
Measuring contextual characteristics for community health
Methodologies used to analyze collision experience associated with speed limit changes on selected California highways
Mobilizing Communities to Reduce Risks for Drug Abuse: Lessons on Using Research to Guide Prevention Practice
Mobilizing communities to reduce substance abuse in Indian country
Mobilizing Political Support for United States National Security
Selected community characteristics and underage drinking
Situational analysis of poverty and violence among children and youth with disabilities in the Americas: an agenda proposal
What promotes sustainability in Safe Community programmes?
Acute Service Delivery in a Police-Mental Health Program for Children Exposed to Violence and Trauma
Monitoring premature infants in car seats: Implementing the American Academy of Pediatrics policy in a community hospital
Motor vehicle driver injury and marital status: A cohort study with prospective and retrospective driver injuries
MSNJ initiatives in the campaign on domestic violence
Multidisciplinary mock trauma code: targeting drinking and driving in the high school population
Municipal temperance placards
Neglect, Social Deviance, and Community Action
Neighbor to Neighbor Safety Education
Neighborhood Residents' Production of Order: The Effects of Collective Efficacy on Responses to Neighborhood Problems
New Systemic Culture of Traffic Safety: Toward Social Control of the Traffic
On Quantitative Approaches to Urban Police Patrol Problems
One-third reduction target
Operation Save a Life: Massachusetts General Hospital Trauma Center's program to educate drivers on the dangers of driving while intoxicated
Law, Liability, and Public Health Emergencies
Parenting Support Groups for Parents at Risk of Abuse and Neglect
Patterns of teen exposure to a community-based violence prevention project
Pedestrian safety--teaching points and resources for ED nurses educating the community
Police Social Work Collaboration in Response to the World Trade Center Attack
Population and high-risk approaches both necessary to reduce alcohol harm
Injury control in China: priorities and actions
Preventing alcohol problems: Local action and licensing law--a case study
Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems in the US Through Policy: Media Campaigns, Regulatory Approaches and Environmental Interventions
Preventing City-Center Street Crimes
Preventing impaired driving
Preventing motor vehicle injuries in San Miguel County, New Mexico, using a community-based model for improvement
Preventing youth violence through the promotion of community engagement and membership
Prevention of alcohol-related accidents in the community
Prevention of peer and community violence: the pediatrician's role
Prevention partners: Community, physicians team up against injury and violence
Prevention Science and Practice: An Agenda for Action
How are other first-world nations suppressing the adverse consequences of violence and youth sex in the modern media environment?
How are other first-world nations suppressing the adverse consequences of violence and youth sex in the modern media environment? (Letter)
Population-based prevention of child maltreatment: The U.S
Reaction in Ontario to Bill 110: Canada's first mandatory gunshot wound reporting law
Participatory budgeting in urban regeneration: defining the gap between formal and informal citizen activism
Reflections on implementing a community agency-school prevention program
Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination: Working Together for Safety, Reliability and Security
Relationship Between Two Types of Help Seeking Behavior in Domestic Violence Victims
A model curriculum for a course on the built environment and public health: training for an interdisciplinary workforce
Fostering disaster resilient communities across the globe through the incorporation of safe and resilient hospitals for community-integrated disaster responses
Illinois Trauma Centers and Intimate Partner Violence: Are We Doing Our Share?
Model for preparedness of a public institution for a terrorist attack
Perceived neighborhood fear and drug use among young adults
Putting houses in place: rebuilding communities in post-tsunami Sri Lanka
Do suicide prevention centers prevent suicide?
"What's the Problem?"
A mixed-method study of Princeville's rebuilding from the flood of 1999: lessons on the importance of invisible community assets
An Examination of Whether Coordinated Community Responses Affect Intimate Partner Violence
Implementation and evaluation of a youth violence prevention program for adolescents
Core competencies for injury and violence prevention
MENTOR-VIP: helping develop key skills for injury and violence prevention
The quality of online suicide prevention in the Netherlands and Flanders in 2007
Representing Children's Views and Best Interests in Court: an International Comparison
Epidemiological sociology and the social shaping of population health
Residents' assessment of a community-based alcohol initiative in the Canadian Arctic
Tsunami planning and preparation in Western Australia: application of scientific modelling and community engagement
Phoenix: development and application of a bushfire risk management tool
From adolescent connections to social capital: predictors of civic engagement in young adulthood
City-level violence prevention: an overview of local and international literature
Has the peace been won? Resistance, resilience and rabble surrounding gender-based violence in Sweden
Human rights and public health working together: an approach to violence prevention
Measuring the health impact of human rights violations related to Australian asylum policies and practices: a mixed methods study
Public health, conflict and human rights: toward a collaborative research agenda
South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Disaster Preparedness and Response Training Network: an emerging partner in preparedness training
Community-based treatment outcomes for parents and children exposed to domestic violence
Recognizing the co-occurrence of domestic and child abuse: A comparison of community- and hospital-based midwives
The European countries' government programs targeted to decrease road traffic injuries
Building community capacity for agricultural injury prevention in a Navajo community
FS4JK farm safety day camps: who learns the most?
Community mental health care in the Asia-Pacific region: using current best-practice models to inform future policy
Community perceptions of mental health needs: a qualitative study in the Solomon Islands
Effects of child passenger safety and seat belt legislation on fatalities and serious injuries to children involved in North Carolina crashes
Family violence intervention within an emergency department: achieving change requires multifaceted processes to maximize safety
Returning to first principles: Reducing the fear of crime in Newark
Associations between childhood bicycle helmet use, current use, and family and community factors among college students
Decision-making authority and substance abuse treatment for adolescents: A survey of state laws
Parent/Caregiver supervision and child injury: a systematic review of critical dimensions for understanding this relationship
Partnering with mutual aid associations to provide home injury prevention
From myth to science in urban and transport planning: From uncontrolled to controlled and responsible urban development in transport planning
Injury prevention counseling for adults: Have we made progress?
Public policy to control violence: a case study in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil
The typology for allocations of societal risk and safety management tasks at the local governmental level - framing the current directions in Sweden
"Seat Belts Pay Off": An evaluation of a community wide incentive program
Enhancing the enforcement of child passenger safety laws: Issues, problems, and the role of the local advocate
Effects of a college community campaign on drinking and driving with a strong enforcement component
School, Neighborhood, and Family Factors Are Associated With Children's Bullying Involvement: A Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study
Steps for Implementing Collaborative Care Programs for Depression
The effect of restricting access to lethal methods for suicide: A study of suicide by domestic gas in Japan
The changing pattern of suicide by gassing in Australia, 1910-1987: The role of natural gas and motor vehicles
Safe at home? Policing the U.S. hometown in a post 9/11 environment
Creating REAL MEN: Description of an Intervention to Reduce Drug Use, HIV Risk, and Rearrest Among Young Men Returning to Urban Communities From Jail
If you build it, will they come? Using a mobile safety centre to disseminate safety information and products to low-income urban families
Neighborhood Violence and its Association with Mothers' Health: Assessing the Relative Importance of Perceived Safety and Exposure to Violence
Three-year follow-up of the fall risk and physical function characteristics of the elderly participating in a community exercise class
Changes in depressive symptoms in first time mothers in home visitation
Investigation into the actual conditions to prevent secondary disaster during treatment of acute poisoning patient
Firearm Injury Prevention Training in Preventive Medicine Residency Programs
Core competencies for injury and violence prevention [conference abstract]
Public health aspects of automotive collision
Analysis of the childhood fatal drowning situation in Bangladesh: Exploring prevention measures for low-income countries
Associations Between Perceptions and Involvement in Neighborhood Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Urban, African American Men
Violence against women in intimate relationships: Explanations and suggestions for interventions as perceived by healthcare workers, local leaders, and trusted community members in a northern district of Vietnam
Pediatricians' perspectives regarding community child health: Training, involvement, and expectations according to age
Protecting children -- the role of the law, 2: Legal powers to safeguard children
Protecting children -- the role of the law, 1: Principles and key concepts
Working together to protect children: Who should be working with whom?
The role of public health in injury prevention in the WHO European region
News clippings offer intriguing injury prevention possibilities
Reviewing child deaths -- learning from the American experience
Mental health in primary care: ways to reach an integral care
Child maltreatment law and policy as a foundation for child advocacy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postdisaster Distress: A Community Based Treatment Program for Survivors of Hurricane Katrina
It takes a village to prevent falls: reconceptualizing fall prevention and management for older adults
Preventing foreign body injuries in children: A key role to play for the injury community
Spousal violence in Bangladesh: a call for a public-health response
Routine ED screening of the alcohol-impaired driver: ask the questions!
Rural suicide rates and availability of health care providers
Safe Farm: The Impact of an Iowa Public Information Campaign
Safe start: Promising practices from the evaluation of the demonstration project association for the study and development of community
SARA Title III and Community Hazards Planning: The Case of the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
Seat restraint contamination and cleaning
Toward a Multi-Level, Ecological Approach to the Primary Prevention of Sexual Assault: Prevention in Peer and Community Contexts
An Urban View: Catherine Bauer's Five Questions
Community in Theory and Practice: A Framework for Intellectual Renewal
Community Organization
Community Oriented Policing
Do Neighborhoods Influence Child and Adolescent Development?
Do Plans Get Implemented? A Review of Evaluation in Planning
Exotic Dance Adult Entertainment: A Guide for Planners and Policy Makers
Formulating the Right Planning Problem
From Quiet Revolution to Smart Growth: State Growth Management Programs, 1960 to 1999
Geographies of age: thinking relationally
Hard-to-reach or out-of-reach? Reasons why women refuse to take part in early interventions
Health promotional education: differences between school nurses' health counselling and teachers' health instruction in the Finnish ENHPS
Helping parents, protecting children: ideas from Germany
Homelessness in the United States: 1980-1990
Bullying and disclosure
Including fathers in preventing non-accidental head injury
Child abuse and dental neglect: the dental team's role in identification and prevention
Differences in licensee, police and public opinions regarding interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm associated with licensed premises
There should be more help out here! A qualitative study of the needs of Aboriginal adolescents in rural Australia
Assessing public opinion regarding potential ATV-related policies
Trauma reception and resuscitation in Sri Lanka: the Health for the South Capacity-Building project
Understanding rape survivors' decisions not to seek help from formal social systems
Sex, alcohol and violence: a community collaborative action against striptease shows
Families and schools together: an experimental study of multi-family support groups for children at risk
Health service access across racial/ethnic groups of children in the child welfare system
MOSAIC (MOthers' Advocates In the Community): protocol and sample description of a cluster randomised trial of mentor mother support to reduce intimate partner violence among pregnant or recent mothers
Service network analysis for agricultural mental health
The Philosophical Versus Actual Adoption of Community Policing: A Case Study
MENTOR-VIP: Piloting a global mentoring program for injury and violence prevention
Community planning for industrial risk: a Title III research agenda
Local Preparedness for Chemical Accidents: A Survey of U.S. Communities
Boundaries in carework: a case study of domestic violence shelter advocates in the USA
Design and Analysis of the Community Youth Development Study Longitudinal Cohort Sample
Working in the legislature: perspectives on injury prevention in the United States
Awareness and attitude toward suicide in community mental health professionals and hospital workers
Exposure to a mnemonic interferes with recall of suicide warning signs in a community-based suicide prevention program
Peer Support using a Mobile Access Van Promotes Safety and Harm Reduction Strategies among Sex Trade Workers in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: No Demonstrable Effect on Already Falling Injury Rates Following Intensive Community and Workplace Intervention
Barriers to and Supports of Family Participation in a Rural System of Care for Children with Serious Emotional Problems
Disaster response: community mental health service capacity in the USA
Local government involvement in disaster preparedness in the USA
Public policies and motorcycle safety
Alcohol brief interventions: exploring perceptions and training needs
Common ground: an investigation of environmental management alcohol prevention initiatives in a college community
Connecting care competencies and culture during disasters
Evaluating a comprehensive campus-community prevention intervention to reduce alcohol-related problems in a college population
Examining the Demographics of Street Gangs in Wichita, Kansas
Medical society's blueprint for a successful community response to emergency preparedness
Capacity building approaches to emergency management in rural communities: recommendations from survivors of the British Columbia Wildfires, 2003
A Review of the Effectiveness of Neighbourhood Watch
Community conversations on relationship violence: town variations in prevention perceptions through concept mapping
Heckle and chide: results of a randomized road safety intervention in Kenya
An intervention to reduce kerosene-related burns and poisonings in low-income South African communities
Informing and implementing policy to advance mental health and wellbeing through action research in a rural remote community mental health setting
The 'WHO Safe Communities' model for the prevention of injury in whole populations (2009)
A pilot study evaluating a support programme for parents of young people with suicidal behaviour
Assessment of Community Reintegration Planning for Sex Offenders
Farmworkers at the border: a bilingual initiative for occupational health and safety
In Preparation for Adulthood
Israeli School and Community Response to War Trauma
Regional coordination in medical emergencies and major incidents; plan, execute and teach
The impact of community-built playgrounds on the community
Applied behavior analysis: understanding and changing behavior in the community-a representative review
Bring in the social context: towards an integrated approach to health promotion and prevention
Longevity, Lifestyle, and Anticipating the New Demands of Aging on the Transportation System
Preventing unintentional injury in children and adolescents--the importance of local injury data collection
Conceptual, Theoretical and Practical Issues in Measuring the Benefits of Public Participation
Impact of a Community-Based Falls Prevention Program on Maintenance of Physical Activity Among Older Adults
Partnering With Community-Based Organizations to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence
Effectiveness of a community-based multifaceted fall-prevention intervention in active and independent older Chinese adults
Ethnically diverse mothers' views on the acceptability of screening for maternal depressive symptoms during pediatric well-child visits
Factors associated with service use among immigrants in the child welfare system
Urban built environments and trajectories of mobility disability: Findings from a national sample of community-dwelling American adults (1986-2001)
Community Emergency Response Teams: From Disaster Responders to Community Builders
Community-driven intervention to reduce injury rates in school-age snowboarders
Current Patterns of Prehospital Trauma Care in Kampala, Uganda and the Feasibility of a Lay-First-Responder Training Program
Disaster response after Hurricane Katrina: a model for an academic-community partnership in Mississippi
Institutional Activism and Community Building
Community-Based Suicide Prevention Program in Japan Using a Health Promotion Approach
Injury prevention and the national agenda-can we make America injury free?
Los Angeles county addresses pediatric needs using the disaster resource center program
The United States critical illness and injury trials group: an introduction
Canadian Inuit community engagement in suicide prevention
Diffusion of School-Based Prevention Programs in Two Urban Districts: Adaptations, Rationales, and Suggestions for Change
Double risk: Immigrant mothers, domestic violence and public child welfare services in New York City
Measuring Homeland Security Innovation in Small Municipal Agencies
Parenting and Neighborhood Predictors of Youth Problem Behaviors Within Hispanic Families
Public involvement in suicide prevention: understanding and strengthening lay responses to distress
Suicide prevention as a community development process: understanding circumpolar youth suicide prevention through community level outcomes
Safe communities for children: insight from a pilot program for preventing unintentional injuries
Assessment of quality of life in the elderly assisted at home through a Tele-Check service
Lower suicide rates associated with a Tele-Help/Tele-Check service for the elderly at home
Harnessing the power of perception: Reducing alcohol-related harm among rural teenagers
Concepts shaping juvenile justice
The bleedin’ obvious: Long-term support reconnects at-risk young people
The phenomenological dimension of meaning: words, vowels, phonemes as ways to sing the world, to celebrate the world, and to live it
Creating community responsibility for child protection: possibilities and challenges
Prevention and the child protection system
Comprehensive health (care) services to women in gender violence situation: An alternative to primary health care
Combating Methamphetamine Use in the Community
Assessing alcohol guidelines in teenagers: results from a 10-year prospective study
Use of a Safety Resource Center in a Pediatric Emergency Department
From the Nuremberg Alliance Against Depression to a European network (EAAD)--extending community-based awareness-campaigns on national and European level
Achieving fire safe cigarette legislation through coalition based legislative advocacy
The safety policies and practices of community multi-purpose recreation facilities
Community-based intervention to optimise falls risk management: a randomised controlled trial
Connected Kids at Head Start: Taking Office-Based Violence Prevention to the Community
A conceptual model for a program of community psychiatry for a deaf population
A family kindred with ill-used children: the burden on the community
A mental health consultation service to neighborhood organizations in an inner city area
A note on nonprofessional judgments of mental health
Effectiveness of multicomponent programs with community mobilization for reducing alcohol-impaired driving
Forensic experts and miscarriages of justice: the inquiry into pediatric forensic pathology in Ontario
Intimate Partner Violence and Health Care-Seeking Patterns Among Female Users of Urban Adolescent Clinics
Plan of action. Physicians are working with the City of Minneapolis to keep kids from becoming repeat victims of violence
Joint policy statement--guidelines for care of children in the emergency department
Paramedic-conducted mental health counselling for abused women in rural Bangladesh: an evaluation from the perspective of participants
SAFER (Support and Assessment for Fall Emergency Referrals) trial: study design
Pediatric injury prevention: methods of booster seat education
Public health and health services development in postconflict communities: a case study of a safe motherhood project in East Timor
A behavioral revolution in community mental health
Innovation in qualitative interviews: "Sharing Circles" in a First Nations community
Service utilization patterns of maltreated and nonmaltreated children from low-income, African-American families
Sexual assault and current mental health: the role of help-seeking and police response
Associations between intensity of child welfare involvement and child development among young children in child welfare
Counselling young immigrant women worried about problems related to the protection of 'family honour'- from the perspective of midwives and counsellors at youth health clinics
Epiglottic and esophageal sequelaes of thermal blast injuries
Health-based Provisional Advisory Levels (PALs) for homeland security
Medico-legal findings, legal case progression, and outcomes in South African rape cases: retrospective review
Applying Evidence-Based Practices to Community Corrections Supervision
Is Community-Based Participatory Research Postnormal Science?
Recruiting Participants for Neighborhood Effects Research
Communicating success: Translating community-specified indicators of program success into measurable outcomes
A Community Responds to Collective Trauma: An Ecological Analysis of the James Byrd Murder in Jasper, Texas
Barriers affecting access to and use of formal social supports among abused immigrant women
Club Goods and Post-Disaster Community Return
Community violence prevention and intervention strategies for children and adolescents: the need for multilevel approaches
Sequence and Timing of Three Community Interventions to Domestic Violence
The Importance of the Community Context in the Epidemiology of Early Adolescent Substance Use and Delinquency in a Rural Sample
Using process evaluation to strengthen intergenerational partnerships in the Youth Empowerment Solutions program
Commentary: A consumer perspective on parenting while homeless
Travel Socialization: A Social Theory of Travel Mode Behavior
Design Coding and the Creative, Market and Regulatory Tyrannies of Practice
From "Blighted" to "Historic"
Local Political Institutions and Smart Growth
Making Infrastructure Competitive in an Urban World
The Changing Bases of Segregation in the United States
About the national health policy for reducing accidents and violence nowadays
"How Would That Help Our Work?": The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Human Rights in the United States
Burn prevention programs for children in developing countries require urgent attention: A targeted literature review
The analysis of the implementation of the National Policy for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from Violence and Accidents highlights the problems at the Unified Health System
A campaign against home accidents--accident prevention efforts in the communities
A collaborative model of a county crisis intervention team: the Lake County experience
A communitarian ethical model for public health interventions: an alternative to individual behavior change strategies
A community approach to the prevention of child abuse
A community based program for acting out adolescents
A community response to elder abuse
A comparison of the community psychology and medical models: teaching attitudes toward deviance to high school students
A fifteen-year follow-up study of community guidance clinic clients
A public health framework to translate risk factors related to political violence and war into multi-level preventive interventions
Beyond diagnosis: understanding the healthcare challenges of injured veterans through the application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
Communication, neighbourhood belonging and household hurricane preparedness
Community cohesion after a natural disaster: insights from a Carlisle flood
Past horrors, present struggles: The role of stigma in the association between war experiences and psychosocial adjustment among former child soldiers in Sierra Leone
A community plans a recreation program for the aged
A methodology for the prevention of non-communicable diseases
A model community education program on depression and suicide in later life
A plan for educating the community to give immediate and effective first-aid to the injured
A profile of a local health department accident control program
A psycho-educational model for school mental health planning
College counselors' perceptions and practices regarding anticipatory guidance on firearms
Public responses to intimate partner violence against women: the influence of perceived severity and personal responsibility
Non-accidental injuries in childhood and the nature of their appearance
Application of a Standardized Assessment Methodology Within the Context of an Evidence-Based Treatment for Substance Abuse and Its Associated Problems
A socially acceptable emergency alarm system
A volunteer bushfire workforce: lessons in community mobilisation
A way of caring. Nurses initiate community action to prevent child abuse
Accelerating a community response to safe teen driving
Accessible public transport--when will the dream become a reality?
Accident and illness promotion. The challenge to prevention
Accident prevention activities of the public health service
Accident prevention among the elderly: moving from HFA Health Policy to social strategy
Accident prevention in a large urban community
Accident Prevention-An Essential Public Health Service : Subcommittee on Accident Prevention
Accident prevention: the health visitor's role
Development of a Web-based child safety education program for Busan Safe City WHO Certification Project
Alcohol problems in later life: evaluation of a model community education program
An examination of the outcomes of various components of a coordinated community response to domestic violence by male offenders
Amphetamine and athletic performance
Community care and suicide
Social support protects against the negative effects of partner violence on mental health
Violence prevention through multi-sectoral partnerships: The cases of Cali and Bogota, Colombia
Working with police to help children exposed to violence
The experience of a community characterized by violence: implications for nursing
Toward an ecological/transactional model of community violence and child maltreatment: Consequences for children's development
Using community perspectives on youth firearm violence for prevention program planning
Family violence: a community's health promotion response and the Federal Government's new initiatives
Health, traffic, and environmental justice: collaborative research and community action in San Francisco, California
Optimizing Suicide Prevention Programs and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI-Europe): An evidence-based multi-level approach
The adoption of wraparound services among substance abuse treatment organizations serving criminal offenders: The role of a women-specific program
When Early Crime Prevention Goes to Scale: A New Look at the Evidence
When Hate Comes to Town: Community Response to Violence Against Immigrants
Some Factors in Community Evaluation of Police Street Performance
Perceptions of neighborhood collective efficacy moderate the impact of maltreatment on aggression
Call for cross governmental leadership to strategic cooperation among multiple stakeholders in preventing injuries in Europe: conclusions of the 2nd European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, 9-10 October 2008
Do governments lead or lag in fighting crime?
Shaping comprehensive policies for injury prevention in Europe
Six-year experience of a hospital-based child protection team in Turkey
Building the Base Two Active Living Projects That Inspired Community Participation
Falls prevention through community intervention – A Swedish example
Activate Omaha: the journey to an active living environment
Leveraging Neighborhood-Scale Change for Policy and Program Reform in Buffalo, New York
Partnership moves community toward complete streets
Project U-turn increasing active transportation in Jackson, Michigan
The Path to Active Living Physical Activity Through Community Design in Somerville, Massachusetts
An evaluation of positive behavioural support for people with very severe challenging behaviours in community-based settings
Histology of skin changes in the drowned
Where do people drown? Encoding the third component of the 4W model
A glimpse into 30 years of struggle against prostitution by the women's liberation movement in Norway
Building "Community" in Mixed-Income Developments
Gender Differences in Willingness to Pay for Urban Public Services
Road Safety in the Political Agenda: the Impact on Road Traffic Injuries
The limited effectiveness of legislation against female genital mutilation and the role of community beliefs in Upper East Region, Ghana
Signs of the Surveillant Assemblage: Privacy Regulation, Urban CCTV, and Governmentality
Analysis of strategic plans to assess planning for sustainability of comprehensive community initiatives
Anatomy of a second generation Tarasoff case
Effects of the Communities That Care Model in Pennsylvania on Change in Adolescent Risk and Problem Behaviors
Fifteen tips for success in injury prevention
High-risk adolescent injury prevention: the first program of its kind
Youthful Suicide and Social Support
The "European Alliance Against Depression". An European network targeting at effective care in community-based services for persons suffering from depressive disorders
Zero Tolerance: A Case Study of Police Policies and Practices in New York City
The "Tyrolean Alliance against Depression": a balance of activities
Suicidal calls to a telephone emergency service
The Effects of the Detoxification of Domestic Gas on the Suicide Rate in Scotland
"Nurse at work": fairs are for fun and safety
The value of a web-based interactive regional health scorecard in setting public health priorities
"Does It Take a Village?" Assessing Neighborhood Influences on Children’s Self-Control
Creating Project Talanoa: a culturally based community health program for U.S. Pacific Islander adolescents
Injuries: An Underrecognized Lifestyle Problem
Opioid Drug Overdoses: A Prescription for Harm and Potential for Prevention
Patient Counseling for Unintentional Injury Prevention
Placement decisions and disparities among aboriginal groups: An application of the decision making ecology through multi-level analysis
Preventing Traffic Injuries: Strategies That Work
Preventing Unintentional Injury: A Review of Behavior Change Theories for Primary Care
Relative Benefits of Population-Level Interventions Targeting Restraint-Use in Child Car Passengers
A Comparison of Women Who Were Mandated and Nonmandated to the “Responsible Choices for Women” Group
Development of an economic skill building intervention to promote women's safety and child development in Karachi, Pakistan
Enhancing Parenting Skills Among Nonresident African American Fathers as a Strategy for Preventing Youth Risky Behaviors
Evidence to the UK parliamentary select committee inquiry on preventing violent extremism
Multi-centre cluster randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme with home based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 and over in primary care: protocol of the ProAct 65+ trial
A community anti-suicidal organization
A fair teaches safety
Child Abuse and Neglect in Saudi Arabia: Journey of recognition to implementation of national prevention strategies
Mechanisms of behavior change in alcoholics anonymous: does Alcoholics Anonymous lead to better alcohol use outcomes by reducing depression symptoms?
Trauma care systems in Saudi Arabia: an agenda for action
Lesions by traumatism in Mexico: End to the negligence
A Review of Family-Based Programs to Prevent Youth Violence Among Latinos
Exploring officers' acceptance of community policing: Implications for policy implementation
Transforming a small midwestern city for physical activity: from the sidewalks up
Community norms, enforcement of minimum legal drinking age laws, personal beliefs and underage drinking: an explanatory model
Exercises in Emergency Preparedness for Health Professionals in Community Clinics
Preliminary Construction of a Service Provider-Informed Domestic Violence Research Agenda
The effects of the suicide awareness program in enhancing community volunteers' awareness of suicide warning signs
Age-associated striatal dopaminergic denervation and falls in community-dwelling subjects
Child protection in Germany in light of the "MPK"-decisions--what's become of that?
Implementing a pluridisciplinary network of intimate partner violence prevention
The population approach to falls injury prevention in older people: findings of a two community trial
Neighbourhood physical activity environments and adiposity in children and mothers: a three-year longitudinal study
Initial community response to a childhood drowning prevention programme in a rural setting in Bangladesh
Family violence and maternal mortality in the south Asian community: the role of obstetrical care providers
The effectiveness of community-based cycling promotion: findings from the Cycling Connecting Communities project in Sydney, Australia
Dating violence prevention with at-risk youth: a controlled outcome evaluation
The cycle of violence and victimization: a study of the school-based intervention of a multidisciplinary youth violence-prevention program
Analysis of city-level injury prevention initiatives: The city of Tshwane
Does the health status of intimate partner violence victims warrant pharmacies as portals for public health promotion?
Social support as a protective factor against violence to women by a partner
Lott's "More Guns" and Other Fallacies Infecting the Gun Control Debate
The roles of doctors and health services in community violence prevention
Youths and communities: toward comprehensive strategies for youth development
A new approach and first steps to strengthen trauma management and road safety in North Vietnam
Looking in, looking out-increasing awareness of intentional self-harm in community populations
Implementation Quality and Positive Experiences in After-School Programs
Conducting ecologically valid prevention research: recruiting and retaining a "whole village" in multimethod, multiagent studies
All-terrain vehicle safety in Florida: is legislation really the answer?
The After-School Needs and Resources of a Low-Income Urban Community: Surveying Youth and Parents for Community Change
Effects of community substance abuse treatment services on clients' criminal arrests
Best practice fall prevention strategies
Adaptation of preventive interventions for a low-income, culturally diverse community
Addressing barriers to community care of battered women in rural environments: creating a policy of social inclusion
Disclosure and service use on a college campus after an unwanted sexual experience
Community emergency/disaster preparedness
"Girls take charge": a community-based participatory research program for adolescent girls
Improving child protection in the emergency department: A systematic review of professional interventions for health care providers
Asking, witnessing, interpreting, knowing: conducting qualitative research in community psychology
Introduction to Special Issue on Sex Offenses and Offenders: Toward Evidence-Based Public Policy
Community factors supporting child mental Health
Bangladesh becomes "success story"
An advocacy intervention program for women with abusive partners: six-month follow-up
Peacekeeping and peacemaking: the conceptual foundations of a plan to reduce violence and improve the quality of life in a midsized community in Jamaica
Prevention research program: reconnecting at-risk youth
Crime is a public health problem
Determinants of acceptance of a community-based program for the prevention of falls and fractures among the elderly
Health promotion in the city: a review of current practice and future prospects in the United States
Alcohol policy reform in Australia: what can we learn from the evidence?
How ready are colleges for an environmental approach that utilizes campus/community coalitions?
Why 'Soft' policing is hard: On the curious development of reassurance policing, how it became neighbourhood policing and what this signifies about the politics of police reform
Community support systems for farmers who live with disability
Community-Building Before, During, and After Times of Trauma: The Application of the LINC Model of Community Resilience in Kosovo
Longitudinal changes in methamphetamine and cocaine use in untreated rural stimulant users: racial differences and the impact of methamphetamine legislation
Does social capital deter youth from cheating, alcohol use, and violence in Turkey?
Spuriousness or mediation? Broken windows according to Sampson and Raudenbush (1999)
The irony of broken windows policing: A micro-place study of the relationship between disorder, focused police crackdowns and fear of crime
A Model Crime Prevention Division
Involving farmers in preventing work-related injuries and illnesses: the NIOSH Research-to-Practice initiative
Roles and practices of general practitioners and psychiatrists in management of depression in the community
Commentary on the Risks Posed by Drugs in Traffic
The effect of local political culture on policing behaviors in the 1990s: A retest of Wilson's theory in more contemporary times
Commentary on, "Autoerotic fatalities with power hydraulics," (J. Forensic Sci., Vol. 38, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 359-364)
Societal interventions to prevent child abuse and neglect
Smoking and injuries: an overview
The Pros and Cons of Community Psychiatric Care: Review From the British Experience
Treatment, health promotion and alcohol controls and the decrease of alcohol consumption and problems in Ontario: 1975-1993
Project Northland in Croatia: results and lessons learned
Are drug experimenters better adjusted than abstainers and users?: a longitudinal study of adolescent marijuana use
Cameras and community health
Workers with alcohol and drug addiction problems. Consensus Document of the Study Group on Hazardous Workers
Building social capital through neighborhood mobilization: challenges and lessons learned
The 'European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD)': a multifaceted, community-based action programme against depression and suicidality
Investigating the impact of extended bar closing times on police stops for DUI
Changing the density of alcohol outlets to reduce alcohol-related problems
Checklist for healthy and sustainable communities
Unpacking prevention capacity: an intersection of research-to-practice models and community-centered models
Preventing teen motor crashes: contributions from the behavioral and social sciences and summary of the report of the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine
Defining "community" in emergency preparedness
Clinician practice patterns: linking to community resources for childhood aggression
The Opium Traffic and the League of Nations
Communities respond to elder abuse
Community capacity building and health promotion in a globalized world
Community demographics and the propensity to report animal cruelty
Developing a family-based depression prevention program in urban community mental health clinics: a qualitative investigation
Do drug treatment facilities increase clients' exposure to potential neighborhood-level triggers for relapse? A small-area assessment of a large, public treatment system
High caffeine intake in adolescents: associations with difficulty sleeping and feeling tired in the morning
In the coroner's chair - substance misuse and suicide in young people: have we got the focus right?
Addressing diversity in adolescent sexual and reproductive health services
A community-based survey and screening for depression in the elderly
Never too late
Project Learning Health in School: the experience of positive impact on the quality of life and health determinants of members of a community school in Vitoria, Espirito Santo State
Repeal of the Pennsylvania motorcycle helmet law: reflections on the ethical and political dynamics of public health reform
Readiness to change as a predictor of drug-related behaviors in a sample of rural felony probationers
Testing the Universality of the Effects of the Communities That Care Prevention System for Preventing Adolescent Drug Use and Delinquency
Palmtop-assisted self-interviewing for the collection of sensitive behavioral data: randomized trial with drug use urine testing
Risk, citizenship, and public discourse: coeval dialogues on war and health in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Safeguarding children
Severe and persistent mental illness: a useful definition for prioritizing community-based mental health service interventions
The alliance against depression: 2-year evaluation of a community-based intervention to reduce suicidality
Prevention of child sexual abuse: evaluation of a community media campaign
Promoting active community environments through land use and transportation planning
Quantitative Erased Respondent Method (QERM): using quantitative group data as an alternative to quantitative individual data. A simulated application to road checks for drivers under the influence of cocaine
Forensic toxicological implication of an autopsy case of mixed drug overdose involving clomipramine, chlorpromazine and flunitrazepam
The mediating role of adolescent self-efficacy in the relationship between parental practices and adolescent alcohol use
Use of alcohol and drugs to self-medicate anxiety disorders in a nationally representative sample
The Area and Community Components of Children's Well-being
The Potential of Youth Participation in Planning
The changing risk profile of the American adolescent smoker: implications for prevention programs and tobacco interventions
The role of organizations in community participation--prevention of accidental injuries in a rural Swedish municipality
Community initiatives. Accidents will happen
Promoting driving safety for teens and adults
Drug-related corruption of police officers: A contemporary typology
Community care--the price of liberty
Improving citizen perceptions of the police: "Back to the basics" with a community policing strategy
Community education programs specifically for children
Drunk driving fatalities for teenagers--emergency nurses do something besides talk about it
Eliciting behavior change in a US sexual violence and intimate partner violence prevention program through utilization of Freire and discussion facilitation
Enduring effects of prenatal and infancy home visiting by nurses on maternal life course and government spending: follow-up of a randomized trial among children at age 12 years
GRACE: public health recovery methods following an environmental disaster
Prevention of aspiration in infants and young children: federal regulations
Child protection. Accident prevention: a community approach
Lidköping, a safe and secure community. Interview by Stefan Samuelsson
Planning preventive occupational health services at the community level
Falls among the elderly: a community prevention program
Community-based child abuse prevention
Emergency nurses in community disaster planning
Legal issues: drug testing of postpartum women and newborns as the basis for civil and criminal proceedings
Being part of something: transformative outcomes of a community-based participatory study
Community-based spouse abuse protection and family preservation team
Drug abuse and other risk factors for physical abuse in pregnancy among white non-Hispanic, black, and Hispanic women
Suicide ideation and community support: an evaluation of two programs
The validity of major depression with psychotic features based on a community study
Bicycle helmet prevalence two years after the introduction of mandatory use legislation for under 18 year olds in Alberta, Canada
Community falls prevention for people who call an emergency ambulance after a fall: randomised controlled trial
Community Policing and Community Building
Experiences of the Stockholm County Council. Concentration on education in psychological and social disaster planning is a good investment
Evaluating the impact of conflict resolution on urban children's violence-related attitudes and behaviors in New Haven, Connecticut, through a community-academic partnership
Implementing the Adam Walsh Act’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Provisions: A Survey of the States
Traffic calming in Australia. a definition and commentary
The need of leadership for motivation of participants in a community intervention programme
Preventing low birth weight, child abuse, and school failure: the need for comprehensive, community-wide approaches
Stand by Me
e-JIKEI Network using e-JIKEI Cameras: Community security using considerable number of cheap stand-alone cameras
Unintentional overdose and suicide among substance users: A review of overlap and risk factors
Victim movements at a crossroad
Some demographic aspects of urban sprawl in Montreal from 1971 to 1991 and the implications for metropolitan management
Suicide and community psychiatric care--a preliminary report
Suicide prevention. Hazards on the fast lane to community care
Geographic Concentration of Poverty and Risk to Children in Urban Neighborhoods
Help for neighborhoods
Influencing public policy: a community effort
The centrality of community dynamics in the socio-economic recovery of devastated communities
The social production of altruism: motivations for caring action in a low-income urban community
Community Policing and Education to Reduce Motorcycle Trauma
Juvenile attitudes towards the police: The importance of subcultural involvement and community ties
Ethnic Minority Youth in Youth Programs
Effective Police Interactions With Youth: A Program Evaluation
Mapping violence against women laws in the world: an overview of state commitments
Effects of poverty on academic failure and delinquency in boys: a change and process model approach
Ethnicity, substance use, and development: exemplars for exploring group differences and similarities
Exposure to drug trafficking among urban, low-income African American children and adolescents
Health risk behaviors of Texas students attending dropout prevention/recovery schools in 1997
Neighborhood solutions for neighborhood problems: an empirically based violence prevention collaboration
Community-based interventions to reduce falls among older adults in Taiwan - long time follow-up randomised controlled study
Community-based medical disaster planning: a role for the Department of Defense and the military health system
Multidisciplinary assessment of child maltreatment: A multi-site pilot descriptive analysis of the Florida Child Protection Team model
Public health partnerships in medical toxicology education and practice
Discussion comments (on environmentally based prevention policies at the local level)
Enforcement of drinking-driving laws in an era of reduced resources
Substance use among youth seen at a community-based health clinic
Suicidal behaviour in a community based child and adolescent psychiatric service
Suicidal thoughts or ideation
The dynamics of special forms of self injury
Visible minority applicant concerns and assessment of occupational role in the era of community-based policing
The health of a nation. Accidents
The review of the compulsory detention of the mentally ill: who should decide?
The Zuni Life Skills Development curriculum: a collaborative approach to curriculum development
Combating impaired driving in an era of diminished resources and shifting priorities
Evaluating Awareness of Registered Sex Offenders in the Neighborhood
Legitimating police violence
A survey of community-based violence prevention and control efforts in Minnesota
Perceptions of child sexual abuse-a qualitative interview study with representatives of the socio-legal system in urban Tanzania
Volunteerism and the decline of violent crime
Interpreting federal policy at the local level: the wildland–urban interface concept in wildfire protection planning in the eastern United States
Planning and Social Control: Exploring the Dark Side
The social validity of an argument supporting a ban on aversive procedures
The World Trade Center disaster. Healing the unseen wounds
To live and die in Arizona
Toward a model of family and political victimization: implications for treatment and recovery
Treatment and security: the dual nature of forensic psychiatry
Underground melting system removes snow and ice at Kansas hospital
Urban search and rescue medical teams: FEMA Task Force System
Community Organizing Goes to College: A Practice-Based Model to Implement Environmental Strategies to Reduce High-Risk Drinking on College Campuses
Investigating health disparities and disproportionality in child maltreatment reporting: 2002-2006
A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of an Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program With a Mexican American Community
Assessing the impediments to organizational change: A view of community policing
Community crime prevention: Addressing background and foreground causes of criminal behavior
Sustaining Female Helicopter Pilot Performance With Dexedrine During Sleep Deprivation
Use of the mental health on-call system on a university campus
Variables related to romanticism and self-esteem in pregnant teenagers
War and peace
The incidence of battery in an urban emergency department
The Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders in Light of Foucha V Louisiana
Type of Place, Urbanism, and Delinquency: Further Testing the Determinist Theory
Peer and community leader education to prevent youth violence
An impact of community policing: Reported stressors, social support, and strain among police officers in a changing police department
Cultural diversity and social order: Rethinking the role of community policing
Crossing the Divide: Community Relations in Northern Ireland
A community initiative to increase use of seat belts in Northern British Columbia: impacts on casualty crashes
Mental health referral and services for maltreated children and child protection evaluations of children with special needs: A national survey of hospital- and community-based medically oriented teams
Taking Fear of Crime Seriously: The Tasmanian Approach to Community Crime Prevention
An urgent call to action in support of injury control research centers
The Effects of Personal Network and Local Community Contexts on the Receipt of Formal Aid During Disaster Recovery
Suicide attempts among Inuit youth: a community survey of prevalence and risk factors
The association of sexual assault and attempted suicide within the community
Law enforcement partnership in community corrections: An evaluation of juvenile offender curfew checks
From Maude Royden's Peace Army to the Gulf Peace Team: An Assessment of Unarmed Interpositionary Peace Forces
Linking Business Development and Community Development in Inner Cities
The effects of neighborhood conditions on perceptions of safety
Making family planning clinics an empowerment zone for rural battered women
Women's crisis centers and shelters in Italy: working with battered women and with health care providers
Subsidized Housing and Neighborhood Impacts: A Theoretical Discussion and Review of the Evidence
Strategies to prevent underage drinking
A model abuse prevention program for nursing assistants
A safe place for help
Background, conceptualization and design of a community-wide research program on adolescent alcohol use: Project Northland
Toward community-oriented policing: Potential, basic requirements, and threshold questions
Methods of changing the social environment
Education in motor vehicle accident prevention
Evaluation of a community-based prevention program for domestic burns of young children in India
Pediatricians' Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behaviors Regarding Car Booster Seats
Suicide prevention programs through community intervention
An analysis of state legislation on community trails
A participatory approach to health promotion for informal sector workers in Thailand
Audit on the management of complainants of sexual assault at an emergency department
Beliefs about brain injury in Britain
Snapshots in time: using real-time evaluations in humanitarian emergencies
Child suicide, family environment, and economic crisis
Children’s Views on Child-friendly Environments in Different Geographical, Cultural and Social Neighbourhoods
Multicenter study of preferences for health education in the emergency department population
Operational challenges to community participation in post-disaster damage assessments: observations from Fiji
A Training Model for School, Family, and Community Collaboration
An analysis of prehospital care for victims of accidents and violence in Recife, Brazil
Eye health and safety among latino farmworkers
Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention: Outcomes Associated With a Differential Response Program in California
Family-to-Family Link Up Program: a community-based initiative supporting families caring for someone with an acquired brain injury
Frontline worker responses to domestic violence disclosure in public welfare offices
Neighborhood predictors of dating violence victimization and perpetration in young adulthood: A multilevel study
The Role of Community Studies in the Makiguchian Pedagogy
Coercion and compulsion in community mental health care
Criminal Justice Involvement and Service Need among Men on Methadone who Have Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence
Employee Assistance Program Services for Intimate Partner Violence and Client Satisfaction With These Services
The Evolution of Services for Male Domestic Violence Victims at WEAVE
The Peaceful Families Project: Addressing Domestic Violence in Muslim Communities
Primary mental health care for survivors of collective sexual violence in Rwanda
Current cycling, bicycle path use, and willingness to cycle more-findings from a community survey of cycling in southwest Sydney, Australia
Erratum to: Testing the Universality of the Effects of the Communities That Care Prevention System for Preventing Adolescent Drug Use and Delinquency
Community-based Participatory Research: Development of an Emergency Department-based Youth Violence Intervention Using Concept Mapping
Mental health collaborative care: a synopsis of the Rural and Isolated Toolkit
Rape myth beliefs and bystander attitudes among incoming college students
Factors affecting students’ walking/biking rates: initial findings from a Safe Route to School survey in Florida
Prevention of unintentional injury in the community setting
Proposal of a holistic model to support local-level evidence-based practice
The Bet Tzedek legal services model: how a legal services model addresses elder abuse and neglect
Changing systems to address elder abuse: examples from aging services, the courts, the long-term care ombudsman, and the faith community
Creating large systems that work
Defining community ambulation from the perspective of the older adult
The successes and challenges of seven multidisciplinary teams
Mapping data shape community responses to childhood obesity
Influence of neighbourhood collective efficacy on adolescent sexual behaviour: variation by gender and activity participation
Exploring the conceptualization of program theories in Dutch community programs: a multiple case study
Listening sessions with Latinas: documenting life contexts and creating connections
Neighborhood socioeconomic conditions, built environments, and childhood obesity
Nurturing healthy relationships through a community-based interactive theater program
The development of the residential Fire H.E.L.P. tool kit: a resource to protect homebound older adults
Policies to promote the community use of schools: a review of state recreational user statutes
The role of urban municipal governments in reducing health inequities: A meta-narrative mapping analysis
Cost-effectiveness of injury prevention - a systematic review of municipality based interventions
Encouraging community cycling and physical activity: a user survey of a community bicycle loan scheme
Reducing suicides through an alliance against depression?
Community participation in the cultural adaptation of a prevention curriculum
Contemporary Disorganization Research: An Assessment and Further Test of the Systemic Model of Neighborhood Crime
The citizen's theater for preventing violence
Collaboration for the promotion of community and individual health
Communities That Care for Families: The LINC Model for Enhancing Individual, Family, and Community Resilience
Evaluation of a community-based intervention to enhance road safety
Implementing and disseminating an evidence-based program to prevent falls in older adults, Texas, 2007-2009
The Role of Community in Pediatric Injury
The African ethic of Ubuntu/Botho: implications for research on morality
Constructing Self as Leader: Case Studies of Women Who Are Change Agents in South Africa
Disparities in systems development for elder abuse prevention among municipalities in Japan: implications for strategies to help municipalities develop community systems
Would Older Adults Turn to Community Support Services for Help to Maintain Their Independence?
Youth Empowerment Solutions for Peaceful Communities: Combining Theory and Practice in a Community-Level Violence Prevention Curriculum
Disseminating Effective Community Prevention Practices: Opportunities for Social Work Education
Active Living for Rural Children Community Perspectives Using PhotoVOICE
Step Counts of Non-White Minority Children and Youth by Gender, Grade Level, Race/Ethnicity, and Mode of School Transportation
Building Capacity for Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Disparities in Canada: The Case of "Partnerships in Community Health Research"
Community integration interventions for youth with acquired brain injuries: A review
Implementing Communities That Care in Australia : a community mobilisation approach to crime prevention
By Working Together We Can Support Youth: Observations from a Preliminary Evaluation of the Community solution to Gang Violence
Moving knowledge into action: applying social marketing principles to crime prevention
Anger management and violence prevention: improving effectiveness
Crime stoppers: evaluating Victoria's program
The Pathways to Prevention project: doing developmental prevention in a disadvantaged community
A community intervention trial to evaluate emergency care practitioners in the management of children
Population‐based prevention of child maltreatment: the U.S. ‘Triple‐P System’ population trial
Using Community Based Participatory Research to Create a Culturally Grounded Intervention for Parents and Youth to Prevent Risky Behaviors
Comprehensive Smoke Alarm Coverage in Lower Economic Status Homes: Alarm Presence, Functionality, and Placement
Cultural, ethical, and spiritual implications of natural disasters from the survivors' perspective
Determinants of mental health and well-being within rural and remote communities
Barriers to screening for intimate partner violence: a mixed-methods study of providers in family planning clinics
Embedding field research on mentored inclusive recreation in an urban population--the evolution of opening doors: project adventure
Can Fire and Rescue Services and the National Health Service work together to improve the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable older people? Design of a proof of concept study
Children admitted to hospital following unintentional injury: Perspectives of health service providers in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Communications between local health departments and the public during emergencies: the importance of standardized web sites
Community-Based Participatory Research in Disaster Preparedness among Linguistically Isolated Populations: A Public Health Perspective
The difference transport makes to child mortality and preventive healthcare efforts: Riders for Health
An Exploration of Perceptions of Possible Depression Prevention Services for Caregivers of Elderly or Chronically Ill Adults in Rural Georgia
Estimating problem drinking among community pharmacy customers: what did pharmacists think of the method?
A Public Health Approach to Fall Prevention Among Older Persons in Canada
Development of the community mental health system and activities of the community mental health team in Kawasaki City
Healthy Homes and Communities Putting the Pieces Together
Forensic continuum of care with Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) for persons recovering from co-occurring disabilities: long-term outcomes
Hispanic caregiver perceptions of preventive service
Recent Findings in the Effectiveness Testing of an Interdisciplinary Training Program in Mental Health Promotion
Immunizations against bioterrorism: smallpox and anthrax
The impact of evidence-based practice implementation and fidelity monitoring on staff turnover: evidence for a protective effect
How Family Factors Impact Psychosocial Functioning for African American Consumers with Schizophrenia
Lessons learned: Community-based participation to promote primary seat belt enforcement legislation and increase teen seat belt use
Raising awareness of elder abuse in the community practice setting
Interdisciplinary Linkage of Community Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology: History, Values, and an Illustrative Research and Action Project on Intimate Partner Violence
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT- A): Extending the Reach from Academic to Community Settings
It Starts with a Conversation: A Community Approach to Creating Healthy Work Environments
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Characteristics Among a Clinical Sample of Urban American Indian/Alaska Native Youths in a Large California Metropolitan Area: a Descriptive Study
Effects of a community intervention to reduce the serving of alcohol to intoxicated patrons
Assessing Costs and Potential Returns of Evidence-Based Programs for Seniors
Community Readiness for Change and Youth Violence Prevention: a Tale of Two Cities
Community treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder for children exposed to intimate partner violence: a randomized controlled trial
Essential Elements for Community Engagement in Evidence-Based Youth Violence Prevention
Levels of Community Engagement in Youth Violence Prevention: The Role of Power in Sustaining Successful University-Community Partnerships
The 'WHO Safe Communities' model for the prevention of injury in whole populations: a review summary
Community Mobilization and Community-Based Participatory Research to Prevent Youth Violence Among Asian and Immigrant Populations
Greater than the Sum of their Parts: The benefits of Youth Violence Prevention Centers
Mobilizing Communities and Building Capacity for Youth Violence Prevention: The National Academic Centers of Excellence for Youth Violence Prevention
Parenting training in the community: linking process to outcome
A partial assessment of South Carolina's Project Safe Neighborhoods strategy: Evidence from a sample of supervised offenders
Mobilizing Communities for Implementing Evidence-Based Youth Violence Prevention Programming: A Commentary
Mobilizing Communities to Implement Evidence-Based Practices for Youth Violence Prevention Introduction to the Special Issue
A National Evaluation of Community-Based Youth Cessation Programs: Design and Implementation
Connecting Youth Violence Prevention, Positive Youth Development, and Community Mobilization
Mobilizing Communities to Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Youth Violence Prevention: The State of the Art
‘Alcohol, less is better’ project: outcomes of an Italian community‐based prevention programme on reducing per‐capita alcohol consumption
The rationalization of civil society
Organisational changes leading to use of Assertive Community Treatment and supported employment improve outcomes for people with severe mental illness
Arrested Justice: The Multifaceted Plight of Immigrant Latinas who Faced Domestic Violence
Preventing suicide in young people: systematic review
The usage of safety management tools in Swedish municipalities
A family planning clinic partner violence intervention to reduce risk associated with reproductive coercion
Exposure plus response prevention versus exposure plus safety behaviours in reducing feelings of contamination, fear, danger and disgust. An extended replication of Rachman, Shafran, Radomsky and Zysk (2011)
Experience from community based childhood burn prevention programme in Bangladesh: Implication for low resource setting
Osteoporosis prevention
Effects of an Age-Specific Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention Program on Lower Extremity Biomechanics in Children
Fresh Start: A Multilevel Community Mobilization Plan to Promote Youth Development and Prevent Violence
Injury prevention in Safe Communities
Interventions to reduce teen violence and alcohol use
It's Murder Out Today: Middle School Girls Speak Out about Girl Fighting
Like a Fish Out of Water: Reconsidering Disaster Recovery and the Role of Place and Social Capital in Community Disaster Resilience
Managing in the Contemporary World: Rape Victims' and Supporters' Experiences of Barriers Within the Police and the Health Care System in Tanzania
Mental health service use after the world trade center disaster: Utilization trends and comparative effectiveness
A multifaceted intervention to implement guideline care and improve quality of care for older people who present to the emergency department with falls
People Power
Psychopharmacologic control of aggression and violence in children and adolescents
The public policy approach to injury prevention
Randomized trials of alcohol-use interventions with college students and their parents: lessons from the Transitions Project
Reduced acute hospitalisation with the healthy housing programme
The Sexual Safety of Adolescents
Reducing off-campus drinking by college students
What Did the British Temperance Movement Accomplish? Attitudes to Alcohol, the Law and Moral Regulation
Characteristics and organization of the worst moment of trauma memories in posttraumatic stress disorder
The Acceptability, Feasibility, and Effectiveness of a Population-based Intervention to Promote Youth Health: An Exploratory Study in Goa, India
Suicide of elderly persons: Towards a framework for prevention
Testing implementation conditions for in-vehicle information systems
A tool for safety officers investigating "simple" accidents
Tracing the utility of injury surveillance data in Pretoria (South Africa) and Borås (Sweden)
Uncertain lives, uncertain health for children of Latino day laborers
Urban-Rural Differences in Physical Activity in Belgian Adults and the Importance of Psychosocial Factors
VIA - an intensive therapeutic treatment program for conduct disorders
Community Cohesion and Canadian Rural E-Mail Behavior
Quality Improvement as a Tool for Translating Evidence Based Interventions Into Practice: What the Youth Violence Prevention Community can Learn from Healthcare
Community-Based Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders: Issues in Policy Implementation
Citizen Willingness to Participate in Police-Community Partnerships: Exploring the Influence of Race and Neighborhood Context
Perceptions of underage drinkers by bartenders in a midwestern university town
New Zealand community pharmacists' views of their roles in meeting medicine-related needs for people with mental illness
Health promotion outcomes associated with a community-based program to reduce pesticide-related risks among small farm households
Reconsidering Access: Park Facilities and Neighborhood Disamenities in New York City
A comprehensive multi-level approach for passing safe routes to school and complete streets policies in Hawaii
The impact of child safety promotion on different social strata in a WHO Safe Community
Integration of Social Epidemiology and Community-Engaged Interventions to Improve Health Equity
Promotores as Researchers: Expanding the Promotor Role in Community-Based Research
Unmet Needs for Home and Community-Based Services Among Frail Older Americans and Their Caregivers
Interpreting Multi-Agency Partnerships: Ideology, Discourse and Domestic Violence
A community-based systems learning approach to understanding youth violence in Boston
Getting serious about community-based approaches to youth violence prevention
Community-based norms about intimate partner violence: putting attributions of fault and responsibility into context
Al-Qaida-influenced violent extremism, UK government prevention policy and community engagement
Barriers to disclosing and reporting violence among women in Pakistan: findings from a national household survey and focus group discussions
Addressing elder abuse: the Waterloo restorative justice approach to elder abuse project
Advocating for state injury prevention laws
After-school programs for health promotion in rural communities: ashe county middle school 4-h after-school program
Community Violence Exposure and Positive Youth Development in Urban Youth
Cooperation and networking in early prevention and intervention and child protection: the importance of evidence-based methods
Cross-sectional study of the characteristics of reported elder self-neglect in a community-dwelling population: findings from a population-based cohort
Detecting effects of the indicated prevention Programme for Externalizing Problem behaviour (PEP) on child symptoms, parenting, and parental quality of life in a randomized controlled trial
Development and feasibility of an HIV and IPV prevention intervention among low-income mothers receiving services in a Missouri Day Care Center
Coordinated community responses to intimate partner violence: where do we go from here?
Damned if They Flee, Doomed if They Don’t: Narratives of Runaway Adolescent Females from Rural India
Desistance and Attitudes Towards Sex Offenders: Facilitation or Hindrance?
Domestic violence, housing instability, and homelessness: A review of housing policies and program practices for meeting the needs of survivors
Effectiveness and Implementation Aspects of Interventions for Preventing Falls in Elderly People in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Systematic Review of RCTs
Effects of a Group-Based Intervention on Psychological Health and Perceived Parenting Capacity among Mothers Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): A Preliminary Study
Engaging Abusive Men in Seeking Community Intervention: A Critical Research and Practice Priority
Engaging Community Providers to Create More Active After-School Environments: Results From the Ontario CATCH Kids Club Implementation Project
Approaches to the prevention of drink-driving in the community
Broadening the approach to youth violence prevention through public health
Community-based health efforts for the prevention of falls in the elderly
Fall prevention in the community: what older people say they need
Neighborhood walkability, physical activity, and walking behavior: The Swedish Neighborhood and Physical Activity (SNAP) study
Criminal beware: a social norms perspective on posting public warning signs
Crush syndrome: saving more lives in disasters: lessons learned from the early-response phase in haiti
Women's danger management strategies in an inner‐city housing project
Neighborhood disadvantage and the nature of violence
Bully Busters Abbreviated: Evaluation of a Group-Based Bully Intervention and Prevention Program
Domestic violence – A new issue for emergency medicine?
Creating a communitywide system of trauma-informed care
An Ecological Approach to Culturally Sensitive Intervention for Arab American Women and Their Families
From explicit to implicit learning in ACL injury prevention?
Adolescent dating violence research and violence prevention: An opportunity to support health outcomes
Before they're victims: Rethinking youth-targeted relationship abuse prevention in Australia
Building and sustaining local co-ordination: An Australian rural community responds to domestic and family violence
Understanding health priorities, behaviors, and service utilization among Brazilian immigrant women: implications for designing community-based interventions
A community-specific framework of risk factors for youth violence: a qualitative comparison of community stakeholder perspectives in a low-income, urban community
The helping hand of the law: police control of citizens on request
Build the capacity of communities to address crime
Escaping crime: the effects of direct and indirect victimization on moving
Guardianship in context: implications for burglary victimization risk and prevention
Income inequality, race, and place: does the distribution of race and class within neighborhoods affect crime rates?
Individual and community factors affecting psychological sense of community, attraction, and neighboring in rural communities
Policing crime and disorder hot spots: a randomized controlled trial
Progress, public health, and power: Foucault and the homemakers' clubs of Saskatchewan
We never call the cops and here is why: a qualitative examination of legal cynicism in three Philadelphia neighborhoods
Pediatric–Psychology Partnership for Abuse Prevention
Investing in the frontlines: why trusting and supporting communities of color will help address gun violence
Provision of advice on alcohol use in community pharmacy: a cross-sectional survey of pharmacists' practice, knowledge, views and confidence
The experience of community engagement for individuals: a rapid review of evidence
Neighborhood-level built environment and social characteristics associated with serious childhood motor vehicle occupant injuries
Preventing unintentional injuries in children and young people under 15
Promoting active transportation as a partnership between urban planning and public health: The Columbus healthy places program
Five-hundred life-saving interventions and their cost-effectiveness
Community Perceptions of Safety in Relation to Perceived Youth Violence-Delinquency in a Primarily Native Hawaiian and Asian American Community in Hawai'i
Being part of the life of one's hometown: Strategies to support community connectedness
Using accident and emergency data to prevent violence in communities
Public engagement in neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation and preparedness: Case studies from Canada, the US and Australia
Interweaving Youth Development, Community Development, and Social Change Through Youth Organizing
In the first place: community prevention's promise to advance health and equity
A Case Study with an Identified Bully: Policy and Practice Implications
Cross-cultural attitudes to help-seeking among individuals who are suicidal: new perspective for policy-makers
The effect of an exercise-based balance intervention on physical and cognitive performance for older adults: a pilot study
Environmental and policy approaches to increasing physical activity: improving access to places for physical activity and dissemination of information
Evidence-based health promotion: an emerging field
Fall prevention in the elderly: analysis and comprehensive review of methods used in the hospital and in the home
Community Engagement and Pediatric Disaster Readiness in a Large Urban Disaster Resource Hospital Network: The Case of "The Great California ShakeOut"
Building collective efficacy and sustainability into a community collaborative: Community solution to gang violence
A call to action-preventing community violence
A new program to promote injury prevention and its application in China
Sustaining the Utilization and High Quality Implementation of Tested and Effective Prevention Programs Using the Communities That Care Prevention System
Community-implemented trauma therapy for former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: a randomized controlled trial
Popular education for health promotion and community empowerment: A review of the literature
Community-based applied research with Latino immigrant families: Informing practice and research according to ethical and social justice principles
Older people's participation in and engagement with falls prevention interventions in community settings: An augment to the Cochrane systematic review
An Approach to Assessing Data Quality in an Area Probability Survey Using CBPR
Do community interventions targeting licensed venues reduce alcohol-related emergency department presentations?
Income disparities in perceived neighborhood built and social environment attributes
Building Community Partnerships to End Interpersonal Violence: A Collaboration of the Schools of Social Work, Law, and Nursing
City Governments and Aging in Place: Community Design, Transportation and Housing Innovation Adoption
Community-based services and interventions for adults with disabilities who have experienced interpersonal violence: A review of the literature
Scenario Planning for Sustainability in Stockholm, Sweden: Environmental Justice Considerations
Implementation of a Community Pharmacy-Based Falls Prevention Program
Change in Causes of Injury-Related Deaths in South Korea, 1996-2006
Development of a Community-Based Fall Prevention Program: Stay in Balance
The Colorado Crisis Education and Response Network: an analysis of policy and practices
Community integration following TBI: An examination of community integration measures within the ICF framework
The conceptual model and guiding principles of a supported-education program for Orthodox Jewish persons with severe mental illness
Erratum to: The Conceptual Model and Guiding Principles of a Supported-Education Program for Orthodox Jewish Persons with Severe Mental Illness
Evaluating public and community health programs
Merging the Fields of Mental Health and Social Enterprise: Lessons from Abroad and Cumulative Findings from Research with Homeless Youths
Review: Community-based participatory research approach to address mental health in minority populations
Sustained Decreases in Risk Exposure and Youth Problem Behaviors After Installation of the Communities That Care Prevention System in a Randomized Trial
Using Mixed Methods to Measure the Perception of Community Capacity in an Academic-Community Partnership for a Walking Intervention
Local disaster risk reduction in Latin American urban areas
Editorial: Why is community action needed for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation?
Consumer and Practitioner Perceptions of the Harm Reduction Approach in a Community Mental Health Setting
Ecological Contexts in the Development of Coalitions for Youth Violence Prevention: An Organizational Network Analysis
Role of academic institutions in community disaster response since September 11, 2001
Family Support in Assertive Community Treatment: An Analysis of Client Outcomes
Community Participatory Research With Deaf Sign Language Users to Identify Health Inequities
Community Partners as Co-Teachers in Resident Continuity Clinics
Implementation of municipal mobility support services for older people who have stopped driving in Japan
The Efficacy of Assertive Community Treatment to Treat Substance Use
The TMACT: A New Tool for Measuring Fidelity to Assertive Community Treatment
Letter to the Editor: The TMACT: Evidence Based or Eminence Based?
Does Assertive Community Treatment Increase Medication Adherence for People With Co-occurring Psychotic and Substance Use Disorders?
Community services for victims of interpersonal violence
The metacity: A conceptual framework for integrating ecology and urban design
A multilevel analysis of neighbourhood built and social environments and adult self-reported physical activity and body mass index in Ottawa, Canada
Nonfatal childhood injuries and their association with socioeconomic and gender structures: an ecological study of 14 Swedish municipalities (2000-2005)
Engaging the Somali Community in the Road Safety Agenda: A Process Evaluation from the London Borough of Hounslow
Problems with a great idea: Referral by prehospital emergency services to a community-based falls-prevention service
Psychosocial aftercare in case of disaster - a task for community mental health services
Use of evidence in local public health work in Denmark
Restraint use law enforcement intervention in Latino communities
Support for breaking the nexus between alcohol and community sports settings: Findings from the VicHealth Community Attitudes Survey in Australia
What remains for the future: strengthening community actions to become an integral part of health promotion practice
MATES in Construction: Impact of a Multimodal, Community-Based Program for Suicide Prevention in the Construction Industry
Neighbourhood development and public health initiatives: who participates?
Why community compulsion became the solution - Reforming mental health law in Sweden
Using the RE-AIM Framework to translate a research-based falls prevention intervention into a community-based program: Lessons Learned
Linking objectively measured physical activity with objectively measured urban form: findings from SMARTRAQ
Maternal report on child outcome after a community-based program following intimate partner violence
Community Beliefs About Intentional Injury and Responsibility for Prevention
Looking Ahead Toward Community-Level Strategies to Prevent Sexual Violence
Evidence-based Community Consultation for Traumatic Brain Injury
Technology Innovation Enabling Falls Risk Assessment in a Community Setting
Traumatic physical health consequences of intimate partner violence against women: what is the role of community-level factors?
Traffic systems for an improved city environment: a study of how traffic and city planning affect traffic safety, environmental impact and the city environment
Adopting local alcohol policies: a case study of community efforts to regulate malt liquor sales
Application of a public health framework to examine the characteristics of coroners' recommendations for injury prevention
Canada and the world: a comparative approach to injury prevention
Developing a Measure to Evaluate a Positive Youth Development Program for Native Hawaiians: The Hui Malama o ke Kai Rubrics of Hawaiian Values
The power of social connection and support in improving health: lessons from social support interventions with childbearing women
Community Severance and Health: What Do We Actually Know?
An empirical approach to selecting community-based alcohol interventions: combining research evidence, rural community views and professional opinion
Interactive Influences of Neighborhood and Individual Socioeconomic Status on Alcohol Consumption and Problems
Effects of Intervention Using a Community-Based Walking Program for Prevention of Mental Decline: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Empirically supported family-based treatments for conduct disorder and delinquency in adolescents
Evaluation of a Community-Based Sex Offender Treatment Program Using a Good Lives Model Approach
Foundation concepts of global community health promotion and education
The effects of on-street parking and road environment visual complexity on travel speed and reaction time
The Alabama Coalition for a Healthier Black Belt: A Proof of Concept Project
Community involvement, planning and coping skills: pilot outcomes of a recreational-therapy intervention for adults with schizophrenia
Community-Based Case Management for the Prevention of Suicide Reattempts in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Engaging communities to prevent underage drinking
The Evolution of a Community-Based Telepsychiatry Program in Rural Alabama: Lessons Learned-A Brief Report
The Impact of Community-Based Outreach on Psychological Distress and Victim Safety in Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Abuse
Reducing alcohol-impaired driving in community sports clubs: evaluating the good sports program
Assertive Community Treatment for alcohol dependence (ACTAD): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Building capacity for cognitive behavioral therapy delivery for depression in disaster-impacted contexts
Community perspectives on post-Katrina mental health recovery in New Orleans
Introduction: partnered participatory research to build community capacity and address mental health disparities and disasters
Military children, families, and communities: supporting those who serve
Promotoras in mental health: a review of English, Spanish, and Portuguese literature
Promotores de salud and community health workers: an annotated bibliography
Translating family-focused prevention science into public health impact
Closing the gap between injury prevention research and community safety promotion practice: revisiting the public health model
Feasibility of Interdisciplinary Community-Based Fall Risk Screening
Talking the talk, walking the walk: examining the effect of neighbourhood walkability and social connectedness on physical activity
The association between proximity to sports facilities and participation in sports among 13-year-olds in the city of Porto, Portugal
Associations between perceived neighborhood environmental attributes and adults' sedentary behavior: Findings from the USA, Australia and Belgium
Building a sustainable academic-community partnership: Focus on fall prevention
Engaging municipalities in community capacity building for childhood obesity control in urban settings
Selling New Neighborhoods as Good for Walking: Issues for Measuring Self-selection
Stopping the ouch of injury: injury prevention for faith community nurses
A Propensity Score Matching Study of Participation in Community Activities: A Path to Positive Outcomes for Youth in New Zealand?
An Assessment of Community Capacity to Prevent Adolescent Alcohol Consumption
Partnering strategies for childhood agricultural safety and health
Lessons learnt from a pilot bicycle program with community mental health service consumers
Neighborhood influences on perceived social support among parents: findings from the project on human development in Chicago neighborhoods
The spatial context of transport disadvantage, social exclusion and well-being
Roles of a hospital for community safety promotion
Effectiveness of tai chi as a community-based falls prevention intervention: a randomized controlled trial
Childhood unintentional injuries: need for a community-based home injury risk assessments in Pakistan
Chokka-Chaffa' Kilimpi', Chikashshiyaakni' Kilimpi': strong family, strong nation
Assessing rural coalitions that address safety and health issues
How can the safety culture perspective be applied to road traffic?
Cost analysis of a community-based fall prevention program being delivered in South Florida
Inscriptive Restorations
How Much Are We Willing to Pay to Prevent A Fall? Cost-Effectiveness of a Multifactorial Falls Prevention Program for Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Enhancing community safety through interagency collaboration: lessons from Connecticut's Project Longevity
Effects of an assertive community program in patients with severe mental disorders and impact on their families
Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with adults' transport-related walking and cycling: Findings from the USA, Australia and Belgium
Community falls prevention for people who call an emergency ambulance after a fall: an economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial
Effects of Baltimore's Safe Streets Program on Gun Violence: A Replication of Chicago's CeaseFire Program
Reducing Youth Access to Alcohol: Findings from a Community-Based Randomized Trial
Rising mortality from injury in urban China: demographic burden, underlying causes and policy implications
The cost-effectiveness of falls prevention interventions for older community-dwelling Australians
Partnering to Translate Evidence-Based Programs to Community Settings: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice
Coalitional capacities and environmental strategies to prevent underage drinking
A community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV/AIDS risk in Kampala, Uganda (the SASA! Study): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
It all started in Falköping, Sweden: Safe Communities - global thinking and local action for safety
Motala Municipality - a sustainable safe community in Sweden
Towards integrated land use and transportation: A dynamic disequilibrium based microsimulation framework for built space markets
Effects of signals of disorder on fear of crime in real and virtual environments
Making neighborhoods safer: Examining predictors of residents' concerns about neighborhood safety
Health impact assessment in the UK planning system: the possibilities and limits of community engagement
Statistical methods for designing and assessing the effectiveness of community-based interventions with small numbers
The research group, the conference programme and academic training in safety promotion - a report of the activities at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Crisis intervention team (CIT) programs in rural communities: a focus group study
Evidence-based intervention in physical activity: lessons from around the world
Impact of a randomized campus/community trial to prevent high-risk drinking among college students
On how to increase safety innovations
Perspectives of community- and faith-based organizations about partnering with local health departments for disasters
Availability of exercise facilities and physical activity in 2,037 adults: cross-sectional results from the Swedish neighborhood and physical activity (SNAP) study
Intimate partner violence prevention program in an Asian immigrant community: integrating theories, data, and community
Measuring the sustainability of a community safety promotion network: working from the inside out
Using community surveys to inform the planning and implementation of environmental change strategies: participatory research in 12 Washington communities
Developing the evidence-base for Safe Communities: a multi-level, partly randomised, controlled trial
Vital signs: walking among adults - United States, 2005 and 2010
The relationship between alcohol expectancies and drinking behavior in adolescents: evidence from the longitudinal research
Community influences on adolescents' use of home-brewed alcohol in rural South Africa
Fostering partnerships towards sustainable urban mobility from the national to local level: Matsuyama, Japan and Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Improving health and well-being through community health champions: a thematic evaluation of a programme in Yorkshire and Humber
Local social support mitigates depression among women contending with spousal violence and husband's risky drinking in Mumbai slum communities
The mechanisms that associate community social capital with post-disaster mental health: A multilevel model
Safe Communities in China as a strategy for injury prevention and safety promotion programmes in the era of rapid economic growth
Bars on blocks: A cellular automata model of crime and liquor licensed establishment density
Meeting the physical activity guidelines through community based group exercise: quantifying the physical activity dose from participation in better bones and balance
The social consequences of broken urban structures: a case study of Belfast
Explaining suicide: Identifying common themes and diverse perspectives in an urban Mumbai slum
Festschrift in honour a safe community - a tribute to Leif Svanström
Navigating non-positivity in neighbourhood studies: an analysis of collective efficacy and violence
Professional autobiography of Professor Leif Svanström - with a focus on injury prevention and safety promotion
Sustainability of the communities that care prevention system by coalitions participating in the community youth development study
Using root cause analysis to reduce falls with injury in community settings
The benefits of more "victim-focused" coordinated community responses to intimate partner violence: a critique of "the impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse," by Anne P. DePrin
Fall scenarios in causing older women's hip fractures
The role of anthropometry in designing for sustainability
Body mass index, safety hazards, and neighborhood attractiveness
The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study
Social marketing: approach to cultural and contextual relevance in a community-based physical activity intervention
Forging new partnerships to build healthier communities for a healthier state
On measuring community participation in research
Combining evidence-based practices for improved behavioral outcomes: a demonstration project
Overcoming cultural barriers to deliver comprehensive rural community mental health care in Southern India
Evaluating the effectiveness of a lay health promoter-led, community-based participatory pesticide safety intervention with farmworker families
Testing a health impact assessment tool by assessing community opinion about a public park
Acting in the community interest: a sustainable NGO theatre-in-education model for delivering child safety education in schools
Benchmarking progress on child safety action in Europe: the results of the 2012 child safety report cards
Building of a framework for the implemenation of an injury prevention strategy: an Alberta, Canada example
Building a sustainable Safe Communities network: the American experience
Closing the gap: progressing from injury prevention research to safety promotion practice
Evaluation of the child safety education coalition in England
"FLIP" a method for planning community safety promotion programmes: finding the right treatment begins by making the right diagnosis
It shouldn't hurt: creating policies and places for injury-free active living for children
Methodology to promote interagency work between communitarian organisation and government: experience from Cali, Colombia
Planning safer suburbs? the influence of change in the built environment on resdients' perceived safety from crime
One voice--Safer Canada: merging Canada's four largest injury prevention organisations
Tracking the trends--how new Plymouth District uses data and community consultation to drive its International Safe Community programme
Towards safer roads in Putrajaya through community based programme
Facilitating the implementation and efficacy of health-promoting schools via an action-research approach in Taiwan
Transforming place and belonging through action research, community practice, and public policy: Comparing responses to NIMBYism
Obesity is inversely associated with natural amenities and recreation facilities per capita
Beyond Boston: applying theory to understand and address sustainability issues in focused deterrence initiatives for violence reduction
Neighborhood and friendship composition in adolescence
Acceptability and effect of a community-based alcohol education program in rural Sri Lanka
Church attendee help seeking priorities after Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi and Louisiana: a brief report
Advocacy for injury control strategies on way to safe communities in Jaipur city, India
Applying the theory: public health partnership in practice
Childhood injury prevention through community-based participatory research: a multidimensional approach in the love and safety Omura study in Nagasaki, Japan
Communities are not all created equal: designing environments to prevent violence
Community based programme for fall prevention in home dwelling elderly: randomised controlled trial
Community response to domestic violence (DV): lessons learnt from interventions in Vietnam and policy suggestions
Community safety with police volunteers
Critical situation of child passengers: pre and post - campaign assessment, edu-car plan
Demonstrating the need for injury prevention services in an urban community
The development of the community's participation process for being safety community: case study: Baan Kor, Moo 3, Baan Kor sub-district, Muang district, Khon Kaen province, Thailand
Enhancing fire department home visits through improved program monitoring
Evaluation of community policing model used in United Nations and African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur
Exploring links between state health department capacity for injury and violence prevention and health outcomes: a look at the Core VIPP evaluation plan
Grass roots suicide prevention in rural Western Australia (WA)
How youth development and community collaboration contribute to safe communities
The impact of safe community initiatives on helmet wearing rate and motorcyclists' death in 14 cites of Iran
Impact of 'safe community' model in suicide prevention in Japan
Improving injury prevention research through patient and public involvement--towards working in partnership
The indigenous connection/Maori--Aotearoa (NZ) context
Life Quilt South Australia--stitching the stories of life
Measuring the sustainability of a community safety promotion network: working from the inside out
A model for evaluation of safe communities in low and middle income countries
A model to evaluate road traffic safety in Safe Communities (SC)
Participatory photography project gives voice to non-driving Pacific, Maori and Asian youth
Partnering to prevent fire injury at the community level: triumphs and challenges from the front lines
Partnering with the community to prevent family violence
PRECISE--a model of community participation in injury prevention in Bangladesh: Implications for other low income countries
Preventable: a social marketing campaign to prevent injuries in British Columbia, Canada
Progress on child safety action in Europe: the results of the 2012 child safety country profiles
Promoting safety at work in cooperation with the local community
Results of safe community development implementation in Vietnam in the period 2002-2011
Safe children community: does it work? A comparison of child injury data in the district of Deutschlandsberg documents evidence
Safe community evaluation in terms of child safety
Safe community movement in Serbia
Social autopsy: a community based intervention in preventing road traffic injuries--experience from Bangladesh
Social marketing of fall prevention classes to older adults through Churches: cluster randomised controlled trial
Stop, collaborate and listen: the network for a Violence-free Hutt Valley is back with a brand new edition
Strategies for preventing communal clashes using library and information services in South East Nigeria
United Nations community policing in conflicted area of Darfur Sudan
Using crowd-sourcing to drive innovation in injury prevention--results of a pilot programme
Using spatial planning to prevent unintentional injuries
External validation of the Cardiff model of information sharing to reduce community violence: natural experiment
Mental Health Promotion in a School Community by Using the Results From the Well-Being Profile: An Action Research Project
Building social capital as a pathway to success: community development practices of an early childhood intervention program in Canada
Coming together: coalitions offer cooperative approach to disasters
An ecosysthemic vision of homicide
"it was a real village" community identity formation among black middle-class residents in Pontchartrain Park
Methods for linking community views to measureable outcomes in a youth violence prevention program
Facilitators and barriers for effective academic-community collaboration for disaster preparedness and response
Community organization moderates the effect of alcohol outlet density on violence
Enhancing fire department home visiting programs: results of a community intervention trial
Children's Rights and Community Well-Being
A community forum to assess the needs and preferences for domestic violence prevention targeting Hispanics
Exploring the everyday world of hate victimization through community mediation
Motivations and challenges of community-based surveillance volunteers in the northern region of Ghana
Citizens' awareness on crime prevention techniques and personal security of residents in the river side Barangays of Cagayan de Oro City
Strategies for preventing neighborhood violence: toward bringing collective efficacy into social work practice
City programs fight domestic violence
Selling new neighborhoods as good for walking: issues for measuring self-selection
A model of community pediatrics: improving access to safe play environments
A Community Survey on Neighborhood Violence, Park Use and Physical Activity Among Urban Youth
Crossing the line? White young people and community cohesion
How community organizations moderate the effect of armed conflict on migration in Nepal
Neighborhood housing investments and violent crime in Seattle, 1981-2007
Neighborhood diversity: framework for municipalities
Wide boulevards, narrow visions: Burnham's street system and the Chicago plan commission, 1909-1930
Variation in the sustained effects of the Communities That Care prevention system on adolescent smoking, delinquency, and violence
Associations between neighborhood characteristics and physical activity among youth within rural-urban commuting areas in the US
Associations of perceived neighborhood physical and social environments with physical activity and television viewing in African-American men and women
A cross-sectional study on risk factors of depression severity among survivors of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake
Community participation and behavioral changes of helmet use in Thailand
The role of collaboration in facilitating policy change in youth violence prevention: a review of the literature
Role of context in evaluating neighbourhood interventions promoting positive youth development: a narrative systematic review
Using surveillance data to inform community action: the effect of alcohol sale restrictions on intentional injury-related ambulance pickups
Alliances against Depression-a community based approach to target depression and to prevent suicidal behaviour
Interrupting violence: how the CeaseFire program prevents imminent gun violence through conflict mediation
The elusive relationship between community organizations and crime: an assessment across disadvantaged areas of the South Bronx
Exploring the core service delivery processes of an evidence-based community advocacy program for women with abusive partners
'I don't like my children to grow up in this bad area': Parental anxieties about living in informal settlements
Muslim geographies, violence and the antinomies of community in eastern Sri Lanka
Outreach workers' perceptions of positive and negative critical incidents: Characteristics associated with successful and unsuccessful violence interruption
Your life chances affect where you live: A critique of the 'cottage industry' of neighbourhood effects research
Community gun safety in central Pennsylvania
Impact of safe community program on motorcyclists' safety with focus on helmet usage in 14 cities of IR Iran
Meeting the needs of a community: teaching evidence-based youth violence prevention initiatives to members of strategic communities
Neighborhood Environment and Urban Schoolchildren's Risk for Being Overweight
Community monitoring for youth violence surveillance: testing a prediction model
Disseminating childhood home injury risk reduction information in Pakistan: results from a community-based pilot study
Social participation among older adults living in medium-sized cities in Belgium: the role of neighbourhood perceptions
Let's go to the park today: the role of parks in obesity prevention and improving the public's health
Integrating principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR) with the injury prevention and control agenda
Evaluation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale in Nigeria
More than training: Community-based participatory research to reduce injuries among Hispanic construction workers
Participation, 'responsivity' and accountability in neighbourhood policing
Systematic observations of neighborhood order: assessing the methodology in evaluating a community-based initiative
"Through the kids . . . we connected with our community": Children as catalysts of social capital
Using engagement-based strategies to alter perceptions of the walking environment
Resident perceptions of an overt drug elimination strategy
Demographic determinants of perceived barriers to community involvement: examining rural/urban differences
Diffusion of complete streets policies across U.S. communities
"Very powerful voices": The influence of youth organizing on educational policy in Philadelphia
Legitimacy in policing: a systematic review
Health promotion and crime prevention: recognising broader synergies
Measuring collective efficacy among children in community-based afterschool programs: exploring pathways toward prevention and positive youth development
Social movements and risk perception: unions, churches, pesticides and bananas in Costa Rica
Do age-friendly characteristics influence the expectation to age in place? A comparison of low-income and higher income Detroit elders
Teachers' challenges, strategies, and support needs in schools affected by community violence: a qualitative study
Exploring the benefits of interagency collaboration and community partnership for public safety and national security : lessons for Nigeria’s security agencies
Community intervention to prevent child maltreatment in England: evaluating the contribution of the family nurse partnership
Alley-gates in urban South Wales: Six years down the road
Association of personality, neighbourhood, and civic participation with the level of perceived social support: The HUNT study, a cross-sectional survey
Disentangling neighborhood contextual associations with child body mass index, diet, and physical activity: The role of built, socioeconomic, and social environments
Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use: an observational study in two cities in the USA and Belgium
Neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics, the retail environment, and alcohol consumption: A multilevel analysis
'Desa SIAGA', the 'Alert Village': the evolution of an iconic brand in Indonesian public health strategies
Change in neighborhood traffic safety: does it matter in terms of physical activity?
Health indicators, social support, and intimate partner violence among women utilizing services at a community organization
Perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity in 11 countries: Do associations differ by country?
Is crime a question of health?
Environmental interventions to reduce fear of crime: systematic review of effectiveness
Designing healthy communities
Neighbourhood for playing: using GPS, GIS and accelerometry to delineate areas within which youth are physically active
Predicting transportation outcomes for LEED projects
Can the reduction of pediatric injury rates be sustained using a community-based approach?
Using the community readiness model as an approach to formative evaluation
Faith-based initiatives to promote health
Leading their flocks to health? Clergy health and the role of clergy in faith-based health promotion interventions
WHO Healthy City Initiative in Japan
Promoting active communities in a culture of distracted driving
An analysis of the suitability of public spaces to physical activity practice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A community-supported clinic-based program for prevention of violence against pregnant women in rural Kenya
Neighborhood built and social environment characteristics: a multilevel analysis of associations with obesity among children and their parents
Neighborhood disadvantage in context: the influence of urbanicity on the association between neighborhood disadvantage and adolescent emotional disorders
Participatory research and capacity building for community health and development
Walkable for whom? Examining the role of the built environment on the neighbourhood-based physical activity of children
Supporting a community-based participatory evaluation approach to violence prevention in Kansas City
A framework for the assessment of community exercise programmes: a tool to assist in modifying programmes to help reduce falls risk factors
Environmental factors associated with active living in retirement village residents: Findings from an exploratory qualitative enquiry
Assertive community treatment and associations with substance abuse problems
Perception of the environment for physical activity of schoolchildren in the province of Cuenca, Spain
Organizational factors and mental health in community volunteers. The role of exposure, preparation, training, tasks assigned, and support
Participatory public health systems research: Value of community involvement in a study series in mental health emergency preparedness
Guided preparedness planning with lay communities: enhancing capacity of rural emergency response through a systems-based partnership
More than just an eyesore: Local insights and solutions on vacant land and urban health
Moving knowledge into action: developing the Rapid Synthesis and Translation Process within the interactive systems framework
Associations of leisure-time sitting in cars with neighborhood walkability
Adolescents' perception of environmental features and its association with physical activity: Results from de Azorean Physical Activity and Health Study II
Could a brief assessment of negative emotions and self-esteem identify adolescents at current and future risk of self-harm in the community? A prospective cohort analysis
Cohesive, trusting communities buoy at-risk youth throughout adolescence
Do neighborhoods make people active, or do people make active neighborhoods? Evidence from a planned community in Austin, Texas
Fall risk and prevention needs assessment in an older adult Latino population: a model community global health partnership
Neighborhood informal social control and child maltreatment: A comparison of protective and punitive approaches
Prevention of childhood drowning on a Greek island in the 19th century: literal testimonies by two native writers
Collective efficacy as a task specific process: examining the relationship between social ties, neighborhood cohesion and the capacity to respond to violence, delinquency and civic problems
A sustainable city environment through child safety and mobility-A challenge based on ITS?
Quantifying the contribution of neighborhood parks to physical activity
Developing measures of community-relevant outcomes for violence prevention programs: A community-based participatory research approach to measurement
Neighborhood environments, mobility, and health: Towards a new generation of studies in environmental health research
School and community-based approaches for preventing bullying
Can design support community safety and crime prevention programmes in areas of socio-economic disadvantage?
Crime and residential security shutters in an Australian suburb: Exploring perceptions of 'Eyes on the Street', social interaction and personal safety
Evaluating crime prevention: Lessons from large-scale community crime prevention programs
Safe kids North Carolina
Exercise, weather, safety, and public attitudes: A qualitative exploration of leisure cyclists' views on cycling for transport
Association of street connectivity and road traffic speed with park usage and park-based physical activity
Evaluating school-community health in Cyprus
Boosting restraint norms: a community-delivered campaign to promote booster seat use
Building partnerships between law enforcement and harm reduction programs
Community-based participatory research in complex settings: clean mind-dirty hands
Preventing deaths and injuries from house fires: an outcome evaluation of a community-based smoke alarm installation programme
'Scared Straight' and other juvenile awareness programs for preventing juvenile delinquency
A systematic review process to evaluate suicide prevention programs: A sample case of community-based programs
How to transform a 'place of violence' into a 'space of collective remembering': Italy and its traumatic past
Community size as a factor in health partnerships in community parks and recreation, 2007
The anatomy of a community health center system-level intervention for intimate partner violence
A method for building evaluation competency among community-based organizations
Interpartner violence among Latinos: Community perceptions on help seeking and needed programs
Medical diplomacy and global mental health: From community and national institutions to regional centers of excellence
Anti-consumption choices performed in a drinking culture: Normative struggles and repairs
Association between neighbourhood green space and sedentary leisure time in a Danish population
Community fall prevention programs: Comparing three InSTEP models by levels of intensity
Cost effectiveness of a community-based crisis intervention program for people bereaved by suicide
The roles of perceived neighborhood disorganization, social cohesion, and social control in urban Thai adolescents' substance use and delinquency
The violence of community? Conceptualizations of 'community' in responses to intimate partner abuse
Women's resistance strategies in abusive relationships an alternative framework
Iran's disaster risk: Now is the time for community-based public health preparedness
Measuring the public library's societal value: A methodological research program
Using concept mapping in community-based participatory research: A mixed methods approach
Community interaction and child maltreatment
Contradictory discourses of health promotion and disease prevention in the educational curriculum of Norwegian public health nursing: A critical discourse analysis
An effective community-academic partnership to extend the reach of screenings for fall risk
Walkability and physical activity: Findings from Curitiba, Brazil
Network analysis of Bogotá's Ciclovía Recreativa, a self-organized multisectorial community program to promote physical activity in a middle-income country
Promoting use of booster seats in rural areas through community sports programs
Bringing bike share to a low-income community: Lessons learned through community engagement, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2011
Community engagement in disaster preparedness and recovery: A tale of two cities - Los Angeles and New Orleans
The adaptive capacity of New Zealand communities to wildfire
Reducing youth violence related to student parties: Findings from a community intervention project in Stockholm
Local safety policy: The approach of two Swedish cities to urgent safety problems
Lessons from Hurricane Sandy: A community response in Brooklyn, New York
'There's a lot of tasks that can be done by any': Findings from an ethnographic study into work and organisation in UK community crisis resolution and home treatment services
Perceived distance to recreational facilities and the association with physical activity and exercise among adolescents in Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil
Educational leadership on the social frontier: Developing Promise Neighborhoods in urban and tribal settings
Community violence exposure, coping, and problematic alcohol and drug use among urban, female caregivers: A prospective study
Fear perceptions in public parks: Interactions of environmental concealment, the presence of people recreating, and gender
Here's looking at you: An evaluation of public CCTV cameras and their effects on crime and disorder
The structure of spatial networks and communities in bicycle sharing systems
An exploration into the impact of exposure to community violence and hope on children's perceptions of well-being: A South African perspective
A Queer Theoretical Approach to Community Health Psychology
'Do as we say, not as we do': A cross-sectional survey of injuries in injury prevention professionals
Children in poverty: Resilience despite risk
Reducing the incidence of adolescent problems through preventive intervention: One-year and 5-year follow-up
Priorities for investment in injury prevention in community Australian football
Assessing community violence: The children's report of exposure to violence
"We're working in a trauma avoidant culture": a qualitative study exploring assertive community treatment providers' perspectives on working with trauma and PTSD in people with severe mental illness
The geography of citizen crime reporting
Neighborhood perceptions and active school commuting in low-income cities
A multi-level approach to investigating neighborhood effects on physical aggression among urban Chicago youth
The social networks of women experiencing domestic violence
Co-evolutions of planning and design: Risks and benefits of design perspectives in planning systems
Adapting evidence-based interventions using a common theory, practices, and principles
How to decrease suicide rates in both genders? An effectiveness study of a community-based intervention (EAAD)
Design characteristics and inclusion of evidence-based exercise recommendation in fall prevention community exercise programs for older adults in Canada: a national descriptive self-report study
Planning safer suburbs: Do changes in the built environment influence residents' perceptions of crime risk?
Affordances of cul-de-sac in urban neighborhoods as play spaces for middle childhood children
Disabled children in public playgrounds: A pilot study
Local security policies and the protection of territory: an analysis of the Italian experience (2007-2009)
Spiritual assessment in mental health recovery
Community activities to protect children from crime, people's general trust, and attitude toward the activities in Japan
Research on the first International Safe Community building in mainland China
The protective effects of neighborhood collective efficacy on adolescent substance use and violence following exposure to violence
Review of suicide-prevention programs in Queensland: State- and community-level activities
Engaging adolescents to care for elderly safety in the community
Effectiveness of a multimodal community intervention program to prevent suicide and suicide attempts: A quasi-experimental study
The domestic violence fatality review: Can it mobilize community-level change?
Local responses to trauma: Symptom, affect, and healing
Neighborhood built environment, perceived danger, and perceived social cohesion
The power of interaction rituals: The Student Volunteer Army and the Christchurch earthquakes
Economic evaluation of smoke alarm distribution methods in Baltimore, Maryland
Outcomes of Stay Strong, Stay Healthy in community settings
Dynamic simulation of crime perpetration and reporting to examine community intervention strategies
Longitudinal influences of neighbourhood built and social environment on children's weight status
Building community resilience to counter violent extremism
Community violence exposure and adolescents' school engagement and academic achievement over time
Curb the Danger: a police-community collaboration to 'curb' impaired driving
African American and Latina community health workers engage PhotoPAR as a resource in a post-disaster context: Katrina at 5 years
Examination of local health department capacity and infrastructure for injury and violence prevention
A few lines on the clothesline project
Discussion on harmony value and construction way of Safe Community
Several issues about urbanization and urban safety
Urban planning and design of pedestrian space from perspectives of fitness
Does increasing community and liquor licensees' awareness, police activity, and feedback reduce alcohol-related violent crime? A benefit-cost analysis
Effectiveness of community participation in a surveillance system initiative to prevent drowning in Thailand
Environmental health impact assessment and urban planning
Sense of community in gated and non-gated residential neighborhoods
Implications of walkability towards promoting sustainable urban neighbourhood
The effectiveness of safe city programme as safety basic in tourism industry: Case study in Putrajaya
Innovative cross-system and community approaches for the prevention of child maltreatment
Imagine all the neighbours: Perceived neighbourhood ethnicity, interethnic friendship ties and perceived ethnic threat in four Nordic countries
Street standards as parking policy: Rethinking the provision of residential street parking in American suburbs
Harnessing a community for sustainable disaster response and recovery: An operational model for integrating nongovernmental organizations
Creating comprehensive children's mental health indicators for British Columbia
Determination of consensus among professionals for community safety terms through a Delphi study
Implementing an evidence-based parent-child mental health program in a high-risk community
The mediating effects of empowerment, interpersonal conflict, and social support on the violence-PTSD process among single mothers
Sustainability of community-based fall prevention programs: A systematic review
A favorable built environment is associated with better physical fitness in European adolescents
Health impact assessment of increasing public transport and cycling use in Barcelona: A morbidity and burden of disease approach
The high cost to health and social care of managing falls in older adults living in the community in Scotland
Child friendly spaces: Toward a grounded, community-based approach for strengthening child protection practice in humanitarian crises: Natural helpers play a critical role in ensuring children's safety during and in the aftermath of crises
Community support as a moderator of postdisaster mental health symptoms in urban and nonurban communities
Demonopolizing medical knowledge
Effectiveness of a primary health care program on urban and rural community disaster preparedness, Islamic Republic of Iran: A community intervention trial
Effects of facility developments and encounter levels on perceptions of settings, crowding, and norms in a Korean park
Built environment and its influences on walking among older women: use of standardized geographic units to define urban forms
Does playground improvement increase physical activity among children? A quasi-experimental study of a natural experiment
Health and the built environment: Exploring foundations for a new interdisciplinary profession
Implications of pedestrian safety planning factors in areas with minority and low-income populations
The influence of the local neighbourhood environment on walking levels during the Walking for Wellbeing in the West pedometer-based community intervention
Safety and urban design - the role of CPTED in the design process
Association of strength of community service to personal wellbeing
Disasters as an ideological strategy for governing neoliberal urban transformation in Turkey: Insights from Izmir/Kadifekale
Leadership, organizational climate, and working alliance in a children's mental health service system
Youth problem behaviors 8 years after implementing the Communities That Care prevention system: A community-randomized trial
Long-term effects of the Moving to Opportunity residential mobility experiment on crime and delinquency
Avoiding violent victimization among youths in urban neighborhoods: The importance of street efficacy
Influence of social and built environment features on children's walking to school: an observational study
Real-time tracking of neighborhood surroundings and mood in urban drug misusers: Application of a new method to study behavior in its geographical context
Using simple agent-based modeling to inform and enhance neighborhood walkability
Peer-led and professional-led group interventions for people with co-occurring disorders: A qualitative study
Perceptions of risk: A review of the effects of individual and community-level variables on perceptions of risk
Using the community health assessment to screen for continued driving
Proyecto Interconexiones: A pilot test of a community-based depression care program for Latina violence survivors
Consciousness and abilities on health emergency and the roles of emergency response among public at the communities
Trained community providers conduct fall risk screenings with fidelity: An effective model for expanding reach
The potential for pocket parks to increase physical activity
Gender-specific associations between perceived neighbourhood walkability and meeting walking recommendations when walking for transport and recreation for Czech inhabitants over 50 years of age
Influence of perceived and actual neighbourhood disorder on common mental illness
Effects of a fall prevention program on falls in frail elders living at home in rural communities
Incorporating unstructured socializing into the study of secondary exposure to community violence: etiological and empirical implications
The role of landscape spatial patterns on obesity in Hispanic children residing in inner-city neighborhoods
The moderating effect of substance abuse service accessibility on the relationship between child maltreatment and neighborhood alcohol availability
Neighborhood ethnic diversity and trust: The role of intergroup contact and perceived threat
How do neighborhoods affect depression outcomes? A realist review and a call for the examination of causal pathways
Community partnership to promote home fire safety in children with special needs
Health belief model based evaluation of school health education programme for injury prevention among high school students in the community context
Assessing functional needs sheltering in Pike County, Kentucky: Using a community assessment for public health emergency response
A community-based Falls Management Exercise Programme (FaME) improves balance, walking speed and reduced fear of falling
Patterns of suicide in Brunei Darussalam and comparison with neighbouring countries in South East Asia
Reducing the fear of falling through a community evidence-based intervention
Post-traumatic stress disorder and community collective efficacy following the 2004 Florida hurricanes
Enculturation and attitudes toward intimate partner violence and gender roles in an Asian Indian population: Implications for community-based prevention
Long-term participation in peer-led fall prevention classes predicts lower fall incidence
Effectiveness of specific factors in community-based intervention for child-witnesses of interparental violence: A randomized trial
Homelessness, behavioral health disorders and intimate partner violence: Barriers to services for women
Implementation and results of a survey on Safe Community programs in Gangbuk-gu, Korea: Focusing on participants at a local public health center
Pediatric falls from windows: A health policy model for prevention
Planning for a group-randomized trial with American Indian youth
Illinois trauma centers and community violence resources
Strengthening families and communities to prevent child abuse and neglect: lessons from the Los Angeles Prevention Initiative Demonstration Project
The association between walking and perceived environment in chinese community residents: A cross-sectional study
Youth physical activity and the neighbourhood environment: Examining correlates and the role of neighbourhood definition
Relationships between the perceived neighborhood social environment and walking for transportation among older adults
The effectiveness of community action in reducing risky alcohol consumption and harm: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Correction: density, destinations or both? A comparison of measures of walkability in relation to transportation behaviors, obesity and diabetes in Toronto, Canada
Disaster preparedness: an investigation on motivation and barriers
Early adolescent alcohol use in context: How neighborhoods, parents, and peers impact youth
Youth advocacy as a tool for environmental and policy changes that support physical activity and nutrition: an evaluation study in San Diego County
Involving community stakeholders to increase park use and physical activity
Mapping One Strong 'Ohana: using network analysis and GIS to enhance the effectiveness of a statewide coalition to prevent child abuse and neglect
Evaluation of innovative bicycle facilities in Washington, D.C
Integrated services and suicide prevention training: a case study of one community mental health agency
Motor vehicle-pedestrian collisions and walking to school: the role of the built environment
Promoting youth physical activity in rural Southern communities: practitioner perceptions of environmental opportunities and barriers
The Associations Between Park Environments and Park Use in Southern US Communities
Fire and rescue service community safety initiatives: measuring impact
Moving beyond the ASBO? A review of the proposed anti-social behaviour measures and their implications for children
Engaging religious communities to protect children from abuse, neglect, and exploitation: developing a framework for partnership requires analysis on key issues, challenges, and opportunities
Using baseline and formative evaluation data to inform the Uganda Helmet Vaccine Initiative
Systems analysis of community and health services for acquired brain injury in Ontario, Canada
A new therapeutic community: development of a compassion-focussed and contextual behavioural environment
Residential mobility and local civic engagement in Japan and the United States divergent paths to school
The role of neighborhood safety in recovery from mobility limitations: Findings from a national sample of older Americans (1996-2008)
What is the role of key sports safety agencies in the development and dissemination of sport safety policies for community sport settings?
Community-based surveillance and case management for suicide prevention: an American Indian tribally initiated system
Does the "community prosecution" strategy reduce crime? A test of Chicago's experience
Creating Qungasvik (a Yup'ik intervention "toolbox"): case examples from a community-developed and culturally-driven intervention
Operation PeaceWorks: A community program with the participation of a Level II trauma center to decrease gang-related violence
A systematic review of community interventions to improve Aboriginal child passenger safety
Home delivery of an injury prevention kit for children in four French cities: a controlled randomized trial
Perception of built environmental factors and physical activity among adolescents in Nigeria
Playground safety is associated with playground, park, and neighborhood characteristics
Environmental conditions around itineraries to destinations as correlates of walking for transportation among adults: the RECORD cohort study
Uses of evidence in local cultural policy: performance, legitimation, problem representation, and learning in two Australian municipalities
The Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion creates incentive for state Medicaid agencies to provide reimbursement for hospital-based violence intervention programmes
Validation of the COURAGE Built Environment Self-Reported Questionnaire
Reactions and attitudes to postpartal mental symptoms in a rural community
Profile-speed data-based models to estimate operating speeds for urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit
Using the health action process approach (HAPA) model to predict adherence to the FIFA 11+ program in elite female youth soccer
Examining benefits of academic-community research team training: Rochester's suicide prevention training institutes
School intervention related to school and community violence
School as solution to the problem of urban place: Student migration, perceptions of safety, and children's concept of community
Preventing adolescent alcohol use: effects of a two-year quasi-experimental community intervention intensifying formal and informal control
Preventing deaths from rising opioid overdose in the US: the promise of naloxone antidote in community-based naloxone take-home programs
Preventing maltreatment with a community-based implementation of parent-child interaction therapy
Assessment of neighborhood context in a nationally representative study
Is it safer behind the gates? Crime and gated communities in South Africa
Implementation cost analysis of a community-based exercise program for seniors in south Florida
An implementation evaluation of the community engagement and planning intervention in the CPIC Depression Care Improvement Trial
Improving care for depression and suicide risk in adolescents: innovative strategies for bringing treatments to community settings
Evaluation of a pilot promotora program for Latino forest workers in southern Oregon
Introduction to ecological description of a community intervention: building prevention through collaborative field based research
Safer cycling in the urban road environment: study approach and protocols guiding an Australian study
Improving eye safety in citrus harvest crews through the acceptance of personal protective equipment, community-based participatory research, social marketing, and community health workers
Improving eye safety in citrus harvest crews through the acceptance of personal protective equipment, community-based participatory research, social marketing, and community health workers
Developing an interdisciplinary community-based sports concussion management program
Does embeddedness protect? Personal network density and vulnerability to mistreatment among older american adults
The impact of social support on postpartum depression: The mediator role of self-efficacy
People awakening: collaborative research to develop cultural strategies for prevention in community intervention
Disability and the built environment: an investigation of community and neighborhood land uses and participation for physically impaired adults
Well London Phase-1: results among adults of a cluster-randomised trial of a community engagement approach to improving health behaviours and mental well-being in deprived inner-city neighbourhoods
Effects of a community-based fall prevention exercise program on activity participation
The interactive effects of housing and neighbourhood quality on psychological well-being
Community collaboration as a disaster mental health competency: a systematic literature review
Community pharmacy services for drug misuse: attitudes and practices of Finnish pharmacists
'By seeing with our own eyes, it can remain in our mind': qualitative evaluation findings suggest the ability of participatory video to reduce gender-based violence in conflict-affected settings
A comparison of unintentional injury patterns occurring in two Swedish communities in 1978 and in 2008
Contribution of streetscape audits to explanation of physical activity in four age groups based on the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS)
Enacting fall prevention in community outreach care
Evaluation of a community-based drowning prevention programme in northern Islamic Republic of Iran
Academic-practice collaboration in nursing education: service-learning for injury prevention
Associations between the built environment, total, recreational, and transit-related physical activity
Building a reliable measure for unobtrusive observations of street-connecting pedestrian walkways
Caregiver reports of patient-initiated violence in psychosis
Child drowning prevention in the Philippines: the beginning of a conversation
Neighborhoods and adolescent health-risk behavior: an ecological network approach
Effects of the Communities That Care system on cross-sectional profiles of adolescent substance use and delinquency
Predictors of help-seeking for suicidal ideation in the community: risks and opportunities for public suicide prevention campaigns
Public-private partnership in traffic safety research and injury prevention
Optimization of speed hump profiles based on vehicle dynamic performance modeling
Utilitarian walking, neighborhood environment, and risk of outdoor falls among older adults
Modified assertive community treatment: effectiveness on hospitalization and length of stay
Implementing injury surveillance systems alongside injury prevention programs: evaluation of an online surveillance system in a community setting
Community-based disaster coalition training
Comparing calibrated shared space simulation model with real-life data
Do complete streets cost more than incomplete streets?
Community violence and pregnancy health behaviors and outcomes
Coordinated community response components for victims of intimate partner violence: a review of the literature
Local support for alcohol control policies and perceptions of neighborhood issues in two college communities
Community differences in the implementation of strong communities for children
Community-based relapse prevention for opiate dependents: a randomized community controlled trial
Social disorganization and the profile of child welfare: explaining child welfare activity by the community-level factors
A systematic review of community opioid overdose prevention and naloxone distribution programs
Conceptualizing and measuring community road-safety climate
A 10-year community intervention for disability prevention and changes in physical, nutritional, psychological and social functions among community-dwelling older adults in Kusatsu, Gunma Prefecture, Japan
Assessing communities' age-friendliness: how congruent are subjective versus objective assessments?
A case of community-based fall prevention: Survey of organization and content of minor home help services in Swedish municipalities
Trial by fire: community wildfire protection plans put to the test
Building safety into active living initiatives
A longitudinal analysis of the influence of the neighborhood built environment on walking for transportation: the RESIDE study
The relationship of green space, depressive symptoms and perceived general health in urban population
Workload of younger and elderly drivers in different infrastructural situations
Neighbourhood availability of alcohol outlets and hazardous alcohol consumption in New Zealand
Physical activity and the perceived neighbourhood environment - looking at the association the other way around
Active commuting by bicycle: results of an educational intervention study
The effect of changing micro-scale physical environmental factors on an environment's invitingness for transportation cycling in adults: an exploratory study using manipulated photographs
Behavioural causes and categories of traffic violations by motorcyclists in Indonesian urban roads
Exposure to neighborhood green space and mental health: evidence from the survey of the health of Wisconsin
Methods for defining spatiotemporal influence areas and secondary incident detection in freeways
Psychometric properties of the Iranian version of 'Communities That Care Youth Survey'
Understanding older adults' usage of community green spaces in Taipei, Taiwan
The community-based supervision of offenders from a positive psychology perspective
Exploring spatiotemporal and social network factors in community response to a major flood disaster
Injury control from the perspective of contextual pediatrics
The association between objective walkability, neighborhood socio-economic status, and physical activity in Belgian children
Exploring bikeability in a suburban metropolitan area using the Active Commuting Route Environment Scale (ACRES)
Relationship between neighborhood walkability and older adults' physical activity: results from the Belgian Environmental Physical Activity Study in Seniors (BEPAS Seniors)
We never see children in parks: a qualitative examination of the role of safety concerns on physical activity among children
Moving the barricades to physical activity: a qualitative analysis of open streets initiatives across the United States
Understanding neighborhood environment related to Hong Kong children's physical activity: a qualitative study using nominal group technique
The built environment and utilitarian walking in small U.S. towns
Community-based falls prevention: lessons from an interprofessional mobility clinic
'SASA! is the medicine that treats violence'. Qualitative findings on how a community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women created change in Kampala, Uganda
Social media activism and Egyptians' use of social media to combat sexual violence: an HiAP case study
Prevention of child maltreatment
Government sets out plan to combat family violence
Sexual violence in post-conflict Sierra Leone : obstacles to prevention responses
Examining strategies to build and sustain healthy aging programming collaboratives
A mixed-methods randomized controlled trial of financial incentives and peer networks to promote walking among older adults
A randomized trial to measure the impact of a community-based cognitive training intervention on balance and gait in cognitively intact black older adults
Suicide prevention in rural communities: perspectives from a Community of Practice
Grass roots injury prevention: a guide for field workers
An economic framework for transitioning to capacity building
Preventing and reducing violence against women: innovation in community-level studies
Restoring public confidence: perceptions of community police officers
Fatal and non-fatal unintentional drownings in swimming pools in Italy: Epidemiological data derived from the public press in 2008-2012
The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: self-reported safety-related health behaviours following a combined community and workplace intervention
The Dampier Peninsula Prevention Project: working with a group of remote Australian Aboriginal communities to address alcohol and drug use
Implementing a national programme at local level: findings from a multiple-site case study
Geographic information science I: why does a smart city need to be spatially enabled?
Interprofessional education with a community fall prevention event
Neighborhood characteristics and depressive symptoms in an older population
Coordinated community efforts to respond to sexual assault: a national study of sexual assault response team implementation
Drinking patterns and alcohol use disorders in São Paulo, Brazil: the role of neighborhood social deprivation and socioeconomic status
The healing journey: help seeking for self-injury among a community population
"Neighborhood matters": assessment of neighborhood social processes
Time to tackle domestic violence: identifying and supporting families
The cross-sectional and longitudinal association between perceived neighborhood walkability characteristics and depressive symptoms in older Latinos: the "¡Caminemos!" study
Evaluating community readiness to implement environmental and policy-based alcohol abuse prevention strategies in Wisconsin
Linking community protective factors to intimate partner violence perpetration
International variation in neighborhood walkability, transit, and recreation environments using geographic information systems: the IPEN Adult Study
An academic-government-faith partnership to build disaster mental health preparedness and community resilience
Road traffic injury on rural roads in Tanzania: measuring the effectiveness of a road safety program
Gender and sexuality II: there goes the gayborhood?
Building a future without gender violence: rural teachers and youth in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, leading community dialogue
Building healthy communities: establishing health and wellness metrics for use within the real estate industry
Case study: San Francisco's use of neighborhood indicators to encourage healthy urban development
Challenges for a local service agency to address domestic violence -a case study from rural indonesia
Empowering peers to prevent youth violence
A framework to extend community development measurement to health and well-being
Individual, psychosocial, and environmental correlates of 4-year declines in walking among middle-to-older aged adults
Inquiring into life as we live it
Monitoring falls in elderly people: lessons from a community-based project
Neighborhood environment and physical activity among older women: findings from the San Diego cohort of the Women's Health Initiative
A health-in-all-policies approach addresses many of Richmond, California's place-based hazards, stressors
Social campaigns are needed to stop any forms of self-immolation
Stopping cyberbullying requires a combined societal effort
Change in walking and body mass index following residential relocation: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
Developing built environment programs in local health departments: lessons learned from a nationwide mentoring program
The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents' social context and aggressive behavior
Creating a comprehensive bicycle safety program
Food, fizzy, and football: promoting unhealthy food and beverages through sport - a New Zealand case study
Applying community-based participatory research to better understand and improve kinship care practices: insights from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone
Engaging and sustaining adolescents in community-based participatory research: structuring a youth-friendly community-based participatory research environment
Empowering immigrant youth in Chicago: utilizing CBPR to document the impact of a youth health service corps program
Engaging youth in bullying prevention through community-based participatory research
Informal settlements and a relational view of health in Nairobi, Kenya: sanitation, gender and dignity
Health promotion by communities and in communities: Current issues for research and practice
Partnering with youth to map their neighborhood environments: a multilayered GIS approach
Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for youth: effectiveness in a community setting
Youths as partners in a community participatory project for substance use prevention
A child's view: social and physical environmental features differentially predict parent and child perceived neighborhood safety
Cost-benefit analysis simulation of a hospital-based violence intervention program
Evaluation of the Coaches Educators training implementation of the PAPA project: a comparison between Norway and France
Associations between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and neighbourhood recreational facilities: the features of the facilities matter
Bounce Back Now! Protocol of a population-based randomized controlled trial to examine the efficacy of a Web-based intervention with disaster-affected families
Developing a research and practice tool to measure walkability: a demonstration project
Erratum to: population-based prevention of child maltreatment: the U.S. Triple p system population trial
"Femicide" and rhetorics of "coadyuvante" in Ciudad Juarez: valuing rhetorical traditions in the Americas
Evaluation of a health education programme about traumatic brain injury
When a parent is injured or killed in combat
A behaviorally-anchored rating system to monitor treatment integrity for community clinicians using the adolescent community reinforcement approach
A community long-term hotline therapeutic intervention model for coping with the threat and trauma of war and terror
Toward understanding and treating violence in America: some contributions from group dynamic and group therapy perspectives: introduction to part i
Participatory photography gives voice to young non-drivers in New Zealand
Continuing care in high schools: a descriptive study of recovery high school programs
Community fitness programs: what is available for children and youth with motor disabilities and what do parents want?
Effective strategies to provide adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and to increase demand and community support
Ensuring youth's right to participation and promotion of youth leadership in the development of sexual and reproductive health policies and programs
Exploring factors associated with the psychosocial impact of stigma among people with schizophrenia or affective disorders
Prevalence of potentially traumatic events, depression, alcohol use, and social network supports among Chinese migrants: an epidemiological study in Guangzhou, China
The influence of the built environment on outcomes from a "walking school bus study": a cross-sectional analysis using geographical information systems
The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between impulsivity and suicide in rural China
Provincial public center for crisis intervention and psycho-social rehabilitation. a path towards communitary suicidology
Community mental health service utilization after the l'Aquila earthquake
Impact of community-based programs on incarceration outcomes among gay and bisexual stimulant-using homeless adults
Attributions of mental illness: an ethnically diverse community perspective
Beyond risky alcohol use: screening non-medical use of prescription drugs at National Alcohol Screening Day
Diversity and the civic spirit in British neighbourhoods: an investigation with MCDS and EMBES 2010 data
Implementing the Regional Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (REOW) in the state of Oklahoma for substance abuse prevention: an ODMHSAS project
Does social support mediate the relationship among neighborhood disadvantage, incivilities, crime and physical activity?
The effects of maternal depression on child mental health problems based on gender of the child
Design for America: organizing for civic innovation
Developing local safety performance functions versus calculating calibration factors for SafetyAnalyst applications: a Florida case study
Engaging homeless young people in HCI research: they are not just vulnerable, but also susceptible
Estimation of new-capacity projects' safety benefits using transportation planning model and zonal safety planning model
Giving online support: individual and social processes in a domestic violence forum
Walk Score(tm), perceived neighborhood walkability, and walking in the US
Previous homelessness as a risk factor for recovery from serious mental illnesses
Community violence exposure and callous-unemotional traits in adolescents: testing parental support as a promotive versus protective factor
Fire risk reduction through a community-based risk assessment: reflections from Makola Market, Accra, Ghana Building community though a mobile-optimized, online health promotion intervention
Using interactive theater to create socioculturally relevant community-based intimate partner violence prevention
Translating a fall prevention intervention into practice: a randomized community trial
Effects of community-based comprehensive fall prevention program on muscle strength, postural balance and fall efficacy in elderly people
Implementation of health impact assessment in Danish municipal context
Community design, street networks, and public health
History, risk, infrastructure: perspectives on bicycling in the Netherlands and the UK
Screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse in older adults: training outcomes among physicians and other healthcare practitioners in community-based settings
Preventing a child maltreatment epidemic
Improved but still impaired: symptom-impairment correspondence among youth with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder receiving community-based care
Outcomes of FLEXIBLE Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) implementation: a prospective real life study
Development of a measure of multiple physical environmental deprivation. After United Kingdom and New Zealand, Portugal
The assertive community treatment team: an appropriate treatment for medical disorders that present with prominent psychiatric symptoms
Does parental accompaniment when walking or cycling moderate the association between physical neighbourhood environment and active transport among 10-12 year olds?
Integrating research evidence and physical activity policy making-REPOPA project
An examination of perceptions in integrated care practice
Experiences of a mental health first aid training program in Sweden: a descriptive qualitative study
Urban traffic-related determinants of health questionnaire (UTDHQ): an instrument developed for health impact assessments
Disaster preparedness education in South Los Angeles faith-based organizations: a pilot study in promoting personal and community preparedness and resiliency
Prevention counseling among pediatric patients presenting with unintentional injuries to physicians' offices' in the United States
Making the case for active living communities
Lessons from a disaster on the Great Plains
Neighbourhood preferences, active travel behaviour, and built environment: an exploratory study
The "it's no secret" bra drive: an example of collaborative practice
Travel and the social environment: evidence from Alameda County, California
School trips: effects of urban form and distance on travel mode
Street design: Part 1. Complete streets
The role of built environments in physical activity, eating, and obesity in childhood
Community design and policies for free-range children: creating environments that support routine physical activity
Contributions of built environment to childhood obesity
Creating child friendly cities: the case of Denver, USA
Determinants of activity-friendly neighborhoods for children: results from the SPACE study
Evaluation of the safety benefits of legacy safe routes to school programs
Integrating parental attitudes in research on children's active school commuting
Regulating environments to reduce obesity
Residents find a safer Way
Role of built environments in physical activity, obesity, and cardiovascular disease
Safe routes to school at low (or no) cost
Participatory geographic information systems and active transportation
Planning to make every school's travel sustainable by 2010
Gender differences in suicide prevention responses: implications for adolescents based on an illustrative review of the literature
Neighbourhood environment and physical activity among young children: a cross-sectional study from Sweden
Prevention of illicit drug use through a school-based program: results of a longitudinal, cluster-randomized controlled trial
The perception of the young and long-lived elderly 'Gauchos' (from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) about the public spaces they live in Resumo
Practitioner insights on obesity prevention: the voice of South Australian OPAL workers
Drowning is a 'serious and neglected' public health threat
Neighborhood adversity, child health, and the role for community development
The challenge of compiling data profiles to stimulate local preventive health action: a European case study from child safety
On the OCTET and supervised community treatment orders
Space-time clustering of crime events and neighborhood characteristics in Houston
A scoping review of Indigenous suicide prevention in circumpolar regions
Strong Communities for Children: results of a multi-year community-based initiative to protect children from harm
"Someone will notice, and someone will care": how to build Strong Communities for Children
The relationship between citizen perceptions of collective efficacy and neighborhood violent crime
Analysis on accessibility of urban park green space: the case study of Shenyang Tiexi District
Children's safety in community context
Regional Infant and Child Mortality Review Committee 2013 final report
Academic-community partnerships improve outcomes in pediatric trauma care
Intersectoral collaboration for physical activity in Korean Healthy Cities
New approaches for moving upstream: how state and local health departments can transform practice to reduce health inequalities
Working from the inside out: a case study of Mackay Safe Community
Geospatial ecology of adolescent problem behavior: contributions of community factors and parental monitoring
Suicide attempts and associated factors in male and female Korean adolescents: a population-based cross-sectional survey
Supporting people with dementia to walkabout safely outdoors: development of a structured model of assessment
Understanding community-level disaster and emergency response preparedness
Using a simulated mass casualty incident to teach response readiness: a case study
Community economic status and intimate partner violence against women in Bangladesh: compositional or contextual effects?
Community experiments in public health law and policy
Community-engaged public health research to inform hospital campus planning in a low socioeconomic status urban neighborhood
Addressing the social determinants of inequities in physical activity and sedentary behaviours
Key factors influencing implementation of falls prevention exercise programs in the community
Inconsistencies in associations between crime and walking: a reflection of poverty and density
Aligning policing and public health promotion: insights from the world of foot patrol
Differences in associations between active transportation and built environmental exposures when expressed using different components of individual activity spaces
Full Bayesian evaluation of the safety effects of reducing the posted speed limit in urban residential area
Neighborhood, family and individual characteristics related to adolescent park-based physical activity
Promotion and application on the injury prevention strategy research in China
Understanding attendance in a community-based parenting intervention for immigrant Latino families
Evaluation of intervention reach on a citywide health behavior change campaign: cross-sectional study results
Community as a source of health in three racial/ethnic communities in Oregon: a qualitative study
Community led active schools programme (CLASP) exploring the implementation of health interventions in primary schools: headteachers' perspectives
Community-based strategy to prevent deliberate self-harm in adolescence: an inquiry to find risk factors at school
Development of a community health and wellness pilot in a subsidised seniors' apartment building in Hamilton, Ontario: Community Health Awareness Program delivered by Emergency Medical Services (CHAP-EMS)
The effectiveness of community engagement in public health interventions for disadvantaged groups: a meta-analysis
The effect of information and values on acceptability of reduced street lighting
The impact of playground spatial features on children's play and activity forms: an evaluation of contemporary playgrounds' play and social value
Physical upkeep, perceived upkeep, fear of crime and neighborhood satisfaction
The role of urban neighbourhood green space in children's emotional and behavioural resilience
Physical activity among adolescents in an East Malaysian rural indigenous community: exploring the influence of neighborhood environmental factors
Children's Agricultural Safety Network: evaluating organizational effectiveness and impacts
Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of community group and home-based falls prevention exercise programmes on bone health in older people: the ProAct65+ bone study
A school-hospital partnership increases knowledge of pedestrian and motor vehicle safety
Crime, violence, and behavioral health: collaborative community strategies for risk mitigation
Development of a 15-item scale to measure parental perceptions of their neighborhood
Rebranding "community mental health"
Strategies to balance fidelity to housing first principles with local realities: lessons from a large urban centre
The feasibility of community mobilisation for child injury prevention in rural Nepal: a programme for female community health volunteers
Are liveable neighbourhoods safer neighbourhoods? Testing the rhetoric on new urbanism and safety from crime in Perth, Western Australia
Troublesome trade-offs: balancing urban activities and values when securing a city-centre governmental quarter
Civic communities and urban violence
Are we developing walkable suburbs through urban planning policy? Identifying the mix of design requirements to optimise walking outcomes from the 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' planning policy in Perth, Western Australia
Community lenses revealing the role of sociocultural environment on physical activity
PhotoVoice: a community-based participatory approach in developing disaster reduction strategies
PhotoVoice: a community-based participatory approach in developing disaster reduction strategies
Neighbourhood walkability: differential associations with self-reported transport walking and leisure-time physical activity in Canadian towns and cities of all sizes
Community-based intervention for women exposed to intimate partner violence: a randomized control trial
A community-led medical response effort in the wake of hurricane Sandy
Disclosure of spousal violence: viewpoints from the Jordanian society
Village voices: lessons about processes for disease prevention from a qualitative study of family health leaders in a community in northeastern Thailand
Capital punishment and deterrence: examining the effect of executions on murder in Texas
Mitigating barriers against accessible cities and transportation, for child-rearing households
Addressing the health of formerly imprisoned persons in a distressed neighborhood through a community collaborative board
Applying knowledge translation tools to inform policy: the case of mental health in Lebanon
Factors influencing the implementation of a school-based parental support programme to promote health-related behaviours-interviews with teachers and parents
Patterns of neighborhood environment attributes in relation to children's physical activity
Supporting rural Australian communities after disaster: the Warrumbungle Bushfire Support Coordination Service
Priorities of municipal policy makers in relation to physical activity and the built environment: a latent class analysis
Is a healthy city also an age-friendly city?
European Healthy Cities evaluation: conceptual framework and methodology
Evaluation of risk factor reduction in a European City Network
Experiences and meanings of leisure, active living, and recovery among culturally diverse community-dwelling adults with mental illness
Rural restructuring and its impact on community recreation opportunities
The association between the parental perception of the physical neighborhood environment and children's location-specific physical activity
Understanding the link between social organization and crime in rural communities
European Healthy Cities come to terms with health network governance
Errata: Vol. 64, No. 23: Opioid overdose prevention programs providing naloxone to laypersons ..
Trauma center based youth violence prevention programs: an integrative review
"Boring" family routines reduce non-communicable diseases: a commentary and call for action
Depressive symptoms, social support, and violence exposure among urban youth: a longitudinal study of resilience
A ground-up model for gun violence reduction: a community-based public health approach
How active are people in metropolitan parks? An observational study of park visitation in Australia
Making unhealthy places: the built environment and non-communicable diseases in Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Measuring physical neighborhood quality related to health
Mobility and cognition are associated with wellbeing and health related quality of life among older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Vancouver Falls Prevention Cohort
Predictors of clinical outcome of assertive community treatment (ACT) in a rural area in Denmark: an observational study with a two-year follow-up
Public health policy and walking in England-analysis of the 2008 'policy window'
Recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder after a flood in China: a 13-year follow-up and its prediction by degree of collective action
Smart city mobility application-gradient boosting trees for mobility prediction and analysis based on crowdsourced data
Strengthening community resilience efforts in disasters: exploring the roles of public libraries
Systematic review of empowerment measures in health promotion
Assessing community readiness online: a concurrent validation study
Can the built environment influence nonwork activity participation? An analysis with national data
A difference-in-differences study of the effects of a new abandoned building remediation strategy on safety
Leading the way: implementing a domestic violence assessment pilot project by public health nurses
An investigation on mode choice and travel distance demand of older people in the National Capital Region (NCR) of Canada: application of a utility theoretic joint econometric model
Atlanta Streets Alive: a movement building a culture of health in an urban environment
The changing urban landscape: interconnections between racial/ethnic segregation and exposure in the study of race-specific violence over time
The effect of neighborhood recorded crime on fear: does neighborhood social context matter?
"RePlay Health": an experiential role-playing sport for modeling healthcare decisions, policies, and outcomes
Trajectories of childhood neighbourhood cohesion and adolescent mental health: evidence from a national Canadian cohort
Urban neighborhood features and longitudinal weight development in girls
Depressive symptom severity and community collective efficacy following the 2004 Florida hurricanes
Finding our balance: considering the opportunities for public bicycle systems in Cape Town, South Africa
Are area-based initiatives able to improve area safety in deprived areas? A quasi-experimental evaluation of the Dutch District Approach
Community prevention coalition context and capacity assessment: comparing the United States and Mexico
Community mobilization and readiness: planning flaws which challenge effective implementation of 'Communities that Care' (CTC) prevention system
Benefit-cost analysis of a randomized evaluation of Communities That Care: monetizing intervention effects on the initiation of delinquency and substance use through grade 12
Is it safe in numbers?
Perceived and police-reported neighborhood crime: linkages to adolescent activity behaviors and weight status
Diffusion of intervention effects: the impact of a family-based substance use prevention program on friends of participants
Relational diversity and neighbourhood cohesion. Unpacking variety, balance and in-group size
Community health indicators in southern Nevada
The role of neighborhood in the development of aggression in urban African American youth: a multilevel analysis
A systematic review of the effectiveness of whole-of-community interventions by socioeconomic position
Twitter as a potential disaster risk reduction tool. Part IV: competency-based education and training guidelines to promote community resiliency
The DELTA PREP Initiative: accelerating coalition capacity for intimate partner violence prevention
DELTA PREP: building capacity to meet the public health urgency of intimate partner violence
Designing psychological treatments for scalability: the PREMIUM approach
Evaluation of DELTA PREP: a project aimed at integrating primary prevention of intimate partner violence within state domestic violence coalitions
Keys to developing a community-based concussion clinic
Nurses will join forces with safety bodies in bid to reduce violence
Prevention of violence against women and girls at the community level
Patterns of walkability, transit, and recreation environment for physical activity
Associations between neighbourhood walkability and daily steps in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The Willow Hill community health assessment: assessing the needs of children in a former slave community
Walkable school neighborhoods are not playable neighborhoods
Relationship between individual characteristics, neighbourhood contexts and help-seeking intentions for mental illness
The role of university health centers in intervention and prevention of campus sexual assault
Comparing the age-friendliness of different neighbourhoods using district surveys: an example from Hong Kong
Evaluation of the Fifth Phase (2009-2013) of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network: further sophistication and challenges
European Healthy City Network Phase V: patterns emerging for healthy urban planning
Healthy Cities Phase V evaluation: further synthesizing realism
Healthy cities as catalysts for caring and supportive environments
Intelligent rat-runners: impact of car navigation systems on safety of residential roads
The Walking Suitability Index of the Territory (T-WSI): a new tool to evaluate urban neighborhood walkability
Relationship between the objectively-assessed neighborhood area and activity behavior in Swiss youth
Racial differences in parental perceptions of the neighborhood as predictors of children's physical activity and sedentary behavior
Arts as a vehicle for community building and post-disaster development
Associations between parental perceptions of the neighbourhood environment and childhood physical activity: results from ISCOLE-Kenya
Balancing social responsibility and personal autonomy: adolescents' reasoning about community service programs
Building Bridges in New Jersey: strengthening interagency collaboration for offenders receiving drug treatment
Building community resilience: business preparedness lessons in the case of Adapazarı, Turkey
The ch in children stands for cherish
Accounting for the daily locations visited in the study of the built environment correlates of recreational walking (the RECORD Cohort Study)
Road trauma education: the impact of a patient presenter on the road safety attitudes of adolescents
Beyond the individual level: novel approaches and considerations for multilevel adolescent dating violence prevention
Car seat inspection among children older than 3 years: Using data to drive practice in child passenger safety
The impact of intervening in green space in Dutch deprived neighbourhoods on physical activity and general health: results from the quasi-experimental URBAN40 study
Injury prevention in a self-learning health system
Neighborhood attributes associated with the social environment
The School Assessment for Environmental Typology (SAfETy): an observational measure of the school environment
Systematic review of physical activity promotion by community health workers
Toward a centralized database for child safety centers: results of a feasibility pilot study
Understanding barriers for communicating injury prevention messages and strategies moving forward: perspectives from community stakeholders
Understanding research gaps and priorities for improving behavioral counseling interventions: lessons learned from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Engaging community organizations in falls prevention for older adults: moving from research to action
The global health network on alcohol control: successes and limits of evidence-based advocacy
The Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014: where to for the South African health sector?
A multi-site study of environmental correlates of active commuting to school in Mexican children
Addressing gang-related violence in Glasgow: a preliminary pragmatic quasi-experimental evaluation of the Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV)
Community-based global health program for maltreated children and adolescents in Brazil: the Equilibrium Program
Improving child survival through a district management strengthening and community empowerment intervention: early implementation experiences from Uganda
Oklahoma Nurses Association 2005 House of Delegates resolution. Dangers of leaving children unattended in and around motor vehicles
Neighbourhood racial/ethnic composition and segregation and trajectories of cognitive decline among US older adults
Paranoid thinking, cognitive bias and dangerous neighbourhoods: implications for perception of threat and expectations of victimisation
Partnerships for community resilience: perspectives from the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience project
Why gender matters in the solution towards safe sanitation? Reflections from rural India
Relationships between community social capital and injury in Canadian adolescents: a multilevel analysis
A survey of residents' perceptions of the effect of large-scale economic developments on perceived safety, violence, and economic benefits
Tackling risky alcohol consumption in sport: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an alcohol management intervention with community football clubs
The trauma response team: a community intervention for gang violence
Alcohol-related crime in city entertainment precincts: public perception and experience of alcohol-related crime and support for strategies to reduce such crime
Finding their Way: perceptions of risk, resilience, and positive youth development among adolescents and young adults from public housing neighborhoods
Is your neighborhood designed to support physical activity? A brief streetscape audit tool
Validation of a brief form of the Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion questionnaire
Unwanted behaviors and nuisance behaviors among neighbors in a Belgian community sample
Sustaining a pediatric injury prevention program through educational curriculum dissemination
The role of health impact assessment in Phase V of the Healthy Cities European Network
A realist evaluation of community-based participatory research: partnership synergy, trust building and related ripple effects
Approaches to counter loneliness and social isolation
A community-based, technology-supported health service for detecting and preventing frailty among older adults: a participatory design development process
The imperative to integrate suicide prevention within community-based harm reduction programs for people who inject drugs: Informed by the situation in Delhi, India
Using mental health outreach teams in the emergency department to improve engagement in treatment
Effects of a community-based fall management program on Medicare cost savings
The importance of neighborhood ecological assets in community dwelling old people aging outcomes: a study in Northern Portugal
A reliability assessment of a direct-observation park evaluation tool: the Parks, Activity and Recreation among Kids (PARK) tool
Sampling and recruiting community-based programs using community-partnered participation research
Alcoholism and regional strategy and collaboration
Does the effect of walkable built environments vary by neighbourhood socioeconomic status?
Intimate partner violence and subsequent depression: examining the roles of neighborhood supportive mechanisms
Neighbourhood built environment associations with body size in adults: mediating effects of activity and sedentariness in a cross-sectional study of New Zealand adults
Playability: built and social environment features that promote physical activity within children
Building safety around children in families from refugee backgrounds: ensuring children's safety requires working in partnership with families and communities
Engaging cultural resources to promote mental health in Dutch LSES neighborhoods: study of a community-based participatory media project
A community-based intervention for improving health-seeking behavior among sexual violence survivors: a controlled before and after design study in rural Tanzania
Local health department engagement in community physical activity policy
Mapping activity patterns to quantify risk of violent assault in urban environments
Private troubles to public issue: empowering communities to reduce alcohol-related harm in Sabah, Malaysia
Reflections of a Fulbright-Nehru Scholar: The need for physician action in India's child maltreatment challenge: Physicians should seed and support social change to address India's child maltreatment crisis
Suicide and attempted suicide: epidemiological surveillance as a crucial means of a local suicide prevention project in Trento's Province
Training community opinion leaders to raise awareness and promote early intervention for depressed Latino adolescents
The urban environment and violence: moving towards a dynamic understanding of space
The community network: an Aboriginal community football club bringing people together. Who or what is making the assists to score social goals?
The different effects of neighbourhood and individual social capital on health-compromising behaviours in women during pregnancy: a multi-level analysis
Effects of Communities That Care on males' and females' drug use and delinquency 9 years after baseline in a community-randomized trial
Effects of local extrinsic mortality rate, crime and sex ratio on preventable death in Northern Ireland
Polytrauma transitional rehabilitation programs: comprehensive rehabilitation for community integration after brain injury
Can the neighborhood built environment make a difference to children's development? Building the research agenda to create evidence for place-based children's policy
Crime and subjective well-being in the countries of the former Soviet Union
How much is too much? Getting children involved, but not too involved
A qualitative study on the role of the built environment for short walking trips
Teatime threats. Choking incidents at the evening meal
Understanding contextual influences of community reintegration among injured servicemembers
Comparing the functioning of youth and adult partnerships for health promotion
Impact of older adults' neighborhood perceptions on walking behavior
Building sustainable health and education partnerships: stories from local communities
A whole school approach: collaborative development of school health policies, processes, and practices
Using the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model: implications for practice
How the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model works: creating greater alignment, integration, and collaboration between health and education
Placing students at the center: the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model
Spatial spillover effects of a community action programme targeting on-licensed premises on violent assaults: evidence from a natural experiment
Healthy urban environments for children and young people: a systematic review of intervention studies
Neighborhood self-selection: the role of pre-move health factors on the built and socioeconomic environment
Test-retest reliability of the scale of participation in organized activities among adolescents in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Replication of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Resource Facilitation to Improve Return to Work and School after Brain Injury
Mechanisms of cumulative advantage among NGOs engaging men in violence prevention
Objective and subjective measures of neighborhood environment (NE): relationships with transportation physical activity among older persons
Relations of neighborhood environment influences, physical activity, and active transportation to/from school across African American, Latino American, and White girls in the United States
The alleged "Ferguson effect" and police willingness to engage in community partnership
Evaluation of community-level effects of Communities that Care on adolescent drug use and delinquency using a repeated cross-sectional design
Exercise and gardening programs as tools to reduce community violence
Community-based mental health treatments for survivors of torture and militant attacks in Southern Iraq: a randomized control trial
Patterns of local segregation: do they matter for neighborhood crime?
Quality of public open spaces and recreational walking
Evaluation of the ASK campaign in two Midwestern cities
Sexual violence in America: public funding and social priority
Violence prevention in childhood and adolescence - a brief overview
Exploring domestic violence and social distress in Australian-Indian migrants through community theater
Community-based recovery and youth justice
Helping others as a response to reconcile a criminal past: the role of the wounded healer in prisoner reentry programs
Theorizing community integration as desistance-promotion
Community participation and strengthening in a reconstruction context after a natural disaster
Community resilience of civilians at war: a new perspective
Community-based pedestrian safety training in virtual reality: a pragmatic trial
Conceptions about social violence and violence against women: community participatory diagnosis at Manchay, Lima
Ensuring the health of children in disasters
Evaluation of the dissemination, implementation, and sustainability of the "Partnership for Health" intervention
The impact of neighborhood disorganization on neighborhood exposure to violence, trauma symptoms, and social relationships among at-risk youth
The mental health of US Black women: the roles of social context and severe intimate partner violence
Mentoring serial and high-risk perpetrators of intimate partner violence in the community: engagement and initiating change
The public health response to 'do-it-yourself' urbanism
Sense of community in a context of community violence
Six month outcomes of a peer-enhanced community reinforcement approach for emerging adults with substance misuse: a preliminary study
How to help me get out of a gang: youth recommendations to family, school, community, and law enforcement systems
Social distance between minority youth and the police: an exploratory analysis of the TAPS Academy
Predictors of the severity of the gang problem at the local level: an analysis of police perceptions
Views from the field: Are we color blind to the violence behind graffiti?
Facilitating change: a process of renewal for women who have used force in their intimate heterosexual relationships
Health impacts of increased physical activity from changes in transportation infrastructure: quantitative estimates for three communities
Family and community driven response to intimate partner violence in post-conflict settings
"It gave me my life back": an evaluation of a specialist legal domestic abuse service
Sex trafficking awareness and associated factors among youth females in Bahir Dar town, North-West Ethiopia: a community based study
Effectiveness of a community-based falls prevention program for the elderly
Explaining how unexploded ordnance clearance enhances livelihoods in the Lao PDR
Insights in public health: initiating bicycle sharing in Hawai'i: lessons learned from a small pilot bike share program
Integrated community case management in Malawi: an analysis of innovation and institutional characteristics for policy adoption
The action program for highway safety
Community-based environmental strategies to prevent the non-medical use of marijuana: a review of the literature
Access to transportation for Chittenden County Vermont older adults
Community preparedness for emergency: a cross-sectional survey of residents in Heilongjiang of China
Barriers and facilitators to engaging communities in gender-based violence prevention following a natural disaster
The cultural adaptation of a community-based child maltreatment prevention initiative
Development of an urban green space indicator and the public health rationale
Examining the neighborhood effects on police performance to assault calls
Green space attachment and health: a comparative study in two urban neighborhoods
Physiological and psychological effects of a walk in urban parks in fall
Recommendations from an American Indian reservation community-based suicide prevention program
Walk-friendly suburbs for older adults? Exploring the enablers and barriers to walking in a large suburban municipality in Canada
Enhancing capacity for emergency evacuation through resource matching and coordinated volunteerism
Analysis on prevalence and influence factors of smoking and drinking among middle shool students of Tujia and Miao in Xiangxi Area
Community-based interventions to prevent fatal overdose from illegal drugs: a systematic review protocol
Cycling for transport and recreation: associations with the socio-economic, natural and built environment
Environment and cognitive aging: a cross-sectional study of place of residence and cognitive performance in the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing
Gun violence prevention: ripe for the entire medical community
Practical integration: the art of balancing values, institutions and knowledge: lessons from the History of British Public Health and Town Planning
Socio-economic environment, area facilities and obesity and physical inactivity among children
A systematic review of studies evaluating Australian indigenous community development projects: the extent of community participation, their methodological quality and their outcomes
Youth finding meaning through a larger sense of community
Integrating information from multiple methods into the analysis of perceived risk of crime: the role of geo-referenced field data and mobile methods
Are adult businesses crime hotspots? Comparing adult businesses to other locations in three cities
Exploring the role and importance of post-disaster events in rural communities
Neighborhood racial composition, institutional socialization, and intraracial feelings of closeness among Black Americans
The social organisation of the rural and crime in the United States: Conceptual considerations
Strange and stranger ruralities: Social constructions of rural crime in Australia
What is smart rural development?
Walking beyond the socioeconomic status in an objectively and perceptually walkable pedestrian environment
The building blocks of a 'Liveable Neighbourhood': identifying the key performance indicators for walking of an operational planning policy in Perth, Western Australia
Built environment effects on cyclist injury severity in automobile-involved bicycle crashes
Current profile of cycling injuries: a retrospective analysis of a trauma centre level 1 in Queensland
Ecology matters: neighborhood differences in the protective role of self-control and social support for adolescent antisocial behavior
Creating cycling-friendly environments for children: which micro-scale factors are most important? An experimental study using manipulated photographs
A different trolley problem: the limits of environmental justice and the promise of complex moral assessments for transportation infrastructure
The comparative context of collective efficacy: understanding neighbourhood disorganisation and willingness to intervene in Seattle and Brisbane
CREATE-ing capacity to take developmental crime prevention to scale: a community-based approach within a national framework
Considerations towards a population health approach to reduce prescription opioid-related harms (with a primary focus on Canada)
The development of a framework to integrate evidence into a national injury prevention strategy
Sexual and physical violence victimization among senior high school students in Ghana: risk and protective factors
Violence in advertisements in New York City subway stations: a pilot study
Neighborhood characteristics contribute to urban alcohol availability: accounting for race/ethnicity and social disorganization
Regional Infant and Child Mortality Review Committee 2014 Final Report
The place where you live and self-rated health in a large urban area
Effectiveness of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy in a community-based program
The effects of the urban built environment on mental health: a cohort study in a large northern Italian city
"An environment built to include rather than exclude me": creating inclusive environments for human well-being
Impact of new transport infrastructure on walking, cycling, and physical activity
Impacts of social network on therapeutic community participation: a follow-up survey of data gathered after Ya'an earthquake
Implementing a community bullying awareness intervention in an adolescent psychiatric unit: a feasibility study
Implementing a nation-wide mental health care reform: an analysis of stakeholders' priorities
Behind the wheel: community consultation informs adaptation of safe-transport program for older drivers
Cycling infrastructure for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists
How bonding and bridging networks contribute to disaster resilience and recovery on the Bangladeshi coast
Main challenges on community-based approaches in earthquake risk reduction: case study of Tehran, Iran
Multipurpose uses of cyclone shelters: quest for shelter sustainability and community development
Translation and evaluation of the Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia
Barriers to implementation of opioid overdose prevention programs in Ohio
Neighborhood-level social processes and substantiated cases of child maltreatment
Community awareness and perception on hazards in Southwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
A framework to understand the relationship between social factors that reduce resilience in cities: application to the City of Boston
Households' immediate responses to the 2009 American Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami
Media's role in disaster risk reduction: the third-person effect
Governing drug use through partnerships: towards a genealogy of government/non-government relations in drug policy
Moving on: how depressive symptoms, social support, and health behaviors predict residential mobility
Rebalance without the balance: a research note on the availability of community-based services in areas where nursing homes have closed
ASPIRE: A multi-site community-based participatory research project to increase understanding of the dynamics of violence against immigrant and refugee women in Australia
Behavioral and affective disorders after brain injury: French guidelines for prevention and community supports
Comparing the impacts of community policing in the cities of Nagpur and Tirunelveli: an empirical study
Ameliorating psychosocial risk among mothers with intellectual impairment
The "Em Comum-Idade" community intervention project: contributions to the promotion of health among the elderly of Viçosa in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
How can community religious groups aid recovery for individuals with psychotic illnesses?
Visibly white: how community policing activists negotiate their whiteness
Built environment and walking behavior among brazilian older adults: a population-based study
Community perceptions of risk factors for interpersonal violence in townships in Cape Town, South Africa: a focus group study
Community-based participatory research integrates behavioral and biological research to achieve health equity for native Hawaiians
Improving the neighborhood environment for urban older adults: social context and self-rated health
Prevalence of physical activity policies and environmental strategies in communities and worksites: the Iowa Community Transformation Grant
Protecting urban health and safety: balancing care and harm in the era of mass incarceration
School health: an essential strategy in promoting community resilience and preparedness for natural disasters
Mode choice for school trips: long-term planning and impact of modal specification on policy assessments
Walking access to transit stations: evaluating barriers with stated preference
School choice and travel patterns in Northern Ireland: economic, social, and environmental impacts of a complex system
Community perspectives on alcohol use among a tribal population in rural southern India
Cooperation and the common good
A walk in the park: the influence of urban parks and community violence on physical activity in Chelsea, MA
A conceptual model of a school-community collaborative network in enhancing coastal community resilience in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Cost and outcomes associated with participating in the Community Fireguard Program : experiences from the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia
Problem-solving coping and social support as mediators of academic stress and suicidal ideation among Malaysian and Indian adolescents
Promoting walking in older adults: perceived neighborhood walkability influences the effectiveness of motivational messages
Locations that support social activity participation of the aging population
Mental health and sociocultural determinants in an Asian Indian community
A road map to address the social determinants of health through community collaboration
Social and physical environments and self-rated health in urban and rural communities in Korea
Socioeconomic differences in physical activity in the middle-aged working population : the role of education, occupation, and income
"Sometimes what they think is helpful is not really helpful": understanding engagement in the program of assertive community treatment (PACT)
State fall prevention coalitions as systems change agents: an emphasis on policy
Substantive and procedural tolerance are diverse communities really more tolerant?
The protective role of maternal racial socialization for African American adolescents exposed to community violence
Take-home naloxone to prevent fatalities from opiate-overdose: protocol for Scotland's public health policy evaluation, and a new measure to assess impact
Economic and safety benefits of pharmaceutical interventions by community and hospital pharmacists in Japan
The 2011 flood event in the Mekong Delta: preparedness, response, damage and recovery of private households and small businesses
Built environment influences of children's physical activity: examining differences by neighbourhood size and sex
Race, ethnicity, and exposure to alcohol outlets
Is my drinking a problem? A community-based alcohol intervention programme post-Haiyan in Tacloban City
The low level of response to alcohol-based heavy drinking prevention program: one-year follow-up
The need for new emphasis on batterers intervention programs
Developing a community-based participatory research approach to understanding of the repeat use of psychiatric emergency services
The effectiveness of a community-based exercise program on balance performance and fear of falling in older non-fallers at risk of falling: a randomized, controlled study
Associations between the objective and perceived built environment and bicycling for transportation
Bridging the gap between research and practice by strengthening academic-community partnerships for violence research
Changes in walking activity following residential relocation: longitudinal results from the CARDIA study
Community experience with public sex offender registries in the United States: a national survey
Comprehensive health impact assessment for active travel: a "PASTA" project approach
Connected biking in the connected city
Contrasting urban contexts in healthy ageing: the case of Luxembourg urban agglomeration
Decolonizing policing: indigenous patrols, counter-policing and safety
Extending life on the bike: electric bike use by older Australians
Health and transportation: small scale area association
How walkable is Walker's Paradise?
The impact of urban structure on mental health in Turin: the importance of public transport accessibility
The impacts of national and local government actions on active travel
Interactions between psychological and environmental characteristics and their impacts on walking
Key roles of community connectedness in healing from trauma
The trouble with safety: fear of crime, pollution and subjectification in public space
Use of health impact assessment to promote safe built environments for active transportation
Walking in Sydney: trends in prevalence by geographic areas using information from transport and health surveillance systems
Transportation public health link: changing perspectives…changing a culture through cross-disciplinary collaboration
"Putting school travel on the map": facilitators and barriers to implementing school travel planning in Canada
Rural-urban differences in health care provider child passenger safety anticipatory guidance provision
Seeing community for the trees: the links among contact with natural environments, community cohesion, and crime
Neighbourly demands: property, propriety and the racial identification of crime in Chicago
Application and developmental strategies for community-based injury prevention programs of the international Safe Communities movement in Korea
Volunteer driven home safety intervention results in significant reduction in pediatric injuries: a model for community based injury reduction
The moderating role of aggressiveness in response to campaigns and interventions promoting anti-violence attitudes
Screening at hair salons: the feasibility of using community resources to screen for intimate partner violence
We have the programme, what next? Planning the implementation of an injury prevention programme
Community-based InterVentions to prevent serIous Complications (CIVIC) following spinal cord injury in Bangladesh: protocol of a randomised controlled trial
The effect of community stress and problems on psychopathology: a structural equation modeling study
Effectiveness of community participation in earthquake preparedness: a community-based participatory intervention study of Tehran
Guidance for community-based caregivers in assisting people with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury with transfers and manual handling: evidence and key stakeholder perspectives
The protective effect of neighborhood social cohesion in child abuse and neglect
Religious congregations in disaster response
The child and adolescent needs and strengths as an outcome measure in community mental health: factor analysis and a validation of the short form
A preliminary study on the efficacy of a community-based physical activity intervention on physical function-related risk factors for falls among breast cancer survivors
Community resilience throughout the lifespan - the potential contribution of healthy elders
Evaluation of perceptions of physical activity related built environment among urban adults with different characteristics in Hangzhou
Implementation measurement for evidence-based violence prevention programs in communities
Responding to child maltreatment: a framework for mapping child protection agencies
Symptoms among partners, family, and friends of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: associations with social support behaviors, gender, and relationship status
Are users satisfied with assertive community treatment in spite of personal restrictions?
Bike Score®: associations between urban bikeability and cycling behavior in 24 cities
Development of an innovative treatment paradigm for intimate partner violence victims with depression and pain using community-based participatory research
Exploring why residents of socioeconomically deprived neighbourhoods have less favourable perceptions of their neighbourhood environment than residents of wealthy neighbourhoods
Facilitators for the development and implementation of health promoting policy and programs - a scoping review at the local community level
Falls prevention education: interprofessional training to enhance collaborative practice
The impact of SASA!, a community mobilisation intervention, on women's experiences of intimate partner violence: secondary findings from a cluster randomised trial in Kampala, Uganda
Influence of parental perception of school safety and gender on children's physical activity in Mexico: a cross sectional study
Interactions of individual perceived barriers and neighbourhood destinations with obesity-related behaviours in Europe
Perceived environmental correlates of cycling for transport among adults in five regions of Europe
A successful high visibility enforcement intervention targeting underage drinking drivers
A 3-component approach incorporating focus groups in strategic planning for sexual violence prevention
Community coping strategies in response to hardship and human rights abuses among Burmese refugees and migrants at the Thai-Burmese border: a qualitative approach
Urban green spaces activities: a preparatory groundwork for a safety management system
Creating a community of practice to prevent suicide through multiple channels: describing the theoretical foundations and structured learning of PC CARES
Response to Kestens et al. Comments on Melis et al. The effects of the urban built environment on mental health: a cohort study in a large northern Italian City. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015, 12, 14898-14915
Children, teachers and GPs call for more bullying support
Community delivery of a comprehensive fall-prevention program in people with multiple sclerosis: a retrospective observational study
Community Mental Health in disaster situations. A review of community-based models of approach
Cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of a community mobilisation intervention to reduce intimate partner violence in Kampala, Uganda
Community-based counselors' interventions for elementary school-age children coping with trauma
Neighbourhood and physical activity in German adolescents: GINIplus and LISAplus
Participants' assessment of the impact of behavioral health self-direction on recovery
Critical partners in domestic violence advocacy- a unique collaboration
Impact of community-based approach as policy tool: World Health Organization-designated Safe Communities of Korea and Health Action Zones of the United Kingdom
Injuries and Safe Communities accreditation: Is there a link?
"This is the way we were raised": alcohol beliefs and acculturation in relation to alcohol consumption among Native Americans
The association between built environment attributes and physical activity in East Asian adolescents: a systematic review
Community vision and interagency alignment: a community planning process to promote active transportation
Community engagement in youth violence prevention: crafting methods to context
Designs for evaluating the community-level impact of comprehensive prevention programs: examples from the CDC Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention
Modifiable neighborhood features associated with adolescent homicide
Neighborhood context and binge drinking by race and ethnicity in new york city
Bringing in "the ones who know them": informal community and safety planning for victims of intimate partner violence in New Zealand
Building community capacity and fostering disaster resilience
Neighborhood firearm victimization rates and social capital over time
Community violence exposure and generalized anxiety symptoms: does executive functioning serve a moderating role among low income, urban youth?
An independent replication of the Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach with justice-involved youth
Policing, community fragmentation, and public health: observations from baltimore
Sustainable development goals put violence prevention on the map
Understanding associations between neighborhood socioeconomic status and negative consequences of drinking: a moderated mediation analysis
Using Communities That Care for community child maltreatment prevention
Public and communal spaces and their relation to the spatial dynamics of ethnic riots: violence and non-violence in the city of Osh
Domestic violence and its associated factors among married women of a village development committee of rural Nepal
The evolution of multiagency partnerships for safety over the course of research engagement: experiences from the NoGAPS project
Implementing and evaluating comprehensive evidence-based approaches to prevent youth violence: partnering to create communities where youth are safe from violence
Mediators of the relation between community violence and sexual risk behavior among adults attending a public sexually transmitted infection clinic
Nunavut's new suicide prevention strategy
Outcomes of a falls prevention education program among older adults in Grenada
Prevention and public health approaches to trauma and traumatic stress: a rationale and a call to action
Associations between neighborhood socioeconomic environment and physical activity in Cuban immigrants
Building resilience in children and their communities following disaster in a developing country: responding to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti
Built environment assessment: multidisciplinary perspectives
Civic engagement curriculum: a strengths-based intervention serving African American youth in a context of toxic stress
Developing a two-step fuzzy cost-benefit analysis for strategies to continuity management and disaster recovery
Evaluation of urban redevelopment impact on non-motorized traffic
Numbing and hyperarousal as mediators of exposure to community violence and depression in urban African-American youth
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Youth Violence Prevention Centers: paving the way to prevention
Building community capacity for road safety - are we doing it?
Building new partnerships to improve road safety risk
Child unintentional injury prevention in Eastern Mediterranean Region
Developing a new index for comparing road safety maturity: case study of the ASEAN Community
Do your neighbors affect your bicycling choice? A spatial probit model for bicycling to the Ohio State University
Enhancing South Australia's graduated licensing scheme through road safety partnerships and a strong evidence-base
Community-based norms about intimate partner violence: putting attributions of fault and responsibility into context (erratum)
Long term effects of an intervention in the outdoor environment--a comparison of older people's perception in two residential areas, in one of which accessibility improvements were introduced
Optimization of an urban transport system on the condition of different goals of municipal authorities, operators and passengers
Relationship between socio-economic status, perceived stress, social support and domestic violence with women's depression in reproductive age using path analysis
Tradeoffs between in- and out-of-residential neighborhood locations for discretionary activities and time use: do social contexts matter?
Transit-oriented development, integration of land use and transport, and pedestrian accessibility: combining node-place model with pedestrian shed ratio to evaluate and classify station areas in Lisbon
Can community social cohesion prevent posttraumatic stress disorder in the aftermath of a disaster? A natural experiment from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
Differences in functional fitness among older adults with and without risk of falling
Vulnerable, but why? Post-traumatic stress symptoms in older adults exposed to Hurricane Sandy
Do intensive services obviate the need for CTOs?
Understanding the impact of area-based interventions on area safety in deprived areas: realist evaluation of a neighbour nuisance intervention in Arnhem, the Netherlands
Fearfulness in the community: empirical assessments of influential factors
The role of citizens in reduction of traffic accidents
The role of public intervention in the prevention of traffic accidents in the Sazman-e Barnameh Area, Tehran, Iran
The role of public intervention in the prevention of traffic accidents in the Zibadasht Area, Tehran, Iran
Saving lives and protecting people from injuries and violence
Continuity of operations planning in college athletic programs: the case for incorporating federal emergency management guidelines
Growing healthy children and communities: children's insights in Lao People's Democratic Republic
The association between physical environment and health: indicating the direction of effects using German panel data
Associations between the neighborhood environment and moderate-to-vigorous walking in New Zealand children: findings from the URBAN study
Associations of perceived neighborhood safety and crime with cardiometabolic risk factors among a population with type 2 diabetes
Community health workers as cultural producers in addressing gender-based violence in rural South Africa
Cross sectional association between spatially measured walking bouts and neighborhood walkability
Public green areas and urban environmental quality of the city of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Preparedness for protecting the health of community-dwelling vulnerable elderly people in eastern and western Japan in the event of natural disasters
Ecological pathways to prevention: How does the SASA! community mobilisation model work to prevent physical intimate partner violence against women?
Gender differences in the associations between perceived environment and walking for recreation in Taiwanese adults
Out of the classroom and into the community: medical students consolidate learning about health literacy through collaboration with Head Start
Passive suicidal ideation and community mental health resources in South Africa
Does the effect of micro-environmental factors on a street's appeal for adults' bicycle transport vary across different macro-environments? An experimental study
Home environment and psychosocial predictors of obesity status among community-residing men and women
The psychological sense of community in the neighborhood
Promotion, prevention and protection: interventions at the population- and community-levels for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries
The Community Integration Questionnaire - Revised: Australian normative data and measurement of electronic social networking
Satisfaction with police in violent crime hot spots: using community surveys as a guide for selecting hot spots policing tactics
Walkability around primary schools and area deprivation across Scotland
Evaluating a police-led community initiative to reduce gun violence in St. Louis
Increasing physical activity in childcare outdoor learning environments: the effect of setting adjacency relative to other built environment and social factors
The influence of sense of community on the perceived value of physical activity: a cross-context analysis
Neighbourhood walkability, road density and socio-economic status in Sydney, Australia
Reducing time to first on scene: an ambulance-community first responder scheme
Neighbourhood effects on body constitution: a case study of Hong Kong
Perceived service need after Hurricane Sandy in a representative sample of survivors: the roles of community-level damage and individual-level stressors
A community partnership to respond to the heroin and opioid abuse epidemic
You're not alone: mental health outcomes in therapy groups for abused women
Communities on the move: pedestrian-oriented zoning as a facilitator of adult active travel to work in the United States
Perceived features of cycling and value of public bike system
A study on enhancement methods of level of service analysis for pedestrian sidewalks
A study on pedestrian accessibility considering social path
Disaster mental health and community-based psychological first aid: concepts and education/training
Disaster risk, social vulnerability, and economic development
Advancing understanding of the characteristics and capacity of African American women who serve as lay health advisors in community-based settings
Assessing built environment walkability using activity-space summary measures
Effect of a community-based pedestrian injury prevention program on driver yielding behavior at marked crosswalks
Effects of Buffalo home-based functional exercise in community-dwelling older adults with medium to high fall risks - a proof of concept
Equity, sustainability and governance in urban settings
Independent, community-based aerobic exercise training for people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
Influence of urbanistic characteristics in the level of physical activity in people aged 18 to 65 of the metropolitan area Pamplona, Spain
Measuring collective efficacy in the context of community-based child maltreatment prevention
Surveillance of public space: CCTV, privacy and sense of safety
The role of charities in the prevention of suicide in elderly people
Socioeconomic and race/ethnic disparities in observed park quality
Violence prevention and intervention programmes for adolescents in Australia: a systematic review
Which socio-ecological factors associate with a switch to or maintenance of active and passive transport during the transition from primary to secondary school?
Examining the presence of congregational programs focused on violence against women
Culture, local capacity, and outside aid: a community perspective on disaster response after the 2009 tsunami in American Sāmoa
Parental perception of neighborhood safety and children's physical activity
Changes in policy maker attitudes toward active living communities (ALC) issues in Hawaii, 2007-2013
Self-empowerment of immigrant Latina survivors of domestic violence: a promotora model of community leadership
Tracking restoration of park and urban street settings in coronary artery disease patients
The violence prevention community meeting: a multi-site study
Strengthening community-level understanding of and responses to intimate partner violence using geographic information systems (GIS)
Gender differences in pedestrian perception and satisfaction on the walkability of Kuala Lumpur city center
Pedestrian footpath level of service (FOOT-LOS) model for Johor Bahru
Public housing residents' neighbors and neighborhood: good, neutral, or troublesome/unstable
Sense of community: is it a protective factor for military veterans?
Carlessness in a car‐centric world: a reconstructive approach to qualitative mobility biographies research
Effects of neighborhood types and socio-demographics on activity space
Perceived and objective measures of neighborhood environment for physical activity among Mexican adults, 2011
What does it mean for something to be "scientific"? Community understandings of science, educational attainment, and community representation among a sample of 25 CBPR projects
Cycling in multimodal transport behaviours: exploring modality styles in the Danish population
Disaster management, crowdsourced R&D and probabilistic innovation theory: toward real time disaster response capability
Engaging the public in planning for disaster recovery
Examining the integration process of the community based institutions and organisations as a response strategy for 'disaster reduction': a case of the Kazungula District, Zambia
An investigation of the attributes of walkable environments from the perspective of seniors in Montreal
Policing vulnerability through building community connections
Urban transport justice
A primrose path? Moderating effects of age and gender in the association between green space and mental health
Webcams, crowdsourcing, and enhanced crosswalks: developing a novel method to analyze active transportation
Changes in attitudes toward guns and shootings following implementation of the Baltimore Safe Streets intervention
Measuring urban streetscapes for livability: a review of approaches
Communicating parent community at prevention meetings in Norwegian schools
Community detoxification for alcohol dependence: a systematic review
Community reintegration problems among veterans and active duty service members with traumatic brain injury
Disparities in adolescents' residence in neighborhoods supportive of physical activity - United States, 2011-2012
Disparities in pedestrian streetscape environments by income and race/ethnicity
It can W8: a community intervention to decrease distracted driving
Effect of group activities on health promotion for the community-dwelling elderly
Evaluation of the overdose education and naloxone distribution program of the Baltimore Student Harm Reduction Coalition
Familial and contextual influences on children's prosocial behavior: South African caregivers as adult protective shields in enhancing child mental health
Improving the community response to sexual assault: an empirical examination of the effectiveness of sexual assault response teams (SARTs)
Status report - The Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program: a dynamic and innovative injury surveillance system
Does neighborhood collective efficacy for families change over time? The Boston Neighborhood Survey
Built environment and mode choice relationship for commute travel in the city of Rajkot, India
Exploring the link between the neighborhood typologies, bicycle infrastructure and commuting cycling over time and the potential impact on commuter GHG emissions
Factors influencing the choice of shared bicycles and shared electric bikes in Beijing
Happy or liberal? Making sense of behavior in transport policy design
Optimal traffic calming: a mixed-integer bi-level programming model for locating sidewalks and crosswalks in a multimodal transportation network to maximize pedestrians' safety and network usability
Enhancing utilitarian cycling: a case study
The impact of para-professional social workers and community health care workers in Côte d'Ivoire: contributions to the protection and social support of vulnerable children in a resource poor country
Strength in numbers: a community education program to prevent falls in older adults
Interactions between neighborhood social environment and walkability to explain Belgian older adults' physical activity and sedentary time
Community participation in the development and validation of a school violence observation instrument
Do neighborhood demographics modify walking group intervention effectiveness in urban neighborhoods?
How do family-focused prevention programs work? A review of mediating mechanisms associated with reductions in youth antisocial behaviors
People, planet and participation: the Kuching statement on healthy, just and sustainable urban development
What attracts people to visit community open spaces? A case study of the Overseas Chinese Town community in Shenzhen, China
Street network design for a sustainable mobility system
Study of the establishment of the regional cycling route Srem
Strength-based well-being indicators for Indigenous children and families: a literature review of Indigenous communities' identified well-being indicators
Pursuing authenticity from process to outcome in a community-based participatory research study of intimate partner violence and HIV vulnerability in North Karnataka, India
Exploring the cross-sectional association between transit-oriented development zoning and active travel and transit usage in the United States, 2010-2014
From attitude to action: What shapes attitude toward walking to/from school and how does it influence actual behaviors?
Effects of new motorway infrastructure on active travel in the local population: a retrospective repeat cross-sectional study in Glasgow, Scotland
Community-based participatory research: ameliorating conflict when community and research practices meet
Assessing community coalition capacity and its association with underage drinking prevention effectiveness in the context of the SPF SIG
Academic health center-community justice program partnerships: linking men in the justice system to health care
Assessing partnerships between the military and civilian agencies to meet transitioning service members' needs
Multilevel analysis of municipal officials' participation in land use policies supportive of active living: city and individual factors
Understanding relationships between health, ethnicity, place and the role of urban green space in deprived urban communities
Gender and age differences in walking for transport and recreation: are the relationships the same in all neighborhoods?
Environmental determinants of aggression in adolescents: role of urban neighborhood greenspace
Neighborhood disadvantage alters the origins of children's nonaggressive conduct problems
Constructing a vision for an 'ideal' future city: a conceptual model for transformative urban planning
Development of an emergency department violence intervention program for youth: an integrated knowledge translation approach
Demand management methods for the environment oriented hybrid traffic system to be implemented in Istanbul
Green walking networks for climate change adaptation
Built environmental correlates of physical activity in China: a review
Traumatic brain injury in a rural indigenous population in Canada: a community-based approach to surveillance
Critical spatial learning: participatory mapping, spatial histories, and youth civic engagement
The complexity of problem-solving in urban parks: a case study
Elderly victimization and fear of crime in public spaces
An examination of thwarted mass homicide plots and threateners
Guanxi and school success: an ethnographic inquiry of parental involvement in rural China
Guardianship against sexual offenses: exploring the role of gender in intervention
Introducing urban vitality as a determinant of children's healthy mobility habits: a focus on activity engagement and physical activity
Neighbourhood play on the endangered list: examining patterns in children's local activity and mobility using GPS monitoring and qualitative GIS
The relationship between children's perceptions of the natural environment and their subjective well-being
Analysis and planning of bicycle parking for public transport stations
Arming civilians as a counterterror strategy: the case of the village guard system in Turkey
Decentring security governance
The influence of built environment and travel attitudes on walking: a case study of Porto Alegre, Brazil
Access to and use of schools for physical activity among adults in Los Angeles County
Playability of school-environments and after-school physical activity among 8-11 year-old children: specificity of time and place
Reducing violence in poor urban areas of Honduras by building community resilience through community-based interventions
Changes in visitor profiles and activity patterns following dog supportive modifications to parks: a natural experiment on the health impact of an urban policy
Neighbourhood social and built environment factors and falls in community-dwelling Canadian older adults: a validation study and exploration of structural confounding
Parenting and safety program for system-involved female survivors of intimate partner violence: a qualitative follow-up study
Impact of a neighborhood-based curriculum on the helpfulness of pediatric residents' anticipatory guidance to impoverished families
Neighborhood safety factors associated with older adults' health-related outcomes: a systematic literature review
Establishment of an appropriate fall prevention program: a community-based study
Inviting emotional connections to ethnographic research an ethnodrama of a community change initiative
Poly-victimization across social contexts home, school, and neighborhood violence exposure
In the service of justice: will social support to victims of domestic violence increase prosecution?
Measuring community resilience to coastal hazards along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
"You are a part of the solution": negotiating gender-based violence and engendering change in urban informal settlements in Mumbai, India
The relation of perceived and objective environment attributes to neighborhood satisfaction
Town planning and city design
Investigating community perspectives on falls prevention information seeking and delivery: older person perceptions regarding preferences for falls prevention education using a world cafe approach
Considering sound in planning and designing public spaces a review of theory and applications and a proposed framework for integrating research and practice
Disseminating the community advocacy project in Mexico: a feasibility study
Do neighborhood physical activity resources and land use influence physical activity among African American public housing residents?
An evidence-based review of early intervention and prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder
Governing private security in New Zealand
How reported usefulness modifies the association between neighborhood supports and walking behavior
Biological sensitivity to context: cortisol awakening response moderates the effects of neighbourhood density on the development of adolescent externalizing problem behaviours
Transportation planning and quality of life: where do they intersect?
Community integration and health-related quality-of-life following acquired brain injury for persons living at home
Communication, sense of community, and disaster recovery: a Facebook case study
Evaluating the impact of bike network indicators on cyclist safety using macro-level collision prediction models
Insights into children's independent mobility for transportation cycling: which socio-ecological factors matter?
Multidimensional family therapy: evidence base for transdiagnostic treatment outcomes, change mechanisms, and implementation in community settings
Highway safety improvement program local project selection guidance
Evaluating claims to avoid pseudoscientific and unproven practices in special education
Building resilient communities: a facilitated discussion
Community-level approaches to child maltreatment prevention
An educational intervention in road safety among children and teenagers in Mexico
An organizational process for promoting home fire safety in two community settings
Physical and social environmental changes to promote walking among Dutch older adults in deprived neighbourhoods: the NEW.ROADS study
Social resources and community resilience in the wake of Superstorm Sandy
"We actually care and we want to make the parks better": a qualitative study of youth experiences and perceptions after conducting park audits
Urban American Indian community perspectives on resources and challenges for youth suicide prevention
Neigbourhood factors on mental health questionnaire: development, validity, and reliability among Malaysian adolescents
Building community resilience to hazards (Editorial)
Assertive community treatment and associations with delinquency
Effectiveness of a community-based program for suicide prevention among elders with early-stage dementia: a controlled observational study
More active living-oriented county and municipal zoning is associated with increased adult leisure time physical activity--United States, 2011
The usefulness of GPS bicycle tracking data for evaluating the impact of infrastructure change on cycling behaviour
A systematic review of the relationship between objective measurements of the urban environment and psychological distress
Relationships of community and individual level social capital with activities of daily living and death by gender
The road to resilience: insights on training community coalitions in the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project
School- and community-based youth suicide prevention interventions: hot idea, hot air, or sham?
An emotional awareness based parenting group for parents with mental illness: a mixed methods feasibility study of community mental health nurse facilitation
Environmental health related socio-spatial inequalities: identifying "hotspots" of environmental burdens and social vulnerability
We've seen the future, and it's very diverse: beyond gender and disaster in West Hollywood, California
"That was the last time I saw my house": the importance of place attachment among children and youth in disaster contexts
Impact of neighborhood resources on cardiovascular disease: a nationwide six-year follow-up
Key research themes on travel behavior, lifestyle, and sustainable urban mobility
Key research themes on urban space, scale, and sustainable urban mobility
Looking for the silver lining: benefit finding after hurricanes Katrina and Rita in middle-aged, older, and oldest-old adults
Mapping environmental inequalities relevant for health for informing urban planning interventions-a case study in the city of Dortmund, Germany
Prosocial behavior and childhood trajectories of internalizing and externalizing problems: the role of neighborhood and school contexts
Promoting physical activity in a low-income neighborhood of the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis: effects of a community-based intervention to increase physical activity
Reducing levels of urban passenger travel
A typology of school-community relationships partnering and universal prekindergarten policy
A study on the classifications of urban blocks containing pedestrian paths in Hong Kong: case study of Chung Wan, Sheung Wan, Sai Wan area in Hong Kong Island
Child and family health in the era of prevention: new opportunities and challenges
The context of context: Examining the associations between healthy and unhealthy measures of neighborhood food, physical activity, and social environments
Technical packages in injury and violence prevention to move evidence into practice: systematic reviews and beyond
Neighbourhood walkability and home neighbourhood-based physical activity: an observational study of adults with type 2 diabetes
Perceived and objectively-measured neighborhood violence and adolescent psychological distress
Research on use and evaluation of urban environment in comparison of childcare services in Tokyo: study for about the state of urban environment used as a place of the childcare and the small childcare base
Parental perceived built environment measures and active play in Washington DC metropolitan children
Can community-based interventions prevent child maltreatment?
Neighborhood environment correlates of physical activity and sedentary behavior among Latino adults in Massachusetts
Impact of crime tolerance in low-income housing on neighbor cohesion and collective efficacy
Building Nehemiah's Wall: the North Minneapolis faith community's role in the prevention of intimate partner violence
Healing invisible wounds and rebuilding livelihoods: emerging lessons for combining livelihood and psychosocial support in fragile and conflict-affected settings
Individual and neighborhood factors associated with functional mobility and falls in elderly residents of São Paulo, Brazil: a multilevel analysis
The evolving local social contract for managing climate and disaster risk in Vietnam
Effect of playground environments on the physical activity of children with ambulatory cerebral palsy
GIS-measured walkability, transit, and recreation environments in relation to older Adults' physical activity: a latent profile analysis
How do individual-level sociodemographics and neighbourhood-level characteristics influence residential location behaviour in the context of the food and built environment? Findings from 25 years of follow-up in the CARDIA Study
Development of bicycle infrastructure for health and sustainability
Does community-based suicide prevention decrease suicide attempts? Strategies for reaching zero suicide
Land use, transport, and population health: estimating the health benefits of compact cities
Sport and the city: midtown madness
Understanding how dogs encourage and motivate walking: cross-sectional findings from RESIDE
Use of science to guide city planning policy and practice: how to achieve healthy and sustainable future cities
The built environment-a missing "cause of the causes" of non-communicable diseases
Life is Precious: a community-based program to reduce suicidal behavior in Latina adolescents
Neighborhood deprivation during early childhood and conduct problems in middle childhood: mediation by aggressive response generation
Neighborhood factors as predictors of poor sleep in the Sueño Ancillary Study of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
Assessing non-metro recovery across two continents: issues and limitations
Does heightened fear of crime lead to poorer mental health in new suburbs, or vice versa?
Associations between neighborhood context, physical activity, and sleep in adolescents
Neighborhood characteristics and cardiovascular risk among older people in Japan: findings from the jages project
Pedestrian-oriented zoning is associated with reduced income and poverty disparities in adult active travel to work, United States
Surviving violence in everyday life: a communicative approach to homelessness
Suitability estimation for urban development using multi-hazard assessment map
Vision Zero in the United States versus Sweden: infrastructure improvement for cycling safety
Urban blight remediation as a cost-beneficial solution to firearm violence
Age-friendly communities initiative: public health approach to promoting successful aging
Check the score: field validation of Street Smart Walk Score in Alberta, Canada
Community-based participatory research-speed dating: an innovative model for fostering collaborations between community leaders and academic researchers
Context matters: systematic observation of place-based physical activity
Participation of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in a parent support programme: longitudinal associations between playgroup attendance and child, parent and community outcomes
Qatar's school safety program: applying Safe System principles
Road safety for all!
Timing and effect of a safe routes to school program on child pedestrian injury risk during school travel hours: Bayesian changepoint and difference-in-differences analysis
Unintentional injury in England: an analysis of the emergency care data set pilot in Oxfordshire from 2012 to 2014
The 2030 agenda for sustainable development: a golden opportunity for global violence prevention
Considerations of a test-retest reliability study in injury prevention
Understanding caregivers' intentions for their child to walk to school: further application of the theory of planned behavior
Can a web-based community of practice be established and operated to lead falls prevention activity in residential care?
Cycling in São Paulo, Brazil (1997-2012): correlates, time trends and health consequences
Focus groups of parents and teens help develop messages to prevent early marijuana use in the context of legal retail sales
Supportive neighbourhood built characteristics and dog-walking in Canadian adults
In which neighborhoods are older adult populations expanding? Sociodemographic and built environment characteristics across neighborhood trajectory classes of older adult populations in four U.S. cities over 30 Years
The influence of walkability on broader mobility for Canadian middle aged and older adults: an examination of Walk Score™ and the Mobility Over Varied Environments Scale (MOVES)
Individual- and community-level determinants of Inuit youth mental wellness
Cause and context: place-based approaches to investigate how environments affect mental health
Active transport, public transport and electric car as perceived alternatives in a motorized Norwegian sample
Dense, mixed-use, walkable urban precinct to support sustainable transport or vice versa? A model for consideration from Perth, Western Australia
Using virtual street audits to understand the walkability of older adults' route choices by gender and age
Do wealthier neighborhoods have better conditions for walking? A comparison study in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Why cycling matters for smart cities: internet of bicycles for intelligent transport
Exposure to community violence and physical health outcomes in youth: a systematic review
How do brochures encourage walking in natural environments in the UK? A content analysis
The involvement of young people in school- and community-based noncommunicable disease prevention interventions: a scoping review of designs and outcomes
Defining urban sprawl in the Sri Lankan context: with special reference to the Colombo metropolitan region
The designed environment and how it affects brain morphology and mental health
Insider-outsider reflections from a Native Hawaiian researcher and the use of community-based participatory approaches
Poco a poco: leadership practices supporting productive communities of practice in schools serving the new mainstream
Transportation modeling as a didactic tool human settlement and transport
Developing responsive indicators of Indigenous community health
An efficient method of sharing mass spatio-temporal trajectory data based on Cloudera Impala for traffic distribution mapping in an urban city
Rigged or rigorous? Partnerships for research and evaluation of complex social problems: lessons from the field of violence against women and girls
Predicting the population health impacts of community interventions: the case of alcohol outlets and binge drinking
Testing a social mechanism: does alcohol outlet density moderate the relationship between levels of alcohol use and child physical abuse?
Interactions with community members and institutions: preventive pathways for child maltreatment
'Making the invisible visible' through alcohol screening and brief intervention in community pharmacies: an Australian feasibility study
Partnerships that facilitate a refugee's journey to wellbeing
Perceived neighborhood safety better predicts risk of mortality for whites than blacks
Volunteering in adolescence and young adulthood crime involvement: a longitudinal analysis from the ADD Health Study
Elderly perceptions of social capital and age-related disaster vulnerability
Lower neighborhood quality in adolescence predicts higher mesolimbic sensitivity to reward anticipation in adulthood
Mental health and social networks after disaster
Reducing suicides through partnerships between health professionals and gun owner groups: beyond docs vs Glocks
Getting help quickly: older people and community worker perspectives of contingency planning for falls management
Housing, transportation, and food: how ACOs seek to improve population health by addressing nonmedical needs of patients
Polish version of the Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS-Poland)
A feasibility study for an integrated approach to fall prevention in community care: Stay Up and Active in Orange County
Characterization of the physical environment and practice of physical activities in Primary Health Care Units in Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil, 2011-2012
Community-based organisations for vulnerable children in South Africa: reach, psychosocial correlates, and potential mechanisms
A community-based participatory research intervention to promote physical activity among rural children: theory and design
Early detection and prevention of mental health problems: developmental epidemiology and systems of support
Feasibility trial of a scalable psychological intervention for women affected by urban adversity and gender-based violence in Nairobi
Neighborhood disadvantage and life-space mobility are associated with incident falls in community-dwelling older adults
Planning for bike share connectivity to rail transit
Psychosocial recovery following community disasters: an international collaboration
Perceived effectiveness and mechanisms of community peer-based programmes for Spinal Cord Injuries-a systematic review of qualitative findings
The Physical Activity and Redesigned Community Spaces (PARCS) Study: protocol of a natural experiment to investigate the impact of citywide park redesign and renovation
Residential area characteristics and disabilities among Dutch community-dwelling older adults
Results from Portugal's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Qatar's 2016 Active Healthy Kids Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from the Republic of Slovenia's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Scotland's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Shanghai's (China) 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from South Africa's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from South Korea's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Spain's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Sweden's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Thailand's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from the United Arab Emirates' 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from the United States of America's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Results from Wales' 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth: is Wales Turning the Tide on Children's Inactivity?
Results from Zimbabwe's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Social factors associated with psychological distress and health problems among elderly members of a disaster-affected population: subgroup analysis of a 1-year post-disaster survey in Ishinomaki Area, Japan
Social support after traumatism
Strategic and integrated planning for healthy, connected cities: Chattanooga case study
Using expert decision-making to establish indicators of urban friendliness for walking environments: a multidisciplinary assessment
Using an audit tool (MAPS Global) to assess the characteristics of the physical environment related to walking for transport in youth: reliability of Belgian data
Transforming our world: implementing the 2030 Agenda through sustainable development goal indicators
An urban American Indian health clinic's response to a community needs assessment
Using concept mapping in the development of the EU-PAD framework (EUropean-Physical Activity Determinants across the life course): a DEDIPAC-study
A CBPR approach to finding community strengths and challenges to prevent youth suicide and substance abuse
Community participation for individuals with spinal cord injury living in Queensland, Australia
Community-level moderators of a school-based childhood sexual assault prevention program
Cultivating community psychology for future generations: symbiosis, synergy, and separation
Development of a community's self-efficacy scale for preventing social isolation among community-dwelling older people (Mimamori Scale)
An evaluation of equity and equality in physical activity policies in four European countries
Older adults' outdoor walking: inequalities in neighbourhood safety, pedestrian infrastructure and aesthetics
The Peñalosa Principle of Transportation Democracy: lessons from Bogotá on the morality of urban mobility
The unbuilt environment: culture moderates the built environment for physical activity
Perceived neighborhood conditions and depression: positive local news as a buffering factor
Are children living on dead-end streets more active? Near-home street patterns and school-going children's time spent outdoors in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Individually constructed criteria for perception of urban transportation means - an approach based on Kelly's personal construct theory
A multi-modal network approach to model public transport accessibility impacts of bicycle-train integration policies
A user-centred assessment of a new bicycle sharing system in Medellin
Travel competence: empowering travellers
The moderating effect of psychosocial factors in the relation between neighborhood walkability and children's physical activity
Residential area and physical activity: a multi-level study of 68,000 adults in Stockholm County
Is Walk Score associated with hospital admissions from chronic diseases? Evidence from a cross-sectional study in a high socioeconomic status Australian city-state
Participant and public involvement in refining a peer-volunteering active aging intervention: Project ACE (active, connected, engaged)
Barriers to integrating mental health services in community-based primary care settings in Mexico City: a qualitative analysis
Comparative analysis of five observational audit tools to assess the physical environment of parks for physical activity, 2016
The effects of social support on physical functioning in older African Americans: longitudinal results from the Baltimore Study of Black Aging
Demographic factors, workplace factors and active transportation use in the USA: a secondary analysis of 2009 NHTS data
Advancing sustainability through urban green space: cultural ecosystem services, equity, and social determinants of health
A case for local neighbourhood policing and community intelligence in counter terrorism
The effects of a park awareness campaign on rural park use and physical activity
They survived, we can help them thrive: older adult refugees in the United States
Expanding bicycle-sharing systems: lessons learnt from an analysis of usage
Getting road expansion on the right track: a framework for smart infrastructure planning in the Mekong
"Please don't just hang a feather on a program or put a medicine wheel on your logo and think 'oh well, this will work'": theoretical perspectives of American Indian and Alaska Native substance abuse prevention programs
Evaluating a community-led project for improving fathers' and children's wellbeing in England
Levels of guardianship in protecting youth against exposure to violence in the community
Residential neighborhood amenities and physical activity among U.S. children with special health care needs
Trends in unintentional injury mortality in Canadian children 1950-2009 and association with selected population-level interventions
Parental perceptions of the social environment are inversely related to constraint of adolescents' neighborhood physical activity
Semantic framework of internet of things for smart cities: case studies
Built environment and health: a systematic review of studies in Germany
The impact of a civic service program on biopsychosocial outcomes of post 9/11 U.S. military veterans
Father-son communication: an intervention strategy for boys and men of color to promote neighborhood safety post-Ferguson
"It looks like a demon": Black masculinity and spirituality in the age of Ferguson
Neighborhood design, physical activity, and wellbeing: applying the walkability model
Late functional changes post-severe traumatic brain injury are related to community reentry support: results from the PariS-TBI Cohort
New directions in neighbourhood research-a commentary on Lovasi et al. (2016): Cause and context: place-based approaches to investigate how environments affect mental health
Bridging the response to mass shootings and urban violence: exposure to violence in New Haven, Connecticut
Combining social norms and social marketing to address underage drinking: development and process evaluation of a whole-of-community intervention
Correlates of health-related quality of life in young-old and old-old community-dwelling older adults
Victimisation of the elderly in the municipalities of Ljubljana and Uppsala
One size doesn't fit all: cross-sectional associations between neighborhood walkability, crime and physical activity depends on age and sex of residents
Prevalence and predictors of surveillance cameras in law enforcement: the importance of stakeholders and community factors
Public spaces for youth? the case of the Jane-Finch neighborhood in Toronto
Creating community resilience through elder-led physical and social infrastructure
Preparing for disaster: a cross-sectional study of social connection and gun violence
Relationship between recreational resources in the school neighborhood and changes in fitness in New York City public school students
Long-term follow-up of a community-based smoke alarm installation programme (letter)
Risk factors of bicycle traffic injury among middle school students in chaoshan rural areas of china
The New York State Healthy Neighborhoods Program: findings from an evaluation of a large-scale, multisite, state-funded healthy homes program
The Juvenile Justice Behavioral Health Services Cascade: a new framework for measuring unmet substance use treatment services needs among adolescent offenders
The resilience of neighborhood social processes: a case study of the 2011 Brisbane flood
Association between social support and child abuse potential among Japanese mothers
Preschoolers' perceptions of neighborhood environment, safety, and help-seeking
Neighborhood social cohesion as a mediator of neighborhood conditions on mothers' engagement in physical activity
Health in the Tenderloin: a resident-guided study of substance use, treatment, and housing
Development of an instrument for community-level health related social capital among Japanese older people: The JAGES Project
Moving social work norms via theater for senior farmers
Violence: a community health approach
Violence is one small part of childhood trauma. So why do we tend to focus on it alone?
Vigilance at home: longitudinal analyses of neighborhood safety perceptions and health
Youth outcomes in a community collaboration model
Location-based fear of crime: a case study in Houston, Texas
Neighborhood context, youthful offending, and peer selection: does it take a village to raise a nondelinquent?
Preventing deaths and injuries from house fires: a cost-benefit analysis of a community-based smoke alarm installation programme
Common factors in community mental health intervention: a scoping review
Neighborhood factors and fall-related injuries among older adults seen by emergency medical service providers
A randomized controlled trial of screening, risk modification and physical therapy to prevent falls among the elderly recently discharged from the emergency department to the community: the Steps to Avoid Falls in the Elderly Study
Advancing community-based falls prevention programs for older adults-the work of the administration for community living/administration on aging
Association between perceived built environmental attributes and physical activity among adults in South Africa
Is the association between park proximity and recreational physical activity among mid-older aged adults moderated by park quality and neighborhood conditions?
The uncommon impact of common environmental details on walking in older adults
Mobilising culture against domestic violence in migrant and ethnic communities: practitioner perspectives from Aotearoa/New Zealand
Applying critical race theory to group model building methods to address community violence
Activity landscape plotter: a web-based application for the analysis of structure-activity relationships
Childhood maltreatment, public service system contact, and preventable death in young adulthood
Commentary: working toward a multi-program strategy in fall prevention
Fall preventive exercise with or without behavior change support for community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial with short-term follow-up
Neighborhood trauma due to violence: a multilevel analysis
Working Together to Connect Care: a metropolitan tertiary emergency department and community care program
Effects of a community care station program with structured exercise intervention on physical performance and balance in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective 2-year observational study
Modified Delphi consensus to suggest key elements of Stepping On falls prevention program
The role of parental risk judgements, transport safety attitudes, transport priorities and accident experiences on pupils' walking to school
Equity of bikeway distribution in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Understanding livable streets in the context of the arterials that surround them
Childhood adversity and the continued exposure to trauma and violence among adolescent gang members
Achieving mobility access for older adults through group travel instruction
Viamigo: monitoring tool to support independent travel by persons with intellectual disabilities
Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach implementation and treatment outcomes for youth with opioid problem use
Church-based exchanges of informal social support among
'Ballroom itself can either make you or break you' - Black GBT Youths' psychosocial development in the House Ball Community
Childhood maltreatment, postnatal distress and the protective role of social support
Efficacy of a student-led, community-based, multifactorial fall prevention program: stay in balance
Social interventions in mental health: a call to action
Neighborhood sociodemographics and change in built infrastructure
"I feel trapped": the tension between personal and structural factors of social isolation and the desire for social integration among older residents of a high-crime neighborhood
An integrated approach to falls prevention: a model for linking clinical and community interventions through the Massachusetts Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund
Health in All Policies utilization by municipal governments: scoping review
How participatory processes impact children and contribute to planning: a case study of neighborhood design from Boulder, Colorado, USA
Mapping urban assemblages: the production of spatial knowledge
The relationship between objectively measured walking and risk of pedestrian-motor vehicle collision
A systematic review on community-based interventions for elder abuse and neglect
A case study on traffic generation and distribution with traffic improvement strategies in Jalandhar City
Twenty miles per hour speed limits: a sustainable solution to public health problems in Wales
Improving public health by making cities friendly to walking and biking: safer, more active transportation starts with the street
The material, moral, and affective worlds of dealing and crime among young men entrenched in an inner city drug scene
Patterns and correlates of physical activity in adolescents in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Programs and place: risk and asset mapping for fall prevention
Worries, 'weirdos', neighborhoods and knowing people: a qualitative study with children and parents regarding children's independent mobility
Are structural changes in Polish rural areas fostering leisure-time physical activity?
Comprehensive review of the ThinkFirst injury prevention programs: a 30-year success story for organized neurosurgery
Men's health in alternative spaces: exploring men's sheds in Ireland
A community cultural wealth model to train promotoras as data collectors
Deadly Choices empowering Indigenous Australians through social networking sites
Are buffers around home representative of physical activity spaces among adults?
Association between neighbourhood walkability and metabolic risk factors influenced by physical activity: a cross-sectional study of adults in Toronto, Canada
Interactions of psychosocial factors with built environments in explaining adolescents' active transportation
Neighbourhood green space, social environment and mental health: an examination in four European cities
Participatory quantitative health impact assessment of urban and transport planning in cities: a review and research needs
Neighborhood walkability, physical activity, and walking for transportation: a cross-sectional study of older adults living on low income
Mental illness and injuries: emerging health challenges of urbanisation in South Asia
Accessibility to urban green spaces in Chilean cities using adaptive thresholds
Bike-share rebalancing strategies, patterns, and purpose
Community context, human needs, and transportation choices: a view across San Francisco Bay Area communities
Constructing pride, shame, and humiliation as a mechanism of control: a case study of an English local authority child protection service
Creating neighborhood recreational space for youth and children in the urban environment: Play(ing in the) Streets in San Francisco
Evaluating the relationship between socially (dis)advantaged neighbourhoods and customer satisfaction of bus service in London, U.K.
Expanding evidence-based practice models for domestic violence initiatives: a community-centered approach
Exploring the impact of built environment factors on the use of public bikes at bike stations: case study in Zhongshan, China
From people to cycling indicators: documenting and understanding the urban context of cyclists' experiences in Quito, Ecuador
Growing against gangs and violence: findings from a process and outcome evaluation
Impacts of standardizing school start time on children and household workers - an examination with NHTS data
Interdependent, imagined, and embodied mobilities in mobile social space: disruptions in 'normality', 'habit' and 'routine'
Mobilities and livelihoods in urban development contexts: introduction
Mobility and the making of the neoliberal "creative city": the streetcar as a creative city project?
Neighborhood and parenting both matter: the role of neighborhood collective efficacy and maternal spanking in early behavior problems
"Parents need a village": caseworkers' perceptions of the challenges faced by single parents of system-involved youth
Preventing physical child abuse by legal punishment and neighbor help
Public infrastructure and regional growth: lessons from meta-analysis
Racial inequality and the implementation of emergency management laws in economically distressed urban areas
Residential self-selection and travel behaviour: what are the effects of attitudes, reasons for location choice and the built environment?
Continued development of the Urban Hassles Index: evolving examination of urban adolescent stressors
Point scoring system to rank traffic calming projects
Effectiveness of community-based interventions for reducing alcohol-related harm in two metropolitan and two regional sites in Victoria, Australia
Longitudinal associations of neighborhood collective efficacy and maternal corporal punishment with behavior problems in early childhood
Seeing the forest but not the trees: heterogeneity in community size effects in Canadian ice hockey players
Social isolation in Chinese older adults: scoping review for age-friendly community planning
An evaluation of a community-oriented policing program in Taiwan
Correlates associated with participation in physical activity among adults: a systematic review of reviews and update
Delivery of alcohol brief interventions in community-based youth work settings: exploring feasibility and acceptability in a qualitative study
Exploring the spatial-temporal relationships between a community greening program and neighborhood rates of crime
Recreational activities in urban parks: spatial interactions among users
Are "goods for guns" good for the community? An update of a community gun buyback program
Childhood neglect, internalizing symptoms and adolescent substance use: does the neighborhood context matter?
Engaging school mental health professionals to deliver evidence-based interventions to Hispanic families
Community sidelined: the loss of community focus in differential response
Announcement: Community Preventive Services Task Force recommendation for built environment interventions to increase physical activity
Feasibility of a novel combination of influenza vaccinations and child passenger safety seat fittings in a drive-through clinic setting
Costs to community mental health agencies to sustain an evidence-based practice
An exploration of factors that effect the implementation of peer support services in community mental health settings
Implementing a community model of mental health care in Chile: impact on psychiatric emergency visits
Improving community readiness for change through coalition capacity building: evidence from a multi-site intervention
Perceptions and effects of the acoustic environment in quiet residential areas
"In our community, a friend is a psychologist": an ethnographic study of informal care in two Bhutanese refugee communities
Intra- and inter-neighborhood income inequality and crime
Neighborhood social environment as risk factors to health behavior among African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study
Reform, revolution and disruption in mental health care: a consumer's perspective
The association between urban tree cover and gun assault: a case-control and casecrossover study
Neighborhood typologies associated with alcohol use among adults in their 30s: a finite mixture modeling approach
Pedestrian gap acceptance behavior in street designs with elements of shared space
Revealed bicyclist route preferences and street conditions
Associations of environmental factors with quality of life in older adults
Does parental support influence children's active school travel?
Are perceptions of the environment in the workplace 'neighbourhood' associated with commuter walking?
Exposure to walkable neighbourhoods in urban areas increases utilitarian walking: longitudinal study of Canadians
New horizons in design for autonomous ageing
A quantitative study of Prince Albert's crime/risk reduction approach to community safety
Effectively engaging stakeholders and the public in developing violence prevention messages
Exploring the interrelationship between sport, health and social outcomes in the UK: implications for health policy
The social context moderates the relationship between neighborhood safety and adolescents' activities
An unlikely destination: meeting the educational needs of immigrant, migrant and refugee children in the suburbs of Chicago, IL
Changes in objectively-determined walkability and physical activity in adults: a quasi-longitudinal residential relocation study
A community-based qualitative study of intergenerational resilience with Palestinian refugee families facing structural violence and historical trauma
Cost-effectiveness of a community exercise and nutrition program for older adults: Texercise Select
Effects of greening and community reuse of vacant lots on crime
How community-level social and economic developments have changed the patterns of substance use in a transition economy?
Move the Neighbourhood: study design of a community-based participatory public open space intervention in a Danish deprived neighbourhood to promote active living
Social and built-environment factors related to children's independent mobility: the importance of neighbourhood cohesion and connectedness
Integrating health and transportation in Nashville, Tennessee, USA: from policy to projects
And the survey said.... evaluating rationale for participation in gun buybacks as a tool to encourage higher yields
"Mighty like a river": the Black Protestant church and violence in Black communities
Violence and injury observatories: reducing the burden of injury in high-risk communities
Capturing how age-friendly communities foster positive health, social participation and health equity: a study protocol of key components and processes that promote population health in aging Canadians
Public open spaces and leisure-time walking in Brazilian adults
Designing a community-based population health model
Health impact assessment on urban development projects in France: finding pathways to fit practice to context
Sustainability is possible despite greed - exploring the nexus between profitability and sustainability in common pool resource systems
Rationale and protocol paper for the Healthy Active Peaceful Playgrounds for Youth (HAPPY) study
"Ah ... the power of mothers": bereaved mothers as victim-heroes in media enacted crusades for justice
Community-level prevention of childhood maltreatment: next steps in a world with COVID-19
"Embracing the present and fearing the future": The meaning of being an oldest old woman in a rural area
Nurses improve their communities' health where they live, learn, work, and play
Unpacking the relationships between impulsivity, neighborhood disadvantage, and adolescent violence: an application of a neighborhood-based group decomposition
Social causation and neighborhood selection underlie associations of neighborhood factors with illicit drug-using social networks and illicit drug use among adults relocated from public housing
Prospective associations of local destinations and routes with middle-to-older aged adults' walking
Reduction of pediatric pedestrian hazardous road conditions in a school drop-off zone utilizing video review
The making of a pro-cycling city: social practices and bicycle mobilities
Pediatric injury prevention programs: identifying markers for success and sustainability
School transportation mode, by distance between home and school, United States, ConsumerStyles 2012
Does the health impact of exposure to neighbourhood green space differ between population groups? An explorative study in four European cities
Adolescents' strategies for coping with safety in their neighbourhood (Conference abstract)
Are residents of high-walkable areas satisfied with their neighbourhood?
Effortful control, exposure to community violence, and aggressive behavior: exploring cross-lagged relations in adolescence
Short-term effectiveness of a community-implemented falls prevention referral service
An Australian Indigenous community-led suicide intervention skills training program: community consultation findings
Advancing the measurement of collective community capacity to address adverse childhood experiences and resilience
Effects of frailty on health-related quality of life of rural community-dwelling elderly: mediating and moderating effects of fall-related efficacy and social support
The moderating effect of neighborhood sense of community on predictors of substance use among Hispanic urban youth
Youth Homelessness from the family violence perspective
Effects of a community disability prevention program for frail older adults at 48-month follow up
Pathways to policy: lessons learned in multisectoral collaboration for physical activity and built environment policy development from the Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) initiative
Evaluation of a community-based safe firearm and ammunition storage intervention
Grenfell Tower fire: why we cannot ignore the political determinants of health
The role of the built environment in a randomized controlled trial to increase physical activity among men with prostate cancer: the PROMOTE trial
Rejecting violence on the landscape in Lawrence, Kansas
Youth after‐school programs: time to involve the parents and community?
The impact of after‐school programs on middle‐school students: policy implications
Can communities assess support for preventing adolescent alcohol and other drug use? Reliability and validity of a community assessment inventory
Children's school commuting in the Netherlands: does it matter how urban form is incorporated in mode choice models?
Community-led trials: intervention co-design in a cluster randomised controlled trial
Considering critical infrastructures in the land use planning policy around Seveso plants
Is the grass always greener in suburban neighborhoods? Outdoors play in suburban and inner-city neighborhoods
Neighborhood walking densities: a multivariate analysis in Halifax, Canada
Urban green space perception and its contribution to well-being
Preventing child abuse: a review of community-based projects II: issues arising from reviews and future directions
Encouraging bystanders to promote positive parenting and prevent child maltreatment in retail settings: results of an exploratory qualitative study
The effect of a peer education program on combating violence against women: a randomized controlled study
Facilitating partnerships with community- and faith-based organizations for disaster preparedness and response: results of a national survey of public health departments
National suicide prevention, local mental health resources, and suicide rates in Japan
Relationship and community factors related to better mental health following child maltreatment among adolescents
Turning a blind eye: public support of emergency housing policies for sex offenders
City sustainability: the influence of walkability on built environments
The kingdom of the bicycle: what Wuhan can learn from Amsterdam
Preventing intimate partner violence: towards a framework for supporting effective community mobilisation
Understanding immigrants' mode choice behavior in Florida: analysis of neighborhood effects and cultural assimilation
Black people don't exercise in my neighborhood: perceived racial composition and leisure-time physical activity among middle class blacks and whites
Exploring the role of social capital in urban citizens' initiatives in the Netherlands
The conundrum of the motorcycle in the mix of sustainable urban transport
Transforming small towns by remedial street design
Transport systems and their impact on gender equity
A theoretical overview of road hump effects on traffic noise in improving residential well-being
Tackling mobility environmental impacts through the promotion of student active travel
Development and implementation of walkability audits in Greek medium-sized cities: the case of the Serres' city centre
The need for an elderly centred mobility policy
Fall-related comorbidity and health beliefs among cancer survivors participating in a community-based exercise intervention
Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide: learning and behavioural outcomes of a training-of-trainers model to facilitate grassroots community health education to address Indigenous youth suicide prevention
Are measures derived from land use and transport policies associated with walking for transport?
Decision support framework for transit-oriented development projects
Developing a sustainable child and family service system after a community tragedy: lessons from Sandy Hook
Generating a city's first report on bicyclist safety: lessons from the field
Training outcomes from the Samaritans of New York Suicide Awareness and Prevention Programme among community- and school-based staff
Clinical and community strategies to prevent falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults
Promoting active travel to school: a systematic review (2010-2016)
Multi-level cultural intervention for the prevention of suicide and alcohol use risk with Alaska Native youth: a nonrandomized comparison of treatment intensity
Population mental health and community violence: advancing the role of local health departments
The relationship between obesity and urban environment in Seoul
Where there is no EMS: lay providers in emergency medical services care - EMS as a public health priority
Undiagnosed depression: a community diagnosis
Motives and barriers for physical activity among low-income Black single mothers
Evaluation of the implementation of an intervention to improve the street environment and promote walking for transport in deprived neighbourhoods
Racial residential segregation and the distribution of health-related organizations in urban neighborhoods
Values, obstacles, and needs of campus outdoor programs to serve local underserved communities
What to do with 15 years of injury data from a college guide training diploma program?
Evaluating the impact of connectivity, continuity, and topography of sidewalk network on pedestrian safety
Which physical and social environmental factors are most important for adolescents' cycling for transport? An experimental study using manipulated photographs
ICT design for collaborative and community driven disaster management
Improving walking conditions for older adults. A three-step method investigation
Socioeconomic inequalities in green space quality and accessibility-evidence from a southern European city
Achievement of the Austrian school route maps and opportunities for further enhancement (Safety-2016 abstract #650)
Achieving population level changes in health: a dialogue on pathways to progress (Safety-2016 abstract #35)
Adapting Haddon's matrix as an innovative framework for disaster risk reduction and community safety (Safety-2016 abstract #127)
Addressing Australian Aboriginal child injury through policy and practice guidelines (Safety-2016 abstract #203)
Approaches to prevention and care of injury in rural and remote settings (Safety-2016 abstract #22)
Better services for victims of domestic violence. Close cooperation between the public sector, NGOs and experts by experience (Safety-2016 abstract #32)
British parents' self-reported road safety beliefs, practices and rules (Safety-2016 abstract #689)
Building capacity through a grants program. Is it possible? (Safety-2016 abstract #97)
Built environment analysis for road traffic hotspot locations in Moshi, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #871)
Canadian child safety report card: a comparison of injury prevention practices across provinces (Safety-2016 abstract #133)
The Canadian Injury Prevention Curriculum: using an integrated knowledge-translation approach (Safety-2016 abstract #204)
Capacity building in indigenous communities thru cooperative agreements (Safety-2016 abstract #59)
Addressing community violence through training: Rukajuu beekeeping pilot intervention in dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #343)
Atlas and dashboard of child and youth injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #241)
Capacity development for injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #30)
Child injuries reported in communities receiving a road infrastructure intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Safety-2016 abstract #703)
Child pedestrian collisions, walking to school and the built envrionment: a case control study (Safety-2016 abstract #403)
A collaboration between 21 states and territories to prevent child and adolescent injury in the US (Safety-2016 abstract #130)
Community crèche is a measure to prevent child injuries: challenges and measures for improvement (Safety-2016 abstract #135)
Community mobilisation to establish a community crèche to increase child supervision in rural Nepal (Safety-2016 abstract #699)
Community safety by design: preventing violence through land use (Safety-2016 abstract #342)
Cooperation between the authorities brings safety, security and operating models to daily life (Safety-2016 abstract #51)
Creating more peaceful societies: global strategies to reduce interpersonal violence (Safety-2016 abstract #6)
Cycling infrastructure for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists: a Cochrane review (Safety-2016 abstract #295)
Developing educational package on child injury prevention mobilising womens' groups in rural Nepal (Safety-2016 abstract #181)
Developing the establishment of "community checkpoints to reduce road traffic accidents" in Khonkaen Province (Safety-2016 abstract #321)
Developing the European road safety decision support system (Safety-2016 abstract #80)
Development and implementation of Safe Schools in Austria our road to success (Safety-2016 abstract #233)
Development and validation of a survey on fathers' attitudes towards child injury prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #928)
Disaster preparedness from the aspect of three helps (self-, mutual- and public- help) in Japan (Safety-2016 abstract #128)
Disaster preparedness of private social services calls for cooperation with the public sector (Safety-2016 abstract #124)
Does one safe city model fit every community? Evaluation of 'Beterem in the City' in Israel (Safety-2016 abstract #320)
Emerging issues in road safety (Safety-2016 abstract #17)
Evaluating complex community-based violence and injury prevention interventions: a statistical framework (Safety-2016 abstract #325)
Evolution of the Child Drowning Prevention Programme in Thailand (Safety-2016 abstract #269)
Exercise training to prevent sports injuries: results from a clustered randomised controlled trial (Safety-2016 abstract #152)
Neighbourhood environmental attributes associated with walking in south Australian adults: differences between urban and rural areas
The observed and perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity among urban-dwelling adults: The moderating role of depressive symptoms
Family Coaching as a delivery modality for evidence-based prevention programs
Descriptive epidemiology for community-wide naloxone administration by police officers and firefighters responding to opioid overdose
Scars of disengagement: perspectives on community leadership and youth engagement in rural South Africa
Relationship between social support networks and physical functioning in older community-dwelling mexicans
Impacts of Safe Community programs in Japanese communities (Safety-2016 abstract #324)
Improving critical infrastructure resilience by identifying vulnerable interconnetions (125)
Improving safety and security in Tesoma neighbourhood (Safety-2016 abstract #49)
Income inequality, development and child injuries: an ecological study in low- and middle income countries (Safety-2016 abstract #646)
Influence of the built environment on crashes involving pedestrians in complex urban areas (Safety-2016 abstract #861)
Injury prevention as a byproduct (Safety-2016 abstract #38)
Injury prevention as social change (Safety-2016 abstract #36)
Injury prevention campaigns for children, by children - the SafeKids New Zealand creative quest competition (Safety-2016 abstract #71)
Injury prevention in Finland among people under 25 years 2009-2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #178)
Injury prevention in the WHO South-East Asia region, 2005-2015: from policy to practice (Safety-2016 abstract #201)
Innovative approaches to capacity development for injury prevention in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (Safety-2016 abstract #27)
Insight and top view: analysing child safety networks in six German municipalities in 2014 (Safety-2016 abstract #277)
A journey from pedestrian safety intervention to first International Safe School Initiative attempt (Safety-2016 abstract #938)
Key success on participation in national and international Safe Communities networks (Safety-2016 abstract #227)
Knowledge brokers: community partners in youth injury prevention research (Safety-2016 abstract #280)
Young road safety advocate program, the "peer to peer" approach in teaching pedestrian safety (Safety-2016 abstract #182)
Working from the inside out: a case study of Mackay Safe Community (Safety-2016 abstract #322)
Mental first aid model helps work community in various difficult situations (Safety-2016 abstract #196)
Model online road safety training to municipal teachers in São Paulo, 2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #691)
Multi-professional collaboration in the service of children and young people (Safety-2016 abstract #929)
Myanmar road safety situation 2015: an urgent issue for the nation (Safety-2016 abstract #862)
National survey of injury prevention activities of children's centres (Safety-2016 abstract #690)
Neighbourhood safety and injury prevention among older adults: a systematic literature review (Safety-2016 abstract #172)
The new campaign of the German social accident insurance on "prevention culture" (Safety-2016 abstract #85)
A new model for translating research to policy: the consortium for evidence-based policy (Safety-2016 abstract #202)
A new NGO in the pan Pacific region to promote injury prevention and the Safe Community movement (Safety-2016 abstract #319)
A Norwegian pathway to community safety - based on Norwegian laws and regulations and the Safe Community concept (Safety-2016 abstract #229)
Paediatric injury prevention: addressing injury prevention through a coordinated approach (Safety-2016 abstract #399)
Parent attitudes and behaviours on road traffic injuries affecting children (Safety-2016 abstract #908)
Planning a national action plan for child safety-the Israeli experience (Safety-2016 abstract #134)
Positive evidences for building safe and cohesive communities (Safety-2016 abstract #274)
Preventing social exclusion with voluntary fire department training activities (Safety-2016 abstract #932)
Prevention of unintentional child injuries at home: exploring the perception of Iranian policymakers (Safety-2016 abstract #453)
Promoting safety in the most hazardous location through a home safety demonstration site (Safety-2016 abstract #236)
Promoting social and community changes as the basis for suicide prevention (Safety-2016 abstract #37)
Public opinion survey on road safety and mobility issues in central Europe region (Safety-2016 abstract #542)
Reducing visits to local health care by one third safety promotion efforts in Western Sweden (Safety-2016 abstract #234)
The relationship between injuries by accidents and violence in children under the aspect of the new "prevention law" in Germany (Safety-2016 abstract #275)
Results of the "decade of road safety action" in Colombia, 2010-2015 (Safety-2016 abstract #534)
Neighborhood built environment and socio-economic status in relation to multiple health outcomes in adolescents
On the use of naturalistic methods to examine safety-relevant behaviours amongst children and evaluate a cycling education program
Transitions from assertive community treatment among urban and rural teams: identifying barriers, service options, and strategies
Temporal vulnerability and the post-disaster 'Window of Opportunity to Woo:' a case study of an African-American floodplain neighborhood after Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina
Biking practices and preferences in a lower income, primarily minority neighborhood: learning what residents want
Assessing military community support: relations among perceived military community support, child psychosocial adjustment, and parent psychosocial adjustment
Dissemination of a child passenger safety program through trauma center-community partnerships
Exploring member perspectives on participation on child welfare citizen review panels: a national study
The relationship between social support networks and depression in the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being
Promoting community preparedness and resilience: a Latino immigrant community-driven project following Hurricane Sandy
Sustained effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Counselling for Alcohol Problems, a brief psychological treatment for harmful drinking in men, delivered by lay counsellors in primary care: 12-month follow-up of a randomised controlled trial
Injury surveillance during a national female youth football tournament in Kenya [Conference abstract]
Community capacity building for physical activity promotion among older adults-a literature review
Neighborhood-resources for the development of a strong SOC and the importance of understanding why and how resources work: a grounded theory approach
A youth-leader program in Baltimore city recreation centers: lessons learned and applications
Street audits to measure neighborhood disorder: virtual or in-person?
Randomised and non-randomised studies to estimate the effect of community-level public health interventions: definitions and methodological considerations
Accessibility and usability of parks and playgrounds
Characterizing community courts
Green space and depression during pregnancy: results from the Growing Up in New Zealand Study
Perceived neighborhood safety related to physical activity but not recreational screen-based sedentary behavior in adolescents
Reducing urban violence: a contrast of public health and criminal justice approaches
Can peer education improve beliefs, knowledge, motivation and intention to engage in falls prevention amongst community-dwelling older adults?
Building the adult protective services system of tomorrow: the role of the APS national voluntary consensus guidelines
The CDC Foundation's Health and Well-Being for All Meeting-in-a-Box
Communal relational context (or lack thereof) shapes emotional lives
Does experience matter? Implications for community consultation for research in emergency settings
Prevalence and predictors of mental health programming among U.S. religious congregations
Violence prevention community meeting conducted on your unit
Boundary crossing: networked policing and emergent 'communities of practice' in safeguarding children
Community engagement to tackle terrorism and violent extremism: challenges, tensions and pitfalls
Infographic: we have the programme, what next? Developing a plan of action to implement injury prevention exercise programmes in community sport
Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field
The mediating effect of neighbor relationship between community social support and elderly's subjective well-being in China
Policing and public health: not quite the right analogy
Reframing noncommunicable diseases and injuries for the poorest Malawians: the Malawi National NCDI Poverty Commission
Researching law enforcement and public health
Short- and long-term impacts of neighborhood built environment on self-rated health of older adults
The spatiotemporal trend of city parks in Mainland China between 1981 and 2014: implications for the promotion of leisure time physical activity and planning
Youth violence prevention: local public health approach
Transportation and aging: an updated research agenda to advance safe mobility among older adults transitioning from driving to non-driving
Urban residential greenspace and mental health in youth: different approaches to testing multiple pathways yield different conclusions
Challenges in doing multi-disciplinary health promotion research in Germany
Health system and law enforcement synergies for injury surveillance, control and prevention: a scoping review
Quality of life of residents living in a city hosting mega-sport events: a longitudinal study
Association between urban green space and self-reported lifestyle-related disorders in Oslo, Norway
Countywide implementation of crisis intervention teams: multiple methods, measures and sustained outcomes
Mitigating fall risk: a community fall reduction program
Neighbourhood social trust and youth perceptions of safety during daily activities
Potential underpinnings for community maintenance programs for sexual offenders
Triggering change: police homicides, community healing, and the emergent eventfulness of the new civil rights
Improving depression care for adults with serious mental illness in underresourced areas: community coalitions versus technical support
Female officers and community policing: examining the connection between gender diversity and organizational change
Municipal law enforcement officers: towards a new system of local policing in the Netherlands?
Neighborhood crime control in a changing China
A network of neighborhoods
Broken windows, neighborhoods, and the legitimacy of law enforcement or why I fell in and out of love with Zimbardo
Citizen participation in community safety: a comparative study of community policing in South Korea and the UK
Understanding the mechanisms underlying broken windows policing
Geospatial mapping can be used to identify geographic areas and social factors associated with intentional injury as targets for prevention efforts distinct to a given community
Violent injury and neighborhood racial/ethnic diversity in Oakland, California
Plural policing in Europe: relationships and governance in contemporary security systems
Police community support officers in England: a dramaturgical analysis
Procedural justice, legitimacy, and public cooperation with police
Shade sails and passive recreation in public parks of Melbourne and Denver: a randomized intervention
Associations of the perceived and objective neighborhood environment with physical activity and sedentary time in New Zealand adolescents
Citizen participation in disaster recovery projects and programmes in rural communities: a comparison of the Haiti earthquake and Hurricane Katrina
The role of ex-offenders in implementing the Community Work Programme as a crime and violence prevention initiative
Taking safety promotion and injury prevention "beyond interventionism": aligning activity theory with community based participatory research
Community asset mapping for violence prevention: a comparison of views in Erijaville, South Africa and Memphis, USA
'Doing Better Together': developing a cross-agency regional child health and wellbeing plan
Harnessing the power of South-South partnerships to build capacity for the prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence
An association between prenatal acetaminophen use and ADHD: the benefits of large data sets
Geographical variations in the environmental determinants of physical inactivity among U.S. adults
Children's perceptions of a 'self-explaining road' intervention to improve neighbourhood safety
Specialized police-based mental health crisis response: the first 10 years of Colorado's crisis intervention team implementation
Trying to bridge the worlds of home visitation and child welfare: lessons learned from a formative evaluation
School sense of community, teacher support, and students' school safety perceptions
Retrospective evaluation of Project Envision: a community mobilization pilot program to prevent sexual violence in New York City
Families in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams in Norway: a cross-sectional study on relatives' experiences of involvement and alienation
Bicycle helmet use by children: evaluation of a community-wide helmet campaign
School violence: the role of parental and community involvement
Evidence-based guidance to assist volunteers working with at-risk children in a school context
The Communication, Awareness, Relationships and Empowerment (C.A.R.E.) model: an effective tool for engaging urban communities in community-based participatory research
Examining capacity and functioning of bicycle coalitions: a descriptive study
Organizational-level recruitment of barbershops as health promotion intervention study sites: addressing health disparities among Black men
Qualitative exploration of cross-sector perspectives on the contributions of local health departments in land-use and transportation policy
Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA): secondary analyses of an RCT showing effects of community organizing on alcohol acquisition by youth in the Cherokee Nation
The community impact violence: a time to stop killing
Cost analysis of community based family support of patients with severe mental illness
Evaluation of an integrated multisector campaign to increase child helmet use in Vietnam
Identification and feasibility of social participation initiatives reducing isolation and involving rural older Canadians in the development of their community
Unintentional injury mortality among indigenous communities of Taiwan: trends from 2002 to 2013 and evaluation of a community-based intervention
Spatial transferability assessment of a composite walkability index: the Pedestrian Index of the Environment (PIE)
CONSORT to community: translation of an RCT to a large-scale community intervention and learnings from evaluation of the upscaled program
Indicators for evaluating community- and societal-level risk and protective factors for violence prevention: findings from a review of the literature
What do we mean by 'community resilience'? A systematic literature review of how it is defined in the literature
The use of the Data-to-Action framework in the evaluation of CDC's DELTA FOCUS Program
Understanding of evaluation capacity building in practice: a case study of a national medical education organization
Theories, models and frameworks used in capacity building interventions relevant to public health: a systematic review
Case studies of community-academic partnerships established using the Give-Get Grid Model
Scaling up and tailoring the "Putting Public Health in Action" training curriculum
A screening tool using five risk factors was developed for fall-risk prediction in Chinese community-dwelling elderly individuals
The development and implementation of a layperson trauma first responder course in La Paz, Bolivia: a pilot study
Homicides, public goods, and population health in the context of high urban violence rates in Cali, Colombia
Child maltreatment, problem behaviors, and neighborhood attainment
Disasters through the lens of disparities: elevate community resilience as an essential public health service
Does training and coaching matter? An 18-month evaluation of a community supervision model
Neighborhood crime undermines parenting: violence in the vicinity of households as a predictor of aggressive discipline
Race, ethnicity, income concentration and 10-year change in urban greenness in the United States
Increasing parents' awareness of social host laws: a pilot study of coalition efforts
Promoting children's physical activity in low-income communities in colorado: what are the barriers and opportunities?
Preventing suicide in Montana: a community-based theatre intervention
Attitudinal, behavioral, and environmental correlates of child and parent self-efficacy in walking to school
Collaborating with community-based services to promote evidence-based practice: process description of a national initiative to improve services for youth with mental health and substance use problems
Community-based implementation of trauma-focused interventions for youth: economic impact of the learning collaborative model
Commentary: increasing the connectivity between implementation science and public health: advancing methodology, evidence integration, and sustainability
Developing and validating an abbreviated version of the Microscale Audit for Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS-Abbreviated)
Prevalence of community health-promoting practices in Singapore
Community-level sports group participation and older individuals' depressive symptoms
Spatial models of active travel in small communities: merging the goals of traffic monitoring and direct-demand modeling
Community member and policy maker priorities in improving maternal health in rural Tanzania
Integrative review of the intersection of green space and neighborhood violence
Replication of a controlled community prevention trial: results from a local implementation of science-based intervention to reduce impaired driving
Opening the door to social equity: local and participatory approaches to transportation planning in Montreal
Pathfinders: promoting healthy adjustment in bereaved children and families
A conceptual re-visualization of the adoption and utilization of the Pillars of Sustainability in the development of Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment Tools
Development of neighbourhood renewal in Malaysia through case study for middle income households in New Village Jinjang, Kuala Lumpur
Differences in expertise and values: comparing community and expert assessments of a transportation project
Getting Londoners on two wheels: a comparative approach analysing London's potential pathways to a cycling transition
Association between community socioeconomic characteristics and access to youth flag football
Community peer-led falls prevention presentations: what do the experts suggest?
Neighborhood interventions to reduce violence
Bar training for active bystanders: evaluation of a community-based bystander intervention program
Challenging narratives of the anti-rape movement's decline
Victim empowerment, safety, and perpetrator accountability through collaboration: a crisis to transformation conceptual model
How co-developed are community and academic partnerships?
Parental supervision and discomfort with children walking to school in low-income communities in Cape Town, South Africa
The comparative analysis of neighborhood sustainability assessment tool
Description grammars: a general notation
Description grammars: precedents revisited
FIT for FUNCTION: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Heritage and community regeneration in Northern Ireland: finding points of coalescence in the development planning process
Surrounding community residents' expectations of HOPE VI for their community, health and physical activity
Ecological approaches to an age-friendly Portland and Multnomah County
Evaluating potential environmental variables and active aging in older adults for age-friendly neighborhoods in Malaysia
Violent crime and park use in low-income urban neighborhoods
Transit use and physical activity: Findings from the Houston travel-related activity in neighborhoods (TRAIN) study
Citizens' perception of the resilience of Australian cities
Collaborative child home injury prevention in Thailand: an action research study
Cost-effectiveness of capping freeways for use as parks: the New York Cross-Bronx Expressway Case Study
Resident participation in neighbourhood audit tools - a scoping review
Active living in Saskatchewan: a review of official community plans
Inner-city green space and its association with body mass index and prevalent type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study in an urban German city
Social and environmental determinants of physical activity in urban parks: testing a neighborhood disorder model
Do natural experiments of changes in neighborhood built environment impact physical activity and diet? A systematic review
Evaluating the impact of an injury prevention measure regarding different sociodemographic factors
Trust and the ethical conduct of community-engaged research
Trialing the community-based Collaborative Action Research Framework: supporting rural health through a community health needs assessment
Participation in the community social control, the neighborhood watch groups: individual- and neighborhood-related factors
Community service provider perceptions of implementing older adult fall prevention in Ontario, Canada: a qualitative study
How community and public health partnerships contribute to disaster recovery and resilience
The impact of a public bicycle-sharing system on urban public transport networks
10-year study of Christian church support for domestic violence victims: 2005-2015
Community readiness to prevent opioid overdose
Minority and immigrant youth exposure to community violence: the differential effects of family management and peers
Older adults' utilization of community resources targeting fall prevention and physical activity
Perceptions about alcohol harm and alcohol-control strategies among people with high risk of alcohol consumption in Alberta, Canada and Queensland, Australia
Impacts of alcohol availability on Tribal lands where alcohol is prohibited: a community-partnered qualitative investigation
Neighborhood-based PA and its environmental correlates: a GIS- and GPS based cross-sectional study in the Netherlands
Pilot study of a novel partnership for installing smoke alarms
Effects of crime risk perception on willingness to pay for security policy - focused on violent crime
Evaluation of Give Kids a Boost: a school-based program to increase booster seat use among urban children in economically-disadvantaged areas
How high schools become empowering communities: a mixed-method explanatory inquiry into youth-adult partnership and school engagement
Creating a trauma-informed community through university-community partnerships: an institute agenda
The global collaboration on traumatic stress
Understanding conflict and the role of community development: is building a peaceful society within our reach?
Improving adjustment and resilience in children following a disaster: addressing research challenges
Ecological networks and urban crime: the structure of shared routine activity locations and neighborhood-level informal control capacity
Organized activity involvement among urban youth: understanding family- and neighborhood- level characteristics as predictors of involvement
Neighborhood environmental factors are related to health-enhancing physical activity and walking among community dwelling older adults in Nigeria
Telegerontology as a novel approach to address health and safety by supporting community-based rural dementia care triads: randomized controlled trial protocol
Factors associated with changes in community ability and recovery after psychiatric rehabilitation: a retrospective study
Citywide cluster randomized trial to restore blighted vacant land and its effects on violence, crime, and fear
The revitalisation of Buddhist peace activism in post-war Cambodia
The roles of family and teacher support in moderating and mediating externalized and internalized outcomes of exposure to community violence among Arab and Jewish adolescents in Israel
Kangaroo mother care: using formative research to design an acceptable community intervention
Community readiness for the promotion of physical activity in older adults-a cross-sectional comparison of rural and urban communities
"Complete streets" policies and eliminating pedestrian fatalities (editorial)
Demonstrating impact: lessons learned from the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council's AOD-Our-Way Program
A framework for exploring livable community in residential environment. case study: public housing in Medan, Indonesia
The effect of mural on personal crime and fear of crime
Youth participation in urban neighbourhood community
Investigating pedestrian walkability using a multitude of Seoul data sources
Examining the possible impact of daily transport on depression among older adults using an agent-based model
Loneliness and social isolation among older adults in a community exercise program: a qualitative study
Neighborhood environments and physical activity: a longitudinal study of adolescents in a natural experiment
Community managed alcohol programs in Canada: overview of key dimensions and implementation
Do not forget about public transportation: analysis of the association of active transportation to school among Washington, DC area children with parental perceived built environment measures
A cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the effect of community mobilisation and advocacy on men's use of violence in periurban South Africa: study protocol
An examination of peer-delivered parenting skills programs across New York state
Evaluation of a combination of community initiatives to reduce driving while intoxicated and other alcohol-related harms
Quantified street: smart governance of urban safety
Understanding outdoor gyms in public open spaces: a systematic review and integrative synthesis of qualitative and quantitative evidence
Elder abuse and chronic pain: cross-sectional and longitudinal results from the Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect Initiative
Do 'complete streets' policies decrease the risk of fatalities for adult bicyclists? (Abstract 69)
Using a community-based participatory approach to develop a needs assessment on intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion among Arab Americans in southeast Michigan (Abstract 74)
Preventing deaths and injuries from house fires: a cost benefit analysis of a community-based smoke alarm installation programme (Abstract 8)
Perceptions of neighborhood safety and depressive symptoms among older minority urban subsidized housing residents: the mediating effect of sense of community belonging
Designing place-based interventions for sustainability and replicability: the case of GO! Austin/VAMOS! Austin
Determinants of the use of community‐based mental health services after mobile crisis team services: an empirical approach using the Cox proportional hazard model
How many factors does the sense of community index assess?
The effect of a community-based spiritual life review program on Indonesian elders' resilience
Children as agents of social and community change: enhancing youth empowerment through participation in a school-based social activism project
Social resilience to climate-related disasters in ancient societies: a test of two hypotheses
Community-based interventions for adolescents following traumatic brain injury: a systematic review
Urban planning terminology in Albanian and foreign languages
Why neighborhoods (and how we study them) matter for adolescent development
Widening the scope and scale of sustainability assessments in built environments: from passive house to active neighbourhood
Development of sustainable community paramedicine programmes: a case study in Pennsylvania
Communities in charge of alcohol (CICA): a protocol for a stepped-wedge randomised control trial of an alcohol health champions programme
From community to meta-community mental health care
Neighborhood disadvantage and physical function: the contributions of neighborhood-level perceptions of safety from crime and walking for recreation
Collaborating to create healthier communities: how geographical information systems can drive community well-being
Community policing: practice, roles, challenges and prospects in crime prevention in East Gojjam Administrative Zone
Project safe neighborhoods in Chicago: looking back a decade later
Controlled ecological evaluation of an implemented exercise training programme to prevent lower limb injuries in sport: differences in implementation activity
Organizing a local safety council
Mapping the hidden hazards: community-led spatial data collection of street-level environmental stressors in a degraded, urban watershed
Bartenders' and rum shopkeepers' knowledge of and attitudes toward "problem drinking" in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Providing quantified evidence to policy makers for promoting bike-sharing in heavily air-polluted cities: a mode choice model and policy simulation for Taiyuan-China
The implications of community responses to intimate partner violence in Rwanda
Implementation of a school districtwide grassroots antibullying initiative: a school staff and parent-focused evaluation of Because Nice Matters
The experience of older adults in a walking program at individual, interpersonal, and environmental levels
Community effects on women's help-seeking behaviour for intimate partner violence in India: gender disparity, feminist theory, and empowerment
Critical attributes for proactive engagement of stakeholders in disaster risk management
The impact of a statewide trauma-informed child welfare initiative on children's permanency and maltreatment outcomes
School-based and community-based gun safety educational strategies for injury prevention
Social networks in the context of community response to disaster: study of a cyclone-affected community in Coastal West Bengal, India
Socio-cultural characteristics: the missing factor in disaster risk reduction strategy in sectarian divided societies
A systematic review of youth participatory action research (YPAR) in the United States: methodologies, youth outcomes, and future directions
Beyond public meetings: diverse forms of community led recovery following disaster
Building resilience after disasters through the youth leadership program: the importance of community and academic partnerships on youth outcomes
Building resilience after disasters through the youth leadership program: the importance of community and academic partnerships on youth outcomes
Domestic violence and pregnancy: a CBPR coalition approach to identifying needs and informing policy
Domestic violence and pregnancy: a community-based participatory research coalition approach to identifying needs and informing policy
Community-based programmes to prevent falls in children: a systematic review
Disaster preparedness networks in rural Midwest communities: organizational roles, collaborations, and support for older residents
Does wildfire open a policy window? Local government and community adaptation after fire in the United States
Perceptions of community safety and social activity participation among youth in South Africa
Sustainable partnerships for NCD prevention: implications for public health
Tackling the knife violence epidemic requires a radical upgrade in public health investment
Utilizing Facebook and automated telephone calls to increase adoption of a local smoke alarm installation program
Smart city, safety and security
Systemic approach for injury and violence prevention: what we can learn from the Harlem Children's Zone and Promise Neighborhoods
Safety research of children's recreational space in Shanghai urban parks
Inclusive play in urban cities: a pilot study of the inclusive playgrounds in Hong Kong
Influencing factors on the increase of child-rearing households
Injury prevention: achieving population-level change (Editorial)
Do physical activity friendly neighborhoods affect community members equally? A cross-sectional study
"Neighborhood in solidarity": a community development methodology that emerged throughout an action research experience
Predicting perceptions of crime: community residents' recognition and classification of local crime problems
Implementation of a community-based intervention in the most rural and remote districts of Zambia: a process evaluation of safe motherhood action groups
Art dialogue methods: phronèsis and its potential for restoring an embodied moral authority in local communities
Neighborhood built and social environments and change in weight status over the summer in low-income elementary school children
Neighbourhood disorder, collective sentiments and personal strain: bringing neighbourhood context into general strain theory
The revolt of the Rust Belt: place and politics in the age of anger
Mitigation of disasters through community cohesion
Adapting or maladapting: building resilience to climate-related disasters in coastal cities
Are multimodal travelers more satisfied with their lives? A study of accessibility and wellbeing in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area
Does satisfactory neighbourhood environment lead to a satisfying life? An investigation of the association between neighbourhood environment and life satisfaction in Beijing
From pedestrianisation to commercial gentrification: the case of Kadıköy in Istanbul
University and community acting together to address youth violence and gang involvement
City-based action to reduce harmful alcohol use: review of reviews
Building peace through postconflict youth: an exploratory analysis of the relationship between human rights and citizenship for Peruvian adolescents
A weighted displacement quotient model for understanding the impact of crime prevention through environmental design: evidence from Seoul, South Korea
A community-based peer support service for persons with severe mental illness in China
Protecting young children from violence in Colombia: linking caregiver empathy with community child rights indicators as a pathway for peace in Medellin's Comuna 13
Community safety, social cohesion and embedded autonomy: a case from south-west Dublin
Crime prevention and coping mechanisms in neighbourhoods: insights from Kibera, Nairobi
Improving community disaster resilience through scorecard self-testing
Pathways from violence: the impact of community-based intervention on offender reintegration in Gugulethu
Community safety partnerships: the limits and possibilities of 'policing with the community'
Community perceptions of the implementation and impact of an intervention to improve the neighbourhood physical environment to promote walking for transport: a qualitative study
Enabling participation for disabled young people: study protocol
Preventing community violence to prevent communities' disease events: an efficient approach with short- and long-term potential
"Everybody's really close-knit": disconnections between helping victims of intimate partner violence and more general helping in rural communities
Physical activity and associated medical cost savings among at-risk older adults participating a community-based health & wellness program
Racial and ethnic differences in perceived safety barriers to walking, United States National Health Interview Survey - 2015
The Safer Futures model: developing partnerships between intimate partner violence and health care agencies
Why neighborhood park proximity is not associated with total physical activity
How are characteristics of urban green space related to levels of physical activity: examining the links
Neighbours helping neighbours in multi-ethnic context
Partnering with youth in community-based participatory research to address violence prevention
On alternative smart cities
Child maltreatment reporting in the general population: examining the roles of community, collective efficacy, and adverse childhood experiences
Differences in the perception of social support among rural area seniors-a cross-sectional survey of Polish population
Community counts: the social reintegration of ex-combatants in Colombia
Differentiating pathways of neighborhood change in 50 U.S. metropolitan areas
Establishment and application effect of fall prevention and control information system in elderly community
Exposing smart cities and eco-cities: Frankenstein urbanism and the sustainability challenges of the experimental city
From paths to blocks: new measures for street patterns
Getting involved in plan-making: participation in neighbourhood planning in England
Imagining social justice and the false promise of urban park design
The influence of the impedance function on gravity-based pedestrian accessibility measures: a comparative analysis
Intra-settlement politics and conflict in enumerations
Material politics of images: visualising future transport infrastructures
The openness buzz in the knowledge economy: towards taxonomy
The politics of community: togetherness, transition and post-politics
Prevention of underage drinking on California Indian reservations using individual- and community-level approaches
Producing an urban hazardscape beyond the city
Resident and police perceptions of the neighborhood: implications for community policing
A tool to predict perceived urban stress in open public spaces
Neighborhood disorder, social support, and outcomes among violence-exposed African American women
Community pharmacists' experiences and people at risk of suicide in Canada and Australia: a thematic analysis
Health and broader community benefit of parkrun - an exploratory qualitative study
Utilization of formal support services for elder abuse: do informal supporters make a difference?
A review of studies on community based early warning systems
Community led total sanitation for community based disaster risk reduction: a case for non-input humanitarian relief
Building schools' readiness to implement a comprehensive approach to school safety
Walking and walkability in pre-set and self-defined neighborhoods: a mental mapping study in older adults
Veteran coffee socials: a community-building strategy for enhancing community reintegration of veterans
Talking the walk: perceptions of neighborhood characteristics from users of Open Streets Programs in Latin America and the USA
More than just keeping busy: the protective effects of organized activity participation on violence and substance use among urban youth
Network to combat violence against rural women: articulation and communication of services
Measuring trends in infant mortality due to unintentional suffocation
A socially just leadership approach to community-partnered research for reducing health disparities
Connecting community organisations for disaster preparedness
Community-based counterterrorism
Community-based counterterrorism policing: recommendations for practitioners
Community-led counterterrorism
A community-level comparison of terrorism movements in the United States
Police and community cooperation in counterterrorism: evidence and insights from Australia
Left off the route: a qualitative examination of urban bus drivers wanting to be players in the bully prevention solution
Teaching installation and use of child passenger safety restraints
Planning as if children mattered: a case for transforming automobile dependent cities and some examples of best practice
Re-working Appleyard in a low density environment: an exploration of the impacts of motorised traffic volume on street livability in Christchurch, New Zealand
Two sides of the same neighborhood? Multilevel analysis of residents' and child-welfare workers' perspectives on neighborhood social disorder and collective efficacy
Cool Communities-Urban Density, Trees, and Health
What can campuses learn from community sexual assault response teams? Literature review of teams' purpose, activities, membership, and challenges
Tokenism and mending fences: how rural male farmers and their health needs are discussed in health policy and planning documents
Informal security structures and crime control and prevention in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria
Organizational factors related to the adoption of an injury prevention program by U.S. children's hospitals
Poor crime prevention policy implementation : links to 'fear of crime'
Comparative analysis between the theories of road transport safety and emission
Social marketing and the built environment: what matters for travel behaviour change?
Transdisciplinary forward-looking agenda setting for age-friendly, human centered cities
Built and natural environment planning principles for promoting health: an umbrella review
Lessons learned from implementing a programme of home modifications to prevent falls amongst the general population
Residential moves, neighbourhood walkability, and physical activity: a longitudinal pilot study in Ontario Canada
Parks after dark evaluation brief
Parks after dark evaluation brief
Organized community activity participation and the dynamic roles of neighborhood violence and gender among Latino adolescents
Let's walk! Age reattribution and physical activity among older Hispanic/Latino adults: results from the ¡Caminemos! Randomized trial
Evaluation and planning of urban green space distribution based on mobile phone data and two-step floating catchment area method
Alcohol-related harm: developing a drug and alcohol liaison team
The effect of a community based health promotion intervention to change gender norms among women in a rural community in Sri Lanka
Risk and protective factors of alcohol use identified by community providers and stakeholders in Hawai'i: qualitative data analysis
'It's like you do it without knowing that you're doing it': practitioner experiences with ACT implementation
Building collaborative capability between law enforcement and civil society leaders to prevent urban violence
Community resilience to tsunamis along the Southeastern Pacific: a multivariate approach incorporating physical, environmental, and social indicators
Community vulnerability to hazards: introducing local expert knowledge into the equation
The social organization of access to justice for youth in 'unsafe' urban neighbourhoods
Outcomes of community-based suicide prevention approaches that involve reducing access to pesticides: a systematic literature review
Development and validation of the Therapist Barriers to Engaging Parents (TBEP) measure
Trust and contact in diverse neighbourhoods: an interplay of four ethnicity effects
Participatory action research: working beyond disaster toward prevention
Thinking on spatial planning reform
Optimization model for school transportation design based on economic and social efficiency
Militarization fails to enhance police safety or reduce crime but may harm police reputation
Is the built environment associated with morbidity and mortality? A systematic review of evidence from Germany
Suicide and community justice
Objectively measured neighborhood walkability and change in physical activity in older Japanese adults: a five-year cohort study
Understanding child and parent perceptions of barriers influencing children's active school travel
The Ironbark program: implementation and impact of a community-based fall prevention pilot program for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Alcohol policies in Malawi: inclusion of WHO "best buy" interventions and use of multi-sectoral action
How might neighborhood built environment influence child maltreatment? Caregiver perceptions
The importance of governmental and nongovernmental investments in public health and social services for improving community health outcomes
Linking profiles of neighborhood elements to health and related outcomes among children across the United States
Rebuilding community-determined partnerships
Development of a liveable city index (CI) using multi criteria geospatial modelling for medium class cities in developing countries
Formation mechanism and coping strategy of public emergency for urban sustainability: a perspective of risk propagation in the sociotechnical system
Towards sustainable neighborhoods: challenges and opportunities for neighborhood planning in transitional urban China
Social support network of family members of abused children and adolescents: perspectives and possibilities
Is 'smart mobility' sustainable? Examining the views and beliefs of transport's technological entrepreneurs
The association of built environment and physical activity in older adults: using a citywide public housing scheme to reduce residential self-selection bias
First aid practices and health-seeking behaviors of caregivers for unintentional childhood injuries in Ujjain, India: a community-based cross-sectional study
Local overdose fatality review team recommendations for overdose death prevention
The paradox of civil society: the case of Maluku, Eastern Indonesia
Maintaining internal validity in community partnered participatory research: experience from the Community Partners in Care Study
Social capital and disaster preparedness in Oromia, Ethiopia: an evaluation of the "Women Empowered" approach
Disasters as opportunities for sustainability: the case of Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
Capacity assessment in public health community interventions: a systematic review
First Nations Elders' perspectives of engagement in community programs in Nak'azdli Whut'en, British Columbia, Canada
Children's everyday freedoms: local government policies on children and sustainable mobility in two Australian states
Commuting patterns and urban form: evidence from Poland (editorial)
Reducing traffic violations in minority localities: designing a traffic enforcement program through a public participation process
Busy streets theory: the effects of community-engaged greening on violence
A geographically weighted regression approach to investigating the spatially varied built-environment effects on community opportunity
Improving planning analysis and decision making: the development and application of a walkability planning support system
The influence of external factors on children's travel mode: a comparison of school trips and non-school trips
Measuring, understanding and modelling the Walking Neighborhood as a function of built environment and socioeconomic variables
Promoting active student travel: a longitudinal study
Public involvement in the production, dissemination and implementation of injury prevention research
Health without borders: creating healthy cities
Is there a role for the funeral service provider in bereavement support within the context of compassionate communities?
Motivations, expectations and experiences in being a mental health helplines volunteer
Active commuting to school among preschool-aged children and its barriers: an exploratory study in collaboration with parents
Blight abatement of vacant land and crime in New Orleans
Cross-sector collaboration on Safe Routes to School policy advocacy and implementation: a mixed methods evaluation from Minnesota
Invisible cyclists? Disabled people and cycle planning - a case study of London
Latent analysis of Complete Streets and traffic safety along an urban corridor
Psychological wellbeing benefits of simulated exposure to five urban settings: an experimental study from the pedestrian's perspective
Community-level social capital and cognitive decline after a natural disaster: a natural experiment from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Two way street - public health and transportation working together on active transportation (2344)
Modern compact cities: how much greenery do we need?
Readiness to adopt physical activity policies in rural communities
Current status and policy planning for promoting age-friendly cities in Taitung County: dialogue between older adults and service providers
Ensuring safety in public playgrounds is everybody's business
For a public policy of surveillance of suicidal behavior
Generating sustainable collective action: models of community control and governance of alcohol supply in Indigenous minority populations
Public health social work as a unifying framework for social work's grand challenges
RISING SUN: prioritized outcomes for suicide prevention in the Arctic
The Safe Shelter Collaborative: an innovative approach to locating emergency shelter for human trafficking and domestic violence survivors
The development of a participatory assessment technique for infrastructure: neighborhood-level monitoring towards sustainable infrastructure systems
Diversity of "pedestrians on wheels", new challenges for cities in 21st century
Protecting youth from gang membership: individual and school-level emotional competence
Racial/ethnic and educational differences in perceptions and use of a new urban trail
Support for evidence-based alcohol policy in Ireland: results from the Community Action on Alcohol Pilot Project
Women's perspective in pedestrian mobility planning: the case of Brasília
Perceived environmental, individual and social factors of long-distance collective walking in cities
American Complete Streets and Australian SmartRoads: what can we learn from each other?
Equity in spatial access to bicycling infrastructure in mid-sized Canadian cities
Student pedestrian walking speeds at crosswalks near schools
Lowering bicycle stress one link at a time: where should we invest in infrastructure?
Universal parental support for parents of adolescents: who wants municipality-based parental support and in what form?
Visitors' perceived place value and the willingness to pay in an urban lake park
Evaluating falls prevention strategies in community settings: marginal reduction on rate of falls with individual risk-based multifactorial interventions compared to 'usual care'
A framework for public-private-people partnerships in the city resilience-building process
An archaeology of societal resilience
Challenges to critical infrastructure resilience in an institutionally fragmented setting
Changes in Norway's societal safety and security measures following the 2011 Oslo terror attacks
On collective improvisation in crisis management - a scoping study analysis
Organizational culture and societal safety: collaborating across boundaries
Safer societies (editorial)
An essay: Societal safety and the global
What's mode got to do with it? Exploring the links between public transport and car access and opportunities for everyday activities among older people
Where did inaction go? Towards a broader and more refined perspective on collective actions
Teachers as agents of peace? Exploring teacher agency in social cohesion in Pakistan
A class-differentiated analysis of park use in Cape Town, South Africa
Emerging grassroots resilience and flood responses in informal settlements in Accra, Ghana
The spatial knowledge politics of crisis mapping for community development
Urban planning and politics in Ghana
Using community detection analysis to elucidate caregivers' mental models of pediatric concussion symptoms
Effect of remediating blighted vacant land on shootings: a citywide cluster randomized trial
Impact of green space exposure on children's and adolescents' mental health: a systematic review
Community heritage resources and crisis management in rural Nigeria
The tale of two communities: residents' perceptions of the built environment and neighborhood social capital
Perceptions of neighborhood environment, sense of community, and self-rated health: an age-friendly city project in Hong Kong
The neighbourhood roots of social cohesion: notes on an exceptional case of Singapore
Community-based approach to trauma and violence: guns, germs, and bystanders
At the front lines: Effectively training community stakeholders to recognize and report child abuse and neglect
Evaluation of a local government "shelter and van" intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm
Feasibility of trial procedures for a randomised controlled trial of a community based group exercise intervention for falls prevention for visually impaired older people: the VIOLET study
Validating and shortening the environmental assessment of public recreation spaces observational measure
Air pollution exposure in walking school bus routes: a New Zealand case study
The impact of an alcohol consumption intervention in community sports clubs on safety and participation: an RCT
The impact of community-based interventions for the older population: a quasi-experimental study of a hip-fracture prevention program in Norway
A stakeholder analysis of community-led collaboration to reduce health inequity in a deprived neighbourhood in South Korea
The built environment and depressive symptoms among urban youth: a spatial regression study
Decoloniality as a framework for indigenous youth suicide prevention pedagogy: promoting community conversations about research to end suicide
Building the injury field in North America: the perspective of some of the pioneers
Equipping public spaces to facilitate rapid point-of-injury hemorrhage control after mass casualty
Learning from best practices in sustainable urbanization
The life cycle of cities
The relationship between self-rated health and local government spending on parks and recreation in the United States from 1997 to 2012
LET's CONNECT community mentorship program for youths with peer social problems: preliminary findings from a randomized effectiveness trial
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a complex community sport intervention to increase physical activity: an interrupted time series design
Using youth participatory action research as a health intervention in community settings
Examining the wider context of formal youth mentoring programme development, delivery and maintenance: a qualitative study with mentoring managers and experts in the United Kingdom
The impact of volunteer experience at sport mega-events on intention to continue volunteering: multigroup path analysis
It takes a village: a realist synthesis of social pediatrics program
"Everybody's responsibility": conceptualization of youth mental health in Kenya
Urban community as resource: evaluation of the mentors in Toledo schools program
Post-disaster reconstruction in Christchurch: a "build back better" perspective
Seeking an interoperability of disaster resilience and transformative adaptation in humanitarian design
Urban water body recreational development and revitalizing program in Sri Lanka: public perception and willingness to pay
Built environment, psychosocial factors and active commuting to school in adolescents: clustering a self-organizing map analysis
The relationships between park quality, park usage, and levels of physical activity in low-income, African American neighborhoods
Evaluation of the All Right? Campaign's Facebook intervention post-disaster in Canterbury, New Zealand
Integrated treatment program for alcohol related problems in community hospitals, Songkhla province of Thailand: a social return on investment analysis
University and community resources for sexual assault survivors: familiarity with and use of services among college students
Urban forest benefits to the younger population: the case study of the city of Belgrade, Serbia
Distribution and correlates of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and ACT-like programs: results from the 2015 N-MHSS
Identifying cycling-inducing neighborhoods: a latent class approach
Community organizations and mental health after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings
Community-based rehabilitation for physically impaired earthquake victims: an evidence-based practice protocol and its pre-post experimental study
The legal oversight of community treatment orders: a qualitative analysis of tribunal decision-making
Implementation of gatekeeper training programs for suicide prevention in Japan: a systematic review
Wisdom of (using) the crowds: enhancing disasters preparedness through public training in light search and rescue
Translating the Sendai Framework into action: the EU approach to ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Survivor-led response: local recommendations to operationalise building back better
To support urban emergency planning: a GIS instrument for the choice of optimal routes based on seismic hazards
Psychosocial capacity building in response to cascading disasters: a culturally informed approach
Recovering local sociality: learnings from post-disaster community-scale recoveries
Pet- and special needs-friendly shelter planning in south Florida: a spatial capacitated p-median-based approach
INTERACT: a comprehensive approach to assess urban form interventions through natural experiments
Ensuring safety in public playgrounds is everybody's business
Socioeconomic differences in swimming ability among children in Malmö, southern Sweden: initial results from a community-level intervention
Improving student engagement in community disaster preparedness
Conduct disorder and neighborhood effects
Why clinical psychology needs to engage in community-based approaches to mental health
Underlying dimensions of social cohesion in a rural community affected by wartime violence in Colombia
Mothers In Motion intervention effect on psychosocial health in young, low-income women with overweight or obesity
Identification of starting points to promote health and wellbeing at the community level - a qualitative study
Urban sustainability evaluation under the modified TOPSIS based on grey relational analysis
Feasibility of providing child restraint devices after a motor vehicle crash in a pediatric emergency department
Safer crack kits and smoking practices: effectiveness of a harm reduction intervention among active crack users in Mexico City
Distance from home to the nearest park and the use of the parks for physical activity: the mediator role of road safety perception in adolescents
Posttraumatic stress disorder in maltreated children grown up: the influence of neighborhood
A public health approach to mobilizing community partners for injury prevention: a scoping review
Implementing the Communities That Care Prevention System: challenges, solutions, and opportunities in an urban setting
The moderating role of social neighbourhood factors in the association between features of the physical neighbourhood environment and weight status
Parents speak: a needs assessment for community programming for Black male youth
Preventing violent encounters between police and young Black men: a comparative case study
From disaster response to community recovery: nongovernmental entities, government, and public health
The heat penalty of walkable neighbourhoods
Psychosocial factors influencing shared bicycle travel choices among Chinese: an application of theory planned behavior
Objectively measured mobility of rural community-dwelling people aged 80 and over is strongly associated with greater use of services for community integration and social support: an observational study
Associations between spatial access to physical activity facilities and frequency of physical activity; how do home and workplace neighbourhoods in West Central Scotland compare?
Student and police partnerships: cultivating student success and community development
Move closer and get active: how to make urban university commutes more satisfying
ADHD and depressive symptoms in adolescents: the role of community violence exposure
A qualitative study examining stakeholder perspectives of a local child abuse program in community emergency departments
Responding to the opioid crisis: lessons from a review of casualties
Mentoring, bullying, and educational outcomes among US school-aged children 6-17 years
A hospital-based fall prevention program in the community: opportunities for frail older adults to participate in ongoing physical activity
Cities, states and bicycles. Writing cycling histories and struggling for policy relevance
On the Vienna Corso: changing street use and street design around the Vienna State Opera House 1860-1949
Environmental correlates of physical activity among children 10 to 13 years old in Wallonia (Belgium)
Facilitators and barriers to enrolling in falls prevention programming among community dwelling older adults
Hierarchy of factors affecting the condition and development of sports and recreation infrastructure-impact on the recreational activity and health of the residents of a city (Poznan case study)
The role of BIM for safety and security management
Evidence-based suicide prevention: collective impact of engagement with community stakeholders
Civic recreation: outdoor recreationists as advocates, stewards, and managers of natural resources
Enhancing the national dialogue on the prevention of intimate partner violence
The promises and pitfalls of 311 data
Encountering bikelash: experiences and lessons from New Zealand communities
Te Ara Mua - Future Streets suburban street retrofit: a researcher-community-government co-design process and intervention outcomes
Disparities in burn injury prevalence and outcomes: results of a community-based burn prevention program
Enhancing safe routes to school programs through community-engaged citizen science: two pilot investigations in lower density areas of Santa Clara County, California, USA
Foot-based audit of streets adjacent to new light rail stations in Houston, Texas: measurement of health-related characteristics of the built environment for physical activity research
An intergenerational program based on psycho-motor activity promotes well-being and interaction between preschool children and older adults: results of a process and outcome evaluation study in Austria
Where to start? Injury prevention priority scores in Canadian children
Positive Health beyond boundaries in community care: design of a prospective study on the effects and implementation of an integrated community approach
Way2Go! Social marketing for girls' active transportation to school
Addressing community needs during the hurricane response and recovery efforts through Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER)-United States Virgin Islands, 2017-2018
Regeneration of market squares in historic town centres: ideas, discussions, controversies
Neighbourhood built environment and walking behaviours: evidence from the rural American South
Benefits of outdoor sports for society. A systematic literature review and reflections on evidence
Inclusive growth from an urban perspective: a challenge for the metropolis of the twenty-first century
Local sustainability initiatives: innovation and civic engagement in societal experiments
Applying quality improvement strategies within Canadian population health promotion
Complexity in implementing community drowning reduction programs in southern Bangladesh: a process evaluation protocol
Neighbourhood environment and transport-related and leisure-time sedentary behaviour amongst women in a city in Southern Brazil: a multilevel analysis
Feasibility, acceptability, and initial efficacy of delivering alcohol use cognitive interventions via crowdsourcing
Forging the future: is the injury prevention community a learning organisation?
Prevention and mitigation of intimate-partner violence: the role of community leaders in Tanzania
The effects of a community-based walking program on walking ability and fall-related self-efficacy of chronic stroke patients
The effect of urban planning on violence in modern cities
Housing and health in Europe: preliminary results of a pan-European study
On the way to Parma: understanding and addressing the influence that social inequities have on environmental health
Community interventions related to intimate partner violence among adolescents: scope review
Evaluation of implementing a home-based fall prevention program among community-dwelling older adults
PASS: a behavioral health care program for culturally diverse youths and their families
IMPACT: Effects of an online capacity-building intervention for IPV prevention professionals
Effects of Superblocks on health and health inequities: a proposed evaluation framework
The Fix-it face-to-face intervention increases multihazard household preparedness cross-culturally
An exploration of linear and curvilinear relationships between community participation and neurocognition among those with serious mental illnesses
Empowering bystanders to intervene: Trauma Responders Unify to Empower (TRUE) Communities
The advisory board perspective from a campus community-based participatory research project on sexual violence
A seat at the table: public health is working differently in Snohomish County, and it's paying off
Organised neighbourhood support during extreme weather events in rural areas : using the "volunteers on-site system" to strategically adapt to crisis situations caused by climate change
A quasi-experimental evaluation of partnerships for success's impact on community-level ethanol and prescription drug poisoning rates
The role of a community-based intervention in promoting helmet use in a non-probability sample of rural motorcyclists in Iran
Addressing interpersonal violence as a health policy question using interprofessional community educators
Acceptability of implementing community-based drug checking services for people who use drugs in three United States cities: Baltimore, Boston and Providence
An assessment of child passenger safety levels of service in Michigan
Characterizing the child passenger safety workforce in Michigan: a statewide survey in 2015
Community engagement with refugee-background communities around health: the experience of the Group of 11
Development of the Australian neighborhood social fragmentation index and its association with spatial variation in depression across communities
Building capacity for injury prevention: a process evaluation of a replication of the Cardiff Violence Prevention Programme in the Southeastern USA
Nongovernmental organizations coordination models in natural hazards: a systematic review
Residents' expectations for new rail stops: optimistic neighborhood perceptions relate to subsequent transit ridership
Integrating community concerns and recommendations into home buyout and relocation policy
Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Building a culture of intimate partner violence prevention in Alberta, Canada through the promotion of healthy youth relationships
“What should sex look like?" Students' desires for expanding university sexual assault prevention programs to include comprehensive sex education
Examining the implementation of play streets: a systematic review of the grey literature
I only get some satisfaction: introducing satisfaction into measures of accessibility
How do neighbourhood definitions influence the associations between built environment and physical activity?
Organizational networks in road safety: case studies of U.S. Vision Zero cities
Improving the science and evidence base of disaster response: a policy research study
Using Google Street View to examine associations between built environment characteristics and U.S. health outcomes
Parenting groups can be effective across the social spectrum: the next step is access
Active streets for children: the case of the Bogotá Ciclovía
Evaluation of the promising neighbourhoods community program to reduce health inequalities in youth: a protocol of a mixed-methods study
Culturally responsive peacebuilding pedagogy: a case study of Fambul Tok Peace Clubs in conflict-affected Sierre Leone
Research in fractured digital spaces
Planning tools for walkable neighborhoods: zoning, land use, and urban form
Perceptions of expanded shared use of schools: a mixed method examination of pathways and barriers to community well-being
How community resources mitigate the association between household poverty and the incidence of adverse childhood experiences
Pathways to child abuse prevention: seeking and embedding public opinion
Public libraries and walkable neighborhoods
Women talking to women: a meeting on Critical Routes 8
Social inequalities in unintentional childhood injury incidence suggest subgroup identification and differentiation in the municipal planning of preventive efforts
Relations among perceptions of neighborhood cohesion and control and parental monitoring across adolescence
"Sons of the West" leadership academy: examining impact on community connectedness, leadership and self-efficacy
Consumers' suggestions for improving the mental healthcare system: options, autonomy, and respect
The social support buffering effect in the relationship between perceived stress and alcohol use among Brazilian women
Responding to the rising prevalence of self-harm
Prevention of firearm injuries among children and adolescents: consensus-driven research agenda from the Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium
Residents' social interactions in market square and its impact on community well-being
Before there is a table: small wins to build a movement against sexual and relationship violence in a university context
Bringing community based participatory research to domestic violence scholarship: an online toolkit
An exploratory framework for community-led research to address intimate partner violence: a case study of the survivor-centered advocacy project
Life lines: loss, loneliness and expanding meshworks with an urban Walk and Talk group
Observer effect: insights for building equitable community-research partnerships
Our seat at the table: mentorship, advocacy, & youth leadership in qualitative research
Community-based recreation therapy and mental health recovery: a mixed-media participatory action research study
Significance of leaders for sustained use of evidence-based practices: a qualitative focus-group study with mental health practitioners
Public spaces and happiness: evidence from a large-scale field experiment
Effectiveness of a collaborative, student-run campaign to increase safety belt use among adolescents
Healthy spaces: exploring urban indigenous youth perspectives of social support and health using photovoice
Urban planning as an extension of war planning
Citizen participation for sustainable transport: lessons for change from Santiago and Temuco, Chile
How can neighborhood parks be used to increase physical activity?
An empirical review of Karachi's transportation predicaments: a paradox of public policy ranging from personal attitudes to public opinion in the megacity
Evaluating active travel and health economic impacts of small streetscape schemes: an exploratory study in London
How effective are community pedestrian safety training workshops? Short-term findings from a program in California
Municipal officials' propensity toward active transportation: a rural-urban comparison
Promoting active school travel in elementary schools: a regional case study of the school travel planning intervention
Sampling methodology and reliability of a representative walkability audit
Toward community coverage on self-screening, diagnosis, and help-seeking behavior for both gender victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) in a Kenyan setting: the development of IPV-Brief Self-Screener (IPV-BSS) Version of the WHO-IPV Instrument
Long-term effect of community-based continence promotion on urinary symptoms, falls and healthy active life expectancy among older women: cluster randomised trial
Community resilience and urban planning in tsunami prone settlements: the case of Mehuin, Queule, Toltén and Puerto Saavedra, Chile
Neighborhood perceptions of gun violence and safety: findings from a public health-social work intervention
Community based efforts to address infant mortality and disparities in Oklahoma
Interdisciplinary citizen science and design projects for hazard and disaster education
Perspectives from nongovernmental organizations on education and training needs for community disaster recovery
Engaging local health departments in disaster research: a Washington State survey
Putting affected people at the centre of humanitarian action: an argument for the principle of Humanitarian Subsidiarity
Incorporating livability into transportation asset management practices through bikeway quality networks
Role of ICT in community-oriented policing in South Asia: challenges and opportunities
Equipping youth for meaningful policy engagement: an environmental scan
A systematic scoping review of asset-based approaches to promote health in communities: development of a framework
Mental health, interpersonal trust and subjective well-being in a high violence context
The role of coalitions in disaster policymaking
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Prevention Committee topical update: Impact of community violence exposure, intimate partner violence, hospital-based violence intervention, building community coalitions and injury prevention program evaluation
Creating and disseminating a resource for state policy makers about injury and violence prevention: a case example of translating research to policy
Intimate partner violence and maternal depression during pregnancy: a community-based cross-sectional study in Ethiopia
Promoting small business support of youth physical activity in low-income, minority neighborhoods: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Stepping up active transportation in community health improvement plans: findings from a national probability survey of local health departments
Community gardens and wellbeing amongst vulnerable populations: a thematic review
Urban building demolitions, firearm violence and drug crime
Community advantage and individual self-efficacy promote disaster preparedness: a multilevel model among persons with disabilities
From risky places to safe spaces: re-assembling spaces and places in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Challenges in the conduct of community-based research
Training and toolkit resources to support implementation of a community pharmacy fall prevention service
Self-harm attempters' perception of community services and its implication on service provision
A community-based response to a suicide cluster
Auditing street walkability and associated social inequalities for planning implications
North Carolina community pharmacists' attitudes about suicide and willingness to conduct suicidal ideation assessment: a cross-sectional survey study
Fostering gender equality and alternatives to violence: perspectives on a gender-transformative community mobilisation programme in rural South Africa
Social support, interpersonal, and community dynamics following disasters caused by natural hazards
Guidelines for community-based injury surveillance in rugby union
Online child sexual exploitation and abuse: a community diagnosis using the social norms theory
South African adult caregivers as "protective shields": serving as a buffer between stressful neighborhood conditions and youth risk behaviors
Increasing awareness of food-choking and nutrition in children through education of caregivers: the CHOP community intervention trial study protocol
Promoting congregant health in faith-based organizations across Los Angeles County, 2013-2016
Implementation of safe city concept - procedure of choosing new safety measures
Mental health effects of domestic violence against women in Delhi: a community-based study
Assessing and ranking the potential of a street to be redesigned as a Complete Street: a multi-criteria decision aiding approach
Associations between individual characteristics, availability of bicycle infrastructure, and city-wide safety perceptions of bicycling: a cross-sectional survey of bicyclists in 6 Canadian and U.S. cities
Walkability, overweight, and obesity in adults: a systematic review of observational studies
Do residential location effects on travel behavior differ between the elderly and younger adults?
Ungating the city: a permeability perspective
Transportation sustainability in the urban context: a comprehensive review
Planners' role in accommodating citizen disagreement: the case of Dutch urban planning
Making rural areas safer : potential benefits of the rural safety plan
Impact of a community-based naloxone distribution program on opioid overdose death rates
Impact of urban street lighting on road users' perception of public space and mobility behavior
Patterns and drivers of co-production in neighbourhood watch in England and Wales: from neo-liberalism to new localism
Rethinking the geographies of walkability in small city centers
School siting and mode choices for school travel: rural-urban contrasts in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
San Francisco's neighborhoods and auto dependency
Improving walkability in a TOD context: spatial strategies that enhance walking in the Belém neighbourhood, in São Paulo, Brazil
The positive perception of reduced gang violence through a public safety initiative
Reply to: Availability of evidence-based community falls prevention programs: considerations
The crime preventers scheme: a community policing initiative for regime security in Uganda
Do social networking sites build and maintain social capital online in rural communities?
Filling a void? The role of social enterprise in addressing social isolation and loneliness in rural communities
Social participation reduces isolation among Japanese older people in urban area: a 3-year longitudinal study
Assessing public expenditures in small towns: beyond roads and fire engines
"I will be out there every day strong!" protest policing and future activism among Ferguson and Baltimore protesters
Burden of lesser-known unintentional non-fatal injuries in rural Bangladesh: findings from a large-scale population-based study
Creating spaces for young people to collaborate to create community change: Ohio's youth-led initiative
Justice system reform for health equity: a mixed methods examination of collaborating for equity and justice principles in a grassroots organizing coalition
Learning from coalitions' efforts to promote equity and justice
Nature-based interventions for mental health care: social network analysis as a tool to map social farms and their response to social inclusion and community engagement
"Who doesn't think about technology when designing urban environments for older people?" a case study approach to a proposed extension of the who's age-friendly cities model
Strengthening our collaborative approaches for advancing equity and justice
Promoting safe firearm storage in an urban neighborhood: the views of parents concerning the role of health care providers
A community program of integrated care for frail older adults: +AGIL Barcelona
Developing a community-based research project proposal to build public health educator capacity: a graduate student perspective
Risk perception structure of residents and traffic safety education in local communities
Looking through broken windows: the impact of neighborhood disorder on aggression and fear of crime is an artifact of research design
The rise and restraint of the preventive state
The fluid nature of street culture: non-violent participation, changes in adult life, and crumbling ethnic barriers in Germany
Our healthy clarence: a community-driven wellbeing initiative
Sustainable lighting layout in urban areas: maximizing implicit coverage and minimizing installation cost
Carpooling and the Pan-European emergency call 'eCall 112': connected cars and their potential for environmental and transport policy
Evidence for state, community and systems-level prevention strategies to address the opioid crisis
Advancing healthy cities through safer cycling: an examination of shared lane markings
Do New Zealand communities have greater input to local alcohol policy? Population surveys before and after new legislation
Coordinated community response: toward a more systematic response to domestic violence in an urban setting
Creating safe and healthy neighborhoods with place-based violence interventions
The impact of a strong commitment on disaster resilience: a longitudinal study of the 2012 Korean typhoons
Tackling domestic abuse locally: paradigms, ideologies and the political tensions of multi-agency working
Effect of community-based group exercise interventions on standing balance and strength in independent living older adults
How do community development activities affect the construction of rural places? A case study from Finland
Helping from home: Singaporean youth volunteers with migrant-rights and human-trafficking NGOs in Singapore
Street networks, pedestrian movement patterns and sexual harassment
Road network intersection density and childhood obesity risk in the US: a national longitudinal study
Utilitarian and hedonic walking: examining the impact of the built environment on walking behavior
The development of walkability in the historic centre of Enna: the case of the Saint Tommaso neighbourhood
LGBTQ youth-serving community-based organizations: who participates and what difference does it make?
Using multi-agency, multi-professional collaboration to reduce serious violence and organized crime
Lost in implementation: NSW police force crime prevention officer perspectives on crime prevention through environmental design
Shaping community support for vigilantism: a Nigerian case study
Assessing nodality in neighbourhoods in transformation: a concept of sustainable urban form. The case study of Rahue Bajo, Osorno, Chile
A prefigurative politics of play in public places: children claim their democratic right to the city through play
Broken windows in the cul-de-sac? Race/ethnicity and quality-of-life policing in the changing suburbs
Collective efforts of people to reduce disasters in the Indian Sundarban islands
Community policing: least effective where need is greatest
Using a Luhmannian perspective for earthquake resilience
Revisiting the crime control benefits of voluntary organizations: organizational presence, organizational capacity, and crime rates in Los Angeles neighborhoods
Sensemaking questions in crisis response teams
Social service organizations, discretionary funding, and neighborhood crime rates
Disaster recovery and violence in neoliberal times: community and spatial fragmentation in L'Aquila
Enhancing earthquake resilience of communities: an action by women's groups in Nepal
Evaluation of an organization-based psychological first aid intervention
Gaining public input on natural hazard risk and land-use planning
Identifying high-risk intersections for walking and bicycling using multiple data sources in the city of San Diego
Making communities disaster resilient
Structural violence: its many faces and challenges in research, policies, prevention, and intervention
Street crime prediction model based on the physical characteristics of a streetscape: analysis of streets in low-rise housing areas in South Korea
Creating spaces of public insecurity in times of terror: the implications of code/space for urban vulnerability analyses
Using mind mapping technology for personal preparedness planning
Process evaluation of a community mobilization intervention for preventing men's partner violence use in peri-urban South Africa
Examining the roles of parents and community involvement and prevention programs in reducing school violence
Expanding tools for investigating neighborhood indicators of drug use and violence: validation of the NIfETy for virtual street observation
Method to identify and visualize barriers in a low-stress bike network
Enhancing community preparedness: an inventory and analysis of disaster citizen science activities
Increasing cycling for transportation through mentorship programs
Come together, play, be active: physical activity engagement of school-age children at Play Streets in four diverse rural communities in the U.S
Do individual liquor permit systems help Indigenous communities to manage alcohol?
Near-optimal planning using approximate dynamic programming to enhance post-hazard community resilience management
Questioning the mental health effects of community-based interventions: evaluation of a women empowerment programme
A paradigm shift to interrupt the bidirectional flow driving community violence
Community stakeholder responses to countering violent extremism locally
Framing community-based interventions for gun violence: a review of the literature
Policy addressing suicidality in children and young people: an international scoping review
Exploring readiness for change: knowledge and attitudes towards family violence among community members and service providers engaged in primary prevention in regional Australia
Gun violence in Colombia
Transforming minds, people and places: leadership coalition building as catalyst for intersectoral collaboratives in urban violence prevention
Promoting population health with public-private partnerships: where's the evidence?
Rethinking the public health model for injury prevention
Community and municipal organizational characteristics impacting the completion of disaster plans by local public entities in Japan
Current capacities, preparedness and needs of local institutions in dealing with disaster risk reduction in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Decision making application in collaborative emergency response: a new PROMETHEE preference function
Trust your peers! How trust among citizens can foster collective risk prevention
Public interest and participation in planning and infrastructure decisions for disaster risk management
A police-led community response to child abuse and youth sexual violence and abuse in Indigenous communities in far north Queensland: "Speak Up. Be strong. Be Heard."
How do natural hazards affect participation in voluntary association? The social impacts of disasters in Japanese society
Measuring political will: an index of commitment to disaster risk reduction
Deep uncertainty in humanitarian logistics operations: decision-making challenges in responding to large-scale natural disasters
Loneliness and life satisfaction explained by public-space use and mobility patterns
ParkIndex: using key informant interviews to inform the development of a new park access evaluation tool
Psychometric properties of the Community Violence-Prevention Activation Measure (CV-PAM): evaluating provider activation toward community violence prevention
Community pharmacists as partners in reducing suicide risk
Urban park crime: neighborhood context and park features
Built urban environment and functional incapacity: enabling healthy aging
Simulating behavioral influences on community flood risk under future climate scenarios
Cross-border hostilities and regional planning in the United States and Canada: what role for expertise, insulated from the "hurry and strife of politics"?
Straight streets in a curvaceous crescent: colonial urban planning and its impact on modern New Orleans
Psychoeducation and problem-solving therapy as an integrative model of mutual-help groups for people with severe mental disorders: a report from Brazil
How do you build back better so no one is left behind? Lessons from Sint Maarten, Dutch Caribbean, post-Hurricane Irma
The mechanism of social organization participation in natural hazards emergency relief: a case study based on the social network analysis
A community-based prevention approach: examples from the field
Disrupting social norms: eliminating child abuse and neglect in our lifetime
Do neighbourhood renewal programs reduce crime rates? Evidence from England
Emergency preparedness in Canada: the role of recreation
Exploring the influence of neighborhood walkability on the frequency of use of greenspace
Exploring the disparities in park access through mobile phone data: evidence from Shanghai, China
Examining pedestrian satisfaction in gated and open communities: an integration of gradient boosting decision trees and impact-asymmetry analysis
Shaping collective action for community-based disaster management in Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia
Predicting fear of crime: results from a community survey of a small city
Using town watching technique to raise disaster awareness for different audiences
Public-private partnerships and the politics of alcohol policy in England: the Coalition Government's Public Health 'Responsibility Deal'
Evaluation of community coalition training effects on youth hospital-admitted injury incidence in Victoria, Australia: 2001-2017
Creation supporting system of regional disaster avoidance map based on open source geographical information system
Streets of resilience: exploring the role of educational outreach projects with street connected young people in Guatemala City
A community-academic partnership for school-based nonviolence education: the Healthy Power Program
Community stakeholders' perspectives on intimate partner violence during pregnancy-a qualitative study from Ethiopia
Zip code-targeted injury prevention community outreach initiatives: zip code is as important as genetic code
Community participation in road safety policy development and strategy planning
Who promoted the rural-urban inequality in contemporary China?
Gentrification in the wake of a hurricane: New Orleans after Katrina
Generating pedestrian walking behavior considering detour and pause in the path under space-time constraints
Assertive community programs for patients with severe mental disorders: are benefits sustained after discharge?
The phenomenon of community reintegration for veterans with burn injury: supportive communities and future-oriented thinking
Mental health recovery: the effectiveness of peer services in the community
Assessing police-community relationships: is there a gap in perceptions between police officers and residents?
Dover Micro Open Street events: evaluation results and implications for community-based physical activity programming
Exploring the police support volunteer experience: findings from a national survey
New public management and the extension of police control: community safety and security networks in Canada
Community interventions to prevent violence against women and girls in informal settlements in Mumbai: the SNEHA-TARA pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial
Built environment and physical activity among adolescents: the moderating effects of neighborhood safety and social support
The anatomy of health-supportive neighborhoods: a multilevel analysis of built environment, perceived disorder, social interaction and mental health in Beijing
Community case study on trauma-specific treatment and counseling for refugee women exposed to intimate partner violence
Promoting activity participation and well-being among children and adolescents: a systematic review of neighborhood built-environment determinants
"We're afraid to say suicide": stigma as a barrier to implementing a community-based suicide prevention program for rural veterans
Importance of traffic and transportation plan in the context of land use planning for cities - a review
Public opinion on firearm injury prevention proposals in California
From physical disruption to community impact: modelling a Wellington Fault earthquake
Operationalising theory-informed practice: developing resilience indicators for Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
Tracing shoreline flooding: using visualization approaches to inform resilience planning for small Great Lakes communities
What should become of Confederate monuments? A normative framework
Wellington City's emergency management response to the Kaikōura earthquake
Shifting the lens: an implementation study of a community-based and social network intervention to gender-based violence
Making space for 'the social': connecting sociology and professional practices in urban lighting design
What moves us: subjective and objective predictors of active transportation
The effect of sense of community responsibility on residents' altruistic behavior: evidence from the dictator game
Process evaluation of a pilot study to test the feasibility of an incentive scheme to increase active travel to school
The relations between walkable neighbourhoods and active participation in daily activities of people with disabilities
An academic-fire department partnership to address social determinants of health
Citizen science-informed community master planning: land use and built environment changes to increase flood resilience and decrease contaminant exposure
Literature on peer-based community physical activity programmes for mental health service users: a scoping review
"To mean something to someone": sport-for-development as a lever for social inclusion
Physiological responses to urban design during bicycling: a naturalistic investigation
Suicide in Ghana: how could the community-based health planning and service (CHOS) effectively contribute to its prevention?
Dugnad: a fact and a narrative of Norwegian prosocial behavior
Association of a park-based violence prevention and mental health promotion after-school program with youth arrest rates
How might bicycle ownership/access and cycling expertise influence the design of cycling promotion interventions at the University of Johannesburg?
Analysis of counts for cluster randomized trials: Negative controls and test-negative designs
Location of violent crime relative to trauma resources in Detroit: implications for community interventions
A community-based parent-support programme to prevent child maltreatment: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Applying crowdsourcing techniques in urban planning: a bibliometric analysis of research and practice prospects
A socio-technical transition framework for introducing cycling in developing megacities: the case of Istanbul
The geography of human activity and land use: a big data approach
An environmental justice study on spatial access to parks for youth by using an improved 2SFCA method in Wuhan, China
Factors influencing residents' access to and use of country parks in Shanghai, China
A typology of U.S. shrinking cities
Determining public perceptions of a proposed national heat protection policy for Australian schools
Factors that influence the use of community assets by people with physical disabilities: results of participatory mapping in Envigado, Colombia
Experiences of Parachute NY C: an integration of open dialogue and intentional peer support
Built environment factors affecting bike sharing ridership: data-driven approach for multiple cities
Poor health and violent crime hot spots: mitigating the undesirable co-occurrence through focused place-based interventions
Role of religious institutions in disaster risk management: a systematic review
Is a liveable city a healthy city? Health impacts of urban and transport planning in Vienna, Austria
Baltimore Ceasefire 365: estimated impact of a recurring community-led ceasefire on gun violence
An e-learning adaptation of an evidence-based media literacy curriculum to prevent youth substance use in community groups: development and feasibility of REAL media
Living liveable? RESIDE's evaluation of the "Liveable Neighborhoods" planning policy on the health supportive behaviors and wellbeing of residents in Perth, Western Australia
A community-driven and evidence-based approach to developing mental wellness strategies in First Nations: a program protocol
"From taboo to routine": a qualitative evaluation of a hospital-based advocacy intervention for domestic violence and abuse
Parent attendance in a family-based preventive intervention delivered in Latin America and the United States
Can participation in a community organized football program improve social, behavioural functioning and communication in children with autism spectrum disorder? A pilot study
Community-driven approach for youth health survey administration and data utilization
Can providing safe cycling infrastructure encourage people to cycle more when it rains? The use of crowdsourced cycling data (Strava)
Urban walkability considering pedestrians' perceptions of the built environment: a 10-year review and a case study in a medium-sized city in Latin America
Modeling and urban planning: a systematic review of performance-based approaches
Bringing in the community: a university-community endeavor to teach marital and family therapy students about community-based violence and trauma
Complete streets state laws & provisions: an analysis of legislative content and the state policy landscape, 1972-2018
The right to live independently and be included in the community
Validating a comprehensive plan scoring system for healthy community design in League City, Texas
Evaluating the outcomes for bereaved people supported by a community-based suicide bereavement service
A suicide prevention initiative at a jumping site: a mixed-methods evaluation
People's participation in disaster-risk reduction: recentering power
Barriers to the uptake and implementation of natural flood management: a social-ecological analysis
Community perceptions of flood resilience as represented in cognitive maps
Defend or raise? Optimising flood risk reduction strategies
The study on an education and care program including community resources for supporting children to overcome the gap between preschool and elementary school
The Caribbean Strong Summit: building resilience with equity
Addressing the needs of abused chinese women through a community-based participatory approach
Assessment of school resilience in disasters: a cross-sectional study
When it goes wrong … learning from challenged (and revived) community initiatives
Drivers of opioid use in Appalachian Pennsylvania: cross-cutting social and community-level factors
Online help for people with suicidal thoughts provided by charities and healthcare organisations: a qualitative study of users' perceptions
The Greensboro Child Response Initiative: a trauma-informed, mental health-law enforcement model for children exposed to violence
Strategies for gaining community support for road safety
Pilot outcomes of a multicomponent fall risk program integrated into daily lives of community-dwelling older adults
Using diffusion of innovations framework to examine the dissemination and implementation of the adult protective services national voluntary consensus guidelines
Mobilising communities to address alcohol harm: an Alcohol Health Champion approach
Community mobilisation to prevent violence against women and girls in eastern India through participatory learning and action with women's groups facilitated by accredited social health activists: a before-and-after pilot study
'Gun shop projects' for suicide prevention in the USA: current state and future directions
The (in)security of smart cities: vulnerabilities, risks, mitigation, and prevention
Methodological insights into the scientific development of design guidelines for accessible urban pedestrian infrastructure
School neighbourhood built environment assessment for adolescents' active transport to school: modification of an environmental audit tool and protocol (MAPS Global-SN)
The relationship between written district policies and school practices among high-need districts in New York state
Neighborhood walkability and active transportation: a correlation study in leisure and shopping purposes
More bang for your buck: tax compliance in the United States and Italy
Disaster relief as social action: a Weberian look at postdisaster donation behavior
Exploring everyday mobility in a living lab based on economic interventions
Evaluating Project Safe Neighborhoods in Connecticut: a youth opportunity initiative
A donnybrook in downtown? Observations of controlling aggression and the use of effective place management in a southern entertainment area
A review of crime prevention activities in an Australian local government area since the late 1980s
Community activism as a strategy to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) in rural Rwanda: results of a community randomised trial
Community awareness of outreach efforts to reduce underage drinking on California Indian reservations
Development of an evidence-based Evaluation Toolkit for suicide prevention networks in regional Australia
Space between concern and crime: two recommendations for promoting the adoption of the threat assessment model and encouraging bystander reporting
Developing and testing a readiness tool for interpersonal violence prevention partnerships with community-based projects
Men Against Violence: engaging men and boys in prevention of family violence
Suicide mortality and coronavirus disease 2019--a perfect storm?
Characteristics associated with improved physical performance among community-dwelling older adults in a community-based falls prevention program
Community change programs for children and youth at-risk: a review of lessons learned
Head and neck fracture patterns associated with playground equipment use in the pediatric population
The (anti) adaptive neighbourhoods. Embracing complexity and distribution of design control in the ordinary built environment
Does compact development promote a seismic-resistant city? Application of seismic-damage statistical models to Taichung, Taiwan
Integrating road carrying capacity and traffic congestion into the excess commuting framework: the case of Los Angeles
A measure of competitive access to destinations for comparing across multiple study regions
Resilience is "always more" than our practices: limits, critiques, and skepticism about international intervention
Experts' perspectives on the application of public-private partnership policy in prevention of road traffic injuries
Strengthening community-based initiatives for health emergency management
How urban densification shapes walking behaviours in older community dwellers: a cross-sectional analysis of potential pathways of influence
Impact of STEADI-Rx: a community pharmacy-based fall prevention intervention
Public health needs to engage in the primary prevention of child maltreatment
Evaluation of proactive community case detection to increase help seeking for mental health care: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
A systemic approach to achieving population-level impact in injury and violence prevention
A study protocol for a clustered randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a peer-led school-based walking intervention on adolescent girls' physical activity: the Walking In ScHools (WISH) study
Changes in community mental health services availability and suicide mortality in the US: a retrospective study
Effects of improvements in non-motorised transport facilities on active mobility demand in a residential township
Evaluating household residential preferences for walkability and accessibility across three U.S. regions
Impacts of an earn-a-bike cycling education program on children's time spent cycling
Implementation of the life in Traffic Program in 31 Brazilian municipalities
Community stakeholders' views on reducing violence against women in Pakistan
Geographical accessibility of community social services and incidence of self-harm
"Who can we tell survivors to call?" The institutionalization of criminal-legal interventions in a domestic violence organization
Cities of care: a platform for urban geographical care research
Community gardens as third places
Combined group and home exercise programmes in community-dwelling falls-risk older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
Developing the culture of ethics in population health intervention research in Canada
From campus to communities: evaluation of the first UK-based bystander programme for the prevention of domestic violence and abuse in general communities
Framework to analyze Sri Lanka disaster management mechanism
Designing cycle networks to maximize health, environmental, and travel time impacts: an optimization-based approach
Developing sustainable arrangements for "proactive" disaster risk financing in Java, Indonesia
The injuries and helmet use in bike share programs: a systematic review
How to create functioning collaboration in theory and in practice - practical experiences of collaboration when planning public transport systems
Using OpenStreetMap to inventory bicycle infrastructure: a comparison with open data from cities
Using parental active travel behavior and beliefs to predict active travel to school among children
Seismic vulnerability evaluation of educational buildings of Mymensingh city, Bangladesh using rapid visual screening and index based approach
Community capacity coach: embedded support to implement evidenced-based prevention
Designing walkable streets in congested touristic cities: the case of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Development of a method to evaluate the priorities of intervention on the road network of the Province of Pisa
Engaging community networks to improve depression services: a cluster-randomized trial of a community engagement and planning intervention
Exploring participant perceptions of a community-based program for people with brain injury
Waterloo Better Beginnings as a transformative prevention project: impacts on children, parents, and the community
Dimensions of adolescent civic reasoning: an examination of individual differences
Why do we need traffic safety research based on characteristics of local community?
Community organizing and transformative change in the response to domestic violence in India
Community organizing and counter narratives in the response to domestic violence in India
The future of community psychiatry and community mental health services
The association of trail features with self-report trail use by neighborhood residents
Comparing distance, time, and metabolic energy cost functions for walking accessibility in infrastructure-poor regions
Community participation effects on preparedness behaviour through risk perception: impirical data of hazardous chemicals from China
Conceptualizing community in disaster risk management
Working outside 'the rules': opportunities and challenges of community participation in risk reduction
Wildfire recovery as a "hot moment" for creating fire-adapted communities
Enhancing school safety through university engagement in DRR education
Supplemental infrastructure: how community networks and immigrant identity influence cycling
Advancing prevention zones: implementing community-based strategies to prevent child maltreatment and promote healthy families
Compromise, partnership, control: Community Justice Authorities in Scotland
Private policing and public health: a neglected relationship
What drives community flood risk management? Policy diffusion or free-riding
Public health representation on active transportation bodies across US municipalities
Neighborhood built environment measures and association with physical activity and sedentary time in 9-14-year-old children in Saskatoon, Canada
Neighborhood environmental factors associated with leisure walking in adolescents
On seeing and listening: how to better support affected communities before the disaster starts
Novice drivers and parents: exploring the feasibility of third-party policing in reducing young driver offending
Can we improve coaches' injury prevention views and implementation practices in the community female Gaelic sport of camogie?
Home injury prevention attitude and performance: a community-based study in a designated safe community
Understanding how a community-based intervention for people with spinal cord injury in Bangladesh was delivered as part of a randomised controlled trial: a process evaluation
Community readiness for child maltreatment prevention: the challenge of a brief assessment
Neighbourhood collective efficacy and protective effects on child maltreatment: a systematic literature review
Child concussion recognition and recovery: a community delivered, evidenced-based solution
Social cohesion, mental wellbeing and health-related quality of life among a cohort of social housing residents in Cornwall: a cross sectional study
Advancing community safety through forensic mental health research
Yellow May: worldwide road safety injury prevention program
Addressing maternal deaths in North Carolina: striving to reach zero
Implementation of a community walking program (Walk On!) for functionally-limited older adults
How to 'do' a bike plan: collating best practices to synthesise a maturity model of planning for cycling
30-year analysis of designated International Safe Communities
Children with disabilities in Safe Community
The United Nations sustainable development goals, the WHO general program of work 2019-2023 and International Safe Communities
Using public health approach to make our programme logic
City planning and governing of the communities
European Safe Community Network
Governance power of actors in building safe community environment
Safe and health promoting community: developing a model
The study of the traffic deaths in the city of Zarand seven years after the implementation of the Safe Community (2013-2017)
Economic burden of injuries argues for more Safe Communities in Iran and EMRO
Effects of community based fall prevention program for elderly people in Busan Metropolitan City, Korea
Home injury prevention attitude and performance: a community-based study in a WHO Safe Community
Implementing an inter sectoral approach to decrease the road injuries; Maragheh, Iran
Indictor 4, promoting evidence informed community safety promotion
Measuring the sustainability of a community safety promotion network: working from the inside out
Community organisation-researcher partnerships: what concerns arise for community organisations and how can they be mitigated?
Opportunities for gender transformative approaches in a community-based drowning reduction program in Bangladesh
Approaching community priorities in youth sports injury prevention research
Research on constructing a healing environment for the street spaces of a high-density city: using street spaces in Macao's Old City Area
Addressing crime, violence, and other determinants of health through community-based participatory research and implementation science
Decoloniality and community-psychology practice in Puerto Rico: autonomous organising (autogestión) and self-determination
Evaluation of Kamseltibcar Lantas reports in support of reporting on decades of road safety action
The cut in conflict: female genital mutilation and the concept of religious violence in the Western world
Applying intersectionality to partnerships between women's organizations and the criminal justice system in relation to domestic violence
Depressive symptoms in elderly people
The nature, logic, and significance of Strong Communities for children
Community-based participatory research: engaging youth to provide perspective on risk and protective factors
Short term effects of the REAL media e-learning media literacy substance prevention curriculum: an RCT of adolescents disseminated through a community organization
Factors associated with pediatric firearm injury and enrollment in a violence intervention program
Designing urban green space (UGS) to enhance health: a methodology
Implementing primary healthcare-based measurement, advice and treatment for heavy drinking and comorbid depression at the municipal level in three Latin American countries: final protocol for a quasiexperimental study (SCALA study)
Multifaceted falls prevention can help to reduce fall rates in high-risk and healthy community-dwelling older adults
Active travel and social justice: addressing disparities and promoting health equity through a novel approach to Regional Transportation Planning
Utilising community engagement approaches to influence public mental health policy in a rural setting
Community asset mapping as an action research strategy for developing an interpersonal violence prevention programme in South Africa
Suicide prevention in community mental health: changing systems
Agency and paternalism: balancing acts between a domestic violence survivors' task force and a state coalition
Community delivery of brief therapy for depressed older adults impacted by Hurricane Sandy
Family and community approaches to intimate partner violence: restorative programs in the United States
Planning for cycling in a growing megacity: exploring planners' perceptions and shared values
Supporting local health departments to lead multisectoral youth violence prevention efforts
Developing Safe Community and Healthy City joint model
Promoting the community's ability to detect and respond to suicide risk through an online bystander intervention model-informed tool
Assessing the impact of a local community subsidised rideshare programme on road traffic injuries: an evaluation of the Evesham Saving Lives programme
Implementing community-based participatory research with communities affected by humanitarian crises: the potential to recalibrate equity and power in vulnerable contexts
Implementing mental health promotion initiatives-process evaluation of the ABCs of mental health in Denmark
Correction: Building capacity for injury prevention: a process evaluation of a replication of the Cardiff Violence Prevention Programme in the Southeastern USA
Gaining traction: Promising shifts in gender norms and intimate partner violence in the context of a community-based HIV prevention trial in South Africa
The social network of victims of domestic violence: a network-based intervention model to improve relational autonomy
A community-based participatory research approach to Hurricane Katrina: when disasters, environmental health threats, and disparities collide
A cycling-focused accessibility tool to support regional bike network connectivity
Effectiveness of a community-based intervention to increase supermarket vendors' compliance with age restrictions for alcohol sales in Spain: a pilot study
Leadership among women working to eradicate female genital mutilation: the impact of environmental change in transcultural moments
Independent and combined relationships of perceived neighborhood social cohesion and physical frailty on functional disability in community-dwelling older adults
The impact of CoViD-19 on community-based violence interventions
Intimate partner violence prevention and intervention group-format programs for immigrant Latinas: a systematic review
Local adaptation policy responses to extreme weather events
Impact of disaster exposure severity: cascading effects across parental distress, adolescent PTSD symptoms, as well as parent-child conflict and communication
Facilitators, barriers and lessons learnt from the first state-wide naloxone distribution conducted in West Virginia
Model of building institutional networks in early prevention of social conflicts in urban area of Bekasi
Construction of an intercultural preventive strategy of alcohol use in rural Mapuche communities: a community-based participatory research
Does community policing help to solve crime? A look at its relationships with crime clearance rates
Exploring community security interventions using design thinking approach
Vacant lot to community garden conversion and crime in Milwaukee: a difference-in-differences analysis
Out of the silos: embedding injury prevention into the Sustainable Development Goals
Implementing play streets in low-income rural communities in the United States
The role of social network composition in the phenomenon of bullying: insights into how cohesive school communities can be fostered
"Prevention alone is not enough:" stakeholders' perspectives about school-based child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs and CSA research in China
Effects of mindfulness training on posttraumatic stress symptoms from a community-based pilot clinical trial among survivors of intimate partner violence
Dementia and falls management in underserved populations: the cognition and mobility care management program
Community-informed peer support for parents of gender-diverse youth
A national implementation of a community-based intervention for mothers experiencing violence in relationships
Is the perceived neighborhood built environment associated with domain-specific physical activity in Latin American adults? An eight-country observational study
Scaling up: citizen science engagement and impacts beyond the individual
Harnessing the power of community to prevent pediatric suicide
Building community resilience to prevent and mitigate community impact of gun violence: conceptual framework and intervention design
Mapping the role of health professionals in peace promotion within an urban complex emergency: the case of Chegutu, Zimbabwe
Community engagement for disaster preparedness: a systematic literature review
Mapping boundary interactions across earthquake science and humanitarian-development communities for disaster risk reduction
Drivers of post-disaster relocations: the case of Moore and Hattiesburg tornados
Integrating a social norms perspective to address community violence against Sri Lankan women and girls: a call for research and practice
Building strong children together: ending child maltreatment in our lifetime through disruption of educational systems and approaches
Reducing abuse in intimate partner relationships: preliminary findings from a community-based program for non-court-mandated men
'They installed a speed bump': children's perceptions of traffic-calming measures around elementary schools
The art of displacement - curating a preschool context in a public transport system
Community dashboards to support data-informed decision-making in the HEALing communities study
Community-based psychosocial substance use disorder interventions in low-and-middle-income countries: a narrative literature review
Pilot community mental health awareness campaign improves service coverage in India
'The road we travel': developing a co-produced narrative for a PhotoVoice project
Community based interventions for problematic substance use in later life: a systematic review of evaluated studies and their outcomes
Health communication campaigns to drive demand for evidence-based practices and reduce stigma in the HEALing communities study
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of injury prevention programs: a qualitative exploration and model development
Engaging community voices to assess Kenya's strengths and limitations to support a child maltreatment prevention program
Understanding youth participation to volunteer for child rights
Exploring the potential roles of community-university partnerships in northern suicide prevention implementation research
Taking action to prevent violence against adolescents in the time of COVID-19
Framework for a community health observing system for the Gulf of Mexico region: preparing for future disasters
Risk of preventable injuries associated with Halloween
The effects of two community-based participatory action research programs on violence outside of and in school among adolescents and young adults in a Latino community
Social and psychological readiness to take collective action against violence against women: a mixed methods study of informal settlements in Mumbai, India
Inter-sectoral network to face violence against children and adolescents in a rural context
Kids Helping Kids: the lived experience of adolescents who support friends with mental health needs
In the hands of a few: disaster recovery committee networks
From drugs to peace? Resetting the conversation
Effects of the built environment on physical activity: a systematic review of longitudinal studies taking sex/gender into account
Association of community level social trust and reciprocity with mortality: a retrospective cohort study
Valuing disaster risk reduction neighborhood interventions in informal settlements of Latin American and the Caribbean
Trauma-informed and relational approaches to service provision: building community-based project capacity to respond to interpersonal violence through a national initiative
Social, cultural and community engagement and mental health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda
Socio-economic urban scaling properties: influence of regional geographic heterogeneities in Brazil
Resilience of school systems following severe earthquakes
The impact of the livelihoods and income fortification and socio-civic transformation project on the quality of life, wellbeing, self-esteem, and quality of neighbourhood social environment among the youth in slum areas of in Kampala, Uganda
Prioritizing age-friendly domains for transforming a mid-sized American city
Impact of community-based first responder development for the management of drowning casualties in rural areas of Bangladesh
Gun violence in the U.S.: it is past time we listen to the voices of women and black communities
Expanding the safety net: emergency department-based gun lock distribution for violence prevention
Building community resilience? Community perspectives of the countering violent extremism pilot program in Minneapolis/St. Paul
Community reporting on violent extremism by "intimates": emergent findings from international evidence
Smart and age-friendly cities in Russia: an exploratory study of attitudes, perceptions, quality of life and health information needs
Perception and awareness of unintentional childhood injuries among primary caregivers of children in Vellore, South India: a community-based cross-sectional study using photo-elicitation method
Comparison study of perceived neighborhood-built environment and elderly leisure-time physical activity between Hangzhou and Wenzhou, China
An integrated approach to enhance community resilience in disaster response in Sri Lanka
Investigating the experience of local community networks of disaster self-management: a qualitative study in Thailand
What types of greenspaces are associated with depression in urban and rural older adults? A multilevel cross-sectional study from JAGES
Economics of interventions to increase active travel to school: a community guide systematic review
Community environments that promote intergenerational interactions vs. walking among older adults
ParkIndex: Validation and application of a pragmatic measure of park access and use
Effect of a community-based gender norms program on sexual violence perpetration by adolescent boys and young men: a cluster randomized clinical trial
A community-based intervention study to assess the effectiveness of awareness imparted on earthquake preparedness among the residents of South Delhi, India
Features of traffic organization and traffic safety in cities
Decision-making on development of cycling infrastructure through safety assessment at design and operation stages
Can psychodynamically oriented early prevention for "children-at-risk" in urban areas with high social problem density strengthen their developmental potential? A cluster randomized trial of two kindergarten-based prevention programs
Preventing and responding to child sexual abuse: organizational efforts
Implementation and maintenance of a community-based intervention for refugee youth reporting symptoms of post-traumatic stress: lessons from successful sites
Power, control, communities and health inequalities I: theories, concepts and analytical frameworks
Power, control, communities and health inequalities III: participatory spaces-an English case
Power, control, communities and health inequalities II: measuring shifts in power
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and well-being of communities: an exploratory qualitative study protocol
Community approaches to sexual assault: VAWA's role and survivors' experiences
Developing age-friendly cities and communities: eleven case studies from around the world
Partner violence: adopting a public health approach to addressing the problem
Mapping and weaving for urban resilience implementation: a tale of two cities
Meaning of age-friendly neighbourhood: an exploratory study with older adults and key informants in Singapore
The Emergency Nurses Association: 50 years of advocacy and advancement
A volunteer-supported walking programme to improve physical function in older people (the POWER Study): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Community-based physical activity interventions for individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: scoping review protocol
The relationship between urban vibrancy and built environment: an empirical study from an emerging city in an arid region
#March for Our Lives: health activism, diagnostic framing, gun control, and the gun industry
Healthcare and education networks interaction as an indicator of social services stability following natural disasters
The role of social advocacy in reducing road traffic accidents in India
Implementation of a community-partnered research suicide-risk management protocol: case study from Community Partners in Care
Letter to the Editor: Problems with studying community-level pesticide storage to prevent suicide
Social network moderators of the association between Ghanaian older adults' neighbourhood walkability and social activity
The age-friendly cities characteristics from the viewpoint of elderly
Promoting mental health in migrants: a GHQ12-evaluation of a community health program in Sweden
mHealth-supported delivery of an evidence-based family home-visiting intervention in Sierra Leone: protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial
Evidence for urban design and public health policy and practice: space syntax metrics and neighborhood walking
Effect of a home-visiting parenting program to promote early childhood development and prevent violence: a cluster-randomized trial in Rwanda
Adapting acceptance and commitment therapy to target intimate partner violence
Pathways to the making of prosperous smart cities: an exploratory study on the best practice
Benefit estimation for different types of bikeways using contingent valuation method
Initiatives to support older women who experience intimate partner violence
Why we need primary youth violence prevention through community-based participatory research
Toxicological exposures among the pediatric patients at a tertiary care center in Lebanon: the case for establishing a national poison center
Using synthetic control methodology to estimate effects of a Cure Violence intervention in Baltimore, Maryland
Promoting older adult fall prevention education and awareness in a community setting: a nurse-led intervention
Investments of local communities in spaces for play and sports
Acceptability and feasibility of a community-based strength, balance, and Tai Chi rehabilitation program in improving physical function and balance of patients after total knee arthroplasty: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial
Age-friendly cities and communities: state of the art and future perspectives
Community-based complex interventions to sustain independence in older people, stratified by frailty: a protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Validation of a measure of parental responsiveness: comparison of the brief parental responsiveness rating scale with a detailed measure of responsive parental behaviours
Evaluating the implementation of fall risk management practices within home-delivered meal organizations
An examination of crisis intervention teams in rural jurisdictions
Healthy People 2030: an improved framework
Delineating policing towards a social and health profession
Envisioning the future: police and public health joining forces (letter)
Cultural change leadership: visioning a new social imaginary in El Salvador to prevent violence against women
Correction to: An examination of crisis intervention teams in rural jurisdictions
Community-engaged and informed violence prevention interventions
Addressing violence against children through anti-racism action
Adaptation and evaluation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth for Chinese children (NEWS-CC)
Care at doorsteps for persons with severe mental illnesses as a part of District Mental Health Program (DMHP): a qualitative needs assessment and psychosocial framework
A different city's experience with CoViD-19 and interpersonal violence: increased support-seeking but decreased service use (comment)
The psychometric properties of the Assertive Community Treatment Transition Readiness Scale (ATR)
Potential of organizing unmarried adolescent girls and young women into self-help groups for a better transition to adulthood: findings from a cross-sectional study in India
Improving social norms and actions to prevent sexual and intimate partner violence: a pilot study of the impact of green dot community on youth
Prevention science as a platform for solving major societal problems and improving population health
Moving knowledge to action: applying Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) to bus seat belt usage
A question of morals? The role of moral identity in support of the youth climate movement Fridays4Future
Crime prevention, swarm intelligence and stigmergy: understanding the mechanisms of social media-facilitated community crime prevention
Resources, relationships, and systems thinking should inform the way community health promotion is funded
Suicide prevention in Japan: government and community measures, and high-risk interventions
Increasing alcohol control policy support: the mediating role of empathy and emotions
Resistance, race, and subjectivity in congregation-based community organizing
Three case studies of community behavioral health support from the US Department of Veterans Affairs after disasters
Resident group work in community and the original evacuation standard of Oshima-town for appropriate refuge against sediment disaster
Influence into community disaster response by disaster occurrence: based on results of one year later survey from northern Kyushu heavy rainfall in 2017
Smartphone application for measuring community participation in veterans with traumatic brain injury
A population-based examination of suicide and child protection system involvement
Tu'Washindi na PrEP: working with young women and service providers to design an intervention for PREP uptake and adherence in the context of gender-based violence
"We want to go, but there are no options": exploring barriers and facilitators of transportation among diverse older adults
Barriers to the initiation of home modifications for older adults for fall prevention
Relationship between disaster-prepared activities and leadership and leader characteristics among urban neighborhood associations
Assessment of fall-related emergency medical service calls and transports after a community-level fall-prevention initiative
Prevention of firearm violence through specific types of community-based programming: an Eastern Association for The Surgery of Trauma evidence-based review
Developing the logical cross-sectoral framework of local SDGs project targeting safety and sustainability
Walkability and greenness do not walk together: investigating associations between greenness and walkability in a large metropolitan city context
Mujeres unidas: addressing substance use, violence, and hiv risk through asset-based community development for women in the sex trade
Feasibility and promise of community providers implementing home-based parent-child interaction therapy for families investigated for child abuse: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Community satisfaction and police officer understanding of community expectations: a quantitative and observational analysis
COVID-19 threatens decade-long suicide initiatives in Japan
The effect of local Suicide Prevention Action Networks (SUPRANET) on stigma, taboo and attitudes towards professional help-seeking: an exposure-response analysis
Implementation of a New Hampshire community-initiated response to the opioid crisis: a mixed-methods process evaluation of Safe Station
Moving toward a human rights approach to mental health
Combating IPV with community leaders in Honduras: an evaluation of an IPV training program among teachers and health professionals
Social-ecological theory, substance misuse, adverse childhood experiences, and adolescent suicidal ideation: applications for community-academic partnerships
Influencers and connectors in community prevention of drug abuse: balance between multi-site consistency and local community fit in program implementation
The role of the physical and social environment in observed and self-reported park use in low-income neighborhoods in New York City
A statewide coalition's input in human trafficking policy implementation: member organizations' involvement and perceptions
Public support for policies to reduce school shootings: a moral-altruistic model
"I believe this team will change how society views youth in disasters": the EnRiCH Youth Research Team: a youth-led community-based disaster risk reduction program in Ottawa, Canada
A mixed methods evaluation of the large-scale implementation of a school- and community-based parenting program to reduce violence against children in Tanzania: a study protocol
The Self-assessment for Modification of Anti-Racism Tool (SMART): addressing structural racism in community behavioral health
Engaging communities in youth violence prevention: introduction and contents [editorial]
Developing and implementing community-level strategies for preventing youth violence in the United States [editorial]
Youth violence prevention: building local power and empowering youths [editorial]
Youth violence: prevention and control [editoril]
A systemic approach to achieving population‐level impact in injury and violence prevention
Exploring community-based options for reducing youth crime
Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) following Hurricane Michael, Bay and Gulf Counties, Florida, 2019
Strengthening community connection and personal well-being through volunteering in New Zealand
The perceptions and priorities of professionals in health and social welfare and city planning for creating a healthy living environment: a concept mapping study
Building community-based helping practices by training peer-father counselors: a novel intervention to reduce drinking and depressive symptoms among fathers through an expanded masculinity lens
"Whose streets? Our streets!": - Negotiations of space and violence in protests
LET's CONNECT: community mentorship program for adolescents with peer social problems: a randomized intervention trial
Integrating a sport-based trauma-sensitive program in a national youth-serving organization
Creating a national network of community-based consultants in prolonged exposure for PTSD: outcomes and lessons learned from a consultant training program
Farm Dinner Theater: testing an innovative health and safety intervention among older farmers and their families
If you build it, will vets come? An identity theory approach to expanding veterans' treatment court participation
The Family Nurse Partnership to reduce maltreatment and improve child health and development in young children: the BB:2-6 routine data-linkage follow-up to earlier RCT
Linking body worn camera activation with complaints: the promise of metadata
The relationship between social supports with depression among elderly in the eastern cities of Guilan
The relationship between walk score® and perceived walkability in ultrahigh density areas
Assessing the acceptability, feasibility, and uptake of a collective impact model to address gun violence: a case study of Code Red PA [conference abstract]
Decolonising violence against women research: a study design for co-developing violence prevention interventions with communities in low and middle income countries (LMICs)
The societal response to psychopathy in the community
Staying connected: alternative transportation use, neighborhoods, and social participation among older Americans
Understanding implementation of Child Death Reviews in the United States [conference abstract]
Ride Safe reboot [conference abstract]
Saving lives beyond 2020 - the next steps; recommendations of the academic expert group for the 3rd global ministerial conference on road safety [conference abstract]
Multidisciplinary data-sharing for community violence prevention: shifting power to the community [conference abstract]
Community engagement and the development of a rural road safety campaign [conference abstract]
Community greening, fear of crime, and mental health outcomes in Flint, Michigan [conference abstract]
Community-level prevention for child abuse and neglect [conference abstract]
'Bullying or not puts us in an uncomfortable situation': challenges and facilitators to implementing a statewide anti-bullying policy [conference abstract]
Societal preferences for the treatment of impulsive-violent offenders: a discrete choice experiment
The potential impacts of community drug checking within the overdose crisis: qualitative study exploring the perspective of prospective service users
Community resilience and psychological distress in Chinese older adults amid COVID-19: the roles of perceived community prevention effectiveness and risk perception
Effectiveness of community-based rehabilitation interventions incorporating outdoor mobility on ambulatory ability and falls-related self-efficacy after hip fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Action plan for safety, based on local conditions, national policies, global visions [conference abstract]
Behavioural science - improving firefighter participation in safety visits [conference abstract]
Community engagement in web-design to promote safe recreation for children with autism [conference abstract]
Conceptualising 'injury' in Nepal: Building shared understandings as a foundation for engagement [conference abstract]
Was the Decade of Action for Road Safety a success? [conference abstract]
Violence reduction units: public health approach to preventing violence (England and Wales) [conference abstract]
This is how we do it: Injury Prevention in Western Australia [conference abstract]
Traffic calming implementation around elementary schools: stepped wedge RCT [conference abstract]
Using capacity strengthening to enable effective injury prevention in Nepal [conference abstract]
The socio-ecological nature of drowning in LMICs: review informing health promotion approaches [conference abstract]
Impacts of Safe Community programs on social loss in Japan [conference abstract]
Lesson learned from YOURS Network implementation in Thailand [conference abstract]
Learnings of farmer behaviour from the Victorian Quad Bike Rebate Scheme [conference abstract]
Getting local ownership of the drowning problem in the Bay of Plenty [conference abstract]
Empowering the next generation of safety ambassadors - National Safety Science Campaign [conference abstract]
Developing the City Emergency-health Response Capability (CERC) tool [conference abstract]
The community-based LIVE WELL Initiative: Improving the lives of older adults
Predictors of poor outcomes among patients of acute methanol intoxication with particular reference to Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score
Community based assessment of unintentional injuries in a community development block of Purba Bardhaman District, West
Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme 'Safe At Home' on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: a controlled interrupted time series analysis
Promoting parenting in home visiting: a CACE analysis of Family Foundations
Managing disasters amid COVID-19 pandemic: approaches of response to flood disasters
Evaluation of the design and implementation of municipal ice cleat distribution programs for the prevention of ice-related fall injuries among older adults in Sweden
Providing a safer passage: perceptions about a neighborhood intervention program for disadvantaged youth
How community and individual risk factors mutually impact youth's perceived safety: a syndemic analysis using structural equation modeling
What works in community-led suicide prevention: perspectives of Wesley LifeForce Network coordinators
Suicide prevention is everybody's business
The mates case management model: presenting problems and referral pathways for a novel peer-led approach to addressing suicide in the construction industry
Evaluation of implementing TOM: a group-based fall prevention programme among community-dwelling older adults in the Netherlands
Firearm injury surveillance at the local level from data to action
Primary care implementation study to scale up early identification and brief intervention and reduce alcohol-related negative outcomes at the community level (PINO): study protocol for a quasi-experimental 3-arm study
Community assessment for mental and physical health effects after Hurricane Irma - Florida Keys, May 2019
Pathways to active mobility planning
Bowling together: community social institutions protective against poor child mental health
A promising approach to preventing gender-based violence and HIV among slum-dwelling youth in Nairobi, Kenya
Airbnb and neighborhood crime: the incursion of tourists or the erosion of local social dynamics?
Developing a community-based suicide prevention program in primary health care
Do perceived social neighborhood factors explain the association between neighborhood age composition and mental health among Dutch older adults?
Balancing community input and established research: findings from the development of a sexual violence prevention campaign
Improving readiness to manage intimate partner violence in family medicine clinics by collaboration with a community organization
Using a community-based system dynamics approach for understanding inclusion and wellbeing: a case study of special needs education in an eastern African refugee camp
Application of the inter-personal psychological theory of suicide in a non-clinical community-based adolescent population
Application of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model in the development of evidence-informed interventions for drowning prevention: a mixed-methods study protocol
Drowning prevention: priorities to accelerate multisectoral action
Public knowledge, perceptions and practices in the high-risk lightning zone of South Africa
Engaging older adults as advocates for age-friendly, walkable communities: the Senior Change Makers Pilot Study
Community-level participation in volunteer groups and individual depressive symptoms in Japanese older people: a three-year longitudinal multilevel analysis using JAGES data
A review of screened-out families and child protective services involvement: a missed opportunity to prevent future maltreatment with community-based services
We're Ready! Effectiveness of community disaster preparedness workshops across different community groups in Alberta, Canada
Study on strategy for fire safety planning based on local resident cooperation in a preserved historical mountain village in Japan
Language access in emergency and disaster preparedness: an assessment of local government "whole community" efforts in the United States
Engaging Haitian community leaders in emergency preparedness
Between oblivion and drastic evidence: how local communities cope with seismic risk by forgetting and remembering
Cyclists' perception of maintenance and operation of cycling infrastructure-results from a Norwegian survey
Outcomes of community-based suicide prevention program in primary health care of Iran
Child maltreatment prevention readiness in Bahrain
Public intention to pay for road safety improvement: a case study of Pakistan
Invisible differentness in Sámi child protection services
The collaborative efforts of a multidisciplinary community-based team to address victims of commercial sexual exploitation
Trauma-informed neighborhoods: making the built environment trauma-informed
An evaluation of a Kansas Open Streets event's impact on businesses
Graffiti and crime in Belo Horizonte, Brazil: the broken promises of broken windows theory
Addressing the silence: utilising salon workers to respond to family violence
Providing virtual suicide prevention groups for people experiencing suicidality: pivoting service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic
Recent Latinx immigrants to Miami-Dade County, Florida: a characterization of pre- and post-immigration travel
Residents' concerns regarding schools designated as evacuation shelters
Women-led police stations: reimagining the policing of gender violence in the twenty-first century
Understanding traffic congestion via network analysis, agent modeling, and the trajectory of urban expansion: a coastal city case
The impact of the Cairo Streets Development Project on the independent mobility of children: a field study on the streets of Heliopolis, Egypt
Moving evidence to action: a strategy to support the implementation of comprehensive violence prevention efforts
Enhancing community suicide risk assessment and protective intervention action plans through a bystander intervention model-informed video
The role of actualized collective efficacy in perceptions of neighborhood insecurity and future prospects
Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-harm (COPESS): a feasibility trial protocol
The school as an arena for co-creating participation, equity, and well-being-a photovoice study from Norway
Towards smart city governance. case study: improving the interpretation of quantitative traffic measurement data through citizen participation
Institutional oppression that silences child protection reform
How do Jewish community leadership bodies respond to manifestations of institutional child sexual abuse? A case study of Malka Leifer
Social work and diverse models of public safety: advocating with and on behalf of African American communities
Theoretical approaches to elder abuse: a systematic review of the empirical evidence
Effects of financial expenditure of prefectures/municipalities on regional suicide mortality in Japan
Ready when the big one comes? Natural disasters and mass support for preparedness investment
"It takes a community to save a child": child trafficking knowledge of the Portuguese community
How can communities influence alcohol licensing at a local level? Licensing officers' perspectives of the barriers and facilitators to sustaining engagement in a volunteer-led alcohol harm reduction approach
Can we improve our neighbourhoods to be more physically active? Residents' perceptions from a qualitative urban health inequalities study
How urban social movements are leveraging social media to promote dignified mobility as a basic human right
Exploring the potential of citizen science for public health through an alcohol advertising case study
Effects of stakeholder participation on the quality of bicycle infrastructure. A case of Rattanakosin bicycle lane, Bangkok, Thailand
Academic-community partnership to improve pediatric mental health access: Missouri Child Psychiatry Access Project
Transitional Safeguarding: presenting the case for developing Making Safeguarding Personal for young people in England
Culturally adapting caring contacts for suicide prevention in four Alaska Native and American Indian communities
Community-level health programs and child labor: evidence from Ethiopia
Community-engaged research to develop a Chicago violence research agenda and recommendations to support future community engagement
The role of community protection institution in disaster management at West Java, Indonesia
'Local community-based disaster management': the transformation of religious and local wisdom values in preparation to deal with natural hazards in West Sumatra, Indonesia
Implementing ACL injury prevention in daily sports practice-it's not just the program: let's build together, involve the context, and improve the content
The Colorado National Collaborative: a public health approach to suicide prevention
Climate services' role in safeguarding pastoral disaster communities
Bicycle master plan for Adana, Turkey
The concept of a walkable city as an alternative form of urban mobility
Ciclovia initiatives: engaging communities, partners, and policy makers along the route to success
Bibliometric analysis and research trend forecast of healthy urban planning for 40 years (1981-2020)
Associations between density and quality of health promotion programmes and built environment features across Jerusalem
Culture and social mobilisation against sexual violence via Twitter: the case of the "#LaManada" court ruling in Spain
Engaging torture survivors in the global fight against torture
"Let us create space": reclaiming peace and security in a Kenyan Somali community
Resisting symbolic violence: Métis community engagement in lifelong learning
Associations of neighborhood safety and collective efficacy with dietary intake among preschool-aged children and mothers
Adolescent civic engagement: lessons from Black lives matter
Community outreach, fundraising, and social transformation: the functions of social media platforms to prevent dating abuse in domestic violence and sexual assault organizations
Entrepreneurship, beekeeping, and health training to decrease community violence in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a pilot study for an intervention trial
Moving beyond Narcan: a police, social service, and researcher collaborative response to the opioid crisis
Evaluation of Communities That Care-effects on municipal youth crime rates in Victoria, Australia: 2010-2019
Socioeconomic status and prosocial behavior: the mediating roles of community identity and perceived control
Spain's campaigns against gender violence: the effect on abused women's identities from the victim-agent dichotomy
Multi-informant implementation and intervention outcomes of opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution in New York City
An analysis of American physician professional statements about gun violence against children
Study protocol: a non-randomised community trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Communities That Care prevention system in Germany
Barriers and motivators to physical activity prior to starting a community-based walking program
Evaluation of a community-based harm reduction intervention aimed at adjudicated college students
Island communities and disaster resilience: applying the EnRiCH community resilience framework
From rhetorical "inclusion" toward decolonial futures: building communities of resistance against structural violence
Toward a safe pedestrian walkability: a real-time reactive microservice oriented ecosystem
Community resilience during the CoViD-19 pandemic: experiences of community-based violence prevention and recidivism reduction program administrators
Co-designing being your best program-a holistic approach to frailty in older community dwelling Australians
Gender differences in impacts of place-based neighborhood greening interventions on fear of violence based on a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Development and testing of a community-based intervention to address intimate partner violence among Rohingya and Syrian refugees: a social norms-based mental health-integrated approach
Community-based rehabilitation indicators: validation and preliminary evidence for disability in Italy
Child protection plans in the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: maintained, adjusted, or suspended?
A replicable, solution-focused approach to cross-sector data sharing for evaluation of community violence prevention programming
Does naloxone provision lead to increased substance use? A systematic review to assess if there is evidence of a 'moral hazard' associated with naloxone supply
An exploratory study of the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of community health worker programmes in conflict-affected South Sudan
Latent factor analysis and measurement on sustainable urban livability in Siliguri Municipal Corporation, West Bengal through EFA and CFA model
Using the theory of planned behavior to understand how crisis intervention team (CIT) training facilitates police officers' mental health referrals
Using 3D rule-based modeling to interactively visualize "Complete Streets" design scenarios
System dynamics modeling for a public-private partnership program to promote bicycle-metro integration based on evolutionary game
What about using photovoice for health and safety?
Home environmental change for child injury prevention in Nepal: a qualitative study
Improving mental health guardianship: from prevention to treatment
Neighborhood built environment typologies and adiposity in children and adolescents
Development of community strategies supporting brief alcohol advice in three Latin American countries: a protocol
Using the RE-AIM framework to evaluate a community-based smoke alarm installation program
Knowledge creation elements for enhancing community resilience towards disaster: a Delphi study
Citizens' perceptions of over- and under-policing: a look at race, ethnicity, and community characteristics
'Eligible to be heard' in transportation planning
Relationship matters: how government organization-public relationship impacts disaster recovery outcomes among multiethnic communities
Street life and pedestrian activities in smart cities: opportunities and challenges for computational urban science
Implementation and initial evaluation of falls risk reduction resources in a rural Native American Community
The practice of roadway safety management in public-private partnerships
Child abuse and neglect prevention: a survey of public opinion toward community-based change
Preventing violence against women: beyond 16 days
Fair and effective policing for neighborhood safety: understanding and overcoming selection biases
"I don't feel any danger because I am in my own community": a photovoice study on adolescents' perceived community safety
Blockchain-based community safety security system with IoT secure devices
The 4-level approach: prevention of suicidal behaviour through community-based intervention
Assessing farm stress and community supports in a U.S.-Mexico border county
Large-scale greenway intervention promotes walking behaviors: a natural experiment in china
Community attitudes towards violence against women, and lived experiences of family violence and abuse during childhood in rural eastern Nigeria: implications for policy and programming
A study on the causes of juvenile delinquency and its prevention by the community
Community-informed relationship violence intervention in a high-stress, low-income urban context
Examining changes in abusive attitudes and behaviors of intimate partner violence perpetrators through a community-based prevention program
Child friendly village program as an effort to prevent crimes of violence against children in Temusai Village, Siak Regency
Exploring mental health clinicians' perceptions of the Zero Suicide Prevention Initiative
Developing an alcohol harm prevention research agenda in West Africa: a mixed methods approach
Colluding with and resisting the state: organizing against gender violence in the U.S
Engaging women with lived experience of homelessness: using the Community of Solutions Framework
Reclaiming public spaces: the case for the built environment as a restorative tool in neighborhoods with high levels of community violence
Moving beyond the sound bite: complicating the relationship between negative television news framing and in-depth reporting on activism
Community crime prevention in Portugal: an introduction to local safety contracts
Practicing co-produced research: tackling domestic abuse through innovative multi-agency partnership working
"A rising tide floats all boats": the role of neighborhood collective efficacy in responding to child maltreatment
More than cycling infrastructure: supporting the development of policy packages for starter cycling cities
Opening the "black box": student-generated solutions to improve sexual violence response and prevention efforts for undergraduates on college campuses
Inter-sectorial network for assisting women in situations of violence: handicraft work built by the people
Conflicts of nurse community health in the application of the Andalusian Protocol for Health Action against Gender Violence
Community engagements in road safety: experiences from My Safe Road Programme in Malaysia
The importance of stakeholders in managing a safe city
Influence of the built environment on physical activity choices among Emirati male and female adolescents: an examination of parents' and students' perceptions
Citizens' preparedness to deal with emergencies as an important component of civil protection
Evidence-based public policy decision-making in smart cities: does extant theory support achievement of city sustainability objectives?
Innovative Action for Forest Fire Prevention in Kythira Island, Greece, through Mobilization and Cooperation of the Population: Methodology and Challenges
A community-based boxing program is associated with improved balance in individuals with Parkinson's disease
Slow Streets Malta - challenging the status quo in a car-dependent island state
The application of spatial information technology in the Rural Elderly Care Model under the strategy of "building a country with a strong transportation network" in China
Experiences of safe and healthy walking and cycling in urban areas: the benefits of mobile methods for citizen-adapted urban planning
The morphosynthesis of event portfolios: connecting networks and the community
Networks to strengthen community social capital for suicide prevention in regional Australia: the LifeSpan suicide prevention initiative
Short- and long-term effects of a community-based suicide prevention program: a Hong Kong experience
Reactivating commuter cycling: COVID-19 pandemic disruption to everyday transport choices in Sydney, Australia
Multisectoral action coalitions for road safety in Brazil: an organizational social network analysis in São Paulo and Fortaleza
The alcohol industry's involvement with road safety NGOs
Working with fire departments to adapt and implement evidence-based programs that increase uptake of smoke alarms: a case-series report
Working with disaster-affected communities to envision healthier futures: a trauma-informed approach to post-disaster recovery planning
Community response to noise from hot-spots at a major road in Quito (Ecuador) and its application for identification and ranking these areas
Taking action in student harassment situations: application of the behaviour change wheel to bystander intervention
A controlled pilot intervention on community violence prevention, financial and social capital generation in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Pathways to change: three decades of feminist research and activism to end violence against women in Nicaragua
Building a global movement to respond to child marriage
New deal in road safety: why we need NGOs
The evaluation of public awareness and community preparedness parameter in GIS-based spatial tsunami human vulnerability assessment (MeTHuVA)
Community leaders' perceptions of and responses to intimate partner violence in Northwestern Ghana
Support for community mental health teams post-suicide
RESCUE collaborative community: a new initiative to reduce rates of intended self-injury and suicide amongst people with diabetes
Is self-reported park proximity associated with perceived social disorder? Findings from eleven cities in Latin America
Are police-led social crime prevention initiatives effective? A process and outcome evaluation of a UK youth intervention
Using a rural index to assess crime risk and crime prevention behavior across the urban-rural continuum: a Japanese case study
Social media advocacy and gun violence: applying the engagement model to nonprofit organizations' communication efforts
'Keep watch' around water: short-term impact of a Western Australian population-wide television commercial
The role of "not for profits" (NFPs) in disaster preparedness in Aotearoa New Zealand
Women's movements against and beyond feminicide: how community feminism builds alternative dialogues and praxis in Mexico City
Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake
Play-friendly communities in Nova Scotia, Canada: a content analysis of physical activity and active transportation strategies
A community's response to childhood drownings: a model for accident prevention
Evaluating the impact of a youth-led sexual violence prevention program: youth leadership retreat outcomes
Development of a child-centred community-based participatory research approach to injury prevention
Development and implementation of a coordinated community response to address elder abuse and neglect
Community disaster resilience and risk perception in earthquake-stricken areas of China
Attendance at a community-based, after school, youth-led sexual violence prevention initiative
Economic evaluation of community-based falls prevention interventions for older populations: a systematic methodological overview of systematic reviews
To create a safe and healthy place for children: the associations of green open space characteristics with children's use
Measuring demand and supply of community care services for older people healthy ageing in rural Zhejiang Province
Collaborative community mental health and aged care services with peer support to prevent late-life depression: study protocol for a non-randomised controlled trial
Community-level mental health and psychosocial support during armed conflict: a cohort study from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, and Nigeria
Proposing a unified framework for coordinated community response
Community participation in Australia's National Suicide Prevention Trial
"They taught us not only our rights as women, but also how to live." Gender-based violence and empowerment experiences of Syrian women in Turkey and the role of women and girls safe spaces: a qualitative study
Inhabiting the sinkhole? Urban mining and environmental social mobilization in Soacha
A framework for cross-sector partnerships to address childhood adversity and improve life course health
Cultivating intentional action out of unintentional injury disparities: a call to action for hospitalists
Using veterans socials to build a community: feasibility of the VOICES intervention
Is active voice enough? Community discussions on passive voice, MMIWG2S, and violence against urban indigenous women in San José, California
A Janus-faced state--uncertain futures and frontline workers' support for immigrant women experiencing abuse
Radical social innovations and the spatialities of grassroots activism: navigating pathways for tackling inequality and reinventing the commons
Youth voices from an informal settlement of Nairobi, Kenya: engaging adolescent perspectives on violence to inform prevention
Effectiveness of a community-based crisis resolution team for patients with severe mental illness in Greece: a prospective observational study
A community navigation scale for persons with serious mental illnesses
Men's participation in anti-violence activism: frequency and relationships with demographic characteristics and history of sexual harassment perpetration
Building a community-academic partnership to improve screening for intimate partner violence: integrating advocates in healthcare clinic settings
"We're essential because you're essential": how Louisiana sexual assault and domestic violence organizations adapted outreach efforts and health messaging during COVID-19
Mechanisms for community prevention of violence against women in low- and middle-income countries: a realist approach to a comparative analysis of qualitative data
Leveraging community-engaged research to address adolescent depression with Pennsylvania public schools and communities
A scoping review of community-based adult suicide prevention initiatives in rural and regional Australia
Access to and quality of neighbourhood public open space and children's mental health outcomes: evidence from population linked data across eight Australian capital cities
A community edutainment intervention for gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and maternal and child health in rural Senegal: a process evaluation
Show courage: how Norway leads in building courage and resilience in its youth
Community participation in a low-income neighborhood: the salience of sociodemographic characteristics, perceptions and experience of violence, and neighborhood attachment
Examining a rural Victorian community's knowledge and help seeking behaviour for family violence and the role of the local public health service
Community crime prevention and crime watch groups as online private policing
Evaluating a bystander intervention to disrupt interpersonal violence/abuse
Working with marginalized groups: towards more holistic strategies for social exclusion reduction of the Roma community in Kosovo
Volunteer street patrols: responsibilised and motivated volunteering in community safety
Adolescent-adult social networks and experiences of violence among black youth in neighborhoods with high levels of community violence
Evaluation and prioritization of indicators that improve the quality of life in residential neighborhoods
Developing rural insights for building age-friendly communities
Associations between physical function, falls, and the fear of falling among older adults participating in a community-based physical exercise program: a longitudinal multilevel modeling study
The feasibility and acceptability of an experience-based co-design approach to reducing domestic abuse
Community-based violence against women (VAW) desks in the Philippines: a multi-level assessment
The shape of the New Zealand child injury prevention workforce
Access to public support systems related to severity of adversities and resilience among adolescents
Exploring the contribution and relationship to policing and community safety of volunteer street patrols
What is community policing? Divergent agendas, practices, and experiences of transforming the police in Kenya
Evaluating citizen science data: a citizen observatory to measure cyclists' waiting times
Perceived gap of age-friendliness among community-dwelling older adults: findings from Malaysia, a middle-income country
Coordination of civil and military forces in natural disasters: a systematic review
Selling effective violence prevention policies to the public: a nationally representative framing experiment
Implementation beyond the clinic: community-driven utilization of research evidence from PC CARES, a suicide prevention program
Quantifying changes in bicycle volumes using crowdsourced data
Implementation of SEEK in a children's advocacy center: a process improvement initiative
A grammar-based optimization approach for walkable urban fabrics considering pedestrian accessibility and infrastructure cost
Community and bystander interventions for the prevention of suicide: protocol for a systematic review
Increasing community capabilities in first aid for drowning people through basic life support
The effect of implementation of elderly respect training program in families on elder abuse in Yazd
Conceptual framework for HuaSai drowning prevention in senior elementary students
Operation provide: a multi-agency response to increasing police engagement in cases of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
Implementing a remote buddy program for Spanish-speaking older adults to improve their mobility and quality-of-life [conference abstract]
Do residents with a 20-min neighbourhood walk more? Findings from ProjectPLAN
Whole-of-community interventions that address alcohol-related harms: protocol for a scoping review
The Colorado project to comprehensively combat human trafficking: community-based participatory research in action
Beyond inclusion: survivor-leader voice in anti-human trafficking organizations
Community-based psychiatric treatment in Romania: past, present, future
Editorial: Schools on the frontline of suicide prevention
The art and science of urban gun violence reduction: evidence from the advance peace program in Sacramento, California
Human trafficking: empowering healthcare providers and community partners as advocates for victims [editorial]
Population trends and fire prevention in Merseyside UK
It takes a village: building community with assistive technology
Asset-based community "response": a model promoting effective student- community engagement in disaster scenarios
Correction to: Population trends and fire prevention in Merseyside UK
Fire prevention targeting by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service in UK
Achievements of the International Safe Community Movement in Busan Metropolitan, Republic of Korea
Analysis of domestic experience-oriented safety education centers and provision of improvement strategies
A study on the effect of military safety education and safety consciousness on safety performance: focusing on the mediating effect of safety culture
Mobilizing students: a novel solution to tackle child abuse in Pakistan
Moving the needle: a call to action for sports injury and illness prevention researchers to embrace knowledge translation principles [editorial]
Between protest and counter-expertise: user knowledge, activism, and the making of urban cycling networks in the Netherlands since the 1970s
A onlook at the landscapes of complexity to understand criminal temtorialization
Planning and urban mobility in Brazil: the use of the bicycle as a new way to think and build the city
Planning for non-motorised transport: provision of footpaths as public spaces in Kisii town, Kenya Wilfred Ochieng Omollo
Using systems thinking to assess the functioning of an "Age-Friendly City" governance network in Australia
Children's scales in the modernist city: how children live and explore Brasilia
Transferring road safety knowledge from road safety specialists empowering peer influencers in Cambodia: turning adversity into success during the pandemic
A systematic review of community-level protective factors in children exposed to maltreatment
Public park and crime: environmental predictors of the perception of (in)security
Building evidence, building community: the Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN)
Successful youth advocacy (YA) programs: lessons from YEAH adult leaders Evaluation study from across the country
Supporting kids' active travel during the pandemic: Milwaukee SRTS Program
New communities, new relationships: reflections from junior faculty engaging in community-based research
A volunteer-run, face-to-face, early intervention service for reducing suicidality
Introduction to the special issue on common goals, different needs: improving communication and collaboration between researchers and practitioners to end interpersonal violence
Designing multifunctional urban green spaces: an inclusive public health framework
Interprofessional collaboration in fall prevention: insights from a qualitative study
Real action to prevent youth suicide
Differences in services offered by certified community behavioral health clinics and community mental health centers
Analyzing dimensions, consequences, and inequalities of organizational citizenship behaviour in non-governmental organizations of crisis management (experimental evidence: Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Transforming injury prevention for youth (TrIPY): an intersectionality model for youth injury prevention
Assessing community-based public health plans: an example from US Army injury prevention
Qualitative system dynamics modeling to support community planning in opioid overdose prevention
Collaboratively adapting culturally respectful, locally relevant suicide prevention for newly participating Alaska Native communities
Changes in public-police cooperation following the murder of George Floyd
Payment and financing for substance use screening and brief intervention for adolescents and adults in health, school, and community settings
Protocol for community-driven selection of strategies to implement evidence-based practices to reduce opioid overdoses in the HEALing Communities Study: a trial to evaluate a community-engaged intervention in Kentucky, Massachusetts, New York and Ohio
Building resilience for sexual and reproductive health at the community level: learning from three crisis-affected provinces in Pakistan
Intersectional politicization: a facet of youth activists' sociopolitical development
Finding goal focus with people with severe traumatic brain injury in a person-centered multi-component community connection program (M-ComConnect)
Prosocial behavior in the time of COVID-19: the effect of private and public role models
Do after-school activities help mitigate the negative impact of community violence exposure? A person-centered approach
Can EMS providers and emergency department nurses work together to identify home risk factors for falls in older people?
Study protocol for a non-randomised controlled trial: community-based occupational therapy intervention on mental health for people with acquired brain injury (COT-MHABI)
Culturally grounded strategies for suicide and alcohol risk prevention delivered by rural Alaska Native communities: a dynamic wait-listed design evaluation of the Qungasvik intervention
Community engagement, greening, and violent crime: a test of the greening hypothesis and Busy Streets
Gender-based violence interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of interventions at structural, community, interpersonal, individual, and multiple levels
Development of the faith community child protection scale with faith leaders and their spouses in Senegal, Uganda and Guatemala
Exploring the influence of a community-based peer-led wheelchair skills training on satisfaction with participation in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and spina bifida: a pilot study
Resilience of environment, infrastructure, communities, and governance in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and the need for community empowerment to develop decentralized, nature-based solutions to sustainability
Health promotion actions and school violence-a cluster analysis from Finnish comprehensive schools
Implementation of a care process model for pediatric traumatic stress in child advocacy centers: a mixed methods study
The effectiveness of an Australian community suicide prevention networks program in preventing suicide: a controlled longitudinal study
Domestic violence and abuse in local child safeguarding policy: how is the problem represented?
A framework for interfacing and partnering with environmental justice communities as a prelude to human health and hazard identification in the vulnerable census tracts of Columbus, Ohio
A framework for the design and implementation of Stop the Bleed and public access trauma equipment programs
The time is now for a unified vision of a systems-approach to community safety and well-being
Community engagement for road safety in Western Australia
Snapshots from Kyrgyzstan: promising early partnerships in community safety and well-being
A study on community road safety measures using inverse reinforcement learning
Evaluating the performance of walking spaces considering passage and retention functions using image recognition AI model
How effective are community-based disaster reduction strategies? Evidence from the largest-scale program so far
Envisaging healthy and safe communities: worldwide lessons in police and public health partnerships
Multifaceted scoping review of Black/African American transportation and land use expert recommendations on activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations
Neighborhood characteristics associated with running in Metro Vancouver: a preliminary analysis
From evidence-based implementation guides to meaningful action: public health practitioners use readiness assessments to build bridges to successful community prevention implementation
Anti-racist violence prevention: partnering with Black youth to identify intervention priorities
Evaluating the role and effectiveness of co-produced community-based mental health interventions that aim to reduce suicide among adults: a systematic review
Seeking the peace: anti-gun violence cadres, concepts, and connections in Pittsburgh
Effects of a fall prevention program based on goal attainment theory for homebound older adults with osteoarthritis of the lower extremities
The role of anti-racist community-partnered praxis in implementing restorative circles within marginalized communities in southern California during the COVID-19 pandemic
Assessing the effects of the Sacramento Neighborhood Alcohol Prevention Project (SNAPP) on child abuse and neglect
Awakening the engagement of the communities and local leaders on road safety [conference abstract #522]
Childhood drowning prevention efforts in Bangladesh: exemplary for LMICs [conference abstract #456]
Co-production and implementation fidelity evaluation of the 'Stay-One-Step-Ahead' child home safety programme [conference abstract #211]
Development of self-learning web application: first aid for road accident victims [conference abstract #48]
Effectiveness of peer-led education on knowledge and attitude among adolescents regarding road safety
Five years on: how a regional help-seeking behaviour-change campaign achieved long-term impact [conference abstract #193]
Understanding multisectoral action coalitions in LMICs to improve road safety [conference abstract #561]
Stakeholder integration to prevent drowning death in Bangladesh [conference abstract #146]
Supporting advocacy for evidence-based road safety policies - GRSP's Road Safety Grants programme [conference abstract #370]
The role of health networks in addressing violent injury [conference abstract #53]
Rising Voices across communities to tackle drowning epidemic in Bangladesh [conference abstract #454]
Preventing unintentional childhood injuries in Uganda: engaging the community in systems-wide solutions [conference abstract #150]
Mitigating the risks of child safety during COVID-19 through blended awareness campaigns [conference abstract #581]
National standardised survivial swim program to prevent child drowning in Vietnam [conference abstract #118]
Risk communication and community engagement in action during Ukraine's war
Language beyond labeling: toward a language ideologies analysis of anti-violence interventions
Patient outcomes of flexible assertive community treatment compared with assertive community treatment
Modularity, balance, and frustration in student social networks: the role of negative relationships in communities
"I'm gay with an asterisk": how intersecting identities influence LGBT strengths
A toolkit for co-designing towards community-based active ageing: lessons learned during development
Leveraging faith communities to prevent violence against women: lessons from the implementation and delivery of the Motivating Action through Empowerment (MATE) program
Investigating the usage patterns of park visitors and their driving factors to improve urban community parks in China: taking Jinan City as an example
Stakeholder insights into implementing a systems-based suicide prevention program in regional and rural Tasmanian communities
Mortality advantage reversed: the causes of death driving all-cause mortality differentials between immigrants, the descendants of immigrants and Ancestral Natives in Sweden, 1997-2016
Changes in pediatricians' child passenger safety counseling with initiation of a booster seat program
Community intervention programs for sex offenders: a systematic review
Building community resilience in support of public health emergency preparedness with big data and AI
Playground design and physical activity
(Re)situating expertise in community-based overdose response: Insights from an ethnographic study of overdose prevention sites (OPS) in Vancouver, Canada
Attitudes and risky sexual behavior among youth in Kampala, Uganda: empirical analyses of risk factors by gender
Breaking the cycles of violence with narrative exposure: development and feasibility of NETfacts, a community-based intervention for populations living under continuous threat
Our Voice in a rural community: empowering Colombian adolescents to advocate for school community well-being through citizen science
Incorporating immigrant optimism into critical consciousness and civic development models: an integrative review and synthesis of civic action among immigrant youth of color in the United States
Factors affecting emergency medical utilization after self-harm and effectiveness of community-based suicide prevention provisions in preventing self-harm: a nationwide registry-based study in Korea
Exposure to gun violence among the population of Chicago community violence interventionists
Creating a virtual network to support LGBTQIA+ youth in rural settings: development of Colorado's Queer Youth Network
"It was very liberating": dialogic literary gatherings supporting mental health literacy
"Getting the staff to understand it:" leadership perspectives on peer specialists before and after the implementation of a peer-delivered healthy lifestyle intervention
Community drawing and storytelling to understand the place experience of walking and cycling in Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Planning for implementation and sustainability of a community-based suicide surveillance system in a Native American community
Community mental health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives: reconciling evidence-based practice and alter-Native psy-ence
Reach and perceived effectiveness of a community-led active outreach postvention intervention for people bereaved by suicide
State-level education policies: opportunities for secondary prevention of child maltreatment
Youth inclusion in peace processes: the case of the Bangsamoro transition authority in Mindanao, Philippines
An emerging youth-centered model of community resilience in communities impacted by gun violence: power through Black Community and Unity
Violence in the neighborhood and mental health of community health workers in a Brazilian metropolis
Gang intervention during COVID-19: a qualitative study of multidisciplinary teams and street outreach in Denver
Partnering with high-risk communities to successfully reduce pediatric injury over time
Development of the Training Program on Child Abuse Prevention for Citizens (TCAP-C) and its effects and acceptability: community-based participatory research
'Our courage has grown': a grounded theory study of enablers and barriers to community action to address violence against women in urban India
Urgency and relevance of feminist social work to curb domestic violence amid COVID-19
Integration of substance use disorder treatment into a traditional community mental health treatment system
Community engagement, greening, and violent crime: a test of the greening hypothesis and busy streets [conference abstract #124]
Addressing health equity through accessible communications [conference abstract #10]
Increasing occupational health equity through community engaged research [conference abstract #33]
The VOICES project: a novel method to engage children and youth in community injury prevention intervention [conference abstract #43]
Toward a better understanding of collaboration with cooperative extension in the dissemination of agricultural safety and health programs [conference abstract #23]
Neighborhood variation in violence prevention approaches: a case study [conference abstract #104]
Community interventions for anxiety and depression in adults and young people: a systematic review
The impact of self help groups on the psychosocial well-being of female members in Ethiopia
Associations between neighborhood environment and sense of community belonging in urban China: examining mediation effects of neighborly interactions and community satisfaction
Qualitative evidence on the implementation of Cure Violence in Trinidad and Tobago
A community educational intervention to improve firearm safety behaviors in families
The Massachusetts Saving Lives program: Six cities widening the focus from drunk driving to speeding, reckless driving, and failure to wear safety belts
Community-, network-, and individual-level predictors of uptake of medication for opioid use disorder among young people who inject drugs and their networks: a multilevel analysis
Primary and Secondary Drowning Interventions: The American Red Cross Circle of Drowning Prevention and Chain of Drowning Survival
Developing and implementing a community-level para-swimming program
Navigating rough waters: public swimming pools, discrimination, and the law
First responders' narratives of drowning: perceptions of family and community impacts and policy implications
Citizen engagement in aquatics equity: the case of Winston waterworks
Connections Lab: a case study exploring a web-based innovation designed to advance shared risk and protective factor approaches to preventing injuries and violence
Mobile mental health in women's community-based organizations: protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial
Exploring community-based suicide prevention in the context of rural Australia: a qualitative study
The protective effects of the collective cultural value of abiriwatia against child neglect: results from a nationally representative survey
Why an alternative to suicide prevention gatekeeper training is needed for rural Indigenous communities: presenting an empowering community storytelling approach
Community selected strategies to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths in the HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term (SM)) communities study
Farmers supporting farmers: Livestock auctions as spaces to reconstruct occupational community and counter mental health issues
The impact of a student-led anti-racism programme on medical students' perceptions and awareness of racial bias in medicine and confidence to advocate against racism
Using formative evaluation of a community-based opioid overdose prevention program to inform strategic communication for adoption, implementation, and sustainability
Unintended impacts of the Open Streets program on noise complaints in New York City
Changes in eating behaviours due to crises, disasters and pandemics: a scoping review
Some long-term positive trends in youth detention in New South Wales (Australia)
Enacting safe places - a study of (im)balancing acts in everyday city centre management
Mental health Narrative Community-Based Group Therapy in violence-displaced Afro-Colombians: a randomized controlled trial
Addressing complex social problems using the lens of family violence: valuable learning from the first year of an interdisciplinary community of practice
Protective community norms and mental health risks for severe physical abuse: lessons from a nationally representative study of Ghana
The "15-minutes station": a case study to evaluate the pedestrian accessibility of railway transport in Southern Italy
A tailored approach for justice involved youth with an intellectual disability: the suitability of a small-scale community-integrated approach
Documenting tribal community readiness to support substance abuse prevention
Public guide for "first aid onsite-first responders action" in China (2023)
Pre-emptive emergency service-Preventive missions and promotion of health literacy at the intersections with emergency medical services
Parental involvement in programs to prevent child sexual abuse: a systematic review of four decades of research
Cultivating capacities in community-based researchers in low-resource settings: lessons from a participatory study on violence and mental health in Sri Lanka
Programs to prevent violence against children in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
Fostering community engagement, participation and empowerment for mental health of adults living in rural communities: a systematic review
Pennsylvania's community coordination strategy to reduce opioid overdose deaths
Exploring the impact of music on children at risk of contact with the criminal justice system
A study on the influence of community spiritual comfort service on the mental health of older people
Challenges and opportunities in coproduction: reflections on working with young people to develop an intervention to prevent violence in informal settlements in South Africa
Neighbourhood socio-economic disadvantage and loneliness: the contribution of green space quantity and quality
A community profile of walking and cycling for exercise or transportation in a rural county in the southeastern United States
The stated preferences of community-based volunteers for roles in the prevention of violence against women and girls in Ghana: a discrete choice analysis
Evaluating the implementation of the complete streets policy in Louisiana: a review of practices and projects in the last 10 years
The edge and the center in neighborhood planning units: assessing permeability and edge attractiveness in Abu Dhabi
Measuring for primary prevention: an online survey of local community perspectives on family and domestic violence in regional Australia
Love Shouldn't Hurt - E le Sauā le Alofa: Co-designing a theory of change for preventing violence against women in Samoa
Using an academic-community partnership model to deliver evidence-based falls prevention programs in a metropolitan setting: a community case study
Disaster preparedness and community helping behaviour in the wake of the 2020 Oregon wildfires
Revealing the generation mechanism of cross-regional emergency cooperation during accidents and disasters rescue
Building rural community disaster resilience in developing countries: insights from a Chinese NGO's Safe Rural Community Program
Police programmes that seek to increase community connectedness for reducing violent extremism behaviour, attitudes and beliefs
Police-initiated diversion for youth to prevent future delinquent behavior: a systematic review
A community psychology for migrant justice: critically examining border violence and resistance during the COVID-19 syndemic
Should we trust you? Strategies to improve access to mental healthcare to BIPOC communities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Can this provider be trusted? A review of the role of trustworthiness in the provision of community-based services for intimate partner violence survivors
Using social capital to address youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in disaster preparedness and response: a qualitative study highlighting the strengths of Pacific community organisations and networks
Native missing persons cases will not be solved by police alone: the case for "missing persons advocates"
School partner perspectives on the implementation of the Your Voice Your View sexual assault prevention program for high school students
Playground location and patterns of use
How do people perceive, understand, and anticipate responding to flash flood risks and warnings? Results from a public survey in Boulder, Colorado, USA
A tracer study on child participation in child councillor programmes aimed towards development of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative
Assessing the built environment, programs, and policies that support physical activity opportunities in the rural Deep South
Innovations in trauma-informed care: building the nation's first system of trauma-informed recreation centers
The representation of children's participation in guidelines for planning and designing public playspaces: a scoping review with "best fit" framework synthesis
Pragmatic multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial to investigate the effectiveness of community-based falls prevention programme for older adults with falls risk in Singapore: a protocol paper
Parental-led sexual abuse education amongst at-risk parents: associations with parenting practices, and parent and child symptomology
Neighborhood places for preschool children's physical activity: a mixed-methods study using global positioning system, geographic information systems, and accelerometry data
Neighborhood collective efficacy and environmental exposure to firearm homicide among a national sample of adolescents
Leveraging the expertise of the community: a case for expansion of a peer workforce in child, adolescent, and family mental health
Pandemic within a pandemic! Policy Implications of community-based Interventions to mitigate violence against women during COVID-19 in Urban Slums of Lucknow, India
Movements' dynamics and government responsiveness to violence against women: a study set against political and social change in Spain and Italy
Lessons learned from local vacant land management organizations for engaging youth in greening
Perceived neighborhood safety and depressive symptoms: the role of perceived neighborhood cohesion and perceived control
Community-designed participation: lessons for equitable engagement in transportation planning
Toward a community-led, public health approach to multilevel violence prevention for Black and Brown transgender and gender-diverse communities
After school: Volunteering in community emergency services and substance use among Israeli adolescents
Assessment of adoption and early implementation barriers and facilitators of the Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) model
Community wise-effects and participant perceptions of a community- based -positive health intervention for older inhabitants of low SES neighbourhoods: a mixed-methods approach
Feasibility of the Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform system of intervention for persons with brain injury in community-based rehabilitation: a pilot for a multiple-baseline design study
Independent non-legal advocacy in the child protection context: a descriptive review of the literature
South Asian women's organizations: an exploratory study of workers' perceptions on intimate partner violence-related help-seeking
"Knowing I'm not alone": the development of a support group for college victims and survivors of sexual assault
"We know what's going on in our community": a qualitative analysis identifying community assets that deter gun violence
Evaluation of Support Over Silence for KIDS: a bystander training program to address public child maltreatment
"You can't meet everyone's needs after-hours": after-hours domestic and family violence services in rural and remote areas
African immigrant women's perspectives on network support and intimate partner violence: a community-based study
"I was simply trying to make it through the day": a collaborative autoethnography of couple/marriage and family therapy program directors in a diversity and anti-racism peer consultation group
Home-to-school pedestrian mobility GPS data from a citizen science experiment in the Barcelona area
Who supports drug-checking services in Australia? An analysis of 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey data
Dark-ego-vehicle principle: narcissism as a predictor of anti-sexual assault activism
Feminist strategies against digital violence: embodying and politicizing the internet
Struggle and solidarity: seven stories of how Americans fought for their mental health through federal legislation
Civic engagement in anti-Asian violence activism: a comparative view between Asians and non-Asian ethnic groups in the United States
Optimization of Road Safety Partnership Action (RSPA) in handling traffic problems in the jurisdiction of the Tanjung Priok Port police station
Psychosocial distress, perceived social support, and coping in women survivors of domestic violence seeking help from a women's helpline in urban India
Home-based childhood injury prevention Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Integrating disaster management into curricula: a successful collaboration with community partners
Assessing community readiness to develop a socioculturally relevant intimate partner violence prevention program
Determinants of health volunteer training in natural hazard management in Iran
Development of an HIV/STI and partner violence health promotion intervention for abused US Virgin Islands women
Gun violence and the voices of youth on community safety in the time of COVID-19 in East Harlem, NY: a youth participatory action research cross-sectional study
Texas youth depression and suicide network (TX-YDSRN) research registry and learning healthcare network: rationale, design, and baseline characteristics
Veteran engagement in survey research to prevent suicide
Building leadership through partnerships: using concept mapping to develop community capacity to address gender-based violence
Building leadership through partnerships: using concept mapping to develop community capacity to address gender-based violence
Assessing communicative resilience in suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ communities: a qualitative analysis of community conversations
In memoriam: Leif Svanström (1943-2023)
The Haven Clinic: the planning and implementation of a medical home for child trafficking survivors
Evaluating the efficacy of a community participatory intervention to prevent suicide in Thailand: a randomised controlled trial protocol
Stakeholder group differences on knowledge, attitudes, and perspectives of coordinated community response teams for domestic violence
Association between home and community-based services and depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults: a multilevel analysis
Religious protection from populist violence: the Catholic Church and the Philippine drug war
Analyzing the Africa Road Safety Action Plan through the SaferAfrica Crowdsourcing tool
Views on interprofessional collaboration in a Dutch sexual assault center: a qualitative study among workers
Evaluating the impact of skill development for drowning prevention: a relationship-building approach to community engagement
Contested killings: the mobilizing effects of community contact with police violence
Victimization, safety, and overdose in homeless shelters: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Road traffic injury could be minimized when individual road users take more responsibility for their safety and the safety of others: perception of healthcare workers in Vanuatu
Engaging local youths in humanitarian response is not a matter of if but how
Reducing violence in licensed venues: community safety action projects
The 'Teen Triple P' Positive Parenting Program: a preliminary evaluation
Police and community responses to youth gangs
School strategies to deal with gangs
Crime prevention through sport and physical activity
Violence as a public health issue
Young men and violence prevention
Unleashing the potential of systems modeling and simulation in supporting policy-making and resource allocation for suicide prevention
Contestation of the global norm against violence against women in Turkey
Rethinking gendered violence through critical feminist community-engaged research
Cross-sector collaboration in Project Catalyst: creating state partnerships to address the health impact of intimate partner violence
"It makes you want to go out and change the world": shifts in victim advocates' perspectives following the intimate partner homicide of a client in the United States
Discourses on violence against women by young people and professionals in Spain: PositivMasc project
"We adapted because we had to": how domestic violence perpetrator programmes adapted to work under COVID-19 in the UK, the USA and Australia
A multi-level, time-series network analysis of the impact of youth peacebuilding on quality peace
Whakarongo Mai: listening to the views of Tamariki, Whānau and Kaimahi within the Aotearoa New Zealand child protection system
Parenting strengths and distress among Black mothers reported to the child welfare system: the role of social network quality
Friends and safeguarding: young people's views about safety and to whom they would share safety concerns
Auckland transport's mass action pedestrian improvement programme
Perceptions of the rape crisis in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: a community-based approach using an opportunistic design
Self-organisation and empowerment in the struggle against silence. Network of Tortured People of Navarre
Physical activity-friendly policies and community design features in the US, 2014 and 2021
'I was lost in my life and they helped me find my way again': befriendee and befriender experiences of the Spirasi Befriending Programme for survivors of torture in Ireland
The community pillars project: engaging survivors as cross- cultural facilitators in Aotearoa/ New Zealand
Translating evidence-based substance use prevention interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean: the key role of cultural adaptation
Building prevention tools for sexual violence in family, school and community of Thailand
Pathways from street network design to symptoms of depression among emerging adults in China
Co-location of specialized mental health services in an intimate partner violence advocacy organization
Health-care and supportive services in general population disaster shelters
Perceived educational needs of substance use peer support specialists: a qualitative study
Engaging families and parent advocates in research on substance use and drug policy reform: guiding principles from a Canadian community-academic partnership
Moderating effects of social networks on gender-based violence and intimate partner violence among North Korean refugee women
Partnering with families known to child protection in an interprofessional context
Training informal supporters to improve responses to victim-survivors of domestic violence and abuse: a systematic review
Community Walks: a cluster randomized controlled trial of a multilevel physical activity intervention for low income public housing residents
Effectiveness of a bystander intervention program to increase bystander behaviors across latent risk groups of high schoolers
Effectiveness of violence prevention interventions: umbrella review of research in the general population
Characterizing Twitter chatter about temporary alcohol abstinence during "Dry January"
Bystander intervention in intimate partner violence: a scoping review of experiences and outcomes
The link between cognitive health and neighbourhood: perceptions of the public, and of policy-makers, about problems and solutions
Countering violent extremism in Trinidad and Tobago: an evaluation
Societally optimal expansion of bicycle networks
Efficacy of civil society organizations to mitigate gender-based sexual violence in schools, in Liberia
The impact of child polyvictimization and cultural factors on lifetime intimate partner violence among Salvadoran women
Postpartum depression: evidences of the predictive power of social support and marital relationship
"It's like a safety net for when things go wrong": key stakeholder and program user perspectives on a peer-led safe space program in Sydney, Australia
Perceptions of anticipated peer support for survivors of sexual violence among students with minoritized identities
"It's all about just creating the safe space": barbershops and beauty salons as community anchors in Black neighborhoods: crime prevention, cohesion, and support during the COVID-19 pandemic
PROTOCOL: Psychometric properties of instruments for measuring elder abuse and neglect in community and institutional settings: a systematic review
Syringe service programs in Indiana: moving past the "moral" concerns of harm reduction towards effective legislation
Our voices, our lives: unforeseen stories after the violence and opening the door to becoming whole again
Impressions of child advocacy center leaders: how problematic sexual behavior in children and adolescents is perceived by community professionals
Working towards prevention for families at-risk of child maltreatment--meeting families' needs through community response in Colorado
It takes a (professional) village: a model for interdisciplinary work with maltreated children
Cost comparison of in-person and telehealth modalities for a suicide safety planning group intervention: interim results from the "Project Life Force" randomized clinical trial
Community mobility and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
An evaluation of a violence reduction partnership network: mixed methods network analysis
"I would want to see young people working in here, that's what I want to see…" how peer support opportunities in youth offending services can support a Child First, trauma-informed, and reparative model of practice for youth justice
"If I had had a me": the benefits and challenges of involving children with lived experience in youth justice services
Reflective participatory crime prevention education and solution finding through World Café and Forum Theatre with young people and young adults
Long-term impacts of the Bandebereho programme on violence against women and children, maternal health-seeking, and couple relations in Rwanda: a six-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial
Rural libraries implementing walking groups or walking groups plus civic engagement for walkability in rural communities: a comparative effectiveness trial study protocol
"We been dying, and you got me on a call helping you stay alive": Black and Latinx youth organizers' experiences of racism in gun violence prevention organizations
A survey of North American drug checking services operating in 2022
Integrating equity into bicycle infrastructure, planning, and programming: a mixed methods exploration of implementation among participants in the bicycle friendly community program
Insights on engaging men and boys in creating a more gender equal future in Canada
Racism hurts, can antiracism heal? Positive mental health correlates of antiracist engagement
Using community conversations to integrate violence screening and referrals into HIV care for young women living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia
Toward an integrated approach for mental health and psychosocial support and peacebuilding in North-East Nigeria: programme description and preliminary outcomes from 'Counselling on Wheels'
Does a local Alcohol Health Champion programme have a measurable impact on health and crime outcomes? A natural experiment evaluation of Communities in Charge of Alcohol (CICA) based on triangulation of methods
Identifying what works for whom: Implementation outcomes following iLookOut, a child abuse identification and referral training program
Effectiveness of suicide prevention gatekeeper training: 12-month follow-up of SafeTALK training to community members
Community voices on alcohol harm in Sierra Leone: perceptions of prevention needs
Effectiveness of community mobilisation and group-based interventions for preventing intimate partner violence against women in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Wake-up call for HPPP - health promotion, prevention, and preparedness
The non-protesting children in the 2018 Parkland school shooting protests and their freedom not to express views in child participation spaces
Developing a depression care model for the Hill Tribes: a family- and community-based participatory research
Toward a moral reckoning on structural racism: examining structural factors, encouraging structural thinking, and supporting structural intervention
Empowering local response and community-based disaster mitigation through legislative policies: lessons from the Kerala floods of 2018-19
Swimming against the current: addressing community needs and establishing partnerships for the prevention of opioid and methamphetamine use among parents
Building a trauma-informed community: applying community building circles to an academic health research setting
Optimizing the role of other patient's families in injury prevention in fall risk patients
Youth partnership in suicide prevention research: moving beyond the safety discourse
"Caregiving youth" and the patchwork history of recognition in the United States
We have a voice: an examination of intimate partner violence in a Native American community
VAWnet: a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Relationship between disaster awareness and disaster preparedness: online survey of the community in Indonesia
Evaluating the impact of a street outreach intervention on participant involvement in gun violence
Success and challenges of community bicycle advocacy organizations in reaching underserved populations
Resilience-informed community violence prevention and community organizing strategies for implementation: protocol for a hybrid type 1 implementation-effectiveness trial
Project APRED: a web-based data analytics platform for supporting community disaster resilience
Conceptual definition for drowning prevention: a Delphi study
Exploring community mental health service use following hospital-treated intentional self-harm among older Australians: a survival analysis
'We all have a stake in this': a phenomenological inquiry into integrating suicide intervention in home-delivered meal service contexts
"We make something with the flower, but feel like I make with myself something": the role of a community arts project supporting women who have experienced human trafficking
The role of community paramedicine in fall prevention: a SWOT analysis
Feasibility and acceptability of a peer provider delivered substance use screening and brief intervention program for youth in Kenya
How to successfully engage a community in road safety
Community engagement through social media: a promising low-cost strategy for rural recruitment?
Building police capability in child protection in Kenya
Effects of awareness campaigns against domestic violence: perceived efficacy, adopted behavior and word of mouth
Community Opioid Dispensing after Injury (CODI): cohort characteristics and opioid dispensing patterns
Department of the Air Force Family Advocacy Program: exploring the impact of an antiviolence intervention program for women
Nazis in Skokie: tolerance, democracy, and the deliberative sense of the community
Actively addressing systemic racism using a behavioral community approach
Limited knowledge of community policing as a constraint to successful crime prevention: a case study of community members in Durban, South Africa
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess commonality knowledge of traumatic dental injuries and management of emergencies
Health promotion interventions on helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis of pre-test and post-test studies
"There just isn't any other option-so we just have to put up with it": mental health in women's cycling and the necessity of structural change
Crime and fear in Hollygrove - building neighbourhood resilience
Impact evaluation of the "Paz y Justicia" programme to reduce homicides in Honduras
Victims of gender-based violence on Oct 7 must be given a voice
Understanding a community's needs for an emergency department-based childhood injury prevention programme: a mixed-methods study
Effectiveness of prevention programmes on the rate of burn injuries in children: a systematic review
Life is precious: a quasi-experimental study of a community-based program to prevent suicide among Latina adolescents in New York City
University-public partnerships for disaster recovery: promoting community resilience through research, teaching, and engagement
The role of social networks on depression and anxiety among a sample of urban American Indian/Alaska Native emerging adults
Addressing violence against children in India
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States by domestic violence coalition leaders
Community violence interventions and the vulnerability of "the violent"
Delivery of a community-based peer mentorship program for people with spinal cord injury at a rehabilitation center
Safer spaces in youth development programs and health in Canadian youth
Delivering health promotion during school closures in public health emergencies: building consensus among Canadian experts
Understanding stakeholder dissemination preferences for an agriculture, forestry, and fishing injury surveillance system
Children's experiences of care on walking and cycling journeys between home and school in Healthy New Towns: reframing active school travel
It takes a safe village to raise a child-a commentary on Dana McCoy et al. (2023)
Children's rights, the optional protocol and child sexual abuse material in the digital age: moving from criminalisation to prevention
Understanding the community's perceptions towards online radicalisation: an exploratory analysis
Assessing dynamics of human vulnerability at community level - using mobility data
Between 'flight' and 'fight': does civilian resistance against rebels work?
Constructing an adaptability evaluation framework for community-based disaster management using an earthquake event
The Chinese view of the rights of the child: an analysis of the law of the protection of minors
Community perspectives to improve flood management and socio-economic impacts of floods at Central Indus River, Pakistan
Effect of the Costa Resiliente serious game on community disaster resilience
The three A's of social capital in crises: challenges with the availability, accessibility and activatability of social support
The relationship between place identity and community resilience: evidence from local communities in Isfahan, Iran
Community risk perception for flood management: a structural equation modelling approach
Understanding the role of individual- and community-based resources in disaster preparedness
An index of social fabric for assessing community vulnerability to natural hazards: model development and analysis of uncertainty and sensitivity
Building capacity through the Northeast Agricultural Safety and Health Coalition
Bridging scales for landscape-level wildfire adaptation: a case study of the Kittitas Fire Adapted Communities Coalition
A community-engaged approach to understanding suicide in a small rural county in Georgia: a two-phase content analysis of individual and focus group interviews
Prediction of societal and community resilience among Ukrainian and Polish populations during the Russian war against Ukraine
Older people's needs in urban disaster response: a systematic literature review
Developing the urban fire safety co-management system in China based on public participation
Monchique's innovation laboratory--a space for dialogue and knowledge sharing to foster community-based disaster risk reduction
Increasing healthy play: a multi-pronged evaluation of context, design, and perceptions for play space improvements
Examining equity of walking accessibility to green spaces: a case study of Islamabad
Assessing the method of providing health services to at-risk groups during natural events (earthquake): a systematic review
A qualitative study to assess a Catholic ministry's evidence-informed approaches to intimate partner violence
Understanding the social and community support experiences of sexual and gender minority individuals in 12-Step programs
A 'network of understanding and compassion': a qualitative study of survivor perspectives on unmet needs after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in regional communities
An evaluation of the use of the child and adolescent scale of participation (CASP) to measure social participation after pediatric ABI in a specialist service in East Anglia
Mutual aid groups for loneliness, psychosocial disability, and continuity of care
Blue-Mindfulness Training: a story of restorative justice decolonizing and re-indigenizing communal relationships with water
Co-designing a farm safety gamified educational resource with secondary school students and their teachers: qualitative study protocol
The European Road Safety Charter: engaging citizens in improving road safety
Protocol for a systematic review: preventive interventions to reduce youth involvement in gangs and gang crime in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Developing a suicide crisis response team in America: an Islamic perspective
Effect of a coaching intervention to enhance physical activity and prevent falls in community-dwelling people aged 60+ years: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Pilot evaluation of a remote psychotherapy service for students who self-harm: University-Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement (U-COPE)
Continuity of care in suicide prevention: current status and future directions
Community perceptions of contributors and solutions related to neighborhood violent crime: a qualitative interview study
Connecting to community: violence prevention barriers, geography, and preventionist perceptions of community leadership and opportunities
Implementation of healthy men healthy communities: a health promotion and gender-based violence prevention program for male South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Exploring the relationship between loneliness and volunteering amongst Australian adults: a cross-sectional study
Opening up the 'black-box': what strategies do community mental health workers use to address the social dimensions of mental health?
Coach perspectives on factors that influence the implementation of injury prevention programs in community netball: a qualitative study
Effectiveness of community-based programs on aggressive behavior among children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Community support for injured patients: a scoping review and narrative synthesis
Individual agency and social support in healing from conflict-related sexual violence: a case history from eastern DRC
Empowering health cadres through skills for accident and emergency as an effort to prevent disability and death in Lawe Kihing Village, Bambel District Southeast Aceh Regency
An unlikely coalition to defend the nation and banish "gender ideology" from Brazilian schools
Integrating trauma-informed services in out-of-school time programs to mitigate the impact of community gun violence on youth mental health
Evaluation of a community helpers' mental health and suicide awareness training programme for youth and young adults in Alberta, Canada
Predictors for the utilization of community support systems against intimate partner violence among married women living with HIV in southwestern Uganda-a cross sectional study
Baseball injury prevention through a community outreach initiative
Road safety
Custom injury prevention priority scoring: local ranking procedures to assess unique community needs: local pediatric injury prevention priority scoring
Community safety tips - vehicle crashes/collisions: prevention, action and reporting
The effects of Australia's first residential peer-support Suicide Prevention and Recovery Centre (SPARC)
Co-designing an outreach intervention for women experiencing street-involvement and gender-based violence: community-academic partnerships in action
An academic-community partnership to address gun violence in the Roseland Neighborhood of Chicago
Letter to the editor: Evaluation of community based injury prevention: an epidemiologist's quandary
Using a participatory design to develop an implementation framework for integrating falls prevention for older people within the Chinese primary health care system
Optimizing and implementing a community-based group fall prevention program: a mixed methods study
CDC guidance for community response to suicide clusters, United States, 2024
CDC guidance for community assessment and investigation of suspected suicide clusters, United States, 2024
Advancing traffic safety through the safe system approach: a systematic review
Update on Campbell's Countering Violent Extremism programme
PROTOCOL: Street outreach conflict mediation programs for reducing violence
Long-term impact of the Fostering Healthy Futures for Preteens program on suicide-related thoughts and behaviors for youth in out-of-home care: a randomized controlled trial
Coordinated community response to prevent elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation: randomized control trial
Voices from the ground: community perspectives on preventing unintentional child injuries in low-income settings
Community resource facilitation use by ethnic minority groups with traumatic brain injury in the Midwestern United States
Community-based surveillance programme evaluation using the platform Nyss implemented by the Somali Red Crescent Society-a mixed methods approach
Investigating the 2016 surge in firearm violence in Illinois, USA, through community-based organisations: a qualitative study
Creating a cultural maturity model to assess safe system readiness within road safety organisations
The use of social media augmented reality for engaging parents and educating children about road safety
Through the looking glass: empowering youth community advisory boards in Tanzania as a sustainable youth engagement model to inform policy and practice
Sexual assault response team goals and motivations for development
Reaching the unreachable: intensive mobile treatment, an innovative model of community mental health engagement and treatment
Intrinsic motivation and institutional limitations: key implementation determinants of psychological first aid training
Radical hospitality: innovative programming to build community and meet the needs of people who use drugs at a government-sanctioned overdose prevention site in San Francisco, California
"I am going to break this logic of fear!": Activism and subversive care at the periphery of Fortaleza, Brazil
Community mental health services may be lifesaving for middle-aged and older adults with hospital-treated intentional self-harm
The development and implementation of a custom-tailored suicide response training for Muslim communities
The critical role of primary care health care professionals in referring older adults to community-based fall prevention programs
Exploring trauma- and violence-informed pregnancy care for Karen women of refugee background: a community-based participatory study
Youth violence does not discriminate: inclusive violence prevention support services focused on counseling and peer support are essential for youth and young adults
Development and validation of an intervention for childhood trauma and exposure to violence in Vhembe District, South Africa
Local Men Local Communities: a rural placed-based approach to increase men's engagement with mental health training and events
A new federalist approach to reducing gun violence: model state policy for medicaid-funded, hospital-based violence intervention programs
Fear of terrorist attacks and psychological distress in Sub-Saharan Africa: moderated mediation model
The informal tripart relationship between the state, neighbourhood police and community groups: community safety perceptions and practices in a Midlands neighbourhood in the UK
Combining MTSS and community-based mentoring programs
Overcoming stigma: community support for overdose prevention sites
The impact of interorganizational collaboration on the viability of disaster response operations: the Gjerdrum landslide in Norway
Promoting children's health through community-led street interventions: analyzing sustained voluntarism in Canadian School Streets
Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of community-based transportation services for older adults: evidence from six case studies
Housing reconstruction after two major earthquakes: the 1994 Northridge earthquake in the United States and the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan
Community response to disaster: the role of the workplace
Climatic heat stress and the exercising child and adolescent. american academy of pediatrics. committee on sports medicine and fitness
Estimated prevalence of noise-induced hearing threshold shifts among children 6 to 19 years of age: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994, United States
Nerve agent attacks on children: diagnosis and management
Radiation disasters and children
Geographic distribution of heat-related deaths among elderly persons: use of county-level dot maps for injury surveillance and epidemiologic research
Heat exposure in an enclosed automobile
Building resilience into emergency management
Incidence of dog bite injuries treated in emergency departments
Killing heat
Retraction: suicide after natural disasters
Suicide after natural disasters
Major incident medical training: a systematic international approach
WHO international diploma course in vulnerability reduction and emergency preparedness
The Emergotrain system for training and testing disaster preparedness: 15 years of experience
The European master program in disaster medicine
Hospital preparedness for incidents with chemical agents
Medical preparedness and response to terrorism with biological and chemical agents -- present status in USA
The 2001 World Trade Center disaster - summary and evaluation of experiences
Computer vulnerability, consequences and preparedness - experiences from World Trade Center
Sarin and other nerve agents of the organophosphate class: properties, medical effects and management
The bomb explosion in Myyrmanni, Finland 2002
A new system for transmission of on-line information from scene of accident and ambulances to hospitals
Fatal and non-fatal injuries among U.S. Air Force personnel resulting from the terrorist bombing of the Khobar towers
Injuries to rescue workers following the Oklahoma City bombing
Ocular injuries sustained by survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing
Physical injuries and fatalities resulting from the Oklahoma City bombing
Study of Phillips tragedy gives insights into etiologies of plant blast injuries
The EMS response to the Oklahoma City bombing
Survivor of a stingray injury to the heart
A case of bullous frostbite following recreational snowmobiling
Death from drowning: defining a new challenge for child survival in Bangladesh
Dog bite and injury prevention--analysis, critical review, and research agenda
Dog bites: how big a problem?
Hypothermia deaths in Jefferson County, Alabama
Role of environmental interventions in injury control and prevention
Seismic, structural, and individual factors associated with earthquake related injury
Surfing the environmental wave and injury control
Reasoning for emergency public health risk communication
The San Diego East County school shootings: a qualitative study of community-level post-traumatic stress
A case-control study of injuries arising from the earthquake in Armenia, 1988
A medical disaster response to reduce immediate mortality after an earthquake
Acute hazardous materials release
Advances in disaster medicine
Analysis of medical needs during disasters caused by tropical cyclones: anticipated injury patterns
Assessment of a severe-weather warning system and disaster preparedness, Calhoun County, Alabama, 1994
Deaths and injuries due to the earthquake in Armenia: a cohort approach
Disaster assessment: the emergency health evaluation of a population affected by a disaster
Disaster epidemiology and disease monitoring
Disaster epidemiology
Disaster epidemiology: challenges for public health action
Disaster epidemiology: challenges for public health action
Disaster medical assistance teams: providing health care to a community struck by Hurricane Iniki
Disaster medicine: challenges for today
Disaster mitigation and humanitarian assistance training for uniformed service medical personnel
Emergency department response to a disaster from an emerging pathogen
Evaluation of long-term community recovery from Hurricane Andrew: sources of assistance received by population sub-groups
Fatality management in mass casualty incidents
Hospital disaster preparedness in Osaka, Japan
Issues of rescue and medical care following the 1988 Armenian earthquake
Long-term effects of Hurricane Andrew: revisiting mental health indicators
Natural disasters
Progress in disaster management
Public health surveillance after a volcanic eruption: lessons from Cerro Negro, Nicaragua, 1992
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act), Title III: implications for emergency physicians
The 1988 earthquake in Soviet Armenia: a case study
The historical development of public health responses to disaster
The importance of medical records in disaster epidemiology research
The public health consequences of disasters
The rapid implementation of a statewide emergency health information system during the 1993 Iowa flood
The Red Cross and CDC's natural-disaster surveillance system
The World Trade Center bombing: injury prevention strategies for high-rise building fires
Tornado injuries related to housing in the Plainfield tornado
Use of a modified cluster sampling method to perform rapid needs assessment after Hurricane Andrew
Wound infections after tornadoes
A critical analysis of the fatal injuries resulting from the Continental flight 1713 airline disaster: evidence in favor of improved passenger restraint systems
A method for tracking mass casualty or terrorism incidents in existing databases
An emergency medical system approach to disaster planning
Earthquake and suicide: bringing context back into disaster epidemiological studies (letter)
Burns in the developing world and burn disasters
Natural disasters: responding to the unexpected
Space shuttle Columbia disaster: utilization of poison control centers in Texas and Louisiana
Analysis of 372 patients with Crush syndrome caused by the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake
Avalanche trauma and closed head injury: adding insult to injury
Avalanche trauma
Bathtub-related drownings in the United States, 1979-81
Children and families need help after disasters
Community needs assessment and morbidity surveillance following an ice storm--Maine, January 1998
Moray eel attack in the tropics: a case report and review of the literature
Deaths associated with Hurricane Hugo--Puerto Rico
Disaster medical care: Mardi Gras
Cardiovascular health impacts of wildfire smoke exposure
Earthquake disaster in Nicaragua: reflections on the initial management of massive casualties
Earthquake disaster--Luzon, Philippines
Association between post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and bone fractures after the Great East Japan Earthquake in older adults: a prospective cohort study from the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Environmental dangers to the elderly
Estimating capacity requirements for mental health services after a disaster has occurred: a call for new data
Comparison of hospital preparedness to deal with crisis situations in mass casualty incidents according to the UN Human Development Index
Who is at risk of death in an earthquake?
Violent crime and outdoor physical activity among inner-city youth
Fatal and hospitalized injuries resulting from the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Hazards of bicycling: from handlebars to lightning
Head and neck injuries from 1990 Illinois tornado
Head injury with and without hospital admission: comparisons of incidence and short-term disability
Hurricanes and hospital emergency-room visits--Mississippi, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Illness and death due to environmental heat--georgia and st. louis, missouri, 1983
Science of explosion safety - risk assessments of gas explosion and dust explosion
Injuries and illnesses related to Hurricane Andrew--Louisiana, 1992
Injuries as a result of California earthquakes in the past decade
Injuries due to falling coconuts
Injury hospitalizations before and after the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake
Victims' time discounting 2.5 years after the Wenchuan earthquake: an ERP study
Autopsy findings from 111 deaths in the 1999 Athens earthquake as a basis for auditing the emergency response
Challenges of major incident management when excess resources are allocated: experiences from a mass casualty incident after roof collapse of a military command center
Civilian exposure to toxic agents: emergency medical response
Cold injuries among Israeli soldiers operating and training in a semiarid zone: a 10-year review
Counting crises: US hospital evacuations, 1971-1999
Drug related falls: a study in the French Pharmacovigilance database
Efficacy of critical incident monitoring for evaluating disaster medical readiness and response during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
International standards and guidelines on education and training for the multi-disciplinary health response to major events that threaten the health status of a community
Mass-casualty terrorist bombings in Istanbul, Turkey, November 2003: report of the events and the prehospital emergency response
Lightning accident with eight victims: case report and brief review of the literature
Lightning injuries
Lightning strike to the head of a helmeted motorcyclist
Lightning-associated deaths--United States, 1980-1995
Lightning strike to the head: case report
Lightning-induced injury on an airplane: coronal discharge and ball lightning
Lightning: the multisystem group injuries
Medical examiner/coroner reports of deaths associated with Hurricane Hugo--South Carolina
Medical management of disasters and mass casualties from terrorist bombings: how can we cope?
Monitoring environmental disease--United States, 1997
On surviving aircraft disaster
Orthopedic injuries from the Andover, Kansas, tornado
Pathophysiology and treatment of lightning injuries
Lessons learned from hazardous chemical incidents-Louisiana Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES) system
New York hazardous substances emergency events surveillance: learning from hazardous substances releases to improve safety
Drivers of accident preparedness and safety: evidence from the RMP Rule
Understanding and managing disaster evacuation on a transportation network
Preliminary report: medical examiner reports of deaths associated with Hurricane Andrew--Florida, August 1992
Burden of disease attributable to selected environmental factors and injury among children and adolescents in Europe
How would military hospitals cope with a nuclear, biological, or chemical disaster?
Information technology and emergency medical care during disasters
Epidemiology of hospitalizations resulting from dog bites in California, 1991-1998
Storm-related mortality--central Texas, October 17-31, 1998
Comparative analysis of multiple-casualty incident triage algorithms
Surveillance for injuries and illnesses and rapid health-needs assessment following Hurricanes Marilyn and Opal, September-October 1995
Survey research in disaster public health
Medical telematics in disaster response
Post-disaster health effects: strategies for investigation and data collection: experiences from the Enschede firework disaster
Telephone-mediated lightning injury: an Australian survey
Community disaster planning
The April 8, 1998 tornado: assessment of the trauma system response and the resulting injuries
The Disaster Medical Care Committee of the Council on National Security of the American Medical Association
The effects of the severe snowstorm of 1996 in the New England community
The impact of community design and land-use choices on public health: a scientific research agenda
Pittsburgh Poison Center is terrorism response leader
The special injury pattern in terrorist bombings
Tornado disaster -- Texas, May 1997
Tornado disaster--Alabama, March 27, 1994
Tornado disaster--Illinois, 1990
Tornado disaster--Kansas, 1991
Tornado disaster--North Carolina, South Carolina, March 28, 1984
Tornado disaster--Pennsylvania
Tornado disaster--Texas
Tornado-associated fatalities--Arkansas, 1997
Toy-related injuries among children and teenagers--United States, 1996
Update: work-related electrocutions associated with Hurricane Hugo--Puerto Rico
Hazardous substances releases causing fatalities and/or people transported to hospitals: rural/agricultural vs. other areas
Information-sharing in out-of-hospital disaster response: the future role of information technology
Major burn disasters: lessons to be learned from previous incidents and a need for a national plan
Citizen preparedness for disasters: are current assumptions valid?
Planning + Practice = Preparedness: A case study in injury prevention
The effect of the September 11 terrorist attacks on suicide and deliberate self-harm: a time trend study
The impact of the 2003 blackout on a level 1 trauma center: lessons learned and implications for injury prevention
Evidence of the effectiveness of health sector preparedness in disaster response: the example of four earthquakes
Ice storm-related carbon monoxide poisonings in North Carolina: a reminder
Injuries from the 2002 North Carolina ice storm, and strategies for prevention
Musculoskeletal injuries associated with earthquake.  A report of injuries of Iran's December 26, 2003 Bam earthquake casualties managed in tertiary referral centers
A multicasualty event: out-of-hospital and in-hospital organizational aspects
Preparing for an era of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)--are we there yet? Why we should all be concerned?  Part ii
Risk communication and terrorism
Public health impacts of floods and chemical contamination
Effects of snowfalls on motor vehicle collisions, injuries, and fatalities
Frostbite injuries treated in the Helsinki area from 1995 to 2002
Conventional terrorism and critical care
Crush syndrome
Injuries and deaths caused by unexploded ordnance in Afghanistan: review of surveillance data, 1997-2002
Integrating international responses to complex emergencies, unconventional war, and terrorism
Public health issues in disasters
The experience at St. Vincent's hospital, Manhattan, on September 11, 2001: preparedness, response, and lessons learned
The IFR bullet: Can it kill our accident rate?
Worldwide disaster medical response: An historical perspective
Cost-benefit model for the construction of tornado shelters
The importance of maintaining simplicity in planning and preparation for major accidents and disasters
The value of hurricane forecasts to oil and gas producers in the Gulf of Mexico
Infrared imagery of crown-fire dynamics during FROSTFIRE
The effect of model resolution in predicting meteorological parameters used in fire danger rating
Fire nature of a subtropical maritime island in East Asia: Taiwan
Pediatric Terrorism Preparedness National Guidelines and Recommendations: Findings of an Evidenced-based Consensus Process
Analysis and modeling of an extremely dense fog event in southern Ontario
Suicides in Los Angeles County in relation to the Northridge earthquake
Case definitions for chemical poisoning
Simulating the response of a rural acute health-care delivery system to a bioterrorist attack
Public health consequences from hazardous substances acutely released during rail transit--South Carolina, 2005; selected States, 1999-2004
Emergency care following the terrorist attack in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation, 2004
Family preparation for responding to disasters
11 March 2004: The terrorist bomb explosions in Madrid, Spain - an analysis of the logistics, injuries sustained and clinical management of casualties treated at the closest hospital
Data sharing for disasters
Managing tsunami risk
Medical consequences of terrorist bombs containing spherical metal pellets: analysis of a suicide terrorism event
Mental health care for ethnic minority individuals and communities in the aftermath of disasters and mass violence
Posttraumatic stress disorder in the general population after mass terrorist incidents: considerations about the nature of exposure
Cold injuries
After the tsunami--facing the public health challenges
Earthquake and tsunamis in the Indian ocean. Why we should care?
Impact of the terrorist bombings of the Neve Shalom and Beth Israel synagogues on a hospital in Istanbul, Turkey
Towards collation and modelling of the global cost of armed violence on civilians
Deaths related to housing in 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake
BioSense--a national initiative for early detection and quantification of public health emergencies
Better trauma care. How Maryland does it
First-aid training and capabilities of the lay public: a potential alternative source of emergency medical assistance following a natural disaster
Lightning fatalities on the South African highveld: a retrospective descriptive study for the period 1997 to 2000
Hypothermia-related deaths--United States, 2003-2004
Disasters and development: Part 3: Assessing trade-offs in investing in vulnerability reduction
Disasters and development: Part 2: Understanding and exploiting disaster-development linkages
Psychological consequences of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey
A primary healthcare strategy in disaster situations
Burn disasters and mass casualty incidents
Responding to international disasters
Sex ratios in California following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
The incident command system in disasters: evaluation methods for a hospital-based exercise
Information technology and public health management of disasters--a model for South Asian countries
Managing a combined burn trauma disaster in the post-9/11 world: lessons learned from the 2003 west pharmaceutical plant explosion
Telemedicine in trauma and disasters--from war to earthquake: are we ready?
The Bali burn disaster: implications and lessons learned
Disaster planning--lessons learned from the fire disaster in Gothenburg
A description of events associated with scene response by helicopter based medical retrieval teams
Crisis and emergency risk communication as an integrative model
Lessons learned from a nightclub fire: institutional disaster preparedness
Lightning-associated injuries and deaths among military personnel--United States, 1998-2001
Are we ready for the next disaster?
A new technique in water survival training for infants and toddlers
A chemical gas incident in London: how well prepared are London A and E departments to deal effectively with such an event?
A large group of children struck by lightning
A thermal physiological comparison of two HAZMAT protective ensembles with and without active convective cooling
Acute public health consequences associated with hazardous substances released during transit, 1993-2000
Adolescent epidemic hysteria presenting as a mass casualty, toxic exposure incident
Shallow pools as a hazard to young children
Occupational exposure to cold is an underestimated problem
The World Trade Center disaster: a brief on-site report to the Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi
Thinking about the unthinkable: where to start planning for terrorism incidents
The role of hypothermia and drowning in commercial fishing deaths in Alaska, 1990-2002
The May 3, 1999, tornado in Oklahoma City
The National Weather Service warning system
The psychological impact of disaster on rescue personnel
The skywalk collapse: a personal response
Disaster readiness: keeping safe
Oil and petrol drum explosions. injuries and casualties by exploding oil and petrol drums containing various inflammable liquids
Catastrophic disasters and the design of disaster medical care systems
Center-Arlington after Sept 11, 2001
Modern concepts of treatment and prevention of lightning injuries
Demographics of emergency medical care at the Indianapolis 500 mile race (1983-1990)
Frostbite, a common cold injury: challenges in treatment and prevention
Generic evaluation methods for disaster drills in developing countries
Helicopter downdraft: a wind chill hazard
Designs that lacked inherent safety: case histories
Hospital disaster privileging
Hospital preparedness for chemical and biological incidents in Hong Kong
Hurricane Andrew and a pediatric emergency department
Hurricane-related emergency department visits in an inland area: an analysis of the public health impact of Hurricane Hugo in North Carolina
In the wake of Mount St Helens
Joint civilian-military cooperation for national disasters
Level of medical care required for mass gatherings: the XV Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, Canada
Lightning safety guidelines
Lightning strikes: nature of neurological damage in patients evaluated in hospital emergency departments
Management of tornado casualties
Hazardous substances events associated with the manufacturing of chemicals and allied products.

Emergency department impact of the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing
Emergency events involving hazardous substances in North Carolina, 1993-1994
Cold weather injuries among U.S. soldiers in Alaska: a five-year review
Convergence behavior in disasters
Counteracting moment device for reduction of earthquake-induced excursions of multi-level buildings
Lightning strike and electric shock survivors, international
Review of industrial safety management by international agreements and institutions
Preparedness and response to terrorism: A framework for public health action
Preparing for disasters: what should you know, and when should you know it?
Blast injuries
Reactions of Indian adolescents to the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Differences in world responses to natural disasters and complex emergencies
Psychosocial response to mass casualty terrorism: guidelines for physicians
Use of questionnaires and an expert panel to judge the environmental consequences of chemical spills for the development of an environment-accident index
Self-assessment in the measurement of public health workforce preparedness for bioterrorism or other public health disasters
The changing impact of a severe disaster on the mental health and substance misuse of adolescents: follow-up of a controlled study
A multiphase disaster training exercise for emergency medicine residents: opportunity knocks
Disaster preparedness in health care
Discussing: the Bhopal saga: causes and consequences of the world's largest industrial disaster
Preparing for disasters: Helping yourself as you help others
The application of the Haddon matrix to public health readiness and response planning
Pre-attack symptomatology and temperament as predictors of children's responses to the September 11 terrorist attacks
Surveillance of hazardous substance emergency events: identifying areas for public health prevention
Systems modeling in support of evidence-based disaster planning for rural areas
The utility of geographic information systems (GIS) in rapid epidemiological assessments following weather-related disasters: methodological issues based on the Tropical Storm Allison Experience
Improvement in local public health preparedness and response capacity--Kansas, 2002-2003
Terrorism and emergency preparedness in state and territorial public health departments--United States, 2004
Domestic fire injuries treated in New Zealand hospitals 1988-1995
Survival in subzero temperatures: two field experiments on temperature estimation and "snowhole" (survival hole) temperatures
Recovery plan and middle-to-long term support after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Can Australians identify snakes?
Cold injury complicating trauma in subzero environments
Hotel fires. some tips on survival
Keeping of dangerous wild animals in the UK
Lighting research
Major incidents in Britain over the past 28 years: the case for the centralised reporting of major incidents
An analysis of the causes and circumstances of flood disaster deaths
A prospective cohort study of the effectiveness of employer-sponsored crisis interventions after a major disaster
Natural disasters
Lightning injuries: prevention and on-site treatment in mountains and remote areas Official guidelines of the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine and the Medical Commission of the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation
Mass medical repatriation of injured civilians after terrorist attack in Mombassa, Kenya: medical needs, resources used, and lessons learned
Preparing health professions students for terrorism, disaster, and public health emergencies: core competencies
Incident, accident, catastrophe: cyanide on the Danube
Meteorological conditions and sports deaths at school in Japan, 1993-1998
The responsibility to protect and the root causes of conflicts
Effects of a large-scale industrial disaster on rates of symptoms consistent with posttraumatic stress disorders among schoolchildren in Toulouse
PTSD Following Terrorist Attacks: A Prospective Evaluation
Public Participation Mechanisms in Environmental Disasters
Risk of Tornado-related Death and Injury in Oklahoma, May 3, 1999
Disaster by design: corruption, construction and catastrophe
Stadium disasters in Africa: The case for crowd management
ABC of conflict and disaster: military approach to medical planning in humanitarian operations
Evacuation decisions in chemical incidents benefit from expert health advice
Epidemiology of traumatic injuries from earthquakes
Struck-by-lightning deaths in the United States
Epidemiology of dog bites: A Belgian experience of canine behaviour and public health concerns
Health Care Workers' Ability and Willingness to Report to Duty During Catastrophic Disasters
Preventing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder After Mass Exposure to Violence
Exposure of a liquefied gas container to an external fire
Flammability of gas mixtures. part 1: fire potential
Flammability of gas mixtures. part 2: influence of inert gases
The cafe fire on New Year's Eve in Volendam, the Netherlands: description of events
A brush fire forensic case
Epidemiological study air disaster in Amsterdam (ESADA): study design
Fire cycles in North American interior grasslands and their relation to prairie drought
Posttraumatic stress disorder and general psychopathology in children and adolescents following a wildfire disaster
Quality management case studies in health service emergencies: SARS and wildland-urban interface fires
Safety and security issues relating to low capacity storage of AN-based fertilizers
The station nightclub fire
Get off the bus: sound strategy for injury prevention during a tornado?
Injuries and illnesses treated at the World Trade Center, 14 September-20 November 2001
Characterizing wildfire regimes in the United States
Spectrum of neurologic complications of lightning injuries
Seasonal fire danger forecasts for the USA
How are emergencies different from other medical situations?
Disaster preparedness and triage: justice and the common good
Biophysical injury mechanisms associated with lightning injury
Evaluating performance of law enforcement personnel during a stressful training scenario
The front lines: NFPA's final fall meeting stresses emergency preparedness
Disasters and the Health of Urban Populations
Epidemiologic assessment of the impact of four hurricanes--Florida, 2004
Medical management after indoor fires: A review
Psychologists warn of more suicide attacks in the wake of London bombs
Suicidal bus bombing of French Nationals in Pakistan: physical injuries and management of survivors
The New Mexico school nurse and emergency medical services emergency preparedness course: program description and evaluation
Medico-criminal examination of damages to clothes in flight accidents
An approach for modeling human cognitive behavior in evacuation models
Myths, the ultimate survivors in disasters
Disaster medical response concerns us all
Rapid health assessment in Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia, following the December 26 tsunami
Effects of sarin on the nervous system of subway workers seven years after the Tokyo subway sarin attack
Hospital disaster medical response: aligning everyday requirements with emergency casualty care
Impact of the Terrorist Bombings of the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation Headquarters and the British Consulate on Two Hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey, in November 2003
Liability of professional and volunteer mental health practitioners in the wake of disasters: a framework for further considerations
Psychological aftermath of the Lviv air show disaster: a prospective controlled study
Risk Factors for Death and Injuries in Earthquake: Cross-sectional Study from Afyon, Turkey
Terrorism and the pregnant woman
Toward inherently secure and resilient societies
A cluster-based decision support system for estimating earthquake damage and casualties
As tsunami recovery proceeds, experts ponder lessons for future disasters
Comparing reactions to two severe tornadoes in one Oklahoma community
Disaster care: psychological considerations
Disaster competency development and integration in nursing education
Disaster management and response
Disaster nursing curriculum development based on vulnerability assessment in the Pacific Northwest
Epidemiology of hospitalizations and deaths from heat illness in soldiers
Family support and victim identification in mass casualty terrorist attacks: an integrative approach
Research issues in preparedness for mass casualty events, disaster, war, and terrorism
Terrorism and preparedness: What September 11 and its aftermath mean for physicians
The Impact of Disaster on Culture, Self, and Identity: Increased Awareness by Health Care Professionals is Needed
The role of the nurse practitioner in disaster planning and response
Summary of the mortality impact assessment of the 2003 heat wave in France
Disaster may be closer than you think. Are you ready?
A short medical school course on responding to bioterrorism and other disasters
Lessons learned from cross-border medical response to the terrorist bombings in Tabba and Ras-el-Satan, Egypt, on 07 October 2004
One-year follow-up study of posttraumatic stress disorder among earthquake survivors in Turkey
Psychological and behavioural reactions to the bombings in London on 7 July 2005: cross sectional survey of a representative sample of Londoners
Vicarious grief and response to global disasters
Emergency treatment of injuries following lightning and electrical accidents
Implementation of new legislative measures on industrial risks prevention and control in urban areas
Psychosocial implications of disaster or terrorism on children: a guide for the pediatrician
The London Bombings: how EDs and nurses responded to the terrorist attacks of July 7
Social and personal factors as predictors of earthquake preparation: The role of support provision, network discussion, negative affect, age, and education
Funding the public health response to terrorism
Hurricane Katrina response and guidance for health-care providers, relief workers, and shelter operators
Katrina reveals fatal weaknesses in US public health
Louisiana looks back on a week of disaster
Neighborhood design and active aging
Physical and mental health shortly after a disaster: first results from the Enschede firework disaster study
Preparing and responding to major accidents and disasters
Preparing and responding to mass casualties in the developing world
Psychological response to disasters: focus on adolescents
Risk Factors for Psychological Adjustment Following Residential Fire. The Role of Avoidant Coping
The Oklahoma city bombing study and methodological issues in longitudinal disaster mental health research
US government declares emergency after Hurricane Katrina
Triage and initial treatment of house fire victims
Escalation thresholds in the assessment of domino accidental events
Funding the public health response to terrorism
Introduction-what critical care practitioners should know about terrorism agents
Frostbite injury due to improper usage of an ice pack
Book review of terrorism and disaster: individual and community mental health interventions
Coastal Terrorism: Using Tabletop Discussions to Enhance Coastal Community Infrastructure Through Relationship Building
Development of a Training Curriculum for Public Health Preparedness
Disaster Mental Health Training in Florida and the Response to the 2004 Hurricanes
Health status among emergency department patients approximately one year after consecutive disasters in New York City
Mental and social health in disasters: Relating qualitative social science research and the Sphere standard
Lessons from Hurricane Katrina, tsunamis, and other disasters
Preparedness of Hospitals to Respond to a Radiological Terrorism Event as Assessed by a Full-Scale Exercise
Public Health Department Training of Emergency Medical Technicians for Bioterrorism and Public Health Emergencies: Results of a National Assessment
Carbon monoxide poisoning after hurricane Katrina--Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, August-September 2005
Disaster planning: more questions than answers?
Disaster preparedness and management in the Caribbean the need for psychological support
Disaster preparedness and response: more than major incident initiation
Nursing students' perceptions about disaster nursing
ABC of conflict and disaster. The special needs of children and women
Forensic investigation of deaths due to fire in mass disaster
Bioterrorism and mass casualty preparedness in hospitals: United States, 2003
Deliberate self-poisoning in Ontario following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
Hurricane Katrina. Public health response--assessing needs
Psychological effects of bio-terrorism and adolescent suicide
Surveillance for illness and injury after hurricane Katrina--New Orleans, Louisiana, September 8-25, 2005
The relationship between extreme heat and ambulance response calls for the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The volunteer potential of inactive nurses for disaster preparedness
Agroterrorism Workshop. Engaging Community Preparedness
Biological and chemical terrorism and the agricultural health and safety community
How many drinks did you have on September 11, 2001?
Does public education reduce ice storm-related carbon monoxide exposure?
Advancing disaster epidemiology and response: developing a national disaster-victim database
Differences in Mental Health Outcomes among Whites, African Americans, and Hispanics Following a Community Disaster
Disaster Response: One Size Does Not Fit All
On the Road to Disaster-and Back: AJN's news director visited health officials and rescuers immediately after Hurricane Katrina
The NIEHS Responds to Hurricane Katrina
A disaster doesn't have to be a disaster. An evidence-based triage method that "takes the guesswork out of triage"
A federal perspective on EAPs and emergency preparedness
The role of safety analysis in accident prevention
Disaster Preparedness Task Force interim report
Evidence against disaster-induced migration: the 2004 tornado in north-central Bangladesh
Ricin poisoning: a comprehensive review
Workplace disaster preparedness and response: the employee assistance program continuum of services
The CDC's role in emergency preparedness and response
Disaster epidemiology and medical response in the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan
Disaster medicine training in France
Disaster training for emergency physicians in the United States: a systems approach
Equipment that cannot do what we want it to do
The 1983 South Australian bushfire disaster
The Bradford Fire Disaster. Part 1. The initial investigations: who died, where and how?
The Bradford Fire Disaster. Part 2. Accident reconstruction: who died, when and why
The British Association for Immediate Care (basics). Its experience in major disasters, with special reference to the role of the medical incident officer
The importance of the time factor in fire and rescue service operations in Sweden
The Hinton train disaster
Determinants of Response in a Longitudinal Health Study Following the Firework-disaster in Enschede, The Netherlands
Disaster preparedness: lessons learned from the response to Hurricane Katrina
Disaster relief and initial response to the earthquake and tsunami in Meulaboh, Indonesia
Disparities in mental health treatment following the World Trade Center Disaster: Implications for mental health care and health services research
Suicide trends following the Taiwan earthquake of 1999: empirical evidence and policy implications
The Transformation of Suicide Fluctuation in Slovenia
Traumatic Exposure Severity Scale (TESS): A measure of exposure to major disasters
Use of mental health services after hurricane Floyd in North Carolina
Antiterrorism programs: intense fire doomed Trade Center towers
Disaster management and the Goteborg Fire of 1998: when first responders are blamed
A simplified model to predict the thermal response of PLG and its influence on BLEVE
Auditory guidance in a smoke-filled tunnel
Bar holding during escape conditioning
Behavioural impairment in smoke environments
Fire ant attacks on patients in nursing homes: an increasing problem
Prevention and suppression of metal packing fires
Human behavior and fires: an introduction
Human behavior in a nursing home fire
Potential consequences of a fire in an insecticide storage facility
The reliability of combustible gas alarms
Escape from wrecked submarines by the free ascent method
Sequential fluctuation of conformity and fixation of escape behavior in an emergency, with a mathematical model
Mining for extraction of knowledge on safety engineering from incident reports
Cohort research analysis of disaster experience, preparedness, and competency-based training among nurses
Emergency, disaster, and defense medicine: the Swedish model
Evacuation of patients during a fire at a general hospital
Explosions and blast injuries
Analysis of severe fire disaster in five years (1989-1993) in China
Mass casualty incident triage
Mass casualty terrorist bombings: a comparison of outcomes by bombing type
Mechanism of injury and anatomic injury as criteria for prehospital trauma triage
Morbidity of Hurricane Frederic
Some remarks on the topic of accidental hypothermia
Predisposing factors and prevention of frostbite
Preventing avalanche and deep snow submersion deaths using an artificial air pocket device and a digital dual-antenna avalanche transceiver
Prevention and treatment of cold injury
Chemical facility vulnerability assessment project
Technological advances in avalanche survival
Terrorism and the ethics of emergency medical care
A forecast of disaster for Pakistan
Assessment of major and minor events that occurred in Italy during the last century using a Disaster Severity Scale score
Benchmarking for hospital evacuation: a critical data collection tool
Blackout 2003: preparedness and lessons learned from the perspectives of four hospitals
Disaster management teams
Disaster modeling: medication resources required for disaster team response
Disaster preparedness: are you ready?
Disaster Psychiatry: Need for appraisal
Hospital planning for acts of terrorism and other public health emergencies involving children
Medical response to terrorism: preparedness and clinical practice
Public-private arrangements in disaster relief and recovery
Hospitals can't prepare for disaster without better government help
September 11, 2001, revisited: a review of the data
Underground attack. How London's disaster plan worked for EMS
Preparedness for terrorist attack in the United States--the role of forensic pathologists and medical examiners
Recent reactive incidents and fundamental concepts that can help prevent them
The capability of accident and emergency departments to safely decontaminate victims of chemical incidents
The Hyatt Regency skywalk collapse: an EMS-based disaster response
The role of the epidemiologist in natural disasters
Were there enough physicians in an emergency department in the affected area after a major earthquake? An analysis of the Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999
Windchill index and military applications
Civilian medicine and war: transformation of a health centre to a war hospital in Croatia (July 1991-October 1992)
Cost-effectively automating fire door release
Disaster epidemiology: or why most international disaster relief is ineffective
Disaster planning: a review
Disaster planning: protective clothing for medical teams
Disaster procedures report. report following the moorgate train crash on 28 february, 1975
Disasters in the United Kingdom
Does the dangerous dogs act protect against animal attacks: a prospective study of mammalian bites in the accident and emergency department
Dog bites causing upper-limb fractures in children
Earthquake occurrence and effects
Frostbite in Oxfordshire: the impact of a severe winter on an unprepared civilian population
Future considerations for the medical management of nerve-agent intoxication
Heat stress: not a problem until someone dies?
Frostbite: incidence and predisposing factors in mountaineers
Consequences of major accidents: Assessing the number of injured people
Are you prepared for a disaster? How one state took disaster preparedness to the next level
Climate change: the implications for policy on injury control and health promotion
Disaster planning and response: guidance for healthcare facilities
Disaster planning: are gerontological nurses prepared?
Health Problems in Children and Adolescents Before and After a Man-made Disaster
International cooperation among pediatric agencies in disaster situations
Attribution of disaster losses
Hurricane Isabel-Related Mortality-Virginia, 2003
Hurricane Katrina. The disaster after the disaster
Interpersonal violence in prehistoric San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: Behavioral implications of environmental stress
Is the Australian hospital system adequately prepared for terrorism? The Australian Government's response
Lesson learned: Texas hospitals braced for Hurricane Rita
Partnership for Preparedness: A Model of Academic Public Health
Suicide ideation after the 1999 earthquake in Marmara, Turkey
A Psychosocial Risk Assessment and Management Framework to Enhance Response to CBRN Terrorism Threats and Attacks
An integrated program to train local health care providers to meet post-disaster mental health needs
Defining disaster: the emergency department perspective
Diagnosis and management of injuries from dangerous marine life
Disaster prevention: lessons learned from the Titanic
Disaster recovery plan
Is your disaster plan up to date?
Katrina teaches disaster planning lessons
Natural disaster preparedness: how you can be ready
Preparing for disaster
Recreational injuries in Washington state national parks
The sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway: 10 years later / lessons learned
Katrina: A Social and Public Health Disaster
Is hypothermia simply a marker of shock and injury severity or an independent risk factor for mortality in trauma patients? Analysis of a large national trauma registry
Seasonal variation in suicidal deaths in Chile: its relationship to latitude
The importance of evidence-based disaster planning
The myths of disaster education
Hindfoot injuries due to landmine blast accidents
Building a campus crisis team
Charity Hospital [New Orleans] and disaster preparedness
Environmental health and the media, part 2: beyond get the message out / put the fires out
Hand-held disaster relief
Mass-casualty events at schools: a national preparedness survey
Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a nationwide survey
Post-Disaster Mental Health Problems and the Utilization of Mental Health Services: A Four-year Longitudinal Comparative Study
Post-Wildfire Logging Hinders Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk
The United States Twenty-Year Experience With Bombing Incidents: Implications for Terrorism Preparedness and Medical Response
Timing of mortality among internally displaced persons due to the tsunami in Sri Lanka: cross sectional household survey
Indirect lightning strike via telephone wire
Injuries caused by animals
Injuries due to falls from horses
Lessons to be learned from the major disaster following the civil airliner crash at Kegworth in January 1989
Mass-casualty, terrorist bombings: implications for emergency department and hospital emergency response (Part II)
Medical planning for disaster in israel. evaluation of the military surgical experience in the october 1973 war, and implications for the organization of the civilian disaster services
Medical response to major disasters. Stoke on Trent, UK, 2-3 June 1989
Competences necessary for Japanese public health center directors in responding to public health emergencies
Differences in individual-level terrorism preparedness in Los Angeles County
Medical helicopters in wilderness search and rescue operations
Mental health problems after tsunami disaster in Aceh and Nias; immediate responses and future programs
Post-tsunami boost to southeast Asia's mental health care
Sunshine and suicide: Bright light may lead to serotonin-driven behavioural activation without improvement in depressive cognitive deficits
A description of the environmental poison, mercury, raises questions
Risk perception related to work in a rural community of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil: pesticides, health, and environment
Physical work limits for Toronto firefighters in warm environments
Evaluation of the effect of climatic warming on population health is a new task of preventive medicine
Quality improvement data analysis of a mass casualty event
Severe dog-bite injuries, introducing the concept of pack attack: a literature review and seven case reports
Study of civilian victims of terrorist attacks (France 1982-1987)
Telephone-mediated lightning injury causing cataract
The anatomy of a shark attack: a case report and review of the literature
The scud missile disaster in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 1991: the orthopaedic experience
Are surgeons playing leadership roles in disaster preparedness and planning?
Assessment of health-related needs after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita--Orleans and Jefferson Parishes, New Orleans area, Louisiana, October 17-22, 2005
Basic principles of disaster medical management
Concluding thoughts on the new nature of disaster management
Disaster and emergency communications prior to computers/Internet: a review
Disaster preparedness in Scandinavia
Early detection of illness associated with poisonings of public health significance
Education and training in disaster medicine
Emergency preparedness curriculum in nursing schools in the United States
Health and the environment after Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina: a physician's whirlwind course in disaster psychiatry
Injury and illness surveillance in hospitals and acute-care facilities after Hurricanes Katrina And Rita--New Orleans area, Louisiana, September 25-October 15, 2005
Surveillance in hurricane evacuation centers--Louisiana, September-October 2005
The ABC's of disaster response
The practitioner's role in surveillance and information on environmental risks
Disaster preparedness perspective from 90.05.32w, 29.57.18n
Climatic effects on incidence of sexual assault
The right PPE for disaster responders
Model of large pool fires
Public health response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita--Louisiana, 2005
Practical aspects of federalizing disaster response
What are the requirements for medical cover at motor racing circuits?
Post-Katrina mental health needs prompt group to compile disaster medicine guide
Emergency medical service rescue times in Riyadh
Evidence for an early onset of endogenous alcohol production in bodies recovered from the water: implications for studying alcohol and drowning
Fatalities caused by nonvenomous animals: a ten-year summary from Sweden
Modelling risk factors for injuries from dog bites in Greece: a case-only design and analysis
Pedestrians on slippery surfaces during winter--methods to describe the problems and practical tests of anti-skid devices
Risk of a road accident in rainy weather
The hospital response to the Hillsborough tragedy
Dangerous animals
Position, role and tasks of medical services in mass disasters during the use of nuclear, chemical and firearm weapons
Victims of our climate
Triage of war wounded: the experience of the International Committee of the Red Cross
The San Diego County wildfires: perspectives of healthcare
The London nail bombings: the St. Thomas' Hospital experience
The place of exercises in disaster management
The role of the hospital in disasters
The Victoria bomb: a report from the Westminster Hospital
The work of the South Manchester Accident Rescue Team (SMART)
Assessment of health-related needs after tsunami and earthquake--three districts, Aceh Province, Indonesia, July-August 2005
Disaster medical response: maximizing your effectiveness
Early post-tsunami disaster medical assistance to Banda Aceh: A personal account
EHRs and disaster management
Perceived safety in disaster workers following 9/11
Responding to the Boxing Day tsunami disaster in Aceh, Indonesia: Western and South Australian contributions
The pediatrician and disaster preparedness
Stormy weather. Preparing for and recovering from disasters
'Negligent homicide' charges for nursing home owners: the frailest residents paid the highest price when Katrina struck
Coping responses of Asian, Black, and Latino/Latina New York City residents following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States
Critical care and disaster management
Experience of a Korean disaster medical assistance team in Sri Lanka after the South Asia tsunami
Factors associated with receiving help and risk factors for disaster-related distress among Connecticut adults 5-15 months after the September 11th terrorist incidents
Providing critical care during a disaster: The interface between disaster response agencies and hospitals
The pediatrician and disaster preparedness
Application of land-use planning criteria for the control of major accident hazards: A case-study
Local weather effects on emergency department visits: a time series and regression analysis
Health aspects of the tsunami disaster in Asia
Overview of the Tsunami disaster
Panel 2.12: The health sector contribution to disaster reduction
Putting it together: Stronger public health capacity within disaster management systems
Risks of mortality and morbidity from worldwide terrorism: 1968-2004
The 2003 heat wave in France: dangerous climate change here and now
Top disaster priorities: staff education and preparedness, evacuation plans
What have we learned? Capacity building for health responses in disasters
What have we learned? Coordination. [Disasters]
What have we learned? Needs assessment. [Disasters]
Climate change and disaster management
Community-based disaster preparedness and climate adaptation: local capacity-building in the Philippines
Disaster risk, climate change and international development: scope for, and challenges to, integration
Disaster: world preparedness with one voice
Reducing hazard vulnerability: towards a common approach between disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation
Update on [USA] federal activities related to hospital funding for disaster preparedness
Influence of weather factors on suicidal hangings
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning After Hurricanes: Poorly ventilated generators are usually the culprit
Carbon monoxide poisonings after two major hurricanes--Alabama and Texas, August-October 2005
Mortality associated with Hurricane Katrina--Florida and Alabama, August-October 2005
Public health response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita--United States, 2005
Rapid community needs assessment after Hurricane Katrina--Hancock County, Mississippi, September 14-15, 2005
Surveillance for illness and injury after Hurricane Katrina--three counties, Mississippi, September 5-October 11, 2005
Terrorism Preparedness: Web-based Resource Management and the TOPOFF 3 Exercise
Updating your fire alarm system
Ambulance strike teams. California's new weapon for an organized disaster response
Changes in injury patterns and severity in a helicopter air-rescue system over a 6-year period
Cold still kills: cold-related illnesses in military practice freezing and non-freezing cold injury
EMS helicopter crashes: what influences fatal outcome?
Healthcare Worker Competencies for Disaster Training
Hypothermia-related deaths--United States, 1999-2002 and 2005
In-Hospital Resource Utilization During Multiple Casualty Incidents
Preparing for major incidents
A disaster medical assistance team operates a hurricane evacuation shelter with U.S. Public Health Service support
Devastation in Katrina's Wake
Thinking about the unthinkable: are we really prepared for impending disaster?
The Asian tsunami one year later: public health, a disaster within a disaster
Climate change control and injury prevention: more win-win solutions
Exposure to the World Trade Center Attack and the Use of Cigarettes and Alcohol Among New York City Public High-School Students
The failure of international action against terrorism
The traumatic impact of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the potential protection of optimism
Precision of in-hospital triage in mass-casualty incidents after terror attacks
The civil war in Liberia hard particularly to women. Rapes, devastated homes, divided families have left deep wounds
The Los Alfaques disaster: A boiling-liquid, expanding-vapour explosion
Barriers to disaster coordination: health sector coordination in Banda Aceh following the South Asia Tsunami
Coordination and resource maximization during disaster relief efforts
Disaster myths and Hurricane Katrina 2005: can public officals and the media learn to provide reponsible crisis communication during disasters?
Disaster research methods: Past progress and future directions
Disaster roles and responsibilities for safety managers
Enhancing local health department disaster response capacity with rapid community needs assessments: validation of a computerized program for binary attribute cluster sampling
Prevalence of hot weather conditions related to sports participation guidelines: A South Australian investigation
Surveillance for World Trade Center disaster health effects among survivors of collapsed and damaged buildings
The Impact of 9/11 on New York City's Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. A Study of Program Administrators
Web-based methods in terrorism and disaster research
Science, technology, and human factors in fire danger rating: the Canadian experience
Vulnerability of peri‑urban and residential areas to landscape fires in Greece: evidence by wildland-urban interface data
Mass casualty management after a suicidal terrorist attack on a religious procession in Quetta, Pakistan
Monitoring poison control center data to detect health hazards during hurricane season--Florida, 2003-2005
Rapid needs assessment of two rural communities after Hurricane Wilma--Hendry County, Florida, November 1-2, 2005
The effects of weapons of mass destruction on children
"Danger Trees" in Central Appalachian Forests of the United States: An Assessment of Their Frequency of Occurrence
Crisis intervention after the Tsunami in Phuket and Khao Lak
Health hazard evaluation of police officers and firefighters after Hurricane Katrina--New Orleans, Louisiana, October 17-28 and November 30-December 5, 2005
Trauma response to the Asian tsunami: Krabi Hospital, Southern Thailand
The flow of hazzardous materials on Virginia highways
A review of triage and management of burns victims following a nuclear disaster
Bashkiria train-gas pipeline disaster: a history of the joint USSR/USA collaboration
Bashkirian train-gas pipeline disaster: the American military response
Burns caused by the terrorist bombing of the department store Hipercor in Barcelona. part 2
Burns caused by the terrorist bombing of the department store Hipercor in Barcelona. Part 1
Fate of mass burn casualties: implications for disaster planning
Fire disaster in Gothenburg 1998--surgical treatment of burns
Mass burn casualties: a rational approach to planning
Planning for major burns incidents by implementing an accelerated Delphi technique
Planning for major burns incidents in the UK using an accelerated Delphi technique
The discotheque fire in Gothenburg 1998. a tragedy among teenagers
The King's Cross fire. part 1: the physical injuries
Treating mass burns in warfare, disaster or terrorist strikes
Expansion of clouds from pressurized liquids
Fuel tanker accidents: causes and safety measures from driver's perspective
Manual for disaster relief work
Rerouting railroad shipments of hazardous materials to avoid populated areas
Telecommunications in the emergency medical services (EMS)
The medical response to disasters
The rescue chain - a contribution to emergency care in the Federal Republic of Germany
Use of multidimensional utility functions in hazardous shipment decisions
Complex humanitarian emergencies: A review of epidemiological and response models
Disaster and mass casualty management in a hospital: How well are we prepared?
Hospital planning for weapons of mass destruction incidents
Preparation and response in case of natural disasters: Cuban programs and experience
Understanding community psychosocial needs after disasters: Implications for mental health services
Crowd dynamics discrete element multi-circle model
Designing for safety in passenger ships utilizing advanced evacuation analyses--A risk based approach
Health impact of the Buncefield oil depot fire, December 2005: Study of accident and emergency case records
A suggested approach to the selection of chemical and biological protective clothing--meeting industry and emergency response needs for protection against a variety of hazards
Age-related thermal strain in men while wearing radiation protective clothing during short-term exercise in the heat
Investigation into issues of passenger egress in Ladbroke Grove rail disaster
Safety implications of cultural and cognitive issues in nuclear power plant operation
Physiological responses of firefighters and performance predictors during a simulated rescue of hospital patients
Are we preparing health services administration students to respond to bioterrorism and mass casualty management?
Community mental health response to crisis
Expanding disaster mental health response: a conceptual training framework for public health professionals
Managing America's schools in an age of terrorism, war, and civil unrest
Organisational Learning and Self adaptation in Dynamic Disaster Environments
Psychological assessment of children in disasters and emergencies
The emerging role of workplace preparedness for disaster and terrorism
The gaping hole: physicians are missing from the front line of disaster preparedness training
A comparison between actual and predicted evacuation times
A human component to consider in your emergency management plans: the critical incident stress factor
A prehospital education system for nurses and doctors
A systemic approach to effective chemical emergency management
A text retrieval method for the European Commission's MARS database: selecting human error related accidents
Accidents and disasters: vulnerability in the built environment
Air entrainment by water sprays: Strategies for application to the dispersion of gas plumes
Alleviation of blast waves from large vapour clouds
An application of the MEMbrain training module: pre-hospital rescue operation
An approach to hazard analysis of LNG spills
Occupational safety communication for hazardous goods: the development of a policy in Israel
An evaluation model of the level of emergency medical service in sparsley populated areas
An integrated emergency management decision support system for hurricane emergencies
An occupant response shelter escape time (ORSET) model
Blast effect from unconfined vapour cloud explosions
Blast effects from vapour cloud explosions: A decade of progress
Breakage of glass windows by explosions
Bridging the gap: remote sensing and needs assessment--a field experience with displaced populations
Changing behaviour towards danger: The effect of first aid training
Chemical accidents and disasters in Kenya
Chernobyl operators: criminals or victims?
Command centers and emergency management support
Complex evacuation; effects of motivation level and slope of stairs on emergency egress time in a sports stadium
Complex learning: organizational learning from disasters
Computer-supported visualization of rescue operations
Critical size events: a new tool for crisis management resource allocation?
Crowd psychology and engineering
Dealing with the complete crisis--the crisis management shell structure
Density, velocity and flow relationships for closely packed crowds
The importance of pre-training gap analyses and the identification of competencies and skill requirements of medical personnel for mass casualty incidents and disaster training
An evaluation of respiratory protective devices used in children's evacuation
Disaster economics: revisiting the fire problem in the United States
Emergency management and the law: liability issues in the United States
Emergency management
Emergency medical response to occupational locations in West Virginia
Employing virtual reality to support decision making in emergency management
Engineering for crowd safety : edited by r.a. smith and j.f. dickie. elsevier science b.v., amsterdam, 1993, pp. 428
Environmental disaster education at the university level: an integrative approach
Explosionen von flussigkeits-tanks. empirische ergebnisse--typische unfalle
Facilitating the "right" decision in crisis: Supporting the crisis decision maker through analysis of their needs
For whom does safety pay? The case of major accidents
Forest fire danger assessment methods and decision support
Genetic agents in an EDSS system to optimize resources management and risk object evacuation
Geoinformation systems and regional environmental prediction
Geoinformation technology for assessment of accidental chemical pollution
Group decision making in infrastructure safety planning
Hazard analysis in chemical complexes in Japan--especially those caused by human errors
Human factors in command and control for the Los Angeles Fire Department
Implementation of the Seveso directive in Germany -- An evaluation of hazardous incident information
Indoor fatal effects of outdoor toxic gas clouds
Influence of initial and explosion-induced turbulence on dust explosions in large vented silo cells
Integral assessment -- putting safety on the agenda for mitigation and preparedness
Intentional systems representations are useful alternatives to physical systems representations of fire-related human behavior
International workshop on promotion of technical harmonisation on risk-based decision-making
Interorganizational networks and decision making in technological disasters
Introduction to building and environment use and safety
Learning from major accidents involving dangerous substances
Looking for answers: suggestions for improving how we evaluate crisis management
Loops--limited object oriented patient simulator : Design criteria for a patient simulation model
Major crowd catastrophes
Major hazards in the chemical industry part i. their definition and significance
Major hazards in the chemical industry. part ii. their identification and control
Major hazards in the chemical industry. part iii. a retrospective view
Man-made disasters: why technology and organizations (sometimes) fail
Mixing of gas clouds by water barriers
Monitoring and analysis of command post communication in rescue operations
Natural and manmade disasters: accepting and managing risks
Optimized resource allocation for emergency response after earthquake disasters
Practical application of water barriers for the mitigation of atmospheric releases
Prediction and prevention of chemical-related injury: towards an effective risk assessment protocol
Private provision for public services in Denmark: the case of Falck
Probabilistic risk assessment practices in the USA for nuclear power plants
Promoting job safety in building: An experiment on the behavior analysis approach
Quantification of behaviour for engineering design standards and escape time calculations
Real-time dispersion model calculations as part of NORMEM-WP19
Misconception as a barrier to teaching about disasters
International guidelines and standards for education and training to reduce the consequences of events that may threaten the health status of a community
Safety standards, requirements, and litigation in relation to building use and safety, especially safety from falls involving stairs
Social organizational determinants of safety in nuclear power plants: Operator training in the management of unforeseen events
Sociotechnical communication in an underground mine fire: a study of warning messages during an emergency evacuation
Some aspects of vapour cloud explosions
Spatial decision support and information management application to wildland fire prevention The WILFRIED System
Statistical analysis of dangerous goods accidents in Japan
Supporting multi-group emergency management with multimedia
Suppression of internal explosions in process plant
The box model of heavy gas dispersion: A useful and practical tool
The characteristics of the explosion of cyclohexane at the Nypro (UK) Flixborough plant on 1st June 1974
The current status and future issues in human evacuation from ships
The design of a simulated forcible entry test for fire fighters
The design of an emergency operating procedure in process control systems: a case study of a refrigeration system in an ammonia plant
The design of direction finding systems in buildings
The evolution of emergency management and the advancement towards a profession in the United States and Florida
The investigation of explosions with special reference to aircraft and ships
The investigation of structural failures in steel buildings, cranes and bridges
Responding to mass emotional trauma: a mental health outreach program for Turkey earthquake victims
Review of "an approach to hazard analysis of LNG spills"
Review of threshold quantities for the control of explosives in health and safety legislation in The Netherlands
The investigation of the Hillsborough disaster by the Health and Safety Executive
The mechanical disturbance produced by steady and gusty winds of moderate strength: skilled performance and semantic assessments
The Pothole Lake fire: an analysis of emotion in a successful emergency response
The scope for reduction of the hazard of flammable or toxic gas plumes
The use and management of hazardous chemicals in south Australian workplaces
Audit of doctors' knowledge of major incident policies
Disaster and subsequent healthcare utilization: a longitudinal study among victims, their family members, and control subjects
Mental health service use among American Red Cross disaster workers responding to the September 11, 2001 U.S. terrorist attacks
Preparing for the next natural disaster: learning from Katrina
Understanding and planning for different spectator crowds
Factor analysis of safety for visitors to a mega-event
Timely knowledge elicitation from geographically separate, mobile experts during emergency response
Time pressure and stress as a factor during emergency egress
The Synthetic Evaluation Model for Analysis of Flooding Hazards
Disasters and associated changes in physical and mental health in older residents
Earthquake in Colombia: the tragedy of the coffee growing region. health impact and lessons for the health sector
A first for this century: closing and reopening of a children's hospital during a disaster
Caring for evacuated children housed in the Astrodome: creation and implementation of a mobile pediatric emergency response team: regionalized caring for displaced children after a disaster
Challenges in meeting immediate emotional needs: short-term impact of a major disaster on children's mental health: building resiliency in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
Chronicles from out-of-state professionals: providing primary care to underserved children after a disaster: a national organization response
Inter-rater agreement in defining chemical incidents at the National Poisons Information Service, London
Escaping with VLBW neonates: caring for and transporting very low birth weight infants during a disaster
Expanding educational opportunities in disaster response and emergency preparedness for nurses
FEMA's organized response with a pediatric subspecialty team: the National Disaster Medical System response: a pediatric perspective
Getting kids from the Big Easy hospitals to our place (not easy): preparing, improvising, and caring for children during mass transport after a disaster
Setting up a specific surveillance system of community health during mass gatherings
"But for the hurricane": measuring natural disaster mortality over the long-term
Response to Giacaman: terror toll before Jenin
The impact of the Prestige disaster on human health
The implications of terrorism for public health
Hazardous chemicals: psychological dimensions of the health sequelae of a community exposure in Texas
What happened to children in detention? Caring for children in a Juvenile Justice System after a disaster
Sweating it out in a level III regional NICU: disaster preparation and lessons learned at the Ochsner Foundation Hospital
Responding creatively to family needs of hospital staff: caring for children of caretakers during a disaster
Comments on Drabek and Other Encyclopedists
Rapid assessment of cyclone damage using NPP-VIIRS DNB and ancillary data
Changing a Corporate Culture: Managing Risk on the London Underground
Determination of response spectra for Sri Lankan cities using finite difference method
A "community as resource" strategy for disaster response
Chemical disasters, real and suspected
Chemical incidents: are we ready in the West Midlands? Testing the communication arrangements of on-call public health doctors
Chemical weapon functional exercise--Cincinnati: observations and lessons learned from a "typical medium-sized" city's response to simulated terrorism utilizing Weapons of Mass Destruction
Designing a National Disaster Medical System
Disasters and bioterrorism: does management training develop readiness?
Suicide After Natural Disasters and Statistical Disasters: A Comment
Evaluation of an Alaskan marine safety training program
Industrial disasters
Institutional networks: regional response to disasters
Mass casualty chemical incidents--towards guidance for public health management
Non-response in a population study after an environmental disaster
Planning for the unthinkable
Primary health care and the Midwest flood disaster
"Learn-prepare-survive". Disaster/biological event planning for individuals and family
Creating a Regional Pediatric Medical Disaster Preparedness Network: Imperative and Issues
Effectively addressing the mid- and long-term needs of young people affected by the tsunami in Aceh: An on-site assessment
Impact of the tsunami on psychosocial health and well-being
Mass Fatality Management following the South Asian Tsunami Disaster: Case Studies in Thailand, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka
Mental health and psychosocial support after the tsunami: Observations across affected nations
Mental health assistance to populations affected by disasters: World Health Organization's role
Psychosocial interventions after tsunami in Tamil Nadu, India
Supporting disaster healthcare professionals: A practical and virtual approach
The Katrina disaster and its lessons
The psychology of a disaster: providing realistic care
Theory, training and timing: Psychosocial interventions in complex emergencies
Tsunami and mental health in Thailand
Tsunami: psychosocial aspects of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Assessments and intervention in the early phase
Tsunami: Understanding mental health consequences and the unprecedented response
WPA and disaster response: new policies and actions
Incidence- and reaction-related predictors of the acute and posttraumatic stress disorder in disaster workers
Psychological distress among Bam earthquake survivors in Iran: a population-based study
Responding to acts of terrorism: schools of public health and partners continue to make history
Some indications of the long-term health effects of a natural disaster
The Asian Tsunami remembered
The devastation of Bam: an overview of health issues 1 month after the earthquake
The effects of the tsunami of December 26, 2004: a photo essay
The impact of the April 1992 civil unrest on the Los Angeles REI WIC program and its participants
The Public Health Service's response to Hurricane Andrew
Understanding public response to disasters
Notes on security of human mass groupings from food poisoning
A Comparison of Health Provision and Status in Ban-Napho Refugee Camp and Nakhon-Phanom Province, Northeastern Thailand
Acute cyanide poisoning in prehospital care: new challenges, new tools for intervention
Insurers' disaster files suggest climate is culprit
Kamedo report no. 82: explosion at the fireworks warehouse in the Netherlands in 2000
Kamedo report no. 84: terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center, 11 September 2001
Realities of rural emergency medical services disaster preparedness
Terrorism involving cyanide: the prospect of improving preparedness in the prehospital setting
12-step disaster plan
"Homeland" Insecurities?: Katrina and the Politics of "Security" in Metropolitan America
A Rhetorical Response to Hurricane Katrina
An Integrated Model of School Crisis Preparedness and Intervention: A Shared Foundation to Facilitate International Crisis Intervention
Children and Natural Disasters: A Primer for School Psychologists
Cities at Risk: Hurricane Katrina and the Drowning of New Orleans
Katrina and the Collapse of Civil Society in New Orleans
Confirmatory factor analysis of posttraumatic stress symptoms in emergency personnel: An examination of seven alternative models
Individual differences in psychological reactions to terror attack
802.11 wireless infrastructure to enhance medical response to disasters
A web-services architecture designed for intermittent connectivity to support medical response to disasters
An ontology of geo-reasoning to support medical response to attacks with weapons of mass destruction
MASCAL: RFID Tracking of Patients, Staff and Equipment to Enhance Hospital Response to Mass Casualty Events
Reality flythrough: enhancing situational awareness for medical response to disasters using ubiquitous video
Response to Hurricane Disasters
Role-tailored software systems for medical response to disasters: enhancing the capabilities of "mid-tier" responders
Six days in charity hospital two doctors' ordeal in Hurricane Katrina
Surgical response to disaster
Surgical response to disaster
The myths of disaster education
Treating the victims after disaster: physical and psychological effects
Zimbabwean Refugees in the UK
The industrial fire problem
The stardust disco fire, Dublin 1981: studies of combustion products during simulation experiments
Teaching children fire safety skills
Catholic Relief Services - Nutrition Intervention Program for the Drought Areas of Kenya (1975-76)
Cause analysis of the fire and explosion of asphalt-salt mixture in a nuclear wastes processing plant
Yungay Avalanche of 1970 - Anthropological Perspectives on Disaster and Social-Change
Rehearsal-plus: Coping with fire emergencies and reducing fire-related fears
Making humanitarian relief networks more effective: operational coordination, trust and sense making
Making women visible in disasters: problematising the private domain
Mallets Macroseismic Survey of the Neapolitan Earthquake of 16Th December 1857 - Guidoboni,E, Ferrari,G
Management of Disaster Victims and Rehabilitation of Uprooted Communities
Managing Refugees - Zambia Response to Angolan Refugees 1966-1977
Managing Technological Hazard, Research Needs and Opportunities
Manpower Deployment in Emergency Services
Massive tsunami in Indian Ocean coasts
Matching response to context in complex political emergencies: 'relief', 'development', 'peace-building' or something in-between?
Materials for Rural Housing - the Building-Materials Work of the Intermediate-Technology Development Group
Media Meditation - Food for Thought
Medical Aspects of the El Ruiz Avalanche Disaster, Colombia
Medical Aspects of Volcanic Disasters - An Outline of the Hazards and Emergency Response Measures
Mobility Due to Natural Disaster - Theoretical Considerations and Preliminary Analyses
Why aid agencies need better understanding of the communities they assist: the experience of food aid in Rwandan refugee camps
Windstorm: coming to terms with mankind's worst natural hazard, Royal Academy of Engineering, London, 4 May 1995
Women and Children Last - An Essay on Sex-Discrimination in Disasters
Women and Men As Refugees - Differential Assimilation of Angolan Refugees in Zambia
Women, health and humanitarian aid in conflict
Words and Actions
What Have New Zealanders Learnt from Earthquake Disasters in Their Own Country
Where the Exception Confirms the Rule - the Cyclones of 1982-1983 in French-Polynesia
Where to go? Strategic modelling of access to emergency shelters in Mozambique
Who Bears the Costs of Natural Disasters - An Australian Case-Study
WHO Expert Committee On Biological Standardization - 31st Report
Aftermath of tragic events: the development and use of community support meetings on a university campus
Disaster preparedness: hospitals confront the challenge
International cooperation and preparedness in responding to accidental or deliberate biological disasters: lessons and future directions
Investment in preventing and preparing for biological emergencies and disasters: social and economic costs of disasters versus costs of surveillance and response preparedness
Systemic collapse: medical care in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina
Toxins of concern to animals and people
Noticing Design/Recognizing Failure in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
On Flexible Urbanism
On the Front Line: American Cities and the Challenge of Homeland Security Preparedness
Policy Commentary: Mobilizing information and communications technologies for effective disaster warning: lessons from the 2004 tsunami
Speed, Desire, and Inaction in New Orleans: Like a Stick in the Spokes
The Position of the Theorist in the Lower Ninth Ward
The Relevance of Human Geography for Studying Urban Disasters
Rethinking Trauma in the Hurricane's Wake
Vulnerable Groups
Welfare Policy - A Review
What happens to the state in conflict?: political analysis as a tool for planning humanitarian assistance
Risk Area Accuracy and Hurricane Evacuation Expectations of Coastal Residents
Site and Situation: Impossible but Inevitable Cities
The Buoyancy of Failure: Battling Nature in New Orleans
The drowned world: J. G. Ballard and the politics of catastrophe
The Failure of the Nonregime: How Katrina Exposed New Orleans as a Regimeless City
The Political Economy of Urban Disaster Assistance
Catastrophic New Age groups and public order
Burning Issue -- The Politicization of a Bushfire
Those Who Overstate the Lessons of the Past Are Condemned to Draw Erroneous Conclusions
Urban Calamities: A View From Mumbai
Visual Representation of the Victims of Hurricane Katrina: A Dialectical Approach to Content Analysis and Discourse
What Makes a Disaster "Natural"?
User Satisfaction with Housing After Hurricane Fifi
Using Murphy's Laws for disaster planning
User Satisfaction with Permanent Post-Disaster Housing - 2 Years After Hurricane Fifi in Honduras
Using Computer-Graphics to Reveal Temporal Changes in Urban-Population Density Patterns
Vaiont Dam Overflow - Case-Study of Extra-Community Responses in Massive Disasters
Valtellina Landslide and Flood Emergency, Northern Italy, 1987
A stochastic model for the number of deaths resulting from a fire in a bay in a hospital ward
Fireballs from deflagration and detonation of heterogeneous fuel-rich clouds
Are There Long-Term Effects of American Natural Disasters? Estimations of Effects of Floods, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes Occurring 1960 to 1970 on United States Counties and Census Tracts in 1970
Review: Community Response to Earthquake Threat in Southern-California - Turner,RH, Nigg,JM, Paz,DH, Young,BS
Nuclear power plants: A unique challenge to fire safety
Stardust disco investigation - Some observations on the full-scale fire tests
'Scaling-up' in emergencies: British NGOs after Hurricane Mitch
"We all knew that a cyclone was coming": disaster preparedness and the cyclone of 1999 in Orissa, India
The approach adopted in England and Wales in defining the level of fire safety at nuclear power stations
A 'disaster' continuum?
A 'principled' approach to complex emergencies: testing a new aid delivery model in the Nuba mountains
A Building Education-Program in North Yemen
A call to respond, not to react
A Case-Study in the Politics of Land Drainage
A Case-Study of Social-Behavior in A Natural Disaster - the Olivares Landslide (Spain)
A Comparative-Analysis of Water Provision in 4 Thai Refugee Camps
A critical analysis of earthquakes and urban planning in Turkey
A disaster continuum
A method of transporting critical care mass casualties
A Microcomputer-Based Emergency Response System
A Microcomputer-Based Simulation Exercise for Public Officials
A Model for Urban Post-Earthquake Fire Hazard
A Multi-Hazard History of Antigua
A Multi-Hospital System for Disaster Situations
A New Camp for Vintage Refugees
A Note on Earthquake Vulnerability in Quetta
A Note on the Distribution of Newspapers in England and Wales
A Pattern of Disasters and Victims
A Preliminary Investigation of Socio-Economic Problems Following the 1978 Thessaloniki (Greece) Earthquake
A Report on A Fact-Finding Mission to 3 Countries in Latin-America
A research note about military-civilian humanitarianism: more questions than answers
A review of contributions to disasters: 1977-1996
A Review of Flood Problems in Tropical Queensland
A Story of A Disaster - Why Locust Plagues Are Still Possible
A survey of international urban search-and-rescue teams following the Ji Ji earthquake
A Symposium of the Historical Geography Research Group, Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference
An exploratory comparison of disasters, riots and terrorist acts
An Exposure-Response Method for Assessing the Long-Term Health-Effects of the Bhopal Gas Disaster
An inner compass
An Internet-based bar code tracking system: coordination of confusion at mass casualty incidents
An ombudsman for humanitarian assistance?
Analysis of Indian Press Coverage of the Andhra-Pradesh Cyclone Disaster of 19 November 1977
Analysis of Medical Needs in Disasters Caused by Earthquake - the Need for A Uniform Injury Reporting Scheme
Analysis of the Results of Supplementary Feeding Trials - Approach Based on the Evaluation of Swedish Emergency Foods During the Famine in Mauretania
Anatomy of an ambush: security risks facing international humanitarian assistance
Anthropology and Action
Anthropology and Disaster Research
Anthropology Groups
Anthropometric Measurements in A Relief Program in Niger - Tool for Decision-Making at Community Level
Appeal for A Significantly Comparative Method in Disaster Research
Application of Satellite Remote-Sensing to Monitoring of Agricultural Disasters
Armed Conflict, Access to Markets and Food Crisis Warning - A Note from Mali
Artic (Appropriate Reconstruction Training and Information-Center), and the Construction of Houses in Andhra-Pradesh Following the Cyclone and Sea Surge of November 1977
Assessing Differences in Chemical Disaster Proneness - the Community Chemical Hazard Vulnerability Inventory
Assessment of Victim Needs
Assistance for the Mexico Earthquake Victims
Assistance to Refugees - Alternative Viewpoints
Burma: the political economy of violence
But Will It be Just Another Ripple in the Pool
Can hazard risk be communicated through a virtual experience?
Casualties of War and Peace
Casualty treatment after earthquake disasters: development of a regional simulation model
Centers for Unaccompanied Children Khao-I-Dang Holding Center
Centers for Disease Control - Disaster Preparedness and Response Activities
Volcanic Hazards Considered
Volcanic disaster mitigation in the Philippines: experience from Mt. Pinatubo
Volcanic Disasters in Latin-America and the 13Th November 1985 Eruption of Nevado-Del-Ruiz Volcano in Colombia
Living with Earthquakes
Locating responsibility: the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and its rationale
London 2005, bruised but not broken
Losses from the Northridge earthquake: disruption to high-technology industries in the Los Angeles Basin
Lowland Lao and Hmong Refugees in Thailand - the Plight of Those Left Behind
Medical Reserve Corps: strengthening public health and improving preparedness
Medical Supplies Management in the Cholera Epidemic in Somalia 1985
Medical-Care in Refugee Camps - Feedback
Medical-Care in Refugee Camps - Feedback
Memorandum of Understanding Between the United-Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United-Nations Disaster Relief Co-Ordinator
Primary health care in disasters: the NorAid system
Primary Mental-Health-Care for Disaster Victims in Developing-Countries
Teaching emergency preparedness to restricted-budget families
Vets and international disaster management
Aberfan and the management of trauma
Account of the Immediate Rescue Action Developed in the Tragedy of Montebello
Accountability As A Program Philosophy
Action for Long-Term Improvements in Relief Response
Adelaides Prediction
After Cyclone Ted on Mornington Island - the Accumulation of Physical and Social Impacts on A Remote Australian Aboriginal Community
After the storm
Aftermath of Natural Disasters - Coping Through Residential-Mobility
Aid and violence, with special reference to Sierra Leone
Aid in the midst of plenty: oil wealth, misery and advocacy in Angola
Air Transporting Relief Supplies - Ethiopian Experience
An assessment of disaster risk and its management in Thailand
An earthquake disaster in Turkey: an overview of the experience of the Israeli Defence Forces Field Hospital in Adapazari
An Ethiopian Refugee Village in Sudan - the Question of Employment
An etiological investigation of micro- and macroergonomic factors in the bhopal disaster: Lessons for industries of both industrialized and developing countries
An Evaluation of the Andhra-Pradesh Cyclone Shelters Program - Guidelines for the Orissa Program
An Examination of Community Flood Warning Systems - Are We Providing the Right Assistance
An Examination of Health Data Following 2 Major Earthquakes in Russia
Assessing the readiness and training needs of non-urban physicians in public health emergency and response
Risky Ways to Safety - London, May 16 1977
Lifelines: An Emergency Management Priority for the United States in the 1990s
Lice Earthquake in Southeastern Turkey - Geography of Disaster
Food As An Instrument of War in Contemporary African Famines - A Review of the Evidence
Evaluation of CMU-intertect A-frames as emergency shelter in Bangladesh, March 1977
Disasters and the Small Dwelling - Conference Held at the Disaster Management Center, Oxford-Polytechnic, 2-5 September 1990
Coping with Natural Disasters - the Role of Local Health Personnel and the Community - WHO
Atlas of Emergency Services
Attempts to Prevent Flooding at Chiswell, Portland
Attrition and Housing Improvements - A Study of Post-Disaster Housing After 3 Years
Australia Organized Response to Natural Disaster - Background and Theoretical-Analysis
Australia Organized Response to Natural Disaster - the Constrained Organization in 2 Wildfires
Australian Disasters
Australian research into the psychological aspects of disasters
Avoidance of death and injury through monitoring of dams and flood evacuation in Essex, Connecticut, June 1982
Background Notes on Cambodia-Kampuchea
Behavior problems and traumatic events of unaccompanied refugee minors
Bereavement and Mourning After A Shipping Disaster - the Case for Intervention
Biological, chemical, and nuclear terrorism readiness: major concerns and preparedness of future nurses
Birthing Sphere
Blizzards of Early 1978 and the Use of Helicopters to Alleviate the Resulting Economic and Social Disruption
Brief Description of the Effects on Health of the Earthquake of 3Rd March 1985 - Chile
British Disaster Planning and Management - An Initial Assessment
Canvey - Investigation of Potential Hazards from Operations in the Canvey Island Thurrock Area - Health-And-Safety-Executive
Challenges of international disaster relief: use of a deployable rapid assembly shelter and surgical hospital
Changes in Housing in Guatemala Following the 1976 Earthquake - with Special Reference to Earthen Structures and How They Are Perceived by Disaster Victims
Changes in reports and incidence of child abuse following natural disasters
Chaos, Order and World-View - Tibetan Refugees in Switzerland
Children's experience of conflict related emergencies: some implications for relief policy and practice
Chinas Tangshan City - One Year After Big Earthquake
Chinese Earthquake Policy
Cities under siege: problems, priorities and programs
Citizenry-Based Disaster Preparedness in the Philippines
Civil society and the state: Turkey after the earthquake
Classification Scheme for Evacuations
Climate Hazards: Lessons from Recent Events in the United States
Colloquium on Earth Construction Technologies, Brussels, 10-12Th December 1984
Community Evacuation Following A Chlorine Release, Mississippi
Community resilience and volcano hazard: the eruption of Tungurahua and evacuation of the Faldas in Ecuador
Community Response to Hazard Information
Community-based disaster management during the 1997 Red River Flood in Canada
Community-Planning for Disaster Relief
Complex political emergencies--grasping contexts, seizing opportunities
Computer-Simulation As A Means of Dialog Between Local Committees and Relief Agencies - A Case from Southern Sudan
Conducting Research on Disaster Mental-Health in Developing-Countries - A Proposed Model
Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Military Forces - Peacekeeping, Disaster Relief and Military Aid to the Civil Community - What Governments Can do - 25 April 1978, Council Chambers, Coventry, Uk
Conflict and International Relief in Contemporary African Famines, Church House, London, 26 March 1992
Conflict, the continuum and chronic emergencies: a critical analysis of the scope for linking relief, rehabilitation and development planning in Sudan
Conflict-induced displacement and involuntary resettlement in Colombia: putting Cernea's IRLR model to the test
Conflict-related mortality: an analysis of 37 datasets
Considerations for chemical decontamination shelters
Considerations on Health Relief, Guatemala Earthquake, 1976
Cool ground for aid providers: towards better security management in aid agencies
Coordination for Disasters
Coordination of International Relief Efforts
Coping strategies developed as a result of social structure and conflict: Kosovo in the 1990s
Coping with Riverbank Erosion Hazard and Displacement in Bangladesh - Survival Strategies and Adjustments
Coping with seismic vulnerability: small manufacturing firms in western Athens
Correcting Earthquake Damage Data for Population-Density
Counter-Disaster Training in Developing-Countries
Counterterrorism planning using the Hazardous Substances Events Surveillance system
Cracking the code: the genesis, use and future of the Code of Conduct
Crisis management to controlled recovery: the emergency planning response to the bombing of Manchester City Centre
Criteria for evaluating the condition of a tropical cyclone warning system
Critical incident stress debriefing: implications for best practice
Cross-Border Relief Operations in Eritrea and Tigray
Cruel wars and safe havens: humanitarian aid in Liberia 1989-1996
Cultural-Context of Shelter Provision
Curative Medicine Or Community-Health - Appropriate Health-Services with Refugees
Cyclone mitigation, resource allocation and post-disaster reconstruction in south India: lessons from two decades of research
Damage to A 5 Storey R/C Hotel Building Due to the 1978 Izu Oshima Kinkai Earthquake
Damage to Structures Caused by the Japan Sea Earthquake of 1983
Dead letter or living document? Ten years of the Code of Conduct for disaster relief
Death and Injury Resulting from Sudden-Onset Disasters
Defensive development? Re-examining the role of the military in complex political emergencies
Defining "disasters" with implications for nursing scholarship and practice
Deployment of a Navy Expeditionary Medical Facility to the horn of Africa
Depolarising the 'broadened' and 'back-to-basics' relief models
Desertification, Refugees and Regional Conflict in West Africa
Design and Validation of A Practical Index for Trauma Assessment
Designer disasters, a legacy to leave behind
Determining the Future-Policies for Disaster Management in the Southwest Pacific
Detroit Rumor Control Center, A Device for Intervention
Developing an emergency department based Special Operations Team: Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital's experience
Developing and implementing a surgical response and physician triage team
Developing decentralized capacity for disaster prevention: lessons from food security and nutrition monitoring in Malawi
Development After Disaster - A Conference on the Horn of Africa, University-Of-Manitoba, 29-30 May 1992
Development of a state medical-surge plan, part I: the procedures, process, and lessons learned or confirmed
Dilemmas and challenges for the shelter sector: lessons learned from the Sphere revision process
Directions for Social-Research in Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Relief
Disaster and Human Action and Social-Science and Disaster, Gorizia, Italy 26Th-27Th June 1981
Disaster and Public-Administration - Reflections of a Researcher
Disaster and Social-Science in Australia
Disaster and the Small Dwelling, Oxford, April 1978
Disaster Housing Aid - Program Planning-Model from Guatemala
Disaster Housing in Yugoslavia
Disaster in Bali Caused by Earthquake 1976 (A Report)
Disaster in the South-Pacific - Impact of Tropical Cyclone Namu on the Solomon-Islands, May 1986
Disaster Management - the State-Of-The-Art 1984 - Views of An International-Conference
Disaster management and government intervention in PNG: the case of Lae
Disaster Management Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Disaster management in the Caribbean
Disaster Mitigation - Strong Houses or Strong Institutions
Disaster mitigation and preparedness on the Nicaraguan post-Mitch agenda
Disaster mitigation and preparedness: the case of NGOs in the Philippines
Disaster mitigation, preparedness and response: an audit of UK assets
Identifying and mapping community vulnerability
IMERT deployment to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in response to Hurricane Katrina, September 2005
In defence of humanitarianism
Infant-Feeding in Emergencies
Information Systems and Needs Assessment in Natural Disasters: An Approach for Better Disaster Relief Management
Injuries associated with floods: the need for an international reporting scheme
Injury Prevention in Natural Disasters - A Theoretical Framework
Innocents abroad: Western fantasies of childhood and the iconography of emergencies
Institutional arrangements for flood hazard management in Malaysia: an evaluation using the criteria approach
Disaster nursing: a new and exciting specialty
Opportunities for British Involvement in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
Organizational Adaptation to Crises - Mechanisms of Coordination and Structural-Change
Overview of post-traumatic stress
Oxfam Field Directors Handbook 1976
Oxfam-World Neighbors Housing Education-Program in Guatemala
Oxfams Experience of Shelter Provision Following the Andhra-Pradesh Cyclone - Some Recent Comments
Panafrican Center for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Addis-Ababa
Pastoral and Environmental Security in East-Africa
Patterns of Giving and Receiving Help During Severe Winter Conditions - A Research Note
Pediatric emergency preparedness for mass gatherings and special events
Pediatric implications in bioterrorism: education for healthcare providers
Pediatric Morbidity and Mortality in Minas-Gerais, Brazil
Perceptions of Flood Among Bangladeshi Villagers
Perceptions of work in humanitarian assistance: interviews with returning Swedish health professionals
Permanent Post-Disaster Housing in Honduras - Aspects of Vulnerability to Future Disasters
Perpetual problem to plague those who study and mitigate disaster
Philippine Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster - Re-Examination of Behavioral Propositions
Physician preparedness for bioterrorism recognition and response: a Utah-based needs assessment
Physiological-Aspects of Shelter Deprivation
Planning Against Disasters with Poor Agrarian Communities - An Extension Perspective
Planning Basic Health-Services in Nigeria
Planning for Chemical Disasters in Greece
Planning for hospital emergency mass-casualty decontamination by the US Department of Veterans Affairs
Planning for Human-Settlements in Disaster-Prone Areas - the Chinese Experience
Planning for Urban Floods
Planning Processes in Disaster Prone Areas with Reference to Floods in Tunisia
Polands Crisis As A Disaster - the Private Sectors Response
Politicisation of humanitarian aid and its consequences for Afghans
Politics and humanitarian aid
Post Disaster Relief - the Supply - Management Challenge
Post-disaster housing reconstruction: a longitudinal study of resident satisfaction
Post-emergency epidemiological surveillance in Iraqi-Kurdish refugee camps in Iran
Post-traumatic stress: clinical implications
Post-War Settlement Reconstruction - Workshop Report, 16-17 May 1988
Post-war social reconstruction in Mozambique: re-framing children's experience of trauma and healing
Post-disaster Behavior of Some Communicable Diseases
Postdisaster Housing Reconstruction and Social-Inequality - A Challenge to Policy and Practice
Practical Experience with the Management of A Cholera Outbreak in A Refugee Camp in Eastern Sudan, 1985
Practical Problems Associated with Refugee Protection in Western Tanzania
Practical suggestions for helping emergency nurses handle mass casualties
Pre-Disaster Physical Planning - Integration of Disaster Risk Analysis Into Physical Planning - A Case-Study in Tunisia
Predictors for people's response to a tornado warning: Arkansas, 1 March 1997
Preliminary Assessment of Landslides Resulting from the Earthquake of 23rd November 1980 in Southern Italy
Preparedness for emergency response: guidelines for the emergency planning process
Preserving the Identity of Small Settlements During Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Italy
The Italian Earthquake - Relief Operations
The Logistics of Bulk Relief Supplies
The Long-Term Effects of the 1980 Earthquake on the Villages of Southern Italy
The Long-Term Impact of A Man-Made Disaster - An Examination of A Small Town in the Aftermath of the Three-Mile-Island Nuclear-Reactor Accident
The Manchester Earthquake of 14Th September 1777 - A Reappraisal of Contemporary Reports
The March 1980 Eruptions of Mt. St. Helens - Citizen Perceptions of Volcano Threat
The Chile Earthquake of March 1985
The continuing metamorphosis of the humanitarian practitioner: some new colours for an endangered chameleon
The Contribution of the Relief-And-Development-Institute to the Evolution of the Agenda on Famine and Emergency Relief
The Creation of Vulnerability to Natural Disaster - Case Studies from the Dominican-Republic
The Darel Valley Earthquake - An Overlooked Disaster in Northern Pakistan
The death of humanitarianism?: an anatomy of the attack
The Development and Practice of Emergency and Disaster Medicine in the United States
The Development of A Database on Disasters
The Development of Aid Agency Policy on the Use of Imported Biscuits in Emergency Relief
The Disaster Management Diploma - Continuing Professional-Education
The Disaster Warning Process - A Study of the 1981 Gujarat Cyclone
The disaster-to-development continuum
The Displaced Poor and Resettlement Policies in Bangladesh
The Effect of Field-Evaluation on Private Voluntary Organization Policy - A Critical Overview
The Effects of Disaster on Health - A Summary
The Effects of Flooding on Residential Property Values in 3 New Zealand Communities
The Effects of Flooding Upon Buildings in Developing-Countries
The efficacy of the neo-liberal individual choice model for encouraging post-disaster change: developments in the East Cape region of New Zealand following Cyclone Bola (March 1988)
The El-Asnam Earthquake - Notes from the Faultline
The Erzincan (Turkey) Earthquake, March 1992 - Psychosocial Consequences and Search and Rescue Teams
The Erzurum-Kars Earthquake Area Revisited
The Erzurum-Kars Earthquake of Eastern Turkey (1983)
The European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO): 1992-1999 and beyond
The fate of information in the disaster zone
The future of humanitarian action: mapping the implications of Iraq and other recent crises
The Future-Role of Undro - United-Nations-Economic-And-Social-Council, July 1980 - Statements and Annual-Report of the U.N. Disaster Relief Coordinators
The Gupis Debris Flow and Natural Dam, July 1980
The Hazard of Forest Fires in Southern France
The health effects of earthquakes in the mid-1990s
The Impact of a Hurricane on Routine Activities and on Calls for Police Service: Charlotte, North Carolina, and Hurricane Hugo
The Impact of Local Elites on Disaster Preparedness Planning - the Location of Flood Shelters in Northern Bangladesh
Disaster Preparedness and Regional Training on 9 Caribbean Islands - A Long-Term Evaluation
Disaster preparedness at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing: application of Haddon's 10 countermeasures to assess and plan
The Impact of Refugees on the Health-Status and Health-Services of Host Communities - Compounding Bad with Worse
The impact of the 1993 Latur-Osmanabad (Maharashtra) earthquake on lives, livelihoods and property
The Importance of the Social-Sciences to the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
The International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction - Background and Objectives
The International-Relief-Union of 1932
The Medical Work of A Volunteer Team in the Dominican-Republic Following Hurricanes David and Frederic
The mental health of expatriate and Kosovar Albanian humanitarian aid workers
The Mortality Experience of Kurdish Refugees Remaining in Turkey
The National Disaster Medical System--America's medical readiness force
The National Response Plan: Health and Human Services the lead for Emergency Support Function #8
The Needs of Children Following A Disaster - the 1990 Earthquake in the Philippines
The Needs of Elderly Persons in Natural Disasters - Observations and Recommendations
The new normal
The Northridge earthquake: community-based approaches to unmet recovery needs
The October 1988 Elia Prefecture Earthquake (SW Greece) - Seismic Environment, Building Types and Damage Patterns
The Parameters of Refugeeism and Flight - the Case of Laos
The Performance of the Sydney Flood Warning System, August 1986
The political economy of complex emergency and recovery in northern Ethiopia
The Politics of Disaster - Nicaragua
The Popayan Earthquake - A Preliminary-Report on Its Effects on Health
The Proposal for the Promotion of A New International Humanitarian
The Protection of China Ancient-Cities from Flood Damage
The Pyrenees Earthquake of 1660 - Effects in France
The Qiongshan Earthquake of July 1605
The rationality of resistance: alternatives for engagement in complex emergencies
The Recovery of Schools from Earthquake Effects - Lessons from Mexico-City
The Refugee Experience, Windsor, 22-24 February 1980
UNDRO - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation - Compendium of Current Knowledge - United-Nations
Unit for the Study of Trauma and Its Aftermath, the Tavistock Clinic, London
United-Nations and Disaster Relief in Sahel, 1973-75
Universalistic Statements About Human Social-Behavior
United-Nations Water Conference
Urban Flooding in Australia - Policy Development and Implementation
US government natural disaster assistance: historical analysis and a proposal for the future
Variations in Disaster Evacuation Behavior - Public Responses Versus Private-Sector Executive Decision-Making Processes
Vehicle Scheduling for Emergency Relief Management - A Knowledge-Based Approach
Vehicle Workshop Operations
Vertical evacuation drill of an intensive care unit: design, implementation, and evaluation
The Risks from Flooding - Which Risks and Whose Perception
The Role of Private International Assistance in Response to Major Disasters
The role of public health nurses in bioterrorism preparedness
The Role of Socio-Economic Data in Food-Needs Assessment and Monitoring
The Role of Technology in International Disaster Assistance - National Academy of Sciences
The Role of the Health Worker in Refugee Communities
The Role of the Individual Administrator in Famine Relief - 3 Case Studies
The Role of the Media in Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Management
The San-Salvador Earthquake of 10Th October 1986
The Social-Consequences of Australian Disasters
The Source Parameters, Surface Deformation and Tectonic Setting of 3 Recent Earthquakes - Thessaloniki (Greece), Tabas-E-Golshan (Iran) and Carlisle (UK)
The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Residential Real-Estate Values in Response to Flooding
The Sphere Project: the implications of making humanitarian principles and codes work
The Sri Lanka tsunami experience
The Strategic National Stockpile: roles and responsibilities of health care professionals for receiving the stockpile assets
The Structure of Regional Conflict in Northern Ethiopia
The study of natural disasters, 1977-1997: some reflection on a changing field of knowledge
The symphony of the damned: racial discourse, complex political emergencies and humanitarian aid
The Thames Barrier
The Thinness Chart
The threat of communicable diseases following natural disasters: a public health response
The Tragedy of Kampuchea
The Turkana of Northwest-Kenya
The United Nations' humanitarian pillar: refocusing the UN's disaster and emergency roles and responsibilities
The United States Experience in Managing Flood Plain Land Use
The United States Government Foreign Disaster Assistance Program: National Academy of Sciences
The United States Government Program in Emergency Shelter for Victims of Disasters in Foreign Lands
The urban poor in Dhaka City: their struggles and coping strategies during the floods of 1998
The use of cluster sampling to determine aid needs in Grozny, Chechnya in 1995
The Use of Newspaper Data in Historical Earthquake Studies
The Uses of Satellite Technology in Disaster Management
The Value of Hazard Zone Mapping - Water Authority Section-24(5) Surveys in England and Wales
The voice of experience: Australian nurses caring for victims of Bali bombing
The Vulnerability of Small Island States to Sea-Level Rise - the Need for Holistic Strategies
The walking blood bank: an alternative blood supply in military mass casualties
The WHO and What of Training for Disaster Relief
The Work of Le-Centre-Detudes-Psychosociologiques-Des-Sinistres-Et-De-Leur-Preventio N (Cepsp) in France
The Work of the Austrian-Relief-Committee-For-Afghan-Refugees 1984
The wreck of Amtrak's Sunset Limited: news coverage of a mass transport disaster
Therapeutic governance: psycho-social intervention and trauma risk management,
Thinking ahead about reproductive health: contingency planning and emergency preparedness in crisis situations (Iraq and West Africa)
Thinness Chart
Thought for Food - Suggestions for A Systematized Approach to Emergency Food Distribution Operations
Thresholds of Security in Different Societies
Through women's eyes: a gendered research agenda for disaster social science
To pause and reflect
Toowoomba - Role of An Australian Disaster Unit
Toowoomba - Victims and Helpers in An Australian Hailstorm Disaster
Tourists' Fear of Crime While on Holiday in Cape Town
Towards a redefinition of security in Central America: the case of natural disasters
Towards the Evaluation of Natural-Resource Management Projects in the Sahel
Toxicological Mass Disaster Management - A Hospital Deployment Scheme
Tracing - Another Aspect of Disaster Assistance
Traditional Balinese Earthquake Proof Housing Structure
Training Community-Health Workers in Refugee Camps - A Case-Study from Pakistan
Training for Crisis Management
Training for Disaster Preparedness in India
Training for Disaster Relief and Preparedness in the Health Sector of the America
Training for Emergency Humanitarian Action
Problems in Scientific Prediction
Problems of Beneficiary Registration in Food Emergency Operations
Profile of the Displaced in Khartoum
Programmes in chronically vulnerable areas: challenges and lessons learned
Proliferating principles; or how to sup with the devil without getting eaten
Prospects for Improved Hurricane Protection on Oceanic Islands - Hawaii After Hurricane Iwa
Protecting tourists from death and injury in coastal storms
Providing emergency care during a power outage: August 2003
Providing nursing care with federal disaster-relief teams
Proving It Each Day - the Value of A Third-World Experience
Psychological consequences of the 1992 Erzincan (Turkey) earthquake
Ugandan Refugees in Kenya - A Community of Enforced Self-Reliance
Unanticipated Repercussions of International Disaster Relief
Uncertainty and information flows in humanitarian agencies
Uncovering local perspectives on humanitarian assistance and its outcomes
Under the Volcano - Discussing Disasters in Japan
Victimization in Natural Disaster
Village Reconstruction in Lebanon
Disaster Preparedness for Farmers - A Methodology
Disaster Preparedness in the Pacific - Training and Preparedness Strategies
Disaster Preparedness Update - A Computerized Index of An Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief Bibliography of Interest for Latin-America and the Caribbean - Pan-Amer-Hlth-Org
Disaster prevention and mitigation - compendium of current knowledge .1. Volcanological aspects
Disaster prevention and mitigation - compendium of current knowledge .4. Meteorological aspects
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation - Motives and Methods
Disaster Relief in China
Disaster Relief in Sahel
Disaster Relief Operations in Andhra-Pradesh, Southern India, Following the Cyclone in November 1977
Disaster Relief Or Relief Disaster - A Challenge to the International Community
Disaster Relief Within Scope of Swedish Stand-by Force in Service of United-Nations
Disaster Research-Center, University-Of-Delaware
Disaster Simulation Exercises for Australian Nongovernment Organizations
Disaster Study of War
Disaster warning and evacuation responses by private business employees
Disaster-Preparedness in the America - Introduction
Disasters and development in agricultural input markets: bean seed markets in Honduras after Hurricane Mitch
Disasters and Disabled Persons - An Examination of the Safety Needs of A Neglected Minority
Disasters and Settlements - Towards An Understanding of the Key Issues
Disasters and Settlements
Disasters and the information technology revolution
Disasters and the Small Dwelling - Mitigation and Preparedness Measures
Disasters and the Small Dwelling - State of the Art
Disasters, Disaster Agents, and Response - A Bibliography
Disasters, family tracing and children's rights: some questions about the best interests of separated children
Disasters, the media and social structures: a typology of credibility hierarchy persistence based on a newspaper coverage of the Love Canal and six other disasters
Disastrous International Relief Failure.  A Report on Burmese Refugees in Bangladesh from May to December 1978
Displacements and Reconstruction - the Case of West Beirut - Lebanon
Doing the right thing: relief agencies, moral dilemmas and responsibility in political emergencies and war
Drought in Bangladesh - Lessons for Planners and Administrators
Drought Management in India - the Long-Term Perspective
Early warning and response: why the international community failed to prevent the genocide
Earthquake and Society - Solbiati,R, Marcellini,A
Earthquake drills and simulations in community-based training and preparedness programmes
Earthquake Prediction - Mogi,K
Earthquake Prediction and Public Policy: Panel On Public Policy Implications of Earthquake Prediction of Advisory Committee On Emergency Planning
Earthquakes in El Salvador: a descriptive study of health concerns in a rural community and the clinical implications--part II
Earthquakes in El Salvador: a descriptive study of health concerns in a rural community and the clinical implications: Part III--Mental health and psychosocial effects
East Timor emerging from conflict: the role of local NGOs and international assistance
Education and debriefing: strategies for preventing crises in crisis-line volunteers
Education and Training in Disaster Management in Australia
Education and Training of Medical-Students for Mass Casualties Situations
Planning for disasters after Katrina and Rita
Chemical or biological terrorist attacks: an analysis of the preparedness of hospitals for managing victims affected by chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction
Morbidity surveillance after Hurricane Katrina--Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, September 2005
International community efforts in prevention of nuclear terrorism
Catastrophies and mass casualties: contribution of anthropological expertise
Hurricane Katrina and the Paradoxes of Government Disaster Policy: Bringing About Wise Governmental Decisions for Hazardous Areas
Hurricane Katrina and the Flooding of New Orleans: Emergent Issues in Sheltering and Temporary Housing
Moral Hazard, Social Catastrophe: The Changing Face of Vulnerability along the Hurricane Coasts
President Bush and Hurricane Katrina: A Presidential Leadership Study
Rising to the Challenges of a Catastrophe: The Emergent and Prosocial Behavior following Hurricane Katrina
Weathering the Storm: The Impact of Hurricanes on Physical and Mental Health
The Political Costs of Failure in the Katrina and Rita Disasters
APA's response to international and national disasters and crises: addressing diverse needs. 2005 annual report of the APA policy and planning board
Eight months later: Hurricane Katrina aftermath challenges facing the Infectious Diseases Section of the Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Managing extreme natural disasters in coastal areas
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Hospital Surgical Physicians Exposed to Victims of Terror: A Prospective, Controlled Questionnaire Survey
Predictors of PTSD and Delayed PTSD After Disaster: The Impact of Exposure and Psychosocial Resources
Reports on Katrina highlight weaknesses in U.S. disaster preparedness and response
Setting priorities: global patterns of disaster risk
The last mile: earthquake risk mitigation assistance in developing countries
Attention should be paid to study the hospital response system to disaster and incident
Brief introduction on federal response plan in American
Brief introduction on federal response plan in America
Consideration of establishing the disaster medicinal system in China
Disaster relief and media propagation
Impact of disaster medicine as generalized from the characteristics and trend of development on medical support of United Nation peace maintaining activities in Liberia
Increasing the speed of construction of the public health incident command system in our country
National medical system of disaster in United States
Strengthen the study of emergency medical system on disaster and incident
Stress the study on disaster medicine in peri-disaster periods
Study on management of security organization of disaster medicine
Study on the method of first-aid for critical care on spot of disasters should be strengthened
Thinking about the education of disaster medicine in China
Human vulnerability, dislocation and resettlement: adaptation processes of river-bank erosion-induced displacees in Bangladesh
Humanitarian action and military intervention: temptations and possibilities
Humanitarian action in protracted crisis: an overview of the debates and dilemmas
Humanitarian crises: what determines the level of emergency assistance? Media coverage, donor interests and the aid business
Humanitarian Emergencies and Military Help - Some Conceptual Observations
Humanitarian information systems and emergencies in the Greater Horn of Africa: logical components and logical linkages
Humanitarian war: a new consensus?
Humanitarianism, pluralism and ombudsmen: do the pieces fit?
Hurricane Hugo-Related Deaths - South-Carolina and Puerto-Rico, 1989
Hurricanes and Agriculture - Losses and Remedial Actions
Insurance and Natural Disaster Management - Views and Findings of A Seminar in Townsville, 20-22Nd July 1983
Integration of different data bodies for humanitarian decision support: an example from mine action
Interface Between Earthquake Planning and Development-Planning - Case-Study and Critique of the Reconstruction of Huaraz, and the Callejon de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru, Following the 31 May 1970 Earthquake
Internal displacement in Burma
International Assistance to War Victims - Report of the Committee-On-International-Medical-And-Humanitarian-Law to the 60Th Conference of the International-Law-Association, Montreal 29Th August 4Th September 1982
Housing and Shelter Provision Following Earthquakes of February 4Th and 6Th, 1976
Housing Program by the Salvation-Army Following the 19 November 1977 Cyclone in Andhra-Pradesh
How do Community Officials Respond to Major Catastrophies
How is household vulnerability gendered? Female-headed households in the collectives of Suleimaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan
How Near Were We to Ruine - the Effects in England of the Earthquake of 8Th September 1692
The Relief Operation in Puno District, Peru, After the 1986 Floods of Lake Titicaca
The Response of the South-Manchester-Accident-Rescue-Team (Smart) to the Armenian Earthquake and Lockerbie Air Disaster - A Report to the Prime Ministers Office
The Responses of Professional Fire-Fighters to Disaster
The Rhode Island Medical Emergency Distribution System (MEDS)
Training International Refugee Relief Health-Workers
Training Materials and Agencies
Training of Expatriate Refugee Health-Workers - Principles and Practices
Training Refugees As Primary Health-Care Workers - Past Imperfect, Future Conditional
Forensic medicine team work of various countries in disasters
A terrorist suicide bombing at a nightclub in Tel Aviv: analyzing response to a nighttime, weekend, multi-casualty incident
The effects and consequences of very large explosive volcanic eruptions
First response, rehabilitation, and outcomes of hand and upper limb function: survivors of the Bali bombing disaster. A case series report
Predictors of fatigue in rescue workers and residents in the aftermath of an aviation disaster: a longitudinal study
The Importance of Estimating Selection Bias on Prevalence Estimates Shortly After a Disaster
Mental health problems among adults in tsunami-affected areas in southern Thailand
Hospital Disaster Preparedness in Los Angeles County
Characteristics of Medical Surge Capacity Demand for Sudden-impact Disasters
A consensus process on management of major burns accidents: lessons learned from the cafe fire in Volendam, The Netherlands
Are you ready to execute your facility's emergency management plans?
Wartime public health in Alaska
Federal aspects of health emergency planning
Psychological aspects of disaster
Public health and civil defense in Great Britain during the War
Role of health services in civil defense
The health aspects of civil defense
Incident reporting to mass media--difficult for emergency care physicians. Standard formularies as a help in the judicial jungle of interpretations
Creating a Regional Pediatric Medical Disaster Preparedness Network: Imperative and Issues
Disaster health education and training: a pilot questionnaire to understand current status
Disaster management following the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan
Frequency of post-traumatic stress disorder among relief force workers after the tsunami in Asia: do rescuers become victims?
Health Sciences Librarians' Reference Services During a DisasterMore than Collection Protection
In the path of disasters: psychosocial issues for preparedness, response, and recovery
International medical response to a natural disaster: lessons learned from the Bam earthquake experience
Predictors of psychological distress in survivors of the 1999 earthquakes in Turkey: effects of relocation after the disaster
Posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychological sequelae among World Trade Center clean up and recovery workers
The challenge of civil-military relations in international peace operations
The changing emphasis of disasters in Bangladesh NGOs
The Chenoua (Algeria) Earthquake of 29 October 1989
The Adaptation of A Traditional African Hut
The application of geographic information systems and global positioning systems in humanitarian emergencies: lessons learned, programme implications and future research
The Assessment and Perception of Risk
The Bangladesh Floods of 1984 in Historical Context
The Big Thompson Flood - Conference Report
The Cameroon Volcanic Gas Disaster - An Analysis of A Makeshift Response
The Canadian Flood Damage Reduction Program
Tsunami Caused by the Japan Sea Earthquake of 1983
Assisting Older Victims of Disasters. Roles and Responsibilities for Social Workers
Integrating Disaster Preparedness Into a Community Health Nursing Course: One School's Experience
Lessons Learned from Hurricane Rita: A Perspective from the Alexandria Experience for Future Medical Responses to Natural Disasters
Realities of Disaster Preparedness in Rural Hospitals
Social and Mental Health Needs Assessment of Katrina Evacuees
Globalisation, complex humanitarian emergencies and health
Proposed contingency plan and field management of hazardous spills in Egypt
A critical concern: pediatrician self-care after disasters
Critical concepts for children in disasters identified by hands-on professionals: summary of issues demanding solutions before the next one
Moving hospitalized children all over the southeast: interstate transfer of pediatric patients during Hurricane Katrina
Eritrea Refugees in Sudan
Escap-Wmo-Lrcs - Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas
Essential Drugs - A Cornerstone to Refugee Health-Care
Estimating the capacity of warehouses
Ethical codes in humanitarian emergencies: from practice to research?
Pediatricians' experiences 80 miles up the river: Baton Rouge pediatricians' experiences meeting the health needs of evacuated children
Using international practice techniques in Texas: Hurricane Katrina experiences: receiving patients in Longview, Texas, 350 miles from ground zero
Risk factors for psychological and physical health problems after a man-made disaster: Prospective study
The accuracy of mortality reporting in displaced persons camps during the post-emergency phase
Insurance and catastrophes: The changing role of the liability system
The 1992 Cairo Earthquake - Cause, Effect and Response
The 1998 flood in Bangladesh: is different targeting needed during emergencies and recovery to tackle malnutrition?
The 2Nd Mallet-Milne Lecture - the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
The 59Th Conference of the International-Law-Association, Belgrade, 1980
Preparation for the next major incident: are we ready?
Chemical accidents and disasters
Weapons of mass destruction: Overview of the CBRNEs (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives)
Ten-fold expansion of a burn unit in mass casualty: how to recruit the nursing staff
Tetrachlorodibenzo-Para-Dioxin Release at Seveso
The "Bureau-For-Overseas-Medical-Service
The 1928 eruption of Mount Etna volcano, Sicily, and the destruction of the town of Mascali
The 1988 Earthquake in Soviet Armenia - Implications for Earthquake Preparedness
Medical planning for a major event: the Pope's visit to Coventry Airport, 30 May 1982
The aftermath of a disaster. recovery following the volcanic eruptions in Montserrat, West Indies
Organization of civil defense health services in the soviet union
Medical liability and organization in the management of disasters
Medicolegal problems associated with catastrophies
New legal frontiers arising from public and private uses of nuclear energy
Organization of emergency health services in disasters
Radioactive substances: their use in industry; danger and prevention
Recent American experiences in mass deaths
Role of a surgical emergency department in the management of a disaster bringing a great number of patients with burns
The importance of autopsy in major disasters
The use of the computer in response to disaster
Effects of a tropical cyclone on the drinking-water quality of a remote Pacific island
Effects of Floods on the Use and Condition of Pit Latrines in Rural Bangladesh
Elements of resilience after the World Trade Center disaster: reconstituting New York City's Emergency Operations Centre
Emergency and Institutional Crisis in Peru During El Nino 1982-1983
Emergency Centers in Israel - A Small Community Organizes to Cope with War Related Crises
Emergency Food Aid from the European-Community
Emergency Mental-Health Services and A Major Aircraft Accident
Emergency preparedness for an extended utility outage
Emergency Sanitation for Refugees - Experiences in the Bangladesh Refugee Relief Camps, India, 1971-1972
Emergency Service Response and Costs in British Floods
Emergency Shelter
Emergency Telecommunications: The National Communications System in the United States
Emergency Vector Control After Natural Disaster
Engineering Management in Refugee Camps
Enhancing Evacuation Warning Compliance - Suggestions for Emergency Planning
ENSO and disaster: droughts, floods and El Nino/Southern Oscillation warm events
Environmental causes and impact of refugee movements: a critique of the current debate
Environmental Degradation and Political Constraints in Ethiopia
Environmental Sanitation and Water-Supply During Floods in Ecuador (1982-1983)
Environmental-Health and the 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone
Epidemiologic Surveillance Among Mozambican Refugees in Malawi, 1987-89
Epidemiological Surveillance of Diseases Following the Earthquake of 23rd November 1980 in Southern Italy
Epidemiological Surveillance of Diseases Following the Earthquake of 23rd November 1980, in Southern Italy - Discussion
Ethnic Nationalism and Structured Unemployment - Refugees in the Orange Free State
Evacuation Behavior and Three-Mile-Island
Evacuation Mapping - the Utility of Guidelines
Evacuation of a rural community hospital: lessons learned from an unplanned event
Evaluating the international humanitarian system: rationale, process and management of the joint evaluation of the international response to the Rwanda genocide
Evaluation of 2 Kurdish Refugee Camps in Iran, May 1991 - the Value of Cluster Sampling in Producing Priorities and Policy
Evaluation of disaster assistance
Evaluation of Humanitarian Assistance
Evaluation of the Oxfam Feeding Kits
Evaluative Research in A Refugee Camp - the Effectiveness of Community-Health Workers in Khao-I-Dang Holding Center, Thailand
Expanding opportunities for disaster nursing education
Experiences of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Targeting of Emergency Food Aid - A Report on A Workshop on Emergency Food Aid Targeting at the London-School-Of-Hygiene-And-Tropical-Medicine, London 4-6 January 1989
Experiences of the Collection and Use of Microlevel Data in Disaster Preparedness and Managing Emergency Operations
Expert Systems As Decision Aids for Disaster Management
Tabas-E-Golshan (Iran) - Catastrophic Earthquake of 16 September 1978 - Preliminary Field Report
Tamil Nadu Cyclone, November 1977 - Comparison of Newspaper Reports
Targeting the vulnerable: a review of the necessity and feasibility of targeting vulnerable households
Establishing And Refining Hurricane Response Systems For Long-Term Care Facilities
Health Care In New Orleans Before And After Hurricane Katrina
Katrina, the Tsunami, and Point-of-Care Testing: Optimizing Rapid Response Diagnosis in Disasters
Lessons learned from Hurricane Wilma
Posttraumatic stress disorder in disaster relief workers following direct and indirect trauma exposure to ground zero
Surgeon and hospital leadership during terrorist-related multiple-casualty events: a coup d'etat
Tales from a public health disaster. New York RN's share stories of caring in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina
The NurseResponse emergency database: lessons learned
Successes and Failures in Postdisaster Resettlement
Sudan Refugees, 1967-1980
Strategy and organizational disaster preparedness
Structural vs non-structural flood-alleviation measures in the Yangtze Delta: a pilot survey of floodplain residents' preferences
Struggle for Meaning - Reactions to Disaster Amongst Cypriot Refugees
Sturzstrom in the Upper Rhone Valley, Switzerland, 1584
Supplementary Feeding for Refugees and Other Displaced Communities - Questioning Current Orthodoxy
Surveillance for Adverse Health-Effects Following A Chemical-Release in West-Virginia
Survey on Water-Supply and Sanitation for Pulau Bidong
Survivor Syndrome
Taylor on Hillsborough - What Can We Learn
Ten criteria for evaluating the management of community disasters
Safety of vaccines affected by a power outage
Sahel - Information Crisis
Sanitary Consequences of Inundations
Satellite observations of Lava Lake activity at Nyiragongo volcano, ex-Zaire, during the Rwandan refugee crisis
Satellite remote sensing as a tool in Lahar disaster management
Saving enemy children: Save the Children's Russian relief operation, 1921-23
Say No to Casual Architecture
Scenario for A Housing Improvement Program in Disaster-Prone Areas
Seasonal Coping Strategies in Central Mali - 5 Villages During the Soudure
Seismic Protection of Un-Reinforced Masonry and Adobe Low-Cost Housing in Less Developed-Countries - Policy Issues and Design Criteria
Seismic Vulnerability at the Historic City of Noto, Southern Italy
Seismological Aspects of the Japan Sea Earthquake of 1983
Selective Feeding Programs in Ethiopia and East Sudan - 1985/1986
Settlement of Rural Refugees in Africa
Settlement Reconstruction After War - Workshop Report, 16-18 May 1989
Seveso - No Answers Yet
Behavioral Change in Earthquake Preparedness Due to Negative Threat Appeals: A Test of Protection Motivation Theory
Disaster Preparedness: Relationships Among Prior Experience, Personal Characteristics, and Distress
Earthquake Preparedness: Predictors in a Community Survey
Emotional Arousal and Helping Behavior in a Real-Life Emergency
Negative Threat Appeals and Earthquake Preparedness: A Person-Relative-to-Event (PrE) Model of Coping With Threat
Personal Responsibility for Tornado Preparedness: Commitment or Choice?
Predicting Evacuation in Two Major Disasters: Risk Perception, Social Influence, and Access to Resources
The Effect of a Swarm of Local Tornados on Tornado Preparedness: A Quasi-Comparable Cohort Investigation
The Effects of Values on Worries Associated With Acute Disaster: A Naturally Occurring Quasi-Experiment
The Preparedness and Reactions of Citizens to Warnings and Crisis Relocation for Nuclear Attack
Threat, Knowledge, and Support for a Collective Response to Urban Flooding
Tornado Preparedness of Students, Nonstudent Renters, and Nonstudent Owners: Issues of PrE Theory
When Disaster Strikes
Few Comments on the Political Dimensions of Disaster Assistance
Field observations: Disaster Medical Assistance Team response for Hurricane Charley, Punta Gorda, Florida, August 2004
Field Report of A Visit to Eastern Turkey
Fiji, Land of Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes - A Case-Study of Agricultural Rehabilitation
Flood control projects in Bangladesh: reasons for failure and recommendations for improvement
Flood Hazards in Bangladesh - Hazards Forum Seminar, Institution-Of-Civil-Engineers, London, 23 March 1993
Flood Losses - Significance of the Commercial Sector
Flood Policy Reversal in New-South-Wales, Australia
Flood Prevention and Mitigation in the Peoples Republic of Mozambique
Flood Warning Dissemination
Floods and Families in Pakistan - A Survey
Floods and Livestock in Bangladesh
Florence Flood Hazard - Finding A Way Out of the Chaos
For Their Own Good - Ethiopias Villagisation Program - A Report from Survival International
Foreign Military Resources for Disaster Relief - An NGO Perspective
From Disaster to Development - Notes from India
From disaster to sustainable civil society: the Kobe experience
From Drought Relief to Postdisaster Recovery - the Case of Botswana
From emergency to social-security in Sudan -n 1. The problem
From emergency to social-security in sudan - 2. The donor response
From policy to practice: challenges in infant feeding in emergencies during the Balkan crisis
From relief to development: food for work in Bangladesh
From relief to development: the long-term effects of 'temporary' accommodation on refugees and displaced persons in the Republic of Croatia
Future Disaster Planning in the United-Kingdom
General and Particular Observations on Sheltering and Housing in American Disasters
Getting the scale right: a comparison of analytical methods for vulnerability assessment and household-level targeting
Global Systems and Local Disasters - Untapped Power of Peoples Science
Governing the borderlands: decoding the power of aid
Guatemala: violence in peacetime--a critical analysis of the armed conflict and the peace process
Guide to Emergency Planning - Soc-Ind-Emergency-Serv-Officers
Guidelines for the Safe Handling of Pesticides During Their Formulation, Packing, Storage and Transport
Health and Nutrition Service Delivery to Refugees in the Somali Democratic-Republic, 1980
Health Assessment of the 1985 Flood Disaster in Puerto-Rico
Health Consequences of the Floods in Bolivia in 1982
Health Implications of the Tumaco Earthquake, Colombia, 1979
Health Response to A Large and Rapid Influx of Albanian Refugees in Southern Italy, 1991
Health Sector Implications of the 1988 Earthquake in Yunnan Province, China
Health Work in Refugee Camps - Some Lessons from Somalia
Health Aspects of the Mexico Earthquake - 19Th September 1985
Health Care for Refugees in Northeast Somalia
Sterimobile - Multi-Role Emergency Unit for Drinking-Water and Power
Standardising and mapping open-source information for crisis regions: the case of post-conflict Iraq
Some Notes on Defining Disaster - Suggestions for A Disaster Continuum
Some Observations on Communication with Non-Literate Communities
Some Practical Notes on A Names Taboo in Western Tanzania
Some Thoughts on Communication
Sources of Data for Food Aid Analysis
Space Enclosures for Emergencies in Developing-Countries
Special Report on the Oxford Refugee Conference - Giving Refugees A Voice - Report on A Symposium Sponsored by Queen-Elizabeth-House, Oxford March 1984 - Address Opening the International-Symposium - Assistance to Refugees - Alternative Viewpoints
Spontaneous Resettlement After Drought - An Ethiopian Example
Social-Investigation - Some Preliminary Considerations
Socio-economic restructuring and vulnerability to environmental hazards in Bulgaria
Some Aspects of Disaster Research
Some Epidemiologic Features of Disasters in Guatemala
Some Initial Lessons from Guatemala
Some Needed Cross-Cultural Studies of Emergency Time Disaster Behavior - 1St Step
Squatters Nightmare - the Political-Economy of Disasters and Disaster Response in Zambia
Snow Avalanche Hazards in the Glen Nevis and Glen Coe Areas of Scotland
Snow-Avalanche Hazards, Southern Glacier National-Park, Montana - the Nature of Local Knowledge and Individual-Responses
Social and Ecological Aspects of Resettlement and Villagization Among the Konso of Southwestern Ethiopia
Listening to Rural People in Africa - the Semistructured Interview in Rapid Rural Appraisal
Livelihood Patterns of Displaced Households in Greater Khartoum
Long-Term Disaster Recovery by Labor Based Engineering
Medical Mission to A Refugee Camp in Thailand
Medical-Care in Refugee Camps - Feedback
Medical-Care in Refugee Camps
Microcomputers and Disaster Responses
Military intervention and humanitarian action: trends and issues
Military participation in emergency humanitarian assistance
Misanthropy without borders: the international children's rights regime
Mobilizing and managing the caring power of a community in times of need
Mortality and Morbidity in Refugee Camps in Eastern Sudan - 1985-90
Mortality, violence and lack of access to healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Moving beyond imagination
Nation of Refugees
NATO and Disaster Relief
Social Etiology of Disasters
Social and Political Aspects of the South Italian Earthquake of 1980
Social Aspects of Disasters and Their Relevance to Pre-Disaster Planning
Social capital and the political economy of violence: a case study of Sri Lanka
Simulation Exercises in Disaster Preparedness Training
HIPAA and disaster research: preparing to conduct research
Historic Disasters
Hope suspended: morality, politics and war in central Africa
Household behaviour in response to earthquake risk: an assessment of alternative theories
Housing and Cultural Priorities - Asia Minor Greek Refugees of 1922
International Disaster Action - Advancing Slowly, But How Surely
International Disaster Assistance - Some Comments on Inceptions
International Disaster Relief - Developments in the European Economic-Community
International Disaster Relief: Recent Developments in the United States
International Hazards Panel
International NGOs and the role of network centrality in humanitarian aid operations: a case study of coordination during the 2000 Mozambique floods
International Response to Disaster in Guatemala
International Solidarity and Humanitarian Actions, A Congress Held in San-Remo, Italy, Sponsored by the International-Institute-Of-Humanitarian-Law, 10-13Th September 1980
International-Disaster-Institute - Workshop on Training in Disaster Relief
Interviews with Key Informants and Household Surveys - Central Ethiopia
Iraq - A Disaster for the 1990S
Is the Environment Becoming More Hazardous - A Global Survey 1947 to 1980
Issues in agricultural rehabilitation .1
Issues in agricultural rehabilitation .2
Issues in Disaster Management-Training
Joint Regional Exercise ("JREX") 2000
Kampuchea - Relief Agency Appeals in the British Press, 1979-1980
Karamoja - A Catastrophe Contained
Knowledge and power: a critique of an international relief operation
Lake Elsinore Disaster - the Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
Land-Use Planning, Vulnerability and the Low-Income Dwelling
Landfill Gas - A Potential Environmental-Hazard
Landslides, risk and decision-making in Kinnaur District: bridging the gap between science and public opinion
Large-scale urban disaster drill involving an explosion: lessons learned by an academic medical center
Lebanese Emergency - Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief and Oxfam Response
The 2004 tsunami in Penang, Malaysia: early mental health intervention
Lessons from A School Building Project, and Refugee Relief Operations - Bangladesh - 1975-77
Lessons from North Carolina
Lessons in Logistics from Somalia
Role of Technology in International Disaster Assistance - National-Research-Council
Romanian Earthquake of 4 March 1977
Rural Center and City Slum After Guatemala Earthquake
Rural Refugees in Africa - Past Experience, Future Pointers
Rural Refugees in Africa - What the Eye Does Not See
Shelter After Disaster
Shelter for the Homeless After A Flood Disaster - Practical Experience in Southwest Afghanistan
Shelter, Housing and Recovery - A Comparison of United States Disasters
Shelters from the Storm - A Note on the Geography of Hurricane Shelters in Barbados, 1982
Should Pastoralism Continue As A Way of Life
Lessons Learned from the Use of Aquaprivy Sanitation Units in Khmer Holding Centers in Thailand, 1979-1982
Lessons Learnt by Oxfam from Their Experience of Shelter Provision 1970-1978
Let them eat risk? Wealth, rights and disaster vulnerability
Natural Disaster and Socioeconomic Change - Post-Frost Adjustments in Parana, Brazil
Natural Disasters and Vulnerability Analysis
Natural hazard reporting in the UK press
Nature's impartiality, man's inhumanity: reflections on terrorism and world crisis in a context of historical disaster
Needless Disaster
Needs assessment of the displaced population following the August 1999 earthquake in Turkey
Neoliberalism and criticisms of earthquake insurance arrangements in New Zealand
New Evidence for An Earthquake in China on 8Th December 1816
New Look for Canadas Emergency Planning Digest
New Organizational Approaches for Speeding Food Relief in International Disasters - the Potential Contribution of Technology
New Policy Directions in Disaster Preparedness and Response in Ethiopia
Newspaper Reporting of Bushfire Disaster in Southeastern Australia - Ash Wednesday 1983
NGO initiatives in risk reduction: an overview
Nicaragua Report
No Survivors - Nothing to do
Non-Natural Disasters - An Epidemiological Review
Normalising the crisis in Africa
Northern Italian Dam Failure and Mudflow, July 1985
Norwegian Red-Cross in Guatemala
Note on A Recent Visit to the Area Affected by the 1983 Eruption of Mount Etna
Notes - Situation Report, Disaster Research in the UK Delivered to Session on the Sociology of Disaster, 9Th-World Congress of Sociology, Uppsala, Sweden, 13-19 August 1978
Notes from West Beirut
Notes on Health-Care in Refugee Camps
Notes on the Repatriation of Somali Refugees from Ethiopia
Notes on the Situation in Peru and Bolivia
Notes Toward A Manual on the Preparation of Simulation Exercises for Disaster Management
Nursing students' perceptions about disaster nursing
Nutritional-Status of Hospitalized Preschool-Children in Dominica, Before and After Hurricane David
Nutritional-Status of Vulnerable Groups in Evacuation Centers During the Eruption of La-Soufriere Volcano in St-Vincent, 1979
Observations from the Eefit Mission to the Mexico Earthquake, September 1985
Observations on Community Based Flood Hazard Mitigation in the United States
Observations on the Development of Educational-Materials Following the Andhra-Pradesh Cyclone, 1977
Obstacles in Assisting Refugees
Of Camps and Children - Feeding Shelters and Their Potential Implications for Long-Term Development and Household Viability
Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance: Disaster-Related Training
Old Theories Dont Apply - Implications of Communications in Crises
Once the Running Stops - Assimilation of Angolan Refugees Into Zambian Border Villages
Operational Value of Anthropometric Surveillance in Famine Early Warning and Relief - Wollo Region, Ethiopia, 1987-88
Primary Care Medicine in the Refugee Relief Program of Eastern Sudan
Psychological well-being of refugee children
Psychosocial care and shelter following the Bijlmermeer air disaster
Public nutrition in emergencies: an overview of debates, dilemmas and decision-making
Public-Health Aspects of Volcanic Hazards - Evaluation and Prevention of Excessive Morbidity and Mortality Due to Natural Disasters
Putting People Firstt Again - Nongovernmental Organizations and the New Orthodoxy for Development
Quality design: a planning methodology for the integration of refugee and local health services, West Nile, Uganda
Questionable accountability: MSF and Sphere in 2003
Rabaul Eruption Risk - Population Awareness and Preparedness Survey
Race, ethnicity and disasters in the United States: a review of the literature
Rainfall and Flooding in the Guayas River Basin and Its Effects on the Incidence of Malaria 1982-1985
Random Rubble
Rapid assessment of household needs in the Houston area after Tropical Storm Allison
Rapid assessment of population size by area sampling in disaster situations
Rapid assessment of the needs and health status in Santa Rosa and Escambia counties, Florida, after Hurricane Ivan, September 2004
Rapid Postdisaster Community Needs Assessment - A Case-Study of Guatemala After the Civil Strife of 1979-1983
Reframing risk: the changing context of disaster mitigation and preparedness
Reaction and Response to Flooding in An Extensive Distributary Channel System
Recent Trends in the International Relief System
Reconstruction Following Seismic Disaster in Venzone, Friuli
Reconstruction in Guatemala
Reconstruction of Darwin After Cyclone Tracy
Reconstruction of Friuli - Emergency Versus Long-Term Planning
Recovery After Disaster - Achieving Sustainable Development, Mitigation and Equity
Recovery Following the Gediz Earthquake - A Study of 4 Villages of Western Turkey
Recovery Following the South Italian Earthquake, November 1980 - 2 Contrasting Examples
Red Cross and Refugees
Red-Cross Disaster Relief Handbook
Redefining Decision - Implications for Managing Risk and Uncertainty
Reducing Vulnerability to Drought and Famine - Developmental Approaches to Relief
Reflections on 7 Years at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Reflections on the Late Earthquake in North Wales on 19 July 1984
Refugee Camps and Camp Planning - State of Art
Refugee Camps in Somalia - A Micro Survey (March 1980)
Refugee children in Sweden: post-traumatic stress disorder in Iranian preschool children exposed to organized violence
Refugee Health-Care - Similar But Different
Refugee Income Generating Projects and Occupational-Health
Refugee Journey
Regional medical services following a large earthquake: proposals by doctors
Regional medicine following a large earthquake: economy-class syndrome
Rehabilitation in complex political emergencies: is rebuilding civil society the answer?
Relationship Between Disaster Assistance and Long-Term Development
Reliability of Recorded Death Rates Among Burmese Refugees in Bangladesh - Reply
Reliability of Recorded Death Rates Among Burmese Refugees in Bangladesh
Relief and Development in Conflict Regions
Relief Induced Agonism
Relief Work After the South Italy Earthquake, November 1980
Relief Workers and Violations of Humanitarian Law - Some Legal Considerations
Rendering the world unsafe: 'vulnerability' as western discourse
Repatriation of 150,000 Sudanese Refugees from Ethiopia - the Manipulation of Civilians in A Situation of Civil Conflict
Report on A Visit to Sudan November 1984-1985
Report on the July 1979 Meeting on Refugees Called at Geneva by United-Nations Secretary-General
Research in the war zones of Eritrea and northern Ethiopia
Research, Planning and Refugees
Researching under fire: issues for consideration when collecting data and information in war circumstances, with specific reference to relief and reconstruction projects
Residents Preparedness and Response to the Kalamazoo Tornado
Resolving the Sooner Vs Later Controversy Surrounding the Public Announcement of Earthquake Predictions
Response in Togo to the Impact of Expulsions from Nigeria
Responses to Natural and Man-Made Hazards in Borno, Northeast Nigeria
Restocking Refugee Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa
Restoring Regenerative Systems of Production in Sub-Saharan Africa - Research Requirements
Restoring sanitation services after an earthquake: field experience in Bam, Iran
Rights, standards and quality in a complex humanitarian space: is Sphere the right tool?
Risk and the neoliberal state: why post-Mitch lessons didn't reduce El Salvador's earthquake losses
Risk factors for death in the 27 March 1994 Georgia and Alabama tornadoes
Risk removed? Steps towards building trust in humanitarian mine action
Risk-Factors in Social-Change
Hurricane Katrina. One year after, New Orleans researchers struggle to rebuild
Care extended by Iwate Medical School to the residents of the disaster-stricken areas: toward mid- to long-term plans
Machine learning-based data mining method for sentiment analysis of the Sewol Ferry disaster's effect on social stress
A national survey of terrorism preparedness training among pediatric, family practice, and emergency medicine programs
Applying Roberts' Triple ABCD Model in the aftermath of crisis-inducing and trauma-inducing community disasters
Disaster mental health care: the experience of Turkey
Disaster mental health: lessons learned from the Hanshin Awaji earthquake
Internet-based intervention for mental health and substance use problems in disaster-affected populations: a pilot feasibility study
Making the Decision to Report to Work in a Disaster: Nurses may have conflicting obligations
Nurses and emergency disasters: What is known
Predicting the unpredictable: PPE planning for a natural disaster
Prepping for disaster. Intermountain health care invests in technology to help with business-continuity planning
Special teams for medical/psychological intervention in disaster victims
Accommodation to Threat
Agencies and Los-Angeles Earthquake
American Red-Cross Response to Disasters
American Religious Organizations in Disaster - Study of Congregational Response to Disaster
The American National Red Cross and Image Maintenance -- A Research Note
Broadcasters Guide to Planning for A Natural Disaster
Centralization and Natural Disaster Response - Preliminary Hypothesis and Interpretations
Communication Under Conditions of Uncertainty: Understanding Earthquake Forecasting
Comparative-Study of Disaster - Social Organizational Approach
Crisis: Group Response to Emergency
Current Thinking About Crisis or Psychological Intervention in United States Disasters
Delivery of Emergency Medical-Services in Disasters
Differential Distribution of Death in Disaster - Test of Theoretical Propositions
Differential Response of Hospital Personnel to A Disaster
Disaster Body Handling
Disaster in History
Disaster Warning and Communication Processes in Two Communities
Disasters and Emergency Medical-Care - Methods, Theories and Research Agenda
Earthquake prediction and public policy - Distillations from a National Academy of Sciences report
Earthquake Prediction and Public Policy
Earthquake Prediction Volunteers: What Can the United States Learn from China?
EMS Delivery in Mass Emergencies - Preliminary Research Findings
Evacuation Decision-Making in Natural Disasters
The Friuli Earthquake as an Agent of Social Change in a Rural Area
Guatemala - Aid Disaster Relief Program and Reports on Post-Earthquake Distribution of Building-Materials
Guatemala Earthquake of 4 February 1976 -- Case Study of a Disaster Relief Agency's Operations
Hail As Sudden Disaster - Public Response to Hail Suppression Activity
Hazard Warning Research
How a Community Hospital Emergency Department Coped with a Massive Blizzard
Hurricane Response and Hurricane Perception in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Impact of Disaster on Primary Group Linkages
Importance of Preparatory Measures in Disaster Evacuations
Individual and Organizational Response to Threat
Integrated Systems and Emergent Norm Approach to Mass Emergencies
Interagency Relationships and Conflict in Disaster: Wilkes-Barre Experience
International-Domestic Transformations in Disaster Assistance - Messages and Goods
Issues Faced in Programming Guatemala Disaster Rehabilitation Assistance - Views and Impressions of An Agency Programmer
Its A Matter of Myths - Empirical-Examination of Individual Insight Into Disaster Response
Mass Emergency Problems and Planning in United Kingdom from the Perspective of the Police
New Aspects of Sociology of Disaster - Theoretical Note
Operations and Planning in Multiple Casualty Incidents
Organizational Response to Disaster - Typology of Adaptation and Change
Organizational-Environmental Processes in Response to Threat
Partial Recovery and Reconstruction After Disaster - Lice Case
Persistent Effects of Disasters on Daily Activities - Cross-Cultural-Comparison
Philosophy of Precautionary Planning
Planning for Emergency Operations
Post Disaster Consensus and Conflict in A Traditional Society - 1970 Avalanche of Yungay, Peru
Post-Disaster Housing in Honduras After Hurricane Fifi - Assessment of Some Objectives
Post-Disaster Reconstruction Planning - Cases of Nicaragua and Guatemala
Post-Disaster Rumor Chains - Case-Study
Predicting Response to Hurricane Warnings - Reanalysis of Data from 4 Studies
Prevalence and Effectiveness of Centralized Medical Responses to Mass Casualty Disasters
Problem of Needs Assessment in Delivery of EMS
Provision of Primary Care During a Period of Natural Disaster or Large-Scale Emergency
Responsibility for Delivery of Emergency Medical-Services in A Mass Casualty Situation - Problem of Overlapping Jurisdictions
Rumors in a disaster
Service Utilization and Adjustment Patterns of Elderly Tornado Victims in An American Disaster
Social Integration Among Disaster Relief Volunteers - Survey
Some Observations on Effect of EMS Law on Disaster Related Delivery Systems
Towards a Community Disaster Model for Policy Analysis
Training on Personnel, Exercises and Studies of Contingency Planning - Practical Experiences of a British Emergency Planning Officer
Vocal Alarm Systems for High-Rise Buildings - Case-Study
Biological weapons : Hospital preparedness to bioterrorism and other infectious disease emergencies
Emergency preparedness: things to consider before the game starts
Impact of a media campaign for disaster mental health counseling in post-September 11 New York
Learning from each other. The social work role as an integrated part of the hospital disaster response
Life-altering decisions. Katrina-related murder arrests for three New Orleans healthcare workers could have major implications for industry
Medical student support team: an answer to a disaster relief need
News coverage analyses of mental health services immediately after September 11, 2001
Nutrition educators have a role to play in disaster preparedness and relief
An evacuation of 400 mental patients: implications for continuity and change
Perfect and Imperfect Duties to Aid
When Disaster Becomes Commonplace: Reaction of children and adolescents to Prolonged terrorist attacks in Israel
Response to Social Crisis and Disaster
Sociological Inquiry and Disaster Research
Federal health policy response to Hurricane Katrina: what it was and what it could have been
Who Will Care for Iraq's Wounded Warriors? Health Policy and National Security
Background Note on Preliminary Findings and Impressions of DRC Studies
Bradford City Football Stadium Fire
Carbonyl Sulfide in Fire Gases
Catastrophe dynamics of dust-cloud ignition phenomena
Comments on Jail Fire - Reply
Comments on Jail Fire
Comments on Jail Fire
Comments on Jail Fire
Contemporary Role of the Researcher in Fire Disaster Litigation in the United States
Dupont Plaza and the MGM Grand -- Could they happen again?
Earthquakes, Fires and Urban Areas - All the Ingredients for a Disaster
Emergency Service Leaders Should Take Full Charge of Emergency Incidents
Evacuation of a theatre: Exercise vs calculations
Evaluating probable risk of evacuees in institutional buildings
Designing gaming simulations for the assessment of group decision support systems in emergency response
Disaster Plannings Key - Cooperation
Do Multi-Layer Draperies Pass the Single-Layer Fire Test
Hazard Assessment Techniques Used in the Chemical-Industry and Their Possible Uses Elsewhere
Hazardline - A Rapid Response to Requests for Hazardous Materials Information
Hotel Firesafety - Comment
Formulation and solution of a multi-commodity, multi-modal network flow model for disaster relief operations
Incendiarism - Overview and An Appraisal
Insights from the distant past into underground methane explosions
Intumescent Coatings and Their Uses
Kepone: a chemical disaster in Hopewell, Virginia
Management of risks in societal planning - an analysis of scope and variety of health, safety and security issues in municipality plan documents
Measuring post-disaster transportation system performance: the 1995 Kobe earthquake in comparative perspective
National review of hurricane evacuation plans and policies: a comparison and contrast of state practices
Collapse and damage to vernacular buildings induced by 2012 Emilia earthquakes
Paradox of Permanency in A Resettled New Hebridean Community
Performance of a single glazing assembly exposed to a fire in the centre of an enclosure
The Value of Effective Communication - Introduction
Screening for complicated grief among Project Liberty service recipients 18 months after September 11, 2001
Shopping Malls Demand A Pre-Incident Action Plan
Stand-by Research Capacity
A comparative analysis of two external health care disaster responses following hurricane Katrina
Airplane crash in Guam, August 6, 1997: the aeromedical evacuation response
Annual bed statistics give a misleading picture of hospital surge capacity
Are regional hospital pharmacies prepared for public health emergencies?
Burn centers and disaster response
Burn-Injured Patients in a Disaster: September 11th Revisited
Can burn centers evacuate in response to disasters?
Disaster planning: learning from the past, preparing for the future
Disease, Disaster, and Democracy: The Public's Stake in Health Emergency Planning
Florida's 2005 hurricane season: lessons continuing to be learned
Management of Conventional Mass Casualty Incidents: Ten Commandments for Hospital Planning
Planning for burn disasters: lessons learned from one hundred years of history
Recent research from Lessons Learned Information Sharing: the importance of partnerships in the rural water response to Hurricane Katrina
Reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: A research perspective
Strange bedfellows? Reflections on bioethics' role in disaster response planning
Triage Accuracy at a Multiple Casualty Incident Disaster Drill: The Emergency Medical Service, Fire Department of New York City Experience
When disaster strikes: getting ready for the next big one: Part I
Why Medical Students Should Be Trained in Disaster Management: Our Experience of the Kashmir Earthquake
The Southern Region Burn Disaster Plan
The public health response to disasters in the 21st century: reflections on Hurricane Katrina
The impact of natural disaster on the health of older adults: a multiwave prospective study
The politics of "natural" disaster: who made Mitch so bad?
The LAFD Task Force Concept Works for Haz-Mat Incidents
The Newark Texaco Explosion: How It Could Have Been Prevented
Disaster preparedness in schools for chemical and radiological weapons and agents of opportunity
Hurricane Katrina: medical response at the Houston Astrodome/Reliant Center Complex
Recommendations to improve post-disaster HIA: planning before the disaster
The UK experience with Health Impact Assessment of disasters
Space power as a response to global catastrophes
Managing mass casualties
Suicide Risk Among Chernobyl Cleanup Workers in Estonia Still Increased: An Updated Cohort Study
Do trauma centers have the capacity to respond to disasters?
Fear of Terrorism and Preparedness in New York City 2 Years After the Attacks: Implications for Disaster Planning and Research
Hurricane Katrina and the healthcare infrastructure: A focus on disaster preparedness, response, and resiliency
Keeping patients safe when disaster strikes
Simulation Training for a Mass Casualty Incident: Two-Year Experience at the Army Trauma Training Center
The Measurement of Daily Surge and Its Relevance to Disaster Preparedness
After September 11, 2001: How transit agencies prepare for the threat of terrorism
Antiterrorism security and surface transportation systems
Assessing emergency preparedness of transit agencies: Focus on performance indicators
Comparative Analysis of Three Crisis Intervention Models Applied to Law Enforcement First Responders During 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina
Swissair Flight 111 Disaster Response Impacts: Lessons Learned From the Voices of Disaster Volunteers
Using Stress, Appraisal, and Coping Theories in Clinical Practice: Assessments of Coping Strategies After Disasters
Waves Amidst War: Intercultural Challenges While Training Volunteers to Respond to the Psychosocial Needs of Sri Lankan Tsunami Survivors
A Trauma and Recovery Model for Victims and Their Families after a Catastrophic School Shooting: Focusing on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Psychological Effects and Needs
An Examination of the American Response to Terrorism: Handling the Aftermath Through Crisis Intervention
Child and Adolescent Needs in a Time of National Disaster: Perspectives for Mental Health Professionals and Parents
COP-2-COP Hotlines: Programs to Address the Needs of First Responders and Their Families
Disaster medical response
Earthquakes and crush syndrome casualties: Lessons learned from the Kashmir disaster
Learning from conflict and disaster in the Eastern Mediterranean region
Organization of care for the injured and sick in the conditions caused by terrorism, disasters, traffic accidents and pandemics using experiences acquired in patriotic war
Crisis Debriefing Groups for Emergency Responders: Reviewing the Evidence
Evacuation route selection based on tree-based hazards using light detection and ranging and GIS
Lessons from Katrina and Rita: What major disasters can teach transportation planners
Two-level integrated optimization system for planning of emergency evacuation
Louisiana highway evacuation plan for Hurricane Katrina: Proactive management of a regional evacuation
E-smart threat agent system
A Katrina experience: lessons learned
The response to Hurricane Katrina: Iowa's interstate cooperation and lessons learned
Transient modeling in simulation of hospital operations for emergency response
Weapons of mass destruction preparedness and response for the XIV Pan-American Games, Santo Domingo, 2003
What a disaster! Assessing utility of simulated disaster exercise and educational process for improving hospital preparedness
Disaster preparedness: experience from a smoke inhalation mass casualty incident
Guidelines for dealing with disasters involving large numbers of extensive burns (2006)
Pediatric disaster preparedness: what do we do next?
School performance and social-emotional behavior of primary school children before and after a disaster
Training of disaster managers at a masters degree level: From emergency care to managerial control
Ready for our children? Results from a survey of upstate New York hospitals' utilization of pediatric emergency preparedness toolkit guidance
An opportunity: improving client services during disaster relief
Are Male Disaster Workers With Vietnam Military Service at Greater Risk for PTSD Than Peers Without Combat History?
Business and public health collaboration for emergency preparedness in Georgia: a case study
Hurricane Katrina and the LSU-New Orleans Department of Medicine: Impact and Lessons Learned
Hurricane Rita forces Texas physicians back into action
Lessons Learned From Hurricane Mitch: A Guide for Holistic Practice
Post-disaster resettlement, development and change: a case study of the 1990 Manjil earthquake in Iran
Rebuilding institutional programs in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina: the Tulane experience
Restoring and reforming ambulatory services and internal medicine training in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina
Tackling disaster: medicine's "trusted agent" role becomes evident
The concept of resilience revisited
Violence and complex humanitarian emergencies: implications for livelihoods models
An LNG release, transport, and fate model system for marine spills
A Study of Mass Media Reporting in Emergencies
Global Climate Changes, Natural Disasters, and Travel Health Risks
A Social Explanation of Urban Relocation After Earthquakes
Murder or Mercy? Hurricane Katrina and the Need for Disaster Training
A Conceptual Approach to the Social Psychological Study of Disaster Recovery
A Call for Dynamic Hazard Assessment
A cross-cultural analysis of natural disaster response: the Northwest Italy floods of 1994 compared to the U.S. midwest floods of 1993
A Cultural Analysis of Conflicts in Industrial Disaster
A Half Century of Hazards Dissertation Research in Geography
A Propositional Paradigm for Estimating the Impact of Disasters on Mental Health
A Study of Pet Rescue in Two Disasters
A Test of Situational Communication Theory: Public Response to the 1990 Browning Earthquake Prediction
Adopting Integrated Emergency Management in The United States: Political and Organizational Challenges
Adoption and Implementation of Hazard Adjustments
Again and Again: Is a Disaster What We Call a 'Disaster'?
Alternative Patterns of Decision-Making in Emergent Disaster Response Networks
An Exploratory Study of Woman Battering in the Grand Forks Flood Disaster: Implications for Community Responses and Policies
Anticipating Organizational Evacuations: Disaster Planning by Managers of Tourist-Oriented Private Firms
Are Local Emergency Planning Committees Effective in Developing Community Disaster Preparedness?
Are the News Media Responsible for the Disaster Myths?: A Content Analysis of Emergency Response Imagery
Assessing the usefulness of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's terrorism advisory system
A Comparison of Research and Practice: A Practitioners's View
A failure of imagination (intelligence, WMDs, and "virtual Jihad")
A Referendum on the Future of Nuclear Power: The Case of Sweden
A rapid assessment of disaster preparedness needs and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic
Angst and the Masses: Collective Behavior Research in Germany
Applying Lessons from Medical Management of Conventional Terror to Responding to Weapons of Mass Destruction Terror: The Experience of a Tertiary University Hospital
Aviation Security: Promise or Reality?
Barton's Theory of Collective Stress is a Classic and Worth Testing
Behavior During Earthquakes: A Southern Italian Example
Beyond Family Crisis: Family Adaptation
CCATT: A Military Model for Civilian Disaster Management
Children who lost a parent as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001: registry construction and population description
National disaster life support education for emergency nurses
Nursing responsibilities in a disaster
Preparing for the next natural disaster: need for a WHO coordinating centre
Psychological distress among American Red Cross disaster workers responding to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
The State of US Trauma Systems: Public Perceptions Versus Reality-Implications for US Response to Terrorism and Mass Casualty Events
Utilization of Information Systems for ED Disaster Registration and Tracking
How much to spend? Despite what many think, a disaster plan doesn't have to cost a million dollars
The South-East Asian tsunami disaster-how resuscitation helped the recovery programme
Elevating the standards for the treatment of mass burn casualties
Experiences of early management of mass burn casualties
Experiences of treatment of mass burn casualties
Treatment of mass burns
A regional medical operations center improves disaster response and inter-hospital trauma transfers
Administrative issues involved in disaster management in India
Caring for children and adolescents in the aftermath of natural disasters
Disaster mental health preparedness plan in Indonesia
Disaster preparedness in the South East Asia region
Do all children need intervention after exposure to tsunami?
Evacuation times of civilians and soldiers wounded during the war in Croatia
Lessons learnt in mental health and psychosocial care in India after disasters
Mental health and psychosocial aspects of disaster preparedness in Bangladesh
Mental health and psychosocial aspects of disaster preparedness in Bhutan
Mental health and psychosocial aspects of disaster preparedness in Myanmar
Mental health and psychosocial aspects of disaster preparedness in Thailand
Mental health and psychosocial aspects of disaster preparedness
Mental health and psychosocial response after the worst natural disaster in the history of the Maldives
Mental health and psychosocial support aspects in disaster preparedness: Nepal
Mental health and psychosocial support aspects of disaster preparedness in the Maldives
Psychosocial support in disaster-affected communities
Responding to the mental health and psychosocial needs of the people of Sri Lanka in disasters
The role of occupational therapy in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery
Medical response to the 2005 terrorist bombings in London
Reduction in critical mortality in urban mass casualty incidents: analysis of triage, surge, and resource use after the London bombings on July 7, 2005
The use of classroom training and simulation in the training of medical responders for airport disaster
The World Trade Center Disaster and the Health of Workers: Five Year Assessment of a Unique Medical Screening Program
When disaster strikes: getting ready for the next big one: part II
European survey on training objectives in disaster medicine
Evacuation intention of nearby residents in case of toxic gas release at a chemical plant
Pediatric hospital and intensive care unit capacity in regional disasters: expanding capacity by altering standards of care
Mortality and morbidity from disasters in Spain
Tsunami evacuation behavior analysis: One step of transportation disaster response
Emergency health surveillance after severe flooding in Louisiana, 1995
Guidelines, planning and training will help in a coordinated disaster response
Preparing for Burn Disasters: Evaluation of a Continuing Education Training Course for Pre-hospital and Hospital Professionals in Kansas
Swept away: use of general medical and mental health services among veterans displaced by hurricane Katrina
An Analysis of Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) Deployments in the United States
Elks Lodge building collapse
Injuries after a typhoon in China
Predicting emergency evacuation and sheltering behavior: a structured analytical approach
Development of medical emergency response system for accidents due to chemicals in Chongqing manicipality
Depressive Symptoms among Firefighters and Related Factors after the Response to Hurricane Katrina
Risk Communication for Public Health Emergencies
Training for terrorism-related conditions in hospitals: United States, 2003-04
Venomous adversaries: a reference to snake identification, field safety, and bite-victim first aid for disaster-response personnel deploying into the hurricane-prone regions of North America
Building just-in-time lectures during the prodrome of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
A medical center's response to Hurricane Katrina
A WiFi Public Address System for Disaster Management
A Wireless First Responder Handheld Device for Rapid Triage, Patient Assessment and Documentation during Mass Casualty Incidents
An Emergency Response UAV Surveillance System
Assessing post-disaster consequences for health at the population level: experience from the AZF factory explosion in Toulouse
Evaluation of interdisciplinary terrorism preparedness programs: a pilot focus group study
Evaluation of public health response to hurricanes finds North Carolina better prepared for public health emergencies
Feasibility of using distributed wireless mesh networks for medical emergency response
Handheld computer application for medical disaster management
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: evacuee healthcare efforts remote from hurricane affected areas
Information Collection and Dissemination: Toward a portable, real-time information sharing platform for emergency response
Integrated, collaborative disaster response networks
Medical lessons from terror attacks in Israel
Middleware for reliable mobile medical workflow support in disaster settings
Myths of disaster education: a rebuttal
Nation unprepared for natural disasters, terrorism attacks
Nuclear/radiological terrorism: Emergency department management of radiation casualties
Paramedic operations specification as a launching point for mass casualty incident-targeted engineering design
Pervasive patient tracking for mass casualty incident response
Service-Oriented Architecture for Disaster Response: Integration of AID-N, MICHAELS, WISER, and ESSENCE
Services oriented architectures and rapid deployment of ad-hoc health surveillance systems: lessons from Katrina relief efforts
The role of environmental health in disaster management: an overview and review of barriers and facilitators for action